COVID 19 Health and Safety Policy - Wildcat Canyon ...

Page created by Benjamin Todd
COVID 19 Health and Safety Policy - Wildcat Canyon ...
COVID 19 Health and Safety Policy
                                             October 15, 2021

I.            PURPOSE

The Wildcat Canyon Community School (WCCS) is deeply committed to providing in person
school programming without compromising the health and safety of all of our community
members. To this end, WCCS is following all applicable state and local guidance related to
COVID-19. At heart, teachers and parents all want their children to be safe and our policy
framework is intended to establish a baseline of practices for us to trust as a community.
The main goal of this policy is to prevent transmission of COVID-19 viruses among our
community while ensuring that all students have as much safe and full in-person instructional
time as possible. We are committed to providing in person instructions that support student
physical and emotional health. This will require the cooperation of the WCCS community as we
navigate in person schooling in the midst of the COVID pandemic. This policy is based on the
September 22, 2021 guidance, published by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH),
“COVID-19 Public Health Guidance for K-12 Schools in California, 2021-22 School Year”1. The
policy will be updated to reflect changes made on the local and the State level. It is important that
our entire community is familiar with this policy, and its subsequent updates, and follow all
procedures contained herein.


Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees is responsible for ensuring that all necessary school functions are in place
and functional. Specifically, the school’s Operations Circle is responsible for creating this policy
and keeping it up to date. In addition, the Operations Circle is responsible for making sure the
teachers and the parents are well aware of this policy and its implementation requirements.


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COVID 19 Health and Safety Policy - Wildcat Canyon ...
The teachers are responsible for being intimately familiar with the policy and its implementation
guidance as described herein. The teachers are responsible for ensuring that children under their
supervision follow guidelines outlined below.

Parents and School Volunteers
Parents and school volunteers are responsible for being intimately familiar with the policy and its
implementation guidelines as described below.


A. Face Coverings

       1) Face Covers are required to be worn by everyone when sharing indoor space with children
          except when actively eating or drinking.
       2) Teachers reinforce indoor face covering use throughout the day.
       3) Face Coverings are optional outdoors.
       4) The school will maintain a stock of face coverings for students who inadvertently fail to
            bring a face covering to school to prevent unnecessary exclusions.
       5) Parents are highly encouraged to discuss any concerns pertaining to masking with their
            child’s teacher.
       6)   The following individuals are exempt from wearing masks at all times:
            ● Persons younger than two years old. Very young children must not wear a mask
              because of the risk of suffocation.
            ● Persons with a medical condition, mental health condition, or disability that prevents
              wearing a mask. This includes persons with a medical condition for whom wearing a
              mask could obstruct breathing or who are unconscious, incapacitated, or otherwise
              unable to remove a mask without assistance.
            ● Persons who are hearing impaired, or communicating with a person who is hearing
              impaired, where the ability to see the mouth is essential for communication.
            ● Persons exempted from wearing a face covering due to a medical condition, must wear
              a non-restrictive alternative, such as a face shield with a drape on the bottom edge, as
              long as their condition permits it.
            ● In limited situations where a face covering cannot be used for pedagogical or
              developmental reasons, a face shield with a drape can be used instead of a face
              covering while in the classroom as long as the wearer maintains physical distance from

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COVID 19 Health and Safety Policy - Wildcat Canyon ...

      1) Per CDC and CDPH guidelines, physical distancing is unnecessary in indoor
         environments when other mitigation strategies, such as face coverings and ventilation, are
      2) WCCS will maximize physical distance indoors while eating and arrange for eating
         outdoors as much as feasible.


      1) Physical distance will be maximized as much as possible while eating indoors. Outdoor
         eating will be arranged for as much as possible.

      2) Because of the very low risk of transmission from surfaces and shared objects, there is no
         need to limit food service approaches to single use items and packaged meals.


     1)   Unless prohibited due to incremental weather, unhealthy air quality days or similar, all
          early childhood education programs will be held outdoors as much as possible. Upper
          grades programs will have a combination of indoor and outdoor experiences.
     2)   WCCS is following CDC guidance on ventilation of indoor spaces.2
     3)   When air quality is AQI 100 or better, our school will optimize ventilation in indoor
          spaces by opening all available windows and doors throughout the school day.
     4)   Each classroom is equipped with and will run high-quality air filters with HEPA
     5)   Each bathroom is well ventilated.


     1)   The teachers will teach and reinforce washing hands, avoiding contact with one's eyes,
          nose, and mouth, and covering coughs and sneezes among students.
     2) Handwashing will be promoted throughout the day, especially before and after eating as
        well as after using the toilet.


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3) The school will ensure adequate supplies of resources to support healthy hygiene


   1) Janitorial services are contracted for thorough cleanings 3 times a week.
   2) Staff are disinfecting high-touch surfaces daily.
   3) Teachers or students are wiping down desks and chairs daily.

For the purposes of diagnostic testing for COVID-19, any PCR (molecular) or antigen test used
must either have an Emergency Use Authorization by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration or
be operating per the Laboratory Developed Test requirements by the U.S. Centers for Medicare
and Medicaid Services. In-home tests are acceptable as long as they meet the above requirements.
All test results must be emailed to a confidentially managed email address at

   1) To keep our committee safe and school in person please do not send your child to school if
      there is any possibility that they are sick.

   2) If you are not sure if your child is ill (i.e does not yet exhibit any of the known covid
      symptoms listed below), please err on the side of caution and keep them home a day for

   3) Any staff member, volunteer or child with COVID-19 symptoms illustrated on Figure 1,
      must stay home.

   4) Self symptom checks are required for all staff and students every morning when attending
      school. Please make sure you or your child has no known covid symptoms.

   5) Any student or staff member who develops symptoms during the day is sent home.
      Students are physically separated from classmates in a special ‘Isolation Area’ to await

   6) Getting tested for COVID-19 when symptoms are will help with rapid contact tracing and
      prevent possible spread at schools.

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7) Staff and members of the community with symptoms of COVID-19 infection cannot
   return to school until they have met the following criteria to return to school for those with
   the following symptoms:

   ● At least 24 hours have passed since resolution of fever without the use of fever-
     reducing medications; and
   ● Other symptoms have improved; and
   ● They have a negative test for SARS-CoV-2, OR a healthcare provider has provided
     documentation that the symptoms are typical of their underlying chronic condition OR
     a healthcare provider has confirmed an alternative named diagnosis OR at least 10
     days have passed since symptom onset.

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FIGURE 1: Symptoms of COVID-193


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The school is required to report COVID-19 cases to the local public health department. School’s
Operations Circle is responsible for maintaining an open communication channel with the Contra
Costa County Public Health Department. Per AB 86 (2021) and California Code Title 17,
section 2500, schools are required to report COVID-19 cases to the local public health

The following are the quarantine recommendations based on various exposure scenarios.

1.   Quarantine recommendations for vaccinated close contacts
For those who are vaccinated, follow the August 22, 2021 CDPH Fully Vaccinated People
Guidance regarding quarantine.

2.   Quarantine recommendations for unvaccinated students for exposures when both
     parties were wearing a mask. These are adapted from the CDC K-12 guidance and CDC
     definition of a close contact4.
When both parties were wearing a mask in any school setting in which students are supervised by
school staff (including indoor or outdoor school settings) unvaccinated students who are close
contacts may undergo a modified quarantine as follows. They may continue to attend school for
in-person instruction if they:

     a.   Are asymptomatic;
     b.   Continue to appropriately mask, as required;
     c.   Undergo at least twice weekly testing during quarantine; and
     d.   Continue to quarantine for all extracurricular activities at school, including sports, and
          activities within the community setting.

Quarantine duration recommendations for unvaccinated close contacts in:
• Standard quarantine (i.e., students who were not wearing masks or for whom the infected
  individual was not wearing a mask during the exposure); OR
• Modified quarantine (i.e., students as described in Section B above).
      1. These contacts, if they remain asymptomatic (meaning they have NOT had any
     symptoms), may discontinue self-quarantine under the following conditions:
      •     Quarantine can end after Day 10 from the date of last exposure without testing; OR
      •     Quarantine can end after Day 7 if a test specimen (i.e., antigen diagnostic test,
            PCR/molecular diagnostic test, or pooled PCR/molecular test) is collected on or after
            Day 5 from the date of last exposure and tests negative.

 Close contact means someone who was less than 6 feet away from infected person (laboratory-
confirmed or a clinical diagnosis) for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour
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2. To discontinue quarantine before 14 days following last known exposure, asymptomatic
         close contacts should:
          •    Continue daily self-monitoring for symptoms through Day 14 from last known
               exposure; AND
          •    Follow all recommended non-pharmaceutical interventions (e.g., wearing a mask
               when around others, hand washing, avoiding crowds) through Day 14 from last known

         3.    If any symptoms develop during this 14-day period, the exposed person must
               immediately isolate, get tested and contact their healthcare provider with any questions
               regarding their care.

Refer to Figure 2 below for a summary of these requirements.



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For both vaccinated and unvaccinated persons, follow the CDPH Isolation Guidance6 for those
diagnosed with COVID-19.

In order to build trust in the school community and support successful return to school, this policy
will be posted on the school’s public website and included as part of the school’s parent/child
handbooks for both grades and early childhood classes.

Starting October 15, 2021, the school must comply with vaccine verification requirements for all
workers. These requirements are based on the State Public Health Officer Order of August 11,

1.       Vaccine Status Verification Requirements
In accordance with CDPH Guidance for Vaccine Records Guidelines & Standards, only the
following modes may be used as proof of vaccination:
     •   COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card (issued by the Department of Health and Human
         Services Centers for Disease Control & Prevention or WHO Yellow Card) which includes
         name of person vaccinated, type of vaccine provided and date last dose administered); OR
     •   a photo of a Vaccination Record Card as a separate document; OR
     •   a photo of the client's Vaccination Record Card stored on a phone or electronic device; OR
     •   documentation of COVID-19 vaccination from a health care provider; OR
     •   digital record that includes a QR code that when scanned by a SMART Health Card reader
         displays to the reader client name, date of birth, vaccine dates and vaccine type; OR
     •   documentation of vaccination from other contracted employers who follow these
         vaccination records guidelines and standards.
In the absence of knowledge to the contrary, a school may accept the documentation presented as
valid. Workers who are not fully vaccinated, or for whom vaccine status is unknown or
documentation is not provided, must be considered unvaccinated.



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2.         Testing requirements

Unvaccinated or incompletely vaccinated workers are required to undergo diagnostic screening
testing at least once weekly with either PCR testing or antigen testing. Any PCR (molecular) or
antigen test used must either have Emergency Use Authorization by the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration or be operating per the Laboratory Developed Test requirements by the U.S.
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

3.         Implementation Procedures

     I. Applicability
This public health order is applicable to all paid staff and parent-volunteers involved in essential
and scheduled activities in support of the operations of our school. Examples of essential school
operations include but not limited to:
     •      Parents participating in the scheduled operations of the school’s front office;
     •      Parents participating in the scheduled hikes with the Kindergarten classes;
     •      Parents participating in faculty meetings;
     •      Parents providing in class support to teachers; and
     •      Parents managing Squirrel’s Nest.
Parent volunteers involved in extra curriculum activities such as craft circles, yoga classes, any
circles that do not involve direct in-person interactions with the children and the staff on a regular
basis, festivals organization and monthly work days are exempt. Staff and parent-volunteers
involved with the operations of the pre-school are also exempt from these requirements.

     II.       Vaccine Verification
The following process shall be followed to verify vaccination status of all covered paid staff and
parent-volunteers. Confidentiality and protection of personal medical records is of outmost
importance and will be treated as such.
All paid staff and parent-volunteers involved in the essential school operations (see Section L.3.I
above for applicability) will be contacted by the school’s “COVID team” representatives to
arrange for a vaccine verification appointment. If you have any questions pertaining to
applicability of these requirements to you and/or your family, please contact us via email at

     III.      Weekly Testing
Weekly testing is required for those staff and parent-volunteers that chose not to get COVID-19
vaccine. In order to comply with the order requirements, unvaccinated staff and non-exempt
parent-volunteers are required to provide testing results on a weekly basis by emailing our Covid
team at COVID-19 testing sites are widely available (i.e., Walgreens
and CVS stores) and often do not require proof of insurance and have zero costs.

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California has partnered with OptumServe to provide free testing statewide. Additional
information on this partnership and to sign up, please visit For those
interested in saliva tests only, Test The People in Oakland, CA offers free saliva testing. For more
information, please visit

The following is a compilation of various fact sheets, frequently asked questions, and guidance
documents to aid the navigation of current requirements and implementation guidelines.
Child Care Guidance for Suspected or Confirmed COVID-19 Cases – October 4, 2021
Quarantine Guide for k-12 Schools – September 10, 2021
Q&A For Parents “Close Contacts” in Schools – September 8, 2021
Q&A for Parents: Modified Quarantine in Schools – September 13, 2021
Modified Quarantine Timeline – September 19, 2021
Examples of Counting for Isolation and Quarantine for Schools – September 10, 2021
A Student Was Exposed to COVID-19 at School: What’s Next? – September 20, 2021
K-12 School Guidance When a Student, Teacher, or Staff Member is Symptomatic, a Close
Contact, or Diagnosed with COVID-19 – September 13, 2021
K-12 Schools Guidance 2021-2022 Questions & Answers – September 22, 2021
Symptoms of COVID-19
K-12 school-based COVID-19 testing strategies for school year 2021-22 – July 12, 2021
Updated Testing Guidance – June 16, 2021

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