Compatibility of mid-level biodiesel blends in vehicles in Indonesia

Page created by Shane Pierce

Compatibility of mid-level biodiesel
blends in vehicles in Indonesia
Authors: Stephanie Searle & Kristine Bitnere
Date: April 16, 2018
Keywords: biofuel, emissions, fatty acid methyl esther (FAME), policy, corrosion, sulfur

Executive summary                                    these effects appear to differ with fuel     components. The negative impacts
                                                     sulfur content; palm biodiesel tends to      of corrosion are partially offset by
Indonesia strongly promotes palm
                                                     increase emissions when blended in           improved lubricity with biodiesel
biodiesel consumption with a current
                                                     low-sulfur diesel (50 ppm). High-sulfur diesel         degrades some types of elastomers
met, these targets would require the
                                                     use is widespread today in Indonesia.        and leads to greater deposit forma-
use of high biodiesel blends, raising
                                                     Fuel sulfur content could be an indica-      tion and plugging of some vehicle
concerns about compatibility with
                                                     tor of other fuel quality properties that    components compared to fossil diesel.
Indonesia’s current vehicle fleet. In
                                                     could influence the effect of biodiesel      Overall, studies on whole fuel/engine
this study, we review evidence on the
                                                     blends on emissions. Indonesia is            and vehicle systems find that more
impact of biodiesel on emissions of
                                                     making a commendable step in moving          frequent replacement of various
harmful pollutants from vehicles and
                                                     toward cleaner fuels and vehicles with       components such as fuel filters, fuel
on vehicle material compatibility.
                                                     its expected adoption of Euro 4/IV           injector nozzles, and seals, as well as
Previous reviews have reported that                  standards starting in 2021, which will       potentially more costly components
soy and rapeseed biodiesel increase                  deliver substantial air quality benefits.    central to diesel engines, is required
n i t ro g e n ox i d e ( N O X ) e m i ss i o n s   However, our findings suggest that bio-      when operating vehicles on bio-
compared to fossil diesel, but that                  diesel consumption will detract from         diesel blends. Based on the available
palm biodiesel reduces NO X emis-                    the air quality benefits of using cleaner    evidence, it thus appears likely that
sions due to its high level of saturated             diesel fuel. We also find that, when         meeting Indonesia’s goals to blend
compounds. These reviews also report                 including recent evidence from studies       20%–30% palm biodiesel in its diesel
that all types of biodiesel reduce                   using low-sulfur diesel, rapeseed bio-       supply will result in increased vehicle
particulate matter (PM), carbon                      diesel worsens CO and PM emissions           maintenance costs.
monoxide (CO), and unburned hydro-                   compared to fossil diesel, and soybean
carbon (HC) emissions compared to                    biodiesel does not provide any benefit
diesel. On the contrary, we find that,
                                                     with regard to these pollutants.
on average, palm biodiesel increases                                                              The government of Indonesia has
NOX and PM emissions compared to                     Biodiesel also affects materials used        required the blending of biodiesel in
fossil diesel when conducting a meta-                in vehicle components differently            diesel fuel since issuing its first set
analysis that includes evidence from                 than fossil diesel. Compared to diesel,      of blending targets in 2008 for the
a number of recent studies. There is                 biodiesel causes greater corrosion in        2008–2025 time frame in its Ministry of
substantial variation in results, and                several types of metals used in vehicle      Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR)

Acknowledgments: This work was generously supported by the Packard Foundation and the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation. Thanks to
Anastasia Kharina, Francisco Posada, Tim Dallman, Ray Minjares, and Felipe Rodriguez for helpful input and reviews.

© INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION, 2018                                                                      WWW.THEICCT.ORG

Regulation No. 32/2008. The targets          B20 or B100, are available, but typi-      examines the interaction of fuel quality
have been revised several times, and         cally at a higher price.                   and vehicle operation with biodiesel
Indonesia currently requires 20% bio-                                                   effects on emissions to understand
diesel blending, increasing to 30%           This study reviews the likely impacts      what the likely impacts are of increas-
starting in 2020, per MEMR Regulation        of Indonesia’s biofuel policy on vehicle   ing biodiesel blending in Indonesia
No.12/2015. Historically, these targets      consumers. Whereas previous studies        and how those effects may change in
have been missed by half or more,            have reviewed the impacts of biodiesel     the future.
and the actual biodiesel blend level in      on vehicle emissions and the durability
2016 was around 11% (U.S. Department         of components (Hoekman & Robbins,
of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural          2012; U.S. Environmental Protection        Effect of biodiesel on
Service, 2017). In October 2017, the         Agency [EPA] et al., 2002; Lapuerta,       conventional pollutant
Indonesian government indicated the          Armas, & Rodriguez-Fernandez, 2008;        emissions from vehicles
move to 30% blending in 2020 may be          Haseeb, Fazal, Jahirul, & Masjuki, 2011;
                                             Singh, Korstad, & Sharma, 2012), most      Biodiesel has several properties that
delayed (Rachman, 2017).
                                             empirical evidence included in these       influence its effect on vehicle emis-
The high biodiesel blending levels           reviews is from vehicles and fuels in      sions. In particular, it has a higher
targeted by t h e g ove rnme nt o f          Europe and the United States, and          oxygen content, cetane number,
Indonesia may raise concerns of              none of these reviews have addressed       density, and viscosity, and lower
compatibility in vehicles. Although          vehicle impacts specifically in the        sulfur than diesel (Sivaramakrishnan &
biodiesel has some positive charac-          Indonesian context. Indonesia’s case       Ravikumar, 2012). Review studies gen-
teristics for use in diesel vehicles, it     is different from biodiesel impacts        erally agree that biodiesel usage leads
reduces fuel economy, can degrade            studied in Europe and the United           to a decrease in emissions of CO, PM,
some vehicle components and materi-          States for several reasons:                and HC, and a modest increase in NOX
als, and may affect vehicle emissions.                                                  emissions (Hoekman & Robbins, 2012;
Vehicle manufacturers recommend                • The vast majority of biodiesel con-    EPA, 2002; Lapuerta et al., 2008).
the use of biodiesel blends only up              sumed in Indonesia is produced
to 5% in the United States and 7% in             from palm oil, rather than soy oil
                                                                                        EFFECT OF BIODIESEL ON NOX
Europe and Malaysia in regular diesel            or rapeseed oils, which are the
vehicles, and use of higher biodiesel            dominant biodiesel feedstocks in
blends may void customer warran-                 many other countries;                  Wh e re a s m o st st u d i e s m e a s u re
ties (National Biodiesel Board, 2005;                                                   increases in NOX in biodiesel blends
                                               • Indonesia has a warm climate,
Toyota, n.d.; “Car warranty,” 2017). In                                                 compared to diesel, some studies
                                                 which has different effects on the
addition, the Worldwide Fuel Charter                                                    re p o r t t h e o p p o s i te . O ve ra l l , a
                                                 viscosity of biodiesel compared to
only allows up to 5% biodiesel blending                                                 review by EPA (2002) found that
                                                 countries in cooler climates;
in fossil diesel (European Automobile                                                   a blend of 20% biodiesel in diesel
Manufacturers’ Association [ACEA]              • Indonesian vehicles tend to have       (B20) increases NO X emissions by
et al., 2013). The Indonesian Trucking           older technology than in Europe        2%. This finding was supported by
Association Drs Gemilang Tarigan has             and the United States; and             a later meta-analysis by Hoekman
stated that warranties extend to B20           • Indonesia has lower fuel quality,      and Robbins (2012). The measured
for all trucks included in the association       in particular higher sulfur content,   impacts of palm biodiesel on NO X
(“Greater push,” 2017). However, the             than fuel in Europe and the United     have been mixed. Some studies have
Association of Indonesian Automotive             States.                                reported that palm biodiesel in par-
Manufacturers (Gaikindo) has stated                                                     ticular results in a decrease in NO X,
that not all vehicles can accept B15         Here, we review the effects of bio-        postulating that the high saturation
or higher biodiesel blends, and PT           diesel—specifically, fatty acid methyl     level and cetane number of palm bio-
Pertamina, the largest fuel distributor      esther—on vehicle component dura-          diesel may contribute to this ben-
in Indonesia, reports receiving com-         bility and conventional pollutant          eficial effect (Wirawan et al., 2008;
plaints from automotive producers            emissions. We do not address other         Ng et al., 2011; Kinoshita, Hamasaki,
that engines are limited to biodiesel        renewable diesel substitutes such as       & Jaqin, 2003). On the other hand,
blends as low as 12.5% (Cahyafitri &         hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO).          others have reported that palm bio-
Yulisman, 2015). Vehicles specially          This study focuses on palm biodiesel       diesel increases NO X compared to
designed for higher blends, such as          where information is available, and        fossil diesel (Acevedo & Mantilla,

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2011; Vedaraman, Puhan, Nagarajan, &                                           140%
Velappan, 2011; Fattah, Masjuki, Kalam,

                                            Change in NOX compared to diesel
Mofijur, & Abedin, 2014; Karavalakis,
Bakeas, Fontaras, & Stournas, 2011).                                           100%
In particular, Acevedo and Mantilla
(2011) measured 30%–130% higher                                                80%
NOX compared to fossil diesel when                                             60%
combusting 100% palm biodiesel in a
heavy-duty diesel engine. We identi-                                           40%
fied and reviewed eight studies that
specifically tested exhaust emis-
sions using palm biodiesel in light-                                            0%
duty vehicles or engines and one
study that tested palm biodiesel in a                                          -20%
heavy-duty engine (references listed
in Appendix). We compared emis-                                                    0%        20%          40%           60%         80%              100%
sions of NO X and other pollutants
                                                                                                            Biodiesel blend
from combusting biodiesel blends to
those of pure diesel in each study,            Figure 1. Effect of palm biodiesel on NOX emissions at varying blend levels compared to
                                               fossil diesel in light-duty vehicles and engines.
and listed all combinations of blend
level, engine or vehicle, and test cycle
as separate observations. The differ-
                                            Change in NOX compared to diesel

ence in NOX between biodiesel blends                                           40%
and fossil diesel is shown in Figure
1. Positive values indicate the bio-                                           20%
diesel blend resulted in higher NO X
than fossil diesel, whereas negative
values indicate biodiesel reduced NOX
compared to diesel. We perform a
linear regression with the change in                                                                                                 Rapeseed
NO X emissions using the biodiesel                                                                                                   Soy
blend compared to diesel and the                                               -60%                                                   Linear (Rapeseed)
biodiesel blend level. For all similar                                                                                                Linear (Soy)
regressions presented in this study,                                           -80%
                                                                                   0%        20%          40%           60%          80%             100%
we fix the intercept at 0 and consider
significant relationships to be indi-                                                                     Biodiesel blend level
cated when p

of soy and rapeseed biodiesel on                to overall higher NO X formation            have been shown to exhibit higher
exhaust emissions, we do not consider           compared to the more drawn                  adiabatic flame temperature than
our review to be exhaustive for these           out combustion and softer tem-              saturated compounds, but there
feedstocks. There is some evidence              perature peaks that would be                is little evidence showing that this
concerning emissions for biodiesel              expected with delayed injection.            is a significant effect in NOX emis-
produced from other feedstocks, such            Supporting this theory, Monyem              sions with biodiesel.
as used cooking oil and animal fats, but        and Van Gerpen (2001, as cited           • “Prompt NOX” formation. “Prompt
there are not sufficient data to justify        in Lapuerta et al., 2008) found a          NOX” is caused by the reaction of
a meta-analysis for these feedstocks.           correlation between the start of           HC fragments with nitrogen (N2),
                                                injection and NOX emissions, inde-         typically under fuel-rich condi-
                                                pendent of the fuel used. In fact,         tions. There is theoretical reason
                                                delayed injection has been used as         to expect unsaturated compounds
                                                a strategy for reducing NOX emis-          to produce more HC radicals, and
It is not well understood why biodiesel         sions in diesel vehicles (Minami,          thus for biodiesel—especially that
blending affects NOX. The increase in           Takeuchi, & Shimazaki, 1995;               which has been produced from
NO X with biodiesel content that is             Tanabe, Kohketsu, & Nakayama,              feedstocks with a high proportion
observed in most studies is likely due          2005). However, Lapuerta et al.            of unsaturated fats, such as soy
to a combination of effects that are            (2008) report that other experi-           oil—to produce more NO X from
reviewed in Lapuerta et al. (2008)              ments maintaining constant injec-          HC radicals. However, there is little
and Hoekman and Robbins (2012):                 tion timing still find higher NOx for      experimental evidence to support
                                                biodiesel, suggesting that injec-          this theory. Moreover, as discussed
    • Advanced fuel injection.                  tion timing cannot be the only
      Biodiesel has lower compress-                                                        in more detail below, total HC emis-
                                                mechanism for higher NOX.                  sions for biodiesel are less than
      ibility and higher speed of sound
      than diesel. As a result of these       • Reduced radiative heat loss                those of fossil diesel fuel.
      factors, in mechanically operated         through lower soot formation. As         • Higher oxygen availability during
      fuel injection systems (the most          further described below, biodiesel         combustion. Biodiesel contains
      popular among pre-Euro 4/IV               produces less particulate matter,          more oxygen than diesel fuel,
      systems) pressure increases more          or soot, than fossil diesel. Soot          which may increase the reaction
      quickly with biodiesel, forcing           formation absorbs heat and thus            of oxygen with N2 to produce NOX.
      the delivery valve to respond             to some extent reduces cylinder            There is some evidence, reviewed
      more quickly and ejecting the             temperature during and after com-          in Lapuerta et al. (2008), that
      fuel into the cylinder earlier than       bustion. As reviewed in Hoekman            enriching intake air with oxygen
      with regular diesel. Because of a         and Robbins (2012), there is some          increases NOX. However, this rela-
      slightly earlier injection, biodiesel     experimental evidence to support           tionship is weaker, or nonexistent,
      has a longer residence time in            this theory. However, Schonborn            for increased oxygen contained
      the cylinder before compression           (2008, 2009, as cited in Hoekman           within fuel molecules compared
      begins and the fuel ignites. This         and Robbins, 2012) found simul-            to enriched oxygen content of air.
      additional residence time allows          taneous increases in both PM
                                                and NO X with the combustion            Understanding these mechanisms may
      the fuel and air to mix more thor-                                                help elucidate why there is so much
      oughly, leading to more intense           of some biodiesel species, sug-
                                                                                        variability in NOX emissions from palm
      combustion, and thus heat release,        gesting that reduced soot forma-
                                                                                        biodiesel. Although the available data
      once ignition begins. This period         tion cannot be the sole mecha-
                                                                                        indicate that palm biodiesel increases
      of intense heat release leads to          nism of increased NOX emissions.
                                                                                        NOX emissions overall, compared to
      higher peak temperatures in the           Furthermore, across the studies
                                                                                        fossil diesel, some studies report a
      cylinder, although the duration of        analyzed here, we do not observe
                                                                                        NOX reduction with palm biodiesel.
      heat release and high tempera-            any relationship between PM and
      tures is likely shorter compared          NOX. A negative correlation would        • Higher cetane number (CN) off-
      to later injection. NOX formation         be expected if reduced PM were             setting advanced injection. The
      increases exponentially with tem-         a strong driver of increasing NOX.         high CN of palm biodiesel may
      perature, and thus a short period       • Higher adiabatic flame temper-             partially or completely mitigate
      of very high temperatures leads           ature. Unsaturated compounds               advanced fuel injection. CN is

4    INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION                                                      WORKING PAPER 2018-08

    defined as the inverse of the time                                            NOX formation, are thought to be        saturated than soy and rapeseed oils;
    delay between the start of fuel                                               a result of the high level of unsat-    however, we find a greater increase
    injection and the start of com-                                               urated fatty acids in some feed-        in NO X emissions with palm bio-
    bustion; higher CN thus indicates                                             stocks (e.g., soy). These effects       diesel compared to diesel than with
    a shorter delay from injection to                                             potentially could be mitigated or       soy biodiesel or rapeseed biodiesel
    combustion (ignition delay). It                                               erased with the relatively high         compared to diesel, so other factors
    should be understood, however,                                                saturation level of palm oil when       must be determining the relationship
    that CN is not necessarily com-                                               used as a feedstock for biodiesel.      between feedstock and NOX effect.
    pletely correlated with actual
    ignition delay. CN is determined         Regardless of the specific mecha-                                            Other factors such as the quality of
    by the chemical composition of           nism involved, saturation level of bio-                                      the base diesel fuel may affect the
    fuel, and the actual ignition delay      diesel feedstocks appears to be tied                                         relationship between biodiesel and
    may vary for any given CN fuel if        to NO X. Several studies find higher                                         NO X. In its 2002 review, EPA found
    injection timing is changed. For         NOX with lower saturation level and                                          greater NOX increases when biodiesel
    example, rapeseed, which is also         shorter fatty acid chain length when                                         was blended into “clean” diesel fuels
    known as canola, or soy biodiesel        testing multiple biodiesel feedstocks                                        with lower aromatics, higher cetane
    with a CN similar to diesel, per         (Graboski, McCormick, Alleman, &                                             number, lower density, and lower dis-
    Sivaramakrishnan and Ravikumar           Herring, 2003; McCormick, Graboski,                                          tillation temperatures compared to
    (2012), would be expected to             Alleman, & Herring, 2001; Lapuerta                                           “average” fuels. In our analysis, we
    result in a longer ignition delay        et al., 2008; Pala-En, Sattler, Dennis,                                      find a particularly strong influence of
    than fossil diesel because of            Chen, & Muncrief, 2013). Saturation                                          the base fuel sulfur content on the
    advanced injection. Palm bio-            level may be directly related to some                                        biodiesel NOX effect: biodiesel results
    diesel has a higher CN than fossil       potential mechanisms of NOX effects                                          in the greatest increase in NOX when
    diesel, and so ignition would be         previously discussed, such as adia-                                          blended in low-sulfur fuels (500 ppm S)
    injection, resulting in a shorter        iodine number and NO X (Hoekman                                              (Figure 3). This figure shows data only
    residence time, and thus lower           & Robbins, 2012). Palm oil is more                                           from studies on heavy-duty vehicles or
    temperature peaks and NOX for-
    mation, compared to biodiesel
                                                                                           Very high sulfur     Linear (Very high sulfur)
    produced from other feedstocks.                                               120%
                                          Change in NOX in biodiesel vs. diesel

    For fossil diesel fuel, higher CN                                                      High sulfur          Linear (High sulfur)
    has been linked with lower NO X                                               100%
                                                                                           Low sulfur           Linear (Low sulfur)
    formation (Lapuerta et al., 2008).                                            80%
    Independent of other factors,
    higher CN for diesel fuel should                                              60%
    have an effect similar to delayed
    injection in reducing precom-
    bustion residence time and thus                                               20%
    fuel-air mixing, producing more
    spread out heat release, softer                                                0%
    temperature gradients, and lower
    NOX formation.
  • High saturation level. Some
                                                                                      0%            20%          40%             60%          80%          100%
    other theoretical mechanisms for
                                                                                                                 Biodiesel blend level
    increased NOX formation with bio-
    diesel, including higher adiabatic       Figure 3. Effect of base fuel sulfur content on the biodiesel NOX effect in heavy-duty
    flame temperature and prompt             vehicles and engines.

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engines, in contrast to the data shown                                           1.4
                                                                                           High sulfur     Low sulfur         Linear (Low sulfur)

                                             Change in NOX compared to diesel
in Figure 1 and Figure 2, which was for                                          1.2
light-duty vehicles and engines only,
because almost all studies included                                                1
in our light-duty dataset blended                                               0.8
biodiesel in very low-sulfur diesel.
We similarly find that with palm bio-
diesel specifically, biodiesel is asso-                                         0.4
ciated with greater NO X emissions                                              0.2
when compared to low-sulfur diesel,
but there is no relationship between                                              0
biodiesel blend level and NOX emis-                                             -0.2
sions when compared to high-sulfur
diesel (Figure 4). Although studies
                                                                                    0%               20%                40%            60%              80%            100%
using lower sulfur diesel also tend to
                                                                                                                          Biodiesel blend
use emission control technologies—
selective catalytic reduction (SCR),            Figure 4. Effect of base fuel sulfur content on the biodiesel NOx effect in light- and
                                                heavy-duty vehicles and engines with palm biodiesel.
for example—compared to studies
using higher-sulfur diesel, this did not
appear to be a factor in our dataset;
                                             Change in NOX compared to diesel

in five studies that specifically tested                                        35%
the effect of emission control devices
on the biodiesel NOX effect, there was                                          30%
no significant or consistent change in                                          25%
the biodiesel NOX relationship (Sharp,
1996; Sharp, Howell, & Jobe, 2000;                                              20%
Czerwinski, 2013; Mizushima & Takada,
2014; Peterson, Taberski, Thompson,
& Chase, 2000). Diesel sulfur content                                           10%
could be correlated with the other
factors EPA used to identify “clean”                                             5%
                                                                                                                   B20         B100      Linear (B20)         Linear (B100)
fuel, listed above, and could be indica-                                         0%
tive of other fuel quality characteristics                                             0             1000               2000            3000            4000            5000
that affect NOX and other pollutants. In                                                                                         RPM
any case, it is not mechanistically clear
                                                Figure 5. Effect of engine speed on the biodiesel NOx effect in Fattah et al. (2014).
why base fuel sulfur content should
affect the relationship between bio-            versus diesel depends on engine                                                  (Figure 6). Kinoshita et al. (2003)
diesel and NOX.                                 speed. Fattah et al. (2014) tested                                               tested both palm and rapeseed bio-
                                                20% and 100% palm biodiesel and                                                  diesel and found that palm biodiesel
There may be reason to believe that
                                                measured increased NO X emissions                                                had lower NOX than gas oil, which is
vehicle operation can change the
                                                compared to diesel with both blend                                               similar to diesel. Rapeseed biodiesel
biodiesel NO X effect, although few
studies have specifically investigated          levels. The difference in NO X emis-                                             had lower or higher NO X compared
the effect of vehicle load or test              sions between biodiesel and diesel                                               to gas oil depending on the type
cycle on the biodiesel NOX effect. In           increased with engine speeds ranging                                             of engine tested. In Kinoshita et al.
general, NOX increases with both load           from 1000 to 4000 rpm (Figure 5).                                                (2003), the NOX benefit of palm bio-
and engine speed. Here, we discuss              Like other studies, Fattah et al. (2014)                                         diesel declined with increasing load;
whether these relationships change              measured a decrease in CO and HC                                                 palm biodiesel performed worse in
with biodiesel blends compared to               with biodiesel compared to diesel.                                               terms of NOX emissions at high loads
fossil diesel. Both Fattah et al. (2014)        Acevedo and Mantilla (2011) also                                                 compared to low loads. However,
and Acevedo and Mantilla (2011) found           measured the greatest biodiesel NOX                                              Vedaraman et al. (2011) also tested
that the change in NOX with biodiesel           effect at the highest engine speed                                               palm biodiesel at varying loads and

6   INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION                                                                                                  WORKING PAPER 2018-08

did not measure a change in the NOX                                                   140%
effect with load. Similarly, load did not
have a clear effect on the biodiesel                                                  120%

                                                   Change in NOX compared to diesel
NO X effect in Acevedo and Mantilla
(2011). Thus, although the biodiesel
NO X effect appears to worsen with
increasing engine speed, it does not
appear to depend on load.

These findings may be relevant for                                                     60%
two reasons. NOX emissions in general
increase with both load and engine                                                     40%                                                      10% load
speed, and this problem could be exac-
                                                                                                                                                25% load
erbated if biodiesel NO X emissions
                                                                                       20%                                                      50% load
worsen in particular at high engine
speed. Secondly, real-world drivers                                                                                                             75% load
tend to experience higher engine                                                        0%
                                                                                         1000      1200      1400           1600         1800        2000
speeds overall than in commonly used
test cycles such as the New European                                                                                RPM
Driving Cycle (NEDC). Karavalakis,                    Figure 6. Effect of engine speed on the biodiesel NOx effect in Acevedo and Mantilla (2011).
A l va n o u , S to u r n a s , a n d B a ke a s
(2009) measured the effect of bio-                                                    150%
diesel produced from a blend of palm
and coconut oils on NO X emissions
                                                   Change in HC compared to diesel

under two different driving cycles: the
NEDC and the Athens Driving Cycle,
which much more closely approxi-                                                       50%
mates real-world driving conditions
(Tzirakis, Pitsas, Zannikos, & Stournas,
2006). In most cases in Karavalakis et                                                  0%
al. (2009), NOX emissions were higher
with biodiesel blends compared to                                                     -50%
diesel, and this effect was greater
when using the Athens Driving Cycle
compared to the NEDC. This result                                                     -100%
suggests that biodiesel NO X effects                                                                        Palm                Rapeseed                   Soy
could be worse under real-world                                                                             Linear (Palm)       Linear (Rapeseed)          Linear (Soy)
driving conditions compared to labo-
                                                                                          0%        20%          40%               60%           80%            100%
ratory tests, but there is not enough
                                                                                                                    Biodiesel blend
evidence available on the effect of
driving cycle to draw conclusions.                    Figure 7. Effect of palm, soy, and rapeseed biodiesel on HC emissions at varying blend
                                                      levels compared to diesel in light-duty and heavy-duty vehicles and engines.

PM, CO, AND HC                                        including data from both light- and                                   likely explanation for the reduction
Biodiesel also has been known to                      heavy-duty vehicles, we find a more                                   in HC emissions with biodiesel is that
affect other types of pollutant emis-                 modest but still statistically significant                            the higher oxygen content of bio-
sions (EPA, 2002; Lapuerta et al.,                    reduction in HC of around 20%–40%                                     diesel compared to diesel enables
2008; Hoekman & Robbins, 2012).                       for biodiesel produced from palm,                                     more complete combustion of the fuel
In its review, EPA (2002) found                       soy, and rapeseed oils when outliers                                  (Lapuerta et al., 2008).
that 100% biodiesel (B100) reduces                    are excluded (Figure 7), although as
HC emissions by around 60%–70%                        for NO X emissions, there is consid-                                  We also find that CO decreases with
compared to diesel. In our analysis,                  erable variability among studies. A                                   palm biodiesel compared to diesel

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(Figure 8). However, contrary to                                                      250%
                                                                                                Palm            Rapeseed                Soy
previous findings, we find no statisti-
                                                                                                Linear (Palm)   Linear (Rapeseed)
cally significant response of CO to                                                   200%

                                                    Change in CO compared to diesel
soy biodiesel blends and detect a sig-
nificant increase in CO with rapeseed
biodiesel compared to diesel. In its                                                  100%
2002 review, EPA found that biodiesel
reduces CO emissions by around                                                         50%
40%–50% compared to diesel. The
dataset used in that study included                                                     0%
results mainly from soy and rapeseed
biodiesel. We note that almost all of                                                 -50%
the observations finding an increase
i n CO e m i ss i o n s w i t h b i o d i e s e l
compared to diesel in our dataset
are included in papers published                                                           0%          20%        40%             60%           80%          100%
after EPA’s review. Our analysis thus                                                                           Biodiesel blend
suggests that, taking recent data into
account, it is not clear that soy and                  Figure 8. Effect of palm, soy, and rapeseed biodiesel on CO emissions at varying blend
rapeseed biodiesel decrease CO, and                    levels compared to diesel in light-duty and heavy-duty vehicles and engines
in some cases may actually increase
CO. Palm biodiesel, on the other hand,                                                          Palm            Rapeseed                Soy
almost uniformly results in lower CO                                                            Linear (Palm)   Linear (Rapeseed)
compared to diesel, although this
                                                    Change in PM compared to diesel

overall effect is rather modest, on the
order of a 20%–30% reduction.

PM has also been reported to decrease                                                 800%
with biodiesel blends in previous
reviews. In a meta-analysis of results                                                600%
from several studies using mostly
soy and rapeseed biodiesel, EPA                                                       400%
(2002) had also reported a 40%–50%
decrease in PM emissions with bio-                                                    200%
diesel compared to diesel. Biodiesel
has been thought to reduce PM in                                                        0%
part due to its low sulfur content
and also because its higher oxygen                                                    -200%
content enables more complete com-                                                         0%          20%         40%            60%           80%          100%
bustion of the fuel (Lapuerta et al.,                                                                                Biodiesel blend
2008). However, we find a statistically                Figure 9. Effect of palm, soy, and rapeseed biodiesel on PM emissions at varying blend
significant increase in PM emissions                   levels compared to diesel in light-duty and heavy-duty vehicles and engines.
with palm biodiesel and, to a lesser
extent, rapeseed biodiesel. We find no                 Lapuerta et al. 2008 review, which                                 and with around a 500% increase with
relationship between biodiesel blend                   supported EPA’s conclusion that bio-                               palm biodiesel. These results for palm
and PM with soy biodiesel (Figure 9).                  diesel reduces PM. Although there is                               biodiesel are heavily influenced by the
Again, almost all of the positive                      very high variability in results on PM                             data presented in Acevedo and Mantilla
responses we saw of PM to biodiesel                    emissions, the increase in PM with                                 (2011), who report far higher PM emis-
were reported in studies more recent                   rapeseed and palm biodiesel appears                                sions with palm biodiesel compared
than EPA’s 2002 review. Most of these                  to be rather high, with B100 associ-                               to diesel. The authors believe that this
results are also more recent than the                  ated with around a 50% increase in PM                              is because of incomplete combustion

8   INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION                                                                                            WORKING PAPER 2018-08

with palm biodiesel, and speculate                                            1500%
                                                                                          high sulfur                low sulfur
that other studies may have found
                                                                                          Linear (high sulfur)       Linear (low sulfur)
PM reductions with palm biodiesel                                             1300%

                                            Change in PM compared to diesel
because they may have used filters
that only capture larger particles (>2.5                                      1100%
or 10 μm). Palm biodiesel has been
found to produce high amounts of                                              900%
particles in a diesel generator in the
range 0.056–0.31 μm, but produced                                             700%
lower PM than diesel if only particles
larger than 0.18 μm are considered                                            500%
(Lin, Lee, Wu, & Wang, 2006). If early
studies used filters that only captured                                       300%
larger particles, this could explain
why EPA (2002) and Lapuerta et al.                                            100%
(2008) found that biodiesel reduces
PM overall.                                                                   -100%
                                                                                   0%             20%               40%                60%       80%           100%
In fact, when we narrow our analysis
                                                                                                                        Biodiesel blend
for rapeseed and soy biodiesel to
include only studies published after           Figure 10. Effect of biodiesel on PM emissions at varying blend levels when compared to
EPA’s 2002 review, we observe very             high- or low-sulfur diesel in light- and heavy-duty vehicles and engines.
different trends from those reported
in EPA (2002). For both rapeseed                                              14
                                            Change in PM compared to diesel

and soy biodiesel, we find no sig-                                                    high sulfur                low sulfur
nificant change in HC with biodiesel                                                  Linear (high sulfur)       Linear (low sulfur)

compared to diesel, and significant                                           10
positive responses of CO and PM, as
well as NOX, with biodiesel compared
to diesel. The increases in CO and PM                                         6
observed across these more recent
studies is non-negligible, with emis-
sions on the order of 50% greater for                                         2
B100 compared to diesel.
We hypothesize that the change in                                             -2
results for soy and rapeseed biodiesel                                          0%             20%                40%             60%           80%           100%
from earlier studies to later studies                                                                                Biodiesel blend
stems from improvements in fuel
                                               Figure 11. Effect of palm biodiesel on PM emissions at varying blend levels when
quality and vehicle technology over            compared to high- or low-sulfur diesel in light-duty vehicles and engines.
time. For example, biodiesel provides
a PM benefit compared to low-quality           biodiesel blend and PM compared to                                            We observe a similar effect when
diesel with high sulfur content, because       diesel when biodiesel is compared to                                          examining only results using palm
fuel sulfur content is strongly linked to      high-sulfur fuels (>50ppm), and a sta-                                        biodiesel. A PM reduction is observed
PM generation. Because biodiesel has           tistically significant positive relation-                                     when palm biodiesel is compared to
a very low sulfur content, biodiesel           ship when biodiesel is compared to                                            high-sulfur diesel, but a PM increase
would be expected to produce less              low-sulfur fuels (

that the diesel used in studies con-                 Furthermore, there is reason to expect     moves toward more advanced vehicle
ducted in Malaysia and India had                     the effect of palm biodiesel on exhaust    technology, the effect of palm bio-
sulfur content >50ppm, because at                    emissions to worsen in the future as       diesel on NO X compared to fossil
the time the research was likely done,               Indonesia moves toward cleaner fuel        diesel may worsen.
the fuel standards in these countries                and vehicles. Indonesia has estab-
specified a maximum of 350 or 500                    lished a schedule to reduce fuel sulfur    It is important to note that conven-
ppm sulfur in diesel (Platts, 2017;                  over time, with a goal to limit sulfur     tional pollutant emissions in general
India: Fuels: Diesel and gasoline, n.d.).            in diesel to 50 ppm starting in 2025.      will substantially decline as Indonesia
                                                     (Indonesia: Fuels: Diesel and gasoline,    moves to the Euro 4 standard and
                                                     n.d.) Our analysis finds that the effect   lower sulfur fuel. It is very likely that
IMPLICATIONS OF EMISSION                                                                        Indonesia will benefit from a reduction
                                                     of palm biodiesel and biodiesel more
TESTING RESULTS FOR                                                                             in transportation pollution regardless
                                                     generally on NOX and PM emissions
                                                     worsens considerably with lower sulfur     of biodiesel. Increased use of palm
W h e n co n s i d e r i n g a l l ava i l a b l e   fuel, and we would expect emissions of     biodiesel, though, could potentially
evidence, palm biodiesel has mixed                   these pollutants to worsen with palm       reduce those air quality gains.
effects on harmful pollutant emis-                   biodiesel blends compared to fossil
sions from vehicles, increasing NO X                 diesel as Indonesia moves toward
and PM but decreasing CO and HC                      cleaner fuel. The NO X increase with       Compatibility of biodiesel
emissions compared to diesel. At                     biodiesel blends is likely to be more      with vehicle components
present, palm biodiesel may offer pol-               pronounced in vehicles with older          In addition to affecting vehicle fuel
lution benefits in Indonesia specifi-                technology compared to vehicles with       consumption and exhaust emissions,
cally due to the high sulfur content of              newer technology, because emission         biodiesel can directly affect com-
diesel fuel in that country. However,                control systems may help mitigate
                                                                                                ponents of the vehicle that come in
there are several reasons to believe                 higher NOX emissions with biodiesel;
                                                                                                contact with the fuel. These compo-
that the harmful effect of palm bio-                 this may thus remain a significant
                                                                                                nents include: the fuel tank, fuel feed
diesel on emissions may be under-                    problem for a number of years as
                                                                                                pump, fuel lines, fuel filter, fuel pump,
stated in the studies we analyzed and                Indonesia’s fleet gradually turns over
                                                                                                fuel injector, piston, and exhaust
may worsen compared to fossil diesel                 to Euro 4/IV-compliant vehicles.
                                                                                                system. Many of these components are
as Indonesia moves toward cleaner
                                                     However, there is also reason to           made of metal and elastomers. In this
fuels and vehicles.
                                                     believe that the relative emissions        section, we review how biodiesel can
There is some reason to believe that                 performance of biodiesel compared          affect vehicle components through
the emissions benefits conferred by                  to fossil diesel also may worsen as        corrosion, changes in mechanical
palm biodiesel may be lower under                    Indonesia’s fleet transitions to more      wear, elastomer degradation, and
real-world conditions compared to                    modern vehicle technology. Indonesia       deposits. It is important to note that in
the studies reviewed here, which for                 is scheduled to move to Euro 4 stan-       all the studies reviewed here, the bio-
the most part conducted measure-                     dards for both light-duty and heavy-       diesel tested met commonly used fuel
ments in the laboratory. The biodiesel               duty diesel vehicles starting in 2021.     quality specifications, such as ASTM
NOX effect in particular appears to be               (Indonesia: Light-Duty: Emissions,         D6751 and EN 14214, and that impacts
worse when vehicles are operating at                 n.d.) Some studies find that higher        on materials could be worse if poor-
high engine speeds or in test cycles                 saturation of biodiesel feedstocks is      quality biodiesel is used.
that better represent the real world.                associated with a reduction in NO X,
Not enough evidence is available at                  so the relatively high saturation level
                                                                                                FUEL PROPERTIES AND
present to draw conclusions on this                  of palm biodiesel may blunt its effect
hypothesis, but it raises an important               on NOX emissions. McCormick et al.
question. If the biodiesel NO X effect               (2001) found that the benefit of feed-     Biodiesel differs from fossil diesel in
is indeed systematically worse in the                stock saturation on NOX emissions was      several ways that affect its impact on
real world compared to laboratory                    less significant when using common         vehicle components: It is more able
tests, then consuming palm biodiesel                 rail fuel injectors—which would be         to absorb water from the air; has
may exacerbate NO X emissions in                     necessary to comply with the Euro 4        higher viscosity, electrical conductiv-
Indonesia even when compared to                      vehicle emission standard—than with        ity, polarity and solvency; has lower
high-sulfur diesel.                                  older vehicle technology. As Indonesia     stability; and is more sensitive to light,

10   INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION                                                                WORKING PAPER 2018-08

temperature, and metal ions compared       metals in biodiesel. Stainless steel          biodiesel, leading to copper ions in the
to fossil diesel (Haseeb, Fazal, et al.,   and carbon steel have been found              fuel and an increase in the total acid
2011; Fazal, Haseeb, & Masjuki, 2011,      to experience little to no corrosion in       number, whereas these effects were
2014; Jakeria, Fasal, & Haseeb, 2014).     biodiesel (Haseeb, Fazal, et al., 2011;       not observed with fossil diesel. The
                                           Fazal, Haseeb, & Masjuki, 2011, 2014;         presence of metal also can accelerate
Biodiesel tends to degrade through         Singh et al., 2012). Although many            water contamination, as water con-
oxidation over a period of days to         studies test the effects of 20% or            denses on metal components and thus
months. When biodiesel is exposed          100% biodiesel, increased corrosion           enters the fuel (Fazal et al., 2010).
to oxygen, oxygen attaches to bio-         has been detected with as low a bio-
diesel molecules at sites adjacent to      diesel concentration as 2%, compared          The possibility of adding corro-
double bonds, leading to oxidation         to diesel (Tsuchiya, Shiotani, Goto,          sion inhibitors to biodiesel has been
products including peroxides, alde-        Sugiyama, & Maeda, 2006).                     explored, although further research
hydes, alcohols, carboxylic acids, and                                                   is needed in this area (Haseeb, Fazal,
sediments (Jakeria et al., 2014). These    Palm biodiesel has been found to lead         et al., 2011; Fazal et al., 2011; Singh et
oxidation products can lead to corro-      to corrosion in copper and aluminum           al., 2012). It does not appear that any
sion and deposit formation. Because        at roughly double the rate of fossil          particular corrosion inhibitor has been
unsaturated vegetable oils have more       diesel, while also increasing corrosion       widely recommended for use.
double bonds compared to saturated         in brass and cast iron, but not stainless
vegetable oils, biodiesel produced         steel, compared to fossil diesel (Fazal
from feedstocks such as soy, rapeseed,
                                           et al., 2010, 2012).
and sunflower oils are thought to be                                                     Wear is the removal of metal from
less stable, whereas palm biodiesel is     Biodiesel is thought to be more cor-          surfaces due to mechanical rubbing.
thought to be relatively more stable       rosive than fossil diesel because of          Although wear is typically thought
because it is produced from a more         several of its properties: It is more         of as distinct from corrosion, which
saturated oil. However, in laboratory      prone to absorb water, has higher             is caused by chemical reactions, in
tests palm biodiesel has been found to     polarity and solvency, and contains           reality wear and corrosion often occur
degrade at a similar rate as biodiesel     more impurities than fossil diesel.           simultaneously. Wear typically is
produced from other feedstocks, and        Water itself is corrosive, but it also can    measured using laboratory tests that
a one-month storage time limit has         allow the growth of micro-organisms,          simulate mechanical rubbing (e.g., the
been suggested for palm biodiesel          which can further contribute to corro-        four-ball wear test) and by testing
(Jakeria et al., 2014).                    sion (Haseeb, Fazal, et al., 2011; Fazal      metal concentrations in lube oil, which
                                           et al., 2014; Jakeria et al., 2014). The      is thought to indicate the degree of
                                           higher solvency of biodiesel allows           metal removal through wear.
                                           it to dissolve paints and coatings on
Metals always have a tendency to pass      vehicle components, which can bring           Biodiesel tends to provide better
into solution, but this effect can be      the metal underneath into direct              lubricity than fossil diesel, which in
exacerbated by fuel type. Corrosion is     contact with the fuel, accelerating cor-      turn should reduce wear. The lubric-
typically tested by immersing materi-      rosion (Fazal et al., 2011). Some of the      ity benefit of biodiesel is thought
als in fuel for a period of time and       impurities common in biodiesel also           to occur because the fatty acids in
measuring weight change, the degree        can react with metals, including unre-        biodiesel form a soap film against
of tarnish, or by visual inspection.       acted methanol, catalytic sodium or           metal surfaces (Masjuki & Maleque,
Biodiesel is almost universally found      potassium, and free glycerol (Haseeb,         1996). Several studies have found that
to be more corrosive than fossil diesel.   Fazal, et al., 2011). Furthermore, the        wear decreases with increasing bio-
A significantly greater degree of cor-     presence of water can hydrolyze bio-          diesel blend when using laboratory
rosion has been tested and found           diesel, resulting in the presence of          tests such as the four-ball wear test
in copper, copper alloys (brass and        free fatty acids, which cause corrosion       (Haseeb, Fazal, et al., 2011; Fazal et al.,
bronze), lead, tin, zinc, aluminum, and    (Singh et al., 2012).                         2011, 2014). Wear has been found to
cast iron when soaked in biodiesel                                                       be greater when biodiesel is oxidized
compared to fossil diesel. Copper and      Corrosion also accelerates fuel deg-          (Haseeb, Fazal, et al., 2011; Fazal et al.,
its alloys have generally been found       radation, creating a positive feedback        2011). This finding highlights the inter-
to be the least resistant to corrosion;    l o o p. Fo r exa m p l e, co p p e r h a s   action that can occur between wear
cast iron is the most resistant of these   been found to enhance oxidation of            and corrosion, as oxidation can cause

WORKING PAPER 2018-08                                                       INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION        11

corrosion, which accelerates metal loss;   not appear to affect metal concentra-          nitrile rubber and polychloroprene,
in addition, corrosion can increase oxi-   tions in lube oil differently than bio-        weight loss in polytetrafluoroethyl-
dation of biodiesel. Results for metal     diesel produced from other feedstocks          ene, and no change in ethylene pro-
concentrations in lube oil, which likely   (Haseeb, Fazal, et al., 2011).                 pylene diene monomer and silicone
reflects to some extent the combined                                                      rubber. As with corrosion, oxidation
effects of wear and corrosion, are         In a review, Fazal et al., (2011) found that   of biodiesel appears to worsen elas-
mixed, with various studies finding        studies reporting lubricity benefits of        tomer degradation: Greater dimen-
lower or higher metal concentrations       biodiesel are generally very short term,       sional changes have been observed
in biodiesel and biodiesel blends          such as one hour, but that lubricity           with oxidized biodiesel compared
                                           benefits appear to disappear in long-          to biodiesel that meets specifica-
compared to fossil diesel. In agreement
                                           term field trials, which are discussed         tions (Terry, 2005). It has generally
with the results reviewed on corrosion,
                                           below. One potential explanation is            been concluded that nitrile, natural
concentrations of copper and copper
                                           that biodiesel leads to more deposits          rubber, chloroprene, neoprene, poly-
alloys in particular tend to be higher
                                           than fossil diesel, which would reduce         propylene, polyethylene, and some
in biodiesel compared to fossil diesel.
                                           lubricity over time (Fazal et al., 2014).      other materials are not compatible
In contrast, iron concentrations are
generally lower in biodiesel compared                                                     with biodiesel, although fluorinated
to fossil diesel (Haseeb, Fazal, et al.,   ELASTOMER DEGRADATION                          elastomers, Viton, and Teflon are not
2011). These results suggest that the                                                     significantly affected by biodiesel
                                           Elastomers are polymers with viscos-           (Haseeb, Fazal, et al., 2011; Singh
combined effects of wear and corro-
                                           ity and elasticity that often are used         et al., 2012; Mofijur et al., 2013). It
sion are complex, and that the lubric-
                                           to manufacture seals and hoses found           is thought that biodiesel leads to
ity benefits of biodiesel may offset to    in vehicles. Common elastomers used
some extent the increased corrosion                                                       elastomer degradation because of
                                           in vehicle components include nitrile          its increased polarity and solvency
potential of biodiesel.                    rubber, natural rubber, neoprene,              compared to fossil diesel (Fazal et
                                           Viton®, silicone, and other materials.         al., 2011).
The degree of saturation in biodiesel
                                           Biodiesel can affect elastomers by dis-
has been negatively correlated with
                                           solving them; some elastomers also             Elastomer swelling has been shown to
lubricity (Geller & Goodrum, 2004),
                                           swell as a result of absorbing liquid          be slowed by the addition of peroxide
so in theory the lubricity benefits of
                                           (Singh et al., 2012). The compatibility        (van Duin et al., 2010). However,
palm biodiesel may be lower than for
                                           of elastomers with biodiesel usually is        peroxide contributes to corrosion of
rapeseed or soy biodiesel, although
                                           tested by soaking these materials in           metals, as previously discussed.
this effect has not been clearly demon-
                                           biodiesel for a period of time and mea-
strated for palm biodiesel specifically.
                                           suring weight change, tensile strength,
To the best of our knowledge, wear has                                                    DEPOSIT FORMATION
                                           elongation, and hardness.
not been directly compared in palm                                                        Biodiesel has been found to result in
biodiesel versus biodiesel produced        Studies have found various elas-               higher rates of deposit formation on
from other feedstocks in the same          tomers to decrease, increase, or               vehicle components compared to fossil
study. Masjuki and Maleque (1996)          maintain weight when exposed to                diesel. Several studies have reported
measured reduced wear with 5% palm         biodiesel. In addition, dimensional            fuel filter plugging with biodiesel. In
biodiesel compared to fossil diesel        changes and a reduction in tensile             addition, trucking associations and
in a mechanical sliding test on cast       strength have been observed in                 state transportation agencies in the
iron, but higher wear in 7%–10% palm       some types of elastomers. One study            United States have reported problems
biodiesel compared to fossil diesel.       measured significantly lower tensile           with fuel filter plugging when using
The authors hypothesized that higher       strength, elongation, and hardness             biodiesel or biodiesel blends (often
oxidation in the higher palm biodiesel     for nitrile rubber and polychloro-             20%) in surveys. Other problems asso-
blends may have increased corrosion,       prene when soaked in palm biodiesel            ciated with deposit formation include
which in turn increased wear. Similarly,   compared to fossil diesel, but did             fuel injector plugging, piston ring
Terry (2005) measured significantly        not find an effect of biodiesel on flu-        sticking, and injector cocking (Fazal et
higher wear using B20 produced from        oro-viton (Haseeb, Masjuki, Ann, &             al., 2011; Mofijur et al., 2013). Potential
soy and rapeseed compared to fossil        Fazal, 2010). In another study using           mechanisms for increased deposit
diesel, but no effect comparing B5         palm biodiesel, Haseeb, Jun, Fazal,            formation with biodiesel include the
to fossil diesel. Palm biodiesel does      and Masjuki (2011) found swelling in           higher viscosity of biodiesel (Knothe,

12   INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION                                                          WORKING PAPER 2018-08

2005) and dissolved elastomers in the           ($0.05/mile) due to required replace-    Biodiesel generally has better lubric-
fuel (Fazal et al., 2011).                      ment of components including fuel        ity than fossil diesel, but the beneficial
                                                injectors and cylinder heads in the      effect this property has on wear in
                                                biodiesel-run vehicles toward the end    the short term appears to be offset
                                                of the experiment.                       by the effects of increased corrosion
                                                                                         and deposit formation in the longer
A number of studies have tested the             Rig tests and road tests have been       term. Studies on whole engine/fuel
effects of biodiesel on entire engine           performed in Indonesia, presumably       systems and vehicles have found
systems (rig tests) or vehicles (road           all using palm biodiesel. Across these   overall negative effects of B20 on
tests), sometimes over several years.           studies, some material compatibil-       vehicle components. It is not clear
The National Biodiesel Board com-               ity issues were found. In a road test,   that palm biodiesel will differentially
missioned two 1,000-hour laboratory             fuel filter clogging occurred in an      affect vehicles compared to biodiesel
studies on the effects of B20 on heavy-         “older” vehicle fueled with B20 after    produced from other feedstocks. Due
duty engines. In one 1995 study by              7,500 km. The only other problem         to its relatively high level of satura-
Ortech Corporation, cited in Fazal et           detected in this 40,000 km road          tion, there are theoretical reasons to
al. (2011), the fuel lines, fuel filters, and   test was swelling of a rubber ring       expect palm biodiesel to affect cor-
fuel transfer pump had to be replaced           on the fuel filter (Gaikindo, 2015).     rosion and wear less than biodiesel
after 700 hours due to deposits. At the         However, in a rig test, no deposits      produced from other feedstocks,
end of the experiment, the researchers          were detected on the sliding injector,   when compared to fossil diesel.
found substantial deposits on many              the sliding pump supply, or the          However, measurements of corrosion
components, deteriorated seals, broken          inside of the common rail (Ministry      and wear with palm biodiesel have
rings, and severe degradation of the            of Energy and Mineral Resources of       generally produced similar results as
fuel injector. In the other study from          the Republic of Indonesia [KESDM],       for other types of biodiesel. Studies
1995 by Fosseen, again as cited in Fazal        2015). In another test, zinc from the    using B20 in Indonesia specifically
et al. (2011), the test was terminated          fuel tank eluted with use of B20,        have observed several of the same
after 650 hours due to failure of the           leading to injector deposits and         problems reported from studies in
engine pump caused by a buildup of              reduced jet volume (Komatsu, 2015).      other regions. There are not sufficient
residue in the pump. The fuel filter also       Komatsu noted zinc-coated fuels          data available to draw firm conclusions
was plugged in this test.                       tanks may need to be replaced to be      on the maximum blend of biodiesel
                                                compatible with B20, and that there      that can be tolerated by conventional
Long-term field trials have had varied          are more than 30,000 such tanks in       vehicle components. Negative effects
results. Chase et al. (2000) found no           Indonesian vehicles. Komatsu (2015)      of biodiesel on corrosion have been
significant changes except higher NOx           also observed degradation of several     observed with biodiesel blends as
and PM emissions when performing a              elastomers with use of B20, including    low as 2%. Some studies have found
322,000 km long-haul test using B50             nitrile rubber and chlorosulfonated      greater damage with biodiesel blends
produced from used cooking oil in a             polyethylene rubber.                     higher than 5% compared to B5.
heavy-duty truck. On the other hand,
in a long-term 4-year study, Fraer et                                                    Based on the available evidence, it thus
al. (2005) found a higher frequency of          IMPLICATIONS OF MATERIAL                 appears likely that meeting Indonesia’s
fuel filter plugging and injector nozzle        COMPATIBILITY RESULTS FOR                goals to blend 20%–30% palm bio-
replacement in vans and tractors oper-          INDONESIA                                diesel in its diesel supply will result
ating on B20 compared to fossil diesel.         Biodiesel affects vehicle compo-         in increased vehicle maintenance
In a 2-year study, Proc, Barnitt, Hayes,        nents differently than fossil diesel     costs, with more frequent replacement
Ratcliff, and McCormick (2006) expe-            in several ways. Biodiesel leads to      needed of various components such
rienced overall greater maintenance             increased corrosion and deposit for-     as fuel filters, fuel injector nozzles, and
costs with buses operating on B20               mation and degrades some types of        seals, as well as potentially more costly
($0.07/mile) compared to fossil diesel          elastomers compared to fossil diesel.    components central to diesel engines.

WORKING PAPER 2018-08                                                       INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION        13

The studies used in this analysis are listed below, grouped by general vehicle classification.

              Study                           FAME feedstock                  Pollutants measured
Jansen et al. (2014)               Rapeseed                             HC, CO, NOx, PM
Serrano et al. (2015)              84% soybean and 16% palm oil         NOx
Bielaczyc et al. (2009)            Rapeseed                             HC, CO, NOx, PM
Kinoshita et al. (2003)            Palm oil and rapeseed                HC, CO, NOx
Karavalakis et al. (2009)          Palm oil and coconut oil blend       HC, CO, NOx, PM
Karavalakis et al. (2011)          Palm oil, soybean, rapeseed          HC, CO, NOx, PM
Bakeas, Karavalakis, & Stournas
                                   Oxidized used cooking oil            HC, CO, NOx, PM
                                   Rapeseed, a blend of soybean and
Martini et al. (2007)                                                   HC, CO, NOx, PM
                                   sunflower (50/50), palm oil
                                   Rapeseed/ soybean (75/25),
                                   rapeseed, rapeseed/ palm oil
Krahl et al. (2005)                                                     HC, CO, NOx, PM
                                   (45/55), rapeseed, soybean, palm
                                   oil (60/12.5/27.5)
Bakeas, Karavalakis, Fontaras, &   Palm oil, soybean and oxidized
                                                                        HC, CO, NOx, PM
Stournas (2011)                    UCO
Macor, Avella, & Faedo (2011)      Rapeseed                             HC, CO, NOx, PM
Fontaras et al. (2009)             Soybean                              HC, CO, NOx, PM
Tatur, Nanjundaswamy, Tomazic,
                                   Soybean                              NOx
& Thornton (2008)
Prokopowicz, Zaciera, Sobczak,
                                   Not indicated                        HC, CO, NOx, PM
Bielaczyc, & Woodburn (2015)
                                   Soybean, canola, waste cooking oil
Pala-En et al., 2013                                                    HC, CO, NOx, PM
                                   and animal fat
Wirawan et al. (2008)              Palm oil                             HC, CO, NOx, PM
Vedaraman et al. (2011)            Palm oil                             HC, CO, NOx
Fattah et al. (2014)               Palm oil                             HC, CO, NOx
Ng et al. (2011)                   Palm oil                             HC, CO, NOx

14   INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION                                                 WORKING PAPER 2018-08

                         Study                                         FAME feedstock                             Pollutants measured
Nikanjam, Rutherford, Byrne,
                                                  Soybean                                                       HC, CO, NOx
Lyford-Pike, & Bartoli (2009)
                                                  Soybean, LFFAG (low free fatty acid grease), inedible
                                                  tallow, methyl linolenate, methyl oleate, ethly oleate,
                                                  methyl linoleate, methyl laurate, methyl soy (soyagold),
Graboski et al. (2003)                            oxidized methyl soy ester, ethyl linoleate                    HC, CO, NOx, PM
                                                  ethyl linseed, 2:1 methyl stearate: methyl linseed, 1:2
                                                  methyl stearate: methyl linseed, ethyl stearate, methyl
                                                  palmitate, ethyl soy ester
Olatunji et al. (2010)                            Animal fat and soybean oil                                    HC, CO, NOx, PM
Czerwinski et al. (2013)                          Rapeseed                                                      HC, NOx, PM
                                                  Methyl-lard, methyl-soy, methyl-canola, methyl inedible-
                                                  tallow, methyl edible-tallow, methyl-low free fatty acid
                                                  grease, methyl-high free acid grease, methyl-laurate
                                                  (C12:0), methyl-palmitate (C16:0), methyl-stearate (C18:0),
McCormick et al. (2001)                           methyl-oleate (C18:1), methyl-linoleate C18:2), methyl-       NOx, PM
                                                  linolenate (C18:3), methyl soy (soyagold), 1:2 M-terate:
                                                  M-linseed, methyl-hydrogenated soy, ethyl-stearate
                                                  (C18:0), ethyl-linoleate (C18:2), ethyl-linseed, ethyl-soy,
                                                  ethyl-hydrogenated soy
                                                  Methyl soyate (commercial biodiesel), methyl oleate,
Knothe, Sharp, & Ryan (2006)                                                                                    HC, CO, NOx, PM
                                                  methyl pamitate, methyl laurate (technical biodiesel)
Lopez, Jimenez, Aparicio, & Flores (2009)         Not indicated                                                 HC, CO, NOx, PM
Wang, Lyons, Clark, Gautam, & Norton (2000)       Soybean                                                       HC, CO, NOx, PM
Schumacher, Borgelt, Hires, Wetherell, & Nevils
                                                  Soybean oil                                                   HC, CO, NOx, PM
Marshall, Schumacher, & Howell (1995)             Transesterified soybean oil                                   HC, CO, NOx, PM
Sharp et al. (2000)                               Soybean oil                                                   HC, CO, NOx, PM
Starr (1997)                                      Soybean oil                                                   HC, CO, NOx, PM
Graboski, Ross, & McCormick (1996)                Soybean oil                                                   HC, CO, NOx, PM
Hansen & Jensen (1997)                            Rapeseed oil                                                  HC, CO, NOx, PM
Clark, Atkinson, Thompson, & Nine (1999)          Soybean oil                                                   HC, CO, NOx, PM
Manicom, Green, & Goetz (1993)                    Soybean oil                                                   HC, CO, NOx
Schumacher, Borgelt, & Hires (1995)               Soybean oil                                                   HC, CO, NOx, PM
Sharp (1996)                                      Rapeseed oil                                                  HC, CO, NOx, PM
Mizushima & Takada (2014)                         Used cooking oil                                              NOx, PM
Colorado Institute for Fuels and High Altitude
                                                  Soybean oil                                                   HC, CO, NOx, PM
Engine Research (1994)
Ullman, Hare, & Baines (1983)                     Once refined soybean oil heated 145 °C                        HC, CO, NOx, PM
Rantanen et al. (1993)                            Rapeseed oil                                                  HC, CO, NOx, PM
Acevedo & Mantilla (2011)                         Palm oil                                                      HC, CO, NOx, PM
McCormick et al. (1997)                           Soybean oil                                                   HC, CO, NOx, PM
Sharp (1994)                                      Not indicated                                                 HC, CO, NOx, PM
Peterson, Taberski, Thompson, & Chase (2000)      Rapeseed oil                                                  HC, CO, NOx, PM

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