Community Eye Health - Vision 2020

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Community Eye Health - Vision 2020
Community Eye Health
Volume 18 | Issue No.54 | June 2005 | INDIAN SUPPLEMENT - Official Publication of the “VISION 2020: The Right to Sight - India Forum”

   Indian Supplement Editorial Board                                Published for “Vision 2020: The Right to Sight - India Forum” from
                                                                    International Centre for Advancement of Rural Eye Care, L V Prasad
   Dr   Damodar Bachani           Dr Parikshit Gogate               Eye Institute, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad 500 034, India. E-mail: JCEH-
   Dr   GVS Murthy                Dr Praveen K Nirmalan   
   Dr   GV Rao                    Dr BR Shamanna                    Editorial Assistance: Dr Usha Raman, Mr Sam Balasundaram,
   Dr   Asim Kumar Sil                                              Ms Sarika Jain Antony


An infrastructure model for the implemen-
tation of VISION 2020: The Right to Sight
Gullapalli N. Rao
President-elect of the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness, L.V. Prasad Eye Institute, Hyderabad, India

Blindness is a serious public health            causes of blindness, human resource             including comprehensive diagnostic
problem globally. Eighty percent of this        development, and development of                 evaluation, cataract surgical services,
problem is avoidable, i.e., either              infrastructure and appropriate technology.      other minor surgical procedures, low-vision
preventable or treatable; 90% of the            The three components must be developed          services, community-based rehabilitation
problem manifests in the developing             in parallel to ensure the success of this       and an eye donation centre, for a
countries of the world. Over the past 30        program.                                        population unit of 500,000. The initial
years the magnitude of blindness has                                                            investment for such a centre in the
steadily increased, with southeast Asia         One of the major limiting factors in the        developing countries is US$100,000 (20¢
carrying the greatest burden                    combat against blindness in the                 per person). The staff required includes
(disproportionate to the size of its            developing countries is the lack of             one or two ophthalmologists supported by
population), followed by the western            appropriate infrastructure for delivery of      a team of 25 to 30 people to cover
Pacific region, sub-Saharan Africa, Europe,     eye care. The proposed model envisages          medical, administrative and other support
Eastern Mediterranean and Latin                 delivery of comprehensive eye care at all       services. These centres may be district
American regions. The risk of blindness         levels, namely, primary, secondary, tertiary    hospitals in the government sector, rural
increases significantly with poverty and        and advanced tertiary, through a pyramidal      hospitals run by nongovernmental
older age and in women.                         structure.                                      organisations or private hospitals. The idea
                                                                                                is to integrate all sectors of eye care
In light of these observations, all the major   At the base of the pyramid are vision           delivery to bring about a good public–
groups and organisations involved in the        centres, which are intended to deliver          private partnership for better coordination
prevention of blindness around the world        primary eye care to a population unit of        and more optimal use of available
realized that a major shift was warranted in    50,000. The functions at this level include     resources.
the strategies to control blindness. This       screening of the communities to detect
led to the development of the Global            potentially blinding diseases, refraction       At the third tier in the pyramid are the
Initiative for the Elimination of Avoidable     and dispensing services, linkage with all       training centres, one for each unit of 5
Blindness, given the name “VISION 2020:         community services and appropriate              million people. The main functions at this
the Right to Sight.” This is a joint            referrals, both horizontally and vertically.    level include secondary and basic tertiary
programme of the World Health                   The problems that can be handled                eye care, good-quality residency training,
Organization, which represents the              effectively at this level (in collaboration     training of all other ophthalmic personnel,
governments of the world, and the               with other local primary health care            lowvision and rehabilitation services, and
International Agency for the Prevention of      organisations) are refractive errors,           appropriate clinical research. Essentially at
Blindness, which represents the                 vitamin A deficiency, trachoma and              this level the problems of cataract,
international nongovernmental                   onchocerciasis. Based on our experience,        glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy and corneal
development organisations, professional         the initial capital investment required to      scar can be handled along with difficult
organizations, institutions and the             set up such a centre is around US$10,000        cataracts and refractive errors. The
corporate sector. The goal of this initiative   (20¢ per person). The staff required is a       dominant activity should be training of eye
is to control blindness and to reverse the      vision technician, a high school graduate       care personnel. The initial investment for
present trend of increasing global              who has undergone a year of special             the creation of such a centre is around
blindness. The three strategic components       training. At the next level are service         US$1 million (20¢ per person). This
of this programme are effective disease         centres, whose main purpose is to provide       tertiary level could develop on the existing
control aimed at controlling the major          predominantly secondary-level eye care,         base of departments of ophthalmology in

                                                                                   COMMUNITY EYE HEALTH JOURNAL | VOL 18 NO. 54 | JUNE 2005 S 6 1
Community Eye Health - Vision 2020
these facilities. The main additions will be
                  Centres of Excellence               L V Prasad Eye Institute                      in terms of focused training and upgrading
                                                                                                    the facilities.
                                                            Training Centres – 5 million*
                   Tertiary Eye Care                        (Eye Hospitals/Medical Colleges)        All the various centres of excellence can
                                                                                                    then contribute to the development of
                                                                    Service Centres                 national and regional programs where
                                                                    0.5 million – 1 million*        common functions, such as program
         Secondary Eye Care                                                                         planning, resource mobilization,
                                                                         Vision Centres             development of curriculum for various
                                                                            50,000*                 training programs, distribution of
       Primary Eye Care                                                                             education materials, development of
                                                                                 Vision guardians   systems and identification of appropriate
                                                                                 5000*              research areas, can be tackled. This will
 Community Eye Care
                                                                                                    eliminate unnecessary duplication and
                                                                                                    help avoid wasteful expenditure.
                                                                                                    It is possible to create this model in most
                                                                                                    developing countries with appropriate local
                                                                                                    modifications. This then will provide the
medical schools and teaching hospitals as          units is around US$10 million (20¢ per
                                                                                                    necessary framework for the creation of a
well as tertiary care hospitals in the             person). The centre of excellence will be
                                                                                                    sustainable eye care delivery system beyond
voluntary and private sectors.                     staffed by the complete complement of eye
                                                                                                    the year 2020 so that everyone in the world
                                                   care personnel to cover the entire gamut
At the apex of the pyramid are centres of                                                           has that fundamental Right to Sight.
                                                   of functions, both medical and
excellence, one for every 50 million people,       nonmedical. The total initial investment in
with the functions of advanced tertiary                                                             Acknowledgements
                                                   setting up this pyramidal infrastructure is
care and new methods of treatment,                                                                  This editorial was previously published in the
                                                   only 80¢ per person. With an additional
training of trainers, appropriate clinical,                                                         Saudi Journal of Ophthalmology (2004;18
                                                   cost of about 20¢ per person for the
laboratory, public health and operations                                                            [Special Issue]:3–4) and is reprinted with
                                                   training needed to make this
research, advanced management training,                                                             permission from the Saudi Ophthalmological
                                                   infrastructure functional, the total cost
low-vision rehabilitation and product                                                               Society.
                                                   per person is just around US$1. In most
development. In all these areas, service           parts of the world, a sizeable portion of the    An infrastructure model for the implementation
delivery, training and research will be            required infrastructure already exists, and      of VISION 2020: The Right to Sight, Can j
emphasized. The total cost of each of these        all that is required now is upgrading of         Opthalmol; 2004 Oct; 39 (6); 589-90, 593-4.

District Level Eye Care Delivery System
Harsh Goel, MS, DO                                 Despite all these developments, quality eye      of eye-care delivery. Through this system
Consultant                                         care still remains beyond the reach of a         areas which earlier did not have such
Venu Eye Institute & Research Centre,              majority of rural population. In most such       services/facilities have now been covered.
New Delhi                                          areas, till recently, the mainstay of eye        What follows is a description of the
                                                   care service has been through surgical and       processes adopted in this endeavor.
                                                   screening eye camps. The quality of
Introduction                                       services provided through such camps has         Site Identification and Selection
The last couple of decades have been               always been questionable. In order to            The first step is to identify the area where
witness to tremendous developments                 provide quality services on a regular,           the service is needed; once a site (district)
related to technology, infrastructure and          permanent basis to the rural and suburban        has been identified as needing service, a
service delivery in eye care globally, and         population, it becomes imperative to             comprehensive situational analysis is
India has not lagged behind. India can             develop such facilities at the district level,   done. To estimate the prevalence of
today boast of world class eye care                where they can be accessed easily by the         blindness and assess its various causes,
services, research and teaching and                target beneficiaries. VISION 2020, the           either of the following methodologies can
training facilities, as also internationally       global initiative to tackle the problem of       be adopted:
acclaimed eye care professionals.                  avoidable blindness by the year 2020,
However, in the not–too–distant past,                                                               1. A Rapid Assessment Survey
                                                   recommends that there should be a
such facilities were concentrated in                                                                2. Referring to a previous survey in the
                                                   secondary level eye care centre for a
metropolitan and large cities, and catered                                                             same area or in an area similar to the
                                                   population of approximately 1 million.
to a small percentage of affluent                                                                      one in question, and extrapolating its
population residing in these cities; these                                                             figures to arrive at a rough estimate
                                                   Methodology                                      3. Organising a community-based eye
facilities were not available easily to            Venu Eye Institute & Research Centre has
persons residing in rural and suburban                                                                 care programme like a diagnostic/
                                                   been providing quality eye care service             screening camp or primary eye care
areas, mainly due to their inaccessibility.
                                                   delivery for more than two decades, and in          centre or Vision Centre
Fortunately, in recent years, a few state
                                                   the past decade, has gained valuable
capitals, industrial townships and some                                                             The last of the above listed modalities can
                                                   experience in establishing district level
district headquarters have seen the                                                                 also help in assessing the level of existing
                                                   secondary eye care centres in Uttar
establishment of state–of–the–art eye                                                               eye care services in the area, their quality
                                                   Pradesh, Haryana and Rajasthan, and in
care centres.                                      developing a successful three-tier system        and their acceptance in the local

Community Eye Health - Vision 2020
Community Based Services                        participation by sensitizing the community      How the Network develops further
Once the site has been selected and the         to the problems and needs of persons with       (Linkages)
problem identified, primary level               disabilities, and helping in their mutual       Six to seven of such district level eye
community based eye care services are           integration.                                    hospitals can be linked to a tertiary level
organized at various places in the target                                                       referral hospital for super-specialty clinical
district. This helps in identifying the         Network of Diagnostic Camps                     and skill upgradation support. To each
pockets of high need where these activities     Once the district level centre becomes          such district level hospital, 3-4 primary eye
may be repeated; it also helps in               functional, besides providing the regular       care/Vision centres are linked. Besides
identifying the most suitable place to later    OPD, IPD and surgical facilities,               these primary level centres, a series of one
on establish the proposed secondary level       community-based diagnostic camps are            day diagnostic/screening camps are
centre.                                         organized in a series of concentric circles,    regularly organised in a designated area
                                                starting from a radius of 20 kilometers         around the hospital so as to cover a radius
                                                from the centre, and gradually fanning out
Location of the Secondary                       to a maximum radius of about 45 to 50
                                                                                                of 35 to 50 km. This kind of networking
Level Centre                                                                                    between primary and secondary levels is
                                                kilometers. This helps not only to raise        equipped to tackle 95% of the eye care
The ideal location is one which is needy,       awareness about the centre and its              related problems at the doorstep if the
accessible from all zones of the target         facilities thereby increasing its utilisation   patient, who may need to approach the
district and adjoining areas, and is well       by the target population, but also helps        distant tertiary level centre only for 5% of
connected through public transport              identify potential sites for developing         his/her needs. Additional facilities listed
system. Besides these, basic civic              primary eye care centres/Vision Centres.        below assist in increasing uptake of these
amenities like water and electricity supply     These peripheral centres, in addition to        services, while the schematic diagrams
should also be available.                       providing primary eye care services, also       given below depict the network linkages
                                                serve as focal points for post-operative        and the beneficiaries at different levels of
Basic Infrastructure                            care for surgical patients at their doorstep,   service delivery (Fig.).
Ideally, a district level secondary eye care    thereby helping ease congestion at the
centre should be a 30 to 40 bed facility        hospital. As the centre develops, all its       Additional Facilities/Activities
equipped to provide basic ophthalmic OPD        activities are regularly monitored for          Activities like community based
services and surgical facilities up to          quality and viability; any primary/vision       rehabilitation, school screening
cataract extraction with intraocular lens       centre not proving viable is toned down to      programmes and eye donation centres not
(IOL) implantation. Besides tackling            act as a screening camp and newer areas         only aid in increasing acceptance of the
cataract, this centre would also provide        identified for additional centres.
diagnostic, therapeutic and surgical
services for other common ocular
conditions like glaucoma, entropion,
pterygium etc., and would be suitably
equipped to attend to all these problems
efficiently. The support facilities in such a
centre should include 24 hour power
backup, round the clock water supply,
hospital laundry and a hospital kitchen
capable of catering to the patients and
staff, an Optical Dispensing Unit and a
Pharmacy. The centre should also have
spacious and comfortable accommodation
for the resident team of Surgeon(s),
paramedics and support service personnel,
besides (if feasible) a dedicated mobile
unit vehicle for outreach activities.

The ideal situation is to have one’s own
building for such a centre, but this may
not always be feasible. All attempts should
be made to ultimately develop one’s own
infrastructure built according to own
specifications, with potential for future
expansion. If a local partnership is desired,
one could partner with a like-minded NGO
in the area, or a closely knit Trust with
whom an MOU can be arrived at.

Community Participation and
Any project designed to operate in a
community at all levels can succeed only
with local community involvement and
support. The attempt to garner this support
begins with the situational analysis.
Community based activities like
rehabilitation and eye donation
programmes help enhance community

                                                                                   COMMUNITY EYE HEALTH JOURNAL | VOL 18 NO. 54 | JUNE 2005 S 6 3
Community Eye Health - Vision 2020
project in the target community, but also         approximately 50-60,000
help in increasing awareness towards              OPD patients and 2500 to
these issues and sensitize the community          3000 surgeries annually.
to the special needs of people with               These figures are based on
incurable disabilities. Multi-disability          the assumption that at
rehabilitation schemes are an add-on              optimum utilization,
facility. Regular activities like public          surgeries per bed per year
awareness talks for the local community           should be around 100, and
and involvement of school children and            a single ophthalmologist
NCC / NSS volunteers in such activities           should be able to perform
helps in facilitating the bonding between         around 1500 or more
the project and the local community. Super        surgeries annually.
specialty consultation for conditions
related to low vision, corneal diseases,          Outcome of the eye care
paediatric ophthalmic problems and                service delivery in such
diabetic eye diseases are initially provided      models is assessed in
                                                  terms of post operative          Operation theatre in a district level hospital
in the district level centre at monthly
intervals; the frequency of such super            visual gain, measured as
specialty clinics may be increased in a           patients’ post operative visual acuity at a
need based fashion.                               specified point of time. Such medical          activities like higher end surgical facilities
                                                  audits are meant to be an integral part of     like phacoemulsification for cataract, a
Facility Upgradation                              this system, constantly monitoring the         pharmacy and optical dispensing units at
With passage of time, the need to add             quality of services, and up grading the        secondary level hospital and Vision
more diagnostic and therapeutic facilities        clinical processes and protocols.              Centres help achieve sustainability.
is felt; these are added in due course of
time, and include services like YAG laser         Self Sustainability                             Training Centres! The future . . .
unit, automated perimeters, vitrectomy            Since these centres are situated in rural/      On the job skill upgradation is necessary
units, etc. In due course, different such         suburban areas, a major chunk of the            for development of such projects, as also
centres in contiguous (adjoining) districts       clientele is usually from the weaker socio-     for the morale and personal and
may be identified for development as              economic strata. This segment of the            professional growth of skilled personnel;
centres for super specialty care. As a            population would for obvious reasons find       providing these persons advanced
matter of routine, such services are              it difficult to afford the cost of treatment,   trainings in various fields according to
otherwise provided through the tertiary           and would be provided these services at         their attitude and aptitude results in such
centre which has highly skilled, dedicated        subsidized rates or even free. Such a           growth. Such centres later on also serve as
super specialists.                                scenario casts a shadow over the                training centres for both in house as well
                                                  sustainability of such a venture. However,      as external candidates in surgical skills,
                                                  from our experience, we have concluded          community based rehabilitation concepts
                                                  that such a centre, despite treating 70%        and practices etc.
                                                  patients at subsidized rates/ free, usually
                                                  breaks even financially within 3 to 5 years     Conclusion
                                                  of its establishment as far as its running      The methodology of establishing a district
                                                  costs are concerned. Output wise, a             level eye care system connected to a
                                                  secondary level eye care centre needs to        tertiary referral centre has been
                                                  perform 1500 to 2000 surgeries per              successfully implemented by Venu Eye
                                                  annum to become self sustainable. In            Institute & Research Centre in various
                                                  order to achieve this, one of the               districts of the Northern states mentioned
                                                  methodologies adopted is of cross               earlier, and is replicable and reproducible
                                                  subsidization; an example: if 25% surgical      almost everywhere. This system provides a
                                                  patients pay about USD 80 or more,              cost effective methodology of providing
                                                  another 50% pay subsidized price of             quality eye care services at grassroots
                                                  approximately USD 22 and the rest pay           level, where they are required the most,
Outpatients in a District Level Hospital          nothing, even then the hospital achieves        that too at very affordable costs to the
                                                  self sustainability within the time frame       target population, or, quite frequently, even
Human Resources                                   mentioned, after which the centre usually       free of cost. At the same time, this system
                                                  requires only capital grants for further        attains self sustainability within an
Initially, because the workload is expected
                                                  service up gradation and development.           acceptable time frame. These services
to be less, the human resources dedicated
                                                  Projects situated in remote areas may           then become available, accessible,
to the system would be less; two qualified
                                                  need 2-3 more years to achieve                  affordable and accountable, the four A’s
ophthalmologists assisted by 2-3
                                                  sustainability. Revenue generation through      important for any service delivery system.
paramedics, and support staff comprising
a driver for the vehicle, a cook and
housekeeping personnel are adequate. In
initial stages, multiple roles are assigned                                  L V Prasad Eye Institute
to the paramedics and support staff. The                                     Hyderabad, India
team is augmented in a need -based
manner as the workload increases.

Output and Outcome                                                           Supported by ORBIS International
This model of a district level eye care
service delivery can achieve an output of
                                                                             India Country Office

Community Eye Health - Vision 2020
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