Community Care Jobs Discovery Series@ DNI (Rooms #01-01 & #01-02) - E2i

Page created by Denise Griffith
Community Care Jobs
Discovery Series@ DNI
(Rooms #01-01 & #01-02)
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Date : 8 Feb 2021 |
       Mon                                                              Identify the position. Choose ONE time
                                                                       slot for the interview. Pre-register for the
Time : 10am to 4pm

                                                                          Be punctual. Attend job interview at
                                                                         the correct time slot (bring along your
                                                                             (bring along    your resume)
About e2i (Employment and Employability Institute)
e2i is the empowering network for workers and
employers seeking employment and employability
solutions. e2i serves as a bridge between workers and
employers, connecting with workers to offer job security
through job-matching, career guidance and skills
upgrading services, and partnering employers to address
their manpower needs through recruitment, training
and job redesign solutions. e2i is a tripartite initiative of
                                                                                  Exit venue after interview
the National Trades Union Congress set up to support
nation-wide manpower and skills upgrading initiatives.

For more information, please visit

 Organised By:                           An Initiative By:      Supported By:

Singhealth Community Hospitals
SingHealth Community Hospitals (SCH) oversees the management of the three Community Hospitals under the
SingHealth cluster - Bright Vision Hospital, Sengkang Community Hospital and Outram Community Hospital.

SCH aims to deliver a seamless and integrated care path for patients requiring sub-acute, rehabilitation and palliative
care. The focus is to bring value-driven outcomes for patients and set new standards of care for community hospitals.
SCH is supported by the medical expertise and research capabilities of the SingHealth-Duke NUS Academic Medical

 Job Position           Pre-requisites                  Key Responsibilities                 Working Hours /
1) Assistant            •   Minimum a Bachelor’s        •   Play a key role in developing    Monday to Thursday:
   Director,                Degree in any discipline        the education capabilities of    8.30am to 6pm
                            with at least 10 years of       SingHealth Community             Friday: 8.30am to
                            experience, preferably in       Hospitals (SCH), and oversee     5.30pm
                            a related field such as         the strategic design,
                            Education, Adult                development, implementation North-east
                            Learning, Instructional         and evaluation of training and
                            Design or Education             education programmes offered
                                                            by SCH.
                                                        •   Identify educational and
                        •   Experience in working
                                                            training development
                            with SkillsFuture
                                                            opportunities for the
                            Framework and WSQ-
                                                            Intermediate and Long Term
                            related training                Care (ILTC) - including
                            programmes will be an           reviewing landscape analysis of
                            advantage                       the ILTC education resources,
                                                            needs, stakeholders and
                                                            opportunities and ensuring
                                                            SCH Education Office plays a
                                                            pivotal role within SingHealth
                                                            (SingHealth Residency, Group
                                                            Education, the Academic
                                                            Medicine Education Institute
                                                            (AM.EI), Regional Health
                                                            Systems) and the community.
                                                        •   Spearhead and organise key
                                                            educational initiatives such as
                                                            curriculum development,
                                                            conference programme
                                                            development and organisation
                                                            and faculty development
                                                            activities, with a strategic view
                                                            of operational effectiveness
                                                            and sustainability. These will
                                                            be achieved through the
                                                            leadership of a team that
                                                            collaborates with internal and
                                                            external stakeholders to
                                                            improve the standards of
                                                            community care through
                                                            training and education.

    Information correct as at 7 Jan 2021

Job Position          Pre-requisites                   Key Responsibilities                Working Hours /
2) Business Liaison   •    Diploma/ NITEC/ Higher      • Support     the Business & Monday to Thursday
   Officer                 NITEC/ GCE "N" / "O"          Admissions Office in the 8.30am to 6 pm
                           Level, preferably with at     SingHealth Community Hospitals
                           least 2 years of relevant     (SCH). Duties include counter Friday
                           experience                    and phone enquiries on billing 8.30am to 5.30pm
                      •    Entry level Diploma           and      admissions      matters,
                           holders are welcome to        administration of the means test ½ Saturday once every
                           apply                         for     subsidised      patients, 4 weeks : 8.30am to
                      •    Interest in customer          generation of bills for patients, 12.30pm.
                                                         processing of patient admissions
                           service and a passion to
                                                         for smooth transfer of patients Central, North-East
                           serve patients/visitors
                                                         from the general hospitals to our
                      •    Good interpersonal and
                                                         community       hospitals    and
                           effective communication       administration of Medifund
                           skills                        matters.
                      •    Resourceful team-player     • Assist in identifying areas of
                      •    Proficient in Microsoft       improvement      and      support
                           Word, PowerPoint and          projects as and when assigned.
3)Healthcare          •   Minimum Secondary            • Perform basic patient care         Morning – 7am to 4pm
  Assistant               Education                      and/or       patient     related   Afternoon – 12pm/1pm
                                                         activities.                        to 9pm
                                                       • Prepare and serves beverages       Night – 8.30pm to
                                                         and meals and feeds or assist      7.30am
                                                         patient with meal.
                                                       • Perform incidental                 North-East/ Central
                                                         housekeeping duties and
                                                         portering service.
                                                       • Assist in basic maintenance of
                                                         ward equipment.
4)Nurse Clinician     • Relevant Degree in             • Collaborate with Senior Nurse      Morning – 7am to 4pm
                        Nursing or its equivalent        Manager/ Director, Nursing to      Afternoon – 12pm/1pm
                      • Advanced Diploma /               define and develop plans that      to 9pm
                        Post-graduate in Nursing         enable full participation for      Night – 8.30pm to
                      • Valid SNB practising             department            innovative   7.30am
                        certificate                      approaches         to      meet
                      • Valid BCLS Certification         objectives
                                                       • Lead and evaluate patient
                                                         care activities by the staff to
                                                         ensure care delivery is in
                                                         accordance to established
                                                         policies and procedures and
                                                       • Conduct discharge planning
                                                         and teaching for patients
                                                         and/or caregivers

   Information correct as at 7 Jan 2021

Job Position          Pre-requisites                    Key Responsibilities                Working Hours /
 5)Patient Care        • Minimum GCE N Level            • Measure and document              Morning – 7am to 4pm
   Assistant           • Valid BCLS certification         patients' vital parameters and    Afternoon – 12pm/1pm
                       • With WSQ Higher                  assist patients in admission,     to 9pm
                          Certificate in Healthcare       transfer and discharge            Night – 8.30pm to
                          Support (Nursing Care) /      • Assist patients in general        7.30am
                          ITE Certificate in Health       hygiene, activities of daily
                          Care (Inpatient)                living and ambulation            North-East/ Central
                                                        • Maintain basic housekeeping
                                                          and equipment of wards
                                                        • Prepare and serves beverages
                                                          and meals and feeds or assist
                                                          patient with meal
6) Patient Service    • Minimum GCE N Level             • Pick up calls – answer queries Morning – 7am to 4pm
   Associate          • Proficient in computer skills     and transferring calls to staffs Afternoon – 12pm/1pm
                                                        • Booking appointments for to 9pm
                                                        • Clerical at the counter          Central
                                                        • Update bed discharges
                                                        • Comfortable       to    transfer
                                                          patients to and fro wheelchair
                                                          to bed where necessary

7) Pharmacy           • Pharmacy Technician             • Assist the Pharmcy team in        Monday: 8.30am to
   Technician           Course Certificate or             provision of pharmaceutical       5.30pm
                        Diploma from a recognised         care at the hospital, including   Tuesday to Friday:
                        polytechnic                       dispensing of drugs under the     8.30am to 6.00pm
                      • Experience as a Pharmacy          general      supervision     of
                        Technician in relevant            pharmacists. Assist in drug       ½ Saturday once every
                        clinical settings will be an      stock     management        and   4 weeks : 8.30am to
                        advantage                         laboratory       work       and   12.30pm. If roster for
                      • Able to work well                 responsible for the safe          the particular week’s
                        independently and in              accurate       and       timely   Saturday, the staff will
                        groups                            distribution of pharmaceutical    work 8.30am to
                      • Good interpersonal and            drug supplies.                    5.00pm
                        communication skills

    Information correct as at 7 Jan 2021

Job Position           Pre-requisites                  Key Responsibilities                 Working Hours /
8) Principal Analyst   •   Master’s Degree /           • Identify opportunities and         Monday to Thursday:
   (Finance                Bachelor’s Degree in          present insights through the       8.30am to 6pm
   Analytics)              Finance, Statistics,          use of statistical, algorithmic,   Friday: 8.30am to
                           Mathematics, Computer         mining and visualisation           5.30pm
                           Science/Engineering,          techniques.
                           Business Analytics or       • Assist with architecting           Central
                           other quantitative            specialised database and
                           disciplines.                  computing environments,
                       •   Preferably at least 5         developing data science
                           years of technical            methodologies, performing
                           experience and 2 years        analysis, and will facilitate
                           in a supervisory role.        process transformation.
                       •   Very good theoretical       • Provide technical advisory to
                           understanding of              the analysts, establish data
                           financial/statistical         analytics support (including
                           modelling, machine            development of machine
                           learning, data mining         learning models, dashboards)
                           and a track record of         within the SingHealth Group
                           solving problems with         and financial analytics
                           these methods                 support for Value Drive Care,
                       •   Experience in the             Bundled Payments,
                           healthcare or finance         Population Health, Cozy
                           preferred                     initiative amongst others.
                       •   Strong analytical and
                           problem-solving skills
                       •   Ability to work
                           independently as well as
                           in a team in a fast-paced
9)Research             •    Master’s in Public          • Support SingHealth                Monday to Thursday:
  Associate                Health will be an              Community Hospitals (SCH)’s       8.30am to 6pm
                           advantage. An                  Research & Innovation (R&I)       Friday: 8.30am to
                           undergraduate degree,          department in conducting          5.30pm
                           from an established            studies in the area of health
                           University, in a related       services research. The R&I        Central
                           field (Life Sciences,          department is a newly
                           Nursing, Pharmacy,             established unit within SCH
                           Public Health,                 which seeks to support our
                           Psychology or Sociology)       three community hospitals in
                           with relevant experience       conducting research and
                           will also be considered        translating findings to
                           for this position.             improve population health.
                       •   Prior experience in          • Implement SCH’s 5-year
                           implementation of              strategic plan for the
                           science research will be       development of research and
                           an advantage                   the intermediate and long-
                       •   Knowledge of Nvivo,            term care sector. He/ she will
                           SPSS and Stata softwares       collect data in various
                           will also be a plus            settings for the research
                                                          projects and conduct

    Information correct as at 7 Jan 2021

                      •   Good interpersonal,             literature reviews, and
                          written and verbal              qualitative and quantitative
                          communication skills            data analysis.
                      •   Detail-oriented, self-      •   Contribute towards SCH’s
                          motivated, and able to          Balanced Score Card Key
                          work both independently         Performance Indicators (but
                          and within a team of            not limited to) of clinician
                          researchers                     scientists, journals published
                      •   Ability to communicate          in top tier journals, and
                          in dialects will be             national-level research
                          advantageous during             funding.
                          collection of data          •   Facilitate research talks and
                                                          training sessions conducted
                                                          by the R&I department to
                                                          generate the spirit/climate of
                                                          inquiry and innovation
                                                          amongst SCH staff.
                                                      •   Supervise internship students
                                                          and attend meetings as
                                                          required and actively
                                                          contribute ideas during
10) Senior Analyst,   •   PhD/Master's Degree in      •   Champion the development       Monday to Thursday:
    Data Science          Statistics, Mathematics,        of new data science            8.30am to 6pm
    (Value Driven         Computer                        techniques, methodologies      Friday: 8.30am to
                          Science/Engineering or          and delivery of analytics      5.30pm
                          other quantitative              projects from planning
    Research)             disciplines.                                                   Central
                                                          through to prototyping,
                      •   Preferably 3-5 years of         testing, implementation and
                          related experience              publication
                      •   Strong analytical and       •   Identify and develop core
                          problem-solving skills          data science components for
                      •   Excellent verbal and            the delivery of projects,
                          written communication           construct dedicated database
                          skills                          and computing environments
                      •   Ability to work             •   Explore and visualise complex
                          independently as well as        data set to provide business
                          in a team in a fast-paced       insights and lend technical
                          environment                     expertise to researchers’ data
                                                          needs, and/ or Request for
                                                          Proposals (RFPs) and related
                                                          commercial activities.
                                                      •   Work on data analytics
                                                          projects that are
                                                          commissioned by institutions
                                                          within the SingHealth Group
                                                          and provide
                                                          recommendations based on
                                                          the financial analysis
                                                      •   Collaborate with stakeholders
                                                          and cross functional teams in
    Information correct as at 7 Jan 2021

                                                          your course of work
                                                          especially the value/ bundle
                                                          care, clinical quality and
                                                          finance offices within the
                                                          cluster so as to achieve the
                                                          desired outcomes
                                                      •   Guide and mentor team
                                                          members and be able to
                                                          influence key stakeholders,
                                                          spearheading a data-driven
                                                          approach to contribute to
                                                          research breakthroughs
11) Senior/ Data     •   Master’s Degree /            •   Be part of a team that provides      Monday to Thursday:
    Analyst (C4)         Bachelor’s Degree in             data       analytics      support    8.30am to 6pm
                         Finance, Statistics,             (including development of            Friday: 8.30am to
                         Mathematics, Computer            Machine Learning models,
                                                          dashboards)        within     the    5.30pm
                         Business Analytics or            SingHealth Group, such as
                         other quantitative               financial analytics support for
                         disciplines.                     value driven care, bundled
                                                          payments, and population
                     •   Preferably 2 to 5 years of
                                                          health amongst others as well
                         related experience
                                                          as operations analytics support
                     •   Strong analytical and
                                                          for the SingHealth Regional
                         problem-solving skills
                                                          Health System (RHS).
                     •   Attention to details,
                                                      •   Work on data analytics projects
                         excellent verbal and
                                                          that are commissioned by
                         written communication            institutions      within      the
                         skills                           SingHealth Group and provide
                     •   Ability to work                  recommendations based on the
                         independently as well as         financial     and     operations
                         in a team in a fast-paced        analysis performed.
                         environment                  •   Collaborate with stakeholders
                                                          and cross functional teams in
                                                          your course of work especially
                                                          the Finance offices, RHS
                                                          programme leads within the
                                                          cluster and SingHealth RHS to
                                                          achieve the desired outcomes
                                                      •   Work with the SingHealth
                                                          Office of Regional Health on the
                                                          Community Care Coordinating
                                                          Centre (C4) project to develop,
                                                          manage         and      maintain
                                                          population health databases,
                                                          registries and data analytics
                                                      •   Provide the necessary training
                                                          to institution finance and
                                                          operation teams on a variety of
                                                          analytics tools, as well as assist
                                                          in projects as and when

   Information correct as at 7 Jan 2021

Job Position            Pre-requisites                 Key Responsibilities                    Working Hours /
12) Senior /            •   NITEC in Nursing            • Perform basic nursing care           Morning – 7am to 4pm
    Enrolled Nurse      •   Valid SNB practising          activities independently             Afternoon – 12pm to
                            certificate                 • Evaluate nursing care by             1pm
                        •   Valid BCLS certification      monitoring and performing            Night – 8.30pm to
                                                          concise         recording       of   7.30am
                                                          observations and vital signs
                                                                                               North-East/ Central
                                                        • Assist doctor and nursing staff
                                                          during       treatments       and
                                                          examination of patients
                                                        • Institute and maintain safe
                                                          precautionary measures
13) Senior/             •   Bachelor Degree in          • Oversee and manage clinic            Monday to Thursday:
    Executive, Clinic       Business or Social            operations of an outpatient          8.30am to 6pm
                            Sciences                      clinic that delivers transitional    Friday: 8.30am to
                        •   Enrolled nurses are           care for elderly patients with       5.30pm
                            welcomed to apply             socially complex issues and
                        •   Minimum 2 years of            multiple co-morbidities.             North-east
                            experience in healthcare    • Execute administrative duties
                            setting would be an           at the clinic and support in
                            advantage                     operations as required by
                        •   Excellent interpersonal       clinical staff at the clinic.
                            and communication skills    • Required to collect, monitor
                            are essential                 and evaluate data according
                        •   Experience in clinic          to agreed frameworks to
                            operations will be an         assist the team to ensure
                            asset                         intended intervention serve
                                                          programme           goals     and
                                                        • Share learnings and best
                                                          practices across SingHealth
                                                          Community                Hospitals
                                                        • Adhoc duties can also be
                                                          assigned by Director and/or
                                                          Senior/ Manager, Office of
                                                          Community Engagement and
14) Senior /            •   AHPC Recognised             • Work closely with the                Monday to Thursday:
    Occupational            Master/Degree in              multidisciplinary healthcare         8.30am to 6.00.
                            Occupational Therapy          team to provide patients with        Friday: 8.30am to
                        •   Registration with             a seamless delivery of care          5.30pm
                            Singapore Allied Health       which is of high-quality, safe
                            Council                       and cost-efficient. You will         ½ Saturday once every
                                                          provide occupational therapy         4 weeks: 8.30am to
                                                          services to patients for their       12.30pm. If roster for
                                                                                               the particular week’s
                                                          optimal receovery and you
                                                                                               Saturday, the staff will
                                                          will also educate their
                                                                                               work 8.30am to 5.00pm
                                                          caregivers about condition
                                                                                               on Monday to Thursday
                                                          and care.
                                                                                               Central, North-East
   Information correct as at 7 Jan 2021

Job Position          Pre-requisites                   Key Responsibilities                 Working Hours /
15) Senior            •   Degree in Pharmacy with       • Responsible for the provision     Monday: 8.30am to
    Pharmacist            at least 4-6 years of           of pharmaceutical care by         5.30pm
                          experience as a                 working collaboratively with a    Tuesday to Friday:
                          Pharmacist                      multidisciplinary health care     8.30am to 6.00pm
                      •   Full registration with the      team to promote wellness,
                          Singapore Pharmacy              maintain current health,          ½ Saturday once every
                          Council                         and/or intervene in acute or      4 weeks: 8.30am to
                      •   Able to work well               chronic     illness.    He/She    12.30pm. If roster for
                          independently and in            identifies,    resolves     and   the particular week’s
                          groups                          prevents           drug-related   Saturday, the staff will
                      •   Good interpersonal and          problems.                         work 8.30am to
                          communication skills                                              5.00pm

16) Senior /          •   AHPC Recognised              • Responsible for managing an        Monday to Thursday:
    Physiotherapist       Master/Degree in               assigned caseload where you        8.30am to 6.00.
                          Physiotherapy                  will provide physiotherapy         Friday: 8.30am to
                      •    Full/Conditional              assessment, treatment and                 5.30pm
                          registration with the          education to patients and their
                          Allied Health Professions      care-givers where applicable.      ½ Saturday once every
                          Council                        You will work as part of a            4 weeks : 8.30am to
                                                         multi-disciplinary team that          12.30pm. If roster
                                                                                               for the particular
                                                         provides patient-centric and
                                                                                               week’s Saturday,
                                                         evidence-based          clinical
                                                                                               the staff will work
                                                                                               8.30am to 5.00pm
                                                                                               on Monday to

                                                                                            Central, North-East
17) Senior / Staff    •   Diploma/ Degree in           • Coordinate and manage care         Morning – 7am to 4pm
    Nurse                 Nursing                        for rehab and sub-acute            Afternoon – 12pm to
                      •   Valid SNB pracitisng         • Assist doctors during clinical         1pm
                          certificate                    procedures, examination and        Night – 8.30pm to
                      •   Valid BCLS certification       clinical assessment of patients        7.30am
                                                       • Conduct discharge planning
                                                                                         North-East/ Central
                                                         and teaching for patients
                                                         and/or caregivers

   Information correct as at 7 Jan 2021

Job Position           Pre-requisites                   Key Responsibilities                  Working Hours /
  18) Senior / Staff   •    A recognised Advanced        • Responsible         for      the   Monday to Thursday:
      Nurse                 Diploma or its equivalent       planning,        coordinating,    8.30am to 6pm
                            / Post Graduate Diploma         directing and evaluating of        Friday: 8.30am to
                            in the specialty area           all      daily     operational    5.30pm
                       •    At least 5 years                activities     on     Infection
      and Control)          experience as Registered                                          North-East/Central
                                                            Prevention and Control of
                            Nurse in acute hospital         SingHealth        Community
                            setting for Senior Staff        Hospitals.      Ensure      the
                            Nurse                           performance of regular
                       •    Valid BCLS certification        uniform surveillance of
                            and practicing certificate      healthcare-associated
                            issued by Singapore
                            Nursing Board
                       •    Preferably certification in
                            Basic and Advanced
                            Infection Control
                       •    Preferably certification
                            by infection control
                            professional bodies such
                            as Certification Board of
                            Infection Control (CIBC)
                       •    Preferably a Member of
                            Association for Infection
                            Control Professionals
                            such as Infection Control
                            Association (Singapore)
19) Therapy            •   GCE ‘N’ / ‘O’ level          • Assisting therapists in all         Monday to Thursday:
    Assistant          •   Recognised Certificate in      activities of therapy treatment     8.30am to 6.00.
                           Therapy Support will be        to ensure safe patient              Friday: 8.30am to
                           an advantage                   handling and care. You will                 5.30pm
                       •   A team player with good        contribute to the smooth
                           interpersonal and              operation of the department.        ½ Saturday once every 4
                           communication skills                                                   weeks: 8.30am to
                                                                                                  12.30pm. If roster
                                                                                                  for the particular
                                                                                                  week’s Saturday,
                                                                                                  the staff will work
                                                                                                  8.30am to 5.00pm
                                                                                                  on Monday to

                                                                                              Central/ North-East

    Information correct as at 7 Jan 2021

Job Position         Pre-requisites                    Key Responsibilities                  Working Hours /
20) Wellbeing         •   Minimum “N”/”O” Levels       •   You will be an integral part of   Monday to Thursday:
    Coordinator           with 3-5 years’ of               a multi-disciplinary team         8.30am to 6pm
                          working experience in            working closely with the          Friday: 8.30am to
                          healthcare and/or                clinical team to identify the             5.30pm
                          community settings               social issues that impact
                          preferred. Individuals           patients’     health       and    Central, North-East
                          interested in a mid-             wellbeing with the objective
                          career change are also           of co-creating a care plan
                          welcome.                         with patients for their health
                      •   Comfortable to do home           and social needs.
                          visits                       •   You will engage patients
                      •   Strong interpersonal             throughout their inpatient
                          skills and a good team           stay, establish supportive
                          player with the ability to       relationship with community
                          work and collaborate             partners, and have good
                          well with colleagues             knowledge of community
                          across all levels                resources to enable patients
                      •   Resourceful, adaptable           to have supported self-
                          to changes and able to           management within the
                          think on the feet                community       after     their
                      •   Able to communicate              discharge.
                          effectively with elderly
                          patients. Candidates
                          with the ability to speak
                          different dialects will be

   Information correct as at 7 Jan 2021
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