Community Yard Sale Summer Brochure will be available on - Spring 2020 City of Woburn Youth & Adult Programs

Page created by Marion Jennings
Community Yard Sale Summer Brochure will be available on - Spring 2020 City of Woburn Youth & Adult Programs
Spring 2020
City of Woburn Youth & Adult

                                Community Yard
                               Saturday, May 16th!!

                               Summer Brochure will
                                  be available on
                                    April 10th!!
Community Yard Sale Summer Brochure will be available on - Spring 2020 City of Woburn Youth & Adult Programs
For latest updates and more information visit our website!

                       Summer Brochure                                         City Wide Yard Sale
Our Summer Brochure will be available on
                                                                               Saturday, May 16th
April 10th! Registration for all Summer                                        9am – 1 pm
programs and pool passes will begin on                                         If you would like to participate in our
                                                                               Community Yard Sale and place your
Wednesday April 15th.                                                          house on our map we have applications
                                                                               online or at the Recreation Office. The
Reminder that if you bought a pool pass last                                   cost is $10 to place your home on the
                                                                               map. All forms must be received by 5/8
year you will need to bring your card back in for                              to guarantee your house on the map.
reactivation and a new Swim Tag on the back.                                   Maps will be available by 5/12 online or
                                                                               at the Recreation Office
                   Boys & Girls Club
                     Kick in for Kids                                             Health & Wellness Fair
                Road Race & Health Walk                                             Saturday, May 2nd
                    Sunday, May 3rd                                                    10am – 1pm
The James L. McKeown Boys & Girls Club of Woburn will be hosting the           Join us for our annual Health & Wellness
Annual Kick In For Kids Road Race & Health Walk presented by
Skyworks on Sunday, May 3rd.The goal of this community based event is          fair held at the James L. McKeown Boys
to promote health and fitness to those young and old while supporting a        & Girls Club! We have a lot of great
valuable service in our community. All the proceeds of the event go to the     vendors attending this year plus samples
Club and our 1,400 youth and teens that we serve from over 30                  and raffle prizes. American Red Cross
Date: Sunday, May 3, 2020
                                                                               will be holding a blood drive as well.
Start Time: 8:30 a.m. – Registration Begins
10:15 a.m. – Health Walk Begins
11:00 a.m. – Road Race Begins
Location: Boys & Girls Club 1 Charles Gardner Lane
                                                                                      Mission Statement
 (New Location & Race
The Course: A 5K course through the city streets of Woburn
                                                                                The Mission of the Woburn Recreation
Entry: Pre-entry fee is $30, Day of entry fee is $35                             Department is to promote the health
The first 300 registered participants receive free tek shirts                  and welfare of the citizens of Woburn by
Free admission to post event party that includes: live DJ, food and cold         providing safe, affordable, and most
refreshments, raffles and awards                                                  importantly enjoyable Recreation
Register online at: or

                         Discount                                                 Recreation Commission
                        Movie Tickets                                                Michael Martini, Chairman

The Recreation Department will be selling discount movie tickets to the                     Gene Demers
Showcase cinemas. The cost for each ticket is $9.75 and they are valid
                                                                                           Timothy Lawton
 Please call or e-mail before you come in to get your movie tickets to                     Kevin Lonergan
              ensure that we have enough for your group!
                                                        Paul Tobin
 Register online at                               2        Summer Brochure Available April 10th
Community Yard Sale Summer Brochure will be available on - Spring 2020 City of Woburn Youth & Adult Programs
Woburn Recreation Department
                                                                Program Registration Form
                                                                       Spring 2020
                                                          *A separate form is required for each participant*

Participant Name: _____________________________________ M/F Grade):__________D.O.B._____________
                                                                                                                              (Entering in Fall)                          (Required)
Parent/Guardian Name:____________________________________________Shirt Size:_________________
                                                                                                                                                                 Youth or Adult Sizes

Address:______________________________________ Town/Zip:___________________________________

Home Phone:________________________Cell Phone:______________________Provider:________________
                                                                                                                                                           For text message cancellations
Emergency Contact:___________________________________Phone:________________________________
      Please turn over form to fill out Medical Information or for additional space for programs

Program Name:___________________________________Day:___________________Fee:_______________

Program Name:___________________________________Day:___________________Fee:_______________

Program Name:___________________________________Day:___________________Fee:_______________

Please include your email address if you would like to receive Program updates and information from the Woburn Recreation Department!

                  Please Print Clearly: ___________________________@_________________________________

Occasionally the Recreation Department will be taking photographs of various Recreation programs so that we can display the
pictures of our programs on our website, Facebook page, in the Recreation Office, or send to the newspaper. If you do not want your
child’s photograph taken or displayed please initial here:__________

I/We, the undersigned father, mother or guardian(circle) of _________________________________________(name of student), a minor, do hereby consent to my child’s participation in
Voluntary Recreation Programs of the City of Woburn(hereinafter “the City”). I/We also agree to forever RELEASE the City, a municipal corporation of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts,
and all its employees, officers, agents, board members, volunteer and any and all individuals and organizations assisting or participating in voluntary athletic or recreation programs of the
City(the Releasees”) from any and all claims, actions, rights of action and causes of action, damages, costs, loss of services, expenses, compensation and attorneys’ fees that may have arisen in
the past, or may arise in the future, directly or indirectly, from known and unknown personal injuries to my child or property damage resulting from my child’s participation in the City’s
Recreation Programs which I/we may now or hereafter have as the parent(s) or guardian(s) of said minor child and which said minor child has or hereafter may acquire, either before or after
reaching majority. I/We also promise, to INDEMNIFY, REIMBURSE, DEFEND, and HOLD HARMLESS the Releasees against any and all legal claims and proceedings of any description
that may have been asserted in the past, or maybe asserted in the future, directly or indirectly, including damages, costs and attorneys’ fees, arising from personal injuries to my child or
property damage resulting from my child’s participating in the City’s voluntary Recreation Programs or administration of first aid. I/We further affirm that I/we have read this Consent,
Release from Liability and Indemnity Agreement, and that I/we understand the contents of this Agreement. I/We understand that my child’s participating in these programs is voluntary and
that my child and I/we are free to choose not to participate in said programs. By signing this Agreement, I/we affirm that I/we have decided to allow my child to participate in the City
voluntary Recreation Programs with full knowledge that the Releases will not be liable to anyone for personal injuries and property damage my child or I/we may suffer in voluntary City
Recreation Programs.
Signature (Parent or Guardian):_________________________________________Date:_________________

      I would like to donate to be a “Friend of Woburn Recreation”. I have added $_______________ onto my
registration amount to help sponsor programs run by the Woburn Recreation Department. I understand that this
is strictly voluntary and is not a requirement for registration of any programs.

 Date:______________Amount:_________________ Check #:__________ Cash:__________ C.C._______
 Credit Card#______________________________________MC/Visa/Discover (Circle One) CVV#__________
                                                                                                                                                            (Last 3 Digits on Back of card)

Name on or
Medical  Card:________________________________
            Special Concerns that we would needExpiration Dateof
                                                to be aware   #_______________________
                                                                 for your child (i.e allergies,
past injuries, etc.)
  Register online at           3      Summer Brochure Available April 10th
Community Yard Sale Summer Brochure will be available on - Spring 2020 City of Woburn Youth & Adult Programs
Any Medical or other pertinent information:

Any medications taken on a regular basis (i.e. insulin, etc.):______________________________

                                       Woburn Recreation
                                      Community Yard Sale
                                        Registration Form
                                   Yard Sale Date: May 16, 2020
                                         (Forms must be received by May 8th )

  Name:________________________________________ Phone Number: ___________________________

  Name of House for Map: (i.e.) Smith Household__________________________________________________

  Address of Yard Sale:____________________________________________________________________

  Description of Items Selling: (not required) i.e Baby Clothing, Furniture:___________________________



  E-mail Address (Please write legibly):_______________________________________________________

  The cost for the Community Yard Sale is $10 please enclose a check made payable to Woburn Recreation
  or Cash Payment: Check:_______ Cash:_______

  *This year we will not be dropping off lawn signs to houses that do not pick them up. Lawn Signs will be
  available for pick up at the Recreation Office beginning on May 4th
                                        Please Mail form or drop off to:
                                       Woburn Recreation Office City Hall
                                               10 Common Street
                                               Woburn, MA 01801

  Register online at                    4        Summer Brochure Available April 10th
Registration & General Information
                       Recreation Office Located on the 1st Floor of City Hall
       Hours: Monday – Wed 9:00am – 4:30pm Thurs 9:00am – 7:00pm Fri 9:00am – 1:00pm
                                          (781) 897- 5805
Payment                                                   Course Confirmation
Payment must accompany all registrations.                 No confirmation for registering via fax or mail will be
Checks should be made payable to Woburn                   sent. A participant is registered ONLY when
Recreation. Mastercard, Visa, and Discover are            payment is received. If at any time, there are
also accepted. If choosing to register on-line,           questions regarding your household account,
please visit On-line                    please log onto to view your
registration is the preferred method of Registration!     household account history.
If Registering for the first time with Woburn             Special Needs
Recreation, you will need to create a household           Participants with Special Needs are encouraged to
account. Please call 781-897-5805 if you need             attend all of our programs. Staff members are
assistance. Non-Residents are charged an                  sensitive to their needs and will do everything
additional $10 fee on each program.                       possible to assist. If you are unsure about program
Financial Assistance                                      registration please call regarding specifics. For
Please contact the Woburn Recreation Department           planning purposes we ask that if any child
to require about Financial Assistance. We offer           requires special assistance that you contact the
payment plans for Woburn Residents.                       Recreation Department 3 weeks prior to the
                                                          class so that we have ample time to provide
Refunds                                                   adequate assistance.
Refunds, less the minimum $10.00 non-refundable
deposit, may be given to a participant who                Participants Responsibility
withdraws from a program two weeks or more prior          We ask that all participants respect the staff, other
to the start of the program. To be eligible for a         participants, program equipment, age
refund, the request must be in writing to the             requirements, and facilities when participating in
Woburn Recreation Department. In cases of                 programs offered by Woburn Recreation. If
inclement weather or other unforeseen                     participants fail to cooperate with the rules, Woburn
circumstances, refunds or program credits will not        Recreation reserves the right to dismiss or suspend
be given, however we will do our best to reschedule       a participant in any program without a refund.
the program. Participants who withdraw from a
program less than 5 business days prior to the start                     Table of Contents
of the program are not eligible for a refund or credit.
Refunds or credits will not be given for early            Spring Events                          Page 2
termination of a program by a participant.                Registrations & General Information    Page 3 -5
Program expenses have already occurred.                   Adaptive Programs                      Page 6
                                                          Barrie Bruce Golf School               Page 6
Cancellations                                             Spring Youth Programs                  Page 7 & 8
The Woburn Recreation Department reserves the
                                                          Adult Evening School Programs          Page 9 & 10
right to cancel, postpone, or combine programs.
                                                          Adult Trips                            Page 11
Every effort will be made to notify participants if a
                                                          Pickleball                             Page 11
program has been cancelled, changed, postponed
or relocated due to space availability. The
                                                          Health & Wellness Fair                 Page 12
Recreation Department does not confirm program
                                                              How to contact the Recreation Department
Inclement Weather
Please check for inclement weather          E-Mail:
updates on programs and fields operated by
                                                          Rory Lindstrom
Woburn Recreation. We will update or website and
                                                          Brian Nagle
send e-mails regarding program cancellations as
soon as possible. It is also our policy that if
Woburn Public Schools close due to weather                Phone (781) 897-5805
related issues, our programs will also be cancelled.

   Register online at                   5       Summer Brochure Available April 10th
Adaptive Recreation Programs
Any new participant must have an intake form submitted to the Woburn Recreation Department 2 weeks prior
to starting a program. You must be registered 2 weeks prior to a program beginning so we can properly plan
for staff.

  Bowling                                                            Open Gym
  Join us for our Bowling at the                                     Join us for unstructured time for kids and families to get some
  Woburn Bowladrome. This program will be adapted to                 energy out! Supervision is required, this is not a drop-off
  the needs of each individual.                                      program. We will have plenty of gym equipment and arts &
  Dates: Thursdays 4/2, 4/9, 4/16, 4/30                              crafts for your child to participate in!
  Ages: 7 - 22                                                       Dates: Saturday April 4th
  Location: Woburn Bowladrome                                        Cost: $20
  Time: 5:15pm – 6:15pm                                              Ages: All Ages & Abilities
  Cost: $80                                                          Location: Shamrock Elementary School
                                                                     Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm

  Friday Night Fun
  If your kids are looking for a fun Friday night out with some      Blue Wave Field Trip
  buddies, join us for our Friday Night Fun Field Trip! We will      Blue Wave offers inclusive, fun, recreational activities for all
  be going to Altitude to enjoy some jumping then for ice            ages and abilities. They have all different things to enjoy from
  cream after! This trip will include all costs and plenty of        arts and crafts, to yoga, to basketball, and comfy swings! Blue
  opportunities for fun, laughter, and friendship. Please let us     Wave is all about acceptance, inclusion, and fun! Join us for
  know if there are any specific information we should know          a weekend trip to Blue Wave.
  about your child when registering.                                 Date: Saturday May 2nd
  Dates: Friday, May 8th                                             Ages: 7 - 22
  Cost: $35                                                          Location: Blue Wave in Tewksbury *Bus is provided
  Ages: 11 - 22                                                      Time: 10am – 12:00pm
  Location: Altitude & Ice Cream *Bus is provided                    Cost: $30
  Time: 6pm – 8pm

                                                  Barrie Bruce Golf School

For more information on Dates/Times Contact the Rec Department or visit to see the full schedule

   Jr. Golf School Clinic                                            Introduction to Golf
  Junior Clinics are perfect for the beginning juniors and for       Our Intro to Golf program is for the new-to-the-game golfer
  those who want to develop better golf skills. Clinics consist of   with little (or no) golf experience. Basic fundamentals of the
  5 lessons, covering safety, set up, the swing, irons, woods,       game are taught in a relaxed, stress-free clinic style setting.
  the short game, and golf etiquette. Equipment and practice         The program consists of 5 one-hour lessons, spaced one
  balls will be provided. Jr Golfers are grouped by age range,       week apart. Equipment and practice balls will be provided as
  so students will be playing in age-related peer groups.            needed. All you bring is “a pair of sneakers and a good
  Instructor: Barrie Bruce Golf School                               attitude.”
  Ages: 7—14                                                         Instructor: Barrie Bruce Golf School
  Location: Billerica Country Club                                   Ages: 15 & older
  Cost: $139                                                         Location: Billerica Country Club
  Visit to see weeks classes are                   Cost: $179
  offered in Spring, Summer, & Fall.                                 Visit to see weeks classes are
                                                                     offered in Spring, Summer, & Fall.

  Intermediate Programs for Golf                                     Girls Golf Programs
  For golfers with basic course experience who want a skills         For Girls who want to learn the game of golf and not have the
  refresher and help with trouble areas!                             pressure of have having to be with other boys in the programs.
  This program focuses on fine-tuning/skill improvement for          They offer the following classes for just girls:
  specific areas to help manage course play and lower your                    Intro to Golf for Girls for beginners
  scores                                                                      Advanced Girls
  Instructor: Barrie Bruce Golf School                               Instructor: Barrie Bruce Golf School
  Ages: 15 & older                                                   Ages: 6 - HS
  Location: Billerica Country Club                                   Location: Billerica Country Club
  Cost: $179 for 4-Class Program                                     Cost: $139
  Visit to see weeks classes are                   Visit to see weeks classes are
  offered in Spring, Summer, & Fall.                                 offered in Spring, Summer, & Fall.

   Register online at                                6         Summer Brochure Available April 10th
Spring Youth Programs
Kids Dance Fitness                                                      Yoga for Kids
Kids will have so much fun in this high energy, follow along            For Balance for Focus for fun! Children today are under a
dance party! They will have a blast dancing to the latest and           lot of stress, and just like their parents, kids are turning to
greatest music. This class will increase their focus, boost self-       yoga to help them relax. This great intro to basic poses
confidence and improve their coordination all while having a            encourages and develops flexibility, confidence, awareness,
fun dancing experience!                                                 motor skills and physical fitness all disguised as fun and
Ages: 5-12        Dates: Thursdays 4/9-5/21 *NO 4/23                    play! Yoga is a great gift to give your child. Yoga brings that
Time: 4-4:45pm Location: Goodyear                                       inner light that all children have to surfaceAges: 5-12
Cost: $45         Instructor: Jillian Anderson                          Dates: Wednesdays 4/8-5/20 *NO 4/22
                                                                        Time: 4pm - 5pm Location: Goodyear
Youth Martial Arts                                                      Cost: $65             Instructor: Amber Vaccaro
Learn from Self Defense World Champion Ed Melaugh. Your
child will learn how to protect themselves. Your child will learn       Woburn Track & Field Clinic
practical various effective tactics to stop and control a               The priority of the program is to teach our young athletes
bully/attacker. This program will help your child understand            the basics of track and field and foster each athletes love
what to do when someone tries to hurt them. Give your child             for the sport. Our attention will be on each participant’s
the gift to help protect themselves.                                    enjoyment and safety at all times. Athletes will work on
Dates: 4/6-5/25 Cost: $155
                                                                        basic skills that are applicable to track and field, as well as
Super Samurai (Ages 8-13) Monday & Tuesday 5:30pm
                                                                        many other sports. Athletes will learn the proper warm-up
Location: New England Small Circle Jujitsu, 2 Merrill Street
                                                                        and cool downs to help promote peak performance and
Woburn MA Instructor: Ed Melaugh
                                                                        reduce injury. Athletes will learn the fundamental skills and
                                                                        the basic rules of track and field events that will help
Little Dragons Karate                                                   prepare them for competition. Participants will have the
Our Little Dragons (3 and 4) program focuses on listening               opportunity to participate and experience each track and
skills, the importance of respecting our parents and teachers,          field event. Each participant will participate in at least one
healthy life-styles and gross motor skills in the Martial Arts          track meet or time trial and qualifiers will have the option to
such as jumping, stretching, balancing on one foot and more.            go to the Middle School State Track meet at the end of May
All this while making the introduction to Martial Arts fun! Ages:       (grades 6-8 only for the state meet). Each participant will
3&4          Dates: Thursdays 3/19 – 6/18 *NO 4/23                      also receive their own Track and Field Team T-shirt. Events
Time: 3:30-4:00pm Location: Steve Nugent Karate Institute               will include the 100 meters, 200 meters, 400 meters, 800
Cost: $160                    140 Cross Street Winchester MA            meters, mile, long jump, high jump, shot put and turbo
Instructor: Steve Nugent Karate                                         javelin. The program will be led by Coach Tom and Coach
                                                                        Erin who have years of track and field experience.
Karate                                                                  Who: Boys and Girls Grades 5-8
Our Martial Arts program will arm your child with a host of             Where: Joyce Middle School Indoor Track
positive mental and physical skills that will help him/her in           Time: 5:00 – 6:15 pm
School, at home and in life. We stress the importance of                Day: Monday and Thursdays 4/27 – 5/28 *no 5/25
respect, academic achievement, nutrition, fitness and so much           Cost: $125 per participant
more! We present traditional Martial Arts in a strict and
structured yet still fun manner so kids will learn there’s a time
to play and a time to work hard. We believe in every child and          Lil’ Sports
expect the best from each student. The program teaches self-            Children will be participating in fun preschool games such
defense, anti-bullying techniques and the awarding of new               as Fishy Fishy cross my ocean, parachute, soccer, and
Belts gives each child a sense of accomplishment and goal               much more! Classes get kids moving and interacting them
setting. Each child will receive a free uniform and Belt!               with other children their own age!
Ages: 5-12             Dates: Saturdays 3/21 – 6/20 *NO 4/25            Ages: 3 – 5 Days: Tuesdays 5/26 (4 Weeks)
Time: 12:15-1:00pm          Location: Steve Nugent Karate               Time: 3:15pm – 4:00pm                  Cost: $40
Cost: $155                  140 Cross Street Winchester MA              Location: Leland Park
Instructor: Steve Nugent Karate

                                                                        Parent & Me Paint Class!
Kids Paint – Spring Flowers
                                                                        Calling all artists! Let's get those creative juices flowing! In
Calling all artists! Let's get those creative juices flowing! In this   this class students & parents will create an original canvas
two-hour class students will create an original canvas painting.        painting. The Instructor will guide the process step by step
The Instructor will guide the process step by step while leaving        while leaving plenty of room for individual creativity. Each
plenty of room for individual creativity. Each student will leave       student will leave with an original painting!
with an original painting of a Spring flowers!
                                                                        Date: 5/16       Time: 10 – 1130am
Date: 3/14      Time: 10am–11:30am                                      Cost: $30        Location: Goodyear
Cost: $30       Location: Goodyear                                      Ages: Kindergarten and up!
Ages: 7-12
                                                                        Instructor: Annemarie McGarrahan
Instructor: Annemarie McGarrahan

  Register online at                                  7        Summer Brochure Available April 10th
Spring Youth Programs

Family Self Defense Clinic                                        Zumba for Kids
Have your whole family involved, there is nothing more            Zumba® Kids classes feature kid-friendly routines based on
valuable than having the confidence in knowing how to             original Zumba® choreography. We break down the steps,
protect yourself. This unique session is only for your family.    add games, activities and cultural exploration elements into
Your family will learn various ways of warding off many types     the class structure. Helps develop a healthy lifestyle and
of attacks to you can get away safely. Learn how to protect       incorporate fitness as a natural part of children's lives by
yourself against threats of being grabbed, pushed, or             making fitness fun. Classes incorporate key childhood
punched at and what to do when there is a weapon involved.        development elements like leadership, respect, team work,
You can book 1 or 2 sessions.                                     confidence, self-esteem, memory, creativity, coordination,
Dates: Register and call to make your session convenient to       cultural awareness.
your schedule!                                                    Ages: 5-12             Dates: Mondays 4/6-5/18 *NO 4/20
Cost: Min 4 people: 1 session: $340 ($85pp)                       Time: 4pm – 4:45pm Location: Goodyear
                      2 sessions: $300 ($75pp)                    Cost: $65              Instructor: Kelley St. Hilaire
Location: New England Small Circle Jujitsu, 2 Merrill Street
Woburn MA Instructor: Ed Melaugh
                                                                  Zumbini combines music and movement to create the
Snack Play Namaste                                                ultimate bonding experience! Sing, dance and play together
Snack Play Namaste is a program where children will learn         while developing your little one's social, cognitive, emotional
to mindfully eat healthy foods by making art out of fruits and    and motor skills. The fee includes songbook, plush toy and
vegetables. They will learn fun facts about the fruits and        music app to continue the fun and learning at home! This is
vegetables they are eating. This class also includes yoga,        an inclusive program, all abilities welcome!
meditation, sound therapy and breathing exercises. Each           Ages: 0-3              Dates: Fridays 4/10-5/15
class will have a theme and the themes are mindfulness,           Time: 10 – 10:45am Location: Kadanse Studio Woburn
gratitude, giving, self-love, law of attraction, and kindness.    Cost: $100             Instructor: Kadanse
Children will leave this program with skills to help them relax
and deal with anxiety and stress. They will also have more
knowledge of healthier food to snack on.                          Spring Volleyball
Ages: 3-6                     Dates: 3/23 – 4/13                  This program is for all ability levels. Players will be grouped
Time: 4pm - 5pm               Location: Goodyear                  according to ability level. In this program girls will learn how
Cost: $80                     Instructor: Susan Stack             to hit, pass, set, and serve in a fun and friendly environment.
                                                                  Experienced players will be able to have fun improving their
Intro to Ninja/Parkour                                            skills through advanced drills and newer players will get work
                                                                  on improving their volleyball fundamentals.
Gymja Warrior's "Intro to Ninja/Parkour" 5-week program is        Grades: 5 - 8 Days: Not confirmed by time of Print please
designed to give participants a new fun and exciting way to       visit as we get closer to the time
get stronger and healthier! Regardless of your child's athletic   Location: Woburn High School
ability or previous experience, our highly certified and          *Registration is separate
energetic staff can help them increase their self-confidence,
coordination, and strength! With a primary focus on SAFETY,
participants will learn a variety of techniques within our gym    Parent & Me Soccer Class
on parkour features as well as iconic Ninja Warrior obstacles!    Parent & Me, brought to you by the creators of Super Soccer
**NO CLASS OVER APRIL VACATION                                    Stars, is a parent-child pre-soccer & movement program
Dates: 4/3-5/8        Time: 5:30-6:30pm                           specifically designed for toddlers between 1 & 2 years. For
Cost: $155           Location: Gymja Warrior Woburn               more information on the structure of class visit
                                                                  Ages: 1 & 2                  Location: Shamrock Fields
                                                                  Time: 9am – 9:40am           Cost: $160
Super Soccer Stars                                                Days: Saturdays 4/25 – 6/13 (7 Weeks) *no class on 5/23
Set in a fun, non-competitive environment, Super Soccer
stars offers age-specific programs which introduce children to    Amazing Athletes
the fundamentals of soccer through creative programming           Amazing athlete are active classes that encourage kids to
and imaginative games. Our dynamic coaching staff,                explore and develop a variety of athletic skills through the
consisting of early childhood, education, and soccer              introduction of 10 different sports. Coaches break the
specialists, utilize a unique curriculum which is crafted to      fundamental of each sport down into simple steps based on
improve soccer skills, build self-confidence, and develop         each child’s age and ability. The goal is to create a fun
socialization skills.                                             environment that establishes lifetime connections to sports
Ages: 2 - 5 Days: Saturdays (7 Week Sessions)                     and physical activity.
Dates: 4/25 – 6/13 *No class over Memorial Day Weekend            Ages: 2 - 5 Days: Sundays (7 Week Sessions)
Times: 9:45am – 10:25am (Ages 2 - 3)                              Dates: 4/26 – 6/14 *No class over Memorial Day Weekend
           10:30am – 11:15am (Ages 3 - 4.5)                       Times: 9am – 9:40am (Ages 2 - 3)
           11:20am – 12:05pm (Ages 3 – 4.5)                                 9:45am – 10:30am (Ages 3 - 4.5)
           12:10pm – 12:55pm (Ages 4.5 – 5)                                 10:35am – 11:25am (Ages 4.5 – 5)
Location: Shamrock Fields Cost: $160                              Location: Shamrock Fields Cost: $160
  Register online at                             8         Summer Brochure Available April 10th
Adult Recreation Classes

Barre Method                                                       Total Body Conditioning
Barre is a fun, full body workout, great for all fitness levels.   Total Body Conditioning uses Weights, 5 to 8 pounds
Come see what everyone is talking about! Based on Pilates,         (shoulders, Biceps, Triceps) & Core (Planks & Sit-ups) We
Yoga, sculpting and dace; Barre will tone your seat, abs,          work both upper & lower body together to give you a great
thighs and arms. You will strengthen your back and legs.           workout. All Levels. NO CLASS OVER APRIL VACATION
Class may include the use props such as light weights, a
small ball and flex band. Come get a great workout wearing         Dates: 4/9-6/4   Time: 6:10-7:10pm
comfortable clothes with water and your mat.                       Cost: $50        Location: WMHS Wrestling Room
                                                                   Instructor: Dorothy Larffarello
Dates: 4/7-6/9 *NO CLASSES ON 4/21 & 4/28
Time: 6:30-7:25pm       Instructor: Myra Green
Location: WHS Senior Café        Cost: $60
                                                                   Bikram Yoga

Yoga with Sally                                                    Bikram Yoga is great for beginners and advanced students
                                                                   alike. It is a scientifically designed system for achieving and
                                                                   maintaining health and balance in your body, mind, and spirit.
De-stress with Sally in Gentle Mindful Yoga. This class is
                                                                   It is a series of twenty-six postures, performed in a room
designed to leave you calm while allowing you to stretch and
                                                                   heated to approximately 105 degrees, that work the entire
strengthen your body. Emphasis is on building awareness of
                                                                   body from the inside out and is suitable for all ages and
the breath and body, while building heat, strength and
                                                                   levels of ability.
flexibility. Appropriate for all levels. Sally is the owner of
                                                                    *Can go to any one class time/day
Revive Mindfulness and has been teaching since
                                                                   Dates: 4/6-5/25                 Location: Bikram Yoga
2013. **Yoga mat needed.
                                                                   Cost: $60                        18 Terry Ave, Burlington Ma
Dates: 4/14-6/2 *NO 4/21                  Time: 6:40-7:40pm
                                                                   Times: M, W & F – 6am, 9am, 4:30pm & 6:30pm
Cost: $65
                                                                   (No 630 Friday)
Location: WMHS Faculty Cafe
                                                                              T & TH. – 9am, 4:30pm & 6:30pm
Instructor: Sally Palmer
                                                                              Sat & Sun. – 7:30am, 9:30am & 4pm
                                                                   Instructor: Bikram Yoga Burlington

Adult Self-Defense/Jujitsu
                                                                   Fitness Kickboxing
Learn from Self-Defense World Champion Ed Melaugh, you
will learn to recognize potential attacks and react with
                                                                   Get in shape and protect yourself with this unique FUN
effective tactics to Get Away Safely (GAS). You will be
                                                                   fitness defense program. The program is taught by seasoned
taught to see when the attacker makes their mistake and you
                                                                   Fitness and Martial art experts. You will never get bored with
will take advantage of the mistake. Everyone should learn
                                                                   our fitness routines, always something different and new,
how to protect themselves and their families. We have an
                                                                   getting in shape has never been so much fun and the added
easy learning environment and it is fun! This is the program
                                                                   self-defense knowing how to kick and punch effectively will
for you.
                                                                   build yourself confidence and it will keep you wanting to come
                                                                   back for more. Try it out what do you have to lose besides
Dates: 4/6-5/25 Times: M, T & W:7pm, T & Th: 10am
                                                                   inches and weight.
                         Saturday: 9am
Cost: $204 Location: New England Small Circle Jujitsu, 2
                                                                   Dates: 4/6-5/25 Times: M,T& W: 6:15pm, T & Th: 9:15am,
Merrill Street Woburn MA
                                                                   Sat: 8:15am         Cost: $104 Location: New England
Instructor: Ed Melaugh
                                                                   Small Circle Jujitsu, 2 Merrill Street Woburn MA
                                                                   Instructor: Ed Melaugh

Women’s Self Defense
                                                                   Hatha Yoga & Body Sense
Don’t be a victim. Knowledge is power. Our goal is;                Certified instructor of Hatha Yoga Janet Lees will instruct
empowering women to identify potential danger, and learn to        you in basic Hatha Yoga poses. Designed for students
react to these threats that are happening in our society. They     needing extra care, using simple asanas to improve your
will learn how to physically protect themselves from all types     strength, flexibility, and balance. This class allows
of attacks. This a must course for any women                       movement on mat and chair. Developing breathing and
                                                                   balance. Yoga mat, 2 blocks, and blanket/mat are
Dates: 4/25-5/16 Times: 7pm       Cost: $185                       needed for this class. “Start where you are” Pema
Ages: 16+        Instructor: Ed Melaugh                            Chodron.
Location: New England Small Circle Jujitsu, 2 Merrill Street       Dates: 4/7-5/26               Time: 5:30-6:30pm
Woburn MA                                                          Cost: $50                      Location: WMHS Faculty Café
                                                                   Instructor: Janet Lees

 Register online at                              9        Summer Brochure Available April 10th
Adult Recreation Classes

Tai Chi                                                              Zumba
Tai Chi is said to be moving meditation, but it is much more         Are you ready to party yourself into shape? That’s exactly
than that! Come learn Tai Chi and Qigong and build your              what the Zumba program is all about. It’s an exhilarating,
strength, flexibility, and balance. Practicing Tai Chi will          effective, easy-to-follow, Latin inspired, calorie burning
reduce stress and increase mindfulness while providing a             dance fitness-party that’s moving millions of people toward
gentle, full-body workout. No prior experience is necessary.         joy and health. NO CLASS OVER APRIL VACATION
Excellent for everyone! The class will cover the
fundamentals of the 5 Elements Tai Chi Short Form and                Dates: 4/7 – 6/2
Qigong Form.                                                         Times: 5:30-6:30pm
NO CLASS OVER APRIL VACATION                                         Cost: $50
Dates: 4/9-6/4                Time: 6:00-7:00pm                      Location: WMHS Wrestling Room
Cost: $85            Location: WMHS Faculty Cafe                     Instructor: Celine Lizotte
Instructor: Donald Chisholm
                                                                     College is going to cost WHAT? And
How to Meditate                                                      HOW am I supposed to pay this?

Whether you are a beginner or just need a refresher course           Financial aid award letters are confusing. Did you get a good
this series will teach you everything you need to know about         deal? Intended for parents of high school seniors, we'll
how to meditate on your own. Learn how to sit comfortably,           review financial aid award letters and how to determine
how to create the habit of meditating, what to expect during         which schools gave the best deal. We'll go over aid items,
meditation and proper techniques. Several styles will be             what they mean, and what questions you should ask. And
taught so that you can choose the type of meditation that            how to potentially get more money.
works for you. Series lasts four weeks.
Dates: 4/28 – 5/19                                                   Once you get an understanding on the aid and cost, we'll
Times: 6:00-7:00pm                                                   cover the different payment options, such as Federal vs
Cost: $70                                                            private loans and payment plans. What are the options? How
Location: WMHS Library                                               do they work? What are the terms of the loans? You'll leave
Instructor: Katie Dichiara                                           with a better understanding of this highly complex process
                                                                     and how to figure out which is best for your family.

What’s up with the Weather?                                          Date: 4/7
                                                                     Cost: $20
                                                                                                Time: 6:30-8:00pm
                                                                                                Location: WMHS E104
                                                                     Instructors: Jack Wang
Curious about our crazy New England weather? Concerned
about our changing climate? Ever wonder what that cloud
was floating high above your head? Would you like to learn           Maturing Gracefully – Nutrition for
how to predict the weather in your own backyard? Come                women in mid years
join us for an enjoyable and interactive class on weather!
Course includes some easy and fun experiments, cool
videos, a visit to a local TV station for a tour, and a field trip   As women go through life, their bodies’ change, and so do
to a local weather observatory! Free refreshments during             their nutrition needs. We can accept and embrace this
the first session! Ages 9-99 welcome! 15 PDP Points for              evolution. This session will review the changes that women
Teachers.                                                            experience during perimenopause and discuss simple self-
                                                                     care lifestyle practices to help you smoothly move through
Dates: 4/9-6/4 *NO 4/23 Time: 6:45-8:45pm                            this phase and beyond
Cost: $70 (Price includes yourself and your child!)
                                                                     Dates: 4/28       Time: 7:00-8:15pm
Location: WMHS D119 Instructor: Frank Sanfilippo
                                                                     Cost: $25         Location: WMHS E117
                                                                     Instructor: Emily Stone, MS, RDN

Ditch the Diet: Eating strategies that actually work
Are you weary of dieting? The good news is, how you eat is oftentimes more important than what you eat. This session will open
your mind to new perspectives on weight and nutrition. You’ll learn to tune into your inner wisdom, say goodbye to yo-yo dieting,
and make friends with food again.
Dates: 5/19
Time: 7:00-8:15pm
Cost: $25
Location: WMHS E117
Instructor: Emily Stone, MS, RDN

Register online at                                 10        Summer Brochure Available April 10th
Adult Trips

      All Trips & Tours listed below are offered in cooperation with Celebration Tours II

        Nantucket Daffodil Festival                                Statue of Liberty Day Trip
            Saturday April 25th                                        Saturday May 9th

Round Trip, Air Conditioned motor coach                    Round Trip, Air Conditioned motor coach
transportation, Round-trip Fast Ferry to                   transportation, Round-trip Ferry from New
Nantucket. Time in Nantucket to enjoy the festival         Jersey’s Liberty Park to Ellis Island and Liberty
events, shop, and lunch on your own!                       Island. Lunch on your own.
Trip departs around 7:00am and returns around              Trip departs around 6:30am and returns around
7:00pm .                                                   8:00pm .
Cost per person is $140
                                                           Cost per person is $99
This Trip is Heavy Walking Intensity

                 Block Island                                    Nantucket & Martha’s Vineyard
              Saturday June 20th                                       Saturday July 11th

Round Trip, Air Conditioned motor coach                     Round Trip, Air Conditioned motor coach
transportation, Round-trip Ferry to Block Island.           transportation, Round-trip Hy-Line Fast Ferry
Narrated tour of Block Island. Lunch on the                 Transportation to Nantucket and Martha’s
veranda at the National Hotel is included. Time to          Vineyard. Time for Lunch & Dinner on your own.
browse the shops!                                           Trip departs around 7:00am and returns around
Trip departs around 7:30am and returns around               9:00pm.
7:30pm.                                                     Cost per person is $148

Cost per person is $139                                     This Trip is Heavy Walking Intensity
        For More Information or to register for any of the Tours please visit


Intro to Pickleball                                        Pickleball Lessons
Have you been wanting to try pickleball but not sure if    Beginner or Intermediate
you would like the sport? Try our Intro to Pickleball      Do you want to improve your pickleball game? Or are
2-week session to see if this sport is for you! We         you a beginner and want to learn how to play this
guarantee you will want to come back for more!             fastest growing sport for adults? Register for our 5
This class is taught by Peter Sullivan and Noel            week lessons taught by Peter Sullivan and Noel
Doherty                                                    Doherty
                                                           Location: Library Park Tennis Courts
Location: Library Park Tennis Courts                       Times: Beginners 5:30pm – 7:00pm
Time: 5:30pm – 7:00pm                                               Intermediate 10am – 11:30am
Dates: Wednesdays April 29th & May 6th                     Dates: Wednesdays (5 Weeks) starting 6/10
Cost: $25 Residents $30 Non Residents                      Cost: $60 Residents $65 Non Residents

 For More information regarding Pickleball Please visit

Register online at                       11      Summer Brochure Available April 10th
Register online at   12   Summer Brochure Available April 10th
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