Course Guide Grades 9 -12 2021/2022 - Frankfurt International School

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Course Guide Grades 9 -12 2021/2022 - Frankfurt International School

Frankfurt International School

Course Guide
Grades 9 –12
Course Guide Grades 9 -12 2021/2022 - Frankfurt International School
FIS Course Guide


      Purpose of the Course Guide .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 3                COURSE DESCRIPTIONS:

      Credit Requirements for Graduation  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 3                          Arts .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 9

      College/University Entrance Requirements  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 3                                English .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 13

      Academic Pathways Offered at FIS  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 4                      Non-English Languages .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 17

      Course Placement  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 5        Humanities .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 22

      German Abitur Certification  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 5               Mathematics .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 26

      FIS IB Diploma Programme (IBDP)                                                                            Science  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 30
      Course Offerings in Grades 11/12  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 6
                                                                                                                 Learning Support .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 34
      Required Courses (By Grade Level) .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 7
                                                                                                                 Other Courses  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 35
      Sample Four Year Plan .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 7
      Planning Page .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 8   Matrix of IB Prerequisites for Universities .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 37

Course Guide Grades 9 -12 2021/2022 - Frankfurt International School
FIS Course Guide

                       Purpose of the Course Guide                                       Credit Requirements for Graduation                                   College/University Entrance Requirements

                       One of the most important decisions students make is the          A full-time one year course equals one “credit.” Students in         Colleges and universities consider a number of factors during
                       selection of courses for their academic program. Students need    Grades 9 and 10 enroll in eight credits each year. Students in       the admissions process. The most important factor considered
                       to consider which courses will best meet their abilities, needs   Grades 11 and 12 must enroll in at least six credits each year.      is the choice of courses and academic performance within
                       and future plans beyond high school. This booklet contains a                                                                           these courses. Although each university establishes its own
                       wealth of information to support students in this process.        All students who graduate from FIS will earn an American High        entrance requirements, the recommended number of courses
                       Course descriptions are provided to familiarize students with     School Diploma.                                                      completed by graduation, within subject areas, are as
                       the courses offered at FIS along with information to enable                                                                            follows:
                       them to wisely plan an individualized program of study that       Graduation requirements are as follows:
                       incorporates specific requirements necessary for graduation.                                                                           English: 4 credits
                                                                                         • English 			                        4 credits
                       Students should use this course guide to develop their aca-                                                                            Social Studies: 4 credits
                       demic plan before selecting and find out as much information      • Mathematics 			                    3 credits
                       as possible about each course – its objectives, requirements,                                                                          Science: 4 credits
                       prerequisites and path for progression. Students should also      • Non-English Language 		            2 credits
                       consider the following questions when choosing their courses                                                                           Mathematics: 4 credits
                       and academic track:                                               • Social Sciences 			                3 credits
                                                                                                                                                              Non-English Language: 3 credits of the same language
                       What courses are required per grade level?                        • Experimental Sciences 		           3 credits
                                                                                                                                                              Particularly for Grades 11–12, it is important that students and
                       Are the courses I have chosen appropriate for my ability and      • Physical Education 		              1 credit                        parents carefully review university entrance requirements prior
                       interests?                                                                                                                             to selecting their courses at FIS. The counselors will be able to
                                                                                         • Academic elective courses          8 credits                       assist in providing current information about various university
                       Will the courses I have chosen meet the prerequisites for uni-                                                                         requirements, admissions procedures and other pertinent
                       versity admissions in a specific country?                         Minimum Total 			                    24 credits                      material to create a plan with appropriate subject options.

                       Have I taken advantage of the breadth of course offerings to      Creativity Activity Service (CAS) is required in Grades 11 and 12.
                       explore interests or future career paths?

FIS Course Guide

      Academic Pathways Offered at FIS

      FIS High School Diploma                                           The IB Diploma Programme (IBDP)                                   IB Coursework Candidates
      All Grade 9–12 students at FIS pursue a High School Diploma.      In Grades 11 and 12, students may pursue the International        Grade 11 and 12 students opting not to pursue the IBDP are
      Upon successful completion of all FIS graduation credit re-       Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP), a rigorous two year       enrolled in six courses per year. A student can opt to enroll in
      quirements, students will receive an FIS High School Diploma      program that is required by most European universities for        six IB courses, a combination of IB and non-IB, or no IB courses.
      accredited by the United States’ New England Association of       admission and highly regarded by universities worldwide.          Students who elect to study individual IB subjects will gain
      Schools & Colleges (NEASC).                                       Students must take six courses within specific subject areas in   recognition as an individual IB coursework candidate. Candi-
                                                                        addition to the Theory of Knowledge course (a course which        dates are subject to both the full coursework and examinations
      In addition to the High School Diploma, in Grades 11 and 12,      explores what the nature of knowledge is and how it is ob-        in these subjects. IB coursework scores may be used for uni-
      students may opt to pursue and, if successfully completed,        tained). In addition, students complete a 4000-word research      versity credit or advanced placement in many universities.
      earn the IB Diploma or IB coursework certificates. Students       Extended Essay on a topic of their choice.
      who do not undertake the IB Diploma Programme are flexible
      to enroll in any combination of non-IB and IB courses, provided   Whether students ultimately achieve the IBDP is determined
      they meet the graduation requirements.                            by exams taken in each of the six subjects at the end of Grade
                                                                        12 in conjunction with relevant coursework completed
                                                                        throughout the two years. Each course is graded on a 1-7 scale
                                                                        (7 being the highest). A maximum of 45 points can be achieved
                                                                        and a minimum of 24 points are required to earn the IB

                                                                        How students perform in Grade 10 is a good indicator of
                                                                        whether they are suited for the IBDP. A solid foundation in
                                                                        subjects and strong study skills are required to successfully
                                                                        pursue the IBDP in Grades 11 and 12.

                                                                        For more information, please see the full description on page
                                                                        6 in this guide.

FIS Course Guide

                       Course Placement                                                  German Abitur Equivalency Certification

                       Courses will be offered based on student interest and enroll-     Students should read the following information carefully if       • Group 6: Could be a course from Group 6, or another ap-
                       ment. If a course is cancelled due to low enrollment, students    intending to study in Germany as there are additional require-      proved course from Group 1–4 including: Computer Science,
                       and parents will be notified and an alternate course may be       ments for the German-approved IB Diploma Programme.                 Design Technology, Environmental Systems & Societies,
                       chosen.                                                           Please note that all course selections will need to be approved     Sports Exercise & Health Science
                                                                                         by a counselor.
                       Language                                                                                                                            • All courses must be taken over two consecutive years and all
                                                                                         The following information can be used as a guide:                   exams taken in Grade 12.
                       Students will be placed in a language class based on past                                                                           • No online courses allowed.
                       experience, placement testing and/or prerequisites taken at       Abitur Recognition requires the following conditions:
                       FIS. The language faculty will consult with individual students
                       regarding their language placement and students will require      • Groups 1 & 2 (Two Languages)
                       teacher permission for all levels.                                  Two A Languages OR one A Language and one B Language
                                                                                           at Higher Level (HL)
                       Mathematics                                                         Language Ab Initio or Language B Standard Level (SL) not
                       Students will be placed in a mathematics class based on
                       teacher recommendation. All students should consult with          • Group 3 (Individuals & Societies): Business, Economics,
                       their current mathematics teacher or take a placement exam          Geography, Global Politics, History, Psychology
                       to determine the most appropriate course to take.
                                                                                         • Group 4 (Science): Biology, Chemistry or Physics

                                                                                         • Group 5 (Math): All math courses are recognized.
                                                                                           Either Math or Science has to be at HL (or both if desired)

FIS Course Guide

      FIS IB Diploma Programme (IBDP)
      Course Offerings in Grades 11/12                                                                   Group 1
                                                                                                  Language and Literature
      The IBDP curriculum consists of six subject groups. Every IB                                        English A
      Diploma candidate must enroll in one course from each of                                            German A
      Groups 1–5 and a sixth course from either Group 6 or any other                                                                      Group 2
                                                                                Group 6                   Korean A
      course from Groups 1–4. A seventh course is the Theory of                                          Japanese A                 Language Acquisition
      Knowledge class. The following FIS offerings can be used as a                                       French A                       English B
      reference by potential IB Diploma candidates. All students                 Dance                                                   German B
                                                                                                   Self-Taught Language
      should consult teachers, heads of departments, the counselor                Film                                                   French B
      and the IB Coordinator as they make final choices.                         Music                                                   Spanish B
                                                                                                                                      German Ab Initio
      Course choices, and even decisions regarding the enrollment level                                                               French Ab Initio
      of a course (Higher or Standard level), may determine where and          Visual Arts                                            Spanish Ab Initio
      what subject areas students will be able to pursue higher educa-                                Core Requirements
                                                                                                                                 or Another Group 1 Course
      tion. Please consult the Appendix and your counselor for                                      Theory of Knowledge
      guidance.                                                                                       Extended Essay
                                                                                                     Creativity, Activity,                  Group 3
                                                                              Group 5
                                                                            Mathematics                                             Individuals and Societies
                                                                            Math Analysis                                           Business & Management

                                                                          Math Applications                                               Economics
                                                                                                          Group 4
                                                                                                                                Environmental Systems & Society
                                                                                                                                        Global Politics
                                                                                                     Computer Science
                                                                                              Environmental Systems & Society
                                                                                                    Design Technology
                                                                                                  Sports, Exercise & Health

FIS Course Guide

                       Required Courses (By Grade Level)                                Sample Four Year Plan
                       Grade 9              Grade 10        Grade 11      Grade 12      Grade 9              Grade 10              Grade 11               Grade 12
                       English / ELA        English / ELA   English       English       English L/L          English L/L           IB English A HL yr 1   IB English A HL yr 2
                       German               German          Language      Language      German L/L           German L/L            IB German A SL yr 1    IB German A SL yr 2
                       Humanities           Humanities      Humanities    Humanities    Geography/ History   World History         IB Economics HL yr 1 IB Economics HL yr 2
                       Science              Science         Science       Science       Physics              Pre-IB Biology        IB Biology SL yr 1     IB Biology SL yr 2
                       Mathematics          Mathematics     Mathematics   Mathematics                                              IB Math Analysis SL    IB Math Analysis SL
                                                                                        Math High            Math High
                                                                                                                                   yr 1                   yr 2
                       PE                   PE & Balance    Elective      Elective
                                                                                        PE/Drama             PE & Balance          IB Visual Arts HL yr 1 IB Visual Arts HL yr 2
                       2.5 Electives        2.0 Electives
                                                                                        Art/DT                                     TOK                    TOK
                                                                                        French 2/3           Performance Theater

FIS Course Guide

      Planning Page                                                      Grade 9 and 10                               Grade 11 and 12

      The charts on the right are designed as a tool to aid you in       Subject                 Grade 9   Grade 10   Subject               Grade 11   Grade 12
      developing your four year academic plan. Please reference the      English                                      English
      sample four year plan, the course descriptions and the grade
      level requirements to complete the chart. This chart will evolve   German                                       Other Language
      as you progress through high school.                               Humanities                                   Humanities
                                                                         Science                                      Science
                                                                         Mathematics                                  Mathematics
                                                                         PE + 0.5                                     Elective
                                                                         Elective (1.0 credit)                        Theory of Knowledge
                                                                                                                                                  X          X
                                                                                                                      (required for IBDP)
                                                                         Elective (1.0 credit)

FIS Course Guide

                       Arts                                                               developed and valued whether the students are writing papers       presentation techniques including broadcasting. Students will
                                                                                          or creating/performing dances. The curriculum provides stu-        learn how to use video and audio equipment as well as how
                       Dance 9 is a year-long course which meets three times per          dents with a liberal arts orientation to dance. This orientation   to edit, mix, and transmit media. Students will develop skills
                       eight-day cycle. This course aims to have students discover        facilitates the development of students who may become             in broadcasting live performances and sporting events as well
                       dance as a medium of expression and method of exploring            choreographers, dance scholars or performers, or those, more       as development of TV shows and public broadcasting. Oppor-
                       ideas. Students will learn to compose solo and duo move-           broadly, who seek life enrichment through dance. The dance         tunities exist within this course to develop skills in all areas of
                       ment sequences, performance and ensemble dance, and                course has three main areas of study: two dance works created      the online media world.
                       demonstrate knowledge of a genre of dance. Students will           by the student, a formal written report, and one or two dance
                       learn about posture, alignment, choreography and perform           works performed by the student.                                    Credits: 1.0 / year
                       for audiences both informally and formally.                                                                                           Prerequisites: Media Production & Broadcasting I
                                                                                          Credits: 1.0 / year                                                Grades: 10–12
                       Credits: 0.5/ year                                                 Prerequisites: Prior dance experience preferred
                       Prerequisites: None                                                Grades: 11–12                                                      IB Film SL/HL is a two-year online course in which students
                       Grades: 9                                                                                                                             become proficient interpreters and makers of film texts.
                                                                                          Media Production & Broadcasting I is a one-year elective           Through the study and analysis of film, and practical exercises
                       Dance 10–12 is a one-year elective course in which students        course in which students will use a step-by-step approach to       in film production, students develop critical abilities and ap-
                       discover dance as a medium of expression and method of ex-         learn the latest in digital video, basic video camera techniques   preciation of artistic, cultural, historical and global perspectives
                       ploring ideas. The class will study choreography in more detail,   and concepts as well as editing using a variety of editing plat-   in film. They examine concepts, theories, practices and ideas
                       making their own solo and trio dances. Guest choreographers        forms and online presentation techniques including broad-          from multiple perspectives, challenging their own views to
                       work with the group as they learn, rehearse and perform a          casting. Students will learn how to use video and audio equip-     understand the value of others. Students will acquire and de-
                       variety of genres of dance from different cultures. Dancers        ment as well as how to edit, mix, and transmit media. Students     velop critical thinking, reflective analysis and the imaginative
                       continue to hone their basic dance techniques and alignment        will complete projects such as extracurricular packages, class-    synthesis through practical engagement of the art, craft and
                       through regular warm-ups and technique classes. Students           room packages, public service announcements and other              study of film. Students will learn to examine film as an art form,
                       have many opportunities to perform for audiences both infor-       types of special features.                                         contextualize film across time and culture, explore film pro-
                       mally and formally.                                                                                                                   duction roles and phases of the filmmaking process. This is an
                                                                                          Credits: 1.0 / year                                                online course supported by FIS.
                       Credits: 1.0 / year                                                Prerequisites: None
                       Prerequisites: None                                                Grades: 9–12                                                       Text: A wide variety of films and readings will be accessed
                       Grades: 10–12                                                                                                                         throughout the course.
                                                                                          Media Production & Broadcasting II is a one-year elective          Credits: 1.0 / year
                       IB Dance SL/HL is a two-year course which aims for a holistic      course in which students will use a step-by-step approach          Prerequisites: Genuine interest in exploring film as an art form.
                       approach to dance, and embraces a variety of dance traditions      which will build on skills learned in Media Production 1 of dig-   Grades: 11–12
                       and dance cultures—past, present and looking towards the           ital video, basic video camera techniques and concepts as well
                       future. Performance, creative and analytical skills are mutually   as editing using a variety of editing platforms and online

FIS Course Guide

      Band 9 is a year-long course which meets three times per eight-       Concert Choir is a year-long course which meets two times          Chamber Orchestra 9–12 is a year-long course where all play-
      day cycle. In this course, students will further their abilities on   per eight-day cycle during lunch. This mixed soprano, alto,        ers of violin, viola, cello and double bass are welcome to take
      a woodwind, brass, or percussion instrument. They will work           tenor and bass choir works on 4- to 7-part music in various        part, regardless of their previous experience. Rehearsals take
      both individually and in group settings to gain performance           styles from classical to favorite pop songs. The choir gives two   place once a week after school. In the fall, students generally
      skills on their individual instruments and as a band. Students        concert performances a year and sometimes an additional            begin preparing a program of classical and baroque works for
      will also gain a greater understanding of musical concepts            performance at a special event. This is a Pass/Fail course and     the December concert, while the spring is often devoted to
      relating to the music they are performing. Students are expect-       all students are welcome to join.                                  lighter selections, with the addition of solos and chamber mu-
      ed to participate in the band performance each semester and                                                                              sic. In our rehearsals, we hope to learn and enhance our instru-
      are encouraged to audition for Honor Band Festivals and/or            Credits: 0.5/ year                                                 mental and ensemble playing skills, but also to explore the rich
      Jazz Band which have rehearsals at various times throughout           Prerequisites: None                                                repertoire and the tradition of classical music. This is a Pass/
      the year. The final assessment for this course will be based          Grades: 9–12                                                       Fail course.
      primarily on the student's most consistent performance level
      during each semester. They will demonstrate their perfor-             Concert Band is a year-long course which meets during lunch.       Credits: 0.5/ year
      mance level through both in-class and recorded playing                This is a mixed band working on various pieces of music to-        Prerequisites: None
      assessments.                                                          wards performances throughout the year. This is a Pass/Fail        Grades: 9–12
                                                                            course and all students are welcome to join.
      Credits: 0.5/ year                                                                                                                       A Cappella & More is a year-long course which meets three
      Prerequisites: Ability to play a woodwind, brass, or percussion       Credits: 0.5/ year                                                 times per eight-day cycle. This course focuses on choral en-
      instrument.                                                           Prerequisites: None                                                semble singing, voice training, note reading and performance.
      Grades: 9                                                             Grades: 9–12                                                       Music of various styles will be sung, with an emphasis on a
                                                                                                                                               cappella singing. This course will include public
      Music 9 is a year-long course which meets three times per                                                                                performances.
      eight-day cycle. This course is designed to consolidate the
      students' previous knowledge of music in areas of music liter-                                                                           Credits: 0.5/ year
      acy, theory, appreciation, performance, and composition.                                                                                 Prerequisites: Vocal audition required
      Topics include music theory, 4-Chord songs, jazz and blues.                                                                              Grades: 9
      The students will have opportunities to listen to, perform, cre-
      ate, and reflect upon a variety of musical styles. The final as-
      sessment will be based primarily on classroom activities and

      Credits: 0.5/ year
      Prerequisites: None
      Grades: 9

FIS Course Guide

                       Music 10–12 is a year-long course designed to consolidate            IB Music SL/HL is a two-year course where students will be               Performance Theater 10–12 is a year-long elective course in
                       the students' previous knowledge of music in the areas of            expected to develop and refine their performance skills on a             which students will refine their skills in various theater tech-
                       music literacy, theory, appreciation and composition. The stu-       chosen instrument or voice, create and develop a portfolio of            niques including acting, directing, critiquing, ensemble work
                       dents will have opportunities to listen to and analyse music         original compositions or arrangements, undertake self-direct-            and text analysis. Students should come to appreciate and
                       from the Medieval period until the present day, create music         ed research on music of interest to the student, have the op-            understand some of the different styles, periods, practitioners
                       to given guidelines, and reflect upon a variety of musical styles.   portunity to use music-writing software, follow a course of              and genres of theater throughout history.
                       The student taking this course will have the opportunity to          musical analysis covering Western art music and non-Western
                       learn or improve in the areas of composition, score-reading          music of many kinds, and study musical works in depth. There             Credits: 1.0 / year
                       and writing and musical analysis. In addition, the student will      is no written exam paper for IB Music: assessment will be based          Prerequisites: None
                       be introduced to topics in theory (particularly harmony and          entirely on internally- and externally-assessed work (practical          Grades: 10–12
                       form) and music history. Although one of the goals of this           and written) created during the course.
                       course is to prepare the students adequately for continued                                                                                    IB Theater SL/HL is a two-year course encouraging discovery
                       studies in the IBDP Music program, participation is in no way        Credits: 1.0 / year                                                      through experimentation, risk-taking and the presentation of
                       restricted to those who have this intention, and the course          Prerequisites: Capable musicians already competent at read-              ideas. The course is multi-faceted and gives students the op-
                       works equally well as a one-year foundation course in musical        ing music and singing/playing at least one instrument. Stu-              portunity to actively engage in theater as creators, designers,
                       history and analysis.                                                dents must continue lessons with a specialist teacher through-           directors and performers. It emphasizes working both individ-
                                                                                            out the course.                                                          ually and collaboratively as part of an ensemble. Students learn
                       Credits: 1.0 / year                                                  Grades: 11–12                                                            to apply research and theory to inform and to contextualize
                       Prerequisites: None                                                                                                                           their work. Through researching, creating, preparing, present-
                       Grades: 10–12                                                        Drama 9 is a year-long course which meets three times per                ing and critically reflecting on theater, they gain a richer un-
                                                                                            eight-day cycle. Students will learn on their feet a variety of skills   derstanding of themselves, their community and the world.
                                                                                            including how to use improvisation techniques as a way of ex-            Students experience the course from contrasting artistic and
                                                                                            ploring ideas while gaining practical understanding of some of           cultural perspectives. They learn about theater from around
                                                                                            the various forms and genres of theater. Students will develop           the world, the importance of making theater with integrity,
                                                                                            performance skills while working successfully within a group             and the impact that theater can have on the world.
                                                                                            and learn the use of visual, auditory, and spatial awareness.
                                                                                                                                                                     Credits: 1.0 / year
                                                                                            Credits: 0.5/ year                                                       Prerequisites: None
                                                                                            Prerequisites: None                                                      Grades: 11–12
                                                                                            Grades: 9

FIS Course Guide

      Art 9 is a year-long course which meets three times per eight-      IB Visual Arts SL/HL is a two-year-long course for students
      day cycle. The course asks the students to realize and appreciate   who are seriously interested in the visual arts. This course has
      that art is all around us, to explore the ways in which known and   specific criteria set for three separate components (the Exhi-
      unknown cultural aesthetics affect the appearance and impact        bition, the Process Portfolio and the Comparative Study) which
      of the visual world around them. It also asks them to express       are clearly defined and quite demanding. The course stresses
      complex and personal notions in their artwork, to appreciate        practice in the use of various media, the acquisition of tech-
      that creative efforts can reveal issues and ideas about them-       niques, the mature development of creative ideas and the
      selves and, finally, to demonstrate fluency with the fundamental    ability to relate to multiple forms of art in social and historical
      elements and principles of art and design. Units of prescribed      contexts. A portfolio of the student’s artwork will be
      study include exercises involving the fundamental elements of       compiled.
      art & design, color theory, mark making and mask making.
                                                                          Over the final year of the course, the students will be working
      Credits: 0.5/ year                                                  in a variety of techniques and media to develop their skills and
      Prerequisites: None                                                 understanding of the elements of the visual arts in both two
      Grades: 9                                                           and three-dimensional formats. All students must exhibit their
                                                                          studio work (usually 4 –7 resolved artworks for SL and 8 –11
      Visual Arts 10–12 is a year-long elective course with the gen-      resolved pieces of work for HL students), present their process
      eral aim to familiarize students with the processes of planning,    and development efforts and write a comparative study of
      researching and experimenting in preparation for studio art-        three artworks or artifacts. Students are expected to perform
      work. The course also aims to familiarize students with the         independent research and make tangible connections be-
      common expectations regarding the development of a the-             tween their developing work and the results of their research
      matic approach to art. The emphasis on the sketchbook (Visual       in their journal. This includes but is not limited to the work of
      Arts Journal) is paramount, as the student needs to exit with       other artists, the influence of social and cultural elements and
      a working knowledge of the basics of keeping a daily art jour-      the product of historical investigation.
      nal and using it as a primary idea-development tool for studio
      work at the IB level. The course often culminates where stu-        Credits: 1.0 / year
      dents devise their first studio work based upon a well-re-          Prerequisites: Visual Arts 10–12 recommended
      searched and well-conceived theme documented in their               Grades: 11–12
      sketch book.

      Credits: 1.0 / year
      Prerequisites: None
      Grades: 10–12

FIS Course Guide


                       Grade 9 English Language & Literature is a one year course             Grade 10 English Language & Literature is a one year course         Grade 10 English Language Acquisition B Prep is a one-year
                       built around inquiry-driven concept based units, such as Cul-          which prepares students for IB Language A courses. The course       course which prepares students for the IB English B (language
                       ture or Communication. These units help students to see pat-           is built around key concepts, such as Change or Perspectives,       acquisition) course at both HL and SL. There is an increasing
                       terns and make connections between literary and non-literary           and taught in thematic units. The course features an increasing     emphasis on underlying concepts and implicit meaning, and
                       texts. Students build their speaking and listening skills in a         emphasis on implicit meaning and formal development of              on the formal development of a supported argument in dif-
                       variety of formats, such as speeches, role play, and class de-         supported argument. Students build their speaking and lis-          ferent communicative situations. The course achieves this
                       bates. In their reading and writing, they develop their under-         tening skills in a variety of formats, such as speeches and class   through a set of texts more suited to Language B students,
                       standing of central aspects of human experience, characters            discussions. In their reading and writing, they develop their       which invite the development of literary analysis skills, albeit
                       and relationships, and how writers use stylistic devices to guide      understanding of central aspects of human experience, char-         to a lesser degree than the Language & Literature course, as
                       readers' insights. There is an emphasis on critical analysis, and      acters and relationships, and how writers use stylistic devices     well as comprehension skills involving text-handling and lis-
                       essay writing skills are honed. Private reading is promoted, and       to guide readers' insights. There is an emphasis on critical        tening responses. Students extend their speaking and listening
                       students read a range of literature in class, including modern         analysis, and essay writing skills are honed. A 1200–1500-word      skills in a variety of formats, such as speeches, role plays, and
                       plays and novels. Students also study several visual texts and         Independent Investigation on a question chosen by the stu-          class debates. Students study a variety of fiction and non-fic-
                       complete a film study. Questions of rationality, emotion and           dent is developed in the middle of the course, preparing for        tion genres. There is an element of media studies, involving
                       bias are investigated in writing and speech.                           later research and sustained essay work. Private reading is         the study of news media, and some analysis of visual texts such
                                                                                              promoted, but students also read a range of complex literature      as film. A 1200–1500-word Independent Investigation on a
                       Recent texts: To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, The Secret          in class, including Shakespearean tragedy.                          question chosen by the student is written.
                       Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd, An Inspector Calls by J.B. Priestley,
                       and DNA by Dennis Kelly                                                Recent texts: Macbeth and The Merchant of Venice by William         Recent texts: Walkabout by James Vance Marshall, selected
                       Credits: 1.0 / year                                                    Shakespeare, The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, and ​se-      short stories, poems, and non-fiction texts
                       Prerequisites: G8 English Language & Literature or teacher             lected short stories, poems, and non-fiction texts
                       recommendation                                                         Credits: 1.0 / year                                                 Credits: 1.0 / year
                       Grades: 9                                                              Prerequisites: G9 English Language & Literature or teacher          Prerequisites: G9 English Language & Literature, ELA or Teach-
                                                                                              recommendation                                                      er recommendation
                                                                                              Grades: 10                                                          Grades: 10

FIS Course Guide

      English Language Acquisition (ELA) Emerging is a 2 period         English Language Acquisition (ELA) Transitioning is a 2            English Language Acquisition (ELA) Independent is a one
      course which will assist English Language Acquisition students    period course which will assist English Language Acquisition       year course which will assist English Language Acquisition
      in acquiring the English knowledge and skills that they need      students in acquiring the English knowledge and skills that        students in acquiring the English knowledge and skills that
      in order to function and communicate proficiently in all aca-     they need in order to function and communicate proficiently        they need in order to function and communicate proficiently
      demic disciplines. The curriculum is aimed to improve the skill   in all academic disciplines. The curriculum is aimed at devel-     in all academic disciplines. The curriculum is aimed at devel-
      areas of: critical reading and listening comprehension, oral      oping the skill areas of: critical reading and listening compre-   oping the skill areas of: critical reading and listening compre-
      communication and writing. In the Emerging course, there are      hension, oral communication and writing. In the Transitioning      hension, oral communication and writing. Students complete
      two sections that target these skill areas separately, subject    course, there are two sections that target these skill areas       various tasks based on fiction and non-fiction texts. The major
      support and mechanics of language being the major focuses.        separately, academic writing being the major focus. Students       focus of the Independent class is improving students’ ability
      Various text types are introduced throughout the course, help-    complete various tasks based on fiction and non-fiction texts.     to read and write academic texts fluently and accurately. This
      ing students identify and understand the conventions, author’s    Various text types are introduced throughout the course help-      presupposes the development of a strong vocabulary and
      purpose, main ideas and supporting details in these texts.        ing students analyse the conventions, author’s purpose, main       mechanics of language. As well as focusing on language ac-
      Additionally, we devote a big percentage of class time to sub-    ideas and supporting details in these texts. We also devote a      quisition, we devote some class time to helping students un-
      ject support during which we help students understand and         significant amount of class time to helping students under-        derstand and complete their assignments in the other subjects.
      complete their assignments for their other subjects.This de-      stand and complete their assignments in their other subjects.      This devoted class time also includes helping them prepare for
      voted class time includes helping them prepare for their as-      This devoted class time includes helping them prepare for their    their assessment tasks and guiding them with techniques that
      sessment tasks and guiding them with techniques that will         assessment tasks and guiding them with techniques that will        will enable them to overcome language-related obstacles.
      enable them to overcome language-related obstacles.               enable them to overcome language-related obstacles.
                                                                                                                                           Credits: 1.0 / year
      Credits: 2.0 / year                                               Credits: 2.0 / year                                                Prerequisites: ELA Transitioning or teacher recommendation
      Prerequisites: Meeting the descriptors for Emerging Level or      Prerequisites: ELA Emerging or teacher recommendation              Grades: 9–12
      teacher recommendation                                            Grades: 9–12
      Grades: 9–10

FIS Course Guide

                       IB English A: Language and Literature SL/HL is a two-year            Recent texts: Othello by Shakespeare, Oedipus by Sophocles,          students will be required to consider some texts in terms of
                       course which requires students to be either native or very           The Bluest Eye by Morrison, A Man Called Ove by Backman, The         how they address global issues, and the final assessments will
                       near-native speakers of English in terms of both their oral and      Elephant Vanishes by Murakami and selected poems by Duffy            include an individual oral examination, as well as written pa-
                       written skills, and will appeal to students who may be less in-      or Plath. There is also an element of student choice for texts.      pers. Higher Level students are also required to write a 1,200–
                       clined towards a course focused solely on literary study. The                                                                             1,500-word formal essay which develops a particular line of
                       course looks more openly at the method of inquiry embodied           Literary selections may change according to teacher and class        inquiry of their own choice regarding material from their
                       in critical literacy and is directed towards understanding the       preference, but the syllabus will conform to IB guidelines for       course.
                       constructed nature of meanings generated by language and             Language A Language and Literature.
                       the web of relationships they share with the social world. Lan-                                                                           Recent texts: The Assault by Mulisch, Chronicle of a Death Fore-
                       guage and Literature is built on three areas of exploration:         Credits: 1.0 / year                                                  told by Marquez, Perfume by Süskind, Frankenstein by Shelley,
                       Reader, Writer, Text; Time and Space; and Intertextuality. Stu-      Prerequisites: Recommendation of Grade 10 English teacher            Death and the Maiden by Dorfman, The Bluest Eye by Morrison,
                       dents at Standard Level study 4 literary works, and a range of       or placement test                                                    Othello by Shakespeare, Heart of Darkness by Conrad, Things
                       articles, advertisements, blog posts and other non-literary          Grades: 11–12                                                        Fall Apart by Achebe, and The Handmaid’s Tale by Atwood. Lit-
                       texts. Students at Higher Level study 6 literary works, as well                                                                           erary selections may change according to teacher and class
                       as other non-literary texts. Students study literature in its cul-   IB English A: Literature SL/HL is a two-year course designed         preference, but the syllabus will conform to IB guidelines for
                       tural context, as well as in detailed textual analysis. Works        for the student with a definite inclination towards the study of     Language A Literature.
                       studied come from different genres and places, while some            literature. The course is for motivated native speakers of English
                       works are read in translation. An understanding of the ways in       or students with near-native speaker fluency. In English Liter-      Credits: 1.0 / year
                       which formal elements are used to create meaning in a text is        ature, the focus is directed towards developing an understand-       Prerequisites: Recommendation of Grade 10 English teacher
                       combined with an exploration of how that meaning is affected         ing of the techniques involved in literary criticism and promot-     or placement test
                       by reading practices that are culturally defined, and by the         ing the ability to form independent literary judgments, which        Grades: 11–12
                       circumstances of production and reception.                           are then expressed orally and in written work. Students study
                                                                                            works from different genres and places, while some works are
                       The course is organised around seven key concepts defined            read in translation. The course is built on three areas of explo-
                       by the IB, so that students study literary and non-literary texts    ration: Reader, Writer, Text; Intertextuality; Time and Space.
                       that are linked by theme. All students are required to consider      Through their study of literary texts, students are encouraged
                       some texts in terms of how they address global issues, and the       to develop the ability to reflect critically on their reading with
                       final examinations will include an individual oral presentation,     the goal of understanding how great writers create extraordi-
                       as well as written papers. Higher Level students are also re-        nary effects and help shape human experience. Higher Level
                       quired to write a 1,200 –1,500-word formal essay which devel-        students are required to study 13 texts, and are expected to
                       ops a particular line of inquiry of their own choice regarding       show a deeper understanding of content and writers’ tech-
                       material from their course.                                          niques than Standard Level students, who study 9 texts. All

FIS Course Guide

      IB English B SL/HL is a two-year language acquisition course       College Prep English is a one or two year course that develops
      designed for students with some previous experience of En-         students’ skills, knowledge, and understanding in the main
      glish. In English B, students further develop their ability to     areas of English, namely writing, reading, speaking, listening
      communicate in English through the study of language,              and viewing. There is a particular emphasis on helping stu-
      themes and texts. In doing so, they also develop conceptual        dents develop English skills to a level that will allow them to
      understandings of how language works, as appropriate to the        succeed in college-level studies. This includes writing college
      level of the course. The main focus of the course is on language   application essays and resumes, for example. In addition, stu-
      acquisition and development of language skills. This course is     dents are required to complete independent reading from a
      designed to provide students with the necessary skills and         recommended list of modern classics, and to write book re-
      intercultural understanding to enable them to communicate          ports on their reading. This course may be followed for two
      successfully in an environment where English is spoken. Class-     years, as material covered will alternate each year.
      work ranges from everyday oral exchanges to literary texts,
      and is related to the English-speaking world. The texts and        The thematic units of the course will cover a variety of fiction
      topics studied are chosen to enable students to develop mas-       and non-fiction genres, including media texts. The main units
      tery of language skills and encourage the learner to go beyond     are: Language and Identity, Reading the Media, Literature and
      the confines of the classroom, expanding an awareness of the       Life, Work for a Living, Freedom and Responsibility, Danger and
      world and fostering respect for cultural diversity.                Courage.

      At Higher Level, students are required to read two works of        Recent texts: Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck; short stories
      literature originally written in English. The course comprises     by Alice Munro, Andrea Levy, Berton Roueché, Penelope Lively,
      five themes which will be explored throughout the course:          and Kate Chopin; extracts from The Hate U Give by Angie Thom-
      Identity, Experiences, Human Ingenuity, Social Organisations       as, Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer, and My Left Foot by Christy
      and Sharing the Planet.                                            Brown.

      Recent texts: Of Mice and Men by Steinbeck and Friday Black        Credits: 1.0 / year
      by Adjei-Brenyah                                                   Prerequisites: None
      Credits: 1.0 / year                                                Grades: 11–12
      Prerequisites: English Language Acquisition B Prep or teacher
      Grades: 11–12

FIS Course Guide

                       Non-English Languages                                                  understanding of central aspects of human experience, char-        intercultural understanding. Core topics include communica-
                                                                                              acters and relationships, and how writers use stylistic devices    tion and media, global issues and social relationships. There
                       French Language Acquisition Level 1, 2/3, 3/4, 4/5 are each            to guide readers' insights.                                        are two options selected from a total of five topics. The topics
                       a one year course where students will be expected to demon-                                                                               chosen at FIS are cultural diversity and health. At Higher Level,
                       strate the communicative skills of listening, speaking, reading        Credits: 1.0 / year                                                two works of literature are studied in relation to culture. At
                       and writing in everyday situations depending on the level              Prerequisites: Native fluency and teacher recommendation           Standard Level, the literature component is optional.
                       students are enrolled in. Students will be expected to learn the       Grades: 9, 10
                       language, learn through the language, and learn about the                                                                                 Text: IB Course Companion French B
                       language. Students will learn how to select language appro-            IB French Ab Initio SL is a two year course where students will    Credits: 1.0 / year
                       priate to a particular cultural and social context, cultural inter-    be expected to demonstrate receptive, productive and inter-        Prerequisites: Successful completion of French Language
                       actions, and handle the French language accurately.                    active skills. Students will be expected to understand and re-     Acquisition Level 3/4 (SL), Level 4/5 (HL) or teacher
                                                                                              spond appropriately in French to the spoken language; engage       recommendation
                       Credits: 1.0 / year                                                    in conversation in order to express information fairly accurate-   Grades: 11–12
                       Prerequisites: Teacher Recommendation or completion of the             ly, in both writing and in speech, using a range of basic vocab-
                       previous level                                                         ulary and grammatical structures. They will be able to under-      IB French A Language & Literature SL/HL is a course which
                       Grades: 9–12                                                           stand simple authentic written texts and questions related to      requires students to at native French levels in terms of both
                                                                                              them. Students will demonstrate some intercultural under-          their oral and written skills. Students study four focused areas
                       G9 - G10 French Language & Literature are each a one year              standing by reflecting on similarities and differences between     including: works in translation, detailed study, literary genres,
                       course designed to engage students in the study of many as-            the target culture and the student’s own.                          and an open option of three works. The course involves a crit-
                       pects of the language and literature of communities and their                                                                             ical study of literary and non-literary texts. Students learn
                       cultures. It offers a study of a wide range of literary and non-lit-   Text: Panorama Francophone 1 et 2                                  about the use of language in cultural contexts, and in mass
                       erary text types, writing styles and techniques, allowing stu-         Credits: 1.0 / year                                                communication. They also study literature in its cultural con-
                       dents to comment on the significance of any possible contexts,         Prerequisites: Little or no previous experience with the French    text, as well as in detailed textual analysis. An understanding
                       audiences, purpose, and the use of linguistic and literary de-         language                                                           of the ways in which formal elements are used to create mean-
                       vices. While the course offers a full range of genre, themes, and      Grades: 11–12                                                      ing in a text is combined with an exploration of how that
                       opportunities for skill development, its design also promotes                                                                             meaning is affected by reading practices that are culturally
                       students’ social and academic development. Over the course             IB French B SL/HL is a two-year course that is focused on lan-     defined and by the circumstances of production and
                       of the year, students will refine their essay writing skills and       guage acquisition and development of language skills. These        reception.
                       learn how to debate a contentious topic. Grammar and vocab-            language skills should be developed through the study and
                       ulary enrichment are integrated into reading and writing in-           use of a range of written and spoken material. Such material       Credits: 1.0 / year
                       struction. Students build their speaking and listening skills in       will extend from everyday oral exchanges to literary texts, and    Prerequisites: Successful completion of French Language &
                       a variety of formats, such as speeches, role play, and class de-       are related to the culture concerned. The material is chosen to    Literature 10 or teacher recommendation
                       bates. In reading and writing work they develop their                  enable students to develop mastery of language skills and          Grades: 11–12

FIS Course Guide

      German Language Acquisition Level 1, 1/2, 2/3 are each one            of change, groups and leisure time in conjunction with current      Prerequisites: Native or near-native level German
      year courses where students will be expected to demonstrate           event materials and selections from German literature, all of       Grades: 9
      the communicative skills of listening, speaking, reading and          which ensures a broad preparatory basis for the IB German B
      writing in everyday situations depending on the level students        course the following year.                                          G10 German Language & Literature is a one year course
      are enrolled in. Students will be expected to learn the lan-                                                                              designed for native or near-native speakers of German. This is
      guage, learn through the language, and learn about the lan-           Credits: 1.0 / year                                                 a literature course in which students read a variety of novels,
      guage. Students will learn how to select language appropriate         Prerequisites: G 9 German Language Acquisition Level 2/3 or         novellas, ballads and plays. They are starting to develop ana-
      to a particular cultural and social context, cultural interactions,   teacher recommendation                                              lytical and critical listening skills. Students practice creative
      and handling the German language accurately.                          Grades: 10                                                          writing as well as oral presentation skills.The aims of the course
                                                                                                                                                are to emphasize literature and composition and to prepare
      Credits: 1.0 / year                                                   G10 German Language Acquisition Level 4/5 is a one year             students for the IB language A: Literature and/or IB A Language
      Prerequisites: Teacher Recommendation or successful com-              course designed for highly competent non-native speakers or         and Literature courses.
      pletion of the previous level                                         for students with near-native speaker competence in Grade
      Grades: 9–12                                                          10. The emphasis is on reading and writing and listening; to        Credits: 1.0 / year
                                                                            expand vocabulary and idiomatic expression; to further fluency      Prerequisites: Native or near-native level German
      G9 German Language Acquisition Level 3/4 is a one year                of speech, and to lead students to the appreciation of literature   Grades: 10
      course designed for highly competent non-native speakers or           using critical analysis.
      for students with near-native speaker competence in Grafe 9.                                                                              IB German Ab Initio SL is a two year course where students
      Students will review and improve the four language skills of          Credits: 1.0 / year                                                 will be expected to demonstrate receptive, productive and
      writing, reading, speaking, listening comprehension; to expand        Prerequisites: G 9 German Language Acquisition Level 3/4 or         interactive skills. Students will be expected to understand and
      vocabulary and idiomatic expression; to further fluency of            teacher recommendation                                              respond appropriately in German to the spoken language;
      speech, and to lead students to the appreciation of literature        Grades: 10                                                          engage in conversation in order to express information fairly
      using first steps of critical analysis.                                                                                                   accurately, in both writing and in speech, using a range of basic
                                                                            G9 German Language & Literature is a one year course de-            vocabulary and grammatical structures. They will be able to
      Credits: 1.0 / year                                                   signed for native speakers or for students with near-native         understand simple authentic written texts and questions re-
      Prerequisites: G 8 German Language Acquisition Level 2/3 or           speaker competence. The aims of the course are to review and        lated to them. Students will demonstrate some intercultural
      teacher recommendation                                                improve basic skills (writing, reading, speaking, listening com-    understanding by reflecting on similarities and differences
      Grades: 9                                                             prehension); expand vocabulary and idiomatic expression;            between the target culture and the student’s own.
                                                                            further fluency of speech; lead students to the appreciation of
      G10 German Language Acquisition Level 3/4 is a one year               literature through critical analysis; bring them in contact with    Credits: 1.0 / year
      course which will review some key issues of German grammar.           ways of thought different from their own.                           Prerequisites: Little or no previous experience with the
      The aim of the course is to expand and increase mastery of                                                                                German language
      vocabulary through continued attention to the global themes           Credits: 1.0 / year                                                 Grades: 11–12

FIS Course Guide

                       IB German B SL/HL is a two year course that is focused on              Texts: SL has four selected pieces of literature while HL has six      G9 Japanese Language & Literature is a one year course
                       language acquisition and development of language skills of             pieces of literature.                                                  designed for native speakers or for students with near-native
                       speaking, writing, reading and listening. These language skills        Credits: 1.0 / year                                                    speaker competence. The aims of the course are to review and
                       should be developed through the study and use of a range of            Prerequisites: Successful completion of German Language &              improve basic skills (writing, reading, speaking, listening com-
                       written and spoken material. Such material will extend from            Literature 10 or teacher recommendation                                prehension); expand vocabulary and idiomatic expression;
                       everyday oral exchanges to literary texts, and are related to          Grades: 11–12                                                          further fluency of speech; lead students to the appreciation of
                       the culture concerned. The material is chosen to develop stu-                                                                                 literature through critical analysis; bring them in contact with
                       dents’ power of expression in both oral and written commu-             IB German A: Literature SL/HL is a two year course designed            ways of thought different from their own.
                       nication, to promote the ability to respond to the language            for the student with a definite inclination towards the study of
                       demands of transactional and social contacts, to help students         literature. The course is for native speakers of German or stu-        Credits: 1.0 / year
                       gain insights into how users of other languages think, as well         dents with near native speaker fluency. Throughout the course          Prerequisites: Native or near native level Japanese
                       as to provide enjoyment and intellectual stimulation.                  students develop their analytical and critical writing and speak-      Grades: 9
                                                                                              ing skills. Students study works from different genres. The
                       Texts: Two pieces of literature based on selected topics               course is built on the assumption that literature is concerned         G10 Japanese Language & Literature is a one year course
                       Credits: 1.0 / year                                                    with our conceptions, interpretations and experiences in the           designed for native or near-native speakers of Japanese. This
                       Prerequisites: Successful completion of German Language                world. Through their study of literary texts, students are en-         literature course will explore fields such as the history of Jap-
                       Acquisition 2/3 (SL), 4/5 (HL) or by teacher recommendation            couraged to appreciate the artistry of literature, and to develop      anese language and culture, current issues in contemporary
                       Grades: 11–12                                                          the ability to reflect critically on their reading. This course will   Japanese society, and students will learn how to write a 3000
                                                                                              focus on exploration of the art of literary texts - novels, plays,     character essay on a literary work. They are starting to develop
                       IB German A: Language and Literature SL/HL is a two year               poetry, non-fiction, and things in between. In addition, stu-          analytical and critical listening skills. Students practice creative
                       course which provides students of native or near-native Ger-           dents will learn to analyze and compare the cultural contexts          writing as well as oral presentation skills.The aims of the course
                       man proficiency an understanding of how language, culture              of the works studied. Higher Level students study a wider va-          are to emphasize literature and composition and to prepare
                       and context determine the ways in which meaning is con-                riety of works, and are expected to show a deeper understand-          students for the IB language A: Literature course.
                       structed in texts. Students are encouraged to think critically         ing of content and writers’ techniques than Standard Level
                       about the different interactions between texts, audience and           students.                                                              Credits: 1.0 / year
                       purpose. Students are introduced to a range of texts from dif-                                                                                Prerequisites: Native or near native level Japanese
                       ferent periods, styles and genres; the development of students’        Texts: Literary selections may change according to teacher             Grades: 10
                       ability to engage in detailed analysis of individual texts and         and class preference
                       powers of expression, both in oral and written communication;          Credits: 1.0/ year
                       the ability to recognize the importance of context of texts and        Prerequisites: Successful completion of German Language &
                       the different perspectives of people from other cultures as well       Literature 10 or teacher recommendation
                       as to appreciate formal, stylistic and aesthetic qualities of texts.   Grades: 11–12

FIS Course Guide

      IB Japanese A Literature HL is a two year literary course for        G9 Korean Language & Literature is a one year course de-           IB Korean A Literature SL/HL is a two year course which is
      native or near-native speakers of Japanese. Through the course       signed for native speakers of Korean. The resources used are       designed for the student with a definite inclination towards
      the students develop their analytical and critical language skills   Korean literature, Korean essays, and various texts from a Ko-     the study of literature and who may intend to continue such
      and improve their ability to write an essay and to discuss liter-    rean school textbook. The students will learn advanced vocab-      studies beyond the Diploma level. The course focuses on in-
      ature, towards a more academic level. The general aims of this       ulary, handling of texts and writing, and answer questions         depth literary analysis and appreciation in both oral and writ-
      course are to improve the understanding and appreciation of          about the texts. Also, they will write many commentaries and       ten capacity. Students will be required to write essays, conduct
      literature and of the techniques used for literary criticism.        essays about the texts using their opinions. Students will also    independent research and participate in informal and formal
      Through reading literature from different times and genres,          learn Chinese characters due to their importance structuring       orals for internal and external assessment. The total number
      styles and cultures, the students will broaden their perspective     Korean words. After this course, the students can analyze and      of texts studied over the two years is 13, including 3 World
      and develop their own voice of expression, in oral performanc-       critique various texts by themselves.                              Literature works, which are read in translation.
      es as well as in formal and creative essays. The students of the
      Higher Level course study 13 works while the SL students study       Credits: 1.0 / year                                                Credits: 1.0 / year
      9 works that are from Japanese and non-Japanese authors.             Prerequisites: Native fluency                                      Prerequisites: Native fluency and teacher recommendation
                                                                           Grades: 9                                                          Grades: 11–12
      Credits: 1.0 / year
      Prerequisites: Native fluency and teacher recommendation             G10 Korean Language & Literature is a one year course de-
      Grades: 11–12                                                        signed for native speakers of Korean who will plan to study
                                                                           Korean in the future. The resources used are Korean literature,
                                                                           Korean essays, and various texts from a Korean school text-
                                                                           book. The students will learn advanced vocabulary, handling
                                                                           of texts and writing, and answer questions about the texts.
                                                                           Also, they will write many commentaries and essays about the
                                                                           texts using their opinions. Students will also learn Chinese
                                                                           characters due to their importance structuring Korean words.
                                                                           After this course, the students can analyze and critique various
                                                                           texts by themselves.

                                                                           Credits: 1.0 / year

                                                                           Prerequisites: Native fluency
                                                                           Grades: 10

FIS Course Guide

                       Spanish Language Acquisition Level 1, 2/3, 3/4, 4/5 are each          IB Spanish B SL/HL is a two year course that is focused on         IB Literature A SL- School Supported Self Taught (SSST) is
                       one year courses where students will be expected to demon-            language acquisition and development of language skills of         a two year independent course designed to allow students to
                       strate the communicative skills of listening, speaking, reading       speaking, writing, reading and listening. These language skills    continue with their native language not offered by FIS. Stu-
                       and writing in everyday situations depending on the phase             should be developed through the study and use of a range of        dents are expected to be literate in their native language upon
                       students are enrolled in. Students will be expected to learn the      written and spoken material. Such material will extend from        starting the course as the main focus of the course is literature,
                       language, learn through the language, and learn about the             everyday oral exchanges to literary texts, and should be related   not language acquisition. Students must work independently
                       language. Students will learn how to select language appro-           to the culture(s) concerned. The material should be chosen to      with a qualified IB Literature teacher so that students can ben-
                       priate to a particular cultural and social context, cultural inter-   enable students to develop mastery of language skills and          efit from specialist feedback in the areas of language skills,
                       actions, and handling the Spanish language system                     intercultural understanding.                                       academic writing, and cultural content. To enroll, students will
                       accurately.                                                                                                                              need to work closely with the outside teacher and the FIS IB
                                                                                             Texts: Spanish B, Spanish B Course Companion                       diploma coordinator. This course fulfills the FIS language grad-
                       Credits: 1.0 / year                                                   Credits: 1.0 / year                                                uation requirement, as well as the Group 1 IB Diploma require-
                       Prerequisites: Teacher recommendation or completion of the            Prerequisites: Successful completion of Spanish Language           ment. This course is available as a Standard Level subject only.
                       previous level                                                        Acquisition Level 3/4 (SL), Level 4/5 (HL) or teacher
                       Grade: 9–12                                                           recommendation.                                                    Credits: 1.0/ year
                                                                                             Grades: 11–12                                                      Prerequisites: Fluency with reading and writing in your Self
                       IB Spanish Ab Initio SL is a two year course where students                                                                              Taught language, approval by IB Diploma Coordinator and
                       will be expected to demonstrate receptive, productive and                                                                                counselor
                       interactive skills. Students will be expected to understand and                                                                          Grades: 11–12
                       respond appropriately in Spanish to the spoken language;
                       engage in conversation in order to express information fairly
                       accurately, in both writing and in speech, using a range of basic
                       vocabulary and grammatical structures. They will be able to
                       understand simple authentic written texts and questions re-
                       lated to them. Students will demonstrate some intercultural
                       understanding by reflecting on similarities and differences
                       between the target culture and the student’s own.

                       Text: Diverso Basico
                       Credits: 1.0 / year
                       Prerequisites: Little or no previous experience with the
                       Spanish language
                       Grades: 11–12

You can also read