Community Transition Plan Snapshot Report - Z-NET
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Community Transition Plan Snapshot Report Generating energy Farming Sustainably GenerATing energy Sustainable Firewood Baseline year Tonnes of carbon dioxide The vision for the Hepburn Shire is a emmissions equivalent in 2018 three phased roadmap 262,041 Phase 1: Phase 2: Phase 3: 2019 - 2021 2022 - 2024 2025 - 2029 (quick wins) (zero-net energy) (zero-net emissions)
Introduction Zero-net energy: Defined as a community that reduces and matches its local and Clunes Sustainability Group. This declaration sets out the aspiration to Samsø Energy Academy and Diversicon Environmental Foundation. Outcomes The project has delivered: energy needs with a 100% renewable energy supply become a “lighthouse community” This project is an initiative of the Coalition - A Z-NET blueprint for Hepburn Shire, A 10-year Masterplan for the Hepburn Shire to reach 100% demonstrating the economic, social and for Community Energy, led by Renew and including a detailed carbon emissions renewable electricity supply, zero-net energy and zero-net Zero-net emissions: environmental benefits of locally owned, Little Sketches, with support from Starfish inventory emissions 2019 - 2029. Defined as reaching carbon neutrality, where local carbon renewable energy generation facilities. In Initiatives, Moreland Energy Foundation, - A co-developed CTP emissions are 100% offset by measures that reduce, avoid addition, the declaration sets out a zero- Hepburn Shire Council, Hepburn Wind and - Feasibility analysis and business cases or sequester carbon emissions net energy target for the Shire by 2025, many other local and sector partners. for local energy options In the 2018 baseline year, emissions were with an aspiration to achieve this by 2021. - Energy and emissions related resources The challenge to source 100% of energy from renewable The purpose of the project was twofold: and capacity building within the 262,000 tCO2-e sources and completely offset carbon emissions by the Hepburn Shire has a population of 15,000 1. To provide an expanded blueprint for how community 2030 target will be met in three phases residents. In the 2018 baseline year, rural communities could satisfy 100% emissions within the Shire were 262,041 of their energy needs, 100% of the time Opportunities Phase 1: tCO2-e (tonnes CO2 equivalent) per from renewable energy sources in a cost The following opportunities have been (tonnes CO2 equivalent) 2019 – 2021 (quick wins – low hanging fruit) year. In a do-nothing, i.e. business as competitive way (price, quality, reliability, identified to progress towards zero-net usual scenario, emissions are forecast security of supply, etc) energy and zero-net emissions. These are These will increase by 13.1% in the “business-as-usual” scenario, i.e. we do Phase 2: to increase 13.1% to 296,000 tCO2-e by 2. To create a holistic masterplan – The broadly grouped as: nothing, by 2029 to 2022 – 2024 2029. CTP - to achieve this transition to 100% - Using less energy (zero-net energy) renewable energy and, ultimately, zero - Generating energy on-site 296,000 tCO2-e The Hepburn Shire community is the first in net emissions. - Generating energy nearby Phase 3: Australia to strive for zero-net energy and - Switching fuel 2025 – 2029 zero-net emissions. The project was undertaken from February (zero-net emissions) through December 2018 and is the most These opportunities respond directly to This document is a Snapshot Report of the in-depth, place-based, carbon emissions emissions associated with: (tonnes CO2 equivalent) Z-NET is Zero-Net Emission Transition, an open-source full Community Transition Plan (CTP) that profile ever created in Australia. It is also - Stationary Energy pathway for a local community to set targets and achieve provides a roadmap for achieving zero-net the first local government area CTP for - Transportation Hepburn Shire has a vision to achieve Zero Net Energy by 2025 & Zero Net zero-net emissions. energy by 2025 and zero-net emissions by Zero-Net Energy and Zero-Net Emissions. - Agriculture Emissions by 2030 2030. The full CTP can be downloaded from - Waste & waste water There are hundreds of operating ‘energy towns’ around This CTP was co-developed with the - Land use change the world, and a desire or official mandate from several local community. It is written for them communities across Victoria. However, there is only Community transition pilot as well as stakeholders from important Some elements of the CTP are easier to one operating zero-net energy town example as yet Hepburn Shire was selected to conduct sectors to engage on the journey, all levels implement than others. To make the CTP in Australia - Hepburn Wind which generates enough Victoria’s first Z-NET pilot, because of its of government, technical experts and as meaningful and real as possible, it was renewable energy to offset Daylesford. As yet, there is no track record in community-owned energy industry. The CTP applied a social justice necessary to pioneer new approaches to local government area. This project has established clear generation through Hepburn Wind, strong lens to better enable fair distribution of tricky problems. This CTP is designed to targets and pathways to answer the question of ‘what support from Hepburn Shire Council, local benefits and mitigate potential burdens be a living document that will need to be will it take’ for the Hepburn Shire to reach and go beyond sustainability groups and a commitment on vulnerable community members. Such continually updated. zero-net energy and how to tackle the broader objective from community members and business to an assessment is important to bring of zero-net emissions. pursue 100% renewable energy generation. awareness of who benefits, and who is The pilot aims to act as an incubator for burdened, by the particular transition path In August 2018, Hepburn Shire declared an ambition to be locally appropriate best practice actions taken. Energy choices must be justified not the first Shire in Australia to source 100% of its energy and strategies to meet a target of zero-net only in terms of how they will help mitigate requirements from renewable sources. The declaration emissions. climate change, but also in terms of their was made in collaboration with Hepburn Wind, with the fairness to those already disadvantaged. support of: SHARE, Hepburn Relocalisation Network, The Z-NET community Transition Pilot Trentham Sustainability Group, Transition Creswick was funded by Sustainability Victoria, Hepburn Shire Council, Hepburn Wind, Community Transition Plan 2 3 Community Transition Plan
2018 Baseline energy use Stationary energy and transport To provide a context for achieving zero-net energy, it is firstly The broader energy context in regards to emissions is described in the above postcard and considers electricity, important to understand the current mix of energy consumption. natural gas, LPG, firewood, diesel and petrol - this relates to energy usage in buildings as well as transport fuels.. Table 4: Renewable Electricity Mix As is represented in Table 4 and in the accompanying postcard, (figure 3) the electricity data is a highly accurate Electricity Source MWh Energy (TJ) baseline as at 2018, bringing in data sources from Powercor, Grid electricity (77.2%) 60,961 219.5 Clean Energy Regulator, OpenNEM, Hepburn Wind, Australian Bureau of Statistics and Hepburn Shire Council. The current Solar (9.2%) 7,258 26.1 demand is 79,633MWh. Wind (13.6%) 10,761 38.7 Total electricity demand (per annum) 78,980 284.3 TJ Community Transition Plan 4 5 Community Transition Plan
Whole of Shire findings Global Standards and Going Beyond to measure progress in emissions reduction. data from Powercor, the electricity network Ward by Ward grazing area compared to the other Wards. sink due to forestry activities that reduced The purpose of the baseline emissions It is hoped that this approach of developing distributor. The Hepburn Shire has many distinct towns, Birch has the highest electricity emissions the emissions profile by 27%. Holcombe profile is to identify, quantify and report on a bottom up profile will allow projects to villages, and hamlets located across the among the Wards and produces more ward hosts the largest forestry carbon sink, Hepburn Shire’s distinct greenhouse gas be monitored over coming years and for The 2018 baseline year shows that 1,470 square kilometres, inclusive also of than twice as many emissions in total as which creates a reduction of 35% to their emissions (GHG). The baseline emissions their impact to be quantified. This will help agriculture, stationary energy and transport native forests and farmland. Within those Coliban. This can be explained by higher emissions. can also help guide where action must be to display to community how local actions, dominate the sources of the Shire’s locations, there is strong local pride and population in comparison to other Wards, taken to have the greatest impact. Whilst however small, can help contribute to emissions. More than 20,000 tonnes of identification. In order to give visibility to the but also due to the impact of business there are global standards for emission achieving Z-NET. emissions are offset through renewable distinct footprints of some of these areas, and tourism. Hepburn Wind is located in profiles, methods for meeting the global energy (solar and wind). The land sector the following chart, reflects a high-level Birch and all electricity generated by the standards are often based on aggregated This project has created a bespoke profile, provides a net carbon sink with forestry breakdown across the five local government wind farm is allocated to the Ward for the data sets (scaled down which not only meets the global reporting activities in the Shire estimated to draw Wards in the Shire. purpose of modeling the local on-site data from Victoria for example). This standards, but uses more granular data down 11% of gross emissions (i.e. emissions generation impact. Coliban produces the reduces duplication and gaps with other when available. It has brought together prior to carbon credit activities). The Ward of Cameron has high emissions lowest emissions among the Wards in communities, but can lack meaning for household survey data, local farming data and is largely skewed from the agriculture Hepburn Shire and is fairly balanced across community members and makes it difficult sets, inputs from Hepburn Shire Council and sector due to its relatively high share of the sectors, including a significant carbon Community Transition Plan 6 7 Community Transition Plan
Key elements of phase 1 Key elements of phase 2 Key elements of phase 3 2019-2021 2022-2024 2025-2029 The first stage celebrates Hepburn’s Similarly, this first phase is also proposed to Phase 2 includes delivery of significant Knowledge and capacity would be further During Phase 3, the electric vehicle leadership in sustainable energy, with develop capacity and commence delivery of investment in mid-scale renewable energy built around key agricultural production transition will commence in earnest. It 4 5 6 a concentration on energy efficiency reforestation, capable of balancing a renewable, projects (40MW of new capacity) to create changes required to reduce emissions; is proposed that this is matched with opportunities and energy generation on- sustainable supply of firewood and ultimately a 100% renewable electricity supply and including ‘climate smart’ farms, with increasing deployment of renewable site. This is consistent with adopting the creating the land use change required to offset achievement of zero-net energy. The pilots occuring for a number of strategies electricity generation to meet the charging least-cost approach, which will help to agricultural emissions. Further, improvement potential of battery storage should be designed to reduce emissions associated requirements. Programs involving on-site reduce the amount of ‘nearby’ renewable in detailed knowledge around opportunities considered for some of the mid-scale with meat and dairy livestock and energy actions come to fruition with the energy projects required to achieve a 100% to reduce transport, agricultural and land use projects as this will allow higher levels of carbon sequestration into soil. These are transformation of building stock through renewable energy supply. These options emissions will ready the community for a shift in generation to be achieved, without network scheduled to be piloted in 2024, informed energy efficiency and on-site solar are also based on proven technologies focus away from stationary energy towards other capacity constraints. Delaying delivery by industry research that improves the investments. which have a high level of social support. emissions sectors in the later two phases. of these projects to approximately 2022 animal welfare associated with responses The first phase includes improving upon - 2024 will also allow for costs of solar to reduce enteric emissions. Programs will Through a combination of further This phase includes the delivery and knowledge and delivery of early transport actions, and wind generation to further decline be designed in this phase which can forge efficiencies and reduction in travel celebration of a second stage solar farm with an early focus on improving fuel efficiency (somewhat absorbing the cost of battery a new kind of leadership in Hepburn around demand, but predominantly as a result of at the Hepburn Wind site to complement at vehicle replacement, rideshare and active storage required). Should the level of reduction of agricultural emissions. electric vehicle transition, transport related the existing 4.1MW capacity of Gale and transport. A waste to energy project would required mid-scale community wind and/ emissions decline to approximately two- Gusto (wind turbines). It also includes the be delivered by Council, capturing a portion or solar projects not be pursued (due to Significant sector partnerships will need thirds of the 2018 benchmark. The Hepburn 17 18 delivery of a local bioenergy demonstration of emissions associated with organic waste; financial viability or network constraint to be established to usher in this phase, as Shire is forecast to continue to be a net project of 65kW capacity. Council’s commitment to meet zero net emissions reasons), the option of procurement from well as financing to actualise it. exporter of renewable electricity, which from waste would be met during the latter part of larger solar or wind farms outside the Shire offsets the remaining balance of transport The first phase helps lay the development this phase. will need to be considered. Implementation of the CTP will occur emissions. work for mid-scale renewable energy The output from these mid-scale ‘nearby’ in three phases. The three phases are projects via Hepburn Wind’s leadership The Central Highlands Water plan to reduce projects would involve some export of explored in the following section with Agricultural emissions are forecast to and local sustainability group engagement, emissions from wastewater commences in electricity to other communities when accompanying flow diagrams to illustrate reduced to approximately half of the 2018 as well as a micro-grid / virtual power earnest. solar or wind production is high and usage the conceptual implementation journey. benchmark, through soil carbon actions 10 11 plant project (VPP), which would then in Hepburn Shire is low. The delivery of and livestock initiatives. The remaining be delivered in Phase 2. This project is These listed actions are considered ‘quick a local micro-grid / Virtual Power Plant agricultural emissions are offset through essential to allow continued growth in on- wins’ that are largely underway through various (VPP) project is required during this phase land use change (reforestation) within the site generation. initiatives with different stakeholder groups. to maintain growth in on-site electricity Shire, resulting in zero net emissions by generation. 2030. Reforestation also supplies (above and beyond land use change) a local Waste reduction measures would continue ‘renewable’ firewood supply. to further reduce reliance on waste offsets. The emissions reduction actions by Central The commitment from Central Highlands Highlands Water are proposed to continue. Water will be met in 2029. Council and community actions continue to reduce waste emissions. The combination of these activities can reduce total waste emissions to a negligible level by the 2030 target. Community Transition Plan 8 9 Community Transition Plan
Meeting zero-net energy by 2025 Community Transition Plan 10 11 Community Transition Plan
Meeting zero-net emissions by 2030 Community Transition Plan 12 13 Community Transition Plan
Zero-Net emissions Cost Curve The CTP is underpinned by the least- cost pathway. That is, it is a strategic prioritisation and planning tool as well as a ‘communication’ tool. In order to communicate the relative costs of opportunities to reach zero net emissions, a cost curve has been developed which summarises the impact against the goal of zero net emissions and the relative cost or benefit. Community Transition Plan 14 15 Community Transition Plan
How might it work? The role of enablers Sector Partnerships The Role of Local Government The Role of Networks Knowledge Generation, Education and Governance An overview of the Z-NET Roundtable There is a broad spectrum of sectors that The collaboration of local government with In planning for utility-scale renewable, a Engagement Harnessing existing local capacity and mandate is proposed to be: contribute to local emissions and stand to industries and communities is vital for partnership approach is needed for the establishing and developing a framework to - Z-NET Targets: having a common agenda for gain from reduction strategies. To engage the success of the CTP. As industries and network to respond to the intentions of the As a community energy leader, there is a high formalise an engaged local group with agency change including a shared understanding of with these sectors and enhance the communities seek lower carbon alternatives community to transition. As detailed earlier, level of energy literacy in the Hepburn Shire over the Z-NET Community Transition Plan the problem and a joint approach to solving effectiveness of the various Z-NET phases, to current practices, there are a number of Powercor has advised that the capacity of the regarding renewable energy generation and was a mandate of the project. In the case of it through agreed upon actions. we will need to: changes which need to occur to facilitate Hepburn Shire distribution network (i.e. the the perception of what is possible to achieve the Hepburn Shire, there is an abundance - Tracking implementation and emissions - Develop new partnerships and collaboration these transitions. Hepburn Shire Council is total power rating of feeders and locally. However, like all other communities of existing community organisations: reduction: overseeing and measuring approaches early on. already active in these areas and has the transformers) in and around Hepburn Shire in Australia, local data on emissions from community energy co-operative Hepburn results consistently to ensure shared - Form roundtable or working groups. potential to amplify their work proactively to is relatively low. This is particularly the case other sectors has previously been somewhat Wind, sustainability groups and others of measurement for alignment and - Deepen engagement with the agriculture, further facilitate these changes. given the historical development of the area, invisible so there hasn’t been an opportunity relevance such as community banks. The accountability. transport, waste, land use, tourism and local without significant amounts of large industrial for detailed engagement and awareness original Community Advisory Panel (CAP) was - Championing the CTP: a plan of action business sectors. Key to supporting these specialised or commercial electricity users. At the raising on the task ahead to reach carbon comprised of 17 community representatives that outlines and coordinates mutually - Develop local solutions, firstly as trials and sectors will be the role of local government same time, there is no major expansion (or neutrality. There is a need for continuing to who came together on three occasions to reinforcing activities. then for broader implementation. leadership in regards to: “augmentation”) of the distribution network build this awareness locally via the following learn about the Z-NET Hepburn program, what - Collaborating around Z-NET programs: - Engagement with peak bodies and in Hepburn Shire planned for the next decade. actions: current strategies and opportunities exist; enhance the impact of individual Role of Households and Businesses complementary programs such as the The 220kV Ausnet transmission line, however, and to develop and recommend a set of goals sustainability groups. Individual householders, farmers, landowners Cities Power Partnership, an initiative of the appears to offer significant opportunity for a - Community engagement must be seen as and priorities for the Community Transition - Council role: provide backbone support to and business owners have a very important Climate Council, the Victorian Government’s utility-scale renewable generation project. the cornerstone of local actions. Plan. help participating organisations coordinate. role to play. The realisation of the CTP is TAKE2 program delivered by Sustainability DNSPs and TNSPs can and should work with - The Community Transition Plan can be seen - The Z-NET Leadership Group which would in part based on all of those stakeholders Victoria. communities to assist in the transition to high as a ‘next-step’ and be used for localised Taking the Plan forward, it is proposed that further support the Roundtable and be undertaking actions in key areas - particularly - Staff resourcing to assist the coordination penetration of renewables - through network place-based planning and engagement the following steps occur: made up of a Hepburn Shire Council demand reduction, energy efficiency of the governance and programs. planning, joint projects, partnerships and across the Shire to stimulate local activity - Given the pre-existence of many formal representative, Hepburn Wind and members upgrades, shifting to sustainable transport - Monitoring, refining, expanding and being clear and transparent about what is such as a ward level action plans with local organisations, it is more efficient for of the Z-NET project team dependent on and expanding micro and small-scale promoting the Z-NET CTP and Blueprint. required from a technical standpoint. sustainability groups. the governance to be a collaborative/ funding and resourcing. renewable energy generation. - Continuation of targeted projects which - A dedicated website to host elements of the collective impact group – with a set of support an increase in energy efficiency The following aspects are key to the role of Plan. guiding principles and mandate in the form Supporting local households, farmers and or renewable generation in the broader the networks: - Ensuring there is an engagement of Roundtables, rather than forming a new businesses to understand what they can community. - To understand how constrained the three component to all programs and projects incorporated association. achieve is an engagement and educational - Programs which assist vulnerable groups 22kV feeders in the project area are, what deployed as part of the Plan. - The Council will convene the primary goal of the Plan. Pivotal to this is: and individuals within the community to ability they have to be able to connect mid- - Local education curriculum and school Roundtable, with future sector based - Increasing awareness of the economic access energy efficiency and renewable scale renewable generation projects, and at based engagement around the Z-NET Plan Roundtables to be convened by sector benefits for households and businesses. generation technologies, including financial what cost. - Citizen science projects to be initiated with partnership experts. - Providing timely and readily understandable support. - Undertake feasibility work, in partnership the broader community. - The CAP is proposed to transform into the information for builders, renters and - Facilitating and advocating for improved with Powercor, to assess (in particular) the - University partnerships which already exist Z-NET Roundtable, with participation from homeowners about the potential for energy planning and building outcomes to ensure a 22kV feeders for their level of capacity and with the University of New South Wales the five sustainability groups, Hepburn savings. more sustainable shire into the future ability to accommodate larger (i.e. 5MW to (working on social justice) and Melbourne Wind, Hepburn Shire Council and interested - Practical workshops about these measures. - Continuation of current goals to achieve 10MW) renewable energy projects, with and University (technical support), should individuals for the first phase which is highly - A free energy audit program. emission neutrality for Council operations without storage. continue to be maintained and explored. focused on energy. - Target space heating and water heating in - Proactively seeking other innovative - Identifying parts of the network in which - Celebrate local resources such as - As the Plan reaches the implementation and Hepburn homes. methods to improve the environmental and significant penetrations of renewables can RetroSuburbia by David Holmgren which is a action phase it is considered that over time - Target space heating/cooling, lighting and economic sustainability of the region. be accommodated; advising on the best manifesto for household action. the Z-NET Roundtable may be replicated for computing in Hepburn businesses. - Considering additional supportive locations within the project area to locate new sector engagement. - Target energy efficiency and renewable policies or resolutions to ensure that new small and utility-scale battery storage – to - The Z-NET Roundtable would look to: create energy opportunities for farming practices developments and the transition occurs in a deal with reliability and network constraint and/or recommend local projects that could and onsite carbon farming opportunities highly effective and beneficial way such has issues. be funded by the Z-NET Climate Resilience been deployed in Germany and Denmark Fund; be local advocates for Z-NET; and, around community power. ensure local community members and businesses are aware of Z-NET. Community Transition Plan 16 17 Community Transition Plan
How might it work? The role of enablers Funding Tracking Progress As with other projects of this type, the ability A significant amount of personal and Effectively monitoring progress towards to evaluate and develop the profile will be institutional funding and finance will need to achieving the 10-year goals of the Z-NET dependent on the level of funding available be leveraged for implementation. Some of this Hepburn project is crucial to the ongoing in the future. In order to strive towards the will be through government and philanthropic success of the model. It is imperative to first goal of zero-net energy by the end of initiatives, some will be bank or impact consistently understand where emissions 2024 to meet the Shire-wide target of 2025 investment financed, others will be through are coming from and how successful the (and potentially the aspirational goal of zero- community donations and investment. In CTP’s interventions are in meeting emission net electricity by 2021), the first three years particular, key to the deployment of multiple reduction targets. This understanding will should ensure at a minimum the focus on mid-scale projects, will be the need for a enable future programs to be more targeted tracking the impact of renewable energy, stable long term support scheme for mid- and effective. demand management and energy efficiency scale community energy projects to unlock projects. finance for such projects. Whilst the current emissions profile shows where Hepburn Shire emissions are coming As government and philanthropic funding from, it does not illustrate what is causing can wane, within the Hepburn Shire there emissions to change over time. These are several grant-making entities dispersing dynamic factors range from local, state and micro-grants to various community projects, federal policy to technology uptake and inclusive of Council, three community banks shifting social norms. Tracking progress is and Hepburn Wind. There is an appetite enabled by the setting of clear, tangible and across these organisations to create more measurable actions (see Phase 1, 2 and 3) targeted, better quality projects and programs that can be monitored effectively over the that create ‘legacy’ or ‘intergenerational’ time period and will have to consider these impact. To create this, and to enable some dynamic influences. of the objectives of Z-NET, it is proposed that a local Z-NET Climate Resilience Fund is The following methods are recommended to established. monitor and evaluate program effectiveness, track progress and create accountability within future project delivery to ensure actions are undertaken. The monitoring framework should create accountability of different stakeholders through an information sharing and feedback mechanism to improve program implementation. 1. E valuating projects and programs - tracking implementation. 2. Evaluating methodology - improving the profile. 3. U pdating the emissions inventory - Adapting baseline emissions as necessary and updating inventory. 4. E nhancing sector engagement - Monitoring how key partnerships are progressing. 5. T racking behaviour change Community Transition Plan 18 19 Community Transition Plan
Implementation plan Actions listed in the following MAIN INITIATIVES TO INITIATIVES Engagement Analysis & Tests & Implementation Scaling up MAIN INITIATIVES TO INITIATIVES Engagement Analysis & Tests & Implementation Scaling up table are community-based 2029 / sector Strategy Demonstration actions that have emerged 2029 / sector Strategy Demonstration partnerships through community engagement. partnerships Who will take responsibility Community Education Curriculum Phase I Phase II for specific actions within the Hepburn Wind solar farm Phase I Phase I Engagement 2019 - 2020 2022 - 2025 2019 2020 - 2021 Implementation Plan will need Community Transition Plan Phase I to be explored with the local Additional mid-scale Phase I Phase I Phase I Phase I & II engagement 2019 community, Council and the generation projects / 2019 2020 2021 2021 - 2024 roundtable groups in the next community battery storage Website - Z-NET practical Phase I phases of Z-NET. actions 2019- 2020 Virtual Power Plant Phase I Phase I Phase I Phase I Phase I & II 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 - 2024 Tourism: Z-NET energy trail Phase I Phase II Phase II 2021 2022 2023 - 2024 Large-scale solar farm for Phase I Phase I & II Phase II 220kv transmission line 2020 2020 - 2022 2023 Sustainable streets program Phase I Phase I Phase I Phase I Phase II 2019 2019 2020 2021 2022 - 2025 Micro-hydro electric at Phase I Phase I Daylesford Lake 2019 2020 Sector Engagement Tourism: carbon neutral Phase I Phase I Phase I Phase I Phase II tourism campaign for visitors 2019 2019 2020 2021 2022 - 2025 Transport Resident rideshare Phase I Phase I Phase I Phase I Phase I & II 2019 2019 2019 2020 2020 - 2024 Agriculture Phase I E-bike share program Phase I Phase I Phase I Phase I Phase II 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2022 - 2024 Business: network of Phase I Phase I Phase I Safe walking and bicycle Phase I Phase I Phase I Phase I Phase I & II ambassadors 2019 2019 2019 paths 2019 2019 2019 2020 2020 - 2024 Schools: Biofuel programs Phase I Phase I Phase I Phase I Phase II 2019 2020 2020 2021 2022 - 2024 Network distributor: strategic Phase I Phase I Phase I Phase I Phase II & III feasibility for local generation, 2019 2019 2020 2021 2022 - 2029 Electric vehicle transition: EV Phase I Phase I Phase I Phase I Phase II storage and demand public car charger stations 2019 2020 2020 2021 2022 - 2024 management projects Electric vehicle transition: EV Phase I Phase I Phase I Phase II Phase II & III Transport: options Phase I Phase I Phase I Phase I Phase II & III car share program 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 - 2029 development for sustainable 2019 2019 2020 2021 2022 - 2029 transport Community bus project: Phase I Phase I Phase I Phase II Phase II & III electric or biofuel 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 - 2029 Energy Home energy efficiency Phase I Phase I Phase I Phase I Phase I & II audits 2019 2019 2019 2019 2020 - 2024 Agriculture Climate smart farms local Phase I Phase I Phase I Phase I Phase II & III pilot 2019 2019 2020 2021 2022 - 2029 Home energy efficiency Phase I Phase I Phase 1 & II retrofits and upgrades 2019 2020 2020 - 2024 Herd management for beef Phase I Phase I Phase I Phase I Phase II & III (including heat pump, solar cattle awareness raising and 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 - 2029 hot water bulk buy etc) pilot Farm energy efficiency audits Phase I Phase I Phase I Phase I Phase I & II Beef cattle - feeding nitrate Phase I Phase I Phase I Phase I Phase II & III and upgrades 2019 2019 2019 2020 2020 - 2024 supplements awareness 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 - 2029 raising and pilot Business energy efficiency Phase I Phase I Phase I Phase I Phase I & II audits and upgrades 2019 2019 2019 2020 2020 - 2024 Dairy cattle - feeding dietary Phase I Phase I Phase I Phase I Phase II & III additives awareness raising 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 - 2029 Hepburn Solar Bulk Buy: 2018 Phase I & II and pilot households 2019 - 2024 (including Solar Savers) Soil carbon - sequestration in Phase I Phase I Phase I Phase I Phase II & III grazing systems awareness 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 - 2029 Residential dual fuel to Phase I Phase I Phase I raising and pilot all electric: community 2020 2020 2020 campaign and appliance Waste Reduce waste to landfill Phase I Phase I Phase I Phase I Phase II switch 2019 2020 2020 2021 2022 - 2024 Reforestation (for firewood) Hepburn Shire council Phase I Phase I Phase I bioenergy project 2019 2019 2020 Community Transition Plan 20 21 Community Transition Plan
This project is a strategic initiative of the The Z-NET Blueprint, detailed in this report is freely usable under a MAIN INITIATIVES TO INITIATIVES Engagement Analysis & Tests & Implementation Scaling up Coalition for Community Energy Creative Commons license, specifically Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 2029 / sector Strategy Demonstration Project team Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0). Taryn Lane (Renew) partnerships Brendan Lim (Little Sketches) This means you are free to: Hepburn Council Zero Phase I Damien Moyse (Renew) Share – copy and redistribute the information in any medium or format Emissions Waste commitment 2019 - 2021 Adapt – remix, transform and build upon the material Partner contract and in-kind support Central Highlands Water Zero Phase I - III Adam Blakester (Starfish Initiatives) Under the following terms: Emissions commitment 2019 - 2029 Dominic Murphy (Sustainability Officer Hepburn Shire) - Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and Gavin Ashley indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in Village scale composting Phase I Phase I Phase I Phase I Phase II Jon Morgan and Phillip Koeting (Moreland Energy Foundation) any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. 2019 2020 2020 2021 2022 - 2024 Marie Lakey (Hepburn Wind) - Non-Commercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes. Plastic Free Town initiative, Phase I Phase I Phase I Phase I Phase I & II Lisa Shadforth Take2 (Sustainability Victoria) - ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute Plastic Wise Policy 2019 2019 2019 2020 2020 - 2024 Jeremy Moss (University of New South Wales) your contributions under the same license as the original. Dylan McConnell (University of Melbourne) - No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures Land use change Restoration and reforestation Phase I Phase I Phase I Phase I Phase II Rob Law (Central Victorian Greenhouse Alliance) that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits. (carbon sequestration) 2019 2020 2020 2021 2022 - 2029 Andrew Reddaway (Renew) Donna Luckman (Renew) Disclaimer Land use: options for Phase I Phase I Phase I Phase I Phase II & III This report was prepared by Renew in good faith exercising all due care and attention, enhancing local carbon sinks 2019 2019 2020 2021 2022 - 2029 Additional support, data and information but no representation or warranty, express or implied, is made as to the relevance, Trentham Sustainability Group accuracy, completeness or fitness for purpose of this document in respect of any Planning & housing Sustainable building code Phase I Phase I Phase I Transition Creswick particular user’s circumstances. Users of this document should satisfy themselves 2019 2019 - 2020 2021 Clunes Sustainability Group concerning its application to, and where necessary seek expert advice in respect of, Prefab / tiny house Phase I Phase I Phase I Phase I SHARE their situation. demonstration for affordable 2019 2019 - 2020 2021 2021 Hepburn Relocalisation Network housing Localising Leanganook The views expressed within are not necessarily the views of Sustainability Victoria (SV) Powershop and may not represent SV policy. Powercor Latitude Group The report has been constructed based on information current as of January 2019. Climate Council Since this date, material events may have occurred which are not reflected in the report. Engineers Without Borders DNV GL Neither Renew, nor the parties which have endorsed or been involved in the Daylesford and Macedon Tourism development of the report, accept any responsibility for use of the information Ausnet contained in the report and make no guarantee nor accept any legal liability whatsoever Meat and Livestock Australia arising from or connected to the accuracy, reliability, currency or completeness of any Central Highlands Water material contained in this report. Renew and all other parties involved in the preparation Farmers for Climate Action and publication of this report expressly disclaim all liability for any costs, loss, damage, injury or other consequence which may arise directly or indirectly from use of, or The project team would like to recognise and thank the reliance on, the report. seventeen members of the local community advisory panel who helped to guide the CTP. hepburn wind community energy Community Transition Plan 22 23 Community Transition Plan
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