CONTINUING EDUCATION 2021-2022 CT State Dental Association's - See what's new! - Connecticut State Dental ...

CONTINUING EDUCATION 2021-2022 CT State Dental Association's - See what's new! - Connecticut State Dental ...
                              CT State Dental Association’s

                                                  Follow us @CSDAEducation for
                                                  all the latest news and updates.


  Register online at! | Early Bird Pricing, Register by September 15
CONTINUING EDUCATION 2021-2022 CT State Dental Association's - See what's new! - Connecticut State Dental ...
2021–2022 CE Series
CSDA CE Series offer sessions from nationally recognized speakers
with a mix of in-person and virtual events.

The Full Package Ticket includes:
• Three in-person sessions at the Aqua Turf
  (continental breakfast and lunch)
  * CSDA will follow Connecticut Department of Health and/or
		 CDC Current COVID guidelines.
• Three two-hour webinars

Don’t miss out on Early bird pricing and be sure to
register by September 15 at

    CT State Dental Association’s     CSDA Education professional development
    CONTINUING                        provides opportunities that enable you to:
                                      • Develop new skills and refresh current
                                      • Keep up-to-date on best practices and learn
                                        how to incorporate the latest technologies
                                      • Maintain licensure

                                             Infection                        On-Demand
                                             Control                          Learning
                                        √    Competency                       Mandatory
                                             Assessment                       Courses

                                155th Charter Oak Dental Meeting—Save the Dates!
                                Join us at Mohegan Sun on May 11–13, 2022 for the
                                155th Charter Oak Dental meeting! Registration will open
                                February 1, 2022.
CONTINUING EDUCATION 2021-2022 CT State Dental Association's - See what's new! - Connecticut State Dental ...
Course #1: October 6, 2021          This course will highlight the steps towards incorporating
9:00 am–4:00 pm                     the new standards for diagnostics into today’s initial and
                                    recall exams and how it all fits together for far better
“Updates in Our Daily Bread and     treatment outcomes and treatment plan acceptance.
 Butter of Customized Diagnostics
 and the Essentials of Business”    Today’s initial and recall exams are all about customizing
                                    diagnostics today for each patient and to their own risk
                In-Person Course    • Importance of incorporating 3D CBCT imaging
                at Aqua Turf        • How artificial intelligence in 2D X-rays assists hygienist
                6 CE Credits           and doctors in creating “the experience”
                                    • Introducing the latest in caries and plaque diagnostics
                                       into simple pathways for daily integration
This course satisfies one hour of
mandatory CE for CT dentists.
                                    New patients and recall patients are our lifelines and we will
                                    dive deep into:
                                    • Why in-person dental plans are a must today to limit
                                       your PPO
                                    • The morning huddle, the essential ingredient to lowering
                Presented by           the stress
                Lou Graham, DDS     • Analytics and why they are so important to every practice

Course #2: November 10, 2021        Traumatic dental injuries are sudden and unexpected.
6:30 pm–8:30 pm                     Proper management is crucial for long term successful
                                    healing. Generally speaking, the majority of these injuries
“Dental Traumatology”               involve avulsions and crown or root fractures on teeth with
                                    mature or immature root development. This presentation
                                    will address the dental, and specifically the endodontic,
                Webinar Course
                                    management of these injuries.
                Live Streamed
                2 CE Credits        At the conclusion of this course the attendee should be
                                    able to:
                                    • Determine the proper steps in assessing dental traumatic
                                    • Understand the management of horizontal intra-alveolar
                                      root fractures
                                    • Understand the management of avulsed teeth

                Presented by
                Louis Berman, DDS

CONTINUING EDUCATION 2021-2022 CT State Dental Association's - See what's new! - Connecticut State Dental ...
Course #3: December 8, 2021             A rapid-fire review of what is new in digital impressions,
    6:30 pm–8:30 pm                         3D radiology, 3D treatment planning as well as some new
                                            and old products that should be in a current practice. In
    “Using the latest Technologies          this current climate there are a few new ideas that will be
     in 2021”                               discussed as well as some practice management ideas. We
                                            will allow time afterward so bring your questions.

                    Webinar Course          Learning Objectives:
                    Live Streamed
                                            • Learn about the latest digital impression systems for
                    2 CE Credits              in-office or laboratory export
                                            • Find out if you need a 3D printer. What can they do today
                                              and tomorrow?
    This course satisfies one hour of
                                            • Receive an introduction to digital treatment planning and
    mandatory CE for CT dentists.
                                              workflow using 3D diagnosis

                     Presented by
                     Paul Feuerstein, DMD

    Course #4: January 11, 2022             The goal of every aesthetic dentist is to achieve an
    6:30 pm–8:30 pm                         outstanding result while being as conservative as possible to
                                            the dentition. The ideal candidates for “no prep” aesthetic
    “The Art of Minimal and                 cases, the prep design to be as conservative as possible
     No Prep Veneers”                       when preparation is required, as well as material selection
                                            to achieve the most outstanding result in both types of cases
                                            will be discussed.
                    Webinar Course
                    Live Streamed
                                            Learning Objectives:
                    2 CE Credits            • Understand the indications and contraindications to
                                              no prep cases
                                            • Understand the benefits in mockup utilization in
                                              both prep and non-prep cases
                                            • Decide between Feldspathic, Leucite Reinforced, or
                                              Lithium Disilicate in both prep and non-prep cases

                     Presented by
                     John Nosti, DMD

CONTINUING EDUCATION 2021-2022 CT State Dental Association's - See what's new! - Connecticut State Dental ...
Course #5: February 2, 2022        AM Session
9:00 am–4:00 pm                    Enamel and dentin destruction is caused by more than just
                                   caries. More and more patients of all ages walk into our
 AM Session                        practices on a daily basis with tremendous amounts of wear
“Understanding the Tooth Wear      on their teeth. In the past much of this wear was blamed on
 and Caries Conundrum”             bruxism; however parafunctional wear is most likely only
                                   one of the many factors that are leading to this breakdown.
 PM Session                        Much of the wear that we see may be a result of either
“Tips and Tricks to Elevate        intrinsic or extrinsic acid. This course will teach you how to
 Everyday Restorative Dentistry”   recognize the signs of wear caused by gastric esophageal
                                   reflux, bulimia, tooth paste, acidic beverages (energy drinks
                                   and soda), acidic foods, and bruxism. During the course you
                                   will gain the foundational skills to recognize, prevent, and
             In-Person Course      treat patients who are experiencing enamel and dentinal
             at Aqua Turf          wear caused by erosion and/or bruxism. In addition caries
             6 CE Credits          is by no means eradicated and a strategies will be presented
                                   on implementing caries risk assessment and tailoring
                                   treatment that accounts for a patient’s specific risk factors.

                                   At the conclusion of the course participants will:
                                   • Be able to identify the cause(s) of tooth wear
                                   • Have gained an understanding of preventive strategies
                                   • Have learned how to implement caries risk assessment
                                   • Understand restorative strategies in a non-favorable
                                     oral environment

                                   PM Session
                                   This course will take a look at the restorative procedures
                                   we do most often in practice, including direct restorations
                                   and single-unit crowns and provide clinical tips and tricks
                                   to allow for everyday dentistry to seamlessly blend with the
                                   patient’s dentition. Throughout the presentation, relatively
                                   low-cost techniques and materials will be presented to allow
                                   for an efficient placement of restorations. Furthermore,
                                   the course will focus on conservative esthetic options that
                                   allow patients to elevate their smiles without taking away
                                   excessive natural tooth structure.

                                   At the conclusion of the course participants will:
                                   • Gain a thorough understanding of the digital smile
                                     design process
                                   • Understand the options that are available today with
                                     respect to indirect esthetic restorative materials
                                   • Gain a proper understanding of cementation and
             Presented by            adhesive techniques with today’s materials

             Parag Kachalia, DDS

CONTINUING EDUCATION 2021-2022 CT State Dental Association's - See what's new! - Connecticut State Dental ...
Course #6: March 9, 2022           AM Session
    9:00 am–4:00 pm                    The challenge faced by all clinicians today is to provide safe
                                       and effective dental treatment to our medically complex
    AM Session                         patients. This program will provide an overview of those
                                       frequently prescribed brand name medications whose
    “Frequently Prescribed             actions, side effects, contraindications and potential drug
     Medications and Clinical          interactions may have the greatest impact on dental therapy.
     Dental Considerations”
                                       Learning Objectives:
     PM Session                        • Identify the most frequently prescribed FDA- approved
    “Will Cannabis Vaporize              brand name medications for the treatment of systemic
     Current Paradigms in Dental         illnesses
     Pain Management?”                 • Discuss the basic mechanisms of action, potential adverse
                                         reactions, drug interactions and contraindications
                                       • Explain the clinical dental considerations of these
                    In-Person Course     medications and their potential impact on dental therapy
                    at Aqua Turf
                                       • Describe patient management strategies essential for
                    6 CE Credits         successful treatment planning

                                       PM Session
    PM Session satisfies one hour of
                                       With so many dental patients, and dental professionals,
    mandatory CE for CT dentists.
                                       potentially using cannabis, this course is a must for the
                                       entire dental team. It has been promoted as a replacement
                                       for opioids in the treatment of pain and even as a substitute
                                       for opioids in the treatment of addiction. Yet, due to its
                                       status as a Schedule I substance, there has been relatively
                                       little research regarding cannabis and its medicinal uses,
                                       especially in dentistry. This course will explore the rationale
                                       for the continued use of opioid analgesics and the potential
                                       use of cannabis in the management of acute dental pain.

                                       Learning Objectives:
                                       • Pharmacology and mechanism of action of opioid and
                                         non-opioid analgesics
                                       • Pharmacology, mechanism of action, routes of
                                         administration, adverse effects and dental considerations
                                         of cannabis
                                       • Management of opioid addiction, including the purported
                                         uses of cannabis
                                       • Explore the proposed intended role of cannabis, with
                                         and without opioid analgesics, in the management of
                                         acute dental pain

                    Presented by
                    Tom Viola

CONTINUING EDUCATION 2021-2022 CT State Dental Association's - See what's new! - Connecticut State Dental ...
About the Speakers
October 6, 2021 | Lou Graham, DDS                               December 8, 2021 | Paul Feuerstein, DMD
                 Lou Graham, DDS is an internationally                           Paul Feuerstein, DMD received his
                 recognized lecturer extensively involved                        undergraduate training at SUNY Stony
                 in continuing education for dental                              Brook during the 1960s, studying chemistry,
                 professionals. His lectures focus on                            engineering, computer science, and music.
                 incorporating current clinical                                  A 1972 graduate of UNJMD, he maintains
                 advancements through “conservative                              a general practice in Massachusetts. Dr.
dentistry.” He emphasizes the same concepts he practices:       Feuerstein installed one of the first in-office computers in
dental health diagnosis, treatment plans for medically          1978 and has been teaching and consulting since then. He
compromised patients, conservative treatment, cosmetic          is Technology Editor of Dentistry Today after 14 years with
dentistry, and customized approaches to periodontal care,       Dental Economics, author of several technology articles,
implants and laser dentistry. Dr. Graham is the founder of      and lectures at many national and local dental meetings.
Catapult Education, a continuing education company whose        His work with CAD/CAM helped develop the LAVA COS
philosophy and programs use contemporary, interactive           intraoral scanning system. He is also CDO of the Cellerant
formats to integrate time-proven conservative dentistry         Consulting Group. He was named Clinician of the Year at the
with 21st century materials and techniques.                     2010 Yankee Dental Congress and is an adjunct assistant
                                                                professor in General Dentistry at Tufts University.
November 10, 2021 | Louis Berman, DDS
                  Louis Berman, DDS received his dental         January 11, 2022 | John Nosti, DMD, FAGD
                  degree from the University of Maryland                         John Nosti, DMD, FAGD practices full time
                  School of Dentistry, and his Certificate                       in Mays Landing and Somers Point, New
                  in Endodontics from The Albert Einstein                        Jersey, with an emphasis on functional
                  Medical Center. He is Clinical Associate                       cosmetics, full-mouth reconstruction and
                  Professor of Endodontics at the University                     temporomandibular joint dysfunction.
of Maryland School of Dentistry, a Clinical Instructor and                       Nosti is the clinical director of the
Guest Lecturer at The Albert Einstein Medical Center,           Clinical Mastery Series, a continuum geared toward
and Resident Faculty at Spear Education. He has lectured        advancing the cosmetic/functional practices of dentists
internationally in the field of endodontics and has published   worldwide. Nosti holds fellowships in the Academy of
in several peer reviewed international dental journals as       Comprehensive Esthetics and the International Congress of
well as co-authoring textbook chapters on numerous topics       Oral Implantologists. He also is a member of the American
in various endodontic textbooks. He is past president of the    Dental Association, American Academy of Cosmetic
Maryland State Association of Endodontics and is a member       Dentistry, American Academy of Craniofacial Pain and
of the Journal of Endodontics Scientific Advisory Board. Dr.    the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine.
Berman is the co-author of the chapter on Diagnosis and
the chapter on Root Fractures in Cohen’s Pathways of the
Pulp, where he is the co-editor with Dr. Kenneth Hargreaves.
He is also the senior editor and contributing author of the
comprehensive textbook, Dental Traumatology. He is the                 Stay up-to-date on all the latest
President and Founder of Berman Dental Instruments. A                  CSDA news! Check
board certified endodontist and Fellow of the American
College of Dentistry, Dr. Berman has been in full time                 and follow us @CSDAEducation for
private practice in Annapolis, Maryland for the past thirty-           announcements and updates.
seven years.

CONTINUING EDUCATION 2021-2022 CT State Dental Association's - See what's new! - Connecticut State Dental ...
February 2, 2022 | Parag Kachalia, DDS                                  March 9, 2022 | Tom Viola
                 Parag Kachalia, DDS is the Director of                                   Tom Viola, the founder of “Pharmacology
                 Educational Development and Industry                                     Declassified,” is a board-certified
                 Relations for the Seattle Study Club. His                                pharmacist who also serves the professions
                 primary charge is to focus on creation and                               of dentistry as a clinical educator,
                 dissemination of information for the new                                 professional speaker, and published
                 learner as well as to leverage synergies                                 author. Tom is a member of the faculty of
between industry partners and club members. In addition,                ten dental professional degree programs and has received
he maintains a private practice in San Ramon, CA, focused               several awards for outstanding teacher of the year. Tom
restorative dentistry. He is also a former tenured Associate            has presented hundreds of continuing education courses
Professor and Vice Chairman of simulation, technology, and              to dental professionals, nationally and internationally,
research, at the University of the Pacific. He is a fellow of the       in the areas of oral pharmacology and local anesthesia
International College of Dentists and the American College              and is well-known for his regular contributions to several
of Dentists and is also a member of the Omicron Kappa                   dental professional journals. Through his informative,
Upsilon Honor Society.                                                  humorous, and engaging live seminars and webinars, Tom
                                                                        has earned his reputation as the go-to specialist for making
In 2017 Dr. Kachalia was selected as one of the Top 10                  pharmacology practical and useful for all members of the
Young Educators in Dentistry in the United States and in                dental team.
2021 he was selected as one of the 32 most influential
people in dentistry. He is a published author and lectures              Speakers do not necessarily represent the views of the CSDA
extensively around the world in the areas of adhesive                   or ADA. Some courses are supported by corporate sponsorships
dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, photography, CAD/CAM                     and are advertised accordingly. The exhibiting of products at
technology, fixed prosthodontics, erosion, digital diagnostics,         CSDA CE Package Program courses does not constitute an
and generational marketing.                                             endorsement by the association.

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CONTINUING EDUCATION 2021-2022 CT State Dental Association's - See what's new! - Connecticut State Dental ...
PRICING                                                                                            REGISTRATION
Register early for the best pricing that meets your needs. All registrants                         Register online at or use the
receive access to additional content!                                                              registration form on the next page. If you
                                                                                                   have any questions, please contact Dawn
    Full Package                                                 Reg. Fee                          Champagne, Meetings and Continuing
    CSDA Member Dentist                                          $375                              Education Coordinator, at (860) 378-1800
    CSDA Member Dentist/Recent Grad                              $262                              or

    ADA Member/Non-CSDA Member                                   $675
    Non-ADA Member                                               $850
Includes all six courses. Early bird pricing is available until September 15th, fees increase by   THE CSDA IS PROUD TO BE A
$100.                                                                                              RECOGNIZED ADA CERP PROVIDER.
                                                                                                   ADA CERP is a service of the American
    Individual Course                                            Reg. Fee (per course)
                                                                                                   Dental Association to assist dental
    CSDA Member Dentist                                          $175                              professionals in identifying quality
    CSDA Member Dentist/Recent Grad                              $125                              providers of continuing dental education.
                                                                                                   ADA CERP does not approve or endorse
    ADA Member/Non-CSDA Member                                   $275
                                                                                                   individual courses or instructors, nor does
    Non-ADA Member                                               $375
                                                                                                   it imply acceptance of credit hours by
    Auxillary/Staff                                              $85                               boards of dentistry. The CSDA’s continuing
    CSDA Retired Life Dentist                                    $99                               education programs are also accepted by
    Individual Virtual Course                                    $60                               the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD)
                                                                                                   for Fellowship and Mastership credit. The
Note: At-the-door pricing will incur an additional $25 fee. Space cannot be guaranteed so
early registration is strongly encouraged.
                                                                                                   current term for both is 11/1/19 through

The CSDA Continuing Education Council reserves the right to cancel any course, limit the enrollment, modify the
announced course content, change the location, time, date or speaker or switch to a virtual format, at any time for any
reason. If the CSDA cancels a course those registered for that course only are entitled to a full refund. Full Package
Registrants are excluded due to the tremendous value.

Single course registrants may request a refund in writing from the Central Office up to the Friday before the scheduled
course. A $25 cancellation fee will be applied. No other refunds will be given including partial refunds for full Package
registrations for missed or canceled courses.

                                              Thank you to these Sponsors!

CONTINUING EDUCATION 2021-2022 CT State Dental Association's - See what's new! - Connecticut State Dental ...
Registration Form                                                                  (Note: only one registrant per form.)

Name (applicant)                                                                                                Please check one of the following:
                                                                                                                o CSDA Member Dentist
    (if applicable):   ADA #                                   AGD #
                                                                                                                o CSDA Member Dentist/Recent Grad
Practice (Business name)                                                                                        o ADA Member Dentist/Non-CSDA Member
Address                                                                                                         o Non-ADA Member

City                                                      State                  Zip                            o CSDA Retired Life Dentist
                                                                                                                o Staff of CSDA Member Dentist
(To receive a confirmation and other important course information, you must provide your email address.)

Course Selections                      Please check the box next to your selection(s).

o The complete package (all six courses)
o No. 1: October 6, 2021               o No. 2: November 10, 2021                                        o No. 3: December 8, 2021
o No. 4: January 11, 2022              o No. 5: February 2, 2022                                         o No. 6: March 9, 2022

Program Fees
CSDA Member Dentist (Regular)                                 $375 (Early Bird)        /   $475 (After Sept. 15)
CSDA Member/Recent Grad                                       $262 (Early Bird)        /   $362 (After Sept. 15)
ADA Member/Non-CSDA Member                                    $675 (Early Bird)        /   $775 (After Sept. 15)
Non-ADA Member                                                $850 (Early Bird)        /   $950 (After Sept. 15)

CSDA Member                                                   $175         x                  =$

CSDA Member/Recent Grad                                       $125         x                  =$

ADA Member/Non-CSDA Member                                    $275         x                  =$

Non-ADA Member                                                $375         x                  =$

Auxillary/Staff                                               $85          x                  =$

CSDA Retired Life Dentist                                     $99          x                  =$

Individual Virtual Course                                     $60          x                  =$

Note: At-the-door pricing will incur an additional $25 fee. Space cannot be guaranteed so early registration is strongly encouraged.

Payment Information
Amount                                             o   Check payable to CSDA enclosed               o   MasterCard    o    Visa   o   American Express
                                                   Card #							                                                             Exp. Date           /

                                                   Billing address

                                                   City                                                            State               Zip


                         Mail your completed registration form and payment to:
                         Connecticut State Dental Association 835 West Queen Street, Southington, CT 06489
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     process for you.

     Dentist Website
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     *In-Net Program is available for Delta Dental of New Jersey and Delta Dental of Connecticut
     participating dentists.

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                                                                                Technology support coupled with an understanding of a practice’s
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                                                                                  • HIPAA Compliance Specialists
                                                                                  • Practice Management Software
 A CSDA Affinity
Program Member
                                                                                  • Digital X-ray and 3D Imaging integration, installation and support

NEW CE Series
          CT State Dental Association’s   details enclosed!
          Register now
                                                 Attention Recent Dental School Graduates
   Check and follow us                       You are eligible for a 30% discount!
   @CSDAEducation for updates.                    Classes of 2017–2021 automatically qualify.
                                                       (Membership status will be verified.)
 PERMIT #575
     PAID                                    Southington, CT 06489
U.S. POSTAGE                                 835 West Queen Street
                                             Connecticut State Dental Association
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