Comprehensive List of Available Modules - Through May 2021

Page created by Jeremy Nichols
Comprehensive List of Available Modules –– Through May 2021
Accordance 13 Collections are the best collections we’ve ever offered! We teamed up with several publishers to
bring you the best deals and values that we could arrange. With three tracks (English, Hebrew/Greek, and Graph-
ics) and up to five levels, plus three combination packages, we’re offering our customers more choices than ever.

                                              Collections Key:

     Almost every product listed below is contained in at least one of the Accordance 13 Collections. To
     indicate where each product can be found, it is listed with a Collection code. That code indicates the
     Lowest Collection in which that product can be found. Use the chart below to find all Collections that
     contain a given product. Note: Products marked with an asterisk (*) will be added to the appropriate
     Master Collection upon the next Master update (approximately every quarter.) The Master Collections
     listed below are represented by these Master products: English Master (July 2020), Greek Master
     (Nov 2019), Hebrew Master (Nov 2019), Graphics Master (Nov. 2019).

Interactive Tools                                               Jerusalem in the Time of Nehemiah             GpM
    Accordance Bible Atlas 2.2                      GpL         Jerusalem in the Year 30 A.D.                 GpM
    Accordance Timeline                             GpL         Maps Sampler                                  S
    Accordance Timeline Expanded Edition            *           New Bible Atlas                               GpL
                                                                Quest, The                                    GpM
Photo Collections                                               Rose Guide to the Tabernacle                  GpP
  100 Archaeological Sites & Biblical Landscapes                Rose Deluxe Then and Now Bible Maps           GpD
		 in Israel                                     GpD            Rose Guide to the Temple                      GpP
  Accordance Bible Lands PhotoGuide Sampler S                   Sacred Bridge, The                            EM
  Accordance Bible Lands PhotoGuide: Overview GpL               Satellite Bible Atlas                         GpL
  Accordance Bible Lands PhotoGuide: Israel      GpD            Timeline Sampler                              S
  Accordance Bible Lands PhotoGuide: Egypt       GpP            Virtual Bible, The: 3D Reconstructions        GpD
  Accordance Bible Lands PhotoGuide: Europe GpP                 Virtual Tour of the Temple                    GpM
  Accordance Bible Lands PhotoGuide: Near East GpP
  Accordance Bible Lands PhotoGuide: Turkey      GpP        English Non-Biblical Text
  Accordance Gallery of Bible Art                GpL          Apostolic Fathers in English (Lightfoot)        EP
  Bible Places-American Colony Collection        GpP          Context of Scripture                            EM
  Bible Places-Cultural Images of the Holy Land GpM           Josephus English and Notes                      GE
  Bible Places-Trees, Plants, and Flowers        GpM          Mishnah: A New Translation (Jacob Neusner)      HM
  Bible Places-Views That Have Vanished          GpL          Philo English with Notes                        GE
  Bible Times PhotoMuseum 2                      GpD          Pseudepigrapha (Charles English)                GE
  Biblical World in Pictures                     GpM          Pseudepigrapha (Charlesworth)                   GE
  Churches and Monasteries in Israel             GpM          Pseudepigrapha (New English)                    GE
  Codex 2882 Images                              GE           Qumran Non-Biblical Manuscripts:
  Codex Alexandrinus Images                      GE         		 A New English Translation                      HP
  Codex Alexandrinus Images                                   Qur’an Annotated English (Droge) with Notes     HM
		 (Clementine Epistles)                         GE           Talmud Bavli Neusner Translation                HM
  Codex Sinaiticus Images                        GE           Talmud Yerushalmi Neusner Translation           HM
  Codex Sinaiticus Images                                     Textbook of Aramaic Documents                   HE
		 (Barnabas/Shepherd of Hermas)                 GE
  Codex Sinaiticus Images (LXX)                  GE         English Bibles
  Codex Vaticanus Images                         GE           American Standard Version                       S
  Codex Washingtonianus Images                   GE           Amplified Bible                                 EE
  Dead Sea Scrolls Images                        HM           Bible in Basic English                          S
  Leningrad Codex Images                         HE           Bishop’s Bible                                  ED
                                                              Brenton Septuagint                              GHD
Image Rich Tools                                              Christian Standard Bible (2017)                 EM
  Accordance Picture the New Testament              GpP       Christian Standard Bible (2017) with Strong’s   ED
  According to Their Kinds                          *         Common English Bible                            EL
  Atlas of Christian History                        EM        Complete Jewish Bible                           EM
  Carta Bible Atlas, The (5th Edition)              GpM       Comprehensive New Testament                     GHD
  Carta Bible History Atlas Study Ed.               GpM       Contemporary English Version                    EE
  Carta Jerusalem Atlas (3rd Edition)               GpM       Darby Version                                   EL
  Carta’s New Century Handbook and                            Dead Sea Scrolls Bible                          HP
		 Atlas of the Bible                               EM        Douay-Rheims Bible                              S
  Carta’s Understanding the Old Testament           EM        Easy-to-Read Version Bible                      EL
  Carta’s Understanding the New Testament           EM        English Orthodox Bible (St. Athanasius
  Carta’s Understanding Biblical                            		 Academy Septuagint plus NKJV)                  EE
		 Kingdoms & Empires                               EM        English Revised Version                         ED
  Carta’s Understanding the Geography                         English Standard Version
		 of the Bible                                     EM        English Standard Version with Strong’s          S
  Carta’s Understanding Great People of the Bible   EM        Geneva Bible                                    ED
  Carta’s Understanding Biblical Archaeology        EM        God’s Word Translation                          EL
  Genealogies of the Bible                          ED        Holman Christian Standard Bible
  Holman Bible Atlas                                GpP       Holman Christian Standard Bible w/ Strong’s     EM
  Holman Book of Biblical Charts, Maps,                       JPS Tanakh with Strong’s                        EE
		 & Reconstructions                                GpL       King James Version Apocrypha                    S
  Illustrated Bible Atlas with Historical Notes     GpM       King James Version with Strong’s                S

Living Bible, The                             EE         Baker’s Hendriksen-Kistemaker
  Mounce New Testament with G/K                          		 NT Commentary (12 vols)                              EM
		 Numbers and Phrase Tagging                   GHD        Baker’s Sermon Outline Series - Volume 3
  New American Bible, Revised Ed.               ED       		 (Sermons by the Book Series)                         EP
  New American Standard 1977                    ED         Barnes’ Notes on the New Testament                    ED
  New American Standard 1995 w/ Strong’s        ED         Barnes’ Notes on the Old Testament                    ED
  New American Standard 2020 w/ Strong’s        *		        BE Series Commentary (Wiersbe)                        EL
  New English Translation (2nd Edition)         EL/GHL     Believer’s Bible Commentary                           EM
  New English Translation of Septuagint         GHD        Berit Olam: Studies in Hebrew Narrative
  New International Reader’s Version            EM       		 & Poetry (14 vols)                                   EM
  New Jerusalem Bible                           EP         Bible in Medieval Tradition, The (4 vols)             EM
  New King James Version                                   Bible Knowledge Commentary (2 vols)                   EL
  New King James Version with Strong’s          ED         Bible Speaks Today-New Testament (22 vols)            EM
  New Living Translation-Second Ed.             ED         Bible Speaks Today-Old Testament (33 vols)            EM
  New Revised Standard Version                             Bible Teacher’s Guide Commentaries
  New Revised Standard Version w/ Strong’s      EP       		 (Gregory Brown) (12 vols)                            EM
  NIV 2011                                                 Biblical Illustrator Commentary                       EM
  NIV 2011 with G/K numbers                     ED         Biblical Imagination Commentary (Michael Card)        EP
  NIV 2011 with G/K numbers & Phrase Tagging    EE         Biblical Imagination Series w/ Music (Michael Card)   EM
  Revised English Bible                         EP         Birth of the Messiah (Brown)                          EM
  Revised Standard Version                      EP         Boice Expositional Commentary (27 vols)               EM
  Schocken Bible                                EP         Brazos Theological Commentary on the
  Targum English Translation                    HE       		 Bible (22 vols)                                      EM
  The Message                                   ED         Butler’s Daily Reading (Vol. 1): Synopsis             ED
  Today’s English Version                       EP         Butler’s Daily Reading (Vol. 2): Sermonettes          ED
  Tree of Life Version                          EM         Butler’s Daily Reading (Vol. 3): Sermonettes          ED
  Tyndale Bible                                 ED         Butler’s Daily Reading (Vol. 4): Study Questions      ED
  Webster Bible                                 EL         Calvin’s Commentaries (Complete) (22 vols)            ED
  Weymouth New Testament                        EL         Catena Aurea (The Golden Chain)                       EP
  Word Come Alive: NT Paraphrase                *          Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scriptures:
  World English Bible                           S        		 New Testament (11 vols)                              EM
  Wuest New Testament                           EE         Christ-Centered Exposition Comm. (25 vols)            EM
  Young’s Version                               EL       		 •CCE Commentary individual vols available
                                                           Christian Worker’s Commentary on the
Commentaries                                             		 OT and the NT (Gray)                                 EL
  Accordance Commentary on the NT: Jude         *          Chrysostom Commentary on NT Books                     EP
  Acts: An Exegetical Commentary (Keener)       EM         Church’s Bible, The (5 vols)                          EM
  Analytical Bible Expositor (Butler)           EE         Clarke’s Commentary (6 vols)                          EP
  Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries - OT,                     Comfort: New Testament Text and
		 and Apocrypha                                EM       		 Translation Commentary                               GP
		 •Anchor OT/Apocrypha partial sets available             Comentario al Nuevo Testamento (Barclay)              EM
  Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries - NT           EM         Comentario al texto griego del NT (Robertson)         EM
  Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture                Comentario Biblico (Henry)                            EM
		 (Complete Set) (29 vols)                     EE         Comentario Biblico (MacDonald)                        EM
  Ancient Christian Texts (15 vols)             EM         Commentary on Acts of the Apostles (McGarvey)         ED
		 •ACindividual vols available                            Commentary on Ephesians (Hodge)                       ED
  Apollos Old Testament Commentary (10 vols) EM            Commentary on Galatians (Luther)                      ED
		 •AOTC individual vols available                         Commentary on the Gospel from the Talmud
  Asbury Bible Commentary                       EM       		 and Hebraica                                         EP
  Asia Bible Commentary (6 vols)                EM         Commentary on the Gospels (McGarvey)                  EP
		 •Asia Bible Commentary individual vols available        Commentary on John (Johnson)                          ED
  Augustine’s Commentary–Pss., John, 1 John EE             Commentary on the Manuscripts and Text of
  Baker Exegetical Commentary on the                     		 the New Testament (Comfort)                          GM
		 New Testament (17 vols)                      EM         Commentary on Mark (G. A. Chadwick)                   ED
		 •BECNT individual vols available                        Commentary on Micah (Waltke)                          EM
  Baker Exegetical Commentary on the                       Commentary on the New Testament Use of
		 New Testament (Revised 18 vols)              *        		 the Old Testament (Beale, Carson)                    EM
		 •BECNT individual vols available                        Commentary on the Old Testament
  Baker’s Commentary on OT Wisdom & Psalms EM            		 (Keil &Delitzsch) (10 vols)                          EE
Commentator’s Bible, The (Genesis)             EM       Internationaler Exegetischer Kommentar zum
  Commentator’s Bible, The (Exodus)              EE     		 Alten Testament (IEKAT) (6 Bände)             *
  Commentator’s Bible, The (Leviticus)           EE     		 •IEKAT individual vols available
  Commentator’s Bible, The (Numbers)             EE       International Theological Commentary: Old
  Commentator’s Bible, The (Deuteronomy)         EE     		 Testament (28 Vols)                           *
  Connections: A Lectinary Commentary for                 Interpretation Commentary (OT / NT)            EM
		 Preaching and Worship (Year C)                EM       Interpretation Bible Studies (19 vols.)        EM
  Continental Commentary Series (20 vols)        EM       IVP Bible Background Commentary: NT
  Cornerstone Biblical Commentary (20 vols)      EM     		 (2nd Ed.)                                     ED
  Dake Bible Outlines                            EE       IVP Bible Background Commentary: OT            ED
  Death of the Messiah (Brown)                   EM       IVP New Testament Commentary (20 vols)         EE
  Discovering the Septuagint: A Guide Reader     GM       Jewish New Testament Commentary                EM
  Eadie Commentary (Galatians to Colossians)     EP       JFB (Jamieson, Fausset, Brown) Commentary      S
  Eerdmans Commentary on the Bible               EM       John Phillips NT and OT Exploring
  Ephesians: Exegetical Commentary (Hoehner) EM         		 Commentaries (27 vols)                        EE
  Exegetical Guide to the Greek NT (9 vols)      EM       JPS Bible Commentary: Torah (5 vols)           EE
		 •EGGNT individual vols available                       JPS Bible Commentary: Haftarot                 EE
  Exposition of the Epistle of James (Manton)    ED       JPS Bible Commentary: Haggadah                 EE
  Expositions of Holy Scripture (MacLaren)       ED       JPS Bible Commentary: Jonah                    EE
  Expositor’s Bible, The (Nicoll)                EP       JPS Bible Commentary: The Megillot             EE
  Expositor’s Bible Commentary-Abridged (2 vols) EM       Kregel Exegetical OT Library (7 vols)          EM
  Expositor’s Bible Commentary-Revised (13 vols) EM       Letters & Homilies (Witherington) (3 vols)     EE
  Expositor’s Bible Commentary (12 vols)         EM       Lenski’s Commentary on the NT                  EE
  Expository Thoughts on the Gospels (Ryle)      ED       Life Application Commentary: New Testament     EM
  Feasting on the Gospels (7 Vols)               EM       Life in the Spirit Commentary on the NT        EM
  Feasting on the Word Commentary                         Lightfoot’s Commentaries on the Epistles       EP
		 Series (12 Vols)                              EM       Liturgical Works: Eerdmans Commentary on
  For Everyone: The Complete New Testament              		 the Dead Sea Scrolls                          HM
		 Collection (N.T. Wright) (18 vols)            EM       MacArthur New Testament Commentary
  For Everyone: The Complete Old Testament              		 Release 3 (33 vols)                           EM
		 Collection (John Goldingay) (17 vols)         EM       Malachi Then and Now (Ross)                    EM
  Forms of the Old Testament Literature, The              Mark: A Commentary on His Apology for the
		 (19 vols)                                     *      		 Cross (2 vols) (Gundry)                       EM
		 •FOTL individual vols available                        Matthew: A Commentary on His Handbook for
  Fortress Commentary of the Bible               EM     		 a Mixed Church under Persecution (Gundry)     EM
  Galatians: A Commentary (Keener)               EM       Matthew Henry’s Complete Commentary            EL
  Genesis: A Commentary (Waltke)                 EM       Matthew Henry’s Commentary
  Godet Commentary                                      		(Condensed)
		 (Luke, John, Romans, & 1 Cor.)                EP       Mentor Expository Commentary, A:
  Gospel of John, The (2 vols) (Keener)          EM     		 New Testament (4 Vols)                        *
  Greek New Testament Audio                      GP       Mentor Commentary: New Testament (4 vols)      EM
  Handbook on the Historical Books (Hamilton) EM          Mentor Commentary: Old Testament (18 vols)     EM
  Handbook on the Pentateuch (2nd) (Hamilton) EM          Metzger: Textual Commentary on the GNT         GP
  Handbook on the Prophets (Chisholm Jr.)        EM       Minor Prophets: An Exegetical and Expository
  Handbook on the Wisdom Books                          		 Commentary (McComiskey)                       EM
		 & Psalms (Estes)                              EM       Moody Commentary                               EM
  Hermeneia OT Commentary Set (22 vols)          EM       New American Commentary (42 Vols)              EE
  Hermeneia NT Commentary Set (29 vols)          EM     		 •NAC partial sets available
  Holman OT and NT Commentaries (32 vols)        ED       New Bible Commentary                           S
		 •Holman individual vols available                      New International Commentary on the
  Hort Commentary (Rom., Eph., parts James,             		 New Testament (19 vols)                       EM
		 1Pet., Rev)                                   EP       New International Commentary on the
  How to Read the Bible Book by Book             EM     		 New Testament (20 vols)                       *
  International Critical Commentary: New                		 •NICNT individual vols available
		 Testament (Classic Volumes) (18 vols)         EM       New International Commentary on the
  International Exegetical Commentary on the            		 Old Testament (26 vols)                       EM
		 Old Testament (IECOT) (7 Volumes)             *        New International Commentary on the
		 •IECOT individual vols available                     		 Old Testament (28 vols)                       *
                                                        		 •NICOT individual vols available
New International Greek Testament Commentaries EM          Treasury of David (Spurgeon)                  EP
		 •NIGTC individual vols available                          Two Horizons OT Commentary (12 vols)          EM
  New International (NIV) Application Commentary             Two Horizons OT Commentary (13 vols)          *
		 Old Testament (22 vols)                          EM       Two Horizons NT Commentary (9 vols)           EM
		 New Testament (20 vols)                          EM       Tyndale Commentary (49 vols)                  EM
		 •NIVAC individual vols available                          UBS Translator’s Handbooks - NT (20 vols)     ED
  New Interpreter’s Bible:                                   UBS Translator’s Handbooks - OT (27 vols)     *
		 Old Testament/Apocrypha (7 vols)                 EM       Understanding the Bible Commentary OT/NT EM
  New Interpreter’s Bible:                                   Vincent’s Word Studies in the NT              ED
		 New Testament (5 vols)                           EM       Wesley’s Explanatory Notes on the Whole Bible EL
  New Interpreter’s Bible One-Volume Commentary EM           Westcott Commentary
  New Studies in Biblical Theology (42 vols.)              		 (John, Eph., Heb., 1-3 John)                 EP
		 (Volumes 1-10; 12-38; 40-44)                     EM       Wisdom Commentary (16 vols)                   EM
		 •NSBT individual vols available                         		 •Wisdom Commentary individual vols available
  New Testament: An Expanded Translation (Wuest) EE          Woman’s Bible, The (Stanton)                  EM
  New Testament Background                                   Women’s Bible Commentary                      EM
		 Commentary (Mare)                                *        Word Biblical Commentary NT (26 vols)         EM
  New Testament Library (15 Vols)                   EM       Word Biblical Commentary OT (36 vols)         EM
		 •NTL individual vols available                            Word Pictures in the New Testament
  Old Testament Library Commentaries (31 vols) EM          		 (A. T. Robertson)                            EP
		 •OTL individual volumes available                         Word Studies from the Greek NT (Wuest)        EE
  Old Testament Library Classic Volumes (9 vols) EM          Zondervan Exegetical Commentary
		 •OTL Classic volumes available                          		 Old Testament Volumes (3 vols)               EM
  Our Daily Homily (Meyer)                          EL     		 New Testament Volumes (11 vols)              EM
  Outline Bible (Willmington)                       EM     		 •ZEC individual vols available
  Oxford Bible Commentary                           EP       Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds
  Paideia NT Commentary (14 vols)                   EM     		 Commentary: New Testament (5 vols)           EM
  Pentateuch: An Introduction                       EM       Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds
  People’s New Testament (2 vols)                   EP     		 Commentary: Old Testament (5 vols)           EM
  Pillar New Testament Commentary                   EM
		 •PNTC individual vols available                         Study Bible Notes
  Preacher’s Commentary Series, The                 EM       Access Bible Notes                             EM
  Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible & Outlines EM            Andrews University Study Bible                 EE
  Preaching the Word Commentary Series (41 vols) EM          Apologetics Study Bible                        EP
  Psalms as Christian Lament (Waltke)               EE       Archaeological Study Bible                     EM
  Psalms as Christian Worship (Waltke)              EE       Barclay New Daily Study Bible - NT             EM
  Pulpit Commentary (OT / NT)                       EE       Catholic Study Bible
  Reader’s Lexicon of the Apostolic Fathers         GM       Catholic Study Bible (3rd Edition)             EE
  Reformation Commentary Series (9 Vols)            EM       CSB Study Bible Notes                          EM
  Reformed Expository Commentary (27 Vols)          EM       Complete Biblical Library:
		 •REC individual vols available                          		 The New Testament Study Bible                 EM
  Revelation: A Shorter Commentary (Beale)          EM       Complete Biblical Library:
  Revelation Expounded (Dake)                       EE     		 The Old Testament Study Bible                 EM
  Revelation of Jesus Christ (2nd Ed) (Stefanovic) EM        Dake Annotated Reference Bible                 EE
  Sacra Pagina NT Commentary Series (18 vols) EM             Dios Habla Hoy — La Biblia de Estudio          EM
  Sermons on Proverbs (Spurgeon)                    EP       Disciple’s Study Bible                         EM
  SIL Exegetical Summary Series (34 Vols)           *        Edicion de Estudio de RVR95                    EM
  Stanley Horton: Logion Press                               ESV Archaeology Study Bible, The               *
		 Commentary on Acts                               EP       ESV Study Bible                                EE
  Stanley Horton: Logion Press                               ESV Systematic Theology Study Bible Notes      *
		 Commentary on I & II Corinthians                 EE       Fire Bible: Notes of the Full Life Study Bible EE
  Story of God Bible Commentary:                             Fire Bible Student Ed.                         EP
		 Sermon on the Mount                              EM       Gospel Transformation Study Bible Notes        EE
  Story of God Bible Commentary: Philippians        EM       Halley’s Bible Handbook                        EM
  Story Retold, The (Beale, Gladd)                  *        HCSB Study Bible                               ED
  Studies in the Epistle of James (A. T. Robertson) ED       Holman Illustrated Study Bible Notes           EM
  Teacher’s Bible Commentary, The                   EM       Jewish Annotated New Testament                 EP
  Thru the Bible with J. Vernon McGee (5 vols)      EM       Jewish Annotated New Testament (2nd Edition) EM
  Torah, The: A Modern Commentary                   EE       Jewish Study Bible (2nd Edition)               EE
Life Application Study Bible                   ED          IVP Dictionary of the Old Testament:
    Life Essentials Study Bible                    EM        		 Historical Books                                  EP
    MacArthur Bible Handbook, The                  *           IVP Dictionary of the Old Testament: Pentateuch EP
    MacArthur Study Bible                          EM          IVP Dictionary of the Old Testament: Prophets EP
    New Interpreter’s Study Bible                  EM          IVP Dictionary of the Old Testament: Wisdom,
    New Living Translation Study Bible             EE        		 Poetry & Writings                                 EP
    New Oxford Annotated Bible (5th Edition)       EM          IVP Pocket Dictionary for the Study of
    NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible              EM        		 Biblical Hebrew                                   EL
    NIV Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible           EM          IVP Pocket Dictionary for the Study of
    NIV Student Bible                              EM        		 NT Greek                                          EL
    NIV Zondervan Study Bible                      EM          IVP Pocket Dictionary of Apologetics and
    Orthodox Study Bible                           EM        		 Philosophy of Religion                            EL
    Reformation Heritage KJV Study Bible           EE          IVP Pocket Dictionary of Biblical Studies          EL
    Reformation Study Bible Notes (2015 Ed.)       EM          IVP Pocket Dictionary of Church History            EL
    Ryrie Study Bible                              EE          IVP Pocket Dictionary of Ethics                    EL
    Scofield Study Bible Notes                     EE          IVP Pocket Dictionary of Liturgy & Worship         ED
    Wesley Study Bible                             EM          IVP Pocket Dictionary of New Religious
                                                             		Movements                                          ED
Dictionaries                                                   IVP Pocket Dictionary of North American
  All the Men of the Bible                           EM      		Denominations                                      ED
  All the People in the Bible                        EM        IVP Pocket Dictionary of the Reformed Tradition ED
  All the Women of the Bible                         EM        IVP Pocket Dictionary of Theological Terms         EL
  American Church Dictionary and Cyclopedia          EL        IVP Pocket Guide to World Religions                ED
  Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary (6 vols)              EM        JPS Dictionary of Jewish Words                     EM
  BHS Latin Key                                      HP        Latin Dictionary                                   GM
  Bible Names Dictionary                             S         Latin Dictionary, A (Lewis & Short)                GM
  Comentario Bíblico Contemporáneo                   *         Listing of Atlas Sites                             GpL
  Complete Word Study Dictionary: NT                 GHD       Mounce’s Complete Expository Dictionary
  Complete Word Study Dictionary: OT                 GHD     		 of Old and New Testament Words                    GM
  Diccionario Strong (Griego)                        EM        NAS Topical Index                                  ED
  Diccionario Strong (Hebreo)                        EM        New Bible Dictionary                               ED
  Dictionary of Bible Themes                         ED        New Dictionary of Biblical Theology                EE
  Dictionary of Biblical Imagery                     EE        New Dictionary of Theology                         EE
  Dictionary of Biblical Prophecy and End Times EM             New International Dictionary of
  Dictionary of Cults, Sects, Religions & the Occult EM      		 Biblical Archaeology                              EM
  Dictionary of Early Christian Biography            EL        New International Dictionary of the Bible          EM
  Dictionary of English Proverbs and                           New International Dictionary of the
		 Proverbial Phrases                                *       		 Christian Church                                  EM
  Dictionary of New Testament Background             EP        New International Encyclopedia of Bible Words EM
  Dictionary of Paul and His Letters                 EP        New Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible (5 vols) EM
  Dictionary of Place Names                          GpL       New Topical Textbook, The                          EL
  Dictionary of Quotations (Wood)                    ED        New Unger’s Bible Dictionary, The                  EM
  Dictionary of Scripture and Ethics                 EM        NIV Compact Dictionary of the Bible                EM
  Dictionary of the Later New Testament &                      Oxford Companion to the Bible, The                 EP
		 Its Developments                                  EP        Oxford Dictionary of the Bible (2nd Ed.)           EM
  Easton’s Bible Dictionary                          S         Oxford Guide to People & Places of the Bible EM
  Eerdmans Bible Dictionary                          S         Smith’s Bible Dictionary                           ED
  Eerdmans Dictionary of Early Judaism               EE        Vine’s Expository Dictionary of OT/NT Words *
  Encyclopedia of Ancient Christianity (3 Vols)      EE        Webster’s 1913 Unabridged English
  Encyclopedia of Christianity, The                  EM      		Dictionary                                         S
  Expository Dictionary of Bible Words (Renn)        EL        Westminster Dictionary of Theological Terms        EM
  Global Dictionary of Theology                      EP        Zondervan Encyclopedia of the Bible                EM
  Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary                EL
  Holman Treasury of Key Bible Words                 EL      Notes & Cross References
  Hymn Writers of the Church                         EL          Comprehensive Bible Cross References           GHD
  International Standard Bible Encyclopedia          ED          Comprehensive New Testament Notes              GHD
  Int’l Standard Bible Encyclopedia (Revised Ed.) EE             King James Version (1611) Notes                EM
  IVP Dictionary of Jesus & the Gospels (2nd Ed.) EP             New English Translation Notes                  EL
  IVP Dictionary of Major Biblical Interpreters      EP
Preface to the King James Version of 1611        EL       Horizons in Hermeneutics: Festschrift to Thiselton EP
    Treasury of Scripture Knowledge (Enhanced)       S        How to Choose a Translation for All Its Worth EM
                                                              How to Read Exodus (Longman)                       EP
Biblical Studies                                              How to Read Genesis (Longman)                      EP
  Ancient Texts for NT Studies (Evans)               EM       How to Read Job (Longman)                          EP
  Ancient Texts for the Study of the Hebrew                   How to Read Proverbs (Longman)                     EP
		 Bible (Sparks)                                    EM       How to Read the Bible (McKenzie)                   EM
  Apocalypse, Prophecy, and Pseudepigraphy           EM       How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth (4th Ed.) EM
  Apocalyptic Imagination, The (3rd Ed.) (Collins)   EM       How to Read the Bible through
  Archaeology of the Land of the Bible (3 Vols)      EM     		 the Lens of Jesus                                 EM
  Backgrounds of Early Christianity (Ferguson)       EE       In Granite or Ingrained?                           EM
  Beginning in Mark: An Example Accordance                    Interpretation Resources (Biblical Prophecy)       EM
		 Bible Study                                       EL       Interpretation Resources (Canon and Creed)         EM
  Bible Biography Series (Butler)                    EE       Interpretation Resources (Money and
  Bible’s Many Voices, The (Carasik)                 EP     		Possessions)                                       EM
  Biblical-Theological Introduction to the                    Interpretation Resources (Reading the Parables) EM
		 New Testament (Kruger)                            *        Interpretation Resources (The Sacraments in
  Biblical-Theological Introduction to the                  		 Biblical Perspective)                             EM
		 Old Testament (Van Pelt)                          *        Interpretation Resources (Ten Commandments) EM
  Biblical Archaeology Society’s Feminist                     Interpretation Resources (Violence in Scripture) EM
		 Approaches to the Bible                           EM       Introducing the New Testament (Achtemeier)         EM Collection                    S        Introducing the Old Testament (Longman)            EM
  Bird’s Eye View of the Bible, A                    EL       Introduction to the Gospel of John (Brown)         EM
  Bullinger’s Figures of Speech                      EL       Introduction to the New Testament (Berkhof)        ED
  Canon Revisited (Kruger)                           *        Introduction to the New Testament (Brown)          EM
  Classic Bible Passages                             S        Introduction to the New Testament,
  Compact Guide to the Whole Bible, A                EM     		 Abridged (Brown)                                  EM
  Cultural Handbook to the Bible (Pilch)             EM       Introduction to the New Testament
  Dake Topical Index                                 EE     		 (Carson & Moo)                                    EM
  Daniel: Vision of the End (Doukhan)                EM       Introduction to the Old Testament
  Daniel and Revelation Committee Series             *      		 (Dillard & Longman)                               EM
  Descubre la Biblia (Second Ed.)                    EM       Introduction to the Old Testament Historical
  Dr. J’s Bible Study Methods                        S      		 Books, An (Howard, Jr.)                           EM
  Earthly Shadows, Heavenly Realities                EM       Introduction to the Old Testament
  Eerdmans Companion to the Bible                    EP     		 Pentateuch, An (Wolf)                             EM
  Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties                 EM       Introduction to the Old Testament Poetic
  Exegetical Fallacies (2nd Ed.) (Carson)            EM     		 Books, An (Bullock)                               EM
  For Everyone Bible Study Guides (Wright)           EE       Introduction to the Old Testament Prophetic
  Four Gospels, One Jesus? (3rd Ed.) (Burridge)      E      		 Books, An (Bullock)                               EM
  Four Portraits, One Jesus                          EM       Isaiah Old & New (Witherington)                    EM
  Galilee in the Late Second Temple and                       Jesus and the Eyewitneses (2nd Ed.)                *
		 Mishnaic Period (Fiensy)                          EM       King and Messiah as Son of God                     EM
  General Introduction to the Bible (Ewert)          EM       King Jesus Gospel, The (McKnight)                  EM
  Genesis Creation Account and Its                            Let the Reader Understand (McCartney)              EM
		 Reverberations in the Old Testament, The          EM       Listening to the Spirit in the Text (Fee)          EM
  Getting the Message (Doriani)                      EM       Lost Meaning of the Seventh Day, The               EM
  Gnostic Scriptures: A New Translation with                  Lost World of Adam & Eve (Walton)                  EM
		 Annotations and Introductions (Layton)            EM       Lost World of Genesis One, The (Walton)            EE
  Gospel According to the OT (18 vols)               EM       Lost World of Scripture (Walton)                   EM
  Gospel of the Lord (Bird)                          EM       Lost World of the Flood (Walton)                   EM
  Greatest English Classic                           EL       Lost World of the Israelite Conquest (Walton) EM
  Handbooks for New Testament Exegesis               EM       Lost World of the Torah (Walton)                   EM
		 •HNTE individual volumes available                         Manners and Customs in the Bible                   ED
  Handbooks for Old Testament Exegesis               EM       Marginal Jew, A (5 Vols)                           EM
		 •HOTE individual volumes available                         Myths and Mistakes in New Testament
  Hard Sayings of the Bible                          ED     		 Textual Criticism                                 *
  Hermeneutical Spiral, The (2nd Ed.)                EM       Nave’s Topical Bible                               S
  Hermeneutics: An Introduction (Thiselton)          EP       New Testament Essentials (Castleman)               EP
  Holman Bible Atlas                                 EM       New Testament Exegesis (Fee)                       EM
New Testament Story, The (Witherington III)       EM       Christian Quotations (Manser)                         EP
  NT Library: History and Theology in the                    Complete Gathered Gold, The                           ED
		 Fourth Gospel                                    EM       Effective First-Person Biblical Preaching (Edwards)   EM
  NT Library: Images of the Church in the NT        EM       Exploring the Mind & Heart of the Prince of
  NT Library: Paul and the Anatomy of                      		Preachers                                             EE
		 Apostolic Authority                              EM       Faithful Preaching (House, Garland)                   EM
  NT Library: Theology and Ethics in Paul           EM       Faithful Preaching (Merida)                           EM
  Old Testament Essentials (Longman)                EP       Feed My Sheep: A Passionate Plea for Preaching        EM
  Old Testament Exegesis (Stuart)                   EM       Fresh Illustrations (6 Vols) (Wilson)                 EL
  Old Testament Pseudepigrapha (Bauckham)           GM       Glory of Preaching, The                               EP
  Old Testament Today (Walton & Hill)               EM       Golden Nuggets: Sermon Outlines                       EM
  OT Law for Christians (Gane)                      EM       Handbook of Contemporary Preaching                    EM
  OT Library: Intro to the OT                       EM       Hardest Sermons You’ll Ever Have to
  Outlines of the Bible Books                       S      		 Preach, The (Bryan Chapell)                          EM
  Outside the Bible:                                         Heart Is the Target, The (Capill)                     EM
		 Ancient Jewish Writings Related to Scripture     EE       Him We Proclaim (Johnson)                             EM
  Parables and Miracles                             S        Homiletical Handbook (Hamilton)                       *
  Paul and the Giants of Philosophy                 *        How to Master the English Bible                       EL
  Perspectives: On the Ending of Mark (4 Views)     EM       Imaginative Preaching (Geoff New)                     EM
  Prolegomena to a History of Israel (Wellhausen)   EE       Inductive Preaching (Lewis, Lewis)                    EE
  Psalms Old & New (Witherington)                   EM       Live, Listen, Tell (Geoff New)                        EM
  Putting the Truth to Work (Doriani)               EM       Many Thoughts of Many Minds: A Treasury of
  Read the Bible for Life (Guthrie)                 *      		 Quotations (Compiled by Louis Klopsch)               ED
  Reading Jesus’s Bible (Goldingay)                 EM       My Favorite Illustrations (Hobbs)                     EM
  Reading the Bible as Literature (Ryken)           EM       Pastoral Preaching (Mbewe)                            EM
  Reading the Bible Missionally                     EM       Perfect Freedom: Addresses                            *
  Revisiting the Corruption of the NT               EM       Persuasive Preaching                                  EM
  Rose Bible Overview                               EE       Practical Wisdom for Preachers (Thomas)               EE
  SBL Handbook of Style, The (2nd Ed.)              ED       Preaching and Preachers (Lloyd-Jones)                 EM
  Scepter and the Star (2nd Ed.) (Collins)          EM       Preaching as Reminding (Arthurs)                      *
  Sinai and the Saints (Todd)                       *        Preaching by Ear                                      EM
  Spirit Hermeneutics                               EM       Preaching Christ from Daniel                          EM
  St. Paul the Traveler and Roman Citizen           EP       Preaching Christ from Ecclesiastes                    EM
  Studies of the Savior (Butler)                    EP       Preaching Christ from Genesis                         EM
  Survey of the New Testament (4th Ed.) (Gundry)    EM       Preaching Christ from Psalms                          EM
  Survey of the Old Testament, A (Hill & Walton)    EM       Preaching Christ from the Old Testament               EM
  That’s Easy for You To Say                        EM       Preaching Christ in all Scripture (Clowney)           EE
  Theory & Practice of Biblical Hermeneutics        EM       Preaching God’s Word (Carter, Duvall)                 EM
  Thompson Chain-Reference Bible                    EP       Preaching Points                                      EM
  Time and the Word (Radner)                        EM       Principle Preaching (Bisagno)                         *
  Understanding Scripture                           *        Ryrie’s Practical Guide to Communicating
  Understanding the Bible                           EM     		 Bible Doctrine                                       *
  What the NT Authors Really Cared About:                    Sermon Outline Series - Volume 1
		 A Survey of Their Writings                       EP     		 (Topical - All Purpose for All Occasions)            EP
  Willmington’s Guide to the Bible                  EM       Sermon Outline Series - Volume 2
  Zondervan Quick Reference Series                  EM     		 (Christian Living and Growth)                        EP
  Zondervan Atlas of the Bible                      EM       Spirit Empowered Preaching                            EM
                                                             Spirit-Led Preaching (Heisler)                        *
Preaching Helps                                              Steps to the Sermon Revised                           *
    1000 bosquejos para predicadores                EM       Text-Driven Preaching (Akin, Allen, Mathews)          *
    1001 Illustrations that Connect                 EM       Using Illustrations to Preach with Power (Chapell)    EE
    1001 Quotations that Connect                    EM
    Abe Lincoln’s Anecdotes & Stories               *      Practical
    AMG Illustrations Series (4 Vols)               EP       5 Things Every Christian Needs to Grow (Sproul)       EM
    Art & Craft of Biblical Preaching (Robinson)    EM       Bible Teacher’s Guide Series Bundle (21 vols)         EM
    Assorted Quotations                             EL       Blue Parakeet, The                                    EM
    Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations                  EL       Christian Counseling Ethics (2nd Ed.)                 *
    Butler’s Sermon Starters (9 Vols)               EP       Counseling and Christianity: Five
    Choosing to Preach (Kenton C. Anderson)         EM     		 Approaches (Greggo, Sisemore)                        *
Counseling Couples in Conflict                  EM       Experiencing God Day by Day Devotional           EL
  Crucial Questions (17 vols) (Sproul)            EM       Faith’s Checkbook                                EL
  Curing the Heart (Eyrich, Hines)                *        Faithful Promiser, The                           EL
  Evangelism Is... (Earley, Wheeler)              *        Falling into Goodness (DeGroat)                  EM
  Fruit of the Spirit Bible Studies               EM       Feasting on the Word Advent Companion            EM
  Grasping God’s Word, Third Ed.                  EM       Feasting on the Word Children’s Sermons          EM
  Guide to Bible Study (J. W. McGarvey)           EL       Feasting on the Word Lenten Companion            EM
  Handbook of Bible Application (2nd Ed.)         EE       Feasting on the Word Worship Companion           EM
  Handfuls on Purpose                             EP       God Is in the Manger (Bonhoeffer)                EM
  Helpful Truth in Past Places (Deckard)          *        God Is on the Cross (Bonhoeffer)                 EM
  How to Be Happy Though Married                  ED       Hebrew Word for the Day: Key Words
  Integrating Faith and Psychology                EM     		 from the Old Testament                          EM
  Integrative Psychotherapy (McMInn)              EM       Holy Solitude: Lenten Reflections (Haverkamp)    EM
  Introduction to Evangelism (Reid)               EP       Keep Up Your Biblical Aramaic in Two
  Is There a Meaning in This Text?                EM     		 Minutes a Day                                   *
  Jesus the Evangelist (Phillips)                 EM       Keep Up Your Biblical Greek in Two
  Living God’s Word (Duvall, Hays)                EM     		 Minutes a Day (Vol. 1)                          *
  Masculine Mandate, The (Phillips)               EM       Keep Up Your Biblical Greek in Two
  Ministry Is... (Earley, Gutierrez)              *      		 Minutes a Day (Vol. 2)                          *
  Moral Choices:                                           Keep Up Your Biblical Hebrew in Two
		 An Introduction to Ethics (3rd Ed.)            EM     		 Minutes a Day (Vol. 1)                          *
  New Guidebook for Pastors (Brunson, Bryant) *            Keep Up Your Biblical Hebrew in Two
  Pastor’s Book, The (Hughes)                     *      		 Minutes a Day (Vol. 2)                          *
  Pastoral Leadership Is... (Earley)              *        Kneeling Christian, The                          EL
  Perspectives: On Children’s Spiritual Formation EM       Leaves of Life                                   EL
  Perspectives: On Family Ministry (3 Views)      EM       Lent for Everyone (Wright)                       EM
  Perspectives: On Your Child’s Education         EM       Little Folded Hands                              EL
  Purpose Driven Church                           EM       M’Cheyne Family Readings                         ED
  Restoring the Shattered Self (Gingrich)         EM       M’Cheyne Secret Readings                         ED
  Sin and Grace in Christian Counseling (McMinn) EM        Morning and Evening                              EL
  Surprised by Suffering (Sproul)                 EM       Morning Bells                                    EL
  Thompson Kids                                   EP       My Daily Meditation For The Circling Year        EL
  Understanding and Applying the Bible:                    Preacher’s Guide to the Lectionary Sermon
		 Revised and Expanded                           EM     		Series                                           EM
  Welcome to a Reformed Church (Hyde)             EM       A Proverb a Day in Biblical Hebrew               *
                                                           Psalms and Hymns of Isaac Watts                  EL
Devotionals                                                Readings and Prayers for Jewish Worship          EE
  40 Days, 40 Prayers, 40 Words                 EM         Sparkling Gems from the Greek (Vol. 1)           *
  A Way Other than Our Own (Brueggemann)        EM         Streams in the Desert                            EM
  A Word for the Day: Key Words from the NT     EM         The Way (Stanley Jones)                          EE
  Abundant Living (Stanley Jones)               EE         Thoughts for the Quiet Hour (Moody)              EL
  Ancient Christian Devotional (3 Vols)         EE         Through the Bible Reading Plan                   EE
  Andrews Study Bible Reading Plan              EE         Topical Guide to Daily Devotional
  Book of Common Prayer (1979)                  EP       		 Bible Reading in a Year                         EE
  Celebrating Abundance (Brueggemann)           EM         True Vine                                        EL
  Chronological Readings                        S          Venite: A Book of Daily Prayer                   ED
  Collection of Hymns                           EL         Victorious Living (Stanley Jones)                EE
  Readings from Connections                     EM         Word Became Flesh (Stanley Jones)                EE
  Daily Feast: Meditations from Feasting                   Words of Jesus, The                              EL
		 on the Word                                  EM
  Daily Guidance (Manser)                       EL       History
  Daily Light on the Daily Path                 EL           Abraham Lincoln: Was He a Christian?           *
  Daily Strength for Daily Needs                EL           Abraham Lincoln’s Religion                     *
  Days of Heaven Upon Earth                     EL           America’s Governmental and Cultural Heritage   EL
  Devotional Readings                           S            Ancient Christian Martyrdom                    EM
  Devotions on the Greek New Testament          EM           Ancient Medicine (Zucconi)                     EM
  Devotions on the Greek New Testament Vol. 2   EM           Atlas of the European Reformations             EM
  Devotions on the Hebrew Bible                 EM           Beyond the Qumran Community (Collins)          EM
  Diary of an Old Soul                          EL           Bible after Babel, The (Collins)               EM
Bible History: Old Testament (Edersheim)         EL       Theology
  Biblical Archaeology Society’s Aspects of                   40 Questions Series (Kregel) (8 Volumes)          *
		 Monotheism: How God is One                      EM       		 •Individual volumes available
  Biblical Archaeology Society’s The Rise of                  Against Calvinism (Roger Olson)                   EM
		 Ancient Israel                                  EM         An Introduction to Biblical Ethics (3rd)          *
  Biblical Archaeology Society’s The Search                   Ancient Christian Doctrine (5 Vols)               EE
		 for Jesus                                       EM         Are Miraculous Gifts for Today?                   EM
  Brief History of Old Testament Criticism, A      EM         Arminian and Baptist                              EM
  Bulfinch’s Mythology                             EP         Arminian Theology (Olson)                         EE
  Christian Lover, The (Haykin)                    EM         Baptized in the Spirit:
  Development of Muslim Theology,                           		 A Global Pentecostal Theology                    EM
		 Jurisprudence and Constitutional Theory         *          Basic Theology (Ryrie)                            EM
  Faith of Islam (Sell)                            *          Beyond Pentecostalism (Vondey)                    EM
  Faithful Preacher, The (Anyabwile)               EE         Bible Doctrines: A Pentecostal Perspective        EE
  Foxe’s Book of Martyrs                           ED         Bible Handbook, Theologically Arranged (Holliday) EL
  From Jerusalem to Irian Jaya                     EM         Biblical Theology (Vol. 1) (Niehaus)              EM
  History of American Christianity                 ED         Book of Concord                                   EE
  History of Biblical Interpretation (Vols. 1-3)   EM         By Grace Alone (Ferguson)                         EM
  History of Israel, A                             EE         Calvin’s Institutes (Battles’ translation)        EM
  History of the Christian Church (8 vols)                    Calvin’s Institutes (Beveridge’s translation)     EP
		 (Philip Schaff)                                 EP         Catholic Catechism English                        EE
  In Search of Ancient Roots (Stewart)             *          Catholic Catechism Latin                          EE
  IVP Pocket History of the Church                 ED         Catholic Code of Canon Law in English             EE
  IVP Pocket History of Theology                   ED         Catholic Code of Canon Law in Latin               EE
  John Calvin: A Heart for Devotion, Doctrine                 Chosen by God (Sproul)                            EE
		 and Doxology (Parsons)                          EM         Christian Apologetics Past and Present (Vol 1) *
  John Knox and the Reformation                    EL         Christian Apologetics Past and Present (Vol 2) *
  Kingdom of Priests (Merrill)                     EM         Christian Ethics: 4 Views                         EM
  Learning Theology with the Church Fathers        EP         Christian Faith, The (Michael Horton)             EM
  Lincoln’s Use of the Bible                       *          Christian’s Poket Guide Bundle (11 vols)          EM
  Lives of the Twelve Caesars                      EP         Christology of the Old Testament                  EE
  Living Wisely with the Church Fathers (Hall)     EM         Classical Arminianism (Forlines)                  EM
  OT Library: A History of Israelite Religion in              Collected Works of John M. Frame,
		 the Old Period (2 vols)                         EM       		 Volume I: Theology                               EM
  OT Library: Exile and Restoration                EM         Concise Theology (Packer)                         EM
  OT Library: Jewish Wisdom in the                            Council of Trent                                  EE
		 Hellenistic Age                                 EM         Creeds of Christendom                             EP
  Parade of Faith: A Biographical History                     Creeds, Confessions, and Catechisms               EL
		 of the Christian Church                         EM         Divine Impassibility: 4 Views                     EM
  People’s Book, The                               *          Doctrinal Theology of the Evangelical
  Reading Scripture w/ the Church Fathers (Hall)   EP       		 Lutheran Church                                  EP
  Reading the Bible with the Founding Fathers      EM         Essential Truths of the Christian Faith (Sproul) EE
  Reformation and the Irrepressible Word of God    *          Evaluating the Church Growth Movement: 5 Views EM
  Religion of Babylonia And Assyria (Pinches)      EP         Evangelical Dictionary of Theology (3nd Ed.)      EM
  Resilient Reformer: Martin Luther                EM         Evangelical Theological Method: 5 Views           EM
  Sketches of Church History                       EL         Evangelical Theology (Bird)                       EM
  Soul of Abraham Lincoln, The                     *          Everyone’s a Theologian: An Introduction to
  St. Patrick of Ireland                           EP       		 Systematic Theology (Sproul)                     EM
  Theologians of the Baptist Tradition             *          Exploring the Worship Spectrum: 6 Views           EM
  Week in the Fall of Jerusalem                    *          Finney’s Lectures on Systematic Theology          EP
  Week in the Life of a Greco-Roman Woman          *          Five Views on Apologetics                         EM
  Week in the Life of a Roman Centurion            *          Five Views on Biblical Inerrancy                  EM
  Week in the Life of a Slave                      *          Five Views on Church and Politics                 EM
  Week in the Life of Corinth                      *          Five Views on Law and Gospel                      EM
  Week in the Life of Ephesus                      *          Five Views on Sanctification                      EM
  Week in the Life of Rome                         *          For Calvinism (Michael Horton)                    EM
  Why Church History Matters (Rea)                 *          Foundations of Grace                              EM
  Worshiping with the Church Fathers               EP         Four Views on Christian Spirituality              EM
                                                              Four Views on Christianity and Philosophy         EM
                                                        — 10 —
Four Views on Divine Providence                     EM         New Testament Social Ethics for Today          *
  Four Views on Eternal Security                      EM         Now, That’s a Good Question! (Sproul)          EE
  Four Views on Hell                                  EM         Old Testament Ethics (Goldingday)              *
  Four Views on Moving beyond the                                Old Testament Theology (Waltke)                EM
		 Bible to Theology                                  EM         Old Testament Theology (3 vols) (Goldingay)    EM
  Four Views on Role of Works at the                             One Lord One Faith                             EE
		 Final Judgment                                     EM         Oneness of God, The                            EM
  Four Views on Salvation in a Pluralistic World EM              Order of the Mass                              EE
  Four Views on the Apostle Paul                      EM         OT Library: OT Theology (2 vols) (Preuss)      EM
  Four Views on the Book of Revelation                EM         OT Library: Theology of OT (2 vols) (Eichrodt) EM
  Four Views on the Historical Adam                   EM         Paul and Union with Christ                     EM
  Four Views on the Spectrum of Evangelicalism EM                Pentecostal Manifestos Bundle (7 vols)         EM
  From Pentecost to the Triune God (Studebaker) EM               Pentecostal Principle, The (Wariboko)          EM
  Gagging of God, The                                 EM         Perspectives Series (14 vols)                  EM
  God and Morality: 4 Views                           EM         Perspectives: On Christian Worship (5 Views) EM
  God and the Problem of Evil: 5 Views                EM         Perspectives: On Church Government (5 Views) EM
  Handbook on the NT Use of the OT (Beale)            EM         Perspectives: On Election (5 Views)            EM
  Hearing the New Testament (2nd Ed.) (Green) EM                 Perspectives: On Israel & the Church (4 Views) EM
  Hidden But Now Revealed (Beale, Gladd)              EM         Perspectives: On Our Struggle w/ Sin (3 Views) EM
  Historical Jesus, The: 5 Views                      EM         Perspectives: On Spirit Baptism (5 Views)      EM
  Historical Theology (Allison)                       EM         Perspectives: On the Doctrine of God (4 Views) EM
  Holiness of God, The (Sproul)                       EE         Perspectives: On the Sabbath (4 Views)         EM
  Holy, Holy, Holy: Proclaiming the Perfections                  Perspectives: On Tithing (4 Views)             EM
		 of God                                             EM         Pillars of Grace                               EM
  How Jewish Is Christianity?: 2 Views on                        Portable Seminary (2nd Edition)                EM
		 Messianic Movement                                 EM         Practical Holiness: A Second Look              EM
  I AM: A Oneness Pentecostal Theology                EM         Reformed Doctrine of Predestination            EP
  In Christ Alone (Ferguson)                          EM         Reformed Dogmatics (4 Vols)                    EM
  In Search of Holiness                               EM         Reformed Dogmatics: Abridged in One Volume EM
  Indelible Image, The (Wilmington)                   EP         Reformed Faith, The (Robert Shaw)              EP
  Introducing Christian Doctrine (2nd Ed.) (Erickson) EM         Remarriage after Divorce in Today’s Church     EM
  IVP: Baptism: 3 Views                               EP         Renewal Theology                               EM
  IVP: Biblical Hermeneutics: 5 Views                 EM         Rose Guide to End-Times Prophecy               GpP
  IVP: Faith & Reason: 3 Views                        EM         Select Theological Writings of Adam Clarke     ED
  IVP Pocket Handbook of Christian Apologetics ED                Servants and Friends                           EM
  IVP: Psychology & Christianity: 5 Views             EM         Show them No Mercy: 4 Views on God and
  Jesus Under Fire: Modern Scholarship                         		 Canaanite Genocide                            EM
		 Reinvents the Historical Jesus                     EM         Sola Scriptura: The Protestant Position
  John Gill’s Works on Divinity                       ED       		 on the Bible                                  EM
  Journey of Modern Theology, The (Olson)             EE         Spirit and Power: Foundations of Pentecostal
  Journeys of Faith                                   EM       		Experience                                     EM
  Justification: 5 Views                              EM         Spirit of Creation, The (Yong)                 EM
  Justified in the Spirit (Macchia)                   EM         Story of Christian Theology, The (Olson)       EE
  Language for God in Patristic Tradition             EM         Summa Theologica                               EP
  Liberating Black Theology (Bradley)                 EE         Summary of Christian Doctrine (Berkhof)        ED
  Little Book for New Theologians, A (Kapic)          EP         Systematic Theology (Berkhof)                  EP
  Living for God’s Glory:                                        Systematic Theology (Chafer, Lewis S.)         EP
		 An Introduction to Calvinism                       EM         Systematic Theology (Grudem, Wayne)            EM
  Lord’s Supper, The: 5 Views                         EM         Systematic Theology (Gulley, Norman) (4 vols) EM
  Martin Luther’s 95 Theses                           EM         Systematic Theology (Hodge)                    ED
  Mediation of the Spirit, The (Cartledge)            EM         Systematic Theology, Revised (Horton, Stanley) EE
  Miracles: The Credibility of the New Testament                 Systematic Theology (Strong, Augustus H.)      ED
		 Account (2 vols) (Keener)                          EM         Theologia Germanica                            EP
  Mosaic of Christian Belief (Olson)                  EE         Theology for Better Counseling (Holeman)       EM
  NAC Study Guides (11 vols)                          EM         Theology of the Book of Isaiah (Goldingay)     EE
		 •NAC Study Guide individual vols available                    Theology of the New Testament (Thielman)       EM
  Nature of Atonement, The: 4 Views                   EM         Theology of the Old Testament (Brueggemann) EM
  New Birth, The                                      EM         Theology Questions Everyone Asks               *
  New Testament Biblical Theology, A (Beale)          EM         Thinking in Tongues (Smith)                    EM
                                                           — 11 —
Three Views on Creation and Evolution              EM         Journal of Ministry and Theology (Vols 1-16)
  Three Views on Eastern Orthodoxy &                          		(1997-2012)                                       EM
		Evangelicalism                                     EM         Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society
  Three Views on Genesis 1-11                        EM       		 (Vols 1-55) (1958-2012)                          EM
  Three Views on the Millennium and Beyond           EM         Journal of the Grace Evangelical Society
  Three Views on the New Testament’s Use                      		 (Vols 1-25) (1988-2012)                          EM
		 of the Old Testament                              EM         Maranatha Baptist Theological Journal
  Three Views on the Rapture                         EM       		 (Vols 1-2) (2011-2012)                           EM
  Two Views on Homosexuality, the Bible,                        Masters Seminary Journal (Vols 1-18)
		 and the Church                                    EM       		(1990-2007)                                       EM
  Two Views on the Trinity                           EM         Michigan Theological Journal (Vols 1-5)
  Two Views on Women in Ministry                     EM       		(1990-1994)                                       EM
  Understanding Four Views on Baptism                EM         Priscilla Papers (Vols 1-26) (1987-2012)          EM
  Understanding Four Views on the Lord’s Supper EM              Puritan Reformed Journal (Vols 1-4) (2009-2012)   EM
  Vatican I English                                  EE         Reformation and Revival (Vols 1-13)
  Vatican II English                                 EE       		(1992-2004)                                       EM
  Vatican II Latin                                   EE         Reformed Baptist Theological Review
  What the Bible Says About the Holy Spirit, Revised EE       		 (Vols 1-8) (2004-2011)                           EM
  What’s So Great About the Doctrines of Grace? EM              Review and Expositor (Vols 59-106)
  Who Runs the Church? Four Views on Church                   		(1962-2009)                                       EM
		Government                                         EM         Semeia: An Experimental Journal                   EM
                                                                Southeastern Theoogical Review (Vols 1-3)
Journals                                                      		(2010-2012)                                       EM
  Ashland Theological Journal (Vols 1-37)                       Southern Baptist Journal of Theology
		(1969-2005)                                      EM         		 (Vols 1-16) (1997-2012)                          EM
  Bible and Spade (Vols 1-12, 0-24)                             Trinity Journal (Vols 1-30) (1980-2009)           EM
		 (1972-83, 1987-2011)                            EM           Tyndale Bulletin (Vols 1-61) (1956-2010)          EM
  Biblical Archaeology Review Archive                           Westminster Theological Journal
		(1975-2016)                                      EM         		 (Vols 1-74) (1938-2012)                          EM
  Bibliotheca Sacra (Vols 1-169) (1844-2012)       EM
  Bulletin for Biblical Research (Vols 1-19)                  Writings
		(1991-2009)                                      EM           Abundant Living (Stanley Jones)                  EE
  Central Bible Quarterly (Vols 1-22)                           Acts (Sermons on Acts 1-8) (Lloyd-Jones)         EE
		(1958-1979)                                      EM           Annotated Luther (5 vols)                        EM
  Chafer Theological Seminary Journal                           Another Time...Another Place...Another
		 (Vols 1-13) (1995-2008)                         EM         		 Man (Dake)                                      EE
  Christian Apologetics Journal (Vols 1-10)                     Atheism Remix (Mohler)                           EE
		 (1998-1999; 2004-2009; 2011-2012)               EM           Awed to Heaven, Rooted in
  Conservative Theological Journal (Vols 1-10),               		 Earth (Brueggemann)                             EM
		 Journal of Dispensational Theology                           Believing God (Sproul Jr.)                       EM
		 (Vols 10-16) (1995-2012)                        EM           Bible Truths Unmasked                            EE
  Conspectus (Vols 1-13) (2006-2012)               EM           Book That Breathes New Life (Brueggemann) EM
  Detroit Baptist Seminary Journal (Vols 1-17)                  Caring for Words in a Culture of Lies (McEntyre) EM
		(1996-2012)                                      EM           Case for Christ, The                             EM
  Emmaus Journal (Vols 1-20) (1991-2011)           EM           Case for Faith, The                              EM
  Faith and Mission (Vols 1-24) (1983-2008)        EM           Center Church (Keller)                           EM
  Global Journal of Classical Theology                          Christian Apologetics: An Anthology of
		 (Vols 1-10) (1998-2013)                         EM         		 Primary Sources                                 EM
  Grace Journal (Vols 1-14) (1960-73), Grace                    Christian’s Secret of a Happy Life               EL
		 Theological Journal (Vols 1-12) (1980-91)       EM           Christianity and Ethics                          ED
  Journal for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood                    Church Fathers -- The Ante-Nicene Fathers
		 (Vols 1-17) (1995-2012)                         EM         		 (9 vols)                                        EP
  Journal of Biblical Counseling (Vols 1-31)       EM           Church Fathers -- The Nicene and Post-Nicene
  Journal of Biblical Literature                   EM         		 Fathers, First Series (14 vols)                 EP
  Journal of Christian Apologetics (Vols 1-2)                   Church Fathers -- The Nicene and Post-Nicene
		(1997-1998)                                      EM         		 Fathers, Second Series (14 vols)                EP
  Journal of Discipleship and Family Ministry                   Commenting and Commentaries                      EL
		 (Vols 1-2) (2010-2012)                          EM           Consequences of Ideas, The (Sproul)              EE

                                                          — 12 —
Creation and the Courts (Geisler)             EE         Onomasticon by Eusebius of Caesarea              EM
  Creative Word, 2nd Edition (Brueggemann)      EM         Pascal’s Pensees                                 EP
  David’s Truth in Israel’s Imagination and                Paul and the Faithfulness of God (N.T. Wright)   EM
		 Memory (2nd Edition) (Brueggemann)           EM         Pauline Perspectives (N.T. Wright)               EM
  Disciplines of a Godly Man (R. Kent Hughes)   EE         Poetic Wonder of Isaac Watts, The                EM
  Disruptive Grace (Brueggemann)                EM         Politics According to the Bible (Grudem)         EM
  Ellen G. White Estate Collection              EM         Practice of Prophetic Imagination
  Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God         EP       		(Brueggemann)                                    EM
  Evangelistic Zeal of George Whitefield, The   EM         Practice of the Presence of God
  Evidences of Christianity                     ED       		 (Brother Lawrence)                              ED
  Evil and the Justice of God (N.T. Wright)     EE         Prayer of the Lord (Sproul)                      EM
  Experiencing God                              EL         Prophecy and History in Relation to the
  Experiencing the Truth (Carter, Jones, Leach) EE       		 Messiah (Edersheim)                             EL
  Expository Genius of John Calvin, The         EM         Prophetic Imagination, The (2nd Edition)
  F. F. Bruce Bundle (19 vols)                  EM       		(Brueggemann)                                    EM
  Faithful Farewell, A (McEntyre)               EM         Pursuit of God, The (A. W. Tozer)                EL
  Four Desert Fathers                           EM         Quiet Talks (S. D. Gordon)                       EL
  Give Me a Word                                EM         Rapture and the Second Coming of Christ, The     EE
  God’s Plan for Man (Dake)                     EE         Resurrection of the Son of God (N.T. Wright)     EM
  God’s Way of Peace by Horatius Bonar          ED         School of Calvary, The (J. H. Jowett)            EL
  Gospel Focus of Charles Spurgeon, The         EM         Select Works of A. W. Pink                       EP
  Gospel in Genesis, The (Lloyd-Jones)          EE         Select Works of B. B. Warfield                   EP
  Heavenly Hosts (Dake)                         EE         Select Works of J. Gresham Machen                EP
  Heroic Boldness of Martin Luther, The         EM         Select Works of John Bunyan                      EL
  History of the Jewish Nation (Edersheim)      EL         Select Works of John Owen                        EP
  Holy Rule of Saint Benedict, The              EE         Select Works of Martin Luther                    EP
  Hopeful Imagination (Brueggemann)             EM         Select Works of Richard Baxter                   EP
  Imitation of Christ, The (Thomas a Kempis)    ED         Selected Works of Andrew Murray                  EP
  Inscribing the Text (Brueggemann)             EM         Selected Works of D. L. Moody                    EL
  Interpretation and Obedience (Brueggemann) EM            Selected Works of F. B. Meyer                    EP
  Introduction to Messianic Judaism             EM         Selected Works of G. K. Chesterton               EM
  Israel’s Praise (Brueggemann)                 EM         Selected Works of John and Charles Wesley        EP
  Jesus and the Victory of God (N.T. Wright)    EE         Selected Works of John Milton                    EP
  Jesus, the Final Days (Evans and Wright)      EM         Selected Works of Whitefield                     EP
  John Calvin: Tracts & Letters                 EE         Selected Works on Prayer by E. M. Bounds         ED
  John Piper Manuscript Library                 EE         Sketches of Jewish Life (A. Edersheim)           EL
  John Warwick Montgomery Collection (33 vols) EM          Small Faith – Great God (Wright)                 EM
  Justification (N.T. Wright)                   EE         Social Reading of the Old Testament
  Kingdom of God, The (Lloyd-Jones)             EE       		(Brueggemann)                                    EM
  Land, The (Brueggemann)                       EM         Spirituality of the Psalms (Brueggemann)         EM
  Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled (Lloyd-Jones) EE          Spurgeon Sermon Collection                       EP
  Life & Select Works of George Müller          EL         St. Macarius the Spiritbearer                    EM
  Life & Times of Jesus the Messiah (Edersheim) EL         Temple, The (A. Edersheim)                       EL
  Life of God in the Soul of Man                EL         Texts Under Negotiation (Brueggemann)            EM
  Like Fire in the Bones (Brueggemann)          EM         The Way (Stanley Jones)                          EE
  Living at the Crossroads                      EM         Theologia Germanica                              EP
  Long Letting Go, A (McEntyre)                 EM         Threat of Life, The (Brueggemann)                EM
  Luther’s Works (Vols 31-54)                   EM         Three Treatises on the Divine Images             EM
		 •Smaller sets available                                 Tischendorf on the Gospels                       ED
  Message of the Psalms, The (Brueggemann)      EM         Training of the Twelve (A. B. Bruce)             EP
  Mighty Weakness of John Knox, The             EM         Truth on Its Head (Wiersbe)                      EM
  Milestones of the Master (Wiersbe)            EM         Unsettling God, An (Brueggemann)                 EM
  My Bondage and My Freedom (Douglass)          EM         Unwavering Resolve of Jonathan Edwards, The      EM
  Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass   EM         Victorious Living (Stanley Jones)                EE
  New Testament and the People of God (Wright) EM          What’s in a Phrase? (McEntyre)                   EM
  Nothing But the Truth (MacArthur)             EE         Why Does God Allow War? (Lloyd-Jones)            EE
  Old Testament Theology Essays (Brueggemann)EM            Word Became Flesh (Stanley Jones)                EE
  On the Incarnation (St. Athanasius)           EP         Word by Word (McEntyre)                          EM
  On the Lord’s Prayer                          EM         Word Militant, The (Brueggemann)                 EM
                                                     — 13 —
Word That Redescribes the World, The                        Tyndale House Greek New Testament with
		(Brueggemann)                                   EM        		 Apparatus and Tagging                            GP
  Works of Deitrich Bonhoeffer                    EM          UBS5 Greek New Testament with Apparatus,
		 •Individual volumes available                            		 Crossreferences, and tagging                     GP
  Works of Jonathan Edwards                       EP
                                                            Greek Non-Biblical Texts
Other General Tools                                           Apocryphal Apocalypses (Greek & English)          GE
  Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ                   EL          Apocryphal Gospels                                GE
  Christian Counselor’s Manual: The Practice of               Apostolic Fathers (Lightfoot) (Greek & English)   GHD
		 Nouthetic Counseling                           EM          Apostolic Fathers Third Ed. (tagged)              GE
  Christmas Classics                              EM          Athanasius Incarnation & Against the Gentiles     GE
  Clergymen and Doctors (Nimmo)                   EM          Basil the Great (Greek & English)                 GE
  Competent to Counsel: Introduction to                       Christian Apologists                              GE
		 Nouthetic Counseling                           EM          Desert Fathers, The (Greek, English, Notes)       *
  Context of the Bible (Keener)                   S           Epictetus, Enchiridion & Four Discourses          GE
  Getting Started with Accordance                 EM          Eusebius’ Ecclesiastical History                  GE
  Message of the Prophets: A Survey of the                    Perseus Classics (Greek, English, Notes)          GM
		 Prophetic and Apocalyptic Books of the OT      EM          Greek Judean Desert Corpus                        HP
  Read Me Information on Modules                  S           Greek Pseudepigrapha                              GE
  Theology of Counseling                          EM          Gregory of Nyssa (Greek & English)                GE
  Valentine Verses and Valentine Verse            ED          Gregory Nazianzus (Greek & English)               GE
                                                              Hippolytus of Rome (Greek, English, Notes)        *
Parallels                                                     Josephus Tagged Greek                             GE
    Epistles Parallel (not for iOS)               S           NT Apocryphal Acts Collection                     GE
    Gospel Harmony Parallel (not for iOS)         S           Philo Tagged Greek                                GE
    Gospel Synopsis Parallel (not for iOS)        S           Pseudo-Clementine Homilies (Tagged Greek,
    OT in NT Parallel (not for iOS)               S         		 English, Notes                                   GE
    Old Testament Parallel (not for iOS)          S
    Q (Sayings) Parallel (not for iOS)            S         Greek Lexicons
    Synoptic Gospels Parallel (not for iOS)       S           Analytical Lexicon to the Greek NT                GM
                                                              Complete Biblical Library: New Testament
Greek Bibles                                                		 Greek-English Dictionary                         EM
  Codex Alexandrinus                              GP          Complete Word Study Dictionary: NT                GHD
  Codex Bezae                                     GP          Diccionario Strong (Greigo)                       EM
  Codex Sinaiticus                                GP          Exegetical Dictionary of the NT (3 Vols)          GE
  Codex Vaticanus                                 GP          Greek-English Dictionary of the NT, Concise
  Codex Washingtonianus                           GP        		 (Barclay Newman) rev 2010                        GHD
  Coptic New Testaments                           GE          Greek-English Lexicon of the NT (BDAG)            GP
  Critical Edition of Q                           GP          Kleines Wörterbuch zum Neuen Testament
  Dead Sea Scrolls Greek Bible                    HP        		 Griechisch - Deutsch                             GM
  Greek Bible: Swete’s LXX and                                LEH Septuagint Lexicon Third Ed.                  GHD
		 Westcott/Hort’s NT in the Original Greek       GHD         Liddell & Scott Complete 9th Ed.
  GNT Byzantine: Family 35 Textform               GP        		 (no supplement)                                  GE
  GNT Ecumenical Patriarchal Text                 GP          Liddell and Scott Greek Lexicon                   GP
  GNT Papyri                                      GP          Louw & Nida Semantic Domain Lexicon               GHD
  GNT Robinson Byzantine                          GP          Manual Greek Lexicon of the New
  GNT Tischendorf                                 GP        		 Testament (Abbott-Smith)                         *
  GNT Westcott & Hort                             GP          Mounce Concise Greek-English Dictionary
  Grammatical Syntax add-on to GNT28-T            GP        		 of the New Testament                             S
  Greek Diagrams                                  GHD         Mounce’s Complete Expository Dictionary
  Greek New Testament (Demo), tagged              S         		 of Old and New Testament Words                   GM
  Greek New Testament, tagged                     GHL         NAS Greek Dictionary                              ED
  Greek New Testament (Textus Receptus), tagged   GHD         New International Dictionary of NT Theology       GM
  Greek New Testament (Textus Receptus)                       New International Dictionary of
		 with Strong’s                                  S         		 NT Theology, Abridged                            GE
  Greek Septuagint (Rahlfs) Revised, tagged       GHD         New International Dictionary of New Testament
  NA28 Greek New Testament with Apparatus                   		 Theology and Exegesis Set                        GM
		 and tagging                                    GP          New Reader’s Lexicon of the Greek NT              GM
  NET Greek NT and Notes                          GM          Spicq Theological Lexicon of the NT               GHD
                                                        — 14 —
Strong’s Greek Dictionary                                S           Codex Alexandrinus Images                      GE
  Thayer’s Greek Lexicon                                   GHL         Codex Alexandrinus Images
  Theological Dictionary of the NT Complete                          		 (Clementine Epistles)                         GE
		 (Big Kittel)                                            GM          Codex Sinaiticus Images                        GE
  Theological Dictionary of the NT (Little Kittel)         GHD         Codex Sinaiticus Images
  Trench’s Synonyms                                        GHL       		 (Barnabas/Shepherd of Hermas)                 GE
                                                                       Codex Sinaiticus Images (LXX)                  GE
Greek Grammars                                                         Codex Vaticanus Images                         GE
  Basics of Biblical Greek (4th) (Mounce)                  GP          Codex Washingtonianus Images                   GE
  Baiscs of Biblical Greek Workbook (Mounce)               GP          Koine Greek Reader                             GM
  BDF Greek Grammar of the NT                              GM          Light from the Ancient East                    EP
  Burton, Moods and Tenses                                 GHL         MT-LXX Parallel                                GP / HP
  Grammar of Septuagint Greek                              GHD         MT-LXX Interlinear Database (not for iOS)      GHD
  Grammar of the Old Testament in Greek                                NA28 Guide (Trobisch)                          GP
		 (According to the LXX)                                  GHD         New Linguistic & Exegetical Key to Greek NT    GM
  Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics:                                     Parsing Guide to the Greek Text of the KJV     EL
		 An Exegetical Syntax of the New Testament               GM          Patristic Greek Reader (Whitacre)              GM
  Morphology of Biblical Greek                             GM          Prepositions & Theology in the GNT             GM
  New Testament Greek, 2nd Ed. (Stevens)                   GHD         Text-Critical Use of the Septuagint in
  New Testament Greek Workbook (2nd Ed.)                   GHD       		 Biblical Research (Tov)                       GM
  Primer of Biblical Greek, A (Croy)                       *           Textual Guide to the Greek NT                  GM
  Reading Koine Greek (Decker)                             GP
  Robertson’s Greek Grammar                                GHL       Hebrew Bibles
  Stevens Greek Workbook                                   GM          Biblia Hebraica w/ Westminster
  Understanding NT Greek (Hoffman)                         *         		 Hebrew Morphology 4 (Demo)                    S
                                                                       Biblia Hebraica w/ Westminster
Greek Apparatus                                                      		 Hebrew Morphology 4 (HMT-W4)                  GHL
     CNTTS NT Critical Apparatus (Revised)                 GP          Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (BHS) with
     Greek New Testament Apparatus                         GP        		 Apparatus and tagging (BHS-T)                 HP
     Greek Septuagint (Swete) with Apparatus               GE          BHS w/ Westminster Hebrew Morphology (Demo)    S
     LXX Cambridge Apparatus                               GE          Dead Sea Scrolls Biblical Manuscripts          HP
     LXX Göttingen with Apparatus: 1 Esdras                GM          Grammatical Syntax add-on to HMT-W4            HP
     LXX Göttingen with Apparatus: 2 Esdras                GM          Grammatical Syntax Guide                       HP
     LXX Göttingen with Apparatus: 1 Maccabees             GM          Hebrew Masoretic Text with Andersen-Forbes
     LXX Göttingen with Apparatus: 2 Maccabees             GM        		 Morphology and Syntax Database                *
     LXX Göttingen with Apparatus: 2 Chronicles            GM          Hebrew Masoretic Text w/ ETCBC Morphology      HM
     LXX Göttingen with Apparatus: Deuteronomy             GM          Hebrew NT (Modern, Delitzsch Translations)     HE
     LXX Göttingen with Apparatus: Esther                  GM          Hebrew NT with Strong’s (Modern Translation)   HM
     LXX Göttingen with Apparatus: Exodus                  GM          Samaritan Pentateuch (Hebrew, tagged)          HE
     LXX Göttingen with Apparatus: Ezekiel                 GM          Sirach (BENSIRA-C, BENSIRA-M,
     LXX Göttingen with Apparatus: Genesis                 GM        		 BENSIRA-E and SIRAPESH)                       HP
     LXX Göttingen with Apparatus: Isaiah                  GM
     LXX Göttingen with Apparatus: Jeremiah                GM        Hebrew Non-Biblical Texts
     LXX Göttingen with Apparatus: Job                     GM          Babylonian Talmud Folio (untagged Hebrew)      HM
     LXX Göttingen with Apparatus: Leviticus               GM          Grammatical Syntax add-on to Inscriptions      HE
     LXX Göttingen with Apparatus: Numbers                 GM          Hebrew Inscriptions (tagged)                   HE
     LXX Göttingen with Apparatus: Pentateuch              GM          Judean Desert Corpus                           HP
     LXX Göttingen with Apparatus: Psalms & Odes           GM          Kaufmann Hebrew Mishna (tagged)                HM
     LXX Göttingen with Apparatus: Ruth                    GM          Mekhilta de Rabbi Ishmael                      HM
     LXX Göttingen with Apparatus: Sirach (Ecclesiastes)   GM          Mishna, Eshkol Ed.                             HM
     LXX Göttingen with Apparatus: The Twelve              GM          Qumran Non-Biblical Manuscripts
     LXX Rahlfs’ Apparatus                                 GP        		 (Hebrew), tagged                              HP
     Tischendorf Apparatus                                 GM          Sifra                                          HM
     UBS4 Apparatus                                                    Sifre BeMidbar (Numbers)                       HM
                                                                       Sifre Debarim (Deuteronomy)                    HM
Other Greek Tools                                                      Talmud Bavli (untagged Hebrew)                 HM
     Biblical Greek: A Compact Guide (Mounce)              GM          Tosefta                                        HM
     Deissmann’s Bible Studies                             GHL
     Codex 2882 Images                                     GE
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