COVID-19 and Governance in Mizoram: Issues and Challenges

International Journal of Research and Review
                                                                                     Vol.8; Issue: 8; August 2021
Research Paper                                                           E-ISSN: 2349-9788; P-ISSN: 2454-2237

COVID-19 and Governance in Mizoram: Issues and
                                        Lalhruaitluangi Sailo
  Research Scholar, Department of Political Science, School of Social Sciences, Mizoram University, Aizawl,
                                               Mizoram, India.

ABSTRACT                                                 and the universe of the study is Aizawl,
Background: The phenomenon of COVID-19                   Results: Findings of the study have suggested
has remained a mystery to mankind. It is not just        that there is a lack of efficiency in carrying out
about the disease but has also multiple ripple           the governance policy on COVID-19. Although,
effects on every aspect of life. It has completely       studies have shown that the setting up of Task
changed the course of living in a short period.          Force initiated by the government and their
The entry of Covid-19 has taken a heavy toll on          contribution and involvement in the governance
human beings in particular and on every                  is considered remarkable.
government and institution in general. Hence,            Conclusion: After all, COVID-19 is assumed to
for the survival and safeguard of the human              exist long enough along with human beings,
race, various governments came up with                   therefore, for the survival of an individual, one
protocols and measures against the spread of             needs to work and function daily. Thus, by
Covid19. Apparently, lockdown is one of the              keeping that in mind, Mizoram in particular
strategies widely adopted by the governments as          where the economy is weak and not self-
a means to overcome the Covid-19 issue.                  sufficient, the State government and official
Although, being under the same umbrella, there           experts have to adopt new methods and
are countries that are worst affected by Covid-          strategies besides “lockdown” for the well-being
19 while some countries do not face as much.             of the people.
No doubt that the virus has reached every nook
and corner of the globe, as a matter of fact             Keywords: COVID-19, Lockdown,
Mizoram which is situated at the corner of most          Government, Civil Society Organisations
of North-East India has also been under the              (CSOs), Task Force, Governance, Standard
distress of Covid-19                                     Operating Procedure (SOP)
Aim: The study examined and understands
governance on Covid19 in Mizoram. It stresses            INTRODUCTION
how the government and various organizations                     With the outbreak of the global
had given efforts in this situation and how the          pandemic of Coronavirus also known as
policy being adopted by them has had an impact           Covid19 in early 2020, various countries
on the people so far. It also emphasises the
                                                         and governments have taken initiatives to
issues and challenges of governance policy on
Covid-19 for further references.                         fight against this pandemic. Precautionary
Methods and Materials: The study was                     measures fall in the hands of every
descriptive while data is collected from both            government to prevent and safeguard the
primary and secondary sources. Primary sources           lives of its people against this virus. So far,
were based on empirical analysis and                     the Covid-19 pandemic has been one of the
questionnaire collected through online survey            most catastrophic periods experienced by
method while secondary sources include                   the world in the 21st century. Preparations
articles, journals, newspapers and internet.             and awareness are somehow difficult for
Findings are based on an online survey method            every government as it has taken the world
that was conducted with a sample size of 500             in an un-expecting manner and also a new

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Lalhruaitluangi Sailo. COVID-19 and governance in Mizoram: issues and challenges.

thing to everyone, even for the scientists.            to Coronavirus. In this tiring period,
Countries are taking unprecedented                     scientists, doctors and several governments
measures to combat the spread of disease               are pushing hard to develop vaccines soon.
while ameliorating its pernicious effect on            As a result, with their constant efforts and
the economy and labour market. (1) As of 30            endeavours, the breakthrough of the covid19
January       2020,     the    World     Health        vaccine has been announced. By mid-2021,
Organization (WHO) have declared this                  these vaccines have been shipped across
virus as a global pandemic following the               nations to protect and prevent human beings
announcement of the name of the disease                against the virus. Today, most developed
caused by the new outbreak of coronavirus              countries are somewhat back to normal life
as COVID-19 on 11 February 2020. (2) As                with the help of vaccines although Covid19
per the instructions issued by the concerned,          has been lingering.
the safeties way is to shut down all activities
and social gatherings which envisages that             India Scenario
lockdown is the pre-requisites measure                          With a population of 1.3 billion
against the spread of this virus.                      people, India is also experiencing a crisis
         Hence, the world has been in a                due to the pandemic. Having been said with
lockdown period for about two months.                  lockdown the Indian government have also
Covid-19 has inevitably enveloped the                  responded to nationwide lockdown on 24th
world, it has become a national disaster for           March 2020, to control the pandemic as
every nation. As it is evident that Covid-19           countries around the globe are seeing
has taken its shape in the form of the first           lockdown and social distancing as a major
wave since March 2020 and the Second                   solution to stop the spread of Covid 19. (5)
wave since early 2021. The unfortunate loss            Soon, it has become a national interest, the
of many lives and the alarmingly increasing            Central government has issued certain
rate of Covid19 cases has led to a frantic             protocols and guidelines such as shutting
call for all. In this scenario, the surge of the       down institutions, public meeting places and
Covid19 pandemic has urged the                         other restrictions that are intended to contain
governments to take effective measures and             the spread of the virus. To overcome the
safety protocols for the people. Each                  ‘greatest emergency since Independence’,
country handled the COVID19 differently,               the Government of India has announced a
leading to different consequential forms of            variety of measures to tackle the situation,
the pandemic. (3) Some countries delayed               from food security and extreme funds for
government intervention in the expectation             healthcare to sector-related incentives and
of         achieving          community-based          tax deadline extensions. (6) In the initial
immunization. In contrast, some countries              stages, the Central government has also
took a sharp response by locking down                  initiated a policy by setting up screening
international      borders     and     domestic        points in various areas, state cross line
movements. While, some countries respond               territories and airports and lockdown of
by approaching with special operating                  international borders to prevent the spread
procedures (SOPs), social distancing and               of Covid19. Regardless, the first wave of
smart tracking of the COVID19 incidence                Covid-19 has brought massive widespread
that allows businesses to continue.                    of active cases and deaths across the
         At present, millions of lives have            nations. Despite being in a lockdown period
been lost and still counting. As per report on         for approximately 2 months, different states
World meters, global covid19 cases-                    and Union territories have shown mixed
201,063,706 while deaths- 4,271,347 with               trends of COVID-19 cases over the period.
181,053,540 recovered recorded as on
August 5 2021. (4) USA, India and Brazil are                  Meanwhile, by mid-September
the worst affected countries in the world due          2020, the Indian government has based its

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Lalhruaitluangi Sailo. COVID-19 and governance in Mizoram: issues and challenges.

optimism due to a sharp drop in reported               total cases of 31,810,782, deaths- 426,321
cases. Thus, it is likely believed that India is       and recovered-30,967,223 as of August 5,
clear from the dilemma of Covid-19. This               2021. (10)
illustration has made the whole nation at
ease, by letting their guard down, although            Covid-19 and Mizoram
cases are still prevailing. Experts have                       At the outset, the government of
believed that the Indian government appears            Mizoram have responded to Covid19
to let its guard down quite too soon by                accordingly as per the guidance of the
declaring victory over the virus. (7) The First        Central government. It has taken the
wave of covid19 was just the tip of the                situation under control where protocols and
iceberg for India as the situation began to            awareness have been given out extensively.
unravel as India was in the grips of a                 Besides total lockdown, the government has
devastating second wave of Covid-19, while             locked its border areas and set up screening
election campaigning had begun in full                 points in certain areas and its airport to
swing with no safety protocols and social              prevent the entry of Covid-19. Till May
distancing. (7) Besides new variant called the         2020, Mizoram has only one active case
Delta virus has been found in India. As a              reported, however, it soon started indulging
result, India has to face a fresh lockdown             with active cases when stranded Mizo’s
again by mid-April 2021, the government is             from outside the State started entering
fuelled with a public health emergency, due            Mizoram. Soon, the government promptly
to poor preparedness and soon India started            set up Referral Hospital, ZMC as a
recording more than 270,000 cases with                 dedicated Covid19 care hospital and also
over 16,000 deaths within a single day. (8)            extended opening quarantine centres in
This turns out to be a significant turning             several areas. During 1st wave of Covid19,
point for the Government of India. The                 unlike other major States and cities in India,
governance policy adopted by the Indian                Mizoram has recorded the least number of
government during Covid- 19 has led to a               covid19 cases. Under the first wave of
miserable situation. There is no strategic             Covid-19 (March 2020- March 2021)
plan to overcome the virus despite keeping             Mizoram has recorded 4,476 total cases
aside the warnings and instructions about              which are 21.84% of the overall cases being
the second wave given by the experts. The              recorded. (11)
government has let down its guard too soon                     The State Government has also
by organising election campaigns, rallies,             taken initiatives in importing Covid19
religious gatherings and so on which                   testing laboratories such as RT-PCR, True
resulted in a more inevitable crisis to the            Nat and RAgt. The government have issued
nation.                                                Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
         Nevertheless, by mid of June, the             under State Disaster Management Authority
country has witnessed more recovery with               which has frequently revised the SOPs from
the     initiatives    undertaken      by the          time to time, as the State is being under
government. It has taken efforts in giving             lockdown situation now and then.
out vaccines to the citizens and priorities for        Gradually, as the government issued certain
health care facilities and infrastructure. At          relaxations in SOPs on Covid19, the
present, India has given out 37,55,115                 situation began to unravel with the report of
vaccines to its citizens and this is increasing.       deaths due to the virus-related and later on
    Critics have pointed out that the Indian           active cases appears to show increasing rate
government is not proactive in responding              with addition to deaths. The gist to the
to the pandemic, which has led to huge loss            protocols of the Indian government, the
of lives, and also their response on Covid19           State government have also relaxed the
is quite too late. India is one of the worst           situation in responding to Covid19 issues by
affected countries in the world, has recorded

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taking off certain restrictions imposed in the        cases reported in a day on 25th (1,369), 26th
State before the 2nd wave of Covid-19.                (1,118) and 28th (1,100) cases respectively.
         There has been a paradigm shift in
the 2 wave when the Indian government
faced zero preparedness. So, is the case with         Government and Civil Society
State governments and Mizoram is no                   Organizations on Covid19
exception to this. The State is facing                        Ever since the outbreak of covid19,
enormous emergencies in terms of health               there have been an immense involvement
facilities, infrastructure and manpower. As a         and contribution given by Civil Society
result, cases multiplied every single day             Organisations alongside the government.
with an increasing number of Covid-19                 From the initial stages, the government have
related death cases. The State government             given the opportunity in welcoming the
falls under various hurdles with the issues of        voices and opinions given by the CSOs
Covid-19 with regards to the safeguard of             especially Churches and the Young Mizo
the situation. In this regard, with the               Association (YMA) with regards to framing
increasing rate of active cases, the                  the policy of SOP on Covid-19. The
government has initiated the extension of             government has also taken efforts in setting
Community Covid Care Centre (4Cs) in                  up a Task Force which mainly consists of
various localities for isolating the covid-19         voluntary members ie; the Local Level Task
patients under the care and guidance of the           Force (for urban areas) and the Village
Task Force. As the State resumes complete             Level Task Force (for rural areas) in every
lockdown by mid-April 2021, it has hugely             part of the State. This force is established
impacted the socio-economic conditions of             for the purpose to undertake extensive
the people in the worst manner. During the            measures in law and orders for the safety of
second wave since April 2021, there are               the people under the instructions of
16,016 cases are being recorded so far                government SOPs in their respective areas
which covers 78.16% of the total cases                and also to help the less privileged in their
found in the State. (11)                              communities during the COVID crisis. (14)
         However, as relaxation soon curled                   The task force has operated as a vital
up regarding SOP on Covid-19 by the State             means on behalf of the State government in
governments in mid-June, there appears to             terms of executing and exercising
have been a surge in covid cases. Thus, as a          government instructions under SOPs. They
result after 18 days of relaxation, Mizoram           acted as a watchdog for the government
has no other option but falls under the               where-in tracking and tracing of contact
complete lockdown period again from 19th              persons by Covid19 patients have been done
July. For instance, based on the empirical            largely by the task force. They have
analysis, it is evident that people are not           assumed a significant factor in handling law
careful enough whilst rules are not abiding           and orders in every town and cities
accordingly. Besides, the government and              respectively. The surge of the second wave
executives are likely inefficient in                  which is more likely serious than before has
implementing and executing the SOPs up to             brought back the Task Force in the
par. Meanwhile, the majority of the States in         spotlight. With the increasing rate of
India is now at a declining rate while                covid19 cases daily, the government has
Northeast India and Mizoram, in particular,           organised in setting up Community Covid
is now experiencing an alarming rate of               Care Centre (CCCC) in various localities
covid-19 cases. So far, Mizoram has                   especially in Aizawl under the efforts and
recorded 42,083 total covid-19 cases, while           responsibilities taken by the task force.
the active case is 13,065, deaths-157 and                     The effects of mass increased in
recovered- 28,861 as of 5 Aug 2021. (12)              covid19 cases has heavily demanded the
Mizoram has recorded the highest covid-19             needs of manpower in various Community

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care centres. At this juncture, nurses and            funds to CMRF. In addition, at the
individuals have voluntarily stepped up to            community level donations have been
sacrifice their time for Community Care               offered by localities to the task force for
Centre which reveals a true spirit of                 relief measures.
humanitarian values of the Mizo.                              Generally, the covid-19 has most
Meanwhile, the government has devoted the             affected in Aizawl city where this has
State Referral Hospital at Zoram Medical              resulted in a shortage of essential needs in
College (ZMS) as a dedicated hospital for             terms of fresh vegetables etc. At this point,
Covid-19 patients besides several Covid               to ease these problems, villages from
Care Centre for quarantine and isolation for          several parts of Mizoram have come into
Covid patients have been set up under the             action by willingly supply fresh vegetables
care of the government.                               from their farm to Aizawl city. This has
        Regarding the crisis of the Covid19           shown the togetherness and unity of the
pandemic, the government has emphasised               Mizos’ in supporting one another against
Testing, tracking, and treatment. Apart from          Covid19 and proved that the government is
this, since the arrival of the Covid-19               not alone in this.
vaccine, the State government has
immensely        prioritized    giving    out         METHODS AND MATERIALS
vaccination drives to the people. It has been                 In the light of Covid-19 issues, the
reported that 7,01,646 vaccines have been             essence of the study is to examine and
availed out of which 1,09,868 have taken              understand governance on Covid19 in
complete doses (Vanglaini, daily newspaper            Mizoram. It stresses how the government
dt. 16th July 2021). (15) In addition to this,        and various organizations have given efforts
Health Minister of Mizoram Dr R.                      in this situation and how the policy being
Lalthangliana had stated that Mizoram has             adopted by them has had an impact on the
ranked 6th position in giving out the most            people so far. It also emphasizes the issues
vaccine in India, during a meeting with               and challenges of governance policy on
Officials at Secretariat Conference Hall on           Covid-19 for further references. The study
July 17, 2021. Recently, due to the rapid             was descriptive while data is collected from
increase in covid-19 cases, the government            both primary and secondary sources.
has also taken initiative in undertaking mass         Primary sources were based on empirical
testing of samples within Aizawl city areas.          analysis and questionnaire collected through
For instance, this has appeared to be very            online survey method while secondary
effective in fighting against the spread of           sources     include      articles,  journals,
covid19 hence treatment of positive cases             newspapers and internet. Findings are based
identified can be also done in an early               on an online survey method that was
manner.                                               conducted with a sample size of 500 and the
        The effects of Covid-19 and                   universe of the study is Aizawl, Mizoram.
lockdown have heavily impacted the socio-
economic aspects of the people more likely            STATISTICAL METHODS
to daily wage seekers in particular. Due to                   Data was analysed by employing
several lockdowns and certain restrictions            descriptive and quantitative research. The
issued by the government SOP on Covid19,              study highlighted the issues and challenges
several families have faced an enormous               of governance on COVID-19 through the
amount of hardship with no income being               multiple responses and analysed the
available. In this regard, the government has         outcome which further push the study in a
established a Relief Fund for the people              significant manner.
under Chief Minister Relief Fund (CMRF).
Under this, various groups, families and
individuals have opened up in donating

                    International Journal of Research and Review (             677
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Lalhruaitluangi Sailo. COVID-19 and governance in Mizoram: issues and challenges.

RESULTS                                                     using Google form with a sample size of
       The study is conducted within                        500 and a simple random sampling
Aizawl city (Aizawl being with highest                      technique is employed. Findings generated
cases and worst affected within Mizoram)                    through multiple response analysis based on
concerning the governance policy on                         questionnaire as given below:
Covid19. A questionnaire is applied by

                           Table: Online survey response on Governance and COVID-19 in Mizoram
           Governance Policy                                      Good     Poor Others Total Respondents
           Govt. efforts in response to Covid19 issues            304     49     147       500
                                                                  60.8% 9.8%     29.4%
           Contribution and involvement of CSOs on governance 264         10     226       500
                                                                  52.8% 2%       45.2%
           Task Force on Covid19                                  461     10     226       500
                                                                  92.2% 2%       45.2%
           Lockdown Policy                                        190     40     270       500
                                                                  38%     8%     54%
           Administration and execution on Covid19 protocols      30      140    330       500
                                                                  6%      28%    66%

        From the above table, the study has                 economic disadvantages in the society.
shown that the governance policy on Covid-                  However, they also believed that lockdown
19 has positive and negative aspects. It is                 to a certain extent is essential to prevent the
evident that 60.8% of the respondents think                 spread of the virus. On the other hand, 38%
that the government endeavour towards the                   supported the lockdown policy as it is the
issues of the Covid-19 is satisfactory,                     only major solution in this matter.
whereas 29.4% are not satisfied with the                            Lastly, with regards to the
government efforts. In addition to this, a                  administration and execution process, 66%
large number of the respondents have                        have argued that the government is not
argued that the government preparedness is                  efficient enough in carrying out its policy
weak and action is not taken firmly.                        for an effective result. They have argued
        In response to Civil Society                        that the government relied too much on the
Organizations CSOs), 52.8% feel that their                  Task Force where it does not utilize enough
contribution and involvement towards                        of its government employees in terms of
governance on Covid19 is good while                         execution and maintenance of law and
45.2% fall in the category where they                       order. Moreover, they felt that the
believed that CSOs are not involved enough                  government is not transparent enough in
nor representations from them is limited in                 handling the Relief fund and how it is
governance feature.                                         allocated and distributed to the public.
        Another interesting outcome is that
majority of the respondents (92.2%)                         DISCUSSION
strongly supported and favour the Task                              The major essence of the study was
Force organization. It is highly regarded as                to understand and examined governance on
one of the best policies initiated by the State             COVID-19, throwing light from Mizoram
during Covid19. On the other hand, 45.2%                    State perspective. Generally, during
thinks that the organization and set up of                  COVID-19,      governance policy was
Task Force’s powers and functions should                    reflected in the Standard Operating
be more appropriate.                                        Procedure (SOPs) provided by the
        The Lockdown policy imposed by                      Government after due consultation from
the government has provided various                         various representatives. As Covid-19 has
opinions and implications. Amongst the                      proved to be one of the greatest and most
respondents, 54% hold the opinion that                      unexpected challenges to the government of
continuous and frequent lockdown is not the                 the world. It has been seen that various
best solution where it has led to socio-                    studies have been conducted concerning

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governance and its response on COVID-19.               staffs. Thus, more transparency is needed
Given the similarities of the challenges               for governance to be more efficient and
encountered, one study has provided that               accountable.
strong and effective multilevel-governance                     It is recognised that the information
is essential and the success of the response           is not complete nor up to date given the
greatly depends on the active participation            extremely fast-paced dynamic of the Covid-
of all actors of society, as regards not only          19 outbreak as well as the response
complying with confinement measures but                measure. Hence, study is based on broad
also the direct involvement in initiatives that        range of publicly available information
support or complement the action of public             analysed through the online survey for the
bodies. (16) Thus, studies have shown that             current study. However, based on the study
the response to COVID-19 has required                  analysed, it has given a glimpse picture on
increased efforts in terms of multilevel               how governance response on the Covid-19
governance, with authorities at all levels of          in Mizoram has been experienced. In this
government being involved. Ensuring                    regard, one may strongly opined that Who,
coordination, concertation, cooperation and            How and Which of the decision-making has
communication between them has been                    reached and has consequences in the long-
crucial to the effective handling of the crisis.       term.
        A similar study also found that the
response to COVID-19 highly emphasises                 CONCLUSION
the need of openness and transparency                          After all, Covid19 has a ripple effect
which are the detrimental components of                on humankind in general. Governments and
democratic governance. The public has the              various organizations endeavours against
right to be informed and to be provided with           Covid19 is extremely intense. As Covid19
up-to-date,     transparent     and    reliable        is a new thing to all people, certainly there
information on the pandemic and the                    are limitations involved in the procedures.
measures to tackle it. This is also a matter of        Till today, Covid vaccines have not been
accountability to counterbalance the fact              proved that they are cent per cent secure
that governments and local authorities                 enough to prevent one against the virus.
sometimes need to adopt emergency                      Therefore, no government has not come up
measures with a lower level of public                  with an effective solution other than
consultation as would normally be expected.            wearing a mask, social distancing and
     Concerning to governance and its                  frequent handwash (covid appropriate
response to Covid-19, another study has                behaviour). Thus, the responsibility falls in
also argued that Covid-19 task forces are              the hands of every individual to live by the
government only. Civil society and                     rules for everyone’s safety. On the other
community groups not being engaged in                  hand, it is the sole duty of the government to
primary discussions, neither are social                provide health facilities and enforce safety
workers, child development specialists,                measures for its people. Thus, there can be
human rights lawyers, and many other                   major       differences     between     active
people whose experiential and vocational               government and weak government in this
expertise are particularly relevant in terms           regard.
of societal rights, and groups affected by                     The Govt. of Mizoram has also
isolation measures. Civil society and                  played a crucial role in the governance
community groups do not seem to be                     policy on Covid19, where it has done
consulted at all. (17) Besides one notable             remarkable work in the process through the
exception was that women perspectives and              support of various organizations. More
voices seemed to be less involved in taking            importantly, more transparency is needed
the decision making perhaps while large                regarding who decision-making bodies are
number of females are at the front line                listening to as a basis for their decisions.

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