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Land Forces Academy Review
                                      Vol. XXVI, No. 2(102), 2021


                                                                                         Andreas ALEXA
                                                             National Defence Academy, Vienna, Austria

                      This article discusses the need of creative and critical thinking for military
              commanders. These skills are preconditions for success due to the nowadays
              complex environment, in which military operations are conducted. Military
              commanders in the age of complexity should and must therefore critically examine
              their actions with regard to the achievement of objectives. The subsequent creative
              process leads to innovation and thus to a further development of their own field of
              expertise and the Armed Forces. Therefore, these capabilities must be implemented
              in the officer’s education system.

              KEYWORDS: creative thinking, critical thinking, complexity, education, military

       1. Introduction                                        relevant literature, supported by an
       The Austrian trend researcher and                      empirical observation at the Master’s
futurologist Henry Gatterer noted,                            Program in Military Leadership.
“That the world tends towards complexity”                            It begins with a closer look at the
(Gatterer, 2017). The conclusion to be                        military and complexity and then examines
drawn from this is that linear thinking is no                 creative or critical thinking in order to
longer state-of-the-art and must be                           draw conclusions for the education and
replaced by creative and critical thinking.                   training of military commanders.
Because the military finds itself in this
complex world as an instrument of state                             2. Military and Complexity
power, it is logical to train military                              In principle, the military will always
commanders in creative and critical                           be deployed if and when other instruments
thinking. However, what constitutes                           or means of a state or society are no longer
creative and critical thinking today, and                     sufficient to achieve the set goals.
how can it be implemented in command                          The fundamental means of a state are the
training at military educational and                          so-called instruments of national power,
training institutions? This article explores                  which comprise the areas of diplomacy,
these and other questions and aims to                         information, military, and economy
highlight the importance of creative and                      (Farlin, 2014). It is also necessary to
critical thinking for military commanders.                    consider the significant interdependencies
The main method used was a review of the                      between these different instruments.

DOI: 10.2478/raft-2021-0013
© 2017. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 License.

The military is thus only one option           which makes such situations subject to
when enforcing the will of the state, i.e., a         change at undefined intervals, which,
society’s political system capable of                 in turn, makes the handling of complex
fulfilling political ends in a specific way,          situations challenging. For example, if a
namely by adding organized force                      gear wheel is turned, a number of other
(Kümmel, 2006). It is thus both the                   wheels turn in different directions and the
exclusive and ultimate means of a state or            result is difficult to predict.
society to ensure the state's ability to act                 Acting in and mastering complex
and, ultimately, its survival. Armed forces           situations therefore requires commanders
are the concrete manifestation of the military        who have diverse skills, such as the ability
(Bousquet, 2009). They are dynamic, not               to think creatively and critically. In order
static, entities, as their appearance and             to be able to apply these skills in a
character permanently change in parallel              situation-appropriate manner, however,
with the societies they serve. Armed forces           a well-founded store of knowledge, which
are established, paid, and deployed                   is built up and constantly expanded through
exclusively in the name of and for the                formal, non-formal, or informal learning,
purpose of the security of the state and its          is an essential prerequisite. These different
society or organization, and have a special           ways of acquiring knowledge allow the
relationship with them. In this context,              commander to acquire the necessary
the concept of security refers primarily, but         technical or factual knowledge.
not exclusively, to external security.                       Formal learning is a goal-oriented
       Complexity       characterizes      the        learning process and takes place in
environment in which the military has to              institutions of the education system set up
complete its missions. Although Stephen               specifically for this purpose. The content is
Hawking stated that the 21st century would            set out in curricular framework plans, with
be “the century of complexity”, this is not           formal qualifications and certifications the
only a 21st century phenomenon. On the                products of learning. In contrast to formal
contrary, from the perspective of those               learning, non-formal learning and its
living in any period of time, the world,              associated learning locations provide a
the immediate environment and its various             different form of learning opportunities.
manifestations have always been complex.              Although non-formal learning locations are
Thus, political and social changes,                   also characterized by a clear institutional
technological inventions or developments              structure and legal framework, they are
inevitably produce more complexity                    based on voluntary use within the
(Richter & Rost, 2002). In a system-                  framework of an open education situation
theoretical approach, this means that                 (Harring, Witte & Burger, 2018). The third
complexity       is    created     by      the        way of acquiring knowledge, informal
interconnectedness and the resulting                  learning, takes place, for example, in the
interdependencies of different parts,                 family, in peer groups and in the
contributing to the functioning of the                workplace throughout the course of one’s
overall system at different levels through            life and can be characterized as a
their individual properties.                          continuation of formal or non-formal
       Commanders therefore have to find              learning processes (Lauszus, 2009).
their way around complex systems and act                     The skills and abilities acquired or
in complex situations. Such situations are            appropriated through these learning
unclear or obscure due to the quantity,               processes ensure that commanders
diversity, and interconnectedness of the              understand and master their field of
elements. This is aggravated by a dynamic             expertise, or in other words their ‘box’.

Critical and creative thinking ‘outside of                   (2) Creative thinking requires a
the box’ is only possible on the basis of              creative process, which ideally includes the
such knowledge (Walker, 2015).                         phases of preparation, idea generation, idea
                                                       selection, and idea implementation (Jacob,
      3. Creative Thinking                             2016). The goal is to find unconventional
      Creative thinking is the ability to think        solutions for a specific problem through
in new and original ways, consciously                  divergent,     open,    unsystematic      and
leaving behind traditional or previously               experimental thinking.
used paths to arrive at genuine alternative                  In the preparation phase, problem
solutions (Kampylis & Berki, 2014). This               analysis and definition is carried out in
means meeting challenges in a different                order to determine the initial situation on
way, deviating from routine and abandoning             the one hand and to describe the problem
preconceived ideas. By experimenting with              to be solved on the other. Relevant
alternatives, new ideas can be generated,              information and available knowledge is
which then lead to novel products or                   collected and systematically arranged. In
processes (Sutton, 2002). In this sense,               the subsequent idea generation phase,
ingenuity and creativity, i.e. creative                different ideas are generated by combining
thinking as such, is indispensable and                 the collected information, forming a new
important skills in an increasingly complex            structure and generating new knowledge.
world and form the basis of every                      The application of various creativity
innovation or further development.                     techniques supports this phase. In the idea
      Already in the 1960s, Mel Rhodes,                selection phase, the ideas are further
and US-American creativity researcher,                 developed, specified and structured, and
formulated four basic elements which                   then selected by evaluation methods in
make up creativity or creative thinking.               order to pick the most promising from the
These are Personality, Process, Product                numerous ideas. Finally, the decision is
and Environment and are explained in                   made to implement the most promising
more detail below.                                     solution in reality (Jacob, 2016). If the
      (1) The personal prerequisites and               description of the phases is compared with
character traits are a basic condition in              the military decision making process,
order to promote or inhibit creative                   commonalities can be identified. It can
thinking. These personality traits include             therefore be deduced that the military
the personality itself, the ability to learn           decision making process includes or
and to think, the temperament, habits and              presupposes creative thinking.
behavior of the person (Rhodes, 1961).                       (3) The result of the creative creation
In this light, openness or sensitivity to new          process is a creative product. This is either
challenges and the mental flexibility                  an intellectual and immaterial idea or a
associated with them are key components                visible, tangible product or invention.
of creative thinking.                                        (4) The existence or creation of a
      However, the most important                      creative environment is essential for creative
prerequisite for creativity is the motivation          design. Through this, creativity blockers
of the individual person to initiate and               are counteracted and personal creativity
maintain creative processes. Without this,             promoted. It has been shown that creativity
creativity is theoretically possible, but will         is directly related to the workplace or the
not be translated into action (Jacob, 2016).           working environment. Firstly, an innovation-
Thus, throughout history, the drive and                friendly or inspiring environment and
unrestrained desire for ideas has produced             secondly, a targeted exchange of
unusual ideas and groundbreaking innovations.          knowledge can increase creative thinking.

4. Critical Thinking                          and to give new impulses in order to
       Through critical thinking, the ability        accomplish their missions through
to ask decisive questions or to question             creative, innovation-promoting thinking.
given answers consciously is acquired.                      For this manner of thinking and
This in turn leads to insights and new               acting to be implemented successfully,
findings.                                            more attention must be paid to critical and
       The promotion of critical thinking is         creative thinking in education and training.
one of the central tasks in higher                   Even if loyalty, obedience and faithfulness
education. The European Qualifications               remain essential virtues for a military
Framework for Lifelong Learning, for                 commander, this does not exclude
example, makes critical thinking an                  independent, coherent and rigorous
important target category by stating that            thinking. On the contrary: creative and
“it is considered important to promote               critical thinking is essential for an
critical thinking and thinking outside the           organization’s successful existence and
box in order to acquire new skills that will         continuous development. Moreover, this is
be required in the future” (European                 precisely what military leaders need to be
Parliament, 2017). Pursuant to the                   trained in.
European Qualifications Framework, the                      This fact was taken into account in
Federal Act on the National Qualifications           the 2012 accreditation application for
Framework came into force on 15 March                the University of Applied Sciences
2016. This law assigned level 7, i.e. the            Master’s Program in Military Leadership.
completion of a Master’s degree program,             One interdisciplinary qualification states:
“critical awareness of knowledge issues in           “Graduates are able to think critically and
a field and at the interface between                 analytically” and another “Graduates
different fields” as a goal.                         contribute      to    the   realization     of
       This means that graduates of level            organizational goals through creativity
7 studies can take on knowledge and                  and innovation” (Austrian Ministry of
insights from various disciplines in order           Defence, 2012). Thus, the ability to think
to reflect upon them critically and apply            creatively or critically is formally
them to their own work. Thus, critical               implemented in the education and training
thinking must be included in the curricula           of military commanders.
and students must be trained and educated                   In terms of creative thinking,
in this by appropriate measures.                     students of the University of Applied
                                                     Sciences Master's Program in Military
       5. Implementation in Command                  Command were asked to draw a house.
Training and Education                               90% sketched the standard house they
       On operations, be they military               were used to. Although there are countless
national defense operations, assistance              other types of houses (e.g. high-rise
operations, or international operations,             building, tree house, boathouse, etc.), this
military commanders face complexity.                 experiment shows that people leave
Given the existence of different interest            familiar terrain or ingrained patterns only
groups, changing alliances, diverse                  to a very limited extent in order to engage
population structures, or diverging national         in something new.
interests, situations and the resulting                     It is therefore essential that creative
necessary actions become complex. It is              thinking is specifically promoted in the
therefore up to the military commanders to           training of military commanders so that
critically reflect on their actions with             they can consciously leave previous
regard to the achievement of objectives              patterns of thought and solutions and

develop new ones. Therefore, methods and            produce commanders capable of critical
techniques should be used which aim to              thought.
develop the creative thinking and behavior
of the students.                                           6. Conclusions
       Teachers should provide impulses                    Acting in complex situations requires
for reflection and create a space for               new solutions and thus the abandonment of
reflection and subsequent discussion.               old thinking patterns. It is therefore
This, however, requires students to be able         necessary to train military commanders in
to listen, to be inspired and to communicate        creative and critical thinking, to promote
in a structured manner (Morris, 2006).              this in the execution of their profession,
In this way, students are encouraged to             and to actively demand it from their
rethink situations and to see approaches            superiors.
from new perspectives, which were not                      As complexity has affected all areas
obvious at first.                                   of life and work, problems and challenges
       Critical-analytical thinking is an           identified in the military must also be
integral part of good university teaching           viewed from different perspectives. This
and is to be trained through the targeted           allows new ideas to be combined to create
stimulation of students. Students can be            innovative solutions. Critical thinking is
introduced to this manner of thinking               the first way to identify problems, as the
through the focused use of different media.         previous course of action is consciously
Short film sequences, for example, can              reflected and questioned. In this sense, it is
produce doubt and reflection (Jahn, 2013).          therefore a prerequisite for creativity.
This can sharpen the view of a certain                     Military commanders in the age of
event or situation. It is essential that            complexity should and must therefore
structured discussions take place after a           critically examine their actions with
period of reflection. In this way, what is          regard to the achievement of objectives.
seen or experienced is shared with other            The subsequent creative process leads to
students, new perspectives are opened up,           innovation and thus to a further
and a student’s individual perception is            development of their own field of expertise
examined. Such a sequence should be                 in particular and the Armed Forces in
integrated into course planning in order to         general.


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