COVID-19: Planning and preparation for the safe commencement and progression of the placements 2021 - 5th-Year experiential learning
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COVID-19: Planning and preparation for the safe commencement and progression of the 5th-Year experiential learning placements 2021
Meeting Housekeeping • Introductions. • Microphones will be switched off. • Please respect confidentiality of any issues raised, in the chat box or in discussions. • Questions in chat box will be answered at the end of each section of the presentation.
Objectives for Today’s Meeting: To provide you with the relevant information regarding: • What has changed in the 5th-Year placement for 2021? • COVID-19 student preparation in advance of the placement commencing. • HSE Requirements for Resumption of Clinical Placements. • Students restricting their movements or self-isolating. • Supports available throughout the placement period.
What has changed in the 5th-Year Placement for 2021? • Placement Schedule. • Declarations of Satisfactory Attendance and Student Behaviour. • Additional Pre -Placement Preparation. • COVID-19 Supplemental Student Declaration & Personal Support Plan. • Placement Travel*/Movement of students between pharmacies.
APPEL Placement Schedule 2021 Placement Dates January 4th to August 27th 2021 (34 weeks duration). Competency Formative Competency Assessment: Week 12 Assessment Dates Opens on March 1st and closes March 31st . Summative Competency Assessment: Week 30 Opens on July 1st and closes on July 30th . Placement Hours Students are required to complete 30 hours of placement time each week. This time on placement can be completed from Monday – Friday between 8 am and 6 pm. Students must be provided with at least one-half day each week comprising no less than 4hrs to allow them to complete their online academic modules.
APPEL Placement Schedule 2021 • There is no requirement for students to be off-placement on a Wednesday (as was the case for previous placements). • The placement timetable should be agreed between the student and Senior Preceptor: o Ideally, the student would be given the same timetable each week; however; due to the impact of COVID-19, we acknowledge that this may not always be possible. o The student must be given adequate notice of the timetabled placement hours. o The placement hours must occur over one continuous period on any given day. o Remote placements are not part of the eight-month placement; the student must be on –site at the hospital or community pharmacy. o The student must be provided with appropriate breaks in accordance with legislation.
Declarations of Satisfactory Attendance and Student Behaviour • In order for students to meet the statutory requirements of the 5th year placements 100% Attendance is required. • Senior Preceptors will be required to complete two “Declarations of Satisfactory Attendance and Student Behaviour”. • One is completed after the first (formative) competency assessment and one is completed after the second (summative) competency assessment. • Please don’t wait. Flag any issues early with APPEL/Practice Educators.
Travel as part of the 5th-Year Placement • In the past, some placement providers incorporated attendance at international conferences and some overseas travel for students as part of their placements. • APPEL is very grateful for these experiences and opportunities provided to students. • Due to current restrictions related to COVID-19, it is unlikely that any non- essential placement-related travel can occur. If you were considering asking your student to undertake any travel, please contact the APPEL Operations team at as early as possible to discuss. • All students travelling from a country, not on the COVID-19 Green List will be required to restrict movements for two weeks following their return to Ireland from abroad.
Travel as part of the 5th-Year Placement • For infection prevention and control reasons, travel between Training Establishments (TE), is discouraged. • In addition, only placement hours that are completed in an APPEL- accredited Training Establishment will be recognised. • If this is unavoidable, due to a need for the student to move to a different location/branch, on a temporary or permanent basis, placement providers should engage with APPEL regarding the accreditation status of the proposed new TE in advance.
Student Preparation in advance of their placement Completion of online courses in IPC - – Introduction to Infection Prevention and Control – Breaking the Chain of Infection – Hand Hygiene for Clinical Staff – Putting on and Taking off PPE in Acute Healthcare Settings – Putting on and Taking off PPE in Community Healthcare Settings – Infection Prevention and Control – What is Corona Virus
Student Preparation in advance of their placement Review of the following videos: • Review of videos on correct donning and doffing of PPE on the HPSC website • Review of the Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Guidance, including IPC COVID-19 Guidance and educational videos on control/
Student Preparation in advance of their placement Read, understand and comply with: • Guidance to minimise the risk of transmission of COVID-19 infection in pharmacies z/respiratory/coronavirus/novelcoronavirus/guidance/pharmacygui dance/ • Information provided by their HEI on COVID-19 – –, –
Student Preparation in advance of their placement • Download the “COVID Tracker Ireland” and to log in and update this tracker daily. • Log into the APPEL VLE (or RCSI moodle) daily and record the following information: – Record that they had no symptoms of COVID-19 before they go on placement – Where the student is on placement at a HSE site, e.g. hospital, and they must record where they were on-site throughout their placement day: e.g. Dispensary, Ward X, etc.
Student Preparation in advance of their placement • Complete a COVID-19 Supplemental Student Declaration which can be found on the resources section of the APPEL website • Students are also asked to consider and review a “Personal Support Plan Questionnaire”
Personal Support Plan Questionnaire We are conscious that you may be moving to accommodation away from support networks such as family, relatives and friends for your placement. Support networks such as this would be vital to any student who may become unwell as a result of a COVID-19 infection or who may be required to self- isolate. In this context, you should consider your personal support plan while away from home should you need to self-isolate. What to Consider for Personal Support Plan • Are you living alone at the moment or will you be living alone? • If you are living alone at the moment or will shortly be living alone, have you identified a person nearby such as a friend, fellow student or relative, who may be contacted in case of emergency? • Have you registered with a General Practitioner Doctor near your current location? • Do you have any underlying medical conditions which require prescribed medication and if so, do you have a friend, fellow student or relative, who can collect medication on your behalf from a pharmacy should you be required to self-isolate? • Should you be required to self-isolate, do you have the ability to order and make payment for food and provisions via online supermarket delivery? • Do you have a mobile phone which can be used to seek help during any period of self-isolation or in case of an emergency and have you provided this number to your emergency contact person?
What if a student develops signs of COVID-19 during placement? If the student is at home when they develop symptoms they must: • Not go into placement, and must not leave home. • Self-isolate and phone their GP or Student Health Services • Contact their Senior Preceptor and their Practice Educator.
What if a student develops signs of COVID-19 during placement? If the student is on site at their placement when they develop symptoms they must: • Inform their Senior Preceptor • Leave the site immediately • Return home alone and not use public transport • Self-isolate at home and contact their GP or Student Health Services, from home • Contact their Practice Educator
Student Required to Restrict their Movements • Where a student is required to restrict their movements and they are well, they must complete their online academic modules during this time. • By completing the online academic modules during a period of restricted movement, students will free up time to be on placement in lieu of time spent on academic modules. • Students may need to complete additional placement time (60 hrs. = two weeks of restricted movement) over the remaining weeks of the placement. How this additional placement time is completed is to be agreed between the student and their Senior Preceptor. • Students will need to keep their Practice Educator informed as to how and when this additional time is completed.
Student Required to Self-Isolate • Where a student is required to self- isolate and they are well, they must complete their online academic modules during this time. • Where a student is unwell; the college/HEI sick policies will apply in such circumstances. • Students will need to keep their Practice Educator informed of any absence
Student Supports • Practice Educators and the APPEL office will be available to respond to any questions or queries that you may have regarding the placement. • The APPEL website has relevant information and resources and APPEL will email important updates and information as it arises. • School of Pharmacy/HEI Support for Students. – Please note that all academic staff across all three HEIs are contactable via email. – Schools of Pharmacy / Higher Education Institution will remain in contact with the student throughout the placement period. • University supports remain accessible to all students while on placement.
Student Supports • All students are contacted by their Practice Educator on placement. • Contact will take the form of emails, phone calls, meetings via MS Teams or other electronic platforms. • Practice Educators will also get in contact with you to offer you support should they be contacting your student.
APPEL/HEI Responsibility & Student Responsibility APPEL /HEI: Implement and Monitor Student: Action Mandatory COVID-19 induction training provided by their HEI Daily check in to HSE Contact Tracing App Ensuring students have completed HSEland training in IPC Log into the APPEL VLE/RCSI Moodle each day of placement courses and videos from the HPSC in IPC COVID-19 guidance and complete Daily Symptom Checking Log/ Health and donning and doffing of PPE Questionnaire and recording of contacts when on placement Monitor: Daily Symptom Checking Log/ Health Questionnaire Respiratory Hygiene/Cough Etiquette/Hand hygiene and recording of contacts when on placement Ensure students have returned the “COVID-19 Supplemental Adhere to the requirements of the “COVID-19 Supplemental Student Undertaking/Declaration” Student Undertaking/Declaration” Provide Up to date advice on COVID-19 Face coverings on campus if they attend campus while on placement Provide ongoing student support – Practice Educators, Head Transport/Travel of School, APPEL Operations Team. HEI supports are available to all students while on placement Keep up to date with emails and communications from SoP Quality Assurance Contact with students on placement and HEI
HSE Requirements for Resumption of Clinical Placements IPC MOU & MOU Compliance Audits • Infection Prevention Control Measures in the form of an MOU to be incorporated into existing agreements between training institutes and HSE • Handled centrally by each HEI Infection Prevention and Control Requirements • 15 control measures / requirements 25
HSE Requirements for Resumption of Clinical Placements What is allowed: • Students can move from a placement in one institution to a placement in another without an interval of time subject to the following: • They have adhered to recommended Infection Prevention and Control Practice at all times with all individuals during clinical placement. • They do not have fever, cough, shortness of breath or other symptoms of communicable infectious disease
HSE Requirements for Resumption of Clinical Placements 1. Provide an assurance that students have given a clear commitment that they will not present on clinical placement if they have any symptoms. Students have committed to this via their Supplemental Student Undertaking 2. Provide an assurance that a readily accessible record is retained of which clinical areas /services students have been assigned to and at when. This may be required in the event of an IPC incident such as an outbreak. Detailed logs will need to be kept by the student on placement at a HSE site. APPEL VLE/RCSI COVID-19 Logs 3. Provide an assurance that there is a pathway by which students can rapidly inform the training institute in the event that they develop an infectious disease (COVID-19 or other communicable infectious disease). Students have committed to this via their Supplemental Student Undertaking 4. Provide an assurance that clinical placements have been reviewed to ensure that student(s) presence in clinical areas is limited to events/time that have a specific focus on student education so that students are not present in clinical areas without a specific purpose.
HSE Requirements for Resumption of Clinical Placements 5. Provide an assurance that unsupervised presence of students in clinical areas (for example unaccompanied students in a consultation area taking a patient’s BP) is avoided. 6. Provide an assurance that students will be “bare below the elbows/bare above the wrist” when in clinical areas. Students have committed to this via their Supplemental Student Undertaking. Please ensure your teams are aware and demonstrate this practice 7. Provide an assurance that all students have had appropriate infection prevention and control training in advance of their placement, to include Standard and Transmission- based Precautions. Students have committed to this via their Supplemental Student Undertaking and have also completed a number of HSElanD training courses. Certificates have been forwarded to APPEL and records maintained 8. Provide an assurance that all students have been assessed and certified as competent in performance of hand hygiene in advance of clinical placement and have competence re- assessed at least once in each academic year. Students have committed to this via their Supplemental Student Undertaking and have also completed a number of HSElanD training courses. Certificates have been forwarded to APPEL and records maintained
HSE Requirements for Resumption of Clinical Placements 9. Provide an assurance that all students will comply with IPC direction given by HSE staff when they are in HSE clinical areas. Students have committed to this via their Supplemental Student Undertaking. 10. Provide an assurance that students have been assessed to ensure that they have been immunised and where appropriate tested to ensure immunity to relevant infectious disease. All students are immunised prior to commencement of placement. 11. Provide an assurance that students undertake to cooperate with requirements for management of outbreaks or other incidents of infection including providing samples for testing where required. Students have committed to this via their Supplemental Student Undertaking. 12. Provide an assurance that where relevant PPE training has been completed to ensure correct donning and doffing and that IPC Guidance including IPC COVID- 19 Guidance and educational videos have been viewed. Students have committed to this via their Supplemental Student Undertaking and have also completed a number of HSElanD training courses. Certificates have been forwarded to APPEL and records maintained.
HSE Requirements for Resumption of Clinical Placements 13. Provide an assurance that a process is in place for students to declare to a designated person that they are free of key symptom of COVID-19 each day before they present for placement. Students have committed to this via their Supplemental Student Undertaking and students will be required to log in and record this daily on the APPEL VLE/RCSI website. 14. Provide an assurance that clinical placements have been reviewed to minimise students moving between different healthcare sites – placements should be limited to one institution at a time. 15. Every effort should be made to ensure there is an agreed maximum number of students for bedside teaching. For bedside teaching and similar situations, there should be no more than four people present at one time (including students, teachers/educators).
Reminders: • If you have not completed your Senior Preceptor training that you would do so as soon as possible please • Also, please send your accreditation documentation to Rachel at if you have not already done so • Also, the Senior Preceptor Handbook and FAQs concerning COVID-19 are available on the resources page of our website: • We are holding a webinar next week on “Situational Leadership Skills”. You can register for this event on our website
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