CPI Airport Commercial Development and Management Course - Monday October 3 - Thursday October 6, 2022 Lane End Conference Centre, Buckinghamshire, UK

Page created by Cheryl Richardson
CPI Airport Commercial Development and Management Course - Monday October 3 - Thursday October 6, 2022 Lane End Conference Centre, Buckinghamshire, UK
CPI Airport Commercial
Development and
Management Course
Monday October 3 - Thursday October 6, 2022
Lane End Conference Centre, Buckinghamshire, UK

CPI Airport Commercial Development and Management Course   1
CPI Airport Commercial Development and Management Course - Monday October 3 - Thursday October 6, 2022 Lane End Conference Centre, Buckinghamshire, UK

CPI is the leading global airport commercial
planning consultancy, based in Sydney,
Australia. We work on airport development
projects around the world.
Established in 1997, CPI’s clients are airports and other operators
of transport infrastructure and investors in the sector. We’ve been
engaged on hundreds of airport projects globally, visiting and
working on dozens of airports every year.
We optimise airport non-aeronautical businesses by improving
performance through commercial strategy, planning and
We have been at the forefront of commercial innovation for
many years, driving positive industry change. We combine the
science of planning with the art of execution to deliver memorable,
valuable spaces.

CPI Airport Commercial Development and Management Course                                                                                            2
CPI Airport Commercial Development and Management Course - Monday October 3 - Thursday October 6, 2022 Lane End Conference Centre, Buckinghamshire, UK
CPI’s core areas of
expertise are:

Commercial master                         Space & mix                               Commercial strategy &                     Tender management &
planning                                  planning                                  business development                      ‘go to market’
Whether it’s a new build airport,         Whether it’s part of a larger             We work with airports to identify and     CPI works with clients on all aspects
a terminal expansion or a                 development project, or a discrete        deliver strategies to develop and award   of a typical tender process; from
redevelopment, we apply our bespoke       piece of work, we review and advise       their commercial business. We develop     determining and valuing the initial
approach to developing a commercial       on the optimal amount and layout of       realistic, achievable strategies which    opportunity to creating a tender
plan which will deliver the airport’s     commercial space for each precinct of     deliver measurable financial returns.     programme and schedule, writing and
strategic goals.                          an airport.                                                                         creating the tender documentation,
                                                                                    A typical project might incorporate
We consider current and potential         It’s often difficult for an airport to    an assessment of the size of a            managing the competitive process,
future constraints and will often         assess whether there is enough            specific opportunity, analysis of the     assessing submissions, and assisting
work with a broader project team or       commercial space, of the appropriate      competitive marketplace, market           with negotiating and awarding
stakeholders, internal or external, to    type, in the right locations to provide   outreach within that category or          contracts. This can be undertaken
ensure that the agreed scheme will be     the best service and maximise income.     sub-category, and then identifying        for an entire airport, precinct, terminal,
flexible and sustainable in the short,    We do this by analysing airport data      the appropriate strategy to take that     category or unit.
medium and long term.                     and plugging in our own data and          opportunity to market.                    And of course we are also the leading
                                          insights.                                                                           provider of professional development
We put a commercial value on the
plans we develop. And we stand behind                                                                                         training in the airports sector.
our forecasts of financial performance.

CPI Airport Commercial Development and Management Course                                                                                                                   3
CPI Airport Commercial Development and Management Course - Monday October 3 - Thursday October 6, 2022 Lane End Conference Centre, Buckinghamshire, UK
About this course

This course is the only professional development course dedicated to the    The content
non-aeronautical business of airports.
                                                                            The course provides participants with expertise and insight into all core aspects
CPI has been at the forefront of delivering market-leading professional     of a successful airport commercial programme. It supports them in developing
development courses for airport executives and management, travel           a deeper understanding of their own role and their organisation’s role within the
retail professionals and associated stakeholders for over 20 years.         context of the wider airport commercial environment and helps them develop
We have trained hundreds of the world’s aviation industry professionals.    strong and successful relationships with all key airport stakeholders.
Since a version of this course was launched in 2000, this course has        CPI’s course directors join with invited local and international subject matter
been attended by hundreds of delegates from airports and airport            experts to deliver a relevant and contemporary course centred on the customer.
sector-related businesses worldwide.                                        The focus is on the fundamentals of optimising commercial performance, from
As Airports Council International’s official online training provider, we   commercial planning, retail/F&B mix development and terminal and store design
also offer online training through ACI’s Online Learning Centre; we         to forecasting, the tendering process and contract models.
developed and created ACI’s highly successful Certificate in Airport        Further dedicated sessions emphasise delivering a distinctive customer
Commercial Management.                                                      experience and building a strong, relevant commercial offer through customer
                                                                            research and segmentation, marketing and branding, advertising, digital and
Who should attend?                                                          mobile technology.
Airport attendees are often in commercial, property or business             A group exercise gives participants the opportunity to combine their learning from
development roles. They may also be drawn from other disciplines in the     the course with their own expertise and ideas and apply it to a real airport terminal
organisation such as finance or operations or may have been appointed       commercial planning project.
to work on a masterplanning or development project with little previous
                                                                            Attendees receive a Certificate of Achievement on completion of the course.
experience of the non-aviation side of airport business.

CPI Airport Commercial Development and Management Course                                                                                                        4
CPI Airport Commercial Development and Management Course - Monday October 3 - Thursday October 6, 2022 Lane End Conference Centre, Buckinghamshire, UK
CPI Airport Commercial Development
& Management Course

        Monday October 3, 2022                    Tuesday October 4, 2022                 Wednesday October 5, 2022                   Thursday October 6, 2022
 0845     Coffee and tea                      0845    Coffee and tea                     0845   Coffee and tea                    0845    Coffee and tea
          Welcome and introductions

 0900     Airports today and in the future    0900 An airport commercial case            0900   The Partner Selection Process     0900    Developing an optimal airport media
          – and the importance of non-                study - Manchester T2                     – strategies for taking your              programme that is integrated with
          aeronautical business – the                 redevelopment. Stephen                    commercial opportunities to               the customer journey and built
          evolution of an ever-changing               Turner, Commercial Director,              market. Jeremy Corfield                   environment. Jeremy Corfield
          industry! Susan Gray                        Manchester Airport (TBC)

 1030     BREAK                               1030    BREAK                              1030   BREAK                             1000    BREAK
 1045     Creating the optimal commercial     1045    The importance of integrating      1045   Food and beverage focus – how     1030    Groups’ presentation of planning
          programme; the fundamentals                 your customer experience and              getting the fundamentals of the           projects
          of planning a terminal to deliver           commercial strategies to drive            F&B offer right is central to a
          commercial success.                         revenue. Susan Gray                       commercial scheme’s success
          Jeremy Corfield                                                                       Susan Gray

 1230     LUNCH                               1230    LUNCH                              1230   LUNCH                             12.00   Prize award for winning team.
                                                                                                                                          Presentation of Certificates of
 1330     Parking and Ground Transport -      1330    Airport commercial contracts and   1330   Using research and insights to
          sector overview, and how insights           business scenarios; developing a          support delivery of a                     Completion for all attendees.
          and data can inform and support             leasing plan for the commercial           commercially and customer
          a commercial strategy.                      offer. Jeremy Corfield                    focused experience.
          Theresa Hughes, Managing                                                              Tim Wheen, Head of Research &
          Director, Chauntry                                                                    Commercial Insight, Heathrow
                                                                                                Airport Ltd.

 1500     BREAK                               1500    BREAK                              1500   BREAK                             12.30   Course key take-outs & wrap up

 1530     Terminal concession planning        1530    Terminal concession planning       1530   Terminal concession planning
          project briefing and group time             project - group time                      project - group time

 1730     FINISH                              1730    FINISH                             1730   FINISH
 1800     Social Event & Dinner               1800    ‘Free’ Evening                     1800   Course Dinner

CPI Airport Commercial Development and Management Course                                                                                                                        5
CPI Airport Commercial Development and Management Course - Monday October 3 - Thursday October 6, 2022 Lane End Conference Centre, Buckinghamshire, UK
What to expect

This is an informal, fun 4 days with plenty of opportunities to interact with   It is usually possible, though not guaranteed, to add an additional night at
the speakers and fellow delegates. We organise a team evening on the            delegates’ own expense. Please add your request on your registration form and
Monday night for delegates to get to know each other better, and we have        we will contact you directly to discuss.
a celebratory, or farewell, dinner on Wednesday evening. Tuesday evening        Non-residential packages for Sydney-based attendees are available on request.
is left free. This relaxed social programme provides an important and           Please note this on your registration form and we will contact you directly.
valuable opportunity for delegates to mix and make lasting connections
with peers from airports around the world.                                      Payment terms & conditions
What’s included in the fees?                                                    Delegates are requested to complete a registration form. An invoice is issued 30
                                                                                days prior to the course commencement date, with payment due on or before the
The price per first delegate is £3300 +VAT and then £3000 +VAT for              first day of the course.
every delegate thereafter from the same organisation.
The price is fully inclusive of:
• A ll course materials and refreshments (morning tea, lunch, afternoon
   tea) Monday through Thursday
• Bed & Breakfast accommodation at Lane End Conference Centre for 4
   nights from Sunday October 2 - Thursday October 6, 2022
• Course dinner and social event Monday October 3, 2022
• Course dinner Wednesday October 5, 2022

All residential delegates are encouraged to arrive on the evening of Sunday
October 3, 2022. Tuesday evening is left free for delegates to make
their own arrangements. The course finishes at lunch time on Thursday,
allowing delegates to depart in the afternoon.

CPI Airport Commercial Development and Management Course                                                                                                        6
CPI Airport Commercial Development and Management Course - Monday October 3 - Thursday October 6, 2022 Lane End Conference Centre, Buckinghamshire, UK
Susan Gray has spent nearly 25 years in the airports industry
working initially in aviation journalism, then senior communications
and business development roles for SSP, the leading airport F&B
operator. Since joining CPI in 2010 Susan has been one of the
leading airport commercial planning experts, working on airports of
every size on every continent.
Jeremy Corfield has a 30-year career spanning global finance,
media and digital businesses, focusing over the last 15+ years in the
airports sector. A highly experienced airport commercial planner,
Jeremy has unparalleled expertise and experience in the airport
planning and development. He is also a highly experienced speaker
and moderator.
Tim Wheen, Head of Research and Commercial Insights, London
Heathrow Airport Ltd has been responsible for research and
insights at London Heathrow Airport since 2012. He delivers a
comprehensive and fascinating insight into how his team’s work
informs the commercial strategy and delivers tangible commercial
benefit to the airport, including reference case studies.
Theresa Hughes is the Managing Director of Chauntry, which
provides business critical reservation systems to airports, car park
operators and more across the globe. Theresa established Chauntry
with her partner Ray Vaughan in 1991. In 2017 Chauntry was
purchased by one of its longest standing clients Holiday Extras, for
whom they developed and maintained the booking engine. She is
also an associate director within Holiday Extras group.
Additional guest speakers to be announced

CPI Airport Commercial Development and Management Course                7
The venue

Lane End Conference Centre is a purpose-built conference facility
occupying 26 acres of parkland conveniently located for the city of
London and just 30 minutes from London Heathrow Airport.

This is a fully residential course. Delegates are accommodated in their
own en-suite bedrooms containing:
•   Double bed                       •    ea and coffee making facilities
•   En-suite bathroom                •   Telephone
•   Work desk                        •   Iron & ironing board
•   Wifi internet access             •   Toiletries
•   Wall-mounted plasma tvs          •   Fresh towels

The Lane End is a fully accessible facility, with a passenger lift that
                                                                             Conference room
provides access to all floors. Accessible bathrooms and bedrooms are
available. Other services available include:
•   Coffee lounge and bar
•   Gym and sauna
•   Virtual golf
•   Table tennis
•   Lounge and courtyard areas

                                                                             Dining room       En-suite accommodation

CPI Airport Commercial Development and Management Course                                                                8
Testimonials:                                                   “Susan and team, with their wealth of experience, added a lot of
                                                                insights and fresh perspectives to the course. I also greatly enjoyed
                                                                the engaging conversations and questions that were going around. A
                                                                great introduction to concession planning!”
                                                                SARAH ONG Assistant Manager, Airside Planning and Leasing,
“I had the pleasure of attending this course hosted by
                                                                Singapore Changi Airport
Susan and Jeremy back in 2019 before Covid19 changed
the world we live and work in. I can highly recommend this
course to anyone wishing to expand their knowledge of           “Great overview of the macro and micro factors affecting airport
commercialising airports, particularly as the industry starts   design and trading. Lots of content made interesting by the speakers
building back.’                                                 - experts in the industry!”
SALVATORE GRANA, Senior Account Manager,                        SALLY MIRZA Commercial Manager, Stansted Airport,
Heathrow Airport Ltd                                            Manchester Airports Group

“I’m so pleased and impressed with how relevant and             “I had a very interesting and enjoyable week. The networking and
helpful this course was in regards to all aspects of my role.   the debate amongst attendees was really good. I found the CPI
Content, presentations and organisation were excellent. I       consultants to be very professional and high level and the group
loved how passionate Susan and Jeremy were about their          project was an excellent, concrete experience.”
work. I enjoyed all the real life examples and have made
                                                                PASCALE DE LA PLACE Retail Manager,
great industry connections and friends.”
                                                                Aéroport Marseille Provence, France
ROSHNI PATEL Retail Leasing Manager,
Wellington Airport, New Zealand

CPI Airport Commercial Development and Management Course                                                                                9
Get in touch with us today:
                                                           Telephone - +(61) 435 956 777
                                                     Email - susangray@concession-planning.com
                                                           PO Box 581, Balmain 2041 NSW


                                             CPI Airport Commercial Development and Management Course
CPI Airport Commercial Development and Management Course                                                10
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