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Subject Description / Academic year 2021-2022 1. COURSE/SUBJECT IDENTIFICATION 1. - COURSE/SUBJECT: Name: Specific Methods in Cardio-Respiratory Diseases Code: d325 / 16473 Year (s) course is taught: Third Semester (s) when the course is taught: First Type: Compulsory ECTS of the course: 3,5 Language: English Modality: On campus Degree (s) in which the course is taught: Physiotherapy School which the course is taught: Faculty of Medicine 2. - ORGANIZATION OF THE COURSE: Department: Physiotherapy Area of knowledge: Physiotherapy 2. LECTURERS OF THE COURSE/SUBJECT 1. - LECTURERS: Responsible of the Course, CONTACT Theoretical and Practical Classes Name: Begoña Jiménez Reguera Phone (ext): Tfno.: 913724700 Ext.: 14693 Email: Office: D 1.1.4 EPS Teaching and Research profile Full University School Professor Research Lines Theoretical and Practical Classes CONTACT Name: Raúl Escudero Romero Phone (ext): Tfno.: 913724700 Ext.: 14679 Email: Office: D 1.1.4 EPS 2. - TUTORIALS: For any queries students can contact lecturers by e-mail, phone or visiting their office during the teacher’s tutorial times published on the students’ Virtual Campus. 2
Subject Description / Academic year 2021-2022 3. COURSE DESCRIPTION • This subject will enable the student to acquire the necessary knowledge and management to establish an adequate physiotherapeutic diagnosis of acute and chronic respiratory and cardiac pathologies. This will allow the student to design and establish a program of intervention in physiotherapy with preventive, curative or palliative purposes in the processes related to the cardiorespiratory system. • It is important to jointly carry out this subject with the subject Physiotherapy in Cardio-respiratory Diseases because they are complementary. 4. COMPETENCIES 1. - COMPETENCIES Code Basic and General Competencies BS.T.2. Understanding the sciences, models, techniques and instruments upon which physiotherapy is based, organized and developed. BS.T.3. Understanding the physiotherapeutic methods, procedures and actions directed at both therapeutics in itself to be applied clinically for functional rehabilitation and re-education and the performance of activities directed at the promotion and maintenance of health. BS.T.4 Acquisition of adequate clinical experience that provides intellectual abilities and technical and manual skills, that facilitates the incorporation of ethical and professional values, and that develops the capacity to integrate the knowledge acquired so that, by the end of the degree studies, students will know how to apply them to both specific clinical cases in hospital and out-of-hospital environments and to actions in primary and community care. BS.T.15 Participating in the preparation of physiotherapy care protocols based on rigorous scientific evidence, encouraging professional activities that give impetus to and scope to research in physiotherapy. BS.T.5 Assessment of the functional condition of the patient, considering physical, psychological and social aspects. BS.T.17 Understanding the importance of refreshing and updating the knowledge, skills, abilities and attitudes comprising the professional competencies of the physiotherapist. GS.FE.3 Understanding and applying theoretical fundamentals in the development of physiotherapeutic methods and procedures. GS.FE.4 Capacity to assess, from the perspective of physiotherapy, the functional condition of the patient/user, considering the physical, psychological and social aspects of said patient/user. GS.FE.5 Understanding and applying manual and instrumental assessment methods and procedures in physiotherapy and physical rehabilitation as well as the scientific assessment of their use and effectiveness. GS.FE.7 Encouraging user and family participation in the rehabilitation process. GS.FE.8 Identifying the most appropriate physiotherapeutic treatment in the different processes of alteration, prevention, and promotion of health, as well as in the processes of growth and development. GS.FE.9 Identifying the patient/user situation through diagnosis of physiotherapy care, planning 3
Subject Description / Academic year 2021-2022 the physiotherapy action, and assessing its effectiveness in a cooperative work environment with other health sciences professionals. GS.FE.10 Understanding and applying the guidelines for good clinical practice. GS.FE.11 Understanding and performing the specific methods and techniques in regard to the musculoskeletal system (including manual therapies, joint manipulative therapy, osteopathy, and chiropractic), neurological processes, the respiratory system, the cardiovascular system, and other static and dynamic alterations. Specific methods and techniques that take into account the implications of orthopedic physiotherapy and reflex therapy techniques, as well as other alternative and/or complementary methods and techniques whose safety and efficacy is demonstrated according to the development of the science. GS.FE.13 Analyzing, programming and applying movement as a therapeutic measure, promoting patient/user participation in the process. GS.FE.19 Understanding and applying quality mechanisms in the practice of physiotherapy according to the criteria, indicators, and quality standards recognized and validated for proper professional practice. Code Specific Competencies SS.1. MET Understanding the fundamentals and physiological effects of the different specific methods of applying cardiorespiratory physiotherapy. SS.2. MET Understanding and applying the exploration and assessment methods pertinent to the specific methods of applying cardiorespiratory physiotherapy. SS.3. MET Design of the physiotherapy care plan based on preventive and/or therapeutic objectives according to the needs of each situation and patient. SS.4. MET Application of specific care methods in cardiorespiratory physiotherapy. SS.5. MET Making decisions, integrating individual clinical competency with the best external clinical evidence available from systematic research. 2.- LEARNING OUTCOMES: Code Learning outcomes To know the physiological and structural changes that can occur as a consequence of the application of specific methods in Physiotherapy. To clarify, resolve doubts and guide the patient and his / her family throughout the entire therapeutic process To design and apply therapeutic exercises, with special methods, for diseases of the cardiorespiratory system. To understand and perform specific methods and techniques referred to the cardiorespiratory system. 4
Subject Description / Academic year 2021-2022 5. LEARNING ACTIVITIES 1. - DISTRIBUTION OF STUDENTS` ASSIGNMENT: Total hours of the course 105 Code Name On-campus hours Theoretical Classes 15 Practical Classes 36 TOTAL Presence Hours 51 Code Name Not on- campus hours AF7 Self-student work 54 2.- DESCRIPTION OF LEARNING ACTIVITIES: Activity Definition The professor will expose certain aspects of introduction to the different Theoretical Classes theoretical blocks of the subject, as well as the integration of them, according to the program of the subject. Supportive teaching materials will be used (documents that will be distributed in class and digitized, which will be disseminated through the student's portal). This activity takes place in a laboratory of practices adapted to the subject. It mainly deals with the contents and practical skills of the subject and it will be Practical Classes done, among others, the following learning activities: work between pairs; handling of instruments and / or equipment; practice notebooks… 6. ASSESMENT OF LEARNING 1. - CLASS ATTENDANCE: In the theoretical classes attendance controls will be carried out. The attendance to the practical classes is mandatory in a 100%. The student who loses a practice will have to recover it in another group, previously presenting an official receipt and filling in the document of recovery of attendance to practices that must be signed by both teachers. 5
Subject Description / Academic year 2021-2022 2. - ASSESMENT SYSTEM AND CRITERIA: ORDINARY EXAMINATION (continuous assessment) Code Name Percentage SE2 Final Theoretical Exam (Theoretical classes) 25% THEORETICAL CLASSES FINAL PERCENTAGE 25% SE1 Continuous Assessment Activities (Practical classes) 25% SE4 SE3 Final Practical Exam (Practical classes) 50% PRACTICAL CLASSES FINAL PERCENTAGE 75% FINAL PERCENTAGE THEORY / PRACTICE 25% / 75% ORDINARY EXAMINATION (Students with no continuous assessment evaluation) Code Name Percentage SE2 25% Final Theoretical Ordinary Exam SE3 Final Practical Ordinary Exam 75% EXTRAORDINARY EXAMINATION Code Name Percentage SE2 25% Final Theoretical Extraordinary Exam SE3 Final Practical Extraordinary Exam 75% 3. - DESCRIPTION OF ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Assessment Definition criteria It will be held on the dates of the ordinary call. This exam includes a multiple choice test and/or written exam questions “essay type”. Theoretical Ordinary Exam To apply the percentages corresponding to the continuous assessment, the theoretical exam must be approved with a minimum score of 5 points. There will be a practical oral exam at the end of the practical classes accompanied by a written exam with multiple choice questions and/or short questions. In this exam, the Practical practical part will have a value of 70% and the theoretical part 30%. exam To apply the percentages corresponding to the continuous assessment, each of the parts of the practical exam must be approved with a minimum score of 5 points. Students who do not pass the subject during the ordinary exam will be able to submit to a final theoretical extraordinary exam covering all the lessons included in the Theoretical subject. This exam may include a multiple choice test and/or written exam questions Extraordinary Exam “essay type”. Students must obtain a final grade equal to 5 or above in order to pass the theoretical (which counts for 40% of the final total score). Students who do not pass the subject during the continuous assessment exam will be Practical Ordinary & able to submit to a final practical ordinary and extraordinary exam covering all the Extraordinary Exam lessons included in the subject. These tests will consist of a practical exam of the same characteristics as that performed in continuous assessment. 6
Subject Description / Academic year 2021-2022 7. COURSE PROGRAMME 1. - COURSE PROGRAMME: THEORETICAL CLASSES: Historical evolution of Respiratory Physiotherapy. Introduction. General notions about Respiratory Physiotherapy Respiratory mechanics. Physical properties of the cardio-pulmonary system. Physical / mathematical explanation of the techniques in Respiratory Physiotherapy: Rohrer Equation. PRACTICAL WORK PROGRAMME: 1. Breathing techniques: Diaphragmatic breathing. Thoracic Expansion Exercices. Guided Ventilation. 2. Airway Clearance Techniques: Active Cycle of Breathing Techniques (ACBT) Accesory manual techniques: vibrations, pressures, percussions (clapping). Cough Autogenic Drainage. ELTGOL Instrumental techniques: - PEP systems - IPPB - HFCWO - IPV - In-exsufflation 3. Techniques for improving Lung Volumes EDIC Incentive spirometry Air Stacking IPPB 4. Respiratory muscles training techniques: Threshold. P-flex Spirotiger 5. Paediatric respiratory physiotherapy techniques: ELPr DRR Nasal irrigation Cough stimulation 6. Complementary techniques: Oxygen therapy Humidification Inhaled therapy Mechanical Ventilation Tracheotomies: types and management. 7
Subject Description / Academic year 2021-2022 7. Exercise Testing: 6MWT Shuttle test Sit to stand test 8. Theoretical and practical lecture of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. 8. RECOMMENDED READING 1. - ESSENTIAL BIBLIOGRAPHY: Eleanor Main, Linda Deneley. Cardiorespiratory physiotherapy. Adults and paediatrics. Elsevier. 2016 West JB. Fisiología y fisiopatología pulmonar. Estudio de casos. 2ª ed., Lippincot Williams & Wilkins; 2008. Hyatt RE, Scanlon PD, Nakamura M. Guía práctica para la interpretación de las pruebas de la función pulmonar. 3ª ed., Lippincot Williams & Wilkins; 2009. Salas Hernández J, Vázquez Gracía JC, Fernández Vega M, Aguirre Pérez, T. Manual de medicina respiratoria. Lippincot Williams & Wilkins; 2012. Seco J. Sistema Respiratorio: Métodos, fisioterapia clínica y afecciones para fisioterapeutas. Editorial Médica Panamericana; 2018. 2. - ADDITIONAL BIBLIOGRAPHY: Pryor JA. Cuidados respiratorios. Masson-Salvat; 1993 Giménez M. Prevención y rehabilitación en patología respiratoria crónica. Panamericana, 2009. Smith M. Rehabilitación cardiovascular y respiratoria. Elsevier; 2000. Postiaux G.Fisioterapia Respiratoria en el niño. Mc. Graw- Hill. Interamericana; 2001. West, John B. Fisiopatología pulmonar. Panamericana; 2005. Giraldo Estrada H. Diagnóstico y manejo integral del paciente con EPOC. Panamericana; 2003. Serra G, Díaz Petit J. Fisioterapia en Neurología, Sistema Respiratorio y Aparato Cardiovascular. Masson; 2005. Antonello M, Delplanque D. Fisioterapia respiratoria. Del diagnóstico al proyecto terapeútico. Masson; 2002. Antonello M, Delplanque D. Fisioterapia y reanimación respiratoria. De la reanimación a la 8
Subject Description / Academic year 2021-2022 vuelta al domicilio. Masson; 1989. Mercado R. Manual de Fisioterapia Respiratoria. 2ª ed., Ergon; 2002. Hall. Desarrollo y administración de programas de rehabilitación cardiaca. Paidotribo; 1995 Höfler. Terapia y Gimnasia Respiratoria Paidotribo; 1994. Chanussot. JC. Kinesitherapie respiratoire. Masson; 1988. Downie PA, Cash. Kinesioterapia para trastornos torácicos, cardiacos y vasculares. 2ª ed., Panamericana; 1983. 3. - WEB RESOURCES : USP- CEU. Portal del alumno. Todo el material necesario para el desarrollo y coordinación del programa teórico-práctico de la asignatura estará disponible en él, por lo que es recomendable su visita periódica. USP-CEU. Biblioteca. Recursos web de la página de Biblioteca de la USP CEU, con acceso al catálogo de libros, motores de búsqueda como EBSCO y OVID, además de otras bases de datos como Science Direct y revistas. MEDLINE: OVID: HEALTHSTAR. Accesible previo registro en EBSCO: Science Direct: WOK. Dialnet. Teseo. IME: SciELO: CINAHL. Freemedicaljournals. PEDro. SEPAR Sociedad Española de Neumología y Cirugía Torácica American Thoracic Society 9
Subject Description / Academic year 2021-2022 European Respiratory Society 9. ATTITUDE IN THE CLASSROOM 1. - REGULATIONS Any irregular act of academic integrity (no reference to cited sources, plagiarism of work or inappropriate use of prohibited information during examinations) or signing the attendance sheet for fellow students not present in class will result in the student not being eligible for continuous assessment and possibly being penalized according to the University regulations. The use of electronic devices during the classes, both theoretical and practical, is not allowed, except when they are used for teaching purposes. It is likewise restricted use of the documentation provided by the teacher through the student portal (presentations, questions, exercises, seminars, notebooks practices, etc.) to the preparation of the subject. Teachers reserve the right to make use of the measures contained in the legislation on Intellectual Property, in cases where use and / or unauthorized disclosure of such material is detected reserved. 10. EXCEPTIONAL MEASURES Should an exceptional situation occur which prevents continuing with face-to-face teaching under the conditions previously established to this end, the University will take appropriate decisions and adopt the necessary measures to guarantee the acquisition of skills and attainment of learning outcomes as established in this Course Unit Guide. This will be done in accordance with the teaching coordination mechanisms included in the Internal Quality Assurance System of each degree. 10
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