COURSE CATALOG 2021-2022 - Freedom Learning

Page created by Jimmy Ayala
COURSE CATALOG 2021-2022 - Freedom Learning
COURSE CATALOG 2021-2022 - Freedom Learning

    Elementary School...........................................................................................................................................................4
    Middle School....................................................................................................................................................................6
    High School........................................................................................................................................................................8
    Credit Recovery...............................................................................................................................................................14

Elementary School                                                                                                                                                                    15
 Core Courses....................................................................................................................................16
   First Grade........................................................................................................................................................................18
   Second Grade..................................................................................................................................................................19
   Third Grade......................................................................................................................................................................21
   Fourth Grade....................................................................................................................................................................23
   Fifth Grade........................................................................................................................................................................25
 Elective Courses...............................................................................................................................27
   Academic Enrichment....................................................................................................................................................27
   Information Technology................................................................................................................................................27
   Visual & Performing Arts................................................................................................................................................28
Middle School                                                                                                                                                                        30
 Core Courses....................................................................................................................................31
   English Language Arts....................................................................................................................................................31
   Social Studies & History.................................................................................................................................................34
 Elective Courses.............................................................................................................................. 35
   Academic Enrichment....................................................................................................................................................35
   Business & Marketing.....................................................................................................................................................35
   Career Exploration & Development.............................................................................................................................35
   Communication & AV Technology...............................................................................................................................36
   Health Care Sciences......................................................................................................................................................36
   Information Technology................................................................................................................................................36
   Physical, Health, & Safety Education...........................................................................................................................38
   School Organization.......................................................................................................................................................38
   Visual & Performing Arts................................................................................................................................................39
   World Languages.............................................................................................................................................................41

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COURSE CATALOG 2021-2022 - Freedom Learning

High School                                                                                                                                                                          42
 Core Courses....................................................................................................................................43
   English Language Arts....................................................................................................................................................43
   Social Studies & History.................................................................................................................................................53
 Elective Courses...............................................................................................................................57
   Academic Enrichment....................................................................................................................................................57
   Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources......................................................................................................................59
   Business & Marketing.....................................................................................................................................................60
   Career Exploration & Development.............................................................................................................................63
   Communication & AV Technology...............................................................................................................................64
   Engineering & Technology.............................................................................................................................................66
   English Language Arts....................................................................................................................................................67
   Health Care Sciences......................................................................................................................................................68
   Hospitality & Tourism.....................................................................................................................................................70
   Human Services..............................................................................................................................................................72
   Information Technology................................................................................................................................................74
   Military Science...............................................................................................................................................................78
   Physical, Health, & Safety Education...........................................................................................................................79
   Public, Protective, & Government Services................................................................................................................80
   School Organization.......................................................................................................................................................81
   Social Studies & History.................................................................................................................................................83
   Visual & Performing Arts................................................................................................................................................84
   World Languages.............................................................................................................................................................88

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COURSE CATALOG 2021-2022 - Freedom Learning
COURSE LIST                                          ELEMENTARY SCHOOL

 Language Arts K A              Language Arts 4 A
 Language Arts K B              Language Arts 4 B
 Math K A                       Math 4 A
 Math K B                       Math 4 B
 Science K A                    Science 4 A
 Science K B                    Science 4 B
 Social Studies K A             Social Studies 4 A
 Social Studies K B             Social Studies 4 B

FIRST GRADE                    FIFTH GRADE
 Language Arts 1 A              Language Arts 5 A
 Language Arts 1 B              Language Arts 5 B
 Math 1 A                       Math 5 A
 Math 1 B                       Math 5 B
 Science 1 A                    Science 5 A
 Science 1 B                    Science 5 B
 Social Studies 1 A             Social Studies 5 A
 Social Studies 1 B             Social Studies 5 B

 Language Arts 2 A
 Language Arts 2 B
 Math 2 A
 Math 2 B
 Science 2 A
 Science 2 B
 Social Studies 2 A
 Social Studies 2 B

 Language Arts 3 A
 Language Arts 3 B
 Math 3 A
 Math 3 B
 Science 3 A
 Science 3 B
 Social Studies 3 A
 Social Studies 3 B

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COURSE LIST                         ELEMENTARY SCHOOL

 i-Ready Math
 i-Ready Reading

 Computer Fundamentals
 Scratch Coding

 Art Development Level 1
 Art Development Level 2
 Art Development Level 3
 Art Development Level 4
 Arts and Crafts K A
 Arts and Crafts K B
 Arts and Crafts 1 A
 Arts and Crafts 1 B
 Arts and Crafts 2 A
 Arts and Crafts 2 B
 Recorders Level 1

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COURSE LIST                                                         MIDDLE SCHOOL

CORE                            ELECTIVE
 Language Arts 6 A                   i-Ready Math
 Language Arts 6 B                   i-Ready Reading
 Language Arts 7 A                   Study Skills
 Language Arts 7 B
 Language Arts 8 A                  BUSINESS & MARKETING
 Language Arts 8 B                   Dave Ramsey’s Foundations in Personal Finance
                                     Exploring Business
 Math 6 A                           CAREER EXPLORATION & DEVELOPMENT
 Math 6 B                            Career Exploration 1: Charting Your Path
 Math 7 A                            Career Exploration 2: Find Your Passion
 Math 7 B
 Pre-Algebra A
 Pre-Algebra B                      COMMUNICATION & AV TECHNOLOGY
                                     Journalism: Tell Your Story
 Science 6 A                        HEALTH CARE SCIENCES
 Science 6 B                         Exploring Health Science
 Science 7 A
 Science 7 B                        INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY
 Science 8 A                         Coding 1a: Introduction
 Science 8 B                         Coding 1b: Learning Python and JavaScript
                                     Computer Basics
SOCIAL STUDIES & HISTORY             Exploring Information Technology
 Social Studies 6 A                  Game Design 1a: Introduction
 Social Studies 6 B                  Game Design 1b: Creating a Game
 Social Studies 7 A                  JavaScript Game Design
 Social Studies 7 B                  Keyboarding
 Social Studies 8 A
 Social Studies 8 B                 PHYSICAL, HEALTH, & SAFETY EDUCATION
                                     Individual and Team Sports

                                    SCHOOL ORGANIZATION
                                     Keys to Success

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COURSE LIST                                    MIDDLE SCHOOL

 2D Studio Art
 Arts Explorations
 Basic Drawing
 Beginning Painting
 Digital Art and Design
 Exploring Music
 Photography 1a: Introduction
 Photography 1b: Drawing with Light

 French 1 A
 French 1 B
 Spanish 1 A
 Spanish 1 B

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COURSE LIST                                                                                                    HIGH SCHOOL

    ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS                                                   SCIENCE
      AP English Language and Composition A
         ®                                                                   Anatomy and Physiology 1a: Introduction
      AP ® English Language and Composition B                                Anatomy and Physiology 1b: Discovering
      AP ® English Literature & Composition A                                  Form and Function
      AP ® English Literature & Composition B                                AP ® Biology A
      Contemporary Novels                                                    AP ® Biology B
      Creative Writing: Unleashing the Core of                               AP ® Chemistry A
        Your Imagination A                                                   AP ® Chemistry B
      Creative Writing: Unleashing the Core of                               AP ® Physics 1 A
        Your Imagination B                                                   AP ® Physics 1 B
      Language Arts 9 A*†                                                    Biology A*†
      Language Arts 9 B*†                                                    Biology B*†
      Language Arts 10 A*†                                                   Chemistry A*†
      Language Arts 10 B*†                                                   Chemistry B*†
      Language Arts 11 A*†                                                   Earth Science A†
      Language Arts 11 B*†                                                   Earth Science B†
      Language Arts 12 A*†                                                   Forensic Science 1: Secrets of the Dead
      Language Arts 12 B*†                                                   Forensic Science 2: More Secrets of the Dead
      Public Speaking 1a: Introduction                                       Forensics: The Science of Crime A
      Public Speaking 1b: Finding Your Voice                                 Forensics: The Science of Crime B
                                                                             Physical Science A†
                                                                             Physical Science B†
      Algebra 1 A*†
                                                                             Physics A*†
      Algebra 1 B*†
                                                                             Physics B*†
      Algebra 2 A*†
      Algebra 2 B*†
      AP ® Calculus (AB) A
      AP ® Calculus (AB) B
      AP ® Calculus (BC) A
      AP ® Calculus (BC) B
      Consumer Math A
      Consumer Math B
      Geometry A*†
      Geometry B*†
      Pre-Algebra A†
      Pre-Algebra B†
      Pre-Calculus A
      Pre-Calculus B
*Has an Honors option
    Has a Credit Recovery (CR) option. See page 14 for more details.

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COURSE LIST                                                                                                      HIGH SCHOOL

CORE (CONTINUED)                                                        ELECTIVE
    SOCIAL STUDIES & HISTORY                                                ACADEMIC ENRICHMENT
      American Government        *†                                          ACT® Prep
      American History A*†                                                   Character Education
      American History B*†                                                   i-Ready Math
      Anthropology 1: Uncovering Human Mysteries                             i-Ready Reading
      Anthropology 2: More Human Mysteries Uncovered                         Independent Study
      AP ® European History A                                                Life Skills: Navigating Adulthood
      AP ® European History B                                                SAT® Prep
      AP ® Government and Politics A                                         Study Skills and Strategies
      AP ® Government and Politics B                                         Survey of ACT® Prep
      AP ® US History A                                                      Survey of SAT® Prep
      AP ® US History B
      AP ® World History A                                                  AGRICULTURE, FOOD, & NATURAL RESOURCES
      AP ® World History B                                                   Agriscience 1: Introduction
      Civics†                                                                Agriscience 2: Sustaining Human Life A
      Economics*†                                                            Agriscience 2: Sustaining Human Life B
      History of the Holocaust                                               Forestry and Natural Resources A
      Human Geography: Our Global Identity                                   Forestry and Natural Resources B
      Personal Psychology 1: The Road to Self-Discovery                      Principles of Agriculture, Food and
      Personal Psychology 2: Living in a Complex World                         Natural Resources A
      Sociology 1: The Study of Human Relationships                          Principles of Agriculture, Food and
      Sociology 2: Your Social Life                                            Natural Resources B
      World Geography A†
      World Geography B†
      World History A*†
                                                                            BUSINESS & MARKETING
      World History B*†
                                                                             Advertising and Sales Promotion A
                                                                             Advertising and Sales Promotion B
                                                                             Business Information Management 1a:
                                                                             Business Information Management 1b:
                                                                               Data Essentials
                                                                             Business Law 1a: Introduction
                                                                             Business Law 1b: Legal Aspects of Business
                                                                             Dave Ramsey's Foundations in Personal Finance
                                                                             Entrepreneurship 1a: Introduction
                                                                             Entrepreneurship 1b: Make Your Idea a Reality
                                                                             International Business: Global Commerce in the
                                                                               21st Century
*Has an Honors option
    Has a Credit Recovery (CR) option. See page 14 for more details.

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COURSE LIST                                                                                          HIGH SCHOOL

 Manufacturing: Product Design and                                Media & Communications
   Innovation A                                                   Social Media: Our Connected World
 Manufacturing: Product Design and
   Innovation B                                                  ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY
 Marketing 2a: Global Business and Trade                          Applied Engineering 1a: Introduction
 Marketing 2b: Developing a Sales Team                            Applied Engineering 1b: Solving Problems
 Marketing Foundations 1a: Introduction                            Together
 Marketing Foundations 1b: Building Your Base                     Concepts of Engineering and Technology A
 Personal and Family Finance                                      Concepts of Engineering and Technology B
 Principles of Business, Marketing, Finance 1a:                   Drones: Remote Pilot
   Introduction                                                   Renewable Technologies: Introduction A
 Principles of Business, Marketing, Finance 1b:                   Renewable Technologies: Introduction B
   Targeting Your Business Insight                                Robotics: Applications and Careers
 Sports and Entertainment Marketing A                             Wearable Technology Innovations
 Sports and Entertainment Marketing B

                                                                 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS
CAREER EXPLORATION & DEVELOPMENT                                  Gothic Literature: Monster Stories
 Arts Careers                                                     Mythology and Folklore: Legendary Tales
 Career Planning                                                  Reading and Writing for Purpose
 Careers in Criminal Justice 1a: Introduction                     The Lord of the Rings: An Exploration of the Films
 Careers in Criminal Justice 1b: Finding Your                      and Their Literary Influences
 Construction: Fundamentals and Careers
 Work Experience                                                 HEALTH CARE SCIENCES
 Workplace and Internship Readiness: Preparing for                Biotechnology 1a: Introduction
   Work & Life                                                    Biotechnology 1b: Unlocking Nature's Secrets
                                                                  Health Science Foundations 1a: Introduction
                                                                  Health Science Foundations 1b: Professional
COMMUNICATION & AV TECHNOLOGY                                       Responsibilities
 Digital Media Fundamentals 1a: Introduction                      Health Science: Nursing A
 Digital Media Fundamentals 1b: Producing for                     Health Science: Nursing B
   the Web                                                        Health Science: Public Health
 Digital Media Web Design 2a: Build a                             Medical Terminology 1a: Introduction
   Portfolio Website                                              Medical Terminology 1b: Discovering Word
 Digital Media Web Design 2b: Build an                              Foundations
   eCommerce Website
 Journalism 1a: Introduction
 Journalism 1b: Investigating the Truth
 Learning in a Digital World: Strategies for Success

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COURSE LIST                                                                                     HIGH SCHOOL

 Culinary Arts 1a: Introduction                              Game Design 2a: Build a World
 Culinary Arts 1b: Finding Your Palate                       History of Gaming and Esports
 Culinary Arts 2: Baking, Pastry, and More! A                Intro to Java Programming
 Culinary Arts 2: Baking, Pastry, and More! B                Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
 Hospitality and Tourism: Traveling the Globe A              Introduction to Networking 1a: Introduction
 Hospitality and Tourism: Traveling the Globe B              Introduction to Networking 1b: Network Oversight
 Hospitality and Tourism 2a: Hotel and                       JavaScript
  Restaurant Management                                      Keyboarding
 Hospitality and Tourism 2b: Hotel and                       Network Security Fundamentals 1a: Introduction
  Restaurant Management                                      Network Security Fundamentals 1b: Forensics and
 Restaurant Management                                         Permissions
                                                             Outlook: Office Fundamentals Series
HUMAN SERVICES                                               PowerPoint: Office Fundamentals Series
 Cosmetology 1a: Cutting Edge Styles                         Principles of Information Technology 1a:
 Cosmetology 1b: Cutting Edge Styles                           Introduction
 Cosmetology 2a: The Business of Skin                        Principles of Information Technology 1b: Working
  and Nail Care                                                with Computers
 Cosmetology 2b: The Business of Skin                        Web Development 1a: Introduction
  and Nail Care                                              Web Development 1b: Planning and Designing
 Cosmetology 3a: Introduction to Hair Skills                 Word: Office Fundamentals Series
 Cosmetology 3b: Waving, Coloring, and
  Advancing Hair Skills                                     MILITARY SCIENCE
 Early Childhood Education 1a: Introduction                  Military Careers: Introduction
 Early Childhood Education 1b: Developing Early
  Learners                                                  PHYSICAL, HEALTH, & SAFETY EDUCATION
 Human and Social Services 1a: Introduction                  Driver's Ed
 Human and Social Services 1b: Introduction                  Health 1: Life Management Skills
 Peer Counseling                                             Health A
                                                             Health B
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY                                       Personal Fitness
 Access: Office Fundamentals Series                          Physical Education A
 Augmented and Virtual Reality Applications                  Physical Education B
 Cloud Technologies and the Internet of Things
 Coding 1a: Introduction to Programming
 Coding 1b: Programming
 Excel: Office Fundamentals Series
 Foundations of Game Design 1a: Introduction
 Foundations of Game Design 1b: Storytelling,
   Mechanics, and Production

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COURSE LIST                                                                                      HIGH SCHOOL

 Criminology: Inside the Criminal Mind                         Art in World Cultures B
 Cybersecurity 1a: Foundations                                 Digital Photography 1a: Introduction
 Cybersecurity 1b: Defense Against Threats                     Digital Photography 1b: Creating Images
 Law and Order: Introduction to Legal Studies                    with Impact!
 National Security                                             Digital Photography 2: Discovering Your
 Principles of Public Service: To Serve and Protect A            Creative Potential
 Principles of Public Service: To Serve and Protect B          Fashion Design
                                                               Graphic Design
SCHOOL ORGANIZATION                                            Interior Design
 Keys to Success                                               Music Appreciation: The Enjoyment of Listening
 Orientation                                                   Photojournalism
                                                               Theater, Cinema, and Film Production 1a:
 Aeronautics and Space Travel
 Astronomy 1a: Introduction                                   WORLD LANGUAGES
 Astronomy 1b: Exploring the Universe                          American Sign Language 1a: Introduction
 Great Minds in Science: Ideas for a New Generation            American Sign Language 1b: Learn to Sign
 Marine Science: Secrets of the Blue A                         American Sign Language 2a: Communicating
 Marine Science: Secrets of the Blue B                         American Sign Language 2b: Advancing
 Nutrition and Wellness                                          Communication Skills
 Space Explorations                                            American Sign Language 3a: Community and
 Veterinary Science: The Care of Animals                         Culture
 World of STEAM                                                French 1 A
                                                               French 1 B
                                                               French 2 A
SOCIAL STUDIES & HISTORY                                       French 2 B
 Archaeology: Detectives of the Past                           German 1 A
 Fundamentals of Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency                    German 1 B
 Philosophy: The Big Picture                                   German 2 A
                                                               German 2 B
VISUAL & PERFORMING ARTS                                       Spanish 1 A
 3D Modeling A                                                 Spanish 1 B
 3D Modeling B                                                 Spanish 2 A
 Adobe Illustrator                                             Spanish 2 B
 Adobe InDesign                                                Spanish 3 A
 Adobe Photoshop                                               Spanish 3 B
 Animation 1a: Introduction
 Animation 1b: Animating Your Creativity
 Art Appreciation
 Art in World Cultures A
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COURSE LIST                          HIGH SCHOOL

 Language Arts 9 A
 Language Arts 9 B
 Language Arts 10 A
 Language Arts 10 B
 Language Arts 11 A
 Language Arts 11 B
 Language Arts 12 A
 Language Arts 12 B

 Algebra 1 A
 Algebra 1 B
 Algebra 2 A
 Algebra 2 B
 Geometry A
 Geometry B

 Biology A
 Biology B
 Chemistry A
 Chemistry B
 Physics A
 Physics B

 American Government
 American History A
 American History B
 World History A
 World History B

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COURSE LIST                                                                                                        HIGH SCHOOL

 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS                                                  SOCIAL STUDIES & HISTORY
   Language Arts 9 A                                                     American Government
   Language Arts 9 B                                                     American History A
   Language Arts 10 A                                                    American History B
   Language Arts 10 B                                                    Civics
   Language Arts 11 A                                                    Economics
   Language Arts 11 B                                                    World Geography & Cultures A
   Language Arts 12 A                                                    World Geography & Cultures B
   Language Arts 12 B                                                    World History A
                                                                         World History B
   Algebra 1 A
   Algebra 1 B
   Algebra 2 A
   Algebra 2 B
   Geometry A
   Geometry B
   Pre-Algebra A
   Pre-Algebra B

   Biology A
   Biology B
   Chemistry A
   Chemistry B
   Earth Science A
   Earth Science B
   Physical Science A
   Physical Science B
   Physics A
   Physics B

Credit Recovery (CR) courses are designed for students who have previously taken a course and have not mastered content to earn
credit. They are not for students wanting to accelerate, but designed for students that want to graduate on time. Credit Recovery
courses are available as two 0.5 credit semester-based courses. Students can take either one semester or the full year course.
Students should be able to show that the course was previously taken and not mastered.

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CORE COURSES                                                                                 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL

Our interactive K-5 curriculum is rooted in national standards and prepares students to build their
foundational skills in language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies to set them up for academic
success in elementary school and beyond.

This comprehensive curriculum offers opportunities for students to develop their reading, writing, and
critical thinking skills across all content areas. Unless otherwise indicated, courses require the use of
common household, kitchen, and school supplies.

Language Arts K A                                                Language Arts K B
Introduces letter names, letter sounds, and pho-                 Introduces letter names, letter sounds, and pho-
nograms, with a focus on letters in the first half               nograms, with a focus on letters in the second half
of the alphabet and short vowel sounds. Engages                  of the alphabet and long vowel sounds. Engages
students in reading and comprehension strategies                 students in reading and comprehension strategies
through a variety of literature. Presents opportu-               through a variety of literature. Presents opportu-
nities to master sight and spelling words through                nities to master sight and spelling words through
weekly writing assignments.                                      weekly writing assignments.

Math K A                                                         Math K B
Presents foundational math facts including count-                Presents foundational math facts including count-
ing to 12, comparing sizes, ordinal numbers, and                 ing to 20 and comparing properties of objects. Ex-
basic measurements.                                              plores basic geometric shapes and the concepts of
Required Materials: Beans or counters, empty egg                 first, middle, and last.
carton, chalk, mini marshmallows, hole punch,                    Required Materials: Beans or counters, empty egg
yarn, buttons or beads, pipe cleaners, finger paints             carton, chalk, mini marshmallows, hole punch,
                                                                 yarn, buttons or beads, pipe cleaners, finger paints

Science K A                                                      Science K B
Uses the five senses to explore the world. Experi-               Continues to explore the world by using the five
ences include nature walks and gardening. Explores               senses. Examines animals and their tracks, astron-
nature by observing animals and camouflage, the                  omy in the winter, shapes in nature, clouds, rain-
seasons, gardening, and magnets.                                 bows, and evaporation. Introduces the growth cy-
Required Materials: Magnifying glass, charcoal,                  cle of a plant, bees and pollination, and frogs.
seeds, iron fillings, nails                                      Required Materials: Bean seeds, garden stakes,
                                                                 magnifying glass

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CORE COURSES                                                                               ELEMENTARY SCHOOL

Social Studies K A                                              Social Studies K B
Introduces communities and the responsibilities of              Covers map reading skills. Presents symbols of the
being a member of society. Explores figures of U.S.             U.S. and common holidays. Introduces what mon-
History such as Pocahontas, George Washington,                  ey is, currency, how money can be spent, and the
and Abraham Lincoln. Explains the responsibilities              differences between wants and needs.
of pet ownership, the importance of rules, proper
table manners, and how to eat well.

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CORE COURSES                                                                                    ELEMENTARY SCHOOL

Language Arts 1 A                                                  Language Arts 1 B
Teaches students how to identify, write, and pro-                  Teaches students how to identify, write, and pro-
duce sounds of short vowels, r, s, and l blends, sh,               duce sounds of consonant and vowel blends. Cov-
th, ch, wh, ph. Covers soft c, g, and dge sounds. Pro-             ers hard ck, k, g sounds. Introduces compound
vides opportunities for reading and comprehen-                     words and contractions. Provides opportunities
sion through assigned and independent readings.                    for reading and comprehension through assigned
Presents opportunities to master sight and spelling                and independent readings. Presents opportunities
words through weekly writing assignments.                          to master sight and spelling words through weekly
                                                                   writing assignments.

Math 1 A                                                           Math 1 B
Builds fluency with basic math facts including                     Introduces counting by twos, fives, and tens. Teach-
counting to 100, addition and subtraction, and                     es vertical addition and subtraction. Introduces
how to add double-digit numbers. Introduces word                   multiplication, division, and even/odd numbers.
problems, Venn diagrams, and basic geometric                       Explores geometric shapes, use of a balance beam,
concepts. Presents the practical skills of reading a               and the concept of weight. Covers the signs used in
thermometer, maps, and understanding the value                     math operations.
of coins.
Required Materials: Counters, coins

Science 1 A                                                        Science 1 B
Introduces animals and their habitats, behaviors,                  Examines animals in the arctic, states of matter,
and basic needs. Explores the concept of erosion,                  characteristics of plants and trees, butterflies, and
cloud formations, and types of weather. Provides                   bees. Explores life in a pond and provides the op-
opportunities for observations of constellations                   portunity to plant a garden. Introduces the practice
and how humans live with nature                                    of inquiry and observation.
Required Materials: Tweezers, iron, dowel, out-                    Required Materials: Tomato seeds, gardening pot,
door thermometer                                                   soil, vegetable seeds

Social Studies 1 A                                                 Social Studies 1 B
Explores basic fundamentals of map skills, cardinal                Introduces economics focusing on bartering, goods
directions, and maps of the U.S. and the globe. In-                and services, community jobs, and how the mar-
troduces important figures from American history                   ketplace works. Explores positive character traits
such as Pocahontas, George Washington, Abraham                     and the concept of personal responsibility.
Lincoln, and Clara Barton. Teaches students how to
retell stories using details and the basics of a nar-

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CORE COURSES                                                                                  ELEMENTARY SCHOOL

Language Arts 2 A                                               Language Arts 2 B
Teaches students to spell and write vocabulary,                 Teaches students to spell and write vocabulary,
read more fluently, apply grammar concepts, and                 read more fluently, apply grammar concepts, and
participate in handwriting and writing activities               participate in handwriting and writing activities
through thematic units. Grows reading and com-                  through thematic units. Grows reading and com-
prehension strategies through assigned and inde-                prehension strategies through assigned and inde-
pendent readings. Presents opportunities to mas-                pendent readings. Presents opportunities to mas-
ter sight and spelling words through weekly writing             ter sight and spelling words through weekly writing
assignments. Includes units on families, cooking,               assignments. Includes units on communities, na-
animals and authors.                                            ture, space, and feelings.

Math 2 A                                                        Math 2 B
Continues to build fluency with basic math facts.               Uses place value to add and subtract within 1000.
Introduces subtraction and addition within 100. Ex-             Teaches how to estimate and to solve word prob-
plains how to solve word problems using strategic               lems. Explores lengths and how to represent it on
methods. Explores numbers to 1000 using knowl-                  a number line. Introduces money and time to com-
edge of hundreds, tens, and ones. Presents arrays               pare values. Explains data collection and graphs.
with repeated addition.                                         Reviews common 2-dimensional and 3-dimension-
Required Materials: Counters or bag of beans                    al shapes by specific characteristics.
                                                                Required Materials: Counters or bag of beans

Science 2 A                                                     Science 2 B
Introduces students to the process of observation               Explains the different groupings of animals, in-
and how important it is to the study of science.                cluding vertebrates, invertebrates, warm- and
Examines many different types of animals, their                 cold-blooded animals, carnivores, herbivores, and
environments, characteristics, habits, and needs                omnivores. Reviews the five senses that they dis-
through observation. Explores plant and animal                  cussed at the beginning of the course and com-
rhythms and students will participate in small ex-              pares them to the senses of animals. Covers how
periments with plants. Presents stories to teach                animals communicate and the relationship be-
about nature and interactions that humans have                  tween animals and humans. Analyzes the charac-
with nature.                                                    teristics of reptiles, insects, birds of prey, and fish.
Required Materials: Seeds, potting soil, pots for
plants, birdseed

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CORE COURSES                                                                                  ELEMENTARY SCHOOL

Social Studies 2 A                                               Social Studies 2 B
Explores the ancient cultures of China, Africa, and              Introduces economics and the role that money
the Celts through ancient folk tales and fables. Ex-             plays in every civilization, including the exchange of
amines the importance of geography and direction                 money for goods and services. Compares differenc-
by locating boundaries while using a world map.                  es between natural, human, and capital resources.
Develops a rudimentary understanding of map                      Explains what scarcity is and why it is good that
symbols as students locate continents, the equa-                 we do not always get everything that we want. Ex-
tor, and oceans. Explores relevant locations by                  plores desirable human qualities through the use of
using personalized maps to identify roads, rivers,               fables such as “The Boy Who Cried Wolf.” Discuss-
mountain ranges, and lakes.                                      es individuals who have made a difference in the
                                                                 greater community.

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CORE COURSES                                                                                   ELEMENTARY SCHOOL

Language Arts 3 A                                                 Language Arts 3 B
Continues to build vocabulary through the study of                Continues to apply phonics and grammar concepts
folktales, fables, myths, informational text, dramas,             with a focus on special vowel sounds, prefixes, and
poems, and stories. Presents stories and requires                 suffixes. Builds writing skills by having students
demonstration of story comprehension. Compares                    respond to readings in authentic writing activities
the themes, settings, and plots of stories. Presents              using the writing process. Uses reading accuracy
the logical connections between a sentence and                    and fluency to support comprehension. Offers op-
paragraph. Introduces writing in cursive.                         portunities to read and comprehend informational
                                                                  texts, including history/social studies, science, and
                                                                  technical texts.

Math 3 A                                                          Math 3 B
Builds flexibility with numbers as addition, sub-                 Explores concepts of measurement including linear
traction, multiplication, and division facts are                  measurement, weight, volume, temperature, and
mastered. Explores mathematical relationships by                  time. Introduces how to recognize, compare, and
learning how to borrow, carry, and regroup in or-                 convert fractions. Teaches how to write amounts of
der to find sums and differences of numbers up to                 money and make change using as few coins as pos-
10,000. Explains place value up to 1,000,000 to find              sible. Examines lines, polygons, and solid figures as
patterns and make estimations. Reviews the 4-step                 an introduction to basic concepts of geometry.
approach to solving problems and how to express                   Required Materials: 12 sheets of hundreds blocks,
numbers differently including translating them into               eye dropper, thermometer, brads
Roman Numerals or expressing them as ordinal
Required Materials: Counters, 50 pennies

Science 3 A                                                       Science 3 B
Introduces students to experimentation as they                    Begins with the students writing a poem about
research the earth. Presents units with simple ex-                the seasonal cycles. Explores the concepts of root
periments that explore the water cycle, gravity, the              formation, the interdependence of plants and hu-
weather and its patterns, various types of terrain,               mans, biomes of land and sea, extreme weather,
the role of plants in the production of oxygen and                rocks, vertebrates and invertebrates, as well as
their importance to human survival. Explains that                 extinction. Examines characterics of earthquakes,
experiments require the use of instruments, obser-                volcanoes, rocks, and caves. Introduces heredity
vation, recording, and drawing conclusions based                  and genetics.
on evidence.                                                      Required Materials: Celery, magnifying glass
Required Materials: Inflatable globe, balloons, clay

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CORE COURSES                                                                                ELEMENTARY SCHOOL

Social Studies 3 A                                               Social Studies 3 B
Examines the ancient Hebrew civilization, the Phoe-              Explains economics and the role that money plays
nicians, the Kush Tribe of Ancient Africa, and the               in every civilization. Compares natural, human,
Native American tribes of the Cherokee, Sioux, and               and capital resources. Examines the production of
Hopi. Introduces the first explorers of the Americas             goods, trade, specialization, and interdependence,
and the beginning of the United States. Reviews                  and the importance each individual plays in a so-
geographical factors of the ancient civilizations,               ciety’s economy. Introduces Civics by discussing
Native American tribes, and the developing United                the governmental structure of the Ancient Hebrews
States. Provides an opportunity for students to dis-             and Phoenicians. Covers the purpose, importance,
cover their own personal heritage by mapping their               and establishment of laws through stories of the
ancestry.                                                        Ancient Phoenicians, Native Americans, and the
Required Materials: Clay, globe                                  United States.
                                                                 Required Materials: Craft foam, Sculpey clay

                                                       Page 22                                                        rev. 052721
CORE COURSES                                                                                    ELEMENTARY SCHOOL

Language Arts 4 A                                                 Language Arts 4 B
Integrates reading, writing, speaking, listening, and             Teaches specific skills for reading poetry, drama,
the study of vocabulary and grammar to build lit-                 and informational text. Explains how information-
eracy skills. Covers classic and contemporary liter-              al text differs from literary text and how different
ature, including media and multimedia products.                   forms of informational text differ from each other.
Focuses on narrative and persuasive writing, and                  Presents writing assignments emphasizing exposi-
emphasizes the use of details to support opin-                    tory writing and guides students through research
ions. Guides students through the writing process.                projects. Develops oral presentation skills using
Teaches students how to participate in collabora-                 multimedia.
tive discussion and peer review sessions.                         Required Materials: Novels: "Wringer" by Jerry Spi-
Required Materials: Novels: "A Tale of Despereaux"                nelli, "Pictures of Hollis Woods" by Patricia Reilly
by Kate Dicamillo, "Bud, Not Buddy" by Christopher                Giff, "Shiloh" by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor, additional
Paul Curtis, "Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing" by                 optional novels
Judy Blume, additional optional novels

Math 4 A                                                          Math 4 B
Develops understanding and fluency with multi-dig-                Continues working with fractions with a focus on
it multiplication and dividing to find quotients in-              multiplying and converting fractions to decimals.
volving multi-digit dividends. Reviews estimation,                Covers equivalent measurements of length, weight,
rounding, and place value. Explores fraction equiv-               mass, and capacity. Explores time, distance, and
alence, addition and subtraction of fractions with                money. Analyzes geometric figures for angle mea-
like denominators, and multiplication of fractions                sures, symmetry, parallel, and perpendicular sides.
with whole numbers.                                               Introduces tessellations.
Required Materials: Graph paper                                   Required Materials: Calculator, protractor

Science 4 A                                                       Science 4 B
Explores types of experimenting, including field                  Focuses on the relationship between heat, light,
studies, systematic observations, models, and                     sound, and electrical energy, and the transfer be-
controlled experiences. Introduces the scientific                 tween each other. Compares natural objects and
method. Examines life on planet earth, salt and                   objects made by humans by examining technology
freshwater, and the changes that occur on the plan-               and the role it plays in science. Covers the life cycles
et. Reviews galaxies, the solar system, and other                 of animals, plants, and humans and how they inter-
planets. Identifies the ways that forces and motion               act with each other.
can be measured and the concept that a single kind                Required Materials: Indoor holiday lights, marbles,
of matter can exist as a solid, liquid, or gas.                   thermometer
Required Materials: Modeling clay, orange gelatin,
scale, house plant, inflatable globe, gumdrops, sug-
ar cubes

                                                        Page 23                                                              rev. 052721
CORE COURSES                                                                             ELEMENTARY SCHOOL

Social Studies 4 A                                            Social Studies 4 B
Explores the early development of the United                  Introduces basic concepts of economics including
States including early Native Americans and Euro-             supply and demand, entrepreneurship, resourc-
pean Settlers. Explains the establishment of the              es and scarcity and personal finance. Covers the
American colonies and early American govern-                  relationship humans have with our physical envi-
ment. Reviews important documents and the es-                 ronment. Explores geography and map reading
tablishment of rules and laws that has led to the             skills. Provides an overview of cultural awareness.
formation of the federal and state governments as             Explains major events in the Great Depression and
we know them today. Covers local state and com-               WWII. Reviews state history and government.
munity history.

                                                    Page 24                                                         rev. 052721
CORE COURSES                                                                                   ELEMENTARY SCHOOL

Language Arts 5 A                                                 Language Arts 5 B
Integrates reading, writing, speaking, listening, and             Teaches specific skills for reading and analyzing
the study of vocabulary and grammar to build lit-                 informational text including main ideas, authors’
eracy skills. Covers classic and contemporary lit-                claims, and how to synthesize scientific informa-
erature with an emphasis on identifying conflicts,                tion from multiple articles. Presents writing assign-
character and setting development, and follow-                    ments emphasizing expository writing and guides
ing dialogue. Focuses on narrative and persuasive                 students through research projects, with an em-
writing and the use of details to support opinions.               phasis on reference materials and sources. Devel-
Guides students through the writing process.                      ops oral presentation skills using multimedia.
Required Materials: Novels: "Because of Winn Dix-                 Required Materials: Novels: "Maniac Magee" by
ie" by Kate DiCamillo, "Number the Stars" by Lois                 Jerry Spinelli, "Out of the Dust" by Karen Hesse,
Lowry, "The Watsons Go to Birmingham" by Chris-                   and "Island of the Blue Dolphins" by Scott O’Dell,
topher Paul Curtis, additional optional novels                    additional optional novels

Math 5 A                                                          Math 5 B
Develops fluency with addition, subtraction, mul-                 Continues work with fractions focusing on ratios
tiplication, and division of fractions. Extends di-               and solving word problems using fractions and ra-
vision to 2-digit divisors, integrates decimal frac-              tios in practical life situations. Presents lessons in
tions into the place value system, and increases                  measurement of length, weight, and volume. Intro-
an understanding of operations with decimals to                   duces reciprocals and conversions of weights and
hundredths. Covers operations and expressions,                    measures. Explains how to read and interpret line
decimals, and money. Presents real-life situations                graphs. Discusses geometric concepts of volume,
involving the use of math.                                        coordinate points, and polygons.
                                                                  Required Materials: Graph paper.

Science 5 A                                                       Science 5 B
Focuses on earth and space science by looking at                  Covers the different types of ecosystems that ex-
the solar system and planets. Presents the concept                ist and how changes to them affect their ability to
of the earth as a sphere and the earth’s place in the             support their populations. Examines plants, their
solar system. Explains the different tools that can               structures, and how those structures allow them to
measure force, time, and distance. Explores how                   respond to different needs. Improves understand-
light and sound travel and interact with each other,              ing of the importance of good nutrition for all living
as well as the different types of energy. Concludes               organisms. Concludes with a look into the scientific
with a look into life science and the ways that or-               process and the importance of investigations and
ganisms are interconnected.                                       conclusions.
Required Materials: Seeds, balloons                               Required Materials: Indoor holiday lights, marbles,

                                                        Page 25                                                            rev. 052721
CORE COURSES                                                                                  ELEMENTARY SCHOOL

Social Studies 5 A                                                Social Studies 5 B
Combines the study of United States History                       Explores the west and what life was like for those
through the Civil War with a geographical explora-                looking to find gold. Covers slavery and what led
tion of the United States and what it has to offer.               to the Civil War. Examines cultures, people, and the
Explores early settlements of North America and                   geography of the United States from past to pres-
allows learners to take an in-depth look into what                ent. Presents the geography, climate and culture of
life was like for colonists and Native Americans. Ex-             the United States.
plains the causes of the Revolutionary War and the
people who played a significant role in it. Examines
the new nation and what life was like for European
immigrants and those on the frontier.

                                                        Page 26                                                          rev. 052721
ELECTIVE COURSES                                                                             ELEMENTARY SCHOOL

i-Ready Math                                                      i-Ready Reading
Gauges student’s math skills through online adap-                 Gauges student’s reading skills through online
tive assessments. Determines what math skills the                 adaptive assessments. Determines what reading
student has mastered and what skills may need                     skills the student has mastered and what skills may
more practice. Presents individualized lessons that               need more practice. Presents individualized les-
enable a student to become a stronger and more                    sons that enable a student to become a stronger
confident mathematician.                                          and more confident reader.

Computer Fundamentals                                             Keyboarding
Learn about computer equipment, the basics of                     Explores the keyboard home keys through the top
keyboarding and how to properly use some G Suite                  and bottom row. Focuses on sight and high-fre-
tools. Explore email etiquette and basics of internet             quency words. Assumes no keyboarding experi-
safety.                                                           ence. Available for grades third through fifth.

Scratch Coding
Introduces real coding programs using the drag-
and-drop coding block method to create a fully
functional program. Assumes no prior computer
coding knowledge. Available for fourth and fifth
Required Materials: Online account

                                                        Page 27                                                         rev. 052721
ELECTIVE COURSES                                                                               ELEMENTARY SCHOOL

Art Development Level 1                                            Art Development Level 2
Introduces basic concepts of art such as lines, cir-               Introduces basic concepts of art such as the color
cles, shapes, primary colors, watercolors, finger-                 wheel, complementary colors, lines, painting, mir-
print flowers, cut-out faces, and mirror printing. Ex-             ror images, symmetry, flower shapes, block-print-
plores shapes, lines, and other art basics while they              ing, and free drawing. Explores shapes, lines, and
create their own art notebook. Culminates with stu-                other art basics while they create their own art-
dents creating their own book cover thus creating                  work. Promotes development of fine motor skills.
an art book keepsake.

Art Development Level 3                                            Art Development Level 4
Introduces basic concepts of art such as the color                 Introduces basic concepts of art such as coloring,
wheel, complementary colors, watercolors, draw-                    shading, composition, portrait creation, mosaics,
ing, and sculpture. Combines art forms and in-                     and collages. Reviews age-appropriate art vocab-
creases self-confidence in art through the creation                ulary and concepts that will help build on skills
of personalized artwork.                                           learned in prior elementary level art courses. Ex-
                                                                   plains the historical context of artwork and art

Arts and Crafts K A                                                Arts and Crafts K B
Provides a foundation for children’s inherent artis-               Provides a foundation for children’s inherent artis-
tic imagination and creativity by sharing the basics               tic imagination and creativity by sharing the basics
of art and making art. Introduces lines, circles, rec-             of art and making art. Applies skills from the first
ognizing and using shapes, how to create a collage,                semester to produce more detailed works of art.
and concepts such as symmetry. Explores a vari-                    Includes projects that have students building a bird
ety of media such as pastels, watercolors, crayons,                feeder, making puppets, craft paper flowers, pot-
tempera, and pencil drawings.                                      pourri, wind chimes and collages.
Required Materials: Safety Needle, beans, buttons,
embroidery floss, clothing pattern, variety paints,
elastic, carving instruments, pastels, watercolors,
tempera paints

                                                         Page 28                                                          rev. 052721
ELECTIVE COURSES                                                                              ELEMENTARY SCHOOL

Arts and Crafts 1 A                                              Arts and Crafts 1 B
Provides a foundation for the student’s artistic                 Explores art using different mediums. Covers how
imagination and creativity by sharing the basics of              to express emotions and feelings through artwork.
art and making art. Introduces primary colors, the               Presents projects including creating a calendar.
color wheel, shapes such as lines and circles, and               Required Materials: Art paper, paints, pastels, clay,
concepts such as symmetry. Explores a variety of                 spray fixative
media such as pastels, watercolors, crayons, tem-
pera, and pencil drawing.
Required Materials: Art paper, paints, pastels,
spray fixative

Arts and Crafts 2 A                                              Arts and Crafts 2 B
Explores the primary and complementary colors                    Presents a semester-long project of designing a
using the color wheel. Uses watercolor paints to                 personalized calendar. Uses clay to create a sea-
create art. Presents the concepts of symmetry us-                sonal table and to make sculptures. Explores form
ing drawing and painting media, pop art, and sculp-              drawings. Allows students to choose their own
ture.                                                            projects to complete.
Required Materials: Art paper, paints, brushes, oil              Required Materials: Art paper, paints, brushes, oil
pastels, clay                                                    pastels, clay

Recorders Level 1
Combines music and performing arts. Introduces
new songs for students to sing. Builds dramatic
skills using fingerplays. Introduces beginning notes
and how to play the recorder. Available for grades
third through fifth.
Required Materials: Recorder

                                                       Page 29                                                           rev. 052721
CORE COURSES                                                                                        MIDDLE SCHOOL

Language Arts 6 A                                                Language Arts 6 B
Analyzes literature focused on storytelling and                  Builds on student expression of ideas and knowl-
heroes. Develops student expression of ideas and                 edge using standard (formal) English in written and
knowledge using standard (formal) English in writ-               oral assignments with a focus on parts of speech,
ten and oral assignments. Emphasizes finding the                 prefixes, and figurative language. Explores myths
themes of stories, identifying points of view, char-             and fairy tales and teaches students how to identi-
acterization and dialogue. Introduces grammar,                   fy forms of poetry.
usage, and mechanics of writing, with attention to               Required Materials: Novel: "The Giver" by Lois
sentence structure.                                              Lowry, additional optional novels
Required Materials: Novel: "The Watsons Go to
Birmingham" by Christopher Paul Curtis, additional
optional novels

Language Arts 7 A                                                Language Arts 7 B
Examines how to synthesize and organize ideas                    Builds on skills and concepts introduced in the first
to prepare structured essays in several different                semester. Analyzes elements of poetry. Reviews the
modes, including narrative and persuasive. Applies               history of language. Introduces elements of writing
strategies for reading and writing about different               including precision of word choice, style, syntax,
types of texts. Discusses the elements of drama.                 and levels of formality. Surveys how humor is used
Reviews sources of research.                                     as a literary device.
Required Materials: Anthology: "Poetry Speaks                    Required Materials: Anthology: "Poetry Speaks
Who I Am", Novel: "Julie of the Wolves" by Jean                  Who I Am", Novel: "The Outsiders" by S.E. Hinton,
Craighead George, additional optional novels                     access optional novels

Language Arts 8 A                                                Language Arts 8 B
Analyzes various types of written works, including               Reviews the role of historical autobiographies and
novels, short fiction, informational texts, and one-             diaries in our understanding of history. Discuss-
act plays. Explores reading as a source of ideas for             es the impact of point of view on nonfiction texts.
reflection, analysis, and argument, while emphasiz-              Examines how to synthesize and organize ideas to
ing content in science and history. Examines how                 write a reflective and persuasive essay. Combines
to synthesize and organize ideas to prepare struc-               students’ reading and writing assignments into a
tured essays in several different modes, including               culminating portfolio project.
personal narratives, persuasive essays and an orig-              Required Materials: Anthology: "Poetry Speaks
inal one-act play.                                               Who I Am" Novel: "Diary of a Young Girl" by Anne
Required Materials: Anthology: "Poetry Speaks                    Frank, additional optional novels
Who I Am", Novel: "Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry" by
Mildred Taylor, additional optional novels

                                                       Page 31                                                           rev. 052721
CORE COURSES                                                                                       MIDDLE SCHOOL

Math 6 A                                                         Math 6 B
Reviews basic addition, subtraction, multiplication,             Teaches the order of operations and its application
and division of whole numbers. Teaches how to                    to problem-solving. Introduces basics of algebra
add, subtract, multiply, and divide integers, deci-              and algebraic expressions. Applies problem-solv-
mals and fractions. Examines ratios and propor-                  ing skills to percents and solving single and multi-
tions.                                                           ple-step equations. Explores geometry, probability
                                                                 and statistics.

Math 7 A                                                         Math 7 B
Focuses on real-world problem-solving skills. Ex-                Continues exploration of fractions and percents.
amines beginning algebra skills, geometry, deci-                 Covers unit conversions, proportions, probability,
mals, fractions, data analysis, number theory and                and rates. Includes the geometry topics of lines,
patterns, decimals, percents and integer use. Intro-             angles, polygons, polyhedrons, perimeter, area,
duces inequalities, functions, and their graphs.                 surface area, volume, and transformations. Devel-
                                                                 ops the understanding of squares, square roots,
                                                                 permutations and combinations.

Pre-Algebra A                                                    Pre-Algebra B
Looks at computational and problem-solving skills                Examines the foundations of geometry including
while learning the language of algebra. Reinforces               perimeter, area, and volume. Introduces experi-
concepts of rational numbers, graphs, functions,                 mental and theoretical probability. Builds knowl-
percents, ratios and sequences. Introduces expo-                 edge of data, statistics and sequencing. Explains
nents, ratios, proportions, and similarity.                      and provides practice with multi-step equations
                                                                 and inequalities.

                                                       Page 32                                                          rev. 052721
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