Crestview Strategy Canada's leading public affairs agency

Page created by Andy Diaz
Crestview Strategy Canada's leading public affairs agency
Crestview Strategy   Integrated Public Affairs Support

Crestview Strategy
Canada’s leading
 public affairs
We are experts in public strategy, insights,
and citizen movements.

                                                             Unsolicited capabilities presentation

                                                         Crestview Strategy |
Crestview Strategy Canada's leading public affairs agency
Crestview Strategy | Integrated Public Affairs Support


    Crestview Strategy is committed to using the best and highest quality industry methodology
    in research, public affairs and communications. We are members in good standing and active
    participants in advancing our profession(s) in the following associations:

Crestview Strategy Canada's leading public affairs agency
Crestview Strategy | Integrated Public Affairs Support


          About Crestview Strategy						04

          Drive winning arguments							05
          Drive winning engagement							05
          Better data drives winning insights						05
          Market and crisis communications that drives winning the day			      05
          Trusted by the Country‘s Biggest Brands					                         06
          Crestview Strategy in the Media						07

          What We Do								9

          Government Relations							10
          Research and Insights							12
          Strategic Communications							14
          Campaigns and Digital Mobilization						16
          Investment and Transaction Support						18

          Our Products								19

          Select Case Studies							21

          Case Study: Lyft Ridesharing						22
          Case Study: Coca-Cola Canada						22
          Case Study: Global Campaigns Process					                            23
          Case Study: Corporate Intelligence						23
          Case Study: Canadian Chamber of Commerce				                         23
          Case Study: Global Financial Technology Company				                  24
          Case Study: Insurance Bureau of Canada - Driving Choice Campaign		   24
          Case Study: Ontario Long Term Care Association				                   25

          Our Team								26
          Our Leadership								27
          Our Team 								31

          Contact								33

Crestview Strategy Canada's leading public affairs agency
Crestview Strategy | Integrated Public Affairs Support

    Who We Are
    About Crestview Strategy

    Crestview Strategy was launched in 2004 by Mark Spiro.         Ottawa, Toronto, Vancouver, and Washington, D.C. Our
    The leadership of the agency currently includes four           team of subject matter experts specialize in offering
    partners, Mark Spiro, Chad Rogers, Christine McMillan          their vast experience helping international brands and
    and Rob Moore. Crestview Strategy is founded on a              companies quickly enter and gain approval within the
    methodology of winning campaign mobilization techniques        Canadian legislative and regulatory frameworks. Our
    from the political realm that delivers results for corporate   seasoned professionals have worked with multi-national
    clients across sectors and global jurisdictions. Today,        corporations, associations, and not-for-profit organizations
    Crestview Strategy has grown to become an international        alike in helping them achieve their strategic objectives.
    public affairs agency with more than 70 consultants
    working from Calgary, Edmonton, Halifax, London, U.K.,

Recognized as Top 100
 lobbyists in Canada
      The Hill Times

                                                                                                           15 Years
                                                                                                               In business as a
                                                                                                            Canadian based global

                                                                                   Work with

                                                                              500 Companies
Crestview Strategy Canada's leading public affairs agency
Crestview Strategy | Integrated Public Affairs Support

    We make, change, and
    mobilize public opinion

    Drive winning arguments                                               Better data leads to winning insights
                                                                          We design and execute deliberative research programs that
    Crestview Strategy effectively represents the interests of
                                                                          inform and provide insight into clients’ most critical decisions.
    corporations, not-for-profits and industry associations to
                                                                          Following a disciplined set of principles, Crestview Strategy
    achieve results with governments around the world. No
                                                                          has experience in numerous qualitative and quantitative
    longer is a winning outcome based on ‘who you know’ or the
                                                                          techniques for effectively measuring opinions among key
    ‘magic meeting’. It is about contributing to the policy process,
                                                                          audiences and, in particular, using research to identify when
    presenting a case that is supported by authentic community
                                                                          and how opinions can be leveraged and mobilized for their
    voices, and getting in front of the right decision-makers and
                                                                          greatest impact.
    opinion leaders to make that case.

    Build winning engagement                                              Market and crisis communications
                                                                          that win the day
    We build and run campaigns that mobilize support and
                                                                          We develop strategy for clients using a deliberative or
    impact change for both political and corporate clients.
                                                                          adversarial model, modelling arguments not as they would
    Mobilization campaigns are premised on the simple fact that
                                                                          exist in a marketing and communications environment in the
    for elected officials, the single most influential voice in sha-
                                                                          pursuit of market share, but in the chaotic and aggressive
    ping their decision is that of their local voters, influencers, and
                                                                          world of campaigns. How you tell your story and where you
    community leaders. The benefits of mobilization go beyond
                                                                          tell it is often the difference in successfully changing opinion,
    just a one-off campaign. The long-term goal of mobilization is
                                                                          defending your interests, obtaining approval and mobilizing
    to increase engagement, provide greater value for members,
    and to increase the share of voice and influence outcomes.

Crestview Strategy Canada's leading public affairs agency
Crestview Strategy | Integrated Public Affairs Support

    Our Clients
    Trusted by the World’s
    Biggest Brands

Crestview Strategy Canada's leading public affairs agency
Crestview Strategy | Integrated Public Affairs Support

            Crestview Strategy in the Media
            Team Appearances

                      Maryscott Greenwood                   Ashton Arsenault            Andrew Brander
                      Partner and Managing Director of US   Vice President              Vice President

                     Chad Rogers                            Dan Moulton                 Ginny Roth
                     Founding Partner                       Vice President              Vice President

    “I think the premier genuinely believes a lot of his                       “Delays and ambiguity kill deals. Deal participants know
    remaining priorities in this mandate rely on his ability to                this, but our public-sector partners often forget it. While
    work with the prime minister,” says Ginny Roth, a senior                   the government must ultimately provide clarity on the
    executive with government relations firm Crestview                         viability of a deal, it has no obligation to guarantee speed
    Strategy and a longtime Progressive Conservative                           and without the right two-way conversation, this new risk
    insider.                                                                   will remain acute.”

    Ginny Roth                                                                 Chad Rogers
    Vice President, Government Relations                                       Founding Partner

Crestview Strategy Canada's leading public affairs agency
Crestview Strategy | Integrated Public Affairs Support

    Crestview Strategy in the Media
    Team Appearances
     Our professionals participate in public debate at a high level and are frequently sought-after commen-
     tators in media. They have appeared in the following outlets:

       Print                                                                 Radio                    Broadcast

      BNN Bloomberg                       POLITICO
      Bloomberg Businessweek              Sportsnet                          1310 News                BBC News

      Brexit Central                      The Georgia Straight               580 CFRA                 CBC News Network

      Business Insider                    The Globe and Mail                 630CHED                  CBC Power & Politics

      CBC News                            The HILL                           AM640                    CBC Toronto

      Conservative Home                   The Hill Times                     BBC Radio                CNN

      CP24                                The Lobby Monitor                  CBC Edmonton             CP24

      CTV News                            The Province                       CBC Here and Now         CPAC

      Evening Standard                    The Washington Post                CBC Metro Morning        CTV News

      Financial Post                      The New York Times                 CBC PEI                  CTV Power Play

      Foreign Policy                      Toronto Star                       CBC/Radio-Canada         CTV The Vote

      Fortune                             Toronto Sun                        CBC The House            Global News

      Fox News                            TVO                                CFRA Ottawa              The Morning Show

      Global News                         International Business Times       Edmonton AM              TVO The Agenda

      iPolitics                           Policy Options                     Global News Radio        BNN Bloomberg

      Maclean’s                           Yahoo News                         Global Toronto           CNBC TV

      National Observer                   Washington Business Journal        LBC News                 MSNBC

      National Post                       The Canadian Press                 Newstalk 1010

      Ottawa Business Journal                                                Zoomer Radio

      Ottawa Citizen

Crestview Strategy Canada's leading public affairs agency
Crestview Strategy | Integrated Public Affairs Support

    What We Do


Crestview Strategy Canada's leading public affairs agency
Crestview Strategy | Integrated Public Affairs Support

     Practice Area
     Government Relations

     Serving at the intersection of government and business,        Actionable Intelligence Gathering
     we drive winning outcomes by mitigating risks and secu-        We deploy social and mainstream media and legislative
     ring opportunities. Some of the world’s largest companies,     tracking tools and proprietary methodology coupled with
     most trusted brands and high-profile industries rely on        on-the-ground intelligence gathering to ensure clients are
     the team at Crestview Strategy to advise, support and          ahead of breaking news in high-stakes decision-making
     represent them to elected officials and key stakeholders       environments.
     in Ottawa, in every provincial capital in Canada and at city
     halls in every part of the country and around the world. We    Engagement Plans
     are proud of the work we do, and our team is driven to win     We develop ambitious engagement plans for clients that
     on behalf of our clients.                                      take circles of influence into account, targeting not only to-
                                                                    day’s decision-makers but those who influence them. Our
     Strategic Planning                                             plans are designed to make the advocacy case with the
     Government relations strategies are only as effective as the   target audience in mind leading to enhanced partnerships
     thought and planning that goes into each tactic. Before any    with government and winning public policy outcomes.
     engagement, we implement a rigorous strategic planning
     process, which includes a written plan formulated after        Advocacy Days
     a strategy session with all project team members. This         We apply a tested model to achieve high-impact advocacy
     process allows for a comprehensive understanding of the        on a short timeline in parliaments and legislatures at natio-
     most important issues to be addressed and ensures our          nal and subnational capitals. We execute advocacy days
     actions are guided by strategy, thoughtful and deliberate to   as a project for clients seeking to have maximum influence
     maximize impact.                                               as part of a broader strategy for clients committed to long-
                                                                    term advocacy and relationship building.
     We run scenarios and use analysis tools that take the
     political environment and issue landscape into account         Association and Coalition
     to chart government relations strategies. We review the evi-   Development
     dence and rely on data to uncover solutions that align with    We increase and multiply influence by developing shared
     government objectives. We then develop master narratives       and alternative voices in the public policy arena. We build
     and advocacy project plans designed to make the best           consensus among stakeholders to have a more significant
     possible case to decision-makers to make change on be-         advocacy impact on the government and the public. We
     half of our clients.                                           guide associations toward priority-setting to achieve win-
                                                                    ning advocacy outcomes.

Crestview Strategy | Integrated Public Affairs Support

     Stakeholder Mapping and                                         Advocacy Training
     Management                                                      We have developed an advocacy training program for in-
     We track, manage and influence allied stakeholders and          house government relations professionals and executives
     opponents to build coalitions of support and account            looking to engage policymakers on behalf of their business
     for counter-narratives. We achieve winning advocacy             or organization. Using the same proven strategies we use
     outcomes by developing partnerships, aligning voices and        daily, we provide a complete curriculum and toolkit on how
     mitigating opposing influences.                                 to conduct government advocacy in an easy-to-follow
                                                                     workshop format. Our training sessions are customized to
     Direct Political Engagement                                     meet individual needs and best align with your policy and
     While there is no such thing as the “magic meeting,”            government relations goals.
     we understand the role that direct contact with elected
     officials plays in any government relations strategy. Our       Legislative Monitoring
     experienced government relations professionals come             We use advanced monitoring tools and active analyst mo-
     prepared to every meeting and assist in developing              nitoring to keep clients up to date on all things relevant in
     relevant documents including, presentations, talking points     most jurisdictions in Canada. We provide concise summa-
     and leave behind materials. We then ensure appropriate          ries, briefing notes and real-time alerts to keep you up to
     follow up and continue to nurture the relationship long after   date on pieces of legislation and debates that could impact
     the meeting has ended.                                          your business or organization’s policy goals.

     Policy Development and
     Impact Analysis
     We provide strategic counsel to help businesses identify
     their policy goals and effectively pursue direct advocacy.
     We rely on evidence and data, bringing our understanding
     of the public policy landscape to help our clients develop
     thoughtful policy solutions to some of the biggest issu-
     es facing decision makers. Our proven methods have
     advanced policies in several key sectors at all three levels
     of government in Canada and around the world. We readily
     prepare resources to help assess the impact of policy
     changes and we use these assessments to craft winning
     arguments for stakeholders in the government, industry
     and the public.

Crestview Strategy | Integrated Public Affairs Support

     Practice Area
     Research and Insights
     We design and execute research programs that provide           Perception Gauge and Audit
     insight into our clients’ most critical business decisions.    Our perception audit enables companies and organizations
     Following a disciplined set of principles, our team uses       to fully understand how they are perceived by a range of
     numerous qualitative and quantitative techniques for           audiences. We apply both qualitative and quantitative ap-
     effectively measuring opinions among key audiences.            proaches to determine the degree to which organizations
     Using research, we identify when and how opinions can          are perceived positively by various key audiences, inclu-
     be leveraged and mobilized for their greatest impact.          ding the general public, media opinion leaders, internal sta-
     Crestview Strategy’s Research team is comprised of highly      keholders, political decision-makers, and other influential
     trained qualitative and quantitative researchers that employ   corporate executives. Our rigorous process unearths how
     academically proven methodologies aligned with leading         different groups of stakeholders perceive specific organi-
     industry standards.                                            zations and what drives their perceptions, culminating in a
                                                                    final report with strategic, actionable recommendations to
     Market Opportunity Sizing                                      address perception gaps.
     Our team of data scientists and researchers size market
     and business opportunities for global clients. Our deep-       Message Testing
     dive research studies focus on building solid quantitative     Our team can rapidly build out a message testing frame-
     models that predict sectors of growth over the coming          work and gather data to reveal which messages are most
     decades, helping clients make investment decisions or          likely to work with specific audiences by combining the
     persuade policymakers to create a favourable regulatory        exploratory nature of focus group discussions with the
     environment.                                                   rigour of perception analyzer tools. We design the research
                                                                    guide to ensure that the focus group discussions centre
     We ground our models in robust statistical methods and         around some probing questions, along with some inter-
     minimize the need for assumptions. Our data scientists         active activities where participants use dials to convey
     curate data from a range of sources, design a modelling        their opinions every second. This process often activates
     framework based on strong theoretical constructs, and          emotion-driven judgement and ensures that the responses
     subject the model to a range of validity tests. This me-       we get are measurable and far more revealing than a tradi-
     thodology enables us to present predictive scenarios to        tional focus group or a survey. The individualized dials-ba-
     policymakers and corporate executives alike to allow them      sed response, primarily in reaction to an external stimulus,
     to make strategic decisions backed by reliable data.           also helps minimize groupthink and conformity bias, which
                                                                    further ensures that the insights we gain are immeasurably
                                                                    rich and much closer to the truth. As a result, we are able
                                                                    to find and associate the most effective messages with
                                                                    each audience type, ensuring that our clients’ campaigns
                                                                    are successful from the get-go.

Crestview Strategy | Integrated Public Affairs Support

     Political Risk Assessment                                        Advocacy Audit and Program
     Our Political Risk Assessment draws its strength from a          Evaluation
     rigorous methodology that is context-appropriate, careful        We work with organizations and businesses to assess their
     analysis that blends quantitative and qualitative research       ongoing advocacy goals and activities and determine how
     techniques, and a risk brief that provides intelligent com-      to best focus their efforts on what matters and achieve
     mentary on factors influencing political risk and what it        concrete results. We use academically proven, rigorous
     might mean for our clients’ business strategies. To ensure       methodologies to deliver rich insights about your organiza-
     that we are capturing accurate, on-the-ground intel, we lay-     tion or industry that is backed by real, unbiased evidence.
     er our quantitative analysis with qualitative evidence using     We use qualitative tools such as focus groups and in-depth
     focused interviews with decision-makers and core stake-          interviews as well as quantitative tools such as surveys
     holders.                                                         and big-data analysis to understand your advocacy impact
     We focus on “the why” and “what now” with concise brie-          and benchmark it against other analogous organizations or
     fings tailored for high-level executives packed with insights    businesses. We then provide concrete steps to amplify and
     that interpret how the various elements driving political risk   enhance your advocacy to achieve your identified goals as
     can impact our clients’ strategic outcomes. We connect the       quickly as possible.
     dots so our clients can focus on making decisions backed
     by data and thoughtful analysis.

     Audience Analysis
     Whether you have an existing campaign or are looking to
     build one, knowing your target audience is key to mobili-
     zing public support. We use a highly rigorous methodology
     to understand who your existing audience of support is
     and how best to activate them. Using advanced statistical
     method, we can segment the audience by demographic,
     socio-economic, and political categories and uncover
     the latent audience groups. This process will allow you to
     refine your messaging, target specific demographics and
     understand what motivates your existing supporters to
     take action on your behalf.

Crestview Strategy | Integrated Public Affairs Support

     Practice Area
     Strategic Communications

     A thoughtful communications strategy, based on a core nar-         Additional materials are developed based on the core narrati-
     rative, is a critical requirement in any effort to impact public   ve as required, for example:
     opinion. We build and execute programs that lead specific
     audiences to understand and support our client objectives.         Stakeholder Map: including consideration for the appropriate
     We recognize that effective and compelling communicati-            channels of communication and messages.
     ons are a critical requirement in any effort to move public
     opinion. The strategy deployed to tell a story, and where it is    Statements: to be developed as a core set of responses to
     told, is often the difference in successfully changing opinion,    questions from external audiences.
     defending interests, obtaining approval and mobilizing stake-
     holders. Crestview Strategy has experience advising clients        Internal Communications Products: keeping employees infor-
     in high-stakes, high-profile campaigns with communications         med and engaged ensures business continuity and prevents
     strategy development and execution.                                leaks, employee disengagement, and loss of productivity.

     Issues and Crisis Management                                       Questions & Answers: along with an evolving list of potential
     Our approach is focused on achieving a winning outcome             questions from each stakeholder, we will maintain a list of
     for our clients. Crestview Strategy’s methodology is based         approved answers to common questions that can be used by
     on knowing more and taking direct action. We identify the          designated spokespeople.
     most important and influential audiences for meeting your
     objective and ensure that you are directly targeting them with     Press Release(s): in partnership with legal counsel,
     the right messages and track success. This attention to detail     Crestview Strategy can prepare press releases and other
     and measurement is how we help our clients win:                    public-facing materials.

     1.   Ensuring consistency of messaging and a controlled            Backgrounders, fact sheets, social media posts, etc.: based
          narrative through all relevant channels.                      on need, we will create the appropriate materials to support
     2.   Conducting active outreach to key stakeholders.               the narrative and communication with stakeholders.
     3.   Implementing comprehensive monitoring.
                                                                        Our seasoned team is also specialized in cyber threat prepa-
     In every issue or crisis scenario, Crestview Strategy deve-        redness, with expertise across data breach and cyber attack
     lops a robust communications platform that anticipates all         simulations, playbooks, incident response and strategic
     eventualities. This approach is derived from our experience        cyber security planning for major corporations. Crestview’s
     in developing messaging aimed at changing behaviour and            professionals have worked on these issues with clients that
     opinions in the political sphere.                                  include financial regulators, IT providers, gaming companies,
                                                                        retailers, insurance companies and law firms.

Crestview Strategy | Integrated Public Affairs Support

                                                                      Crestview Strategy’s preparation ahead of the session will
     Media and Social Monitoring
     Often our clients’ most vital resource is their reputation.
                                                                      •    Reviewing the client’s recent media coverage and
     Comprehensive media monitoring and issues tracking
     help protect this precious asset through the proactive and
                                                                      •    Reviewing specific issues, context and content rele-
     early identification of threat. It also allows us to stay on
                                                                           vant to potential media interviews
     top of emerging issues, track competitor and adversarial
                                                                      •    Preparating a customized media training presentation,
     movements, and will enable us to benchmark, assess, and
                                                                           including specific customized scenarios
     revise our approach with media.

     Crestview Strategy uses keyword-driven software and a
                                                                      Executive Visibility and Thought
     proprietary methodology to keep us apprised of what is
                                                                      Crestview Strategy’s strategic approach to public relations
     being said and by whom – on an as-it-happens basis. Our
                                                                      is holistic, incorporating the brand of the organization with
     methodology is to develop an evolving set of keywords that
                                                                      the personal brands of executive leadership. Strategic en-
     is refined weekly to ensure we capture every mention, con-
                                                                      gagement in the public sphere – through awards, spea-
     sidering unique languages and niche channels to ensure
                                                                      king opportunities, and media – provide a platform through
     early warning signs are flagged.
                                                                      which an organization can credibly speak on issues impac-
                                                                      ting their industry.
     We customize our reports to each unique client situation,
     usually beginning with a daily streamlined traditional and
                                                                      Our foundation as a public affairs firm means we take a
     social media report each morning and ramping up to
                                                                      ‘campaign’ style approach to thought leadership by finding
     multiple daily or ‘as-it-happens’ reports during the most
                                                                      opportunities for your organization to take a leadership role
     intensive periods of a transaction or crisis to ensure we
                                                                      and stand out amongst your peers when it matters most.
     always have up-to-the- minute information.

                                                                      Beginning with a strategic planning session and the de-
     Media Training
                                                                      velopment of a core narrative that aligns with business and
     Crestview Strategy’s approach to media training goes be-
                                                                      public policy objectives, our team of experts will develop a
     yond delivering key messages by focusing on techniques
                                                                      calendar of opportunities to position executives as experts
     that help successfully change opinion and defend your in-
                                                                      with media, ensuring your perspective is articulated in the
     terests. We see every media interview as an opportunity to
                                                                      public dialogue. This methodology is also used to evaluate
     shape the narrative on issues, rather than merely respon-
                                                                      inbound opportunities ensuring they align with our objecti-
     ding to the media’s current point of view. Our objective is
                                                                      ves and reach priority audiences.
     to ensure that our clients’ position is well articulated and
     understood by media and their audiences.

     For every client, we tailor an online or in-person media trai-
     ning based on the needs and experience. Training sessions
     include feedback specific to the individual’s skill-level, as
     well as address the current media context where many
     interviews are conducted via online video platforms like
     Skype or Zoom.

Crestview Strategy | Integrated Public Affairs Support

     Practice Area
     Campaigns and Digital

     The Campaigns and Digital Mobilization practice at Crest-           Community Engagement
     view Strategy develops campaigns premised on the fact               In the modern age, campaigning has become synonymous
     that, for elected officials, the single most influential voice in   with community building. We build online communities that
     shaping their decisions is that of their local voters, influen-     take real-world action on the issues important to you. Using
     cers, and community leaders. Our team of campaigners                digital platforms, we bring like-minded individuals together to
     honed their craft in the crucible of political and advocacy         discuss and take action on issues of shared importance. We
     campaigns and have refined our approach along three core            then use these communities to take action in the real world,
     streams, powered by our proprietary mobilization platform,          such as attending events, signing petitions, sending letters or
     Mobilizer™.                                                         engaging with politicians directly. We nurture discussion on
                                                                         these platforms to build our clients the most passionate and
     Crestview Strategy’s key to successful mobilization cam-            motivated supporter community possible, so that they can
     paigns is to preserve the authenticity of each person we            take swift action when needed.
     engage and activate. This authentic mobilization is facilita-
     ted by a proprietary methodology that finds and activates           Creative Storytelling
     individuals that meet the demographic and psychographic             Every good campaign has a story behind it. With our in-
     target our clients need to engage. This is combined with            house creative team, we create stories that connect with
     a campaign management platform that tracks and moves                the specific audience most likely to engage on your issue
     individuals along an activist journey – eventually mobilizing       and encourage them to take action. We also use creative
     them to take action in support of our client’s campaign             and engaging campaign activities, experiences and guerilla
     objectives.                                                         marketing tactics to engage stakeholders and decision-
                                                                         makers with compelling stories.
     Campaign Planning
     Whenever we develop a campaign, we undertake a com-                 Campaign Training
     prehensive planning phase that ensures we maximize the              Crestview Strategy’s team members have served on the
     impact of each campaign we run. We use a comprehensive              campaigns of elected representatives of all levels of govern-
     planning methodology to map out and understand all the re-          ment in Canada and on national campaigns and referendums
     levant externalities and internal factors that could impact the     around the world. Using this first-hand experience and our
     campaign. From there, we formulate a complete campaign              proprietary tool, Campaign Maker, Crestview Strategy can
     plan, including potential key messages, creative treatments         help develop an effective and original advocacy campaign
     and target demographics for each campaign. This plan is             from the ground up while giving your team the tools neces-
     then rigorously tested in the first weeks of the campaign and       sary to run it themselves.
     then scaled to ensure the maximum level of mobilization.

Crestview Strategy | Integrated Public Affairs Support

     Voter Mobilization                                               Field Mobilization
     When Crestview Strategy engages in campaigns, we don’t           Crestview Strategy understands the importance of in-
     just find you voters to support your issue; we build move-       person contact to shaping opinion and mobilizing support.
     ments and communities. Using digital tools and platforms,        Studies have repeatedly shown that in-person canvassing
     Crestview Strategy builds and creates dynamic communi-           increases voter turnout. This same principle governs our
     ties of voters motivated to take action on relevant issues. We   strategy for issue-based campaigns. We look to engage
     inspire your community of supporters and encourage them          individuals in-person to take action on a particular issue
     up the advocacy ladder to take further action.                   and move them up the advocacy ladder. Field mobilization
                                                                      allows for more reliable actions and increase engagement
     Advocacy Amplification                                           on your issue, and can be a great way to identify and
     Amplify your advocacy day by targeting our curated data-         engage with your strongest potential advocates.
     bases of influential audiences including media, political
     party insiders, and decision-makers across all platforms         Social License Campaigns
     and devices. We amplify your message with the right              Managing stakeholders, earning public trust and building
     people.                                                          momentum are all key aspects of any social license
                                                                      campaign. Gaining acceptance by the wider community
     Shareholder Mobilization                                         can be a challenge for some projects and businesses,
     Shareholder meetings have become a contentious place for         particularly those who may be perceived as controversial
     some of the world’s largest companies. From shareholder          or challenging social norms. Whether it is undertaking a
     activists to controversial mergers or acquisitions, what was     new infrastructure project, adjusting land use regulations
     once a routine meeting with few attendees has become a           on private land or in a right-of-way, building social capital
     raucous event for many companies and has added a new             and buy-in amongst community, business and public
     level of uncertainty in corporate leaders. Crestview Strategy    stakeholders is essential to ensure a project goes ahead.
     uses the strategies learned through years of experience at       Crestview Strategy uses our campaigning principles and
     shareholder meetings and leadership conventions to help          tactics to mobilize public opinion, engage stakeholders and
     shape opinion and mobilize shareholders in advance of            move the needle on public opinion on issues perceived to
     corporate meetings. We use the latest digital technology to      be controversial by the general public. We help businesses
     mobilize your supporters, engage your shareholders, and          build trust and legitimacy in the public arena and engage
     ultimately help you win the vote.                                stakeholders to build the public and political goodwill to
                                                                      shift the debate about your issue.

Crestview Strategy | Integrated Public Affairs Support

     Practice Area
     Investment and Transaction
     As the ramifications of COVID-19 play out across the global     Foreign investment pursuits in this environment will be
     economy, and public discussions in Western democracies          undeniably riskier and take longer, with the politics and
     take a protectionist tone, the Canadian government              public policy more complicated to navigate. Defence
     position on foreign investment is evolving. While this          against unsolicited proposals will also be more complex.
     government is not particularly skeptical in its approach        At the same time, business opportunity upside has
     to globalization, the lens through which it views foreign       perhaps never been greater, and the timely presentation
     investment is changing.                                         of the right case to the right decision-makers will make the
                                                                     difference between Investment Canada Act (ICA) approval
     Through this crisis, the government is increasingly focused     success or failure.
     on protecting public health as well as vulnerable Canadian
     companies and sectors. The government is placing                Crestview Strategy has experience working within secure
     greater emphasis on national security considerations            transaction environments, engaging in conflict checks,
     in what is becoming a “wartime economy”. Further, a             ethical screens, and maintaining secure and commercially
     minority Parliament increases the likelihood of deals being     sensitive information in complete confidence in a small
     politicized, adding a less predictable risk factor to foreign   group as part of the deal team.
     The government has not fully addressed how it will
     deal with failing Canadian companies that lack a viable
     domestic private sector rescue option. The recently
     announced Large Employer Emergency Financing Facility
     (LEEFF) lacks detail, including whether companies
     receiving funding would be prevented from considering
     even a partial sale to a foreign entity, while consumer
     struggles will likely heighten competition concerns.
     Cabinet committees are not functioning normally
     and challenges in secure document flow to officials, staff
     and ministers remain a concern. Enhanced scrutiny of all
     foreign investment will apply for the foreseeable future,
     depending on the speed of economic recovery and the
     security of health and food supply chains.

Crestview Strategy | Integrated Public Affairs Support


           Risk Assessment Metric™
           Crestview Strategy‘s actionable intelligence methodology powered by machine learning.

           Crestview Strategy‘s digital campaigns and mobilization platform and voter contact system.

           Influencer Views™
           Crestview Strategy‘s stakeholder mapping system and methodology.

           Media Intelligence™
           Crestview Strategy‘s traditional and social media aggregation and listening platform.

Crestview Strategy | Integrated Public Affairs Support

     Crestview Strategy
     Our Products

     Risk Assessment Metric™                                          Influencer Views™
     The world of public and political affairs is shaped by opini-    Business and political decisions are no longer solely driven
     on. Crestview Strategy’s Risk Assessment Metric™ (RAM)           by a select group of policymakers. For every industry
     applies sophisticated machine learning algorithms to             and market, journalists, researchers, media personalities
     uncover actionable intelligence from millions of data points.    and a range of other stakeholders make up the influencer
     We employ advanced tools to sift through quintillions of         universe that drives the discussion of important business
     bytes of data across the web and identify posts, discussi-       decisions. Crestview Strategy’s proprietary Influencer
     ons, comments and articles that are of most relevance to         Views™ platform combines in-depth stakeholder profiling,
     our clients’ issues. Once these posts are curated, machine       detailed connection mapping, active influencer monitoring
     learning algorithms – trained by our research team – classi-     and detailed analysis in one intuitive digital platform.
     fy the level of risk posed by each of these posts and detect     The right information about an intricate stakeholder uni-
     key themes dominating these discussions to effectively           verse can unlock valuable opportunities to create a lasting
     identify influencers impacting the public narrative.             impact on critical policy decisions, including who can be
                                                                      persuaded to offer support, who poses the greatest threat
     At its most basic level, RAM™ identifies the overall risk to     to your business objectives and determining the degree to
     our clients and tracks the evolution of that risk on a daily     which they can persuade key decision-makers.
     basis. A more sophisticated version of RAM™ can then
     map the relative risk level presented by each influencer         Media Intelligence™
     or stakeholder group to our clients and help direct their        Media Intelligence™ is Crestview Strategy’s digital tool
     efforts to areas with the highest immediate impact. At its       that curates the most relevant social and traditional media
     most advanced, RAM™ can make informed predictions                content from key markets around the world and provides
     around the impact of evolving public narrative on our            succinct, actionable intelligence for decision-makers. Time
     clients’ objectives, whether it is profits or outcomes of key    is the most valuable asset for decision-makers. Monitoring
     public policy issues.                                            developments in markets around the world requires both
                                                                      the time to consider how these developments will affect
     Mobilizer™ Campaign Platform                                     business operations and knowledge of the influencers in
     We have developed a proprietary mobilization platform from       that market. With Media Intelligence™, Crestview Strategy
     the ground up because off-the-shelf options do not provide       delivers these insights straight to your inbox. Until now, cap-
     sufficient data ownership. It is designed specifically for ad-   turing the most important in-market news and data meant
     vocacy campaigns and facilitates three core streams of our       dedicating time and energy to comb through a wide varie-
     approach: voter identification, voter contact, and voter mo-     ty of sources on a daily basis. Media Intelligence™ gathers
     bilization. Mobilizer™ can plug into your existing assets whi-   that information and presents it in a clean, easy-to-use in-
     le adhering to modern privacy and consent requirements.          terface, while also instantly analyzing social media engage-
                                                                      ment and risk levels.

Crestview Strategy | Integrated Public Affairs Support

 Case Studies

Crestview Strategy | Integrated Public Affairs Support

     Our Work
     Select Case Studies

     01                                      As Lyft continued to scale up in cities across the United States, Crestview
                                             Strategy worked with Lyft’s international team to size the risk – and surface
     Lyft Ridesharing
                                             opportunity – for Lyft’s expansion into Canada. Our mandate was to introduce
                                             Lyft to Canadians in markets across the country using Toronto as the initial
                                             launch market to demonstrate brand and grow foothold over time. The ultimate
                                             goal was to build excitement, enter the market with momentum, and recruit
                                             riders and drivers to try something new.

                                             At a time when ridesharing remained a hostile issue on the streets in Toronto,
                                             to high profile stories covering taxi driver suicides in New York City, the launch
                                             required the careful development of a comprehensive public affairs and issues
                                             management strategy and playbook to drive all tactical decision making.

                                             Lyft’s entry into the Canadian market exceeded all expectations, successfully
                                             branding the company in the minds of Torontonians as the friendlier competitor
                                             in the ridesharing market. Crestview Strategy’s engagement and relationship-
                                             building model left a lasting impression, not only in Toronto but in other cities
                                             across the country. Lyft continues to rely on Crestview Strategy’s ongoing
                                             advice and counsel.

     02                                      Coca-Cola Canada faces an evolving and diverse set of issues ranging from sto-
     Coca-Cola Canada                        ries that break on the other side of the world and impact local reputation, to local
                                             investments to enter new product categories resulting in stakeholder upheaval.
                                             Labour disputes globally, animal treatment in the US, water bottle bans at munici-
                                             palities from Victoria to Oshawa, sugar tax proposals in the Northwest Territories,
                                             water waste protests by Greenpeace and efforts by the federal government to
                                             ban marketing to kids or label products with cigarette-package style warning
                                             labels - all combine to create an ongoing, evolving, and complex stakeholder en-
                                             vironment for Coca-Cola Canada.

                                             Throughout the last seven years of its engagement with Crestview Strategy, Co-
                                             ca-Cola has successfully navigated the pitfalls of dozens of complex stakeholder
                                             challenges, maintaining a positive brand reputation amid ongoing issues ma-
                                             nagement challenges that span every jurisdiction in the country.

Crestview Strategy | Integrated Public Affairs Support

     03                                      Working with a global consumer business in a highly regulated sector, we
     Global                                  supported teams across markets globally in the development of bespoke, elite-
     Campaigns                               level campaigns tailored to each specific market environment. Each campaign
     Process                                 we build is focused on securing an improved fiscal and regulatory environment
                                             for a new category of product. We have worked with multiple market teams
                                             across the Americas, Europe, Africa and the Middle East using a four-stage
                                             ‘Virtual Workshop’ process we designed to facilitate project delivery during a
                                             period of restricted international travel.

     04                                      Retained by a Fortune 100 company, we were tasked with finding and
                                             disseminating corporate and government intelligence within East Asia and
                                             Our strategy engaged in a robust access to public information campaign and
                                             direct official-to-official contact to gain a behind-the-scenes understanding
                                             of government movements related to the priority business climate. Using the
                                             intelligence gathered through our process, Crestview Strategy was able to
                                             advise its client with respect to corporate resource placement and product
                                             rollouts for the region(s) in question.

     05                                      Engaged to carry out a multi-phase perception audit among the Chamber’s
     Canadian Chamber                        external and internal stakeholders. Under tight turnaround deadlines, we
     of Commerce                             identified high-profile external stakeholders, set-up and conducted twenty-six
                                             in-depth interviews, synthesized findings into a detailed report, and prepared an
                                             insights presentation for the Chamber’s Board of Directors.

                                             Following the successful reception of the initial phase of work, the Board
                                             commissioned our team to carry out a perception audit amongst the
                                             Chamber’s industry members. We deployed a quantitative survey and gathered
                                             feedback from the members, then distilled findings along with actionable
                                             recommendations into a detailed deck that we presented to the Chamber’s
                                             Executive Committee. Our findings led to adopted recommendations to
                                             enhance visibility amongst certain stakeholders, revamp public-facing digital
                                             communications, and provide industry members with a more visible platform to
                                             voice their concerns to policymakers.

Crestview Strategy | Integrated Public Affairs Support

     06                                      Contracted by one of the world’s largest financial services companies, we
     Global Financial                        carried out an exhaustive qualitative research exercise across Canada. Through
     Technology Company                      twenty focus group sessions, we understood Canadian financial habits, how
                                             different consumer groups use digital payments and rewards points programs,
                                             and their opinions related to the design of rewards points programs. The
                                             findings from this study deeply informed national campaign strategy.
                                             We also subsequently carried out a national quantitative survey study to
                                             determine whether Canadians’ opinions related to the design of rewards points
                                             programs had shifted after the completion of the campaign. The findings were
                                             used to inform the next round of advocacy plans.

     07                                      In British Columbia, the province’s publicly-owned auto insurance provider
     Insurance Bureau                        has come under intense scrutiny for cost overruns despite charging the
     of Canada - Driving                     highest premiums for basic auto insurance in the country. Despite the
     Choice Campaign                         NDP government’s acknowledgement of the problem, they have remained
                                             committed to keeping the province’s auto insurance market closed to private
                                             insurance providers.

                                             In response, the Insurance Bureau of Canada engaged Crestview Strategy to
                                             create a coalition and launch a mobilization campaign. The goal was simple –
                                             persuade the opposition BC Liberals that ending the ICBC monopoly should be
                                             a key element of their future platform, and ensure choice in insurance was the
                                             ballot box question going into the next election.

                                             Within 90 days, we built a supporter base of over 15,000 British Columbians
                                             who collectively sent more than 10,000 emails to MLAs. We leveraged our
                                             digital campaign tool Mobilizer, to craft a highly targeted and cost-efficient
                                             outreach campaign through multiple digital channels, recruiting an average of
                                             270 new supporters each day. The early results of the campaign have been
                                             tangible – the BC Liberal party has already begun fundraising on auto insurance
                                             as an issue, and the NDP government was forced to implement significant
                                             reforms of the system to address growing public outrage. The campaign
                                             continues to bring choice to the market by the end of 2021.

Crestview Strategy | Integrated Public Affairs Support

     08                                      Ontario’s 630 long-term care facilities face longstanding, systemic issues that
     Ontario Long Term                       inhibit their ability to deliver the care our most vulnerable seniors deserve.
     Care Association                        The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated low staffing levels and aging
                                             infrastructure, while escalating narratives on privatization that distract from the
                                             real solutions that are needed. The system is on the brink.

                                             Crestview Strategy has taken an integrated approach to navigate the
                                             government’s complex regulatory framework amidst a crisis to deliver on
                                             seven emergency orders, while also successfully advocating for changes
                                             to inspections and operational procedures that allowed homes to use staff
                                             with greater flexibility. Crestview Strategy was proud to help introduce the
                                             concept of the ‘Pandemic Premium’ to the government which was later an idea
                                             adopted as pandemic pay. This was achieved through elevating the Ontario
                                             Long Term Care Association (OLTCA) brand and reputation emerging as the
                                             leading advocate for Ontario’s long-term care sector. The OLTCA and its CEO
                                             are now called upon for commentary regionally, nationally and internationally
                                             on healthcare system issues – including on all national news networks and
                                             nightly broadcasts. Since the start of the pandemic, the OLTCA has reached an
                                             average of 5,000 people each day on social media with strategic messaging,
                                             increased its average impressions by more than eight-fold every month, and
                                             built relationships with key journalists, government decision-makers, and
                                             opinion leaders in the sector through engagement.

Crestview Strategy | Integrated Public Affairs Support


          Our Team

          Our team members have worked in leadership roles   profile companies and brands on existential threats
          in politics, government, and the private sector.   and major value creating events.
          We have run campaigns, served Prime Ministers,
          Premiers and Mayors, and advised large and high-

Crestview Strategy | Integrated Public Affairs Support

                                    Ashton Arsenault

                                    Ashton Arsenault is Vice President based in Ottawa at Crestview Strategy. Ashton consistently
                                    leverages his experience working in government for nearly a decade to identify trends and
                                    unearth strategies to benefit our clients.

       Vice President

                                    Andrew Brander

                                    With more than 15 years of experience in federal, provincial and municipal politics,
                                    Andrew brings an instinctive understanding of government and media relations, strategic
                                    communications and issues management. Andrew spent a decade in Ottawa under the Harper
                                    Government, during which time he worked for Canada’s Minister of Transport, Minister of
                                    Labour, and Minister of Natural Resources.
       Vice President

                                   Erin Bonokoski

                                   Erin is a Vice President and brings more than a decade of senior strategic communications,
                                   campaign and public affairs experience in both the public and private sectors, providing critical
                                   insight and first-hand experience working across all government departments to influence
                                   decision makers and implement results driven campaigns.

       Vice President

                                    Nathan Carr

                                    Nathan Carr is Vice President and Product Lead of Crestview Strategy‘s Mobilizer platform.
                                    With a decade of experience in public affairs, Nathan has helped break new ground in data-
                                    driven mobilization for political campaigns and public affairs clients alike. A skilled campaigner,
                                    Nathan has led teams to winning outcomes through federal, provincial, and municipal election

       Vice President

                                   Jackie Choquette

                                   Jackie has nearly twenty years of public affairs experience working with governments of all
                                   levels across Canada on a range of public policy issues and with clients of all sizes, from
                                   multinational corporations to sole proprietor enterprises. Jackie served in several roles
                                   in government, including Chief of Staff to the Ontario Minister of Community Safety and
                                   Correctional Services and Chief of Staff to Ontario‘s Government House Leader.
       Vice President

Crestview Strategy | Integrated Public Affairs Support

                                  Rob Gilmour

                                  Rob Happy Gilmour provides critical insight on provincial politics, labour, union issues,
                                  transportation, municipal and community relations, accessibility and the not-for-profit sector,
                                  informed by over 20 years of public affairs, crisis communications, start-up and campaign work
                                  experience. Rob has worked as Vice President for a national consultancy and at Queen’s Park
                                  as the Deputy Executive Director of PC Caucus Services. He recently oversaw research and
         Vice President           political operations for the Ontario PC Caucus and has experience on Parliament Hill.

                                  Maryscott Greenwood

                                  A former American diplomat to Canada, frequent media commentator, and public
                                  speaker, Maryscott (Scotty) Greenwood serves as a business and public policy advocate,
                                  communications expert, and political strategist to Fortune 500 companies, trade associations,
                                  and non-profit organizations. Scotty also assists clients with their legislative and public policy
                                  challenges in the United States. Her experience cuts across borders and sectors, including
                                  energy, transportation, life sciences, and professional sports.

                                  Matthew John

                                  Matthew brings twenty years of experience in government, business strategy and public affairs
                                  in a career that includes leadership roles in the private and public sector. He served as Manager
                                  of Outreach in the office of Prime Minister Stephen Harper and has held executive positions in
                                  political parties at the federal and provincial level. He served as Business Development Manager

      Chief Operating
                                  in Deloitte’s SAP SuccessFactors practice and as National Client Development Manager for
                                  Capital One’s Costco credit card program.

                                 Joseph Lavoie

                                 Joseph has more than a decade of campaign and public affairs experience, joining our agency
                                 after years of honing his craft in the United States, Canada and abroad. As a senior political staffer,
                                 Joseph served Canada’s former Minister of Foreign Affairs, John Baird before serving former Prime
                                 Minister Stephen Harper as his Director of Strategic Communications. Joseph was an early pioneer
                                 in using digital platforms to mobilize voters and citizens to take meaningful action.
       Vice President

                                 Robyn McIsaac

                                 Robyn McIsaac is Vice President with Crestview Strategy, based out of the Halifax Office. Robyn
                                 is an award-winning communications strategist specializing in issues management, reputation
                                 management, crisis communications, employee communications, stakeholder engagement, and
                                 corporate social responsibility. In 2012, Robyn founded The PR Hive, a full-service public relations
                                 agency and built it into a leading Atlantic Canada corporate communications agency.
      Vice President

Crestview Strategy | Integrated Public Affairs Support

                                  Christine McMillan

                                  Christine brings over 20 years of experience in government and public affairs, with 11 years in
                                  Canadian provincial politics. She played a key role in Ontario Premier McGuinty’s successful campaign
                                  in 2003 and served as co-director of the Ontario Liberal war room in 2007. In 2019, Christine was
                                  appointed by the Ontario Liberal Party to oversee the 2020 Leadership Convention as Secretary
                                  General and currently, Christine is serving as the Ontario Liberal Party 2022 campaign director. She is
                                  also a fellow at the Clayton H. Riddell Graduate Program in Political Management (Carleton University).

                                  Rob Moore

                                  Rob has over 20 years of experience in politics, corporate communications, public affairs and
                                  business strategy, a career that has included leadership roles in both the private and public sector.
                                  Rob has provided corporate reputation, issues management, and public affairs advice to clients in
                                  numerous and varied industries and markets. He has been the lead executive with responsibility for
                                  brand reputation, strategic planning, investor relations, and regulatory affairs for some of Canada’s
                                  largest companies.

                                  Dan Moulton

                                  Dan joined Crestview Strategy after five years at the Government of Ontario, providing strategic
                                  leadership and senior communications support on some of the most challenging files. Dan has built
                                  a diverse and large client base that represent a range of consumer industries, including leading
                                  technology and entertainment brands based in Silicon Valley. His portfolio includes Ticketmaster,
                                  Lyft, and Square. He is a sought-after political commentator, regularly providing his insights on
     Vice President               major media outlets.

                                  Julian Ovens

                                  Julian brings extensive experience as an international corporate development leader, a natural
                                  resources executive, and a senior government/political advisor. He was Chief of Staff to two of
                                  Canada’s International Trade Ministers and the Minister of Foreign Affairs. He previously worked at
                                  BHP, the world’s largest resources company, as Head of Strategy & Development (Potash/Diamonds),
                                  as Project Director Iron Ore Africa based in Singapore, and engaged in global mergers & acquisitions
     Vice President
                                  work for BHP Billiton Aluminum in London. He also worked in the corporate Mergers & Acquisitions
                                  team of (Rio Tinto) Alcan in Paris and Montreal. Julian sits on the Board of Directors of the Canadian
                                  Commercial Corporation (CCC), which assists Canadian exporters secure international contracts,
                                  particularly with foreign governments.

Frank Parker

                    Frank has worked in public affairs for over a decade working on various research, communications
                    and government relations files for clients. He also spent several years working on Parliament Hill in
                    Ottawa, advising Cabinet Ministers, Senators and MPs on public policy, strategic communications
                    and stakeholder relations. During this time, he prepared in-depth policy briefings, drafted

Vice President
                    speeches, and provided detailed data analyses on a wide variety of issues.

                    John Ratchford

                    John is a Vice President and Practice Lead at Crestview Strategy. He is a practising lawyer
                    with over twenty years’ experience providing strategic advice to senior executives, including on
                    large corporate transactions, strategic and crisis communication, complex legal and regulatory
                    matters, and corporate public affairs campaigns. He previously served as Counsel to the Premier
Vice President      of Ontario, and practised law with two of Canada’s leading law firms, Gowlings LLP in Toronto
                    and Stewart McKelvey LLP in Halifax.

                     Sarina Rehal

                     Sarina has experience working with diverse stakeholders, building partnerships, and bridging
                     different sectors while working towards shared objectives through advocacy and engagement
                     campaigns at a local, national, and international scale. She has built a practice focused on highly
                     regulated industries, leading some of the largest multinational consumer brands through complex
 Vice President      issues across Canada. Her portfolio includes work with Amazon, Coca-Cola, and McDonald’s.

                     Chad Rogers

                     Chad helps leaders, companies and industry associations make their case and get things
                     approved. He has been a public opinion researcher and a senior advisor to a Premier, and has
                     served as an advisor to political party and government leaders across the globe. As a Country
                     Director with the Washington-based National Democratic Institute under chair Secretary of State
                     Madeleine Albright, he worked with governments and political leaders around the world. Chad
 Founding Partner    serves as Honourary Consul of the Republic of Kosovo.

                     Ginny Roth

                     At Crestview Strategy, Ginny acts as the lead consultant for both national trade organizations
                     and corporate clients with a specific focus on servicing clients in the disruptive economy space
                     helping them navigate the regulatory and legislative challenges that exist with new market entry.
                     She has appeared as a panelist and contributor on television and radio commenting on a wide
                     range of political issues for major media outlets.
  Vice President
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