Consumer and Food Service Trends Q3 2021 - KAGOME USA

Page created by Katherine Keller
Consumer and Food Service Trends Q3 2021 - KAGOME USA
Consumer and Food
Service Trends Q3 2021
Consumer and Food Service Trends Q3 2021 - KAGOME USA

Fewer Diners Seek Visible Safety Cues                .............................   1

30 Menu Trends to Watch ......................................................       2

Technomic Insight Operator Recovery ..................................               3

What’s driving the labor crisis? .............................................       4-10

       Restaurant Employment Situation ................................ 4
       Short-term Challanges, Child and Family Care .............. 5
       Teen Participation, Long-term Challenges .................... 6
Consumer and Food Service Trends Q3 2021 - KAGOME USA
Regional restrictions and changing CDC guidelines continue to
                                               create challenges and questions—even in areas with high vacci-
                                               nation rates. Nevertheless, restaurant operators must continue to
    Q3 WHERE                                   strike a delicate balance between guests still seeking these extra
                                               visible precautions and those who may feel such measures are
    ARE WE                                     no longer needed.

   Technomic Industry Insights
   July 2021

   Fewer Diners Seek
   Visible Safety Cues
   Nearly half of Americans are
   fully vaccinated (49.2%), and
   Technomic Ignite Consumer
   brand ratings data shows that
   more diners have increased
   overall restaurant frequency
   quarter over quarter. More than
   three-fifths (62%) now say that
   they visit or order food from a
   restaurant once a week or more
   frequently, up from 60% in the
   first quarter.
   In addition to increased week-
   ly restaurant usage, changes
   in demands for visible safety
   protocols signal that a growing
   number feel more comfortable
   dining out again. Compared
   to Q1 2021, the percentage
   of consumers now looking for
   safety cues has dropped signifi-
   cantly across all measures.
   Expectations regarding dining
   room restrictions and mask
   usage are among some of the
   greatest declines registered. A
   growing number also appear
   less fearful of self-serve bever-
   age stations.

Base is 27,300 consumers ages 18+ per quarter, Source: Technomic Ignite Consumer

Consumer and Food Service Trends Q3 2021 - KAGOME USA
30 Menu Trends To Watch
 1 Ararat                                                                    21 Jacoque
 Middle Eastern spice blend                                                  Mexican dairy product based
 combining urfa biber, fenu-                                                 on fermented milk
 greek and smoked paprika                                                    22 Jaja Sauce
 2 Aveze                                                                     Asian bean-based sauce
 French yellow gentian-based                                                 23 Kimchi Burgers
 liqueur                                                                     Popular handheld topped with
 3 Avgolemono                                                                fermented Korean vegetables
 Sauce or soup made with egg                                                 24 Macaroni and Beer
 yolk and lemon juice mixed                                                  Cheese
 with broth                                                                  Mac paired with beer-infused
                                          Image Source:
 4 Bacanora                                                                  cheese
 Agave-derived spirit                     11 Chile Jam                       25 Makdous
 5 Bagel and Lox Riffs                    Sweet and savory condiment         Levantine/Iraqi walnut- and
 Nontraditional versions of the           12 Elote Beyond the Cob            red pepper-stuffed eggplant
 classic breakfast pairing                Mexican street corn inspirations   dish
 6 Bone Broth Bloody                      in varied dishes                   26 Meat Marmalade
 Bloody Mary cocktails infused            13 Flavored White Rus-             Spreadable preserve made
 with animal bone stock                                                      with beef or other meat
 7 Breakfast Cookies                      Classic vodka-Kahlua-cream         27 Mexican Oregano
 The traditionally sweet dessert          cocktail with new flavor infu-     Southwestern U.S./Mexican
 menued as a breakfast item               sions                              herb related to lemon verbena
                                          14 Fried Cauliflower               28 Millet
                                          The popular vegetable served in    Small, round cereal grain
                                          a fried preparation                29 Mole Vinaigrette
                                          15 Furikake Fries                  Mole sauce in a vinegar-based
                                          French fries topped with the dry   dressing
                                          Japanese seasoning                 30 Non-Japanese
                                          16 Global Corn Dogs                Sushi
                                          International version of the       Raw fish dish with flavorings
                                          American fried item                from other global regions
                                          17 Grain Desserts
                                          Sweets featuring quinoa, barley
                                          or other cereal grains
8 Breakfast Poutine
Morning inspirations of the Ca-
                                          18 Halva
                                          Western and Central Asian
nadian potato and cheese curd
                                          flour- or nut butter-based con-
9 Buttermilk Braising
Non-chicken meats braised in
                                          19 Hard Seltzer Cocktails
                                          Adult beverages featuring the
buttermilk, such as pork                  fast-growing category of drinks
10 Candied Salmon                         20 Herbed Bacon
Cured and cold-smoked fish                Bacon topped with rosemary,
                                          thyme, sage or other herbs
Source: Technomic Emerging Eats Q3 2021

Consumer and Food Service Trends Q3 2021 - KAGOME USA
                                 OPERATOR RECOVERY

Although the nagging pandemic situation has yet to fully resolve itself,
several current diner demands have come into sharp focus. In order to
emerge successfully from the COVID-19-induced environment, it’s cru-
cial for restaurant operators and suppliers to understand these growing
expectations. Technomic has uncovered some key insight into what it
takes to steal share, win more occasions and grow future business.

#1 Get the Order Right
Operators are finally beginning to catch a glimpse
                                                                  92% state that order accuracy is
of true post-pandemic dining behaviors. While it still
may be premature to assume that off-premise orders
                                                                 important/very important when se-
will not cannibalize dine-in business (or vice versa) in              lecting an LSR for an occasion.
some way, most operators will do anything possible
to hold onto those to-go and delivery orders. Want to            75% state that quality of takeout
keep your off-premise business strong? Triple check                packaging is important/very
that order before it goes out the door. Now, check              important when selecting an LSR for an
it again—and be sure your packaging is up to the                    occasion, up from 69% in the prior
challenge no matter the ultimate dining destination.                       four-quarter period.

#2 Prioritize Innovation and Enjoy the Benefits of Mixing It Up
Consumers love a good reason to place restaurant orders. Keep providing justification by tempting them
with limited-time or seasonal offers. Maintain a robust innovation pipeline and remember that how far you
reach is up to you. Surprising and delighting guests does not always require a complete brand reinven-
tion or comprehensive SKU overhaul. Among Gen Z’ers and Millennials, the number of recent
occasions driven by the need for novelty has grown 26% over the past two years. As a de-
cision driver, the importance of offering limited-time or seasonal items has increased by 3 points at LSRs
and 4 points at FSRs year over year.

#3 Social Responsibility is Everyone’s Duty and Your Opportunity to Shine
Although your community-based activities should speak for themselves, don’t forget to remind consumers
how invested you truly are. Let us know about your good deeds in detail, and actively encourage guests
to participate in your charitable passions.When choosing a restaurant for an occasion, the importance of
social responsibility and giving back to the local community are both significantly higher than they were
one year ago—and that holds true at both LSRs and FSRs. The good news? More consumers are giv-
ing restaurant chains credit for social responsibility efforts in the past four quarters compared to the prior
period. Average social responsibility ratings for both LSR and FSR chains has increased year over year.

Source Operator Recover:
Consumers in Year Zero Aug2021
Consumer and Food Service Trends Q3 2021 - KAGOME USA
What’s driving the labor crisis?
 By all accounts, the restaurant       The goal of this white paper       its workforce. Yet the indus-
 industry is roaring back to life as   is to evaluate those potential     try remains about 1.5 million
 vaccination distribution spreads,     changes and help foodservice       workers short of its pre-pan-
 dine-in restrictions are lifted       operators, distributors, sup-      demic employment base.
 and, improved weather through-        pliers and others serving the      Job openings in the hotel and
 out most of the country sends         industry to begin developing       restaurant sectors have risen
 consumers flocking to restau-         strategies around the lon-         dramatically since vaccine
 rants to dine with friends and        ger-term ramifications of the      distribution expanded begin-
 family. Operators are reporting       labor crisis in the restaurant     ning in January. By March
 same-store sales approaching,         industry. As always, Tech-         and April 2021, job open-
 and in some cases exceeding,          nomic will continue to update      ings in these sectors had
 pre-pandemic levels as pent-up        our thinking on the outlook for    reached their highest level
 demand drives the dine-in surge       this industry as the situation     ever recorded. These spikes
 and off-premise orders remain         evolves.                           were quickly eclipsed in May,
 strong.                                                                  when more than 1.3 million
 For restaurant operators ea-          Restaurant
                                                                          openings were reported,
 ger to return to full capacity,       Employment                         representing a 35% increase
 however, significant headwinds        Situation                          vs. April and an even more
 remain as the restaurant in-                                             astonishing increase of 48%
 dustry struggles to fill jobs to      Restaurants currently employ       vs. May 2019, well before the
 meet this booming demand.             10.8 million workers, a massive    pandemic.
 The biggest challenge facing          rebound from last April when
 operators in this current recov-      the industry shed almost half of
 ery period is finding staff willing
 to work. There are numerous
 other factors that are impacting
 employment in the restaurant
 industry; these effects will be
 felt not only during the immedi-
 ate post-pandemic recovery, but
 well into the future. Given the
 broader societal shifts emerg-
 ing as a result of the pandemic,
 differing generational viewpoints
 toward traditional business
 workplace models, as well as
 looming demographic changes,
 it’s important to begin thinking
 about the longer-term implica-
 tions for the restaurant industry
 and how industry norms and
 cost structures will be reshaped
 in the future.

Technomic Roadblock to Recovery - US
Consumer and Food Service Trends Q3 2021 - KAGOME USA
The restaurant industry is not         The increase in leisure/hos-        enacted during the pandem-
alone in its struggle to fill job      pitality wages (a large portion     ic as the primary cause of
openings. Total job vacancies          captured by restaurants) is         their recruiting challenges.
in the United States increased         more than four times that of all    The consensus is that po-
to 9.3 million in April from 8.3       industries                          tential hires are sitting on
million in March of 2021, high-                                            the sidelines as COVID relief
lighting the fierce competition                                            aid is a comparable income
from other industries for avail-                                           substitute. Many stories are
able workers.                                                              making the rounds regarding
                                                                           operators receiving count-
Workers in the foodservice                                                 less number of employment
and accommodations sector                                                  applications, but very few
quit their jobs at record levels                                           applicants are appearing for
in April. The quit rate, which re-                                         interviews (as simply sub-
fers to the percentage of people                                           mitting a job application is
who voluntarily leave their jobs                                           a requirement for receiving
over the period, reached 5.6%                                              unemployment benefits).
in April, an all-time high for the                                         Restaurateurs are not alone
industry and more than double                                              in viewing federal unem-
the overall total rate across          Despite employing a variety of      ployment subsidies as a
industries.                            approaches—from increasing          hindrance to hiring. So far,
                                       starting pay and offering sign-on   twenty-five states have with-
The cost of labor is skyrocket-        and referral bonuses to hosting     drawn several months early
ing within the restaurant sector,      job fairs and offering incen-       from federal unemployment
increasing 12% in April 2021           tives to potential workers who      programs that are scheduled
versus April of last year.             complete an on-site applica-        to run through September 5
                                       tion—90% of restaurant employ-      in an effort to spur greater
Restaurant Monthly                     ers in a survey conducted by        participation in the workforce.
Year-over-year                         Restaurant Business (May 15,
                                                                           Child/Family Care
Hourly Wage                            2021) report that hiring is more
                                       difficult than it was before the    Parents with children have a
Change*                                                                    pressing need for affordable
                                       pandemic. What are underlying
                                       reasons for this?                   and reliable child care to be
                                                                           able to return to work; at the
                                       Short-term                          same time, childcare pro-
                                                                           grams are facing their own
                                                                           challenges as the economy
                                       Challenges                          reopens. The Massachusetts
                                       In the same Restaurant Busi-        Business Coalition for Early
                                       ness survey, the overwhelming       Childhood Education reports
                                       majority (79%) of operators         that one out of five childcare
                                       point to federal subsidies on       centers have not reopened
                                       state unemployment payments         since the pandemic hit.
                                                                           Moreover, childcare pro-
                                                                           grams are also contending
                                                                           with their

Technomic Roadblock to Recovery - US
Consumer and Food Service Trends Q3 2021 - KAGOME USA
own unprecedented staffing                                                “Rusty” or Inexperienced
shortages, leading to fewer                                               Workforce
spots and long waiting lists.                                             The long duration of dine-in
This situation is exacerbated                                             closures and capacity restric-
by concerns that children                                                 tions in many areas means that
have not yet been approved                                                returning employees are “rusty”
for vaccination. Similar labor                                            and will require retraining, while
shortages remain for in-home           Image Source:     new hires requiring full training
caregivers for elderly or dis-                                            may represent a substantial
abled family members, resulting                                           percentage of staff. Addressing
in family members filling that                Teen labor force            ongoing recruiting and training
role and leaving them unable               participation has been         needs amid the current surge
to commit to work away from                                               adds additional stress and work
                                            declining for several
                                                                          demands for both unit-level
Health Concerns and                               decades
                                                                          managers and current staff
Vaccination Status                                                        members and could accelerate
As of June 21, 65% of the                                                 the already high quit rate in the
adult population has received          employees are reluctant to         industry.
at least one vaccine dose              join an industry which has
and 56% are fully vaccinated.          significant interaction with the
While this is laudable progress,                                          Long-term
                                       public, post-pandemic.
a relatively large portion of the                                         Challenges
population has not yet been                                               Beyond these near-term
                                       Lower Teen Participa-              issues, other longer-term labor
vaccinated, leaving workers
with health concerns or vulner-        tion in the Labor Force            challenges are expected to face
able family members at home            Although teenagers have            the restaurant industry in the
feeling uncomfortable returning        traditionally been viewed as a     years ahead.
to the workplace until higher          key option for boosting staff-
levels of vaccination are at-          ing in restaurants during the
                                                                          Wages and Working
tained. Further, according             summer months, the reality is
                                       that teen labor force partici-     Conditions
to a recent poll conducted                                                Over the past fifteen months,
by CNN (https://cdn.cnn.               pation has been declining for
                                       several decades. There has         many people across a wide ar-
com/cnn/2021/images/04/29/                                                ray of industries have taken the
rel3d.-.coronavirus.pdf), more         been a recent boost to teen
                                       employment rates, with the         time to reevaluate their working
than a quarter of American                                                life and job/career choices
adults say they do not intend to       promise of higher wages and
                                       job flexibility. However, this     and as a result, many former
get the vaccine. For an industry                                          restaurant industry workers are
in which many restaurateurs            spike has only made a small
                                       dent in abating the overall        choosing not to return to their
are requiring their staff to be                                           former employers—or to the
vaccinated, this further reduces       labor problem, and it is ex-
                                       pected to be short-lived as        industry. With everyone in the
the eligible labor pool. Addition-                                        industry—and in many others—
ally, some potential                   the summer wanes and teens
                                       return to school.

Technomic Roadblock to Recovery - US
Consumer and Food Service Trends Q3 2021 - KAGOME USA
Only 13% of restaurant operators in the
                                         Restaurant Business survey believed that
                                         they are losing employees to other indus-
looking to hire, the competition
                                         tries that are paying higher wages
is more intense than ever. Al-
though wage competition
is indeed fierce, the tradition-
                                       shopper/chef, etc. Others
al compensation models and
                                       signed on with third-party
demanding working conditions
                                       grocery and food delivery
of the restaurant industry have
                                       services, which had already
also become obstacles to work-
                                       been luring restaurant workers
force restoration. Surprisingly,                                              Demographics
                                       before the pandemic with the
only 13% of restaurant oper-                                                  An examination of the pro-
                                       promise of flexible hours. As
ators in the Restaurant Busi-                                                 jected share of households
                                       warehouse/distribution centers,
ness survey believed that they                                                (by age of head of house-
                                       last-mile delivery retailers and
are losing employees to other                                                 hold) reveals an issue not
                                       other industries such as con-
industries; however, Technom-                                                 only likely to impact foodser-
                                       struction with soaring demand
ic believes this impact is more                                               vice spending in the future,
                                       added hundreds of thousands
substantial.                                                                  but also the available work-
                                       of jobs with pay starting at or
Nearly half of all restaurant                                                 force. The share of house-
                                       well above the $15 minimum
workers were abruptly thrust                                                  holds between the ages of
                                       wage long-sought by restaurant
into unemployment in March                                                    25 and 44 is projected to
                                       workers, many former restau-
2020 due to policy mandates                                                   decline between 3 percent
                                       rant employees grasped these
that shuttered restaurants.                                                   and 7 percent by the year
                                       opportunities to restore their
In the past, these employees                                                  2025, highlighting the small-
could readily find employment                                                 er available pool of potential
at another restaurant, but this                                               employees for the restaurant
                                       The challenges for the
option evaporated during gov-                                                 industry. The U.S Bureau of
                                       restaurant industry are
ernment-mandated shutdowns                                                    Labor Statistics also projects
                                       two-fold: 1) Many former
for dine-in occasions. While                                                  the number of teens in the
                                       employees subsequently found
full-service restaurants swift-                                               labor force, a traditional pool
                                       that they enjoyed no longer
ly pivoted to offering takeout                                                of candidates for the indus-
                                       having to rely on the largess of
and curbside pickup, this shift                                               try, will drop by 660,000 over
                                       consumers for their daily in-
placed a spotlight on the in-                                                 the next 10 years. Moreover,
                                       come, no longer having to work
dustry’s heavy reliance on tips                                               as already mentioned, the
                                       late at night or on weekends
to provide income for front-of-                                               percentage of teens partici-
                                       and finally receiving benefits
house workers, as consumers                                                   pating in the workforce had
                                       such as health insurance, sick
are less accustomed to tipping                                                already been declining since
                                       pay, tuition assistance and
for takeout orders.                                                           1979 and this decline is ex-
                                       more that they were seldom of-
With no safety net available,                                                 pected to continue.
                                       fered in the restaurant industry;
many restaurant workers were                                                  In addition, recent amend-
                                       and 2) The higher wages and
forced to seek other employ-                                                  ments to the U.S. immigra-
                                       benefits offered by other indus-
ment. Some swiftly switched                                                   tion program
                                       tries for entry-level positions will
to self-employment, offering
                                       continue to significantly impact
a wide array of services from
                                       unit-level economics for restau-
pressure cleaning to lawn care
to personal

Technomic Roadblock to Recovery - US
Consumer and Food Service Trends Q3 2021 - KAGOME USA
have further reduced the num-        to keep up while working longer
ber of available workers for         hours in a highly stressful envi-
restaurant jobs, although chang-     ronment. This has been made
es in policy could potentially       even more challenging by high
increase immigration levels after    levels of demand and impatient
the pandemic is over. Neverthe-      customers.
less, it’s clear that the industry   The government-mandated
may no longer be able to rely on     shutdown at the onset of the
the government’s HB-2 program        pandemic highlighted significant
                                                                           Image Source: S.Hoy
to augment the workforce.            differences in workplace culture,
Industry Reputation                  not only in comparison to other
                                                                                   The price of
One of the greatest challenges       industries, but also in how differ-
to overcome in the aftermath of      ently operators treated their em-
the pandemic is the industry’s       ployees in this unprecedented                 chicken has
long-standing reputation. Al-        situation. Some operators dug                increased by
though chain restaurants and         into cash reserves to continue
more forward-thinking operators      paying staff at some level until
have integrated more profes-         PPP loans became available or         and in the years ahead. Other
sional approaches to business        set up food distribution centers      challenges discussed above
operations over the past few         to provide meals to furloughed        may require fundamental re-
decades, the industry has long       employees, while others abrupt-       structuring of traditional com-
been known for high turnover,        ly dismissed long-term staff and      pensation models and working
transient workers and in some        shuttered the business until          conditions at the unit level to
cases, unprofessional manage-        reopening became an option.           provide a better working envi-
ment practices. This reputation      Not surprisingly, operators that      ronment and enable the restau-
has been exacerbated in recent       provided as much support as           rant industry to become more
years by reality television shows    possible to their teams and           competitive with other indus-
that drive ratings by placing a      maintained communications are         tries/fields as an industry of
spotlight on unsavory business       achieving better results in bring-    choice.
practices and personnel in the       ing their teams back to work          All of this comes to bear at
restaurant and bar industry.         and recruiting others.                a time when multiple other
Working conditions that include                                            cost pressures are escalating,
long hours, constantly changing      Other Rising Costs                    including:
schedules, few benefits and the      Add to Adversity                      Off-premise costs—including
frequent requirement of working      Amid fierce competition across        commissions for third-party
late nights and weekends have        numerous industries for staff,        providers, increased packaging
all contributed to the industry’s    the higher wages and benefits         costs and other ancillary ex-
reputation as a less-than-de-        offered by other industries           penses related to off-premise
sirable employer. Due to the         for entry-level positions will        fulfillment.
current staffing crisis, existing    significantly impact unit-level       Rising commodity costs—
employees are now struggling         economics for restaurants, now        the Producer Price Index for
                                                                           food (wholesale product cost)
                                                                           demonstrated the highest in-
                                                                           creases since 2008, driven
                                                                           by higher raw material costs,

higher labor productions costs,      need to optimize both dine-in        Analyze your business flow to
product shortages and elevat-        and off-premise experiences.         identify opportunities to reduce
ed demand from China. As a           Changes that we expect to see        days of operation and trim
result, core commodities like        as the industry adapts in the        business operating hours with
chicken, pork, shortenings/          years ahead include:                 minimal revenue impact.
oils and grains have increased       More automation in both front-       Evaluate all areas in which
in cost from 21% (chicken) to        of-house and back-of-house           technology and software solu-
more than 100%                       More off-premise-only loca-          tions can accelerate staff re-
(grains). In addition, crude oil     tions                                cruiting and training, streamline
is at its highest price in three     Fewer dining rooms in the lim-       current operations and reduce
years and gasoline prices are        ited-service segment and re-         time spent on day-to-day oper-
up 37% in 2021, increasing           duced dining capacity in full-ser-   ational tasks, from daily check-
transportation costs for distri-     vice restaurants                     lists to product preparation.
bution. Increased sanitation         Evaluation and improvement           Streamline the menu to opti-
expenses—increased expenses          of restaurant working conditions     mize SKUs and reduce com-
in this category are expected to     and retention efforts                plexity of production; evaluate
not only remain at a higher level    Reinvention of traditional com-      options for leveraging val-
than prior to the pandemic, but      pensation models used by the         ue-added products.
grow further due to increased        restaurant industry and more         Add or encourage reserva-
dine-in business. While com-         effective promotion of career        tions and increase promotion of
modity cost increases may            opportunities.                       opportunities for consumers to
recede as supply-chain disrup-                                            order-ahead to optimize busi-
tions are overcome and sanita-       RECOMMENDED                          ness and production peaks.
tion supply needs may decline        ACTIONS                              Off-load off-premise production
over time, increased labor costs     Technomic recommends that            for both core brand menu and
will remain significant issues for   operators and suppliers take the     any virtual brands to off-site lo-
operators and suppliers in the       following steps to offset the cur-   cations/ghost kitchens to reduce
years ahead.                         rent challenges and position the     pressure on dine-in unit staff.
                                     industry for continued success.      Identify opportunities for com-
What Does the                                                             munication to improve external
Future Look Like?                                                         perceptions of career potential
The longer-term labor force                                               and brand reputation as an em-
                                     Elevate retention to the top of
challenges facing the restaurant                                          ployer of choice.
                                     the priority list and proactively
industry will accelerate other       engage with current team mem-
industry trends that existed         bers to communicate all steps        Food/Beverage
pre-pandemic, as well as ex-         being taken to alleviate the         Suppliers
pansion of new operating mod-        situation.                           Focus discussions with op-
els driven by reinvention of the     Focus on cross-training staff        erators on product options to
industry during the pandemic.        to handle multiple duties            assist in managing labor costs,
The way that restaurants look        and potentially increase job         including speed-scratch and val-
and operate will be altered to       satisfaction.                        ue-added products.
accommodate a smaller work-
force and the

Emphasize opportunities for         Final Words:                       On the longer-term horizon,
cross utilization of SKUs to        Technomic’s Take                   ongoing labor constraints and
simplify operations and reduce      During the early stages of the     escalating labor and product
waste.                              pandemic, there were significant   costs create a compelling need
Review product prep and train-      concerns that recessionary fac-    to evaluate every opportunity to
ing materials to simplify for new   tors and a renewed appreciation    create greater efficiencies for
hires and provide more online       for cooking at home could hin-     reduction of costs. At the same
training modules to support         der resurgence of the industry.    time, the foodservice industry
remote training.                    The high levels of off-premise     overall must prioritize devel-
Monitor developments in adop-       usage throughout the lockdown      opment and implementation of
tion of labor-saving equipment,     periods demonstrated that con-     strategies to improve its reputa-
robotics and new facility design    sumers continue to rely heavily    tion and viability as a place for
to assess any adjustments           on foodservice as a primary        long-term employment.
required for your products or       source of meals.
preparation instructions.
Identify opportunities to support
operator communications for im-
proving external perceptions of
career potential in the industry

                                    Using Nature’s
                               Gifts to Make the World
                               a More Delicous Place.


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