Computation and Communication Co-Design for Real-Time Monitoring and Control in Multi-Agent Systems

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Computation and Communication Co-Design for Real-Time Monitoring and Control in Multi-Agent Systems
Computation and Communication Co-Design for Real-Time
                                               Monitoring and Control in Multi-Agent Systems
                                                                  Vishrant Tripathi∗ , Luca Ballotta† , Luca Carlone∗ , and Eytan Modiano∗
                                                                                 ∗ Laboratory   for Information and Decision Systems, MIT
                                                                             † Department    of Information Engineering, University of Padova

                                           Abstract—We investigate the problem of co-designing compu-
                                        tation and communication in a multi-agent system (e.g., a sensor
                                        network or a multi-robot team). We consider the realistic setting
arXiv:2108.03122v2 [cs.NI] 9 Aug 2021

                                        where each agent acquires sensor data and is capable of local
                                        processing before sending updates to a base station, which is
                                        in charge of making decisions or monitoring phenomena of
                                        interest in real time. Longer processing at an agent leads to
                                        more informative updates but also larger delays, giving rise to
                                        a delay-accuracy trade-off in choosing the right amount of local
                                        processing at each agent. We assume that the available commu-
                                        nication resources are limited due to interference, bandwidth,
                                        and power constraints. Thus, a scheduling policy needs to be
                                        designed to suitably share the communication channel among the
                                        agents. To that end, we develop a general formulation to jointly
                                        optimize the local processing at the agents and the scheduling of
                                        transmissions. Our novel formulation leverages the notion of Age
                                        of Information to quantify the freshness of data and capture the             Fig. 1. Example: four drones monitor different regions and send updates to
                                        delays caused by computation and communication. We develop                   a base station over a wireless channel. Each agent spends time τi processing
                                        efficient resource allocation algorithms using the Whittle index             the collected measurements before sending. A scheduling algorithm prioritizes
                                        approach and demonstrate our proposed algorithms in two                      transmissions to the base station. This paper focuses on the co-design of the
                                        practical applications: multi-agent occupancy grid mapping in                processing times τi and the scheduling policy.
                                        time-varying environments, and ride sharing in autonomous
                                        vehicle networks. Our experiments show that the proposed co-                 innovation involve a) pushing the computation to be distributed
                                        design approach leads to a substantial performance improvement               across the network, such that all agents perform local processing
                                        (18 − 82% in our tests).                                                     of the collected measurements, and b) designing scheduling al-
                                           Index Terms—wireless networks; Age of Information; dis-                   gorithms that efficiently share limited communication resources
                                        tributed computing; robotics; networked control systems.                     across all devices and ensure timely delivery of information.
                                                                 I. I NTRODUCTION                                    However, existing work on communication scheduling [1]–[5]
                                                                                                                     disregards distributed processing, while related work on sensor
                                           Monitoring and control of dynamical systems are fundamen-                 fusion [6]–[8] focuses on designing distributed algorithms,
                                        tal and well-studied problems. Many emerging applications                    rather than allocating computational resources at each node.
                                        involve performing these tasks over communication networks.                     In this work, we explore the joint optimization of computa-
                                        Examples include: sensing for IoT applications, control of robot             tion and communication resources for monitoring and control
                                        swarms, real-time surveillance, and environmental monitoring                 tasks. We consider a multi-agent system where each agent is in
                                        by sensor networks. Such systems typically involve multiple                  charge of monitoring a time-varying phenomenon and sending
                                        agents collecting and sending information to a central entity                information to a central base station. For instance, this setup
                                        where data is stored, aggregated, analyzed, and then used to                 can model a team of robots mapping a dynamic environment
                                        send back control commands. Due to the dramatic improve-                     and sending map updates to a base station, which aggregates
                                        ments both in on-device and edge computing, and in wireless                  a global map for centralized decision-making (Fig. 1).
                                        communication over the past two decades, there has been a                       The agents are capable of local processing before transmit-
                                        rapid growth in the size and scale of such networked systems.                ting the acquired information. This could involve operations
                                           This has motivated the design of scalable architectures, both             such as refining, denoising, or compressing the data or simply
                                        for computation and communication. Two key directions of                     gathering more informative updates. We assume that the more
                                                                                                                     time an agent spends in processing locally, the higher the
                                          The first two authors contributed equally to this paper.
                                          This work was funded by NSF Grant CNS-1713725, by Army Research            quality of the generated update. However, longer processing
                                        Office (ARO) grant no. W911NF-17-1-0508, by the Office of Naval Research     also induces a delay in between subsequent updates. This
                                        under the ONR RAIDER program (N00014-18-1-2828), by the CARIPARO             yields a delay-accuracy trade-off : is it better to send outdated
                                        Foundation Visiting Programme HiPeR, and by the Italian Ministry of
                                        Education, University and Research through the PRIN project no. 2017NS9FEY   but high-quality updates, or to reduce the overall latency by
                                        and through the initiative “Departments of Excellence” (Law 232/2016).       communicating low-quality information?
agent acquires sample   agent sends processed sample
   We consider the realistic scenario where the total commu-                                   B.S. requests update        new update delivered
nication resources available are limited due to interference,
limited bandwidth, and/or power constraints. Thus, in any given
time-slot, only one of the agents is allowed to communicate
with the base station. The communication constraints mean
that, in addition to optimizing the local processing times, a
scheduling policy needs to be designed to specify which agents                                                                              Time (slotted)
can communicate in every time-slot.
   Therefore, the goal of this work is to develop a general
framework to determine the optimal amount of local processing                 Agent
at each agent in the network and design a scheduling policy to
prioritize communication in order to maximize performance.
   Related Work. Over the past few years, there has been a            Fig. 2. AoI evolution for agent i. The agent acquires and processes new
                                                                      samples every τi time-slots. When the base station (B.S.) requests a new
rapidly growing body of work using Age of Information (AoI)           update, the agent sends the most recent sample that has finished processing,
as a metric for designing scheduling policies in communication                                                                    (k)
                                                                      taking ri (τi ) time-slots for transmission. The variable δi represents the
networks [3]–[5] and for control-driven tasks in networked con-       waiting time in the buffer for update k. Upon a new update delivery, the AoI
trol systems [9]–[12]. AoI captures the timeliness of received        at the base station Ai (t) drops to the age of the delivered update.
information at the destination (see [13], [14] for recent surveys).   timization (Section V). Our simulations show that we can
Our processing and scheduling co-design problem is motivated          achieve performance improvements of 18−35% in the mapping
by recent advances in embedded electronics, as well as the            application and 75 − 82% in the ride-sharing application with
development of efficient estimation and inference algorithms          respect to baseline approaches.
for real-time applications on low-powered devices [15]–[18].
The output accuracy of such algorithms increases with the                                II. P ROBLEM F ORMULATION
runtime, in line with the delay-accuracy trade-off we consider           We consider a discrete-time setting with N agents in a
in this paper. Another application of such a trade-off involves       networked system, where each agent is in charge of monitoring
deciding on computation offloading in cloud robotics, which           a time-varying phenomenon and sending information updates to
has been the focus of recent works on real-time inference by          a base station. Each agent processes the collected measurements
resource-constrained robots [19], [20]. In this context, sending      locally, before sending its updates. The i-th agent spends τi
raw data can induce long transmission delays, but allow better        time slots to process a new update. We refer to this quantity
inference by shifting the computational burden the cloud.             as the processing time associated with agent i.
   Contributions. We address the computation and communi-                We assume that sensing and processing happen sequentially
cation co-design problem and develop a) a scheduling policy           at each agent. Thus, agent i acquires a new sample every τi
that ensures timely delivery of updates, and b) an algorithm          time slots. Further, each agent stores in a buffer the freshest
to determine the optimal amount of local processing at each           processed measurement. We will assume that the processing
agent. To do so, we use AoI to measure the lag in obtaining           time allocations τi , ∀i are constant during operation.
information for monitoring and control of time-critical systems.         To communicate the acquired and processed updates, the
Our contribution is threefold. First, we develop a general            agents use a wireless communication channel. We assume that,
framework to jointly optimize computation and communication           due to interference and bandwidth constraints, only one of the
for real-time monitoring and decision-making (Section II). This       agents can transmit to the base station in any given time-slot.
framework extends existing work [21] by a) considering joint          At every transmission opportunity, the base station polls one
optimization of scheduling in addition to processing, and b)          of the agents regarding the state of its system and receives the
addressing a general model that goes beyond linear systems.           most recent measurement that has been processed.
   Second, we develop low-complexity scheduling and pro-                 Scheduling decisions are modeled as indicator variables ui (t)
cessing allocation schemes that perform well in practice              where ui (t) = 1 if the i-th agent is scheduled at time t and zero
(Sections III-IV). The co-design problem is a multi-period            otherwise. We assume that a transmission from the i-th agent
resource allocation problem and is hard to solve in general due       takes ri (τi ) time slots, with ri (·) a monotone sequence. This
to its combinatorial nature. We resolve this by considering a         captures one aspect of the delay-accuracy trade-off, namely
Lagrangian relaxation that decouples the problem into multiple        that the size of the update depends on the amount of time
single-agent problems, which can be solved effectively. To            spent in processing it. When the agents spend local processing
solve the scheduling problem, we generalize the Whittle index         to collect more detailed information, e.g., in exploration tasks,
framework proposed in [5] for sources that generate updates           the measurements get larger overtime and ri (·) is increasing.
at different rates and of different sizes.                            Conversely, when the agents compress the collected data, e.g.,
   Finally, we demonstrate the benefits of using our methods          extracting visual features from images, ri (·) is decreasing.
in two practical applications from robotics and autonomous               To measure the freshness of the information at the base
systems: multi-agent occupancy grid mapping in time-varying           station, we use a metric called Age of Information (AoI). The
environments, and ride-sharing systems with local route op-           AoI Ai (t) measures how old the information at the base station
is regarding agent i at time t. Upon receiving a new update, it
drops to the age of the delivered update. Otherwise, it increases         Problem 1 (Computation and Computation Co-design).
linearly. The evolution is described below:                               Given the set of agents V = {1, . . . , N }, cost functions
                                                                          {Ji (·, ·)}i∈V , and AoI evolution (1), find the processing
                  τi + ri (τi ) + δi , if update k is delivered,
 Ai (t + 1) =                                                             times {τi }i∈V and the scheduling policy π that minimize
                  Ai (t) + 1,           otherwise.
                                                                          the infinite-horizon time-averaged cost:
        (k)                                                                                                  "    T
Here δi is the waiting time spent by the k-th update from                                   X                  1 X               π
agent i in the buffer, i.e., the delay from the time the update                  min            lim sup Eπ             Ji (τi , Ai (t))
                                                                             τi ∈Ti ∀i∈V        T →+∞          T t=t
was processed to the time it was actually transmitted. Since                     π∈Π        i∈V                      0
a new processed update is generated every τi time-slots, the                     s.t.           uπi (t) ≤ 1, ∀t
waiting time δi ranges from 0 to τi − 1 time-slots. Fig. 2                                 i∈V
depicts the AoI process for agent i. Observe that the lowest                                                                             (P1)
value that the AoI can drop to is τi + ri (τi ), since every update
                                                                          where Π is the set of causal scheduling policies, uπi (t) = 1
spends time τi in processing and time ri (τi ) in communication.
                                                                          if policy π schedules agent i at time t and uπi (t) = 0
   The AoI evolution in (1) is involved since it requires                 otherwise. Ti is the set of admissible processing times for
analyzing waiting times that vary with each update. To simplify           agent i, and Aπi (t) is the AoI of the i-th agent at time t
the analysis, while still capturing the relevant features of the          under policy π.
AoI dynamics, we assume that the sequences δi are constant
over time, i.e., δi ≡ δi ∀k, ∀i ∈ V. Each δi accounts for the
average waiting time accumulated by a processed measurement                Finding the optimal processing times requires iterating over
before it is sent by the i-th agent. We are interested in the           the combinatorial space Ti × ... × TN , while finding the optimal
practical setting where processing times τi are small, and              scheduling policy requires solving a dynamic program which
the number of agents N is large. Thus, our assumption of                suffers from the curse of dimensionality.
constant waiting times is reasonable, since the waiting time’s
                                                                                      III. A L AGRANGIAN R ELAXATION
contribution to the overall AoI is negligible on average (being
upper bounded by τi ) as compared to the time between                      We now discuss a relaxation of Problem 1 that enables us
subsequent requests from the base station, which grows linearly         to develop efficient algorithms. This approach is motivated
with the number of agents N [3]. The smallest AoI for agent             by the work of Whittle [22] and its applications to network
i is defined as ∆i , τi + ri (τi ) + δi , which is the value that       scheduling [5]. The relaxation will be useful not only for finding
AoI resets to upon a new update delivery.                               a scheduling policy, but also in optimizing the processing times.
                                                                           We start by considering a relaxation of (P1) where the
   It has been shown in recent works [9]–[12] that real-time
                                                                        scheduling constraint is to be satisfied on average, rather than
monitoring error for linear dynamical systems can be seen as an
                                                                        at each time slot. The relaxed problem is given by
increasing function of the AoI. Intuitively, fresher updates lead                                          "                          #
to higher monitoring accuracy and better control performance.                                                   T
                                                                                          X                  1 X               π
Motivated by this, we assume that each agent has an associated                  min           lim sup Eπ             Ji (τi , Ai (t))
                                                                            τi ∈Ti ∀i∈V       T →+∞          T t=t
cost function Ji (τi , Ai (t)) that maps the processing time and                π∈Π       i∈V                      0
                                                                                                       PT                               (2)
the current AoI to a cost that reflects how useful the current                                                  π
                                                                                                          t=t0 ui (t)
information at the base station is for monitoring or control.                   s.t.          lim sup                  ≤ 1.
                                                                                              T →+∞          T
Assumption 1 (Delay-Accuracy Trade-off). The cost functions                To solve (2), we introduce a Lagrange multiplier C > 0 for
Ji (τi , Ai (t)) are increasing with the AoI Ai (t) and decreasing      the average scheduling constraint. The Lagrange optimization
with the processing time τi . Thus, longer processing leads             is given by the following equation:
to more useful measurements (for a fixed age), while fresher                                           X
information induces a lower cost than outdated information.                           max min             J¯i (τi , C) − C        (3)
                                                                                       C>0 τi ∈Ti ∀i∈V
                                                                                               π∈Π            i∈V
Remark 1 (Task-related cost function). The functional form                                          "       T                                #
of Ji (τi , Ai (t)) depends on the underlying dynamics of the                                           1   X
                                                                        J¯i (τi , C) , lim sup Eπ                             π          π
                                                                                                                    Ji (τi , Ai (t)) + Cui (t)
system i and on the impact of agent processing on the quality of                     T →+∞              T   t=t0
updates. These functions are typically estimated using domain
                                                                          Due to the Lagrangian relaxation, the inner minimization
knowledge or learned from data offline. The approach in this
                                                                        can be decoupled as the sum of N independent problems.
paper holds for any functions Ji (τi , Ai (t)) that satisfy the above
assumption. We discuss numerical examples in Section V.
   Our goal is to design a causal scheduling policy π and                 Problem 2 (Decoupled Problem i). Given a constant cost
find the processing times τ1 , ..., τN for every agent so as to           C > 0, find a scheduling policy πi = {ui (t)}t≥t0 and a
minimize the sum of the time-average costs.
where J˜iW (τi ) , JiW τi , Hi (τi ) . The optimal processing
  processing time τi ∈ Ti that minimize the infinite-horizon                    times τi∗ and policies πi∗ , with thresholds Hi (τi∗ ), computed
  time-averaged cost of agent i:                                                for each decoupled problem provide an optimal solution to the
                     "     T                            #                     inner minimization of (3).
                       1 X               πi
   min lim sup Eπi             Ji (τi , Ai (t)) + Cui (t)
   τi ∈Ti T →+∞        T t=t
   πi ∈Π                            0
                                                                       (P2)     B. Optimizing Processing Times in Problem 1

                                                                                   Leveraging the solution of the decoupled problems found
                                                                                in Section III-A, we now design a procedure to optimize the
   In Problem 2, the multiplier C can be interpreted as a
                                                                                processing times for the original multi-agent Problem 1.
transmission cost: whenever ui (t) = 1, agent i has to pay a
cost of C for using the channel. Further, transmitting an entire                   Given a cost C > 0, we can use (4) and (6) to compute
update costs Cri (τi ), since i transmits for ri (τi ) time-slots.              the optimal processing times τi∗ and the corresponding AoI
In the next section, we look at the single-agent problem (P2)                   thresholds Hi (τi∗ ) for the N decoupled problems in (3). Further,
in greater detail, and show how to solve it exactly. Since the                  observe that, for the i-th decoupled problem, the optimal
problem involves a single agent, it is much easier to solve                     scheduling policy for agent i chooses to send a new update
than the original combinatorial formulation. The solution also                  every time the AoI exceeds Hi (τi∗ ) and the AoI drops to ∆i
provides key insights in choosing both the scheduling policy                    after each update delivery. Thus, the fraction of time that agent
and the processing times for the original problem (P1).                         i occupies the channel (on average) is given by
                                                                                                                         ri (τi∗ )
A. Solving the Decoupled Problem                                                               fi (τi∗ ) =                                .   (7)
                                                                                                             Hi (τi∗ )   + ri (τi∗ ) − ∆i
   We now solve Problem 2 for each agent separately. First,
we characterize the structure of the optimal scheduling policy                     The totalPchannel utilization given the Lagrange multiplier
πi∗ given a fixed value of τi . Then, we optimize over the latter.              C is f = i∈V fi (τi∗ ). From (2), f must lie in the interval
                                                                                [0, 1] to represent a feasible allocation of computation and
Theorem 1. The solution to Problem 2, given a fixed value of
                                                                                communication resources. If not, then more than one agent
τi , is a stationary threshold-based policy: let H
                                                 e i , Hi + ri (τi )
                                                                                is transmitting in every time-slot on average, which is not
and suppose there exists an age Hi that satisfies
                                                                                possible given the (relaxed) interference constraint.
                    e i − 1) ≤ JiW (τi , Hi ) ≤ Ji τi , H
           Ji (τi , H                                   ei)               (4)      This suggests a natural way to optimize over both the
                                                                                Lagrange cost C and the processing times τi , which is presented
                                                                                in Algorithm 1. In particular, we optimize the processing times
                                PHe i −1
                                  h=∆i     Ji (τi , h) + Cri (τi )              τi by using (4) and (6) (line 4 in Algorithm 1), and update C
           JiW (τi , Hi )   ,                                      .      (5)   via a dual-ascent scheme (lines 6–7) using the average channel
                                            e i − ∆i
                                                                                utilization fcurr .
Then, an optimal scheduling policy πi∗ is to start sending an
update whenever Ai (t) ≥ Hi and to not transmit otherwise. If
                                                                    Algorithm 1 Optimizing Processing Times
no such Hi exists, the optimal policy is to never transmit. The
quantity JiW (τ, Hi ) represents the time-average cost of using     Input: Costs JiW (·), set of admissible processing times Ti for
a threshold policy with the AoI threshold Hi .                          each agent i ∈ V, stepsize α > 0.
                                                                    Output: Locally optimal processing times {τi∗ }i∈V .
     Proof: See Appendix A.                                          1: C ← C0 ;
   The structure of the optimal scheduling policy πi∗ according      2: loop
to Theorem 1 is intuitive, due to the monotonicity of the cost       3:     for sensor i ∈ V do                     // optimization (6)
functions Ji (τi , ·) in the AoI. If it is optimal to transmit and   4:         τi∗ ← arg minτi ∈Ti J˜iW (τi );
pay the cost C for ri (τi ) time-slots at a particular AoI, it       5:     end for P
should be also be optimal to do so when the AoI is higher,           6:     fcurr ← i∈V fi (τi∗ );
since the gain from AoI reduction would be even more. Given          7:     C ← C + α(fcurr − 1);
τi and C , a way to compute the optimal threshold is to start        8: end loop
from Hi = ∆i and increase Hi until condition (4) is satisfied.       9: return {τi∗ }i∈V .
Let the value that this procedure terminates at be denoted by
Hi (τi ). Then, Hi (τi ) is an optimal threshold for agent i.
   Next, we look at how to compute the optimal processing             Intuitively, the algorithm keeps increasing the virtual com-
time τi∗ to solve Problem 2. To do so, given the admissible munication cost (quantified by the Lagrange multiplier C) until
set Ti , we find the value of τi ∈ Ti that induces the lowest the processing times computed in line 4 become compatible
time-averaged cost for agent i by enumerating over the set Ti : with the scheduling constraint. The decoupling reduces the
                                                                    complexity of finding      the optimal processing P   times from
                       τi∗ = arg min J˜iW (τi ).                (6)                    Q                                              
                              τi ∈Ti                                combinatorial   O    i∈V  |T i | to linear search  O     i∈V |Ti | .
IV. W HITTLE - INDEX S CHEDULING                       index which solves the scheduling for the original Problem 1.
  In the previous section, we established a threshold structure
for the optimal scheduling policy of the relaxed problem (2),
                                                                      Definition 1. For the i-th decoupled problem, the Whittle
where each agent transmits when its AoI exceeds Hi (τi∗ ).
                                                                      index Wi (H) is defined as the minimum cost C that makes
Next, we exploit this threshold structure to design an efficient
                                                                      both scheduling decisions (transmit, not transmit) equally
scheduling policy for the original Problem 1. Given the
                                                                      preferable at AoI H. Let He , H + ri (τi ). The expression
processing times τi∗ computed via Algorithm 1, we need to
                                                                      for Wi (H), given a processing time τi , is:
                                 "    T
                                                           #                                            H−1
                                   1 X
                                                ∗    π                                               e − P J(τi , k)
                                                                                       e − ∆i J τi , H
       min          lim sup Eπ             Ji (τi , Ai (t))
       π∈Π          T →+∞          T t=t                                  Wi (H) ,
                                                                                                                           .    (9)
                X                        0                   (8)                                     ri (τi )
          s.t.      ui (t) ≤ 1, ∀t.

   Minimizing the time-average of increasing functions of AoI          We derive the expression above in Appendix C. Using (9),
was considered in [5]. There, the authors introduced a low- we can now design the Whittle index policy to solve (8).
complexity near-optimal scheduling policy using the Whittle Whenever the channel is unoccupied, the agent with the most
index approach. Unlike the setting in [5], our agents generate critical update should be asked for an update. This leads to the
updates at different rates (every τi time-slots for agent i) and scheduling policy presented in Algorithm 2. The Whittle index
induce different communication delays (ri (τi ) time-slots). We policy chooses the agent with the highest index (line 4), since
now generalize the Whittle index approach for our setting.          it represents the minimum cost each agent would be willing
   The Whittle index approach consists of four steps: 1) to pay to transmit at the current time-slot. When the channel
converting the problem into an equivalent restless multi-armed is occupied, no other transmission is allowed (line 6). The
bandit (RMAB) formulation, 2) decoupling the problem via a variable z keeps track of ongoing communication and drops
Lagrange relaxation, 3) establishing a structural property called to zero when a new transmission can be scheduled.
indexability for the decoupled problems, and 4) using this
structure to formulate a Whittle index policy for the original Algorithm 2 Whittle Index Scheduling
scheduling problem. We go through these steps below.                Input: Processing time τi , communication delay ri (·), and
   Step 1. We first need to establish (8) can be equivalently            cost Ji (·, ·) for each agent i ∈ V, time horizon T .
formulated as a restless multi-armed bandit problem. We do            1: t = t0 , z = 0;
so in Appendix B.                                                     2: while t ≤ T do
   Step 2. As we observed in Section III, the original scheduling     3:     if z = 0 then         // schedule transmission at time t
problem can be split into N decoupled problems of the form            4:          π ← arg max Wi (Ai (t));          // trigger agent π
(P2) via a Lagrange relaxation. Further, through Theorem 1,                                i∈V
we know that the optimal scheduling policy for each decoupled         5:          z ← rπ (τπ ) − 1;
problem has a threshold structure, i.e., agent i should transmit      6:     else                  // continue ongoing transmission
only if its associated AoI Ai (t) exceeds the threshold Hi (τi∗ ).    7:          z ←   z −  1;
   Step 3. Whittle showed in [22] that when there is added            8:     end if
                                                                      9: end while
structure in the form of a property called indexability for the
decoupled problems, then the RMAB admits a low-complexity
solution called the Whittle index, that is known to be near            The Whittle index is known to be asymptotically optimal as
optimal [23]. The indexability property for the i-th decoupled N → ∞, if a fluid limit condition is satisfied [23], [24]. These
problem requires that, as the transmission cost C increases results, along with our simulations, suggest that the Whittle
from 0 to ∞, the set of AoI values for which it is optimal for index is a very good low-complexity heuristic for scheduling
agent i to transmit must decrease monotonically from the entire in real-time monitoring and control applications.
set (all ages Ai (t) ≥ ∆i ) to the empty set (never transmit). In
other words, the optimal threshold Hi (τi∗ ) should increase as                              V. A PPLICATIONS
the transmission cost C increases. Next, we use Theorem 1
and the monotonicity of the cost functions Ji (τi , ·) to establish    We demonstrate our co-design algorithms in two applications:
that the decoupled problems are indeed indexable.                   multi-agent occupancy grid mapping in time-varying environ-
                                                                    ments (Section V-A), and ride sharing in autonomous vehicle
Lemma 1. The indexability property holds for the decoupled
                                                                    networks (Section V-B). The results show that we can achieve
problems (2), given an allocation of processing times τi .
                                                                    performance improvements of 18 − 35% for grid mapping and
      Proof: See Appendix C.                                        75 − 82% for ride-sharing compared to baseline approaches.
   Step 4. Having established indexability for the decou- We also provide a video briefly summarizing and visualizing
pled Problem 2, we can derive a functional form for the Whittle our simulation results [25].
Fig. 4. Transition probabilities and optimal processing time allocations plotted
                                                                                for each region. The probabilities are plotted on a logarithmic scale while the
                                                                                processing times are plotted in number of time-slots.

Fig. 3. Multi-agent mapping over 9 regions: each agent monitors and
                                                                 if more time was spent in processing, since the base station
builds a local grid map of a region, and sends map updates to a base station.
                                                                 is more certain about the quality of the received update. Our
The occupancy in the regions is time-varying. A scheduling policy specifies
how to share the communication channel among the agents. Processing times
                                                                 goal is to minimize the time-average of the entropies summed
specify how much time each agent spends in generating new map updates.
                                                                 across each region through the joint optimization of processing
                                                                 times and the scheduling policy.
A. Multi-agent Mapping of Time-Varying Environments                 Results. Fig. 4 shows an example of transition probabilities
   Setup. We co-design computation and communication for a pi (for each of the 9 regions) and the corresponding optimal
multi-agent mapping problem. We assume there are N separate processing times τi∗ found using Algorithm 1. We observe that
regions each of which is being mapped by an agent. The agents for regions that change quickly (i.e., have large value of pi ),
send updates —in the form of occupancy grid maps of their the corresponding processing time allocated is smaller. This is
surroundings— to a base station over a single communication because there is not much benefit to spending large amounts of
channel, where the local maps are aggregated into a global time generating high quality updates if they become outdated
map for centralized monitoring (Fig. 3).                         very quickly. Conversely, for slowly changing regions (with
   In our tests, each region is 40m × 40m in size and is low values of pi ), Algorithm 1 assigns much longer processing
represented by an occupancy grid map with 1m×1m cells. The times. In this case, high quality useful updates can be created
state of each cell can be either occupied (1) or unoccupied (0). by taking longer time since the regions don’t change quickly.
We consider a dynamic environment where the state of each           Further, we compare the performance of various scheduling
cell within region i evolves according to a Markov chain, with algorithms in Fig. 5. We consider the setting where the
cells remaining in their original state with probability 1 − pi processing times τi are fixed to be the same parameter τ
and switching from occupied to unoccupied and vice-versa for every region (uniform processing allocation). We then plot
with probability pi . This is a common model for grid mapping the performance of three scheduling algorithms –a uniform
in dynamic environments in the robotics community [26], [27]. stationary randomized policy, a round-robin policy, and the
   Each agent is equipped with a range-bearing sensor (e.g., proposed Whittle index-based policy– for different values of τ .
lidar), with a fixed maximum scanning distance (25m) and We also plot the performance of the Whittle index policy and the
angular range [−π/2, π/2]. The agents move around the regions stationary randomized policy under the optimized processing
randomly, taking scans of the area round them. Scanning an times, computed using Algorithm 1, shown via dotted lines
entire region takes an agent multiple time-slots. We use the in Fig. 5. We observe that Algorithm 1 can find processing
Navigation toolbox in MATLAB to create sensors such that the times that perform well in practice. We also observe that the
resolution of the readings θmin improves with the processing Whittle index policy outperforms the two “traditional” classes
time. We set θmin = 0.5/τ . We also set the noise variance in of scheduling policies for every value of the parameter τ .
angle and distance measurements to be inversely proportional        Overall, choosing the processing times using Algorithm 1
to τ . These settings capture the delay-accuracy trade-off. We and using the Whittle schedule from Algorithm 2 together
further set the update communication times to increase linearly leads to a performance improvement of 28 − 35% over
with the amount of processing, i.e., r(τ ) = 5 + dτ /2e.         the baseline versions of randomized policies. Similarly, our
   The base station maintains an estimate of the current map proposed approach leads to a performance improvement of
for each region based on the most recent update it received 17 − 28% over the baseline versions of round-robin policies.
and the Markov transition probabilities {pi }i∈V associated
with each region. As is common in mapping literature [28], B. Smart Ride Sharing Control in Vehicle Networks
[29], we measure uncertainty at the base station in terms of        Setup. We consider the scenario in which a ride-sharing
entropy of the current estimated occupancy grid map for each taxi fleet serves a city coordinated by a central scheduler,
region and set the cost functions Ji (·, ·) to be the entropy which receives riding requests and assigns them to the drivers.
of region i. In Appendix D, we show that the entropy cost Assigned requests are enqueued into a FIFO-like queue for
increases monotonically with the AoI of a region and satisfies each driver. In particular, a rider is matched to the driver whose
the assumptions of our framework. It drops to a lower value predicted route has the shortest distance to the pick-up location.
2D   1D         3D
                                                                                                                        Request queue
                                                                                     6P                                5P 4P 3P 2P 1P                              3P   4D
                                                                                     6D                                5D 4D 3D 2D 1D
                                                                                                                                     TSP           4P

                                                                                Fig. 6. Drivers calculate their route by processing the oldest R requests
                                                                                (green queue portion). The TSP solver starts from the current driver location
                                                                                and involves pick ups (P) and drop offs (D) of the processed requests.

Fig. 5. Performance of different scheduling policies vs. processing times τ .
Solid lines represent performance of different classes of scheduling policies
as the processing time τ varies. The dotted lines represent the scheduling
performance with processing times computed using Algorithm 1.                   Fig. 7. Left: long processing may cause large gaps between new routes
                                                                                calculated by the driver (solid gray) and the outdated ones stored at the
                                                                                scheduler (dashed gray), yielding bad matches (red dots). Right: with short
   In our setup, routes are calculated locally by drivers and                   processing, the matched requests are close to the actual routes (green dots).
transmitted on demand to the scheduler, which uses this infor-
mation to match future requests. Such distributed processing for fleet with five “myopic” drivers, which can only process the
route optimization is different from current architectures, which oldest request (τm = 1), and five “smart” drivers whose
are usually centralized. However, it allows for much greater processing can be designed: in particular, we assign the same
scalability and is envisioned as a key component in increasing processing time τs to all such “smart” drivers. The cost of each
efficiency and scale of future ride-sharing systems [30]–[32]. driver, given by its average service time (AST), is modeled as
   Given communication constraints, only one driver can                               Ji (τi , Ai (t)) = Pi (τi ) + Ai (t)                (10)
transmit at a time. Drivers update their route periodically to
embed real-time road conditions and remove served requests where the estimated contribution of the local processing (TSPs)
from the queue. Routes are calculated via the Travelling                                         .
                                                                                       Pi (τi ) = 2 + 2e−0.2τi q̂i (t)
Salesman Problem (TSP) involving the first R pick-up and
drop-off locations in the request queue (Fig. 6). Processing was fitted from simulations with an initial queue and no
many requests ensures more efficient paths for enqueued riders, assignments. Because the number of enqueued requests affects
thus shortening their travel time from pick up to drop off. the AST but cannot be computed offline, we modeled Pi (τi ) as
Conversely, the complexity of the TSP (i.e., its processing linear with the queue length. The scheduler approximates the
time) increases with the amount of processed requests R. As queue length at time t with the latest received value q̂i (t). The
a consequence, the information collected by the scheduler dependence on Ai (t) is hard to assess and we let it linear.1
is usually older, inducing larger gaps with the actual route
                                                                     1 Other cost functions decreasing with τ and increasing with A (t) also
followed by the driver (Fig. 7). This leads to worse driver-                                                    i                     i
request matching and increases the waiting time experienced       yield  good performance, suggesting that our approach is indeed robust.
by riders before they are actually picked up. Since the overall
Quality of Service (QoS) is measured through the service time,
                                                                          430         Stationary Randomized
given by the sum of travel and waiting times of riders, the
                                                                          390         Whittle index (proposed)
drivers face a trade-off: processing many requests shortens the
                                                                                  Average service time

                                                                          350         Baselines
travels, while processing few reduces the waiting time.                               Whittle index + optimized processing (proposed)
   In our tests, we model the city as a 200-node graph where              270                            55
each driver travels one edge per time slot. Requests are                  230                            50

randomly generated according to a Poisson process of unit                 190                            45
intensity and assigned immediately to the matching driver                 150                               4     5     6

by the scheduler. Each request contributes one time slot to               110
the processing time of the TSP (e.g., τ = 2 corresponds                    70
to processing two requests) and we set r(τ ) = τ (longer                   30
processing yields longer routes to transmit). To exploit the                       1         2        3        4          5       6    7
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A PPENDIX                                The case when r(τ ) = 1 is a direct application of Theorem
                                                                   1 in [5], but with an adjusted minimum AoI value. For the
A. Proof of Theorem 1
                                                                   discussion that follows, we assume the more interesting case
   We first establish that the decoupled Problem 2 is equivalent   of r(τ ) > 1.
to a Markov decision process (MDP). We then solve the MDP             We start from a state where the AoI A(t) = h and there is no
using dynamic programming. Since the analysis looks similar        ongoing transmission (z = 0), so a scheduling decision needs
for each of the N decoupled problems, we drop the subscript        to be made. We denote the differential cost-to-go function by
i and solve the problem for a generic agent.                       S(h, z) and the time-average cost by λ. Then, the Bellman
   The state of the MDP describing     Problem 2 consists of two  equation is given by:
non-negative integers A(t), z(t) . A(t) denotes the AoI of                                          
the agent at time t while z(t) denotes how much time is left          S(h, 0) = J(τ, h) + min         S(h + 1, 0),
in the ongoing transmission from this agent. When the agent                                 u∈{0,1}
is not transmitting, z(t) is set to be 0.
   The variable u(t) is an indicator variable that denotes the                               C + S h + 1, r(τ ) − 1 − λ. (15)
action of the agent: whether it is transmitting in time-slot t or
                                                                  Similarly, we write down the Bellman equation when there is
not. Its value is chosen from the action set {0, 1}, 0 meaning
                                                                  an ongoing transmission. In this case, no scheduling decision
the agent is at rest and 1 meaning an ongoing transmission.
                                                                  needs to be made. When z > 1, the AoI keeps increasing and
When z(t) > 0, that means a transmission is ongoing and u(t)
                                                                  the Bellman equation is given by:
can only be set to 1. This ensures that an entire update must                                                        
be finished by the agent before making the next scheduling             S(h, z) = J(τ, h) + C + S h + 1, z − 1 − λ.               (16)
decision. Whenever z(t) = 0, the scheduler can choose u(t) to
be either 0 or 1, indicating the beginning of a new transmission. When z = 1, the AoI drops in the next time-slot and the
   The MDP evolution can be split into 2 cases. When the Bellman recursion is given by:
agent is not transmitting (u(t) = 0), AoI increases by 1 and
                                                                              S(h, 1) = J(τ, h) + C + S ∆, 0 − λ.                (17)
z(t) remains at 0.                                                                                                        
                                                                 Using (16), we expand the term S h + 1, r(τ ) − 1 :
             A(t + 1), z(t + 1) u=0 = (A(t) + 1, 0).         (12)                                                             
                                                                  S h + 1, r(τ ) − 1 = J(τ, h + 1) + C + S h + 2, r(τ ) − 2 − λ.
When the agent is transmitting (u(t) = 1), the AoI drops when                                                                    (18)
a new update completes delivery. Otherwise, it keeps increasing Applying (16) recursively to the right-hand side till we reach
by 1. The variable z(t) is set to r(τ ) − 1 at the beginning of a S ∆, 0), we get:
new transmission to indicate the time left in completing it. It
decreases by 1 in every time-slot thereon, until the transmission                           r(τ )−1
completes and z becomes 0. Thus, the state evolution is given        S h +  1, r(τ ) − 1  =         J(τ, h + k) + C(r(τ ) − 1)
by:                          (                                                                k=1
                               r(τ ) − 1, if z(t) = 0                                           + S ∆, 0 − λ r(τ ) − 1 . (19)
           z(t + 1) u=1 =                                    (13)
                                z(t) − 1,     otherwise.                                            
                                                                     Replacing S h + 1, r(τ ) − 1 in (15) with (19), we get:
                           ∆,            if z(t + 1) = 0.
      A(t + 1) u=1 =                                         (14)    S(h, 0) = J(τ, h) + min          S(h + 1, 0),
                           A(t) + 1, otherwise.                                            u∈{0,1}
                                                                                                        r(τ )−1             
   Now that we have specified the state space, the action space                                        X
and the evolution equations; we also need to specify a cost       Cr(τ ) + S   ∆, 0   − λ r(τ ) − 1   +         J(τ, h + k)   − λ.
function. We assume that in each time-slot the scheduler pays
a cost of the form Cu(t) + J(τ, A(t)). This maps the current
state and action to a cost, where C acts like a transmission     Note that now we can simplify the differential cost-to-go
charge and J(τ, A(t)) is an increasing function of the AoI, function to depend on the AoI only. Let S (h) , S(h, 0). Then,
given a fixed value of τ .                                    we get the simplified Bellman equation for our setting:
   Note that the decision process we have set up above is                                    
                                                                 S 0 (h) = J(τ, h) + min       S 0 (h + 1), Cr(τ ) + S 0 ∆
Markov since the state evolution depends only on the states
and the actions taken in the previous time-slot. We wouldn’t
                                                                                              r(τ )−1
have been able to make this conclusion without assuming a                                      X                  
fixed value of the waiting times δi , since that would have                 − λ r(τ ) − 1 +            J(τ, h + k) − λ. (21)
required us to maintain history per update.                                                    k=1

   Next, we aim to minimize the infinite horizon time-average    Without loss of generality, we can set S 0 (∆) = 0, since
cost for this MDP using dynamic programming. We follow the S (·) is a differential cost-to-go function.
standard approach by first setting up the Bellman recursions.    Part 1. We consider the case when there exists a threshold
H that satisfies the condition (4).                                         Simplifying the above yields:
   We start by looking at a policy with an arbitrary transmission                                  J(τ, H + r(τ ) − 1) ≤ λ                    (29)
threshold H, i.e. transmit if and only if the AoI h ≥ H. We
will show that if H satisfies (4) then this policy’s differential           Similarly, for h = H − 2, we get:
cost-to-go function satisfies the optimal Bellman recursion (21).                                      r(τ )−1
   To do so, we first compute the differential cost-to-go function            (C − λ)r(τ ) − λ +                 J(τ, H + k) ≤
for this policy. For all h ≥ H, we set u = 1 in (21) to get:                                           k=−1
                                                                                                        r(τ )−1                      
                                       r(τ )−1                                                           X
                                           X                                               Cr(τ ) +                J(τ, H − 2 + k) − λ . (30)
  S 0 (h) = J(τ, h) + Cr(τ ) +                   (J(h + k) − λ) − λ =
                                  r(τ )−1                                   Simplifying, we get:
            = (C − λ)r(τ ) +               J(τ, h + k)                          J(τ, H + r(τ ) − 1) + J(τ, H + r(τ ) − 2) ≤ 2λ.               (31)
                                                                     (22)   Repeating the above procedure for any h < H, we get:
  For h = H − 1 we again use (21) and set u = 0 to get:                                      j
  S (H − 1) = J(τ, H − 1) + S (H) − λ =    0                                                        J(τ, H + r(τ ) − k) ≤ jλ.                 (32)
                    r(τ )−1
                     X                                               (23)   Observe that due to the monotonicity of the cost function
                =             J(τ, H + k) − λ + (C − λ)r(τ )
                                                                            J(τ, ·), the most restrictive of these conditions is (29), since
                                                                            J(τ, H +r(τ )−1) ≤ λ implies J(τ, H +r(τ )−k) ≤ λ, ∀k > 1
where the second equality follows by expanding S 0 (H) using                as well. Thus, for it to be optimal to not transmit at any AoI
(22). Repeating this process j times gives us:                              values below the threshold H, it is sufficient for the following
                    H+r(τ )−1
                       X                                                    to hold:
   S (H − j) =                   J(τ, k) − jλ + (C − λ)r(τ )         (24)                      J(τ, H + r(τ ) − 1) ≤ λ                  (33)
                                                                              For AoI h = H, we instead require that the optimal choice
Setting H − j = ∆ in the equation above, we obtain the
                                                                            be to transmit, i.e. u = 1. Thus, the following must hold:
following equality:
                                                                                           r(τ )−1
  H+r(τ )−1                                                                                  X
        X                                                                       Cr(τ ) +             (J(τ, H + k) − λ) ≤ S 0 (H + 1)          (34)
              J(τ, k) − (H − ∆)λ + Cr(τ ) − λr(τ ) = 0. (25)
                                                                            Using (22) to expand S(H + 1), we get:
  Using this, we can compute λ:
                                                                                         r(τ )−1
                         P )−1
                                                                              Cr(τ ) +             (J(τ, H + k) − λ) ≤
                                      J(τ, k) + Cr(τ )
                           k=∆                                                            k=1
                 λ=                                      .           (26)                                          r(τ )−1
                                H + r(τ ) − ∆                                                                       X
                                                                                             (C − λ)r(τ ) +                  J(τ, H + 1 + k). (35)
For this threshold policy to be optimal, it has to satisfy the
Bellman equation (21) such that the minimization procedure
over action u computed for each value of AoI h matches the                  Simplifying the above yields
threshold structure.                                                                                 λ ≤ J(τ, H + r(τ )).                     (36)
   Thus, for h = H − 1, the optimal decision must be to not                 Similarly, for h = H + 1, we require the optimal decision to
transmit, i.e.                                                              be transmit and get:
                     r(τ )−1                     
                                                                                         r(τ )−1
    S (H) ≤ Cr(τ ) +          J(τ, H − 1 + k) − λ      (27)                               X
                                                                              Cr(τ ) +             (J(H + 1 + k) − λ) ≤ S 0 (H + 2) =
Plugging in the expression of S 0 (H) using (22), we get:                                                          r(τ )−1
                      r(τ )−1                                                                (C − λ)r(τ ) +                  J(τ, H + 2 + k). (37)
  (C − λ)r(τ ) +                J(τ, H + k) ≤                                                                       k=0

                       k=0                                                  Simplifying the above yields
                               r(τ )−1                          
                                X                                                                  λ ≤ J(τ, H + r(τ ) + 1).                   (38)
                 Cr(τ ) +                  J(τ, H − 1 + k) − λ       (28)
                                k=1                                         Repeating the above procedure for any value of h ≥ H, we
obtain similar inequalities:                                        λ, ∀h ≥ ∆. This, together with (44) implies
                                                                                               r(τ )−1
                 λ ≤ J(τ, h + r(τ )), ∀h ≥ H.                (39)                               X
                                                                      S 0 (h + 1) ≤ Cr(τ ) +          (J(τ, h + k) − λ), ∀h ≥ ∆. (46)
Clearly, the most restrictive of these upper bounds is λ ≤                                      k=1
J(H + r(τ )). Thus, for it to be optimal to transmit at all AoI
                                                                    The condition above implies that the minimization procedure
values ≥ H, it is sufficient for the following to hold:
                                                                    to choose u ∈ {0, 1} will always select 0, i.e. never transmit.
                      λ ≤ J(τ, H + r(τ )).                   (40)   Thus, our choice of λ and S 0 (h) satisfies the Bellman equations
                                                                    and is optimal. This completes the proof of Theorem 1.
   The two conditions (33) and (40) together imply that if there
exists a threshold H that satisfies (41), then an optimal policy  B. Restless Multi-Armed Bandit Formulation
is to transmit only when the AoI is ≥ H.                             We establish that the scheduling optimization described by
                                                                (8) is equivalent to a restless multi-armed bandit problem
          J τ, H + r(τ ) − 1 ≤ λ ≤ J τ, H + r(τ ) .         (41)  (RMAB). A restless multi-armed bandit problem [22] consists
Observe that this is identical to the optimal threshold condition of N “arms”. Each arm is a Markov decision process (MDP)
(4) presented in Theorem 1. This completes one part of the with two actions (activate, rest). There are two transition
proof.                                                            matrices per arm, one describing how the states evolve when
   Part 2. It still remains to be shown that in case no such the arm is active and one describing how the states evolve
threshold can be found, then the optimal policy is to never when the arm is at rest. Each arm has a cost function mapping
transmit. For ease of notation, we denote h+r(τ ) as eh. Consider states to costs. In the classic RMAB formulation, only one arm
the function V : Z → R, for all AoI values h ≥ ∆ − r(τ ) + 1, can be activated in each time-slot, similar to our scheduling

given by:                                                         constraint and the goal is to find the schedule that minimizes
                                                                  the long-term time-average cost.
                                    h−1                             To create a RMAB from (8), we first define the arms to
     V (h) , (eh − ∆)J τ, e  h−1 −          J(τ, k), ∀h.     (42) represent each agent in the network. The state of every arm i
                                       k=∆                        consists of two non-negative integers (Ai (t), zi (t)) ∈ Z2 . Here,
Observe that for all values of h ≥ ∆ − r(τ ) + 1, we have Ai (t) is the AoI of the i-th agent while zi (t) is variable that
V (h+1)−V (h) = (e    h+1−∆)(J(τ, e   h+1)−J(τ, e  h)) ≥ 0. Thus, tracks the number of remaining time-slots to finish an ongoing
V (·) is an increasing function. Further, V (∆ − r(τ ) + 1) = transmission from agent i. Thus, zi (t) is set to ri (τi ) − 1 at the
J(τ, ∆) − J(τ, ∆) = 0. Thus, V (h) is a non-negative function start of a new transmission. It decreases by 1 in each time-slot
for all values of AoI ≥ ∆ − r(τ ) + 1.                            as the transmission proceeds and is set to 0 when agent i is
   Using the function V (·) and the expression for λ (26), we not transmitting.
can rewrite the condition (41) as follows:                           The state evolution of the arm (agent) depends on whether it
                                                                  is currently active (transmitting) or not. If agent i is transmitting
                 V (H) ≤ Cr(τ ) ≤ V (H + 1).                 (43) in time-slot t, then it either initiates a new transmission; or the
   Suppose there exists some h such that Cr(τ ) ≤ V (h + 1). time remaining to finish sending the current update decreases
Then, clearly (43) has a solution at H = h, since V (·) is a by 1. Under this condition, zi (t) evolves as follows:
non-decreasing function. Since we are interested in the case
                                                                                                 ri (τi ) − 1, if zi (t) = 0
when (43) does not have a solution, we can safely assume               (zi (t + 1))ui (t)=1 =                                     (47)
Cr(τ ) > V (h), ∀h.                                                                              zi (t) − 1,     otherwise.
   Since V (h) ∈ [0, Cr(τ )], ∀h ≥ ∆, so V (h) converges to a       If the agent is transmitting in time-slot t and a new update
finite value (bounded sequences always converge). The relation      finished delivery at time-slot t + 1, i.e. zi (t + 1) = 0, then the
V (h + 1) − V (h) = (e   h + 1 − ∆)(J(τ, eh + 1) − J(τ, eh)) ≥      AoI drops to the age of the delivered packet. Otherwise, the
0 also ensures that the function J(τ, ·) is bounded. This is        AoI increases by 1 in every time-slot.
because J(τ, e h) is a non-decreasing sequence and has smaller                               (
increments than V (h) for each value of h. So, we can set                                      ∆i ,            if zi (t + 1) = 0,
                                                                      (Ai (t + 1))ui (t)=1 =                                       (48)
λ = limh→∞ J(τ, h) and λ is well-defined.                                                      Ai (t) + 1, otherwise.
   We also set the differential cost-to-go function to be:             If the agent is not transmitting in time-slot t, then there is
                    X                                               no update to be delivered and the state evolution is simply
        S 0 (h) =       (J(τ, k) − λ) + Cr(τ ), ∀h ≥ ∆.      (44)   given by
                                                                           (Ai (t + 1), zi (t + 1))ui (t)=0 = (Ai (t) + 1, 0) .   (49)
Clearly, S 0 (h) satisfies the following Bellman recurrence for
never transmitting, i.e.                                              For every arm i, there is a cost function Ji (τi , Ai (t)) which
                                                                    maps the state of the arm (Ai (t), zi (t)) to its associated costs,
         S 0 (h) = J(τ, h) + S 0 (h + 1) − λ, ∀h ≥ ∆.        (45)
                                                                    given the processing time allocations τi . This completes the
By the monotonicity of J(τ, ·), we know that J(τ, h) ≤              MDP specification for each arm.
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