Connections - St. James - King Street

Page created by Nathan Waters
Connections - St. James - King Street
Jun – Jul 20

Bicentenary 2019-2024



     Connection         Reflections on the Sacred Michael Deasey p3
                        A Question of Faith Andrew Sempell p5
                        The COVID-19 crisis in East Africa Nicola Lock p14
                        + MUCH MORE
Connections - St. James - King Street
Jun– Jul 20
      Bicentenary 2019-2024

      Reflections on the Sacred Michael Deasey...................................................p3
      A Question of Faith Andrew Sempell............................................................p5
      The Ordination of a Puseyite at St James’ Robert Willson...........................p8
      Hymns for the Lord’s Supper Michael Horsburgh......................................p10
      Livestreaming at St James’ Brooke Shelley................................................p12
      COVID-19 crisis in East Africa Nicola Lock................................................p14
      Colin’s Corner Colin Middleton...................................................................p17
      A Vocational Crisis Moya Holle and Mandy Tibbey.....................................p18
      Parishioner Profile: Peter Luke Brooke Shelley..........................................p20
      Book Review: See what you made me do Libby Hindmarsh.......................p22
      Bellringing and the COVID-19 Campanile Belinda Keir...............................p23
      St James’ Institute News Christopher Waterhouse....................................p26
      St James’ Organ   Appeal Update Robert Marriott.......................................p28
                 C O N N E C T I ONS
      Music Notes Warren Trevelyan-Jones........................................................p29
      Music List for June-July............................................................................p30
n n e c t i o n s CONNECT               IONS
      Introit for St James’ Day 2020 Brooke Shelley...........................................p31
                                                                                                                                                                     Image: Chris Shain

ONNECT IONS                                                   Connections
             Bicentenary 2019-2024
                                                                                Jun – Jul 20

                                                                                                   St James’ Connections
                                                                                                                   on paper
              CONNECT IONS

                            CONNECT IONS

                                                     Connections                               Prefer to read this on paper and can’t get in to the
                                                                                                             Go to
                                                                                                          and buy a printed copy for $4.
                  Connections        Reflections on the Sacred Michael Deasey p3
                                     A Question of Faith Andrew Sempell p5
                                     The COVID-19 crisis in East Africa Nicky Lock p14
                                     + MUCH MORE                                                            The cost includes postage.

                             Connections                                                                   Cover Image: Jacques Blanchard (1600–1638), Saint Cecilia, Wikimedia Commons
Connections - St. James - King Street
Reflections on the
June-July 2020

  Michael Deasey
  In my long career as a church and cathedral
                                                   one of cosmic inclusivity, not offering an
                                                   option but proclaiming the ultimate truth
                                                                                                     experiment of God, never to be replicated.
                                                                                                     We are even created to worship in
                                                   that, in the words of Paul to the Colossians      different ways. And, despite my personal
  musician, and more recently having joined
                                                   (3:11) ‘Christ is all and in all’. J. I. Packer   preferences, it is not for me to say one
  the ranks of the ‘dreaded clergy’, as one
                                                   in his book Knowing God writes of ‘those          style of church music is more ‘correct’
  of my more cynical organist friends once
                                                   who look to God, so to speak, through the         than another. Music that would draw me
  put it, I have frequently been asked to
                                                   wrong end of the telescope, so reducing           in would drive others out, and vice versa.
  speak or write on the subject of music in
                                                   him to pigmy proportions…’. Faith is              I still believe I can tell which so-called
  worship by kind people assuming I must
                                                   not the same as certainty, perhaps even           contemporary hymns or songs are gold
  be some sort of expert. One day last year,
                                                   its opposite because certainty precludes          and which are dross. That’s not difficult.
  wandering around St Alban’s Cathedral UK,
                                                   the need for faith. I have now embraced           Some are eminently singable and others
  this ‘expert’ suddenly realised that all my
                                                   a more ambiguous God, a God of mystery            are not, the latter usually submerged in a
  former platitudes and thousands of words
                                                   who nevertheless beckons us, in Keble’s           sea of syncopation.
  on the subject paled into insignificance at
                                                   phrase, into ‘the ocean of his love’.
  a quote from the Bishop of St Alban’s, Alan                                                        Being singable does not necessarily mean
  Smith. This particular quote was part of a       Musically, I am less dogmatic because,            being inspired, but even the lofty words of
  pictorial display of the cathedral choir:        whereas I was once adamant that certain           ‘In Christ alone’ sung to its very uplifting
                                                   kinds of music belonged inside church             tune is let down by the appalling lines ‘till
      Music in worship is not an optional
                                                   and other kinds didn’t, I am now less             on the cross as Jesus died, the wrath of
                                                   inclined to divide music, indeed anything,        God was satisfied’. I may now sound
      It expresses the height
                                                   into sacred and secular. All creation is          dogmatic, but although I believe Jesus
      and depth of human experience
                                                   redeemed by God, so presumably all the            took the sin of the world and the full power
      and exposes the piercing beauty of
                                                   earth and everything in it has the potential      of evil upon himself, these lines are just
      God in ways that words never can.
                                                   for the sacred. This is not to deny evil or the   monstrously expressed, implying a bipolar
  I’m finding the older I get the less dogmatic    diabolical because, as C. S. Lewis pointed        deity.
  I have become about most things, or              out, the higher the creature the lower it
                                                                                                     However, having declared my new-found
  maybe more unsure about matters of               can fall. Music itself can be perverted and
                                                                                                     eclecticism for music in worship, I would
  which I was once certain. Also, my ability       degraded, and often is.
                                                                                                     stop short of saying ‘anything goes’.
  to listen to both sides of an argument can
                                                   Some have expressed surprise when they            Are there still certain standards that we
  have disconcerting results, like finding
                                                   discover I get as much pleasure out of Nat        can apply to music offered to God in our
  yourself being persuaded by both sides.
                                                   King Cole crooning Stardust as I do of the        worship, even in this age of cultural and
  Theologically, I have come to see that           Tallis Scholars singing Spem in alium,            liturgical diversity?
  it is human nature to project God in our         but this is not to say that both styles are
                                                                                                     In answering this question, we need to
  own image, and therefore be confined             equally suitable for worship in a church
                                                                                                     ask two others, the first of which refers to
  to our own limits. Sectarianism must             setting. Yet we have a bewildering variety
                                                                                                     the quote from the Bishop of St Alban’s,
  surely grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with       of music at any given place of worship on
                                                                                                     does our music in worship expose the
  its ‘bitterness, wrath, anger, clamour and       a Sunday, everything from Plainsong to
                                                                                                     piercing beauty of God? And second,
  evil speaking’. In the recent movie The          Hillsong.
                                                                                                     does the matching of words and music
  Two Popes, one of many memorable lines
                                                   In a way this is understandable because           become like a marriage made in heaven?
  stood out for me: ‘Truth is vital, but without
                                                   variety is an attribute of the divine. God        For the latter, I think of the hymn ‘O thou
  love it is unbearable’.
                                                   created variety. No two blades of grass           who camest from above’ to Wesley’s tune
  It took me a long time to realise that John      or two snowflakes are the same. No two            Hereford, or the 17th century words of
  14:6 is not an exclusivist statement, but        human beings are alike, each a unique             John Mason ‘How shall I sing that Majesty’
Connections - St. James - King Street
Bicentenary 2019-2024                                                                                                       CONNECTIONS
         CHURCH               Music        Life & Learning

    sung to the 20th century tune Coe Fen                               passion,
    by Ken    Naylor. Incidentally,
         CHURCH            Music    a line     in this
                                       Life & Learning
                                                                        whose dignity should strengthen our
    hymn contains my favourite attempt to
         CHURCH  an ineffable
                           Music God, to
                                       Life describe
                                            & Learning

    the indescribable: ‘Thou art a sea without                          whose unquestioned beauty should
    a shore,  a sun withoutMusic
                             a sphere…’Life & Learning                  find a home in our hearts,

    As itCHURCH
           must now seemMusicobvious Life
                                        how        often
                                             & Learning
                                                                        to cheer us in life and death;
    I rely on the wisdom of others to explain                           a music worthy of the fair temples in
          I mean, I conclude
                          Music with a quote       from
                                        Life & Learning
                                                                        which we meet
    Robert Seymour Bridges, Britain’s poet
                                                                        and of the holy words of our liturgy;
    laureate from 1913 to 1930.
                                                                        a music whose expression of the
         And if we consider and ask ourselves
                                                                        mystery of things unseen
         what sort of music we should wish to
                                                                        never allowed any trifling motive to
         hear on entering a church
                                                                        ruffle the sanctity of its reserve.
         we should surely, in describing our
                                                                        What power for such good a music
                                                                        would have.
         say first of all that it must be
         something different from what is
         heard elsewhere;                                          The Rev’d Michael Deasey OAM FRSCM
         that it should be a sacred music,                         HonFGCM is Senior Assistant Priest at St
         devoted to its purpose.                                   Paul’s Burwood, Organist at MLC School,
                                                                   Burwood, and Director of Mater Chorale.                               Image: Chris Shain
         A music whose peace would still

        St James’ Organ
                                        Replacement & Restoration
                                                             Striving for the second million!
                                                             Thanks to your generosity, the St James’ Organ Appeal has raised just over
                                                             $1.4 million in total pledges and donations. A great effort!
                                                             Spread the word amongst your friends and keep up the momentum!
                                                             Go to the Appeal website to donate online.
                                                             Why support this appeal?
                                                             A pipe organ plays a significant part in the life of a church and in the wider
                                                             music community of the city. The new Dobson organ at St James’ will be the
                                                             third largest pipe organ in Sydney after the Sydney Opera House and Sydney
                                                             Town Hall.
                                                             Its point of difference is that, apart from its use in regular church services, it will
                                                             also be available to international organists and music students for concerts and
                                                             recitals. In this way, generous donors can be assured they are making a difference
                                                             to both the cultural and spiritual life of Sydney.
                                                             Visit the Appeal website:

                                            The St James’ Music Foundation
                                                       ABN 81 868 929 941

Connections - St. James - King Street
A Question of                                                                                       Faith
June-July 2020

Andrew Sempell                                 A Twitch Upon the Thread
The experience of the current pandemic has     A dilemma that has recurred down
resulted in some extraordinary outcomes        through the history of the church has been
in church life, not least of which has been    the question: do we come to understand
the response to livestreamed services.         because of our faith, or do we come to
This has not only been the experience at St    faith because of our understanding?
James’ but also one across denominations
                                               In the past five hundred years, since the
and differing traditions, reflected in a
                                               Reformation, Protestants have tended to
significant increase in people watching
                                               argue that we need understanding first
and participating in worship online.
                                               (which comes from a ‘plain reading’ of the
While it has opened up the involvement
                                               Bible), whereas the Catholic position has
of people more broadly (including across
                                               been to hold to the primacy of faith and its
geographical, political and religious
                                               mystery. Classical Anglicanism has tried                          The Rev’d Andrew Sempell
divides), it nevertheless also runs the risk                                                                            Image: Chris Shain
                                               to place itself somewhere in between the
of worship becoming an entertainment
                                               extreme Reformed and Catholic positions–           it was the province of ‘complexes’
rather than a spiritual engagement. We
                                               advocating both faith and reason together.         and ‘inhibitions’ – catch words of
therefore need to be careful about what we
                                                                                                  the decade – and of the intolerance,
are doing.                                     This faith/reason quandary is found in
                                                                                                  hypocrisy, and sheer stupidity
                                               Evelyn Waugh’s mid-twentieth century
A strength of liturgy (or the work of the                                                         attributed to it for centuries…”
                                               novel Brideshead Revisited. The two main
people in worship) is its capacity to                                                                            (Waugh E., Et in Arcadia Ego
                                               characters are Sebastien Flyte, a troubled
recount a spiritual narrative through                                                                           - Brideshead Revisited, 1945)
                                               Catholic younger son of a marquess, and
holistic engagement with the mind,
                                               Charles Ryder, a middle-class only-son,        Charles Ryder’s problem was that, to him,
emotions, body, and soul. In the case
                                               who was raised a Protestant but had            religion made no sense, whereas his friend
of the Christian narrative, it is one that
                                               become an atheist.                             Sebastien was captivated by its beauty
promises peace, justice, and hope through
                                                                                              and fearful of its spiritual demands, but
God’s engagement with humanity, made           Ryder put his position in this especially      had no thought for its logic or theology.
manifest in the work of Jesus and the          damning way:                                   Ryder fought against religion through to
ongoing presence of the Holy Spirit in the
                                                   “I had no religion. I was taken to         the conclusion of the novel. But at the
                                                   church weekly as a child, and at           end, he finally turned toward it through
In good liturgy we open ourselves to the           school attended daily, but, as though      the combined effects of having lived
spiritual world to commune with God.               in compensation, from the time I went      a tragic and meaningless life, and the
In this respect, the elements of Word              to my public school I was excused          beauty he encountered when revisiting the
and Sacrament assist us to recognise,              church in the holidays. The view           Brideshead Chapel later in his life during
understand and incorporate the Christian           implicit in my education was that the      the Second World War.
narrative into our lives. It is similar to
what happens through literature, drama,
                                                   basic narrative of Christianity had        The Mystery of Eucharist
                                                   long been exposed as a myth, and that
music or art, where we ‘suspend reality’           opinion was now divided as to whether      Interestingly, the faith/understanding
for a period of time and allow something           its ethical teaching was of present        dilemma is present in our worship, and
profound to touch and communicate with             value, a division in which the main        especially in the Eucharist. The process of
us, thereby opening up a new reality. But          weight went against it; religion was a     Eucharistic worship runs this way:
how does it happen in worship?                     hobby which some people professed
                                                                                              •   we gather as God’s people to
                                                   and others did not; at the best it was
                                                                                                  participate in a spiritual community,
                                                   slightly ornamental, at the worst
Connections - St. James - King Street
Bicentenary 2019-2024                                                                                                        CONNECTIONS
        CHURCH               Music        Life & Learning

    •    we engage with the words of Scripture              cannot do. The liturgy also emphasises            Following the feeding, Jesus moved to
         and the understandings
        CHURCH           Music
                                    that they
                                   Life & Learning
                                                            the idea of ‘gift’, which is the receiving of     another place, but the crowds followed
         bring,                                             something without having done anything            him. Jesus suspected that they wanted
        CHURCH               Music        Life & Learning
                                                            to deserve it. Finally, the liturgy affirms the   more food, but instead of supplying their
    •    we are spiritually nourished through
                                                            importance of relationships both with God         material wants, he directed them to the
         the mystery of Musicthe sacrament
        CHURCH                       Life & Learning
                                                            and each other, which is a subjective way         symbolic meaning of the feeding. He said:
         Communion, and finally
        CHURCH               Music        Life & Learning   of knowing rather than an objective one.
                                                                                                                  “Do not work for the food that
    •   we are sent out as a renewed people                                                                       perishes, but for the food that endures
        CHURCH            Music    Life & Learning          We therefore accept that we can ‘know’
        to continue the work of Christ and be                                                                     for eternal life, which the Son of Man
                                                            things in different ways; which, when
        a blessing to the wider world.                                                                            will give you.”               (John 6: 27)
                                                            it comes to art, music, literature,
    In all of this, we are being engaged                    relationships and faith, is a subjective way
                                                                                                              The dialogue then went back and forth
    intellectually, emotionally, physically, and            of knowing because we are part of that
                                                                                                              between Jesus and the others about what
    spiritually by the worship activity. Are we,            which is both experienced and observed.
                                                                                                              is eternal life, its sign, and how people are
    then, increasing in our understanding so
    that we might grow in faith, or are we
                                                            God Comes to Humanity in                          to attain it. It ends with Jesus saying to
    being nourished in our faith so that we                 Jesus
    might grow in understanding; or is it a bit                                                                   “I am the bread of life. Whoever
                                                            The Bible describes God as Creator, and
    of both—in the best Anglican tradition?                                                                       comes to me will never be hungry,
                                                            therefore existing outside of the creation;
                                                                                                                  and whoever believes in me will never
    One way of appreciating the liturgy of                  but it also recognises God as being
                                                                                                                  be thirsty.”               (John 6: 35)
    thanksgiving, (which is what ‘Eucharist’                present in creation, and especially in
    means), is through the movement toward                  people. Historically, this may be seen in         As in our liturgy, Jesus here directed his
    and away from God that is symbolically                  the activities of the prophets, priests, and      listeners to the symbolic language of
    expressed in it. We move toward God by                  kings of the Hebrew Scriptures, as well as        metaphor, by which they might come to
    prayerfully entering the time and space                 the apostles, pastors, and teachers of the        know the mystery of God’s coming to his
    of worship, and God also moves toward                   New Testament.                                    people. This is not the rationalist language
    us and blesses us through Word and                                                                        of logic or propositions, but rather the
                                                            Through the history and experiences of the
    Sacrament. This is especially the case                                                                    figurative one of poetry and relationship.
                                                            Hebrew people, we can see how they came
    when God receives what we have to offer                                                                   Hence, in this instance, faith leads to
                                                            to understand more and more God’s active
    (the bread and wine) and returns it to us                                                                 understanding.
                                                            presence in the world in special ways. For
    blest, transformed, and ready to nourish
    us spiritually.
                                                            Christians, this culminated in the story          Every Phrase and Every
                                                            of God’s entering the world in the person
                                                                                                              Sentence is an End and a
                                                            of Jesus—a human being filled with the
    In this process of approach and blessing
    we, like the bread and wine, are also                   Spirit of God. As in our liturgy, this is also
    transformed, made new creations, and                    about movement toward and away from               Anglicans have shaped the liturgy to
    empowered to be Christ to the world. For                God. Hence, God enters the world in Jesus         become a blend of symbol and word, of
    that too is the mystery, that as the church             and people respond by moving toward               faith and reason, and of revelation and
    (or people of God) we are called to be the              him, both physically and metaphorically.          exploration. One does not exist without
    embodiment of Christ in the world today.                                                                  the other, and when the complete consort
                                                            The Gospel of John is a grand narrative
    In other words, we the people of God are                                                                  dances together, a wholesome expression
                                                            about Jesus (the Word) entering the world,
    called to be a sacramental presence to                                                                    of the Christian faith is created. To this
                                                            followed by human reaction to him, his
    others—an experience of God’s grace and                                                                   end, most of the words in the Eucharistic
                                                            being rejected and killed by humanity, his
    nourishment for others. This is what we                                                                   liturgy are derived from Scripture. They are
                                                            overcoming death through resurrection,
    call ‘incarnational ministry’.                                                                            then coupled with the sensual additions of
                                                            and his return to God. Along the way,
                                                                                                              music, colour, movement, incense, touch,
    It is difficult to understand logically, and so         Jesus reveals the nature of God through
                                                                                                              and taste to make it more tangible and
    it is for this reason we consider symbols               his teaching and ministry, of which the
    (including music, poetry, and art) to be                story of the feeding of the five thousand is
    important, because they communicate                     a key passage.                                    This liturgy is also a work of theology,
    meaning at a depth that ordinary words                                                                    which seeks to give expression to the

Connections - St. James - King Street
June-July 2020
  revelation of the person of Jesus and his
  work of salvation. In so doing, it provides
  a continuum in the understanding of
  salvation history from the beginning of
  the Hebrew Scriptures, through the New
  Testament, and on to the present times,
  culminating with an experience of Christian
  community in our midst.

  We start our spiritual journey with worship
  in Baptism; we progress it by being
  nurtured through Word and Sacrament;
  and we end the journey in an act of worship
  at a funeral. The spiritual journey remains
  one of transcendence and transformation,          S ervicing   the   F uneral i nduStry              For over        50   yearS .

  by which we are helped to become the
                                                   This proudly Australian owned                  Yvette Sheppard offer you
  people that God wants us to be.                  family operated business offers             personalised, attentive service at
                                                      24 hour, 7 day service in                       this difficult time.
  Archbishop Thomas Cranmer expressed it                    all suburbs.
                                                                                                   Pre-paid funerals available.
  in his artful, sixteenth century way:                In your hour of need -
                                                     Trevor Lee, Bernadette Lee                    Phone for a free booklet on
                                                     (Nee O’Hare), Darren Lee &                     ‘What to do at the time of
      We do not presume to come to this                                                                 Bereavement’.
      thy Table, O merciful Lord,                                   Contact our team on:
                                                                  9746 2949 • 0411 743 334
      trusting in our own righteousness, but •
      in thy manifold and great mercies.                    115 Wellbank St, North Strathfield 2137
                                                                 We have no affiliation with any other Funeral Director.

      We are not worthy so much as to
      gather up the crumbs under thy Table.

      But thou art the same Lord, whose                                           Here to help & support you every step of the way
      property is always to have mercy:
                                                                           100% Independently Australian Owned
      Grant us therefore, gracious Lord,                                       & Operated Funeral Director
      so, to eat the flesh of thy dear Son
                                                                          OUR SERVICES INCLUDE: RSL             MEMBERS & FAMILY DISCOUNT
      Jesus Christ, and to drink his blood,                               • All Nationalities & Religions ...................................................
                                                                                                                                24 HOURS • 7 DAYS
                                                                          • Chapel Services                 SERVICING       ALL   AREAS OF SYDNEY
      that our sinful bodies may be made                                  • Celebrant Services
      clean by his body,                                                  • White or Black Vehicles                 WINNER AWARDS 2012

      and our souls washed through his                                    • Burials & Cremations
      most precious blood,                                                • Collectively Serving Your Community for over 100 Years
                                                                          • Pre Paid Funeral Plans
      and that we may evermore dwell in                                   • Burials at Sea & Scattering of Ashes
      him, and he in us. Amen.
                                                                             We understand your needs at this time - Call us today
                       (Prayer of Humble Access,
                   Book of Common Prayer, 1662)
                                                                                               ALL SUBURBS                  9713 1555
                                                                                               Head Office: 160 Great North Rd Five Dock
                                                                                              EASTERN SUBURBS 9699                            7877
  (Adapted from a sermon delivered in                                     Arrangements in The Comfort of Your Own Home or Our Funeral Home
                                                                                                  CARING FUNERALS
                                                                                                  PTY LTD
  The Rev’d Andrew Sempell is Rector of
  St James’.                                                                                      Adam James Lee
                                                                                                  Funeral Services                    Member of Rotary

Connections - St. James - King Street
Bicentenary 2019-2024                                                                                                CONNECTIONS

The Ordination of a
        CHURCH            Music      Life & Learning

        CHURCH            Music      Life & Learning

        CHURCH            Music      Life & Learning

        CHURCH            Music      Life & Learning

Robert Willson
        CHURCH            Music      Life & Learning

                                                                                                        Bishop Broughton met Gore, and they
        CHURCH            Music      Life & Learning                                                    would have prayed for guidance in St
    On 11 June 1843, the Bishop of Australia,
                                                                                                        James’, across the road from the Bishop’s
    William Grant Broughton, before a crowded
                                                                                                        Office, before Broughton accepted the
    congregation in St James’ Church,
                                                                                                        young man as a candidate for Holy Orders.
    ordained two deacons and two priests. The
    Bishop, who was desperate for suitable                                                              The Bishop put Gore in the hands of
    men to staff parishes and districts in his                                                          his close friend Robert Allwood, newly
    far-flung diocese of Australia, must have                                                           appointed Rector of St James’, and
    felt a great sense of satisfaction that day.                                                        apparently Gore attended lectures in the
                                                                                                        crypt of the Church, as well as Sunday
    One of the men ordained deacon was James
                                                                                                        worship there. Where today tea and
    Allan, whose ministry I described in the last
                                                                                                        coffee are served after worship, was then
    edition of the St James’ Connections. The
                                                                                                        a miniature theological college. Allwood,
    other was William Francis Gore, graduate
                                                                                                        with his Eton College and Cambridge
    of Trinity College, Dublin, and who came
                                                                                 William Francis Gore   University background, had a great
    to be notorious in the Sydney Press at that                                      Image:    interest in education, and trained men for
    time as ‘the Puseyite of Parramatta’.
                                                                                                        Holy Orders in the crypt of St James’, and
                                                       in conveying sacramental grace to the
    As St James’ celebrates two centuries of                                                            then in the College set up by the Bishop in
                                                       worshipper. Those influenced by Pusey
    Anglican worship and ministry in Sydney,                                                            1845 at Lyndhurst, Glebe.
                                                       were sometimes nicknamed ‘Puseyites’.
    I have made a special study of those whom
                                                                                                        We know little of Gore’s training, but it
    Broughton ordained. Many of them were              Both Bishop Broughton and his close
                                                                                                        would have made use of the theological
    influenced by his theology and he hoped            friend The Rev’d Robert Allwood, Rector
                                                                                                        books of the Bishop—many volumes sent
    that they would carry on his traditions.           of St James’ from 1840, were strong
                                                                                                        to him by his friend and English agent, The
                                                       supporters of the Tractarian or Oxford
    What was a Puseyite?                               Movement, later known as the Anglo-
                                                                                                        Rev’d Edward Coleridge of Eton College.
    But what was a Puseyite? If you were a                                                              Today, the surviving letters from the
                                                       Catholic Revival. Both in Britain and in the
    member of the Church of England at that                                                             Bishop to Coleridge are a priceless source
                                                       Australian colonies, especially Sydney,
    time, you would have had no doubt about                                                             for information on Broughton’s episcopate.
                                                       their followers, like William Gore, were
    the answer. The movement was led at first                                                           I have spent many hours reading them in
                                                       sneered at and described as ‘Puseyites’.
    by John Henry Newman, and after his                                                                 the Moore College Library, and it is to be
                                                       The Sydney press was filled with such
    conversion to the Roman Catholic faith,                                                             hoped that they will be published in full.
                                                       accusations against the Bishop and his
    by Edward Bouverie Pusey, Professor of             followers, accusing them of betraying            Attacks on the Bishop
    Hebrew at Oxford. The movement was                 the Reformation and leading the Church
                                                                                                        Bishop Broughton incurred the hatred and
    often called ‘Tractarian’ because of a long        of England back to Rome. The career of
                                                                                                        suspicion of many in the colony because
    series of tracts expounding its ideals, and        William Gore highlights this controversial
                                                                                                        of his support for Pusey and the Tractarian
    was also called the ‘Oxford Movement’.             issue.
                                                                                                        movement. A group of squatters, as
    Pusey led this movement with renewed               William Francis Gore                             recorded in the Sydney Morning Herald
    emphasis on the divine origin of the                                                                in 1849, accused Broughton of being
                                                       William Francis Gore was born in Ireland in
    Church of England, the importance of                                                                a ‘Puseyite’: in other words, they said,
                                                       1819 and graduated from Trinity College,
    the role of bishops in maintaining the                                                              of being a genuine (Archbishop) Laud,
                                                       Dublin, in 1841. Soon after his graduation
    apostolic succession of the Church from                                                             reviving old rituals, and pomp, and
                                                       he came to Australia with his wealthy
    the days of Christ and His Apostles, and                                                            solemnities, and high churchisms and
                                                       widowed mother and his brothers and
    the central place of Holy Communion                                                                 of being an enemy to the liberties of the
                                                       sisters, arriving on 5 November 1841.
Connections - St. James - King Street
June-July 2020

Puseyite at St James’
  people. In due course, William Gore was       his mentor, Robert Allwood, he avoided        REFERENCES:
  suspected of being tarred with the same       confrontation with his critics. Allwood
                                                                                              The files of the Sydney Morning Herald include
  brush.                                        was never accused of being a ‘Puseyite’       much material on the Puseyite controversy (See
  After his ordination, Gore served at          in St James’. After 1851 the complaints       Trove newspaper search). It is to be regretted
                                                of Gore’s ‘Puseyism’ died away, and           that the Archives of the Diocese of Sydney are
  Muswellbrook and seems to have avoided
                                                                                              not available for research.
  accusations of being a ‘Puseyite’. In         his ministry at Parramatta was deeply
                                                appreciated. He won over his critics. His     Robert Willson, ‘William Gore, a Puseyite in
  February 1844, Gore returned to Sydney                                                      Parramatta’, (Unpublished paper).
  to be married by the Bishop to Elizabeth      family resources enabled him to build a
                                                beautiful rectory which still stands 150      Broughton to Coleridge manuscript letters:
  Baldock.                                                                                    Moore College Library.
                                                years after his death.
  But Gore held to his Tractarian principles,                                                 Brian Douglas, The Eucharistic Theology of
  and slowly began to put them into effect      William Francis Gore was one of the most      Edward Bouverie Pusey, 2015, Brill.
  after his appointment as Rector of All        able men ordained by Bishop Broughton in
                                                                                              Marcus Loane, Hewn From the Rock, 1976,
  Saints’ North Parramatta in June 1849.        St James’ but the traditions of the Oxford    Anglican Information Office. The author lists all
  The newspapers recorded in detail the         Movement in Sydney, espoused by Pusey         the men ordained by Broughton, 1836-1852.

  annual Vestry meetings of the parish for      and his followers, remained limited to a      The immense help of Mrs Prue Gore of Tasmania
  the years 1849, 1850 and 1851, and those      few parishes, including St James’ and         in writing this article is acknowledged.

  meetings were filled with angry claims        Christ Church St Laurence. After the death
  that Gore was a ‘Puseyite’ and his services   of Bishop Broughton, his successors
                                                                                              Fr Robert Willson is a retired priest in
  were not those of his predecessors, such      in Sydney followed a more evangelical
                                                                                              the Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn,
  as Samuel Marsden.                            tradition, which continues to this day. But
                                                                                              and studied under the late Kenneth Cable
                                                in the wider Anglican Communion, Pusey
                                                                                              at Sydney University. Ken Cable wrote a
  There were letters of protest about Gore      continues to have a profound influence
                                                                                              series of important articles on the history
  to the Bishop and even to the Archbishop      long after his death.
                                                                                              of St James’ Church in the Journal of
  of Canterbury. Worshippers were on the
                                                                                              the Royal Australian Historical Society,
  lookout for tell-tale signs of ‘Puseyite’
                                                                                              especially volume 50, part 5.
  leanings. Were there crosses on the
  building? Was the celebrant wearing a
  surplice, perhaps with a coloured stole?
  Was there chanting by a robed choir?
  Were there services on Saints’ days and
  more frequent eucharists? These were
  all indications of ‘Puseyite’ leanings, and
  William Gore was accused of all of them at
  times. Today such issues seem trivial.

  As he remembered his ordination in
  St James’ years before, Gore must
  have wondered how he had come to be
  scorned for his deeply and sincerely held
  convictions. But, following the example
  of the Bishop and of Robert Allwood, he
  carried on with his faithful ministry and
  suddenly the tide turned. He seems to have
  refused to engage in controversy. Like                                                              Image courtesy of the State Library of NSW.

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H ymns for the
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     CHURCH           Music      Life & Learning

     CHURCH           Music      Life & Learning

                                                   you would be greatly mistaken. The             if the parish priest was in favour. At that
Michael Horsburgh
     CHURCH           Music      Life & Learning
                                                   Wesley brothers were conservative High         time, only metrical psalms were allowed.
     CHURCH           Music      Life & Learning   Church Torys. That is to say, they took        Some of the Methodist leaders were
                                                   the church seriously, as opposed to the        Anglican priests and could have celebrated
                                                   Latitudinarians of their day, who sought to    the Eucharist in Methodist chapels, where
                                                   diminish the differences between various       the prohibition of hymns did not apply.
                                                   Christian expressions. Most relevant           Even so, this gave a limited opportunity
                                                   to them were differences between the           to sing anything from this collection at
                                                   established church and the Puritans, who       actual celebrations of holy communion.
                                                   generally looked to a more Calvinistic         They could, of course, have been sung in
                                                   reformed church with little ceremony and       relation to, if not at, communion.
                                                   decoration. That is to say, in comparative
                                                                                                  More important for our purposes is the
                                                   contemporary terms, John and Charles
                                                                                                  extensive preface that John included in the
                                                   would have been happier at St James’ than
                                                                                                  book. The full title of the volume included
                                                   in the Diocese of Sydney generally.
                                                                                                  the words ‘With a Preface concerning
                                                   John and Charles were politically              the Christian Sacrament and Sacrifice.
                                                   conservative, holding to the divine right      Extracted from Doctor Brevint’. Daniel
                                                   of kings and opposed to mob rule, which        Brevint (1616-1695) was an Anglican
                                                   began to emerge later in their lives as        priest originally from the island of Jersey.
 The New English Hymnal (NEH) has a                revolution appeared in Europe. During the      He held one of the fellowships for Channel
 section of hymns on the ‘Holy Communion’.         second Jacobite rebellion, the one involving   Islanders, founded by Charles I at Jesus
 It may come as a surprise to you to know          Bonnie Prince Charlie, the Wesley brothers     College, Oxford, until 1648, when the
 that four of the section’s 48 hymns are           were accused of favouring the rebel cause,     Parliamentary Commissioners removed
 by Charles Wesley: 274 (‘Author of life           but fought back, John declaring:               them. He fled first to Jersey and then to
 divine’), 287 (‘Glory, love and praise and                                                       France, where he was ordained deacon and
 honour’), 309 (‘Victim divine, thy grace              All I can do for his Majesty, whom I
                                                                                                  priest. After the Restoration, he returned
 we claim’) and 314 (‘With solemn faith we             honour and love—I think not less
                                                                                                  to England, first as a prebend (canon) of
 offer up’). Wesley has the largest number             than I did my own father—is this,
                                                                                                  Durham and, from 1682 until his death,
 of hymns in this section, followed by the             I cry unto God day by day, in public
                                                                                                  Dean of Lincoln. While at Durham, Brevint
 Rev’d George Timms, chair of the NEH                  and in private, to put all his enemies
                                                                                                  wrote two books about the sacrament of
 committee, and St Thomas Aquinas, with                to confusion: and I exhort all that
                                                                                                  holy communion. The first was an exposé
 three each.                                           hear me to do the same; and, in their
                                                                                                  of the errors of the Roman Mass, Missale
                                                       several stations, to exert themselves
                                                                                                  Romanum (1672), and the second, The
 The original English Hymnal of 1906 had               as loyal subjects; who, so long as they
                                                                                                  Christian Sacrament and Sacrifice (1673).
 the Rev’d Percy Dearmer as its editor,                fear God, cannot but honour the King.
                                                                                                  It was from this second book that John
 indicating that it came out of the Anglican
                                                   In 1745, the Wesley brothers published         extracted his preface.
 High Church faction following the Oxford
 Movement. ‘Author of life divine’ and             a volume called Hymns on the Lord’s
                                                                                                  Brevint sets out the two traps that
 ‘Victim divine’ appeared in that volume.          Supper. It is not immediately apparent
                                                                                                  he thought had bedevilled historical
 It appears that at least some of Charles’         when they thought that these hymns might
                                                                                                  approaches to the Eucharist: to ‘make it
 Eucharistic hymns passed High Church              be sung. In general, Methodists went to
                                                                                                  either a false God’, or an empty ceremony’.
 scrutiny.                                         their parish church to receive communion
                                                                                                  The first error was the Roman Mass, the
                                                   and were strongly urged to do so. At that
                                                                                                  second, the Calvinistic memorial. Brevint’s
 If you think of John and Charles Wesley as        time, it would not have been legal to sing
                                                                                                  intention was to take a via media between
 ‘evangelicals’ of the type we know locally,       these hymns in parish churches, even

Lord’s Supper
June-July 2020

   what he regarded as the idolatry of the       included in the Wesley brothers’ collection,       a ‘converting ordinance’, which implies
   Mass and the emptiness of regarding           even though some of them, while present            an objective presence even if the person
   the Eucharist as the celebration of a past    in earlier versions of the Book of Common          receiving the communion does not fully
   event. To do this, he adopted a view          Prayer (BCP), had disappeared from the             believe.
   that postulated the Real Presence of          1662 book. In fact, when John arrived
                                                                                                    Thus, you can now see how Charles’
   Christ in the Eucharist without adopting      in the American colony of Georgia in
                                                                                                    hymns passed the NEH test. In some ways,
   the Aristotelean philosophy behind the        1735, he revised the 1662 BCP to reflect
                                                                                                    these hymns owe their popularity more to
   doctrine of transubstantiation.               more closely the 1549 version, and used
                                                                                                    Anglicans than to Methodists.
                                                 his revision while there. Given that they
   In his own life, Brevint experienced the
                                                 rejected transubstantiation, yet retained          From their Oxford days, both John and
   political consequences of the differences
                                                 Real Presence, what did the Wesley                 Charles had been weekly communicants.
   that he articulated. He was ejected from
                                                 brothers believe about the elements of the         This was unusual, even for clergy, and
   his Oxford fellowship by the Calvinists
                                                 communion? Their view can be explained             was difficult to maintain in an age when
   during the Commonwealth, and avoided
                                                 in the term transignification which said           communion was often limited to the
   the return of Catholicism in the presence
                                                 that, although Christ is not locally present       minimum three times a year prescribed
   of James II, who was deposed in the
                                                 (transubstantiation), he is personally             by canon law. We should not assume,
   Glorious Revolution of 1688.
                                                 present. The actual substance of the               however, that Methodism, as it developed
   Charles believed in a Real Presence as        elements remains but they express the              into a separate denomination, held to its
   shown in the last verse of ‘Victim divine’,   presence of Christ.                                founders’ high sacramental principles.
   which, I think, is the only place that this
   phrase appears in NEH:                        The change in meaning is not the result            Now to the hymns in NEH. Three of them
                                                 of our decision to treat the elements              come from the Lord’s Supper collection:
                                                 differently. It is the action of the Holy Spirit   ‘Author of life divine’, ‘Victim divine’, and
                                                 invoked during the Eucharistic prayer              ‘With solemn faith’. ‘Victim divine’ is the
                                                 (technically, the epiclesis). It is, therefore,    earliest to find a wider audience, but it
                                                 permanent, which is why any remaining              did not appear in the Methodist hymnals
                                                 elements must later be consumed. Wesley            until 1797, amongst a group of ‘Additional
   John adopted Brevint’s arguments as his
                                                 wrote this view into Hymn 72 of the Lord’s         Hymns’.
   official position on the sacrament. While
                                                 Supper collection, where he says that the
   John and Charles used 18th century                                                               ‘Glory, love and praise’ comes from another
                                                 Holy Spirit ‘realizes’ the ‘Sign’ and infuses
   Anglican ritual, in terms of Eucharistic                                                         volume of hymns called Graces Before
                                                 ‘Life’ and ‘Power’ into the elements,
   practice, they adopted some approaches                                                           and After Meat. It comprises verses from
                                                 making them ‘effectual’ by ‘Heavenly Art’:
   then considered to be in the minority but                                                        Hymns 13 and 17 in that volume. In its
   easily recognised by us today:                                                                   present form, this hymn first appeared in
                                                                                                    the 1969 Hymns and Songs published by
   (1) The mixture of water and wine in the
                                                                                                    the British Methodists as a supplement to
   sacramental cup; (2) The oblation of the
                                                                                                    their long-standing 1933 hymnal. It went
   Eucharistic elements as the representative
                                                                                                    from there to the 1974 Royal School of
   sacrifice of Christ’s body and blood; (3)
                                                                                                    Church Music publication, Hymns for
   The Blessing of them or the Invocation of
                                                                                                    Celebration: a Supplement for Use at
   the Holy Ghost upon them; and (4) The
                                                                                                    Holy Communion Today. I think that this
   recommending of the faithful departed
                                                 Furthermore, the Wesley brothers rejected          is how it finally arrived in NEH. The tune,
   to God’s mercy at the Celebration of the
                                                 ‘receptionism’, the view that communion            ‘Benifold’, to which NEH sets this hymn,
   Christian Sacrifice.
                                                 depends on the faith of the recipient. John        was written in January 1968 specially for
   All these features appear in the hymns        believed that the Holy Communion was               Hymns and Songs by Francis Westbrook, a

Bicentenary 2019-2024                                                                                                     CONNECTIONS

      CHURCH               Music        Life & Learning

 Methodist minister, musician and member
      CHURCH           Music         Life & Learning
 of the committee that produced the volume.
      committee was meeting
                                  in Life
                                          & Learning

                                                             at St James’
 country house in Hampshire subsequently
 owned   by the rock band,
      CHURCH           Music Fleetwood        Mac.
                                     Life & Learning

 As usual,
              later editors
                               choseLifeto      soften
                                          & Learning

 some of Charles’ more extreme language.
        solemn faith’ takes    two verses         from
                                                          Brooke Shelley
                         Music       Life & Learning

 a four-verse hymn. In the first verse, ‘That
                                                          In mid-March, as the COVID-19 pandemic           day, the Archbishop of Sydney announced
 precious bleeding sacrifice’ becomes ‘That
                                                          worsened, we got the impression our long-        that all church gatherings were to cease for
 all-sufficient sacrifice’. ‘His’ in the second
                                                          term project of livestreaming services at St     the time being. But with my iPhone and
 line of the second verse becomes ‘the’.
                                                          James’ was going to become an immediate          new microphone balanced on the music
                                                          project. We started researching what we’d        stand, we were ready to continue with
                                                          need to do, enlisting advice from our resident   our planned Wednesday Choral Evensong,
                                                          photographer, long-time parishioner and          sadly with no congregation. Whilst the
                                                          tenor, Chris Shain. Chris suggested we           livestream of that service on 18 March was
                                                          consult baritone/lawyer, Simon Turnill for       a success, and those afterwards, it became
                                                          advice, as Simon has recorded the choir in       evident we were in for the long haul with
                                                          concert and services in the past–purely out      how the services were to be conducted
                                                          of his enjoyment for such things. Simon          amid COVID-19 restrictions, so we turned
                                                          suggested one short-term solution was to         to Simon to see if he could provide a more
                                                          livestream on Facebook. We had a good            sophisticated set-up.
                                                          camera in the office, so Tony (the Facilities
 ‘Victim divine’, refers specifically to the                                                               Simon describes how this evolved:
                                                          Manager) and I went on the hunt for a
 Eucharist as a sacrifice, as does ‘With                  microphone to plug into the camera. After            I had never done any livestreaming
 solemn faith’. ‘Author of life divine’ takes             visiting every tech store in the CBD, we             before, but had plenty of experience in
 up the theme of Real Presence and the life-              came back to the office empty-handed, and            audio and video production and knew
 giving nature of its reception. ‘Glory, love             a little defeated. The next day (Wednesday           there were plenty of tools available
 and praise’ seems an appropriate post-                   18 March), we dropped the idea of fancy              online. I downloaded the standard
 communion hymn, which is how it was                      video quality and tested livestreaming from          streaming software, OBS, and installed
 described in the Royal School of Church                  my mobile phone. We set up my iPhone                 that on my laptop. The next challenge
 Music collection, summing up all that the                on a little tripod, balanced precariously on         was to find an ‘encoder’—a small piece
 sacrament means.                                         a music stand in the middle of the nave.             of hardware to allow me to connect
                                                          Tony stood outside the church and phoned             a video camera to my laptop. Since
 None of these hymns appeared in the
                                                          Christopher Waterhouse, who was seated               almost everyone in the country was
 1785 Collection of Hymns for the Use
                                                          at his desk, watching the test livestream            suddenly starting to livestream their
 of the People Called Methodists, so it is
                                                          on his computer. Fr Glenn read bits of the           events, the regular suppliers’ stocks
 not possible to know which tunes were
                                                          service from the pulpit, the lectern, and            were bare. However, I recalled that
 originally used by the early Methodists.
                                                          the altar. The result was that the image             online gamers use a very similar device
 Their appearances in later hymnals used
                                                          was okay but the sound wasn’t anywhere               to stream their screens to YouTube and
 tunes then available for the specific metres.
                                                          near cinematic standard. We phoned Chris             I was able to pick up one of these at the
 It would take too long to trace the tune                 Shain again, who advised us on the type of           local JB Hi-Fi!
 histories of all these four hymns. Suffice               microphone to get to plug into my iPhone.            We started with a single camera in
 to say that they have been set to what was               Off to all of the tech and photographic              the gallery, plus two high quality
 available and singable from time to time.                shops in the CBD Tony and I went, looking            microphones in the nave. I was
                                                          for the exact microphone. We found it, at            learning as I was going along in terms
 Associate Professor Michael Horsburgh
                                                          the fifth shop we visited, but it didn’t fit         of what settings in OBS provided the
 AM is a Parishioner and Lay Parish
                                                          my iPhone. Thankfully, they offered an               best quality, and it was a bit of trial and
 Reader at St James’.
                                                          alternative, and we were away. Later that            error. There was no wired internet in

June-July 2020

                                                                                                   The adverse effect of not gathering as a
                                                                                                   community to worship in the church is
                                                                                                   plain to see; we miss seeing our friends
                                                                                                   and colleagues in person, sharing the peace
                                                                                                   with a warm handshake or embrace, and
                                                                                                   enjoying a catch-up over tea and coffee (or
                                                                                                   wine) afterwards. But livestreaming has
                                                                                                   enabled those in our parish who have been
                                                                                                   isolated by illness to attend services again,
                                                                                                   as with those who have moved interstate or
                                                                                                   abroad. Not only that, we can now welcome
                                                                                                   new parishioners from all over the country
                                                                                                   and the world to our parish—something we
                                                                                                   couldn’t have imagined before.

                                                                                                   Brooke Shelley is Communications and
                                                                                                   Media Manager at St James’.
                                                        Simon Turnill at the livestreaming desk.
                                                                           Image: Simon Turnill

   the gallery, so I was streaming via my       We also added a semi-transparent
   iPhone hotspot, which often dropped          watermark to show St James’ branding
   out and caused the stream to freeze.         for its Bicentenary, but probably the
   Tony has since installed a 4G device         most popular upgrade has been the
   (supplied by the Rector’s Warden,            addition of a small camera in the organ
   Chris Lock), to which I now connect          loft. This gives a unique view of the
   using an Ethernet network cable, and         organ console, and is something even
   the reliability of the connection has        regular parishioners never ordinarily
   improved enormously.                         get to see. Again, the professional
   The first major update came after there      devices required to transmit video from
                                                the organ loft to the gallery can cost
   were comments about the spoken
   parts of the service being difficult to      thousands of dollars, however, again, a              AT ST JAMES’
   hear via the distant nave microphones.       high street retailer came to the rescue
                                                                                                     St James’ Church offers a
   We therefore connected another               with a simple device that can take a                 socially inclusive and non-faith
   audio channel directly to the church’s       video signal at one end, convert it to a             based professional counselling
   existing public address system, to           format that can be run over a hundred                service as part of its outreach
   allow us to obtain clear audio from          metres or so on standard computer                    ministry to the city.
   the microphones in the pulpit, lectern       network cable, and then convert it back              Our professional counsellors/
   and altar, and also from the wireless        to video at the other.                               psychotherapists/coaches are
   microphones worn by the clergy. I think      The streaming is now starting to run                 available to assist individuals,
   this made a huge improvement to the          much more smoothly, and from my                      couples and family members
   experience of viewers at home.               perspective it is incredible to see the
                                                                                                     on a wide range of issues.
                                                                                                     Appointment flexibility is
   Once the basics were in place, there         number of viewers our services draw
                                                                                                     offered to accommodate
   were opportunities to increase the           in, and the positive feedback we have                work schedules. The service is
   quality of the broadcasts. Firstly I added   received in a relatively short time. I               provided in rooms in the lower
   a second camera which permanently            think this is a genuine opportunity for St           level of St James’ Church,
   showed a ‘general view’ of the church.       James’ to connect with a much broader                located in the heart of the city.
   This allowed me to cut to that view          community, in Sydney, Australia as a                 To make an appointment, or
   and then reposition the main camera          whole, and indeed around the world.                  for further details,
   without any unsightly zooms or pans.                                                              please visit or
                                                                 ***                                 telephone 8227 1300.
COVID-19 crisis
                Bicentenary 2019-2024                                                                                                     CONNECTIONS
       CHURCH           Music     Life & Learning

       CHURCH           Music     Life & Learning

in East Africa:
       CHURCH           Music     Life & Learning

       CHURCH           Music     Life & Learning

       CHURCH           Music     Life & Learning

       CHURCH           Music     Life & Learning

Nicola Lock

                                                                                          Nicola Lock with the IFAGE Conference Team in Rwanda, 2019.

   The COVID-19 pandemic has left no                near the northern shores of Lake Victoria.       Rev Domnic is a humble and passionate
   country worldwide untouched. We                                                                   man, and writes of his own ‘conversion’
                                                    For the past three years, I have travelled
   in Australia, due to some proactive                                                               about issues of gender equality, which
                                                    to East Africa to support Reverend
   government intervention, the community’s                                                          required him to challenge his traditional
                                                    Domnic Misolo in his work battling gender
   willingness to comply with social and                                                             upbringing and an evangelical heritage:
                                                    inequality in Kenya and surrounding
   economic restrictions, and our relative
                                                    East African countries. Rev Domnic is an              I came to know about the need for
   wealth, have been impacted far less than
                                                    ordained Anglican priest who has devoted              justice and equality for women and
   many other affluent western nations. Not
                                                    his life to the empowerment of women                  girls during my seminary education
   so in the two thirds world, where economic
                                                    and girls in his region through IFAGE, a              at St. Paul’s University (Kenya) in the
   instability, fragile health systems and
                                                    registered non-government organisation,               year 2009 when I came across the
   lack of good infrastructure prevent
                                                    that he formed over five years ago. IFAGE             academic journal about Bible, Faith
   dissemination of clear public health
                                                    works with faith groups and community                 & Gender. As an Anglican priest,
   messages. Social distancing measures,
                                                    organisations through empowering faith                I followed traditional evangelical
   even where possible, have devastating
                                                    leaders and women’s leaders on gender                 spirituality that views Scripture (Bible)
   effects on poverty and food security. St
                                                    justice and equality throughout Eastern               as authoritative and actual God’s breath
   James’ has been given the opportunity to
                                                    Africa. Through the work of IFAGE, Rev                without criticism. Being moulded in
   partner with an organisation in western
                                                    Domnic is well-networked with leaders in              the African culture (Luo Tribe) where
   Kenya, the Institute for Faith and Gender
                                                    the Anglican church and other churches                women are viewed as inferior and
   Empowerment (IFAGE) to participate in an
                                                    in his region, working in partnership to              rated with children, my attitude from
   Emergency Response to COVID-19 plan
                                                    deliver education programmes and health               childhood and in the ministry (as
   which seeks to respond suitably for their
                                                    promotion programmes.                                 a priest) was heavily influenced by
   situation in Bondo and Rarielda counties,

June-July 2020

  St James’ Support of an
  Emergency Response Project
          that context and worldview. I did not                     As this crisis began to unfold, Rev Domnic                             Assistants/Volunteers (CHA/Vs), and
          know that my understanding of the                         wrote to me:                                                           local Clergy/Faith Leaders, raising
          Bible was influenced by a patriarchal                                                                                            awareness, educating on preventive
                                                                          Kindly, I’m writing to you with a heavy
          culture as socializing people and their                                                                                          measures, and facilitating reporting of
                                                                          heart as fear engulf our families and
          relationships in the society through                                                                                             suspected cases.
                                                                          communities considering possible
          male pre-eminence.
                                                                          impact of COVID-19 pandemic in                            •      Phase    2:   Establish   hygiene
          I deeply reflected back on my church                            Kenya and East Africa – with poor                                demonstration points where those
          and life in the community, I was                                health facilities and crushing (sic)                             trained in Phase 1 can show
          challenged, and my pre-conceived                                economies. Cases of infections and                               and cement the correct way for
          worldview was largely questioned. I                             death are being reported in many                                 handwashing.
          started to rethink on the fact that men                         places across the region, but our
          and women are equal and that can it                                                                                       •      Phase 3: Lead Public Awareness
                                                                          hope is in Christ…… I believe we can
          be true.                                                                                                                         campaigns in the region, run by Phase
                                                                          partner with you and your church to
                                                                                                                                           1 trainees, to disseminate accurate
  The most recent figures from Kenya                                      do our best part in a small way, to
                                                                                                                                           public health information in villages
  report a total of 887 COVID-19 cases1,                                  pray and reach out to needy cases and
                                                                                                                                           and towns through use of outdoor
  but a serious shortage of testing due to                                vulnerable families here in Kenya and
  availability of testing, fear of being forced                           East Africa. Kindly, attached find our
  into quarantine and stigma attached to                                  proposal as an emergency response                         •      Phase 4: Provide Economic Stimulus
  the virus suggests the actual numbers are                               to the crisis which we request you                               Package for businesswomen to inject
  likely to far higher. Measures have been                                present to your church.                                          back fresh capital/blood into their
  put in place to contain the virus: closure                                                                                               businesses after weeks and months
                                                                    IFAGE has a well-planned project proposal
  of schools, colleges, and international                                                                                                  of self-isolation and stay-at-home
                                                                    which has four phases:
  borders, and banning of social gatherings,                                                                                               orders. This will enable the women
  but in a crowded and poor country like                            •     Phase 1: In partnership with local                               to gain back/resume their businesses
  Kenya, the social distancing measures                                   medical/health providers, training                               and continue providing food and
  we can adopt in Australia are almost                                    and empowering local Public                                      livelihoods for their families.
  impossible.                                                             Health Officers, Community Health
                                                                                                                                    Impact of gender on effects of
                                                                                                                                    In Australia, there have been reports
                                                                                                                                    of lockdown conditions worsening the
                                                                                                                                    situation for women living with domestic
                                                                                                                                    violence. Worldwide, international bodies
                                                                                                                                    such as the World Council of Churches
                                                                                                                                    have recognised that the COVID-19
                                                                                                                                    pandemic is having a disproportionate
                                                                                                                                    impact on women in countries where there
                                                                                                            Image supplied.         is existing gender injustice2. A recent joint
                                                                                                                                    statement issued reports that ‘the impacts
      East African Community reporting COVID-19 cases, 15 May 2020.

Bicentenary 2019-2024                                                                                                  CONNECTIONS
      CHURCH             Music       Life & Learning

 of COVID-19 will be hardest felt by women                                                            Here is Rev Domnic delivering food stuffs
      CHURCH             Music     Life & Learning
 and girls. Worldwide, many people who                                                                to one of the first recipients. Rev Domnic
 are enrolled
      CHURCH   in health Music
                          care and the     related
                                   Life & Learning                                                    writes ‘Today we visited this lovely woman!
 care economy are women. Occupying                                                                    She lost both of her two hands and one leg
      CHURCH on the frontline
                         Music makes
                                   Life & women
                                          Learning                                                    to a chronic wound. She also lost her three
 more susceptible to the risk of infection.                                                           grown up children. She purely depends on
 Many people will lose their livelihoods, as                                                          people’s donations and support. At a time
      CHURCH             Music     Life & Learning

 already experienced worldwide with the                                                               like this with lockdowns due [to] Covid-19,
      CHURCH             Music     Life & Learning
 global lockdown. This impacts the service                                                            such physically challenged persons need
 industry and informal sector, where many                                                             our love and prayers.’
 women work. The closure of schools will
                                                                                                      I will be keeping in touch with Rev
 impact girls’ education now and in the
                                                                                                      Domnic and the project: you can keep
 long-term, with an increased risk for child
                                                                                                      in touch through the IFAGE website:
 marriage and child labour.’
                                                                                            , and FaceBook page,
 IFAGE has shown how it can respond to                                                      
 local conditions and, due to Kenya’s early                                                           Please keep this region in your prayers:
 lockdown orders, Phases 2 and 3 were                                                                 that they will be protected from the
 curtailed sooner than planned. Concerning                                       Image: Nicola Lock   ravages of the virus and that food security
 the local crisis, IFAGE has shown flexibility                                                        is maintained, domestic violence kept in
                                                       •   Responding to increased cases of
 by identifying and responding to two more                                                            check, and for the effectiveness of the
                                                           domestic violence. IFAGE is providing
 areas requiring support:                                                                             IFAGE team as they seek to ameliorate the
                                                           a 24/7 hotline to the community
                                                                                                      impact of the virus on this impoverished
 •    Very vulnerable families who are not                 health volunteers and clergy so they
      able to find food. IFAGE has identified              can report cases of domestic, intimate
      500 households of the elderly and                    partner violence, and sexual violence.     Nicola Lock is a Parishioner at St James’.
      most underprivileged families that                   This will be connected through police/
      need immediate food assistance.                      security offices and children office

                                                       An approach was made to the St James’
                                                       Mission and Outreach Committee for
                                                       funding to support Rev Dominic’s project
                                                       in rural western Kenya. The committee’s
                                                       timely and enthusiastic response to the
                                                       request is enabling us as a parish, out of
                                                       the relative wealth of St James’ resources,
                                                       to partner in a small way with Rev Domnic
                                                       and his team, as they respond to the
                                                       COVID-19 crisis in a developing region in
                                                       East Africa. When Rev Domnic heard that
                                                       the $5000 grant was on its way he replied:

                                                           Please thank you so much [for] this
                                                           donation and we are most grateful!
                                                           I’ve informed my staff and executive
                                                           board about this and we all feel very
                                                           thankful for this great donation and
                                                           your connection for this consideration.
                                                           We plan to start working on these
                                                           [new] activities as early as next week.
                                  Image supplied.                                                                      Image:

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