Continuity of Cancer Care and Collaboration Between Family Physicians and Oncologists: Results of a Randomized Clinical Trial
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Continuity of Cancer Care and Collaboration Between Family Physicians and Oncologists: Results of a Randomized Clinical Trial Michèle Aubin, MD, PhD, CCFP ABSTRACT Lucie Vézina, MA PURPOSE Collaboration between family physicians (FPs) and oncologists can be René Verreault, MD, PhD, CCFP challenging. We present the results of a randomized clinical trial of an interven- tion designed to improve continuity of care and interprofessional collaboration, Sébastien Simard, PhD as perceived by patients with lung cancer and their FPs. Éveline Hudon, MD, MA METHODS The intervention included (1) supplying FPs with standardized sum- Jean-François Desbiens, RN, PhD maries related to each patient, (2) recommending that patients see their FP after receiving the cancer diagnosis, (3) supplying the oncology team with patient Lise Fillion, RN, PhD information resulting from FP visits, and (4) providing patients with priority Serge Dumont, PhD access to FPs as needed. A total of 206 patients with newly diagnosed lung cancer were randomly assigned to the intervention (n = 104) or control group André Tourigny, MD, MBA (n = 102), and 86.4% of involved FPs participated. Perceptions of continuity Serge Daneault, MD, PhD of care and interprofessional collaboration were assessed every 3 months for patients and at baseline and at the end of the study for FPs. Patient distress and health service utilization were also assessed. RESULTS Patients and FPs in the intervention group perceived better interprofes- sional collaboration (patients: P
CO L L A B O R AT I O N I N C A N C ER C A R E perceptions of continuity of care and interprofessional the intervention. To prevent contamination between collaboration. groups, a research nurse was recruited to administer the intervention in the experimental group, in addi- tion to usual care. The intervention comprised (1) a METHODS 1-page standardized summary faxed to the FP every 3 Study Design and Participant Selection months, which included information on lung cancer, We conducted a randomized trial during the period patient functional status, prognosis, treatment plan, June 2010 to December 2014 at the Institut univer- oncologist recommendations, and nurse navigator sitaire de cardiologie et de pneumologie de Québec contact details; (2) systematic recommendations to (IUCPQ), a tertiary care hospital in Québec, Canada. patients to see their FP within the first 3 months after The oncology team includes nurse navigators who diagnosis. The research nurse offered help to organize meet each patient with lung cancer to assess their the appointment, and subsequent appointments were needs, provide information and support, and act as arranged between the FP and the patient; (3) system- resources throughout their cancer journey. These atic fax transmissions from the FP to the oncology nurse navigators recruited patients for the trial. Inclu- team of patient information resulting from FP visits. sion criteria were as follows: (1) a recent diagnosis The initial summary included a list of active problems, of nonsurgical lung cancer (85% of all cases). These medications and other treatments, and recommenda- patients are followed by a single team, thus facilitating tions; FPs indicated their involvement in home care, the implementation of the intervention. The 5-year palliative care, and to a 24-hours-a-day, 7-days-a-week, survival rate is approximately 15%; nonetheless, this on-call system. Subsequent summaries indicated symp- time frame allowed us to capture patient perceptions at tom changes or changes in medication/treatment; (4) different phases of their disease trajectory; (2) having the research nurse was instructed to schedule priority an FP, and (3) having at least a 3-month estimated life access to FPs for patients with minor problems unre- expectancy. With the use of a computer-generated ran- lated to cancer if patients were unable to do so. domization list, patients were randomly assigned to the experimental or control group. Patients provided their Data Collection and Study Instruments FP’s contact information, and FPs were sent a letter During appointments at the oncology clinic or at to inform them of their patient’s participation and to home, depending on their preference, patients com- recruit them; they were assigned to the same group as pleted questionnaires at baseline and every 3 months their patient. Some FPs (n = 16) had 2 patients enrolled, for 18 months or until death. For each study period, but they responded only once to the study question- functional status was assessed according to the East- naires because their perception of continuity of cancer ern Collaborative Oncology Group scale.23 Patients care and interprofessional collaboration was assessed in indicated their perceived FP pattern of care classi- general and was not related to specific patients. Their fied according to Norman et al24 as sequential (no FP responses were imputed twice to account for their involvement, patients receiving most care by the oncol- double participation to the study. To prevent contami- ogy team and eventually returning to their FP), parallel nation between groups, their second patient enrolled (FP involved for noncancer problems), or shared (FP was assigned to the same group as the first. There was and oncology team both involved). no blinding. Both patients and FPs in the experimental Patients then completed questionnaires for the 2 group received the intervention details and signed an primary outcomes of perceived collaboration between informed consent form, but those in the control group the FP and the oncology team,25 as assessed with a signed a different consent form and were informed of 5-point scale for global assessment of interprofes- the trial aims without the intervention details. The trial sional cooperation (1 = strongly disagree, 5 = strongly was approved by the IUCPQ Research Ethics Commit- agree), and perceived continuity of care as assessed tee and was registered at on July 8, with questions adapted from Haggerty et al’s ques- 2011 (NCT01389739). tionnaire on evaluation of primary care services,26-28 which was derived from the Primary Care Assessment Intervention Tool.29,30 The questionnaire used the mean score of a The intervention was based on prior study results 5-point scale (1 = not at all, 5 = totally) for the 3 dimen- on the role of FPs in cancer care7,20,21 and developed sions of continuity: relational (7 questions related to according to published strategies to improve interpro- the patient-FP relationship, such as the importance fessional collaboration.22 We conducted a pilot study given by the FP to the patients’ preoccupations, val- with 20 FPs from different settings and the IUCPQ ues, and personal problems and FP knowledge of the oncology team to assess the feasibility/acceptability of patient’s social context; this dimension of continuity ANNALS O F FAMILY MED ICINE ✦ WWW.AN N FA MME D.O R G ✦ VO L. 19, N O. 2 ✦ MA RCH/A P R IL 2021 118
CO L L A B O R AT I O N I N C A N C ER C A R E was measured at baseline only for descriptive pur- a palliative care unit, their last data collected were poses), informational (6 questions assessing the need carried over to conduct intention-to-treat analyses. for patients to repeat their history to each provider, FP Results were equivalent with or without imputing miss- awareness of test results and cancer treatments), and ing data; therefore, only results without imputation are management (5 questions to determine if the oncology presented. All tests used a 2-sided .05 statistical sig- team and FP were giving similar recommendations and nificance level and were performed with SAS software seemed to work well together and to know their roles). version 9.4 (SAS Institute Inc). Informational and management continuity were mea- sured at each study period, and scores were converted to proportions of patients perceiving good continuity RESULTS of care (scores ≥4; range 1-5). Participants Patients also completed questionnaires for the 2 Of 259 eligible patients, 206 (79.5%) were recruited secondary outcomes of distress as assessed with the and randomly allocated to the experimental (n = 104) Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale,31,32 a 14-item or control (n = 102) group, and a total of 152 FPs questionnaire with a 0 to 42 score range; distress is (86.4%) participated (Figure 1). Baseline patient and FP presented as the proportion of patients with clinically characteristics were well balanced between the groups, significant distress (score ≥15), and health service uti- with the exception of patient perception of pattern lization (hospitalizations and visits to the emergency of care (Tables 1 and 2, Supplemental Tables 1 and 2, department [ED] as found in patients’ medical files). The FPs completed mailed questionnaires at baseline and DC1/). More patients in the control group perceived at the end of their patient’s participation in the study. a sequential or shared pattern of care compared with Questions mirrored those of patients on perceived col- those in the experimental group (P = .04) (Table 2). laboration with oncologists and continuity of care. Patients and FPs had different perceptions of pattern of care; 57.2% of FPs reported a shared pattern of care Analysis compared with 26.7% of patients (P
CO L L A B O R AT I O N I N C A N C ER C A R E Table 1. Baseline Patient Characteristics Table 2. Baseline Patient Outcome Measures Experimental Control P Experimental Control P Characteristic (n = 104) (n = 102) Value Outcome Measure (n = 104) (n = 102) Value Age, mean (SD), y 64.2 (9.0) 64.6 (8.4) .73 Interprofessional collab- 3.2 (1.0) 3.2 (1.0) .77 Male, No. (%) 61 (58.7) 58 (56.9) .79 oration, mean (SD)a Working status, No. (%) .62 Relational continuity, mean (SD)b Full-time 34 (32.7) 28 (27.5) Knowledge of patient 3.6 (0.8) 3.5 (0.8) .93 Part-time 10 (9.6) 13 (12.7) Partnership and 3.9 (0.6) 3.8 (0.8) .17 Not working 60 (57.7) 61 (59.8) confidence Type of lung cancer, .32 Pattern of care, No. (%) .04 No. (%) Sequentialc 13 (12.5) 24 (23.5) Squamous cell 14 (13.5) 22 (21.6) carcinoma Paralleld 66 (63.5) 48 (47.1) Adenomatous 53 (51.0) 47 (46.1) Sharede 25 (24.0) 30 (29.4) carcinoma Distress, No. (%)f 6 (5.8) 10 (9.8) .28 Small cell carcinoma 24 (23.1) 23 (22.5) Good informational 18 (32.7) 21 (36.2) .7 Other non–small cell 13 (12.5) 10 (9.8) continuity, No. (%)g carcinoma Good management 43 (78.2) 47 (81.0) .71 Treatment, No. (%) .74 continuity, No. (%)g Chemotherapy 36 (34.6) 43 (42.2) FP = family physician. Radiation 5 (4.8) 4 (3.9) a Score range 1-5; a higher score indicates a better perception of interprofes- Chemotherapy and 57 (54.8) 50 (49.0) sional collaboration. radiation b Score range 1-5; a higher score indicates a better perception of relational continuity. No treatment 6 (5.8) 5 (4.9) c FPs not involved when specialists are involved. Metastasis, No. (%) 49 (47.1) 53 (52.0) .58 d FPs involved with health problems unrelated to cancer. e FPs and oncology team both involved in cancer care. TNM classification, .57 f Distress based on Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale. Patients with a score ≥15 No. (%) (range 0-42) considered to have clinically significant distress. Stage 1 and 2 7 (6.7) 3 (2.9) g Responses given only by patients who had seen their FP (Nexperimental = 55, Ncontrol = 58); patients with a score ≥ 4 (range 1-5) perceived good continuity. Stage 3 34 (32.7) 30 (29.4) Stage 4 36 (34.6) 43 (42.2) Unclassifieda 27 (26.0) 26 (25.5) Functional status, .11 omitted 1. Most FPs (89.7%) agreed to prioritize No. (%)b appointments for their patients; more than 83% of Active 56 (53.8) 41 (40.2) patients were able to get an appointment the same Ambulatory but both- 33 (31.7) 36 (35.3) or next day. Other than the exchange of summaries, ered by symptoms contacts between FPs and the oncology team were
CO L L A B O R AT I O N I N C A N C ER C A R E continuity (P = .001) and good Figure 2. Effect of the intervention on the global assessment of management continuity (P = .05) interprofessional collaboration between family physician and the compared with patients in the oncology team. control group (Supplemental Fig- A. Patient perception ures 1A and 2A, https://www.Ann 5 suppl/DC1/). Although more Experimental group FPs in the experimental group Mean perception of interprofessional collaboration Control group reported good informational and 4 management continuity, the dif- ference compared to the control group was not statistically signifi- cant (Supplemental Figures 1B and 2B, 3 content/19/2/117/suppl/DC1/). Family physicians reported different patterns of care after the intervention (P = .02), but this 2 was not reflected in the patient perception of FP pattern of care (P = .32) (Figures 3A and 3B). For all study periods, the mean num- 1 ber of FP visits by patients in both 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 groups was significantly greater Months for those perceiving shared care Score range: 1-5 Group: P
CO L L A B O R AT I O N I N C A N C ER C A R E remained low throughout the study and was not influ- communication between FPs and the oncology team, enced by the intervention (P = .39) (Figure 4). this might also explain the lack of effect on patient distress. DISCUSSION Figure 3. Family physician pattern of care at baseline and at the Our intervention increased patient end of the study. and FP perception of interprofes- sional collaboration and improved A. Patient perception patient perception of informa- 100 tional and management continu- Experimental group Generalized mixed model ity of care. These improvements 90 Group: P = .01 Control group appeared early and were main- Time: P = .002 80 tained over time. However, the Group*Time: P = .32 Patients perceiving each pattern of care (%) intervention did not significantly 70 affect FP perception of informa- tional or management continuity; 60 informational and management continuity improved in both the 50 experimental and control groups. The scarce contacts between FPs 40 and the oncology team, in addi- tion to the exchange of summa- 30 ries, might explain these results. 20 The intervention had a mod- est effect on patient hospitaliza- 10 tions and ED visits only at the beginning of the study. The 0 severity of lung cancer, requir- Sequential Parallel Shared Sequential Parallel Shared ing many health services, might Baseline End of the study for each patient have contributed to this limited effect. One-half of participants B. Family physician perception had metastases, the majority were 100 Stage 3 to 4, and one-half died Experimental group Generalized mixed model during the study. Several studies 90 Group: P = .08 Control group have reported a favorable effect Time: P = .0007 of continuity of care on health 80 Group*Time: P = .02 Patients perceiving each pattern of care (%) service utilization,33-36 but those studies were conducted with other 70 populations, and most used only measures of relational continuity. 60 More research is needed to isolate the influence of informational and 50 management continuity of care on these outcomes.37,38 40 The intervention did not influence patient distress. Very 30 few patients reported clinically significant distress throughout 20 the study. Nurse navigators might 10 have given support to patients in both groups, thus contribut- 0 ing to the low proportion of Sequential Parallel Shared Sequential Parallel Shared distressed patients. Given that Baseline End of the study for each patient the intervention mainly targeted ANNALS O F FAMILY MED ICINE ✦ WWW.AN N FA MME D.O R G ✦ VO L. 19, N O. 2 ✦ MA RCH/A P R IL 2021 122
CO L L A B O R AT I O N I N C A N C ER C A R E both groups continued treatment Figure 4. Effect of the intervention on patient distress based on HADS. throughout the study, and they 30 might have been overwhelmed Experimental group by the number of medical visits, Control group thus explaining the low number 25 of FP visits. At the IUCPQ, nurse navigators usually continue Patients reporting distress (%) to follow patients throughout 20 their cancer journey, even after the end of treatment, thus not 15 systematically discharging them to FPs. This might also explain the low number of FP visits. 10 More patients in the experi- mental group perceived shared 5 care at the end of the study compared to those in the con- trol group, and this was signifi- 0 cantly associated with a greater 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 number of FP visits. Given that Months patients perceiving shared care HADS range: 0-42 Group: P = .59 also reported more often good Distress: score ≥15 Time: P = .14 informational and management Generalized mixed model Group*Time: P = .39 continuity of care, it might be important for the oncology HADS = Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale. team to encourage patients to continue to see their FP. Patients Aiming to address the fragmentation of cancer perceived their FP pattern of care differently than their care,39 our trial implemented pragmatic strategies to FP, likely due to a desirability bias from FPs overesti- improve information exchange between FPs and the mating their shared involvement in cancer care.20 oncology team, which could be integrated into routine This study has some limitations. The high attri- practice. The standardized summaries were completed tion rate, owing mainly to patient death, might have by a research nurse, but they could also be completed underestimated the differences between the groups. A by nurse navigators, given that they act as resource high attrition rate is inevitable in studies with patients persons and first contacts in oncology for patients receiving palliative care.41,42 This study was conducted and FPs. Most FPs in the experimental group returned in a single center and was limited to patients with lung summaries regardless of busy practices, showing that cancer, which might decrease its external validity. The bidirectional exchange of information between FPs trial took place several years ago, before the general- and the oncology team can be achieved. Contacts ized integration of electronic health records and use of between FPs and the oncology team remained rare, e-mail into practice. These more recent communication however, suggesting that they continued to work in strategies, however, should facilitate the exchange of silos. Other factors, such as a better definition of each information. The results are not invalidated, they sim- other’s roles, should be considered to further improve ply provide a conservative effect of the intervention, collaboration.2,15,18,19 probably smaller than what would be found if the trial The mean number of FP visits did not differ signifi- was replicated now. Finally, as mentioned earlier, nurse cantly between the experimental and control groups, navigators on the oncology team played an important despite the recommendation to patients in the experi- role in care coordination, which might have biased the mental group to see their FP in the first 3 months of results. However, nurse navigators met with patients in the study and then according to their needs. Even both groups, potentially introducing a nondifferential though patients in the control group did not system- information bias, which generally decreases the ability atically receive that recommendation, they may have to detect a difference between groups. been more likely to consult their FP, knowing that Regardless of any potential limitations, the present they were participating in a trial on interprofessional results provide valuable information regarding poten- collaboration (Hawthorne effect40). Many patients in tial strategies to consider to bridge the gap between ANNALS O F FAMILY MED ICINE ✦ WWW.AN N FA MME D.O R G ✦ VO L. 19, N O. 2 ✦ MA RCH/A P R IL 2021 123
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