Company Presentation - Medios AG

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Company Presentation - Medios AG
Company Presentation
Company Presentation - Medios AG

This presentation has been produced by Medios AG (the „Company“) and is strictly                    The forward-looking statements, including but not limited to assumptions, opinions and
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This presentation contains certain forward-looking statements relating to the business,
                                                                                                    This presentation speaks as of August 2019. Neither the delivery of this presentation nor
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expressions in German.

Company Presentation - Medios AG
Management team

Manfred Schneider         Matthias Gärtner          Mi-Young Miehler          Christoph Prußeit
Chief Executive Officer   Chief Financial Officer   Chief Operating Officer   Chief Innovation Officer

Pharmacist                IT-Specialist             Business Economist        Pharmacist
More than 20 years of     More than 20 years of     Business development      Expert in the area of
pharmacy markets          financial markets         specialist                pharmaceuticals
experience                experience                                          production and safety

Company Presentation - Medios AG
Medios at a glance

                                       Specialist for the provision of Specialty Pharma drugs to patients and
                                                GMP*-certified provider of patient-specific therapies

                                     Specialty Pharma: Individualised Medicine, treatment of chronic and/or
                                                  rare diseases, mostly time and cost intensive

                                                                                       BUSINESS SEGMENTS

                   PHARMACEUTICAL SUPPLY                                                          PATIENT-SPECIFIC MANUFACTURING       DRUG SAFETY

 • Highly focused on                                                                   • Strongly positioned in                    • Innovative
   Specialty Pharma drugs                                                                patient-specific medication                 measurement-,
 • 1,000 products available                                                            • 90,000 individualised                       validation- and
                                                                                         preparations in 2019                        certification

    9M 2019 EBT*1 split                                                                     9M 2019 EBT*1 split

                                                           Group                                  Supply          34%
           Supply                                                                                                       Group
                                                            €m                                                           €m
           Manufacturing                                   12.8                                   Manufacturing         12.8

* GMP: Good Manufacturing Practice ; *1 Adjusted for extraordinary expenses, e.g. stock options
Company Presentation - Medios AG
Medios has the broadest Specialty Pharma product portfolio
to address EUR 12.5bn market opportunity in Germany

                                              # OF                                         MEDIOS PRODUCT EXAMPLES
 INDICATION                               PATIENTS P.A.
                      INDICATION                                                                                     THERAPY
  CATEGORY                                     IN                  PRODUCT                   DISEASE                                             COSTS
                                           GERMANY*                                                                (EXEMPLARY)

                     • Breast cancer                             Opdivo ®
                                                                 (manufactured             • Skin cancer
                     • Prostate                                                                                                             • Up to EUR
     Cancer                                                      product,*1
                                                                                           • Lung cancer           • Treatment:
                       cancer                  1,600,000         no set purchase                                                              160,000 per
    diseases                                                                                                         6-12 months
                     • Leukaemia,                                price)                    • Renal cell                                       patient/year
                       etc.                                                                  carcinoma

                     • Multiple               200,000             Humira ®
                       Sclerosis                                                           • i.a.                  • Treatment:             • Up to EUR
                     • Morbus                 300,000                                        rheumatism              approx. 12               42,000 per
   diseases            Crohn                                                                                         weeks                    patient/year
                     • Rheumatism            1,500,000

                                                                  Harvoni ®
   Infectious        • Hepatitis C            450,000
                                                                                                                   • Treatment:
                                                                                                                                            • Up to EUR
    diseases         • HIV                     88,400                                      • Hepatitis C                                      100,000 per
                                                                                                                     8-24 weeks

                                                                  Replagal ®
                     • Alzheimer             1,000,000                                                                                      • Approx. EUR
                                                                                           • Morbus                • Treatment:
     Others          • ALS                     8,000
                                                                                             Fabry                   6-54 months
                                                                                                                                              300,000 per
                     • Morbus Fabry            2,000                                                                                          patient/year

* incl. estimated numbers of cases per year in Germany (sources: DAlzG,, RKI, PZ,, DGRh, Der Nervenarzt,,,,, *1Patient-specific preparation required
        Product from segment ‘Patient-specific Manufacturing’;         Product from segment ‘Pharmaceutical Supply’                                             5
Company Presentation - Medios AG
Market environment

Dynamic market development in Germany

                                                                            Pharmacies revenue in Germany
                                                                            (in EUR bn)
         EUR 49.1bn                                          Total

                   +1.9% yoy                               revenue                                      47.8

                                       thereof                                             45.8

         EUR 39.4bn                                       Rx drugs
                   -1.0% yoy                              revenue             2013         2014         2015   2016   2017

                                                                            Revenue Specialty Pharma Drugs* vs.
                                                                            Revenue other RX-Drugs (in %)
         EUR 12.5bn                               Specialty pharma             Specialty Pharma Drugs

             forecast: 10% yoy                     drugs revenue*              RX-Drugs                        158


                 2/3                                     1/3                               106          111    108     111

                                                                             2013          2014         2015   2016   2017
       Finished medicinal products              Manufactured products*1
* Sources: Arzneiverordnungsreport 2018, ABDA Zahlen, Daten, Fakten 2018;
*1Patient-specific preparation required
Company Presentation - Medios AG
Market environment

Strong underlying drivers for future market growth

                                                           PATIENT-SPECIFIC MEDICINE              DEMOGRAPHIC CHANGE

                                                           Diagnostics and therapies
          New therapies                                                                                 Considerable
                                                         are increasingly individualised
      mainly focused on rare,                                                                   increase in chronic diseases
                                                            – impact of gene based
    chronic or genetic diseases                                                                 due to an ageing population
                                                               medical knowledge

    Expected market growth of Specialty Pharma in Europe by 2020: ~ 10% p.a.*
*Source: IMS Health, forecast for growth 2015 – 2020 for Spain, Italy, France, UK and Germany

Company Presentation - Medios AG
Market positioning

Medios is a highly specialised partner for Specialty
Pharma Drugs across Germany


                                                      Around 200 specialized
                                                partners nationwide (as of Nov 2019)

                                                      Coverage of the entire
                                                     Specialty Pharma market:
                                                        various indications

                                                       BENEFITS FOR PARTNERS

                                                     Attractive purchasing and
                                                        payment conditions

                                                Optimized purchasing management:
                                                      planning and bundling
                                                      of our partners needs

                          Infectious Diseases
                                                    Ensuring delivery capability

Company Presentation - Medios AG
Market positioning

Pharmaceutical Supply: ‘Classic’ trading structure of full-
range wholesale

            Pharmaceutical Company 1     Pharmaceutical Company 2   Pharmaceutical Company 3

                  Standard condition agreements on the entire range of products
                    of the respective manufacturer – approx. 100,000 products

Company Presentation - Medios AG
Market positioning

Pharmaceutical Supply: Medios’ innovative trading structure

                                              Pharmaceutical Company 2     Pharmaceutical Company 3
           Pharmaceutical Company 1

                        Individual conditions agreement at individual product level
                                     max. 1,000 specialty pharma drugs

Market positioning

Pharmaceutical Supply: Medios is highly focused and highly

            PHARMACIES                                          DISTRIBUTION
                                     PRODUCT RANGE                                   MARKET POTENTIAL
            IN GERMANY                                             SYSTEM

         Full Range Wholesaler

        19,500                     100,000                     20                     EUR
                                                                                     39.4 bn


                                                                                                12.5 bn
                        ~5%                       1%                       5%

                       1,000                                                1

          All          Highly          Full     Specialty    Regional     Central    Rx-Drugs    Specialty
                     specialised   assortment    Pharma     warehouses   warehouse                Pharma
                     Pharmacies     of Drugs      Drugs                                            Drugs

Market positioning

Patient-specific Manufacturing: Medios is the only player
at scale covering a broad range of indications
  Patient-specific medication process in Germany          Strongly positioned in patient-specific medication


        • Order received at the pharmacy


        • Validation of the prescription
        • Order placed at Medios

        • Additional confirmation of the              •   Nationwide supply with individualised application
          prescription                                    ready infusions for various indication areas
        • Manufacture of the medical preparation in       (e.g. oncology, neurology, gastroenterology)
          accordance with GMP
                                                      •   Production complies with highest quality
        PHARMACY                                          standard GMP

        • Fast delivery to the doctor –               •   Approx. 90,000 preparations in 2019
          invoice to the insurer

        DOCTOR                                        •   10 workstations at two production sites in Berlin

        • Timely administration of the prescription   •   Cost & process synergies with segment
                                                          ‘Pharmaceutical Supply’
Market positioning

Medios is strongly positioned in the competitive environment

 • Full-line wholesalers (approx. 100,000 products)                                                              • Mainly regional focus
 • Primarily a logistics partner not a consulting partner                                                      • Primarily manufacturers,
 • Mandatory legal inventory range                                                                                not consulting partners
   of 14 days                                                                                                            • Limited range
 • Intransparent discount structures

                                                                                                                   more than 200
                                                                                                                  with clean room

                                                                                                                       • Limited capacity
 • Limited range                                                                                                  • No GMP certification
 • Focus on niche segments and special processes                                               • Less cost effective manufacturing
Diagram is an example / Source: ABDA                        * Pharmacies with approved clean room laboratory

Key Financials

Proven financial track record with strong profitable growth

 Medios Group IFRS                            2015*                 2016*                2017*²                 2018*²      2019E*²

       Pharmaceutical Supply                                                                     1
                                                                                             *                              500-510
                                                                                       CAGR %
       Patient–specific Manufacturing                                                       4 .3
                                                                                      53.5-5                       328

                                                 90                   25%                                         88%
                                                38%                                         83%
 Revenue in EUR m                               62%

       Pharmaceutical Supply                                                                 *   1
                                                                                       CAGR %                               15.0-16.0
                                                                                            4 .6
       Patient–specific Manufacturing                                                 52.1-5                       11.0

                                                 2.8                  37%
                                                                                            82%                   76%
 Adj. EBT in EUR m                              35%

 Adj. EBT Margin                              3.1%                   3.6%                   3.2%                 3.4%      3.3-3.6%
*2015 and 2016 pro-forma; *1CAGR = Compound Annual Growth Rate; *2Adjusted for extraordinary expenses e.g. stock options

Growth strategy

We have an organic growth strategy in place to be the leading
provider of Specialty Pharma solutions in Germany

 Grow customer                        Extend product                                 Expand into     Utilize existing   Expand existing
base and partner                         range and                                    Analytics        capacities         production
    network                               expand                                                                           capacities
                                         to further
                                      indication areas

• Currently                          • Currently                                   • Introduce and   • Increase in      • Currently
  more than                            more than                                     roll-out          margins due        90,000
  200 pharmacies                       400 specialty                                 innovative        to significant     individualised
  covered                              pharma drugs                                  NIR*              economies of       therapies
                                       offered                                       spectroscopy      scale
• Cover 300                                                                                                             • Possibility to
  pharmacies                         • Extend                                        analytics                            expand
  mid-term                             offering to                                   service                              capacity to up
                                       1,000                                       • Set up third                         to 200,000
• Cover 1,000
                                       specialty                                     business                             individualised
  pharmacies                           pharma drugs
  long-term                                                                          segment                              therapies

Medios Group   Analytics   Patient-specific Manufacturing   *NIR – Near-infrared
Growth strategy

Patient-specific Manufacturing: Utilise existing and expand
capacities; Scalability of production capacity at existing sites
(10 workstations)


                                                                         Max. potential
     2017                  2018                 2019          2020       at existing sites

                                                                         EUR 0 max:

                                             * 36%

      40,000                 60,000                  90,000    100,000

            Increase in margins due to significant economies of scale
*CAGR – Compound Annual Growth Rate

Research & development

Drug Safety: Traditional drug testing

      EXTRACTION OF SAMPLE                     ANALYSIS                      CERTIFICATION PROCESS

                                  •   Hours to days until result        •   Release and certification
 •   Rubber seal of vial is
                                                                            of incoming drug material
     perforated                   •   Incoming drug in quarantine           or rejection
 •   Drug no longer sterile and   •   No batch release until            •   Complete disposal of
     therefore useless                sucessful test result available       test sample

Research & development

Drug Safety: Innovative NIR* Spectroscopy

                    MEASUREMENT                     DATABASE                          CERTIFICATE

                                        •   Alignment with Medios
    •    Measurement by                     individual Database
         non-destructive method                                           •   Medios allowed to issue
                                        •   Increase in validity based
                                                                              certificates for third parties as
         Analytical results available       on continuously growing
    •                                                                         proof of authenticity
         within less than 3 minutes         database (intelligent cloud
*   Near-infrared

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