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This document has been prepared for the benefit of Woolworths New Zealand Limited. No liability is accepted by this company or any employee or sub-consultant of this company with respect to its use by any other person. This disclaimer shall apply notwithstanding that the report may be made available to Waikato District Council and other persons for an application for permission or approval to fulfil a legal requirement. QUALITY STATEMENT PROJECT MANAGER PROJECT TECHNICAL LEAD Mark Georgeson Jamie Whittaker PREPARED BY Jamie Rowe 23/04/19 CHECKED BY Jamie Whittaker 26/04/19 REVIEWED BY Mark Georgeson 29/04/19 APPROVED FOR ISSUE BY Mark Georgeson 02/05/19 WELLINGTON Level 13, 80 The Terrace, Wellington 6011 PO Box 13-052, Armagh, Christchurch 8141 TEL +64 4 381 6700, FAX +64 4 473 1982 Stantec │ Countdown Pokeno, Great South Road, Transportation Assessment Report │ 2 May 2019 Status: FINAL│ Project No.: 15871 │ Our ref: Countdown Pokeno FINAL 020519.docx Document Set ID: 2235405 Version: 1, Version Date: 06/05/2019
Woolworths New Zealand Limited Countdown Pokeno, Great South Road, Transportation Assessment Report CONTENTS 1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................... 3 2. Existing Environment ........................................................................................................................................ 4 2.1 Site Location ..................................................................................................................................................... 4 2.2 Surrounding Road Environment ..................................................................................................................... 4 2.3 Sustainable Travel ............................................................................................................................................ 5 2.4 Travel Patterns .................................................................................................................................................. 5 2.5 Road Safety ...................................................................................................................................................... 7 3. Proposed Activity ............................................................................................................................................ 8 3.1 Consented Scheme......................................................................................................................................... 8 3.2 Proposed Scheme ........................................................................................................................................... 8 3.3 Wellington Street ............................................................................................................................................ 10 4. District Plan Objectives, Policies and Rules ............................................................................................... 12 5. Traffic Effects .................................................................................................................................................. 17 5.1 Trip Generation .............................................................................................................................................. 17 5.2 Trip Distribution ............................................................................................................................................... 19 5.3 Access Effects ................................................................................................................................................ 19 6. Parking and Loading .................................................................................................................................... 24 6.1 District Plan Requirements ............................................................................................................................ 24 6.2 Proposed Parking Supply .............................................................................................................................. 24 6.3 Great South Road .......................................................................................................................................... 24 6.4 Parking Design ................................................................................................................................................ 24 6.5 Loading and Servicing .................................................................................................................................. 24 7. Summary and Conclusions .......................................................................................................................... 26 LIST OF TABLES Table 4-1: District Plan Traffic and Transportation Rules ......................................................................................... 12 Table 4-2: District Plan Appendix 29A – Business Zone (Pokeno) Design Assessment Criteria .......................... 16 Table 5-1: Forecast Trip Generation – Consented Development ......................................................................... 17 Table 5-2: Surveyed Supermarket Trip Generation Rates ...................................................................................... 17 Table 5-3: Forecast Trip Generation – Proposed Development ............................................................................ 18 Table 5-4: New, Pass-by and Diverted Trips ............................................................................................................. 18 Table 5-5: Great South Road/ Wellington Intersection – Opening Year ............................................................. 20 Table 5-6: Great South Road / Wellington Intersection – 10 Year Horizon .......................................................... 20 Stantec │ Countdown Pokeno, Great South Road, Transportation Assessment Report │ 02 May 2019 Status: FINAL │ Project No.: 15871 │ Our ref: Countdown Pokeno FINAL 020519.docx Document Set ID: 2235405 Version: 1, Version Date: 06/05/2019
Table 5-7: Great South Road / Wellington Intersection – 10 Year Horizon .......................................................... 21 Table 5-8: Great South Road / Pokeno Road – 10 Year Horizon........................................................................... 22 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2-1: Site Location ................................................................................................................................................ 4 Figure 2-2: Average Daily Two-Way Traffic Volume Profile – Great South Road May 2018 ................................ 6 Figure 2-3: Current (projected) weekday PM turn volumes – Great South Road/ Pokeno Road intersection 7 Figure 3-1: Proposed Scheme ...................................................................................................................................... 8 Figure 3-2: Wellington Street ....................................................................................................................................... 10 Figure 5-1: Forecast Weekday Traffic Profile ............................................................................................................ 18 Figure 6-1: Loading and Servicing ............................................................................................................................. 24 APPENDICES Appendix A Great South Road / Wellington Street Intersection – Opening Year and Ten Years – SIDRA Outputs Appendix B Great South Road / Pokeno Road Intersection – Opening Year – SIDRA Outputs Appendix C Great South Road / Pokeno Road Intersection – Ten Years – SIDRA Outputs Stantec │ Countdown Pokeno, Great South Road, Transportation Assessment Report │ 02 May 2019 Status: FINAL │ Project No.: 15871 │ Our ref: Countdown Pokeno FINAL 020519.docx Document Set ID: 2235405 Version: 1, Version Date: 06/05/2019
1. Introduction Woolworths New Zealand Limited (“Woolworths”) proposes to develop a Countdown supermarket with an approximate gross floor area (“GFA”) of 3,000m², on a site in Pokeno. The site fronts onto Great South Road. All vehicular access will be achieved from Wellington Street (yet to be formed) along the southern boundary of the site. The construction of the part of Wellington Street fronting the site will be completed by Woolworths. In March 2017, the Waikato District Council granted consent for the establishment of a Fresh Choice supermarket (plus ancillary retail activities) on the same site. The related application included a June 2015 Transportation Assessment Report prepared on behalf of Woolworths. Woolworths has since decided to progress an expanded proposal. Throughout this report, reference is made to the previous consented submission to draw comparisons between the two proposals – the consented scheme versus the proposed scheme - to assess the changed scale of traffic impacts. The areas explicitly referenced in relation to the consented and proposed schemes include the demand for and availability of parking, the level of traffic that will be generated and its effect on the safety and efficiency of the surrounding road network. Pre-application advice has been sought from Council and its traffic advisors, and matters raised have been addressed. It is concluded that the traffic and transport effects of the development will be no more than minor , with effects able to be mitigated and managed in the way set out and described in this report, including with the formation of Wellington Street. 02 May 2019 │ Status: FINAL │ Project No.: 15871 │ Our ref: Countdown Pokeno FINAL 020519.docx Page 3 Document Set ID: 2235405 Version: 1, Version Date: 06/05/2019
2. Existing Environment 2.1 Site Location The site fronts Great South Road in Pokeno and is zoned as ‘Business Town Centre’ in the Franklin section of the Waikato District Plan . Other legal roads within this block have not yet been formed, including Wellington Street immediately to the south of the vacant proposal site. Figure 2-1 shows the location of the site in the context of the local road and wider state highway network. The indicative position of Wellington Street is shown as a black line adjacent the site. N Figure 2-1: Site Location 2.2 Surrounding Road Environment 2.2.1 Great South Road Great South Road is classified in the District Plan as a collector road. It is formed as a two-way road with a running lane in each direction. In the vicinity of the site, Great South Road has a painted median, with a posted speed limit of 50km/h through Pokeno. Along the site frontage, Great South Road provides angled car parking within a recessed bay. This parking bay illegally encroaches slightly into the site and is to be removed as part of this proposal and replaced in part within the new Wellington Street. Parallel parking is permitted on the opposite side of Great South Road. 02 May 2019 │ Status: FINAL │ Project No.: 15871 │ Our ref: Countdown Pokeno FINAL 020519.docx Page 4 Document Set ID: 2235405 Version: 1, Version Date: 06/05/2019
Council has a series of physical works scheduled for Great South Road in the coming months, which involve reforming and resealing of the road carriageway and constructing the throat of the Wellington Street intersection, which will then be extended by the supermarket proposal . 2.2.2 Wellington Street Wellington Street is currently a paper road which runs along the southern boundary of the site. It is proposed that the site will achieve vehicular access from Wellington Street and that Woolworths will form the side of Wellington Street that is adjacent the subject site as part of the proposal, to provide all customer and servicing access and egress. The concept arrangements have been developed in collaboration with Council, with further details of the intended layout and design of Wellington Street are discussed in more detail later in this report. 2.2.3 Pokeno Road To the north of the site, Pokeno Road is classified in the District Plan as a collector road. It has a rural- residential character immediately west of Great South Road, before achieving an increasingly rural character further west. The speed limit on Pokeno Road is 70km/h near the Pokeno township, and changes to 100km/h approximately 1km west of the Great South Road intersection. 2.2.4 Intersection of Great South Road and Pokeno Road The formed intersection between Pokeno Road and Great South Road is a give-way controlled T-intersection with Pokeno Road forming the minor approach, joining Great South Road (major approach) on the outside of a horizontal curve. The position on the outside of the curve provides excellent sight distances in both directions for vehicles approaching from Pokeno Road. A right turn bay is provided within the median of Great South Road for vehicles accessing Pokeno Road from the north. 2.3 Sustainable Travel Existing bus services in Pokeno include the Ministry of Education funded school bus, and a number of inter- city routes which pass through Pokeno. There are no local commuter services available at the present time, although it is understood a Pokeno – Pukekohe service is being considered. As a proposed service, and in the absence of other details, it has not been assessed further here. Currently, there are no specific provisions for cyclists in the area around the proposed site , and none planned by Council. In the vicinity of the site, Great South Road has footpaths on both sides of the road. The footpath adjacent the site encroaches onto the site and is to be re-established within the public road reserve in conjunction with the site development. 2.4 Travel Patterns 2.4.1 Great South Road Traffic count data was requested and received from Waikato District Council in relation to Great South Road. The counts were completed in May 2018 recording a weekday average of 4,948 vehicles per day (“vpd”) on Great South Road near the frontage of the site 1, involving approximately 9% heavy vehicles. During the busiest weekday hour, between 16:00 and 17:00 on Friday afternoon, 4522 vehicles were recorded. 1 Between the speed restriction before McDonald Road and Walter Rodgers Road. 2 9% of daily traffic flows. 02 May 2019 │ Status: FINAL │ Project No.: 15871 │ Our ref: Countdown Pokeno FINAL 020519.docx Page 5 Document Set ID: 2235405 Version: 1, Version Date: 06/05/2019
The average daily flow profile for Great South Road is provided below at Figure 2-2 for a weekday, Saturday and Sunday. Figure 2-2: Average Daily Two-Way Traffic Volume Profile – Great South Road May 2018 The weekday and Sunday network peaks on Great South Road are shown to occur between 16:00 and 17:00. The Saturday network peak occurs around late morning, between 10:00 and 11:00. It is clear from these details that the weekday PM peak is the absolute busiest period on the roading network and has accordingly been the focus of the analysis undertaken and reported in later sections of this report. 2.4.2 Pokeno Road Traffic count data obtained from Beca’s ‘Pokeno Intersection Assessment Report (3 February 2017) 3 indicates that Pokeno Road had a daily traffic profile of some 3,000 vpd, with peak hour afternoon flows of some 270 vehicles. 2.4.3 Great South Road / Pokeno Road Intersection In November 2014 4, TDG (now Stantec) undertook a traffic count survey at the intersection of the Great South Road and Pokeno Road. New surveys have not been completed as part of this assessment, however, it is noted that Beca undertook surveys of the intersection in 2016, to support their Pokeno Intersection Assessment Report (3 February 2017). Using the updated traffic flows from the Beca report, it is possible to understand the current percentage increase in traffic at this intersection across the two-year period that has elapsed since. The current vehicle flows are shown below at Figure 2-3. 3 This assessment builds on the findings of a previous project completed by Beca – Pokeno Bridge Options Transport Study – using a Paramics micro-simulation model that informed the original PSP assessment work completed in 2007. This report considers two additional residential developments planned for implementation outside of the Pokeno Plan Change area. The purpose of the project was to identify appropriate intersection forms within Pokeno at the future years of 2022 and 2040. 4 Friday 28 th November 2014, 7am to 9am and 4pm to 6pm, and Saturday 29 th November 2014, 10am to 1pm. 02 May 2019 │ Status: FINAL │ Project No.: 15871 │ Our ref: Countdown Pokeno FINAL 020519.docx Page 6 Document Set ID: 2235405 Version: 1, Version Date: 06/05/2019
Great South Road Pokeno Road H 11 3 L 131 14 3 7 H 14 116 L L 115 110 H 6 14 L = Light vehicle H - Heavy vehicle Great South Road Total 545 Figure 2-3: Current (projected) weekday PM turn volumes – Great South Road/ Pokeno Road intersection Figure 2-3 shows that the north and southbound flows on Great South Road are evenly balanced, with turning flows to and from Pokeno Road that match the through volumes on Great South Road. This is one of the reasons why the intersection has been identified for future capacity improvements. 2.4.4 Future Traffic Volumes Pokeno is expected to experience significant levels of residential development in the future. From the Beca report, it is shown that traffic is expected to grow by around 95% between 2018 and 2028. Therefore, for the purposes of this assessment, the background traffic levels fronting the site on Great South Road have been assumed to double in the next ten year period. 2.5 Road Safety An analysis of the road safety record in the vicinity of the site was undertaken using the NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) Crash Analysis System database for the five-year period 2014 to 2018. The search area covered Great South Road between Ford Street to the north and Hitchen Road to the south, a distance of approximately 800m. The search identified two recorded non-injury crashes. One crash occurred at the Great South Road / Cambridge Street intersection when a truck, travelling northbound on Cambridge Street hit a car turning right on to Cambridge Street from the left. The crash was recorded in June 2016 in wet conditions with the car driver not noticing the approaching truck. The other crash occurred 120 metres to the east of Marlborough Street, on Great South Road. A car was travelling eastbound on Great South Road and hit a truck which was u-turning from the same direction. The crash was recorded in June 2017 in wet conditions with the truck driver failing to signal and not noticing the other car travelling behind. Overall, there are no recurring safety patterns or concerns in relation to the type or location of the recorded crashes. It is therefore assessed that there are no underlying road safety issues that need to be addressed by this proposal. Notwithstanding, it is important to achieve safe access to ensure supermarket traffic and customers can safely move to and from the site, and also be safely added amongst the existing and future traffic conditions. It is relevant in this regard that the site access and Wellington Street designs have been developed collaboratively with the Council. 02 May 2019 │ Status: FINAL │ Project No.: 15871 │ Our ref: Countdown Pokeno FINAL 020519.docx Page 7 Document Set ID: 2235405 Version: 1, Version Date: 06/05/2019
3. Proposed Activity 3.1 Consented Scheme The consented scheme provides for the development of a Fresh Choice supermarket, involving the following activities: • 1,100m² GFA supermarket with 100m² of office space; • Two separate retails buildings of 185m 2 and 280m2 along the Great South Road frontage of the site, separated by a public plaza; • Vehicle access from Wellington Street; • 69 parking spaces; • Loading and servicing to the rear of the supermarket with an additional loading space provided close to the front retail buildings; • A pedestrian path connecting the retail buildings and plaza with the carpark and extending to connect with a new footpath along the site frontages of Great South Road and Wellington Street; and • Removal of existing on-street angle parking along the site frontage on Great South Road which partly encroaches into the site. 3.2 Proposed Scheme It is now proposed to develop a Countdown supermarket involving an approximate 3,000m² GFA building, inclusive of 200m² of office space and 100m² plantroom, on the same site as the consented scheme. The proposed site layout is shown next at Figure 3-1 Figure 3-1: Proposed Scheme 02 May 2019 │ Status: FINAL │ Project No.: 15871 │ Our ref: Countdown Pokeno FINAL 020519.docx Page 8 Document Set ID: 2235405 Version: 1, Version Date: 06/05/2019
DP 92626 10 DP 13817 BOUNDARY 215°10'00" 121.82m 0 LANDSCAPE 9 10 CT CT CT CT CT MARLBOROUGH STREET CT CT CT CT 7.5m CT CT CT CT CT CT CT CT 10 CT CT (FORMED) CANOPY OVER PROPOSED 30.0m TRUC CT CT CT CT CT SUPERMARKET CT CT CT CT CT CT CT CT K TURNING CT CT CT 20 CT CT CT 3.6m ALL Gross Floor Area = 3000m² 1:7 0F 7 (Including Office 200m², LOAD 5 Plantroom 100m²) 59.5m 7.2m LANDSCAPE 30 FL 22.60 3.7m DROP-OFF CANOPY OVER 8m 63.8 ENTRY 40 '00" 4°29 CANOPY OVER Y 32 DAR 7.5m 1 8.0m N BOU 50.7m GREAT SOUTH ROAD (FORMED) 50 LANDSCAPE COURIER / OFFICE 200m² PICKUP 2.5m 2.2m 60 DRIVE THRU LANDSCAPE 2.6m CANOPY OVER APPROX 650m2 16 16 8 11 12 8 70 1:80 FALL 7.5m 7.5m PYLON SIGN 13 6 17 DP 193238 5.0m 6 7 80 BOUNDARY 35°06'00" 135.27m PROPOSED FOOTPATH PROPOSED FOOTPATH LANDSCAPE 8 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 8.41m 90 WELLINGT ON STREET 135.50 WELLINGTON STREET 10.92m (UNFORMED) (UNFORMED) 100 110 1 DP 30550 2 DP 14599 120 130 Prepared By: K.LOUW COUNTDOWN POKENO Scale: 1:300 @ A1 / 1:600 @A3 GENERAL LAYOUT Figure No. Model Version FIGURE 3-1 A Document Set ID: 2235405 Version: 1, Version Date: 06/05/2019
Vehicular access to the site continues to be proposed from Wellington Street only, to be formed as part of the development. A total of 146 parking spaces is proposed in a car park located within the southern portion of the site. The proposed parking resource includes five parent bays and four disabled bays. There is also dedicated drop-off signs and a drive-thru pick-up lane. A loading and servicing area is to be provided at the rear of the supermarket and will also be accessed from Wellington Street via a separate driveway at the new stub end of Wellington Street. A dedicated pick-up zone is to be provided along the southern edge of the building, from where customers will be able to conveniently pick up their groceries and either exit to Wellington Street or re- circulate to the main carpark. As with the consented design, the proposal will result in the removal of the existing on-street parking located on Great South Road along the site frontage. A new footpath will be provided along the site frontage of Great South Road adjacent a new urban park, the details of which are addressed elsewhere in the application. Beyond these improvements, no other changes are proposed to Great South Road, and do not otherwise foreclose other upgrades that may be advanced by Council in the future, including in respect of possible pedestrian and cycle improvements. 3.3 Wellington Street The road reserve set aside for Wellington Street is approximately 20 metres wide, within which it is proposed to form an 8.4 metre wide carriageway, centrally within the road reserve, with widening at the intersection suitable for supermarket truck tracking, as addressed later in this report. A total of 8 parallel parking spaces will be provided along the nearside kerbline of Wellington Street. A footpath is included along the nearside of the road, together with a crossing point near the intersection with Great South Road. As sought by Council, the stub end of Wellington Street is to be formed in such a way as to facilitate the multi-point turning of a medium rigid truck, as demonstrated by the tracking shown in Figure 3-2. These concept arrangements have been developed in collaboration with Council, noting that the intersection location and relationship to existing properties and activities are pre-determined by the established paper road. Further particular details of the road design are shown in the series of civil engineering drawings included with the application. Figure 3-2: Wellington Street 02 May 2019 │ Status: FINAL │ Project No.: 15871 │ Our ref: Countdown Pokeno FINAL 020519.docx Page 10 Document Set ID: 2235405 Version: 1, Version Date: 06/05/2019
LANDSCAPE OFFICE 200m² PICKUP 2.5m 2.2m DRIVE THRU 2.6m CANOPY OVER 16 16 8 8 1:80 FALL 7.5m 7.5m 6 17 DP 193238 5.0m 7 BOUNDARY 35°06'00" 135.27m PROPOSED FOOTPATH LANDSCAPE 8 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 8.41m 135.50 WELLINGTON STREET (UNFORMED) Drawn By: K.LOUW COUNTDOWN POKENO Scale: 1:150 @ A1 / 1:300 VEHICLE TRACKING Figure No. Model Version 8m RIGID TRUCK FIGURE 3-2 A Document Set ID: 2235405 Version: 1, Version Date: 06/05/2019
4. District Plan Objectives, Policies and Rules Franklin District was split into three parts during the local government amalgamation process in 2010 which formed the current Auckland Council structure. Pokeno is located in the part of the former Franklin District whose control was passed to the Waikato District creating the Franklin Section of the Waikato District Plan. The site is zoned ‘Business Town Centre’, within the provisions of the District Plan. Table 4-1 below summarises the relevant traffic and transportation rules of the District Plan and describes the level of compliance achieved under each rule, relative to Part 9, Part 29 and Part 51. Table 4-1: District Plan Traffic and Transportation Rules Criterion Comment PART 9: TRANSPORTATION LOCATION OF VEHICLE CROSSINGS 9.5.1 The following standards [TABLE 9: STANDARDS FOR THE LOCATION OF Complies – no vehicular access is to VEHICLE CROSSINGS] will be used with respect to vehicular access to arterial be taken from Great South Road. All and collector roads in the district (refer to Part 9.4). Where any part of 9.5 is vehicular access will be achieved not complied with, an application for consent to a Restricted Discretionary from Wellington Street. Activity is required and Council 9.5.2 Any new vehicle crossing to be installed on a local road shall be Complies – The proposed vehicle located at least 7 metres from the kerb tangent point at the nearest crossing onto Wellington Street is intersection with another local road. approximately 45m from the intersection with Great South Road. PART 29: BUSINESS ZONE 29.5.5 DRIVEWAYS Complies – Great South Road No activity on a site affected by the “main frontage control line” shown on adjacent to the site is subject to main the planning maps shall have vehicular access to that affected street frontage controls. No vehicular frontage. access is proposed on to Great South Road. 29.5.6 PARKING SPACES Complies – the site lies within the 1. Subject to 29.5.6: 2 and the provisions of Part 51, parking spaces (and Business Zone and provides more associated manoeuvring / driveway areas) shall be provided on site for all than the required rate of parking. activities as follows: Parking is covered in more detail a. For SITES within the Business Zones shown on the planning maps: below. i. One space for every 40 square metres of gross floor area located at The car park will also be designed ground level. and constructed in line with point 2 ii. One space for every 50 square metres of gross floor area above and 3. ground level. b. For SITES outside the Business Zones shown on the planning maps: i. One space for every 30 square metres of gross floor area. 2. (Construction) For SITES within the Business zones shown on the planning maps: All parking and manoeuvring areas shall be formed, drained and maintained to a tar- or chip-sealed or concreted surface in accordance with accepted practice for “commercial” loadings, and such that stormwater will in all weathers leave the site in a controlled manner so as to have no potential to cause damage to roads or adjoining properties. 3. (Construction) For SITES outside the Business zones shown on the planning maps: Subject to Rule 29.5.8: 2, all parking and manoeuvring areas shall be formed, drained and maintained to at least a compacted metal (rock chip) surface, in accordance with accepted practice for “commercial” loadings, and such that: 02 May 2019 │ Status: FINAL │ Project No.: 15871 │ Our ref: Countdown Pokeno FINAL 020519.docx Page 12 Document Set ID: 2235405 Version: 1, Version Date: 06/05/2019
◼ stormwater will in all circumstances leave the site in a controlled manner so as to have no potential to cause damage to roads, service lanes, or adjoining properties; and ◼ metal will not be washed or carried onto any road, service lane or adjoining property. 29.5.7 LOADING SPACES Complies – a dedicated loading and 1. (Number of spaces) Subject to the requirements of Rule 51 all activities servicing facility is proposed to the shall, on the same site as that activity, have the number of loading spaces rear of the supermarket. Servicing as determined in accordance with the following requirements: vehicles will be segregated from the i. For SITES within the Business Zones shown on the planning maps: majority of customer traffic accessing and egressing the site. Sufficient One space per site space is provided within the footprint ii. For SITES outside the Business Zones shown on the planning maps: of the loading yard to allow service One space per site, but not less than two spaces for any site having a total vehicles to access and egress the site building gross floor area of over 1000 square metres. in a forward direction. 2. (Design) All loading spaces and associated manoeuvring areas shall comply with the following design requirements: i. No loading space can be sited in such a way that service vehicles have no option but to reverse onto or off the site. The Council may waive this requirement where a site is small or service access is to a service lane, no- exit road or to a street which carries low traffic volumes. ii. All loading spaces or areas shall not be less than 8 metres in depth, 4 metres in width, and 4.25 metres in height. iii. All loading spaces or areas shall be provided with an access path that complies with Diagram 51.F. 3. (Construction) All loading and associated manoeuvring areas shall, depending on the location of the site, comply with Rule 29.5.6: 3 or Rule 29.5.6: 4 as if the reference to “parking” was to “loading” spaces. 29.5.8 VEHICLE CROSSINGS AND DRIVEWAYS Complies – two vehicle crossings are Except where access is proposed to a state highway: proposed on Wellington Street. The 1. For sites within the Business Zones shown on the planning maps. combined Great South Road and Vehicle crossings (driveways) between sites and the edge of the formation Wellington Street frontages measure (kerb-line) of any road or service lane shall comply with Council's current in excess of 60 metres. policy. Council’s policy dated 2007 for vehicle crossings applies and the main requirements are summarised as follows: ◼ One crossing per property (contained in one Certificate of Title) ◼ Any property having a frontage in excess of 15 metres but less than 60 metres shall be permitted a second crossing. Any property with a frontage exceeding 60 metres in length shall be permitted one further crossing (i.e. a maximum of three crossings for sites in excess of 60 metres.) ◼ The maximum width of any crossing shall be 6 metres at the boundary line with provision for a splay, provided that the length of crossing on the kerb line shall not exceed seven metres. The total width of such crossings shall not exceed 50% of the frontage of front sites. Where two properties combine to form one crossing, the total width at the boundary line shall not exceed six metres. ◼ A minimum distance of two metres shall be provided between two crossings to act as pedestrian refuge. ◼ Construction standards are set out in the 2007 policy. 1A. For sites outside the Business Zone shown on the planning maps, Rule 42A.6.12 applies to vehicle crossings. 2. (Driveway apron) Notwithstanding any other rule in this plan, the driveway surface on the site which is adjacent to or behind every vehicle crossing shall be tar- or chip-sealed or concreted to a commercial standard for a distance of 6 metres back from the front boundary of the site, for the full width of the crossing, except that for activities that involve the daily movement of large trucks or truck-and-trailer units, this surface shall be extended into the site for a distance of 12 metres. Where a new or altered vehicle crossing is proposed to the State Highway, the approval of the New Zealand Transport Agency is required. 02 May 2019 │ Status: FINAL │ Project No.: 15871 │ Our ref: Countdown Pokeno FINAL 020519.docx Page 13 Document Set ID: 2235405 Version: 1, Version Date: 06/05/2019
29.6.8 VEHICLE SERVICING ACTIVITIES Complies – an appropriate loading Notwithstanding the minimum requirements of this plan relating to parking and manoeuvring space is provided and loading spaces (Part 51), every activity which involves the servicing of to the rear of the site. Its sufficient vehicles of any type shall provide on the site sufficient parking and space will provide parking and manoeuvring spaces to accommodate all those vehicles which either are manoeuvring for all expected service being serviced, awaiting service, or awaiting pick up by or delivery to their vehicles. owners. Vehicles shall not be left on the road, any off-street public parking area, or on any service lane or adjoining property. PART 51: PARKING, LOADING AND ACCESS 51.1 PARKINNG SPACES 51.1.2 NUMBER OF SPACES REQUIRED N/A – this table does not provide a The number of parking spaces to be provided on the site of an activity shall rate for retail activities in Business be as set out in Table 51.A below, provided that: Zones. Refer to Rule 29.5.6 instead. Further analysis of the parking ◼ where an activity requires a resource consent then these provision is provided below. requirements may be used as a guide and a greater or lesser number may be set; ◼ where a standard is not specified then that which is closest to the proposed activity may be used; or to be determined on the advice of a traffic report prepared by a traffic engineer having regard to the characteristics and circumstances of the particular proposed activity; and ◼ where a proposed activity incorporates more than one of the activities for which a separate standard is set, then the Council shall determine which activity is deemed to predominate on the site and may permit up to half the spaces required by the secondary activity to be waived. 51.1.3 SPACES FOR DISABLED PERSONS Complies – the proposed car park ◼ Where an activity is subject to the provisions listed in Schedule 2 of has 146 spaces, of which four are the Building Act 2004 (which addresses buildings that must be provided as disabled user bays. considered for access by disabled persons), car parking for the exclusive use of vehicles driven by persons with disabilities or any person accompanying a person or persons with disabilities, the parking area shall contain spaces as follows: - for a calculation of 10 or less spaces, no less than one space shall be for disabled persons; - for a calculation of between 10 and 99 spaces, no less than two spaces shall be provided; - for every 50 spaces (or part thereof) over 100 spaces, an additional space shall be provided. The design of these spaces complies ◼ All spaces for disabled persons shall comply with Diagram 51.D. with Diagram 51D. 51.1.4 ROUNDING Complies - This has been A fraction of 0.6 or greater in any parking spaces calculation shall be incorporated into the parking and deemed to be a requirement for one whole space. Fractions below 0.6 loading calculations. shall be disregarded. 51.1.5 LOCATION ON SITE Complies – the proposed parking ◼ All spaces shall be located clear of any designation or building line spaces are clear of all required areas restriction, or of any easement which protects the rights of persons noted in this rule. who are not owners or occupiers of the site. ◼ Spaces shall also be clear of any other required areas such as outdoor living courts and landscaped yards. 51.1.6 ACCESS AND MANOEUVRING Complies – The carpark accesses ◼ All spaces shall have access to a road and shall be provided with and circulation aisles and loading such access drives and aisles as are necessary for ingress and egress area have been assessed as being of motor vehicles from and to the street and for the manoeuvring of appropriate for use by the 90th motor vehicles within the site. percentile car as specified at Diagram 51.E within the District Plan. ◼ Driveways will generally be at least 3 metres in width unless some other width is specified for the particular situation or some other requirement of the Plan dictates (such as tracking curves). 02 May 2019 │ Status: FINAL │ Project No.: 15871 │ Our ref: Countdown Pokeno FINAL 020519.docx Page 14 Document Set ID: 2235405 Version: 1, Version Date: 06/05/2019
◼ All manoeuvring areas shall comply with the tracking curves for cars (in the case of parking spaces) as set out Diagram 51.E. ◼ No new parking space may be designed or formed which would necessitate any reverse manoeuvring off or onto the site, where the site has frontage to a national route, district arterial route or collector route as identified in Part 9.4 . (Refer to Policy 14 in Objective 19.3.3.) For the avoidance of doubt, this bullet point does not apply to sites that have frontage to a local road. ◼ All manoeuvring must be able to be undertaken on site in no more than a three point turn. Note – in determining compliance with on- site manoeuvring, the tracking curves shall not include manoeuvring occurring within the garage. 51.1.7 DESIGN AND DIMENSIONS Complies – the parking spaces and All parking and associated manoeuvring areas and aisles shall be designed manoeuvring spaces are laid out in and laid out in accordance with the specifications of Table 51.B (as well as accordance with the specified Diagram 51.E (above)). dimensions. 51.1.8 FORMATION Complies – The car park and loading ◼ FOR SITES WITHIN THE BUSINESS ZONE: Refer to the "development area will have a sealed surface, and standards" of the Business Zone (Rule 29). the vehicle crossings will comply with the construction requirements of the ◼ FOR SITES WITHIN OTHER ZONES: All parking and manoeuvring areas District Plan. shall be formed and drained to an all-weather, dust-free surface prior to any commencement of the activity to which the spaces and areas relate. 51.1.9 DEMARCATION OF SPACES Complies – All spaces will be clearly All required spaces shall be painted out or physically demarcated on the marked. ground. 51.1.10 MAINTENANCE OF SPACES Complies – no spaces are in conflict All spaces and associated access and manoeuvring areas shall at all times with any other part of the activity. be kept available for use by the vehicles they are designed for and shall not Dedicated spaces are allocated be diminished or rendered unusable by any building, alteration, storage or within the loading area for refuse and other activity. All parking and associated access and manoeuvring areas storage. shall at all times be kept in a weed-free, dust-free and permanently surfaced condition. 51.2 LOADING AREAS AND SPACES ◼ FOR SITES WITHIN THE BUSINESS ZONE: Refer to the development Complies – the site is in a Business standards of the Business Zone (Rule 29.5). Zone. ◼ FOR SITES WITHIN OTHER ZONES: Every activity shall have, on its own Tracking curves have also been site, such provision as is appropriate for the safe and efficient setting completed to show the down or picking up of all people, goods and materials likely to be manoeuvrability of trucks within the associated with its normal operation or functioning. All such areas site footprint, as addressed at shall be formed and drained to an all-weather, dust-free condition Chapter 6 of this report. prior to any commencement of the activity to which the space or area relates. ◼ MANOEUVRING AREAS: All manoeuvring areas associated with loading spaces shall comply with the tracking curves for trucks as set out in Diagram 51.F – 8 metre rigid truck. 51.3 VEHICLE CROSSINGS Except where access is proposed to a state highway, all new or altered Complies – the accesses comply vehicle crossings shall be positioned and constructed in accordance with with the requirement of Part 9.5. Part 9.5. Where a new or altered vehicle crossing is proposed to the state highway, the approval of the New Zealand Transport Agency is required. Error! Reference source not found. shows that the proposed development complies with all of the relevant transportation rules of the District Plan. In addition, Appendix 29A of the District Plan outlines the Business Zone (Pokeno) Design Assessment Criteria. Table 4-2 lists the relevant transport criteria from Appendix 29A. 02 May 2019 │ Status: FINAL │ Project No.: 15871 │ Our ref: Countdown Pokeno FINAL 020519.docx Page 15 Document Set ID: 2235405 Version: 1, Version Date: 06/05/2019
Table 4-2: District Plan Appendix 29A – Business Zone (Pokeno) Design Assessment Criteria Criterion Comment Design Element 1: Site Planning Complies. The supermarket 1. On sites located between Market Street and Cambridge Street buildings parking and service areas are should generally adopt a “perimeter block” layout, and parking and service proposed to be accessed areas should be accessed from side roads and not Great South Road. from Wellington Street 2. If possible, two vehicle access points on different roads (other than Great Complies. Two vehicle access South Road between Market Square and Cambridge Street) should be points are proposed on provided for car parking areas. Wellington Street 3. The principal pedestrian entries of all buildings and tenancies should face a Complies road and be conveniently located and clearly identifiable. 4. Outdoor storage should be avoided or concealed from view from public roads Complies by internalisation within or by the configuration of the building, (preferred), or by screen fencing. Design Element 3: Open Spaces, Parking Areas and Landscaping 1. Open spaces (particularly those associated with streams), car parks, and their Complies landscaping should be well-designed and accessible. 2. Parking and movement layouts should be designed for safe and effective Complies movement of vehicles through an easily understood layout with appropriate surface markings and signs. 3. Where car parking is provided on a site which abuts land zoned Residential 2, it Complies should be screened by buildings, fencing and / or landscaping. As outlined above, the proposed site layout complies with the relevant transport criteria. 02 May 2019 │ Status: FINAL │ Project No.: 15871 │ Our ref: Countdown Pokeno FINAL 020519.docx Page 16 Document Set ID: 2235405 Version: 1, Version Date: 06/05/2019
5. Traffic Effects 5.1 Trip Generation 5.1.1 Consented Proposal The consented proposal drew from the NZTA Research Report 453 Trips and Parking Relating to Land Use (RR453) to estimate the trip generation for the smaller Fresh Choice supermarket. The category selected for the analysis was the ‘Shopping Centre (small)’ category, relating to less than 4000m² GFA mixed retail developments. The design trip rates from RR453, which were reported for the consented proposal are provided below in Table 5-1 for the relevant PM peak hour. Table 5-1: Forecast Trip Generation – Consented Development Time Period Trip Rate (vehicle movements) Expected Trip Generation (vehicle movements) Peak Hour 18.9 per 100m² GFA 243 Upon review of the information, it is considered that this information referred to for the consented development is no longer relevant for the newly proposed scheme, and more recent supermarket-specific data is able to be relied on. 5.1.2 Existing Trip Generation The site is currently undeveloped and for the purposes of this assessment is assumed to generate no traffic. 5.1.3 Proposed Development More relevant data from surveys at various Countdown supermarkets in similar locations across New Zealand can be referred to in estimating the traffic generation of the fuller supe rmarket proposal. Four stores and six surveys can be referred to. The location of the store, the store size, the measured PM peak trip rate and the survey date of each is provided below at Table 5-2. Table 5-2: Surveyed Supermarket Trip Generation Rates Store Store Size Measured PM Peak Trip Rate Survey Date Countdown Tawa 4200 10.6 vph / 100 m² GFA 2013 Countdown Stratford 2800 7.6 vph / 100 m² GFA 2015 7.4 vph / 100 m² GFA 2016 Countdown Petone 4100 10.5 vph / 100 m² GFA 2016 10.2 vph / 100 m² GFA 2016* Countdown Crofton Downs 3600 10.8 vph / 100 m² GFA 2016 These examples have a calculated average PM peak trip rate of 9.5 vph/100 m² GFA. The Tawa store deserves particular comment. It is located adjacent State Highway 1 in Wellington, with convenient access for highway traffic, as well as serving the local Tawa catchment, not unlike the Pokeno proposal. Its PM peak trip rate of 10.6 vehicle movements per 100m² has been adopted here, giving total expected vehicle movements as summarised below in Table 5-3. It will otherwise be clear from this Countdown-specific data that the trip rates of RR453 are outdated and exaggerate the expected trip rates. 02 May 2019 │ Status: FINAL │ Project No.: 15871 │ Our ref: Countdown Pokeno FINAL 020519.docx Page 17 Document Set ID: 2235405 Version: 1, Version Date: 06/05/2019
Table 5-3: Forecast Trip Generation – Proposed Development Expected Trip Generation Time Period Trip Rate (vehicle movements) (vehicle movements) Peak Hour (PM) 10.6 per 100m² 318 Table 5-3 shows that the proposed development can be expected to generate around 300 vehicle movements (in and out) during the busiest hour of the day, being just 75 vehicle movements more than the consented situation, or around one additional vehicle movement a minute more than the approved position. Also from the available Countdown surveys, the likely daily profile for the proposed supermarket can be estimated, taking account of the proposed GFA. An example daily profile for the proposed Countdown Pokeno store is provided below at Figure 5-1. Figure 5-1: Forecast Weekday Traffic Profile Figure 5-1 demonstrates that the store is forecast to expect approximately 300 vehicle trips during the peak hour, and approximately 2200 vehicles per day. While the supermarket activity is likely to generate some new trips on the network (primary trips), many shoppers will be drawn from traffic already travelling on the immediate and adjacent roads. These may be pass-by trips (vehicles already passing the site or diverted trips (vehicles on an adjacent part of the network which make a diversion to visit the site). The only available comprehensive research of such trip making associated with a supermarket relates to an Auckland supermarket 5 which indicates the following rates for primary, pass-by and diverted trips: Table 5-4: New, Pass-by and Diverted Trips Primary Pass-by Diverted Thursday PM 35 – 40% 20 – 25% 40% Saturday midday 40 – 50% 10 – 20% 40% 5 Harries et al: Trip Generation Characteristics of Large-Format Retail Development Sites in Auckland (2011) 02 May 2019 │ Status: FINAL │ Project No.: 15871 │ Our ref: Countdown Pokeno FINAL 020519.docx Page 18 Document Set ID: 2235405 Version: 1, Version Date: 06/05/2019
Table 5-4 indicates that up to 25% of trips to the site will be pass-by trips. As a small township, the catchment area for the Pokeno supermarket is expected to be significantly larger than that of a similar retail development in a more densely populated suburban area. Many of the customers will travel longer distances to the site, which will in turn lessen the proportion of primary trips. On this basis, it has been assessed that around one third (33%) of traffic will already be passing the site immediately on Great South Road and will therefore not add to network volumes. The remaining two-thirds (67%) is expected to be new traffic on the network. Therefore, during the busiest operational hour of the site, 213 of the 318 proposed vehicle movements will be experienced as new traffic. A further observation is that the traffic volumes assessed above may not eventuate for some time , given the significant growth plans for Pokeno. It is therefore assessed that the trip generation described above is conservatively high for the initial development of the site and more realistic for the 5-10 year planning horizon. 5.2 Trip Distribution In the previously consented proposal, it was assessed that a higher proportion of vehicle trips would approach and exit the site to and from the north on Great South Road, with a lesser proportion travelling to and from the south. This assumption was based on the fact that the future residential growth is being provided primarily to the north of the main township. Therefore, a 70/30 split to and from the north / south, respectively, was assumed to provide a representative distribution on to the local road network. These same distributional characteristics are considered to be relevant to this assessment and have therefore been retained. 5.3 Access Effects To assess the off-site transportation effects of the proposed development, it is appropriate to assess the relative performance at the new Great South Road / Wellington Street and Great South Road / Pokeno Road intersections. Beyond these intersections, and as reported on shortly, the traffic capacity and performance of the wider network can be informed by the Beca report. For this purpose, the industry-recognised ‘SIDRA’ traffic model has been used to assess the existing and post – development performances of these intersections, for the PM peak hour. SIDRA analyses intersection capacities, vehicle delays and vehicle queueing, giving an indication of expected intersection performance. It calculates a number of performance indicators, including the following which are reported here: • level of service (LOS), based on the delay to motorists, graded from A (excellent performance) to F (poor performance); • average delay (seconds / vehicle), defining delay to the typical motorist; and • average length of a formed queue (vehicles). Two assessment scenarios have been analysed using SIDRA, involving the opening year of the supermarket and a ten-year horizon. 5.3.1 Great South Road / Wellington Street Intersection A summary of the SIDRA outputs for the opening year are provided below at Table 5-5. The full SIDRA outputs are provided at Appendix A. 02 May 2019 │ Status: FINAL │ Project No.: 15871 │ Our ref: Countdown Pokeno FINAL 020519.docx Page 19 Document Set ID: 2235405 Version: 1, Version Date: 06/05/2019
Table 5-5: Great South Road/ Wellington Intersection – Opening Year Scenario 95% Queue Approach LOS Delay (seconds) Length (vehicles) Baseline + Development Great South Road 1 A 0.9 Traffic (Opening Year) south Wellington Street A 7.7 1 Great South Road 0 A 1.6 north For this scenario, SIDRA indicates that the intersection will perform at a very good level of service for all movements. A summary of the SIDRA outputs for the future state relating to ten years post-opening are provided below at Table 5-6. The full SIDRA outputs are provided at Appendix A. Table 5-6: Great South Road / Wellington Intersection – 10 Year Horizon Scenario 95% Queue Approach LOS Delay (seconds) Length (vehicles) Baseline + Development Great South Road 1 A 0.6 (Ten Years) south Wellington Street B 11.7 2 Great South Road 0 A 1.0 north As shown above in Table 5-6, the intersection continues to perform well at ten years. The level of service provided on the Wellington Street approach is reduced slightly but still achieves a very good level of service B. The primary reason for the change in intersection performance relates to the increase in background traffic flows that are forecast, being an approximate doubling of traffic in ten years. Even then, the increased background traffic and added supermarket traffic is shown to be well accommodated by the proposed T-intersection design. 5.3.2 Great South Road / Pokeno Road Intersection A SIDRA model has also been completed for the Great South Road / Pokeno Road intersection. The same background traffic growth as identified by Beca was applied to the model. A summary of the SIDRA outputs from the opening year model are provided below at Table 5-7 and again the full SIDRA outputs are provided at Appendix B, first without and then with supermarket traffic added. 02 May 2019 │ Status: FINAL │ Project No.: 15871 │ Our ref: Countdown Pokeno FINAL 020519.docx Page 20 Document Set ID: 2235405 Version: 1, Version Date: 06/05/2019
Table 5-7: Great South Road / Wellington Intersection – 10 Year Horizon 95% Queue Length Scenario Approach LOS Delay (seconds) (vehicles) Great South Road A 4.1 0 south (left) Great South Road A 3.9 0 south (right) Great South Road PM Peak A 4.5 0 north (left) Opening Year – No Development Great South Road A 6.8 1 north (right) Pokeno Road (left) A 5.6 1 Pokeno Road B 10.2 2 (right) Great South Road A 4.1 0 south (left) Great South Road A 3.9 0 south (right) Great South Road PM Peak A 4.5 0 north (left) Opening Year – with Great South Road Development A 7.7 1 north (right) Pokeno Road (left) A 5.4 1 Pokeno Road B 14.3 4 (right) Great South Road / Wellington Intersection – 10 Year Horizon Table 5-7 shows that the intersection currently achieves a very good level of service (A) across all legs, with maximum delays of 10.2 seconds and maximum queue lengths of two vehicles. With the introduction of traffic associated with the proposed Countdown store, it is seen that the intersection still continues to operate with a high level of service, but with increased delays and queues to traffic turning right out of Pokeno Road. As with the Great South Road / Wellington Street intersection, background traffic growth has also been considered up to ten years after opening, involving a doubling of traffic flows. A summary of the results of the SIDRA model are provided below at Table 5-8 . The full SIDRA outputs are provided at Appendix C. 02 May 2019 │ Status: FINAL │ Project No.: 15871 │ Our ref: Countdown Pokeno FINAL 020519.docx Page 21 Document Set ID: 2235405 Version: 1, Version Date: 06/05/2019
Table 5-8: Great South Road / Pokeno Road – 10 Year Horizon 95% Queue Scenario Approach LOS Delay (seconds) Length (vehicles) Great South A 4.2 0 Road south (left) Great South A 4.0 0 Road south (right) Great South A 4.5 0 Road north (left) PM Peak Ten Years – No Development Great South B 11.7 2 Road north (right) Pokeno Road A 6.8 2 (left) Pokeno Road F in excess in excess (right) Great South A 4.2 0 Road south (left) Great South A 4.0 0 Road south (right) Great South A 6.5 0 Road north (left) PM Peak Ten Years – with Development Great South C 15.0 2 Road north (right) Pokeno Road A 7.7 2 (left) Pokeno Road F in excess in excess (right) Table 5-8 shows that the Great South Road approaches experience minor decreases in service and remain operating well within the capacity of the intersection. However, the right turn out of Pokeno Road changes to a level of service F, with very high levels of queuing and long delays being experienced. The details also show that the intersection will experience a poor level of service irrespective of the addition of supermarket traffic and that needs resolving irrespective of the supermarket proposed. Indeed, Beca’s Pokeno Intersection Assessment shows that by 2022, the provision of a standard, single lane roundabout will be required. This is in line with the results shown within Table 5-8 above. With the introduction of the Countdown development traffic, due to the higher operational capacity of the single lane roundabout, the additional traffic relating to the Countdown store will be easily accommodated – the Beca report states that this intersection has ‘considerable capacity remaining for future demands.’ By 2040, it is acknowledged within the Beca report that additional modifications will be required to the single lane roundabout intersection. These are described as including: • Separate left turning by pass lane approaching from Pokeno Road west; • Separate right turn lane approaching from Great South Road east; and 02 May 2019 │ Status: FINAL │ Project No.: 15871 │ Our ref: Countdown Pokeno FINAL 020519.docx Page 22 Document Set ID: 2235405 Version: 1, Version Date: 06/05/2019
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