Cosmetic Producers from Poland - present An Offer Tailored to the US Market -

Page created by Annie Hansen
Cosmetic Producers from Poland - present An Offer Tailored to the US Market -
Cosmetic Producers
 from Poland
 pre sent

 An Offer Tailored to the US Market

innovation          european quality
r&d                 experience
know-how            reliability
Cosmetic Producers from Poland - present An Offer Tailored to the US Market -
Dear Madame, Sir,

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the Polish Pavilion at
Cosmoprof North America. Almost thirty companies are here to take
you on a journey through the latest trends in the Polish cosmetics
industry, and share with you what has become an industry success
story over the past few years.
Today, Poland is Europe’s 6th largest cosmetics exporter, and Polish
made products are sold in over 130 countries. Moreover, 50 percent
of body and facial-care cosmetics purchased domestically are local
Polish brands. This strong Polish market position stems from
a persistent improvement in product quality and investment in new
technologies, which result in innovative and sophisticated products.
I invite you to discover the high-quality Polish products and learn
what the Polish companies have to offer here, in Las Vegas. I hope
this catalogue will serve you as a great and useful guide. Welcome
to the Polish Pavilion. Have an inspiring visit to the world of beauty,
sophistication and innovation.

Aneta Kuczewska

Head of Trade and Investment Section
Consulate General of Poland in New York
Cosmetic Producers from Poland - present An Offer Tailored to the US Market -
companies presented                                                   types of products
in the catalogue                                                      produced by the companies


                                                                                                                                                                                       private label
                                                           page no.


Alba Thyment                                                   6      Alba Thyment
Arkana                                                         7      Arkana
Ava Cosmetic Laboratory                                        8      Ava Cosmetic Laboratory
Bandi                                                          9      Bandi
Beliso                                                      10        Beliso
Bell                                                        11        Bell
Bielenda Natural Cosmetics                                  12        Bielenda Natural Cosmetics
BluxCosmetics                                               13        BluxCosmetics
Chantarelle Laboratory Derm Aesthetics                      14        Chantarelle Laboratory Derm Aesthetics
CM Michel Laboratory                                        15        CM Michel Laboratory
Elfa Pharm Polska                                           16        Elfa Pharm Polska
Eveline Cosmetics                                           17        Eveline Cosmetics
Floslek Cosmetic Laboratory                                 18        Floslek Cosmetic Laboratory
I.M.P.A.                                                    19        I.M.P.A.
Mollon                                                      20        Mollon
Nu                                                          21        Nu
Organique                                                   22        Organique
Paese                                                       23        Paese
Phenicoptere                                                24        Phenicoptere
Phenomé                                                     25        Phenomé
Quiz Cosmetics                                              26        Quiz Cosmetics
Świt                                                        27        Świt
Torf Corporation                                            28        Torf Corporation
Uroda Polska                                                29        Uroda Polska
Verona Product Professional                                 30        Verona Product Professional
Ziaja Ltd                                                   31        Ziaja Ltd

4                                        p o l i sh c o smet i c s    p o l i sh c o smet i c s                                                                                                        5
Cosmetic Producers from Poland - present An Offer Tailored to the US Market -
alba thyment                                                                                                               arkana
presents                                                                                                                   presents

Alba Body Maintenance – elemental products             cr ea t ed by                                                       Lactobionic Therapy – an exceptional line based       crea ted by
for body maintenance created with natural              Alba Thyment is a family company established                        on highly-concentrated 10% and 15% lactobionic        Arkana is a Polish modern brand of professional
ingredients. The essential set for daily skin care     in Poznan, Poland in 1913. It manufactures and                      acid. Its unique soothing, anti-inflammatory and      cosmetics for beauty parlours, dermatological
and home SPA treatments: no.2 Rich Body Butter         sells cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. Healthy                        regenerating properties make it perfectly suit-       centres and home care, established in 2011.
150 g, no.7 Galenic Body and Intimate Wash             is Beautiful is not just a company tagline, but                     able for treating sensitive skin after and during     It follows the latest biochemical and physiologi-
200 ml, no.11 Essential Body Scrub 200 g. Body         it is a reflection of a business philosophy. Alba                   dermoesthetic, retinoid and steroid treatments        cal trends in cosmetology offering products with
Maintenance is a part of Alba core product line        uses only selected natural ingredients and                          without causing any irritations. It also has a very   a high concentration of active ingredients that
– a series of products that directly relate to the     relies on novel manufacturing and laboratory                        strong rejuvenation effect. What distinguishes the    activate natural self-renewal processes. Arkana
tagline: Healthy is Beautiful, fostering a harmoni-    technologies. The company operates a friendly                       lactobionic cosmetics is their non-photosensibili-    was first in Europe to introduce cosmetics with
ous approach to health and appearance. Here is         management style based on a balanced work-life                      sation, which means that they can be used all year    the innovative peptide Progeline™. The company
merged an extensive knowledge of essential oils        philosophy with quality (product, work, life,                       round. They stimulate the production of collagen,     also offers a modern system of skin diagnosis and
with the wisdom of traditional medicine and            health) as its core value.                                          moisturise the skin, neutralise free radicals,        medical and beauty equipment.
modern phytotherapy. Alba believes in tradition                                                                            plumpen the total skin thickness and strengthen
proven by EBNM principles (Evidence Based                                                                                  the protective barrier of the skin.
Natural Medicine) and in true efficacy rather                                                                              Lactobionic acid speeds up cell renewal in the
than media trends or “fashionable” ingredients.                                                                            dermis and epidermis and therefore it can be used
Essential oils are powerful concentrates of active                                                                         during treatments with chemical peelings, laser
ingredients present in medicinal plants. While                                                                             therapy, needle mesotherapy, micro-puncturing
each oil is different and stimulates the body in                                                                           and also in the reduction of inflammation and
                                                                                                                                                                                 profi l e
a different way, the unifying characteristic is        pr o f i l e                                                        irritation. Cosmetics with lactobionic acid are
                                                                                                                                                                                 skin / dermo / professional / private label
the general cleansing of the human body and            skin / nails / fragnance / professional / eco                       recommended for sensitive and allergic skin,
specifically, improving cellular level information                                                                         mature skin with couperose and rosacead dam-
                                                       alba thyment sp. z o.o.                                                                                                   wyspy piękna sp. z o.o.,
exchange by cleaning the cellular synapses. Essen-     ul. kossaka 21, 60-760 poznań, poland                               aged by excessive sun exposure, patients suffering    pl. solny 16, 50-062 wrocław, poland
                                                       contact: mr. łukasz rychlicki / ceo                                                                                       contact: ms. katarzyna szostak / export manager
tial oils activate cellular functioning and together   t +48 61 811 54 07 m +48 607 578 384                                from seborrheic dermatitis, AD and psoriasis and      t +48 72 207 00 04
with a general healthy lifestyle help maintain         web                                                as S.O.S. for overreactive skin, after sunburn and
a healthy and beautiful home for our souls.                                                                                chemical irritation.

6                                                                                              p o l i sh c o smet i c s   p o l i sh c o smet i c s                                                                                 7
Cosmetic Producers from Poland - present An Offer Tailored to the US Market -
ava cosmetic laboratory                                                                                               bandi
presents                                                                                                              presents

Peptide Lift, a innovatory formulation that          cr ea t ed by                                                    C-White – more beautiful every day! A line of       crea ted by
contains the worldwide patent active ingredi-        Ava® Cosmetic Laboratory has been constantly                     cosmetics for whitening with an anti-wrinkle        Bandi has been a producer of professional
ent Hexapeptide-8 - Argireline® - the cosmetic       active on the Polish market since 1961. The com-                 effect, designed for comprehensive facial, neck     cosmetics since 1986, built with passion & dedi-
alternative to botox. The invention of this unique   pany’s mission is to create cosmetics in harmony                 and hand skin care. The innovative ingredients      cation. The latest investments & new production
anti-wrinkle peptide is one of the newest discov-    with nature. Ava® is the first Polish cosmetic                   of the products are based on active and stable      plant make Bandi an acknowledged leader on the
eries in cosmetology. It is a safer, cheaper and     manufacturer of natural and organic cosmet-                      substances and ensure a strong skin recovery and    Polish market with approximately 4000 active
milder alternative to Botulinum Toxin, topically     ics that has obtained the prestigious Ecocert                    reduce the symptoms of the photoaging process.      accounts. Wide offer, produced according to GMP
targeting the same wrinkle formation mechanism       certificate – the French worldwide certification                 The chief results of the cosmetic involve the re-   standards, contains 15 back-bar & 12 take-home
in a very different way.                             organization for natural and organic products.                   duction of discoloration, the elimination of deep   lines to use for different skin problems. Bandi
Composed of natural aminoacids, it is designed       Ava’s main assets are premium quality, tradition                 wrinkles and an increase of skin density.           is also specialized in chemical exfoliation with
to relax muscle and thus fight against mimical       and ecology.                                                     The products available in this range:               impressive visible results.
wrinkles. It produces an integral skin recovery,                                                                      »»Cream with Vitamin c - spf 20
effectively reduces the depth of the lines, espe-                                                                     »»Emulsion with Vitamin c
cially in the forehead and around the eyes, and                                                                       »»Serum with Vitamin c
prevents the formation of new ones.                                                                                   »»Hand Cream with Vitamin c
Argireline® has been shown in significant testing                                                                     »»Mask with Vitamin c
to be effective against the development of skin                                                                       The advantages of using the product:
wrinkling. Its application allows to achieve an                                                                       »»Reduces discolorations
effect similar to the injection of Botulinum Toxin                                                                    »»Smoothes wrinkles
but in a noninvasive way. A significant improve-     pr o f i l e                                                     »»Accelerates the production of collagen            profi l e
ment is visible after 3 weeks of daily use.          skin / dermo / professional / eco / private label                »»Contains the most active and most penetrating    skin / professional / dermo / eco / private label
                                                                                                                         Vitamin c
                                                     ava cosmetic laboratory                                                                                              bandi cosmetics ltd.
                                                     stara wieś, ul. dąbrowiecka 3, 05-430 celestynów, poland         »»Improves skin density                             ul. warszawska 7, 05-152 czosnów, poland
                                                     contact: mrs. ewa radawiec / export manager                                                                          contact: mrs. agnieszka ufel / export manager
                                                     t + 48 22 613 16 17               »»A range recommended even for sensitive           t +48 22 112 50 40 m +48 519 159 656
                                                                                                                         complexion                                       web

8                                                                                         p o l i sh c o smet i c s   p o l i sh c o smet i c s                                                                               9
Cosmetic Producers from Poland - present An Offer Tailored to the US Market -
beli so                                                                                                               bell
presents                                                                                                              presents

Argan by Cece of Sweden – premium hair               cr ea t ed by                                                    Hypoallergenic series. Nowadays, more and              crea ted by
and body care based on argan oil created by          Beliso has been manufacturing professional hair-                 more women complain of allergies. Redness,             Bell company is a recognized producer and dis-
professionals. Argan oil, called “liquid gold”, is   care, styling and bodycare products since 1995.                  burning, eye-watering are problems that affect         tributor of colour cosmetics. For 31 years, it has
a precious ingredient which has been used by         Own production facilities with highly specialized                many of us. They are the result of the contact of      been the leader among Polish brands in terms of
Moroccan women for hair and body care for ages.      equipment and qualified staff with long profes-                  our skin with irritants, both natural, such as pol-    popularity and sales on the market. Its products
The products, perfectly suited to the contem-        sional experience. Good Manufacturing Practices                  len, as well as with ready products containing ir-     are successfully sold in over 40 countries.
porary needs of care treatments have thus been       Certificate – iso 22716 obtained. Leader of a new                ritating components. Sensitive, prone to allergic      Thanks to the use modern technical and techno-
created from a combination of nature’s treasures,    trend- selling professional products in retail                   reactions of the eyes and the delicate skin around     logical solutions, the company can continually
centuries-old tradition and cutting edge technol-    channel. Owner of Cece of Sweden brand. Private                  them require special treatment and appropriate         improve its cosmetics. It is worth noting that
ogy. The amber-woody fragrance with a hint           label offer also included.                                       make-up. Bell Company meets the expectations           the Bell company designs and produces its own
of vanilla and spices takes us to the mysteri-                                                                        of customers and has created a series of hypoal-       product packaging.
ous world of oriental perfumes, fulfilling the                                                                        lergenic products such as mascara, eyeshadow,
exceptional care ritual. Argan oil, owing to great                                                                    eye liner pencil, liquid eye liner, eyelash builder,
amounts of vitamin E, Omega 3+6+9 acids and                                                                           mat & soft make-up foundation, mat & smooth
natural antioxidants, has become an exceptional                                                                       make-up base. The whole series has been
ingredient of our hair care products. It does not                                                                     prepared especially for people with sensitive eyes
overload the hair and leaves it soft and full of                                                                      and contact lens wearers. Their components have
shine. It is a magic elixir of youth, helping to                                                                      been carefully selected to minimize potential
rebuild the hydrolipid coat of the epidermis, pro-                                                                    allergy. The products have an unscented, gentle
tecting the skin from excessive dryness, delaying    pr o f i l e                                                     formula, do not contain alcohol or synthetic           profi l e
skin ageing processes. Argan by Cece of Sweden       hair / skin / professional / private label                       colourants and have been tested under the super-       colour / nails
contains hair care products such as shampoo,                                                                          vision of a dermatologist and ophthalmologist.
                                                     beliso ul. kosmatki 16, 03-982 warszawa, poland                                                                         bell
conditioner, mask and serum for split and dried      contact: mr. łukasz barbacki / export director                                                                          ul. graniczna 79g, 05-410 józefów, poland
                                                     t +48 22 671 75 55 m +48 508 020 059                                                                                    contact: mrs. ewa kozaryna / export manager
ends. The body care part of this line consists of web                                                                               t +48 22 779 0146
shower gel, body balm, butter and elixir.

10                                                                                        p o l i sh c o smet i c s   p o l i sh c o smet i c s                                                                                   11
Cosmetic Producers from Poland - present An Offer Tailored to the US Market -
bielenda natural cosmetics                                                                                          bluxcosm etics
presents                                                                                                            presents

Nano Cell Xtreme is a line of cosmetics for ma-      cr ea t ed by                                                  Hair & Body washes in 1000ml bottle with              crea ted by
ture skin, based on innovative active ingredients    Bielenda Natural Cosmetics was established in                  pump. The new formula, carefully designed for         BluxCosmetics Ltd. has been a manufacturer of
in the form of microscopic particles, capable        1990 and is a family business. The company’s                   our hair &body wash line contains extra-mild          personal care cosmetics, household cleaners and
of pushing through spaces between the cells –        range includes over 400 cosmetic products                      cleansing agents and neutral pH to gently care        car cleaning products for over 22 years. Situated
penetrating deeper into the skin. Advanced nano      for face, body and hair care. The company has                  for your skin and maintain its natural balance.       in the South-East of Poland, it has over 120
PCT technology developed by Swiss laboratories       launched its own range of Professional Cosmet-                 With the addition of aloe vera extracts, the new      products in the portfolio. The company has some
maximally utilizes anti-wrinkle ingredients: Plant   ics – Bielenda Professional. Within its 20-year                hair & body washes gently clean and moisturize        of its biggest clients spread all across the eu and
Stem Cells enclosed in liposomes, as well as the     presence on the Polish market, Bielenda has                    your skin. The whole line includes a wide range of    worldwide. Export to over 25 countries comprises
latest and most effective form of low molecular      gained a significant position and become one of                modern and colourful fragrance options to meet        around 75% of its production. It can supply
weight hyaluronic acid, which increases the level    the most recognized brands in Poland. Parallel                 and satisfy all the tastes of your final customers.   products both under its own brands and under
of skin hydration.                                   to its progress on the domestic market, Bielenda               Our offer contains: sweet coconut, juicy cherry,      the private labels of its clients.
Rejuvenating effects provided by nano active         has gradually been reaching a strong position on               soothing milk & honey, divine vanilla, fresh
ingredients:                                         foreign markets.                                               cucumber, soft cotton, sweet almond and nour-
Plant Stem Cells Phyto Cell Tec™ Argan enclosed                                                                     ishing avocado. All hair & body washes will clean
in liposomes have the ability to penetrate the                                                                      your skin thoroughly while leaving it delicately
skin. The skin appears younger - revived and                                                                        scented with a pleasant perfume.
revitalized.                                                                                                        Also, the new, 1L bottle of our hair & body
Low molecular weight hyaluronic acid acts in the                                                                    washes with a comfortable pump dispenser and
form of a powerful hydrating agent with particles                                                                   various fragrance options with their colour-
                                                     pr o f i l e
capable of penetrating the skin. It gives the                                                                       ful design make them even more eye-catching           profi l e
                                                     skin / professional / dermo / private label
feeling of an intense hydration, making the skin                                                                    and attractive on the shelves. The line can be        skin / hair / nails / private label
visibly smoother, firmer and more elastic.                                                                          produced under our brand ‘Naturaphy’ or under
                                                     bielenda kosmetyki naturalne sp. z o.o. s.k.a.                                                                       bluxcosmetics
                                                     ul. fabryczna 20, 31-553 kraków, poland                        your private label.                                   trzciana 243b, 36-071 trzciana, poland
                                                     contact: mr. adrian winiarz / export manager                                                                         contact: mrs. ewa sabaj / export manager
                                                     t +48 12 261 921 m +48 510 130 556                                                                                   t +48 17 855 14 71
                                              web                                                                      web

12                                                                                      p o l i sh c o smet i c s   p o l i sh c o smet i c s                                                                                   13
Cosmetic Producers from Poland - present An Offer Tailored to the US Market -
chantarelle laboratory derm aesthetics                                                                                cm michel laboratory
presents                                                                                                              presents

Liftango R Photodynamic Lifting without                cr ea t ed by                                                  Lip Balms – one of the strongest categories in         crea ted by
a scalpel of the face contour and revolutionary        Chantarelle Laboratory Derm Aesthetics is                      CM Michel Laboratory’s offer. Products based           CM Michel Laboratory specializes in professional
eye area rejuvenation. A peptide lifting line with     a professional brand in the beauty industry. Well              on formulas rich in active ingredients such as         and consumer cosmetic products created from
photodynamic preparations – phytic acid peeling        known for its dermatological cosmetics, innova-                natural waxes, vitamins, uv filters etc., satisfy      a to z, going from concept to production.
and the R concentrate, modeling the elastic fibres     tive and non-invasive laser machines for beauty                even the most demanding customers.                     Theacquired knowledge and experience, along
architecture, dedicated for every skin type, includ-   & aesthetics medicine. Over 220 professional                   The most popular world best sellers: moisturizing      with its production prospects enable the com-
ing sensitive ones; with advanced technology of        skin care products, 90 home care preparations                  lip balm, with aqua power system & maxi lip            pany to offer global services in the Private Label
the latest generation of peptides: Retino-Pept         and laser equipment in top new technology:                     complex; nourishing lip balm, with natural oils:       sector. Offer includes a wide spectrum of lip care
with retinoic acid result, cyklo- and lipopeptides     Photo-Dynamiq® Laser R / IR / UV in synergy with               macadamia, baobab & vitamins: a, e; multivita-         products, nails care and decoration products and
and photoactive R-Bio-Repair; an application of        a Magnetic Field, Thermo-Spherix® M-RF Thermo                  min lip balm, with a rich vitamin complex: a, e, c,    decorative cosmetics. Every client is treated in-
R preparations: Laser Photo-Dynamiq® / Laser R         Laser with a Rotation Magnetic Field. The range                f & jojoba oil.                                        dividually, offered a professional complex service
/ Led R, also by Sonophoresis. The line includes:      of products includes formulas for every skin                   Novelty: anti-aging lip balm, with hyaluronic          and high quality products.
revolutionary eye contour lifting without              problem.                                                       acid, argan oil & sea buckthorn extract; organic
a scalpel – with Beautyfeye TM upper lid lifting,                                                                     lip balm, with natural oils: linseed, cottonseed
a reduction of „crow’s feet” and of the shadows                                                                       and canola; active stem cells serum, with mango
under the eyes. Liftango R Lift R-Peel Phytic Acid                                                                    butter & avocado oil.
10% pH 5.0 – photodynamic lifting peeling R                                                                           Specialized products: sun care spf 25, Winter
10 % pH 5.0, with phytic acid and rejuvenateion                                                                       care spf 25, Men’s care, Children’s care, Medical,
formula R-Bio-Repair, brightening, anti aging,                                                                        Menthol Ice, After-bite balm.
                                                       pr o f i l e
antioxidant, for every skin; photodynamic applica-                                                                    Products with different flavours: chocolate, cola,     profi l e
                                                       skin / professional / dermo
tion by R light: Photo-Dynamiq® Laser / Laser R /                                                                     fruit etc. For special occasions: Christmas, Easter,   nails / colour / professional / private label
Led R or manually.                                                                                                    Valentine’s Day, Halloween and… unlimited ad-
                                                       prof. cosmetica sp. z o.o.                                                                                            cm michel sp. j.
                                                       ul. sierakowska 29, 05-092 łomianki, poland                    ditional opportunities for special orders!             ul. geodetów 31, 05-500 piaseczno, poland
                                                       contact: mr. jarosław alot / ceo                                                                                      contact: mrs. renata opara-czułba / private label
                                                       t +48 22 610 43 10 m +48 603 661 685                                                                                  manager t +48 22 750 75 59 m +48 502 668 408
                                                 web                                                                 web

14                                                                                        p o l i sh c o smet i c s   p o l i sh c o smet i c s                                                                                   15
Cosmetic Producers from Poland - present An Offer Tailored to the US Market -
elfa pharm polska                                                                                                      eveline cosmetics
presents                                                                                                               presents

Green Pharmacy line expresses our pro-eco-           cr ea t ed by                                                     24k Gold & Diamonds™ is the breakthrough             crea ted by
logical philosophy. None of our cosmetics have       Elfa Pharm Polska is a cosmetics manufacturer                     anti-wrinkle programme developed in Eveline          Eveline Cosmetics is one of the largest Polish
been tested on animals, the same applies to raw      combining the latest achievements of cosmetol-                    Cosmetics laboratory, combining effectiveness        manufacturer and exporter of cosmetics. The
materials. The line does not contain parabens,       ogy with the invigorating power of natural herbal                 of natural active ingredients with the latest        brand is appreciated and readily purchased in
SLS, SLES or other synthetic ingredients harmful     ingredients. All formulas contain plant-based in-                 achievements of cosmetology and aesthetic            more than 75 countries. The dynamic develop-
to the environment or human skin. The main idea      gredients, ecologically clean and with a minimum                  medicine. The new luxury formula contains            ment of the company on new markets and the
of this line is rediscovering and taking advantage   amount of preservatives. They are devoid of dyes,                 24-carat gold, diamond micro particles and           continued consolidation of its position worldwide
of old recipes based on natural herbs, which,        artificial substances and comply with the latest                  a unique composition of active substances that       is reflected in sales of over 70 million units of
with a little help of modern technology, can still   EU standards. We take advantage of a centuries-                   significantly restore the skin balance providing     cosmetics annually. Eveline Cosmetics owes its
enhance our beauty as they did centuries ago.        old tradition of herbal medicine, the proven                      it with brilliance.                                  sales success to a properly selected production,
The line comprises a wide range of hair and body     power of plants enhanced by good technology.                      Active ingredients: Diamond Microcrystals –          marketing and trade concept. This consists of the
care products, starting from shampoos, scalp                                                                           stimulate microcirculation, enhance skin tone        use of innovative technologies, modern design
oils, hair balms, body butters, scrubs, shower                                                                         and restore brilliance to tired skin; 24k Gold –     packaging, the highest quality being subject
gels, bath milks, foams and salts, ending with                                                                         activates collagen synthesis, contributing to skin   to a continuous control and quick response to
foot creams, hand creams and face creams. It                                                                           cells restoration and regeneration, moisturizes,     market trends.
is addressed to a mass market with the aim to                                                                          firms and lifts, improves skin density, smoothes
offer the highest possible quality at an afford-                                                                       wrinkles, shapes face oval; Biohyaluronic Acid
able price. It stands out from other cosmetics                                                                         – intensely moisturises and smoothens skin,
available on the market, not only thanks to the                                                                        restoring its firmness and elasticity; Matrix-6™ –
formulas but also the appearance of the packag-      pr o f i l e                                                      the latest generation peptide which enhances the     profi l e
ing, which resembles old traditional pharmaceu-      skin / hair / dermo / private label                               synthesis of 6 main ingredients rebuilding skin,     skin / colour / hair / nails / fragnance /
tical bottles. Green Pharmacy – the herbal key to                                                                      such as hyaluronic acid.                             professional
                                                     elfa pharm polska
your beauty!                                         ul. skotnicka 252 a, 30-394 kraków                                                                                     eveline cosmetics ul. żytnia 19, 05-506 lesznowola,
                                                     contact: mrs. julia widz / export manager                                                                              poland contact: engin egemen / export director
                                                     t + 48 515 134 895                                                                                                     t +48 22 334 58 15 m +48 515 204 861
                                                     web                                                                                                  web,

16                                                                                         p o l i sh c o smet i c s   p o l i sh c o smet i c s                                                                                  17
Cosmetic Producers from Poland - present An Offer Tailored to the US Market -
floslek cosmetic laboratory                                                                                       i.m.p.a.
presents                                                                                                          presents

Anti-Aging Mineral Therapy – a cosmetics line       cr ea t ed by                                                 Pumice Powder is a unique body scrub for skin         crea ted by
containing a unique blend of replenishing sea       Floslek Cosmetic Laboratory is a Polish company               exfoliation. It is made of polyurethane. Its tiny     Impa is the world’s leading PUR pumice producer.
minerals indicated for the care of mature skin      with 20 years of experience in producing cosmet-              particles are perfect for an easy and gentle skin     The company’s clients are located in 35 foreign
which requires intense regeneration, renewal        ics for complete face and body care and protec-               exfoliation. As a result, the skin is the smoothest   markets and its products are considered a pumice
and deep wrinkle reduction. Anti-Ageing Mineral     tion. The offer includes over 200 dermocosmetics              and softest it has ever been. The product is very     quality benchmark. Impa specializes in private la-
Therapy makes use of the amazing power of sea       of various categories. Floslek cosmetics are                  effective and first time results are amazing. It      bel production. A diversified offer consists of over
minerals. The cosmetics replenish trace elements    created in the modern R&D laboratory and are                  offers the opportunity to make one’s own peeling      30 variations of pumice sponges, also in forms of
and nutrients, acting as perfect supplements for    based on innovatory formulas and natural active               formulas. Pumice powder can be added to one’s         pedicure handles, foot files and pumice powder.
your skin and effectively combat signs of ageing.   ingredients, characterized by high effectiveness              favourite soap or washing gel. Because of the         The laser logo can also be added to the pumice.
Active ingredients in the line: Atlantic pearl      and safety of use. Floslek cosmetics are available            gentle massage, the small particles of Pumice
moss, innovative cyclic octapeptides, Mediterra-    in 17 countries. The main targets of export devel-            Powder smoothen the skin. The massage offers
nean clay, hyaluronic acid and argan oil.           opment in the next 2 years are Eastern Europe,                a unique sensation of softness, well being and
Efficacy proven by test*: a significant, notice-    the USA, South America and the Middle East.                   vitality.
able improvement in skin hydration – by 55% on                                                                    Pumice Powder is offered in 50 gr bottles with
average after each product application, improved                                                                  a flip top. Pumice Powder is an opportunity to
skin tightness, firmness and elasticity – by                                                                      offer a unique product and enrich the product
10% on average after each product application,                                                                    line. It allows to make combinations with existing
smoother skin – by 10% after 4 weeks of product                                                                   products. Pumice Powder can be also used during
use, reduced appearance of fine lines and deep-                                                                   promotional campaigns.
set wrinkles – by 6% on average after 4 weeks of    pr o f i l e                                                                                                        profi l e
product use, reduced sebum secretion – by 34%       skin / hair / dermo / private label                                                                                 skin / private label
on average after each product application.
                                                    laboratorium kosmetyczne floslek furmanek sp. j.                                                                    impa
The creams do not contain colourants or para-       ul. zawodzie 23, 02-981 warszawa, poland                                                                            al. kazimierza wielkiego 6d, 87-800 wloclawek, poland
                                                    contact: mrs. beata jastrzębska / export business                                                                   contact: mr. rafał gołębiowski / president
bens. None of their active ingredients are tested   development director t +48 22 842 64 62                                                                             t +48 54 230 91 11 m +48 607 17 23 41
on animals.                                         web
* Results confirmed by instrumental measurements.

18                                                                                    p o l i sh c o smet i c s   p o l i sh c o smet i c s                                                                                     19
mollon                                                                                                                nu
presents                                                                                                              presents

Monophase UV/LED Vernis is a one-phase                cr ea t ed by                                                   Nailnu – the range of modern cosmetics exclu-          crea ted by
lacquer, a revolution in natural nail styling using   Mollon Cosmetics, being a part of group of                      sively dedicated to the woman’s needs for caring       Nu cares about women by creating modern
the light-hardening method. The new generation        companies, specializes in professional nail care                for her hands, nails and cuticles.                     cosmetics based on the original recipes and the
of photoinitiators enables a polymerisation of        and nail design preparations under the Mollon                   Now available:                                         philosophy: “There is a great potential inside
lacquer in UV and LED lamps. UV/LED lacquer           PRO Brand. Making products, Mollon PRO draws                    Nail Care Polish Remover - the first cosmetic          you”. The potential to attract success in all
formula provides a dry manicure effect, as well       inspiration from the latest technological solu-                 that cares about nails and cuticles - during the       areas of your life and live the life you dream of.
as significantly reduces manicure time. It is         tions and cosmetic trends in terms of quality and               removing of nail polish – by making them soft          The only thing you need is to be conscious of
characterised by good adhesion, improved hard-        innovation. The production takes place according                oily and glossy. It is perfect to use wherever you     yourself. Nu knows how to reveal and develop
ness and a long-lasting effect of up to 10 days.      to proven standards on the contemporary tech-                   are thanks to the comfortable scented tissue.          your potential to make you feel and shine like
The application of only two thin layers of colour     nological lines. The history of our brand is con-               Coming soon:                                           a star! Nu offers a perfectly composed product
plate gives an exceptionally natural manicure         nected to the legendary town of Mollon in France.               Nail Care Polish – continue caring for your nails.     including ‘Nu formula’ without superfluous
effect: smooth, flexible and shiny. Removal is                                                                        Nail Care Polish gives you that unique chance.         ingredients..
non-invasive and fast.                                                                                                More than that… you will never be bored when
“3Free” - containing no formaldehyde, toluene                                                                         you always have our set of four coloures closed in
or DPB. It is safe for natural nail plates.                                                                           a unique kit with you.
Manicure Monophase is innovative styling with-                                                                        Hand Care Cream – it caters to your needs and
out using a base coat and top coat. Nail lacquer                                                                      beautifies your hands including your nails and
formula: hardening in a UV or LED lamp; no base                                                                       cuticles.
coat, no top coat, only colour; no washing after                                                                      Nailnu range consists of the little things that can
hardening in a lamp; instant dry manicure effect;     pr o f i l e                                                    make a big difference to a woman conscious of          profi l e
intense, long-lasting colour in two layers; mirror-   nails / professional                                            herself. You are your star. Let Nu take care of you.   skin / colour / hair / nails
like shine; long-lasting manicure - up to 10 days;
                                                      mollon cosmetics sp z o.o.,                                                                                            nu sp. z o.o.
fast removal in 3 minutes.                            ul. geodetów 31a, 05-500 piaseczno, poland                                                                             ul. pólnocna 28/2, 62-064 plewiska, poland
                                                      contact: mrs. agata policińska / export manager                                                                        contact: mrs. magdalena miczek / business development
                                                      t +48 22 750 53 03 f +48 22 211 17 63                                                                                  manager m +48 510 987 600
                                                      web                                                                                                  web

20                                                                                        p o l i sh c o smet i c s   p o l i sh c o smet i c s                                                                                      21
organique                                                                                                              paese
presents                                                                                                               presents

Pumpkin Line – beauty from a Polish garden!            cr ea t ed by                                                   Art lipgloss is an ideal product to subtly             crea ted by
A deeply moisturizing cosmetic line, inspired by       Organique is a family company founded in 2000                   underline lips, at the same time nourishing their      Paese is a Polish colour cosmetics brand. It cre-
the effectiveness of ingredients found in nature.      in Wrocław, Poland. Inspired by nature, Organique               delicate skin.                                         ates high quality cosmetics, with a wide colour
The main component used in this line is pumpkin        passionately creates high quality face and body                 Contains illuminating particles, reflecting light      palette and innovative formulas. The product
pulp extract - a source rich in sugars, vitamins,      care cosmetics, rich in active ingredients and                  and ensuring a beautiful, mirror-shine effect.         recipes are based on substances and raw materi-
proteins, minerals and amino acids. Enriched           aromatic scents. Using carefully selected natural               It makes lips look fresh and enhanced. Depending       als extracted from the richness of nature and the
with selected essential oils and shea butter it        resources and innovative production methods,                    on the shade, its coverage is delicate to medium.      effects of modern laboratory work.
actively protects the skin from dehydration and        Organique established itself as a valued brand                  A „long-lasting effect” formula makes the              Paese follows world trends, working with
minimizes the effects of aging processes. Regu-        supplying customers in more than 22 countries,                  lipgloss stay on for hours.                            make-up artists and colour advisers in order to
larly applied, Pumpkin Line cosmetics improve          covering the professional SPA and private retail                Paese is a brand that specially takes care of the      keep the product range in tune with the newest
and restore the hydro-lipid balance of the skin,       sector.                                                         high quality of its cosmetics. The recipes for our     developements in the cosmetic world.
leaving it soft, bright, elastic and nourished.                                                                        products are based on ingredients carefully cho-
Active Ingredients: pumpkin pulp extract, hyalu-                                                                       sen also for their nutritional properties. Art lip-
ronic acid, red algae, oils: sesame, avocado, grape,                                                                   gloss is enriched with castor oil. Its purpose is to
shea butter, vitamin E.                                                                                                soften thebdelicate skin of the lips. The cosmetic
Effects: moisturizing at multiple layers of epider-                                                                    contains also an E and C vitamin coctail. Lipgloss
mis, improvement of skin elasticity, strengthen-                                                                       when applied feels very comfortable, does not dry
ing of the lipid barrier. Characteristics: light                                                                       out the skin, does not cause a tightening sensa-
texture, fresh fragrance, anti-age formula, eco                                                                        tion. Suitable even for dry skin.
formula, safe formula, optimal concentration of        pr o f i l e                                                    Contains no parabens.                                  profi l e
active ingredients, recyclable packaging.              skin / eco / dermo / professional                               Art lipgloss is available in 10 trendiest shades of    colour / nails
Available in this line: ultra hydrating cream, hy-                                                                     naked beiges, fresh pink, delicate peach, innocent
                                                       organique sp. z o.o. sp. komandytowa,
drolipid mousse mask, algae mask with pumpkin          plac strzelecki 20/2, 50-224 wrocław, poland                    coral, bold orange.                                    euphora grzegorz wnęk sp.j.
                                                       contact: mr. leszek majcherczyk / export manager                                                                       ul. orszańska 43, 30-698 kraków, poland
& glucose, hydrolipid massage mask, hydrating          t +48 71 791 60 04 m +48 666 895 698                                                                                   contact: mr. grabriel skóra / export director
                                                                                                                                          m +48 790 354 111
concentrate.                                           web                                                                                         web

22                                                                                         p o l i sh c o smet i c s   p o l i sh c o smet i c s                                                                                  23
phenicoptere ltd.                                                                                                         phenomé
presents                                                                                                                  presents

Glov Hydro Demaquillage. World’s best make-             cr ea t ed by                                                     Daily Miracles Anti-Ageing – Don’t give in to          crea ted by
up removal. Glov needs no cotton, no chemicals          Phenicoptere has been awarded the “Start-up                       wrinkles! Phenomé uses the wisdom of nature to         Phenomé is a unique brand offering beauty
and leaves no residues on your skin.                    of the Year 2012”. It is a company focused on                     discover a new way to fight visible symptoms of        skincare cosmetics for all skin types and needs,
Designed in micro technology, developed within          innovative microtechnology solutions applied                      skin ageing.                                           manufactured according to the highest pharma-
2 years in laboratories and patented solution           in cosmetic products. Glov is the company’s first                 In faraway Siberia thrives a small plant called        ceutical standards while respecting the natural
to solve all contemporary woman problems                brand and is dedicated to those who strive for                    Rhodiola Rosea, a champion of longevity and            environment and its resources. The offered
when removing make-up. Glov removes entire              simple solutions for their daily needs. It has revo-              survival, used for centuries in Chinese medicine       products contain at min. 98% natural and organic
makeup, even mascara and most waterproof color          lutionized the make-up removal process allowing                   where it is known as the “Golden Root”. Due to its     active ingredients together with life-giving plant
cosmetic only with water. Glov is hypoallergenic,       one to fulfill the needs for the most sensitive                   anti-oxidant and smoothing properties, Phenomé         waters. Phenomé is a way of thinking and a life-
laboratory tested and approved. Gentle for the          skins by just adding water. The company’s vision                  anti-aging line uses Golden Root in order to erase     style based on health, satisfaction and natural
most sensitive and atopic skin. Glov is a perfect       is to take advantage of the natural resources and                 visible signs of ageing. It also stimulates the        balance.
travelling accessory, as it is not a liquid and takes   create a product that is accessible to the every-                 production of beta-endorphins which leaves the
up no space in the luggage. Glov is reusable, with      day needs of our fellow customers.                                skin relaxed with peace and harmony restored.
our advise to exchange the product for a new one                                                                          Enriched with the benefits of Golden Root,
every 3 months.                                                                                                           ecological plant waters, specially selected organic
Phenicoptere philosophy is to maintain beauty                                                                             oils and plant extracts, Phenomé cosmetics care
in the most natural manner. Soon launching new                                                                            for the comfort of your skin and leaves it in excel-
innovative products for skin care category!                                                                               lent condition. The formulas are very effective
                                                                                                                          at fighting against loss of elasticity and skin
                                                        pr o f i l e                                                      dryness, as well as reducing and smoothing out         profi l e
                                                        skin / eco / private label                                        wrinkles and uneven skin. With daily care, your        skin / hair / eco
                                                                                                                          skin will look healthy, youthfully fresh, smooth
                                                        phenicoptere sp. z o.o.
                                                        ul.mokotowska 1, zera tower – business link, 12th floor           and full of vitality.                                  biogened s.a.
                                                        00-640 warszawa, poland                                                                                                  ul. pojezierska 99, 91-342 łódź, poland
                                                        contact: mrs. monika zochowska / ceo                                                                                     contact: mrs. marta galuś / export manager
                                                        m +48 509 133 223 m +33 758 156 385                                                                                      t +48 42 651 31 52 m +48 604 180 873
                                                  web                                                                                  web

24                                                                                            p o l i sh c o smet i c s   p o l i sh c o smet i c s                                                                                   25
quiz cosmetics                                                                                                       świt
presents                                                                                                             presents

Safari Line – a wild line for those who love          cr ea t ed by                                                  The Exclusive Cosmetics anti-ageing line was           crea ted by
colours! Safari Eye shadows have a perfect velvet     Bim P.T.C. has been a producer of a wide range of              created to slow down the ageing processes. Exclu-      Świt celebrates 70 years of producing quality
consistency, they are applied well onto the eyelid.   make-up and skin care cosmetics and cosmetic                   sive Cosmetics creams contain natural innovative       cosmetic products this year. The company has
Perfectly ground pigments have made them silky,       containers since 1983. The high quality of our                 ingredients including snail, gold, pearland caviar.    a wealth of experience in producing quality cos-
soft and easy to apply. Available in 30 fascinat-     service and products is guaranteed by the certifi-             The specially created formulas are rich with active    metic products from a factory based in Warsaw,
ing, trendy colours, matt or shiny.                   cate of GMP ISO 22716:2007.                                    substances delivering day and night face care.         Poland, just 5 minutes from the international
Perfect smooth consistency of Safari Lip Gloss        If you are willing to distribute our products or               The creams’ main unique active ingredients are         airport. The factory is fully iso & gmp certified
gives an intense shine and subtle colour.             are interested in the production of private label              blended with other strong ingredients including        and all the products conform to current European
It moisturizes and protects lips from drying and      cosmetics, please do not hesitate to contact us.               hyaluronic acid, coenzyme Q10 and collagen. Such       Regulations. Świt products have won numer-
chapping. A special formula prevents lips from        Our professional staff will help you through all               a combination of components nourishes the skin         ous prestigious awards both on the domestic
sticking and a superb aroma intensifies the           the production stages.                                         and increases its firmness and elasticity. This        and international market and have proved to be
pleasure of application.                                                                                             anti–aging line was created specifically for differ-   extremely effective at clinical testing.
Safari Nail polish collection offers more than 200                                                                   ent skin types, different ages and different skin      We welcome you to visit us and find out how
colours, matt or glossy which are most fashion-                                                                      problems. The line is designed for women who are       we can co-operate together.
able and beautiful. Easy and quick application                                                                       40, 50, 60,70 years of age and who want to turn
guarantees perfect nails cover. The collection                                                                       back the time and reduce fine lines and wrinkles.
does not contain any harmful substances: tolu-                                                                       The Exclusive Cosmetics line’s innovative ingredi-
ene, formaldehyde or dibuthylphtalate.                                                                               ents are also combined with a unique packaging
                                                                                                                     which has won both the Art of Packaging 2014
                                                      pr o f i l e                                                   and Pearl of Packaging 2014 awards. Exclusive
                                                                                                                                                                            profi l e
                                                      skin / colour / nails / private label                          Cosmetics Line: a firming, anti-wrinkle cream
                                                                                                                                                                            skin / private label
                                                                                                                     with snail mucus extract for 40+; a regenerating,
                                                      quiz cosmetics (pph bim)
                                                      ul. parkowa 2, osowiec, 96-321 żabia wola, poland              anti-wrinkle cream with gold micro particles 50+;      świt sp. z o.o. ul. taśmowa 1, 02-677 warszawa, poland
                                                      contact: mrs. anna maliborska-szmulewicz / marketing                                                                  contact: mr. steve dawes / export director
                                                      manager t +48 22 755 28 00, +48 46 85789 14/15                 an anti-wrinkle cream with pearl extract 60+; an       t +48 22 330 58 08 m +48 664 956 771
                                                                                                                     anti-wrinkle cream with caviar extract 70+.            web

26                                                                                       p o l i sh c o smet i c s   p o l i sh c o smet i c s                                                                                       27
torf corporation                                                                                                      uroda polska
presents                                                                                                              presents

tołpa®: white cosmetics from black peat – how        cr ea t ed by                                                    Bi•es branded fragrances are among the most          crea ted by
is it made? tołpa.® cosmetics are composed from      Torf Corporation has been earning trust                          recognizable brands in their segment.                Uroda Polska was established in 1996. Currently
peloid and therapeutic mud. This is an exception-    and loyalty of customers for their credibility,                  Bi•es portfoilo is constantly updated with new       one of the most important Polish perfume & cos-
al challenge. Using their own, patented method,      high quality products at reasonable prices and                   products, based on an analysis of consumers’         metic manufacturers. The company produces and
Torf Corporation exposes peat to an extraction       their continuation of the work instigated by                     needs and the latest market trends. Bi•es brand      distributes its products through both channels:
process to obtain pure essences of active thera-     Polish scientist and botanist Stanisław Tołpa                    includes fragrances both for women and men: eau      wholesale distributorship and retail chains all
peutic substances – peat tołpa®. The company         (1901–1996) in the course of the past 25 years.                  de perfume, eau de toilette, perfumes, deodor-       over the world. In 2009, the Company extended
composes their cosmetics from those extracts.        The company has a patent for peat extract                        ants, perfumed deodorants.                           its portfolio by acquiring the well-known skin
tołpa® brand was initiated by botanist Professor     used for the production of diet supplement,                      The latest development is the Swarovski ele-         care brands: Melisa, Kwiaty Polskie (“Polish Flow-
S. Tołpa – a great authority. tołpa® is the only     toothpaste and tołpa.® beauty products. Since                    ments range. This unique idea deserves your          ers”) and Active 90.
company in the world which possesses the unique      1999, the company has been actively developing                   special attention. The fragrances are full of rich
patent for peat extraction that preserves peat       in the private label market, cooperating with                    floral character, ideal for self-confident and
properties. How does Torf Corporation combine        retailers and distributors all over Europe.                      seductive women. With fresh, oriental, woody and
‘black peat’ with the most up to date technology?                                                                     floral aromas, you will easily find a scent that
1. Torf Corporation extracts ‘black peat’ from the                                                                    works with your individual style!
peat bogs located away from civilization and
expose it to the patented process of extraction in
which they obtain therapeutic substances that
are known for their regenerating and anti – oxi-
dant properties. 2. The company combines peat        pr o f i l e                                                                                                          profi l e
extracts with other substances in a unique way       skin / dermo / private label                                                                                          skin / fragnance / eco / private label
to get a whole range of beauty products like gels,
                                                     torf corporation – fabryka leków sp. zo.o.,                                                                           uroda polska sp. z o.o.,
creams, emulsions and pastes. 3. Torf Corporation    ul.fabryczna 11, 55-080 kąty wrocławskie, poland                                                                      ul. niecała 9/u1, 00-089 warszawa, poland
                                                     contact: mr. paweł pietruszka / sales director                                                                        contact: mrs. anna trzeciak / office manager
sell their products in pharmacies and drug stores    t +48 71 334 19 59                                                                               t +48 89 649 04 00 m +48 519 078 940
and use them in peloid treatments offered at                                                                                                                               web
Tołpa Spa based in Wrocław.

28                                                                                        p o l i sh c o smet i c s   p o l i sh c o smet i c s                                                                                 29
verona products professional                                                                                           ziaja ltd
presents                                                                                                               presents

Revia permanent colouring cream is based on             cr ea t ed by                                                  Goat’s milk line – one of the best-selling Ziaja      crea ted by
a complex of active substances. Revia colouring         Verona Products Professional was founded in                    lines providing complex face and body care. It is     Ziaja has been focusing on skin care for the last
cream ensures an exceptionally durable, intense         2003. The company has been developing at                       designed for dry and wrinkle-prone skin which         25 years. The Polish, family-owned company
and brilliant colour. Revia series is available in 39   a fast pace, constantly improving the quality of               needs special protection and regeneration. All        is an experienced leader in the skin care and phar-
fashionable shades, starting from blond through         its products, which has resulted in its renowned               the products are based on goat’s milk complex,        maceutical market. Ziaja is a leading producer in
various shades of red and brown to intensively          position in the cosmetics industry. The outcome                which is a set of indispensable nutritious macro-     Poland with sales exceeding 50 million units per
black. Thanks to Revia hair colouring cream, the        of those actions is our rich portfolio of products             components rich in proteins, organic acids, lipids,   year and a turnover of 60 million EUR. Ziaja has
colour of your hair becomes intense, attractive         characterised by the best quality, original design,            carbohydrates and vitamins A and D.                   a portfolio of over 900 beauty care products for
and exceptionally glossy. Moreover, this effect         innovation and affordable prices. 9 cosmetic                   Goat’s milk products: supplement the deficit of       face, body and hair care and high quality pharma-
is very durable. Revia colouring cream perfectly        brands in as many as 4 categories – make-up                    natural nourishing substances, stimulate the          ceuticals. The international offer includes about
covers gray hair. The cosmetic formula contains         cosmetics, skincare products, hair colour products             synthesis of the structural elements of the skin,     200 products tailored to all skin needs.
a complex of active ingredients which protect the       and perfumery.                                                 increase its elasticity and smooth out fine wrin-
colour of your hair and care for its condition: silk                                                                   kles, protect the skin from harmful effects of free
proteins prevent damage to the hair, moistur-                                                                          radicals, delay skin ageing, perfectly moisturise
ize and regenerate, wheat proteins possess                                                                             the skin.
nutritional and moisturizing properties, silicone                                                                      All the products are dermatologically and allergy
makes your hair smooth, shiny and pleasantly                                                                           tested. They have skin neutral pH. Neither of the
soft to the touch and amino acids ensure proper                                                                        active ingredients used in the goat’s milk line is
hydration. Additionally, the process of Revia                                                                          tested on animals.
colouring cream application is very comfortable.        pr o f i l e                                                   Face care products: moisturising day cream,           profi l e
The cream spreads easily and evenly on the hair         skin / colour / hair / nails / fragnance                       nourishing night cream, eye cream, face mask,         skin / hair / professional
and does not drip.                                                                                                     milk+toner.
                                                        verona products professional
                                                        andrzejów duranowski 27b, 96-500 sochaczew, poland             Body care products: body balm, body lotion, body      ziaja ltd zakład produkcji leków sp. z o.o.
                                                        contact: mrs. katarzyna olędzka / marketing manager                                                                  ul. jesienna 9, 80-298 gdańsk, poland
                                                        t +48 46 863 08 88 m +48 519 183 606                           butter, creamy shower soap, hand cream, hand          contact: mrs. lidia ziaja / international sales manager
                                                  web                                                                             t +48 58 521 35 11
                                                                                                                       concentrate.                                          web

30                                                                                         p o l i sh c o smet i c s   p o l i sh c o smet i c s                                                                                       31
the programme to promote
the polish cosmetics industry                                                                                                             INVITATION

The Polish cosmetics industry has been chosen                                                                        MEET POLAND’S BEST COSMETIC PRODUCERS
by the Polish Ministry of Economy as one of
15 flagship branches of industry promoting the                                                                                       Study tour to Warsaw, Poland
Polish economy on international markets.
                                                                                                                                        September24th–27th 2014
The Programme started in March 2012 and will
                                                                                                                               for cosmetic buyers and trade journalists only
last until March 2015. It includes many events
carried out in Poland, Italy, Germany, Ukraine,
Russia, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, the
                                                                                                               A unique opportunity to meet approximately 30 Polish producers of cosmetics at
USA, China and Brazil.
                                                                                                               one place. Discover full range of new, high quality Polish products – from Polish
                                                                                                               speciality: advanced skin care products – to make up, hair, accessories and many
Thanks to the Programme, the Polish National
                                                                                                               others, both for mass market and professional one!
Pavilion appears at the most important world
cosmetic fairs. Polish companies take part in
                                                                                                               A wide programme that includes:
numerous foreign trade missions, while foreign
                                                                                                               »»  one-to-one meetings with producers,
contractors and journalists are hosted in Poland
                                                                                                               »»  a conference on the Polish cosmetic industry and presentations of the companies,
during dedicated study tours*.
                                                                                                               »»  a visit to the local beauty fair in Warsaw,
                                                                                                               »»  a factory tour – to give an idea of high quality Polish manufacturing,
The Programme is co-financed by the Polish
                                                                                                               »»  individual visits to beauty parlours and SPAs and many others...
Ministry of Economy and the European Union.

                                                                                                               Study tour packed with different events, organised from A to Z for your convenience.
t h e pro g ramme o rg a ni s er :                                                                             We provide: return plane tickets, 3 nights at comfortable 4* hotel Mercure War-
spc house of media                                                                                             szawa Centrum localised right in the city centre, all meals, entertainment, airport
ul. madalińskiego 20 / 1a 02-513 warsaw, poland
t +48 22 646 42 66                                                                     transfers, local transportation…

                                                                                                               The study tour is organised on behalf of the Polish Ministry of Economy, as a part of
*The next study tour for buyers and journalists will                                                           the Promotion Programme of the Polish cosmetics industry.
be held in Warsaw in September 2014. Interested in                                                             The participation is free for a limited number of participants from selected coun-
participating? Do not hesitate to contact us!                                                                  tries: Brazil, China, Germany, Russia, the USA (we cover all costs).

                                                                                                                                         If you hav e a n y qu es ti on s ,
                                                                                                                                         d o n ot hes i ta te to con tact u s !

                                                                                                                                         marianna wartecka
                                                                                                                                         t +48 22 646 42 66,

                                                                                                                                         spc house of media
                                                                                                                                         organizer of the promotion programme
                                                                                                                                         of the polish cosmetics industry
                                                                                                                                         ul. madalińskiego 20 / 1a 02-513 warsaw, poland

32                                                     p o l i sh c o smet i c s   p o l i sh c o smet i c s                                                                                            33
the cosmetics industry in poland

Key facts                                             Research and Innovation
»» Poland is the 6th biggest cosmetics producer in   Polish manufactures have been investing
    Europe and also the 6th biggest exporter, with    in modern production lines and research
    export worth more than 4,2 billion dollars!       programmes and as a result, they can offer their                                                                                                 Belarus
»» A European Union member since 2004, Poland        own, innovative products.
    guarantees the highest quality and standard of    Every big Polish cosmetic company has its own
    the products manufactured in the country.         research laboratory and invests significant
»» There are around 100 big and medium-sized         resources in research and development.
    companies producing cosmetics and several         In the case of most recognized producers, the cost
    hundred small and micro ones, operating on        of innovation investments reaches the level of                                                                                                      Ukraine
    the Polish market. They offer a wide variety of   20% of all the costs. It is not rare that even 25%
    products in many categories, such as skin care,   of the staff employed in the company is delegated                                                   Czech Republic
    make up and colour, hair, nails and fragrances,   to work on R&D projects.                                                                                               Slovakia
    both for the mass market and premium sector,
    as well as for professional use.                                                                               France
                                                      Excellent geographic advantages                                                                       Austria
»» Polish manufacturers are experienced and reli-                                                                                                                           Hungary
                                                      Poland, with its convenient location in the
    able partners in contractual and private label                                                                               Switzerland                                                         Romania
                                                      very centre of Europe, creates a geographic and
                                                      cultural bridge between Western and Eastern
»» Local producers in Poland – a country of 38
                                                      markets and is able to meet different consumer                                           Italy
    million – are highly appreciated. For example,
                                                      demands. Hence, it is no surprise that the three
    50% of the Polish market of body and face care
                                                      biggest export markets for Polish cosmetics are
    cosmetics belongs to local Polish brands.
                                                      Russia, Great Britain and Germany.

Tradition and Experience                                                                                                                                                         Why Poland?
Do you know that Helena Rubinstein, who was the                                                                                                                                  Because we know how to do it.
first manufacturer to offer a sun-protecting cream
and who popularized mascara and colour face
powders, was born and set up her first company in                                                                                                                                The Polish cosmetic industry keeps notably
Cracow, Poland? Another Polish city – Łódź – was                                                                                                                                 influencing the international beauty market.
the hometown of Maksymilian Faktorowicz, better
known as Max Factor, founder of the company of                                                                                                                                   Proof?
the same name. The tradition of manufacturing
cosmetics in Poland goes way back – small,                                                                                                                                       Our export rates are visibly growing
local manufacturers had been appearing on the                                                                                                                                    by 25% every year!
                                                                                                                            Find out more about Polish cosmetics companies
Polish territory since the mid 19th century, while                                                                                                                               We have built up trust through quality, expertise
                                                                                                                            and the blooming industry!
cosmetic production on an industrial level begun                                                                                                                                 and reasonable prices. All the 3 from Poland
a 100 years ago.                                                                                                            Visit our vebsite:            – the heart of Europe.

34                                                                                     p o l i sh c o smet i c s
Let us introduce you to the wealth of the Polish cosmetics industry!
26 great cosmetic manufacturers, presented in this catalogue,
are a perfect example of what Poland has to offer: a wide range of
products of the highest quality, innovative and representing all the
categories, both for individual and professional use.
Enjoy the catalogue and feel invited to visit the Polish National
Pavilion at Cosmoprof North America (13th-15th July, 2014) – we
are waiting for you at stand no. A 27412, Mandalay Bay Convention
Center, Las Vegas.
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