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Wayland Human Rights, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee COMMUNITY RESOURCE GUIDE The Wayland Human Rights, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee strives to ensure that all persons enjoy an equal opportunity to access community resources and services. This guide was developed as a tool to help you find general and legal information in town and within the state. It is not meant to be comprehensive, but a starting point for your search. Resources in this document were originally compiled by the Dedham, MA, Human Rights Commission in 2019. With grateful permission, the Wayland, MA, Human Rights, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee has updated and adapted the resources. This guide is for informational purposes only. The inclusion of resources in this guide does not constitute an endorsement. *Y= Includes services for Youth; O = Includes services for Older Adults. Under organizations, hotlines are noted in bold font. 2
Wayland Human Rights, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee COMMUNITY RESOURCE GUIDE Information as of January 2023 Note: *Y= Includes services for Youth; O = Includes services for Older Adults. Hotlines are noted in bold font. CONTENTS PAGE Addiction & Recovery 4 Disabilities 4 Domestic Violence, Abuse & Neglect 5 Food 6 Hate Incidents 8 Housing 8 Human Trafficking 8 Immigrants & Refugees 9 Legal 10 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or Questioning (LGBTQ+) 14 Mental Health Counseling, Suicide Prevention 15 Reproductive Health Services 17 Safety 17 Unemployment 17 Wayland Community Services 17 Wayland Cultural Organizations 18 *Y= Includes services for Youth; O = Includes services for Older Adults. Under organizations, hotlines are noted in bold font. 3
Wayland Human Rights, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee TOPIC * ORGANIZATION PHONE WEBSITE DESCRIPTION Addiction & Recovery Y Adolescent Substance 617-355- https://www.childrenshospi- Evaluates and treats children and adolescents Abuse Program (ASAP) 2727 with substance use problems and disorders. Children’s Hospital, Boston vices/programs/a-_-e/adoles- cent-substance-use-and-addic- tion-program Alcoholics Anonymous 800-839- https://alcoholicsanony- Based on the 12-Steps method, assists people 1686 who are struggling with an addiction to alcohol. sachusetts/wayland-massachu- Several meetings are held regularly in Wayland. setts/ Y Mass. Al-Anon/Al-ateen 888-425- Helps people overcome the frustration and 2666 helplessness caused by close association with an alcoholic. Al-ateen is for younger members of Al-Anon. Mass Substance Abuse 800-327- Free and confidential services for finding sub- Hotline 5050 stance use treatment, recovery, and problem gambling. Y Massachusetts General 617-643- http://www.mghaddiction- Offers treatment for teens and young adults; Hospital Center for Addic- 4691 treatment for adults with alcohol and drug ad- tion Medicine services/treatment/ dictions, co-occurring mental health disorders and other types of addictive behaviors; and provides easy-to-understand information about addiction and its treatment. Disabilities Y Disability info Helps people with disabilities find information they need. Using the searchable database, you can search for programs and services as well as other information. *Y= Includes services for Youth; O = Includes services for Older Adults. Under organizations, hotlines are noted in bold font. 4
Wayland Human Rights, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee TOPIC * ORGANIZATION PHONE WEBSITE DESCRIPTION Domestic Violence, Boston Area Rape Crisis 800-841- Provides free, confidential support and services Abuse & Neglect Center Hotline 8371 to survivors of sexual violence ages 12+ and their family and friends. Empowers survivors of all genders to heal and seek justice. Y Department of Children 617-748- Protects children from abuse and neglect and and Families (DCF)/Massa- 2000 assachusetts-department-of- supports young adults, age 18-22, who are tran- chusetts children-families sitioning from DCF custody to independent liv- ing. When necessary, arranges foster care and finds new permanent families through kinship, guardianship or adoption. O Elder Protective Ser- 800-922- Investigates cases of abuse of people aged 60+ vices/Massachusetts 2275 ing-elder-abuse-neglect who live in the community, including physical, sexual, and emotional abuse, caretaker neglect, self-neglect and financial exploitation. (To re- port abuse of a person by a nursing home or hospital, call the Department of Public Health at (800) 462-5540.) Y Key Program, Inc., 781-894- Located in Waltham, offers specialty out-patient Children’s Charter 4307 grams/childrens-charter mental health services for survivors of sexual, physical, emotional, and interfamilial/multigen- erational trauma. National Domestic Vio- 800-799- Provides essential tools and support to help sur- lence Hotline 7233, or chat vivors of domestic violence so they can live their or text lives free of abuse. Includes Spanish, deaf, and Native American services. National Sexual Assault 800-656- Connects callers to a trained staff member from Hotline 4673 national-sexual-assault-tele- a sexual assault service provider in their area. phone-hotline *Y= Includes services for Youth; O = Includes services for Older Adults. Under organizations, hotlines are noted in bold font. 5
Wayland Human Rights, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee TOPIC * ORGANIZATION PHONE WEBSITE DESCRIPTION Domestic Violence, REACH Beyond Domestic 800-899- Provides comprehensive domestic violence ser- Abuse & Neglect Violence 4000 vices including hotline, crisis intervention, shel- (continued) ter, and community support. SafeLink 877-785- Offers a State-wide, toll-free domestic violence 2020 details/massachusetts-safelink- hotline. Deaf and hard-of-hearing callers can TTY: 877- resources reach SafeLink via video relay service using the 521-2601 main number 877-785-2020, or via TTY. Sudbury Wayland Lincoln https://www.domesticvio- Raises public awareness about abusive and con- Domestic Violence trolling behaviors and provides referrals to hot- Roundtable violence-roundtable.html lines, counseling, clergy, hospitals and other lo- cal resources. The Second Step 617-965- Partners with survivors to address the after- 2538 math of abuse and build brighter futures for sur- vivors and their children. Serves people from around the Boston Metro area. Transitional resi- dences are located in Newton. Voices Against Violence 800-593- Provides free and confidential services to vic- 1125 against-violence.php tims and survivors of domestic and sexual abuse 508-626- and their families in the MetroWest area. Ser- 8686 vices are provided in English, Spanish and Portu- guese. Services include hotline, crisis interven- tion, emergency shelter, support groups, refer- rals, and medical, legal and criminal justice ad- vocacy. Food A Place to Turn 508-655- https://www.aplacetoturn-na- Located in Natick, provides emergency food, di- 8868 apers and personal care items to people in the MetroWest area. *Y= Includes services for Youth; O = Includes services for Older Adults. Under organizations, hotlines are noted in bold font. 6
Wayland Human Rights, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee TOPIC * ORGANIZATION PHONE WEBSITE DESCRIPTION Food Bristol Lodge Soup Kitchen, 781-894- Located in Waltham, provides take-out meals, a (continued) Bristol Lodge Food Pantry, 6110 weekly food pantry, and a once-a-month mobile and Mobile Market Com- market. munity Nutrition Program/ Middlesex Human Service Agency My Brother’s Table/ 508-650- https://www.goodshepherd- Located in Wayland, provides food for those in Good Shepherd Parish 3545 need. Formerly the Parmenter Food Pantry. Celebration International 508-653- Provides groceries to people in the MetroWest Church Food Pantry 6864 pantry area who are struggling financially and need emergency assistance. Loaves and Fishes Food 508-358- https://www.tccway- Located in Wayland, provides food for those in Pantry/ 7717 need. Trinitarian Congregational Church Open Table 978-369- https://www.openta- Located in Concord and Maynard, offers grocer- 2275 ies, prepared meals and senior (60+) lunches. Service area includes Wayland. SNAP Benefits (Supple- Provides monthly funds on an EBT (Electronic mental Nutrition Assis- benefits-formerly-food-stamps Benefits Transfer) card to buy food. Provides ed- tance Program)/Massachu- ucation and training opportunities and free nu- setts trition classes. WIC (Women, Infants and Serves pregnant and breastfeeding women and Children) Nutrition Pro- formation-for-participants children under five years old. Provides healthy gram/Massachusetts food, nutrition education, breastfeeding sup- port and referrals to families who qualify. *Y= Includes services for Youth; O = Includes services for Older Adults. Under organizations, hotlines are noted in bold font. 7
Wayland Human Rights, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee TOPIC * ORGANIZATION PHONE WEBSITE DESCRIPTION Hate Incidents End Hate Now Hotline 833-634- Offers hotline for reporting hate-based inci- 8669 dents or potential criminal activity. Part of At- 83-END-H8- torney General’s Office. English, Spanish, Can- NOW tonese, French. Wayland Police Depart- 911 ment 508-358- 4721 Housing MA Coalition for the 781-595- Provides housing support services and advocacy Homeless 7570 for low-income households at risk of or cur- rently experiencing homelessness. Middlesex Human Service 781-894- Provides emergency and long-term shelters in Agency 6110 the MetroWest area for families, individuals, and people with substance use disorders. WATCH Community 781-891- Provides guidance and resources on a range of Development Corporation 6689 watch/ housing concerns. Located in Waltham and open to people from nearby communities. Wayland Housing Author- 508-358- https://www.way- Provides, maintains and advocates for housing ity 7701 for low- and moderate-income people in Way- authority land. Administers Section 8 Voucher Rental As- sistance Program and other housing programs for the town. Human Trafficking National Human Traffick- 888-373- www.humantraffickinghot- Connects victims and survivors of sex and labor ing Hotline 7888 trafficking with services and supports to get help and stay safe. Also receives tips about po- tential situations of trafficking. *Y= Includes services for Youth; O = Includes services for Older Adults. Under organizations, hotlines are noted in bold font. 8
Wayland Human Rights, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee TOPIC * ORGANIZATION PHONE WEBSITE DESCRIPTION Immigrants & Boston Center for Refugee 617-414- Provides physical, mental health and social ser- Refugees Health & Human Rights/ 1994 center-refugee-health-and-hu- vices to refugees, asylum seekers, torture survi- Boston Medical Center man-rights vors and immigrants. Refugee & Immigrant Ser- 617-464- Provides resettlement support, community in- vices/Catholic Charities 8500 gee-services terpreters, legal and employment assistance and English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL). Framingham Adult English 508-626- Offers 10 levels of English Language instruction, as a Second Language PLUS 4282 to individuals, age 18+, from over 30 countries. (FAESL Plus) Also offers GED and Citizen Preparation classes. International Institute of 617-695- Offers immigrants and refugees services includ- New England 9990 ing: refugee resettlement, case management, health services navigation, employment, education and literacy, and citizenship programming. Jewish Family Services of 508-875- Offers citizenship and immigrant programs MetroWest 3100 along with other social services. Mass Immigrant & Refugee 617-350- Offers immigrants and refugees services includ- Advocacy Coalition (MIRA) 5480 ing: citizenship application assistance, civics ed- ucation, professional development and job training, ESOL (English to Speakers of Other Lan- guages), legal assistance and advocacy support. Office for Refugees & Im- 617-727- Offers Citizenship for New Americans Program, migrants/Massachusetts 7888 ments/ori Financial Literacy for Newcomers, employment services for refugees, and education, youth and other services and resources. *Y= Includes services for Youth; O = Includes services for Older Adults. Under organizations, hotlines are noted in bold font. 9
Wayland Human Rights, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee TOPIC * ORGANIZATION PHONE WEBSITE DESCRIPTION Immigrants & Project Citizenship 617-694- Provides services to permanent residents to Refugees 5949 help them become U.S citizens. (continued) Rian Immigration Center 617 542-7654 Offers free immigration legal services, education and career services, advocacy and community building opportunities. Tutors for ESOL (English to 508-358- https://waylandli- Offers one-on-one tutoring for speakers of Speakers of Other Lan- 2311 other languages who want to learn English. guages)/Wayland Free Public Library Legal AIDS Action Committee 857-313- Provides legal representation and referrals to of MA, Inc. 6841 client-advocacy/ those living with HIV/AIDS for housing, public benefits, consumer debt, and legal services. American Civil Liberties 617-482- Represents civil liberties and civil rights cases. Union Foundation of MA 3170 eking-legal-help-aclu Generally doesn’t represent individual cases, but can make referrals. Attorney General of MA General: Enforces civil rights laws, investigates and pros- 617-727- fice-of-attorney-general- ecutes crimes, protects workers, consumers and 2200 maura-healey the environment, and combats fraud and cor- Consumer ruption. complaints: 617-727- 8400 TTY: 617- 727-4765 *Y= Includes services for Youth; O = Includes services for Older Adults. Under organizations, hotlines are noted in bold font. 10
Wayland Human Rights, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee TOPIC * ORGANIZATION PHONE WEBSITE DESCRIPTION Legal Civil Rights Report hate crimes: Accepts and reviews complaints alleging civil (continued) Complaints: rights violations and brings enforcement action 617-963- ilrightscomplaint under state and federal laws that prohibit dis- 2917 crimination in employment, housing, financial services, public education, and public accommo- dation on the basis of disability, race, national origin, gender, religion, gender, identity, sexual orientation, age, veteran or marital status, and recent of public assistance. Y Children's Law Center of 1-888-KID- Provides legal services and advocacy for low-in- MA LAW8 come children and youth. Committee for Public 617-482- https://www.public- Provides legal representation, in matters where Counsel Services 6212 the law requires appointment of counsel, for those who cannot afford a lawyer. Disability Law Center 617-723- Provides protection and advocacy for MA resi- 8455 dents living with disabilities. 800-872- 9992 617-892- 4404 (VP) Y The Education Law Project 617-910-5829 https://www.youthadvocacyfoun- Provides education advocacy for Massachusetts' high-risk, low-income youth, providing assistance to kids, parents, and community organizations. O Elder Abuse Hotline 855-484- https://victimcon- Provides information and assistance in locating 2846 services that can help a person or their loved crime/elder-abuse-and-ne- one experiencing elder abuse. glect/ *Y= Includes services for Youth; O = Includes services for Older Adults. Under organizations, hotlines are noted in bold font. 11
Wayland Human Rights, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee TOPIC * ORGANIZATION PHONE WEBSITE DESCRIPTION Legal O Elder Protective Services 800-922- Provides a hotline for reporting abuse of a per- (continued) 2275 ing-elder-abuse-neglect son age 60 or older in Massachusetts who lives in the community. (To report abuse of a person in a MA nursing home or hospital, call the De- partment of Public Health at (800) 462-5540.) FBI (Federal Bureau of In- 857-386- Accepts reports of suspicious activities and vestigation) 2000 crime, including hate crimes, 24 hours a day, Mass. office seven days a week. GLBTQ Legal Advocates 617-426- Advocates to end discrimination based on sex- and Defenders (GLAD) 1350 ual orientation, HIV status, gender identity and 800-455- expression. GLAD GLAD Answers provides free and confidential le- your-rights/glad-answers/ gal information, assistance and referrals. Health Law Advocates 617-338- https://healthlawadvo- Provides free legal representation to low-in- 5241 come residents experiencing difficulty accessing 855-218- or paying for needed medical services. 2519 O Homeowner Options for 800-583- http://www.elderhomeown- Assists low- and moderate-income, elder home- MA Elders (HOME) 5337 owners avoid foreclosures and make informed housing decisions to keep their homes and age in place. Lawyers for Civil Rights 800-669- Provides representation, advice, and referrals 4000 primarily for residents of Massachusetts and surrounding communities who experience dis- crimination or harassment in employment, housing, education, or voting. We also provide free legal support to qualifying entrepreneurs and small businesses. *Y= Includes services for Youth; O = Includes services for Older Adults. Under organizations, hotlines are noted in bold font. 12
Wayland Human Rights, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee TOPIC * ORGANIZATION PHONE WEBSITE DESCRIPTION Legal Mass Commission Against 617-994- Investigates and prosecutes complaints of dis- (continued) Discrimination 6000 assachusetts-commission- crimination that occur in employment, housing, against-discrimination public places, access to education, lending, and credit. Mass Legal Help https://www.massle- Provides practical information about your legal rights in Massachusetts. Mass Legal Resource Helps Massachusetts residents find legal infor- Finder this-site mation and help from programs offering free or low-cost services. Mental Health Legal Advi- 617-338- Provides legal and policy advocacy for people sors Committee 2345 living with mental health challenges. (MHLAC) 800-342- 9092 The MHLAC Intake Line provides information 617-227- and advice to individuals involved with the Mas- 6500 sachusetts mental health system. (for TTY us- ers and call- ers from jails and prisons) MetroWest Legal 508-620- Provides legal assistance to people who cannot Services 1830 afford an attorney on a range of matters includ- ing domestic violence, housing, elder law, and workers’ rights. Political 617-742- Provides free immigration services to indigent Asylum/Immigration 9296 asylum seekers and Representation detained immigrants, assuring fairness and ac- cess to justice. *Y= Includes services for Youth; O = Includes services for Older Adults. Under organizations, hotlines are noted in bold font. 13
Wayland Human Rights, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee TOPIC * ORGANIZATION PHONE WEBSITE DESCRIPTION Legal Prisoners' Legal 617-482- Provides legal representation and administra- (continued) Services of MA 2773 tive advocacy in non-criminal matters related to prisoners’ treatment in Massachusetts prisons and jails, and upon release from parole. Speed-dial number authorized on MA DOC (state prison) PIN cards: 9004 For those incarcerated in MA county facilities, call collect: (617) 482-4124 Project Citizenship 617-694- Provides free assistance to eligible permanent 5949 residents who seek to become US citizens. Volunteer Lawyers for the 617-350- https://artsandbusinesscoun- Provides legal services, advice, and educational Arts of MA 7600 programming to artists and cultural organiza- forthe-arts/ tions. Women's Bar 617-973- Provides free non-criminal legal services to Foundation of MA 6666 tent/wbf women who are domestic abuse survivors; elder women who need help with wills and related le- gal documents; and women who are incarcer- ated or involved with the criminal legal system. Lesbian, Gay, Bisex- AIDS Action Committee 617-437- Located in Cambridge, provides support services to ual, Transgender, 6200 information-mh/locations- help HIV-negative people stay negative and to keep hours/ HIV-positive people in good health. Queer or Questioning (LGBTQ+) Bisexual Resource Center Offers support groups in the Boston area and re- sources for bisexual youth, adults and allies. *Y= Includes services for Youth; O = Includes services for Older Adults. Under organizations, hotlines are noted in bold font. 14
Wayland Human Rights, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee TOPIC * ORGANIZATION PHONE WEBSITE DESCRIPTION LGBTQ+ Y Boston Alliance of Gay Les- 617-227- Youth-led and adult-supported, creates, sustains, (continued) bian Bisexual Transgender 4313 and advocates for programs, policies, services Queer Youth (BAGLY) and resources for the LGBTQ+ youth community. O LGBTQIA+ Aging Pro- 857-313-6590 Provides support and connection to older LGBTQ+ in- ject/Fenway Health fenway-institute/lgbt-aging- dividuals. project Y Mass Commission on 617-624- Map of resources to help youth, families, teachers, LGBTQ Youth 5495 and providers find LGBTQ services near to them. The Network/la Red 617-742- Confidential emotional support, information, refer- 4911 hour-hotline/ rals, safety planning and crisis intervention for LGBTQ+ individuals who are being abused or have been abused by a partner. Y OUT MetroWest 508-875- Offers free support programs for LGBTQ+ youth in 2122 the MetroWest area. PFLAG 866-427- Offers free support for parents, families, caregivers, 3524 and friends of LGBTQ+ individuals. Locations include Metrowest, Waltham and Framingham. Y The Trevor Project 866-488-7386, https://www.thetrevorpro- Provides suicide prevention and crisis intervention or chat or text hotline for LGBTQ+ youth. Mental Health, Behavioral Health Help 833-773- Offers clinical assessment, treatment referrals Counseling, Suicide Line (Hotline) BHHL (2445) details/community-behavioral- and crisis triage for mental health or substance Prevention health-centers abuse issues. Several languages offered. Call or text 24/7 WebChat: *Y= Includes services for Youth; O = Includes services for Older Adults. Under organizations, hotlines are noted in bold font. 15
Wayland Human Rights, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee TOPIC * ORGANIZATION PHONE WEBSITE DESCRIPTION Mental Health, Behavioral Health Partners 844-528- Provides individuals and families with access to be- Counseling, Suicide MetroWest 6800 havioral health, housing and social services through the Metrowest Referral Line (844-528-6800) and Be- Prevention havioral Health Community Partners, a collaboration (continued) among five provider agencies: Advocates, South Mid- dlesex Opportunity Council (SMOC), Spectrum Health Systems, Wayside Youth & Family Support Net- work, and Family Continuity. Jewish Family & Children’s 781-693- Connects callers with expert advice and appropriate Services 5562 resources through Mental Health Connect, a free confidential referral service. Department of Mental Provides access to services and support to meet Health (DMH)/Massachu- 800-221- assachusetts-department-of- mental health needs of all ages. setts 0053 mental-health National Alliance on Men- 617-580- Provides education and support for people liv- tal Illness/Massachusetts 8541 ing with mental illness and their families and al- Chapter lies. Through its Compass Helpline, provides in- Compass formation and resources to help people navi- Helpline: gate the mental health system and related sys- 617-704- tems of care, and problem solve in difficult cir- 6264 or 800- cumstances. 370-9085 National Suicide Preven- 800-273- https://suicidepreventionlifelin Connects individuals with counselors for emo- tion Lifeline 8255 tional support and other services via web chat. Includes Spanish and Deaf/Hard of Hearing op- tions. Samaritans 877-870- Serves the MetroWest area. Provides 24/7 help- 4673 line. Also provides grief support services and community education. *Y= Includes services for Youth; O = Includes services for Older Adults. Under organizations, hotlines are noted in bold font. 16
Wayland Human Rights, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee TOPIC * ORGANIZATION PHONE WEBSITE DESCRIPTION Reproductive Health Planned Parenthood, 617-295- https://www.plannedparentho Provides a range of women’s health services, in- Services Greater Boston Health 7235 cluding abortion and birth control Center chusetts/bos- ton/02215/greater-boston- health-center-3293-90610 Planned Parenthood, Cen- 508-854- https://www.plannedparentho Provides a range of women’s health services, in- tral Mass Health Center of 3300 cluding abortion and birth control Worcester chusetts/worces- ter/01609/central-massachu- setts-health-center-2660- 90610 Women’s Health Services, 617-277- https://women- Provides skilled and confidential abortion care. Brookline 0009 Safety Wayland Emergency Ser- 911 vices 508-358- Police and Fire 4721 508-358- 4747 Unemployment Department of Unemploy- 617-626- Provides temporary income assistance to eligi- ment Assistance/Massa- 6800 epartment-of-unemployment- ble workers in Massachusetts. chusetts assistance Wayland Community Wayland Community Fund 781-531- https://www.way- Provides short-term emergency financial assis- Services 5435 tance to Wayland residents who have lived in nity-fund Wayland for at least one year. Provides funding for basic needs such as utilities, rent, food, med- ical bills, and other living expenses. *Y= Includes services for Youth; O = Includes services for Older Adults. Under organizations, hotlines are noted in bold font. 17
Wayland Human Rights, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee TOPIC * ORGANIZATION PHONE WEBSITE DESCRIPTION Wayland Community O Wayland Council on Aging 508-358- https://www.way- Provides programs and outreach services to and Services (continued) 2990 on behalf of seniors to enhance quality of life and promote independent living; offers counsel- ing and information on a wide range of concerns including health insurance, housing, transporta- tion and more. Y Wayland Youth and Family 508-358- https://www.way- Provides counseling and resources for Wayland Services 4293 teens, parents and families. family-services Provides a directory of local resources Wayland Cultural Chinese American Associa- Organizations tion of Wayland The Wayland Desi https://www.face- A private Facebook group to bring all people of South Asian descent together to crowdsource 78887 problems of daily life and celebrate festivals. For additional information visit the Wayland Human Rights, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee webpage. *Y= Includes services for Youth; O = Includes services for Older Adults. Under organizations, hotlines are noted in bold font. 18
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