COVID-19 Seawolves Safety Management Plan - Windsor State School P&C

Page created by Crystal Ray

                         Under Stage 3 Restrictions and Onwards

                                 January 2021 Version 1

January 2021 Version 1                                            1
Contents ...................................................................................................................................... 2
1. Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 3
2. Document History & Control ..................................................................................................... 3
3. Scope ....................................................................................................................................... 3
4. Resources ................................................................................................................................ 3
   4.1       Sport Support................................................................................................................. 3
   4.2       Queensland Government ............................................................................................... 3
   4.3       Federal Government ...................................................................................................... 4
5. Queensland Health’s Key Principles ......................................................................................... 4
   5.1 Directives under Stage 3..................................................................................................... 4
6. Movement, Access and Health Management ........................................................................... 5
   6.1       General Principles.......................................................................................................... 5
   6.2       Entry and Exit ................................................................................................................ 5
   6.3       Fit to Enter ..................................................................................................................... 5
   6.4       COVID-19 Tracking........................................................................................................ 5
   6.5       Reporting ....................................................................................................................... 5
   6.7 Social Gatherings ............................................................................................................... 6
7. Hygiene .................................................................................................................................... 6
   7.1 Availability of Hand Washing Facilities and Hand Sanitiser ................................................. 6
   7.2 Prohibitions ......................................................................................................................... 6
   7.3 Cleaning Schedules ............................................................................................................ 6
8. Communication ........................................................................................................................ 6
   8.1 Electronic Media ................................................................................................................. 6
9. Disciplinary Action .................................................................................................................... 7
Appendix 1 ................................................................................................................................... 8

January 2021 Version 1                                                                                                                          2
1. Introduction
The purpose of this COVID-19 Safety Plan (Plan) is to provide an overarching plan for the
implementation and management of procedures by Seawolves Committee to support Seawolves
and its members in the staged resumption of community sport and club activities.
The arrangements set out in this Plan are intended to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 among
members, participants, coaches, officials, administrators/volunteers, visitors, families and the
broader community. The Plan provides the framework to govern the general operation of the
Windsor State School Seawolves, the behaviour of all members and participants and the
monitoring and reporting of the health of attendees at Windsor State School pool facilities.
This Plan includes, but is not limited to, the conduct of:
a.     Club nights; and
b.     facility management and supporting operations (facility operations).
At all times the Plan is subject to all regulations, guidelines and directions of government and public
health authorities.

2. Document History & Control
This Plan applies from Friday 29 January 2021, with Seawolves first scheduled club night for 2021
and is subject to directives issued by the Queensland Chief Health Officer.
It will be updated to remain in effect after any updates to the Roadmap to easing Queensland’s
restrictions is enacted, or is otherwise altered, varied or discontinued when COVID19 control
measures are either rescinded or re-activated.

3. Scope
This plan applies to the Seawolves Committee Members, swimmers, volunteers, officials and

4. Resources
4.1    Sport Support
       Framework for rebooting sport in a COVID-19 environment – EXECUTIVE SUMMARY
       Framework for rebooting sport in a COVID-19 environment – ENTIRE DOCUMENT
       National Principles for the resumption of Sport and Recreation activities
       Sport Australia Return to Sport
       Swimming Queensland

4.2    Queensland Government
       Queensland COVID Safe Future
       Return to Play Plan
       Return to Play Guidelines
       Qld Health Promotional Resources, e.g. Posters
       Qld Health Advice
       Industry Plan for Swimming Pool and Aquatic Centre

January 2021 Version 1                                                                               3
4.3    Federal Government
       Environmental cleaning and disinfection principles for COVID-19
       Australian Government Department of Health
       How To Clean and Disinfect a Workplace
       Safe Work Australia COVIDSafe Checklists

5. Queensland Health’s Key Principles
       •     Contact – full contact is permitted on the ‘field of play’ in line with pre-COVID contact
             activities. At all other times, participants, coaches, supervisors, officials, trainers, and
             spectators are to observe physical distancing requirements and undertake sound
             hygiene practices as detailed in this Plan.
       •     Facility capacity – for outdoor venues, physical distancing off the field of play is
             required. Risks will be managed through mandatory record keeping, through group
             segmentation and buffer zones as appropriate.
       •     Facility usage – all elements of community sport, recreation and fitness facilities are
             accessible in line with relevant health guidelines and directives. This means facilities
             such as canteens, change rooms, bathrooms, storage rooms, bars will open.
       •     Events – such as championships and carnivals can recommence.
       •     Stadia – strict social distancing measures and hygiene practices will remain central
             to COVID Safe Plans for stadia, in line with Public Health Directives. Crowd capacity
             will be limited, group segmentation and buffering measures will be used to reduce co-
             mingling. Public messaging will ensure that patrons are aware of all requirements
             during events.
       •     Compliance with industry and stadia COVID Safe Plans – all activity is to be
             conducted in accordance with the COVID Safe Industry Plan for Swimming Pool and
             Aquatic Centre.
5.1 Directives under Stage 3
       •     Outdoor pools and areas: capacity to be based on physical distancing requirements
       •     Capacity requirements include children accompanying parents as spectators.
       •     Physical distancing while in the water is not required and there is no limit on the
             number of swimmers per lane for patrons of school age.
       •     Maintain physical distancing of 1.5 metres wherever reasonably possible. Masks may
             be worn when physical distancing is not possible.
       •     Use of communal changing rooms and toilets are permitted, however cleaning
             measures are to be consistent with Work Health and Safety during COVID-19: Guide
             to Keeping your workplace safe, clean and healthy.
       •     For swimming competitions (including club nights), the ‘field of play’ includes all areas
             required for use by active participants for the purpose of competing. This includes
             marshalling areas between races etc. noting these will be clearly defined with no co-
             mingling with other groups (i.e. spectators). Active participant includes all swimmers,
             officials, coaches and volunteers required for the safe and effective running of the
             club nights in the field of play.

January 2021 Version 1                                                                                 4
•     A record of attendees must be collected including full name, email, phone number,
             date and time of attendance.

6. Movement, Access and Health Management
6.1    General Principles
       The following rules should be followed:
       •     No loitering is to take place and social gathering is not permitted while this Plan is in
       •     Parents and guardians that remain with their children during participation will be
             required to remain in the spectator zone. Social distancing and hygiene practices must
             be observed by all parents and guardians.
6.2    Entry and Exit
       •     Please refer to the Pool Facilities Map in Appendix 1 to identify the separate entry and
             exit points.
       •     Participants shall only enter, no earlier than 10 minutes before the first scheduled
       •     Swimmers should move directly to the marshalling zone from the pool entrance.
       •     Once club nights are completed, swimmers and spectators should move directly to
             their car.
6.3    Fit to Enter
       •     All players, Parents and Guardians shall not attend club nights, if in the previous
             fourteen days they have been unwell or had contact with a known or suspected case
             of COVID-19.
       •     Swimmers who have recovered from COVID-19 infection should consider a gradual
             return to the pool.
       •     Persons suspected of being unwell, having any respiratory symptoms (even mild) or
             having signs of a fever shall be denied entry and requested to return home, seek
             medical attention and notify health authorities.
6.4    COVID-19 Tracking
       •     Nominations platform (Active) will be used to track swimmers.
       •     The Seawolves Committee will use the School’s platform SchoolZine to record
             attendance of spectators on the night.
       •     The information will be stored with the Seawolves President and destroyed 60 days
             after the end of the season.
6.5    Reporting
       •     Where a participant subsequently tests positive for COVID-19, Queensland Health
             will contact Windsor State School Principal to notify of the case.
       •     The attendance records from the online platform or other lists shall be provided to
             Queensland Health once a case connected to the pool has been made aware.
6.6 Canteen/BBQ Access

January 2021 Version 1                                                                              5
•     The Canteen and BBQ will be open with money exchanged outside of the Canteen.
6.7 Social Gatherings
       •   There shall be no unnecessary social gatherings before or after club nights within the
           pool or on the school grounds.
       •   While not within the jurisdiction of the Seawolves Committee, physical distancing
           measures should be observed outside the pool area and in the car park.

7. Hygiene
7.1 Availability of Hand Washing Facilities and Hand Sanitiser
       •     All swimmers, parents, guardians and officials shall use hand sanitiser when
             entering the pool area, either using personal hand sanitiser or supplied sanitiser.
       •     Hand sanitising stations will be provided at the entrance to the toilet areas to be used
             BEFORE touching the door to a toilet cubicle, and handwashing will also be available.
7.2 Prohibitions
       The following must be observed:
       •     No spitting anywhere or on any person
       •     No gum to be consumed in the pool area
       •     No smoking in the pool area
7.3 Cleaning Schedules
       •     Spray bottles with disinfectant will be available in the toilets. Users are encouraged to
             spray down the taps and basins after use.
       •     After each club night Seawolves Committee shall ensure that the cleaning and
             sanitising of the following is undertaken:
             o           Toilet stall door handles, flush buttons on toilets, taps and soap dispensers
             o           High contact hand rails
       •     The Seawolves Committee will regularly monitor soap and hand sanitiser levels.
       •     The pool facilities will be fully cleaned regularly when in use by the school.

8. Communication
8.1 Electronic Media
       •     The Seawolves COVID-19 Safety Management Plan will be available on the Windsor
             State School website.
       •     It will be emailed directly to families when they register.
8.2 Signage
       •     Relevant signage will be placed at the venue.

January 2021 Version 1                                                                                   6
9. Disciplinary Action
       •     Individuals or groups failing to comply with the requirements set out in this Seawolves
             COVID-19 Safety Management Plan will be requested to leave immediately.
       •     Repeat offenders will be denied further entry.

January 2021 Version 1                                                                            7
Appendix 1

January 2021 Version 1   8
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