County-Level Social Vulnerability and Emergency Department Visits for Firearm Injuries - 10 U.S. Jurisdictions, January 1, 2018-December 31, 2021 ...

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Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
Weekly / Vol. 71 / No. 27                                                                                                          July 8, 2022

     County-Level Social Vulnerability and Emergency Department Visits for
  Firearm Injuries — 10 U.S. Jurisdictions, January 1, 2018–December 31, 2021
         Miriam E. Van Dyke, PhD1,2; May S. Chen, PhD2; Michael Sheppard, MS3; J. Danielle Sharpe, PhD4; Lakshmi Radhakrishnan, MPH3;
                                   Linda L. Dahlberg, PhD2; Thomas R. Simon, PhD2; Marissa L. Zwald, PhD2

   At least 100,000 persons in the United States experience a                    firearm injury ED visits by social vulnerability can help identify
fatal or nonfatal firearm injury each year.* CDC examined                        communities disproportionately experiencing elevated firearm
rates of firearm injury emergency department (ED) visits by                      injury rates. States and communities can use the best available
community social vulnerability using data from CDC’s Firearm                     evidence to implement comprehensive prevention strategies that
Injury Surveillance Through Emergency Rooms (FASTER)                             address inequities in the social and structural conditions that
program.† ED visit data, shared with CDC’s National Syndromic                    contribute to risk for violence, including creating protective
Surveillance Program (NSSP)§ during 2018–2021, were                              community environments, strengthening economic supports,
analyzed for 647 counties in 10 FASTER-funded jurisdictions.¶                    and intervening to reduce harms and prevent future risk (e.g.,
County-level social vulnerability data were obtained from the                    with hospital-based violence intervention programs) (1,2).
2018 Social Vulnerability Index (SVI).** Rates of ED visits                         In 2021, CDC’s FASTER program was established to provide
for firearm injuries (number of firearm injury ED visits per                     more timely and comprehensive data on firearm injuries at the
100,000 ED visits) were calculated across tertile levels of social               state and local levels than were available through traditional
vulnerability. Negative binomial regression models were used to                  data sources. CDC analyzed ED visit data during January 1,
estimate rate ratios (RRs) and associated 95% CIs comparing                      2018–December 31, 2021, for 647 counties in 10 FASTER-
rates of ED visits across social vulnerability levels. During 2018–              funded jurisdictions. Aggregated data were shared through
2021, compared with rates in counties with low overall social                    CDC’s NSSP platform (3). The 10 jurisdictions included in
vulnerability, the firearm injury ED visit rate was 1.34 times as                this analysis reported data on a minimum of 75% of ED visits
high in counties with medium social vulnerability and 1.80 times                 occurring within their jurisdictions, including a minimum of
as high in counties with high social vulnerability. Similar patterns             90% of visits from Level 1–3 trauma centers.§§ Initial firearm
were observed for the SVI themes of socioeconomic status and                     injury encounters (including those classified as unintentional,
housing type and transportation, but not for the themes of
household composition and disability status or racial and ethnic                 §§
minority status and language proficiency. More timely data†† on

 *                                      INSIDE
 § Analyses were limited to ED encounters. NSSP is a collaboration among              878 Factors Associated with Severe Outcomes Among
   CDC; local and state health departments; and federal, academic, and private            Immunocompromised Adults Hospitalized for
   sector partners. Electronic patient encounter data are collected from EDs,
   urgent and ambulatory care centers, inpatient health care settings, and
                                                                                          COVID-19 — COVID-NET, 10 States,
   laboratories.                                      March 2020–February 2022
 ¶ The 10 FASTER-funded jurisdictions were the District of Columbia, Florida,
                                                                                      887 QuickStats
   Georgia, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oregon, Utah, Virginia, Washington,
   and West Virginia.
††                        Continuing Education examination available at

                                                                        U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
                                                                        Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report

intentional self-harm, assault, legal intervention, terrorism, and                           fixed effects for jurisdictions were fit to estimate RRs and associ-
undetermined intent) were identified using a syndrome defini-                                ated 95% CIs comparing rates among high and medium social
tion including diagnosis codes and chief complaint text fields                               vulnerability counties with those in low social vulnerability coun-
(Supplementary Box,                                 ties across the overall SVI, separate SVI themes, and individual
   Data on county-level social vulnerability were obtained                                   SVI indicators.*** Regression analyses were conducted using SAS
from the 2018 SVI, which uses U.S. Census Bureau American                                    software (version 9.4; SAS Institute). SVI tertiles were included
Community Survey 2014–2018 5-year data¶¶ estimates for 15                                    in the models as categorical variables. This activity was reviewed
population-based county-level sociodemographic indicators to                                 by CDC and was conducted consistent with applicable federal
form an overall social vulnerability metric, as well as four addi-                           law and CDC policy.†††
tional focused metrics representing themes of socioeconomic                                     During 2018–2021, the overall crude firearm injury ED visit
status, household composition and disability, racial and ethnic                              rate among the 10 jurisdictions was 74 per 100,000 ED visits,
minority status and language proficiency, and housing type and                               with low, medium, and high social vulnerability counties
transportation. The SVI includes ranked scores ranging from                                  experiencing rates of 55, 77, and 92 firearm injury ED visits
0–1 applied to 3,142 counties in the United States.                                          per 100,000 ED visits, respectively. Compared with counties
   Counties in the 10 FASTER-funded jurisdictions were catego-                               with low overall social vulnerability, rates of firearm injury
rized into tertiles (low, medium, high) of social vulnerability for                          ED visits were 1.34 and 1.80 times as high in counties with
the overall SVI, the SVI themes, and the individual indicators
                                                                                              *** The number of facilities sharing data with NSSP can vary over time and
of each SVI theme, with higher values representing higher levels                                  potentially influence ED visit trends. Although this study used a cross-
of social vulnerability. Crude rates of firearm injury ED visits                                  sectional analysis using data aggregated across years and did not examine
(number of ED visits for firearm injuries per 100,000 ED visits)                                  trends, sensitivity analyses were conducted by restricting to facilities
                                                                                                  consistently reporting informative data (specifically, facilities with a
were calculated for each level of social vulnerability. A total of                                coefficient of variation ≤40 and average number of weekly discharge diagnoses
647 (99.2%) of 652 counties sharing data with NSSP in the 10                                      with useful information of ≥75 through the analysis period; average number
                                                                                                  of weekly discharge diagnoses with useful information was not applied to
jurisdictions had data on ED visits and the SVI, and were included                                facilities in the District of Columbia). Results from the sensitivity analyses
in the analyses. Negative binomial regression models including                                    were similar to results presented in this report, which analyzed data from all
                                                                                                  facilities sharing data with NSSP in the 10 FASTER-funded jurisdictions
                                                                                                  during the study period.
¶¶                     ††† 45 C.F.R. part 46.102(l)(2), 21 C.F.R. part 56; 42 U.S.C. Sect. 241(d);
     table-and-geography-changes/2018/5-year.html                                                 5 U.S.C. Sect. 552a; 44 U.S.C. Sect. 3501 et seq.

     The MMWR series of publications is published by the Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),
     U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Atlanta, GA 30329-4027.
     Suggested citation: [Author names; first three, then et al., if more than six.] [Report title]. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2022;71:[inclusive page numbers].
                                                             Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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874                       MMWR / July 8, 2022 / Vol. 71 / No. 27               US Department of Health and Human Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report

medium and high overall social vulnerability, respectively                                composition and disability status and racial and ethnic minority
(Table). Similar patterns were observed for the SVI theme of                              status and language proficiency, among specific indicators for
socioeconomic status, with rates of firearm injury ED visits                              each, rates were higher among counties with higher percentages
higher among counties with medium (RR = 1.27) and high                                    of single-parent households and persons identifying as a racial or
(RR = 1.61) vulnerability compared with counties with low                                 ethnic minority; rates were lower among counties with higher
social vulnerability. This pattern was apparent for all four                              percentages of persons aged ≥65 years.
indicators of socioeconomic status, with the most pronounced
differences in firearm injury ED visit rates observed when
comparing SVI tertiles across the poverty indicator.                                         In this multistate report analyzing syndromic surveillance
   For the housing type and transportation theme, rates of                                ED data for firearm injuries across FASTER-funded juris-
firearm injury ED visits were also higher among medium                                    dictions, counties with higher overall social vulnerability
(RR = 1.32) and high (RR = 1.75) social vulnerability counties                            experienced higher rates of firearm injury ED visits during
compared with low social vulnerability counties. This pattern                             2018–2021. Higher community social vulnerability has been
was apparent for two of five indicators constituting the theme:                           previously associated with higher rates of firearm deaths (4).
percentage of persons living in group quarters and percentage                             The findings of this report indicate that social vulnerability
of households with no vehicle access.                                                     is also associated with the percentage of ED visits that are for
   Although ED visit rates were not higher in medium and high                             firearm injuries.
social vulnerability counties for the two SVI themes of household

TABLE. Rates of ED visits for firearm injuries* in medium and high social vulnerability areas compared with rates in low social vulnerability
areas† — FASTER program, 10 U.S. jurisdictions,§ 2018–2021
                                                                                                               SVI tertile (vulnerability level), RR¶ (95% CI)
SVI themes                                                                                         1 (Low)**              2 (Medium)                     3 (High)
Overall                                                                                                Ref              1.34 (1.22–1.47)             1.80 (1.50–2.16)
Socioeconomic status                                                                                   Ref              1.27 (1.15–1.39)             1.61 (1.33–1.94)
Percentage of persons living below poverty                                                             Ref              1.40 (1.27–1.53)             1.95 (1.62–2.34)
Percentage of persons unemployed                                                                       Ref              1.18 (1.07–1.30)             1.39 (1.15–1.68)
Per capita income††                                                                                    Ref              1.15 (1.04–1.26)             1.31 (1.09–1.59)
Percentage of persons aged ≥25 yrs with no HS diploma                                                  Ref              1.20 (1.08–1.32)             1.43 (1.18–1.74)
Household composition and disability status                                                            Ref              1.02 (0.93–1.12)             1.05 (0.86–1.26)
Percentage of persons aged ≥65 yrs                                                                     Ref              0.89 (0.81–0.98)             0.80 (0.66–0.97)
Percentage of persons aged
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report

                                                                                used in this study to identify firearm injury ED visits does
                                                                                not distinguish the injury intent; the distribution of firearm
  What is already known about this topic?
                                                                                injuries across levels of social vulnerability might be different
  At least 100,000 persons in the United States experience a fatal              for specific intents. In addition, the definition might under- or
  or nonfatal firearm injury each year.
                                                                                overestimate ED visits related to firearm injuries because of
  What is added by this report?                                                 possible variation in coding practices and reporting of visit-level
  During 2018–2021, among 10 jurisdictions participating in                     data across facilities. Third, the number of facilities sharing data
  CDC’s Firearm Injury Surveillance Through Emergency Rooms
                                                                                with NSSP can vary over time. Potential fluctuations in facility
  program, counties with higher overall social vulnerability
  experienced higher proportions of emergency department                        participation were accounted for by calculating a rate indicating
  visits for firearm injuries.                                                  the proportion of the total number of ED visits for firearm
  What are the implications for public health practice?                         injuries. However, rates, and thereby, comparisons, across SVI
  Monitoring firearm injury emergency department visits by
                                                                                tertiles could be influenced by changes in the denominator or
  county-level social vulnerability can help guide tailored                     characteristics of the populations usually served by participat-
  prevention efforts that address inequities in social and struc-               ing facilities. Fourth, the smallest geographic level at which
  tural conditions that contribute to risk for violence, including              these firearm injury data were available at the time of this report
  creating protective community environments, strengthening                     is at the county level, which limits the ability to examine the
  economic supports, and intervening to reduce harms and
                                                                                distribution of firearm injuries across smaller geographic levels
  prevent future risk.
                                                                                (e.g., census tract). Finally, the SVI is based on 5-year estimates
                                                                                during 2014–2018, and ED visits during 2018–2021 were
   In this analysis, among all ED visits, higher proportions                    analyzed. The timing of the data and ecological design limit
of firearm injury ED visits occurred in low socioeconomic                       the ability to draw causal conclusions and examine current or
status communities. An index of neighborhood disadvantage,                      historical determinants of firearm injuries.
including poverty and unemployment, has been previously                            Timelier ED data can help health departments and clinical
associated with higher numbers of firearm injuries (5), and                     and community partners collaboratively identify communities
surrounding poverty and higher income inequality have been                      disproportionately experiencing firearm injuries. SVI data can
linked to higher firearm homicide rates (6,7). In the present                   help focus prevention efforts on reducing and addressing the
analysis, rates of firearm injury visits were also associated with              effects of the underlying drivers of inequities using strategies
additional indicators, including proportion of racial and ethnic                with the best available evidence, including creating protective
minority persons. Current and historical inequities that mar-                   community environments, strengthening economic supports,
ginalize some racial and ethnic minority groups in the United                   and intervening to reduce harms and prevent future risk (e.g.,
States might contribute to elevated rates of firearm injuries                   with hospital-based violence intervention programs) (1,2).
in these communities (8). For example, structural racism, in
the form of redlining, a discriminatory practice of systematic                                           Acknowledgments
disinvestment of neighborhoods and denial of service provision                    Jurisdictions participating in CDC’s Firearm Injury Surveillance
(including financial services) to residents of neighborhoods that               Through Emergency Rooms (FASTER) program; FASTER team,
include substantial numbers of racial and ethnic minority and                   CDC; National Syndromic Surveillance Program, CDC; Anna
low-income residents, has been associated with higher rates                     Blackstock, Daniel Bowen, Nimi Idaikkadar, Aaron Kite-Powell.
of firearm injuries in an urban setting (9); evidence indicates                  Corresponding author: Miriam E. Van Dyke,
that racial residential segregation has also been predictive of                  1Epidemic Intelligence Service, CDC; 2National Center for Injury Prevention
racial disparities in firearm-related homicides (10). Patterns of                and Control, CDC; 3Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory
firearm injury visit rates also varied by age, vehicle accessibility,            Services, CDC; 4Geospatial Research, Analysis, and Services Program, Agency
                                                                                 for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Atlanta, Georgia.
housing density, and single-parent household status. Together
with additional context and understanding of historical and                       All authors have completed and submitted the International
structural factors affecting specific communities, these data                   Committee of Medical Journal Editors form for disclosure of potential
can help guide tailored prevention efforts and partnerships to                  conflicts of interest. No potential conflicts of interest were disclosed.
reduce inequities in risk for firearm injuries.
   The findings in this report are subject to at least five limita-
tions. First, data are limited to 10 U.S. jurisdictions and are
not nationally representative. Second, the syndrome definition

876                  MMWR / July 8, 2022 / Vol. 71 / No. 27          US Department of Health and Human Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report

                                References                                         6. Kegler SR, Dahlberg LL, Vivolo-Kantor AM. A descriptive exploration
                                                                                      of the geographic and sociodemographic concentration of firearm
1. David-Ferdon C, Vivolo-Kantor AM, Dahlberg LL, Marshall KJ,
                                                                                      homicide in the United States, 2004-2018. Prev Med 2021;153:106767.
   Rainford N, Hall JE. A comprehensive technical package for the
   prevention of youth violence and associated risk behaviors. Atlanta, GA:
                                                                                    7. Rowhani-Rahbar A, Quistberg DA, Morgan ER, Hajat A, Rivara FP.
   US Department of Health and Human Services, CDC; 2016. https://
                                                                                       Income inequality and firearm homicide in the US: a county-level cohort
                                                                                       study. Inj Prev 2019;25(Suppl 1):i25–30. PMID:30782593 https://doi.
2. Stone DM, Holland KM, Bartholow B, Crosby AE, Davis S, Wilkins N.
   Preventing suicide: a technical package of policies, programs, and practices.
                                                                                    8. Nation M, Chapman DA, Edmonds T, et al. Social and structural
   Atlanta, GA: US Department of Health and Human Services, CDC; 2017.
                                                                                       determinants of health and youth violence: shifting the paradigm of
                                                                                       youth violence prevention. Am J Public Health 2021;111(S1):S28–31.
3. Zwald ML, Holland KM, Bowen DA, et al. Using the Centers for Disease
   Control and Prevention’s National Syndromic Surveillance Program data
                                                                                    9. Jacoby SF, Dong B, Beard JH, Wiebe DJ, Morrison CN. The enduring
   to monitor trends in US emergency department visits for firearm injuries,
                                                                                       impact of historical and structural racism on urban violence in
   2018 to 2019. Ann Emerg Med 2022;79:465–73. PMID:35277293
                                                                                       Philadelphia. Soc Sci Med 2018;199:87–95. PMID:28579093 https://
4. Phelos HM, Deeb AP, Brown JB. Can social vulnerability indices predict
                                                                                   10. Wong B, Bernstein S, Jay J, Siegel M. Differences in racial disparities in
   county trauma fatality rates? J Trauma Acute Care Surg 2021;91:399–405.
                                                                                       firearm homicide across cities: the role of racial residential segregation
                                                                                       and gaps in structural disadvantage. J Natl Med Assoc 2020;112:518–30.
5. Dalve K, Gause E, Mills B, Floyd AS, Rivara FP, Rowhani-Rahbar A.
   Neighborhood disadvantage and firearm injury: does shooting location
   matter? Inj Epidemiol 2021;8:10. PMID:33678193 https://doi.

US Department of Health and Human Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention          MMWR / July 8, 2022 / Vol. 71 / No. 27                        877
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report

      Factors Associated with Severe Outcomes Among Immunocompromised
             Adults Hospitalized for COVID-19 — COVID-NET, 10 States,
                            March 2020–February 2022
          Jason Robert C. Singson, MPH1,2; Pam Daily Kirley, MPH1; Huong Pham, MPH3; Gretchen Rothrock, MPH1; Isaac Armistead, MD4;
          James Meek, MPH5; Evan J. Anderson, MD6,7,8; Libby Reeg, MPH9; Ruth Lynfield, MD10; Susan Ropp, PhD11; Alison Muse, MPH12;
             Christina B. Felsen, MPH13; Melissa Sutton, MD14; H. Keipp Talbot, MD15; Fiona P. Havers, MD3; Christopher A. Taylor, PhD3;
                                     COVID-NET Surveillance Team; Arthur Reingold, MD1; Shua J. Chai, MD1,16

   Immunocompromised persons are at increased risk for                                  and their close contacts,§ early testing, and COVID-19 pro-
severe COVID-19–related outcomes, including intensive                                   phylactic (Evusheld) and early antiviral treatment,¶ can help
care unit (ICU) admission and death (1). Data on adults                                 prevent hospitalization and subsequent severe COVID-19
aged ≥18 years hospitalized with laboratory-confirmed                                   outcomes among immunocompromised persons.
COVID-19 from 10 U.S. states in the COVID-19–Associated                                   COVID-NET is a CDC-funded collaboration for
Hospitalization Surveillance Network (COVID-NET) were                                   population-based surveillance of laboratory-confirmed
analyzed to assess associations between immunocompromise                                COVID-19–associated hospitalization in 99 U.S. counties
and ICU admission and in-hospital death during March 1,                                 in 14 states. A COVID-NET case is defined as a positive
2020–February 28, 2022. Associations of COVID-19 vacci-                                 real-time reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction or
nation status with ICU admission and in-hospital death were                             rapid antigen test result for SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes
also examined during March 1, 2021–February 28, 2022.                                   COVID-19) within 14 days before or during hospitalization in
During March 1, 2020–February 28, 2022, among a sample                                  a person who lived in the surveillance catchment area. Medical
of 22,345 adults hospitalized for COVID-19, 12.2% were                                  chart abstraction and representative sampling methods have
immunocompromised. Among unvaccinated patients, those                                   been described previously (2). Data collected on sampled
with immunocompromise had higher odds of ICU admission                                  adults hospitalized during March 1, 2020–February 28,
(adjusted odds ratio [aOR] = 1.26; 95% CI = 1.08–1.49) and                              2022, across 10 participating states** were examined. Patients
in-hospital death (aOR = 1.34; 95% CI = 1.05–1.70) than                                 whose hospitalization was not likely related to COVID-19††
did nonimmunocompromised patients. Among vaccinated                                     and those without a completed chart review were excluded.
patients,* those with immunocompromise had higher odds                                  Immunocompromised patients were defined as those having
of ICU admission (aOR = 1.40; 95% CI = 1.01–1.92) and                                   one or more predefined immunocompromising conditions.§§
in-hospital death (aOR = 1.87; 95% CI = 1.28–2.75) than                                 COVID-19 vaccination definitions for immunocompromised
did nonimmunocompromised patients. During March 1,                                      persons changed during the study period¶¶; in this analysis, a
2021–February 28, 2022, among nonimmunocompromised                                      vaccinated patient was defined as one who had received both
patients, patients who were vaccinated had lower odds of death                          doses of a 2-dose COVID-19 vaccination series or 1 dose of
(aOR = 0.58; 95% CI = 0.39–0.86) than did unvaccinated                                  a single-dose COVID-19 vaccine with or without additional
patients; among immunocompromised patients, odds of death                                §
between vaccinated and unvaccinated patients did not differ.                               immuno.html
Immunocompromised persons need additional protection                                     ¶

from COVID-19 and using multiple known COVID-19                                            with-medical-conditions.html; https://www.covid19treatmentguidelines.nih.
prevention strategies,† including nonpharmaceutical interven-                           ** California, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Michigan, Minnesota, New
tions, up-to-date vaccination of immunocompromised persons                                 Mexico, New York, Oregon, and Tennessee. Data from four other states in
                                                                                           COVID-NET were not available for this analysis.
                                                                                        †† Excluded admissions for labor/obstetrics, trauma, psychiatric conditions, or
* Vaccinated patients were defined as those with a positive SARS-CoV-2 test                inpatient surgery.
  result from a specimen collected ≥14 days after either the second dose of a           §§ Standardized COVID-NET medical chart abstraction identified the following
  2-dose vaccination series or after 1 dose of a single-dose vaccine. When not             immunocompromising conditions: AIDS or CD4+ count
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report

or booster doses ≥14 days before their positive SARS-CoV-2                            variant–predominant periods, respectively. Overall, immuno-
test result, per state immunization information system records.                       compromised patients were more likely to be older and to be
Vaccinated patients with additional or booster doses were not                         non-Hispanic White (Table 1). Compared with nonimmuno-
analyzed separately. Patients were considered unvaccinated if                         compromised patients, those with immunocompromise had
no COVID-19 vaccination was recorded before the positive                              a statistically significantly higher prevalence of all underlying
test result; patients who were documented to have received                            medical conditions except diabetes and neurologic disease.
only the first dose of a 2-dose series or their last vaccination                         Among unvaccinated patients, those who were immunocom-
series dose
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report

TABLE 1. Demographic and clinical characteristics of adults hospitalized for laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 (N = 22,345), by immunocompromise
status and vaccination status* — COVID-NET, 10 states,† March 1, 2020–February 28, 2022
                                                                                         Immunocompromised, no. (weighted %)§
                                                                 Overall                                     Unvaccinated                               Vaccinated†
Characteristic                                      Yes                No           p-value       Yes                No          p-value      Yes              No         p-value
Total                                          2,209 (100.0) 20,136 (100.0)             — 1,855 (100.0)        18,825 (100.0)        — 354 (100.0) 1,311 (100.0)             —
Age group, yrs
18–49                                            492 (17.3)       6,509 (24.9)
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report

TABLE 1 (Continued). Demographic and clinical characteristics of adults hospitalized for laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 (N = 22,345), by
immunocompromise status and vaccination status* — COVID-NET, 10 states,† March 1, 2020–February 28, 2022
                                                                                    Immunocompromised, no. (weighted %)§
                                                                Overall                              Unvaccinated                                    Vaccinated†
Characteristic                                      Yes              No       p-value        Yes                  No          p-value        Yes            No          p-value
No. of underlying conditions
0                                                   112 (5.5)      2,248 (9.7)
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report

TABLE 3. Association of vaccination status* with intensive care unit admission and in-hospital death among patients hospitalized for COVID-19,
by immunocompromise status—COVID-NET, 10 states,† March 1, 2021–February 28, 2022
                                                                                  No. (weighted %)§
                                           Immunocompromised¶                                                      Not immunocompromised**
                                ICU admission                        Death                             ICU admission                         Death
Vaccination status*      Yes       No      aOR (95% CI)    Yes       No      aOR (95% CI)      Yes         No       aOR (95% CI)    Yes      No      aOR (95% CI)
Vaccinated               85        269          1.01        55       298          1.34         257        1,044          0.85       113     1,188         0.58
                       (25.0)     (75.0)    (0.64–1.58)   (16.5)    (83.5)    (0.71–2.51)     (18.7)      (81.3)     (0.60–1.12)    (9.5)   (90.5)   (0.39–0.86)††
Unvaccinated            129        351          Ref         66       413          Ref         1,121       3,771          Ref        488     4,409         Ref
                       (25.5)     (74.5)                  (12.9)    (87.1)                    (21.6)      (78.4)                   (10.1)   (89.9)
Abbreviations: aOR = adjusted odds ratio; COVID-NET = COVID-19–Associated Hospitalization Surveillance Network; ICU = intensive care unit; Ref = referent group.
 * Vaccinated patients were defined as those with a positive SARS-CoV-2 test result from a specimen collected ≥14 days after either the second dose of a 2-dose
   vaccination series or after 1 dose of a single dose vaccine. When not otherwise specified, vaccinated patients include those who might have received additional
   or booster doses.
 † Selected counties in California, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Michigan, Minnesota, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, and Tennessee.
 § Representative sample of all cases reported to COVID-NET, stratified by age and COVID-NET site. Percentages were weighted to account for the probability of
   selection for sampled cases.
 ¶ ICU admission model among immunocompromise patients was adjusted for age, sex, site, variant predominant period, rheumatologic/autoimmune condition,
   and obesity. Death model among immunocompromised patients was adjusted for age, sex, site, variant predominant period hypertension, renal disease, and
   rheumatologic/autoimmune condition. Death outcome among immunocompromised patients was not known for one unvaccinated patient and one vaccinated
   patient without additional or booster doses.
** ICU admission model among nonimmunocompromised patients was adjusted for age, sex, site, variant predominant period, diabetes, and obesity. Death model among
   nonimmunocompromised patients was adjusted for age, sex, site, variant predominant period, long-term care facility residence, hypertension, diabetes mellitus,
   chronic metabolic disease, cardiovascular disease, renal disease, and neurologic disease. Death outcome among nonimmunocompromised patients was not known
   for 11 unvaccinated patients, three patients vaccinated without additional or booster doses, and three patients vaccinated with additional or booster doses.
†† p-value 30) in the analysis, the effect
hospitalization (3), leading to fewer hospitalized patients                         of additional or booster doses on death among immunocom-
who are then admitted to the ICU or die in-hospital. Once                           promised patients was not able to be assessed.
patients were hospitalized, however, vaccination status was                            Data from population-based, active surveillance suggest
not associated with ICU admission or death among immu-                              that immunocompromised adults are overrepresented among
nocompromised patients in these analyses; patients with more                        patients hospitalized with COVID-19 in the United States,
medical conditions likely had closer medical follow-up and                          accounting for 12.2% of adult hospitalizations in COVID-NET
were strongly advised to be vaccinated, biasing vaccinated                          compared with an estimated 2.7% of the U.S. adult population
patients to be those at higher risk for severe outcomes, poten-                     (5). However, immunocompromised patients in COVID-NET
tially contributing to the absence of observed differences. In                       ¶¶¶¶
addition, vaccine effectiveness against severe outcomes in

882                    MMWR / July 8, 2022 / Vol. 71 / No. 27           US Department of Health and Human Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report

                                                                                  Given the increased odds of severe COVID-19 outcomes
                                                                                among immunocompromised hospitalized patients, multilay-
   What is already known about this topic?
                                                                                ered prevention strategies for immunocompromised persons
   Immunocompromise is associated with increased risk for                       are critical to preventing hospitalization for COVID-19 and
   intensive care unit (ICU) admission and in-hospital death after
   SARS-CoV-2 infection. Population-based descriptions of
                                                                                subsequent severe outcomes, especially when community levels
   immunocompromised hospitalized patients and their outcomes                   indicate increased transmission and disease severity (7,8).*****
   are limited.                                                                 These strategies include implementing nonpharmaceutical
   What is added by this report?                                                interventions; ensuring that immunocompromised persons
   Immunocompromised patients accounted for 12.2% of all adult                  and their close contacts are up to date with COVID-19 vac-
   COVID-19 hospitalizations among 10 states and had increased odds             cination; urging immunocompromised persons to use effective
   of ICU admission and in-hospital death compared with nonimmuno-              preexposure prophylactic therapeutics, such as Evusheld; early
   compromised patients, irrespective of vaccination status.                    testing, such as at-home tests; and early disease treatments,
   What are the implications for public health practice?                        such as antiviral medications. Improved access to and use
   Known multilayered prevention measures, including nonpharma-                 of these measures with considerations for socioeconomically
   ceutical interventions, up-to-date COVID-19 vaccination, and                 disadvantaged and historically underserved racial and ethnic
   therapeutics, can prevent hospitalization and subsequent severe              groups will help ensure health equity (9,10).†††††
   COVID-19 outcomes among immunocompromised persons.
shared similar demographic characteristics with the underlying                  †††††
U.S. noninstitutionalized immunocompromised population.                               race-ethnicity.html
The age ranges with the highest percentages of immunocom-
promised patients were similar (COVID-NET: 50–74 years;
U.S. population: 50–69 years) (5). The older age distribution                     Onika Anglin, Kadam Patel, CDC and General Dynamics
among immunocompromised patients likely contributed                             Information Technology, Atlanta, Georgia; Jennifer Milucky,
                                                                                Michael Whitaker, CDC; Susan Brooks, Ashley Coates, Monica
to their higher prevalences of underlying conditions known
                                                                                Napoles, Jeremy Roland, Maria Rosales, Lena Tayo, Tiffany
to be associated with poor COVID-19 outcomes, including                         Tsukuda, California Emerging Infections Program; Amanda
chronic lung disease, renal disease, and obesity, which would                   Kamali, John Openshaw, California Department of Public Health;
increase the likelihood of severe COVID-19, hospitalization,                    Sharon Emmerling, Breanna Kawasaki, Madelyn Lensing, Sarah
and inclusion in this analysis (6).                                             McLafferty, Jordan Surgnier, Millen Tsegaye, Colorado Department
  The findings in this report are subject to at least four                      of Public Health and Environment; Ann Basting, Tessa Carter,
limitations. First, the analyses did not control for time since                 Maria Correa, Daewi Kim, Carol Lyons, Amber Maslar, Julie Plano,
vaccination; earlier eligibility for and receipt of vaccines by                 Hazhia Sorosinidi, Connecticut Emerging Infections Program, Yale
immunocompromised patients might have resulted in earlier                       School of Public Health; Taylor Eisenstein, Emily Fawcett, Annabel
waning of protection, complicating identification of asso-                      Patterson, Foundation for Atlanta Veterans Education and Research;
ciations between vaccination and severe outcomes. Second,                       Atlanta Veterans Affairs Medical Center; Emory University School of
whereas the active, population-based nature of COVID-NET                        Medicine; Marina Bruck, Rayna Ceaser, Sabrina Hendrick, Johanna
                                                                                Hernandez, Asmith Joseph, Grayson Kallas, Stephanie Lehman, Jana
data minimizes the risk for capturing a nonrepresentative
                                                                                Manning, Allison Roebling, Suzanne Segler, Chandler Surell, Katelyn
sample of hospitalized patients, clinicians might have admit-                   Ward, Hope Wilson, Emory University School of Medicine; Georgia
ted immunocompromised patients who were less ill than were                      Emerging Infections Program, Georgia Department of Public
nonimmunocompromised patients, leading to smaller observed                      Health; Veterans Affairs Medical Center; Chloe Brown, Jim Collins,
differences in severe outcomes. Third, the number of immu-                      Shannon Johnson, Justin Henderson, Sue Kim, Alexander Kohrman,
nocompromised persons within COVID-NET catchment                                Lauren Leegwater, Sanchitha Meda, Alyanna Melicor, Val Tellez
areas is unknown; therefore, population-based rates of severe                   Nunez, Sierra Peguies-Khan, Michigan Department of Health and
outcomes by immunocompromise and vaccination status                             Human Services; Kayla Bilski, Natalie Bullis, Kathy Como-Sabetti,
not conditioned on hospitalization could not be calculated.                     Emma Contestabile, Kristen Ehresmann, Claire Henrichsen, Grace
Finally, changing recommendations and absence of data on                        Hernandez, Jackie Johnson, Tenzin Kunkyi, Erica Mumm, Kieu My
prehospitalization prophylactic or treatment medications for                    Phi, Lisa Nguyen, Elizabeth Snyderman, Minnesota Department of
COVID-19 limited the ability to account for treatments; severe                  Health; Cory Cline, Adrienne Domen, Melissa Judson, Sunshine
                                                                                Martinez, Florent Nkouaga, Kelly Plymesser, Jasmyn Sanchez, Chad
outcomes might have been mitigated in patients who received
                                                                                Smelser, New Mexico Department of Health; Kathy M. Angeles,
these medications.

US Department of Health and Human Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention      MMWR / July 8, 2022 / Vol. 71 / No. 27                   883
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report

Molly Bleecker, Sarah Shrum Davis, Nancy Eisenberg, Emily B.                         funding from the National Institutes of Health to conduct clinical
Hancock, Sarah A. Khanlian, Sarah Lathrop, Francesca Pacheco,                        trials of Moderna and Janssen COVID-19 vaccines. Libby Reeg
Mayvilynne Poblete, Dominic Rudin, Yadira Salazar-Sanchez, New                       reports grants from the Michigan State Department of Health. No
Mexico Emerging Infections Program; Jennifer Akpo, Celina Chavez,                    other potential conflicts of interest were disclosed.
Murtada Khalifa, Alesia Reed, Yassir Talha, CDC Foundation and
New Mexico Department of Health; Kerianne Engesser, Adam Rowe,                                                      References
Nancy Spina, New York State Department of Health; Sophrena                            1. Kim L, Garg S, O’Halloran A, et al. Risk factors for intensive care unit
Bushey, Virgina Cafferky, Maria Gaitan, Christine Long, Thomas                           admission and in-hospital mortality among hospitalized adults identified
                                                                                         through the US coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)–associated
Peer, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry;
                                                                                         hospitalization surveillance network (COVID-NET). Clin Infect Dis
Sam Hawkins, Oregon Health Authority; Kathy Billings, Katie                              2021;72:e206–14. PMID:32674114
Dyer, Anise Elie, Gail Hughett, Karen Leib, Tiffanie Markus, Terri                    2. Garg S, Patel K, Pham H, et al. Clinical trends among U.S. adults
McMinn, Danielle Ndi, Manideepthi Pemmaraju, Vanderbilt                                  hospitalized with COVID-19, March to December 2020: a cross-
University Medical Center.                                                               sectional study. Ann Intern Med 2021;174:1409–19. PMID:34370517
                   COVID-NET Surveillance Team                                        3. Tenforde MW, Patel MM, Gaglani M, et al.; IVY Network. Effectiveness
                                                                                         of a third dose of Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines in preventing
  Nisha B. Alden, Colorado Department of Public Health and                               COVID-19 hospitalization among immunocompetent and
Environment; Kim Yousey-Hindes, Connecticut Emerging Infections                          immunocompromised adults—United States, August–December 2021.
Program, Yale School of Public Health, New Haven, Connecticut;                           MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2022;71:118–24. PMID:35085218
Kyle P. Openo, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia,                 4. Tenforde MW, Self WH, Gaglani M, et al.; IVY Network. Effectiveness
Georgia Emerging Infections Program, Georgia Department of Health,                       of mRNA vaccination in preventing COVID-19–associated invasive
and Atlanta Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Atlanta, Georgia; Erica Bye,                mechanical ventilation and death—United States, March 2021–January
Minnesota Department of Health; Mark A. Montoya, New Mexico                              2022. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2022;71:459–65.
Department of Health; Grant Barney, New York State Department of                         PMID:35324878
                                                                                      5. Harpaz R, Dahl RM, Dooling KL. Prevalence of immunosuppression
Health; Kevin Popham, University of Rochester School of Medicine                         among US adults, 2013. JAMA 2016;316:2547–8. PMID:27792809
and Dentistry, Rochester, New York; Nasreen Abdullah, Public Health            
Division, Oregon Health Authority; William Schaffner, Vanderbilt                      6. Chow N, Fleming-Dutra K, Gierke R, et al.; CDC COVID-19 Response
University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee.                                         Team. Preliminary estimates of the prevalence of selected underlying
                                                                                         health conditions among patients with coronavirus disease 2019—
 Corresponding author: Jason Robert C. Singson,               United States, February 12–March 28, 2020. MMWR Morb Mortal
 1California                                                                             Wkly Rep 2020;69:382–6. PMID:32240123
            Emerging Infections Program, Oakland California; 2Council of
 State and Territorial Epidemiologists, Atlanta, Georgia; 3CDC COVID-19                  mmwr.mm6913e2
 Emergency Response Team; 4Colorado Department of Public Health and                   7. Andrejko KL, Pry JM, Myers JF, et al.; California COVID-19 Case-
 Environment; 5Connecticut Emerging Infections Program, Yale School of                   Control Study Team. Effectiveness of face mask or respirator use in
 Public Health, New Haven, Connecticut; 6Georgia Emerging Infections                     indoor public settings for prevention of SARS-CoV-2 infection—
 Program, Georgia Department of Health; 7Emory University School of                      California, February–December 2021. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly
 Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia; 8Atlanta Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Atlanta,          Rep 2022;71:212–6. PMID:35143470
 Georgia; 9Michigan Department of Health and Human Services; 10Minnesota                 mmwr.mm7106e1
 Department of Health; 11New Mexico Department of Health; 12New York                  8. Sami S, Horter L, Valencia D, et al. Investigation of SARS-CoV-2
 State Department of Health; 13University of Rochester School of Medicine                transmission associated with a large indoor convention—New York City,
 and Dentistry, Rochester, New York; 14Public Health Division, Oregon Health             November–December 2021. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep
 Authority; 15Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee;                2022;71:243–8. PMID:35176005
 16Career Epidemiology Field Officer Program, CDC.
                                                                                      9. Wiltz JL, Feehan AK, Molinari NM, et al. Racial and ethnic disparities
  All authors have completed and submitted the International                             in receipt of medications for treatment of COVID-19—United States,
Committee of Medical Journal Editors form for disclosure of                              March 2020–August 2021. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep
potential conflicts of interest. Jason Robert C. Singson is supported                    2022;71:96–102. PMID:35051133
by an appointment to the Applied Epidemiology Fellowship                                 mm7103e1
administered by the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists.                10. Fu J, Reid SA, French B, et al.; COVID-19 and Cancer Consortium
                                                                                         (CCC19). Racial disparities in COVID-19 outcomes among black and
Evan J. Anderson reports grants from Pfizer, Merck, PaxVax, Micron,                      white patients with cancer. JAMA Netw Open 2022;5:e224304.
Sanofi-Pasteur, Janssen, MedImmune, and GlaxoSmithKline;                                 PMID:35344045
personal fees from Sanofi-Pasteur, Pfizer, Medscape, Kentucky
Bioprocessing, Inc, Sanofi-Pasteur, Janssen, GlaxoSmithKline, and
WCG and ACI Clinical outside the submitted work; and institutional

884                    MMWR / July 8, 2022 / Vol. 71 / No. 27             US Department of Health and Human Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report


Vol. 71, No. 22                                                                 TABLE (Continued). Demographics and clinical characteristics of
                                                                                pediatric melatonin ingestions reported to poison control centers
  In the report, “Pediatric Melatonin Ingestions — United States,               (N = 260,435) — United States, 2012–2021
2012–2021,” on page 726 in the first full paragraph, the third sentence         Characteristic                                             Ingestions, no.(%)
should have read, “Most children (84.4%) were asymptomatic.”                    Disposition of patients managed at HCF
  On page 727, the Table contained multiple errors: rows 18 and                 (n = 27,795)
19 (with the headings “Asymptomatic” and “Symptomatic”) should                  Hospitalized                                                  4,097 (14.7)
                                                                                ICU                                                              287 (1.0)
have been deleted, the final original footnote should have read,                Treated and released                                         19,892 (71.6)
“Cases confirmed as nonexposures and exposures deemed not                       Other                                                         3,806 (13.7)
responsible for the effect,” two additional footnotes should have               Abbreviations: CNS = central nervous system; HCF = health care facility;
been included, and all footnotes should have been reordered. In                 ICU = intensive care unit; RCF = relative contribution to fatality.
                                                                                 * Number of clinical effects (n = 45,647) is greater than the number of symptomatic
addition, the abbreviation “RCF = relative contribution to fatality”               ingestions (n = 40,665), as some children had more than one symptom.
                                                                                 † No signs or symptoms.
should have been included. The Table has been updated accordingly.               § Minimally bothersome symptoms, self-limited, and resolved without
  On page 727, in Figure 2, the y-axis was incorrectly formatted to                intervention (e.g., self-limited gastrointestinal symptoms).
demonstrate stacked values. Figure 2 has been updated accordingly.               ¶ More serious outcomes included moderate effect (systemic symptoms
                                                                                   requiring intervention; not life-threatening [e.g., brief seizure readily resolved
                                                                                   with treatment, or high fever]), major effect (life-threatening symptoms [e.g.,
TABLE. Demographics and clinical characteristics of pediatric                      status epilepticus or respiratory failure requiring intubation]), and death.
melatonin ingestions reported to poison control centers                         ** RCF: Unknown. A case is classified as RCF “unknown” in the National Poison
(N = 260,435) — United States, 2012–2021                                           Data System if the Clinical Case Evidence is not sufficient to rule in or rule out
                                                                                   the exposure as the cause of death.
Characteristic                                Ingestions, no.(%)                †† Cases confirmed as nonexposures and exposures deemed not responsible

Age group, yrs                                                                     for the effect.
≤5                                             218,136 (83.8)
6–12                                            28,606 (11.0)                   FIGURE 2. Number of pediatric* melatonin ingestions reported† to
13–19                                            13,693 (5.2)                   poison control centers, by outcome and year — United States,
Sex                                                                             2012–2021
Male                                           141,301 (54.3)
Female                                         117,872 (45.2)
Unknown                                           1,262 (0.5)                                       700           Hospitalized
Reason for ingestion                                                                                              More serious outcomes
                                                                                No. of ingestions

Unintentional                                  245,596 (94.3)                                       500
Intentional                                      13,722 (5.3)
Other                                             1,117 (0.4)                                       400
Exposure site                                                                                       300
Residence                                      257,761 (99.0)                                       200
School                                              561 (0.2)
Other                                             2,113 (0.8)                                       100
Clinical effects*                                                                                    0
CNS                                             37,164 (81.4)                                             2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Gastrointestinal                                 4,655 (10.2)                                                                       Year
Cardiovascular                                    1,147 (2.5)
Metabolic                                           346 (0.8)                   * Aged ≤19 years.
                                                                                † More serious outcomes include moderate or major effect or death, as defined
Other                                             2,335 (5.1)
                                                                                  by the National Poison Data System Coding Manual. Disposition (including
Outcome                                                                           hospitalization) and medical outcome (including more serious outcomes) are
No effect†                                      78,423 (30.1)                     not mutually exclusive because persons with more serious outcomes are likely
Minor effect§                                  176,435 (67.8)                     to be hospitalized.
More serious outcomes¶                            3,211 (1.2)
Death**                                                     2
Other††                                           2,366 (0.9)
Management site
Managed on-site (non-HCF)                      230,032 (88.3)
Managed at HCF                                  27,795 (10.7)
Unknown                                           2,608 (1.0)

US Department of Health and Human Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention                     MMWR / July 8, 2022 / Vol. 71 / No. 27                885
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report


Vol. 71, No. 22
   In the report, “Use of JYNNEOS (Smallpox and Monkeypox
Vaccine, Live, Nonreplicating) for Preexposure Vaccination of
Persons at Risk for Occupational Exposure to Orthopoxviruses:
Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization
Practices — United States, 2022,” on page 738, in Table 1, the
first footnote should have read, “* Research laboratory personnel
working with orthopoxviruses, clinical laboratory personnel
performing diagnostic testing for orthopoxviruses, and ortho-
poxvirus and health care worker response teams designated by
appropriate public health and antiterror authorities.”

886                MMWR / July 8, 2022 / Vol. 71 / No. 27     US Department of Health and Human Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report


                                                   FROM THE NATIONAL CENTER FOR HEALTH STATISTICS

                Age-Adjusted Percentage* of Adults Aged ≥18 Years Who Met the 2018
                Federal Physical Activity Guidelines for Both Muscle-Strengthening and
                 Aerobic Physical Activity,† by Urbanization Level§ — National Health
                                 Interview Survey, United States, 2020¶

      Support Width Options                   40
           Page wide = 7.5”
            QuickStats = 5.0”
         1½ columns = 4.65”
            1 column = 3.57”



                                                   Total     Large central       Large fringe       Medium and       Nonmetropolitan
                                                                metro               metro           small metro

                                                                             Urbanization level
                          * Age-adjusted percentages are based on the 2000 U.S. Census Bureau standard population, using age groups
                            18–34, 35–49, 50–64, and ≥65 years, with 95% CIs indicated by error bars.
                          † Per U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 2018 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, 2nd edition
                            ( The aerobic physical activity guideline was met if the respondent reported
                            engaging in ≥150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity or ≥75 minutes per week
                            of vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity, or an equivalent combination. The muscle-strengthening guideline
                            was met if the respondent reported performing muscle-strengthening activities on ≥2 days per week.
                          § Urbanization level is based on county of residence using the National Center for Health Statistics Urban-Rural
                            Classification Scheme for Counties.
                          ¶ Estimates are based on household interviews of a sample of the civilian, noninstitutionalized U.S. population.

          In 2020, 25.3% of adults aged ≥18 years met the 2018 federal physical activity guidelines for both muscle-strengthening and
          aerobic physical activity. The percentage meeting both guidelines was highest in adults living in large central metropolitan
          (28.0%) and large fringe metropolitan areas (27.6%), followed by those living in medium and small metropolitan areas (23.4%)
          and lowest in those living in nonmetropolitan areas (18.1%).
          Source: National Center for Health Statistics, National Health Interview Survey, 2020.
          Reported by: Cynthia Reuben, MA,, 301-458-4458; Nazik Elgaddal, MS; Ellen A. Kramarow, PhD.

US Department of Health and Human Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention               MMWR / July 8, 2022 / Vol. 71 / No. 27      887
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report

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