CREATIVE ARTS PROSPECTUS 2022 23 - - University Centre Somerset

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CREATIVE ARTS PROSPECTUS 2022 23 - - University Centre Somerset
PROSPECTUS 2022 - 23

                       CREATIVE ARTS
CREATIVE ARTS PROSPECTUS 2022 23 - - University Centre Somerset

                                                                                                                                             4   Facilities                     36 Creative Digital &
                                                                                                                                                                                   Graphic Design
                                                                                                                                             10 Access to HE
                                                                                                                                                                                   Foundation Degree
                                                                                                                                             12 Higher & Degree
                                                                                                                                                                                38 Creative Digital &
                                                                                                                                                Level Apprenticeships
                                                                                                                                                                                   Graphic Design
                                                                                                                                             14 Art & Design                       BA (Hons) Top-up
    ORDERS WORTH OVER                                                                                                                            Foundation Diploma

                                                                                                                                                                                40 Media Make-up
                   ARE PLACED DURING                                                                                                         16 Creative Fashion and Textiles      BA (Hons)
                   LONDON FASHION WEEK.                                                                                                          BA (Hons)
                                                                                                                                                                                43 Media Make-up
    (British Fashion Council)                                                                                                                20 Creative Fashion and Textiles      Foundation Degree
                                                                                                                                                 Foundation Degree
                                                                                                                                                                                47 Media Make-up
                                                                                                                                             23 Creative Fashion and Textiles      BA (Hons) Top-up
                                                     ALMOST                                                                                      BA (Hons) Top-up
                                                                                                                                                                                49 Media Production

                                                     1 IN 8
                                                                                                                                             27 Fine Art                           Foundation Degree
                                                                                     UK BUSINESSES                                               BA (Hons)
                                                                                                                                                                                51 Music Production
                                                                                     ARE CREATIVE BUSINESSES.                                31 Fine Art                           HND
                                                                                                                                                 Foundation Degree
                                                                                                                                                                                53 Performance Arts
                                                                                                                                             33 Fine Art                           Level 4
                                                                                                                                                 BA (Hons) Top-up
            CREATIVE JOBS ARE FUTURE-PROOF.                                                                                                                                     55 Where to find us

                                                                                                                                             34 Creative Digital &
                      OF CREATIVE JOBS ARE AT A LOW                                                                                             Graphic Design                  57 University
                      OR NO RISK OF AUTOMATION.                                                                                                  BA (Hons)                         Centre Somerset
                                                                                                                                                                                   course list

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CREATIVE ARTS PROSPECTUS 2022 23 - - University Centre Somerset
    Our creative arts degrees           There are three purpose-built media
    are based at our Arts House         make-up studios, including two
    in Taunton, and a £12 million       professional-standard studio spaces
    refurbishment has enhanced the      with 20 mirrored stations in each,
    facilities to industry standard,    and a workshop-based room with
    offering students the chance to     workbenches and ceiling extraction.
    use a blend of traditional and
    contemporary processes to           We have a fume room where students
    create their work. Creativity and   can use processes such as fibre
    making is at the heart of what      glass moulding and EasyFlo, as well
    we do here and our strong links     as a specialist foam latex booth.
    with industry ensure you will be
    well prepared for a successful      Our fashion manufacture room
    career in this booming industry.    housing industrial sewing machines,
                                        over lockers, leather machines
    Workshop spaces include airy art    and cover seamers. Large pattern
    studios with life drawing rooms,    and cutting tables are available
    plenty of scope for collaborative   as well as plenty of mannequins
    work and specialist workshops       and six industrial irons.
    for ceramics, casting, woodwork,
    metalwork and photography.

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In the fabric print room, students can   Also in the Arts House is a live
    design and experiment with fabric        production switcher for broadcast,
    and techniques such as flocking,         professional and AV users. Our
    foiling, devoré and sublimation          Blackmagic ATEM Television Studio is
    printing. There are also vacuum          designed for both broadcasters and
    print tables and dyeing facilities.      AV professionals. The studio is perfect
                                             for live production, episodic television,
    A 3D room supporting laser cutting,      web shows, AV or even live coverage
    digital fabric printing and digital      of video gaming competitions.
    embroidery gives students a variety
    of processes and techniques              Music students are catered
    to mix and get creative with.            for in our custom-built music
                                             production and mastering studios
    We also have a traditional print room    and recording facilities with
    for printing processes such as lino/     high-end soundproof booth.
    block printing, drypoint etching,
    monoprinting and collograph printing.

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CREATIVE ARTS PROSPECTUS 2022 23 - - University Centre Somerset
All students also have access to MAC
    and PC computer suites with a full
    range of creative software packages
    and there is a common space and
    public gallery for student exhibitions.

    Creativity and making is
    at the heart of what we do
    here and our strong links
    with industry ensure you
    will be well prepared for a
    successful career in this
    booming industry.

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Access to HE
     An Access to Higher Education              Teaching and Assessment                 Therapy degrees at the University of
     Diploma is designed to provide a           The majority of modules are             Plymouth; Occupational Therapy at
     route for learners aged 19 or over         taught via lectures; other teaching     Liverpool University; Marine Biology
     who possess few or no formal               methods include seminars, tutorials,    at Portsmouth University; Social
     qualifications to progress to              workshops and guided learning/          Work at the University of Bath; or
     university-level study. It can lead to     independent activities. The Access to   Health & Social Care degrees here at
     a wide range of career and Higher          HE course utilises a blended learning   University Centre Somerset (Taunton).
     Education opportunities here at            approach, and some sessions will
     University Centre Somerset or at           be delivered online. There is one       Duration: 30 weeks
     another university of your choice.         exam unit and you will also produce     Location: Taunton
                                                a portfolio of work over the year,
     We currently offer six different routes,   from which you will accumulate          Entry requirements:
     each with particular progression           credits towards the Diploma.            Whilst there are no specific academic
     opportunities linked to them.                                                      entry requirements, candidates
                                                Where does it lead?                     will need a sound grasp of basic
     Courses include:                           Successful completion of this course    skills in English and maths. Given
     • Nursing & Midwifery                      will provide you with a qualification   the course is an intensive and
     • Science                                  that will allow you to apply to study   demanding one-year programme,
     • Social Science                           a university-level course. In recent    students will require determination
     • Sport Science*                           years, students have gone on to study   and resilience, and evidence of
     • Physio and Sports Therapy*               a wide range of subjects including      this will be asked for at interview.
     • Computing*                               Biomedical Science, Medicine, and
                                                Nursing degrees at UWE Bristol;         You are required to be aged 19
     In addition, the Access to HE              Nursing, Midwifery, and Occupational    or over and may be eligible for a
     course includes core study skills                                                  loan to cover your course fees.
     sessions to support learning and
     progression. These include:
     • Research and Study Skills
                                                                If you complete an Access to HE course and then
     • Digital Skills
                                                               go on and complete a degree or other recognised
     • English
                                                               higher education course, you will not have to repay the
     • Maths
                                                              remaining loan for the Access to HE course.
     • UCAS application support
     • Tutorial.

     *Subject to approval

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Higher & Degree Level
     Higher & Degree Level Apprenticeships
                                                                                                                               How long is an Apprenticeship?            Our Apprenticeship offer is continually developing and changing due
     With the introduction of the            Outstanding with Ofsted inspectors       Why choose an Apprenticeship?            A Higher or Degree Level                  to business demands and changes to the Apprenticeship structure.
                                                                                                                                                                         Therefore, this list should only be considered as a guide.
     Apprenticeship Levy in April 2017,      stating that 'Apprentices develop        They are a great option for anyone       Apprenticeship will likely last as long
     employers are offering more             an extensive range of skills and         looking for a fast track into a          as 3 years, but could take as long
     Apprenticeships at various levels.      knowledge and many extend and            career. A Higher or Degree Level         as 5-6 years. As an apprentice,
     Our expertise and partnerships          deepen specialist skills beyond the      Apprenticeship brings together the       you would be employed full-time,          CREATIVE ARTS
     with industry enable us to facilitate   requirements of their qualifications.'   best of higher and vocational training   although the combination of work and      Fashion & Textiles Product Technologist Level 4
     opportunities that address the                                                   and enables higher education study       study can vary from one employer to       Professional Accountant Level 4
     increasing demand for higher-           Higher Apprenticeships refers to         plus invaluable on-the-job training      another. Generally, you’ll be required    Project Manager Level 4
     level skills in Somerset and            Apprenticeships that may include         without having to cover the cost of      to work 30 hours per week, to leave       Chartered Manager Level 6 Degree
     beyond. Higher and degree level         the achievement of academic/             tuition. Fees for Apprenticeships are    you time to study, but that could take    HR Consultant/Partner Level 5
     Apprenticeships are a popular           vocational qualifications at Level       subsidised by employers and the          one of several forms - options include:   Operations/Departmental Manager Level 5
     choice and provide you the              4 and 5 such as HNCs, HNDs               government, and a salary is then
     chance to gain applicable skills        and Foundation Degrees, while            paid to the individual undertaking       Day release                               COMPUTING
     and knowledge about an industry.        degree level Apprenticeships can         the Apprenticeship programme             Studying at UCS one day per week          Digital Technology Solutions Level 6 Degree
     Please see our list of courses          provide qualifications up to Level       meaning that doing a Degree
     opposite, check our website or          6 or 7, such as a full BA, BSc or        Apprenticeship can leave you             Block learning                            We also offer apprenticeships in the following industry sectors:
     call for more information on the        BEng Honours Degree, or in some          debt-free and provide you with           Studying for 1-2 weeks at a time
     types of Apprenticeships we offer       cases even a Masters Degree.             many years’ industry experience.                                                   CONSTRUCTION
     and our employer partners.                                                                                                Blended Learning                          ENGINEERING AND NUCLEAR
                                             Increasingly, you may hear               What can I study on an                   A mixture of online learning              HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE
     What is an Apprenticeship?              Apprenticeships referred to as           Apprenticeship?                          and traditional face-to-face              LAND-BASED
     Apprenticeships are an effective        standards. These were introduced by      Today you can study anything from
     way of studying, enabling you           the government as part of ongoing        human resources to mechanical            Full-time education                       Please visit for more information.
     to gain a nationally recognised         Apprenticeship reforms to meet the       engineering, health & social care to     For some employers apprentices
     qualification whilst obtaining          needs of employers. Standards are        cyber security, and much more. We        will study full-time for the first year
     practical on-the-job experience. In     occupation-focused, they are not         have more than 20 on offer and are       of their Apprenticeship, working
     our recent Ofsted inspection our        qualification-led and the content is     continually updating our portfolio       with the employer during UCS
     Apprenticeship provision was rated      decided by each employer, depending      to support industry demand.              holidays, and starting full-time
                                             on their business requirements.                                                   employment after that first year.

                                                                                                                               What should I do next?
                                                                                                                               If you feel that an Apprenticeship
                                                                                                                               may be for you, get in touch with
                                                                                                                               our dedicated team who can talk
                                                                                                                               through your options and what to
                                                                                                                               do next. Call 01278 655111 or email

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Entry Requirements
     Art & Design                                                                                                                                                   • A pass in one A Level or a twelve unit
                                                                                                                                                                      AVCE, ideally in an arts subject, or an
     Foundation Diploma                                                               Progression Opportunities             can count it towards entry on to a        equivalent Level 3 Extended Diploma
                                                                                      This course is designed to increase   degree-level programme. Added           • Four GCSEs at grade 4 or above.
     Our Foundation Diploma gives            During your course, there may be         your chances of securing a place      to the high-quality portfolio of work
     you the chance to experience            opportunities for residential trips      on your chosen degree course.         you’ll have developed during your       The outcome of prior experiential learning
     a wide range of art and design          in the UK and abroad as well as a        The majority of our students          time with us, you will be perfectly     can be demonstrated to be equivalent
     disciplines, while helping you build    variety of day trips. Previous cohorts   progress to study a degree and        placed to progress to a degree          to formal qualifications otherwise
     a portfolio for your application        have taken opportunities to embark       many choose to stay on at UCS.        course, either at UCS or further        required in certain circumstances.
     to an undergraduate course.             on study visits to London, New York,                                           afield, or into employment. Either
     The qualification is the perfect        Berlin and Paris among others.           This Diploma in Foundation Studies    way, we’ll give you all the help you    You will be asked to present a portfolio
     preparation for higher education                                                 carries UCAS points, meaning you      need to pursue your ambitions.          of work at interview. The portfolio must
     or a more responsible role in the       Teaching and Assessment                                                                                                demonstrate your creative skills, subject
     industry, providing you with a          Our specialist lecturers work closely                                                                                  knowledge and enthusiasm for study through
     nationally recognised qualification.    with you throughout the year.                                                                                          12 to 15 pieces of recent work
                                             The course is studio-based and                                                                                         and two sketchbooks.
     By encouraging you to adopt an          involves continuous assessment
     experimental approach to your           and external moderation, and
                                                                                                                                                                    Type:                 Level 3/4
     learning, we help you to develop        your progress is monitored by
     your individual skills and determine    tutorials and group critiques.                                                                                         Attendance:           Full-time
     your future direction as an artist or                                                                                                                          Location:             Taunton
     designer. This is a gradual process,    The curriculum is delivered through                                                                                    Awarding body:        UAL (University
     over three terms, during which you      a blend of projects and specialist                                                                                                           of the Arts London)
     will have a chance to specialise        workshops, designed to help
     in areas such as fine art, fashion,     you develop the skills that most
     lens-based media, illustration,         interest you, in an environment

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Art & Design | Foundation Diploma
     media make-up, graphic design,          that is professional and focused on
     3D, interior or textile design.         achieving success. You will have
                                             your own workspace, and will be
                                             encouraged to work independently
                                             in College and at home, with input
                                             and support from our specialist
                                             staff. You will also be expected to
                                             take part in a work placement.

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Entry Requirements
                                                Creative                                                                                                                Typically entrants will possess:
                                                                                                                                                                        • A minimum of 80 UCAS tariff points
     “I really like the community feel of       Fashion and                              Across the three years, you have the     Modules may include:                    from a full Level 3 qualification
      the UCS campus. Everyone is so                                                     opportunity to work in both areas of     Year one                              • At least four GCSEs including

      friendly. We get to know our tutors       Textiles                                 fashion and textile design to help you   • Idea and Materiality                  English at grade 4 or above, or
                                                                                         decide where to tailor your degree;      • Sustainability Culture                recognised Level 2 equivalent.
      well because we have so much              BA (Hons)                               ideally to your creative strengths         and Concept
      contact time with them.                                                            by specialising. This allows you to      • Introduction to Visual Culture      Mature applicants with relevant experience
                                                Today’s fashion and textile              develop a unique identity and a          • Studio Practice and Technology      who do not have the stated entry
      I didn’t feel ready to go to              designers are constantly exploring       career path that suits your ambitions.   • Orientation.                        requirements are encouraged to apply.
      university when I left college.           new materials and traditional
                                                crafts, incorporating these              You will gain knowledge about            Year two
      By coming to UCS I was able               together and reinventing what            ethics in fashion and textiles           • Making Meanings
                                                                                                                                                                        Type:                Bachelors Degree
           to stay at home while                fashion and textiles can be.             whilst developing skills to help         • Principles of Visual Culture        UCAS code:           W231
                                                                                                                                                                        Institution code:    B70
                gaining a degree.”                                                    build a sustainable industry.            • Creativity and Collaboration
                                                The BA (Hons) Creative Fashion and                                                • Portfolio / Professional Practice   Attendance:          Full-time
                 Hollie Attwood, BA (Hons)      Textiles teaches you about fashion                                                • Navigation.                         Location:            Taunton
                  Textiles and Surface Design
                                                design and textile design and how                                                                                       Awarding body:       The Open University
                                                they affect and inform each other.                                                Final Year
                                                                                                                                  • Visual Culture in Practice          There may be the opportunity to study

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Creative Fashion and Textile Design | BA (Hons)
                                                You will discover the disciplines                                                 • Inspiration and Experimentation     our full-time courses on a part-time
                                                of fashion and textile design                                                     • Resolution.                         basis, please contact us to discuss.
                                                and traditional craftsmanship by
                                                designing and making garments,
                                                accessories, fabrics and other
                                                fashion or textile products. Translate
                                                your fashion ideas from 2D to 3D
                                                by building your pattern cutting,
                                                construction skills, and manufacturing
                                                skills or bring your textile designs
                                                to life through print, fabric
                                                manipulation, embroidery or knit.

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Professional practice is key to           In addition to our annual summer
     this course and students take up          show, we support students to
     placement and project opportunities       develop entrepreneurial and
     every year. There are opportunities       teamwork skills through fundraising
     to learn from visiting industry experts   to present design work at high profile
     in the studios and work closely with      national and international events
     industry partners on live briefs and      such as New Designers. Visits to
     competitions, to apply your learning      trade shows such as Textile Forum
     and gain real-world experience. You       London and Premier Vision in Paris
     will also engage with research as         have taken learning out of the studio.
     you develop your design practice.
                                               Teaching and Assessment
                                               Teaching is in the form of lectures,
                                               seminars, practical workshops
                                               and tutorials. You will develop skills
                                               in visual and verbal presentation
                                               techniques through group and
                                               individual project work.

                                                                                                                                    Creative Fashion and Textile Design | BA (Hons)
                                               Focusing on the avenues that
                                               most interest you, through your          Many of our graduates go on to
                                               modules and assessments,                 successful careers with high profile
                                               you will explore different career        companies like Alexander McQueen,
                                               paths and graduate with the              Matthew Williamson, All Saints and
                                               confidence and skills to succeed.        River Island, choosing from roles
                                                                                        such as fashion designer, textile
                                               Progression Opportunities                designer, studio manager, art
                                               Our students go on to work in            director, product developer, pattern
                                               industry, develop enterprise             cutter and materials research.
                                               opportunities or explore further
                                               research at postgraduate level.
                                               Whatever you want to do, our team
                                               of subject experts will support
                                               you with your next steps.

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Entry Requirements

“UCS is so convenient for me.
                                               Creative Fashion                                                                                                            • A minimum of 64 UCAS points
                                                                                                                                                                             from a full Level 3 qualification
 It’s great to have the opportunity to study   and Textiles                              The course in the second year is built   Teaching and Assessment                  • GCSE English at grade 4 or above.
                                                                                         up of professional practice with live    Teaching is in the form of lectures,
 for a degree while staying local. It
                                               Foundation Degree                         briefs and competitions being a main     seminars, practical workshops            Mature applicants with relevant experience
 means I haven’t had to upend my life                                                    focus, along with the opportunity for    and tutorials. You will develop skills   who do not have the stated entry
 in order to pursue my dreams.                 Fashion and textiles are                  work-based placements. You are           in visual and verbal presentation        requirements are encouraged to apply.
                                               the UK's largest creative                 able to learn from visiting industry     techniques through group and
 After a career as a make-up artist            industries, internationally               experts in the studio, and closely       individual project work.
                                                                                                                                                                           Type:                Foundation Degree
 in film and television, I decided on a        renowned for quality, innovation          with industry partners. This enables
                                                                                                                                                                           UCAS code:           W232
                                               and craftsmanship.                        you to apply your learning and gain      Focusing on the avenues that
 change of direction. I want to do my                                                    real world experience. You will also     most interest you, through your          Institution code:    B70
 own thing and see my own designs              On this two-year course, you will         engage with research, its importance     modules and assessments,                 Attendance:          Full-time
 come to life.                                 study alongside those on the              as you develop your design practice.     you will explore different career        Location:            Taunton
                                               BA route. You will discover the                                                    paths and graduate with the              Awarding body:       The Open University
The UCS course is exactly what

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Creative Fashion and Textile Design | Foundation Degree
                                               disciplines of fashion and textile        Modules may include:                     confidence and skills to succeed.
I was looking for. ”                           design and traditional craftsmanship      Year one                                                                          There may be the opportunity to study
                                               by designing and making garments,         • Idea and Materiality                   Progression Opportunities                our full-time courses on a part-time
 Jake Ball, BA (Hons) Creative Fashion         accessories, fabrics and other            • Sustainability Culture and             On completion of your Foundation         basis, please contact us to discuss.
 & Textile Design
                                               fashion or textile products.                Concept                                Degree you may choose to progress
                                                                                         • Introduction to Visual Culture         on to the BA (Hons) Top-up Degree
                                               Translate your fashion ideas from 2D      • Studio Practice and Technology         programme available at University
                                               to 3D by building your pattern cutting,   • Orientation.                           Centre Somerset. Our students
                                               construction skills, and manufacturing                                             go on to work in industry, develop
                                               skills or bring your textile designs      Year two                                 enterprise opportunities or explore
                                               to life through print, fabric             • Making Meanings                        further research at postgraduate
                                               manipulation, embroidery or knit.         • Principles of Visual Culture           level. Whatever you want to do,
                                                                                         • Creativity & Collaboration             our team of subject experts will
                                               You have the opportunity to tailor your   • Portfolio / Professional Practice      support you with your next steps.
                                               degree, experiment within fashion         • Navigation.
                                               and textile disciplines or concentrate                                             Many of our graduates go on to
                                               on one area. You can develop a            You will showcase your work at           successful careers with high profile
                                               unique identity, preparing you for your   our annual summer show, as               companies like Alexander McQueen,
                                               chosen career path into industry.         well as throughout your second           Matthew Williamson, All Saints and
                                                                                         year in our gallery space and at         River Island, choosing from roles
                                                                                         external galleries. You may have the     such as fashion designer, textile
                                                                                         opportunity to visit trade shows in      designer, studio manager, art
                                                                                         London and Premier Vision in Paris.      director, product developer, pattern
                                                                                                                                  cutter and materials research.

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Entry Requirements
                                                       Creative Fashion                                                             Typically entrants will possess:
                                                                                                                                    • Foundation Degree
     “I really appreciate the facilities at UCS. The   and Textiles                                                                 • Or an HND
      fashion room is my favourite place on the                                                                                     • Or an equivalent Level 5 qualification
                                                       BA (Hons) Top-up                                                               in an appropriate discipline.
      whole campus. It’s great to have access to
      professional-standard workshops. It makes        Top up your existing                Explore innovative and creative          You will be asked to bring your
      my training much more applicable to the          Foundation degree to achieve        workshops in our studios to              portfolio to interview.
                                                       a Bachelors degree in Creative      develop your practice.
      real world.                                      Fashion and Textiles.
                                                                                                                                    Type:                Bachelors Degree
      When I leave I hope to secure a job as                                               Tailor this year to suit your creative
                                                                                                                                    UCAS code:           W233
                                                       You will decide which practical     strengths and build your portfolio
      an assistant designer in the fashion             methods you wish to pursue and      towards the industry career you          Institution code:    B70
      industry and work my way up from                 enhance; using previous knowledge   require. You will develop a unique       Attendance:          Full-time
      there. I’ve developed my own design              to build a strong portfolio of      identity that suits your ambitions.      Location:            Taunton
                                                       work taking you in to industry.                                              Awarding body:       The Open University

                                                                                                                                                                                    Creative Fashion Design and Textiles | BA (Hons) Top-up
      style during my studies, which I can                                                 You will gain knowledge about
      take with me after I finish.”                    You will refine the disciplines     ethics in fashion and textiles           There may be the opportunity to study
      Raisa Ali, BA (Hons) Fashion Design              of fashion and/or textile design    whilst refining skills, to help          our full-time courses on a part-time
                                                       along with craftsmanship by         build a sustainable industry.            basis, please contact us to discuss.
                                                       designing your own collection of
                                                       garments, accessories or fabrics.   Modules may include:
                                                                                           • Visual Culture in Practice
                                                       Translate and experiment your       • Inspiration and Experimentation
                                                       2D and 3D designs, building         • Resolution.
                                                       upon previous skills and honing
                                                       these to an independent level.

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Professional practice is key to this      Focusing on the avenues that        of subject experts will support
     year, with guest lecturers and industry   most interest you, through your     you with your next steps.
     experts offering feedback towards         modules and assessments,
     your final module. You will present       you will explore different career   Many of our graduates go on to
     to an industry panel and showcase         paths and graduate with the         successful careers with high profile
     your final module professionally          confidence and skills to succeed.   companies like Alexander McQueen,
     to an industry-led audience.                                                  Matthew Williamson, All Saints and
                                               Progression Opportunities           River Island, choosing from roles
     Research is an in-depth enquiry           Our students go on to work in       such as fashion designer, textile
     at this level, along with developing      industry, develop enterprise        designer, studio manager, art
     your work within a wider                  opportunities or explore further    director, product developer, pattern
     industry-standard context.                research at postgraduate level.     cutter and materials research.
                                               Whatever you want to do, our team
     In addition to our annual summer

                                                                                                                               Creative Fashion Design and Textiles | BA (Hons) Top-up
     show, we support students to
     develop entrepreneurial and
     teamwork skills through fundraising
     to present design work at high profile
     national and international events
     such as New Designers. Visits to
     trade shows such as Textile Forum
     London and Premier Vision in Paris
     have taken learning out of the studio.

     Teaching and Assessment
     Teaching is in the form of lectures,
     seminars, practical workshops
     and tutorials. You will develop skills
     in visual and verbal presentation
     techniques through group and
     individual project work.

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                                               PROSPECTUS 2022 - 23
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Entry Requirements
                                                            Fine Art                                                                        Typically entrants will possess:
                                                                                                                                            • A minimum of 80 UCAS tariff points
     “After completing my Level 3 qualification             BA (Hons)                                                                         from a full Level 3 qualification
      at Bridgwater & Taunton College, I decided                                                                                            • At least four GCSEs including
                                                            The aim of the programme is           Projects will include exciting directed     English at grade 4 or above, or
      I wanted to stay on. It’s really friendly here        to provide a challenging and          briefs and self-initiated schemes           recognised Level 2 equivalent.
      and the support we get is great, so it made           stimulating education through         of work, as well as collaboration
      sense to stick with what I know.                      contemporary fine art practice.       with peers, galleries and other           Mature applicants with relevant experience
                                                            With a focus on ‘making’, the         organisations. Understanding              who do not have the stated entry
      I find my programme fascinating.                      practical nature of this course       and engaging with professional            requirements are encouraged to apply.
                                                            enables you to establish an           fine art practice is central to this
           It’s great to be able to study at degree         artistic identity and to situate      course. Therefore, visiting lecturers,    Once you have applied you will be invited to
             level without leaving home. I went to          your artistic practice within         visits to museums or residential          interview and asked to bring a portfolio.
              school locally, so feel really settled in     fine art and wider contexts and       opportunities in the UK and abroad
                                                            communities. We aim to equip you      may form part of the wider education.
                this part of the world.                     with a range of practical making      Exhibiting your own work is also a
                                                                                                                                            Type:                Bachelors Degree
                                                                                                                                            UCAS code:           47G4
                   I’m not sure what I’ll do after          skills underpinned by a theoretical   priority. In addition to your End of
                                                                                                                                            Institution code:    B70
                                                            awareness of visual culture, so you   Year Degree Show, you will have
                      my degree, but I do know              can analyse, and critically reflect   several opportunities to exhibit work     Attendance:          Full-time
                        it’s giving me a really good        upon, your visual outcomes.           throughout the course at our in-house     Location:            Taunton
                        base from which to build.”          You’ll have designated studio         gallery and at external venues.           Awarding body:       The Open University
                                                            space and access to a variety of
                          Jessica Sanger-Davies,            well-equipped workshop facilities.                                              There may be the opportunity to study
                               Fine Art Foundation Degree
                                                                                                                                            our full-time courses on a part-time
                                                                                                                                            basis, please contact us to discuss.

                                                                                                                                                                                           Fine Art | BA (Hons)
                                                            UNIVERSITY CENTRE SOMERSET
                                                            PROSPECTUS 2022 - 23
26                                                                                                                                                                                   27
Students also may have the                Teaching and Assessment
     opportunity to fundraise to take their    Assessment is by 100% coursework,
     degree show on tour to industry           and we undertake continuous
     at events such as Free Range in           modular assessment. Studio and
     London, or in galleries in our regional   site-specific projects are a major
     creative hub of Bristol. Beyond           part of the course, complemented by
     graduation, we continue to invest         lectures, seminars and workshops.
     in our graduates by including them        Students are also assessed by means
     in events, exhibition opportunities       of a live project or work placement,
     and offer residency placements.           as well as on curating an exhibition.

     The modules studied may include:          This course is delivered on-site each
     • Drawing                                 week across the academic year.
     • Materiality
     • Temporality                             Progression Opportunities
     • Context                                 Employment opportunities for Fine
     • Studio Practice                         Art graduates are many and varied,
     • Community, Identity,                    including creative arts practice, arts
       Environment                             administration, teaching, curating,
     • Professional Practice.                  and arts therapy. Many of our
                                               students establish their own studios
                                               as artists or craftspeople, while
                                               others progress to postgraduate
                                               study in a related discipline including
                                               MA and PGCE programmes.

                                                                                                                           Fine Art | BA (Hons)
                                                                                         UNIVERSITY CENTRE SOMERSET
                                                                                         PROSPECTUS 2022 - 23
28                                                                                                                    29
Entry Requirements
                                                      Fine Art                                                                           Typically entrants will possess:
                                                                                                                                         • A minimum of 64 UCAS tariff points
     “UCS’s location close to home was                Foundation Degree                                                                    from a full Level 3 qualification
       a big factor in me choosing to study                                                                                              • At least four GCSEs including
                                                      The aim of the programme is                The modules studied may include:          English at grade 4 or above, or
        here. It meant I could commute                                                           • Drawing                                 recognised Level 2 equivalent.
                                                      to provide a challenging and
        rather than move away to pursue my            stimulating education through              • Materiality
        interest in Fine Art.                         contemporary fine art practice.            • Temporality                           Mature applicants with relevant experience
                                                      With a focus on ‘making’, the              • Context                               who do not have the stated entry
        Tuition fees are lower at UCS than            practical nature of this course            • Studio Practice                       requirements are encouraged to apply.
        at other universities. In addition,           enables you to establish an artistic       • Community, Identity,
                                                      identity and to situate your artistic        Environment                           Once you have applied you will be invited to
        class sizes are a lot smaller. As             practice within fine art and wider         • Professional Practice.                interview and asked to bring a portfolio.
         a result, we get a lot more support          contexts and communities.
         from staff, including loads of                                                          Teaching and Assessment
                                                                                                                                         Type:                Foundation Degree
                                                      We aim to equip you with a range of        Assessment is by 100% coursework,
          contact time with our tutors.”              practical making skills underpinned        and we undertake continuous             UCAS code:           W100
           Sophie Gilroy, BA (Hons) Fine Art top-up   by a theoretical awareness of visual       modular assessment. Studio and          Institution code:    B70
                                                      culture, so you can analyse, and           site-specific projects are a major      Attendance:          Full-time
                                                      critically reflect upon, your visual       part of the course, complemented by     Location:            Taunton
                                                      outcomes. You’ll have designated           lectures, seminars and workshops.       Awarding body:       The Open University
                                                      studio space and access to a variety       Students are also assessed by means
                                                      of well-equipped workshop facilities.      of a live project or work placement,    There may be the opportunity to study
                                                                                                 as well as on curating an exhibition.   our full-time courses on a part-time
                                                      Projects will include exciting, directed                                           basis, please contact us to discuss.
                                                      briefs and self-initiated schemes          This course is delivered on-site each
                                                      of work, as well as collaboration          week across the academic year.
                                                      with peers, galleries and other

                                                                                                                                                                                        Fine Art | Foundation Degree
                                                      organisations. Understanding               Progression Opportunities
                                                      and engaging with professional             This course is a good basis from
                                                      fine art practice is central to this       which to continue your studies with
                                                      course. Therefore, visiting lecturers,     the BA (Hons) Fine Art Top-up
                                                      visits to museums or residential           year or progress your own
                                                      opportunities in the UK and abroad         professional creative practice.
                                                      may form part of the wider education.
                                                      Exhibiting your own work is also a
                                                      priority. In addition to your End of
                                                      Year Degree Show, you will have
                                                      several opportunities to exhibit work
                                                      throughout the course at our in-house
                                                      gallery and at external venues.

                                                      UNIVERSITY CENTRE SOMERSET
                                                      PROSPECTUS 2022 - 23
30                                                                                                                                                                                 31
Entry Requirements
                                                                  Fine Art                                                                           Typically entrants will possess:
                                                                                                                                                     • Foundation Degree
     “The personal support, care and attention of UCS             BA (Hons) Top-up                                                                   • or an HND
      staff went far beyond anything I would have                                                                                                    • or an equivalent Level 5 qualification
                                                                  Our programme of study is               The modules studied may include:             in an appropriate discipline
      received in a larger university context.                                                            • Studio Practice (Development)            • GCSE English grade 4 or above.
                                                                  designed to promote and develop
      I chose UCS because of its proximity to my                  inventiveness, improvisational          • Studio Practice (Exhibition)
                                                                  skills and the questioning of           • Context.                                 Once you have applied you will be invited to
      home. I was also drawn by the excellent facilities.         established practices. With an                                                     interview and asked to bring a portfolio.
      The course fees are lower than many other                   emphasis on making, students are        Teaching and Assessment
       institutions, while the contact time with staff is         encouraged to experiment with           Assessment is by 100% coursework,
                                                                                                                                                     Type:                 Bachelors Degree
                                                                  processes and materials, acquiring      and we undertake continuous
        significantly higher.                                     new workshop skills and realising       modular assessment. Studio and             UCAS code:            857T
                                                                  the potential for creative processes    site-specific projects are a major         Institution code:     B70
           Studying at UCS gave me the confidence to                                                                                                 Attendance:           Full-time
                                                                  to communicate ideas visually. This     part of the course, complemented by
              move straight into postgraduate study               approach to learning also involves      lectures, seminars and workshops.          Location:             Taunton
                   after my degree. I hope to complete            transformative experiences with         Students are also assessed on the          Awarding body:        The Open University
                                                                  unpredictable visual outcomes.          final exhibition at the end of the year.
                         a PhD in due course.”
                                                                  New ways of thinking and problem                                                   There may be the opportunity to study
                               Verity Treloar,                    solving are encouraged and              This course is delivered on-site each      our full-time courses on a part-time
                                      BA (Hons) Fine Art Top-up   your individual responses are           week across the academic year.             basis, please contact us to discuss.
                                                                  developed in relation to contexts of
                                                                  art practice and to the wider world     Progression Opportunities
                                                                  around you. You’ll have designated      Employment opportunities for Fine
                                                                  studio space and a variety of well      Art graduates are many and varied,
                                                                  equipped workshop facilities.           including creative arts practice, arts
                                                                                                          administration, teaching, curating,
                                                                  In addition to our End of Year Degree   and arts therapy. Many of our
                                                                  Show, students may have the             students establish their own studios

                                                                                                                                                                                                     Fine Art | BA (Hons) Top-up
                                                                  opportunity to fundraise to showcase    as artists or craftspeople, while
                                                                  their work to industry at events such   others progress to postgraduate
                                                                  as Free Range or City galleries.        study in a related discipline including
                                                                                                          MA and PGCE programmes.

                                                                  UNIVERSITY CENTRE SOMERSET
                                                                  PROSPECTUS 2022 - 23
32                                                                                                                                                                                              33
Entry Requirements
     Creative Digital &                                                                                                                                                Typically entrants will possess:
                                                                                                                                                                       • A minimum of 80 UCAS points
     Graphic Design                                                                      • Experience of working as           Assessment is based on 100%                from a relevant Level 3 qualification
                                                                                           part of a professional team,       course work and is undertaken              (Art & Design or similar)
     BA (Hons)                                                                             gained through group projects      through continuous modular               • At least four GCSEs including English, and
                                                                                           and work placements, and           assessment. Studio-based                   ideally maths and art, at grade 4 and above.
     Creative Digital Design and              Learning, design for digital platforms       through entering national          assignments are augmented
     Communication is an ever-                and entrepreneurship vital in                and international design           by lectures, seminars and                Mature applicants with relevant experience
     changing dynamic subject to              developing a student’s confidence            competitions.                      workshops throughout the year.           who do not have the stated entry
     study. This three-year programme         and their own personal creative                                                                                          requirements are encouraged to apply.
     has been written as a sustainable        identity. Whilst specialising in an area   In addition to our End of the Year   Progression Opportunities
     progression pathway into routes          of particular interest, students can       Degree Show, students may have       Given the broad range of disciplines     For the interview you will be asked
     of employment or further study.          learn in an innovative, flexible and       the opportunity to fundraise to      that are covered, this course is an      to produce a portfolio that must
                                              creative environment where ideas           showcase their work to industry      ideal foundation for progression into    demonstrate your creative skills, subject
     For students wanting to enter into       and concepts are explored through          professionals at events such         a successful career as a Graphic         knowledge and enthusiasm for study.
     employment, the programme will           projects designed to enhance an            as D&AD in London in July.           Designer, Illustrator or Web Designer
     prepare them to succeed in a             appreciation for research methods                                               in advertising, marketing and creative

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Creative Digital Design & Communication | BA (Hons)
                                                                                                                                                                       Type:                Bachelors Degree
     multitude of creative industries with    and the application of creative digital    Teaching and Assessment              agencies or into postgraduate study.
     design at the heart of core values and   design. With an understanding of the       Teaching takes place within the                                               UCAS code:           W211
     principles. For example, employment      skills required to work successfully       Arts House building utilising a                                               Institution code:    B70
     opportunities may exist in areas such    within the fast moving and stimulating     range of purpose-built media                                                  Attendance:          Full-time
     as Graphic Design, User Experience       creative sectors, students who study       and design studios.                                                           Location:            Taunton
     (UX) design, User Interface              this programme upon graduation will                                                                                      Awarding body:       The Open University
     (UI) design, Media Production,           be equipped with the following skills:
     Illustration, and Advertising and        • A working knowledge of                                                                                                 There may be the opportunity to study
     branding. The programme modules             industry-standard equipment                                                                                           our full-time courses on a part-time
     complement these wide-ranging               and software                                                                                                          basis, please contact us to discuss.
     core industries, with emphasis           • A professional understanding of
     in year 3 on personal branding              the strength and usage of visual
     and self-employment, portfolio              communication
     development and presentation             • An understanding of how to
     of outcomes to a wider audience             evaluate a client's needs and to
     including industry professionals.           respond successfully to them
                                              • Have developed a creative
     Modules have been written to reflect        identity enabling one to generate
     these wide-ranging creative areas           and express one's own personal
                                                                                                                                                                       Our students have

                                                                                                                                                                       won three
     with emphasis on Work- Based                ideas and beliefs

                                                                                                                                                                       Pencils at the New Blood
                                                                                                                                                                       D&AD Awards over the
                                                                                                                                                                       last five years
                                                                                         UNIVERSITY CENTRE SOMERSET
                                                                                         PROSPECTUS 2022 - 23
34                                                                                                                                                                                                                 35
Entry Requirements
     Creative Digital &                                                                                                                                           Typically entrants will possess:
                                                                                                                                                                  • A minimum of 64 UCAS points
     Graphic Design                                                                 With an understanding of the skills      In addition to our End of the Year     from a relevant Level 3 qualification
                                                                                    required to work successfully within     Degree Show, students may have         (Art and Design or similar)
     Foundation Degree                                                              the fast moving and stimulating          the opportunity to fundraise to      • At least four GCSEs including English, and
                                                                                    creative sectors, students who study     showcase their work to industry        ideally maths and art, at grade 4 and above
     The Foundation Degree                  Level 6, the BA (Hons) one year         this programme upon graduation will      professionals at events such
     programme has been written             Creative Design and Communication       be equipped with the following skills:   as D&AD in London in July.           Mature applicants with relevant experience
     as a sustainable progression           Top-up programme offered by             • A working knowledge of                                                      who do not have the stated entry
     pathway into routes of employment      University Centre Somerset is              industry-standard equipment           Teaching and Assessment              requirements are encouraged to apply
     or further study at Level 6. For       a natural progression route.               and software                          Teaching takes place within the
     students wanting to enter into                                                 • A professional understanding of        Arts House building utilising a      For the interview you will be asked

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Creative Digital Design & Communication | Foundation Degree
     employment, the programme will         Modules have been written to reflect       the strength and usage of visual      range of purpose-built media         to produce a portfolio that must
     prepare them to succeed in a           on the ever-changing world of              communication                         and design studios.                  demonstrate your creative skills, subject
     multitude of creative industries       design theories and practices with      • An understanding of how to                                                  knowledge and enthusiasm for study.
     with design at the heart of            emphasis on Work Based Learning,           evaluate a client's needs and to      Assessment is based on 100%
     core values and principles.            design for digital platforms and           respond successfully to them          coursework and is undertaken
                                                                                                                                                                  Type:                Foundation Degree
                                            entrepreneurship vital in developing    • Have developed a creative              through continuous modular
     For example, employment                a student’s confidence and their own       identity enabling one to generate     assessment. Studio-based             UCAS code:           W212
     opportunities may exist in areas       personal creative identity. During         and express one's own personal        assignments are augmented            Institution code:    B70
     such as Graphic Design, Product        the programme students will spend          ideas and beliefs                     by lectures, seminars and            Attendance:          Full-time
     Design, Media Production, Animation,   time in work placements, transferring   • Experience of working as               workshops throughout the year.       Location:            Taunton
     Web-based design, Illustration and     the skills they have developed             part of a professional team,                                               Awarding body:       The Open University
     Publishing. For students wanting       in an academic environment                 gained through group projects         Progression Opportunities
     to progress on to further study at     to an industry based one.                  and work placements, and              This programme has been developed    There may be the opportunity to study
                                                                                       through entering national             as a natural progression route to    our full-time courses on a part-time
                                                                                       and international design              the one-year BA (Hons) Creative      basis, please contact us to discuss.
                                                                                       competitions.                         Digital Design and Communication
                                                                                                                             Top-up programme also delivered
                                                                                                                             at University Centre Somerset.

                                                                                                                                                                  Our students have

                                                                                                                                                                  won three
                                                                                                                                                                  Pencils at the New Blood
                                                                                                                                                                  D&AD Awards over the
                                                                                                                                                                  last five years
                                                                                    UNIVERSITY CENTRE SOMERSET
                                                                                    PROSPECTUS 2022 - 23
36                                                                                                                                                                                                            37
Entry Requirements
     Creative Digital &                                                                                                     Applicants must have:
                                                                                                                            • Foundation Degree
     Graphic Design                          Students who study this programme     Teaching and Assessment                  • or an HND
                                             graduate with the following skills:   Teaching takes place within the          • or an equivalent Level 5 qualification
     BA (Hons) Top-up                        • A working knowledge of              newly refurbished Arts House               in an appropriate discipline.
                                               industry-standard equipment         building utilising a range of purpose-
     Students learn the invisible              and software.                       built media and design studios.          For the interview, you will be asked
     language of form, composition,          • A professional understanding of                                              to produce a portfolio that must
     balance, structure, rhythm and            the strength and usage of visual    Assessment is based on 100%              demonstrate your creative skills, subject
     hierarchy coupled with the very           communication.                      course work and is undertaken            knowledge and enthusiasm for study.
     visible language of communication.      • An understanding of how to          through continuous modular
                                               evaluate a client's needs and to    assessment. Studio-based
                                                                                                                            Type:                 Bachelors Degree
     The one year Top-up course is             respond successfully to them.       assignments are augmented

                                                                                                                                                                             Creative Digital Design & Communication | BA (Hons) Top-up
     designed to refine skills already       • Experience of working as            by lectures, seminars and                UCAS Code:            W213
     developed either through the              part of a professional team,        workshops throughout the year.           Institution code:     B70
     two year Foundation Degree,               gained through group projects                                                Attendance:           Full-time
     through experience studying at            and work placements, and            Progression Opportunities                Location:             Taunton
     another institution or prior industry     through entering national           Given the broad range of disciplines     Awarding body:        The Open University
     knowledge. Modules are developed          and international design            that are covered, this course is an
     with an emphasis on theory and            competitions.                       ideal foundation for progression into    There may be the opportunity to study
     practice, alongside employability       • Develop one's own visual            a successful career as a Graphic         our full-time courses on a part-time
     skills with a digital focus.              signature, enabling one to          Designer, Illustrator or Web Designer    basis, please contact us to discuss.
                                               generate and express one's own      in advertising, marketing and creative
                                               personal ideas and beliefs.         agencies or into postgraduate study.
                                                                                   Progression into employment within
                                             In addition to our End of the Year    the creative industries over the last
                                             Degree Show, students fundraise       two academic years has been 100%.
                                             to showcase their work to industry
                                             at events such as D&AD.

                                                                                                                            Our students have

                                                                                                                            won three
                                                                                                                            Pencils at the New Blood
                                                                                                                            D&AD Awards over the
                                                                                                                            last five years
                                             UNIVERSITY CENTRE SOMERSET
                                             PROSPECTUS 2022 - 23
38                                                                                                                                                                      39
Entry Requirements
                                               Media Make-up                                                                                                             Typically entrants will possess:
                                                                                                                                                                         • A minimum of 80 UCAS points from
       “After completing my degree             BA (Hons)                                 Residential trips may be available:      Progression Opportunities                a relevant Level 3 qualification (Media
        I have gone on to have a                                                         previous trips have taken place          On successful completion of this         Make-up, Art and Design or similar)
                                               This course is for students               to Warner Bros, Harry Potter             course you will be equipped with       • At least four GCSEs including English,
         very exciting career in wigs,                                                   studios, London West End theatre         a high level of subject practical        and ideally maths and art, at grade 4
                                               wishing to pursue a career in the
         hair and make-up. I got               Media Make-up industry. A broad           productions and backstage                skills and a portfolio of work.          and above, or recognised equivalent.
        the opportunity to work at             range of areas are taught and             tours such as Les Miserables,            Students often take up employment
                                               the course allows for students to         Aladdin, Wicked and more.                opportunities within theatre,          Mature applicants with relevant experience
      Glyndebourne Opera House                                                                                                    television and film productions        who do not have the stated entry
                                               specialise within the later modules
     where I gained more knowledge             in a technique/techniques to              In addition to our End of Year           as well as working with make-up        requirements are encouraged to apply.
     in the world of wigs.                     enhance and stretch their skill           Degree Show, students fundraise          agencies in fashion and editorial.
                                               set if they should choose to.             to showcase their work to industry                                              This course requires the purchase of
     I now work at the English                                                           at events such as IMATS.                 Previous students have gained          additional kit and materials. As a budgeting
     National Opera as a Wig and               Over the first year you will study                                                 employment in places such as English   guide please consider up to £900 in year
                                               a broad range of skill sets with          Teaching and Assessment                  National Opera, Madame Tussauds,       one, and up to £400 in year two. The amount
      Make-up Technician where                 a variety of modules. These are           Modules are taught with a mixture of     Allure Magazine, London Fashion        required in year three will depend on your
        I have put all the skills learnt       developed and diversified within the      in class lectures, practical sessions,   Week and on productions such as        projects and specialisms. Please see the
         in my degree into practice.”          second year of the course allowing        tutorials, industry-based master         Star Wars and Game of Thrones          course page on our website for further details.
                                               for individual specialisms to be          classes, presentations and workshop      in addition to self-employment.
       Katie Jordan, BA (Hons) Media Make-up   developed. The final year of the          skills. Assessment includes practical
                                                                                                                                                                         Type:                Bachelors Degree
                                               course allows for students to develop     assessments, written coursework,         Students can progress on
                                               specific specialisms should they          presentations and creative portfolios.   to postgraduate studies.               UCAS code:           W453
                                               choose to. There are no set pathways                                                                                      Institution code:    B70
                                               within the degree which allows for        As part of your course you will                                                 Attendance:          Full-time
                                               flexibility where necessary to develop    be required to undertake some                                                   Location:            Taunton
                                               independence within specialisms.          work experience. This falls                                                     Awarding body:       The Open University
                                                                                         within the Professional Practice
                                               The qualification has been designed       module in the first year of the                                                 There may be the opportunity to study

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Media Make-up | BA (Hons)
                                               in collaboration with industry ensuring   course. Other opportunities                                                     our full-time courses on a part-time
                                               that you will develop the necessary       that arise are encouraged                                                       basis, please contact us to discuss.
                                               skills and knowledge for employment.      throughout the qualification.

                                               You will have access to excellent         This course is delivered on-site each
                                               resources and facilities with             week across the academic year.
                                               state-of-the-art make-up
                                               studios and workshops.

                                                                                         UNIVERSITY CENTRE SOMERSET
                                                                                         PROSPECTUS 2022 - 23
40                                                                                                                                                                                                                   41
Entry Requirements
                                                         Media Make-up                                                                   Applicants require:
                                                                                                                                         • A minimum of 64 UCAS points from
     “I moved from Swindon to Taunton for                Foundation Degree                                                                 a relevant Level 3 qualification
                                                                                                                                         • At least four GCSEs at grade 4
       my course and live in a house-share
                                                         Would you like to be a professional    • The skills and creative flair to use     and above including English, or
       with other creative students at UCS.              make-up artist, working on TV            make-up to express emotions,             equivalent Level 2 Literacy.
     It’s great to come somewhere that                   productions such as Game of              transform faces and portray
                                                         Thrones, on blockbuster films such       character                              Mature applicants with relevant experience
     feels safe, but to study on a degree
                                                         as Star Wars, or maybe working         • The technical and artistic             who do not have the stated entry
     programme that’s really stimulating.                for companies such as Madame             skills for complete make-up            requirements are encouraged to apply.
                                                         Tussauds or The English National         transformations
     There are loads of elements to my                   Opera? That’s exactly what some        • The research skills required to        You will be asked to bring a
      degree and I enjoy the variety.                    of our graduates have gone on            ensure the quality and accuracy        creative portfolio to interview.
       I’m confident I’ll be able to pick up             to achieve, and with this course         of character portrayal.
                                                         under your belt, there’s every         • Skills in the art of hair work,        This course requires the purchase of
         freelance work as a result of the               chance for you to follow suit.           character development, body            additional kit and materials. As a budgeting
          contacts I’m making. The course                                                         painting, postiche, wig-making         guide please consider up to £900 in year
            uses a lot of outside experts,               This unique programme will give you:     and prosthetics.                       one, and up to £400 in year two. The amount
                                                         • An in-depth understanding of the     • A comprehensive portfolio              required in year three will depend on your
              who work with us and set                     media make-up industry.                of work to show prospective            projects and specialisms. Please see the
               us real-world projects to                 • Insight into the role of make-up       employers.                             course page on our website for further details.
               develop our skills.”                        artists in relation to stage, TV     • The opportunity to undertake
                                                           and film, fashion editorial and        work-based learning and live
                Billie Batten, BA (Hons) Media Make-up                                                                                   Type:                  Foundation Degree
                                                           promotional shoots.                    projects in the media world.
                                                                                                                                         UCAS code:             W452

                                                                                                                                                                                           Media Make-up | Foundation Degree
                                                                                                                                         Institution code:      B70
                                                                                                                                         Attendance:            Full-time
                                                                                                                                         Location:              Taunton
                                                                                                                                         Awarding body:         The Open University

                                                                                                                                         There may be the opportunity to study
                                                                                                                                         our full-time courses on a part-time
                                                                                                                                         basis, please contact us to discuss.

                                                         UNIVERSITY CENTRE SOMERSET
                                                         PROSPECTUS 2022 - 23
42                                                                                                                                                                                 43
Teaching and Assessment                   This course is delivered on-site each
     Our specialist staff have extensive       week across the academic year.
     knowledge of the industry, along with
     the experience and expertise to guide     Progression Opportunities
     you as you develop your skill set. The    Once the Foundation Degree
     programme is modular in design,           has been completed, students
     and assessment is continuous,             can go on to the BA (Hons)
     by means of coursework. You will          Media Make-up Top-up.
     complete written assignments,
     journals and design presentations, as     Career Progression
     well as undertaking regular practical     Because this course equips you
     projects. You will also attend lectures   with high-level practical skills, there
     and workshops and develop your            is every chance of securing work
     research skills throughout the course.    upon graduation. Our students take
                                               up roles within theatre, television
                                               and film production companies,
                                               as well as working with make-up
                                               agencies in fashion and editorial.

                                                                                                                           Media Make-up | Foundation Degree
                                                                                         UNIVERSITY CENTRE SOMERSET
                                                                                         PROSPECTUS 2022 - 23
44                                                                                                                    45
Entry Requirements
                                                                Media Make-up                                                                    Applicants must have:
                                                                                                                                                 • Foundation Degree
     “I chose to study at UCS because it’s close                BA (Hons) Top-up                                                                 • or an HND
      to home. I also like the fact that it’s a small                                                                                            • or an equivalent Level 5 qualification
                                                                The BA (Hons) Top-up Degree               Teaching and Assessment                  in an appropriate discipline.
      campus.                                                                                             Our specialist staff have extensive
                                                                includes exciting modules
      We get lots of one-to-one time with our tutors            designed to develop your                  knowledge of the industry, along       For the interview, you will be asked
                                                                skills and understanding to               with the experience and expertise      to produce a portfolio that must
      and it’s been great to learn from industry                a professional standard.                  to guide you as you develop your       demonstrate your creative skills, subject
      professionals. They draw on their experience                                                        skill set. Assessment is continuous    knowledge and enthusiasm for study.
      to prepare us for the world of work.                      Using advanced techniques and             by means of coursework. You will
                                                                processes you will develop your           complete written assignments,          This course requires the purchase of
             We have several professional make-up               own professional identity and             journals and design presentations,     additional kit and materials. As a budgeting
                                                                dynamic portfolio underpinned by          as well as undertaking regular         guide please consider up to £900 in year
              studios to work in, with a light and
                                                                an appreciation of media make-up          practical projects. You will also      one, and up to £400 in year two. The amount
               airy feel. This all contributed to               culture and theory. Students have         attend lectures and workshops          required in year three will depend on your
               me gaining a distinction in my                   the opportunity to specialise in a        and develop your research skills.      projects and specialisms. Please see the
                                                                particular make-up discipline and                                                course page on our website for further details.
               Foundation Degree.”
                                                                develop their skills in that area. As a   Progression Opportunities
               Robyn Williams, BA (Hons) Media Make-up Top-up   result, you can expect to graduate        Students can progress on
                                                                                                                                                 Type:                 Bachelors Degree
                                                                from the course with a strong             to postgraduate studies.
                                                                portfolio in your chosen field.                                                  UCAS code:            W45B
                                                                                                          Career Progression                     Institution code:     B70
                                                                The modules studied may include:          This course is highly respected        Attendance:           Full-time
                                                                • Advanced Materials and                  within the media industry and          Location:             Taunton
                                                                  Techniques                              equips you with the advanced skills    Awarding body:        The Open University

                                                                                                                                                                                                   Media Make-up | BA (Hons) Top-up
                                                                • Industry Directed Project               required for a flourishing career in
                                                                • Final Major Project.                    a booming industry. Our graduates      There may be the opportunity to study
                                                                                                          have gone on to work on productions    our full-time courses on a part-time
                                                                In addition to our End of Year            such as Game of Thrones, Star          basis, please contact us to discuss.
                                                                Degree Show, students fundraise           Wars, or to work for companies
                                                                to showcase their work to industry        such as Madame Tussauds or
                                                                at events such as IMATS.                  the English National Opera.

                                                                UNIVERSITY CENTRE SOMERSET
                                                                PROSPECTUS 2022 - 23
46                                                                                                                                                                                           47
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