Community & Relocation Guide - LINCOLN

Page created by Brandon Perkins
Community & Relocation Guide - LINCOLN


 Community &

       orth renton Street • Ruston LA   •   rustonlincoln org
Community & Relocation Guide - LINCOLN
Less waiting for emergency care
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Community & Relocation Guide - LINCOLN
Community & Relocation Guide - LINCOLN

 5   Welcome to Our Community

 8   Historic Ruston

     Quality of Life
          Lifest le    eeds                          orth renton Street • Ruston LA •
          Area Attractions                                        •      rustonlincoln org
                                                                 RustonLincoln org
          Explore Lincoln
            utdoor Attractions
          Ruston arks
                                                                RustonCham er
           aith Based & Civic    rganizations
                                                Special thanks to a ton otter for cover design
          Education                               rom front cover Ruston coasters can e found
                                                 exclusivel at ine Line Art Suppl & rint La

43   Our Communities
                                                           Louisiana each estival
                                                            Louisiana each estival org
48   Festivals & Other Annual Events
                                                                 Louisiana each estival
56   Lincoln Parish Accolades
                                                                         La each est
57   Lincoln Parish Nightlife

60   Newcomer s Guide
                                                       Ruston-Lincoln USA is published by
                                                            Ruston Newspapers, Inc.
     Chamber of Commerce                                     for the Ruston-Lincoln
                                                            Chamber of Commerce.
           EA     oung Entrepreneurs Academ
                                                              u lisher Rick ohlt
          Leadership Lincoln                                 Editor vana lo ers
                                                             Writer vana lo ers
          Adopt A School
          Meet the Board                                   Ruston Newspapers, Inc.
                                                         West ark Ave Ruston LA
          Mem ership Bene ts                                   rustonleader com
                                                 Cop right          the Ruston Lincoln Cham er of
                                                   Commerce and Ruston e spapers nc
70    ho er s Guide                                         o part ma e reproduced
     Business Directory                                          ithout the ritten
                                                           permission of the pu lisher

Community & Relocation Guide - LINCOLN
Welcome to the Heart of
                 North Louisiana!
       es ou have           almost miles across        throughout the parish          industries ou ve come
discovered the heart of     Ruston hile connecting         Experience                 to see h Ruston has
   orth Louisiana But       neigh orhoods              such vivacit in the              een named one of the
certainl ou ve found          usinesses educational uni ue shopping and               Most Charming o ns
so much more or             institutions and           destination dining of          of the South or ant
here in Lincoln arish       recreational                           historic           to see h Lincoln
there is a heart eat        amenities                              do nto n              arish is listed among
that has allo ed this         he rst of                            Ruston             the top retirement
historic et progressive     its kind in the                        Savor the          locations kno that
communit to position        region the                             flavors of           ou are elcome
itself as the hu of            reen a                              our Ca un          here in the heart of
the regional                is designed                            neigh ors             orth Louisiana t
corridor hile earning       to foster                              to the south       is our sincere desire
raves as the est            a vi rant                              as ell as          that ou trul feel the
kept secret around          and active                             the distinctl      pulse of this parish
   erhaps it s ecause       culture                                southern           and experience the
the pulse of Lincoln        something                              specialties        heart eat of this great
   arish resonates from     that po ers      Cathi Cox-Boniol      that flavor        communit one of a
something far deeper        the pulse of      Chamber Chair        the traditions     collected vision that
than the expected           the parish                             of the area        is driven       humanit
veneer ts uni ueness            Within                             Engage in the      kindness and a true
can t e missed So           that active culture is a   effervescent arts scene        heart of service or it
pull up a chair and plan    thriving college to n      through festivals and          is ithin that vision that
to sta a hile ou            atmosphere driven          special events featuring          e dra our hope for
   ill experience h this    nationall reno ned         s mphonies ands                the future Within that
nugget of uintessential       ier Louisiana            theatre and artist             hope is a place for ou
Americana is kno n for        ech niversit as          sho do ns         articipate   and others ho have
so much more than its          ell as ram ling         in the local armer s           discovered all that lies
signature peaches and       State niversit the         Market ashion Sho                e ond our signature
pines                       po erhouse historic        or Maker s air ake             peaches and pines
     Explore the gorgeous   African American           a seat at a local caf               As Chairman of the
landscape of rolling        college n addition         for uni ue coffees and         Board of irectors for
hills that frames the       this education focused     exu erant conversation         the Ruston Lincoln
area Breathe in             parish features            Bu a ticket for high           Cham er of Commerce
the crisp clean air         a thriving elta            energ sports Join              it is m distinct pleasure
   rink in the sparkling    Communit College site in the faith ased                   and privilege to invite
   ater rue to its          a ard inning schools       and service oriented             ou to explore our
Sportsman s aradise         of ever variet pu lic      alliances that permeate        communit          ere
roots Lincoln arish         private la orator          this communit         eel         e not onl cultivate
offers recreational         Montessori the             the pulse of this parish       a health usiness
opportunities for ever      Louisiana School for       When ou do ou ill              environment e
age parks and lakes         the Blind and o ard        realize that it is the         cultivate an environment
a nationall acclaimed       School on the Methodist heart of Lincoln arish            that is health for
golf course mountain        Children s ome             that sets it apart from all      usiness We elieve
  ike trails and the ne     campus his focus on        others                         this is part of the pulse
Rock sland reen a           education drives high          So hether ou               that makes Lincoln a
a shared use alking         tech innovation at all     are here to ork                pearl of a parish one
running and ic cling        levels hile creating       in our flourishing             to e treasured for the
path and linear park        a s nergistic vigor        tim er natural gas             gem that it is Ma ou
that ill eventuall run      that feeds vi ranc         or manufacturing               feel that heart eat too

Community & Relocation Guide - LINCOLN
Thrift Stores

                                             Making A Difference
 Clothing - Shoes - Furniture - Books - Odds & Ends                                                                    Skilled Nursing & Rehabilitation Center
Serving three locations!
Ruston Store                       Arcadia Store                      Bossier City Store
 Ph one: 3 1 8 - 2 5 1 - 0 0 6 5   Ph one: 3 1 8 - 2 6 3 - 4 8 2 2    Ph one: 3 1 8 - 5 6 2 - 3 8 8 0
3 4 8 7 H ig h w ay 3 3            1 8 2 0 N orth R ail road A ve.    2 6 9 5 E ast T ex as S t.
Monday - Friday                    Monday - Friday                    Monday - Friday
8 : 3 0 a. m . - 5 : 3 0 p . m .   9 : 0 0 a. m . - 5 : 0 0 p . m .   9 : 0 0 a. m . - 5 : 0 0 p . m .
Saturday                           Saturday                           Saturday                           • Rehab and Recovery After Illness • Medicare Skilled Nursing Facility
8 : 3 0 a. m . - 3 : 0 0 p . m .   9 : 0 0 a. m . - 3 : 0 0 p . m .   9 : 0 0 a. m . - 3 : 0 0 p . m .   • Short and Long-Term Care         • Newly Remodeled Therapy Expansion
                                                                                                         • In-House Rehab
C O MIN G S O O N          Monroe Store, 5 3 3 9 D esiard S t.

                                                                                                            1405 White Street • Ruston, LA • 318-255-4400

Community & Relocation Guide - LINCOLN
Community & Relocation Guide - LINCOLN
    When the Civil War ended in 1865, the
South had suffered massive destruction.
Individuals and families on both sides of the
con ict had their li es chan ed ore er

   Here in the piney hills of north central
Louisiana, the war had kept its distance, the
closest military action having taken place
in the Red River Valley near Shreveport and
along the Mississippi River at Vicksburg.

  With the countryside having been spared,
the war s a termath would hel chart a new
course for the farmers and merchants who
called this area home.

   As the Era of Reconstruction took hold, a
new parish was carved from existing ones
in 1873 and named after President Abraham
Lincoln. Word soon reached the young
parish that the Vicksburg, Shreveport and
  aci c Railroad would be in to run across
north Louisiana, linking the Deep South
with Texas.

   For one individual, this brought to
fruition a lifelong dream of having people
live nearby whom he could call neighbors.
Little did Robert E. Russ know that his
dream for a new town to be located near his
plantation would eventually become known
as “Ruston,” short for Russ town.

  By 1884, Ruston was incorporated. Russ
had donated roughly 640 acres for the
town s location and ormer nion Army
                                                surveyors working for the railroad had
                                                laid out unusually wide, spacious avenues
                                                among the towering oaks and pines.

                                                   As the town began to take shape, new
                                                churches, businesses, civic organizations
                                                and schools were established. The vast
                                                stands of virgin timber and the availability
                                                of fertile lands for cotton farming fueled the
                                                booming economy.

                                                   In 1890, the Louisiana Chautauqua
                                                was chartered in Lincoln Parish and the
                                                community s oundation in education was
                                                laid. Louisiana Tech, established in 1894,
                                                and Gramblin      tate ounded in
                                                are the cornerstones upon which the area
                                                strongly stands over a century later.
Community & Relocation Guide - LINCOLN
                                               now, a decade into the new century, new
                                               subdivisions are popping up everywhere,
                                               shopping areas on the north side of
                                               town are expanding at a rapid pace, and
                                               opportunities for learning and recreation
                                               continue to expand. Downtown continues
                                               to offer a variety of retail shops and
                                               eateries. Education remains cutting edge.

                                                  The Parish has preserved its history
                                               well, and has also managed to expertly
                                               incorporate their history with their modern
                                                 rowth rue to Robert      Russ s dream
                                               Ruston continues to open its doors to
                                               those looking for a healthy business
                                               environment, an opportunity to receive
                                               a quality education and a great place –
                                               a Peach of a Place – to raise a family.
                                                n the s irit o Ruston s ounder the
                                               Robert E. Russ Award is presented to one
                                               community changing Ruston resident each
                                               year. This award is the most prestigious to
                                               be given by the Ruston-Lincoln Chamber of
   In 1900, a second railroad, running         Commerce.
north and south, was built through Ruston.
By the outbreak of World War I in 1917,           The historic downtown district of
Ruston was well established as a center        Ruston is home to many of these majestic
for learning, a place of civic pride and as    structures. More than 23 historic buildings
an area of economic prosperity throughout      have been placed on the Louisiana
the region.                                    National Register of historic places. The
                                               following buildings, all located in Ruston,
   Ruston continued to grow steadily           Lincoln Parish, are noted both for historical
during the post-World War II prosperity        si ni cance and their architectural style
o the        s he G Bill which sent war
veterans to college, helped fuel the local
economy, resulting in tremendous growth
at the local uni ersities By the late      s
news reached Ruston that would have
si ni cant im act      a new interstate
highway was to be built that would run
through the northern fringe of the city.

   Com leted by the early       s
Interstate 20 made Ruston more easily
accessible, much as the railroad had done
a century before. This, too, brought new
opportunities for growth and development.

   n the       s the state s economy
lagged after the oil industry went “belly-
up.” Ruston, however, continued growing

  The city experienced unprecedented
 rowth durin the       s and e en
Community & Relocation Guide - LINCOLN
The Autrey House
                                                  The Autrey house, built in 1849, is
                                               the oldest surviving structure in Lincoln
                                                 arish t s also known or its si ni cant
                                               dog trot architectural style. It now
                                               functions as a museum and is open to
                                               all visitors by special appointments.

                                                 The Dixie Theatre
                                                   The Dixie Theatrer was built as Astor
                                               Theatre in 1928. In 1932 it was re-named
                                               the Rialto t was nally named the i ie
                                                 heatre in the        s sale to the i ie
  The Kidd-Davis House                         Theater Corporation of New Orleans.
                                               The theatre experienced a devastating
                                                 re in         t was only in       that the
    The Kidd-Davis house was built in 1886     Dixie Center for the Arts talked about
for Captain Milton B. Kidd and his family.     restoration. It was reopened in 2006, and
The house is constructed in the Italianate     it is still running today.
colonial revival style. The house is said to
contain an odd arrangement of rooms due
to the late additions of bedrooms as the         T.L. James
Kidd family kept growing.In 1921, it was
sold to Robert Wesley Davis. Davis did the        The T.L. James house was built in
last major remodeling in 1938. The house       1884 by Colonel Thomas Cunningham
is now a museum open to the public. The        Standifer, a civil war hero, as a gift for
                                               his family. It was owned by the Standifer
foyer of the museum contains murals
                                               family until 1921, when it was then
depicting historical scenes of the early       purchased by T.L. James. The house is
years of Ruston. The Parish walls really       classi ed as the colonial re i al style
speak and tell the story clearly.              James remodeled the home in 1926, but
                                               many original features of the house were
                                               left intact, and many features still remain
  Ruston High School                           from the 1926 remodel.

   Prior to its current address on
Cooktown Rd, Ruston High School was              The Townsend House
located on North Trenton Street until
around 1938, when 13 acres of land were           The Townsend House is one of two
donated by Mr. T. L. James. Soon after,        o Ruston s oldest buildin s that still
more than 29 acres of land adjoining the       stands today. It is said that the house
land was purchased. The high school has        was moved to Ruston around 1885, after
gone through many improvements and             originally being built in Vienna. The
e ansions wo tra ic res one on                 house s architecture is called ueen
and another in 1995, have destroyed part       Anne Revival, with an asymmetrical
o the hi h school s ro erty s Howe er          appearance.The home was originally
both buildings have been reconstructed         a parsonage for the Baptist Church of
and are still in use to this day.              Christ, but in 1920 the Townsend family
                                               moved in.

The Lewis House
   The Lewis house was built in 1900, but it
has been newly restored. It is now a lovely
Victorian bed and breakfast, which hosts
visitors from all over. Its architectural        Federal Building
style is colonial revival Queen Anne. www.                        The historic Federal Building, built in
                                                     was the rst buildin to be built with
                                               Indiana limestone in Ruston. Today, it is
  Ruston State Bank                            one of only two buildings left in the city
                                               made out of limestone. It follows an Anglo-
   The Ruston State Bank was built in 1910,    American theme and it was constructed
in the beaux arts style. Its entrance was      mirroring renaissance architecture. The
designed to look like a classic temple. An     building closed in 1960, but it was later
antique clock, which was added in 1927, and    reopened after being remodeled in 1963.
a coffered vault differentiate the building    Although the inside of the building will be
from its other historic neighors as the most   completely remodeled, the outside remains
elaborate.                                     true to it s ori inal a earance

910 N. Trenton
Ruston, LA 71270

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Lifestyle Needs
                                                                             Russ lace
Attractions and Recreation               Emergency
See pages
                                         Health Care Services                     enlivant com
                                         Amazing Care alk in clinic          Senior care facilities
  ver   churches including Assem l          South Bonner St Ruston
of od Baptist Catholic Church of                                             Alpine   uest Care Center
Christ Episcopal Lutheran Methodist
 entecostal res terian non                                                        guestcaremanagement com
                                         Lincoln Medical Clinic
denominational Man can e found on
                                                orth renton St Ruston         rinceton lace of Ruston
Church inder com

Facility Rentals                                                                  princetonplaceruston com
                                          uickcare of Ruston alk in clinic
 avison Athletics Complex                      orthpointe Ln Ruston          Ruston   ursing & Reha ilitation
Eddie     Ro inson Museum
                                         Animal Emergenc Clinic of ELA            rustonreha center com
 ram ling State niversit avrot Student        o ning ines Rd West Monroe
 nion                                                                        Hotels/Motels
 istoric Ruston ire Station
                                                                                 choices amenities include meeting
John homas & Edith West enning
                                         Hospitals                           facilities pools tness centers
Conference Center                                                              usiness centers etc See page
Lincoln all                              See pages
Lincoln arish ark                                                            Restaurants
Lincoln arish Li rar Events Center       Assisted living
                                                                             Ruston has more than     restaurants
Louisiana ech Student Center              he Ar or and errace of Ruston      specializing in American Soul Asian
                                                                              talian Mexican and Ca un food See
 orton Building                              ar orandterraceofruston com     page
Railroad ark
Ruston Civic Center
Ruston Countr Clu
Scott amilton Warehouse      u ach

S uire Creek Countr Clu Choudrant

Meeting facilities ma also e found at
man local hotels and restaurants

Developmental and
Training Institutions
Louisiana Center for the Blind

     lc ruston com

Louisiana Methodist Children s   ome

        lmch org

Gol Courses
Ruston Countr Clu

S uire Creek Countr Clu

        s uirecreek com
Area Attractions
                 Recreation & ourism                                                     M SE MS
                                                                                             Lincoln arish is home
                                                                                         to several museums full of
                                                                                         histor and artifacts he
                                                                                         Lincoln arish Museum
                                                                                         documents the area s rich
                                                                                         histor ith memora ilia and
                                                                                         the Walls that alk mural
                                                                                         and tour he Louisiana
                                                                                         Militar Museum offering
                                                                                         a uni ue local perspective
                                                                                         into our nation s militar
                                                                                         histor through a collection
                                                                                         of eapons and relics is a
                                                                                         hsitor uff s delight t also
                                                                                         features artifacts from Camp
                                                                                         Ruston one of the largest
                                                                                             W camps in the nation
                                                                                         during World War        he
                                                                                         Eddie Ro inson Museum
                                                                                         pa s tri ute to one of the
                                                                                         greatest foot all coaches in
                                                                                         American histor Coach
                                                                                         Ro led the ram ling
                                                                                         State igers from
                                                                                         to        amassing an
                                                                                         astounding       victories
                                                                                             South estern Athletic
                                                                                         Conference titles and nine
              Dixie Center for the Arts & Ruston Community Theatre                       Black College oot all
                                                                                           ational Championships
      he historic ixie heatre         orth Vienna St in Ruston is a       seat             e placed more than
performing arts hall in the heart of do nto n used for live theatre dance music          former pla ers into the
                                                                                         professional ranks
performances of all kinds and hosts the ork or talented local artists Built in
the theatre has een renovated ut still features its old st le including an ela orate
cr stal chandelier hung in          he theatre is on the ational Register of istoric
  laces or more information a out the theatre including rental availa ilit visit
  ixieCenter org or for the current season call                or visit RC Ruston org

    Experience one of SA       ours and olida        pen     Arts rings nationall
  oda s most charming           ouse allo ing the pu lic     and internationall
small to ns in the South      to tour local galleries        kno n performers as         Louisiana Military Museum
Bet een histor visual         meet local artists and           ell as musicals theatre
and performing arts sports      atch them ork ehind          productions and special         Re live        ears of
and outdoor adventures        the scenes                     events in con unction       militar histor and touch
Ruston and Lincoln arish       Ruston is ver fortunate         ith Ruston Communit       the lives of local heroes and
offer something for ever      to have uite a large             heater CLAC and           unkno n enemies rom
leisure time pursuit          creative communit              other communit groups       the Civil War to peration
     he Ruston ased           local artist Marlen Waters           he Louisiana ech      Enduring reedom in ra
                                                             Concert Association         the Louisiana Militar
  orth Central Louisiana      said                                                       Museum          Memorial
Arts Council CLAC has              hose ho like the          Stone heatre and              rive in Ruston displa s
helped to enhance the arts    performing arts ill nd           ram ling State            the memora ilia of ar
and culture of Ruston s       themselves right at              niversit s lo d L         as seen largel through
historic do nto n district    home in our communit           Sandle heatre also offer    the e es of local and area
  CLAC sponsors a all Art       he ixie Center for the       top ill attractions         participants rom Bi les

The Arts
to medals uniforms
  eapons and even aircraft
the uni ue collection rivals
that of longer esta lished
museums Museum is open
    a m p m uesda
through Saturda Special
times can e arranged
for groups or more
information call
      or visit     sos
louisiana gov/museums

  Eddie Robinson Museum
     rophies pla ues
and other memora ilia
of legendar      ram ling
State niversit foot all
coach Eddie Ro inson
are on exhi it at the Eddie
Ro inson Museum on the
  ram ling State niversit
campus n             Ro inson
  ecame the inningest
coach in college foot all
histor ith           ins
  e retired in         ith
     victories or more
information call
            or visit
ro insonmuseum com or
      sos louisiana gov/

                                  he    ixie Center for the Arts
                                                                   Lincoln arish Li rar Event
                                          ixieCenter org                    Center
  Lincoln Parish Museum
                                  S     lo d L Sandle heatre              M L L org
     Lincoln arish Museum
is located at       orth
Vienna Street in the historic                ram edu                   CLAC arts council
Kidd avis house in Ruston
  he museum as uilt              LA ech Concert Association                 CLAC org
in        t o ears after
the founding of Ruston          LA ech edu/ erformingArts/ltca
   ours are   am         pm                                        Ruston Communit     heatre
  uesda through rida and
   eekends     appointment            LA ech Stone heatre               RC Ruston org
  or more information call
                 or visit       LA ech niversit     heatre com
lincolnparishmuseum com

Explore Lincoln!
                                                                                              Bricks 4 Kidz
                                                                                              t is a summer camp
                                                                                         here children ill e
                                                                                       engaged in pro lem solving
                                                                                       and critical thinking activities
                                                                                         hile still exploring their
                                                                                       creativit Campers ill
                                                                                       compete in challenges
                                                                                         uild models using
                                                                                       LE           ricks and make
                                                                                       something the can take
                                                                                       home hese numerous
                                                                                       activities ill stimulate the
                                                                                       camper s learning skills
                                                                                       through alancing oth
                                                                                       structured learning time
                                                                                       and fun creative games
                                                                                         he program is availa le in
                                                                                         oth Ruston and Monroe
                                                                                        nterested parties can
                                                                                       contact Sarah Wages for
                                                                                       more information

                                                                                          s ages       ricks kidz com

     Lincoln arish is          entire communit               he operate and
full of famil oriented         states their vision     maintain      park sites that
activities for all different   R AR s mission is to    include     athletic elds
age mem ers of our             offer a diverse arra      ve tennis courts ve
famil      rom summer          of ualit recreational   outdoor asket all courts
camps ith leisure              programs events and     and     pla grounds he
oriented attractions the       park experiences that   also operate the Bo
cit of Ruston along            enhance the ualit       James Memorial         m         activities availa le to the
  ith its neigh oring          of life for the hole    McLane Multipurpose              pu lic R AR ensures that
to ns makes sure our           communit                Center Ruston Sports             an one in the communit
  hole famil has plent             Activities range    Complex old Regional               ho is interested has the
famil oriented fun all         from outh and adult     airport J C Love                 chance to participate in
 ear round                     athletic leagues to     Soft all Complex and the         recreational events that
     Ruston arks and           sports camps exercise   Municipal ennis Courts           not onl enhances their
Recreation epartment           and ellness programs        With all of these              ualit of life ut rings
 R AR provides the             and special events                                       the communit together
citizens of Ruston ith         R AR staff takes                                               or more information
numerous leisure               pride in developing                                      a out recreation and
oriented activities for        and presenting                                           tourism in our area visit the
all ages R AR strives          diverse programming                                      Ruston Lincoln Convention
to inspire and sustain a       that allo s people                                       & Visitors Bureau at
passion for recreation         from all ages and                                        experienceruston com
and leisure experiences        economic ackgrounds
that enhance the               the opportunit to                                           See park information
  ualit of life for the        participate                                              on page

IDEA Place                              Peach Orchards

    Located in Woodard                        Acres of peach trees
  all on the Louisiana                    that gro the est peaches
 ech niversit campus                      in the countr are in and
this hands on math and                    around Lincoln arish estled among the rolling hills of north est Ruston
science museum has                        Mitcham arms is the largest peach orchard in the parish Mitcham s also
ever thing from a uariums                 features a uaint countr store lled ith food items gift askets peach
to sound and light                        themed products and local artists ork Mitcham arms is located on Woods
experiments plus ne                       Road off LA          ake Exit     from    or more information call
printers and an ad acent                             or visit      mitchamfarms com ak s eaches and Vegeta les
planetarium or more                       is located    miles north of Ruston on          ake Exit     from      or
information call                          more information call                  or                  hompson s each
       or visit     latech                  arm is off     at Exit     Call             for directions Both ak s and
edu/ideaplace com                           hompson s offer a variet of seasonal produce

                                           Ruston Farmers Market
                                               he Market is
                                          t picall open late spring
                                          through mid August
                                          and cto er through
                                            ecem er Market hours
                                          are from      a m to
                                          noon on Saturda s at
                                               East Mississippi
     Squire Creek Country Club            Avenue ollo them on
                                            ace ook for speci c
    Championship private golf course      season dates and
and residential development located       vendor information
on LA       in Choudrant a out            Ruston armersMarket
miles east of Ruston om azio              org
designed course             s uare foot
full e uipped clu house ith ornate
dining facilities and ne luxurious
guest houses he grounds are
  orth a drive through even if ou
don t pla golf or more information
call                  or visit
s uirecreek com                                 North LA
                                            Exhibition Center
                                                 The North
                                            Louisiana Expo
  Dixie Center for the Arts Lobby           Center is located
                                               miles north of
      he small galler maintained                  from Exit
    the orth Central Louisiana Arts          t is also located
Council CLAC features ork of                miles from Lincoln
                                              arish s nest
regional artists and craftspeople           hotels and restaurants he exhi ition center hosts several large events like the Run
  or more information call                  for the iamonds Barrel Race and the Ar onne Range Riders With tractor pulls car
              pen eekda s       am          sho s and rodeos there is something for ever sports enthusiast or a schedule of
until p m                                   events visit nlec lincolnparish org

RA   RAC   S
       arland regor
   idea a ark on the
Louisiana ech niversit
campus offers oggers and
   alkers the perfect setting for
  reaking a s eat or having
a picnic as does Lincoln
   arish ark here camping
  shing and iking are also
options ot onl does
Lincoln arish ark feature
some of the nation s est
mountain ike trails ut also
it s the site of Legac ark
a oundless pla ground
designed to accommodate
special needs oungsters
     When it comes to
college athletics Louisiana
  ech niversit a mem er
of Conference SA and
   ram ling State niversit a
mem er of the South estern
Athletic Conference provide
some of the est spectator
sports entertainment in the
     Collegiate Sports
           latechsports com
           gsutigers com
       or more information
a out recreation and
tourism in our area visit the
Ruston Lincoln Convention
& Visitors Bureau at
experienceruston com
       here are a num er
of races in Lincoln arish
throughout the ear Susan
     Komen Color Me for a
Cure ill e held March
Call                   Check
runners orld com for other

         Lincoln Parish Park
     Located off LA      a out miles
north of Ruston the park offers
acres for camping alking ogging
  iking picnicking nature atching
and shing in a        acre lake he
park is kno n for its      mile mountain
  iking trail one of the nation s premier
trails offering challenging elevation
changes and eautiful scener          he
park also has covered pavilions
primitive and RV camp site each
and pla grounds hich includes a
  oundless park for special needs
children or more information call
                  or visit      park
lincolnparish org

The Owl Center
     u ach Louisiana s utdoor             his faith ased facilit is oper
Wilderness Learning Center he        ated      Louisiana nited Methodist
  WL Center an         acre ilder    Children & amil Services nc
ness campus ust t ent minutes          ut also raises funds     selling ell
from Ruston is the perfect venue     and salsa made from fruit gro n
for a team uilding usiness trip      on the WL propert Man of their
a famil geta a or simpl a            products are availa le for purchase
place to have some fun Since its     in local stores in Lincoln arish
founding as a recreational facilit   and are availa le online f one
for the LA nited Methodist Chil        ere to look at the la el of an WL
dren s ome it has gro n into a       product one ould nd the name
premier location for conferences     of the volunteer group responsi le
outdoor activities e uine ps cho     for making that particular ar
therap and eddings                        he high and lo ropes courses
   With ropes courses horse ack      and the maze are open for an one
riding all elds gardens camp         interested in dropping in for a da
                                     of fun hile ca ins unk houses
grounds and a maze it is eas to
                                     and tenting lots can e rented for
see h one ould choose he
                                     an overnight sta in the oods
  WL Center for their leadership       he enning Conference Center
training or summer camp he           can also e rented for meetings
center provides e uine therap        conventions eddings and more
for the outh at the LA nited         Reservations are re uired for all
Methodist Children s ome along         WL activities
  ith herapeutic Riding for the           ind out more at       o lcenter
general pu lic                       com

                               Regional State Parks
                                                               Lake Claiborne State Park

                                                                 ff La       a out   minutes north est of Ruston he
                                                               acres of hill   oodlands overlook the       acre manmade
                                                               lake Campsites ca ins oat launch rental oats shing piers
                                                               s imming each picnic area nature trails reserva le pavilion
                                                                 or more information call               or               or
                                                               visit     lastateparks com

                                                               Jimmie Davis State Park
                                                               A out    minutes south of Ruston off S      Situated amid
                                                               rolling oodlands on the       acre Cane Lake Camping
                                                               ca ins t o lodges picnic area pla grounds oat launches
                                                               pier shing and a s imming each or more information call
                                                                              or                or visit  lastateparks com

                                                                ake      Arbonne tate ark

                                                                 ff La   a out     minutes northeast of Ruston he       acre site
                                                               features excellent shing and ater sports on a         manmade
                                                               lake Camping ca ins t o lodges pier shing s imming pool
                                                                 oat launch picnic area pavilions pla grounds and four lighted
                                                               tennis courts or more information call                or
                                                                                or visit    lastateparks com
                                                                 e          Bass ro Shops Crappie Masters ournament
                                                               crappiemasters net
                                                               June       Louisiana each estival Bass ournament
                                                               lousianapeachfestival org

Ruston Parks
R. L. Cook Park                         ters of trees his as the previ     J. C. Love
     Kavanaugh Road                     ous site of the reen ood School
north Cookto n Road                     although all that no remains is    Athletic Complex
                                        the g mnasium kno n locall as          Ball ark Road et een South
Consisting of approximatel               the Blue Building and used as a    armerville and South Vienna Street
acres of ooded and open terrain         modi ed recreation center
R L Cook is a popular location            aved parking                       he crack of the at can e heard
for alkers he facilit has man           All eather alking trail / mile     throughout the evenings during
amenities for the entire famil                  loops     mile             the summer and fall as local and
  aved parking                             reen ood Recreation Center      area teams compete at this re
All eather alking trail nner                  ith restrooms                gional sports complex Ad oining
    loop     / mile loops                  ne     indoor asket all court   complexes are home to the Rus
    mile / uter loop      / mile           ne       outh foot all eld      ton ixie Base all League Ruston
        / loops      mile                 la ground                          irls Soft all Association and
  ne     lighted pavilion ith
    restrooms availa le for
  aze o
Single ta le shelter
   o     pla grounds
Exercise course ith e uipment

Duncan Park
      Arlington Street corner of Ar
lington and West Vaughn Ave

 uncan ark consists of ap
proximatel         acres of open pla
areas as ell as athletic facilities
All of it is interspersed among pe
can oak and ald c press trees
 he facilit includes a variet of
amenities for all ages
  ne       lighted pavilion availa le
     for reservations
 ive       single ta le shelters
    o      pla grounds
  ne         asket all court
  ne       lighted ase all / soft all
Restroom facilities
 aved parking

Greenwood ark
     Cornell Avenue

  reen ood ark consists of ap
proximatel   acres of mostl
open pla area ith various clus
Ruston Parks
Ruston igh School Base all                                              James Street
 aved parking                       Ruston Parks & Recreation
 hree      lighted soft all elds         605 James St.                  Complex
 hree      lighted outh ase all          (318) 255-5800                     James Street
Concession facilit     ith rest
   rooms                            individuals anting to escape          he arks and Recreation e
  o    pla grounds                  the hustle and ustle of modern      partment main of ce is centrall
 ne     lighted pavilion avail      times                               located in the complex hich is
   a le for reservations              aved parking                      anchored         a recreation center
                                      ne    pavilion availa le for      a g mnasium and tennis courts
                                        reservations                      his is the place for one stop
Memorial Park                       Assorted outdoor picnic areas       shopping hen ishing to re
    East   eorgia Avenue                                                serve an facilit or sign up for a
                                                                        variet of programs throughout
Memorial ark is est kno n as
the former site of the Municipal
                                    Sidney Smith Park                   the ear
                                        Lee Avenue                        aved parking
S imming ool t is also lo
cated ad acent to the Louisiana                                         Ruston arks and Recreation
                                       estled among the houses              Main f ce
Militar Museum                       ust north of the Ruston igh
  ne     pavilion availa le for                                         McLane Multipurpose Center
                                    School James Stadium Sidne
     reservations                   Smith ark provides ust t o                 ith restrooms availa le for
  la ground                         facilities that attracts students       reservations
                                    from Louisiana ech and ram          Bo        James Memorial       m
                                      ling State niversit                      ith restrooms availa le for
Regional                              aved parking                          reservations
                                       ne       asket all court           ive      lighted tennis courts
Sports Complex
     South armerville Street
the former Ruston Airport
                                    Elmore D.                           Huckleberry Trails
Soccer and flag foot all started    May eld Park                        Park
in late       and oth leagues            Martin Luther King    rive
have continued to gro each                                              Magnolia   rive
  ear he Ruston arks and              he largest cit park Ma eld
Recreation epartment of                                                    ur ne est park located ad a
                                      ark encompasses          acres    cent to C press Springs Elemen
fers soccer and flag foot all for
                                       ith a spring fed lake tucked     tar School is        ooded acres
  ouths and adults
  aved parking                      among a rolling and ooded             ith special areas eing created
    o    lighted foot all/soccer    terrain he facilit includes         for those ho love nature A
      elds                            oth athletic and natural facili   special feature is a one of a kind
Six      outh soccer elds           ties trul offering a variet of      learning center uture devel
  orta le restrooms                 amenities for all ages              opment ill include educational
                                       ne      lighted pavilion avail   information along trails identif ing
                                          a le for reservations         trees and plant life
                                                                          aved parking
Roberts Park                          ive
                                               single ta le shelters
                                               pla ground                  ne    pavilion availa le for
     East Mississippi Avenue                                                 reservations
                                       ne        asket all court
                                                                          la ground
  escri ed as Ruston s Lost            ne      lighted ase all / soft     ature trails
Je el Ro erts ark is a uaint               all eld                      Restroom facilities
  ooded park he facilit             Lake area                           Connecting deck et een
regularl hosts small groups and     Restroom facilities                      pla ground and pavilion
Lincoln Parish Library
 Serving our community
       with pride!
    Lincoln arish Li rar          centers here are a ard
and Events Center is                inning children s classes
located at the intersection       homeschool classes
of the t o main road a s          a genealog center a
in the parish nterstate           Spanish collection and
    and S                 and     a phenomenal teen
serves as the gate a to           collection
the historical do nto n               Classes and events
Ruston area he Li rar             are offered to all ages
is a state of the art facilit     Some events have
  oasting     pu lic access       included piano concerts
                                  a children s magician
                                  musical concerts of various   and admired li raries
                                  t pes craft programs          in Louisiana and the
                                  historical lectures author    southeast united States
                                  visits zom ie proms                  n       an Events
                                  theater presentations and     Center as added to the
                                  exciting summer reading       li rar      his is a multi
                                  programs Approximatel         faceted center hich allo s
                                           visits are made      extended li rar events
                                  to the li rar each month      including various kinds of
computers ith one on              and for the past     ears     exhi its he Center ill
one computer classes              Lincoln arish Li rar has        e home to a Smithsonian
availa le on re uest              checked out more materials    traveling exhi it called
multiple data ases on             per capita than an li rar        ometo n eams in the
man su ects and online            in the state n         L L    earl fall of           his
home ork assistance                 on the coveted James        sports centered exhi it
L L offers utreach                Modisette A ard for u lic        ill ring in some of the
Services to an one that           Li raries recognizing the        ell kno n sports gures
is home ound including            excellence and service        of our parish as ell as
nursing homes assisted            provided making L L           multiple local sports exhi it
living facilities and childcare   one of the most respected     vignettes
                                                                      When not in use      the
                                                                Li rar the Events Center
                                                                ma e rented           the
                                                                pu lic ast rentals have
                                                                included eddings and
                                                                receptions conferences
                                                                training sessions classes
                                                                of all t pes concerts
                                                                  irthda parties piano
                                                                recitals and a sho ers
                                                                 ncluded in the center are
                                                                several rooms of different
                                                                sizes a platform stage and
                                                                t o catering kitchens
                                                                        or more information on
                                                                an of the services offered
                                                                      the Lincoln arish
                                                                Li rar call
                                                                or visit


                                        Southern Yellow Pine Plywood
                                          eneer •    r oo Lu er
                                   P.O. Box 1263 • 401 Reynolds Drive
                                    Ruston, Louisiana 71270 • 255-2245
                                         www.huntfor p r

                                                   Ruston 8
                                                900 Celebrity Drive
                                                Ruston, LA 71270

                            Movie Line
                            Group Rates
                            Stadium Seating
                            and Digital Sound

                                   Over 100 years
                               of banking service to the people
                                 of North Central Louisiana.   Branch Locations: Arcadia, Farmerville, Ruston, Monroe & West Monroe

Faith Based & Civic
   Lincoln Parish is home to a wide variety of active service clubs, civic, and community
organizations. Volunteers affiliated with these organizations in Lincoln Parish help to build
playgrounds, clean up roads and highways, organize food pantries and toy drives. This is not an
exhaustive list and we welcome additions. To add an organization or make corrections to the
list, please contact Ivana Flowers at (318) 255-2031 or email her at

                 Junior Auxiliary of Ruston
         Junior Auxiliary of Ruston, formed in 1981, is a   to stay involved in the local schools like our literacy
     non-profit organization of women who desire to         activity with Visit with Peter Cottontail and Visit with
     make a lasting difference in their communities         St. Nick, Stuff that Bus a school supply & uniform
     by meeting the needs of its citizens, especially       drive and Puppets, an interactive puppet show that
     the children. The Ruston Chapter is one of 97          promotes kindness; Helping Hearts is the national child
     chapters in 7 states, formed under the 75-year-old     welfare project and allows JA to help a local family
     National Association of Junior Auxiliaries based in    who is truly in need by providing basic necessities
     Greenville, MS. Often referred to as the ladies in     throughout the year; Christmas Clearinghouse
     the blue aprons, the Ruston chapter is committed       matches hundreds of Lincoln Parish children to
     to providing volunteers to support, educate, and       sponsors during the holiday season. In 2016, JA of
     inspire children and families throughout Lincoln       Ruston served a total of 430 children in Lincoln Parish
     Parish by administering hands-on service projects      by raising a total of $21,500. Introduced in 2016, JA
     that embody the organization’s slogan: “Care           now offers the “Crown Club”. The Crown Club is
     Today - Character Tomorrow”. Their community           comprised of high school junior & senior girls with a
     goals are inspired by their 5-point crown logo,        heart to serve. The Crown Club serves as a “mini-JA”
     CHARITY, YOUTH, HEALTH, SERVICE, & LEADERSHIP.         and provides meaningful service projects to the local
         One of their most well-known service projects,     community.
     Dinner & A Movie just marked 10 years in the Lincoln       Junior Auxiliary of Ruston exists because of the
     Parish community. This free event encourages the       many local businesses and individuals who financially
     community to come out to enjoy a movie night           support the efforts of JA. To learn more about the
     with family and interact with booths from local        many ways Junior Auxiliary gives back to the Lincoln
     businesses. Other service projects offered include,    Parish community or to find out how you can become
     Pearl Ball, a prom-like event for special needs        a member, please visit their website www.jaofruston.
     students; School Enrichment, which offers fun ways     org or Facebook page at Junior Auxiliary of Ruston.

       4 PAWS Rescue
                                             American Legion Post 593
                                                                                       Big Brothers Big Sisters
                                                  (318) 251-8840
     Alcoholics Anonymous                                                      

                                                American Red Cross
                                                                                     Blue Star Mothers of Amercia
American Association of University     
             Women             Beta Sigma Phi / Eta Omicron
                                                     Chapter                      Boys & Girls Club of North Central
    American Cancer Society                    (318) 255-5452, Beth
                                           Beta Sigma Phi / LA Preceptor
                                                 Laureate Chapter                       Boy Scouts of America
  American Heritage Girls Troup
                                            (318) 255-0925, Peggy Fallin                    (318) 251-0758

           Buddy Ball                    Life Choices of North Central        Quota International of Ruston
                                                    Louisiana                                                   Find them on Facebook
Christian Community Action (CCA)                                                 Rolling Hills Ministries
                                          Lincoln Council on Aging                                           
                                               (318) 255-5070

           Cosmos Club                                                            Rotary Club of Lincoln
                                       Louisiana National Guard Youth
          (318) 255-8761                     Challenge Program         
                                               (318) 641-5803
   Daughters of the American                                                     Ruston Dixie Baseball
        Revolution (DAR)                 Louisiana Retired Teachers              Association
                                                      Ruston Girls Softball Association
     Dixie Center for the Arts                                                              Lions Club
                                                  Ruston Ministerial Alliance
Domestic Abuse Resistance Team                                                      (318) 255-2542
           (D.A.R.T.)                            Littera Club                      (318) 255-4539, Alice                  Ruston Rotary Club
     Girl Scouts of Louisiana                 March of Dimes
                          Ruston Community Theatre
       Habitat for Humanity                  Master Gardeners
         (318) 366-7380                          Ruston Garden Club
                                       MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers)              RustonGardenClub
    Happy Gardeners Society
                                         (318) 255-4628 First Baptist
  (318) 245-4773, Liza Humphries                   Church
                                                                            Ruston Republican Women’s Club
     Hope Center for Autism                                        
                                       Northeast LA Multiple Sclerosis
        (318) 202-8783                         Support Group
                                           (318) 255-0480, Barbara          Ruston Woman’s Department Club
    Junior Auxiliary of Ruston                                                   (318) 255-0889, Johnnie
               National Alliance for the Mentally
                                                    Ill (NAMI)              United Way of Northeast Louisiana
      Kiwanis Club - Noon                       (318) 247-3982          
                                       National Federation for the Blind     Wounded Healers (Bereavement
                                                             Support Group)
      Kiwanis Club - Sunrise
                                                                              (318) 251-0750 Trinity United
(318) 255-5020 Rev. Edith DeVilbiss-                                                Methodist Church
               Finch                       National Organization for
                                                           Veterans of Foreign Wars
     League of Women Voters                                                          (318) 251-2722

                                         North Central Louisiana Arts
                                                  Council                         Volunteers of America
         La Leche League                                     (318) 221-2669
      (318) 251-1148 Marcella
      (318) 513-2238 Amanda                         PEO                               VFW - Ruston
     (318) 548-0552 Courtney           (318) 255-5328, Mary Belle Tuten               (318) 251-2722

Get Involved: Win An Award
   Each Januar the Cham er and other organizations recognize outstanding citizens of
Lincoln arish for their contri utions to our communit omination forms are availa le at the
Ruston Lincoln Cham er of Commerce

   "Robert E. Russ"    ne of the highest honors given    the Cham er to an individual in
the Ruston Lincoln usiness communit     his person ill have contri uted to the usiness
advancement or development of this region in an outstanding manner
        recipient rott unt

  Business of the Year  iven in cele ration of the accomplishments of a Ruston Lincoln
Cham er mem er usiness that has made a signi cant contri ution to our communit
       recipient rost actor of America nc

  Origin Bank Young Entrepreneur of the Year Recognition of a oung Entrepreneur
Academ     EA graduate ho has continued running their usiness after graduating
       recipient Autumn Moon

   Young Business Leader A prestigious honor for an outstanding citizen         ears of age
or ounger his a ard also provides an incentive for other oung entrepreneurs usiness
emplo ees and civic minded individuals to enhance their contri utions to the health of the
 usiness environment in Lincoln arish
        recipient Kourtne Keim

  TOPFive Young Business Leaders to Watch Citizens ho ere nominated for the oung
Business Leader a ard
        recipients Sam Costanza eorge Lee V Summer ammons Jonathan Magee &
W nn Rogers

   Ambassador of the Year A mem er of the Am assador Committee is chosen ased on
their participation at Cham er events
          recipient Son a Burris

   Rotary Club o Ruston s Bill Best Humanitarian             iven to someone ho has made
outstanding contri utions to humanitarian interests in our communit     ith unsel sh giving and
service to others
         recipient Sue Martin

   Junior Au iliary s Betty Robbins olunteer o the ear              resented to a Lincoln arish
resident ho has made a difference in the lives of the children in our communit
        recipient Am Stegall

    incoln arish chools      istin uished artner in ducation        resented to one or t o
 usinesses or organizations ho s partnerships ith our schools have made signi cant impact
        recipients emple Baptist Church and Whata urger

  Ruston Lincoln Convention and Visitors Bureau Hospitality            resented to someone
 ho has signi cantl promoted tourism
        recipient Joshua Mitchell

  Kiwanis Club o Ruston s ire hter aw n orcement     cer and ducator o the ear
       recipients Jordan ra  re ghter Eric anna la enforcement and Claudia
Wagner educator

       istrict continues to                                                                                       of           his ranks Lincoln
con dentl advance into                                                                                              arish in the state s fth
the 21st Centur       ith a                                                                                       highest place for composite
pu lic school s stem kno n                                                                                        AC and it is the highest
for em racing change                                                                                              parish score among the
demonstrating consistent                                                                                          northern districts
progress and receiving                                                                                                  Strong partnerships ith
accolades along the a With                                                                                        Louisiana ech and ram ling
rigorous standards at the crux                                                                                    State universities continue to
of its academic foundation and                                                                                    strengthen instruction ithin
in depth vertical alignment                                                                                       a district that no offers
enriching its instructional                                                                                       dual enrollment classes
practice the district has rapidl                                                                                  advanced placement classes
moved e ond the mere                                                                                                   pre advanced placement
  asics to focus on challenging                                                                                   classes        honors classes
student learning experiences                                                                                           Jump Start ath a s
honed around rigor relevance                                                                                          science technolog
and relationships hile                  complex along ith a                  Choudrant igh School ith
                                                                                                                  engineering and math S EM
immersed in colla oration               million track complex at             its fourth consecutive grade
                                                                                                                  for short magnet classes
communication innovation                Choudrant igh School                 of A Ruston igh School
                                                                                                                  and pre S EM classes
and creativit                             urthermore a                       continued its A status oining
                                                                                                                  at the middle school level
     Superintendent Mike                pro ect to provide additional          u ach School in earning op
                                                                                                                    urthermore the district s
Milstead continues leading the          pla ground e uipment for                ains honors for the ear With
                                                                                                                  nationall recognized e
Lincoln arish istrict to ard            all elementar schools in             its AC scores continuing to
                                                                                                                    ech academ        as cited as a
a orld class educational                the parish as nalized                rise Lincoln arish no ranks
                                                                                                                  model of est practice in the
experience designed to                  Mean hile the implementation               among      districts in the
                                                                                                                     e ech et ork Annual
empo er students for success            of technolog remains a               state and is in a tight race
                                                                                                                     utcomes Report ased on its
Committed to providing                  high priorit for instruction         among the top ve districts
                                                                                                                  exemplar data sho casing
cutting edge facilities                 at all levels and across the           ithin the    that comprise
                                                                                                                  a         graduation rate ith
exemplar educational tools              academic disciplines ith             north Louisiana ranking
                                                                                                                         of all graduates attending
and unparalleled classroom              close to               eing spent    second in the northeast region
                                                                                                                  a postsecondar institution
facilitation the district remains       to e uip and upgrade schools               he school s stem
                                                                                                                  exceeding the national
committed to attaining the              Within ust over seven ears           maintains a staff of       percent
                                                                                                                  average           percent
highest level of achievement            Lincoln arish has pumped             certi ed teachers ranking it
                                                                                                                         he Lincoln arish School
and success regardless of               more than       million in           among the highest districts
                                                                                                                  S stem remains one of the
  hatever challenges ma la              technolog into its classrooms        in the state      ent t o of
                                                                                                                  parish s largest emplo ers
in its a                                throughout the district              the teachers have earned
                                                                                                                     ith a total of    full time
       roviding an exemplar                  With graduation rates             ational Board Certi cation
                                                                                                                  emplo ees including
educational environment                 steadil increasing Lincoln           and percent have achieved
                                                                                                                  teachers and operates
continues to e one of the                 arish sa all high schools          doctoral or specialist degrees
                                                                                                                  on an annual udget of
district s highest priorities n         surge past the state average         More than       percent of all
                                                                                                                  approximatel          million
        the voters of the Ruston        to further eclipse the               Lincoln arish teachers have
                                                                                                                         or more information
  istrict approved a          million   goal of         ith an incredi le    master s degrees or a ove
                                                                                                                  a out the Lincoln arish
  ond proposal and this                 average of            he district      ith     percent of all teachers
                                                                                                                  pu lic school s stem call
  ear ork ill e completed               has also een cited for               having       ears or more
                                                                                                                                     or visit
on its remaining pro ects               excellence ith the percentage        classroom experience
                                                                                                                  lincolnschools org
at Ruston igh School and                of students that enter post                he Lincoln arish istrict
Ruston Junior igh School                secondar institutions                completed its third ear under
Renovation and construction             follo ing graduation attaining       the state mandate that all              · Lincoln Parish serves
  as previousl completed at             a staggering         rate    uring   students regardless of diploma          as state hub for national
C press Springs Elementar               the            academic ear          path ere re uired to take the           Engineering by Design
   len Vie Elementar                    the district garnered its fth        American College est AC                 consortium, part of the
Ruston Elementar           illcrest     consecutive B istrict                  espite this challenge the             International Technology
Elementar and A Le is                     erformance Score edging            parish pu lic school composite          and Engineering
schools he district also                closer to the A mark it is           score on the AC        as               Educators Association
completed a         million               orking to ard Leading              surpassing the state average            STEM Center for Teaching
renovation and construction             the a for the istrict s              of       and ranking slightl            and Learning.
at the Ruston igh ase all               impressive accolades as                elo the national average

        for a Quality
                                            throughout the district three freshman          same can e said a out highl innovative
     While Lincoln arish ma e kno n                                                         technolog experiences Because of that
                                            engineering design courses ere added
for its peaches its pu lic school s stem                                                      ou ill see more and more opportunities
                                               ith the next level of studies alread in
is no kno n for its commitment to                                                           for oth across this district
cutting edge opportunities that provide                                                          Within the digital realm radio
                                                    he maker space unit housed on
its students ith a challenging et richl                                                     programming exploded from one class
                                            the Ruston igh School campus is also
ro ust learning environment                                                                 to four ith the possi ilit of at least six
                                            availa le for cross curricular teams
     Alread a trail lazer in the S EM                                                       on the horizon he ne l minted health
                                            across the district Similar to he
 science technolog engineering                                                              academ offers students interested in
                                              hinger on the LA ech campus the
mathematics arena through its formal                                                        pursuing studies related to the medical
                                            cutting edge multi faceted technolog
partnership ith Louisiana ech                                                                 eld the opportunit to la a strong
                                            unit allo s students and teachers to
  niversit the district has no honed its                                                    foundation through specialized courses
                                              ring innovation and entrepreneurship
focus around learning experiences that                                                      prior to post secondar studies And this
                                            together hile exploring ne opportunities
are providing students ith speci c skills                                                   is ust the eginning
                                            for teaching and learning        pportunities
designed to e uip them for the highest                                                             n partnership ith the College of
                                            like this have further fueled interest in
level of success as the prepare to enter                                                    Education at LA ech Lincoln arish
                                            the ne      oung Entrepreneurs Academ
the 21st Centur     orkforce                                                                serves as the state hu for the national
                                               hich is offered in partnership ith the
       o implementing academies that                                                        Engineering          esign consortium part
                                            Ruston Lincoln Cham er of Commerce
offer enhanced elective courses eginning                                                    of the nternational echnolog and
                                            Enrollment more than dou led this ear as
at the freshman level the district has                                                      Engineering Educators Association S EM
                                            students immersed themselves in the rich
seen interest in expanded S EM studies                                                      Center for eaching and Learning he
                                            colla orative and creative experiences
surge he district s eco car program                                                         E       curriculum is eing implemented
                                               hile carr ing the torch for trul authentic
has generated international attention                                                       at the elementar level in order for all
                                            learning that has the potential to transform
in its rief existence    uring the                                                          students to engage in integrated science
                                            their future
glo al event held in etroit Michigan the                                                    classes that include the design process as
                                                     hese t pes of learning opportunities
team competed against international high                                                       ell as highl engaging S EM learning
                                            are revolutionizing classrooms across
schools and universities nishing th in                                                         hat mindset ill continue as the district
                                            our district states AC EVE Coordinator
the gas protot pe division hile capturing   Cathi Cox Boniol         here can e no            egins the design of its highl anticipated
2nd place ith its rst ur an concept         dou t that toda s student not onl values        middle grades S EM Center another
alternative fuel entr With the acclaimed    the opportunit for colla oration the            colla orative effort ith LA ech
eco car program no dou led in size          expect it he see it as the gate a to                   We continue to e committed
and featuring integrated enrollment from    the highest levels of success And the           to providing super opportunities for
                                                                                            students of all ages to develop a skillset
                                                                                            that is oth exciting and empo ering

QUICK STATS                         · New Tech academy cited as model                       Superintendent Mike Milstead adds
                                                                                              We ant the possi ilities to e endless
                                    of best practice in New Tech Network                    throughout this district B e uipping
                                    Annual Outcomes Report.                                 our students ith the a ilit to allo
                                                                                            their creativit to help de ne hat their
· District ACT score                •        raduation rate with     o all                  life ill look like as ell as ho the      ill
20.3, surpassing state              graduates attending a postsecondary                     contri ute to the overall success of their
                                    institution, exceeding the national                     communit         e feel like e re making a
average of 19.2.                    a era e by
                                                                                            critical investment in the future e all ill

Lincoln Parish Education
         Contact Information

   In addition to public schools, Lincoln Parish has four private schools,
   a Montessori school, four university laboratory schools, pre-school
 programs, a home-school organization and is the home to the Louisiana
                            Center for the Blind.

    A.E. Phillips            Cypress Springs Elementary            Lincoln Parish Early
     Laboratory                       rades                         Childhood Center
                                                                        rade re K
   LA ech campus                 c presssprings lincoln
                                      schools org                 lpecc lincolnschools org
      rades K
                                                                 LA Center for the Blind
    aep latech edu                  Dubach School
                                       rades K                      louisianacenter org
   Bethel Christian
    rades re K                                                 Montessori School of Ruston
                                Glen iew lementary                    rades re K
  ethel christian com                 rades K
                                                                   rustonmontessori org
    Cedar Creek                    lenvie elem lincoln
    rades re K                        schools org                    New Living Word
                                                                       rades re K
 cedarcreekschool org            Hillcrest Elementary
                                        rades K                          nl m org
     Christian                                                     Ruston Elementary
  Home Educators               hillcrest lincolnschools org             rades
                                   Howard School               rustonelem lincolnschools org
homeschool life com/la/      LA Methodist Children s ome
      rustonch                                                         Ruston High
                             lmch org/ho ard school ruston              rades
Choudrant Elementary
      rades K                   I.A. Lewis Elementary          rustonhigh lincolnschools org
                                                                     Ruston Jr. High
chouldrantelem lincoln                                                  rades
     schools org                  iale isschool lincoln
                                       schools org             ruston unior lincolnschools org
   Choudrant High
      rades                   Lincoln Head Start Center             Simsboro School
                                      Ages                             rades K
 choudranthigh lincoln
     schools org             lincolnparishearl childhood org    Sims oro lincolnschools org

Come Experience Ruston!
    Allow Lincoln Parish Park to be the catalyst for your adventure!
    With a 10 mile mountain bike trail, RV & primitive campsite area,
lake with beach area & rental pavilion with amenities, your sure to have
  a memorable outdoor experience. Come claim your adventure today.


                  Winter: 8am-6pm • Spring: 8am-7pm
                Summer: 8am-8pm • Autumn: 8am-7pm
             (318) 251-5156 • 211 Parish Park Rd., Ruston, LA

Lincoln arish
           offers exceptional
      opportunities for post
      secondar education
      t s home to Louisiana
         ech and ram ling
       State universities as
         ell as the Louisiana
              elta Communit

   Higher Education
                                                         6 7$7 (  8 1 , 9 ( 5 6 , 7 <

                                                    Gramblin         tate   ni ersity
             Louisiana Tech                                                                   Louisiana Delta Community
                                                        ive miles est of Ruston in the                 College
       ounded in        Louisiana ech             cit of ram ling is ram ling State
  niversit is a selective admission research        niversit one of the est kno n                Louisiana elta stands read
universit that offers achelor s master s            istoricall Black Colleges and             illing and a le to meet ou here
and doctoral degree programs that are               niversities BC s in the nited             ou are and help ou get to here ou
accredited the Commission on Colleges             States                                      ant to e Whether ou are a high
of the Southern Association of Colleges and              S is home to                       school student or an adult a usiness
Schools t enrolls over            undergraduate   students ounded in                        a corporation or ust someone looking
students from states uerto Rico and                  ram ling is state supported            for a ne path ou ill nd a variet
     foreign countries Louisiana ech is           and is located on a       acre            of educational opportunities at elta
recognized as a ier ne ational niversit           campus A mem er of the niversit                  ou can choose a program that
       S e s & World Report and ranked            of Louisiana s stem S is
in the nation for graduating students ith the                                               prepares ou to immediatel enter the
                                                  full accredited      the Southern           orkforce or one that prepares ou
least average amount of de t among pu lic
                                                  Association of Colleges and Schools       to transfer to a four ear universit
national universities ech also ranks in
                                                  and offers      degree programs in        Louisiana elta offers dual enrollment
Louisiana and among the est in the nation
                                                    ve colleges including an honors         courses for high school students at a
for highest average mid career salaries for
                                                  college t o professional schools          reduced rate so that the can get a
graduates and highest return on investment
   a Scale com                                    and a graduate school ram ling             ump start on college
      Louisiana ech s          students             as the rst in the nation to offer a          Ma e ou didn t have the
fall enrollment thrive in a challenging           doctoral program in developmental         opportunit to nish high school
  et safe and supportive environment ith          education                                 or don t have much formal
colla orative research opportunities alongside          n addition to eing one of the       education elta offers high school
of extracurricular and       CAA ivision          countr s top producers of African         e uivalenc and literac programs at
athletic programs that enrich student life        American graduates, ram ling              man locations throughout ortheast
      Students have access to facult              is the home of the internationall         Louisiana Want to learn English
and facilities on the cutting edge of             reno ned World amed iger                  as a second language he have
c er engineering ioinformatics                    Marching Band and one of the              programs for ou as ell
nanotechnolog and information technolog               inningest coaches in college               And let s not forget the orkforce
as ell as intellectual social and economic        foot all histor the legendar foot all     training and communit service
development f ech s over            facult        coach Eddie       Ro inson Sr      hose   classes that make Louisiana elta
mem ers nearl          percent hold their         tenure is memorialized in a campus        a rst choice for so man of our
doctoral or e uivalent degrees in their eld       museum funded and operated                communit partners in usiness and
       or more information call                   the state of Louisiana                    industr Customized training the
or visit       latech edu                                                                   are here to help

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