2023 NCAA Tournament Bracket Predictions - Mar.10-Mar.16,2023 Vol.21,Issue28

Page created by Sarah Hampton
2023 NCAA Tournament Bracket Predictions - Mar.10-Mar.16,2023 Vol.21,Issue28
2023 NCAA Tournament
                                               Bracket Predictions
Mar. 10 - Mar. 16, 2023   Vol. 21, Issue 28   www.sportspagdfw.com   FREE
2023 NCAA Tournament Bracket Predictions - Mar.10-Mar.16,2023 Vol.21,Issue28
2   March 10, 2023 - March 16, 2023 | The Sports Page Weekly | Volume 21 Issue 28 | www.sportspagedfw.com | follow us on twitter @sportspagdfw.com
2023 NCAA Tournament Bracket Predictions - Mar.10-Mar.16,2023 Vol.21,Issue28
Follow us on twitter @sportspagedfw | www.sportspagedfw.com | The Sports Page Weekly | Volume 21 - Issue 24 | February 10, 2023 - February 16, 2023   3
2023 NCAA Tournament Bracket Predictions - Mar.10-Mar.16,2023 Vol.21,Issue28
  Mar. 10, 2023 - Mar. 17, 2023
        Vol. 21, Issue 28
                                                                                                                                                LOCAL NEWS OF INTEREST
      Established 2002

                               Cover Photo:                                         TMS opens with doubleheader weekend
        4 AROUND THE AREA                                                                                                           167 laps and 250 miles.                              school in his honor. At different points in
               COLLEGE BASKETBALL COACH-                                                                                                Gate 4 opens at 7:30 a.m. while addi-            time, McCombs owned the NFL's
               BY MATT NORLANDER
                                                                                                                                    tional gates and all suites open at 11 a.m.
                                                                                                                                    The TMS Fan Zone also opens at 11 a.m.
                                                                                                                                                                                         Minnesota Vikings and the NBA's Denver
                                                                                                                                                                                         Nuggets and San Antonio Spurs.
               GOLF, ETC                                                                                                                On Sunday, April 2, the PPG 375, the             In Memorium: Remembering those who
        6      BY TOM WARD
                                                                                    Texas Motor Speedway opens 2023 sea-            second race of the NTT INDYCAR                       impacted the game
                                                                                    son April 1-2 with Indycar/NASCAR               SERIES season, begins at 11:15 a.m. The                • Michael "Terry" Holland, the athletics
               BY PGATOUR.COM
                                                                                    doubleheader weekend
                                                                                       Texas Motor Speedway will open its
                                                                                                                                    race length is 248 laps and 372 miles.
                                                                                                                                    Driver introductions begin at 10:30 a.m.
                                                                                                                                                                                         director at Davidson, Virginia and East
                                                                                                                                                                                         Carolina, passed away Feb. 26. He was 80.
                                                                                    2023 season with the anticipated return of                                                             • Jerry Olson, who coached at North
               NINE THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT                                            the popular INDYCAR/NASCAR double-                                                                   Dakota, passed away Feb. 25. He was 89.
        8 TPC SAWGRASS
               BY PGATOUR.COM
                                                                                    header weekend scheduled for April 1-2.                                                                • Ryan Keeler, an Academic All-
                                                                                       The two-day event will play host to the                                                           Mountain West defensive lineman at
               BY PGATOUR.COM
                                                                                    NTT INDYCAR SERIES and NASCAR
                                                                                    CRAFTSMAN Truck Series as a combina-
                                                                                                                                                                                         UNLV who also played at Rutgers, passed
                                                                                                                                                                                         away Feb. 20. He was 20.
               AMATEUR HOUR ON HOLE 17 AT                                           tion weekend following a three-year hiatus.                                                            • Jim McMillin, who played at Colorado
                                                                                    The open-wheel/trucks doubleheader had
                                                                                    been a staple of the TMS schedule from its
                                                                                                                                                                                         State and then in the NFL, passed away
                                                                                                                                                                                         Feb. 19. He was 85.
               MARCH MADNESS BRACKET                                                inaugural season in 1997 through 2019.          Billy Joe "Red" McCombs, the 2001                      • Charley Ferguson, who played at
               BY BILL BENDER
                                                                                       The on-track activities for Saturday,        NFF Gold Medal recipient and the leg-                Tennessee State and then in the NFL,
                                                                                    April 1, will highlight both series while the   endary communications entrepreneur                   passed away Feb. 14. He was 83.
               BIG 12 BASEBALL POWER                                                PPG 375 NTT INDYCAR SERIES race                 who co-founded Clear Channel                           • Allen Green, who played at Ole Miss
               BY STAFF                                                             will take center stage for the 27th consecu-    Communications, passed away Feb. 19.                 and the NFL, passed away Feb. 14 at 84.
               COLLEGE FOOTBALL NEWS AND                                            tive year on Sunday, April 2.                   He was 95.                                             • Greg McMackin, who coached at
                                                                                       Saturday’s busy schedule begins at 8
                                                                                    a.m. CT with a one-hour practice for the
                                                                                                                                       From life as an auto mechanic's son on
                                                                                                                                    the wind-swept plains of West Texas, Red
                                                                                                                                                                                         Hawaii, passed away Feb. 14. He was 77.
                                                                                                                                                                                           • Roger Bonk, who played at Minnesota
                                                                                    NTT INDYCAR SERIES. The NASCAR                  McCombs rose to become one of                        and North Dakota, passed away Feb. 13.
                                                                                    CRAFTSMAN Truck Series follows at               America's most successful businessmen,               He was 78.
                                                                                    9:30 a.m. with a 30-minute practice and         with varied interests in auto dealerships,             • Doug Fisher, who played at San Diego
                                                                                    then qualifying at 10 a.m.                      oil, ranching, communications, and profes-           State and then in the NFL, passed away
                                                                                        The NTT INDYCAR SERIES returns              sional sports.                                       Feb. 12. He was 75.
Follow us on                                                                        at 11:15 a.m. for its qualifying session and       Along with his wife, Charline,                      • Barry Sacks, the longtime and highly
Twitter & Facebook                                                                  then three practice sessions. There will be
                                                                                    a split-field, 30-minute practice session
                                                                                                                                    McCombs became a major benefactor to
                                                                                                                                    the University of Texas and Southwestern
                                                                                                                                                                                         regarded producer at ESPN, passed away
                                                                                                                                                                                         Feb. 12. He was 63.
              twitter.com/sportspagedfw                                             beginning at 12:45 followed by a full-field,    University. Annually, the McCombs                      • Paul "Herky" Rubincam Jr., the former
                                                                                    one-hour final practice starting at 1:30 p.m.   Foundation contributes millions to hun-              athletics director at the University of
              facebook.com/sportspageweek-                                             The NASCAR CRAFTSMAN Truck                   dreds of charities, colleges, and universities       Pennsylvania, passed away Feb. 7 at 89.
                                                                                    Series culminates the day with the running      across the State of Texas. His major contri-           • Stanley Wilson, Jr., who played at
Publisher                                  Contact Us                               of the SPEEDYCASH.COM 250 race                  butions to the University of Texas Business          Stanford and then in the NFL, passed away
Sports Page Publishing Group,              Main Number (214) 683-1469
LLC                                        P.O. Box 820813                          beginning at 3:30 p.m. The race length is       School prompted the renaming of the                  Feb. 1. He was 40.
info@sportspagedallas.com                  Dallas, Tx. 75382

                                                                                               NCAA Basketball Poll

Dic Humphrey, Tom Ward, Bo
Carter, Richard Pollak, Robert
                                                                                    1. Houston
                                                                                                       Week 18    Coaches
                                                                                                          1. Houston                             WEEKLY CALENDAR
Cortinez. James McAnally                                                            2. UCLA               2. Alabama
                                                                                    3. Kansas             3. Kansas                              MARCH         MARCH         MARCH       MARCH         MARCH          MARCH         MARCH
                                                                                    4. Alabama            4. UCLA                                 10            11            12          13            14             15            16
                                                                                    5. Purdue             5. Purdue                              FRIDAY       SATURDAY       SUNDAY     MONDAY         TUESDAY      WEDNESDAY      THURSDAY
                                                                                    6. Marquette          6. Marquette
                                                                                    7. Texas              7. Texas                                                Mavs                      Mavs                         Mavs
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                                                                                    8. Arizona            8. Baylor                                                 at
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4                           March 10, 2023 - March 16, 2023 | The Sports Page Weekly | Volume 21 Issue 28 | www.sportspagedfw.com | follow us on twitter @sportspagdfw.com
2023 NCAA Tournament Bracket Predictions - Mar.10-Mar.16,2023 Vol.21,Issue28

College basketball coaching changes
College basketball coaching changes              Out: Chris Beard                                     and made the NCAAs in his first year on                new facilities, but it's traditionally a sub-
2023 tracker: Jim Boeheim out at                     Following Beard's suspension (and                the job. Former Texas coach Chris Beard is             par team in the Big Sky.
Syracuse, Tech's Mark Adams resigns              eventual firing, in early January), interim          currently the favorite, though sources                 Manhattan
Wednesday also brought news that Chris           coach Rodney Terry's gone 15-7. The job is           stressed it is not a done deal and there are           Out: Steve Masiello
Beard is involved and being seriously con-       coveted; UT ranks as one of the 10 best              still significant stages for Beard to get                  The 11-16 Jaspers had a sideways cam-
sidered at Ole Miss                              gigs in men's college hoops. Athletic direc-         through before he can receive an offer.                paign after firing Masiello on the precipice
                                                 tor Chris Del Conte isn't giving Terry the           Army                                                   of the regular season. RaShawn Stores did
By Matt Norlander                                most optimistic support that he'll keep the          Out: Jimmy Allen                                       an admirable job in a very tough situation,
    Wednesday was a huge day in college          job, sources said. Texas has brand new                  The Black Knights played seven years                and it remains wait-and-see whether he'll
basketball in off-the-court news, as it          facilities and will be moving to the SEC in          under Allen and were, for the most part, a             get promoted to the full-time position.
brought the next major phase of the              a year. It's going to attract a big name, but        middle-of-the-pack Patriot League team.                N.J. Tech
carousel: Jim Boeheim's time at Syracuse         nobody at this stage really knows who that           This job requires a specific kind of coach             Out: Brian Kennedy
coming to an end after 47 years as the head      will be, though questions loom over                  and recruits, obviously, specific kinds of                A seven-year run with one above-.500
coach and six decades being officially tied      whether Kelvin Sampson would be tempted              players — guys who want to represent                   season (2018-19) led to Kennedy's resigna-
to the school.                                   enough to leave what he's built at Houston.          their country and enlist in the Armed                  tion on March 6. The Highlanders play in
   The university simultaneously                 Syracuse                                             Forces after their college careers are over.           the America East, and the job ranks near
announced the end of Boeheim's run and           Out: Jim Boeheim | In: Adrian Autry                  Austin Peay                                            the bottom in the conference.
the hiring of Adrian Autry — Syracuse's              Boeheim's career ends with a loss at the         Out: Nate James                                        McNeese St.
first new coach since 1976. Conspicuously,       hands of Wake Forest in the 8/9 game of                  James is out less than two years after             Out: John Aiken
Syracuse's statement did not refer to            the ACC Tournament. The Naismith                     taking the job. The former Duke assistant                 Aiken was fired after just two seasons
Boeheim's ending as a retirement, and            Memorial Hall of Famer coached the                   was 17 games under .500 through two sea-               and a 22-45 overall record. What makes
Boeheim himself did not provide a quote          Orange from 1976-2023 and won 1,015                  sons (21-38), but Austin Peay was a job in             this interesting: Heath Schroyer, who
or statement to the school's announcement.       games, second most in history to Mike                transition, moving from the OVC to the                 coached McNeese State from 2019-21, is
   Autry was the rumored successor in            Krzyzewski of Duke. There was also the               ASUN this season. James ended the year                 now the AD at the school.
recent weeks, and now it's official. It also     apex: 2003's national championship run               on a 1-13 skid. No third year, even if                 New Mexico State
means that three Hall of Fame coaches            with Carmelo Anthony. Boeheim has been               Austin Peay struggled. Curious.                        Out: Greg Heiar
have left the ACC in three successive            succeeded by Autry, who played for                   Bowling Green                                             A calamity of tragedy and abuse poi-
years: Roy Williams, Mike Krzyzewski and         Boeheim in the 1990s and has been on staff           Out: Michael Huger                                     soned this program, so much so that the
Boeheim. Times are changing in college           since 2011.                                               The Falcons finished this season under            school's chancellor shut the season down in
basketball.                                      Notre Dame                                           .500 for a third straight year, and Huger's            February. Days later, Heiar was rightfully
    Also on Wednesday: Mark Adams                Out: Mike Brey                                       tenure ends after eight campaigns and a                fired in the midst of his first season.
resigned at Texas Tech. The news came                The Fighting Irish will make their first         126-125 record, 64-82 in the MAC.                      NMSU will pick up the pieces and rebuild
shortly after TTU lost to West Virginia in       hire in 23 years. Brey is stepping down in           Bucknell                                               in the spring, but the question is: Who
the Big 12 Tournament. Adams was previ-          less than a month, following an under-               Out: Nathan Davis                                      wants to take this kind of job? Someone
ously suspended for racially insensitive         whelming denouement in South Bend. AD                     Bucknell on announced its split from              will, but the task is going to be heavy. The
remarks he made to a player earlier this         Jack Swarbrick will not be using a search            Davis after eight seasons, which included a            school's biggest appeal to potential candi-
season, when he said he was quoting pas-         committee to fill the vacancy, and this job          129-155 record and NCAA Tournament                     dates is its NCAA Tournament viability as
sages from the Bible. Adams went 43-25 in        should attract an intriguing pool of names.          appearances in 2017 and 2018. Bucknell is              a mid-major: The Aggies have had a tour-
two years. Grant McCasland (North Texas)         Initial candidates being rumored include             arguably the best job in the Patriot League            nament-level team 11 times since 2007.
and Paul Mills (Oral Roberts) are two obvi-      Penn State's Micah Shrewsberry, Ohio                 and will be competitively chased. The pro-             NC A&T
ous names to keep an eye on for that job.        State's Chris Holtmann, Miami Heat assis-            gram has made the NCAAs eight times.                   Out: Will Jones
    Also on Wednesday: I confirmed multi-        tant (and former ND player) Chris Quinn              Green Bay                                                  NC A&T is in the midst of a challenging
ple reports of Chris Beard's candidacy to        and Colgate's Matt Langel.                           Out: Will Ryan                                         transition from the MEAC to the Big South
be the next coach at Mississippi. As of          Texas Tech                                                The Phoenix fired Ryan following a 2-             to the CAA in a three-year span. Interim
Wednesday night, Beard was considered            Out: Mark Adams                                      19 go of it this season. Freddie Owens has             coach Phillip Shumpert has kept the Aggies
the favorite for the job, but one source            Adams is done after just two years after          interim-coach duties. Former North Dakota              competitive in the league after Jones was
stressed that significant hurdles still needed   controversy and instability behind the               State coach Saul Phillips is one name that's           fired. A&T went 8-10 in conference play.
to be cleared before it became a practical       scenes lampooned his second season. He               been connected. Phillips has been at D-II              Wofford
likelihood that Beard indeed would be            resigned Wednesday evening. "My lifelong             Northern State the past four years. John               Out: Jay McAuley
offered the job. He is, as of this story's       goal was to help and be a positive influ-            Brannen and Rob Jeter have also been con-                  The Terriers had McAuley for less than
most recent publishing, one of a few candi-      ence on my players, and to be a part of the          tacted for the job, according to sources.              2.5 seasons; he was pushed out due to
dates being vetted by Ole Miss.                  Texas Tech men's basketball team," Adams             High Point                                             internal strife between McAuley and his
    Syracuse and Texas Tech making               said. "However, both the University and I            Out: G.G. Smith                                        players.Dwight Perry has coached the team
changes means there have been five high-         believe this incident has become a distrac-               Tubby Smith's son was promoted to the             since. Wofford went 16-15.
major jobs with turnover, and a few more         tion for the Texas Tech men's basketball             full-time job a year ago but was fired fol-            UT Arlington
are expected to join them in the next 24-48      team and the University, which I care about          lowing a 14-17 season. Similar to Bucknell             Out: Greg Young
hours.                                           so deeply." Questions remain about if AD             in the Patriot League, High Point is a high-           Young was fired in February following less
   Other jobs I'm keeping an eye on, lest        Kirby Hocutt, whose had a litany of issues           ly coveted job in the Big South because of             than two years on the job. Royce "Snoop"
they open soon: Cal, Georgia Tech, St.           with coaches and inappropriate behavior,             its campus setting and facilities.                     Johnson is holding down the fort until a
John's, Stanford, UCF, Washington and            has a long future at the school.                     Idaho                                                  replacement is named in the next few
Western Kentucky.                                Ole Miss                                             Out: Zac Claus                                         weeks. The next coach there will be the
   In total, we're at 19 gigs that have          Out: Kermit Davis                                    Claus' firing was inevitable and became                program's fifth in a seven-year span. It's
changed. We'll probably get to 25 by the             The school fired Davis on Feb. 24,               official on Feb. 27. He went 28-88 with the            been bungled since Scott Cross' quizzical
start of the weekend. Here's the latest.         about one month shy of allowing Davis to             Vandals. Idaho is an appealing mid-major               firing (after winning 72 games in three sea-
Texas                                            finish out his fifth season. He went 74-79           job in that part of the country now due to             sons) in 2018.

                                                   Follow us on twitter @sportspagedfw | www.sportspagedfw.com | The Sports Page Weekly | Volume 21 - Issue 28 | March 10, 2023 - March 16, 2023        5
2023 NCAA Tournament Bracket Predictions - Mar.10-Mar.16,2023 Vol.21,Issue28

Spring Swing Training
           TOM WARD                                   in slow motion back to his starting posi-
     TOMPWARD@SBCGLOBAL.NET                           tion. The hitter then repeats until the
                                                      desired number of reps is done.
    It’s that time of year again when Major              Ortiz stated,“The hitter should take the
League Baseball teams get together for                10- plus- 5 approach. Take 10 swings
training camp. Players are ready to work              going all out, and then 5 with a normal bat.
hard preparing for the upcoming season.               This overload/over speed program will
There are lots of drills and exercises to             make the hitter stronger and quicker.”
help the players get in tip-top shape and                The top middle and right photos show-
sharpen their skills. The same applies when           case Luis demonstrating the swing at full
it comes to the game of golf.                         velocity.
    The following photo sequence has my                   In golf, after you’ve made your back-
friend, Luis Ortiz, doing baseball swings             swing and paused momentarily, swing full
and I’m demonstrating the golf swing.                 speed ahead as shown in the bottom middle
    Ortiz is a former Texas Ranger player             and right photos. The key point here,
and now a hitting coach with the Boston               whether it’s for baseball or golf, is to listen
Red Sox’s. The photos are from his book               for the swooshing sound that you’re mak-
called The Natural Hitter’s Hitter.                   ing. In golf, if the sound is behind where a
    In the top left photo, Luis has taken his         ball would have been, then you’re using the
batting stance with a PVC pipe (5ft. long             hands, wrists and shoulders improperly. By
by 1 inch thick). Because of the thickness            keeping the upper body (shoulders) passive
it will feel heavy in the hitter’s hands.             you’ll be able to drive the legs full speed
    In the bottom left photo, I’ve taken my           ahead. This action will automatically pull
golf club and flipped it upside down so that          your club into the correct swing path at
the hosel of the club is where my grip was            high velocity and you’ll hear the swoosh-
a moment ago. You can also do this drill              ing sound out in front of you. That motion
with a weighed golf club or a doughnut if             creates tremendous club head speed with
you have one.                                         centrifugal force.
    The purpose of the drill, whether it’s for           This drill, in baseball or golf will accel-
baseball or golf, is to help the player devel-        erate both bat speed or club head speed
op power. In both sports, this drill can              resulting in more power with less effort
improve your bat speed (baseball) or club             and looking smooth in the process. So
head speed (golf).                                    spring into action and give this drill a try.
    In baseball, the hitter swings fast to his        Please visit www.teetimewithtom.com
follow-through, pauses, and then rewinds

6               March 10, 2023 - March 16, 2023 | The Sports Page Weekly | Volume 21 Issue 28 | www.sportspagedfw.com | follow us on twitter @sportspagdfw.com
2023 NCAA Tournament Bracket Predictions - Mar.10-Mar.16,2023 Vol.21,Issue28
GOLF                                                    PGA TOUR

This week: THE PLAYERS Championship
                                                                                                                                                                               18-HOLE RECORD: 63, Fred Couples
                                                                                                                                                                               (Round 3, 1992), Greg Norman (Round 1,
                                                                                                                                                                               1994), Roberto Castro (Round 1, 2013),
                                                                                                                                                                               Martin Kaymer (Round 1, 2014); Jason
                                                                                                                                                                               Day (Round 1, 2016); Colt Knost (Round
                                                                                                                                                                               2, 2016); Webb Simpson (Round 2, 2018);
                                                                                                                                                                               Brooks Koepka (Round 4, 2018); Dustin
                                                                                                                                                                               Johnson (Round 4, 2022)
                                                                                                                                                                               LAST TIME: Cameron Smith started both
                                                                                                                                                                               his front and back nines at TPC Sawgrass
                                                                                                                                                                               with four straight birdies on route to a
                                                                                                                                                                               final-round 66 and a one-stroke victory
                                                                                                                                                                               over Anirban Lahiri. The Australian had
                                                                                                                                                                               circles on his card on Nos. 1-4 before
                                                                                                                                                                               bogeying Nos. 7-9. He made the turn and
                                                                                                                                                                               added birdies on each of Nos. 10-13 and
                                                                                                                                                                               another on the par-3 17th for good measure
                                                                                                                                                                               – one-putting eight of his final nine holes
                                                                                                                                                                               and making a record-tying 10 birdies in the
                                                                                                                                                                               round. It was his fifth win on TOUR.
                                                                                                                                                                               Lahiri, who was the 54-hole leader, also
                                                                                                                                                                               birdied the 17th and needed one more on
                                                                                                                                                                               18 to tie Smith, but his approach came up
                                                                                                                                                                               short of the green. Paul Casey finished
                                                                                                                                                                               third at 11 under while Kevin Kisner (10
                                                                                                                                                                               under) and Keegan Bradley (9 under)
n 2022 Cameron Smith started both his front and back nines at TPC Sawgrass with four straight birdies on route to a final-round 66
                                                                                                                                                                               rounded out the top five. It was a week
                                                                                                                                                                               unlike any other at THE PLAYERS, with
                                                                                                                                                                               weather wreaking havoc on the best players
                                                                to Dubai Rankings at year’s end. The top                         Among the first-timers at TPC Sawgrass is
                                                                                                                                                                               in the world. The first round alone lasted
                                                                10 players on the Race to Dubai, not                             Tom Kim, who was a star at last fall’s
                                                                                                                                                                               more than 54 hours. It was the first
                                                                already exempt, will earn PGA TOUR                               Presidents Cup and won twice in the back
                                                                                                                                                                               Monday finish at THE PLAYERS since
                                                                cards for the following season … Justin                          half of 2022. He was the first player since
                                                                                                                                                                               Fred Funk’s victory in 2005.
                                                                Suh earned a start at TPC Sawgrass after                         Tiger Woods to win twice on TOUR before
       The Players Championship                                                                                                                                                .
                                                                finishing atop the Korn Ferry Tour’s 2022                        turning 21 … Ben Taylor, the only player
           March 9 - 12, 2023                                   season-long standings. If not otherwise                          missing from the top 50 on the FedExCup,                   HOW TO WATCH
             TPC Sawgrass                                       exempt, the winners of this week’s Arnold                        has a valid excuse: his wedding … Fingers
       Ponte Verde Beach, Florida                               Palmer Invitational presented by                                 are crossed for a traditional PLAYERS         Television: Thursday-Friday, 12 p.m.-6
          Purse - $25,000,000                                   Mastercard and Puerto Rico Open will                             Championship cadence in 2023. The event       p.m. (Golf Channel). Saturday-Sunday, 1
       Winners share - $4,500,000                               round out the field.                                             was canceled in 2020, had a significantly     p.m.-6 p.m. (NBC)
   Defending Champ - Cameron Smith                              FEDEXCUP: Winner 600 FedExCup pts.                               reduced fan capacity in 2021, and last year   Radio: Thursday-Friday, 11 a.m.–6 p.m.
                                                                COURSE: TPC Sawgrass (Stadium),                                  required a Monday finish after torrential     ET. Saturday-Sunday, 12 p.m.-6 p.m. (PGA
By Adam Stanley                                                 7,275 yards, par 72. Built in 1980, THE                          rain early in the week.                       TOUR Radio on SiriusXM and
    TPC Sawgrass (THE PLAYERS                                   PLAYERS Stadium Course has long been                             72-HOLE RECORD: 264, Greg Norman              PexcelGATOUR.com/liveaudio)
Stadium Course) will once again play host                       considered one of the best and trickiest lay-                    (1994).
to the most prominent field on the PGA                          outs on TOUR. Pete Dye’s masterpiece
TOUR, as the world’s best look to add an                        underwent a renovation in 2016, and the
iconic title to their trophy case.                              par-4 12th was made drivable the following
FIELD NOTES: Forty-nine of the top 50                           year.
players on the current FedExCup Playoffs                            Effective this year, a new back tee on
and Eligibility Points List will compete, as                    the par-5 ninth could make for the first
well as 43 of the top 50 on the Official                        600-yard hole in PLAYERS Championship
World Golf Ranking … Eight PLAYERS                              history.
winners and six FedExCup champions will                         STORYLINES: The evolving battle for
tee it up, led by 2019 PLAYERS champion                         the world’s No. 1 ranking will continue at
and reigning FedExCup titleholder Rory                          TPC Sawgrass with McIlroy looking to
McIlroy … All 14 players who have won                           capture his second PLAYERS while Scottie
on TOUR this season will be at TPC                              Scheffler and current No. 1 Jon Rahm
Sawgrass … At least 30 players will com-                        chase their first Tiffany & Co. trophy …
pete in their first PLAYERS, including Min                      There has never been a repeat winner of
Woo Lee, who earned a spot via the top 50                       THE PLAYERS … This is the season’s
on the world ranking after The Honda                            first event to offer 600 FedExCup points to
Classic. The brother of Minjee Lee (No. 3                       the winner, while the top TOUR pros will
in the Rolex Women’s World Golf                                 compete for a record $4.5 million first-
Rankings) is looking to acquire PGA                             place check from a $25 million purse …
TOUR status via the DP World Tour’s Race

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Nine Things to Know: TPC Sawgrass
                                                                                                                                                                    amphitheater at the Stadium Course.
                                                                                                                                                                    Thousands of fans congregate on the spec-
                                                                                                                                                                    tator mounds to watch players take on one
                                                                                                                                                                    of golf’s most famous holes. Dye’s original
                                                                                                                                                                    plans didn’t call for the course’s penulti-
                                                                                                                                                                    mate hole to have an island green, though.
                                                                                                                                                                       The 17th was supposed to be a peninsula
                                                                                                                                                                    with a lake guarding the right side of the
                                                                                                                                                                    green. However, the 17th hole also was the
                                                                                                                                                                    site of the property’s best sand, which they
                                                                                                                                                                    used around the course. The more they
                                                                                                                                                                    excavated, the larger the gulf grew.
                                                                                                                                                                        “Pretty soon there wasn’t anything left
                                                                                                                                                                    but this little old place to put the pin,”
                                                                                                                                                                    Beman said in “Golf’s Driving Force.”
                                                                                                                                                                       The next part of the story has become
                                                                                                                                                                    part of Dye lore. “We have a big problem,”
                                                                                                                                                                    Pete told his wife, Alice. “I only have 17
                                                                                                                                                                    holes out there.”
                                                                                                                                                                        It was her idea to make the green an
                                                                                                                                                                        “She said to me, ‘Throw a bulkhead out
                                                                                                                                                                    in the middle of it and put some sand and
                                                                                                                                                                    dirt on top of it,’ Dye said. “A light went
                                                                                                                                                                    on and that’s exactly what happened.”
                                                                                                                                                                    Despite being a short hole with a relatively
                                                                                                                                                                    large green, Dye knew that it would
                                                                                                                                                                    become one of the most intimidating holes
                                                                                                                                                                    in golf.
TPC Sawgrass was a revolutionary golf course when it opened                                                                                                            “We had created a hole that was planted
                                                                                                                                                                    in the player’s mind from the very first
By Sean Martin                                                big as your arm,” Beman said in the book                 “I finally had to submit a complete set      tee,” Dye said.
   THE PLAYERS Championship is upon                           “Golf’s Driving Force.” Dye estimated that           of plans for the Stadium Course,” Dye               Mark Calcavecchia, a 13-time PGA
us, and it means another week to appreciate                   they killed 70 rattlesnakes during construc-         wrote in his autobiography. “I suppose           TOUR winner, compared the hole to a 3
the genius of Pete Dye and Deane Beman.                       tion, and “all of them were 5 to 6 inches            Deane’s bankers must have been afraid I          p.m. root canal.
THE PLAYERS Stadium Course at TPC                             around.”                                             would kick off midway through the job and            “All day, you know it’s coming,” he
Sawgrass was designed to offer an unparal-                    2. SKETCHERS                                         they would be left with half a golf course.”     said. “But that doesn’t make it any easier
leled spectator experience while testing the                      That $1 check – dated Feb. 1, 1979 --            3. STADIUM GOLF                                  when it’s finally time to confront it.” The
strongest field in golf with a pure test that                 isn’t the only memento from TPC                          So, what is stadium golf? It’s an archi-     17th is sandwiched between the short, par-
doesn’t favor any single style of play.                       Sawgrass’ early days that hangs in the               tecture philosophy with the fan in mind.         5 16th and a punishing finishing hole. That
Dye’s design culminates with a dramatic                       course’s clubhouse.                                  Large spectator mounds give gallery mem-         closing stretch, which can create large
finish that includes one of the game’s most                       There’s also a placemat that was the             bers an unobstructed view of the action.         swings in scoring, was designed to encour-
famous holes.                                                 canvas for Dye’s first sketches of the               Holes that run parallel to each other, and       age dramatic finishes.
    Let’s dive in and take a closer look at                   course. He quickly laid out a rudimentary            return to the clubhouse, create hubs of              “I wanted the finish to be iconic,”
the annual venue for THE PLAYERS                              plan after hearing Beman’s vision for the            activity where fans can see multiple holes       Beman said.
Championship.                                                 stadium golf concept.                                at once without walking miles.                   5. FAIR AND BALANCED
1. A DOLLAR AND A DREAM                                           Building a unique course was key to                  Beman knew first-hand how hard it was           THE PLAYERS Stadium Course wasn’t
    PGA TOUR Commissioner Deane                               giving THE PLAYERS Championship its                  to watch a golf tournament. The Phoenix          just built with fans in mind, though.
Beman purchased the 415 acres on which                        own identity and adding prestige to the              Open was the first event he attended after       Beman, a four-time PGA TOUR winner,
TPC Sawgrass was built for just $1. Talk                      PGA TOUR’s flagship event, which started             becoming Commissioner in 1974. He                also wanted it to be a fair test that didn’t
about a bargain.                                              in 1974 and had been played on four differ-          stayed outside the ropes to get a fan’s-eye      favor any single style of play.
    Beman’s vision for the course, and the                    ent courses before finding its permanent             view. Beman, who stood 5-foot-7, often               That desire can be seen from the start of
tournament it would host, convinced the                       home at TPC Sawgrass.                                had trouble seeing the action. He noticed        the round. Beman didn’t want a player’s
owners to hand the land over for next to                          “Deane decided that the way to build             that some fans brought stepladders for a         tee time to give him an advantage, so he
nothing. The site was a heavily-wooded                        this championship and make it significant            better view. Others bought periscopes.           ensured that each side of TPC Sawgrass
swamp, which made the creation of TPC                         in the eyes of the professionals and the                 “I’m looking through the back of some        has an equitable start. The first and 10th
Sawgrass an adventurous process.                              press was not to compete with the other              head, trying to figure out who is doing          holes are relatively similar par 4s. The first
    “When I first inspected the proposed                      majors but to create a separate identity,”           what,” Beman said in “Golf’s Driving             hole measures 423 yards. The 10th is one
site for (TPC Sawgrass), my only compa-                       Dye wrote in his autobiography. “In his              Force.” “I said to myself, ‘Wow, can you         yard longer. The first hole promotes a fade
triots in the impenetrable swampy jungle                      opinion, this is just exactly what the con-          imagine coming out here and walking 5            off the tee and a draw into the green. The
were deer, alligators, wild boar and deadly                   cept of stadium golf could accomplish.”              miles to watch this?’”                           10th hole curves right-to-left before bend-
snakes,” Dye said.                                                Dye eventually submitted more exten-                 TPC Sawgrass was built on flat ground,       ing left-to-right.
    He encountered a snake before he even                     sive plans, but often deviated from them.            so the spectator mounds were built with the          The second hole of each side is a reach-
started building the course. When he dug a                    He was a creative genius who often impro-            soil that was excavated to create the            able par 5. Both holes call for a draw off
hole to test the soil, a large water moccasin                 vised. The course’s most famous hole – the           course’s water hazards.                          the tee and a left-to-right shot into the
popped out of the hole.                                       island-green 17th – is one prominent exam-           4. ISLAND OF ADVENTURE                           green.
    “It must have been 5 feet long and as                     ple. We’ll get to that later.                            The 17th hole is the most famous                Nos. 1 and 10 run in opposite directions,

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2023 NCAA Tournament Bracket Predictions - Mar.10-Mar.16,2023 Vol.21,Issue28
course is overseeded for March, as well.               harsh, though. Ben Crenshaw called it
                                                                                                                  That means the rough is lusher, but the                “Star Wars golf, designed by Darth Vader.”
                                                                                                                  course may play softer. Northeast Florida              After missing the cut, Jack Nicklaus said,
                                                                                                                  can get cold, dry conditions in March, but             “I’ve never been very good at stopping a 5-
                                                                                                                  it also can receive lots of rain.                      iron on the hood of a car.”
                                                                                                                      The wind is more unpredictable in                  Peter Jacobsen, who now calls the tourna-
                                                                                                                  March. The final two holes often played                ment for NBC Sports, finished 27th in the
                                                                                                                  downwind in May, but the wind often                    first PLAYERS at TPC Sawgrass.
                                                                                                                  blows in the opposite direction in March.                   “I said Pete, ‘When I get done playing
                                                                                                                      “I think that's the way it was designed            and I retire from the TOUR, I’m going to
                                                                                                                  to be played. And whether it's firm or soft,           go into golf course design because I know
                                                                                                                  it plays much better with that kind of over-           I’ll have a thriving business rebuilding
                                                                                                                  seed ryegrass and bent greens,” said Adam              every one of your courses,'” Jacobsen said
                                                                                                                  Scott, who won the 2004 PLAYERS in                     with a laugh. “He got the biggest kick out
                                                                                                                  March.                                                 of that. He asked, ‘You don’t like the
                                                                                                                  9. REVOLUTIONARY DESIGN                                course?’ I said, ‘Let’s put it this way. It’s
                                                                                                                      TPC Sawgrass was a revolutionary golf              just different.’ He said, ‘Good, that’s what
                                                                                                                  course when it opened. It was the rare                 I’m going for.’
                                                                                                                  championship course that was accessible to                  “I really respect Pete Dye because he
                                                                                                                  the public, and players were not accus-                doesn’t take criticism personally. He really
                                                                                                                  tomed to a course that was so visually                 wants to play with your mind. He likes to
                                                                                                                  intimidating and so penal for misplayed                really put pressure on you mentally and
                                                                                                                  shots.                                                 test your patience.”
                                                                                                                      That’s why players revolted during the                  TOUR players are creatures of habit,
                                                                                                                  1982 PLAYERS Championship, the first                   though, and the Stadium Course may have
Just five players have won multiple times at TPC Sawgrass
                                                                                                                  one played at TPC Sawgrass. Dye’s inten-               been too revolutionary, Dye later admitted.
                                                                                                                  tions weren’t to drive the players insane.             "Looking back, I realized that the radical
with the second and 11th holes turning                      when one player can be going for 63 while             He wanted to give them a course that                   design of the (Stadium) Course was too
back toward the clubhouse. This ensures                     six others are struggling for 78,” Dye said.          allowed them to show their skills.                     new for the TOUR professionals," Dye
that the wind doesn’t disadvantage players                  7. WORTH THE WAIT                                         “We tried to create a golf course to               wrote in his autobiography. "They had
starting on one half of the course.                             The Stadium Course’s democratic                   bring out all their shots, all their great             never seen anything like it."
6. THE SPICE OF LIFE                                        nature is displayed in the fact that just five        shots, that the professionals are capable of                Now Dye’s design is one of the most
    TPC Sawgrass also asks players to hit a                 players have won multiple times at TPC                hitting,” Dye said.                                    iconic courses on TOUR.
variety of shots. Holes bend in both direc-                 Sawgrass: Tiger Woods, Fred Couples,                      Players thought the course was too
tions so that one trajectory isn’t favored off              Davis Love III, Steve Elkington and Hal
the tee.                                                    Sutton. It’s an impressive group.
    “Nearly all the par 4s are s-shaped,”                       All five are major champions. Couples,
said famed architect Tom Doak, who                          Love and Woods are in the World Golf Hall
interned with Dye. “Pete was big on bal-                    of Fame.
ance, so he was big on getting both the                         The two-time winners at TPC Sawgrass
fade and the draw in play.”                                 had to wait an average of 11.6 years
    The four par 3s also offer a myriad of                  between victories, though. This is further
challenges. The 17th is a short hole with a                 proof that the course doesn’t favor any type
high degree of risk. Nos. 3 and 13 are two                  of player.
holes of moderate length – measuring 177                        Elkington is the only player who didn’t
and 181 yards, respectively – that require                  have to wait more than a decade between
accurate mid-iron shots. And the eighth                     victories at the Stadium Course. He won
hole is a 237-yard brute that asks players to               THE PLAYERS in 1991 and 1997. Love
hit a long iron, or more, into a large, but                 won in 1992 and 2003. Couples (1984,
receptive, green.                                           ’96) and Woods (2001, ’13) both waited 12
    The par-5 16th, which measures 523                      years between wins, while Sutton’s two
yards, is easily reachable for the majority                 PLAYERS wins were 17 years apart.
of the field, but they must be willing to                       No one has won more than two times
take a risk to hit the green in two. Nos. 2                 on THE PLAYERS Stadium Course.
and 11 are medium-length par 5s that still                  8. ON THE MARCH
offer eagle chances, while the ninth hole is                    In 2019, THE PLAYERS
much more difficult. Many players will                      Championship returned to March after a
play the hole as a three-shoter.                            12-year stint in May. There is a greater
    TPC Sawgrass’ par 4s range in length                    variety in scoring when the tournament is
from the 302-yard 12th to the 481-yard                      played at an earlier date.
14th. There are three par 4s under 400                          The winning score was double-digits
yards and three that measure 470 yards or                   under par in 11 of the 12 years THE
longer.                                                     PLAYERS was contested in May. The win-
    “(The course) doesn't really suit any                   ner shot between 11 and 15 under par in
style of game,” said 2019 champion Rory                     eight of those years.
McIlroy, “but everyone feels like it's a                        In March, the winning score has ranged
challenge.”                                                 from 3 under to 24 under. David Duval
    There’s also a fine line between success                shot 3 under to win the 1999 PLAYERS,
and failure at TPC Sawgrass. That explains                  while Greg Norman set the tournament
why no one has been able to have consis-                    scoring record in 1994.
tent success at THE PLAYERS.                                    The scores are more unpredictable in
    “The mark of a good golf course is                      March because the weather is fickle. The

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New faces in The Players spotlight
                                                                                                                                                                      extremely high and get to a lot of pins that
                                                                                                                                                                      most players out here can’t get to.
                                                                                                                                                                          “Then I think mostly I admire a lot of
                                                                                                                                                                      their competitiveness,” he added. “I think
                                                                                                                                                                      that’s what you see from the guys that are
                                                                                                                                                                      able to make it to the top numerous times.”
                                                                                                                                                                         That competitiveness was in evidence
                                                                                                                                                                      when McIlroy won the TOUR
                                                                                                                                                                      Championship last summer. He began the
                                                                                                                                                                      tournament six behind then-FedExCup No.
                                                                                                                                                                      1 Scheffler; started triple-bogey, bogey to
                                                                                                                                                                      fall 10 behind; was six back going into the
                                                                                                                                                                      final round – and yet still won, shooting 66
                                                                                                                                                                      for his historic third FedExCup. And when
                                                                                                                                                                      he captured THE CJ CUP in South
                                                                                                                                                                      Carolina in the fall, he had climbed all the
                                                                                                                                                                      way back to world No. 1, a journey he
                                                                                                                                                                      called immensely gratifying.
                                                                                                                                                                         He got slightly off with his driver on the
                                                                                                                                                                      West Coast Swing, made a mid-tournament
Jon Rahm, Scottie Scheffler and Rory McIlroy have broken from the pack                                                                                                switch at The Genesis but began to figure it
                                                                                                                                                                      out at Bay Hill.
                                                                                                                                                                      Mr. Consistent
A new ‘Big Three’ gets THE PLAYERS                            McIlroy has hoisted the trophy, winning in            Green and scrambling (14/16) and success-             Rahm, 28, is perhaps most consistent,
spotlight                                                     2019, when Rahm’s final-round 76 dropped              fully defended his title.                         last week notwithstanding. Just look to his
                                                              him to a tie for 12th. Scheffler has a                   “Scottie, I would say he has a great abil-     recent results – five wins in eight starts
By Cameron Morfit                                             missed cut (2021) and a T55 (last year) at            ity to post a really good score,” said Rahm,      worldwide heading into Bay Hill – and the
    Jon Rahm lost it to Scottie Scheffler,                    TPC Sawgrass. It seems likely that one or             who lost, 4 and 3, to Scheffler at the 2021       way he won The Genesis. It was at Riviera
who lost it to Rory McIlroy, who lost it to                   more of them will be in the hunt for the              Ryder Cup. “There’s a lot of times where          that Homa pulled even and then one ahead
Scheffler, who lost it to Rahm again.                         trophy this week, or any week.                        I've played with him and maybe it doesn't         through 12 holes, but Rahm birdied the
    The No. 1 spot in the Official World                        At last week’s Arnold Palmer Invitational           look the prettiest, but you end up the round      14th and 16th holes for a 69 to beat Homa
Golf Ranking (OWGR) has been a slippery                       presented by Mastercard, McIlroy’s missed             and, oh, 67. It’s pretty remarkable.”             (68) by two.
bingo ball, but one of those three has had it                 birdie try from 10 1/2 feet on the last hole              At the World Golf Championships-Dell             “Other than Tiger and I don’t even
since July 18, 2021.                                          left him in a two-way tie for second, a shot          Technologies Match Play last year, in the         know,” Homa said, “he’s the most consis-
    “Rory, Jon and Scottie are kind of in a                   behind first-time winner Kurt Kitayama.               championship match against Kevin Kisner,          tent player I’ve seen.”
league of their own at times,” Max Homa                       Scheffler (T4) bogeyed 18 when he needed              Scheffler scooped a chip shot into a green-           Keep in mind, Homa had beat back the
said after losing to Rahm at The Genesis                      a birdie, finishing two back. Rahm didn’t             side bunker at the par-5 12th hole. It            field and a cold rain at the Wells Fargo
Invitational last month, “and it’s just our                   contend, taking the first-round lead with a           looked like the door was opening for              Championship last May; had chipped in on
job to go and catch them.”                                    65 but fading (76-76-72) to a T39 finish.             Kisner, but Scheffler holed out from the          18 to wrest the Fortinet Championship tro-
    Is this the new Big Three? A modern-                      Rahm, Scheffler, and McIlroy – that latter            bunker, slamming it shut.                         phy from an unnerved Danny Willet in the
day Arnie, Jack, and Gary Player? Too                         two could have retaken the top spot with a               Scottie Scheffler holes out from bunker        fall; and had worn down even the irrepress-
early to tell. Still, Rahm, Scheffler and                     win – still hold down the first three spots in        for birdie at WGC-Dell Match Play                 ible Tom Kim in a Presidents Cup singles
McIlroy have broken away from the pack.                       the OWGR, respectively. And, like last                    It was the same story at the Masters          victory a week later. And Homa himself
Rahm has four TOUR wins and two DP                            week, any of the three could be No. 1                 Tournament, too. At the par-4 third hole,         was hot, coming off a third-place finish at
World Tour victories in the last 13 months.                   when THE PLAYERS ends on Sunday.                      Scheffler’s lead was down to one when he          the Sentry Tournament of Champions and
Scheffler has notched all five of his PGA                         Combine them into a composite super-              chipped in for another unlikely birdie to         victory at the Farmers Insurance Open, a
TOUR wins, including the Masters, in that                     golfer and you get Scottie McIlrahm, an               reassert control.                                 win that made him a close fourth to the top
span, winning the 2022 PGA TOUR Player                        apex terminator. He plays out of Northern                 How does he do it? A great set of hands       trio in the game.
of the Year award for his efforts. McIlroy                    Texirland, Spain, and is married (all three)          and an iron will.                                     You couldn’t be more consistent than
has compiled three TOUR wins, a                               with no kids (Scheffler), one kid (McIlroy),             “His attitude I think is one of the best       Homa, or so it seemed until Rahm won
FedExCup title, and a DP World Tour win.                      two kids (Rahm). He chips in for birdie               out here,” McIlroy said.                          The Genesis.
    McIlroy ended 2022 as the first player                    just when he looks wobbly (Scheffler),                Ultimate driving machine                             “I’m never too far off, honestly,” Rahm
to end a year by concurrently holding the                     inspires both awe and dread with his driv-                McIlroy, 33 and the elder statesman of        said at the Sentry Tournament of
FedExCup, DP World Tour’s points title                        ing (McIlroy), and, other than Bay Hill last          the three, has the most TOUR wins (23),           Champions in January, when he revealed
and top spot in the world ranking. Rahm                       week, is so freakishly consistent (Rahm) as           the most majors (four) – the others have          that he battled his swing last season despite
quickly became the story of this year by                      to look unbeatable.                                   one apiece – the most PLAYERS (one), the          eight top-10 finishes, including a win.
winning his first two starts (Sentry                          The scrambler                                         most FedExCups (a record-setting three)           “With the swing mechanics I have it’s
Tournament of Champions, The American                             Scheffler, 26, has the funkiest move, his         and the most jaw-dropping move with the           never a big, big change.”
Express). Then Scheffler successfully                         right foot shooting back at impact as if he’s         driver. Not for nothing is he the PGA                “They have both been relentless,”
defended the WM Phoenix Open last                             wearing a roller skate. But when he looks             TOUR Driving Distance leader.                     McIlroy said of Rahm and Scheffler.
month to regain the top spot in the world,                    like he’s backsliding – literally or figura-             “When he's firing on all cylinders, it’s a     Relentless. Awe-inspiring. Clutch. Scottie
only for Rahm to wrest it from him a week                     tively – he rarely is. He hit just 10 fairways        thing of beauty,” Rahm said. “The way he          McIlrahm has been all these things,
later by winning The Genesis Invitational,                    all weekend at the WM Phoenix Open last               hits the ball and his ball flight off the tee,    demanding your attention and that of the
his third win in five starts.                                 month, a no-no at TPC Scottsdale. But                 especially, is quite unique.”                     world ranking mathletes. THE PLAYERS
   The three will make up a marquee group                     while playing from the cacti, he led the                  Added Scheffler, of McIlroy and Rahm:         Championship awaits.
at THE PLAYERS Championship. Only                             field in Strokes Gained: Approach the                 “They both have the ability to hit the ball

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Amateur Hour on 17: ‘Fly the Kirkland’
                                                                                                                the good news.                                         sorts, with the best of the best.
                                                                                                                     The bad news was that nearly half of              The pros will once again be in action at
                                                                                                                the amateurs, 46 players, made double                  THE PLAYERS this week, and no doubt
                                                                                                                bogey or worse. Over a quarter (28%)                   they will once again shine, especially with
                                                                                                                made quadruple bogey or worse. A total of              that 130-yard carry over water on 17. You
                                                                                                                34 players hit at least two balls in the               imagine the amateurs will be watching
                                                                                                                water, and 10 deposited three in the soup.             from home, nodding in recognition, and
                                                                                                                There were so many balls flying into the               telling anyone within earshot: I’ve been
                                                                                                                drink it recalled the confused birds dive-             there.
                                                                                                                bombing Boise State’s blue football field.
                                                                                                                Fly the Kirkland, indeed.                                Statistical breakdown of the par-3 17th
                                                                                                                    “There’s just no there’s no error or no                for the 2021 Players Championship:
                                                                                                                margin for error,” Achez said. “You either               Final round:
                                                                                                                hit a good shot or it’s in the water, period.             • Actual yardage: 130 yards
                                                                                                                It’s not a hard shot, but you got to hit it in            • Scoring average: 3.05 (13th hardest
                                                                                                                the middle of club face, and you got it at               hole on the course)
                                                                                                                the right distance, and you got to hit it                 • 13 birdies, 50 pars, 9 bogeys, 4 dbles
                                                                                                                straight.”                                                • Green in regulation: 64/76
                                                                                                                     Comparing the amateurs’ misfortunes to               • Average distance to the pin: 24 ft
                                                                                                                the pros’ stats presents a stark contrast.                • Closest to the pin: 2 ft 3 in.
                                                                                                                Over the last decade at THE PLAYERS,                      • Water balls: 4
                                                                                                                with the average competitive round consist-               • Longest putt: 51 ft
                                                                                                                ing of 109 attempts, the pros have averaged               • One putts: 20
                                                                                                                only 13 water balls and nine double-bogeys                • Three putts: 7
Amateurs vs. Island Green at TPC Sawgrass before THE PLAYERS
                                                                                                                or worse.                                                Third round:
                                                                                                                   Take a moment to let that sink in – 102                •       Actual yardage: 129 yards
A recent data capture quantified ama-                      world's best play the 17th,” said statistician       water balls (amateurs) versus only 13                     •       Scoring average: 3.316 (6th
teurs’ struggles at the 17th hole at TPC                   Alex Turnbull, Senior Director,                      (pros).                                                  hardest hole on the course)
Sawgrass, and it’s probably worse than                     Broadcasting Production, PGA TOUR                         And keep in mind, the pros are playing               • 16 birdies, 37 pars, 13 bogeys, 7 dou-
you imagined                                               media, “combined with my own experience              the hole in front of 20,000 people, plus                 bles and 3 others
                                                           playing the hole, I knew the comparisons             millions more watching at home, with stag-                • Green in regulation: 61/76
By Cameron Morfit                                          between the two would be dramatic.                   gering sums at stake. Their average over                  • Average distance to the pin: 22 ft, 7 in
    You’ve watched THE PLAYERS                                “Most fans at home watching THE                   the last 10 years also factors in wild, windy             • Closest to the pin: 6 in.
Championship or played the Stadium                         PLAYERS on TV have probably thought to               days that were borderline unplayable, like                • Water balls: 17
Course at TPC Sawgrass, so you’re aware                    themselves that it’s just a simple 9-iron or         Saturday of last year.                                    • Longest putt: 44 ft, 6 in.
that one could fill a pond with the numer-                 wedge,” Turnbull continued. “After seeing                 Their exploits are legend—Rickie                     • One putts: 20
ous ways amateurs and professionals play                   102 balls go in the water in one day it’s so         Fowler’s three Sunday birdies on 17 as he                 • Three putts: 9
the 17th hole differently.                                 much more than that.”                                won in a playoff in 2015; Fred Couples                   Second round:
   But now it can be quantified. The PGA                      Yes, you read that right: 102 water balls.        holing out for par from the drop zone in                  • Actual yardage: 147 yards
TOUR followed 95 amateurs as they                             Wait. Weren’t there only 95 players?              1999—and the amateurs reverently recalled                 • Scoring average: 3.00 (T7 hardest
played 17 on a sun-splashed day in                         Yes, there were.                                     their favorite PLAYERS moments.                          hole on the course)
January. Breeze: light. Idea: Monitor the                     Playing the 17th is daunting for any                 Would they be able to pull the club back               • 1 hole-in-one, 24 birdies, 99 pars, 12
action, capture the data, crunch the num-                  amateur, no matter the day. There’s no bail-         under such pressure?                                     bogeys and 7 doubles
bers, and behold the vast gulf between the                 out; the hole’s scaffolding and stands go up             “Absolutely not,” said Will Calderhouse,              • Green in regulation: 115/141 (three
pros and the amateurs.                                     well in advance of the tournament (they              who was playing 17 for the first time, hit               players withdrew)
   And what a gulf it is.                                  were up on this day), creating a stadium-            an 8-iron to 15 feet, and birdied it. “Your               • Ave. distance to the pin: 27 ft, 10 in
   “I went in the water very quickly,”                     like effect; and there’s a flurry of activity        hands shake when you’ve got just the four-                • Closest to the pin: Hole-in-one
Bobby Moses said, a call that in the annals                on the tee – players taking photos and               some with you.”                                           • Water balls: 9
of island green pith now must rival Dan                    video, their caddies take photos and video,             The amateurs moved on, no doubt rins-                  • Longest putt: 36 ft, 3 in.
Hicks’ “Better than Most” (See: Woods,                     and everyone cheering each other on.                 ing a few more balls at the Stadium’s 18th                • One putts: 30
Tiger, 2001).                                                  On the data-capture day, though, there           hole before retiring to the clubhouse grill.              • Three putts: 6
   “I’m thinking get out my cheap ball and                 were even more cameras and people at the             The day was done, the data captured. In the              Opening round:
fly the Kirkland and put the Pro V1 in the                 pretty, dazzler of a par 3, which could have         end, it didn’t matter so much how many                    • Actual yardage: 123 yards
bag,” TPC Sawgrass regular Chris Achez                     further exacerbated the carnage.                     water balls had been hit on 17, or who hit                • Scoring average: 2.861 (14th hardest
said. He also found the water.                             Of the 95 players, there were just three             them. In gaining a new appreciation for the              hole on the course)
    Said Kyle Trainer, who hit the green but               birdies, 23 pars, and 12 bogeys. That was            hole, the amateurs had forged a bond, of                  • 37 birdies, 96 pars, 5 bogeys and 6
three-putted: “It was not better than most.”                                                                                                                             doubles
    A total of 26 groups took on the hole. It                                          STAT COMPARISON ON 17                                                              • Green in regulation: 129/144
was 72 degrees with a light wind, the tee                                   Amateur Day vs. The Average Round at THE PLAYERS                                              • Average distance to the pin: 18 ft, 4 in
shot calling for a 130-yard forced carry (as                                                                                                                              • Closest to the pin: 2 ft, 4 in by
during THE PLAYERS) to a front-left pin.                       Stat                               Pro Average/Rd*                             Am Day                     Byeong-Hun An
Assuming there isn’t much wind, the hole                       # of Attempts                              109                                 95                          • Water balls: 6
is a routine flip wedge for the pros.                          Total Balls in H2O                         13                                  102                         • Longest putt: 28 ft, 4 in.
    For the amateurs, many of whom were                        Players with Multiple Balls in H2O         3                                   34                          • One putts: 46
playing the hole for the first time, well…                     Stroke Average                             3.11                                5.37                        • Three putts: 4
“Knowing what I know about how the                             Doubles or Worse                           9                                   57

                                                          Follow us on twitter @sportspagedfw | www.sportspagedfw.com | The Sports Page Weekly | Volume 21 - Issue 28 | March 10, 2023 - March 16, 2023           11
COLLEGES                                             NCAA TOURNAMENT

March Madness bracket predictions
                                                                                                                                                                       Arizona has eight Quad 1 victories;
                                                                                                                                                                   same as UCLA. The Wildcats split two reg-
                                                                                                                                                                   ular-season meetings with the Bruins. Will
                                                                                                                                                                   there be a rubber match in the Pac-12 tour-
                                                                                                                                                                   No. 3 seeds
                                                                                                                                                                   *Marquette (25-6, 17-3 Big East)
                                                                                                                                                                   Resume: Net: 13, KenPom: 13.
                                                                                                                                                                       Marquette takes a six-game winning
                                                                                                                                                                   streak into the Big East tournament and is
                                                                                                                                                                   very much in the mix for a No. 2 seed.
                                                                                                                                                                   +Gonzaga (28-5, 14-2 WCC)
                                                                                                                                                                   Resume: Net: 9, KenPom: 10. The
                                                                                                                                                                   Bulldogs beat Saint Mary's 77-51 in the
                                                                                                                                                                   West Coast Conference championship
                                                                                                                                                                   game and are a dangerous team in this
                                                                                                                                                                   Kansas State (23-8, 11-7 Big 12)
                                                                                                                                                                   Resume: Net: 17, KenPom: 18.
                                                                                                                                                                      The Wildcats have nine Quad 1 victories
                                                                                                                                                                   and just one loss in Quads 2-4. That likely
                                                                                                                                                                   will keep them on this line no matter what
                                                                                                                                                                   happens in the conference tournament.
                                                                                                                                                                   Xavier (23-8, 15-5 Big East)
                                                                                                                                                                   Resume: Net: 22, KenPom: 16.
                                                                                                                                                                       The Musketeers fit well on this line
                                                                                                                                                                   despite the bad news that leading rebound-
                                                                                                                                                                   er Zach Freemantle will not return this sea-
                                                                                                                                                                   son. They have seven Quad 1 victories and
The NCAA Tournament starts March 14
                                                                                                                                                                   swept the regular-season series with UCon
                                                                                                                                                                   No. 4 seeds
March Madness bracket predictions 7.0:                  victory against Boston College in the ACC                *Alabama (26-5, 16-2 SEC)                         UConn (24-7, 13-7 Big East)
Projecting the Field of 68 for 2023                     tournament. Oklahoma State beat                          Resume: Net: 2, KenPom: 3.                        Resume: Net: 6, KenPom: 4.
NCAA Tournament                                         Oklahoma 57-49 in the Big 12 tournament.                    The Crimson Tide have nine Quad 1                  The Huskies are 18-1 outside of Quad
                                                            Right now, Penn State, Oklahoma State,               victories and the No. 1 seed in the SEC           1, and that pairs well with their Net/
By Bill Bender                                          Mississippi State and Utah State are our                 tournament. Alabama was 11-5 on the               KenPom combination.
    Conference tournaments are in full                  last four in. North Carolina, Michigan,                  road; a factor worth considering ahead of         Tennessee (22-9, 11-7 SEC)
swing, and with each day a few more auto-               Arizona State and Vanderbilt are our first               the neutral-site tournament.                      Resume: Net: 3, KenPom: 5.
matic bids to the Big Dance will be decid-              four out.                                                *UCLA (27-4, 18-2 Pac-12)                             The Vols are 10-9 in Quads 1-2, but it
ed.                                                     Who is our Field of 68? Here is a closer                 Resume: Net: 4, KenPom: 2.                        has been a gradual slide to a No. 4 seed.
    Which teams will make the 2023                      look:                                                       The Bruins' 82-73 victory against              The Volunteers are 4-6 in their last 10
NCAA men's basketball tournament? With                  No. 1 seeds                                              Arizona bumps them up to the No. 1 line.          games.
that in mind, here is a look at the latest              *Kansas (25-6, 13-4 Big 12)                              UCLA has 16 victories between Quads 1-2,          Indiana (21-10, 12-8 Big Ten)
Field of 68. We will update the Field of 68             Resume: Net: 7, KenPom: 9.                               which is one more than Purdue.                    Resume: Net: 28, KenPom: 30.
each day this week to monitor all the                       The Jayhawks have piled up an NCAA-                  No. 2 seeds                                           The Hoosiers split their last six games,
bracket movement.                                       best 15 victories in Quad 1, and a 10th Big              *Purdue (26-5, 15-5 Big Ten)                      but they finished with a much-needed 75-
    This year's Final Four is April 1-3 at              12 tournament championship under Bill                    Resume: Net: 5, KenPom: 6.                        73 overtime victory against Michigan.
NRG Stadium in Houston.                                 Self would clinch the No. 1 overall seed.                   The Boilermakers split their last six          *Virginia (23-6, 15-5 ACC)
    Houston, Alabama, Kansas and UCLA                   *Houston (29-2, 17-1 American)                           games, which opened the door for UCLA.            Resume: Net: 30, KenPom: 36.
are No. 1 seeds, but Purdue is in the mix               Resume: Net: 1, KenPom: 1.                               Purdue could still get a No. 1 seed with a            The Cavaliers split the ACC regular-
heading into the Big Ten tournament.                        The Cougars have a compelling case for               run in the Big Ten tournament.                    season championship with Miami. Virginia
    The bubble had some movement                        the No. 1 overall seed. A 3-1 record against             Texas (23-8, 12-6 Big 12)                         split its last four games.
Wednesday. Ohio State beat Wisconsin 65-                Quad 1 opponents means Houston likely                    Resume: Net: 10, KenPom: 8.                       No. 5 seeds
57 in the Big Ten tournament, and North                 will have to prove it in the NCAA tourna-                   The Longhorns beat Kansas 75-59 on             Miami (24-6, 15-5 ACC)
Carolina held on to its hopes with a 85-61              ment.                                                    Saturday and improved to 15-8 against             Resume: Net: 35, KenPom: 37.
                                                                                                                 teams in Quads 1-2.                                  The ACC champions have an 11-4
Last Four In              First Four Out                         Next Four Out                                   Baylor (22-9, 11-7 Big 12)                        record in Quads 1-2, and they have stuck
Penn State                North Carolina                         Wisconsin                                       Resume: Net: 12, KenPom: 14.                      on this line for the last few weeks.
Oklahoma State            Michigan                               Nevada                                             The Bears have an almost-identical             Texas A&M (23-8, 15-3 SEC)
Mississippi State         Arizona State                          Clemson                                         resume to the Longhorns. Baylor is 15-9           Resume: Net: 23, KenPom: 24.
Utah State                Vanderbilt                             Oregon                                          against Quads 1-2. This might get settled at         The Aggies have pieced together a phe-
+-Clinched tournament berth                                                                                      the Big 12 tournament.                            nomenal season in conference play, and the
* - Projected automatic bid                                                                                      Arizona (25-6, 14-6 Pac-12)                       season-ending victory against Alabama was
**- Last Four In                                                                                                 Resume: Net: 11, KenPom: 11.                      a nice topper.

12                March 10, 2023 - March 16, 2023 | The Sports Page Weekly | Volume 21 Issue 28 | www.sportspagedfw.com | follow us on twitter @sportspagdfw.com
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