Corporate Presentation - As of September 30th, 2021 - FHipo

Corporate Presentation - As of September 30th, 2021 - FHipo
Inversión que Transforma

          Corporate Presentation
          As of September 30th, 2021
                                                                                                                    INVESTOR RELATIONS

                                                                                                                          Ph: +52 (55) 4744-1100
Corporate Presentation - As of September 30th, 2021 - FHipo
Investment highlights


                                                 About FHipo

                              8                                              2
                 Experienced management                                Macroeconomic
                team with robust corporate                              environment

                                                                            Attractive Mexican
           Attractive risk-reward                                            mortgage market
        profile with strong dividend                                          fundamentals

                                                                       Co-participation agreements
                          6                                            with INFONAVIT, FOVISSSTE
                                                                          and the technological
                High quality portfolios                                      platform, YAVE


                                             Strong growth potential

Corporate Presentation - As of September 30th, 2021 - FHipo
1. About FHipo3
Corporate Presentation - As of September 30th, 2021 - FHipo
FHipo is the first vehicle in Latin America similar to an
               American Mortgage REIT…
 REITs market in Mexico
                                           Mexican REIT market is created in 2011

       2011                                                                 First lodging REIT in Mexico is created in 2012

                                                                                                                                   First infrastructure and education
                   2012                                                                                                             REITs in Mexico

                                                                                                                                                        During 1Q20, the internalization of
                                                                                                                                                         FHipo's Advisor and Manager was

      In 2014, FHipo is created:
       − First mover advantage
       − Mexico’s largest IPO in 2014                                                                 2017
         ($8,625 MXN)
                                   In 2016, Follow-on Equity Offering:
                                    − Mexico’s largest Follow-on
                                    Offering in 2016 ($3,300 MXN)                                             FHipo received the Financial
                                                                                                              Innovation award by Capital
                                                                                                                 Finance International

Market evolution

                         Commercial,                                                                Mortgage REITs
                         office and                                Lodging                                                                                                     Infrastructure
                                                                                                     Market Cap: US$65.0 billion (1)                                          REITs
                         industrial REITs                          REITs
                                                                                                     Total Return FTSE NAREIT Mortgage REITs: -18.77%(2)

Source: FTSETM, NAREIT, Bloomberg.
(1) As of December 31st, 2020. (2) 2020 annual information, while FHIPO14 total reached -0.78%.                                                                                                 4
Corporate Presentation - As of September 30th, 2021 - FHipo
1            FHipo and its key milestones since its IPO
                                                                                                               Mortgage origination
        1st & ONLY MREIT in Mexico
        Ps. 8.63 bn IPO in November 2014 and Ps. 3.30 bn
        Follow-On in April 2016
        Created to acquire, originate and manage                             mortgages
        in Mexico
        Co-participation agreements with      and      , the largest
        mortgage lenders with collection through payroll deduction
        mechanisms in LatAm (residential mortgage origination)

        Managed internally by        CH
                                    , a subsidiary of FHipo, formed and
        controlled by individuals with high experience in the financial and
        mortgage markets
        Strategic Alliance with         , technological platform through
        which, FHipo will increase its mortgage origination                                            Financial innovation that attracts private capital, developing the
                                                                                                                          Mexican mortgage sector

Resources / Funding

        Equity                                           On-Balance Debt                                                                         Off-Balance Debt

                                                    Warehousing Facilities

                                                                                                                                                                       FHIPOCB 17U       FHIPOCB 20       FHIPOCB 21
Initial Public Offering :                                                                   ST       Issuances
                            FHIPO17                                                                                                                                      Ps. 3.36          Ps. 2.50         Ps. 2.50
         Ps. 8.63 bn
                                          Ps. 865      Ps. 1.62   Ps. 5.00    Ps. 2.60
                                                                                           Debt       ST Debt       CDVITOT 15U and 15-2U   Acquisition of Residuals        bn               bn
                            LT Debt                                                                                                                                                                           bn
                                            m            bn         bn          bn       Ps. 200 m    Ps. 488 m          Ps. 4.23 bn         CDVITOT 13U and 14U
    Follow-On Offering:                                                                                                                            Ps. 877 m
         Ps. 3.30 bn        Ps. 900 m                                                                                    Co-participation
                                                                                                                          Securitization                                Securitization   Securitization   Securitization
         2014 and 2016,       2017         2017          2017      2020        2021        2020         2021                                       Securitization           2017             2020             2021
          respectively                                                                                                                                 2017

1        Organizational Structure

                                                                                                                   Committee       Audit                   >100%
                                                                                                                     > 50%         Corp. Practices         >100%
                                                                                                                                   Nominations             >100%
                                            CBFI Holders
                                                                                                                             Independent Members
     Holders Assembly

    Technical Committee
            (TC)                                                                                                                   Subsidiary of FHipo, formed by
                                                                                                                Internal Advisor   professionals with experience in
                                                                                             Internal Advisor     and Manager      the mortgage, financial and real
     TC Appointed by
                                                                                               and Manager                         state markets
     CBFI shareholders                                                Management and

   Audit, Practices and
Nomination Subcommittees
                                                                                                                Reporting and      Services of advising and
                                                                                                                  Analytics        managing

                                                                                       and Analytics
                               Participation in Mortgage Portfolios
                                                                                                                    CBFIs          First mortgage REIT in Mexico

                                                                           Commercial Banks
                                                                          and other mortgage
                                                                                                                                   INFONAVIT, FOVISSSTE, YAVE,
                                                                                                                  Mortgage         Commercial Banks, mortgage
                           Short to medium-term                                                                   Originators
                                                                          Medium to long-term                                      originators, among others

2. Macroeconomic environment
2            Occupation, Employment and Mortgage Rates in Mexico
             The population contributing to the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) has had a constant growth in the last years.

Formal economy stability and low levels of unemployment
(Insured workers in 000s and unemployment as % of Economically Active Population)

    21,000                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     9.0%

    19,500                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     7.0%

    18,000                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     5.0%

    16,500                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     3.0%

    15,000                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     1.0%

 Source: IMSS and INEGI.
                                                                      Trabajadores Asegurados                                   Desempleo

Behavior of the Mortgage Interest Rates (Private Sector)                                         Interest Rate charged by INFONAVIT and FOVISSSTE
(Average TAC of loans in fixed interest rate of Banks and SOFOLES)                               (Interest rate charged depending on borrower’s income level)

 12.0%                                                                                             13.0%
 11.0%                                                                                             12.0%
    8.0%                                                                                           10.0%
    7.0%                                                                                            9.0%



                          Tasa de Interés Nominal                      Tasa de Interés Real                          Infonavit VSM (1)                                                            Infonavit Pesos
                                                                                                                     Fovissste VSM(1)                                                             Infonavit Más Crédito
 Source: Bank of Mexico.

 (1) VSM denominated loans are indexed to the lower between the increase in the minimum wage and the increase in the UMA.                                                                                                                             8
3. Attractive Mexican mortgage market fundamentals9
3          INFONAVIT’s Mortgage Loan Origination
               INFONAVIT expects to originate ~370 thousand loans per year for the next five years (2021 to 2025), which translates
                                                         in a CAGR (’20 – ’25) of 5.0%

INFONAVIT’s mortgage loan origination 2020 - 2025                                                        INFONAVIT’s projected mortgage portfolio registered within its balance
(Number of loans for the acquisition of a new or used home)                                              (Billions of pesos in mortgage loan portfolios, nominal values)

                                                                      379,267                                                                                                                         $1,616.0
                                                   370,586                                                                                                                            $1,544.0
                                     359,225                                                                                                   $1,404.0
                     351,653                                                                                 $1,269.0         $1,331.0
     329,535                                                                         80,119
                                                                                     48,849    FHipo’s
                                                       47,090          47,993                   target
                     45,253          45,769
                                                                       51,887        52,829
                                     49,630            50,899
     46,314                                                                                                    2020            2021E            2022E             2023E                2024E           2025E

                                                                                                         2021 expected origination by salary range (UMA)

                                     94,226            96,506          98,399        100,255

                     97,603          100,060       102,207             103,975       105,722
     88,048                                                                                                                                                                                      19%

                                                                                                                                                        14%                 13%
      2020           2021E           2022E             2023E           2024E          2025E

          > than 9        5.81 - 9        4.11 - 5.8            2.71 - 4.1       < than 2.7
                                                                                                                < 2.7            2.71 a 4.1         4.11 a 5.8             5.81 a 9              >9
                                      Income Range in UMAs

Source: INFONAVIT (Financial Plan 2021 – 2025)
3            FOVISSSTE’s Mortgage Loan Origination

 FOVISSSTE historical origination                                                                   Historic mortgage loan origination
(Amounts in billion pesos)

         $39.8            $41.0                                                                                    75.2
                                         $35.3         $34.1        $35.0              $35.9                               64.3                                           62.5
                                                                                                                                                                                   49.3     49.1     49.2
                                                                                                         $40.6                              $38.5      $39.8    $41.0
                                                                                                                  $34.4             $34.2                                 $35.3
                                                                                                                          $32.5                                                    $34.1 $35.0 $35.9

          2015            2016            2017          2018            2019           2020              2010      2011    2012     2013    2014       2015     2016      2017     2018     2019     2020
                                                                                                                          Originated loans in thousand                  Originated loans in billion pesos
    Source: 2020 ISSSTE Statistical Yearbook.                                                       Source: 2020 ISSSTE Statistical Yearbook.

FOVISSSTE’s Main Sources of Financing (TFOVI, FOVISCB and TFOVISCB issuances)
(Issued amounts in billion pesos)

      Historical Average = 15.5

              2013 = 17.0                          2014 = 16.6                   2015 = 16.0                      2017 = 10.0                                       2020 = 14.0

       6.9         4.6            5.5       6.0        5.4        5.2          10.2       5.8     7.0            6.8        3.2         12.0           10.0        6.0            8.0         10.0

     TFOVI        TFOVI       TFOVI        TFOVI      TFOVI      TFOVI         TFOVI     TFOVI   TFOVI      FOVISCB       FOVISCB     FOVISCB         FOVISCB   TFOVISCB       TFOVISCB    TFOVISCB
      13U         13-2U       13-3U         14U       14-2U      14-3U          15U      15-2U    16 U        17 U         17-2U        18 U            19 U      20 U           20 2U        2IU


3              Sub-penetrated mortgage market with steady growth levels

Strong growth rates for the market                                                                                     Low penetration of the Mexican mortgage market
(Mortgage Portfolio in billion pesos, in nominal values)                                                               (% of mortgage loans / GDP)

                                                           $2,079             $2,147
                                         $1,720                                                                                      64.0%
                         $1,515 $1,603                                                                                                        60.0%
                                                                                                                                                           40.8%      41.1%      36.9%
                                                                                                                                                                                                     9.7%      10.1%            7.2%

                                                                                                                       Switzerland      UK     USA         Spain     Germany      EU        Chile    Mexico        Brazil   LatAm

      2010      2011     2012   2013     2014     2015      2016    2017      2018     2019      2020

  Source: CNBV, INFONAVIT and FOVISSSTE.                                                                               Source: HOFINET.

 Annual Inflation of main countries
  (As of the end of each year)


                  4.4%                                                                  4.1%
                                  3.8%                               4.0%
                                                    3.6%                                                                  3.4%
                                                                                                                                                                                   2.8%              3.2%


      2009               2010            2011              2012              2013              2014             2015             2016               2017                  2018            2019              2020
                                 Mexico                               USA                                Germany                               Brazil                                  Switzerland
Source: Worldwide Inflation Data.

(1)          Includes Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela.
4. Coparticipation agreements with INFONAVIT,
                          FOVISSSTE and YAVE
FHipo currently participates in the following mortgage
 4          origination programs:

                                                                                     Program Characteristics
 Income Level                     4.5 VSM onwards                  3.5 VSM to 5.0 VSM             1.0 VSM onwards                                N/A                                N/A
 Target Destination                                                                 Home acquisition (guaranteed by a valid mortgage)
 Borrower’s Age                                                                                           18 - 64 years
 Maximum Loan
                                  ~ USD $86.9 K (1)                   ~ USD $18.6 K (1)                 ~ USD $96.9 K (1)                        N/A                                N/A
 Interest Rate             8.5 - 10.0% (VSM) and 12.0%                     12.0%                            11.9% (2)                      5.0 - 6.0% (VSM)                  (TAC) (3) > 11.0%

 Term                                                                                                    Up to 30 years
 Maximum LTV at
                                         95%                                90%                                  95%                             95%                                90%
 Maximum PTI at
                                                      30% - 32% (4)                                       28% - 30% (4)                          N/A                                35%
                                                                                          Eligibility Criteria
 Collection                                                              Collection through payroll deduction                                                               Debit deduction
                                                                                                 Borrowers must have settled
                                                                                                 its original loan 6 months          Borrowers must have
                            The borrowers must have been
                                                                                                 beforehand, with a solid            sustained an employment for
                            employed for at least 2 years at The borrowers must have a
                                                                                                 history of payment.                 at least 6 months
                            their current job                minimum income of 3.5x VSM                                                                               The borrower must have a
                                                             and maximum of 5.0 VSM                                                                                   minimum of 1 year of sustained
 Additional Program’s                                                                            Must have been employed for         Mortgage loans have to be
                            Loans originated by INFONAVIT                                                                                                             employment.
                                                                                                 at least 2 years at their current   current, without non-payments,
 Criteria                   before July 2014 are             The loans feature a first loss /
                                                                                                 job                                 carryovers or in risk of
                            denominated in VSM and the       credit insurance if they have an                                                                       Total Debt Service Ratio (TDSR)
                            loans originated subsequent to LTV greater than 50%                                                                                     minimum of 0.70
                                                                                                 Maximum the 10% of the
                            that date are denominated in
                                                                                                 portfolio can have borrowers        FOVISSSTE is the only owner of
                                                                                                 with an income level below 4        the assigned loan portfolio
Note: VSM means times minimum wage, which is the index calculated by multiplying the current unit of measurement of valuation (UMA, 2021 – Ps. 89.62) by the average number of days in a month, each
year (30.4 days).
(1) Assumes an FX MXN $20.0 per USD.
(2) Current origination rate as of 3Q21.
(3) Net revenue paid to FHipo derived from YAVE’s portfolio, excludes insurance/accessories, origination fee and administration fee, expenses that are covered by YAVE through the revenue generated
      from the mortgages (TAC). (4) 30%/28% if house does not have eco-technology, and 32%/30% for houses with eco-technology.
4             INFONAVIT – Green Mortgage
                                                             At INFONAVIT, every loan has a Green Mortgage.
                 This means that all houses financed through INVONAVIT, have eco-technologies, which are accessories that save water, electricity and gas.

What is a Green Mortgage?

•      It is an additional amount given to every loan in order to reduce water, electricity and gas consumption, while saving money and avoiding
      the depletion of natural resources.

•      These eco-technologies, in addition to contributing to the care and preservation of the environment, ensure average monthly savings of Ps. 100 – 400 in
       consumptions, depending on the location and climate where the house is located.

•      In this way, all houses acquired, built, expanded or remodeled with an INFONAVIT loan, must be equipped with eco-technologies to save water, electricity and
       gas, such as faucets, toilets, light bulbs, thermal insulation, solar heaters, efficient refrigerators and stoves, as well as ecologic grade washing machines, among

•      The additional loan amount is set depending on the salary and the savings achieved with the eco-technologies, will make it easier to pay. Check the tables of
       maximum amounts and monthly savings.

Eco-technologies Benefits                                                                                           Types of Eco-technologies for Ecologic Houses

 •     Savings in the borrower’s family expenses by reducing water, electricity and
                                                                                                                           Type                         Eco-technology                  Observations
       gas consumption.
 •     Contributing to the efficient and rational use of natural resources and the                                                              5 liter maximum flush toilet
       care of the environment.                                                                                                                 Ecologic grade shower
                                                                                                                                    Water       Saving kitchen and bathroom
•      With the monthly savings, the monthly payment of the loan is covered,                                                                    faucets
       without affecting the family’s economy.
                                                                                                                                                Sectional valves               NOM-001-CONAGUA
 •     Transparency by providing flexibility in                                                                                                 6 lamps for residential use    (Minimum standard) LED lamps can
                                                                                             Reduction in water,
       the selection of the eco-technologies              Respect for
                                                              the                             electricity and gas                               (economical)                   also be applied
       and bigger savings opportunities for the          environment                               expenses                       Electricity                                  For vertical housing, it only
       borrowers by choosing the ones that                                                                                                      Thermal insulation in roofs    applies for the last floor of the
                                                                          Green                                                                                                building
       better adjust to their consumption
       savings requirements.                                                                                                                                                   (Minimum standard) instant gas
                                                                                                                                                Rapid recovery gas
 •     Increase in the house’s equity value.                            Higher capacity of
                                                                                                                                    Gas         Heater                         heater can also be applied
                                                                        payment from the

     Source: Explanatory Manual of Ecological Housing.
4          Mortgage origination process
                          FHipo works as an strategic ally of INFONAVIT, FOVISSSTE and YAVE through their mortgage loan origination.

                Participation structure in INFONAVIT’s Programs                                                 Structure of the assignment of collection rights on FOVISSSTE’s portfolio

                    7                                     5
                                                                                                                                                                       Administration Trust

                                                                                                                           4                                                    3

                   6                                          Loan Evaluation

                                                                                                               1    FOVISSSTE transfers mortgage portfolio
    1 Mortgage origination
                                              FHipo co-participates loans that meet
    2 House acquisition                                the eligible criteria                                   2    Trustee issues certificate of Fiduciary rights

    3 Loans subject to acquisition                                                                             3    Primary Servicer and Adviser & Manager

    4 Return of non-qualifying loans. FHipo co-participates a % (1) of qualifying loans                        4    FHipo pays FOVISSSTE the price of the certificate of fiduciary rights. FOVISSSTE
                                                                                                                    transfers certificate of fiduciary rights to FHipo.
    5   Collection of interest and amortization

    6   Interest and Amortizations

    7   Servicing Fee %
(1) The co-participated percentage has evolved positively in accordance with the monthly origination and the income levels of our borrower’s.

4          Mortgage origination process (Cont.)

    About YAVE (previous Smart Lending)                                                           Structure of the strategic alliance between FHipo and YAVE

    YAVE is a technological platform that seeks to penetrate the Mexican
     mortgage market through the origination of mortgage loans via an                                                           5
     efficient, dynamic and accurate platform
    Combining an innovative technological platform with an experienced                                                                                                      2
     management team, with knowledge and background in the mortgage                                                         3
     sector, YAVE aspires to take advantage of its "first mover advantage"
                                                                                                    Absorbs credit                                                      4
     and consolidate as the largest mortgage origination platform in the                                 risk

   Objective:                                                                                                  1     FHipo provides resources to fund mortgage loans
                                                                                                               2     YAVE grants mortgage loans
                Automate mortgage origination processes by reducing the
                 number of people involved while simplifying procedures and                                    3     YAVE transfers the rights associated with the originated loans (1)
                 structures                                                                                    4     Interest and amortizations are paid to YAVE by the borrower
   How will it be achieved?                                                                                    5     Interest and amortizations flow from YAVE to FHipo

                YAVE will adapt to the needs of its customers with a
                 functional technological platform and exceptional service,
                 providing an alternative to the complicated and traditional
                                                                                     8. Experienced management team
                                                                                                   Competitive Advantage

                                                                                                       Competitive interest rate
                 procedures of the past
                                                                                      with robust governance standards
                                                                                                       Loans from Ps. 300,000
   Origination Terms
                                                                                                       Simplification and reinvention of the origination process

     Pre-approval in            Approval                Formalization             Cont. Admin.         Processes 3x (times) faster than those from financial institutions
        real-time               (~ 12 hrs)               (~ 3 weeks)             (Personalized)
                                                                                                       Loan formalization in a period of ~3 weeks onwards

      Derived from the strategic alliance, FHipo will benefit by expanding its origination pipeline and diversifying its mortgage offer, which will allow FHipo to
                                  diversify risk and access new market opportunities by participating within a new income sector.

(1) Assumes that the loans to be originated meet FHipo’s eligibility criteria.
5. Strong growth potential18
5   FHipo’s strengths

                               First mover advantage with proven track record
                        1     regarding origination and financing strategies

                            Strategic investments aimed to maximize the return to
                        2           the holders of the company's CBFIs

                            Agreements with INFONAVIT, FOVISSSTE and YAVE to
                        3        acquire and originate mortgage loans

                                Solid IT platform, with high complexity of being
                        4                        replicated

                        5            Know-how and industry expertise

                            Leverage strategy aimed to distribute attractive and
                        6                    stabilized returns

6. High-Quality Mortgage Assets20
6            High-Quality Mortgage Assets
                     In this slide we illustrate the development of our Non-Performing Loan (NPL) ratio, as well as our levels of loan reserve coverage.

Levels of Non-Performing Loan (“NPL”) Ratio with Conservative Allowance for Loan Losses

      NPLs / CP (1) with portfolio balance at origination
                                                                                                                         NPL’s as a % of the Consolidated Portfolio (“CP”) as of the 3Q21 (1)
      Allowance for Loan Losses / CP
      NPL's / CP
                                                                                3.74%                                                                                                0.00%   0.00%     4.85%
      Expected Loss / CP (2)                     4.15%                                                                  NPL considering Portfolio Balance
                                                                                               3.71% (3)                                                                     0.34%
                                                              3.26% (3)                                                      at Origination: 3.74% (1)

                               2.14% (3)                                        2.48%
                                                                                                                                 0.05%     0.01%    0.81%

                   1.24%                                                                                                2.10%

                   3Q19                          3Q20                            3Q21                                  Infonavit Fovissste YAVE CDVITOT CDVITOT CDVITOT FHIPOCB FHIPOCB FHIPOCB        Total
                                                                                                                        Balance Balance Balance   13U     14U     15U     17U      20      21

                                                                                                              Loan Reserve Coverage on Consolidated Portfolio (1)

                                                                                        Expected Loss Coverage (2) = 1.50x                                          NPLs Coverage = 0.76x
          FHipo’s NPL Portfolio in
       consolidated terms continues
          to demonstrate a good                                                                                                                             4.85%                            4.85%
         performance, maintaining                                                                                                                                                                              3.71%
      adequate levels of loan reserves
                                                                                         2.48%                             2.48%

                                                                                     Expected Loss                Expected Loss Coverage                     NPLs                       NPL Coverage

(1)    Based on outstanding principal balance for NPL’s and consolidated portfolio.
(2)    Considers weighted average loss given default (LGD) of FHipo’s consolidated portfolio of 51.03%, consolidated NPLs of Ps. 1,294.1 million.
(3)    Consolidated total allowance of loan losses as of the outstanding principal balance of the consolidated portfolio.
7. Attractive risk-return profile with quarterly distributions22
7           Diversified Sources of Funding
Diversified Funding

                                                    Securitizations                                                     Short-Term Unsecured Bonds
               Issuance of securities/certificates backed by a trust which guarantees the                       Issuance of securities/certificates backed by FHipo’s
                     issuance, whose equity structure consists of mortgage loans                                                    Balance Sheet

                                          Long-Term Covered Bonds                                                           Warehousing Facilities
           Issuance of securities/certificates backed by (i) FHipo’s balance sheet, and (ii) a              Credit facility conceded by a private entity, backed by a
             collateral trust consisting of mortgage loans, which guarantees the issuance                                       mortgage portfolio

Funding Structure
(Figures in million of pesos, as of September 30th, 2021)

         Funding Structures                      Type of Funding          Benchmark Rate               Margin                             Amount Withdrawn              Legal Maturity
                                                                                                 (1)                                                   (2)
             CDVITOT 13U                                               UDIBONO 2017 (1.54%)            +192 bps              -                   $657                        2041
                                                                                            (1)                                                       (2)
             CDVITOT 14U                                               UDIBONO 2018 (1.30%)            +119 bps              -                   $452                        2042
                                                                                            (1)                                                        (2)
             CDVITOT 15U                                               UDIBONO 2019 (1.80%)            +110 bps              -                  $1,105                       2043
                                                   Securitization                           (1)                                                        (2)
             FHIPOCB 17U                                               UDIBONO 2025 (3.11%)            +102 bps              -                  $2,362                       2047
                                                                                           (1)                                                         (2)
              FHIPOCB 20                                               MBONO 2026 (4.93%)              +180 bps              -                  $2,235                       2050
                                                                                           (1)                                                         (2)
              FHIPOCB 21                                               MBONO 2027 (6.34%)              +172 bps              -                  $2,449                       2051
                  BX+                                                                                  +200 bps            $400                   $200                  September 2022
             FHIPO 00220                                                                               +100 bps              -                    $100                  November 2021
             FHIPO 00121                                                                               +120 bps              -                     $88                   February 2022
                                                 Short Term Debt                 TIIE28
             FHIPO 00221                                                                               +100 bps              -                    $100                    March 2022
             FHIPO 00321                                                                                +74 bps              -                    $100                    August 2022
             FHIPO 00421                                                                                +71 bps              -                    $100                  September 2022
                  IFC                                                                                  +135 bps           $1,350                 $1,350                      2028
                 HSBC                                                                                  +135 bps           $5,000                 $4,275                      2053
                                                Warehousing Line
                  IDB                                                            TIIE28                +150 bps            $865                   $865                       2023
                 IFC 2                                                                                 +186 bps           $1,250                  $570                       2028
                NAFIN                                                                                  +265 bps           $1,623                 $1,623                      2050
               FHIPO 17                     Long Term Covered Bond         Fixed Rate: 8.78%               -                 -                    $900                       2052

(1) Fixed rate determined at issuance date of each RMBS.
(2) Outstanding Balance in million pesos (Ps. / $).
7           Attractive Risk-Return Profile
 Estimated spread between FHipo’s Asset Yield vs. Cost of Debt as of 3Q21
                                Asset yield per origination program                                                                                           Funding rates

                                                                                                                          Fixed Rate Pesos                 SWAP              TIIE            Fixed Rate UDI               Spread


                                                                                                                                     Long-Term Funding                                                  Short-Term
                                                  11.9%          12.0%                                                                                                                                   Funding
       11.4%        10.8%          10.9%
                                                                                VSM (1)

      VSM (1)                                                                                                    8.78%
                                                                                                                                                                        8.06% SWAP
                                                                                                                                                            6.73%            1.64%   2.00%              1.20%
                                                                                                                                                                                               1.00%             1.00%    0.74%    0.71%

                                                                                                                         3.46%                                                TIIE    TIIE     TIIE     TIIE     TIIE     TIIE     TIIE
                                                                                                                                 2.49% 2.91%
                                                                                                                           UDI   UDI
                                                                                                                                 UDI      UDI
                                                                                                                                         UDI       UDI
                                                                                                                                                   UDI      UDI
      Fovissste    IMC 2015       IMC 2017      IMC 2019           IT             IT          YAVE                FHIPO CDVITOT CDVITOT CDVITOT FHIPOCB FHIPOCB FHIPOCB Credit        BX+      CBF ST   CBF ST   CBF ST   CBF ST   CBF ST
                                                                                                                   17     13U     14U 15U/2U 17U           20      21  Facilities              00220    00121    00221    00321    00421
        VSM          Pesos          Pesos         Pesos          Pesos           VSM
                                                                                   Interest Rate
Source: INFONAVIT, FOVISSSTE and FHipo’s quarterly reports.                                                   Note: Considers TIIE as of September 30th, 2021.

                                                             ~ 11.97%
                                                                                              Estimated Spread
                         Asset Yield                                                               ~ 4.03%                                           (4)
                                                                                                                                                                                     Cost of Debt
                                                            Infonavit Más                                                                 ~ 7.94%
                                                               Crédito                                                                   FHIPOCBs and

                                                                                                                                          ST Debt
                                                                                                                                           LT Bond
                                                            Infonavit Total                                                              Warehousing

                                                          Wighted Asset Yield                                                        Wighted Debt Yield
(1)    APR before incurring in expenses such as insurance/accessories, origination fee and administration fee, which are covered by YAVE.
(2)    VSM denominated loans are indexed to the lower between the increase in the minimum wage and the increase in the UMA.
(3)    Considers SWAPs with a total notional principal of Ps. 6.3 bn.
(4)    VSM assets and UDI debt respectively, consider Banxico’s inflation as of September 30th, 2021.                                                                                                                                       24
8. Development of the Mexican Housing Sector25
8          Promoting the development of the Mexican Housing Sector

Global Offering’s Distribution                                                     Improving Mexican Worker’s Savings

     Part of FHipo’s equity came from abroad:                                      FHipo, as the first MREIT in Mexico, obtained investments from
                                                                                     Mexican pension funds (AFOREs).
        • FHipo, as a new asset class, has generated greater appeal for the
          Mexican mortgage market, expanding the exposure and awareness of            • As a vehicle floating in its entirely in the Institutional Stock Exchange
          such sector in the international markets, demonstrating the immense           (“BIVA”), FHipo contributes to both the Mexican savers, through
          opportunities available within this segment.                                  attractive distributions to these invested AFOREs, and the
                                                                                        workers/borrowers by creating a more competitive and attractive
        • FHipo, through resources obtained within the capital markets has and          mortgage market, which in turn, has attained better terms and
          continues to improve the terms and conditions of the Mexican                  conditions for the industry as a whole.
          mortgage market, while at the same time creating attractive returns
          to its local and international investors.

        • Through its global offerings, FHipo has brought external investment
          and continues to construct a more liquid mortgage industry in Mexico.

Social Impact

    •   FHipo, by acquiring/originating INFONAVIT and FOVISSSTE mortgages,                                        AFOREs (Mexican
        creates greater competitiveness within the industry, encouraging the                                    workers) participate in
        private sector to invest in a segment currently unattended by the
        commercial banks in Mexico. The latter, boosting mortgage supply, one
        of the key growth and development promoters in Mexico.
                                                                                     FHipo distributes a % of                              FHipo finances residential
                                                                                      net profit, benefiting                                  mortgage loans to
    •   FHipo represents a breakthrough in Mexican history, instrument that
                                                                                       investors (AFOREs)                                      Mexican workers
        obtained resources of funding from International Investors to supply and
        contribute to the development of the Mexican mortgage market, thus
        enhancing growth in the housing industry.
                                                                                                                 Mexican workers have
                                                                                                                greater opportunities to
    •   FHipo finances mortgages to worker’s with income levels below 4.0                                            obtain a home
        VSM, becoming the only relevant private player originating loans to the
        low-income population.

9. Financial Results
9           Solid Financial Results in 3Q21
Consolidated P&L Summary                                                                                     Consolidated Balance Sheet Summary

Figures in thousands of MXN, except the Net Income per CBFI              3Q21                3Q20           Figures in thousands of MXN                                 3Q21          3Q20
      Interest on mortgage loans                                           $387,103           $587,312          Cash and cash equivalents                               $1,691,209    $2,067,195
      Investment income                                                       13,722             17,583         Mortgage loans, net (2)                                 11,215,369    21,162,955
                                                                                                                Collection rights, net                                    102,615       103,719
      Financing interest expense                                           (217,203)         (331,386)
                                                                                                                Loans classified as held for sale (FHIPOCB 21-2) (3)     3,561,602            0
Financial Margin                                                             183,622           273,509
                                                                                                                Receivable benefits in securitization transactions       3,368,101     2,471,571
    Allowance for loan losses                                                (37,341)        (121,996)
                                                                                                                Accounts receivable and other assets                      631,288       627,946
    Valuation of receivable benefits in
                                                                             151,538             83,363         Equipment, net                                               1,557         3,093
    securitization transactions
                                                                                                                Derivative financial instruments                             3,207            0
      Administrative expenses                                                (79,639)          (87,186)
                                                                                                            Total Assets                                               $20,574,948   $26,436,479
      Other (+) income / (-) expenses                                             238               214
                                                                                                                Accounts payable and accrued expenses                     421,032       139,496
Net income before tax                                                        218,418           147,904
                                                                                                                Notes Payable                                            1,402,314     4,151,258
      Income tax                                                                (487)                  0        Financing                                                8,849,652    11,901,622
Net income                                                                   217,931           147,904          Derivative financial instruments                           32,206       287,003
Net income per CBFI                                                           $0.559             $0.361     Total Liabilities                                          $10,705,204   $16,479,379
Net income per CBFI subject to distribution / effected                                                      Equity                                                      $9,869,744    $9,957,100
                                                                              $0.531             $0.343
distribution                                                                                                Total Liablities and Equity                                $20,574,948   $26,436,479

           Net income during the 3Q21 was Ps. 217.9 million, representing a 47.3% increase compared to Ps. 147.9 million reported during the same quarter of the
           previous year. This growth is mainly the result of (i) a lower allowance for loan losses as a consequence of the performance of the portfolio, (ii) the positive
           effects that inflation has had on the valuation of our VSM-denominated Consolidated Portfolio and, (iii) the improvement of our funding sources and their
           financial conditions, such as securitizations issued in previous quarters.

          Net income per CBFI (EPS) was Ps. 0.559 (1). The net income per CBFI, subject to the current Distribution Policy, during the 3Q21 is Ps. 0.531, this is 54.8%
          higher than the distribution for the third quarter of 2020, and represents the highest net income per CBFI reported for a third quarter compared to previous

    (1)   Calculated considering outstanding CBFIs, as of the date of each report (3Q21: 390,110,259 outstanding CBFIs)
    (2)   Includes principal, accrued interests, indexation on loans in VSM, and allowance for loan losses.
    (3)   Assets transferred to the issuing trust corresponding to FHIPOCB 21-2 securitization, issued in October.

 This document was produced for information purposes only, for the exclusive use of the recipient. It should be understand as informative and should not
 be considered as a basis for any investment or financial transaction, therefore FIDEICOMISO HIPOTECARIO F/2061 (“FHipo”, the “Company” or the
 “Issuer”) its stockholders, members or employees does not assume any direct or indirect responsibility whatsoever of any financial transaction and/or any
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 The information contained herein is indicative and subject to change at any time. Client should be aware that prices may fall as well as rise. For this
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 All information in this document is subject to verification, correction, completion and change without notice. No representation or warranty, express or
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 It may not be reproduced to any other person, and it may not be published, in whole or in part, for any purpose.

 This document does not constitute an offer, a recommendation, or an invitation to purchase or sell investment instruments, perform financial services or
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 It is not intended to be relied upon as advice to potential investors and does not form the basis for an informed investment decision. If the Company
 should, at any time in the future, commence a new offering of securities, any decision to invest in such offer to subscribe for or acquire securities of the
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