Page created by Russell Alvarado
Imperial Brands is a dynamic                   Read on to

                                                                             AN EXCITING FUTURE                03

fast moving consumer goods                     find out how                  OUR NGP TIMELINE                  05
company borne out of a strong                  we’re creating
tobacco heritage.                              something                     THE PUBLIC HEALTH OPPORTUNITY     06

                                               better for the
We have continually evolved                                                  THE RISK SPECTRUM                 07
                                               world’s smokers.
to embrace changing market
dynamics and develop new                                                     PRODUCTS EXPLAINED: VAPOUR        09

consumer experiences.                                                        VAPOUR PRODUCTS TODAY             10

We are currently witnessing the biggest
consumer shift in our history, with millions                                 VAPOUR RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT   11
of smokers around the world choosing to
switch to less harmful Next Generation                                       THE EVOLVING VAPOUR DEBATE        13
Products (NGP).
                                                                             GETTING REGULATION RIGHT          14
As a result, we are increasingly focusing
our attention on developing and expanding                                    PRODUCTS EXPLAINED:
our NGP portfolio. We want to reduce the                                     SNUS AND HEATED TOBACCO           15
health impact of tobacco by encouraging
smokers to switch to products with lower                                     CREATING SOMETHING BETTER
health risks.                                                                FOR THE WORLD’S SMOKERS           16
We have a thriving                             Along the way we have built our
                                               knowledge and expertise, and developed
and expanding Next                             an enduring relationship with the original
Generation Products                            inventor of the e-cigarette, Hon Lik.

(NGP) business that’s                          Our NGP subsidiary business Fontem
                                               Ventures acquired Mr Hon’s global patent
committed to creating                          portfolio for vapour technologies in 2013
                                               and welcomed him to the business as the
something better for                           head of our Research and Development
the world’s smokers.                           team in China – a position he still holds
                                               to this day.                                         vapour
That means offering smokers less harmful       The acquisition of the pioneering             is the largest
alternatives to cigarettes – a new range of    blu vapour brand two years later was
products that have the potential to reduce                                                  NGP category
                                               another important milestone. blu has
smoking-related disease.                       since become the focal point of our          and offers the
Our focus on researching, developing and       NGP portfolio and is available in an                greatest
commercialising products that reduce harm      ever-expanding range of formats to             potential for
has created a strong track record in science   maximise its appeal to adult smokers
and NGP.                                       and vapers.                                       long-term
                                               Last year we further strengthened our
In the 1950s Imperial opened its first
scientific laboratory and played a leading     NGP credentials by acquiring the Nerudia             growth.
role in developing new equipment and           business, substantially enhancing our
techniques for analysing tobacco and smoke.    innovation capabilities, as well as our
This paved the way for decades of research     manufacturing and science expertise.
into tobacco and non-tobacco products.

CREATING SOMETHING BETTER FOR THE WORLD’S SMOKERS                                                      03

    We have never been better placed
to be able to transition consumers
from cigarettes to something better.

Nerudia is focused on creating a              right way and that consumers understand      I hope you enjoy learning more
compelling pipeline of innovative             the benefits they can offer. We need a       about our approach to NGP.
products and its entrepreneurial spirit       legislative framework that allows this       We’ve made great progress so far
is proving to be a winning addition           category to flourish and gives consumers     and have big plans for the future.
to our own vibrant culture.                   the confidence to trial and ultimately       I’m confident that over the next
                                              switch to these less harmful products.       few years we will have established
In assembling the right components for
                                                                                           NGP as a significant part of the
success, we have deliberately favoured        The UK is particularly encouraging from
                                                                                           Imperial Brands business.
the vapour (EVP) opportunity as it’s by       a regulatory perspective; for example,
far the largest NGP category.                 Public Health England recently said:
With the technology and scientific            “Vaping poses only a small fraction
insights available to us today, we have       of the risks of smoking and switching
never been better placed to be able to        completely from smoking to vaping
transition smokers from cigarettes            conveys substantial health benefits over
to something better.                          continued smoking. Based on current
                                              knowledge, stating that vaping is at least
By the close of 2018 we will have
                                              95 per cent less harmful than smoking
invested more than £700 million in NGP
                                              remains a good way to communicate
and we will continue to increase that
                                              the large difference in relative risk
level of investment to drive innovation,
                                              unambiguously, so that more
improve the smoker conversion rate and
                                              smokers are encouraged to
encourage smokers to switch to less
                                              make the switch from
harmful alternatives.
                                              smoking to vaping.”
Governments, regulators and public
health bodies have a key role to play here.                                                Alison Cooper
It’s essential that NGP are regulated the
                                                                                           Chief Executive
                                                                                           Imperial Brands
CREATING SOMETHING BETTER FOR THE WORLD’S SMOKERS                                                                              04
We understand society’s
concerns about the health                      1950s   Established our first R&D laboratory, paving the way
                                                       for decades of research into understanding our products.

risks of smoking and                                   Partnered with the UK Government’s Independent Scientific Committee on
recognise that we have                                 Smoking and Health to develop a tobacco substitute called New Smoking Material.

an important role to play
in reducing the harm                           2005    Acquired 43.5 per cent of the shares
                                                       in the Swedish snus business Skruf.
caused by cigarettes.
Since establishing our first research
and development (R&D) laboratory
                                               2008    Took full ownership of Skruf after
                                                       acquiring the remaining shares.

in the early 1950s, we have invested
                                                       Set up Fontem Ventures to focus
substantial sums in tobacco research
                                                       solely on Next Generation Products.
and will continue to do so in the future.

We uphold high standards, rigorously
                                                       Acquisition of Hon Lik’s global patent portfolio for
testing and analysing our products
                                                       vapour technologies from Dragonite International Limited.
to ensure we continually build our
knowledge and are able to meet our
standards of care for consumers.
In recent years we have increasingly
                                               2014    In the UK Fontem Ventures launches its first
                                                       e-cigarette brand Puritane.
focused our innovation and R&D
work on Next Generation Products,
while further enhancing our capabilities
with value creating acquisitions.
                                               2015    Acquired blu, one of the most popular and
                                                       best-selling vapour brands in the world.

                                               2017    Acquired the UK-based vapour innovation
                                                       business Nerudia.

                                               2017    Began trialling our own heated tobacco
                                                       products in Asia and Europe.

                                               2018    International roll-out of my blu begins, taking the latest and most
                                                       advanced version of the brand into significantly more markets.

                                               2018    Fontem Ventures acquires equity stake in Cosmic Fog
                                                       Vapors, a leading innovator in high quality vapour liquids.

CREATING SOMETHING BETTER FOR THE WORLD’S SMOKERS                                                                                       05
THE PUBLIC                                                                                                                                 “With careful management
                                                                                                                                         and proportionate regulation,
                                                                                                                                          harm reduction provides an

HEALTH                                                                                                                                     opportunity to improve the
                                                                                                                                            lives of millions of people.”

                                                                                                                                             UK Royal College of Physicians, 2017

Cigarettes are a                            WHAT IS HARM REDUCTION?                                                              “The wide availability of e-cigarettes
known cause of serious                      When we talk about harm reduction, we mean
                                                                                                                                  as an alternative to tobacco is likely,
disease in smokers and                      encouraging smokers to switch to alternative products                               overall, to be playing a positive role in
many countries have                         with lower health risks.                                                              supporting tobacco harm reduction.”
                                            Tobacco harm reduction is based on a well-established
stated aims for future                      public health concept that recognises that adults choose                                            British Medical Association, 2017
generations to be smoke-                    to participate in risky behaviours and focusses on
                                            modifying rather than eliminating these behaviours.
free. Yet over a billion
                                            There are many examples of this approach in public
adults around the world                     policy, including the regulation of driving. Here the risk
still choose to smoke and                   to the individual and society is shaped and reduced not by                    “If the great majority of tobacco smokers
                                            eliminating cars, but through driver education and vehicle                           who are unwilling or unable to quit
will continue to do so                      safety standards.
                                                                                                                                would switch without delay to using
well into the future.                       Achieving harm reduction in tobacco relies on our ability to
                                                                                                                              an alternative source of nicotine with
                                            provide consumers with products that pose less risk to their
NGP – particularly vapour                   health. Until recently, these have been few and far between                           lower health risks, and eventually
products, which do not contain
tobacco – are seen as representing
                                            and consisted largely of licensed nicotine replacement products,                    stop using it, this would represent a
                                            such as gums and patches, and snus, an oral tobacco product
a less harmful alternative to cigarettes,   that contains lower toxicants than cigarettes but which is not                          significant contemporary public
thereby creating a huge global public       widely available.                                                                                    health achievement.”
health opportunity.
                                            Now, a whole new generation of products is available. They haven’t been
Leading authorities like the US Food        around long enough to generate epidemiological data, which looks at health                           World Health Organisation, 2016
and Drug Administration (FDA) are           impacts over decades, and we agree that more research is needed into the
increasingly applying harm reduction        long-term effects of their use. In the case of tobacco-free vapour products,
thinking and strategies to their public     there’s growing consensus that the risks they pose are likely to be substantially
health objectives. In the UK, several       lower than the risks posed by smoking cigarettes.
highly regarded public health bodies
have voiced their support for vapour        It’s important to view harm reduction through a spectrum of risk and this is set out
products and the positive role they         on the following two pages.
can play in harm reduction.

CREATING SOMETHING BETTER FOR THE WORLD’S SMOKERS                                                                                                                            06
THE RISK                                                                                                                                            Tobacco products that do not
                                                                                                                                                involve combustion are known to
                                                                                                                                               produce far fewer and much lower
SPECTRUM                                                                                                                                          levels of toxicants compared to
                                                                                                                                                          conventional cigarettes.

Smoking combustible tobacco products like
cigarettes is a known cause of serious disease
in smokers, including lung cancer, heart
disease and emphysema.                                                                                                      IBL   E TOBACCO
                                                                                                                 O   MB
Public health experts worldwide have concluded that it is the                                            NO
toxicants in cigarette smoke, not the nicotine, which is the
cause of smoking-related diseases. For this reason many
public health bodies have indicated NGP have a role to
play in tobacco reduction.


                                                                                                          HE PR

Tobacco products that do not involve combustion are

                                                                                                            AT OD

known to produce far fewer and much lower levels

                                                                                                              ED U

                                                                                                                                                              CT R

of toxicants compared to conventional cigarettes.

                                                                                                                TO CTS

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                                                                                                                                                          O O

                                                                                                                                                        PR VAP
                                                                                                                  BA *
This means they have the potential to be less

harmful to health.                                                             AC


Harm reduction can only be achieved if

the alternative product is less harmful

than the one it is replacing and is appealing to

consumers. Assessing alternative products                                                                                                                                 OTI     T
                                                                                      CIGA                                                                            NIC EMEN
in this context requires them to be placed on                                                                                                                              C

                                                                                             RET                                                                        L A      S
a spectrum of risk relative to conventional                                                        TES                                                               REP ODUCT
combustible tobacco products, such as
The risk spectrum indicates the level
of toxicants that different products
emit, based on current evidence, and
highlights the range of non-combustible                                                                                    LEVEL OF TOXICANTS
alternatives to cigarettes that are
available to consumers.

*Including hybrid devices that combine non-combustible and
  e-cigarette technologies.

CREATING SOMETHING BETTER FOR THE WORLD’S SMOKERS                                                                                                                                           07
THE RISK SPECTRUM                                                                                                                     Our own research
                                                                                                                                        has shown that
                                                                                                                                       vapour products
                                                                                                                                    emit toxicants that
                                                                                                                                    are up to 99% lower
                                                                                                                                     than conventional
                                                                                                                                                               Joe Thompson
                                                                                                                                                  Director of Product Science

                                                                           LEVEL OF TOXICANTS

 HEATED TOBACCO                               SNUS                                     VAPOUR                                      NICOTINE REPLACEMENT
 Heated tobacco* products are devices         Snus is an oral tobacco product          Vapour products, also known as              Licensed medicinal products,
 that heat tobacco to release flavour and     manufactured using a pasteurisation      e-cigarettes, do not contain tobacco and    such as nicotine replacement products,
 nicotine aerosol but not at a high enough    process, which has a long history        deliver nicotine and flavour in the form    are authorised as medicines by relevant
 temperature to burn it.                      of use in Scandinavian countries,        of vapour. There are also vapour products   national regulators and scientific evidence
                                              particularly Sweden.                     that do not contain nicotine. There is      over many years has demonstrated that
 This results in significantly lower levels
                                                                                       growing public health consensus that        these products are significantly less
 of toxicants, although independent           Scientific data, including long-term
                                                                                       these products offer a significantly less   harmful to health than cigarettes.
 research is currently limited and few        population studies conducted by
                                                                                       harmful alternative to smoking.
 products are in the market.                  independent researchers, demonstrates                                                However, they have limited appeal to
                                              that the health risks associated with    Our own research has shown that             smokers because they lack the sensorial
 Heated tobacco is a smaller NGP category,
                                              snus are considerably lower than those   vapour products emit toxicants that         and behavioural aspects of the smoking
 growing most notably in Japan.
                                              associated with cigarette smoking.       are up to 99 per cent lower than            experience and therefore have a poor
 We currently do not sell heated tobacco                                               conventional cigarettes. In addition,       success rate at replacing smoking.
                                              We have a strong and growing
 products but have developed our own                                                   there is emerging evidence that these
                                              snus business, with brands like Skruf                                                Harm reduction without consumer appeal
 devices and these are being tested with                                               products encourage reduced cigarette
                                              and Knox, and see considerable                                                       provides little in the way of public health
 consumers in Asia and Europe.                                                         consumption and cessation, even among
                                              opportunities for future growth in                                                   benefits and as a result, we do not make
                                                                                       those smokers who do not intend to quit
 Hybrid devices that combine                  new and existing markets.                                                            or sell these products.
                                                                                       or reject other support.
 non-combustible and e-cigarette
 technologies sit within heated tobacco                                                Vapour is by far the largest NGP
 on the risk spectrum. We do not                                                       category. Our pioneering blu brand offers
 currently sell these products.                                                        consumers exceptional nicotine and
                                                                                       nicotine-free vaping experiences. blu is
                                                                                       one of the best-selling vapour brands in
                                                                                       the world and is available in a growing
                                                                                       number of international markets.
CREATING SOMETHING BETTER FOR THE WORLD’S SMOKERS                                                                                                                           08

These products do not contain tobacco and                                             Fontem
deliver nicotine and flavour in the form of                                        Ventures was
an aerosol, popularly referred to as ‘vapour’.                                     the ideal partner.
THE ORIGIN OF VAPOUR PRODUCTS                                                      Their business
The idea behind the e-cigarette was first conceived by Mr Hon Lik in 2001.         philosophy,
A long-time smoker, Mr Hon had been using nicotine patches as a means              dedication to
of cutting down on his cigarette consumption. However, the patches did not
provide a satisfying nicotine delivery comparable to smoking and left him          innovation and
with a hankering for ‘real’ cigarettes.
                                                                                   high standards,
This prompted him to contemplate alternative ways of taking in nicotine
through the lungs. Having had a fascination for electronics throughout his         combined with a
youth and with a pharmaceutical background, where he specialised in the
removal of harmful substances from ingredients, Mr Hon began experimenting         start-up culture,
with a cylinder that contained a wire which heated a liquid containing nicotine.
                                                                                   was exactly what
Rather than burning tobacco, this very first e-cigarette vaporised the liquid,
which was then inhaled.                                                            I was looking for.
In 2003, after experimenting with several prototypes and test phases,
Mr Hon filed his first patent on his invention.
A decade later, Fontem Ventures acquired Dragonite and its
global patent portfolio for vapour technologies, securing the
services of Mr Hon in the process. Since then our partnership
has gone from strength to strength and Mr Hon continues to
lead our research and development activities in China.
                                                                                   Hon Lik
                                                                                   Head of Fontem
                                                                                   Ventures China
                                                                                   Vapour R&D

CREATING SOMETHING BETTER FOR THE WORLD’S SMOKERS                                                      09
Vapour is the largest and most developed opportunity
within the NGP space, accounting for around 80 per cent
of all NGP available today and are enjoyed by 30 million
consumers worldwide.
The category has experienced phenomenal     my blu is a pod format and combines a
growth in recent years and is now           high-performance vaporiser with a simple
estimated to be worth around $7 billion     liquid pod system. The device takes just
a year in sales. This is expected to rise   20 minutes to charge and lasts all day.
to as much as $30 billion a year by 2020,
                                            blu ACE is our latest open system
as more and more smokers switch.
                                            product and the most powerful device
Vapour also provides consumers with         in our portfolio. It comes in an all-in-one
the greatest choice of devices, with a      stainless steel housing, with a built-in
wide range of flavours and nicotine         liquid tank, and delivers more puffs
strengths available. This optionality       per charge than competitor products.
is integral to smokers switching to
                                            Flavours are a key aspect of the
vapour, giving them the ability to change
                                            vaping experience and play an
their flavour experience and control
                                            important role in attracting and
nicotine levels.
                                            retaining smokers. Both my blu
Our vapour brand is blu, one of the         and blu ACE provide consumers                         myblu and
best-selling in the world and available     with a broad portfolio of                        blu ACE are our
in an increasing number of markets.         flavours in multiple
                                            nicotine strengths.                              newest devices
myblu and blu ACE are our newest
devices and reflect our ongoing                                                                   and reflect
commitment to giving consumers the                                                              our ongoing
best vaping experience.
                                                                                            commitment to
                                                                                          giving consumers
                                                                                                 the highest
                                                                                              quality vaping

CREATING SOMETHING BETTER FOR THE WORLD’S SMOKERS                                                         10
In recent years we have increased investment in our
global vapour research programme, regularly publishing
studies in leading international peer-reviewed journals.
Imperial Brands and Fontem Ventures          We conduct extensive testing on each
frequently collaborate with independent      product to scientifically demonstrate
institutions, regulatory bodies and          that it substantially reduces the risk
technology leaders to conduct research       of harm compared to smoking.
that is highly relevant to our consumers,
                                             As part of our product assessment,
health experts and international
                                             we analyse raw ingredients and
                                             materials to ensure they adhere
Our studies are guided and shaped by         to comprehensive principles of
the ongoing public policy debate around      design and quality, as well as
vapour products and we regularly seek        developing strict manufacturing
advice from science experts, academics       standards. To ensure our e-liquids
and the public health community to           are of the highest industry
ensure we produce relevant studies.          standard, we also employ a large
This involves addressing research gaps,      team of experienced toxicologists
inviting third party professionals to        and other specialists to conduct
critique our science through the process     detailed risk assessments on all
of peer reviews and regularly presenting     of our product ingredients and
our research at international conferences.   components. We also make regular
                                             submissions to governments on the
                                                                                           Our studies
We have also built partnerships and
testing models with a number of leading
                                             ingredients used in our products.              are guided
independent laboratories to support
our product assessment. We share the                                                       and shaped
results of our research with national and
international standards bodies to help                                                 by the ongoing
develop robust testing and manufacturing
standards. We see this as critical to                                                    public policy
support consumer and regulatory
expectations and to maximise the harm                                                   debate around
reduction potential of vapour products.
                                                                                      vapour products.
CREATING SOMETHING BETTER FOR THE WORLD’S SMOKERS                                                   11

We have developed a tiered approach to product
assessment, which can be employed to evaluate whether
or not our products are both significantly less harmful
than smoking cigarettes and are an effective alternative
for smokers.
We apply innovative systems and the           Fontem Ventures also conducted one of
latest technologies to assess and analyse     the first long-term vapour clinical studies,
vaping products. We follow a three step       assessing the use of the Puritane brand
process that incorporates non-clinical        over two years.
studies, clinical studies, and population
impact assessment.
                                              The findings of this study showed there
                                              were no safety concerns in smokers using       In a nutshell, best
                                                                                               estimates show
Research conducted by Fontem Ventures         Puritane for two years and no increase
showed that blu e-cigarette vapour is over    in body weight, something which is
95 per cent less toxic than smoke from a      frequently reported by smokers who
cigarette, contains over 99 per cent fewer    choose to quit smoking. Moreover, the            e-cigarettes are

toxicants and carcinogens and does not        use of the vaping product was associated
negatively impact indoor air quality.         with a reduction in conventional cigarette
                                              consumption and a reduced exposure to
Encouragingly, our clinical data has
                                              cigarette smoke chemicals.
shown in biomarkers we have studied
that the reductions in levels of HPHCs        We are very encouraged by the findings
following exclusive use of blu e-cigarettes   from our scientific research programme
were almost indistinguishable from
reductions in smokers who stopped
                                              so far and believe it underscores the
                                              enormous potential of the category.                 less harmful
                                                                                                 to your health
smoking altogether during the same time.
                                              We are open and transparent about our
Other recently published clinical research    research and have dedicated websites
has also shown that smokers who have
switched to vaping have significantly
                                              where our work can be seen:
                                                                                                   than normal
lower exposure to carcinogens and
toxicants found in cigarette smoke, with
reductions largely indistinguishable from
complete smoking cessation or the use of
licensed nicotine replacement products.                                                             Public Health England

CREATING SOMETHING BETTER FOR THE WORLD’S SMOKERS                                                                     12
THE EVOLVING                                                                                                               E-cigarettes are not a
                                                                                                                   gateway to smoking – in the

VAPOUR DEBATE                                                                                                          UK, use of e-cigarettes is
                                                                                                                      limited almost entirely to
                                                                                                                   those who are already using,
Some regulators and public health officials have
                                                                                                                       or have used, tobacco.
expressed concerns that EVPs could act as a ‘gateway’
to tobacco use among non-smokers, or that vaping                                                                                        Royal College of
                                                                                                                                        Physicians, 2016
could ‘renormalise’ smoking.
These fears are unfounded, primarily            UK Government advice to employers
because the statistics to date do not           encourages workplaces to adopt
support the view that significant numbers       pro-vaping policies that make it as
of non-smokers are regularly vaping.            easy and convenient as possible for
In fact the opposite is true with data          smokers to switch on the basis that
showing that vapour products are actually       there is “currently no evidence of harm
acting as a gateway from or ‘roadblock’         from second hand e-cigarette vapour.”
to smoking, accelerating declines in
                                                This view is shared by the UK National
smoking rates.
                                                Health Service, Chartered Institute for
Our own research does not show vaping           Environmental Health, Cancer Research
is a gateway, neither does research by          UK and many others.
numerous public health bodies. The UK
                                                The scientific evidence to date indicates that
Royal College of Physicians described such
                                                the potential health risks associated with
claims as ‘unfounded’ and Public Health
                                                vaping are highly likely to be much lower than
England said: ‘there is no evidence so far
                                                continued cigarette smoking.
that e-cigarettes are acting as a route to
smoking for children or non-smokers.’           However, evidence from the USA and UK suggests
                                                consumer understanding of the risks of vaping
Other questions have been asked about the
                                                relative to smoking is not well understood. For example,
potential effects of vaping on bystanders.
                                                research by the anti-smoking group ASH suggests that
Fontem Ventures’ published scientific           many more adults consider vapour products to be as
research shows that indoor vaping does          harmful as cigarettes.
not release chemicals or toxins into the
                                                This should be concerning for all stakeholders and needs
air at levels that would pose any air quality
                                                urgently addressing. Governments and public health bodies
issue to bystanders. This is consistent with
                                                around the world have a clear responsibility to provide accurate
other studies of this type which provide
                                                and consistent messaging to ensure that smokers can make
evidence for sensible regulation.
                                                well informed decisions.

CREATING SOMETHING BETTER FOR THE WORLD’S SMOKERS                                                                                                    13
GETTING                                                                                                                                                  As vapour
                                                                                                                                                       products do

                                                                                                                                                        not contain
                                                                                                                                                      tobacco, they

                                                                                                                                                          should be
                                                                                                                                                     excluded from
                                                                                                                                                        all existing
We support proportionate evidence-based regulation                                                                                                       and future
that encourages smokers to use alternative products                                                                                                         tobacco
that have the potential for reduced harm. We believe                                                                                                    legislation,
there should be a clear distinction between tobacco
and non-tobacco products.
As vapour products do not contain              highest product quality standards and                                                                         excise.
tobacco, they should be excluded from          are not marketed or presented in a way
all existing and future tobacco legislation,   that directly appeals to children or
including excise.                              non-smokers.
Vaping should be permitted in public           Advertising should be permitted via TV,
places but vapers should be courteous          radio, internet, print and outdoor media.
to those around them. It is unjustified to     Sampling activities for adult smokers
apply smoke-free environment legislation       and vapers users should also be allowed
to vaping products, since they are not         in line with regulation for other adult
tobacco products, do not contain tobacco,      consumer goods, such as alcohol.
do not generate side-stream emissions
                                               Vaping products are for adult smokers,
and pose no known risk to bystanders
                                               and current vapers. We fully support          Tobacco-based products,
based on current science.
                                               and advocate for legislation prohibiting      such as the emerging category of
We believe it should be up to individual       sales of vaping products to children and      heated tobacco products, should be
establishments and business owners             voluntarily implement a number of youth       treated in the same way as tobacco.
to decide whether or not to permit vaping      protection initiatives, including online
                                                                                             In the absence of independent data and
inside their premises.                         age-verification mechanisms and clear
                                                                                             public health endorsement, all tobacco
                                               product labelling that states “not for sale
A growing body of research shows                                                             products, new and existing should be        Until clear scientific evidence is available
                                               to minors”.
flavours play a critical role in attracting                                                  taxed like tobacco. Strict enforcement      for all NGP categories, we urge regulators
and retaining smokers into vaping.             Vaping products should not be subject         of existing tobacco regulatory frameworks   to take a responsible approach and to
Flavoured e-liquids should therefore           to excise tax or incorporated into            is necessary, with no labelling or          draw clear distinctions between tobacco
be permitted provided they meet the            existing tobacco excise frameworks.           marketing exemptions.                       and non-tobacco products.

CREATING SOMETHING BETTER FOR THE WORLD’S SMOKERS                                                                                                                                 14

      HEATED                                                                                SNUS
      TOBACCO                                                                         Snus is an oral tobacco product,
                                                                                      which is manufactured using a
                                                                                      pasteurisation process under strict
Heated tobacco is a smaller NGP category, showing                                     quality and regulatory controls.
notable signs of growth in Asia. Heated tobacco                                       Snus is sold in different formats,
products, also referred to as heat-not-burn, heat a                                   such as loose or pouched products,
portion or rod of tobacco, releasing nicotine and other                               and is available in a wide variety of                         There
tobacco emissions at substantially lower levels than                                  tobacco and non-tobacco flavours.                         is a large
combustible cigarettes.
                                                                                      Snus has a long history of use in Scandinavian              body of
                                                                                                                                           evidence that
In late 2017 we began trialling our own heated tobacco products in Asia and Europe.   countries, most notably Sweden. Scientific data,
                                                                                      including long-term population studies conducted
Regulatory and public health bodies continue to assess the risk profile of heated
                                                                                                                                             shows snus
                                                                                      by independent bodies, demonstrates that the
tobacco, with the UK Committee on Toxicity (COT) recently stating that although
                                                                                      health risks associated with snus are considerably
it was unable to assess the absolute risk ‘the exposure to compounds of concern
                                                                                      lower than those from cigarette smoking.
in using heat-not-burn tobacco products is reduced compared to that from
conventional cigarette smoke’.                                                        Swedish males have the lowest rate of
                                                                                                                                            use provides
Similarly, the US FDA advisory body, TPSAC (Tobacco Products Scientific Advisory
                                                                                      tobacco-related mortality in the EU and the lowest
                                                                                      rate of lung cancer, as well as the lowest male
                                                                                                                                                  a viable
Committee) has concluded that certain heated tobacco products reduce the exposure
of the individual to harmful components but that additional studies are required to
                                                                                      death rate from smoking-related cardiovascular
                                                                                      diseases and the lowest male death rate from
evaluate the final nature and extent of potential harm reduction.
Whilst heated tobacco products have the potential to reduce the exposure to
                                                                                      other cancers that are attributed to tobacco.
                                                                                      Independent evidence has concluded that
harmful or potentially harmful chemicals, it is unclear at this stage the extent
to which these products presents less risk of harm or can reduce the risks of
                                                                                      the oral use of snus does not seem to be linked       to cigarettes.
                                                                                      to the risk for cancer of the oral cavity or lung,
tobacco-related diseases.
                                                                                      despite Sweden having the same EU average
We believe that further comprehensive, peer-reviewed independent scientific           for tobacco consumption.
research should be conducted to review the reduced risk potential of heated
                                                                                      There is a large body of evidence that shows
tobacco products.
                                                                                      snus use provides a viable consumer alternative
In our view, unlike vapour products, heated tobacco products contain tobacco          to cigarettes and we have a strong presence in
and should therefore be regulated and taxed as tobacco products.                      this category through our snus business Skruf.

CREATING SOMETHING BETTER FOR THE WORLD’S SMOKERS                                                                                                      15
At the beginning of this report Chief        That’s an ambitious but achievable           This is a brand that provides more
Executive Alison Cooper outlined our         target and exponential growth of this        than just functional delivery; it offers
commitment to creating something             nature requires three things:                ‘something better’ – a better vaping
better for the world’s smokers – providing
smokers with a portfolio of products that
                                             •	Excellence in innovation: developing
                                                                                          experience than competitor brands
                                                                                          and a better risk profile than cigarettes
                                                                                                                                            Each time we
                                                                                                                                              transition a
                                                products that deliver the best consumer
are less harmful than cigarettes.                                                         and other tobacco-based NGP.
                                                experience, and
In assembling the right components to                                                     As you will have read earlier in the report,
deliver this, we’ve focused on vapour,
                                             •	Strong brand equity: creating a brand
                                                that truly engages the consumer.
                                                                                          our own research shows that blu’s vapour            smoker to a
the biggest NGP category and the one                                                      is over 95 per cent less toxic than smoke
that has the greatest potential.             •	Omni-channel capabilities: vapour         from a cigarette, contains up to 99 per cent   tobacco-free blu
                                                products are sold in a broader range      fewer toxicants and carcinogens and does
There are currently 30 million vapers
worldwide versus seven million users
                                                of channels than tobacco, such as         not negatively impact indoor air quality.       offering we are
                                                online and specialist vape stores.
of heated tobacco products. We currently
have half a million of those vaping          We believe we have that winning
                                                                                          Each time we transition a smoker to a
                                                                                          tobacco-free blu offering we are moving        moving them to
consumers and we aim to increase
that number to eight million by 2020.
                                             combination with the blu franchise.          them to a product that is considerably
                                                                                          less harmful.                                  a product that is
                                             blu is a pioneering vapour brand.
                                             It’s consistently rated as one of the        Historically blu’s been available in four
                                                                                          core markets – the USA, UK, Italy and
                                             very best available and generates a real
                                             emotional connection with consumers.         France – where it’s been steadily building
                                                                                          a loyal following of consumers. We’re now
                                                                                                                                             less harmful.
                                                                                          substantially adding to those numbers as
                                                                                          we expand the brand’s international profile.

CREATING SOMETHING BETTER FOR THE WORLD’S SMOKERS                                                                                                      16

The rollout to 2020 will continue at
pace and along the way we’ll be                         blu is a pioneering
continually improving the consumer
experience with the game-changing                        vapour brand. It’s
innovations being developed by our
dynamic innovation arm, Nerudia.                 consistently rated as one
We’re also using innovation to simplify
our products. This reduces cost, enabling
                                                 of the very best available
us to scale and commercialise our
operations more rapidly.                              and generates a real
Our growth plans are bold and exciting.              emotional connection
Tobacco will be our core business for
many years to come, generating the                     with consumers.
funds to invest in NGP. But over time
that balance will shift and you will see
NGP making a material and sustainable
contribution to our financial delivery,
as we accelerate the transition of
smokers to something better.


More Markets, More Consumers                             MARKETS


                                 2018          > 20
                                  > 10
              >5                MARKETS
                                                                          Matthew Phillips
            0.5m                 1.5m           4m        8m              Chief Development Officer
                                                                          Imperial Brands

CREATING SOMETHING BETTER FOR THE WORLD’S SMOKERS                                                    17
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