Context-Sensitive Query Auto-Completion
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Context-Sensitive Query Auto-Completion ∗ ∗ Ziv Bar-Yossef Naama Kraus Google Inc. Computer Science Department MATAM, Bldg 30 Technion POB 15096, Haifa 31905, Israel Haifa 32000, Israel ABSTRACT 1. INTRODUCTION Query auto completion is known to provide poor predictions Query auto completion [4, 23, 14, 3] is one of the most of the user’s query when her input prefix is very short (e.g., visible features in Web Search today. It is offered by all one or two characters). In this paper we show that context, major search engines and in almost all their search boxes. such as the user’s recent queries, can be used to improve Query auto completion helps the user formulate her query, the prediction quality considerably even for such short pre- while she is typing it. Its main purpose is to predict the fixes. We propose a context-sensitive query auto completion user’s intended query and thereby save her keystrokes. With algorithm, NearestCompletion, which outputs the comple- the advent of instant as-you-type search results (a la the tions of the user’s input that are most similar to the context recently released Google Instant1 ), the importance of correct queries. To measure similarity, we represent queries and con- query prediction is even more acute, because it determines texts as high-dimensional term-weighted vectors and resort the speed at which the user sees the suitable results for her to cosine similarity. The mapping from queries to vectors intended search and the amount of irrelevant results that is done through a new query expansion technique that we are displayed to her along the way. introduce, which expands a query by traversing the query The basic principle that underlies most query auto com- recommendation tree rooted at the query. pletion systems is the wisdom of the crowds. The search In order to evaluate our approach, we performed exten- engine suggests to the user the completions that have been sive experimentation over the public AOL query log. We most popular among users in the past (we call this algorithm demonstrate that when the recent user’s queries are rele- MostPopularCompletion). For example, for the prefix am, vant to the current query she is typing, then after typing a Bing suggests amazon and american express as the top com- single character, NearestCompletion’s MRR is 48% higher pletions, because these have been the most popular queries relative to the MRR of the standard MostPopularComple- starting with am. As the user is typing more characters, the tion algorithm on average. When the context is irrelevant, space of possible completions narrows down, and thus the however, NearestCompletion’s MRR is essentially zero. To prediction probability increases. For example, if the user is mitigate this problem, we propose HybridCompletion, which looking for american presidents in Bing, after typing the 14 is a hybrid of NearestCompletion with MostPopularComple- characters american presi the desired query becomes the top tion. HybridCompletion is shown to dominate both Near- completion. estCompletion and MostPopularCompletion, achieving a to- Clearly, during the first few keystrokes the user is typing, tal improvement of 31.5% in MRR relative to MostPopular- the search engine has little information about her real intent, Completion on average. and thus the suggested completions are likely to mispredict her query. In our experiments, conducted over the public Categories and Subject Descriptors: H.3.3: Informa- AOL query log [19], we found that after the first character, tion Search and Retrieval. MostPopularCompletion’s average MRR is only 0.187. General Terms: Algorithms. The objective of this study is to tackle the most chal- lenging query auto completion scenario: after the user has Keywords: query auto-completion, query expansion, context- entered only one character, try to predict the user’s query awareness. reliably. Being able to predict the user’s query on her first character rather than, say, on her 10-th character would not only save the user a few keystrokes, but would also make the whole search experience more interactive, as the feed- back cycle of (query → results → query refinement) would ∗ Despite the affiliation of the first author, this paper did be shortened significantly. In addition, cutting down the not rely on privileged access to Google’s resources, data, or search time for all users implies lower load on the search en- technologies. The entire research was done at the Technion. gine, which translates to savings in machine resources and ∗Also an adjunct senior lecturer at the Technion, Depart- power. ment of Electrical Engineering. But how can we overcome the inherent lack of informa- Copyright is held by the International World Wide Web Conference Com- tion when the user has entered only a few characters of her mittee (IW3C2). Distribution of these papers is limited to classroom use, and personal use by others. 1 WWW 2011, March 28–April 1, 2011, Hyderabad, India. ACM 978-1-4503-0632-4/11/03.
intended query? Our main observation is that the user typ- tended query is likely to be similar to the context queries. ically has some context, which can reveal more information The similarity may be syntactic (e.g., american airlines → about her intent. For example, if just before entering the american airlines flight status) or only semantic (e.g., amer- characters am the user searched for richard nickson, it is ican airlines → continental). By our estimates, 56% of the more likely that the user is looking for american presidents refinements are non-syntactic. than for amazon or american airlines. Similarly, if the user Based on the similarity assumption, we propose the Near- was browsing a page about President Lincoln or reading an estCompletion algorithm, which works as follows: given a article about american history. On the other hand, if the user input x and a context y, the algorithm suggests to the user has just tweeted about a planned trip, american air- user the completions of x that are most similar to y. Choos- lines might be the more probable query. Recent queries, ing the suitable similarity measure is non-trivial, though, recently visited web pages, and recent tweets are examples because we would like it to be both correlated with refor- of online activities that may indicate the user’s intent and, mulation likelihood (that is, the more similar two queries A if available, could be used by the search engine to better and B are the more likely they are to be reformulations of predict the query even after a few keystrokes. This is called each other, and vice versa) and universally applicable (that context-sensitive query auto completion. While the idea is is, the similarity is meaningful for any pair of queries A and very intuitive and context has been used in other scenarios B). The former requirement guarantees that the comple- to disambiguate user intent (e.g., in search [16, 11] and in tions that are similar to the context are indeed more likely to query recommendations [10, 13, 9, 6, 21]), there is almost be the user’s intended query. The latter requirement makes no published work on its application to query completion. sure that the algorithm can deal with any user input. Of the many different possible user contexts, our focus The above two requirements make many of the state- in this study is on the user’s recent queries (within the of-the-art query similarity measures less appealing for this same session), as they are readily available to search en- problem. For example, syntactic measures, like edit dis- gines. Based on our empirical analysis of the AOL log, 49% tance, do not take all reformulation types into account. Sim- of the searches are preceded by a different search in the same ilarity measures that are based on co-occurrence in search session, and are thus amenable to context-sensitive query sessions [24, 12], on co-clicks [2, 10], or on user search be- completion. havioral models [6, 18, 9, 21], are not universally applicable One possible approach to use recent queries to improve to all query pairs due to their low coverage of queries, as query auto completion is to generalize MostPopularComple- long tail queries are rare in the query log. Similarity mea- tion to rely on the popularity of query sequences rather than sures that are based on search result similarity [8] are not just the popularity of individual queries. Suppose the user’s necessarily correlated with reformulation likelihood. previous query in the same session is y and that the cur- Given a context, query recommendation algorithms [2, 24, rent user input (query prefix) is x. Then, the search engine 21] output a list of recommendations that are likely refor- will suggest the completions of x that were most frequently mulations of the previous query. So a possible similarity searched for after y. For example, if after the query richard measure would be one that associates each query with its nixon the most popular successive query starting with am is recommendations. The main caveat with this approach is american presidents, the search engine will suggest ameri- that query recommendation algorithms are frequently de- can presidents as its top completion. This is in fact the main signed to output only a few high quality recommendations principle underlying most of the work on context-sensitive and thus it is plausible that none of them are compatible query recommendations [10, 13, 9, 6, 21]. The main caveat with the user’s input. Hence, this technique is not univer- of this approach is that it heavily relies on the existence of sally applicable. reoccurring query sequences in search logs. Nevertheless, We propose a new method of measuring query similar- due to the long-tail distribution of query frequencies, many ity, which expands on the latter recommendations based ap- of the query sequences generated by users have never oc- proach, but is universally applicable and is thus more suit- curred before (by our estimate, 89% of the query pairs are able to query completion. Similarly to the result-based sim- new). ilarity of Broder et al. [8], we expand each query to a richer Some studies tried to mitigate the sparsity of query se- representation as a high-dimensional feature vector and then quences by clustering similar query sequences together, based measure cosine similarity between the expanded representa- on features extracted from queries, like their topical cate- tions. The main novelty in our approach is that the rich gories or their terms [10, 9]. Machine learning techniques, representation of a query is constructed not from its search like HMMs, are then used to predict the intended query, results, but rather from its recommendation tree. That is, if the sequence of previous queries can be associated with we expand the query by iteratively applying a black box a cluster in the model. This approach is still challenged query recommendation algorithm on the query, on its rec- by long-tail contexts, i.e., when the most recent query (or ommendations, on their recommendations, and so on. The queries) have rarely occurred in the log (by our estimates, nodes of the traversed tree of recommendations are tok- in 37% of the query pairs the former query has not occurred enized, stemmed, and split into n-grams. These n-grams are in the log before). In this case, the sequence of previous the features of the expanded representation vector and the queries may not be easily associated with a cluster in the weight of each n-gram is computed based on its frequency model. Moreover, none of these previous studies took the and depth in the tree. user input (prefix) into account in the prediction, so their The above representation has two appealing properties. applicability to query auto completion is still unknown. First, as the basic building block in the construction is a We take a different approach to tackle this problem. Our black-box query recommendation algorithm, we can lever- algorithm relies on the following similarity assumption: when age any state-of-the-art algorithm and inherit its power in the context is relevant to the intended user query, the in- predicting query reformulations. Second, the above scheme
provides a continuous spectrum of exceedingly rich repre- Similarly to query completions, query recommendations sentations, depending on the depth of the tree traversed. assist users in phrasing their intent. Numerous query rec- For example, a depth-0 traversal results in the n-grams of ommendation algorithms have been introduced, relying on the root query itself, while a depth-2 traversal results in the varied techniques, including topic clustering [2, 21, 5], query n-grams of the query, its recommendations, and their rec- co-occurrence analysis [12], session analysis [24, 13, 9], and ommendations. The main point is that the feature space user search behavioral models [18, 21, 6, 22]. Query rec- remains the same, regardless of the traversal depth. So even ommendation algorithms and query auto-completion algo- if we cannot traverse the recommendation tree of a certain rithms differ in their input (a full query vs. a prefix of a query (e.g., because it’s a long-tail query for which there are query) and in their output (arbitrary reformulations of the no recommendations available), the similarity between its query vs. (mostly) completions of the user’s prefix). Note representation and the richer representation of other queries that our framework can leverage any state-of-the-art query is meaningful. This property ensures that our query auto recommendation algorithm to construct its rich query rep- completion algorithm is applicable even for long-tail con- resentations. texts that have never been observed in the log before. Several context-sensitive query recommendation algorithms Our empirical analysis shows that the average MRR of have been proposed recently. Boldi et al. [6] compute query NearestCompletion (with depth-3 traversal) over queries whose recommendations by running Personalized PageRank on their context is relevant is 48% higher relative to the average MRR Query Flow Graph. As the mass of PageRank’s telepor- of MostPopularCompletion over the same queries. However, tation vector is concentrated on the context queries, the when the context is irrelevant to the intended query, Near- recommendations generated are context-sensitive. The run estCompletion becomes destructive, so its average MRR is time efficiency of this algorithm is questionable, as PageR- 19% lower relative to the average MRR of MostPopular- ank computation is heavy. Cao et al. [10, 9] and He et Completion over all queries. To mitigate this problem, our al. [13] train models for query sequences based on analysis final algorithm, HybridCompletion, is a hybrid of MostPop- of such sequences in search logs (using, among others, some ularCompletion and NearestCompletion. Each of the two machine learning models, like Variable Length HMM and algorithms provides a list of top k matches. We aggregate Mixture Variable Memory MM). At run time, these models the two lists by standardizing the contextual score and the are used to predict the next user’s query from her previous popularity score of each candidate completion and then com- queries. It is not totally clear how these techniques deal with puting a final score which is a convex combination of the two long-tail contexts that have never occurred in the log before. scores. The completions are ranked by these final scores. We In comparison, our algorithms are adapted to query auto- show that HybridCompletion dominates both NearestCom- completion, can deal with long tail contexts, have scalable pletion and MostPopularCompletion. Its average MRR is runtime performance, and are robust to irrelevant contexts. 31.5% higher relative to the average MRR of MostPopular- The framework we use in this paper for query auto com- Completion. pletion is close to the one used by Broder et al. [8] to ex- As our new algorithm relies on the standard cosine simi- pand long-tail queries for the purpose of matching relevant larity measure between vectors, it can be implemented effi- ads. Broder et al. built an index of enriched representa- ciently over standard high-performance search architectures. tions of popular and semi-popular queries and in run time This is a crucial property of the algorithm, because query retrieved the queries that are most similar to the current auto completions need to be provided to the user in a split- user query. These similar queries are then used to retrieve second as she is typing her query. Note that the rich repre- relevant ads. Apart from the different applications and the sentation of the recent queries can be cached and retrieved different evaluation methodologies, the two frameworks dif- quickly as the user is typing her current query. The current fer in their core component: the rich query representation. query requires no enrichment. Broder et al. mostly rely on their result-based query expan- The rest of the paper is organized as follows. After re- sion approach [7], while we focus on traversal of the query viewing some related work in Section 2, we provide a brief recommendation tree. background about query auto completion algorithms in Sec- Finally, query expansion is a well established field (see [17] tion 3. We describe the NearestCompletion algorithm in for an overview). Classical methods expand the query us- Section 4 and the HybridCompletion algorithm in Section 5. ing thesauri. This is limited and non-scalable. Roccio’s In Section 6 we provide a detailed empirical study of the two method [20] expands the query from terms that occur in algorithms and compare them to MostPopularCompletion. its search results. This is non-trivial to do without adding We end with some concluding remarks in Section 7. also a lot of noise that causes a “topic drift”. More modern methods rely on query log analysis (e.g., [15]). Since query 2. RELATED WORK recommendations usually rely on such query expansion tech- niques as building blocks, our query expansion algorithm can Query auto-completion has received relatively little at- be viewed as bootstrapping state-of-the-art expansion tech- tention in the literature (see, e.g., [23, 4, 3, 14, 1]). All niques to obtain richer vocabularies. major search engines rely on query logs to generate query auto-completions. To the best of our knowledge, there is no published work on context-sensitive log-based query auto- 3. QUERY AUTO COMPLETION completion. Arias et al. [1] suggest a context-sensitive query A query auto completion (QAC) algorithm accepts a user auto-completion algorithm for mobile search. Their comple- input x, which is a sequence of characters typed by the user tions, however, are thesaurus-based concepts whose relat- in the search engine’s search box. The user input is typically edness to the user’s context is determined by a rule-based a prefix of a complete query q that the user intends to enter. mechanism. This approach does not seem to fit the scala- The algorithm returns a list of k completions, which are bility requirements of web search. suggestions for queries, from which the user can select.
A completion c is said to be a hit, if it equals the query q to the query the user is typing, the algorithm has better that the user was about to enter. In this paper we will focus chances of producing a hit. on hits as the main measure of success for QAC algorithms, Search sessions. A logical search session is an interac- as it is relatively easy to estimate hit rates when inspecting tive process in which the user (re-)formulates queries while search logs. In reality, a QAC algorithm may be successful searching for documents satisfying a particular information even if it returns a completion that is different from the need. It consists of a sequence of queries q1 , . . . , qt (t ≥ 1) query the user was about to type but that describes the issued by the user. The context of a user input x, where x is same information need. the prefix of some query qi in the session, is the sequence of Most QAC algorithms share the following framework. In queries q1 , . . . , qi−1 preceding qi . Note that if x is the prefix an offline phase a query database is built. The database con- of the first query in the session, its context is empty. sists of a large collection of queries that are of high quality Since all the queries in a logical session pertain to the and represent the intents of the search engine’s users. Ma- same information need, the context of a user input is always jor search engines build this database from their query logs relevant to this input by definition. In reality, however, de- by extracting the most frequently searched queries. Smaller tecting logical sessions is non-trivial as a user may switch her search engines, which do not have sufficient user traffic, con- information need within a short time frame. Mis-detection struct the database from prominent phrases that occur in the of logical search sessions leads to mis-detection of contexts. corpus being searched. In this section we ignore this problem and assume we have Each QAC algorithm defines its own criteria for determin- a perfect session detector, so contexts are always relevant. ing whether a query q is an eligible completion for an input We will address this problem in the next section. x. Traditional QAC algorithms require that q is a proper The reader may wonder at this point how a QAC algo- string completion of x (i.e., that x is a prefix of q). For in- rithm that runs on the search engine’s server can access the stance, barack obama is a proper completion of the input bar. user’s recent queries at run-time. The most straightforward Advanced QAC algorithms support also non-proper comple- solution is to keep the user’s recent queries in a cookie, if the tions, like mid-string completions (e.g., ob → barack obama) user agrees to it. Every time the user performs a search, the and spell corrections (e.g., barak → barack obama). We will search engine returns the results and also updates a cookie denote the set of queries that are eligible completions of an (that the browser stores on the user’s machine) with the input x by completions(x). latest search. When the user types characters in the search At run-time, the QAC algorithm accepts an input x, and engine’s search box, the browser sends the user’s input along selects the top k eligible completions for x. Completions with the cookie to the search engine. are ordered by a quality score, which represents how likely each completion is to be a hit. Since the algorithm needs The basic algorithm. A context-sensitive extension of to provide the user with the suggested completions as she is the Maximum Likelihood Estimator described above works typing the query, it has to be ultra-efficient. To achieve this as follows. Let p(q|C) denote the conditional probability high performance, the algorithm needs a data structure, like that the next query is q given that the current context is C. a TRIE or a hash table, that supports fast lookups into the If the search engine would have known p(q|C) for all q and query database using prefix keys. C, it could have predicted the next query as follows: MostPopularCompletion is the standard and most pop- M LE(x|C) = argmaxq∈completions(x) p(q|C). ular QAC algorithm. The quality score it assigns to each query q is the frequency of this query in the log from which Approximating p(q|C) is trickier than approximating p(q), the query database was built. That is, for an input x, Most- because query logs are too sparse to provide meaningful esti- PopularCompletion returns the k completions of x that were mates of p(q|C) for most (q, C) pairs. We tackle this problem searched for most frequently. by casting it as an information retrieval (IR) problem: we One way to look at this algorithm is as an approximate treat the context C as a “query” and the queries in the query Maximum Likelihood Estimator. Let p be the probability database as “documents”. Indeed, our goal is to sift through distribution of incoming queries. That is, p(q) is the proba- the many possible completions of x and find the ones that bility that the next query the search engines receives is q. In are most related to the context C. an ideal world, the search engine would have known p(q) for Looking at this problem through the IR prism, we can all q ahead of time. Given a user input x, the search engine now resort to standard IR techniques. We chose to imple- could have then applied Maximum Likelihood Estimation to ment NearestCompletion using the traditional Vector Space predict the user’s query q as follows: Model, which is supported by the search library we used in our experiments. Each context C is mapped to a term- M LE(x) = argmaxq∈completions(x) p(q). weighted vector vC in some high dimensional space V . Sim- ilarly, each query q in the query database is mapped to a MostPopularCompletion essentially implements this algo- vector vQ ∈ V . NearestCompletion then outputs the com- rithm, except that it approximates the next-query distri- pletion q of x whose vector vq has the highest cosine simi- bution p by the normalized frequencies of queries in the log. larity to vC : hvq , vC i 4. NEAREST COMPLETION NearestCompletion(x, C) = argmaxq∈completions(x) . ||vq || · ||vC || As we will see in Section 6, MostPopularCompletion fre- More generally, NearestCompletion outputs the k comple- quently fails to produce hits when the user input is still very tions of x whose vectors are most similar to vC . short (say, 1-2 characters long). The NearestCompletion al- gorithm that we introduce next uses the user’s recent queries Context representation. Contexts and queries are ob- as context of the user input x. When the context is relevant jects of different types, so it may not be clear how to rep-
resent both as vectors in the same space. However, since each query (as most such algorithms do), then the result- contexts are sequences of queries, then we can produce con- ing expanded forms would be too sparse. To overcome this text representations from query representations. Formally, problem, we expand each query not just by its direct recom- if C = q1 , . . . , qt is a context and vq1 , . . . , vqt are the cor- mendations but rather by the whole recommendation tree responding vectors, we produce the context vector vC as a rooted at this query. linear combination of the query vectors: Formally, let A be a query recommendation algorithm, and let us denote by A(q) the top k recommendations that t X A provides for a query q. vC = wi vqi . i=1 Definition 4.1 (Query recommendation tree). Let The weights w1 , . . . , wt are non-negative. They specify the d ≥ 0 be an integer. Let Tq,d denote the depth-d query rec- relative contribution of each context query to the context ommendation tree of query q. The root node of Tq,d corre- vector. As the more recent a context query is, the more sponds to the query q. The children of each node v in the likely it is to be relevant to the current query, the weights tree correspond to the recommendations for v (A(v)). need to be monotonically non-decreasing. In our empirical analysis we experimented with different weight functions: Note that the same query may occur multiple times in the recent-query-only (wt = 1 and wi = 0 for all i < t), linear tree and possibly at different levels of the tree. decay (wi = 1/(t − i + 1)), logarithmic decay (wi = 1/(1 + The query recommendation tree is the main building block ln(t − i + 1))), and exponential decay (wi = 1/et−i )). in the construction of the expanded form vq of a query q. The coordinates of vq correspond to n-grams that oc- Vector representation via query expansion. The most cur within the queries in the tree. n-grams are extracted important ingredient of the NearestCompletion algorithm is as follows: each query in the tree is tokenized into terms, the representation of queries as term-weighted vectors. This stop-words are eliminated, and the terms are stemmed. The representation eventually determines how NearestComple- resulting queries are split into overlapping n-grams, where tion ranks the completions of x. Ideally, we need this rank- n = 1, . . . , N and N is an upper bound on the size of n-grams ing to be consistent with the ranking of completions by the we care about. conditional probabilities p(q|C). Note that p(q|C) is the Let z be an n-gram. If z was not extracted by the above probability that the user reformulates the context queries C process, then vq [z] = 0. If z was extracted, let T (z) denote to the current query q. Hence, the vector representation of the nodes of the tree that contain z. We define the weight queries needs to yield a similarity measure so that similar of z in vq as follows: queries are likely reformulations of each other and vice versa. A naive approach would be to represent a query by its terms, as a bag of words. The resulting similarity measure X vq [z] = weight(depth(u)) · ln(IDF (z)). can capture syntactic reformulations, such as my baby is not u∈T (z) eating well → baby eating disorder, but not semantic refine- ments, like baby eating disorder → infant nutrition. The This is essentially a TF-IDF weight. The sum counts the problem is that queries are short, and thus their vocabulary number of occurrences of z in the tree, but it assigns differ- is too sparse to capture semantic relationships. ent weights to different occurrences. The weight of an occur- In order to overcome this sparsity problem, we expand rence depends on the depth of the node in which it is found. each query into a rich representation. Query expansion [17] Note that the deeper the node is, the weaker is its connec- is used to augment the textual query with related terms, like tion to the root query q, and hence the function weight(·) is synonyms. For example, the query baby eating disorder may monotonically non-increasing. We experimented with vari- be expanded to baby infant eating food nutrition disorder ous weighting functions, including linear decay, logarithmic illness and the query infant nutrition may be expanded to decay, and exponential decay. IDF (z) is the inverse fre- infant baby nutrition food. The two expanded forms now quency of z in the entire query database. have high cosine similarity. System architecture. Since NearestCompletion relies Recommendation-based query expansion. We intro- on the Vector Space Model, it can leverage standard and duce a new query expansion technique that leverages a large optimized information retrieval architectures. In the offline body of work on query recommendation. A query recommen- phase, the algorithm computes the rich representation of dation algorithm suggests to the user high quality reformu- each query in the query database. The resulting vectors lations of her query. Query recommendation algorithms rely are indexed in an inverted index. In addition, each query on existing query expansion techniques and in addition are is indexed by its set of eligible prefixes, so one can retrieve tuned to provide likely reformulations of the query. Hence, all completions of a given prefix quickly (note that wildcard a plausible expansion of a query could be the list of rec- operator that is supported by standard search architectures ommendations provided for it by such an algorithm. The can also be used for prefix-based retrieval). advantage is that the added terms are high precision key- In run time, the algorithm accepts the user input x and words that appear in likely reformulations of the query. It the context C. The rich representation of the queries that follows that two queries that have similar expanded forms of constitute C should be available in a cache, because these this sort share their reformulation vocabulary and are thus queries have been recently processed by the search engine. more likely to be reformulations of each other. The algorithm can therefore compute the rich representation The above approach produces high precision query expan- vC of C. It then retrieves from the index the queries that sions, but may lack coverage. If the query recommendation are completions of x and whose rich representation is most algorithm produces a small number of recommendations for similar to vC .
5. HYBRID COMPLETION of this paper is not on session segmentation and context NearestCompletion is designed to work well when the user relevancy detection, we have not addressed this direction. input has a non-empty context and this context is relevant It is important to note that HybridCompletion may rerank to the query that the user is typing. In practice, however, the original lists of completions it receives. For example, many queries have no context (51% by our experiments). In among the most popular completions, it will promote the addition, due to incorrect segmentation of search sessions, ones that are more similar to the context, and, conversely, recent queries that are deemed as context may not be rele- among the most similar completions, it will promote the vant to the current query at all (by our experiments, 40% of more popular ones. This implies that HybridCompletion the query pairs have different information needs). In all of can dominate both MostPopularCompletion and Nearest- these cases NearestCompletion relies either on no informa- Completion not only on average, but also on individual in- tion or on false information and thus exhibits poor quality. puts. On the other hand, the standard MostPopularCompletion algorithm is not dependent on context, and thus can do well 6. EMPIRICAL STUDY even if the context is empty or irrelevant. It would have Our empirical study has two goals: (a) compare the best been nice if one could identify these cases and use Most- configuration of our algorithms to the standard MostPop- PopularCompletion instead of NearestCompletion in them. ularCompletion algorithm; and (b) study the effect of the Recognizing that the context is empty is easy. However, how different parameters of our algorithms on the quality of the can one detect that the context is irrelevant, at run time? results. To this end, we came up with an automatic evalua- HybridCompletion circumvents this problem by using both tion methodology for QAC algorithms, which estimates their algorithms when the context is non-empty. MRR based on a given query log. We used the AOL query Given a user input x and a context C, HybridCompletion log [19] in our experiments, as it is publicly available and produces two ranked lists of completions of x: LN C consists sufficiently large to guarantee statistical significance (other of the top ℓ completions returned by NearestCompletion and public query logs are either access-restricted or are small). LM P C consists of the top ℓ completions returned by Most- PopularCompletion. The final ranked list of completions Experimental setup. For performing the empirical study LHC is constructed by aggregating the two lists. we implemented the standard MostPopularCompletion algo- The results in each of the two lists are ranked by quality rithm and our two algorithms (NearestCompletion and Hy- scores: LN C is ranked by a similarity score, which we de- bridCompletion). The query database used by all algorithms note by simscore(·), and LM P C is ranked by a popularity was constructed from the queries that appear in the AOL score, which we denote by popscore(·). The aggregated list log. We segmented the log into sessions, using a simple stan- LHC is constructed by combining the two scoring functions dard segmentation heuristic (every interval of 30 minute idle into a single hybrid score, denote hybscore(·). As simscore time denotes a session boundary). We eliminated from the and popscore use different units and scales, they need to be data all click information and merged duplicate queries that standardized before they can be combined. In order to stan- belong to the same session. The final data sets consisted dardize simscore, we estimate the mean similarity score and of 21,092,882 queries in 10,738,766 sessions. We found that the standard deviation of similarity scores in the list LN C . 40% of the sessions were of length greater than 1 and 49% of The standard similarity score is then calculated as the queries were preceded by one or more queries in the same session (hence being amenable to context-sensitive QAC). simscore(q) − µ We partitioned the AOL log into two parts: a training Zsimscore(q) = , σ set, consisting of 80% of the log, and a test set, consisting of where µ and σ are the estimated mean and standard devia- the remaining 20%. We computed a rich representation (see tion. The standard popularity score is calculated similarly. Section 4) for a subset of 55,422 of the training set queries. The hybrid score is defined as a convex combination of the The query recommendation trees required for these rich rep- two scores: resentations were built using Google Suggest’s query auto- completion service. We scraped the auto completions using hybscore(q) = α · Zsimscore(q) + (1 − α) · Zpopscore(q), the public external service (we did not rely on privileged ac- where 0 ≤ α ≤ 1 is a tunable parameter determining the cess to internal Google services or data). Since Google poses weight of the similarity score relative to the weight of the strict rate limits on scrapers, we did not compute rich query popularity score. One can think of α as the prior probability representation for all the queries in the training set. that the next query has a relevant context and thus would re- The query database used for training each of the 3 al- quire a context-sensitive completion. Note that when α = 0 gorithms we considered consisted of these 55,422 queries. HybridCompletion is identical to MostPopularCompletion, The frequency counts used by MostPopularCompletion were and when α = 1 HybridCompletion is identical to Nearest- computed based on the entire training set, and not based Completion (except for inputs that have empty context). In only on the queries in the query database. Section 6, we experiment with different values of α in order NearestCompletion and HybridCompletion were implemented to tune it appropriately. by customizing Lucene2 to our needs. The experiments were HybridCompletion, as described above, uses one global performed in October 2010 on a dual Intel Xeon 3.4GHz pro- value for α, which is common to all inputs and contexts. cessor workstation with 4GB RAM and two 320GB disks. There may be scenarios though where it is desired to alter Evaluation framework. We evaluate a QAC algorithm the value of α adaptively. For example, if we have some in- by how well it predicts the query the user is about to type. dication that the context is not relevant to the current user The prediction quality depends on whether the algorithm input, we may want to reduce α, while if we have the oppo- 2 site indication, we may want to increase α. Since the focus
succeeds to generate a hit, and if it does, on the position of context on query auto completion after the user has typed this hit. a single character of her intended query. In these examples, Since all the algorithms we evaluate work the same when the user’s intended query and the context are related (in the the current user input has no context, then our evaluation first example they are syntactically related and in the second focused only on queries that have context. We generated one they are only semantically related). The NearestCom- sample queries with corresponding contexts as follows. We pletion algorithm detects the similarity and thus provides randomly sampled 40,000 sessions from the test set. For each the correct prediction at one of the top 2 positions. As the selected session, we picked the first query among the queries intended queries in these cases are not popular, MostPopu- in the session that have context (i.e., they are not the first larCompletion fails to hit the correct completion even in its one in the session) and that have a rich query representation top 10 suggestions. The utter failure of MostPopularCom- (i.e., we scraped their recommendations/auto-completions pletion has only a minor effect on HybridCompletion, which from Google). If the session had no such queries, it was suggests the correct completion at one of its top 5 positions. dropped from the sample. This resulted in 7,311 queries The third example exhibits the opposite scenario: the con- and contexts. text is irrelevant to the user’s intended query and the in- Our experiments focused on query auto-completion after tended query is popular. Consequently, MostPopularCom- having a single character from the current query. This set- pletion hits the correct query at the top position, while Near- ting is the most challenging and thus demonstrates the dif- estCompletion completely fails. This time HybridComple- ferences among the different algorithms most crisply. tion benefits from the success of MostPopularCompletion and hits the correct completion also at its top spot. Evaluation metric. Recall that for a particular query Figure 1 provides a comparison of weighted MRR of the q and context C, an algorithm A is said to have a hit at three algorithms on the 7,311 (query, context) pairs. We position ℓ, if after receiving C and the first character of q, the validated that the results are all statistically significant. It algorithm returns q as the ℓ-th completion for this character. is very clear that HybridCompletion dominates both Near- We write in this case that hitrank(A, q, C) = ℓ (if A has no estCompletion and MostPopularCompletion. For example, hit at all, then hitrank(A, q, C) = ∞). Mean Reciprocal HybridCompletion’s wMRR is 0.246 compared to only 0.187 Rank (MRR) is a standard measure for evaluating retrieval of MostPopularCompletion (an improvement of 31.5%). It that is aimed at a specific object. The reciprocal rank of an is also clear that the quality of NearestCompletion is infe- algorithm A on a particular (query, context) pair (q, C) is rior to MostPopularCompletion (by 19.8%), so it cannot be 1/ hitrank(A, q, C) (note that the reciprocal rank is 0 when used as is for query auto completion. The graph also distin- the algorithm has no hit). MRR is the expected reciprocal guishes between pairs in which the context has a rich rep- rank of the algorithm on a random (query, context) pair. resentation (i.e., the recommendations for this context have To estimate MRR, we take a random sample S of (query, been scraped from Google) and pairs in which the context context) pairs, and compute the mean reciprocal rank of has only a thin representation (based on the context query the algorithm over these pairs: itself, without the recommendations). Note that the latter 1 X 1 simulates the case the context is long-tail and the search MRR(A) = . |S| hitrank(A, q, C) engine has no recommendations for it. The results indicate (q,C)∈S that even such long-tail contexts are useful, and thus Hybrid- MRR treats all (query, context) pairs equally. We ob- Completion is doing better than MostPopularCompletion. serve, however, that some user inputs are easier to complete than others. For example, if the user input is the letter ’z’, then since there are few words that start with z, the auto- 0.3 1HDUHVW 0RVW3RSXODU completion task is easier and is likely to produce better pre- +\EULG dictions. On the other hand, if the user input is the letter 0.246 0.243 ’s’, the numerous possible completions make the prediction 0.23 task much harder. This motivates us to work with a weighted 0.193 Z055 0.187 version of MRR (denoted wMRR). Rather than treating all 0.17 (query, context) pairs uniformly, we weight them according 0.15 0.138 to the number of completions available for the prefix of the query. Comparison experiments. Our first set of experiments compare NearestCompletion and HybridCompletion to the standard MostPopularCompletion. The comparison is based on the 7,311 random (query, context) pairs collected from $OO 5LFK 7KLQ our training set. We used in these experiments the param- &RQWH[W7\SH eter values that we found to be the most cost-effective: (a) recommendation algorithm: Google’s auto-completion; (b) Figure 1: Weighted MRR of the 3 algorithms on recommendation tree depth: 3; (c) depth weighting func- 7,311 (query, context) pairs. Results are for all tion: exponential decay; (d) unigram model; (e) used only pairs, for pairs in which the context has a rich rep- the most recent query; (f) α in HybridCompletion: 0.5. resentation, and for pairs in which the context does We start with an anecdotal comparison (Table 1) of the not have a rich representation. completions provided by the three algorithms on some of the above pairs (note: these are real examples taken from the Figure 2 demonstrates that HybridCompletion dominates AOL log). The first two examples demonstrate the effect of MostPopularCompletion not only on average but also with
Context Query MostPopularCompletion NearestCompletion HybridCompletion french flag italian flag internet, im help, irs, ikea, italian flag, itunes and internet, italian flag, itunes internet explorer french, ireland, italy, ire- and french, im help, irs aland neptune uranus ups, usps, united airlines, uranus, uranas, university, uranus, uranas, ups, united usbank, used cars university of chicago, ultra- airlines, usps sound improving bank of amer- bank of america , banko- battery powered ride ons, bank of america , best acer ica famerica, best buy, bed bath battery plus charlotte nc, buy, battery powered ride laptop and beyond, billing battery died while driving, ons, bankofamerica, battery battery best buy, battery replace- died while driving ment for palm tungsten c Table 1: The top 5 completions provided by the 3 algorithms on (query, context) pairs taken from the AOL log. In the first two examples the context and the query are related, while in the last one they are not. high probability. In this graph we compare the (weighted) successful, achieving wMRR that is 48% higher relative to fractions of (query,context) pairs on which the MRR values MostPopularCompletion. HybridCompletion is even better of one algorithm is higher than that of the other algorithm. because it takes both the context and the popularity into Since small differences in MRR values are insignificant (e.g., account. On the other hand, when the query and context if one algorithm ranks the intended query at position 9 and are unrelated, NearestCompletion is essentially useless. Hy- the other at position 10, the algorithms perform essentially bridCompletion is even better than NearestCompletion for the same on this query), we deem the two algorithms to related pairs, while its quality for unrelated pairs is moder- do equally well on some input pair if the difference in their ately lower (in 20.3%) than that of MostPopularCompletion. MRR values on this pair is at most ǫ. Clearly, the lower the value of ǫ, the tighter is the comparison. MostPopular Nearest Hybrid After discarding input pairs on which the MRR of both Related context 0.163 0.242 0.280 algorithms was 0, we were left with 3,894 pairs. Figure 2 Unrelated context 0.227 0 0.181 demonstrates that for a wide range of ǫ values, HybridCom- pletion is superior to MostPopularCompletion on a larger Table 2: Weighted MRR of the three algorithms, fraction of input pairs. broken down by whether the intended query and the context are related or not. (TXDO055V 0RVW3RSXODU V055LVKLJKHU Next, we broke down the 7,311 sample pairs into buck- :HLJKWHGIUDFWLRQRISDLUV +\EULG V055LVKLJKHU ets based on the frequency of the intended query in the query log. The buckets correspond to exponentially increas- ing frequency ranges. Figure 3 plots the wMRR of each al- gorithm in each of the buckets. As expected, MostPopular- Completion is very successful at predicting popular queries. It supersedes NearestCompletion for such queries, because its success is independent of whether the context is related to the intended query or not. On the other hand, when the intended query is long-tail (low popularity), NearestComple- tion manages to use the context to achieve a relatively high prediction quality, while MostPopularCompletion exhibits (SVLORQYDOXHV very poor quality. Note that HybridCompletion essentially takes the upper envelope of the two algorithms, and manages to achieve almost as high quality in all popularity ranges. Figure 2: Weighted fractions of (query,context) One peculiar artifact exhibited in this experiment is that pairs where MostPopularCompletion’s MRR value the quality of NearestCompletion slightly deteriorates for is higher than that of HybridCompletion in at least popular queries (whose frequency in the log is above 10,000). an epsilon and vice versa. We analyzed these queries and found that the fraction of unrelated contexts such queries have (58%) is much higher We drilled down the results in order to understand the than the fraction of unrelated contexts for low popularity relative strengths and weaknesses of the three algorithms on queries (only 36.5%). This explains the lower quality of different inputs. To this end, we selected a random sample NearestCompletion for such queries. of 198 (query, context) pairs from the set of 7,311 pairs, and manually tagged each of them as related (i.e., the query is Parameter tuning experiments. We conducted a set of related to the context; 60% of the pairs) and unrelated (40% experiments in which we examined the effect of the differ- of the pairs). Table 2 compares the quality of the three ent parameters of our algorithms on their quality. Figure 4 algorithms separately on the related pairs and on the un- shows the influence of the depth of the query recommenda- related pairs. The results indicate that when the intended tion tree used in the construction of the rich query represen- query is related to the context, NearestCompletion is very tation on the quality of NearestCompletion. We examined
0 10 Table 4 shows the dependence of NearestCompletion’s qual- -1 ity on the query recommendation algorithm used to gen- 10 erate the recommendation trees. We compared two algo- rithms: Google’s query auto-completions and Google’s re- -2 10 lated search. The results demonstrate that the rich repre- wMRR sentations generated from Google’s related searches are more -3 10 Nearest effective (quality improves in 12.4%). Nevertheless, in most Hybrid of our experiments we opted to use Google’s query auto com- MostPopular 10 -4 pletions, because the difference is not huge and since they are much easier to scrape (the query latency is lower and 10 -5 1 2 3 4 5 6 the rate limits posed by Google are higher). We thus con- 10 10 10 10 10 10 Frequency clude that the auto completions are more cost-effective for this purpose. Figure 3: Weighted MRR of the 3 algorithms as a Auto-completions Related searches function of the frequency of the intended query in wMRR 0.177 0.199 the query log (log-log scale). Table 4: Weighted MRR of NearestCompletion us- ing two different query recommendation algorithms depths 0 to 3. As expected, the quality of NearestComple- (by Google) for generating recommendation trees of tion increases, as the depth increases, since the vocabulary depth 2. Results are only for (query, context) pairs of the rich representation is richer. Note that the returns in which the context has a rich representation. are starting to diminish at depth 3. While we could not run the experiment with larger depths, due to Google’s scraping limitations, we expect this trend to continue as the depth in- The parameter α in HybridCompletion controls the bal- creases. Thus, a recommendation tree of depth 2 or 3 seems ance between NearestCompletion and MostPopularComple- to be the most cost-effective for this application. tion. Recall that for α = 1 HybridCompletion is the same as NearestCompletion and for α = 0 it is the same as Most- PopularCompletion. Figure 5 analyzes the effect of α on the quality of the algorithm. As noted above, MostPopularCom- pletion is better than NearestCompletion when the intended query is popular and NearestCompletion is better when the context query is related to the intended query. The results Z055 show that α = 0.5 is the best choice in aggregate. 0 10 -1 10 $OO 5LFK 7KLQ -2 &RQWH[W7\SH 10 wMRR -3 Figure 4: Weighted MRR of NearestCompletion as a 10 0 function of the recommendation tree depth. Results 0.25 are for all sample (query, context) pairs, for the ones 10 -4 0.5 0.75 in which the context has a rich representation, and 1 for the ones in which the context does not have a 10 -5 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 10 10 10 10 10 rich representation. Frequency Next, we measured the effect of the context length on Figure 5: Weighted MRR of HybridCompletion as the quality of NearestCompletion. Our experiments (see a function of α (log-log scale). Table 3) demonstrate that increasing the number of recent queries being taken into account slightly improves the qual- We measured the influence of other parameters of the al- ity of the algorithm, as the vocabulary that describes the gorithm, like the choice of the depth weighting function, the context is enriched. The effect is not as significant as the choice of the context weighting function and the N-grams recommendation tree depth, though. maximum length. We have not found significant differences in quality among the different alternatives. We suppress the Context length 1 2 3 actual results from this draft, due to lack of space. wMRR 0.139 0.154 0.164 Table 3: Weighted MRR of NearestCompletion as a 7. CONCLUSIONS function of the context length. Results are for 2,374 In this paper we proposed the first context-sensitive al- (query, context) pairs in which the context was of gorithm for query auto-completion. The algorithm, Near- length at least 3. estCompletion, suggests to the user completions of her in- put prefix that are most similar to the recent queries the
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