Page created by Bernard Mitchell
Community Survey Round 2: Repor3ng Back
           February 17, 2021
Who’s here?
What’s in a name?
Naming our CCP.
Importance of naming our CCP

• Sets the tone

• Reinforces key and unique elements of the plan

• Communicates how Members see the plan
Vote for your favourites!
Work to date.
Huu-ay-aht Comprehensive Community Plan
Huu-ay-aht Comprehensive Community Plan
It’s a plan that is:

      COMPREHENSIVE – big picture

      COMMUNITY –      member driven

      PLAN – acJon-oriented
Summary of work to date
• Gather background informa3on

• Round 1 engagement
   • Gather ideas and perspec.ves

• Pull pieces together and
  inves3gate key choices that need
  to be made

• Round 2 engagement
   • Refine issues and ac.ons
What we heard.
Key survey highlights.
Survey Overview
Survey Demographics
    211 Responses
                          Loca%ons                                   Age of Respondents                              Age and Children
Port Alberni                                       30%
      Other                         16%                                    8%
     Anacla                     14%                                                                  60%

 Vancouver                     14%                                                        Under 24   40%
  Nanaimo                     11%                                                         25-59
                                                                                          60+        20%
    Victoria             8%

  Parksville        3%                                                                                0%
                                                                          81%                                    ≤ 24        25-59             ≥60
    Duncan          3%
                                                                                                            with children   without children     NA
               0%        5%    10%    15%   20%   25%   30%   35%
Overall Priorities
Where should we be focusing our attention?
Overall Priorities:
 Of the 10 areas below, where do you want to see the most progress made in the next 10-20 years?

Access to quality Housing for all ci3zens (in Anacla
                                                     Revival of our Language and Culture
        and outside Tradi3onal Territory)
                                                                                              Sustainable Revenue     Job/Career opportuni3es
                                                                                            Genera3on for our Na3on        for all ci3zens

                                                                                            Community Development
                                                    Wellbeing (Health and Safety) for all      within Huu-ay-aht   Conserva3on of
Educa3on and Training for all ci3zens                            ci3zens                           Territory      Natural Resources    Advanc…
Priori@es by age groups
                                                             Priority Areas by Age
100%                                                                                         Advance Reconciliation

90%                                                                                          Keep improving our Governance

                                                                                             Conservation of Natural Resources
       Jobs and                                                           Community
70%     Careers                                                          Development         Community Development within Huu-ay-
                                 and Training
       for Youth                                                           for Elders        aht Territory
60%                               for Adults
                                                                                             Sustainable Revenue Generation for our
                                                                                             Revival of our Language and Culture
                                                                                             Education and Training for all citizens

                                             Housing and                                     Job/Career opportunities for all citizens
                                            important for                                    Wellbeing (Health and Safety) for all citizens
                                                                                             Access to quality Housing for all citizens (in
                                                                                             Anacla and outside Traditional Territory)
           I'm age 24 or under       I'm between age 25-59          I'm an elder (age 60+)
Relative priorities by location
                                                              Priorities by Location

               Education and Training for all citizens

        Wellbeing (Health and Safety) for all citizens

             Job/Career opportunities for all citizens

     Sustainable Revenue Generation for our Nation

            Access to quality Housing for all citizens

                    Keep improving our Governance

                             Advance Reconciliation

Community Development within Huu-ay-aht Territory

                  Conservation of Natural Resources

                Revival of our Language and Culture

                                                         0%                25%                  50%         75%   100%

                                                                       Anacla (including Bamfield)    Elsewhere
Top priori@es by loca@on
Port Alberni
1. Educa5on and Training for all ci5zens               Victoria (and surrounding areas)
2. Access to quality Housing for all ci5zens           1. Access to quality Housing for all ci5zens
                                                       2. Revival of our Language and Culture
1. Community Development within Huu-ay-aht Territory
2. Job/Career opportunities for all citizens           USA
                                                       1. Revival of our Language and Culture
Vancouver & Lower Mainland                             2. Educa5on and Training for all ci5zens
1. Access to quality Housing for all ci5zens
2. Revival of our Language and Culture
                                                       Parksville (and surrounding areas)
                                                       1. Access to quality Housing for all citizens
Nanaimo (and surrounding areas)                        2. Job/Career opportunities for all citizens
1. Educa5on and Training for all ci5zens
2. Revival of our Language and Culture
Priori@es by loca@on
Port Alberni
1. Educa5on and Training for all ci5zens               Victoria (and surrounding areas)
2. Access to quality Housing for all ci5zens           1. Access to quality Housing for all ci5zens
                                                       2. Revival of our Language and Culture
1. Community Development within Huu-ay-aht Territory
2. Job/Career opportunities for all citizens           USA
                                                       1. Revival of our Language and Culture
Vancouver & Lower Mainland                             2. Educa5on and Training for all ci5zens
1. Access to quality Housing for all ci5zens
2. Revival of our Language and Culture
                                                       Parksville (and surrounding areas)
                                                       1. Access to quality Housing for all citizens
Nanaimo (and surrounding areas)                        2. Job/Career opportunities for all citizens
1. Educa5on and Training for all ci5zens
2. Revival of our Language and Culture
Priori@es by loca@on
Port Alberni
1. Educa5on and Training for all ci5zens               Victoria (and surrounding areas)
2. Access to quality Housing for all ciMzens           1. Access to quality Housing for all ciMzens
                                                       2. Revival of our Language and Culture
1. Community Development within Huu-ay-aht Territory
2. Job/Career opportunities for all citizens           USA
                                                       1. Revival of our Language and Culture
Vancouver & Lower Mainland                             2. Educa5on and Training for all ci5zens
1. Access to quality Housing for all ciMzens
2. Revival of our Language and Culture
                                                       Parksville (and surrounding areas)
                                                       1. Access to quality Housing for all citizens
Nanaimo (and surrounding areas)                        2. Job/Career opportunities for all citizens
1. Educa5on and Training for all ci5zens
2. Revival of our Language and Culture
Priori@es by loca@on
Port Alberni
1. EducaMon and Training for all ciMzens               Victoria (and surrounding areas)
2. Access to quality Housing for all ci5zens           1. Access to quality Housing for all ci5zens
                                                       2. Revival of our Language and Culture
1. Community Development within Huu-ay-aht Territory
2. Job/Career opportunities for all citizens           USA
                                                       1. Revival of our Language and Culture
Vancouver & Lower Mainland                             2. EducaMon and Training for all ciMzens
1. Access to quality Housing for all ci5zens
2. Revival of our Language and Culture
                                                       Parksville (and surrounding areas)
                                                       1. Access to quality Housing for all citizens
Nanaimo (and surrounding areas)                        2. Job/Career opportunities for all citizens
1. EducaMon and Training for all ciMzens
2. Revival of our Language and Culture
Where do HFN Ci@zens want to live?                                                                     Blue bars are
                                                                                                                people who
                                                                                                               want to move to

                                                                                                             I want to move to Anacla

                                                                                                             I want to move to another loca=on
60%                                                                                                          in the ḥahuułi (Tradi=onal
                                                                                                             I want to stay in the community
40%                                                                                                          where I currently live

                                                                                                             I want to move to another
20%                                                                                                          community outside the ḥahuułi
                                                                                                             (Tradi=onal Territory)

       Anacla   BC   Duncan   Nanaimo   Parksville   Port Alberni Vancouver &   Victoria   US   ON   Other
Where do HFN Ci@zens want to live?

Want to live in Anacla but currently live elsewhere   40

I want to move to the ḥahuułi (not Anacla)            30

Total interested in moving to ḥahuułi                 70 (35% of Respondents)
Where do HFN Ci@zens want to live?

• If the ques*on is opened up to “live or spend more -me” in Anacla or the
  Tradi*onal Territory

                      70 ci-zens                    à                130 ci-zens
*Assumes some of the challenges are addressed (Transporta5on, Jobs, Social/Safety, Affordability)
Loca@on Preferences
       Of those living in Anacla...                                     Of those living in BC (but not Anacla)

              7%                                                                                            I want to move to Anacla

                                      I want to move to another                              25%
                                      community outside the
                           22%        ḥahuułi (Tradi=onal                                                   I want to move to another
                                      Territory)                                                            community outside the
                                      I want to move to another                                             ḥahuułi (Tradi=onal
                                      loca=on in the ḥahuułi                                                Territory)
                                      (Tradi=onal Territory)      54%                                       I want to move to another
                                                                                                            loca=on in the ḥahuułi
                                      I want to stay in the                                                 (Tradi=onal Territory)
                                      community where I
                                      currently live                                       13%              I want to stay in the
                                                                                                            community where I
                                                                                                            currently live
Preferred Tenure Types
                                                               Includes building
                             Seasonal rentals                    own cabin, or


                                          Short term rentals
            Home ownershop                       13%
If you could spend 5me in the ḥahuułi                 What is your main reason for wan5ng to
          during the year, where would you most like                       move to the ḥahuułi?
                            to live?

                                                            Live on Huu-ay-aht territory and
              Anacla                                                access to culture
                                                                 Be close to nature (forests,
                                                                      oceans, wildlife)
In a hotel or lodge in
                                                                        Work for my Nation

           Sarita Bay                                       Get away from the city and live
                                                               in a smaller community
                                                             Be close to hunting and fishing
    By a lake (Sarita)                                                    areas

                                                                      Other (please explain)
       Other (please
         explain)                                               Access more government
                                                             financial supports (e.g. housing…
                         0   10   20   30     40       50
                                                                                                 0   10   20   30   40
Housing Summary
•   70 Ci3zens want to move to the ḥahuułi, and most want to own a home

•   Around ¼ of those interested in moving the ḥahuułi want to live somewhere other
    than Anacla

•   Access to culture and nature are the biggest reasons Ci3zens want to come

•   Top improvements that would get more Ci3zens onto the ḥahuułi:
    •   Jobs
    •   Improved quality of life/
    •   Medical/health services
    •   Transporta.on
Revival of Language and Culture
Interest in Cultural Events
                                                                                              • Events for children to learn about culture
                                                                                              • Canoe races and canoe building
                           Yes, absolutely                                  48%
                                                                                              • Pow-wows
 Yes, only if transport ation/accomadation/
                                                                                              • Cultural singing and dancing

                                                                                                Lahal games
      food was subsidized or provided
                                                                                              • Memorial potlach style teaching
                                   Maybe                14%

     Yes, if there was a good place to stay         12%
                                                                                              • Cedar weaving and carving
                                       No          3%                                         • Teaching tradi3onal fishing, hun3ng, and
                                              0%        10%   20%   30%   40%     50%   60%
                                                                                              • Video recordings and online cultural events
                                                                                              • Naming ceremonies
Loca@on and Timing of Events and Ac@vi@es
 Loca%on                              Timing
 • Anacla                             • Summer and winter
 • Sarita Bay                         •   Year-round
 • Bamfield                            •   When kids are out of school
 • Port Alberni                       •   Weekly
 • Online (including livestreaming)   •   Monthly
 • House of Huu-ay-aht                •   At least once a season
 • On the Beach
 • Pachena Bay
• Real hunger for more cultural events on the ḥahuułi

• More support/resources (i.e. transportaJon, accommodaJon) could help
  some more CiJzens aWend more cultural events

• Interest in any Jme and any place on the ḥahuułi!
Priori@es for educa@on

             More support for our youth in high school

                                                                                                                             Not important: For me it is
Ensure citizens living in Anacla/Bamfield have access to                                                                     fine the way it is
          in person instruction up to grade 12
                                                                                                                             Somewhat important: Could be improved

             More consistent daycare options in Anacla                                                                       Essential: This issue must be
                                                                                                                             significantly improved

          Post-Secondary support (scholarships, college

                                                           0%   10%   20%   30%   40%   50%   60%   70%   80%   90%   100%
• Strong demand for all categories of educa7on
Wellbeing (Health and Safety)
How to support the wellbeing of Ci@zens
                         On the ḥahuułi                                                                             Elsewhere
   Emergency preparedness                                                              Host Huu-ay-aht family activities
          planning                                                                        in different communities

 Street lighting in the village                                20%                        Support ci=zens to reconnect
                                                                                          with the ḥahuułi (TSL/Anacla)
 Community policing/safety
        officers                                                                           Facilitate opportunities for
                                                                                         intergenerational connections
                A Safe House                       14%
                                                                                                                                                                  and culture
                                                                           Bylaw                                  Other          8%
Neighbourhood block watch                        11%                    enforcement.                                                                                (online)
                                                                                                                           0%    5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%

                        Other               6%
Nothing needs to be done to
 increase safety of citizens                                                                                                       More access to
                                  0%        5%    10%    15%     20%     25%   30%                                              support and resources
                                                                                                                                   in urban areas
Wellbeing Summary
Priority on ḥahuułi is about basic safety
• More planning needed around earthquake/tsunami risk for (lower) Anacla
• Basic safety elements could be improved
      • Ligh?ng, community policing, safe house, block watch, etc.

Priority for CiJzens elsewhere is about feeling connected to Huu-ay-aht
• Family and elders connecJons
• ConnecJons to the ḥahuułi
Sustainable Revenue Genera
Suitable Industries
                     What industries do you think would be suitable for HFN?

                                     Fishing charters

               Ocean guided tours (whale watching

   Cultural tourism (guided tours to kiixin and other…


                       Commercial accommodation

                                 Lumber processing

                           Shellfish or kelp farming

     Closed containment (on land) Salmon Farming
                                                        0%     10%    20%      30%   40%   50%   60%   70%
             Where should HFN encourage tourism?
                                                                           Challenges and Concerns Related to Tourism:
                                                       Equal support for   - COVID
                                                       areas for tourism   - Overcrowded
                                                                           - More “touristy” than authen5c
                        In other parts
                                                                           - LiWering, property damage, road safety
                            of the                                         - Limited knowledge among ci5zens of cultural
      In Anacla                                      In Bamfield
                          tradi_onal                                         prac5ces
                           territory                                       - Make it green
                                                                           - Don’t destroy our territory
                                                                           - Motel is rundown
                                                                           - Tough to compete with Tofino
0%    10%   20%   30%    40%    50%      60%   70%      80%   90%   100%
• Broad support for revenue generaJon opportuniJes, especially tourism

•   Community concerns around potenJal impacts of tourism
Jobs and Employment
How would Ci@zens aged 59 and under
support themselves in Anacla?
                            Get a job

                            Retired (e.g., pension, social insurance)

                            Seasonal work
                            Start a business in the Ḥahuułi
                            (Tradi%onal Territory)
                            Unable to work (e.g., social housing
         4%                 and social assistance)
                            Work from home
Type of work Ci@zens would like to do on the
                                 Tourism and hospitality
                                       My own business
     Natural resources (forestry, fisheries, energy, etc.)
                                          Family support
                                          Health services
                                 Other (please describe)
          Work at the Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre
     Education (provision of childcare, k-12, adult, etc.)
                                             Coast Guard
                                     Commercial fishing
                          Other Natural resources work
             None, I don’t want to work on the ḥahuułi
                                                             0%   2%   4%   6%   8%   10%   12%   14%   16%   18%   20%
“My own business”

I like the idea of running a business but have not given it much thought yet                                                  25%

                         I have a business concept and need to flesh it out                           12%

                I am currently self-employed and run my own business(es)                        10%

                                                     Other (please explain)             6%

                                           I have run businesses in the past       2%

         I have started developing a business plan and gathering resources        1%

                                                                               0.00%    5.00%     10.00%    15.00%   20.00%    25.00%   30.00%
Job supports
      More support knowing what jobs are available in
                    Anacla/on the TSL

  More support knowing what jobs are available in the
              community in which I live
                                                                                                                           Not important: For me it is
                                                                                                                           fine the way it is
Counselling support to help navigate and problem solve
                day to day working life
                                                                                                                           Somewhat important: Could be improved
  More support preparing for what to expect in the
workplace (e.g. regarding attendance, communication,
                   responsibilities)                                                                                       Essential: This issue must be
                                                                                                                           significantly improved
     More support writing my resume and cover letter

            More support preparing for job interviews

                                                         0%   10%   20%   30%   40%   50%   60%   70%   80%   90%   100%
Community Development within Huu-ay-
aht Territory
What challenges need to be addressed to get
     more Ci@zens on the ḥahuułi?

Quality of Life (internet, reliable power, more activities, etc.)

                                       Medical/Health Services


                   Connection to Culture/Activities in the TSL

                                                Social Problems

       Affordability (I cannot afford to travel, purchase, visit)

                                                Personal Safety

                  Improved quality of grade school education

                             Expand the school up to grade 12
                                                                    0%        10%        20%        30%      40%      50%       60%      70%        80%       90%        100%

                                                                    Essential: This issue must be    Somewhat important: Could be improved     Not important: For me it is
                                                                    significantly improved                                                     fine the way it is
Crea@ng opportuni@es for non-Huu-ay-aht
ci@zens to lease or rent in the territory

of respondents are in favour of leases or rentals to non-HFN ciJzens
within the territory
How is Huu-ay-aht doing with managing
natural resources?
Living in Anacla:
    • 70% feel there is good balance for all resources
    • 5% feel that there is too much harves/ng taking place
    • 15% feel that there is too much conserva/on

Living elsewhere:
    • 46% feel that there is a good balance
    • 43% would like to know more (non-%mber forest resources)
How important is it for Huu-ay-aht to:
                                                            Doing fine - no   Needs attention - but   Needs immediate
                                                            action needed         not urgent             attention
  Identify conservation zones where no forest
  harvesting takes place                                         9%                   41%                  36%

  Do an ecological impact study to understand the
  impact of different scales of community development            15%                  35%                  26%

  Annually monitor fish stocks
                                                                 23%                  40%                  25%

  Develop more conservative forestry harvesting
  standards                                                      18%                  32%                  33%

  Have Huu-ay-aht guardians on the land and water
                                                                 12%                  35%                  41%

  Add to our established traditional use study to better
  understand areas of special interest                           12%                  47%                  25%

  Invest in commercial fishing opportunities for citizens
                                                                 14%                  36%                  27%

  Continue the Watershed Renewal Program
                                                                 18%                  30%                  33%
Governance Areas

of respondents said that the 8 Governance Areas listed required some
level of improvement (e.g. communicaJon, accountability, policy
implementaJon, balancing tradiJonal and modern approaches, and
Final thoughts or ques
What’s Next?
Huu-ay-aht Comprehensive Community Plan
Thank You
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