COVID-19 and LTC September 16, 2021 - Guidance and responses were provided based on information known on 9/16/2021 and may become out of date ...

Page created by Clifford Yates
COVID-19 and LTC September 16, 2021 - Guidance and responses were provided based on information known on 9/16/2021 and may become out of date ...
Guidance and responses were provided based on information known on 9/16/2021
and may become out of date. Guidance is being updated rapidly, so users should look
                   to CDC and NE DHHS guidance for updates.

                               COVID-19 and LTC
                                                September 16, 2021
COVID-19 and LTC September 16, 2021 - Guidance and responses were provided based on information known on 9/16/2021 and may become out of date ...
Presentation Information:
Panelists today are:​
   Dr. Rick Starlin                                        
   Kate Tyner, RN, BSN, CIC                                
   Lacey Pavlovsky, RN, MSN, CIC                           
   Sarah Stream, MPH, CDA, FADAA                           
   Rebecca Martinez, BSN, BA, RN, CIC                      
   Daniel Taylor, DHHS                                     
   Becky Wisell, DHHS                                      
   Cindy Kadavy, NHCA                                      
   Kierstin Reed, LeadingAge                               
   Debra Sutton, RN, BS, NHA                               
   Melody Malone, PT, CPHQ, MHA                            

   Moderated by Marissa Chaney                             

Slides and a recording of this presentation will be available on the ICAP website:​

Use the Q&A box in the webinar platform to type a question. Questions will be read aloud by the moderator.​
If your question is not answered during the webinar, please either e-mail it to NE ICAP or call during our office hours to speak
with one of our IPs.​
COVID-19 and LTC September 16, 2021 - Guidance and responses were provided based on information known on 9/16/2021 and may become out of date ...
Continuing Education Disclosures
 ▪1.0 Nursing Contact Hour and 1 NAB Contact Hour is awarded for
  the LIVE viewing of this webinar​
 ▪In order to obtain nursing contact hours, you must be present for the
  entire live webinar and complete the post webinar survey​
 ▪No conflicts of interest were identified for any member of the planning
  committee, presenters or panelists of the program content​
 ▪This CE is hosted Nebraska Medicine along with Nebraska ICAP and
  Nebraska DHHS​
 ▪ Nebraska Medicine is approved as a provider of nursing continuing
  professional development by the Midwest Multistate Division, an
  accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s
  (ANCC) Commission on Accreditation
COVID-19 and LTC September 16, 2021 - Guidance and responses were provided based on information known on 9/16/2021 and may become out of date ...
TMF Health Quality Institute
 CMS Quality Improvement
    Melody Malone, PT, CPHQ, MHA
    Quality Improvement Specialist
COVID-19 and LTC September 16, 2021 - Guidance and responses were provided based on information known on 9/16/2021 and may become out of date ...
NHSN Training: Resident Impact and
Facility Capacity Pathway Updates
• Date: Monday, Sept. 20, 2021

• Time: 1:00 – 2:00 PM ET

• Register in advance for this webinar:

COVID-19 and LTC September 16, 2021 - Guidance and responses were provided based on information known on 9/16/2021 and may become out of date ...
NHSN Training: Changes to the
Weekly NHSN COVID-19 Vaccination
Data Collection Forms for Long-Term
Care Facilities
• Date: Sept. 23, 2021
• Time: 2:00 – 3:00 PM EST
• Register in advance for this webinar:
• Note: If you are not able to attend this session, a
  replay broadcast will be held on September 29,
  2021. Registration links coming soon.                 6
COVID-19 and LTC September 16, 2021 - Guidance and responses were provided based on information known on 9/16/2021 and may become out of date ...
Reach out to us at:
  to submit requests for
      assistance with
NHSN reporting problems
 or quality improvement
COVID-19 and LTC September 16, 2021 - Guidance and responses were provided based on information known on 9/16/2021 and may become out of date ...
Nebraska Statistics
              Daily New    Infection   Positive Test   ICU Capacity   Vaccinated
 Week        Cases/ 100K     Rate          Rate            Used           1+
 6/17/21         1.6         0.88          3.0%            70%          50.0%
 6/24/21         1.7         0.98          3.6%            64%          50.5%
 7/1/21          2.5         1.17          4.3%            63%          51.7%
 7/8/21          3.6         1.26          6.1%            61%          52.0%
 7/15/21         4.1         1.30          6.8%            62%          52.4%

 7/22/21         6.2         1.35         10.2%            64%          52.9%
 7/29/21         10.4        1.35         12.8%            70%          53.5%
 8/5/21          14.6        1.31         15.1%            67%          54.4%
 8/12/21         19.0        1.25         15.9%            75%          55.3%
 8/19/21         24.3        1.25         15.8%            72%          56.0%
 8/26/21         32.1        1.22         17.2%            80%          56.7%
 9/2/21          38.0        1.18         17.1%            73%          57.5%
9/9/2021         35.8        1.07         16.0%            75%          58.0%
9/16/2021        35.5        1.00         12.6%            79%          58.2%

COVID-19 and LTC September 16, 2021 - Guidance and responses were provided based on information known on 9/16/2021 and may become out of date ...
Nebraska Statistics
COVID-19 and LTC September 16, 2021 - Guidance and responses were provided based on information known on 9/16/2021 and may become out of date ...
Nebraska Post-Acute and Long-
Term Care Facility COVID-19 Cases

**Updated: ​ 9/13/2021
Source: Unofficial Counts Compiled by Nebraska ICAP based on data reported by facilities
and DHHS; Actual Numbers may vary slightly
Nebraska LTC Facilities in Outbreak

**Updated: 9/15/2021
Source: Unofficial Counts Compiled by Nebraska ICAP based on data reported by facilities
and DHHS; Actual Numbers may vary slightly
CMS and CDC Updates
             Updated 9/10/2021
Nursing Home and LTC CDC
Outbreak Testing
QSO-20-38-NH: Testing
Nursing Home and LTC CDC Update
       Outbreak Response
Nursing Home and LTC CDC Update
       Outbreak Response
Nebraska ICAP Suggested Approach
Nebraska ICAP has noticed that when a case is identified in the building, it is often difficult for the
facilities to be sure that whether that is an index case versus there may have been ongoing
transmission at the facility.

Limiting testing to only close contacts may increase the risk of missing cases in the building and will
be a risk for widespread outbreaks.

Taking into account above-mentioned rationale and the CDC revised recommendations, ICAP is
recommending the following approach at this point while we are experiencing a COVID-19 surge in
the state:

• Outbreak testing should be done unit wide in those units where exposures have been identified
  (when looking at exposures for the purpose of testing, it does not need to be a prolonged
  exposures; exposures for shorter than 15-minute duration should also trigger outbreak testing).
  Both resident and staff for those units should undergo testing regardless of vaccination status.

• In general, facility-wide testing is not necessary and if a healthcare worker who tested positive
  never entered resident care areas and had no contacts with resident then resident testing may not
  be needed. Some staff (regardless of vaccination status) may still need to have outbreak testing if
  they had any kind of contact with the positive staff member.

• Facility wide testing may be needed on a case-by-case basis where there is a suspicion for a
  widespread      exposure or additional asymptomatic cases in the building due to the nature of the
  outbreak. ICAP team will assist facilities with those decisions.

• Since most facilities are doing point-of-care testing instead of PCR tests which are usually less
  sensitive and we are identifying cases at times at the 3rd and 4th round of testing, the
  recommendation will be to continue outbreak testing for 14 days after the last exposure
Routine Testing of
QSO-20-38-NH: Routine Testing

  Note: ICAP recommends that all facilities in counties identified as blue counties should continue to test
unvaccinated staff weekly until we are confident that the data is represented accurately in the CDC COVID-19
Note: ICAP recommends that all facilities in counties identified as blue counties should continue to test
unvaccinated staff weekly until we are confident that the data is represented accurately in the CDC COVID-19

  CDC COVID Data Tracker
Nursing Home and LTC CDC Update

     Note: Currently the Nebraska Data on the CDC COVID-19 tracker is not
     completely accurate and many counties are mentioned as having low
   community transmission when the actual transmission is higher. We will be
      advising facilities to take that into account when making decisions

    ICAP recommends that all facilities in counties identified as blue counties
  should continue to test unvaccinated staff weekly until we are confident that
         the data is represented accurately in the CDC COVID-19 tracker
Nursing Home and LTC CDC Update
     Screening Testing for HCP

Note: ICAP recommends that all facilities in counties identified as blue counties should continue to test
 unvaccinated staff weekly until we are confident that the data is represented accurately in the CDC
                                            COVID-19 tracker
Quarantine Updates
Nursing Home and LTC CDC Update
Quarantine: Fully Vaccinated Residents
ICAP Suggested Approach for Quarantine of
           Fully Vaccinated Residents
Even though CDC has recommended that fully vaccinated resident may not need to be
quarantined upon an exposure, but they do recommend that the resident wear masks.

However, it is well known that mask compliance is very low in nursing home resident and they
may not even be able to follow instructions on masking, physical distancing etc.

Considering the above-mentioned facts and the CDC recommendations, ICAP is
recommending the following approach for quarantine of fully vaccinated residents:

•   Quarantine requirements can be waived for those fully vaccinated resident with a
    significant exposure who can reliably follow the masking, physical distancing and frequent
    hand hygiene guidance. They will also need to wear their mask when a staff enters their
    room and their room doors should remain close. Also note that in those units where a
    significant exposure has been identified, the staff should wear N-95 masks and eye
    protection even if the quarantine requirement has been waived for the resident.

•   Fully vaccinated residents who cannot reliably follow the masking, physical distancing and
    frequent hand hygiene guidance will need to be quarantined in yellow zone for 14 days if
    they have a significant exposure (close contact within 6 feet for more than 15 minutes in a
    24-hour period).
Red Zone       Dark Red            Residents with Positive COVID-19 test                           COVID-19 Full PPE
(Isolation                                                                                         Respirator, Eye protection (Either Face shield or
zone)                                                                                              goggles), Isolation Gown, gloves
                                                                                                   Gown and gloves (with hand hygiene replaced between
                                                                                                   every resident)
                                                                                                   Respirator and Face Shield may be worn between
                                                                                                   residents if they are not touched
Yellow Zone    Light Red           Residents suspected of having COVID-19 but awaiting             COVID-19 Full PPE
(Quarantine    (Isolation within   confirmation of the diagnosis [Note: Do not transfer to
zone)          quarantine          COVID-unit yet. Isolate in a private room within the yellow
               zone):              zone]
               Yellow Zone         Asymptomatic residents who may have been exposed to             COVID-19 Full PPE
               (quarantine         COVID-19.
               zone)               This includes vaccinated residents if they cannot comply with
                                   the below infection control measures.
               Modified Yellow     Fully vaccinated, asymptomatic residents who may have           Even when quarantine [yellow zone] is waived, ICAP
               Zone (modified      been exposed to COVID-19 and can comply with the                recommends HCW continue to wear N95 respirators
               quarantine          following:                                                      and eye protection when in the resident room and
               zone)               • Wearing a mask [including in their room, when staff are       resident door must remain closed.
                                   • Willing/able to comply with testing recommendations
                                   • Maintain social distancing from staff and other residents
                                   • Doing hand hygiene frequently and at appropriate times.
Green Zone (COVID-19 free          Asymptomatic residents without any exposure to COVID19          No respirator necessary, practice source control with
zone)                                                                                              surgical mask
                                                                                                   Eye protection (Face shield or goggles) as part of
                                                                                                   standard precautions will always be needed.
Gray Zone (Transitional zone)      Unvaccinated residents without known exposure to COVID-         COVID-19 Full PPE
                                   19 who are being transferred from the hospital/outside
                                   facilities in communities with moderate to high COVID-19
                                   transmission rates are usually kept in this zone for 14 days
                                   and if remains asymptomatic (and test negative for COVID-
                                   19) at the end of 14 day will be moved to Green zone
Visitation Update
Nursing Home and LTC CDC Update
Source Control Update
Source Control
Source control and physical distancing (when physical distancing is feasible and
will not interfere with provision of care) are recommended for everyone in a
healthcare setting.

While it is generally safest to implement universal use of source control for
everyone in a healthcare setting, the following allowances could be considered for
fully vaccinated individuals (who do not otherwise meet the criteria described above) in
healthcare facilities located in counties with low to moderate community transmission.
Fully vaccinated people might choose to continuing using source control if they or
someone in their household is immunocompromised or at increased risk for severe
disease, or if someone in their household is unvaccinated.

Fully vaccinated HCP:
Consistent with guidance for the community could choose not to wear source control or
physically distance when they are in well-defined areas that are restricted from patient
access (e.g., staff meeting rooms, kitchen).
They should wear source control when they are in areas of the healthcare facility where
they could encounter patients (e.g., hospital cafeteria, common halls/corridors).

Infection Control: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
(SARS-CoV-2) | CDC
ICAP Source Control
          Suggested Approach
• ALL healthcare workers (regardless of vaccination status) should
  continue to practice source control when at ALL times

• Removing source control masks can be an option when all of the
  following criteria can be met:
       • You are in a Low Community Transmission (Blue) county, AND
       • You are fully vaccinated, AND
       • You are in a non-clinical, non-public area away from residents and
         any visitors

  • Due to the inability to access real time accurate data in the CDC
    Data Tracker at this time, we recommend source control at all
ICAP Updates
Non-Hospital Healthcare workgroup meets monthly.
They welcome any facilities that would like to join this meeting.
If you are interested in joining the group, email Dr. Anna Fisher.
COVID-19 Tele-ICAR Reviews
• ICAP is offering COVID-19 focused virtual ICAR reviews to LTC,
  outpatient and acute care facilities

• The review will assess the status of COVID-19 policies and
  procedures and offer a summary of recommendations from ICAP

• Home Health Agencies fall under the outpatient umbrella and ICAP
  has developed a HH focused review to support our HH partners

• Contact NE ICAP at 402.552.2881 to be connected with the IP
  responsible for the facility
Webinar CE Process
1 Nursing Contact Hour and 1 NAB Contact Hour is offered for attending this LIVE
            A separate survey must be completed for each attendee.
Nursing Contact Hours:                        NAB:
➢ Completion of survey is required.           ➢ Completion of survey is required.
     ➢ The survey must be specific                 ➢ The survey must be specific to
         to the individual obtaining                  the individual obtaining credit.
         credit. (i.e.: 2 people cannot               (i.e.: 2 people cannot be listed
         be listed on the same survey)                on the same survey)
➢ One certificate is issued monthly           ➢ You must have a NAB membership
   for all webinars attended                  ➢ Credit is retrieved by you
➢ Certificate comes directly from             ➢ Any issues or
   ICAP via email                               questions regarding your credit must
➢ Certificate is mailed by/on the 15th          be directed to NAB customer service.
   of the next month                               ➢ ICAP can verify survey
                                                      completion and check the roster

Contact Marissa with questions:
Infection Prevention and Control
           Hotline Number:
            Call 402-552-2881
      Office Hours are Monday – Friday
        8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Central Time

On-call hours are available for emergencies only
     Weekends and Holidays from 8:00 AM- 4:00 PM
**Please call the main hotline number only during on-call hours**
Questions and Answer
Use the QA box in the webinar platform to type a
question. Questions will be read aloud by the

• Dr. Rick Starlin
• Kate Tyner, RN, BSN, CIC
• Lacey Pavlovsky, RN, MSN, CIC
• Sarah Stream, MPH, CDA, FADAA
• Rebecca Martinez, BSN, BA, RN, CIC
• Daniel Taylor, DHHS                        
• Becky Wisell, DHHS
• Cindy Kadavy, NHCA
• Kierstin Reed, LeadingAge
• Debra Sutton, RN, BS, NHA                            Don’t forget to Like us on Facebook
• Melody Malone, PT, CPHQ, MHA                         for important updates!

•   Moderated by Marissa Chaney
•   Supported by Margaret Deacy
•   Slide support from Lacey Pavlovsky, RN, MSN, CIC
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