Page created by Seth Lawson

      WOMAN           Volume 62 No 06    December 2021


      Merry Christmas
      For all Women of NSW and the ACT
Country Women’s Association of NSW Contacts
State Office                 State President                   State Vice President        cwaofnsw.handicraft@
Level 2, 244 Coward St       Stephanie Stanhope                Ann Adams, OAM    
Mascot NSW 2020              Ph: 0429 161 038                  Ph: 0428 387 753            Hospital Support
PO Box 222                  Committee Secretary
Mascot NSW 1460                                                                            Elisabeth Hodgson
                             State Honorary Secretary          State Vice President
Ph: 02 8337 0200                                                                           Ph: 02 4972 6176
                             Margaret Breust                   Judy Houghton
Fax: 02 8338 1595                                                                
                            Ph: 02 6342 3205
                             0424 685 789               Agricultural &
Honorary Editor                                                Chief Executive Officer     Environmental Committee
                             State Honorary Treasurer
Sue-Ellen Hogan                                                Danica Leys                 Secretary
                             Sharyn Buck
PO Box 1070                                                                                Toni Nugent
                             Ph: 0410 694 910                  Cultural Committee
Tamworth NSW 2340                                                                          Ph: 02 6926 1017
0409 929 632                 State International Officer       Yvonne Davis
                             Sue Armstrong                     31 Tripoli Way              “The Land” Cookery
Communications and                                             Albion Park NSW 2527
                             Ph: 0427 359 926                                              Committee Secretary
advertising                                                    Ph: 02 4256 4541
                                                          Mary Hollingworth
Leah                                                       Ph: 0429 345 255
Ph: 02 8337 0200             State Agricultural &
                                                               Show Catering Committee
communications@cwaofnsw.     Environmental Officer                       Margaret Barrett                  Secretary
                                                                                           Social Issues Committee
                             Ph: 0428 285 296                  Tracey Bonfante
Association Patron                                                                         Secretary
                                Ph: 0402 508 856
Her Excellency the                                                                         Maggie Kyle
Honourable Margaret          State Social Issues Officer                                   Ph: 0423 623 382
                                                               Handicraft Committee        maggiekyle2750@gmail.
Beazley AC QC, Governor of   Bronwyn Dunston
                                                               Secretary                   com
New South Wales              Ph: 02 6576 4070
                                                               Ruth Shanks, AM
                                                               Ph: 02 6882 4917


►► The Country Woman is the official publication of the Country Women’s Association
   of New South Wales.
                                                                                                 Honour to God
►►Average Circulation: 8,049 (September 2021)                                                 Loyalty to the Throne
                                                                                             Service to the Country
►►Article Submission Information: Members are welcome to submit articles for
  publication. Articles must be received by the 10th day of the month prior to              Through Country Women
  publication and have a limit of 150 words. Please send articles by email or post to         For Country Women
  the Editor’s home address.                                                                   By Country Women

►►The views expressed in The Country Woman are not necessarily the views of
  the Association. Acceptance of advertising for The Country Woman does not                   Photo Guidelines
  constitute endorsement of the advertisers’ products or services by the Association.
  The contents of this magazine are covered by copyright, but may be reproduced              Photos for The Country
  by any Country Women’s Association of NSW Branch or Group. The Honorary                        Woman must be
  Editor reserves the right to select and edit materials submitted for publication. No        either full sized digital
                                                                                               photos (sent via USB
  responsibility can be accepted for loss of photos.
                                                                                                 or attached to an
►►Privacy Policy: The Country Women’s Association of NSW collects members’                   email) or professionally
  personal details and maintains a database in the Association’s office. The Country            developed original
  Women’s Association of NSW will never sell or give away personal member                     prints. Photos printed
  information. Any information provided to the Association by members will only be            on home printers are
  used to assist the Association in providing and enhancing membership services and                not suitable.
  to refer new members to the Country Women’s Association of NSW.                             When posting photos
                                                                                                please do not write
                                  directly on the back of
                                                                                               photos. You may add
                   @cwaofnsw                                  labels or Post-It notes.

2  December 2021 The Country Woman
State President’s Letter                   4

                                                                                                                 Photo by Chris Krahe
CEO’s Report                               5
News from Executive                        6
Calls for Nominations                      7
More fruit & veg between meals 8
Annual General Meeting                     10
ACWW South Pacific Area                    11
Treasurer Information                      12

100 Year items                             13
Committee Reports                          14                                                             10
Creating Strong Passphrases                20
Advocacy Update                            21
Strike me pink!                            22
Welcome New Members                        23
From the Archives                          24
Sudoku                                     27
Members Contributions                      28             1

Celebrations                               29
Story of the Month                         29

                                                                        20                                24
From our Branches                          30
From our Groups                            32

From the Editor
One of my fellow branch members          colleagues emails wishing happy        role in bringing people together
recently mentioned that the smell        holidays and our phones lighting       over the holidays. Often playing
of Christmas beetles and chorus          up from constant messages in           multiple roles as event planners,
of frogs in her backyard seem to         our family group chats as we plan      travel agents, head chef and
be heralding in the holiday season       travel and celebrations and who is     communications manager. No
early this year. At the end of another   cooking what on Christmas Day.         matter what your plans are, make
fragmented and hard 12 months, I         Through my role as Honorary            sure you put aside some time to
think we should all look for those       Editor for The Country Woman           focus on yourself, reflect on the
small signs that remind us of this       this year I have once again had the    year we are leaving and your hopes
special time of year.                    opportunity to see the amazing         for the New Year. Wishing all our
Carols playing on supermarket            work the women of the CWA of           members a wonderful Christmas
speakers, the site of muted              NSW do within their communities        and very happy New Year.
Christmas lights in our neighbours       and their adaptability during tough    Anyone who believes that men are
windows and the sounds of joyous         times. I thank you for allowing me     the equal of women has never seen
laughing and faint music from            to tell the stories of your branches   a man trying to wrap a Christmas
parties extending into the night.        and groups.                            present (author unknown).
“Out-of-office” responses on our         Women play such an important           Sue-Ellen Hogan, Hon Editor
                                                                        The Country Woman  December 2021       3
State President’s Letter
                                         advocated for a fairer distribution         I look forward to the vast array of new
                                         of water rights (a vital ingredient in      motions for CWA advocacy at our
                                         many primary industries), a fair go         Centenary meeting, as we continue
                                         for those impacted by the Inland rail       to make a difference, member by
                                         proposal and most recently better           member, branch by branch, group by
                                         level crossing safety across the state.     group, across the entire state. Never
                                         Something that hasn’t changed in            underestimate the importance of
                                         the last 99 years is the importance         a lone voice raising an issue for the
                                         of our grassroots membership                entire membership to get behind.
                                         bringing to the attention of State          With Christmas and the New Year
As the year comes to an end and          Executive issues that impact them.          approaching I wish you all love and
I have been able to travel, post         In most cases, you can be assured           peace for the festive season and
lockdown, I have had time whilst         that the issues raised will impact          2022.
driving to think about where the         many people across the state.               “What is Christmas? It is the
Association has come from and            “At first people refuse to believe that a   tenderness of the past, courage for
where it is heading. There have been     strange new thing can be done, then         the present, and hope for the future.”
rumblings from some members              they begin to hope it can be done, then     —Agnes M. Pahr
about the government restrictions        they see it can be done—then it is done
placed on meetings. But as an
Association we work within the laws
                                         and all the world wonders why it was
                                         not done centuries ago.”—Frances            Stephanie
of the state, however restrictive we     Burnett.
may find them.
Some branches have been able to
utilise technology to maintain more
connections during the pandemic.
                                          Lemon and Almond Biscuits
This doesn’t have to stop but is to       Makes about 25 Biscuits
be embraced, encouraging new
generations to engage with CWA,
especially for those who can’t always     125g (4 ½ oz) butter, softened
get to meetings but want to connect       75g (1 cup) sugar
locally. Of course, the Virtual Branch
is a wonderful example of how CWA         1 teaspoon finely grated lemon zest
moves forward even before COVID           ½ teaspoon vanilla essence
Zoom meetings.
                                          150g (1 cup) plain flour
I have so much admiration for the
members of the CWA of NSW, both           50g (½ cup) ground almonds
past and present. That there are          120g (¾ cup) blanched almonds, toasted and chopped
those members who see a need and
do something about it. Much has           Extra sugar
been said about the establishment         Method
of rest rooms, maternity services,
and baby health centres. During the       1. Preheat oven to 170°C (325°F/Gas 3). Lightly grease a large baking tray.
depression years members, already         2. Beat the butter, add the sugar and beat until
struggling, would find a bit extra        pale and creamy. Add lemon zest and vanilla. Stir
to help others. Seeing a need for         in the sifted flour, ground almonds and toasted
accommodation for servicewomen            almonds.
in WWII resulted in a club for them.
Meals were provided along rural train     3. Turn out onto a lightly floured surface and roll
lines for travelling service personnel    the mixture into a log about 5cm in diameter.
as well as at Walsh Bay. Uniforms         Chill for 30 minutes then roll in extra sugar. Cut
were repaired, knitting and sewing        into about 1 cm slices. Bake for 15 minutes. Move
done. When the wool industry              position on tray and allow to cool on tray.
bottomed out, CWA was there to            Want more baking recipes? Jam Drops and
step in and promote the use of wool,      Marble Cake is available now. www.cwaofnsw.
helping to save an industry. We have

4  December 2021  The Country Woman
CEO’s Report
                                         CWA of NSW.
                                                                                  Booking on the Metro
                                         Our Awareness Week campaign
                                         recently went ahead, although in a
                                         modified fashion. We used the week       1. Go to
                                         to highlight and bring awareness         au
                                         to the need for more social and          2. Click BOOK NOW (top right
                                         affordable housing, especially for       hand side)
                                         rural women, and women over the
                                         age of 55. We were able to generate      3. Select the property you wish
                                         significant publicity on this issue      to stay at or select “Sydney CBD”
                                         and the support we received from         to see all options and enter the
Welcome to the final edition of                                                   dates required
the journal for 2021. Just when we       Mission Australia was very much
thought 2020 was one of the most         appreciated. I want to also thank all    4. Enter the CWA booking code in
difficult years we had faced in          the branches and groups who again        the “Promotional Code” section
recent times, 2021 has come along        this year, put in considerable effort    then click “Book direct and save”
and tested us even further. Much         to support the Awareness Week            5. The page will load and show
like 2020 though, as we head into        cause and advocate locally for the       the availability and rate.
the end of 2021 we are pleased to        issues that we highlighted.
                                                                                  6. Choose the hotel and room
see some semblance of normality          Our advice in relation to meetings       you’d like, then select “book”.
coming back into our everyday lives      and gatherings has been sent to
and the work that CWA of NSW             members and as it changes, we
does around the state.                   are sending updates via email as
                                         needed. By the time you receive
                                                                                  CWA of NSW closed
Despite our high hopes, the
November State Executive Meeting         this journal, we anticipate that         Facebook Group
took place online recently, instead      State Office will be back open for       CWA of NSW’s member-only
of face-to-face. We are very much        business as usual,  1  under COVID       Facebook   group       began    in
looking forward to getting back to       guidelines. We welcome members           December 2016 and now has over
in-person meetings early next year.      and committees to make use of the        2,500 members. It is a convenient
The News from Executive and other        facilities here as they wish.            way to discuss CWA-related
associated     information      should   At the end of what has been another      topics and share ideas with
be available from your relevant          challenging year I would like to take    others members.
group State Executive Committee          the time to thank our operational        If you have Facebook, you can
member and is also in this edition       team at CWA House. Thank you to          join the group by going to
of the journal. The November             Jackie, Luisa, Leah, Tracy, Elizabeth,   w w
meeting is the time that members         Ray and Laura. Also special thanks       cwaofnsw/ click join group and
of Executive discuss and consider        to Jean, Adair and Di who have           then reply to the automatic
Conference motions for next year.        moved on to other ventures               message with your branch (and
Next year, as you are all aware, is      throughout 2021. I said last year        your name if it is different from
our centenary year and associated        that 2020 had its trials from a          the name you use on Facebook).
centenary conference. The motions        work point of view but here we are
that have come through will again        again, and again they have all risen
provide much to discuss and debate       to the challenges presented and          ACWW Memberships
in our 100th year. Our planning for      continued to ensure that everything      Memberships for 2022 can be
the 2022 Conference continues and        runs smoothly, efficiently and with      paid through State Office:
with restrictions easing it is shaping   you, the members, front of mind in
up to be one of the biggest and most                                              Branches and Groups (Category 4
                                         everything that they do. I express
well-attended conferences we have                                                 Society Members)—A$70
                                         my sincere gratitude to each and
ever had. The main venue, being          every one of them and I am thankful      Individuals—A$50 for one year
Royal Randwick, is spectacular           for their continued support.             (A$150* for three years)
and there are many other exciting                                                 *The discount for three years has
initiatives planned throughout the       I wish all members and their families
                                                                                  been discontinued.
year. Our Centenary Committee and        a wonderful Christmas.
                                                                                  Application    forms     can   be
Conference Organising Committee          Danica Leys,                             downloaded from the website, or
have both been working hard to
                                         Chief Executive Officer                  email membership@cwaofnsw.
make 2022 a year to remember for

                                                                          The Country Woman  December 2021       5
News from Executive
ACWW                                     archival material.                      ▪▪ Membership     fees for branch
                                                                                    members cannot be paid or
Donations to ACWW of $22,558.10          Financial Information                      subsidised from branch funds.
included $20,000 to assist Coins
for Friendship; $485.50—Women
                                         The operational budget for 2022
                                         was approved.
                                                                                 ▪▪ Branches should hold only
Walk the World; $593.85 for ACWW                                                    one working account and one
General Fund and $5 for a Little         Medical Research                           investment account. If a further
Book of Graces. As agreed, and           Recipient                                  account is required, approval
voted at the State Conference in                                                    needs to be obtained from the
                                         The recipient of the Medical               State Executive Committee prior
May, a further $10,000 was donated
                                         Research grant funding for 2021-           to these being opened Ref: T 1-6-
to Mrs Gail Commens, South Pacific
                                         2022 is Prof Pradeep Tanwa,                720
Area President for ACWW Projects.
                                         University of Newcastle. Prof Tanwa
In   August,    the    International     will be invited to speak on Ovarian     ▪▪ A Group Treasurer’s Zoom
Committee donated $2,000 towards         Cancer and accept funding at next          meeting will be organised in late
the ACWW Women’s Empowerment             year’s Centenary Conference.               November and an online CWA
Fund, earmarked for projects in                                                     Money workshop will be run for
the South East and the Far East          Medical Research &                         Treasurers in early December. In
ACWW Area—with an emphasis on            Primary Product                            person Treasurer’s Workshops
supporting projects in Malaysia.                                                    will recommence next year. If
                                         These will be chosen by State
                                                                                    your Group would like to request
Centenary Postcards                      Executive after the last postponed
                                                                                    a workshop, please send an email
                                         Group AGM has been held.
Phillip Group is inviting all                                                       to
branches to send the CWA of NSW          Membership
a postcard wishing the Association                                               Dates for Executive
                                         Life memberships were considered.
congratulations for 100 years and a      Full details will be made available     Meetings 2022
short anecdote about your branch.        later.                                  ▪▪ 14-16 February
Please ensure your writing is legible.
Each card will be scanned and            Potts Point Grants
                                                       1                         ▪▪ 1 May (pre-conference)
made into an eBook to share with         Grants were approved by the             ▪▪ 18-20 July
branches, and a visual display will
                                                                                 ▪▪ 14-16 November
                                         Property     Subcommittee    and
be shown at Conference. Inquiries        awarded to Wingham, Dungog-
to Diana Whitton 100postcards22@         Clarence Town, Goulburn, Ganmain        Deadlines for agenda material and send cards to 297/9        and Manilla Branches.                   are strictly two weeks prior to
Crystal St, Waterloo 2017 by the end                                             any Executive meeting. Items not
of December or ASAP. Do not sent
                                         State Conference                        received by this due date will be
to State Office.                         The State Conference for 2023 will      held over until the next meeting.
                                         be held in Bathurst.
Centenary Logo                                                                   Only Conference matters are
The CWA of NSW’s centenary logo
                                         2022 State Conference                   considered at the pre-conference
is only to be used for standalone        Raffle                                  Executive meeting.
centenary events that specifically       The State Conference raffle is to
celebrate      CWA’s       100-year      help raise funds to hold the State
anniversary. The logo can also be        Conference. Please promote tickets
used, in line with existing style        sales which can be purchased            Garry Prize Essay
guidelines, on social media and          online through RaffleLink: https://     Entries for the Garry Prize are to
printed collateral such as branch/        be sent to the Editor, Sue-Ellen
group newsletters and letterhead         raffle                                  Hogan by 15th February.
to celebrate CWA’s 100-year
anniversary.                             State Education Grants                  The topic is “Women in
                                         There were 41 State Education           Leadership. Would having more
CWAA                                     grants and one palliative nurse         women in leadership roles benefit
In the final stages of winding up.       grant, totalling $21,450.               our communities? How can we
CWA of NSW has been asked to hold                                                empower women to take on
the funds for the Rural and Remote       State Treasurer                         leadership roles?”
Nursing and Midwifery grant which        Treasurers need to remember:
                                                                                 Essays are to be 500 words in
is offered with the National Rural        ▪▪ Receipts must be written for        length (not including title). Open
Health Alliance and CRANAplus                cash, cheque or online, no matter   to members only.
every year, as well as store some            how small.
6  December 2021  The Country Woman
Calls for Nominations
Annual General Meeting, Royal            membership and champion the               generally. When formulating a
Randwick, 2–5 May 2022                   Association’s issues and concerns         response, the Committee refers
                                         to federal, state, local government       to the submission’s Terms of
Nominations for the following
                                         and non-government organisations          Reference and related Association
positions will close with the Chief
                                         as well as the general public. The        policy and submissions. Input to
Executive Officer at close of
                                         State President is the voice of the       inquiries must reflect the policy of
business on Friday, 18 February
                                         CWA of NSW and offers a public            the CWA of NSW.
2022 in accordance with Rule XXIV
                                         face to represent all CWA members.
(a):                                                                               State Vice Presidents’ Job
                                         The role of the State President is
State President
                                         to ensure that the Association’s          Description
State Honorary Secretary                 organisational     purpose      and       The role of a State Vice President
State Honorary Treasurer                 strategic direction is met, and the       is to assist and support the State
State Agricultural & Environmental       survival of the Association over          President at all times. This includes
Officer                                  time. The President works with the        representing the State President
                                         State Executive (who are elected to       as requested at CWA or outside
State International Officer              represent the members) to ensure          functions and/or forums.
State Social Issues Officer              that the Association’s aims and
                                                                                   It is a Vice President’s role to
State Vice Presidents (two positions     objectives are met and the members
                                                                                   keep up to date on current
available)                               are supported.
                                                                                   issues pertaining to this portfolio
Note:                                    The State President chairs the            (including     government     policy
                                         Annual General Meeting and State          and/or legislation), to bring any
A member nominated for State             Executive Meetings.                       such issues to the notice of State
President must be living or have
                                         It is essential for the State President   Office Bearers, and to follow up on
lived in rural or regional areas and
                                         to be computer literate and               responses to CWA communications
have had three years’ experience
                                         confident with the use of smart           relating to the portfolio.
representing a group on Executive,
                                         phones, tablets and  1 email/internet     State Vice Presidents attend all
in accordance with Regulation 18.
                                         which are tools used to assist her in     State Office Bearer meetings as
Each of the two Vice Presidents          her duties.                               convened by the State President
must have previously served on the
                                                                                   and also attend Executive meetings.
Executive Committee for at least 12      State Social Issues Officer’s
months, and will be elected from                                                   In their capacity as members, State
                                         Job Description                           Vice Presidents are responsible for
the State Executive Committee
members or the retiring Officers of      The State Social Issues Officer is a      ensuring that Executive decisions
the Association, in accordance with      State Office Bearer, a Member of the      are    supported      and  relayed
Rule XXIV (b).                           State Executive Committee, Chair          accurately to members.
                                         of the Social Issues Committee
The nomination form for the above                                                  It is essential that the Vice
                                         and reports directly to the State
positions is available from the                                                    Presidents be computer literate,
                                         President. It is essential that the
Procedures Manual (F 10-1-716), is                                                 and have email facilities.
                                         Social Issues Officer be computer
also found on the website or upon
                                         literate, have email facilities and
request from State Office.                                                          Primary Product for 2022
                                         have a good understanding of social
Please complete the form and             issues.                                    Product      nominations     go
attach the following:                                                               through branch and group to
                                         The State Social Issues Officer
 ▪▪ A passport size photo                must be proactive in searching             State Executive for decision
 ▪▪ A list of branch, group and state    appropriate government websites            Due to a delay in some Group
    positions held                       for potential issues the CWA may           Conferences,     the   Primary
 ▪▪ A citation (a 200 word limit         wish to comment on.                        Product will be annouced in the
                                                                                    February Journal.
    applies. Entries will be edited if   The Social Issues Committee is to
    over the limit).                     respond to proposed legislation or
                                         changes to current legislation which            State Office Closure
State President’s Job                    is being considered by either State
Description                              or Federal Governments which, in                     The State Office will
                                         the opinion of the State Executive,                  close on 24th December
The State President’s role is                                                                   and will reopen on
to represent the Association’s           will or may affect the Association
                                         or its members or family welfare                          10th January.

                                                                           The Country Woman  December 2021         7
More fruit and veggies between meals
Keen to boost your snack game          ▪▪ Pumpkin,     leek and feta mini
with foods that are both tasty and        frittata (see recipe)
good for you? You’ve come to the       ▪▪ Mini falafel balls with tzatziki dip
right place! We’ve pulled together
30 ideas to help you enjoy healthier
                                       ▪▪ Garlic spiced or honey spiced
                                          oven roasted chickpeas
and more satisfying snacks.
                                       ▪▪ Savoury tomato toast (see recipe)
Fruit and veg-based snacks are
perfect for a grumbling belly
                                       ▪▪ Corn bread
because they keep us full for longer   ▪▪ Mini savoury muffins with roast        ▪▪ Date muesli slice (see recipe)
and give us an all-important boost        pumpkin and rosemary, sweet            ▪▪ Blueberry and banana bread
of nutrition. It’s recommended that       potato and cheese, or carrot and       ▪▪ Tropical fruit jellies.
most adults aim for five serves of        parsnip.
vegetables and two serves of fruit     Wholegrain crackers with fruit            Top tips for healthy
every day but few are meeting          and veggie toppings                       snacking habits
these targets. Snacking on fruit and
                                       Wholegrain crackers are higher            Think about why you’re snacking.
veggies between main meals can
                                       in fibre than plain crackers, which       Check in with your body. Are you
edge you closer—and every serve
                                       means they will keep you full             actually feeling hungry, or is there
                                       for longer. Add on some healthy           another reason for wanting a snack?
We’ve rounded up some tasty fruit      toppings and you have got yourself        If it’s a while until your next main
and veggie snack ideas to help         a satisfying and nutritious snack!        meal and your tummy is grumbling,
supercharge your snacks.               Just remember to keep an eye on           a healthy snack can keep you
                                       your portion sizes.                       going. But if you’re thinking of food
Savoury snack ideas                                                              because you’re bored, in need of a
                                       Top your crackers with:
If you find yourself going for chips                                             distraction or stressed, a non-food
and other savoury snacks, here are      ▪▪ Avocado, tomato and red onion         solution might be a wiser approach.
some healthier choices to try. For      ▪▪ Hummus and cucumber
                                                           1                     Know when you’re eating. If you’re
packaged snacks, look for options       ▪▪ Ricotta cheese and tomato             snacking often, think about what’s
that are salt-reduced or have no
added salt.
                                        ▪▪ Smashed black beans and tomato        going on at breakfast, lunch and
                                           salsa                                 dinner. Eating regular healthy main
Quick veggie snacks                     ▪▪ Slices of boiled eggs or egg salad    meals can help you feel fuller for
                                        ▪▪ Corn, tomato and tinned tuna
                                                                                 longer, limiting the need for snacks
Veggies can make a quick and                                                     in between.
healthy savoury snack. Why not             salad.
give these ideas a go?                                                           Make healthy choices easier. Give
                                       Sweet snack ideas
 ▪▪ Sliced capsicum, carrot and                                                  yourself a helping hand by keeping
                                                                                 healthier snack choices more
    cucumber       with     beetroot   There are lots of naturally sweet
    hummus, guacamole, sweet           and healthy snacks to choose from.        visible—for example, put a bowl
    potato dip, baba ghanoush          Remember to look for options that         of fruit or clear containers of pre-
    (roasted eggplant dip), tomato     are low in added sugar if you’re          sliced veggies sticks at eye level in
    salsa or bean dip                  buying packaged snacks.                   the fridge for quick access.

 ▪▪ Celery sticks with thinly spread   Quick sweet snacks                        Snack mindfully. When we eat our
                                       ▪▪ An apple, mandarin, orange,
    nut butter                                                                   meals and snacks mindfully, we not
 ▪▪ Cherry tomatoes                       banana or any type of fruit
                                                                                 only enjoy them more, but we are
                                                                                 also able to pay attention to feelings
 ▪▪ Corn on the cob                    ▪▪ A small tub of natural yoghurt         of hunger and fullness, which helps
 ▪▪ Small can of baked beans              topped with frozen berries             avoid overeating.
 ▪▪ Freshly     popped      popcorn    ▪▪ Sliced apple with cheese               Watch your total kilojoule intake.
    flavoured with herbs and spices,   ▪▪ Slice pear with thinly spread nut      Snacks can quickly add up to lots
Cooked veggie snacks                      butter                                 of extra kilojoules in our diet. When
With a little bit of planning and
                                       ▪▪ Fruit skewers or fruit salad           we eat more kilojoules than our
                                                                                 body needs, it can lead to weight
preparation, these veggie snacks       Cooked sweet snacks
                                                                                 gain over time. Choosing healthy
can take your snack game to a           ▪▪ Apple or blueberry mini pikelets      snacks helps to satisfy hunger, keep
whole new level.
                                        ▪▪ Fruit muffins (see recipe)            your kilojoule intake in check, and
 ▪▪ Zucchini and corn mini fritters                                              give you a nutrient boost.
8  December 2021  The Country Woman
Pumpkin, leek and feta mini frittata
Ingredients                            Method
olive or canola oil spray              Preheat oven to 200°C (180°C fan forced). Spray a 12-hole, ½-cup capacity
1 leek, white part only, cut           muffin pan with oil, set aside. Spray a non-stick frying pan with oil and place
lengthways and finely sliced           on medium heat. Add leek and cook for 3 minutes, stirring occasionally,
600g peeled pumpkin, cut into 1 cm     until softened. Add pumpkin, spray with oil and stir to coat vegetables. Add
cubes                                  ½ cup water, cover pan and steam for 10 minutes until just tender. In a
6 eggs, lightly beaten                 medium sized jug, whisk together eggs and milk. Season with black pepper.
⅓ cup low-fat milk                     Remove pumpkin mixture from heat and stir through feta and basil. Place
95g reduced-fat feta cheese, cut       muffin pan on a flat baking tray then spoon pumpkin mixture evenly into 12
into 5mm cubes                         holes. Carefully pour over egg mixture to almost fill muffin holes. Bake for
¾ cup chopped basil leaves             25 minutes, or until firm and golden. Cool in the pan for 5 minutes before
small green salad, to serve            turning on a wire rack. Serve warm or cold with a green salad or wrap and
                                       pack into a lunchbox.
Savoury Tomato Toast
Ingredients                            Method
400 grams canned tomatoes (no          Heat tomatoes and juice in small saucepan for 5 to 7 minutes on medium
added salt)                            heat. Stir in breadcrumbs, cheese, dried basil and pepper and simmer for
¼ cup reduced fat cheddar cheese,      two minutes. Remove from heat. Toast bread and divide tomato mixture
grated                                 between each. Cut into squares and serve immediately.
1 teaspoon dried basil
                                       Tip: Make your own breadcrumbs by removing the crusts from day-old
1 cup wholegrain breadcrumbs
                                       wholegrain bread slices and cut into cubes. Transfer the cubes to the
Pepper to season
                                       bowl of a food processor and process until finely chopped. Freeze left over
4 slices wholegrain bread, toasted
                                       breadcrumbs in a sealable plastic bag and freeze up to three months.

Fruity muffins
Ingredients                           Method             1

olive or canola oil spray             Preheat oven to 200ºC (180ºC fan forced). Lightly
1½ cups wholemeal flour               spray muffin tins with oil or line with paper cases.
½ teaspoon baking powder              Sift flour, baking powder and bicarbonate of soda
½ teaspoon bicarbonate of soda        into a large bowl, returning the husk remaining
1 tablespoon caster sugar             in the sieve to the bowl. Add sugar, bran, oats,
½ cup bran (wheat germ or Allbran©    sultanas and apple and mix until well combined.
may be used)                          Place buttermilk, egg and mashed bananas in a
½ cup rolled oats                     bowl and mix with a fork. Pour banana mixture
½ cup sultanas                        into dry ingredients and gently fold together
1 medium apple, diced, skin left on   until just combined. Spoon into prepared muffin pan. Bake until firm (15
¾ cup buttermilk                      minutes for mini muffins or 20 minutes for larger ones). You’ll know they
1 egg                                 are ready when a knife can be inserted into the centre and comes out clean.
2 medium ripe bananas, mashed         Allow to cool in tin for 5 minutes then turn onto a wire rack.
Date muesli slice
Ingredients                            Method
olive or canola oil spray              Preheat oven to 180ºC (160ºC fan forced). Lightly spray a slice tin (approx.
2 medium apples, core removed,         25 x 30cm) with oil. Add apple, water, margarine and dates to a small
coarsely grated with skin left on      saucepan and bring to the boil. Reduce heat, cover and simmer for a further
⅓ cup water (80ml)                     5 minutes until the apple is soft. Cook uncovered for a further 5 minutes
¼ cup margarine (50g)                  and stir occasionally until mixture thickens to a paste-like consistency.
2 cups dates, seeds removed            While apple and date mixture is cooking, place muesli in a large frypan. Stir
2 cups natural muesli                  over low heat for 5 minutes until lightly browned. Sift flours into a large
½ cup plain flour                      bowl, returning husk remaining in the sieve to the bowl. Add cinnamon and
½ cup wholemeal plain flour            muesli to the flours and mix to combine. Stir into the date mixture then
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon             spoon into prepared tin. Bake for 20 minutes until firm. Cool in tin before
                                       cutting into 32 slices.

More at: © State of Queensland (Queensland Health). Printed with permission.
                                                                       The Country Woman  December 2021           9
Annual General Meeting
The 2022 Annual General Meeting
will be held 2-5 May 2022 at
Royal Randwick. The Organising
Committee is already working
hard to ensure our Centenary
Conference will be a huge success
and one to remember. As always,
the Association is keeping updated

                                                                                                                             Photo by Chris Krahe
with specific requirements that are
published by the NSW Government
which relate to the COVID-19
pandemic. Information regarding
guidelines and possible restrictions
will be shared as it comes to             held in the world-class prestigious        disabled parking spot, please notify
hand. A COVID Safety Plan will be         member’s only area in the QE2              Lyn Braico, 0422 580 922, rlbraico@
implemented to ensure the safety          Grandstand,      with    everything
of all Conference delegates and           at hand to ensure a memorable
attendees.                                centenary Conference. Committee            Private/Group Buses
                                          displays will be held on site in the       There will be a designated drop off
Randwick                                  Kensington Room on the ground              area for your Group buses. Please
Randwick is a suburb in the Eastern       floor of the QE2 Grandstand.               let Lyn Braico or Sharyn Buck know
Suburbs of Sydney and is located          The Ecumenical Church Service will         in advance if you are organising a
6 km south-east of the Sydney             be held at 4.00 pm on Sunday, 1 May        bus from your Zone.
CBD. The main commercial area             at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart
is centred on Belmore Road with           Church (OLSH), 193 Avoca Street,
                                                                                     State Conference Raffle
a range of retail stores and two          Randwick.                                  The 2022 State Conference online
shopping centres. Coogee Beach is 1                          1
                                                                                     raffle is now live. You can purchase
km away and The Spot is located at        Transport                                  tickets at
the Perouse and St Pauls Rd junction                                                 cwaofnsw-conf-raffle Please assist
                                          A dedicated light-rail service runs to
with popular restaurants, cafes and                                                  and promote the raffle as much as
                                          the doorstep of Royal Randwick on
recreational facilities.                                                             possible.
                                          Alison Road. Buses also run between
Weather in April to June                  the city and Eastern Suburbs with
                                                                                     Conference Lunches
                                          easy proximity to the airport.
The average temperatures range                                                       No external food or beverages can
from 11°C at night to 20°C during         Royal Randwick Parking                     be brought into the Royal Randwick
the day.                                                                             precinct but members can bring
                                          A multi-storey car park is situated
                                                                                     your own water bottles as there will
Accommodation                             next to the QE2 Grandstand. A
                                          $40 parking pass will be available         be water refill stations. Choices for
The Eastern Suburbs of Sydney has         for pre-purchase by CWA of NSW             pre-ordered lunch options will be
a wide range of accommodation             members, which will be valid for           available from Monday to Thursday
options to suit any taste or budget.      multiple entries and exits from            at Conference. Further information
The public transport network will         Sunday through to Friday morning.          will be in the February 2022 issue of
also allow you to stay anywhere in        You must pre-book this pass,               The Country Woman.
the Sydney area.                          otherwise, the parking fee is $10.00
                                          per day, subject to availability. A link
                                                                                     Gala Event
                                          for the pass will be made available        The Gala Dinner will be held at the
Royal Randwick is Australia’s longest     soon. A parking pass will also give        conclusion of Conference on the
standing racing venue and has been        you the option of leaving your car in      evening of Thursday, 5 May 2022
part of Australian culture since 1833.    the carpark for the entire time and        in the Royal Randwick Ballroom in
Queen Elizabeth II visited in 1954,       commuting to and from your local           the QE2 Grandstand. Gala Dinner
1970 and 1992 and it was after her        accommodation. This may work               tickets must be paid for in advance.
final visit that she officially granted   out the cheapest and easiest way to        Tickets are non-refundable and
permission to call the racecourse,        park and explore Sydney!                   GST inclusive. Tickets can be
Royal Randwick. The ethos is that                                                    purchased via TryBooking using
                                          If you hold a Mobility Parking
each event for guests is befitting of                                                this link: https://www.trybooking.
                                          Scheme Permit and require a
this Royal standard. The AGM will be                                                 com/BVTPR
10  December 2021  The Country Woman
Expo/Workshops                           hosting several “Fun Tours on Foot”     Volunteers for Conference
                                         on Thursday afternoon at the close
Workshops will not be available at       of business. This will involve public   If you are not a delegate and are
the conclusion of the centenary          transport and pre-registering to        coming along to Conference,
Conference.                              give an idea of numbers. The fun        perhaps you can spare some time
                                         tours will require medium level         helping in the display area, selling
Tours                                                                            raffle tickets onsite or in some
                                         activity to access public transport
As the centenary Conference is in        and move about the city to places of    other way? Please let Lyn Braico or
Sydney, specific tours will not be       interest. Some may include visiting     Sharyn Buck know if you can assist.
organised so you can explore at your     places like The Sydney Town
leisure. Philip Group ladies will be
                                                                                 2022 AGM Pull-out
                                                     Hall, Sydney Opera
                                                     House, The Rocks and        The February 2022 issue of The
                                                     Barangaroo. In addition,    Country Women will hold the
                                                     local commercial tours      Information Pull-out. This will be
                                                     such as “Hop On/Hop         used by your branch to discuss
                                                     Off” buses, day trips       motions and to provide advance
                                                     to places of interest,      information for delegates (and
                                                     fishing tours, various      observers). Only delegates will
                                                     public museums and          receive further information upon
                                                     galleries, and Taronga      registration at Royal Randwick.
                                                     Zoo are available, so       Observers need to keep a hold of
                                                     please allow a bit of       the pull-out for reference at the
                                                     time to enjoy all Sydney    AGM.
                                                     has to offer.

 ACWW South Pacific Area
Dear members,                            to vote on extending the World          five Fijian fire victims and $1,505
                                         Conference to 17-25 May 2023 in         for Irekenrao Country Women
I am writing this on a wet day in
                                         Malaysia.                               Organisation in Kiribati, for a
November and though we have had
                                                                                 nutrition and weight loss program.
more rain than we need this time of      I visited Murrumbidgee-Lachlan
year, my thoughts and sympathy lies      Group and spoke with them               I would like to thank all who send
with those in the North and Central      about laying the foundations            in stamps for sale and would advise
areas of the state who are now           for the ACWW South Pacific              that the Belconnen Branch also has
experiencing floods. We certainly        Area Conference in Griffith 9-13        a buyer for used and new postcards
live in a country of diverse climates.   September 2024.                         so send them in as well.
I have not written in some time and I    Although not travelling I have still    Last week I attended the South
blame COVID-19 for this as we seem       been able to support the following      West Group’s 90th birthday. A great
to be blaming it on everything else      projects:                               day and how lovely to actually see,
at the moment. I have not travelled       ▪▪ Voice For Change PNG—sewing         talk and touch people again.
to the Islands since December 2019.          classes and teaching machine        It has been a dreadful couple of
However, I have been on the                  maintenance                         years and I pray that everyone will
internet     daily    communicating       ▪▪El-Bethal 24 Hour Prayer             have their two vaccinations so that
with members—particularly in the             Interchurch    group,     PNG—a     we will all be able to mix together
Islands where COVID has hit them             water tank                          again in the not too distant future.
hard. I am constantly on Zoom             ▪▪ Aloua Ma’a Tonga, Tonga—five        I sympathise with those who have
webinars or Teams meetings and               water tanks                         lost loved ones during this time and
though it keeps us up-to-date it
certainly doesn’t give the same
                                          ▪▪ Mubalu Women of Hope, PNG—          pray that you are being supported
                                                                                 by family and friends.
                                             hygiene training in surrounding
feeling as real face-to-face.
                                             villages (on hold at present        Minhi and I would also like to wish
It was nice having some “teas”               because of COVID-19)                you and yours a joyous Christmas
with the World President online           ▪▪ Catholic Women’s League Fiji—       and a New Year hopefully, COVID
and being able to log on to the UN           vegetable growing and health/       safe.
CSW meeting on the commission of             hygiene training in three areas     Gail Commens
the status of women in March. We                                                 ACWW South Pacific Area
all were able to join a short Zoom       Funded    from    the    stamp
                                         account—$3,363.52 was given to          President
                                                                   The Country Woman  December 2021             11
Treasurer Information
Welcome to all the incoming                   and changes                            Conference       and    State-wide
Treasurers and thank you to all the       10. Enjoy your role, and I encourage       Raffles G11-8-720
outgoing Treasures for your hard              all Treasurers to try CWA Money     ▪▪ Charitable Fundraising Authority
work during your term of office.              when they can, once up-and-            G11-10-720
Treasurers Top Ten                            running it will make reconciling    ▪▪ Crowdfunding Policy G11-11-720
                                              your cash book against your
                                              bank statement and your
                                                                                  ▪▪ Treasurers Information T1-1-717
                                                                                     to T1-10-712, covering topics:
1.   Receipt all income into the              monthly annual reporting a lot
     branch no matter how small on            easier.                                  ▫▫ Fundraising       and       its
     the day you receive the monies,
     this includes all direct payments    Where do I find the                          ▫▫ GST
     into the branches account—the        information relating to the                  ▫▫ Raffles
     receipt is dated for the day this    Treasurers role?                             ▫▫ Treasurers four essential
     was received.                                                                        books/electronic banking
2.   Pass all accounts for payment at
                                          CWA of NSW Procedure Manual—                 ▫▫ Cash Books/CWA Money
     your branch meeting (if a utility
                                          Branches should maintain an up-
                                          to-date copy of the Procedures or
                                                                                       ▫▫ Account          Signatories/
     falls due prior to the meeting                                                       Treasurers Report
     please pay for this and ratify the
                                          have the electronic version available
                                          at Branch meetings. You can also
                                                                                       ▫▫ Late           Fees/Property
     payment at the next meeting)                                                         Maintenance             Fund/
                                          access the Procedures Manual on
                                                                                          Association Donations
3. Reconcile your books every             the CWA of NSW website: www.
   month and if they do not                                   ▫▫ Special Projects/Pecuniary
   balance seek help                                                                      Interest/Conflict of Interest

4.   Present the reconciled bank
                                          Treasurers       Workshops—these             ▫▫ Establishing/Terminating an
                                          are advised through your group,                 Education Grant
     statement against your cash
     books in your Treasurers report
                                          State Treasurers Report, E-news
                                          and Facebook. Currently I have run
                                                                                       ▫▫ Square Device
     at each meeting                                        1
                                          online formats and hopefully we         ▪▪ Explanation of Financial Cash
                                                                                     Books T 2-1-719
5.   When counting money at a             will be able to run face-to-face as
     function/event, please have a        soon as all travelling restrictions     ▪▪ Petty Cash/Debit Cards T2-10-
     second person count this with        have lifted.                               719
     you (not a relative) on the day      Copies of presentations can be          ▪▪ Pecuniary Interest Register T3-3
     and preferably prior to leaving      downloaded under the Treasurers         ▪▪ Register of Assets T3-4
     the function/event                   Workshop PowerPoints in the             ▪▪ Group and Branch Payments to
6. When a payment is made write           downloads section of the website.          State Office T4-1-721
   the cheque number (or online
                                          Procedures that are                     ▪▪ Goods and Service Tax (GST) T5-
   payment number) and date on                                                       1-717
   the invoice/receipt when it has        relevant to Treasurers                  ▪▪ Grants and GST T5-2-717
   been paid                              ▪▪ Branch Treasurer G2-4-712            ▪▪ CWA Money for Branch’s and for
7.   Use the Explanation of the           ▪▪ Group Treasurer G3-3-719                Groups can be downloaded from
     Financial Cash Books in the
     Procedures Manual as your
                                          ▪▪ Retention of Records G5-1               the CWA website.
     cheat sheets for what column         ▪▪ Contributions to Special Funds       Who can I contact if I need
     to place your transactions              G10-1-715
                                          ▪▪ Contributions and Donations          help?
8. There is a wealth of information
                                             G10-2-719                            Help is always available. The
   in the Procedures Manual
   for Treasurers, and I would            ▪▪ Other Targets for Donation G10-      outgoing Treasurer should provide
                                             3-717                                a handover and support to the
   encourage all Treasurers to
   read and be familiar with              ▪▪ Disaster Relief Fund G10-4-719       incoming Treasurer. Your Group
                                                                                  Treasurer is available for help and
   this, updates to the manual            ▪▪ NSW Fair Trading Charitable          assistance. The State Treasurer
   occur every July after State              Fundraising Act 1991 G11-1-710       is available should further help or
                                          ▪▪ Fundraising Details G11-2-1107       assistance be needed.
9. Please make sure you receive           ▪▪ Guessing Competition and             Sharyn Buck,
   a copy of the Honorary State              Raffles G11-3-710
   Treasurers report for updates                                                  State Treasurer
                                          ▪▪ Raffle Procedures for State
12  December 2021  The Country Woman
100 Year items
                                          100 Year badge
                                          A great addition to any badge collection, the 100 year badge features a
                                          prominent “100” with “Country Women’s Association NSW” surrounded
                                          by gold plate leaves with the years 1922-2022 across the top in blue.
                                          Measures 2.7cm across.
                                          Wear with other CWA badges or on its own.
                                          $8 each.
                                          Postage additional.

100 Year tea towel
This tea towel features a traditional woman and a modern woman with
the 100 Year logo. The background features words that reflect CWA of
NSW such as women, friendship, community and serving. A great way to
celebrate the centenary. Branches and Groups can purchase a pack of 20
at a discounted price to sell in their area.
Measures: 70cm x 50cm. 100% Cotton.
$12 each. Branches and groups can purchase a pack of 20 for $160.
Postage additional.

                                          100 Year stemless wineglass
                                          A stylish 500ml stemless wineglass featuring the 100 Year logo etched
                                          onto the glass. Makes a beautiful gift or buy one for yourself! Each glass
                                          comes in its own box.
                                          $15 each.
                                          These are too fragile to be posted so must be picked up at CWA State
                                          Office. They will also be available at the State Conference in 2022, so why
                                          not plan to take one home with you?

100 Year history book
A beautiful keepsake, the CWA of NSW’s history book tells stories from
1922 to modern times. Author Liz Harfull has been dutifully working to put
together this comprehensive history book for the centenary.
Title and further information to be announced.
Available May 2022.
Liz Harfull is passionate about telling the stories and unearthing the histories
of the extraordinary, everyday people who make up our communities,
especially in rural and regional Australia.

Postage costs
Download an order form at which calculates the prices and postage for you.
Or you can shop online and the postage will be added at the checkout.

                                                                          The Country Woman  December 2021       13
Agricultural & Environmental
Hello to you all. As I write this         shortages that may impact the           NSW. Helen will keep us informed.
report I am finding it difficult to       current harvest, being able to meet
                                                                                  Could you all please refer to your
believe that we are fast approaching      COVID guidelines and inland rail
                                                                                  Procedures Manual in regards to
the end of 2021 and wondering what        updates. I attended an Inland Rail
                                                                                  the criteria for all competition
I have been doing since our Annual        Committee which certainly opened
                                                                                  and submission dates to avoid
Conference in Bega.                       my eyes as to what is happening or
                                                                                  disappointment of your entry
                                          not happening as well as the issues
What a learning experience it has                                                 being late and not being able to be
                                          and concerns that he landholders
been for me, technology is not my                                                 included in the judging.
                                          are facing particularly in the North
forte; however, I have been forced
                                          Star area.                              Due to COVID-19 and some
to overcome my reservations
                                                                                  branches still not being able to hold
and have gained knowledge and             I recently attended Foundation Day
                                                                                  their AGMs, the Primary Product
confidence. How lucky are we to be        at Tocal Collage and was privileged
                                                                                  for study in 2022 has not yet been
able to continue having meetings          to tour and attend the opening of
                                                                                  decided, you will be notified as soon
and dealing with issues that are          their new enterprise Tocal Honey
                                                                                  as this has been decided.
near and dear to all. Thank you to        Bee Enterprise Research and
all groups who have sent through          Training facility, followed by the      Please do not hesitate to send
their group reports and it’s great        launch of the third book depicting      through any questions or queries
to see that our members have been         the history of Tocal and its previous   that you may have and I’ll do my
doing as much as possible during          owners.                                 best to answer them for you.
the COVID restrictions.
                                          CWA of NSW were asked to have           Wishing you all a safe and happy
Over the past few months I have           a representative on the Program         Christmas.
attended a couple of Department           Reference Group for the NSW
                                                                                  Margaret Barrett, Agricultural
of Primary Industry meetings via          Farm Safety Advisory Program and
Zoom that have dealt with issues          I would like to thank Helen Rich for    & Environmental Officer
around the mouse plague, labour           volunteering to represent CWA of

 The Land Cookery Report
Due to COVID-19 we decided to             Our Committee has recently              most important ingredient! It’s very
cancel our November meeting in            prepared a survey for all our Group     disappointing for everyone to have
Sydney. While there was nothing           Cookery Officers who have liaised       magnificent entries that cannot be
pressing requiring a face-to-             with Branch Cookery Officers to         judged due to the size, etc, so treat
face meeting, be assured The              gain insight into the contribution of   the schedule like your bible! It was
Land Cookery are busy online:             cooking trends, etc, throughout NSW     printed in the June edition and is
Zooming and emailing to ensure the        and the ACT. We hope responses          available on The Land Cookery page
competition runs smoothly on all          will be received from all groups as     of the website:
levels. The schedule is traditionally     we plan new initiatives, particularly   au/cookery
arranged at the November meeting          encouraging our younger bakers.
                                                                                  There are some free TAFE courses
but as the printing isn’t being done      Information received will be used to
                                                                                  available   currently,  e.g.   food
by The Land, we have the rare luxury      prepare a more specific survey for
                                                                                  handling which will be very helpful
of more time so it will be finalised at   early 2022. We especially thank the
                                                                                  with catering at CWA events. Please
our January meeting.                      Group Cookery Officers for ensuring
                                                                                  do take advantage of the excellent
                                          that cooking is very popular and
Our 100 Year Land Cookery                                                         training opportunity.
                                          enjoyable competition, encouraging
Committee Memorabilia has been
                                          new branch officers along with the      The Land Cookery Committee is
ordered and will be available at
                                          generous sharing of ideas, recipes      committed to delivering another
Conference. The cost will be $8 each
                                          and skills.                             enjoyable The Land Cookery
or 4 for $30. It’s very exciting and we
                                                                                  Competition at the 2022 State
know each one of our CWA members          Also, an important reminder that
                                                                                  Conference in Sydney, hopefully
will want at least one, likely more!      you need to use the 250ml jar for
                                                                                  with record entries in the centenary
See coupon for details on how to          your Group and State Conference
pre-order and collection will be at       competition for 2022. In all your
conference. They won’t be available       CWA baking, we cannot stress            Yours in CWA,
until then. Unfortunately we cannot       enough the importance of reading        Denise Hawdon,Chairperson
post so it’s a “click and collect”.       the schedule which is perhaps the
14  December 2021  The Country Woman
Social Issues Report
Hello members,                           ▪▪ KWOOP                                 items for girls. We all have been in
The Social Issues Committee has          ▪▪ Aged Care Roundtable                  that situation when we have been
                                                                                  “caught short” at that time of the
received the following issues to         ▪▪ Stop it at the Start                  month. Young girls are feeling the
                                                                                  pressure—they cannot play sport
 ▪▪ Mouse plague and effect on           The Committee is investigating and
                                         planning to hold some webinars on        or don’t attend school and have
    mental health                                                                 increase mental health issues. At
                                         the following topics: wills, power
▪▪ Lymphoedema                           of attorney, enduring guardianship       this stage CWA of NSW do not
▪▪ Bins for men                          and advanced directive care plans.       have any policies around schools,
                                                                                  both public and private, for state
                                         We will have the appropriate experts
▪▪Difficulty    in      obtaining
                                         in these fields explaining what, how     government to supply sanitary
  vaccination certificate from                                                    items. Some schools provide the
                                         and why these documents need
  Services NSW                                                                    “hole in the wall” machines but
                                         to be updated and/or completed.
▪▪ Housing for health staff in rural     Hopefully these will start early next    these are not maintained, some
  and regional areas                     year.                                    machines you need to pay for items.
▪▪ Roll bars on quad bikes               We’ve   received       correspondence    The Committee has received one
▪▪ Dire housing situation for women      from:                                    application for the Palliative Nurse
  over 55 years and the need for                                                  grant. This is the last year for this
                                         Australian Suicide Prevention            grant; however the Committee
  affordable housing                     Foundation on a new initiative they      has asked State Executive to have
We are still      following     issues   are starting: In Tough Times Text        this grant extended for another
regarding:                               (ITTT). They would like to invite        three years. The Committee will
▪▪ Homelessness                          members to watch a short video (1
                                         minute 39 seconds) explaining how
                                                                                  endeavour to actively promote
▪▪ Domestic Family Violence              to use ITTT (
                                                                                  this grant through the Nursing and
                                                                                  Midwives Association and Palliative
▪▪ Aged care                             com/watch?v=uOS2-ZRq7tE).
                                                            1                     Care NSW as well as members at
The Committee on behalf of the           After watching, they ask that you        large. It takes a very special person
Association and/or CWAA have             please complete the 5-minute             to become a Palliative care nurse.
formed partnerships with:                survey here:        On behalf of the Committee, I
▪▪ St George’s Institute, study of                                                would like to wish you all a Merry
   Dementia                              They would like to know your             Christmas, surrounded by family
                                                                                  and friends and hope the New Year
▪▪ St George’s Institute, as a Partner   thoughts on ITTT and how such an
                                         initiative could be beneficial for the   brings you happiness and wellbeing.
  Organisation with the Join Us
  register                               members of your community.               Stay safe,
▪▪ Anti-Poverty    Week       Steering   Taboo is an organisation that            Bronwyn Dunston
  Committee.                             provides Schools with sanitary
                                                                                  State Social Issue Officer

                  The Land Cookery Committee—Centenary Wooden Spoon
 Branches/Groups can pre-order and pay to collect at the State Conference, 2-5 May 2022.
 $8.00 each or 4 for $30.00
 Step 1: register your pre-order via email to with your
 branch/group name...
 Qty (1): ____ at $8 = $____
 Qty (4): ____at $30 = $____
 Step 2: Ensure payment is received by 31 March 2022
 to CWA of NSW Land Cookery: BSB: 062 014, Acc: 10295324 Ref: branch/group name CWS [quantity].
 Step 3: Orders can be collected by a branch/group representative from The Land Cookery Display anytime
 during the State Conference.

                                                                        The Country Woman  December 2021         15
Hospital Support Report
Greetings from the state Hospital        been in touch with Little Wings          parcel to be sent to the charity Sew
Support team. I am happy to              Ltd, a charity based at Bankstown        for a Girl in Canberra with help from
report that through the beauty           aerodrome. Little Wings work with        Tracy at State Office. This group of
of the “CWA grapevine” we have           families in crisis, transporting of      volunteers make beautiful dresses,
been kept relatively active. Thank       seriously sick children to Sydney        tops, skirts and sanitary kits for girls
you, Mannering Park CWA for              hospitals as well as mothers with new    in Pakistan and the Philippines. A
your donation towards an online          babies. Fortunately, our Phillip Group   parcel of cute baby hats were sent to
Committee purchase of 30 towels          committee member, Betty Cook,            Dubbo hospital in October.
from Big W. The towels will be a         was able to visit State Office and
                                                                                  The next committee meeting is
lovely sight when we can get back to     follow this up. Betty and her branch
                                                                                  pencilled in for 1st December, at
Mascot for Mother & Baby packing         friend Liz bagged up items such as
                                                                                  this stage we are not sure of what
days. After contacting Central Coast     rugs, baby wraps, calico dolls and
                                                                                  format. As 2021 comes to a close
Health, we arranged for 30 breast        toiletry bags. The volunteer driver
                                                                                  I send a big thank you on behalf
care cushions to be posted from the      from Little Wings had permission
                                                                                  of the committee members for
Southern Highlands to the Gosford        to pick up and deliver to Bankstown
                                                                                  your continuing support. Merry
Hospital Cancer Centre, thank you        which was very pleasing. With our
                                                                                  Christmas and happy New Year.
Moss Vale Evening Branch. Hospital       excellent stock of face washers at
Support Secretary, Elisabeth, has        Mascot we were able to arrange a         Susan Shearwood, Chair

Topics for State Cultural                 Cultural Committee—Woman of Note 2022: Essie Coffey
Committee Competitions                    Essie Coffey was born near              become co-founder of the Western
To be judged for the 2023 State           Goodoonga in northern NSW on            Aboriginal Legal Service and
conference                                25th February 1942.                     served on several government
                                                                                  bodies and Aboriginal community
Senior Photography Section A—             Of the Murrawarri people, Essie
                                                                                  organisations    including     the
Colour: In the Garden                     was christened Essieina—“flower
                                                           1                      Aboriginal   Lands    Trust   and
                                          of the honey tree” but was better
Senior Photography Section B—                                                     the    Council   for    Aboriginal
                                          known as The Bush Queen of
Black and White: Building(s)                                                      Reconciliation.
                                          Brewarrina. Essie’s father, Donald
                                          Goodgabah, a Murrawrri elder,           Essie was awarded a Medal of
Junior Photography: Window
                                          took his young family to raise in       the Order of Australia (OAM) on
Senior   Short    Story:          “An     the bush, travelling from station       10th June 1985, for service to the
Unexpected Treasure”                      to station, working at ringbarking,     Aboriginal Community. Although
                                          fencing, woodcutting, droving           nominated for an MBE, she refused
Junior Short Story (primary and
                                          and breaking in wild horses. The        it, explaining “I knocked the MBE
secondary): “The Cooking Lesson”
                                          family was thus able to avoid being     back because I am not a member of
Poetry: A Centenarian                     forced relocation to a reserve. This    the British Empire.”
                                          lifestyle provide Essie with a great
Bush Ballad: The One That Got                                                     With Martha Ansara, Essie made
                                          love of the land and a strong and
Away (no size limit)                                                              the award-winning film My Survival
                                          proud sense of identity.
                                                                                  As An Aboriginal in 1978. She
The above all due by 15/11/2022. See
                                          After marrying, she settled on          presented the film to Her Majesty,
entry form in August Journal.
                                          the banks of the Barwon River           Queen Elizabeth II at the opening
Junior Posters: Australiana (Digital      in Brewarrina with her husband          of Australia’s new Parliament House
work on A4 size. To be computer or        Albert “Doc” Coffey, raising eight      in 1988. The sequel My Life As I Live
Tablet generated and submitted on         children and adopting 10 more.          It was released in 1993. Essie also
thumb drive or emailed to Secretary)      Living on the reserve, she became       appeared in the film Backroads.
                                          a tireless worker and campaigner
Junior      Postcard:      Australiana                                            Essie Coffey passed away in 1998.
                                          for her people.
(Submitted on cardboard 15x10cm                                                   Commissioner Gordon paid tribute
size. Not to be a digital work)           In the 1960’s, along with Tombo         to her, saying “Essie’s presence
                                          Waters and Steve Gordon—                and commitment had a profound
Junior Posters and Junior Postcard        now an ATSIC Commissioner—              influence in the struggle for
due by 15/2/2023.                         Essie established the Aboriginal        Aboriginal rights and equality.
For the current topics, please see        Movement and the Aboriginal             Essie was indeed a rare flower and
the CWA website: www.cwaofnsw.            Heritage and Cultural Museum            the memory of her sweet fragrance                           in Brewarrina. She went on to           will continue to drive us forward.”

16  December 2021  The Country Woman
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