COURSES PART - TIME March/April 2022 Monaghan - cmetb

Page created by Adrian Bryant
COURSES PART - TIME March/April 2022 Monaghan - cmetb
       March/April 2022

COURSES PART - TIME March/April 2022 Monaghan - cmetb
Welcome                                                             3               Welcome
Where we deliver our programmes                                     4

Qualifications Explained                                            5        This brochure provides a guide to the wide               step on the education ladder. Our qualified
The Adult Guidance and Information Service                          6        range of free part-time programmes available             Guidance Counsellors can provide you
                                                                             throughout County Monaghan. Whether                      with the necessary skills and information to
Adult Literacy Service                                              7
                                                                             you wish to get help with literacy difficulties,         allow you to decide what option is best for
How to apply for a course                                           9        to complete a hobby course, to learn a new               you at this time. In addition, they can help
                                                                             skill, to organise training for your employees,          you develop the skills you will need to seek
Family Learning classes                                             12
                                                                             or to complete a qualification to allow you              employment- CV preparation, interview skills
English for Speakers of other Languages (ESOL)                      13       progress to employment or further study, I am            and presentation.
Commuity Education                                                  14       confident there is something here for you.
                                                                                                                                      Remember, it is never too late to learn
Courses for Community Groups                                        16
                                                                             Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training                something new- our learners range in age
Courses for Farmers                                                 18       Board (CMETB) aim to provide a service that              from 16 to 90! I am certain you will enjoy
Employer Based Training - Upskilling Employees                      19       allows you to learn at a time and a pace that            and succeed in whatever Adult Education
                                                                             suits you, in a venue close to you.                      programme you choose to do, and trust that
Skills to Advance                                                   20
                                                                                                                                      CMETB will support you on your learning
Support courses for Apprentices and FET studens                     21       Most of our courses are funded which means               journey.
                                                                             they are free to people who are age 16 and over
Support courses for Second Level students                           22
                                                                             and not in full time education.                          I wish you the very best in your studies with
Preparation courses for QQI Level 5, Apprenticeships amd Trainees   23       You will also find contact details for our               us.
Preparation for the Driver Theory Test                              24       Guidance Service which is often your first

Career Development courses                                          25

Advocacy                                                            26

Community Development                                               26

Business/Administration                                             27

Childcare                                                           29
Cookery                                                             31                                             Deirdre Byrne
Consturction                                                        32                                             Adult Education Officer
Healthcare                                                          33

Beauty                                                              34
Horticulture                                                        35
Information Communications Technology (ICT)                         36

Retail Skills                                                       39              To get further information or to register for any of our courses, please contact:
                                                                                    Monaghan Tel: 047-71914 | Guidance: 047-30800 | Guidance Carrickmacross: 042 9690739
Tourism                                                             40

Training and Development                                            41

Learner Stories/Case Studiies                                       42
                                                                         2           3
COURSES PART - TIME March/April 2022 Monaghan - cmetb
Where we                               We also deliver programmes throughout the
                                       county in various outreach centres as well
                                                                                         Qualifications                               Major Awards: the overall certificate/award

deliver our                            as offering online courses. We aim to offer
                                       flexible delivery to work around the busy lives
                                                                                         Explained                                    which include several modules.

programmes                             of learners, offering courses both during the
                                       day and through evening provision.
                                                                                         The National Framework of Qualifications
                                                                                         (NFQ) is a ten-level system (1–10)
                                                                                                                                      Minor Awards: 1 module which can build
                                                                                                                                      towards a major award.

» Dun Mhuire Adult Education Centre,                                                     giving an academic or vocational value       To obtain a QQI Major Award certain
Monaghan Town                                                                            to qualifications obtained in Ireland.       numbers and combinations of modules/
» Carrickmacross Workhouse                                                               Accredited part-time courses offered by      components must be successfully
» European House Monaghan                                                                CMETB range from QQI Level 1- Level 6        completed. Modules/Components are
» Castleblayney Youthreach                                                               on the NFQ.                                  worth 5, 10 or 15 credits.
» Gate House Learning Centre

                                                                                         Award types

                                                                                         Your part-time course can be a major award
                                                                                         or a minor award. These are explained

                                                                                    4    5
COURSES PART - TIME March/April 2022 Monaghan - cmetb
The Adult                                           Can you help learners to move into

Guidance and
                                                    As part of our commitment to support our              Adult Literacy                                   A Guide to
                                                    learners on courses, we can offer support on the
                                                    following:                                            Service                                          Adult Literacy
Service                                             »   Courses to reskill for employment                 Do you or does someone you know struggle
                                                    »   Mock Interviews and Interview Skills              with literacy including reading, writing,
                                                    »   Assisting with Application Forms                  maths and IT? If so, we offer small or one to    Below is a guide to the different levels in adult
What is it?                                         »   Reviewing CVs                                     one support classes in a relaxed and informal    literacy; if you are unsure of your level please
We provide free, impartial, careers and education                                                         environment throughout County Monaghan.          contact the Guidance Service. All of our
information, one-to-one guidance and group          Is there a cost?                                                                                       courses are free of charge and are suitable for
guidance to help people make informed               No, the service is completely free of charge and we   We begin with an informal meeting and            those over the age of 16.
educational, career and life choices.               offer a professional and confidential service.        conversation about an individual learner’s
                                                                                                          needs and together we decide what might           QQI Level 1
Who can access the service?                                                                               work best. Some learners may want specific
Information and Guidance Services are provided      You can contact the service by phone, email or        help with reading, writing, completing driver    A course at this level is designed to meet the
to all adults aged 18 years and over, and those     webchat.                                              theory tests, form filling or helping children   needs of learners at the very beginning of
over 16 who have left school early and who are      Telephone: 047 30800                                  with homework, while others may want to          their learning journey. It is suitable for adults
interested in returning to education, employment    Email:                      progress onto more formal educational paths.     with little or no formal education who have
and/or training. All learners on our part-time      Webchat: (Available                                                          difficulty with reading and writing. It may
programmes can avail of an appointment with a       Mon-Fri 10am-1pm)                                     To find out more contact our Adult Literacy      also be helpful for those with intellectual and
qualified Guidance Counsellor before, during and                                                          team in Monaghan:                                other disabilities. This award offers modules
after their course.                                                                                                                                        in basic literacy and numeracy.
                                                    Meet the team
                                                                                                                                                           Sample modules Include: Reading, Writing,
Can you help adults interested in going to third                                                                                                           Non-Verbal Communication Skills, Setting
level?                                                                                                                                                     Learning Goals, Listening and Speaking,
We offer guidance, help and support to those who                                                                                                           Technology Skills, Computer Skills, Problem
                                                                  Eithne O’Callaghan
are thinking of applying for a course in Higher                                                                                                            Solving Skills, Quantity & Number Skills.
                                                                  Adult Guidance Co-ordinator/                         Angela McCrossan
Education through the CAO or UCAS. We
                                                                  Counsellor (Monaghan)                                Adult Literacy Organiser
can also advise on grants available and possible                                                                                                            QQI Level 2
funding opportunities.
                                                                  047 30800 or 087 9809339                             Tel. 047 71914
                                                                                                                                                           Learners may progress from level 1 to this
                                                                  Marie Clerkin                                                                            award or may begin their learning journey at
                                                                  Guidance Information                                                                     this level. This level would also be suitable
                                                                                                                       Ceinwen Fergus
                                                                  Officer (Monaghan)                                                                       for learners who wish to improve their basic
                                                                                                                       Adult Literacy Organiser
                                                                                                                            reading and spelling. Modules at this level
                                                                  047 30800                                                                                may often suit speakers of other languages
                                                                                                                       Tel. 0871967888
                                                                                                                                                           as it includes modules on Listening and
                                                                    Bernadette Connolly
                                                                                                                                                           Speaking, Reading and Writing.
                                                                    Adult Guidance Counsellor
                                                                    042 9690739

                                                                                               6          7
QQI Level 4

Modules include: Computer Skills, Setting
                                                        Level 4 awards are especially popular with
                                                        adults returning to education after a long       How to Apply for a Course
Learning Goals, Personal Care, Life Sciences            break from studies. These courses are offered
(Horticulture), Quantitative Problem Solving,           in a relaxed and supported environment.          Guide for Learners and Applicants – Applying Online for a Course using
Quantity & Number, Data Handling, Pattern               Awards at level 4 enable learners to develop
& Relationship, Personal Safety, Food Choice            vocational and personal skills and provide the
                                                                                                         1       How to register on FETCH ourses, please do step by step by clicking on video below:
& Health.                                               opportunity to progress to Level 5 certified
 QQI Level 3
                                                        Sample modules include: Communications,
Level 3 is a typical starting point for adults          Customer Service, Functional Mathematics,
who did not previously complete Junior Cert             Information Technology Skills, Computer
level of education and who now wish to gain             Applications, Personal Effectiveness, Team
qualifications. You may also wish to improve            Working, Work Experience, Word Processing,
your skills in reading, writing and maths, while        Spreadsheet Methods, Business English,
also acquiring new skills in other vocational           Database Methods, Horticulture, Culinary
areas such as Communications, Personal                  Techniques etc.
Effectiveness, Sewing, Cookery, Computers,
Horticulture etc.

 QQI Levelcourses:
Literacy   4       for help with basic skills. If you need help with reading and writing,
then we offer small group classes. Classes can be held in any location, please contact
Ceinwen or Sharon on 047 71914 for information on your area.
 Module                                Venue             Start Date      No of        Time
 Reading and Writing
                                                         Tuesday, 26th                                   2       When you verify your account it will bring you to your own Fetch dashboard/screen
 Support                    n/a        Castleblayney                     13 weeks     3pm - 4pm
                                                         April, 2022
 Ref: 343622
 Reading and Writing
                                       EU House,         Friday, 29th                 10am - 12
 Support                    n/a                                          13 weeks
                                       Monaghan          April, 2022                  noon
 Ref: 337402
 Reading and Writing
                                                         Monday. 13th
 Support                    n/a        Carrickmacross                    6 weeks      2pm - 4pm
                                                         June, 2022
 Ref: 341179
 Classes can be run in any other location, depending on demand. Please ring 047
 71914 for information

                                                                                                   8         9
                                                                                                                                                                                                       » S
3   Select My Details tab and click the Edit button, fill in all required information.                           6    Select course from the list, read the information provided then click on

                                                                                                                 7    You will be required to fill in all fields marked with asterisk * to complete the application process if
                                                                                                                      you have not already filled in these fields. Check that the information is accurate and Apply.

4   It is important to fill in your details in each tab – by clicking on ‘Social Welfare’, ‘Education’ and ‘My
    Status’. The Edit button should be clicked to enter your details, it is important to click ‘Save’ in each
    section before moving to the next. The ‘Further Details’ will not be required until you start on the
    course, and it is optional to complete. If you have already started the course, you can fill in these
    details now if you choose to.

                                                                                                                 8    When completed sign out of Fetch account (top right-hand corner) and sign out of your email.

5    If you wish to Apply for a Course, click Course Finder and type in the PLSS National Course
    Calendar code of course you are looking for (your Tutor or College/Centre will have this
    information), then select search. If you do not know the course code, you can search by title or
    location or by using the Advanced Search option.
                                                                                                                 8    Once the College/Centre has accepted and verified your application, you can check the status of
                                                                                                                      your application online by logging into your Fetch account and clicking ‘View All My Applications’.

                                                                                                                 9    You can log into anytime in the future to update your details, apply for other
                                                                                                                      courses or check the status of course applications.

                                                                                                        » S
                                                                                                          10     11
Family Learning                                              » Parent and child horticulture

Classes                                                      » Woodcraft for parents and children
                                                             » Story telling
                                                                                                                               English for                                               » Visiting the doctor
                                                                                                                                                                                         » Dealing with your child’s school

                                                                                                                               Speakers of Other
A family class is a great way for parents and                » Irish for Parents                                                                                                         » Banking
children to learn skills together. Parents get time          » Core Strength building for children 		                                                                                    » CVs/Letters of application and Job
to bond with their children and both parties
learn valuable life skills.
                                                               with dyspraxia
                                                                                 Ceinwen Fergus                                Languages (ESOL)                                            interviews
                                                                                                                                                                                         » Irish society and culture

                                   S »
                                                                                 Adult Literacy Organiser
                                                                                                                                                                                         » Education in Ireland

                                                                                                                                                           S »
We offer the following:                                                
                                                                                                                                                                                         » Housing/Accommodation issues
                                                                                 Tel. 0871967888                               What is ESOL?
» Parent and Child Cookery                                                                                                                                                               » Grammar
» Lego Mindstorm
                                                                                                                               English for Speakers of Other Languages
» Homework support                                                                                                                                                                       How can I apply for ESOL Courses?
                                                                                                                               (ESOL) is the provision of English language
Courses for parents, children and school leavers: these courses will run in the summer, once the school term                   courses for learners whose first language is
is finished. School leavers aged 16 and over can join our Driver Theiry group for revision and test practice. For                                                                        Registration takes place on a monthly basis, at
parents with school aged children, we have Parent and Child Art running for three consecutive afternooons. Bring               not English. All ESOL courses aim to develop
                                                                                                                                                                                         a number of venues across county Cavan.    At At
your child along for fun activities and art projects!                                                                          the learners core language skills in the areas
                                                                                                                                                                                         registration, learners are required to complete
                                                                                                                               of Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing and
                          QQI                                                            Approx. No of                                                                                   a short application form with basic personal
  Module                               Venue                   Start Date                                   Time               Grammatical Accuracy. The ESOL service
                          Level                                                          weeks                                                                                           details before undertaking a short assessment,
                                                                                                                               provides 6 hours tuition per week to people
                                                                                                                                                                                         which determines their existing level of
  Driver Theory for                                                                                                            who do not have english as their first language.
                                       European House,         Monday, 27th June,                                                                                                        English. Based on this assessment, learners are
  School Leavers             n/a                                                               3            2pm - 4pm
                                       Monaghan                2022
  Ref: 356860                                                                                                                                                                            allocated to an appropriate level.
                                                                                                                               What will I learn?
  Parent and Child                     Dun Mhuire Adult        Wednesday 15th June
  Art                        n/a       Education Centre,       - Friday, 17th June,       3 afternoons      2pm - 4pm          The content of courses will depend on the
  Ref: 356862                          Monaghan                2022
                                                                                                                               level, but the main focus of all our ESOL
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Laura Brady
  Parent and Child                     Dun Mhuire Adult        Wednesday, 22nd June                                            programmes is to provide learners with the
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Adult Literacy Organiser/ESOL
  Art                        n/a       Education Centre,       - Friday, 24th June,       3 afternoons      2pm- 4pm           language skills required to be active citizens in
  Ref: 357859                          Monaghan                2022                                                                                                                                       Co-ordinator
                                                                                                                               a wide range of everyday social, work related
  For more information or to book a place, please ring Sharon or Ceinwen on 047 71914.                                         and cultural situations. Topics that will be
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Tel. 087-7427675
  Health and Wellbeing: did you develop an interest in health and wellbeing over lockdown? Do you want to consider it          covered include:
  as a career option? Try our taster courses in two subjects. A full level 4 award following on from these will be available   » Introducing yourself
  in September 2022.                                                                                                           » Talking about hobbies/interests
                                                                                                                               » Shopping
                            QQI                                                                                                » Asking for Directions
   Module                             Venue                      Start Date               No of          Time
                                                                                          weeks                                » Eating out
   Health Related                                                                                                               Module                       Venue                                 Start Date               Time
                                      Gatehouse Learning         Wednesday, 27th                         9.30am -
   Fitness                     4                                                          13 weeks
                                      Centre, Monaghan           April, 2022                             12.30pm
   Ref: 356841                                                                                                                                               European House, Monaghan (Room        Friday, 11th March,
                                                                                                                                ESOL Registration                                                                           2.30pm to 4pm
   Food and Nutrition                 Gatehouse Learning         Friday, 29 April,
                                                                                                         9.30am -                                            2)                                    2022
                               4                                                          13 weeks
   Ref: 356836                        Centre, Monaghan           2022                                    12.30pm
                                                                                                                                                             European House, Monaghan (Room
                                                                                                                                ESOL Registration                                                  Friday 1st April, 2022   2.30pm to 4pm
   Gaelic Games                                                  Monday, 13th June,                                                                          2)
                               4      TBC                                                 6 weeks        10am - 3pm
   Ref: 357878                                                   2022                                                                                                                              Friday, 11th March,        10.30am to
                                                                                                                                ESOL Registration             Workhouse Carrickmacross
   Canoeing                           Tanagh Outdoor Ctr         Tuesday, 7th June,                                                                                                                2022                       12.00pm
                               4                                                          6 weeks        10am - 3pm
   Ref: 357879                        (H16 HC83                  2022
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              10.30am to
   Soccer                                                                                                                       ESOL Registration             Workhouse Carrickmacross             Friday 1st April, 2022
                               4      TBC                        Friday 9th June, 2022    6 weeks        10am - 3pm                                                                                                           12.00pm
   Ref: 357880
                                                                                                             12                13
Unaccredited courses in Monaghan Town, Carrickmacross and online:
                                                      Community Education Grants
                                                                                                               The Following Courses are available Free of Charge through our Community Education Budget. All applicants will be

Education                                             Community groups can apply for grants in May each        required to complete a registration form for funding and statistical purposes.
                                                      year to assist with training programmes/materials in
                                                      their centre. We can provide small grants which will                                                                                   Approx.
If you are a member of a community groups/general                                                               Course Title              Venue                   Start Date                 No of       Time
                                                      allow groups to offer training in their local area.                                                                                    weeks
public and would like to run courses in your area
for free, please contact our Community Education                                                                Flower Arranging                                  Monday, 25th April,                    Every Monday, 10am
                                                      Courses can be tailored to meet the needs of specific                               Clones                                             5 weeks
                                                                                                                Ref: 352910                                       2022                                   - 1pm
Service. We can run a wide range of courses           groups. These courses can be availed of by women’s
                                                                                                                Introduction to
including Art, Crafts, Mindfulness, Yoga, IT, First   group, men’s groups, men’s sheds, parents’ groups etc.                                                      Monday, 21st March,                    Every Monday, 7pm -
                                                                                                                Interior Design           On Line                                            8 weeks
Aid, Gardening, Community Development, Basket                                                                                                                     2022                                   8.30pm
                                                                                                                Ref: 352911
Weaving, Committee Skills, Woodcraft, Cookery,
                                                                                                                                          Dún Mhuire Adult
Beauty and many more. nity Ed                                                                                   Introduction to Tai Chi                           Tuesday, 15th March,                   Every Tuesday, 10am
                                                                                                                                          Education Centre,                                  6 weeks
                                                                                                                Ref: 352913                                       2022                                   - 11am

                                                                  » S
ucation Grants                                        Meet the team                                                                       Dún Mhuire Adult                                               Every Tuesday,
                                                                                                                Gentle Yoga                                       Tuesday, 15th March,
                                                                                                                                          Education Centre,                                  6 weeks     11.30am
                                                                                                                Ref: 352914                                       2022
                                                                                                                                          Monaghan                                                       - 12.30pm
                                                                    Carol Kelly                                 Introduction to
                                                                    Community Education Facilitator                                                               Tuesday, 15th March,                   Every Tuesday, 7pm
                                                                                                                Mindfullness              On Line                                            6 weeks
                                                                                                                                                                  2022                                   - 8pm
                                                                                   Ref: 352915
                                                                    Tel. 047 71914
                                                                                                                                          Dún Mhuire Adult
                                                                                                                Introduction to Beauty                                                                   Every Friday, 10am
                                                                                                                                          Education Centre,       Friday, 25th March, 2022   4 weeks
                                                                                                                Ref: 352916                                                                              - 1pm

                                                                                                                Introduction to Tai Chi   Carrickmacross          Wednesday, 27th April,                 Every Wednesday,
                                                                                                                                                                                             6 weeks
                                                                                                                Ref: 352917               Workhouse               2022                                   10am - 11am

                                                                                                                Gentle Yoga               Carrickmacross          Wednesday, 27th April,                 Every Wednesday,
                                                                                                                                                                                             6 weeks
                                                                                                                Ref: 352919               Workhouse               2022                                   11.30 - 12.30pm

                                                                                                                Arts and Crafts:
                                                                                                                Sewing and                Carrickmacross          Thursday, 28th April,                  Every Thursday, 10am
                                                                                                                                                                                             6 weeks
                                                                                                                Embroidery                Workhouse               2022                                   - 1pm
                                                                                                                Ref: 352921

                                                                                                                Introduction to
                                                                                                                                          Carrickmacross                                                 Every Friday, 10am
                                                                                                                Photoshop                                         Friday, 10th June, 2022    6 weeks
                                                                                                                                          Workhouse                                                      - 1pm
                                                                                                                Ref: 352922

                                                                                                                Mindful Art               Dún Mhuire Adult
                                                                                                                                                                  Thursday, 24th March,                  Every Thursday, 10am
                                                                                                                Journaling                Education Centre,                                  6 weeks
                                                                                                                                                                  2022                                   - 1pm
                                                                                                                Ref: 352924               Monaghan
                                                                                                                                          Dún Mhuire Adult
                                                                                                                Creative Writing                                  Wednesday, 16th                        Every Wednesday,
                                                                                                                                          Education Centre,                                  6 weeks
                                                                                                                Ref:                                              March, 2022                            1.30pm - 3.30pm

                                                                                                14                  15
Courses for                                              own unique style and preferred subject matter.

Community                                                Health and Fitness                                          Arts and Crafts
                                                                                                                                                                       How to get the best out of your Smartphone

Groups                                                   This is a practical course aimed at those wishing to
                                                         adopt a healthier lifestyle and gain an understanding
                                                                                                                     Arts and crafts describe a wide variety of
                                                                                                                     activities involving making things with your      If you want to get the most out of your
                                                         of health benefits of physical activity for physiological   own hands. These include such things as wood      smartphone, we can offer small-group classes
Recycling Arts and Crafts                                and mental health, motivating someone to find ways          carving, sewing, basket weaving or other crafts   with a sympathetic tutor. Learn how to use and
                                                         of integrating exercise around their working life.          with all sorts of material.                       download common apps and learn about safety
This class will allow you to interact with everyday                                                                                                                    online.
items to create attractive and useful craft items that   Flower Arranging                                            DIY
you can take home with you and enjoy at home.                                                                                                                          History of Patrick Kavanagh
                                                         This course introduces you to the basics of flower          This is a practical hands-on class where you
Introduction to Yoga                                     arranging where you will gain step-by-step guidance         will develop the skills you need to help you in   Learn more about the Irish poet and novelist,
                                                         as you produce impressive flower arrangements. You          your own home with drilling, electrics, tiling,   about his writing, his inspiration and his legacy.
The beginner’s class introduces the history of           will learn how to use different flowers considering         plumbing and general maintenance.
yoga, fundamental principles of alignment, and           flower structures and colour schemes.
breath work. Learners will be introduced to yoga                                                                     Gardening
postures through step-by-step verbal description         Art Classes
and demonstration. Emphasis is placed on learner                                                                     This course will explain the basics of plants
understanding, safety, and stability within each pose.   We offer a range of Art and Craft classes, including        and why they are important. We also look
                                                         Drawing, Painting and Textiles. Classes are held            at the production of fruit and vegetables. You
Coping with Everyday Stress                              once a week for 3 hours each week and can be run            will learn about plant propagation, the proper
                                                         anywhere in the county.                                     care of seedlings, and how to care for newly
This course involves learning how to reduce your                                                                     transplanted additions to your garden.
demands and increase your resources to help you
manage the stressors in your life. A large emphasis
is placed on active coping. This is about doing
something to change your situation, get extra help, or
support yourself through difficult times.


Mindfulness is an integrative, mind-body based
approach that helps people to manage their thoughts
and feelings and mental health. Training helps
people to become more aware of their thoughts,
feelings, and body sensations so that instead of being
overwhelmed by them, they are better able to manage

Creative Writing

An introduction to the varying techniques for
creative writing which explores imaginative uses of
language through creative genres (fiction, poetry,
literary non fiction) with emphasis on the learner’s
                                                                                                     16              17
Courses for                                                 (send the completed form back) to
                                                            the recipient.                                   Employer                                               » Maths for today’s workplace
                                                                                                                                                                    » Career Preparation – for internal promotion

Farmers                                                     » Health and Safety for the Agri Sector,
                                                                                                             Based Training                                         » Culinary Operations

                            S »
                                                            » Using Spreadsheets for farming
                                                                                                             - Upskilling                                           Courses can be held on or off site and in some cases
                                                                                                                                                                    through Zoom/Teams and can lead to qualifications

Courses are provided free of charge for farmers                                                              Employees                                              up to Level 4 on the National Qualifications
to assist in their daily work.
» Introduction to computers for the 		                                                                       Skills for Work
                                                                            Noelette Dolan                                                                          Skills for Work Contact Information
Agri sector
                                                                            Skills for Work Coordinator
» Internet and email, Downloading and                                                                        Skills for Work is a programme aimed at providing
using the Marteye app, using Zoom 		                                                                         educational training opportunities to help employees
                                                                            087 9293531
  etc.                                                                                                       deal with the basic skills demands of the workplace.
» Register cattle online, learn how to                                                                       The programme is particularly targeted at workers
type up official letters/emails, how to fill in an                                                           who may not have the confidence to embrace
online form and upload 		                                                                                    change. It encourage them to put themselves
                                                                                                             forward for general training opportunities, or take
                                                                      Start                  Dura-    PLSS   on new roles and responsibilities. The programme                      Noelette Dolan
Course                         Level    Venue
                                                                      date/time              tion     Code   gives employers the opportunity to provide quality                    Skills for Work Coordinator
                                                                                                             training to employees, at no cost to the employer or        
                                        Dun Mhuire Adult Edu-
Aim/Zoom/Mart/Internet                                                TBC - Wednesday                        employee, as the programme is funded by the Irish
                               n/a      cation Centre, Clones Rd.,                                                                                                                 087 9293531
and email for Farmers                                                 7pm - 9.30pm
                                        Monaghan                                                             Government under the Department of Education
Aim/Zoom/Mart/Internet                  Enterprise Centre, Castleb-   TBC - Thursday 7pm                     and SOLAS. Courses can be themed to the exact
and email for Farmers                   layney, Co Monaghan           - 9.30pm                               educational requirements of workers in the various
Aim/Zoom/Mart/Internet                  The Workhouse, Carrick-                                              sectors and cover topics which include:
                               n/a                                    TBC
and email for Farmers                   macross, Co Monaghan
                                        Dun Mhuire Adult Edu-                                                » Workplace Language Support:
Workplace Language                                                    TBC - Wednesday
                               n/a      cation Centre, Clones Rd.,                                           » Communications/English: (QQI Level 2, 3 and 4)
Support                                                               7pm - 9.30pm
                                        Monaghan                                                             » Business English: (QQI Level 4)
Workplace Language                      The Workhouse, Carrick-       TBC - Monday 7pm                       » Computers
Support                                 macross, Co Monaghan          - 9.30pm                               » Computers for Farmers
                                        Drumhowan Connumity                                                  » Customer Service
Computers - Progression                                               TBC - Thursday 7pm
                               n/a      Centre, Drumhowan, Co                                                » B & Bs: Introduction to Social Media
course                                                                - 10pm
                                                                                                             » Personal and Interpersonal Development
                                        Drumhowan Connumity
                                                                      TBC - Monday 7pm                       » Health and Safety
Introduction to Computers      n/a      Centre, Drumhowan, Co
                                                                      - 10pm                                 » Workplace Nutrition for Healthy Eating

                                                                                                     18        19
Skills to Advance
                                                 “CMETB have been absolutely fantastic for         Support Courses                                                    Ceinwen Fergus

                                                                                                   for Apprentices
Under the Skills to Advance Initiative CMETB     MDE Installations. We always reach out first to                                                                      Adult Literacy Organiser
can offer targeted support for vulnerable        Eileen who has been instrumental in finding                                                                
groups in the workforce, particularly those
with lower skill levels who need more
                                                 courses which match our business needs. The
                                                 qualityof courses are very high and we cannot     and FET                                                            Tel. 08 71967888

opportunities to advance in their working
lives. Supports are available for small and
                                                 recommend CMETB highly enough for local
                                                                                                   Students                                                           Carol Kelly
medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) who need                                                                                                                              Community Education Facilitator
                                                                                                   Maths Support for Apprentices                            
some assistance to invest in and develop their
workforce.                                                                                                                                                            Tel. 047 71914
                                                                                                   The aim of this class is to improve the Maths
                                                                                                   skills of apprentices at Phase 1 of their
Employees (full or part-time)
                                                                                                   apprenticeship so that they are ready for their
participating in these part time evening
                                                                                                   college placement at Phase 2. All apprentices
courses may qualify for up to 100% funding
                                                                                                   at this stage of their apprenticeship are
as part of the Skills to Advance Employee
                                                                                                   welcome to apply for support. Repeat Ordinary
Development Initiative.

                                                                                                   For more details contact Carol Kelly, CEF or Ceinwen Fergus, ALO
Skills to Advance Contact Information

            Eileen Roddy
            Workforce Development
Employer Testimonial
             047 84900

             Charlotte Dunne
             Workforce Development
             087 4054311

                                                                                            20     21
Support Courses                                   Maths Support for Leaving Cert Students
                                                                                                      Preparation                                             young people who left school early without a

for Second Level
                                                                                                                                                              Leaving Certificate. It also helps you prepare
                                                  This course is offered online for 6th Years
                                                                                                      Course for                                              and progress to courses at level 5 including

Students                                          Leaving Cert ordinary level students one
                                                  evening per week. The programme comprises
                                                                                                      QQI Level 5,
                                                                                                                                                              courses at Monaghan and Cavan Institutes
                                                                                                                                                              and part-time adult education programmes,
                                                  a weekly tutorial session, focussing on                                                                     apprenticeships and traineeships.
#IntoAJob                                         completion of exam questions in real time,
                                                  supporting leaving certificate ordinary level
                                                                                                      Apprenticeships &
This programme is for 5th and 6th year            Maths students. Delivered via MS Teams,             Traineeships
                                                                                                                                 S »
students to give them the skills they need to     Leaving Certificate students are supported to
get a job.                                        develop and enhance their understanding and
                                                  competencies in preparation for the Leaving                                                                                   Ceinwen Fergus
Modules include: Safepass, Manual Handling,       Certificate Maths exams.                            Pathways to Future Education                                              Adult Literacy Organiser
CPR, Health and Safety, Barista Training,
Customer Service, CV Preparation, Interview
                                                                                                      This course will show you how to study, write                             Tel. 0871967888
skills and advice on applying for a tax free
                                                                                                      assignments and essays, and manage your
                                                                                                      time in addition to improving your computer
                                                                                                      skills. You will complete three modules at QQI
This course runs during the summer months
                                                                                                      Level 4 (Career Planning, Communications &
for 2 full weeks. This course is free of charge
                                                                                                      IT Skills) in addition to QQI Level 2 Setting
to all participants with a limited number of
                                                                                                      Learning Goals and Study Skills.
                                                                                                      This course is particularly suited to those who
                                                                    Carol Kelly                       have been out of education for a long time and
Entry requirements: Participants must be                            Community Education Facilitator
between 17 and 19 years of age. Participants              
must be available for both weeks of the                             Tel. 047 71914
                                                                                                                                QQI                                                  Approx. No
                                                                                                       Module                             Venue                 Start Date                          Time
                                                                                                                                Level                                                of weeks

                                                                                                                                          Dún Mhuire Adult
For more details contact Carol Kelly, CEF                                                              Career Planning                                          Tuesday, 7th June,                  9.30am -
                                                                                                                                   4      Education Centre,                          7 weeks
                                                                                                       Ref: 356834                                              2022                                1.30pm
                                                                                                                                          Dún Mhuire Adult
                                                                                                       Communications                                           Thursday, 2nd                       9.30am -
                                                                                                                                   4      Education Centre,                          8 weeks
                                                                                                       Ref: 356838                                              June, 2022                          1.30pm
                                                                                                       Information                        Dún Mhuire Adult
                                                                                                                                                                Monday, 13th                        9.30am -
                                                                                                       Technology Skills           4      Education Centre,                          6 weeks
                                                                                                                                                                June, 2022                          1.30pm
                                                                                                       Ref: 356839                        Monaghan

                                                                                                      For more details contact Sharon or Ceinwen Fergus ALO 047 71914

                                                                                            22        23
Career                                                    skills and value audits as well as course and

 Preparing for the                                         the questions. All materials are supplied.                                                                         career research skills. This course will require

                                                                                                                    Development                                               you to do some self-directed research at home

 Driver Theory
                                                                                                                                                                              and will be delivered completely online by a

                                                                                                                    Course                                                    professional Guidance Counsellor.

 Test                                                                       Ceinwen Fergus                                                                                                        Eithne O’Callaghan

                                                                                                                                                 S »
                                                                            Adult Literacy Organiser                                                                                              Adult Guidance Co-ordinator/
 Driver Theory                                                                                                                                                    Counsellor (Monaghan)
                                                                            Tel. 0871967888                         Shaping My Future                                                   
 This short course is suitable for those people                                                                                                                                                   047 30800 or 087 9809339
 who have to undertake a driver theory test to                                                                      The Guidance Service are offering this four-
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Bernadette Connolly
 receive their provisional licence in Car, Bus or                                                                   week part time on line programme called
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Adult Guidance Counsellor
 Lorry but need some help and practice with                                                                         Shaping My Future. This is a short non-
                                                                                                                    accredited career development programme
                                                                                                                    (2 hrs a week x 4 weeks) using an online
For more details please contact Ceinwen Fergus on 0871967888                                                                                                                                      042 9690739
                                                                                                                    programme called MyFuture Plus. It will
                                                                                                                    involve interest and personality inventories,
Courses school leavers: these courses will run in the summer, once the school term is finished. School leavers
aged 16 and over can join our Driver Theiry group for revision and test practice.                                                                                                                     Approx.
                                                                                                                     Module              QQI Level           Venue             Start Date             No of        Time
                            QQI                                                         Approx. No                                                                                                    weeks
 Module                                  Venue                 Start Date                               Time
                            Level                                                       of weeks
                                                                                                                     Shaping My                              ONLINE via        Wednesday, 23rd                     Every Wednesday,
 Driver Theory for                                                                                                                       Unaccredited                                                 4 weeks
                                         European House,       Monday, 27th June,                                    Future                                  Zoom              March, 2022                         10am - 11am
 School Leavers                n/a                                                      3 weeks         2pm - 4pm
                                         Monaghan              2022
 Ref: 356860
                                                                                                                     Shaping My                              ONLINE via        Wednesday, 1st                      Every Wednesday,
                                                                                                                                         Unaccredited                                                 4 weeks
                                                                                                                     Future                                  Zoom              June, 2022                          10am - 11am

                                                                                                                    Applicants to this course must have access to a device with internet connection (eg. PC, Laptop, Tablet or Smart

                                                                                                                    Priority will be given to all unemployed adults. This non-accredited course is designed for those who would
                                                                                                                    like to consider their future career and how to go about setting goals for the future. An initial discussion with a
                                                                                                                    Guidance Counsellor will help to determine your suitability. You must be able to commit to 8 hours of participa-
                                                                                                                    tion over a period of up to 4 weeks.

                                                                                                                    The Adult Guidance and Information Service provides a comprehensive, professional and quality guidance and
                                                                                                                    information service to adults and those over the age of 16, who are not in full time education.

                                                                                                                    It is a free and confidential service offered by CMETB to assist those who wish to return to education and/or
                                                                                                                    training but are unsure of what to do.

                                                                                                                    You can meet with a Guidance Counsellor for a one-to-one appointment both online or face to face and we also
                                                                                                                    offer an outreach service through the libraries in Co Monaghan.

                                                                                                                   Email:              Tel: 047 30800

                                                                                                        24           25
Advocacy                                              and court documents relevant to the family
                                                                                                           Business /                                          Administration Skills (5N1610).

                              S »
                                                       law area. Learners will develop their advocacy
                                                       skills and the ability to apply what they have
                                                                                                           Administration                                      Modules Include: Accounting Manual and

                                                                                                                                         S »
                                                       learned to the workplace.                                                                               Computerised , Bookkeeping Manual and
 Family Rights Advocacy
                                                                                                                                                               Computerised , a soft skills module, word
                                                       These 2 special purpose modules include:                                                                processing or text production, a period of
 This course gives a basic understanding of the
                                                       Information, Advice and Advocacy Practice           Office Skills - QQI Level 4                         work placement or practice (80 hours) plus 3
 Irish legal system and family law in Ireland.
                                                       and Family Rights Advocacy.                                                                             other modules from a broad range of options,
 Learners will develop an awareness of the main
                                                                                                           This course allows the learner to develop a         including Payroll, Spreadsheets, Databases,
 features of family law and understand how
                                                                                                           high standard of office, administration and IT      Desktop Publishing, etc
 legislation affects relationships while becoming
 familiar with the legal language, procedures                                                              Skills. It will enable the learners to progress
                                                                                                           on to do a variety of QQI Level 5 courses in        For a full breakdown of course details please
                                                                                                           Business, Finance or IT.                            click here
For more details contact Carol Kelly, CEF ( or 047 71914)

                                                                                                           Modules include: Communications,                    Bookkeeping - QQI Level 5
                                                                                                           Business English, Mathematics, Functional
 Community                                             Learners will be required to achieve a
                                                       minimum of 120 credits (eight modules) to
                                                                                                           Mathematics, Business Calculations,
                                                                                                           Computer Applications, Database Methods,
                                                                                                                                                               This module will provide you with the skills,
                                                                                                                                                               knowledge and competencies to operate both

 Development                                           attain the full level 5 QQI major award in
                                                       Community Development.
                                                                                                           Spreadsheet Methods, Word Processing,               a manual book-keeping and computerised

                              S »
                                                                                                           Information Technology Skills, Customer             accounts system. The module builds upon
                                                                                                           Services, Bookkeeping and Accounts, Work            previously acquired skills to increase a learner’s
                                                       Modules include: Understanding
                                                                                                           Experience, Career Preparation and Planning.        management ability.
                                                       Community Development, Community
 Community Development - QQI Level 5                   Development Practice, Working with Groups,
                                                                                                           For a full breakdown of course details please       Payroll - QQI Level 5
                                                       Communications, Work Experience and
 This course has been designed to introduce                                                                click here
                                                       3 electives from a range of Community
                                                                                                                                                               This module is designed to enable the learner
 learners to the theory and practice of                Development modules.
                                                                                                           Business Administration - QQI Level 5               to understand the principles and practice of
 community development. It will enable
                                                                                                                                                               maintaining payroll records manually and
 learners to develop leadership skills to facilitate   For a full breakdown of course details please
                                                                                                           This course will give you the necessary clerical    using integrated accounting software.
 community group activities. They will gain an         click here
 understanding of working in a multicultural                                                               and administration skills to work in an office
 society and ensuring equality and diversity in                                                            environment. It will also enable you to
 the community sector. At its heart, community                                                             progress through the higher education links
 development is rooted in the belief that all                                                              scheme into third level education. It can
 people should have access to health, wellbeing,                                                           lead to a job as a clerical officer, receptionist
 wealth, justice and opportunity.                                                                          or administrative assistant in a variety of

                                                                                                           Learners will be required to achieve a
                                                                                                           minimum of 120 credits (eight modules) to
                                                                                                           attain the full level 5 QQI major award in
                                                                         Carol Kelly

                                                                                                                                                                                                        » S
                                                                                                           Business Administration.
                                                                         Community Education Facilitator
                                                                                                           The compulsory module is Business
                                                                         Tel. 047 71914

                                                                                                    26      27
Reception & Office Skills – QQI Level 5                as well as an understanding of the digital
                                                                                                              Childcare                                              records.

                                                                                                                                                                     Entry Requirements
                                                       communication skills associated with them.
This module offers learners the opportunity to         Learners will gain the skills needed to use            NFQ Level 5 and 6 Advanced Certificate in
                                                                                                                                                                     All new entrants need to meet with a
develop good interpersonal skills when dealing         popular social media platforms such as                 Early Learning and Care
                                                                                                                                                                     member of the Guidance Service prior to
with clients/customers in person or on the             Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube,
                                                                                                                                                                     commencement on the course and must also
telephone. It is suitable for those who wish to        LinkedIn and many more. Learners will also             To be offered from April 2022
                                                                                                                                                                     complete Garda Vetting.
equip themselves with the knowledge, skills            create and edit professional-looking adverts,
and competence in the concepts and principles          Social Media content and create artworks               This course will provide learners with the
                                                                                                                                                                     Placement Requirements
underpinning Reception and Frontline Office            quickly. This illustrator course is designed           knowledge, skills and competence to work
Skills.                                                to introduce you to basic know-hows of the             as autonomous practitioners and to lead and
                                                                                                                                                                     The requirement for 300 hours professional
                                                       adobe illustrator suite.                               supervise others in the provision of quality
                                                                                                                                                                     practice placement, with 150 hours for level
Adobe Illustrator with Social Media                                                                           early childhood care and education. This
                                                                                                                                                                     5 and 150 hours for level 6. In each year, the
                                                                                                              includes a variety of early learning and care
                                                                                                                                                                     placements must be in a minimum of two
The Adobe Certified Associate (ACA)                                                                           settings including day care nursery, crèche,
                                                                                                                                                                     settings. One setting must involve working
certification is an excellent way to demonstrate                                                              pre-school, schools, after school facility or with
                                                                                                                                                                     directly with children aged between birth and 2
proficiency with the Adobe suite of products,                                                                 families as a professional childminder.
                                                                                                                                                                     years 8 months, and one working directly with
                       QQI                                                 Approx. No                                                                                children aged between 2 years 8 months and
 Module                          Venue               Start Date                            Time               Modules Include:
                       Level                                               of weeks                                                                                  6 years.
                                                                                                              » Professional Practice Placement in
                                                                                                                Early Learning and Care
 Word Processing                 Dún Mhuire AEC      Thursday, 3rd                         Every Thursday,                                                           Note: If learners wish to leave after the first set
                          5                                                12 weeks                           » Children’s Rights, Legislation and
 Ref: 351325                     Monaghan            March, 2022                           9.30am-12.30pm                                                            of modules they can be facilitated to achieve a
                                                                                                                                                                     Level 5 Certificate in Early Learning and Care
 Spreadsheet                                                                                                  » Early Childhood Growth and
                                 Carrickmacross      Friday, 4th March,                    Every Friday,                                                             if they have achieved the standards. In order to
 Methods                  5                                                12 weeks                           Development
                                 Workhouse           2022                                  9.30am - 12.30pm                                                          achieve certification, the learner must achieve
 Ref: 351323                                                                                                  » Curriculum, Play and Creative Studies
 Manual and                                                                                                                                                          all of the modules.
                                                                                                              » Understanding and Assisting Children
 Computerised                    Carrickmacross      Monday, 7th March,                    Every Monday,      with Additional Needs
                          5                                                12 weeks
 Payroll                         Workhouse           2022                                  9.30am - 1.30pm                                                           Career opportunities: This course will lead to
 Ref: 351312                                                                                                  » Holistic Care of Children (Birth to Six
                                                                                                                                                                     a job as a Childcare Assistant in a variety of
 Information and                                                                                                                                                     childcare settings as well as to higher education
                                 Carrickmacross      Tuesday, 8th March,                   Every Tuesday,     » Advanced Professional Practice
 Administration           5                                                12 weeks
                                 Workhouse           2022                                  9.30am - 1pm                                                              through the Higher Education links scheme.
 Ref: 351321                                                                                                  Placement in Early Learning and Care
 Business                                                                                                     » Sociology and Social Policy in Early 		            To register for these courses, please contact 047 71914
                                 Carrickmacross      Wednesday, 9th                        Every Wednesday,
 Administration           5                                                12 weeks                             Learning and Care
                                 Workhouse           March, 2022                           6.30pm - 9.30pm
 Ref: 357732                                                                                                  » The Developing Child
 Business                                                                                                     » Curriculum and Pedagogy
                                 Dún Mhuire AEC,     Friday, 11th March,                   Every Friday,
 Administration           5                                                12 weeks                           » Inclusive Early Learning and Care
                                 Monaghan            2022                                  9.30am - 12.30pm
 Ref: 351319
                                                                                                              » Supervision and Administration Skills
 Spreadsheet                                                                                                  in Early Learning and Care
                                 Dún Mhuire AEC,     Thursday, 24th                        Every Thursday,
 Methods                  5                                                12weeks
                                 Monaghan            March, 2022                           6.30pm - 9.30pm    » First Aid will be offered to all learners
 Ref: 357734
                                                                                                              on this course

                                                                                                              Assessment will be through continuous

                                                                                                                                                                                                              » S
                                                                                                              assessment including work-based assignments,
 To register for these courses, please contact 047 71914
                                                                                                              projects, skills demonstrations and learner

                                                                                                       28      29
Catering Support - QQI Level 4
Stage One Advanced Certificate in Early Learning and Care (Level 5) - 5M21473

                                             Venue            Start Date
                                                                                  Approx. No
                                                                                  of weeks
                                                                                                                 Cookery                                                   This course is for those who are passionate
                                                                                                                                                                           about food, who want to learn new skills and
                                                                                                                                                                           develop knowledge and competence to work
                                                                                                                 Culinary Skills - QQI Level 4                             under supervision within a catering setting.
 Children’s Rights, Legislation                                                                Every Monday,
                                             Dún Mhuire AEC   Monday, 14th
 and Regulation                         5                                         9 weeks      9.15am -          The Culinary Skills course covers areas such
                                             Monaghan         March, 2022                                                                                                  Learners will be required to achieve a
 Ref: 357860                                                                                   1.15pm
                                                                                                                 as food preparation and handling, cookery                 minimum of 90 credits (eight modules) to
                                                                                                                 techniques, safe and hygienic food practices              attain the full level 4 QQI major award in
                                                                                                                 and also enables learners to gain HACCP                   Catering Support
 * The new Early Learning and Care Award is a two-year part-time programme consisting of 6                       certification which is required for everyone
 component modules. Certification is awarded on completion of all 6 modules.
                                                                                                                 who wish to work in the culinary/food                     Modules include: Meal Service,
                                                                                                                 industry.                                                 Communications, Kitchen Skills, Short
Childcare level 6: (6M2007)                                                                                                                                                Order Cookery, Work Experience, Customer
                                  QQI                                            Approx.                         Learners will be required to achieve a                    Service, Personal Effectiveness and one elective
 Module                                      Venue              Start Date                  Time
                                  Level                                          No weeks                        minimum of 90 credits (eight modules) to                  module.
                                                                Wednesday,                                       attain the full level 4 QQI major award in
 Child Development                           Dún Mhuire AEC                                 Every Wednesday,
                                     6                          16th March,      12 weeks                        Culinary Skills.                                          For a full breakdown of course details please
 Ref: 350571                                 Monaghan                                       9.30am - 12.30pm
                                                                                                                                                                           click here
                                                                Wednesday,                                       Modules include: Menu Planning, Personal
 ** Special Needs Assisting                  Carrickmacross                                 Every Wednesday,
                                     6                          16th March,      12 weeks                        Effectiveness, Catering Operations and
 Ref: 350585                                 Workhouse                                      6.30pm - 9.30pm
                                                                                                                 Systems, Culinary Techniques, Pastry Baking
 Personal and Professional                                                                                       and Desserts, Work Experience and 2 other
                                             Dún Mhuire AEC     Monday, 14th                Every Monday,
 Development                         6                                           12 weeks
                                             Monaghan           March, 2022                 6.30pm - 9.30pm      cookery based electives.
 Ref: 350580
 * Owing to National changes to the Childcare Curriculum, we are unable to accept new entrants to this
                                                                                                                 For a full breakdown of course details please
 programme. These modules are only available to existing or past students who have not yet completed
 their full award at level 6.                                                                                    click here
 ** The Special Needs Assisting module can be completed as a stand alone module for those wishing to
 gain a qualification in the area of Special Needs.                                                              Catering Support - QQI Level 4

Childcare level 5: (5M2009)
                                                                                                                 To register for these courses, please contact 047 71914
                                  QQI                                          Approx. No
 Module                                     Venue             Start Date                  Time
                                  Level                                        of weeks
 Early Childhood Education
                                            Dún Mhuire AEC    Tuesday, 15th                 Every Tuesday,
 and Play                           5                                          12 weeks
                                            Monaghan          March, 2022                   9.30am -12.30pm
 Ref: 350588

 Special Needs Assisting                    Dún Mhuire AEC,   Tuesday, 15th                 Every Tuesday, 1pm
                                    5                                          12 weeks
 Ref: 350591                                Monaghan          March, 2022                   - 4pm

 Child Development                          Carrickmacross    Tuesday, 15th                 Every Tuesday,
                                    5                                          12 weeks
 Ref: 350594                                Workhouse         March, 2022                   6.30pm - 9.30pm
 * Owing to National changes to the Childcare Curriculum, we are unable to accept new entrants to this
 programme. New learners looking to commence Childcare Award at level 5 will need to sign up to the
 early Learning and Care award above:
 ** The Special Needs Assisting module can be completed as a stand alone module for those wishing to
 gain a qualification in the area of Special Needs.

                                                                                                        30        31
Healthcare                                                 and Intellectual Disability Studies
                                                                                                                                                                        Patient Manual Handling will be offered

 Construction                                             Learners will be required to achieve a                                                                        to all healthcare learners as an additional
                                                                                                             Health Service Skills - QQI Level 5                        qualification.
                                                          minimum of 120 credits (eight modules) to

                             S »                          attain the full level 5 QQI major award in
                                                          Construction Skills.
                                                                                                             This course aims to give training, up-skilling
                                                                                                             and confidence to learners to enable them to
                                                                                                             develop the knowledge, skills and experience
                                                                                                                                                                        Entry Requirements

 Construction Technology - QQI Level 5                    Modules include: Computer Aided                                                                               You may need to speak to a member of
                                                                                                             to be employed as a healthcare worker in acute             the guidance service to ensure suitability
                                                          Draughting(CAD), Building Construction,
 This course allows learners to broaden their                                                                or long-term residential care settings. This               for the course. Should you not meet these
                                                          Wood Fabrication, Communications, Work
 knowledge base into energy efficient building                                                               course can lead to a job as a healthcare support           requirements for the course we would be able
                                                          Experience, Architectural Drawing, Building
 techniques. Practical skills such as solar/                                                                 worker, domiciliary care worker or care                    to offer alternative courses to help you progress
                                                          Services, Safety and Health at Work
 photovoltaic panel installation, retro fitting of                                                           assistant working with people in their home.               to this level. Garda vetting will be required for
 domestic buildings, green building technology,                                                              You will study several modules directly related            entry onto this course.
                                                          For a full breakdown of course details please
 energy upgrades and installation of insulation                                                              to the field of health care. 8 modules will be
                                                          click here
 are completed in order to build up the learner’s                                                            required for a full award at Level 5. An integral          For a full breakdown of course details please
 skill capacity in this area.                                                                                part of this course is work experience. 120                click here
                                                          To register for these courses, please
                                                                                                             hours work placement will be required in
                                                          contact 087-4054311 or 049-4353992
 On completion graduates are eligible to                                                                     order to achieve a full award.
 progress to construction, architecture and
 engineering programmes at Third Level or to                                                                 Modules include: Activities of Daily
 progress directly into employment.                                                                          Living, Infection Prevention and Control,
                                                                                                             Communications, Health and Safety at Work,
                                                                                                             Palliative Care, Care Support (40 hours
                                                                                                             placement as part of this module), Care Skills,
To register for these courses, please contact 047 71914                                                      Care of the Older Person, Work Experience

                                                                                                             Module                  QQI Level      Venue                  Start Date            No of       Time

                                                                                                             Care of the Older                      Dún Mhuire Adult
                                                                                                                                                                           Monday, 21st                      Every Monday,
                                                                                                             Person                        5        Education Centre,                            8 weeks
                                                                                                                                                                           March, 2022                       9.30am - 4pm
                                                                                                             Ref: 350600                            Monaghan

                                                                                                             Activities of Living
                                                                                                                                                    Castleblayney          Tuesday, 22nd                     Every Tuesday,
                                                                                                             Patient Care                  5                                                     9 weeks
                                                                                                                                                    Youthreach Centre      March, 2022                       9.30am - 1.30pm
                                                                                                             Ref: 350691

                                                                                                            To register for these courses, please contact 047 71914

                                                                                                       32      33
Beauty                                                               • demonstrate judgment in selecting appropriate
                                                                      techniques in response to clients’ requirements
                                                                      • apply beauty therapy skills and treatments within      Horticulture
                                                                                                                                                            S »
 This award provides the learner with the knowledge,                  a range of varied and specific contexts to meet client                                                             This course is for people who want to learn
 skill and competence to work independently in                        needs                                                                                                              from each other and gain skills necessary
 providing beauty therapy treatments in a variety of                                                                                                                                     to tend their own garden, grow their own
 contexts and or to progress to further and or higher                                                                          Horticulture - QQI Level 4                                produce and perhaps go on to further training
 education and training.                                              Learners will be required to achieve a minimum of                                                                  or set up a business or gain employment.
                                                                      120 credits (eight modules) to attain the full level 5   This award provides the learner with the skills
 On completion of the overall award students will:                    QQI major award in Beauty Therapy.                       to work as a general operative in horticulture            Modules include: Plant Protection, Plant
                                                                                                                               using the knowledge, skills and competence to             Science, Plant Identification and Use, Soil
 • demonstrate theoretical and practical knowledge                                                                             select, establish, grow and maintain a range of           Science and Growing Media, Landscape
 of a range of beauty therapy treatments, techniques,                 Horticulture - QQI Level 5                               plants. It also provides an excellent foundation          Construction and Maintenance, Safety and
 products, and equipment                                                                                                       for progression to further education/training             Health at Work, Garden Design, Work Practice
                                                                                                                               and employment in this sector.                            and Communications.
 • demonstrate a knowledge of the concepts and
 theory in relation to beauty therapies and techniques                                                                         Learners will be required to achieve a
 and the role of the beauty                                                                                                    minimum of 90 credits (eight modules) to
                                                                                                                               attain the full level 4 QQI major award in
 • utilise a range of specialised skills, techniques,                                                                          Horticulture.
 products, and equipment to provide beauty therapy
 treatments                                                                                                                    Modules include: Safe Horticultural Practice,
                                                                                                                               Identification Care and Maintenance,
                                                                                                                               Communications, Work Experience and 4
                         QQI                                                    Approx. No of
 Module                           Venue                  Start Date                                  Time                      other Horticulture electives.
                         Level                                                  weeks

 Beauty Industry                  Castleblayney                                                                                For a full breakdown of course details please
                                                         Monday, 25th                                Every Monday,
 Ethics and Practice        5     Youthreach                                    6 weeks
                                                         April, 2022                                 9.30am-1.30pm             click here
 Ref: 351304                      Centre

                                  Castleblayney                                                                                Horticulture - QQI Level 5
 Reflexology                                             Wednesday, 6th                              Every Wednesday,
                            5     Youthreach                                    12 weeks                                       Introduction to Sustainablilty: these classes include a basic course in gardening, and an introduction to
 Ref: 351305                                             April, 2022                                 6.30pm - 9.30pm
                                  Centre                                                                                       sustainable living. This will cover ways in which you can improve your recycling and cut down on waste.
                                                                                                                               Small changes have a big impact!.
To register for these courses, please contact 047 71914

                                                                                                                                Module                              Venue                          Start Date        No of       Time
                                                                                                                                Introduction to                     Dun Mhuire Adult
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Tuesday, 26th
                                                                                                                                Sustainable Living          n/a     Education Centre,                                13 weeks    7pm - 9pm
                                                                                                                                                                                                   April, 2022
                                                                                                                                Ref: 356859                         Monaghan
                                                                                                                               To register for these courses, pleaseDun
                                                                                                                                Container                            contact 047Adult
                                                                                                                                                                        Mhuire   71914             Wednesday,
                                                                                                                                Gardening                  3        Education Centre,              27th April,       13 weeks    2pm - 5pm
                                                                                                                                Ref 356868                          Monaghan                       2022

                                                                                                                               To register for these courses, please contact 047 71914

                                                                                                                  34           35
Information                                      Spreadsheets - (QQI Level 3, Level 4 & Level
                                                                                                  The Excel 2016 training course focuses on how
                                                                                                  to work more efficiently with calculations, how
                                                                                                                                                          » Level 4 Databases
                                                                                                                                                          » Level 5 Databases
Communications                                   The purpose of this award is to equip
                                                                                                  to further enhance the appearance of the data
                                                                                                  in the spreadsheet and introduces some data             Databases - (QQI Level 3, Level 4 & Level 5)
Technology (ICT)                                 the learner with the knowledge, skill and
                                                 competence to use spreadsheet applications
                                                                                                  analysis features of Excel. It will demonstrate
                                                                                                  how to control more complex formulas and                Computer Aided Draughting (2D) enables
                                                 to standards required in the workplace. It
Introduction to Computers                                                                         functions and how to use formula auditing.              learners to utilise Computer technology as
                                                 is designed to develop skills in editing and     It will also cover the use of various tools to          a design tool and a presentation media. The
                                                 producing spreadsheets. For a full breakdown
The introduction to computers course is ideal                                                     analyse data such as sorting, filtering and             purpose of this award is to equip learners
                                                 of the modules, click on the links below:
for anyone wishing to learn basic computer                                                        a basic introduction to Pivot tables. You               with the knowledge, skills and competence
                                                 » Level 3 Spreadsheets
and internet skills. We offer unaccredited                                                        will learn how to organise and present your             to analyse key features and characteristics of
                                                 » Level 4 Spreadsheets
courses and courses that start at QQI Level 3                                                     data using tables, charts and conditional               computer hardware and software in relation to
                                                 » Level 5 Spreadsheets
in ICT.                                                                                           formatting.                                             computer-aided draughting and the AutoCad
                                                 Databases - (QQI Level 3, Level 4 & Level 5)
IT Skills and Computer Applications (QQI                                                          Databases - (QQI Level 3, Level 4 & Level 5)
Level 4)                                                                                          The purpose of this award is to equip
                                                 The purpose of this award is to equip            the learner with the knowledge, skill and
                                                 the learner with the knowledge, skill and
These 2 modules provide learners with                                                             competence to create, implement and organise
                                                 competence to create, implement and organise
an understanding of a range of Microsoft                                                          databases using a database application. For a
                                                 databases using a database application. For a
applications. (i.e. Excel, Access, Word,                                                          full breakdown of the modules please click on
                                                 full breakdown of the modules please click on

                                                                                                                                                                                                    » S
PowerPoint, Internet, Email and File                                                              the links below
                                                 the links below
Management). These modules can be                                                                 » Level 3 Databases
                                                 » Level 3 Databases
combined and used as one module towards a
                                                 » Level 4 Databases
full award at Level 5. For a full breakdown of
                                                 » Level 5 Databases
modules click on the links below:                                                                                           QQI                                              Approx. No of
                                                                                                   Module                           Venue               Start Date                           Time
                                                                                                                            Level                                            weeks
                                                 Microsoft Office Specialist (Excel)
» Level 4 IT Skills                                                                                                                 Dún Mhuire Adult
                                                                                                   Computer Applications
» Level 4 Computer Applications                                                                                                     Education Centre,   Wednesday, 2nd                       Every Wednesday
                                                 Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Excel, is                                  4                                              12 weeks
                                                                                                                                    Monaghan            March, 2022                          9.30am-12.30pm
                                                                                                   Ref: 337358
                                                 an internationally recognised standard for
Word Processing – (QQI Level 3, Level 4 &
                                                 demonstrating spreadsheet skills. This course     Information Technology
Level 5)                                                                                           Skills                           Carrickmacross      Tuesday, 1st March                   Every Tuesday
                                                 is designed for Microsoft Excel users who wish                               4                                              12 weeks
                                                                                                                                    Workhouse           2022                                 9.30am-12.30pm
                                                 to extend their knowledge and skills beyond       Ref: 337354
The purpose of this award is to equip
                                                 building simple workbooks.
the learner with the knowledge, skills                                                            Register for these course on
and competence to use word processing
applications to standards required in the
workplace. For a full breakdown of the
modules, click on the links below:

» Level 3 Word Processing
» Level 4 Word Processing
» Level 5 Word Processing

                                                                                       » S  36     37
Computer classes and smartphone classes: if you want to improve your computer
skills, then we offer classes from absolute beginners to QQI Level 4.                                     Retail Skills                                            optional modules.

                                 Venue                 Start Date
                                                                                  No of
                                                                                                                                        S »                        Modules include: Communications, Retail
                                                                                                                                                                   Sales Techniques, Customer Service, Work
                                                                                                                                                                   Experience, Computer Applications, IT
                                                                                                          Retail Skills - QQI Level 4                              Skills, Retail Payment Procedures, Career
 For Beginners
                                                                                                                                                                   Preparation and Planning.
 Using your                                                                                               This award in Retail Skills prepares people for
                                 European House,       Wednesday, 27th April,
 Smartphone              n/a                                                      11 weeks   2pm - 4pm    working in shops, customer service and sales
                                 Monaghan              2022                                                                                                        For a full breakdown of course details please
 Ref: 357760
                                                                                                          environments as well as progression options to           click here
 Introduction to                                                                                          further education and/or training.
                                 Gatehouse Learning    Tuesday, 26th April,                  10am - 12
 Computers                2                                                       13 weeks
                                 Centre, Monaghan      2022                                  noon         The total credit value required for this major
 Ref: 356812
                                                                                                          award is 90 with a number of mandatory and
 For those with some knowledge

 Spreadsheet Methods              European House,      Monday, 25th April,                   10am - 12
                          3                                                       13 weeks
 Ref: 356808                      Monaghan             2022                                  noon
 Spreadsheet Methods              Carrickmacross       Tuesday, 26th April,                              To register for these courses, please contact 047 71914
                          3                                                       13 weeks   2pm - 5pm
 Ref: 357596                      Workhouse            2022
 Word Processing                  Youthreach Centre,   Tuesday, 26th April,
                          3                                                       13 weeks   4pm - 6pm
 Ref: 343618                      Castleblayney        2022                                               Customer Services Level 4
 Word Processing                  Carrickmacross       Tuesday, 10th May,                    6.30pm -
                          3                                                       11 weeks                                       QQI                                                   Approx. No
 Ref: 343614                      Workhouse            2022                                  9.30pm        Module                         Venue                Start Date                              Time
                                                                                                                                 Level                                                 of weeks
 Information                      Dun Mhuire Adult
                                                       Wednesday, 27th April,                6.30pm -      Customer Service
 Technology Skills        4       Education Centre,                               11 weeks                                                Dún Mhuire Adult
                                                       2022                                  8.30pm        Skills                                              Thursday, 24th                          Every Thursday,
 Ref: 356816                      Monaghan                                                                                          4     Education Centre,                            12 weeks
                                                                                                                                                               March, 2022                             9.30am - 12.30pm
 Spreadsheet Methods              Gatehouse Learning   Thursday 28th April,                  9.30am -      Ref: 357920
                          4                                                       11 weeks
 Ref: 357605                      Centre, Monaghan     2022                                  12.30pm
 Spreadsheet Methods              Carrickmacross                                             9.30am -
                          4                            Friday, 29th April, 2022   11 weeks
 Ref: 357608                      Workhouse                                                  12.30pm
You can also register an interest in any computer class using, Reference
333754 or search for Computer Courses all Levels.

                                                                                                38         39
Tourism                                                  The 2 modules are as follows: Irish Tour         Training &                                            Training & Development – QQI Level 6

 Regional Tour Guiding - QQI Level 6
                                                          Guiding and Irish Natural Heritage and
                                                          Culture                                          Development                                           (Module: Training Needs Identification and

 This is a Special Purpose Award which was
 developed in collaboration with Fáilte Ireland
                                                                                                                                     S »                         This award will enable learners to acquire the
                                                                                                                                                                 knowledge, skill and competence to identify
 to enable learners to acquire the relevant                                                                Human Resources Management - QQI Level 6              training and development needs and to deliver
 knowledge, skills and competencies to work                                                                                                                      and evaluate a training intervention within a
 effectively as a Tour Guide.                                                                              The purpose of this award is to equip you             range of training and development contexts.
                                                                                                           with the knowledge, skills and competence in
                                                                                                           human resource management principles. You
                                                                                                           will apply these to the planning, organising,         To register for these courses, please
                                                                                                           implementation, evaluation and revision of            contact 087-4054311 or 049-4353992
To register for these courses, please contact 047 71914                                                    human resource management practices for the           or
                                                                                                           attainment of organisational goals.

                                                                                                           Team Leadership - QQI Level 6

                                                                                                           On completion of this module learners
                                                                                                           will have acquired the knowledge, skill and
                                                                                                           competence in the theory, principles, and
                                                                                                           practice of management within a range of
                                                                                                           contexts to enable them to work independently
                                                                                                           or in a management capacity and/or to
                                                                                                           progress to higher education or training.

                                                                                                          Please contact if interested in the above courses.

                                                                                                     40     41
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