COVID 19: The Impact of Government Policy Responses on Economic Activity and Stock Market Performance in Malaysia

Page created by Clarence Carpenter
Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia 55(1) 2021 123 - 133

                       COVID 19: The Impact of Government Policy Responses on Economic Activity
                                      and Stock Market Performance in Malaysia
                      (COVID-19: Kesan Polisi Kerajaan terhadap Aktiviti Ekonomi dan Prestasi Pasaran Saham di

                                                                        Chia-Guan Keh
                                                                 Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman

                                                                         Yan-Teng Tan
                                                                 Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman


                     The exponential spread of the coronavirus in Malaysia has caused a significant majority of the economic activities to
                     cease, resulting in poor stock market performance. This pandemic situation has in turn prompted the government to
                     introduce policies to restart and improve economic activity and stock market performance. Hence, does the government’s
                     interference in attempting to control the outbreak of COVID-19 disease, play an important part in affecting the level
                     of economic activity and stock market performance? To resolve this doubt, the impact of government policy responses
                     to COVID-19 in the case of Malaysia was investigated. The sample period of the study was from 28 January 2020 till
                     29 May 2020, amounting to a total of 84 observations. The findings reveal that the responses taken by the government,
                     such as staying at home requirements, closure of workplaces and debt or contract relief for households, significantly
                     affected both economic activity and stock market performance in the country. Based on the results, these responses
                     appear to have significant policy implications, particularly in displaying that debt or contract relief for households
                     have negative impacts on the economic activities, but a positive impact on the stock market.

                     Keywords: COVID-19; government policy response; economic activity; stock market; Malaysia
                     JEL Code: G10, G12, G18, H51, I18, O40


                     Penularan coronavirus telah menyebabkan kebanyakan aktiviti ekonomi berhenti dan prestasi pasaran saham yang
                     buruk. Pandemik ini mendorong kerajaan untuk memperkenalkan polisi untuk meningkatkan aktiviti ekonomi dan
                     prestasi pasaran saham. Maka, adakah campur tangan kerajaan memainkan peranan penting dalam mengawal
                     wabak penyakit COVID-19 yang memberi impak terhadap tahap aktiviti ekonomi dan prestasi pasaran saham? Untuk
                     menjawab keraguan ini, kami menyiasat kesan polisi kerajaan terhadap COVID-19 dalam kes Malaysia. Tempoh
                     kajian data meliputi 28 Januari 2020 hingga 29 Mei 2020, iaitu sejumlah 84 data secara keseluruhan. Hasil kajian
                     menunjukkan bahawa polisi yang dilaksanakan oleh kerajaan seperti keperluan tinggal di rumah, penutupan tempat
                     kerja dan moratorium untuk isi rumah secara ketara mempengaruhi aktiviti ekonomi dan pasaran saham. Berdasarkan
                     kajian kami, moratorium mempunyai implikasi yang penting iaitu kesan negatif terhadap kegiatan ekonomi tetapi
                     mempunyai kesan positif terhadap pasaran saham.

                     Kata kunci: COVID-19; polisi kerajaan; aktiviti ekonomi; pasaran saham; Malaysia

                                       INTRODUCTION                                 200 countries in the world1. Malaysia, being one of the
                                                                                    developing countries in the world, could not escape this
                     Nowadays, every human being in all corners of                  ongoing worldwide pandemic outbreak of COVID-19.
                     the world is in constant worry over the deadly and             According to the Malaysian Ministry of Health (MOH),
                     extremely transmittable disease caused by the severe           as of December 31, 2020, the number of COVID-19
                     acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus known as                cases reported in Malaysia were 113,010 with 471
                     COVID-19 in short, or coronavirus disease 2019.                deaths.
                     This disease started from Wuhan City, China in early                In fact, the outcome of the ongoing outbreak of this
                     December 2019 and the outbreak spread like wildfire            coronavirus pandemic has a vital impact on the economy.
                     to all parts of the world. At this moment, this pandemic       This disease brought about detrimental consequences
                     infection has infected more than 83 million people and         to the financial markets (i.e, conventional and Islamic
                     led to more than 1.8 million reported death cases in over      financial markets) globally (Hassan et al. 2020) and

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                the entire sector of economies activities (OECD 2020).        in several states due to the number of confirmed cases
                According to the statement from the International             continuing to spike and increase. Bank Negara Malaysia
                Monetary Fund (IMF), it is forecasted that this pandemic      had foreseen that the economic costs (RM17 billion to
                will cause even worse consequences to the world               RM23 billion) was much lower in the current CMCO as
                economy compared to the financial crisis of 2008/09,          compared to the costs (RM30 billion to RM45 billion)
                where the world economy instantly declined by -4.9%           during the initial MCO phase in March and April 2020.
                in 2020. Likewise, Malaysia’s gross domestic product               The impact of the second CMCO was felt when
                (GDP) forecast has been reviewed, indicating that the         the existing businesses struggled with decreasing
                contraction will be 3.8% year on year as compared             revenues and poor consumer sentiment. Surprisingly,
                with the previous 1.7% contraction (IMF 2020a). On            between March and October 2020, a large number
                the other hand, this coronavirus pandemic disease             of new businesses (281,781) had registered with the
                is likely to threaten the stock market as well. In the        Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM). During
                Malaysian stock market, the high numbers of confirmed         the same period, around 31,190 businesses were also
                COVID-19 cases negatively affected the performance            reported to have stopped all their business operations.
                of the Kuala Lumpur Composite Index (KLCI) (Lee et            In order to cushion the economic interruption and
                al. 2020), where some firms especially those that had         social distress caused by this virus, various actions to
                high debts were seen to be facing financial problems,         improve the economy have been taken by the Malaysian
                when interruptions occurred to their production and           government (Shah et al. 2020). For instance, an
                shipments. As a result, this affects the confidence of        initiative amounting to RM20 billion was announced
                investors and which in turn makes the investors react         as a stimulus package to enable the tourism and other
                in turn and sell the shares. This subsequently causes         industries in the nation to cope with the influence of this
                a corporate bond market and equity decrease (Shretta          coronavirus pandemic. Subsequently, a second stimulus
                2020). Due to the uncertainties caused by the pandemic        package worth RM250 billion was announced in March,
                (Ozili 2020), many of the corporations faced liquidity        2020 where RM25 billion out of RM250 billion would
                problems which then caused greater fluctuation on the         be allocated as income support to assist households and
                stock prices (Tashanova et al. 2020).                         business owners affected by the outbreak. In addition to
                     To prevent a serious outbreak of the pandemic in the     that, one-off payments and discounts offered on utilities
                country, the very strict Movement Control Order (MCO)         would also be made to affected people (Yassin 2020).
                had been implemented by the Malaysian government              On top of that, Bank Negara Malaysia consented to
                starting from 18 March till 4 May 2020. The purpose of        collaborate mutually with the government efforts to halt
                this MCO was to prevent the movement of individuals           individual monthly instalments on bank loans for six
                from entering or leaving designated zones. Besides this,      months except for credit card debts. The purpose of this
                all Malaysians were not allowed to travel overseas.           moratorium was to reduce the borrower’s burden and
                Likewise all foreign visitors were restricted from            alleviate their financial constraints (Annuar 2020).
                visiting Malaysia. Practices such as social distancing             Although a global survey has ranked Malaysia
                and isolating clusters of people who get infected have        as among the top four on public well-acceptance of
                been verified as an effective footstep to curb the outbreak   the government response to combat the COVID-19
                of the virus in China (WHO 2020a). In addition to that,       pandemic (Bernama 2020), the question on the
                in order to halt the spread of the pandemic Malaysians        impacts of the government policy response towards the
                had to practise ‘new normals’ in life, such as the regular    economic activity and stock market remains a paradox.
                washing of hands, wearing masks at crowded areas,             Generally, most economic activities had ceased
                avoiding groups and assembly. A significant majority          during the MCO. The KLCI experienced a drop to its
                of individuals also began practising working from/            lowest point of 1,219.71 on the second day of MCO.
                at home. With the Conditional Movement Control                Thereafter, KLCI made a come-back slowly to the
                Order (CMCO), effective from May 4, the government            1,400 point level (Lee et al. 2020). Hence, this study
                considered reopening certain economic sectors by              attempts to address the knowledge gap by including
                permitting some businesses to operate. After June 10,         the impact of the pandemic on economic activity and
                most restrictions on domestic movement and activities         the stock market. In line with this, the main objective
                were lifted under a Recovery Movement Control Order           of this study is to examine empirically the effect of the
                (RMCO). In addition, the majority of the schools were         government’s policy response on economic activity
                likely to reopen progressively from June 24 onwards.          levels and the performance of the stock market. This
                However, the government had enforced the closing              study makes several contributions to the body of
                of the country’s borders up to 31 August 2020, in an          existing literature. First, this study examines one of the
                attempt to control visitors from travelling abroad (IMF       currently and highly-debated issue, namely the impact
                2020b). When the third wave of COVID-19 pandemic              of the government’s response policy to the COVID-19
                struck on 8 September 2020, the government adopted the        pandemic on the level of economic activity and stock
                Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) again               market performance. Second, there is an apparent

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                     lack of studies exploring this relationship in country-      indicate that it did not respond well during the pandemic
                     specific features. Hence, time series data is applied in     outbreak. Ashraf (2020b) also revealed similar findings,
                     this study for the case of Malaysia. In addition, although   when the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases
                     numerous previous researchers had studied the financial      increased, the stock returns decreased respectively. He
                     crisis (Radelet & Sachs 1998; Allen & Carletti 2010;         argued that stock market performance would be more
                     Rady 2012) none was due to a health crisis, such as the      sensitive to the changes in the number of affirmed cases
                     recent coronavirus pandemic 2019, which was the most         rather than the changes in mortality rates. In short, stock
                     severe economic downturn since the Great Depression          prices reacted rapidly to the COVID-19 pandemic.
                     (Gopinath 2020). Hence, the findings of this paper are            The COVID-19 pandemic seems to have a
                     also important in showing that non-economic factors or       significant short-term effect on stock prices in most of
                     non-financial factors can generate their effects on both     the countries (Liu et al. 2020). It was found that stock
                     the economic activities as well as the stock market.         markets in Asia, especially in Hong Kong, Japan,
                                                                                  Malaysia and Thailand would experience progressive
                                                                                  negative returns and fluctuating stock prices. Investor
                                    LITERATURE REVIEW                             fears and sentiments appear to be the main determinant
                                                                                  of their poor performance (Chia 2019). Investors in the
                       IMPACT OF THE SPREAD OF COVID-19 ON ECONOMIC               USA, UK and German, however would rather invest
                         ACTIVITY AND STOCK MARKET PERFORMANCE                    in gold and sovereign bonds during the pandemic
                                                                                  (Kinateder et al 2021). These policies adopted by the
                     The COVID-19 pandemic not only influences the health         governments has also affected global supply in the
                     sector but also brings about a great impact on the economy   manufacturing sector. In order to protect the health of
                     (Rizwan et al. 2020). Baldwin (2020b) proposed that the      their employees, most of the businesses were forced
                     Covid-19 pandemic may continue longer as compared            to close, thus reducing labor supply and productivity,
                     to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)2. When           eventually leading to a layoff or a complete shut-down.
                     the restrictions are removed, people would expect to         Topcu and Gulai (2020) argued that the negative effects
                     see rehashed influxes of disease. This would stop and        of the pandemic on emerging stock markets has slowly
                     hamper the economy from recovering. Shretta (2020)           decreased by the middle of April. Emerging markets in
                     claimed that COVID-19 pandemic has slowed down               Asia were found to be affected badly, whereas those in
                     levels of economic activity globally, especially those       Europe were least affected. Salisu, Ebuh and Usman
                     countries or establishments engaged in the assembly          (2020) also suggested that stock returns are negatively
                     or in producing and delivering of raw and intermediate       and highly correlated to the pandemic due to the panic
                     materials. Those countries involved in tourism               and uncertainties in the stock market. However, after the
                     operations are also encountering huge interruptions          COVID-19 announcement, compared to the crude oil
                     and disturbances. Developing countries appear to face        market, the stock market has experienced very moderate
                     some extra challenges due to low capital flow, poor          impacts.
                     healthcare systems and the lack of financial support.             The COVID-19 pandemic greatly affects US
                     Tourism-oriented countries such as Spain, Greece             economic growth in the long run (Sharif et al. 2020).
                     and Portugal were particularly affected negatively           Adverse effects on the long-term development of the US
                     (Fernandes 2020). The spillover effects of this pandemic     economy is expected and the world has raised concerns
                     on the supply chain is quite apparent (Baldwin 2020a;        on how the US government responds to the pandemic.,
                     Fernandes 2020) where the availability of supplies in        The findings of Sharif et al. (2020) has therefore inspired
                     the global supply chain has reduced and become rather        us to study the government’s policy response during
                     imbalanced (Ivanov & Dolgui 2020). Additionally, due         this COVID-19 outbreak. As a conclusion, the greater
                     to this emergency, a few economies have been trapped         the uncertainty of the pandemic, the more unstable and
                     unawares, in a defenseless and vulnerable state coupled      unpredictable the market becomes (Zhang et al. 2020).
                     with slow development and high debt obligation levels        Thus, various policy responses are needed in the short
                     (Gopinath 2020).                                             and medium run in order to sustain economic growth
                          In addition, stock markets worldwide fell rapidly       and returns on the stock market.
                     after the spread of COVID-19 (Ashraf 2020b). The
                     spike in the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases
                                                                                    EFFECTS OF THE GOVERNMENT’S POLICY RESPONSES
                     and total instances of death, negatively affected all                    DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC
                     the organizations’ stock returns in both the Hang Seng
                     Index and Shanghai Stock Exchange Composite Index            A full economic recovery from Covid-19 will depend
                     (Al-Awadhi et al. 2020). The findings suggested that the     upon how rapidly the pandemic can be managed and
                     pharmaceutical and information technology industry           how rapidly investors’ confidence can be re-established,
                     performed essentially better as compared to the market;      regardless of whether firms can discover alternatives
                     but the returns of the beverage and transportation sector    or substitutes for the shortage (Baldwin & di Mauro

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                2020). On average, countries with stricter confinement        al. (2020), it was found that the fiscal stimulus policy
                measures are associated with negative socio-economic          would give a positive signal to investors in the US as
                impacts (Aristodemou et al. 2021). The government             the government stands to assist the affected business.
                adopted social distancing measures (Ashraf 2020a;             Hence, the majority of the investors would prepare to
                WHO 2020b) and MCO (Shah et al. 2020) with the hope           look forward to future market rises. In line with this,
                that these would genuinely control the transmission of        we make the hypothesis that the government’s policy
                COVID-19, but these measures tend to cause negative           responses to the COVID-19 pandemic significantly
                impacts on stock market returns because of their              affect economic activity and stock prices.
                unfriendly impact on economic activity (Ashraf 2020a;
                Ozili & Arun 2020). Although a lockdown would reduce
                economic activity and hurt the growth of the economy,                           METHODOLOGY
                especially in the developing countries, causing reduced
                health care capacity, and shallower financial markets                           DATA DESCRIPTION
                (Loayza & Pennings 2020). As such, community
                awareness campaigns, social distancing policies and           This study employs seven explanatory variables and two
                income support packages would bring much benefit to           explained variables to present the impact of government
                market returns (Ashraf 2020a).                                policy responses on the levels of economic activity and
                     The government’s non-pharmaceutical interventions,       stock market performance during the pandemic crisis in
                such as school and workplace closures, public                 Malaysia. The observation period was from 28 January
                transportation shutdown and international travel              2020 to 29 May 2020, giving a total of 84 observations
                restrictions are related to higher stock market volatility    in all.
                (Zaremba et al. 2020). Monetary policies were                      In terms of explained variables, the economic
                implemented to reduce the impact of Covid-19 on the           activities are proxied by Purchasing Managers’ Index
                financial market, such as reducing the interest rates and     (LPMI). The predominant way of economic trends
                increasing the money supply (Zhang et al. 2020). These        in services and manufacturing sectors are measured
                policies would help to enhance investor confidence in         by using this Purchasing Manager Index (PMI). This
                the short-term (Zhang et al. 2020), but could result in       index ranges from downstream to upstream activities
                disappointments in long term expectations (Gormsen            across 19 industries. These investors, company decision
                & Koijen 2020). Expansionary monetary policy had              makers and analysts can be identified, based on the PMI
                failed to alleviate the negative economic effects of the      information to estimate current and future businesses.
                pandemic because households and firms were unable to          Also, the stock market performance is proxied by closing
                participate in economic activities due to the shut- down      prices (LCLOSE) on the Kuala Lumpur Composite
                and social distancing policies (Ozili & Arun 2020).           Index (KLCI). To mitigate the observed skewness, the
                     The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic would have           closing stock prices are expressed in natural logarithm.
                been lesser if the government had reacted quickly with             In terms of explanatory variables, the government
                sufficiently larger stimulus packages, such as financial      policy responses are represented by international travel
                support for individuals and companies and an assurance        control (IT), restrictions on gatherings (ROG), stay at
                of liquidity in domestic markets to boost the economic        home requirements (SAHR) and workplace closures
                activities (Hassan et al. 2021a; Topcu & Gulai 2020).         (WPC). The debt or contract relief for households
                Islamic social finance such as waqf also played an            (DCR) where the households’ financial commitments
                important role in assisting those individuals who had         are frozen by the government, is controlled through
                fallen below poverty level due to the shut-down and           delaying or stopping loan repayments or for water
                halt in economic activities during the pandemic. Waqf         services. Income support (IS) is given to individuals
                can stimulate economic activity through waqf assets           who are unable to work or are retrenched by their
                utilization for education and infrastructure (Hassan et al.   employers and low-income households which are
                2021b; Faturohman et al. 2021) In many countries, the         eligible to get direct cash compensation from the
                government adopted expansionary fiscal policies lessen        government. On the other hand, the ordinal scale of 0
                the negative economic impacts of COVID-19 (Ozili &            to 2 is measured by DCR and IS variables, where 0 to 3
                Arun 2020). Fiscal policies were adopted to enhance           of ordinal scale of measurement is for SHAR and WPC
                the liquidity of firms, namely tax deferrals and short-       variables and 0 to 4 of ordinal scale of measurement
                term loans (De Vito & Gomez 2020). Short-term loans           is for IT and ROG variables. The ordinal scale is
                were suggested as more useful in boosting cash flow           being used as a comparison parameter by applying
                within a half of the year after the initial shock. However,   sorting in order to understand whether the variables
                due to weak currency transmission and a small fiscal          are less or more than one another. By applying this
                multiplier, the stimulus package may not be sufficiently      scale, researchers can inspect the degree of acceptance
                compelling for most of these developing countries             among the respondents in order to recognize the order
                (Loayza & Pennings 2020). In the study by Sharif et           of the variables. The level of representation for ordinal

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                     scale variables are reported in Appendix A. LCC is               (WPC), debt or contract relief for households (DCR)
                     represented by the number of COVID-19 confirmed                  and income support (IS).
                     cases. The LPMI and LCC variables are transformed
                     into natural logarithms. All data are retrieved from                                MODEL SPECIFICATION
                     ‘Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker
                     (OxCGRT) database except the closing stock                       In this section, the multivariate model is estimated by
                     prices which are obtained from Bursa Malaysia and                employing a least square regression as demonstrated
                     Purchasing Manager Index from the trading economics              below:
                     database. The newly- developed database such as
                                                                                           LPMI t =c + LCCt + ITt + ROGt + SAHRt + WPCt + DCRt + ISt + ε t
                     OxCGRT is used to monitor the government’s policy
                     response during the pandemic. The  LPMI  t =cof
                                                            choice + LCC   t + ITt + ROGt + SAHRt + WPCt + DCRt + ISt + ε t
                     is mostly inspired from Ozili and Arun (2020), where                 LCLOSEt =c + LCCt + ITt + ROGt + SAHRt + WPCt + DCRt + ISt + ε
                     the multivariate model is adopted to prevent variable                                                                     (2)
                                                      LCLOSEt =c + LCCt + ITt + ROGt + SAHRt + WPCt + DCRt + ISt + ε t
                     bias. In addition, this study seeks to carry     out two-
                     stage least squares (2SLS) regressions to address the            where LPMI is the natural log vector of purchasing
                     concerns of endogeneity.                                         manager index, LCLOSE is the natural log vector of
                          Table 1 and 2 demonstrate the descriptive statistics        the stock market consisting of closing stock prices
                     and correlations of the variables. As shown in Table 2, the      (LCLOSE). LCC is the natural log vector of the number
                     correlations show that purchasing manager index (PMI)            of confirmed cases, IT is international travel control,
                     and closing stock prices (LCLOSE) have a negative                ROG is restrictions on gatherings, SAHR is stay at home
                     relationship with all the independent variables, namely          requirements, WPC is workplace closure, DCR is debt or
                     the number of confirmed cases (LCC), international               contract relief for households, IS is income support, ε t is
                     travel control (IT), restrictions on gatherings (ROG),           the assumption that the error term be normally distributed
                     stay at home requirements (SAHR), workplace closures             and subscript t is the business day of the week.

                                                                      TABLE 1. Descriptive Statistics

                            Variable             Unit of measurement            Mean              Std. Dev.      Maximum        Minimum
                             PMI                   Diffusion index              43.43               7.35          48.80             31.30
                            CLOSE                Stock market index            1423.15              86.82        1554.49         1219.72
                              CC                  Number of people             2766.40             2828.23       7629.00            4.00
                              IT                  Ordinal scale 0-4              2.96               0.51           4.00             0.00
                             ROG                  Ordinal scale 0-4              1.27               1.022          3.00             0.00
                            SAHR                  Ordinal scale 0-3              0.57               0.50           1.00             0.00
                             WPC                  Ordinal scale 0-3              1.52               1.37           3.00             0.00
                             DCR                  Ordinal scale 0-2              0.88               0.99           2.00             0.00
                              IS                  Ordinal scale 0-2              0.42               0.49           1.00             0.00

                                                                          TABLE 2. Correlations

                     Correlation       LPMI      LCLOSE         LCC             IT         ROG          SAHR     WPC       DCR              IS
                     LPMI              1.0000
                     LCLOSE            0.3698     1.0000
                     LCC               -0.5932    -0.7110      1.0000
                     IT                -0.0769    -0.1735      0.3210        1.0000
                     ROG               -0.4973    -0.7661      0.9357        0.3012       1.0000
                     SAHR              -0.5872    -0.6918      0.9434        0.2274       0.8964        1.0000
                     WPC               -0.6863    -0.7423      0.8838        0.1846       0.8483        0.9654   1.0000
                     DCR               -0.7054    -0.3076      0.8252        0.2078       0.7050        0.7684   0.6775    1.0000
                     IS                -0.6298    -0.2581      0.7973        0.2058       0.6754        0.7319   0.6301    0.9525      1.0000

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                       EMPIRICAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS                           are banned from entering our country, subsequently
                                                                                   reducing the number of COVID-19 cases from
                Accordingly, equation (1) and (2) is estimated by                  abroad. This stringent government measure reduces
                applying a least square regression. The results are                the uncertain sentiments and in turn increases the
                presented in Table 3. The LCC coefficient is significant           investor confidence. Hence, this positive sentiment
                and has negative relations in column 2. It means that              will be helped in raising stock prices (Ashraf 2020a).
                the number of confirmed cases meaningfully affected                In addition, the restrictions on gatherings (ROG) is
                the closing stock prices for KLCI. The number of                   negatively related to closing stock price variables.
                COVID-19 confirmed cases created uncommon                          This result is consistent with the findings by Ashraf
                returns on stock indices as this pandemic generated                (2020a), where the stringent social distancing measures
                uncertainties to the global stock market and investors             such as restrictions on gatherings showed a negative
                were apprehensive and pessimistic on future returns.               impact on the stock market. Besides, the coefficient of
                This result is in line with the finding by Liu et. al.             stay at home requirements (SAHR) showed positive
                (2020). Meanwhile, Ashraf (2020b) also reported that               and significant relationships on both the economic
                an increase in the number of confirmed cases has a                 activities and stock prices. Undoubtedly, the shopping
                negative effect on overall stock markets. Moreover,                habits of Malaysians have changed during the MCO.
                the coefficient of international travel control (IT)               Consumers now seem to prefer online shopping.
                shows a significant positive to the closing stock price’s          During and after the MCO, there is a noticeable growth
                variable. With this stringent travel restriction imposed           in shipments, logistic services and in turn a boost to
                by the government, individuals from other countries                economic activities. Besides, the stock market’s

                     TABLE 3. The impact of government policy responses on           TABLE 4. The impact of government policy responses on
                           economic activity and stock market (OLS)                         economic activity and stock market (2SLS)

                                                 (1)                  (2)                                         (3)                   (4)
                                            Purchasing          Closing Prices                          Purchasing Manager        Closing Prices
                                           Manager Index         (LCLOSE)                                  Index (LPMI)            (LCLOSE)
                                             (LPMI)                                 LCC                        -0.0119             -0.0250***
                 LCC                           -0.0119           -0.0287***                                   (-0.9668)             (-3.4038)
                                              (-1.2678)           (-5.6154)         IT                          0.0018                0.0184
                 IT                            0.0020             0.01216*                                     (0.0820)              (1.4382)
                                              (0.1807)            (1.9806)          ROG                         0.0181             -0.0485***
                 ROG                           0.0120            -0.02213***                                   (0.8211)             (-3.6852)
                                              (0.7757)             (-2.6541)        SAHR                     1.0975***              0.1899***
                 SAHR                        1.1175***            0.1299***                                  (15.1675)               (4.3981)
                                             (18.1674)             (3.9084)         WPC                      -0.3759***            -0.0434***
                 WPC                        -0.3776***           -0.0383***                                   (-20.8836)             (-4.043)
                                             (-23.2345)           (-4.3553)         DCR                      -0.1945***              -0.0013
                 DCR                        -0.1940***            0.02135**                                   (-5.0357)             (-0.0554)
                                             (-10.5327)            (2.1434)         IS                          0.0098               0.0792*
                 IS                            0.0060             0.0486**                                     (0.1398)              (1.8801)
                                              (0.1689)            (2.5384)          C                        3.9132***              7.3459***
                 C                           3.9127***           7.3729***                                   (59.0787)              (185.8676)
                                             (103.9457)          (362.2358)
                 R-squared                     0.9422               0.8418          R-squared                  0.9416                 0.8016
                 Adjusted R-squared            0.9370               0.8273          Adjusted                    0.9362                0.7831
                 Observations                    84                   84            R-squared
                Notes: LCC = the number of confirmed cases in natural logarithm.    Observations                  84                    84
                       IT = International Travel controls. ROG = Restrictions
                                                                                   Notes: LCC = the number of confirmed cases in natural logarithm.
                       on gatherings. SAHR = Stay at home requirements. WPC
                                                                                          IT = International Travel controls. ROG = Restrictions
                       = Workplace closures. DCR = Debt/contract relief for
                                                                                          on gatherings. SAHR = Stay at home requirements. WPC
                       households. IS = Income support for households. C =
                                                                                          = Workplace closures. DCR = Debt/contract relief for
                       Intercept. LPMI = natural logarithm of the purchasing
                                                                                          households. IS = Income support for households. C =
                       manager index. LCLOSE = closing stock prices on the Kuala
                                                                                          Intercept. LPMI = natural logarithm of the purchasing
                       Lumpur Composite Index (KLCI) in natural logarithm. ***,
                                                                                          manager index. LCLOSE = closing stock prices on the Kuala
                       **, * represent the 1%, 5% and 10% level of significance.
                                                                                          Lumpur Composite Index (KLCI) in natural logarithm. ***,
                       The parenthesis is represented by T-statistic.
                                                                                          **, * represent the 1%, 5% and 10% level of significance.
                                                                                          The parenthesis is represented by T-statistic.

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COVID 19: The Impact of Government Policy Responses on Economic Activity and Stock Market Performance …              129

                     negative responses to the COVID-19 can be decreased          column (1). The results report that there are positive
                     by staying at home, since it would reduce the risks of       and significant relationships between stay at home
                     mortality (Ashraf 2020a).                                    requirements (SAHR) and economic activities. Besides,
                          On the other hand, the workplace closures (WPC)         work place closures (WPC) and debt or contract relief
                     coefficient revealed a negative significance on the          for households (DCR) demonstrate negative and
                     levels of economic activity and for the closing stock        significant relationship with economic activities. On the
                     prices in column (1) and (2). This result was supported      other hand, the estimation results are slightly different
                     by the International Labour Organization (ILO) 2020.         between column (2) and (4). The results show that
                     This report indicated that the COVID-19 epidemic             almost all the outcomes match with previous findings,
                     has intensified, and that many countries had instructed      except that the coefficient for international travel control
                     social distancing policies such as lockdowns and related     (IT) and debt or contract relief for households (DCR)
                     business disruptions, travel restrictions, and school and    shows no significant effects on closing stock prices.
                     workplace closures to slow the virus’s spread. Such          In summary, the two-stage least squares regression
                     policies have had unprecedented shocks to the labour         validates our overall conclusions.
                     market, business enterprises and economy activities.
                     In addition, entire sectors of economic activity in
                     many countries have been seriously restricted by this                             CONCLUSION
                     pandemic crisis, causing reduced revenue flows for
                     many businesses. The implementation of partial or total      This paper aimed to explore the impact of the
                     lockdowns namely, limit the movement of a majority of        government’s policy responses to the COVID-19
                     workers and business operations, subsequently having a       pandemic on economic activity and stock market
                     huge impact on whole sectors such as the manufacturing       performance in Malaysia. The sample period of the
                     sectors that are facing disruptions to their supply          study was from 28 January 2020 to 29 May 2020, which
                     chains and a decrease in the demand for goods, and           provided for 84 observations. The findings demonstrated
                     the service sector whose activities are experiencing         that the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases
                     an unprecedented collapse. Likewise, Ashraf (2020a)          negatively influence the economic activity and stock
                     suggests that the adoption of social distancing measures     prices in Malaysia. As compared to economic activity,
                     such as workplace closing has a negative impact on           the stock market index responded more significantly to
                     stock prices due to foreseen adverse effects on economic     the number of confirmed cases; that is, an increase in the
                     activity. Income support for households (IS) and debt        number of confirmed COVID-19 cases would register a
                     or contract relief for households (DCR) show positive        drop in stock prices.
                     and significant associations with closing stock prices            In light of this, the Malaysian government had
                     in column (2). This finding is in line with a suggestion     executed some policies to cope with the adverse effects
                     from Ashraf (2020a) where economic support programs          of the COVID-19 pandemic, namely international travel
                     by the government tends to raise stock prices. These         control (IT), restrictions on gatherings (ROG), stay at
                     support programs can eliminate the unfavorable impacts       home requirements (SAHR) and workplace closures
                     on employment and income due to the social distancing        (WPC), debt or contract relief for households (DCR)
                     policy. Direct cash to low-income households assist them     and income support (IS). This study sheds light on
                     to purchase essential food items during the lockdowns.       how these policy responses such as SAHR, WPC and
                     Hence, such actions would make the investors react           DCR significantly affect both the economic activity
                     positively and subsequently boost stock prices. On the       and stock prices. The WPC policy tends to reduce
                     other hand, this debt relief or moratoriums on loans         economic activity significantly as it stops the agents of
                     from the banks, leads to individuals having extra capital    economy from engaging in business and also making
                     to make investments in the stock market with the             the investors pessimistic about the stock market (Ozili
                     expectation of gaining extra returns and causing stock       & Arun 2020). However, the SAHR policy is positively
                     prices to rise. Debt or contract relief for households       and significantly related to the economic activity and
                     (DCR), furthermore has a negative and significant            stock prices. During the MCO, people appeared to have
                     relationship to levels of economic activity in column        changed their shopping habits as their movements are
                     (1). This is due to some people taking this debt relief      being restricted to their homes. Now they prefer to do
                     opportunity to invest in the stock market with the hope      online shopping as it has become convenient to have the
                     of higher returns, rather than for personal consumption      purchases delivered straight to the doorstep. Logistics
                     spending, which then subsequently discourages                and shipments activities are growing, even though
                     economic activity.                                           people are restricted at home. By staying at home not
                          Next, Table 4 presents the results of coefficients      only the risks of getting infected and possible mortality
                     estimated with the two-stage least squares (2SLS)            could be reduced, it can also reduce the stock market’s
                     regression. Interestingly, the regression results of         negative responses to the COVID-19 pandemic (Ashraf
                     column (3) are similar with our earlier findings in          2020a).

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130                                                                                       Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia 55(1)

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JEM 55(1).indd 132                                                                                                                      2/6/2021 8:07:17 PM

                                                         LEVEL OF REPRESENTATION OF ORDINAL SCALE VARIABLES

                      Variable    Name                     Descriptions                              Scaling
                      IT          international travel     Record restrictions on international      0 - no restrictions
                                  control                  travel.                                   1 - screening arrivals
                                                                                                     2 - quarantine arrivals from some or all regions
                                                                                                     3 - ban arrivals from some regions
                                                                                                     4 - ban on all regions or total border closure
                      ROG         restrictions on          Record limits of gatherings               0 - no restrictions
                                  gatherings                                                         1 - restrictions on very large gatherings (the limit
                                                                                                     is above 1000 people)
                                                                                                     2 - restrictions on gatherings between 101-1000
                                                                                                     3 - restrictions on gatherings between 11-100
                                                                                                     4 - restrictions on gatherings of 10 people or less
                      SAHR        stay at home             Record orders to „shelter-in-place“ and   0 - no measures
                                  requirements             otherwise confined to the home            1 - recommend not leaving house
                                                                                                     2 - require not leaving house with exceptions for
                                                                                                     daily exercise, grocery shopping, and ‚essential‘
                                                                                                     3 - require not leaving house with minimal
                                                                                                     exceptions (eg. allowed to leave the house once a
                                                                                                     week, or only one person can leave at a time, etc)
                      WPC         workplace closing        Record closings of workplaces             0 - no measures
                                                                                                     1 - recommend closing (or recommend work
                                                                                                     from home)
                                                                                                     2 - require closing (or work from home) for some
                                                                                                     sectors or categories of workers
                                                                                                     3 - require closing (or work from home) for
                                                                                                     all, but essential workplaces (eg grocery stores,
                      DCR         debt or contract         Record if the government is freezing      0 - no debt/contract relief
                                  relief for households    financial obligations for households      1 - narrow relief, specific to one kind of contract
                                                           (eg. stopping loan repayments,            2 - broad debt/contract relief
                                                           preventing services like water supply
                                                           from stopping, or banning evictions)
                      IS          Income support           Record if the government is providing     0 - no income support
                                                           direct cash payments to people who        1 - government is replacing less than 50% of lost
                                                           lose their jobs or cannot work.           salary (or if a flat sum, it is less than 50% median
                                                                                                     2 - government is replacing 50% or more of lost
                                                                                                     salary (or if a flat sum, it is greater than 50%
                                                                                                     median salary)
                     Sources: Codebook for the Oxford Covid-19 Government Response Tracker

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