Page created by Sean Austin
Yearbook 2021 January – December

© Luca Guadagnini / Lineematiche

Cover image © Andrew McCoy
03                                         14                                26
GETTING CREATIVE WITH                      CREATING                          A CULTURAL
EUROPE’S MUSICIANS                         OPPORTUNITIES                     DEAL FOR
Marshall Marcus                            FOR TOMORROW’S                    EUROPE
                                           MUSICIANS                         Sneška

04                                         Philipp Stein                     Quaedvlieg-
CREATIVE                                   RESTARTING A                      28
MUSICIANS                                  CULTURAL ENGINE                   CHAMBER MUSIC
Barbara Gessler                            Renzo Caramaschi                  CONCERTS

06                                         20                                30
EUROPEAN CULTURAL                          FERRARA AUTUMN                    CHAMBER MUSIC:
BRAND AWARD 2020                           RESIDENCY                         THE SECRET TO LISTENING
                                                                             Steven Isserlis

EUROPE DAY 2021                                                              31
                                                                             STAUFFER CHAMBER
                                                                             ACADEMY CREMONA

                                           Laura Marzadori © Ennio D’Altri

EUYO Europe Day in Berlin © Yoel Culiner   LESSONS LEARNED AND
                                           NEW OPPORTUNITIES
10                                         Alan Fabbri

12                                         EUROPEAN CULTURAL
                                           HERITAGE SUMMIT 2021
                                                                             Jess Gillam © Robert Clewley


                                                                                                           Contents 1

  2 Editorial
European Union Youth Orchestra
Secretary General


What recipe should talented young            model for how to successfully negotiate      Europe, writes about in the pages that
European orchestral musicians follow to      today’s and tomorrow’s worlds.               follow. But one could also mention the
enjoy a creative career? Once upon a time                                                 #Digital4Culture campaign, the New
the answer to this question was relatively                                                European Bauhaus initiative, the European
simple: practice hard, find the right        “What recipe should                          Green Deal, and the new Cultural Deal
teacher and apply for a good job. But                                                     for Europe, all of which are explored
that world has now all but disappeared,         talented young                            by Sneška Quaedvlieg-Mihailović,
quite probably never to return.                                                           Europa Nostra General Secretary and
   In its place we have complexity and       European orchestral                          EUYO Advisory Council member, on
challenge. An already insecure job market                                                 pages 30 and 31 of this Yearbook.
has been rendered yet more difficult          musicians follow to                             So, what does this all mean for
to negotiate by the immense pressures                                                     the new creative musician? It means
that the online world now brings, and         enjoy a satisfying                          it’s time to stop thinking only about
by the need to take account of social                                                     aesthetics, technique and musicianship.
issues such as gender equality, race          career? The key is                          Those are all vital, but Europe’s young
equity and inclusion – not to mention                                                     musicians need to also take a broad
deep global issues like climate change         surely creativity”                         ‘portfolio’ approach, embracing a
and sustainability. And now we also                                                       pro-active entrepreneurial attitude to
have the effects of the Coronavirus             The key is surely creativity.             creating new work, and ensuring that
pandemic. Fortunately, where there           Everywhere one looks, the smart people       that work engages a really broad set
are new challenges there are also new        are adapting to new agendas with new         of audiences. At the EUYO, that’s our
opportunities, and at the EUYO we know       solutions. In this context we can see a      recipe for ensuring that talented young
that our job is to help our musicians –      host of recent EU initiatives. The biggest   European orchestral musicians enjoy
and by extension many thousands of           news is perhaps the new Creative Europe      a creative – and sustainable – career.
other young European musicians who           funding programme which Barbara              After all, getting creative with Europe’s
are affected by what we do – with a          Gessler, Head of Unit for Creative           musicians is what we are all about.

                                                                                          Getting Creative with Europe’s Musicians 3
4 Barbara Gessler
Head of Unit Creative Europe

A look at the inspiring new European cultural
funding opportunities announced for 2021
This year is a special one for the cultural    continues building European added             the Music Moves Europe preparatory
sector and for music in particular. While      value through its key actions in the form     actions over the past years, music is one
the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic         of cross-border cooperation and the           of those sectors where complementary
has been felt across the sectors, music        stimulation of partnerships, innovation       action will be available for targeted
is among those hardest hit because of          and co-creation, it also introduces a         priorities, in addition to the existing
cancelled performances and festivals,                                                        funding opportunities under broader
the impossibility of rehearsing, challenges                                                  actions such as cooperation projects,
to teaching and training, along with               “The European                             networks, platforms and individual
painful income losses for both institutions                                                  mobility. Furthermore, co-legislators
and musicians. On the other hand,                    Union clearly                           have introduced a new special action to
we have also witnessed the strength                                                          the programme, which aims at offering
and power of music when it reached                demonstrates its                           opportunities for organisations training
its audiences, often via streaming but                                                       and promoting high quality young artists
also through some very innovative                  commitment to                             with a wide geographical coverage.
formats such as balcony concerts.                                                                Through the new programme, the
    By flexibly adapting to the new context,       culture and its                           European Union clearly demonstrates
seeking and implementing out of the box                                                      its commitment to culture and its
ideas to continue its mission in favour of        fundamental role                           fundamental role in shaping our
young musicians from all over Europe,                                                        European identity and our values.
the European Union Youth Orchestra has              in shaping our                           It also acknowledges how culture can
proven its unique role on the European                                                       contribute to key cross-cutting priorities
musical scene. I would like to congratulate       European identity                          such as gender equality, inclusion,
the EUYO for these special efforts under                                                     and the European Green Deal. We are
such unprecedented circumstances.                  and our values”                           aware that cultural organisations are
    2021 also marks the beginning of the                                                     already reflecting and acting on these
new Creative Europe programme for the                                                        important societal challenges, and the
next seven years, with a considerably          new feature in the form of sector-            EUYO is one such organisation that will
higher budget and new opportunities            specific support to certain cultural areas.   be able to contribute significantly to the
for the sectors. While the programme           Encouraged by the positive results of         sector’s positive impact in this regard.

                                                                                                  Creative Europe, Creative Musicians 5
AWARD 2020

THE AWARD                                   THE CEREMONY                             THE REACTIONS
The European Cultural Brand Award is        “Three great finalists, and one great     Covering the news of the Award, Deutsche
Europe’s most advanced cultural prize.       winner of the grand prize!” said the     Welle characterised the EUYO musicians as
   Awarded annually since 2006, the          presenter Rolf Rische, head of German   “the best of the best”. The EUYO received
Cultural Brand Awards honour innovative      TV broadcaster Deutsche Welle’s          many positive comments and reactions to
marketing ideas in the culture sector and    culture and lifestyle department,        receiving the Award from the classical music
distinguished culture projects across        announcing the EUYO’s success.           world as well as from the European
Europe, especially important as a result        The gala ceremony took place on       cultural sector.
of the difficulties experienced by the       26 November 2020 in the Nikolaisaal         “We are absolutely delighted to receive
sector due to the coronavirus pandemic.      Potsdam. As only two representatives     this prestigious cultural brand award which
   During 2020, 112 entries from             were allowed to attend, the EUYO         is, ultimately, a confirmation of the
regions, institutions and individuals        decided to choose two of its young       European Project itself” commented EUYO
were judged by a 42-member jury              musicians to best embody the             Secretary General, Marshall Marcus, “in our
of experts in eight categories.              entire institution.                      case, bringing young talented European
   The EUYO received the Award in               Accordingly, at the climax of the     musicians together united by a shared
the most coveted category, “European         Awards Ceremony, current German          sense of cultural heritage, innovation,
Cultural Brand of the year 2020”,            member Malin Grass and Dutch             sustainability, and the constant pursuit
given “to cultural providers that have       alumnus Timo Tromp received the          of excellence.
established a strong European brand          Aurica award statuette on behalf of          It confirms that at a challenging time,
based on an outstanding media strategy       the entire Orchestra.                    unity in diversity – and the principle that we
and innovative brand management”.                                                     are always better together – really works.
                                                                                      This award is not simply for us: it is
                                                                                      for Europe”.

6 European Cultural Brand Award 2020
   L–R: EUYO alumnus Timo Tromp and EUYO member Malin Grass © Finn Blacklaws   European Cultural Brand Award 2020 7
PROGRAMME             DAY 2021

                      TIME TO                                       TAKING CELEBRATIONS
                      DELIVER                                       FURTHER
                      The European Union Youth Orchestra            At a significantly greater distance, three
                      celebrated Europe Day 2021 and the            recordings of EUYO performances were also
                      Portuguese Presidency of the Council of       broadcast as part of the official Europe Day
                      the European Union with a special online      celebrations in Egypt by the European
                      performance on 9 May 2021.                    Union Delegation to Egypt: Ludwig van
                         Taking the Portuguese Presidency theme     Beethoven’s European Anthem (arr. H. V.
                      “Time to deliver: a fair, green and digital   Karajan) and the Ode an die Freude from
                      recovery” as our inspiration, we named the    Symphony No. 9, as well as Aaron Copland’s
                      event “Time to deliver: What can the Arts     Preamble for a Solemn Occasion, with
                      do to help Europe’s Recovery?”.               Conductor and Narrator Marin Alsop.
                         Following this theme, six young               Expanding the reach of EUYO’s digital
                      Portuguese EUYO members and alumni            performances even further, we happily
                      based in Portugal and in last year’s          accepted an invitation from the European
                      Presidency country, Germany, contributed      Law Institute to take part in their Decennial
                      not only with a musical performance, but      Celebration held online on 1 June, providing
                      also with their thoughts about Europe,        a message from the Orchestra about our
                      Portugal and the role of music in             shared European values, and making a
                      helping society.                              musical contribution to the event. A moment
                         Thanks to the help of the EUYO’s partner   for European music and European law to
                      Europa Nostra, the event was filmed in two    connect online and share practice.
                      of Europe’s most culturally significant
                      palaces: the UNESCO World Heritage Site
                      Palácio Nacional de Mafra in Portugal, and
                      the Palais Lichtenau in Potsdam, Germany.
                      The beauty of these places was further
                      enhanced by panoramic visuals in Lisbon,
                      Mafra and Berlin.
                         Separated by a distance of almost 3,000
                      km, the two groups of Portuguese musicians
                      performed alternating movements from
                      Beethoven’s Serenade in D major, Op. 8,
                      followed by two pieces from Portuguese
                      composers: Verdes Anos by Carlos Paredes
                      and the Miniatura Instrumental Que linda
                      falua by Alejandro Erlich Oliva.
                         The entire event can be seen using the
                      QR code below.
                                                                                         S c an

  8 Europe Day 2021
Palácio Nacional de Mafra, Lisbon

    Palais Lichtenau, Potsdam

     Lisbon, top, L–R: David Seixas, Violin; Pedro Marques, Viola; Raquel Reis, Cello
    Potsdam, above L–R: Mariana Espada Lopes, Violin; Miguel Erlich, Viola; António Novais, Cello   Europe Day 2021 9

THE FILM                                     THE MUSIC                                  THE ART
As the global pandemic was forcing           Composed in 1961, György Ligeti’s          Almost immediately, the music
the closure of theatres, museums and         haunting and tense composition             suggested the spaces of Vienna’s great
other cultural places, the European          Atmosphères completely lacks               Kunsthistorisches Museum and one of
Union Youth Orchestra decided to             conventional melody and metre, and         the Museum’s most fantastic paintings:
create an innovative digital project that    focuses instead on dense sound textures    The Tower of Babel by the sixteenth
could unite the visual and performing        using Ligeti’s famous ‘micropolyphonic’    century Flemish artist Pieter Bruegel
arts in a new and different manner.          style, making it an ideal candidate for    the Elder.
   Technology helped us connect and          pairing sound and vision.                     Bruegel’s exploded narrative
create music through digital home               EUYO Chief Conductor Vasily Petrenko,   technique of rejecting one simple
recording, mixed with the same great         the EUYO’s tutors and team supervised      overarching narrative and instead
care and quality that can be found in        and organised online rehearsing and        building his images from the grouping
professional recording studios. Then         recording of the 88 EUYO musicians         together of large numbers of miniature
we set about pairing the sound track of      individually from their own homes,         individual scenes, almost microscopic in
the music with a visual narrative shot in    involving more than 100 people in          intent, seemed a perfect foil for Ligeti’s
Vienna’s Kunsthistorisches Museum.           30 countries. The digital team, led by     intense micropolyphony.
   The public première of this 9-minutes     Andrew McCoy, put the individual tracks       The images of the photo exhibit and
short film, A Visit to the Tower of Babel,   together remotely. EUYO Secretary          installation The Last Day by Helmut
realized by the European Union Youth         General Marshall Marcus conceived          Wimmer close the video with the forces
Orchestra, premiered on the EUYO             and directed the film, working with        of nature entering and bursting the
YouTube channel on Thursday,                 Nikolas Lappas of Clipfabrik.              walls of the Museum itself, mirroring
15 July 2021.                                                                           Ligeti’s deconstructive sounds and
                                                                                        the myth of the Tower of Babel.

                                                                                                              S c an

                                                                                                                                                        y e ar
                                                                                                                                                     or 1

10 EUYO X Bruegel                                                                                                                           ble
Detail from Pieter Bruegel the Elder’s painting The Tower of Babel, Kunsthistorisches
                                                                                     Museum, Vienna   EUYO X Bruegel 11

                 ORCHESTRA CLAUDIO                               WORTHY
                 AND ORCHESTRA JOY                               OF NOTE
                 One of the consequences of the                  Every EUYO summer tour is filled with
                 pandemic is that our normal orchestra           residencies, teaching from an international
                 size of around 120 cannot be guaranteed         roster of world class tutors, and great
                 on most stages at the moment. So we             concerts. But to keep ahead of the curve,
                 decided for summer 2021 – in order to let       new thinking and new ideas are always
                 as many EUYO members as possible take           needed. 2021 is certainly no exception.
                 part – that we would run two different              So as you read the details of our summer
                 EUYO orchestras of around 70 players.           tour in the following pages, one matter
                    Both groups took part in a digital           might jump out with good reason for
                 preparation week in July, and then the first,   seeming unusual: the presence of a mental
                 Orchestra Claudio – named after EUYO            coach in residence. Mental health for
                 Founding Music Director Claudio Abbado          musicians is rarely talked about but lurking
                 – met in Grafenegg before touring with          everywhere beneath the surface in the music
                 conductor Pablo Heras Casado.                   industry – a kind of open secret – and has
                    Next up in Bolzano, Orchestra Joy            undoubtedly become more important
                 – named after Founding President Joy            following the experience of the pandemic.
                 Bryer – gets together with EUYO Chief               We asked experienced therapist and
                 Conductor Vasily Petrenko for more              mental health coach Dinka Migić-Vlatković
                 residency and touring work. It’s all a little   to come and work with us, not simply to
                 unusual, but then so is 2021, and in the        give a lecture or a workshop, but to be
                 end, we know that what’s right for our          in residence, ready to talk to any and all
                 players will also be right for our audiences.   of our players. You can read more about
                                                                 how we support our musicians on tour in
                                                                 the Well Being section on page 13.

12 Summer Tour
                         ONLINE REHEARSALS IN THE                       MUSIC LABS
                         LEAD UP TO THE TOUR                            The Music Labs are where we really start
                         Online activities have been a blessing         to experiment. In the first of two summer
                         and a curse at the same time: during           labs Cellist Maya Fridman brings the EUYO
                         a difficult year, they allowed many            musicians into the fascinating world of
                         musicians to connect, rehearse, learn          improvisation, helping them to develop
                         and experiment, but they were also             their own musical language and artistic
                         an interesting reminder of why live is         vision, and focusing on deep listening
                         usually best. So now we are trying a           as a way to develop stage presence.
                         bit of both: in advance of our physical
                         residency at our summer home in                WELL-BEING
                         Grafenegg, we are also trying a new            Meanwhile therapist and mental
© Alexander Haiden

                         3 day digital preparation project. In          coach Dinka Migić-Vlatković will be
                         the end, maybe digital + live = best.          the EUYO’s first mental health coach
                                                                        in residence, with help on mental
                         THE LATE NIGHT SESSIONS                        preparation, and alleviating stress
                         Post-concert Late Night Sessions are one       and stage fright. Alexander Evans, an
                         of the most energetic and captivating          ITEC accredited massage therapist
                         moments of the Orchestra: the musicians        and Pilates teacher will also offer his
                         take control to create a unique and            holistic approach to well-being and
                         surprising informal show, with a wide          rebalancing the body to EUYO musicians
                         range of music genres, from classical to       on tour. Great timing for musicians
                         folk to jazz to world and back, as well as     finally returning to live performance.
                         conversation with special guests. Ideal for
                         young audiences and the young at heart.

                         GRAFENEGG SUMMER CONCERT
                           7 AUG     20:00   Grafenegg Wolkenturm, Austria
                         Pablo Heras-Casado Conductor
                         Alban Gerhardt Cello
                         Edward Elgar		                     Concerto for Cello and Orchestra in E minor, Op. 85
© Klaus Vyhnalek

                         Johannes Brahms 		                 Symphony No. 3 in F major, Op. 90

                         LATE NIGHT SESSION
                           7 AUG     Following the Orchestra Concert         Grafenegg Reitschule, Austria
                         Paul Dukas		 La Péri: Fanfare
                         Philip Glass		 Xingu River (arr. Third Coast Percussion)
                         David Skidmore		                   Donner
                         Raymond Premru		 Five Movements from Divertimento:
                         		I. Of Knights & Castles, V. Blues March
                         Tylman Susato		                    Susato Suite, Six Dances from ‘The Danserye’
                         		                                 (arr. J. Iveson)
                         Chris Hazell		 Three Brass Cats
                         Claude Debussy		                   Prélude à l’après-midi d’un faune (arr. F. Klinger)
                         Johann Strauss II		                Vergnügungszug (arr. L. Waltersdorfer)
                         Johann Strauss II		                Tritsch-Tratsch-Polka (arr. L. Waltersdorfer)
                         Duke Ellington & Juan Tizol        Caravan (arr. R. Bissill)

                                                                                                    Summer Tour 13
Managing Director of Grafenegg

                                                                                                                                © Lukas Beck

Grafenegg’s motto is “Sound meets            has been the Orchestra’s summer home             its 32-hectare park, its historic castle
Scenery”. It is easy to understand why       since 2014. We share the common goal –           on the one side and on the other, the
for those who happen to enjoy the            as a complement to their classical music         modern design of the Wolkenturm, offers
breath-taking garden, the romantic           training – of helping musicians prepare          a very inspiring place between history
castle and the impressive Wolkenturm         as best as possible for the challenges of        and modernity. All EUYO musicians
open air stage with an orchestra             a professional career in music. Musical          can live right on the castle grounds in
performing in. In addition to that,          exchange, interdisciplinary approaches and,      the Grafenegg Cottages and thus find
Grafenegg hosts several activities           above all, the freedom to let their creativity   a common rhythm. So, in addition to
to foster musical culture and learning       develop and play a central role here.            rehearsals, workshops and lectures, we
and promote the development and                                                               offer the best conditions for the creative
career of young musicians. We asked                                                           process and intercultural exchange.
Philipp Stein, as Managing Director of          “An inspiring place
Grafenegg, to tell us more about the                                                          How important is it to support
opportunities that Grafenegg provides            between history                              young musicians and promote
for young artists.                                                                            European exchange?
                                                 and modernity”                               It was the creativity of European musicians
Campus Grafenegg offers young                                                                 that laid the foundations for the music
musicians a wide range of possibilities                                                       that is heard in Grafenegg today. In the
for growth, exchange and artistic                                                             future, it will be much more about giving
development. What role does the EUYO         Such opportunities are rarely offered            music context, with new concert formats
play here?                                   by the classical concert industry.               gaining in importance. For all these rapidly
Along with the composer conductor-           What significance does Grafenegg’s               advancing developments, the creativity and
workshop INK STILL WET and the               unique location have here?                       exchange of all European artists is needed.
Grafenegg Academy, our cooperation           Certainly, in addition to the extensive          I am happy that, together with the EUYO,
with the EUYO is one of the central          programme, the local conditions also             we can make an important contribution
pillars of Campus Grafenegg. Grafenegg       play a major role here. Grafenegg, with          to the future of the musical landscape.

14 Creating Opportunities for Tomorrow’s Musicians

 New ways with music:
 playing, listening and
                                                                                                                                     o   rak
                                                                                                                            lip   pH
   Grafenegg, about 50 minutes' drive from Vienna, is                                                               ©

   the home of music. The renowned Grafenegg Festival
   in the charming castle grounds under the artistic
   direction of pianist Rudolf Buchbinder is celebrating
   its 15th anniversary this year.

   The open air stage Wolkenturm, with its one-of-a-       From the very start, as a place filled with atmos-
   kind acoustic and bold, prize-winning architecture,     pheric sound and sophisticated concert experiences,
   serves as the festival‘s main stage for top class,      Grafenegg has also been committed to the music
   star-studded concerts. Other venues, including the      and musical life of tomorrow. In the inspiring am-
   Auditorium, Reitschule and Grafenegg Castle, pro-       bience of the castle grounds, young musicians and
   vide space for an extensive programme. Guests can       composers from all over the world come together
   now stay in the newly built Grafenegg Cottages          to further their education at the highest level.
   on the castle grounds.
                                                           At Campus Grafenegg, they learn from renowned
                                                           tutors and through mutual exchange from each other.
                                                           The aim of Campus Grafenegg is to show young
                                                           professional musicians new types of perspectives
                                                           for when they enter professional life.

                                                           Through various formats such as workshops, coa-
                                                           chings or lectures, Campus Grafenegg provides
                                                           them with the impetus for long-term motivation as
                                                           they practice their art. Naturally, the focus of their
                                                           stay in Grafenegg is making music, from rehearsals
                                                           in small numbers to concerts at the Wolkenturm.


                                                                        @Grafenegg             @grafeneggcom
                                                                 9 AUG    20:30    Teatro Comunale / Stadttheater Bozen, Italy
                                                               Pablo Heras-Casado Conductor
                                                               Alban Gerhardt Cello
© Luca Guadagnini – Bolzano Festival Bozen

                                                               Edward Elgar		                  Concerto for Cello and Orchestra in E minor, Op. 85
                                                               Johannes Brahms 		              Symphony No. 3 in F major, Op. 90

                                                               BOLZANO FESTIVAL BOZEN CONCERT
                                                                 17 AUG    20:30    Teatro Comunale / Stadttheater Bozen, Italy
                                                               Vasily Petrenko Conductor
                                                               Jess Gillam Saxophone
© Asia de Lorenzi – Bolzano Festival Bozen

                                                               Carl Maria von Weber            Der Freischütz: Overture
                                                               Michael Nyman		                 Where the Bee Dances for
                                                               		                              Soprano Saxophone and Chamber Orchestra
                                                               Jean Sibelius		                 Symphony No. 2 in D major, Op. 43

                                                               GRAFENEGG FESTIVAL CONCERT
                                                                 19 AUG    19:30    Grafenegg Wolkenturm, Austria
                                                               Vasily Petrenko Conductor
                                                               Jess Gillam Saxophone
                                                               Carl Maria von Weber            Der Freischütz: Overture
                                                               Alexander Glazunov              Concerto for Alto Saxophone and String Orchestra
                                                                                               in E-flat major, Op. 109
                                                               Jean Sibelius		                 Symphony No. 2 in D major, Op. 43

                                                               ELBPHILHARMONIE SUMMER CONCERT
                                                                 21 AUG    18:00 & 21:00   Elbphilharmonie Hamburg, Germany
                                                               Vasily Petrenko Conductor
                                                               Jess Gillam Saxophone
                                                               Carl Maria von Weber            Der Freischütz: Overture
                                                               Michael Nyman		                 Where the Bee Dances for
                                                               		                              Soprano Saxophone and Chamber Orchestra
                                                               Jean Sibelius		                 Symphony No. 2 in D major, Op. 43
© Thies Rätzke

                                             16 Summer Tour

 The classical music world is in upheaval, and the
 career profile of musicians has been changed
 forever. An artistic spirit of innovation and a strong
 interaction with the public are just two of the
 new requirements faced by musicians. Since 2018
 the Grafenegg Academy seeks to guide young
 professional musicians through this paradigm shift
 with a wide range of courses given in a stimulating                                                                hi   lipp
                                                                                                        asti   an P
 environment. As a central part of Campus Grafenegg,                                              © Seb

 the Grafenegg Academy offers an innovative fur-
 ther education programme catered to instrumenta-
 lists in particular. Underpinning all activities is the
 Grafenegg Academy Orchestra, newly formed each
 year with international musicians.

 The Grafenegg Academy is led by Artistic Curators,
 such as Håkan Hardenberger and Colin Currie,
                                                           «Perfect for building my
 joined by a group of outstanding fellow artists and
 tutors. The focus of the collaborative work is the
                                                              skills as a performer
 interplay between the individual and the collective
 through the artistic process. The aim is to create
                                                            in an environment that
 an awareness of a new approach to music making,             rewards curiosity and
 in which the responsibility for interpretation is
 placed in the hands of each individual orchestra             cultivates innovation»
 member. In the pursuit of greater self-awareness
 and sense of personal responsibility, the orchestra                  Melissa Danas (USA)
 often performs without a conductor.                             Horn, Grafenegg Academy fellow

 Campus Grafenegg‘s very identity has been founded
 on the active exchange of artistic ideas and expe-
 riences, and an intensive examination of the most
 diverse musical currents. Free from the constraints
 of typical professional concert life, the musicians
 in Grafenegg have the opportunity to explore new
 approaches to their profession.                             NEXT CALL FOR APPLICATIONS:
 The Grafenegg Academy culminates in two days of             Autumn 2021 for the
 concerts, in which the musicians present audiences                                               APPLY!
                                                             Grafenegg Academy 2022
 with the results of their work together, in a variety
 of instrumental formations.

 WHO IS IT FOR?                                                                   #CampusGrafenegg
   •    Young professional musicians and advanced
        music students
                                                                @Grafenegg           @grafeneggcom
   •    Age limit: 35 years
Mayor of Bolzano

                                                                                                                                                        © Luca Guadagnini – Comune di Bolzano / Gemeinde Bozen

Renzo Caramaschi, Mayor of Bolzano,                specialists in the information sector.             Is attendance of theatre halls safe?
discussed with us how the city is facing           Technologies are tools that contribute to          The contingent reopening of places of
up to the new challenges of restarting             the professional growth of individuals and         culture, when the numbers of the infection
previously suspended cultural activities.          society… but tools they remain, they cannot        allow it, is always implemented as part of
                                                   replace the vital energy inherent in a live        a set of virus containment measures; it is
The pandemic crisis has deeply affected            performance. The difference is huge!               therefore currently possible and safe. Italian
the cultural sector and in particular that                                                            concert halls and theatres have rigorously
of live music. How does Bolzano start                                                                 implemented the legal provisions due to
again today?                                           “Without culture                               the health emergency. I am confident of a
Today more than ever we must have                                                                     healthy restart of the sector and the sense
confidence in the potential of culture for             you cannot build                               of responsibility of the citizens. Everyone
sustainable development, by activating new                                                            has to do their part. Bolzano is ready to host
strategies for action. Despite the suffering            the future, you                               the next concerts of the youth orchestras.
from all that the pandemic has taken from                                                             We can’t wait to fall into the hypnosis of the
us, we are facing a great opportunity.                   cannot have                                  minimalist sounds of Michael Nyman’s
   Without culture you cannot build the                                                               Where the Bee Dances…
future, you cannot have hopes and you                   hopes and you
cannot plan for the long term. Culture is                                                             A limited number of spectators
also sociability. Entities that produce                 cannot plan for                               equals lower revenues. How is live
musical and cultural events, in general,                                                              music sustainable?
offer the public an unparalleled contribution           the long term”                                Fewer spectators in theatres does not mean
to the soul; the arts give a relief that creates                                                      fewer interested. Today we have to think of
cultural identity and social cohesion and                                                             different economies that from pyramidal
helps in intellectual development worthy               For this reason, it is necessary to continue   perspectives turn into projects at the
of a thinking, aware and united society.           to invest in theatre, dance, and music,            service of society: such is the cultural offer.
                                                   because it is a form, perhaps the highest          Let us not forget, then, that concerts can
How did you experience the offer of the            representation of man’s creative capacity…         also act as a driving force capable of
digital music world?                               to confirm it, just attend the concert in          stimulating other important areas, from
We have witnessed an acceleration of the           which the EUYO will perform Edward Elgar’s         commerce to tourism. Culture is not
cultural offer on the net and certainly an         moving Cello Concerto and the poetic               measured by quantitative but
increase in the growth of digital skills and       Johannes Brahms’ Symphony No. 3.                   qualitative parameters.

18 Restarting a Cultural Engine
   BOZEN          DI BOLZANO


THE                                         MUSIC MINUS                                 DEBATING
CONCERTS                                    THE RULES!                                  EUROPE’S FUTURE
The return of the EUYO to its home in       The EUYO premieres a new Music Minus        Europe Day saw the EU launch The
Ferrara is a truly heartwarming moment,     the Rules! community project designed       Conference on the Future of Europe. As part
as well as an opportunity to combine        to attract younger audiences to classical   of this initiative, citizens are encouraged to
traditional and innovative performances.    music performance. One hour long, no        hold debates in which it is their turn to tell
The Orchestra opens the Ferrara Musica      formal concert dress, presenters to close   Europe’s politicians what future they want.
2021 concert season with two special        the gap between audience and performer,     Naturally, the EUYO jumped at this
Music Minus the Rules! performances         and a dialogue between those on and off     challenge, especially when Creative Partner
especially designed for young and new       stage. Audiences will see exactly what      Europa Nostra invited the orchestra to
audiences, as well as with two more         an orchestra does when it rehearses,        present debates in cultural heritage sites.
conventional concerts. In the first of      informal performances of extracts from      So the Orchestra’s players will be holding
these, conductor David Zinman and soloist   pieces, and handy background information    three debates, culminating in a final debate
Laura Marzadori perform works by the        on composers and performers. Ideal          in Ferrara as part of the Ferrara residency,
Czech composer Antonín Dvořák, and          for first-timers to classical music who     saying exactly what future it is that Europe’s
then we welcome back conductor Sascha       want some fun from their concerts.          young musicians want for their continent.
Goetzel, who last led the Orchestra in
its Frenergy Tour of Canada in 2019.

20 Ferrara Autumn Residency
                             THE EXPLODED ORCHESTRA
                               12 SEP    16:00   Teatro Claudio Abbado, Ferrara, Italy
                             Peter Stark Conductor
                             Ambra Bianchi Presenter
                             We take apart the Orchestra, disassembling and reassembling it again under the
                             guidance of Peter Stark and presenter Ambra Bianchi from the Associazione Musicisti
                             di Ferrara, answering audience questions, showing what a rehearsal really is, and
© Marco Caselli Nirmal

                             having some fun in the process. Music Minus the Rules! is a new EUYO series
                             programmed especially for young and new audiences.

                             FERRARA RESIDENCY CONCERT
                               18 SEP    20:30   Teatro Claudio Abbado, Ferrara, Italy
                             David Zinman Conductor
                             Laura Marzadori Violin
                             Antonín Dvořák		                 Romance in F minor, Op. 11
                             Antonín Dvořák		                 Mazurek in E minor, Op. 49
                             Antonín Dvořák		                 Symphony No. 8 in G major, Op. 88
© Ennio d’Altri

                             MUSIC MINUS THE RULES!
                             ALTRO CHE CLASSICA!
                               19 SEP    16:00   Teatro Claudio Abbado, Ferrara, Italy
                             Sascha Goetzel Conductor
                             Fabio Sartorelli Presenter
                             An ideal concert for first-timers to classical music and young audiences. EUYO goes
                             informal, bringing alive a diverse range of music, taking audience questions, and
                             generally showing that classical music can be fun. Music Minus the Rules! is a new
© Marco Caselli Nirmal

                             EUYO series programmed especially for young and new audiences.

                             FERRARA RESIDENCY CONCERT
                               22 SEP    20:30   Teatro Claudio Abbado, Ferrara, Italy
                             Sascha Goetzel Conductor
                             Franz Schreker		                 Scherzo for String Orchestra, Op. 8
                             Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky         Symphony No. 6 in B minor ‘Pathétique’, Op. 74
© Özge Balkan

                                                                                       Ferrara Autumn Residency 21
Mayor of Ferrara


                                                                                                                                             © Comune di Ferrara

Ferrara is a cradle of art of which            by the tragedy of the pandemic. It was        a safe restart, to make room for the future.
music is an essential component, as is         a rebirth, unfortunately then again           Responsibly and with courage. History
demonstrated by our Teatro Comunale,           marked by a second pandemic wave.             teaches that it is precisely where creativity
dedicated to a music giant, Claudio                                                          was given space that great courts, large
Abbado, who left his artistic imprint here.                                                  companies, great innovations and
   And it is nice that here, alongside            “Once again music                          prosperity, including economic ones,
the great names that history has given                                                       were born.
us, today we have also an Orchestra               is and will be able                            This is why I share and appreciate the
of young talents from all over Europe.                                                       title that the EUYO has chosen for this
There is a continuity between a past                  to set a good                          volume – “Creative Europe, Creative
which has seen our city as an international                                                  Musicians”: the innovative thrust of ideas
protagonist, and a present that we want            example: in fact,                         will in fact be the driving force behind the
this historical path to be part of, building                                                 relaunch. And once again music is and will
a tomorrow from a noble tradition.                   its generating                          be able to set a good example: in fact, its
   This is how occasions and opportunities                                                   generating force will also be needed to
for young people are born and created.             force will also be                        build the future.
Young people who also this year will                                                             History tells us that music has been
find headquarters, spaces, hospitality              needed to build                          able to unite, has created bridges capable
in our city and its magnificent theatre,                                                     of overcoming divisions and fractures,
bringing their music from Ferrara                      the future”                           has given us strength in the months of
to the attention of the world.                                                               closures, motivation in difficult moments,
   So it was, for example, on 21                                                             has accompanied eras.
August 2020, the date of the concert              In recent months, the theatre has              We will always need it and it will always
immortalized on the cover of the previous      never stopped being alive, despite            help us. And Ferrara, which has generated
Yearbook, with the famous pianist              restrictions and closures: it has done so     great artists, wants to continue to bring
Beatrice Rana and Maestro Gianandrea           with internet streaming, leaving the walls,   inventiveness, flair and genius to the
Noseda. “We are back home”, said               opening up to the city.                       attention of my country and the world.
some musicians on that date, after 24             From here comes a great positive               Thank you all for your work and for
international concerts in a year marked        stimulus to look forward, to make room for    your presence.

22 Lessons Learned and New Opportunities
first part

THE                                                                 THE AWARDS                                                          COP26 SUSTAINABILITY
SUMMIT                                                              CEREMONY                                                            WORLD PREMIERE
Every year, Europa Nostra organises the                             The Ceremony is co-hosted by Mariya                                 For the EUYO, music and cultural heritage
European Cultural Heritage Summit. The                              Gabriel, European Commissioner for                                  are perfect partners, and the Orchestra has
2021 Summit takes place in Venice, one of                           Innovation, Research, Culture, Education                            a long history of working with cultural
the most culturally and environmentally                             and Youth, and Hermann Parzinger,                                   heritage organisations such as its Creative
endangered European Cultural Heritage                               Executive President of Europa Nostra                                Partner Europa Nostra, including at the
sites, coinciding with the Italian                                  to honour 24 exemplary heritage                                     Europa Nostra 2018 Awards Ceremony, and
presidency of the G20 and the Pre-COP26.                            achievements from 18 European countries.                            European Cultural Heritage Summit in Berlin.
    Europa Nostra proposes a vision of our                             Launched in 2002 by the European                                 The Orchestra also took part in the first
shared European cultural heritage as a                              Commission and organised by Europa                                  online edition of the European Heritage
key to achieving the ambitious European                             Nostra, the European Heritage Awards /                              Awards / Europa Nostra Awards Ceremony in
Green Deal objectives, and of primary                               Europa Nostra Awards are the top                                    November 2020 with a special recording of
importance to advance the strategic                                 honour in the heritage field, promoting                             Beethoven’s Ode to Joy with Marin Alsop at
priorities of the European Union. The                               exemplary projects in the following fields:                         the Orchestra’s Summer Home in Grafenegg.
Europa Nostra Policy Agora planned in                               conservation, research and education,                                   This year, the EUYO perform at the
the framework of the Summit will address                            training and awareness raising as well as                           European Cultural Heritage Summit 2021
citizen-based initiatives such as the                               honouring dedicated service to heritage                             in Venice, taking part in discussions as
Conference on the Future of Europe and                              by individuals or organisations.                                    part of the Conference on the Future of
the New European Bauhaus, gathering                                    European Parliament President and                                Europe, and with a series of performances
leaders of major EU institutions in Venice                          EUYO Honorary President David Sassoli,                              culminating with the world premiere of
to reaffirm the vital importance of                                 paid tribute to the Award winners:                                  a special Venice version of Autumn from
cultural heritage for the future of Europe.                         “Through your professionalism, your                                 The [Uncertain] Four Seasons. Working with
                                                                    dedication, your artistic sensitivity, you                          Italian composer Carmen Fizzarotti, this
                                                                    have helped revitalise the Europe of                                performance is part of a global project
                                                                    today and to project it into the future”.                           recomposing Vivaldi’s Four Seasons in
                                                                                                                                        treatments serving to remind citizens
                                                                                                                                        and politicians of our need to reverse
                                                                                                                                        biodiversity loss by 2030. Performances
                                                                                                                                        of The [Uncertain] Four Seasons are taking
                                                                                                                                        place around the world in advance of
                                                                                                                                        the November 2021 COP26 UN Climate
                                                                                                                                        Change Conference in Glasgow, UK.

  Opposite, top to bottom, left to right: 01. Gare Maritime, Brussels, Belgium. 02. Fredensborg Palace Garden, Denmark. 03. Vardzia Rock-Cut Complex, Georgia. 04. Haus Am Horn, Weimar, Germany.
05. Plaka Bridge, Epirus, Greece. 06. 18 Ormond Quay Upper, Dublin, Ireland. 07. Wooden Church of Urși Village, Vâlcea County, Romania. 08. Besòs Water Tower, Barcelona, Spain. 09. Mas de Burot,
Els Ports Natural Park, Spain. 10. Fibranet – Fibres in Ancient European Textiles, Denmark–Greece. 11. Control Shift – European Industrial Heritage Reuse in Review, Greece–Netherlands. 12. ART-RISK
– Artificial Intelligence Applied to Preventive Conservation, Spain. 13. Gjirokastra Foundation, Albania. 14. Technical Committee on Cultural Heritage, Cyprus. 15. Rita Bargna, Italy. 16. GEFAC – Group
of Ethnography and Folklore of the Academy of Coimbra, Portugal. 17. Following in the Steps of Bulgarian Folklore, Bulgaria. 18. Heritage Hubs, Finland–Italy–Serbia–Spain. 19. The Invention of a
Guilty Party, Trento, Italy. 20. Holidays! In the East and West – The School Church, Groningen, The Netherlands. 21. European Solidarity Centre – Permanent Exhibition, Gdańsk, Poland. 22. Morón
Artisan Lime, Morón de la Frontera, Spain. 23. Archaeology at Home, United Kingdom. 24. Morus Londinium – London’s Heritage through Trees, United Kingdom.

24 European Cultural Heritage Summit 2021
01   02   03                      04

05   06   07                      08

09   10   11                      12

13   14   15                      16

17   18   19                      20

21   22   23                      24


                       European Cultural Heritage Summit 2021 25
Europa Nostra Secretary General

 Sneška Quaedvlieg-Mihailović, Europa          Our shared culture and cultural heritage      value-driven Union. It brings together
 Nostra General Secretary and EUYO             provides meaning to the European project      both short-term and long-term
 Advisory Council member, reflects on          and touches the heart of millions of          perspectives, for the immediate recovery
 what the new Cultural deal for Europe         citizens. Faced with an unprecedented         of our societies with the ambition to build
 initiative means for Europe’s future.         crisis, the European cultural community       a new paradigm for designing the Future
“Culture is what brings us together”. This     has joined forces to promote                  of Europe.
 is the bold opening of the joint statement    unprecedented solutions.                         More specifically, we call on the
 of a Cultural deal for Europe, a call to EU                                                 European Union and the Member States
 and national policymakers to commit to                                                      to launch a comprehensive and ambitious
 an ambitious strategy for reviving and               “There is an                           Cultural Deal for Europe, which would
 reimagining Europe through culture.                                                         entail the following:
 Such a call comes from three important              urgent need to
 pan-European associations: Culture                                                          • The earmarking of at least
 Action Europe, the European Cultural                develop value-                            2% of the EU Recovery and
 Foundation and Europa Nostra. We                                                              Resilience Facility for culture;
 asked Sneška Quaedvlieg-Mihailović to               based policies,                         • National recovery and resilience plans
 help us better understand the goals and                                                       with a cultural and European dimension;
 progress of this important initiative.             actions, funding,                        • The inclusion of culture in the 2030
                                                                                               Sustainable Development Agenda
Dear Sneška, on 18 November 2020,                  and thus to give a                          and the European Green Deal;
the Cultural deal for Europe launched                                                        • The mainstreaming of funding
with an online event involving an                   deeper meaning                             for culture into all relevant EU
impressive group of speakers, including                                                        programmes and actions;
the European Commissioner for                         to the entire                          • The relevant and timely support
innovation, Research, Culture, Education                                                       to cultural workers;
and Youth Mariya Gabriel, the Chair                European project”                         • The creation of public-philanthropy
of the EU Parliament’s Committee on                                                            partnerships to be associated
Culture and Education Sabine Verheyen,                                                         strategically in the recovery of Europe;
and the President of the European                 We propose a transversal and               • The upholding of democracy and
Committee of the Regions Apostolos             overarching Cultural Deal for Europe,           rights, for a values-based Europe;
Tzitzikostas. Video messages also came         which should demonstrate the EU’s             • The inclusion of culture as a key
from EU Parliament President and               political commitment and ambition to            element of the EU’s external relations;
EUYO Honorary President David Sassoli          place culture at the heart of the European    • The integration of a cultural
and the French Secretary of State for          project with its numerous interconnected        dimension into the upcoming
European Affairs Clément Beaune.               policies and actions.                           Conference on the Future of Europe.
Over 450 participants from the European           The Cultural Deal for Europe aims to
cultural community gathered online.            mainstream culture across all policy fields      All in all, we call for the rightful
What were the aims and the proposals           to fully realise its potential: from the      recognition of culture, not only as a vital
presented by, and to, this astonishing         green transition to Europe’s geopolitical     sector but as an indispensable vector for
array of Europe’s cultural policymakers?       ambitions and the digital shift, to a         achieving Europe’s recovery and revival.

26 Shaping Culture for Tomorrow’s Europe
© Felix Q Media

In the online meeting, you personally           The Cultural Deal for Europe does not          biodiversity strategies, are inseparable
mentioned that the challenges that the          just request an increase of public funding     from cultural values and resources,
global pandemic unexpectedly posed              for the cultural sector, but proposes to       as demonstrated by our European
for us could also reveal unprecedented          make culture part of an all-encompassing       Cultural Heritage Green Paper which
opportunities for culture. What could           strategy for sustainable development           was presented on 22 March 2021.
those be for the young musicians of the         and environmental policies. What could            This is why civil society organisations
EUYO, for instance?                             be the role of organizations such as the       such as Europa Nostra, Culture
In today’s times of ongoing confinement,        EUYO in achieving these ambitious goals?       Action Europe, the European Cultural
it became even more obvious that culture        The world of culture and cultural heritage     Foundation, the members of the
has a positive impact on people’s wellbeing,    is severely impacted by climate change,        European Heritage Alliance, and the
thanks to the wide cultural offer               but at the same time provides solutions        EUYO, have to join voices and forces.
available digitally.                            to achieve the ambitious goals of the             By mobilising our efforts, we shall
    This surge was a most-needed                European Green Deal and the 2030               create an even wider movement reflecting
development to bring culture closer to          Sustainable Development Agenda.                the diversity of cultural disciplines, raise
homes and schools. At the same time,                For a real green, inclusive, fair and      awareness of new audiences and the
digital tools helped artists continue or even   sustainable recovery, there is a need to       general public, and effectively reach out
expand their activities across borders.         adopt a holistic strategy with a strong        to a larger number of policy-makers.
    This is an incredible opportunity           cultural dimension. This is key for               We are, indeed, much stronger
for the young musicians of the EUYO             addressing societal, environmental and         and better together!
to reach an even wider audience, to             economic challenges that need the most
connect with fellow young musicians             transversal and multidisciplinary responses.
across Europe or the world, and to                  Many components of the European
raise awareness of the power of music           Green Deal, such as building renovation,
to bring people closer together.                circular economy or the ‘Farm to Fork’ and

                                                                                                Shaping Culture for Tomorrow’s Europe 27

EUROPA FORUM                                   GARDEN                                         A TRIBUTE TO
WACHAU                                         CONCERTS                                       PAULINE VIARDOT
On the occasion of the 25th Europa-            A green future of sustainability and respect   Charming, intelligent, literate, raised in
Forum Wachau 2021, four EUYO members           for the environment that surrounds us          one of the most eminent musical families
and alumni performed for guests from           has to take into account gardens and their     of Europe, Pauline had piano lessons with
politics, business, culture, media and         role. The 70 city gardens of Ferrara, often    the young Franz Liszt, played duets with
diplomacy, all meeting to discuss current      hidden by brick walls that let only the tops   her friend Frédéric Chopin, was admired by
developments in the European Union.            of trees protrude timidly onto the streets,    Russian novelist Ivan Turgenev, performed
   Under the topic Heading for New             and the 70 different experimental gardens      as singer for Johannes Brahms, Giacomo
Horizons, this forum is focused on listening   of Die Garten Tulln, Austria, will have        Meyerbeer, Charles Gounod and Hector
to the opinion of young EU Citizens on         something in common that goes beyond           Berlioz, and married the impresario and
European issues, offering the perfect          the numbers. Upon invitation of Interno        translator Louis Viardot. The EUYO joins
stage for two EUYO Ambassador concerts.        Verde and Natur im Garten, EUYO will           the Centre Européen de Musique in Paris
“The Europa-Forum Wachau and the Salons        bring live music to both places, providing     in a day to celebrate a great composer
offer you the possibility to contribute to     a practical example of how gardens can be      and woman, performing Pauline Viardot's
the future of Europe.                          enjoyed not only as examples of nature,        beguiling and life-enhancing Six Morceaux
   We are responsible for the European         but also through art, music and culture.       for Violin and Piano, VWV 3003.
idea, therefore we want to think ahead
together with you”, says Martin Eichtinger,
Member of the government of Lower
Austria, President of the Europa-Forum
Wachau and EUYO Board Member.

28 Chamber Music Concerts
                                                    11 JUN     10:00    Stift Göttweig, Austria
                                                    12 JUN     10:30    Stift Göttweig, Austria

                                                  Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart           Divertimento in D major, KV. 136, movt. III. Presto
                                                  Ludwig van Beethoven              Ode to Joy from Symphony No. 9 (arr. S. Parkin)
                                                  Johann Holzer / 		                Austrian National Anthem (arr. M. Schönherr)
                                                  Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
                                                  Ludwig van Beethoven              Lower Austrian Anthem (arr. L. Schmetterer)
© Bollwein

                                                  VERDE OTTONE
                                                    11 SEP    18:30    Vicolo del Parchetto 9, Ferrara, Italy
                                                  A brass quintet of EUYO musicians lighten the mood of tourists and Ferrarese citizens
                                                  alike with informal music, as they visit one of the normally inaccessible private gardens
                                                  opened up by the InternoVerde Festival.
                                                  In cooperation with InternoVerde Festival

                                                  NATUR IM GARTEN
                                                    24 SEP    Tulln, Austria
                                                  A string quartet of EUYO musicians welcome perform in one of the 70 themed gardens
                                                  of the park, which are designed and maintained without chemical or synthetic
                                                  pesticides and fertilizers and without peat. The event is for invited guests only.
                                                  Franz Joseph Haydn		 String Quartet Op. 33, No. 3‘The Bird’
                                                  Bedřich Smetana		 String Quartet No. 1 in E minor ‘From my Life’
                                                  Jessie Montgomery
                                                                    Strum for String Quartet
© Alexander Haiden

                                                  In cooperation with Natur im Garten

                                                  PAULINE, THE EUROPEAN
                                                    6 OCT     20:00    Théâtre national de l'Opéra-Comique, Paris, France
                                                  Pauline Viardot                   Six Morceaux for Violin and Piano, VWV 3003
Portrait of Pauline Viardot by Maurice Sand

                                                  In cooperation with the CEM – Centre Européen de Musique

                                                                                                               Chamber Music Concerts 29
Cellist and writer

CHAMBER MUSIC:                                                                                                         © Jean Baptiste Millot

Legendary musician Steven Isserlis tells us
why chamber music is so important

Does chamber music matter?                       We need to be able to listen to others,   look up – both literally and figuratively –
Like anyone who gives fairly regular          to listen to ourselves – and perhaps most    and engage with what is going on around us.
interviews, I find myself in danger of        important, to listen to what the composer,   And that takes practice, as well as skill.
repeating soundbites. I do try to vary        the music, is saying to us. That may sound       It was years before I developed to a stage
them, if only to keep myself interested;      obvious and simple; but it’s really not.     at which I could be fully responsive to others
but one which I keep unchanged – because                                                   in a group – and I came from a family where
I feel that it’s accurate enough without                                                   we played together constantly! So, I’d say
needing any embellishment – is a simple        “We need to be able                         that it is essential for a group such as the
mantra: ‘All music is chamber music’.                                                      EUYO to encourage its members – as I know
    Needless to say, I do not mean that         to listen to others,                       they do – to play together in small groups;
all music should be played in chambers;                                                    this enriches the entire musical experience
particularly with the price of real estate    to listen to ourselves                       of the participants – as well as vastly
these days, it would be hard to fit, say,                                                  improving the quality of the Orchestra.
a Bruckner symphony into a living room.            – and perhaps                               Besides – apart from all the musical
I do mean, however, that within practically                                                benefits: chamber music is fun! (Or can/
all the music I can think of – including        most important, to                         should be, anyway. OK, so a bad rehearsal,
works for a solo instrument – there                                                        an ill-suited group, can be a nightmare; but
is a sense of dialogue, an exchange             listen to what the                         everything in life carries some sort of risk…)
between different voices, that forms                                                           Lasting relationships are created
the core of the musical narrative.            composer, the music,                         through playing together. Many of my
    Therefore, I’d say that chamber music –                                                greatest friends are those with whom I’ve
now using the description in the sense of         is saying to us”                         been playing and performing for years.
works for a small ensemble – is the best                                                   It’s hard to say which came first – the
training for a young musician, whichever                                                   musical or personal bond; the two really
particular career path he or she may end         In order to achieve this, we have to be   go together.So yes, I’d say: chamber music
up following. Crucially, it teaches players   possessed of a technique that gives us the   definitely matters.
to listen; and that is perhaps the most       freedom to stop worrying about the
valuable attribute we can develop.            execution of our own part, allowing us to

30 Chamber Music: The Secret to Listening
                                        A NEW EUYO                                     CHAMBER MUSIC
                                        CREATIVE PARTNER                               IN CREMONA
                                        Specialising exclusively in string             A selected group of EUYO musicians
                                        instruments, the Stauffer Center for           will be in residence at the Stauffer
                                        Strings is the new home of the prestigious     Center for Strings from 4 to 9
                                        Accademia Stauffer and the Stauffer Labs,      December as the EUYO’s first project
                                        departments dedicated to creativity and        as part of its new role as Ensemble
                                        innovation. The Center was founded in          in Residence at the Center.
                                        2021 in Cremona, the home of Stradivari,          During the 2021 residency, EUYO
                                        drawing inspiration from the city’s            musicians will be part of new innovative
                                        century-old luthier tradition that was         ways of bringing together string players
                                        recognized as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural     and teachers, discussing a broad set of
                                        Heritage, to offer an innovative cultural      issues that face musicians today, and with
                                        project and a centre of international          the opportunity to watch an enviable
                                        excellence. The EUYO is happy to become        grouping of international artists at work.
                                        an Ensemble in Residence at the Stauffer          They will rehearse under the guidance
                                        Academy, and welcomes the Academy              of cellist Steven Isserlis, deepening
                                        as its newest EUYO Creative Partner.           their knowledge of chamber music
                                                                                       performance techniques from one of
                                                                                       the greatest practitioners of the craft,
© Pentagram

                                                                                       and as a climax to the week of work, will
                                                                                       perform a public concert on December 9.

                                        THE CREMONA CONCERT
                                          9 DEC    Palazzo Stauffer, Cremona, Italy

                                        Steven Isserlis Cello
                                        EUYO String Quartet
                                        Luigi Boccherini        String Quintet in D minor, Op. 13, G. 280: No. 4
© Pininfarina Architecture

                                                                                        Stauffer Chamber Academy in Cremona 31

              THE CONDUCTORS                              THE SOLOISTS
              The year 2021 sees an enviable roster       German cellist Alban Gerhardt can be
              of great conductors at the helm of          trusted to capture the audience’s souls
              EUYO performances. Pablo Heras-             performing the contemplative Edward
              Casado conducts a full orchestra after      Elgar’s Cello Concerto, a cornerstone
              his great experience in August 2020 in      in the instrument’s repertoire.
              Málaga, where he led an orchestra of            The sparkling youthfulness of
              Spanish EUYO members and alumni.            saxophonist Jess Gillam is key for the
                 There is the long-awaited comeback       deft musical movements of Michael
              of Vasily Petrenko, whose previously        Nyman’s Where the Bee Dances.
              scheduled performances with the EUYO            Young violinist Laura Marzadori will
              were unfortunately cancelled during the     lend her striking talent to two Dvořák
              pandemic, and the return of the energetic   compositions, the Romance for Violin
              and charismatic Sascha Goetzel, who in      and Orchestra and the Mazurek.
              2019 led a group of EUYO musicians in           And finally, Cellist Steven Isserlis
              a much-praised Canadian tour with the       will mentor a group of EUYO musicians
              National Youth Orchestra of Canada.         in the Stauffer Academy in Cremona,
              David Zinman, an experienced musician       where they will no doubt be spurred and
              and inspirational mentor, has committed     inspired to develop their chamber music
              his career to the fostering of new          performances under his guidance.
              audiences as well as young musicians.

 32 Artists
You can also read