Communities of the Barcaldine Regional Council - Alpha Jericho Barcaldine Aramac Muttaburra

Page created by Joshua Hale
Communities of the Barcaldine Regional Council - Alpha Jericho Barcaldine Aramac Muttaburra
      e lc om e t o




 Alpha   Jericho     Barcaldine   Aramac      Muttaburra
 Communities of the Barcaldine Regional Council
Communities of the Barcaldine Regional Council - Alpha Jericho Barcaldine Aramac Muttaburra
m o u tb a c k welcome
         r                                                                                                                                                    Table of contents
    Wa                                                                                                                                                        Warm outback welcome                                                         2
                                                                                                                                                              Map and distances                                                            4
                                                                                                                                                              Events – a chance to meet the locals                                        6
    Situated in the heart of central western Queensland,          at Redbank Park. Bring along your fishing rods and
    our region offers visitors a warm outback welcome             binoculars as it is a great place to cast a line and bird                                   How to get here – all roads lead to our region                              8
    and experience. This friendly country hospitality             watch.
    comes naturally to us as our five towns – Alpha,                                                                                                          Outback travel tips                                                         9
    Jericho, Barcaldine, Aramac and Muttaburra – all              Barcaldine: Garden City of the West
    retain and share those good old fashioned, small town         Barcaldine is a great place to spend a few days                                             Self-drive 4 wheel drive itineraries – go exploring                         10
    values and charm.                                             experiencing, exploring and relaxing. Its rich history is
                                                                  on full display at the Barcaldine and District Historical                                   The Lake Dunn Sculpture Trail                                               12
    Since the late 1800s our main industries have been            Museum and the Australian Workers Heritage Centre.
                                                                  The main street reflects our love of arts and culture with
                                                                                                                                                              Other sculptures in our region                                              13
    sheep and cattle production. While we continue to
    produce high quality wool and beef, we have developed         murals, musical instruments, beautiful gardens and the
                                                                  windmill. Barcaldine is home to the Tree of Knowledge,
                                                                                                                                                              Take the trail – see all our region has to offer                            14
    a thriving tourism industry to showcase the beauty and
    diversity of our region.                                      the reputed birth place of the labour movement in
                                                                                                                                                              Freedom of Choice Parks                                                     16
                                                                  Australia. The award winning structure gives the illusion
    Our rich heritage, indigenous culture, natural                of a canopy over the Tree. A night time visit will be a                                     Outback Mates                                                               17
    landscapes, variety of fauna and flora, lakes and rivers,     highlight of your trip, with the Tree beautifully lit.
    arts attractions, events and festivals ensure there is                                                                                                    Geocaching                                                                  17
    something for everyone.                                       Take a stroll along Lagoon Creek or the Botanical Walk
                                                                  and be mesmerised by the native fauna and flora.                                            Bird watching and wildflowers                                               17
    An early morning or late afternoon walk will showcase
    the beautiful sunrises and sunsets we experience in the       Aramac: Home of the White Bull                                                              Genealogy                                                                   18
    outback. If you are a keen birdwatcher bring along your       A visit to the Harry Redford Interpretive Centre is a must
    binoculars and camera as this is also the time of day         when you arrive in Aramac. You can learn about the                                          Agate fossicking                                                            18
    to visit permanent watering holes where the birds will        infamous Harry Redford (Captain Starlight) and how a
    come to drink.                                                distinctive white bull was his undoing. Keep an eye out                                     Alpha                                                                       19
                                                                  for the Adorabulls that pop up throughout Aramac.
    Bring along your fishing rod and enjoy a relaxing day                                                                                                     Jericho                                                                     23
    under the sun. All our communities have a river or two        Explore the Tramway Museum, where you can see Aunt
    to catch a famous Golden Perch or known locally as            Emma RM28 rail motor and memorabilia from the early                                         Barcaldine                                                                  27
    Yellowbelly.                                                  years of settlement.
                                                                                                                                                              Aramac                                                                      36
    If you are an avid geocacher, our region boasts over          Get off the beaten track and make your way to the
    300 geocaches and we challenge you to stay a while            historical sites of Lake Dunn, Gray Rock, Horsetailer’s                                     Muttaburra                                                                  41
    and find them all.                                            Gorge and the Healing Circle. Along the way keep an
                                                                  eye out for the 40 metal sculptures that make up the                                        Rural Libraries Queensland                                                  47
    Our region has a full events calendar, from sporting          Lake Dunn Sculpture Trail with more sculptures being
    events to festivals and touring shows, so why not plan        added all the time.                                                                         The Great Artesian Basin                                                    47
    your trip around one of our many events.
                                                                  Muttaburra: Meeting of the waters                                                           Information Centres                                                         48
    Spend as long as you need to explore all that our region      Muttaburra is soaked in history and has beautifully
    has to offer…                                                 preserved museums that reflect days gone by. The Dr
                                                                  Arratta Memorial Museum and A.A. Cassimatis General
    Alpha: Town of Murals                                         Store and Cottage make you feel like you have stepped
    Take a leisurely walk around the town of murals and           back through time. After you marvel at the medical
    view the 28 murals Alpha has to offer. The murals have        memorabilia in the Dr Arratta Memorial Museum, take
    been painted by local resident artists and beautifully        the time to take a selfie at the Centre of Queensland
    pay tribute to the pioneers of the bush and the history       monument.
    of the district.
                                                                  The town’s most famous moment was when local
    You can soak up Alpha’s history at the Jane Neville Rolfe     grazier Doug Langdon uncovered the fossilised skeleton
    Art Gallery, the Tivoli Theatre Museum, Beta Hut and the      of a dinosaur. The Muttaburrasaurus Langdoni was a
                                                                  land living, plant eating dinosaur that roamed the earth
    Fossilised Forest Sculpture or just relax at Settlers Park.                                                                                                 Jericho Drive-In                                               ite Bull
                                                                  100 million years ago. The discovery of the skeleton was                                                                                       Aramac – Wh
    Jericho: On the banks of the Jordan                           the first of its kind in Australia and is celebrated with
    Take a stroll down the main street and stop by the            an impressive replica located in the Muttaburrasaurus
    Crystal Trumpeters. The structure was created by local        Interpretation Centre.                                                                                           Barcaldi
    historians to tell the story of how Joshua won the battle                                                                                                                       - Tree of e
    of Jericho.                                                   There is so much to do and see here and every one of                                                                        Kn owledg
                                                                  us invites you to spend some time in the region we love
                                                                                                                                                     l ised
    Time your visit with the once a month double feature          and call home. Please feel free to stop and chat and
                                                                                                                                 l p h a - T he Fossi                                                                                 Mutta
    showing at the smallest operating drive-in theatre in         most importantly – make yourself at home.                    A                                                                                                               burras
    the Southern Hemisphere then spend a night or two
    camping along the serene banks of the Jordan River
                                                                                                                                Forest Sc                                                                                                            aurus!

                                                                  BARCALDINE                                                   Communities of the Barcaldine Regional Council
2                                                                 REGIONAL COUNCIL                                             Alpha                Jericho             Barcaldine                    Aramac        Muttaburra                                3
Communities of the Barcaldine Regional Council - Alpha Jericho Barcaldine Aramac Muttaburra
              Map and distances
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 From   Rockhampton – 440km
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 From   Longreach – 247km
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 From   Townsville – 768km
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 From   Brisbane – 1063km

                                 To Hughenden                                To Prairie                 To Torrens Creek
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 From   Rockhampton – 493km
                                                171                         186                         232                                                                                                                      From   Longreach – 194km
       To Corfield                           La                                                                                                                           To Clermont                                            From   Townsville – 732km
                                               ds                                                                                                                                                                                From   Brisbane – 1116km
                                   173              h


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 From   Rockhampton – 580km
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 From   Longreach – 107km
                                                                      36                                                                                                                                                         From   Townsville – 630km
To Winton                                                                                                             92                                                                          W                 E            From   Brisbane – 1050km
                                                                                                                                           Lake                                                                                  From   Mt Isa – 755km
                                    MUTTABURRA                                                                                   22                                                                        S

                                                                                 4                                                                                                                                               ARAMAC

                                                         6                                                        Healingg
            107                         91                                                                           cle
                                                                                                                  Circle                                                                                                         From   Rockhampton – 645km
                                                                             5       56                                67
                                                                                                                       6                                                                                       To Clermont       From   Longreach – 171km
                                                                                                      22                                             60
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 From   Townsville – 540km

                                                 124                                                                                   Gray                                                                                      From   Brisbane – 1130km

                                                                                          ARAMAC                                       Roc
                                                                                                                                       Rock     93
                    Morella                                                116                                           3
                                                                                                                                       t li ’                                                              180
                     Siding                                                                                                         Gorge

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 From   Rockhampton – 730km
                                   61                                                      101               67                                               51                                                                 From   Longreach – 124km
                                                    6             5                                                                                                                                                              From   Townsville – 544km

                                                                                                                                                               2                                                                 From   Brisbane – 1224 km

     Sealed Road                  Longreach
     Unsealed Road                                      27                                                       BARCALDINE

                                                                                                                         R E G CAL
                                                                                                                                                                                                               To Emerald
                                                                                                                                      86                                                       ALPHA     169
                                                                                                                 27                                                        53
                             n                                                                                               1                        42


                     o m                                                                             Botanical
                                                                                                                                                                                           Self Drive 4 Wheel Drive Tours

                                                                                                                                   L C O INE
                                                             89                                                                                                                            1   Barcaldine to Jericho via Narbethong Road
                                                                                                                                                     121            100          166
                                                                                                            80                                                                             2   Jericho to Aramac via Lake Dunn
                                                                                                                                                                                           3   Aramac to Gray Rock and Horsetailer’s Gorge

                                                                                                                                                                                           4   Lake Dunn to Muttaburra via Bowen Downs
                                                                      Isisford                                                                                                                 Muttaburra to Longreach

                                                                                               122                                                                                         5   Crossmore Road or Alternative Route Road
                                                                                                                                                                                           6   Cramsie Road
      Stonehenge                                                                                                                  Blackall                         To Tambo
                                                                                                                                                                                               Lake Dunn Sculpture Trail
 4                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            5
Communities of the Barcaldine Regional Council - Alpha Jericho Barcaldine Aramac Muttaburra
Events – a chance to meet the locals

                                                                                                     AUGUST                                            DECEMBER
                                                                                                     Muttaburra - Races                                Aramac - Christmas Tree
                                                                                                     Barcaldine - Art Competition                      Alpha - Christmas Tree
                                                                                                     Alpha - Golf Open                                 Jericho - Christmas Tree
                                                                                                                                                       Muttaburra - Christmas Tree

     JANUARY                                             APRIL
     All towns - Australia Day                           All towns - Anzac Day
                                                                                                                                                       REGULAR ACTIVITIES
     Alpha - ICPA Cricket Match                          Barcaldine - Races
     Aramac – Barrels 4 A Cause                                                                                                                        •B  arcaldine Clay Target Club Shoot held on the
                                                                                                                                                          fourth Saturday of the month.
                                                                                                                                                       • Barcaldine Rifle Club Shoot is held fortnightly
                                                                                                                                                          on a Sunday.
                                                                                                                                                       • Bingo is held fortnightly in Alpha.
                                                                                                                                                       • Catholic Church Mass held twice a month in
                                                                                                                                                          Alpha and Jericho.
                                                                                                     SEPTEMBER                                         • Markets are held monthly in Alpha, Jericho
                                                                                                     Aramac - Ballyneety Rodeo and Campdraft              (second Saturday) and fortnightly in Barcaldine
                                                                                                     Barcaldine - Westech Field Days (every 3 years)      from March to October.
                                                                                                                                                       • Movies at the Jericho Drive-In on the third
                                                                                                                                                          Saturday of the month except December and
     FEBRUARY                                            MAY                                                                                              January.
     Alpha - 4B’s Rodeo                                  Aramac - Races
                                                         Barcaldine - Barcaldine Tree of Knowledge                                                     WEEKLY ACTIVITIES
                                                         Alpha - Show                                                                                  ALPHA
                                                         Muttaburra - Golf Open                                                                        • Golf – Sunday
                                                                                                                                                       • Alpha Cultural Association – Wednesday and
                                                                                                                                                       • Alpha Men’s Shed meet on Monday and
                                                                                                     OCTOBER                                              Saturday

                                                                                                     Alpha - Campdraft
                                                                                                                                                       • Barcaldine Cultural Association Craft Days –
                                                                                                                                                          Wednesday at 9.30am
     MARCH                                                                                                                                             • Croquet – Friday at 8.00am

                                                                                                 R E G CAL
     Barcaldine - Races                                                                                                                                • Golf – Thursday at 3.00pm and Sunday at
     Barcaldine - Clay Target Shoot                                                                                                                       12.00pm
     Barcaldine - Golf Open                                                                                                                            • Lawn Bowls – Friday at 5.30pm and Sunday at
     All towns - Clean Up Australia Day                  JUNE                                                                                             9.30am

                                                         Muttaburra - Muttaburra Stock Show

                                                                                                                                                       • Men’s Shed – Monday and Wednesday at
                                                         Alpha - Races

                                                                                                           L C O INE
                                                                                                                                                          9.00am to 12.00pm
                                                         Barcaldine - Races                                                                            • Movies – Friday and Sunday at 7.00pm
                                                         Barcaldine - Barcaldine Show                                                                  • QCWA Craft Day – Tuesday at 10.00am
                                                                                                                                                       • Tai Chi – Thursday at 9.00am
                                                                                                                                                       • Tennis – Tuesday at 6.00pm

                                                                                                     Barcaldine - Catholic Fair                        ALPHA AND BARCALDINE
                                                                                                     Barcaldine - Races                                • Rugby League matches - Saturday from April
                                                                                                                                                          to August

    Please check the event calendar on the Barcaldine Regional Council website,, for event details and what’s on when you are visiting.
                                                                                                                                                       • Golf – Sunday at 8.30am
6                                                                                                                                                                                                           77
                                                                                                     Communities of the Barcaldine Regional Council
Communities of the Barcaldine Regional Council - Alpha Jericho Barcaldine Aramac Muttaburra
How to get here – all roads lead to our region                                                          Outback travel tips
                                                                                                            One reason travellers choose to visit the            RUBBISH: Littering in the outback is strictly
    ROAD                                                  AIR TRAVEL                                        Barcaldine region is to enjoy the charm and          prohibited; please dispose of litter in the
                                                                                                            friendliness of our small towns. While we            appropriate manner.
    You can reach the Barcaldine Region via the           Qantaslink flies directly into Barcaldine from
                                                                                                            have all the facilities and services you need,
    Capricorn, Matilda and Landsborough Highways          Brisbane twice a week, on Tuesdays and                                                                 BE PREPARED: Always carry water and a first-
                                                                                                            in some towns availability may be limited.
    and also from the north, via the Torrens Creek        Saturdays. Timetable is subject to change.                                                             aid kit and ensure that your spare tyre is at the
                                                                                                            We have put together these travel tips to
    Road. The Torrens Creek Road has 30km of              Travel time is approximately two hours. There                                                          correct pressure.
                                                                                                            help you enjoy your visit to our region.
    unsealed pavement at the Torrens Creek end.           are daily flights to Longreach from Brisbane.
    However, work is currently underway to seal this                                                        PLAN AND CHECK: Forward planning is                  ROADS: Always check road and weather
    section and will be complete by 2022.                                                                   essential. Travel and road conditions can vary,      conditions before travelling into remote areas.
                                                          BARCALDINE NEWS AND TRAVEL                        depending on the weather. Never assume -             PHONE COVERAGE: Mobile coverage is
                                                                                                            always check before commencing your journey.         available in all our towns. However, even a short
    RAIL                                                  Agents for QantasLink, Rex, Queensland Rail,
                                                                                                            FOOD AND FUEL: Some of our service stations          distance outside the towns, there is limited or no
                                                          Greyhound and Bus Queensland.
                                                                                                            have restricted opening hours, so plan ahead         mobile coverage. Do not rely on your mobile
    Queensland Rail operates trips twice weekly
                                                                                                            and stock up on food and fuel. It's also             as a means of communication particularly
    from Brisbane to Alpha, Jericho and Barcaldine        Telephone: 07 4651 1104
                                                                                                            important to note that LPG is not available in all   in an emergency. A satellite phone or UHF
    aboard the Spirit of the Outback passenger
                                                                                                            regional areas. It is advisable to contact the       radio might be something worth thinking about
    train. Enjoy the relaxing and peaceful tranquillity
                                                                                                            Visitor Information Centres or Barcaldine            (they can be rented) if you are planning on
    of train travel. Provision can be made to
    transport your car onboard the train.                 CAR HIRE                                          Regional Council when planning your journey to       being in remote areas for any length of time.
                                                                                                            ensure you know the location and availability of     When visiting the Barcaldine region, please be
    Queensland Rail Reservations: 1800 872 467            Car hire vehicles are available from Barcaldine                                                        aware that only Telstra sim cards work within
                                                                                                            food and fuel supplies. We recommend that you
                                                          Car Hire who service Barcaldine, Blackall and                                                          our region. Telstra Aldi (or any other third-party
                                                                                                            fill up the tank at every opportunity.
                                                          beyond.                                                                                                supplier of Telstra) does not provide coverage
    COACH TRAVEL                                          Barcaldine Car Hire
                                                                                                            BANKING: All our towns have bank facilities but      in our beautiful region, the same with Vodafone
                                                                                                            EFTPOS or credit card facilities may not be          and Optus.
                                                          M: 0497 172 755
    The Greyhound coach service operates to and                                                             available in all local businesses.
                                                          E:                                                                       BREAKDOWNS: If you break down in the
    from Rockhampton and Barcaldine on Tuesdays
                                                          W:                       ANIMALS: Many of our roads have stock or wild        outback - stay with the vehicle until help arrives.
    and Saturdays. Travel in the air-conditioned
    coaches with on board movies and meal                                                                   animals near the road. Dawn and dusk are the
                                                          If flying into Longreach, car hire can be                                                              WEATHER CONDITIONS: Outback summers are
    breaks along the way.                                                                                   times when animals are most prevalent, so try
                                                          obtained from Budget or Avis car hire.                                                                 hot but much less humid than on the coast and
                                                                                                            not to travel at these times. Please slow down -
                                                          Avis: 07 4650 1000 and Budget 07 4650 1001                                                             more bearable. Most facilities and transport are
    Greyhound reservations: 1300 473 946                                                                    they have a habit of behaving unpredictably
                                                                                                            and crossing in front of you.                        air-conditioned. Storms and heavy rains can
                                                                                                                                                                 occur during summer and minor flooding can
    Bus Queensland runs a daily service between
                                                                                                            HEAVY VEHICLES: When meeting large vehicles          cause some towns to become cut off for a few
    Brisbane and Barcaldine.
                                                                                                            on narrow roads, slow right down and move off        days but this is all part of the adventure. The
                                                                                                            to the left. In wet conditions the edges tend to     most temperate weather occurs between the
    Bus Queensland reservations: 1300 287 537
                                                                                                            be soft and/or slippery, so when pulling off to      beginning of April and the end of October.

                                                                                                            the left you should always keep your driver’s        Wearing a broad brimmed hat and sunscreen is
                                                                                                            side wheels on the bitumen and keep moving           recommended for all seasons.
                                                                                                            slowly to avoid getting bogged.
                                                                                                                                                                 SAFETY: When travelling to remote areas

                                                                                                     R E G CAL
                                                                                                            ROAD TRAINS: To overtake road trains you             always check the road conditions before
                                                                                                            should be able to see at least one kilometre         travelling. Advise the police or some other
                                                                                                            of clear road ahead. Be prepared for them to         responsible person of your intended itinerary
                                                                                                            move a little from side to side as you overtake.     and report back on your arrival. Ensure that your

                                                                                                            If a road train is approaching to overtake you,      vehicle is mechanically sound and carry ample

                                                                                                            move over as far as possible to the left and         water and spare parts such as tyres, radiator

                                                                                                               L C O INE
                                                                                                            stop if necessary to allow it to overtake.           hoses and fan belts along with a good
                                                                                                                                                                 tool kit.
                                                                                                            STATION PROPERTIES: Many roads cross
                                                                                                            station properties - please remember that this       MEDICAL: Make sure you have enough medical
                                                                                                            is someone’s home and should be treated as           supplies for your trip. Our local pharmacies may

                                                                                                            such. Leave gates in the same way that you find      not stock your special requirements.
                                                                                                            them - if the gate is closed when you get there,
                                                                                                            close it again after you drive through or, if the    BUSINESS HOURS: Due to circumstances
                                                                                                                                                                 outside their control, opening hours for local

                                                                                                            gate is open when you arrive, leave it open. As
                                                                                                            you travel through private properties, please        businesses may be subject to change at short
                                                                                                            respect the privacy of the property owners –         notice.
                                                                                                            don’t litter or leave the designated road area.
8                                                                                                                                                                                                                      9
                                                                                                            Communities of the Barcaldine Regional Council
Communities of the Barcaldine Regional Council - Alpha Jericho Barcaldine Aramac Muttaburra
Self-drive 4 wheel drive itineraries                                                                  Lake Dunn to Muttaburra via                         Muttaburra to Longreach
         – go exploring                                                                                        Bowen Downs approx. 191km                           There are two options to travel from Muttaburra
                                                                                                               Begin at Lake Dunn – 67km north-east of             to Longreach.
     Barcaldine to Jericho via                            Jericho to Aramac via Lake Dunn                      Aramac along the Lake Dunn Road.
                                                                                                                                                                   Crossmoor Road or Alternative Route Road
     Narbethong Road approx. 128km                        approx. 146km                                        •	Travel south-west on Eastmere Road towards       approx. 124km
     This scenic drive begins in Barcaldine at            This is a scenic drive, mostly dirt road,               Aramac for 2.5km.                                •	Crossmoor Road begins 8km on the eastern
     the Landsborough Highway and includes                travelling through local cattle properties.                                                                 side of Muttaburra on the Aramac-Muttaburra
                                                                                                               •	Turn right onto Marshall Road (this has a
     many great photographic opportunities.                                                                                                                           Road.
                                                          •	Begin in Jericho and travel 0.2km on the             Heritage Trail sign) and travel approximately
     •	Follow the Landsborough Highway, travelling          highway towards Barcaldine where you cross           22km and turn left onto Reedy Creek Road.        •	There is a sign – Alternative Road to
        towards Blackall for 26km.                           the railway and turn right into the Jericho-                                                             Longreach.
                                                                                                               •	Continue on Reedy Creek Road for
                                                             Aramac Road.                                         approximately 92km and then turn right onto      •	Crossmoor Road is all dirt and due to the
     •	Turn left into Narbethong Road and travel
        60km to the T-intersection of the Jericho and     •	Continue straight ahead on the Jericho-              the Torrens Creek Road.                             channels and flood plains may be closed in
        Blackall Roads.                                      Aramac Road for approximately 53km.                                                                      wet weather.
                                                                                                               •	Continue for approximately 20km then turn left
     •	At the T-intersection turn left onto the          •	At the T-Intersection turn left and continue on      onto the Bowen Downs Road.                       Cramsie Road approx. 124km
        Blackall-Jericho Road and travel 42km into           the Jericho-Aramac Road for approximately                                                             •	Travel west through Muttaburra down Bruford
                                                                                                               •	Continue for approximately 47km then turn
        Jericho on a combination of bitumen and              26km to the Ballyneety Road on the right.                                                                Street (which is also the Muttaburra-
                                                                                                                  right onto the Aramac-Muttaburra Road.
        dirt road.                                                                                                                                                    Hughenden Road) for 2km.
                                                          •	(If you would like to continue to Aramac          •	Turn right into the Aramac-Muttaburra Road
     Highlights: On the right, 9.2km out of                  instead of going to Lake Dunn, follow the                                                             •	Just after the airport, turn left into Cramsie
                                                                                                                  and you will reach Muttaburra after 8km.
     Barcaldine is a botanical walk. You are likely to       Jericho-Aramac Road for approximately                                                                    Road.
                                                                                                               Highlights: This is a scenic drive where you will
     see kangaroos, emus and a variety of birdlife           66km and then turn left onto Eastmere Road,                                                           •	The total distance from Muttaburra to
                                                                                                               see the diverse landscapes of the region and
     and wildflowers in August and September.                travel for 7km before arriving at Aramac).                                                               Longreach is 124km, which includes 30km of
                                                                                                               the historic property Bowen Downs. You will
                                                          •	Travel along the Ballyneety Road for                                                                     intermittent dirt and 94km of bitumen.
                                                                                                               travel through cattle and sheep country, as well
                                                             approximately 60km and then turn right onto       as areas where there is an abundance of
     Aramac to Gray Rock and                                 Eastmere Road.                                    wildlife with many photographic opportunities.
     Horsetailer’s Gorge approx. 47.5km
                                                          •	Travel along Eastmere Road for 7km and you
     •	Travel 7km east out of Aramac along                  will arrive at Lake Dunn on your left.
        Eastmere Road (Lake Dunn Road).
                                                          Highlights: Lake Dunn, Lake Dunn Sculpture
     •	Turn right onto the Jericho-Aramac Road and       Trail and the Healing Circle and Jump Up. You
        travel approximately 40km to the Gray Rock        are likely to see a variety of birdlife including
        turn off on your left.                            emus, wedge-tail eagles, brolgas, plains
     •	Gray Rock is located about 500 meters down        turkeys, deer, kangaroos, camels and much

        this road.                                        more.

     •	Horsetailer’s Gorge is on your right, a further
        1.2km along the Jericho-Aramac Road from

                                                                                                       R E G CAL
        the Gray Rock turn off.
     NOTE: There is a private property
     called Gray Rock, please refer to the

     historical signs for the turn off point

     for the historical site.

                                                                                                                 L C O INE
                                                          PLEASE NOTE: The road is sealed from Aramac to
                                                          Lake Dunn via Eastmere Road. Ballyneety Road
                                                          and Jericho-Aramac Road are unsealed. Check
10                                                                                                                                                                                                                     11
                                                          road conditions before setting off.                  Communities of the Barcaldine Regional Council
Communities of the Barcaldine Regional Council - Alpha Jericho Barcaldine Aramac Muttaburra
       E      RE TRAIL
     TH LPTU
       CU                                                  The La
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                                                           award                 lpture
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                                                          Best S          b             Tr
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                                                                                        d in th
                                                                                                e 2020
                                                                                et Art l category i
                                                                                                                Other sculptures in our region
                                                                                      Award          n
                                                                                                                The Barcaldine region has a variety of sculptures throughout our
                                                                                                                region. We believe that public art brightens communities, creates
                                                                                                                talking points, displays a healthy township and complements the
                                                                                                                lifestyle of our region. While you visit, become a part of our
                                                                                                                community and linger longer to enjoy our public art trail.

                                                                                                                ALPHA                                              Other Muttaburra artists
                                                                                                                • Bull                                             • Plane
                                                                                                                • Cow and Calf                                     • Shearer & Sheep
      The Lake Dunn Sculpture Trail features 40                                                                                                                    • Dinosaur Cutouts
      sculptures as you travel along the scenic loop.                                                                                                              • After the Rain
                                                                                                                JERICHO                                            • Giants Chair
      With many natural attractions along the way,                                                              • Trumpeter                                        • Emu & Chicks
      make sure you also stop at the renowned Gray                                                                                                                 • Yellowbelly fish
      Rock historical site, the wonder of the Horsetailer’s                                                     BARCALDINE                                         • Lady & Child
      Gorge, the mystical Healing Circle and the                                                                • Striking shearer                                 • Mudskipper
      glorious Lake Dunn. More sculptures are being                                                             • Variety of animals at the Barcaldine Hospital   • Dinosaur Pipe Log
                                                                                                                                                                   • Flock of Birds
      added each year so keep your eyes out
                                                                                                                MUTTABURRA                                         • Centre of Queensland
      for new additions.                                                                                        Milynda Rogers                                     • Pumpkin
                                                                                                                • Brolgas                                          • Blackboys/Grass Trees
                                                                                                                • School Children                                  • Emerging Mootaburrasaurus
                                                                                                                • Bunch of Fruit                                   • Waiting for a Mate
                                                                                                                • Golf Ball (At Golf Club)                         • Spring is in the Air
      Image courtesy of Tourism and Events                                                                      • Barb Dinosaur (Muttaburrasaurus)                 • Sausage Dog
      Queensland.                                                                                               • Goanna                                           • Longhorn


                                                                                                            R E G CAL
      The Sculpture Trail is a circuit starting in     resided on a grazing property along the trail.
      Aramac but is also accessible from Jericho.      The result is one of the biggest, permanent,
      You can travel the loop either way and it        outdoor sculpture exhibitions in the world. She

                                                                                                                 IONA      D
      covers a distance of approximately 200km.        has combined her love of sculpture and

                                                                                                                      L C O INE
                                                       incredible ability to turn junk into art to fulfil
      Before you leave Aramac, take the time to        her wish to put a smile on the faces of the                                                                                        belly
      find the giant scrap metal Red Roo that is       people who travel through one of the most
      situated at the Roo Boxes approximately 5km      beautiful and historical parts of Queensland.
      from Aramac towards Muttaburra.

                                                       Obtain a Lake Dunn Sculpture Trail map from
      How did the sculptures get there? Ask a local    one of our Visitor Information Centres or
      and you may be told an interesting story         Barcaldine Regional Council’s website,

      about a sheila with a few roos loose in the
      top paddock. In reality, sculptures are the
      works of a local sculptor, Milynda Rogers, who
12                                                                                                                                                                                                       13
                                                                                                                Communities of the Barcaldine Regional Council
Communities of the Barcaldine Regional Council - Alpha Jericho Barcaldine Aramac Muttaburra
Take the trail – see all our region has to offer
                                                                                                               • 11.00am  Barcaldine Cemetery 1 hour          OPTION 3 – Lake Dunn Sculpture Trail, travel
                                                                                                               • 12.00pm   Lunch                               distance approximately 200km, 5 hours to full
                                                                                                               • 1.00pm 	Between the Bougainvillea’s          day self-drive tour.
                                                                                                                           Heritage Trail 1 hour
                                                                                                               • 2.00pm 	Lloyd-Jones Weir 1-2 hours
                                                                                                                           (fishing, bird watching,
                                                                                                                           bushwalking & camping)
                                                                                                                           (donations appreciated) - 14km,
                                                      Australian Workers Heritage Centre. Image courtesy                   20 min
                                                      of Tourism and Events Queensland.
                                                                                                               • 4.00pm 	Pub Crawl 1 hour or more (costs
                                                                                                                           can apply)

     Day 1 - Alpha                                   Jericho to Barcaldine – 86km                              OTHER:
                                                                                                               Radio Picture Theatre – duration of movie
     • 8.30am      Alpha Mural Trail 1-2 hours       Day 3 - Barcaldine                                        showing (admission fee applies)
     • 10.00am     Morning tea                                                                                 Bicycle Hire – 15 min to all day (fees apply)
     • 10.30am 	Tivoli Theatre Museum 30 min      • 8.30am 	Barcaldine Visitor Information                                                                 Aramac to Muttaburra – 86km
                   (donation appreciated)                       Centre 30 min
     • 11.00am     Fossilised Forest 15 min          • 9.00am 	Oak Street 40 min – musical                                                                    Day 6 - Muttaburra
     • 11.15pm     Alpha Dip Yards 15 min                       instruments, sculpture, murals
                                                                including the d’Arcy Doyle mural                                                               • 9.30am 	Muttaburrasaurus
     • 12.00pm     Lunch
                                                                and 1918 Saltern Creek Bushfire                                                                           Interpretation Centre 15 min
     • 2.00pm 	Walking tracks and new bridge
                                                                Memorial                                                                                       • 9.45am	A.A. Cassimatis Store and
                   30 min - 1 hour
                                                     • 9.40am   “C” Pattern Windmill 10 min                                                                               Cottage Museum 1 hour
     • 2.30pm      Alpha Cemetery 30 min - 1 hour
                                                     • 9.50am   Tree of Knowledge 15 min                                                                                  (donations appreciated, by
     • 3.00pm      Settlers Park 30 min - 1 hour
                                                     • 10.00am  Morning tea                                                                                               appointment only)
                                                     • 10.30am  Australian Workers Heritage                                                                   • 10.45am  Morning tea
                                                                 Centre                                                                                        • 11.15am	Public Artwork 30 mins – 1 hour
                                                                 2–3 hours (admission fee applies)                                                                        Follow the public art trail
                                                     • 12.30pm   Lunch
                                                                                                               Barcaldine to Aramac – 67km                                throughout the community
                                                     • 1.30pm 	Comet Masonic Lodge 30 min                                                                     • 12.15pm  Lunch
                                                                                                               Day 5 - Aramac                                  • 1.15pm	Dr Arratta Memorial Museum
                                                                 (by appointment only)
                                                     • 2.00pm 	Lagoon Creek 1-2 hours                                                                                    and Centre of Queensland
                                                                                                               • 8.30am    White Bull 15-30 min                           Monument 1 hour
                                                                 (Photography, birdwatching,                   • 9.00am	Harry Redford Interpretive
                                                                 walking and Frisbee Golf.)                                                                    • 2.15pm 	Muttaburra Aquatic Centre
                                                                                                                           Centre 15-30 min                               30 min – 1 hour (admission fee
                                                                                                               • 9.30am 	Aramac Memorial Park                            applies) pool and artesian spa
                                                                                                                           (children’s play equipment and      • 3.15pm	Union Camp 15 – 30 min
                                                                                                                           park lands) 15-30 min
     Alpha to Jericho – 53km                                                                                                                                              (5km, 5 min)

                                                                                                               • 10.00am   Morning tea                         • 3.45pm   Broadwater Waterhole 15 – 30
     Day 2 - Jericho                                                                                           • 10.30am 	Tramway Museum 1 hour                           min (10km, 10 min) camping,
                                                                                                                           (donation appreciated)                          fishing and relaxing
     • 9.30am    Model Clay Village 15-30 min                                                                  • 11.30am   Adorabull trail 15-30 min           • 4.15pm    Pump Hole 15-30 min

                                                                                                           R E G CAL
     • 10.00am 	Crystal Trumpeters and
                 Barbwire Trumpeter
                 15-30 min                                                                                     THINGS TO EXPLORE:                              Times are approximate and may vary
     • 10.30am   Morning tea                                                                                                                                   depending on individual preferences.
                                                                                                               OPTION 1 – Lake Dunn and Healing Circle

                 Jericho Drive-In Theatre 15 min

     • 11.00am
                  (movies shown once a month in      Day 4 - Barcaldine                                        Lake Dunn - travel distance from Aramac

                                                                                                                     L C O INE
                  the evenings, admission fee                                                                  68km, 45 min – fishing, bush walking, bird
                  applies if movies are showing)     • 8.30am     arcaldine and District
                                                                 B                                             watching, camping
     • 11.15am    Redbank Park 30 min - 1 hour                  Historical Museum 1-2 hours                   Healing Circle - 25 min from Aramac
                   (adventure playground, fishing,               (admission fee applies)                       OPTION 2 – Gray Rock and Horsetailer’s
                   bird watching, bushwalking and    • 9.30am 	Guns & War Memorial Clock                     Gorge

                   camping)                                      15-30 min                                     Gray Rock - travel distance from Aramac
     • 12.15pm     Murals and Parks 15-30 min        • 10.00am   Morning tea                                   35km, 45 min
     • 12.45pm     Lunch                             • 10.30am 	St Peter’s Anglican Church                    Horsetailer’s Gorge – travel distance from

                                                                 15-30 min (donations appreciated,             Gray Rock 5km, 10-15 min
                                                                 by appointment only)

14                                                                                                                                                                                                             15
                                                                                                               Communities of the Barcaldine Regional Council
Communities of the Barcaldine Regional Council - Alpha Jericho Barcaldine Aramac Muttaburra

                                                                                                                                                                                   ask a
     Freedom of Choice Parks                                                                                                                                                        mate
       The Freedom of Choice Parks create a trail for you to stay when visiting the                       Outback mates
                                                                                                          Visitors to our region are assured a warm
       outback towns of Jericho, Aramac and Muttaburra. Designed to be family friendly
       with communal facilities to encourage visitor interaction and group activities.                    welcome when they meet one of our Outback
       Each location is strategically placed with trees to offer privacy and shade.                       Mates. Each town has local identities who are
                                                                                                          ambassadors for our region. Our Mates enjoy
                                                                                                          a chat and are happy to provide visitors with         • Assisting visitors with general information
       Each park has a capacity of around         Booking fees apply.                                     general information on our region.
       200 and while you cannot book a                                                                                                                          • Local insights, and pro
                                                  In the unlikely event you do not have                                                                                                      bably a few tall stories...
       specific spot, you can book online.
                                                  access to the internet, please pay at
       The Freedom of Choice Parks offer          the local Council administration office.
       wide open spaces, access to water,
       communal facilities, BBQ facilities,       Jericho: 8 Darwin Street
       fire pit and free Wi-Fi.
                                                  Aramac: Barcaldine-Aramac Road
       $6.00 per night
                                                  Muttaburra: 20 Bruford Street
       Online booking essential at

                                                                                                                                                          Geocaching is an outdoor treasure hunting
               JERICHO:                         ARAMAC:                        MUTTABURR                                                                  game using GPS–enabled devices. Participants
             Redbank Ro
                        ad                            ramac Road              Union Hole
                                                                                         D ri ve                                                          navigate to a specific set of GPS coordinates
                                         Barcaldine-A                                                                                                     and then attempt to find the geocache
                                                                                                                                                          (container) hidden at that location. There are
                                                                                                                                                          millions of caches worldwide.
                                                                                                                                                          Geocaching is becoming an increasingly
                                                                                                                                                          popular activity in our region. We have over
                                                                                                                                                          200 caches. They include traditional, letterbox,
                                                                                                                                                          mystery, multi caches and earth caches. For
                                                                                                                                                          more information on caches in our area consult

     Our region boosts an extensive range of accommodation
                                                                                               R E G CAL
     and we have an option to suit every traveller.

      staying in an
      outback Pub
                             B&B’s                 Caravan
                                                                                                    IONA      D
                                                                                                    Bird watching

                                                                                                         L C O INE
                                                                                                    & wildflowers
                                                                                                    The outback is noted for its unique flora and fauna

                                                                                                    and our region contains a diverse range of both.
                                 Motels                                                             There are more than 200 different species of birds

              5 star
                                                                                                    in our region and when conditions are right we have
                                                                                 Lay your swag
              to budget
                                                        Cabins                 out and enjoy the
                                                                                                    some spectacular displays of wildflowers. Brochures
                                                                                                    on both the birds and wildflowers in our region are
           accommodation                                                       unobstructed view
                                                                                                    available at all our Information Centres.
                                                                                   of the stars
16                                                                                                                                                                                                                     17
                                                                                                   Communities of the Barcaldine Regional Council
Communities of the Barcaldine Regional Council - Alpha Jericho Barcaldine Aramac Muttaburra
Tow ns
                                                                                                                  O   ur

                                                                                                                  Town of murals
                                                                                                                  ESTABLISHED: 1863
                                                                                                                  POPULATION: 350
                                                                                                                  INDUSTRIES: Cattle production and coal mining

     Discover your family’s story                     The Barcaldine region has a number of
                                                      resources to help you learn your family’s story.
     through historical records.                      Take the time to visit our libraries, information

     Our region has a rich history which can          centres and Council offices to help you
     be explored through family and historical        gather information from family history

     records. If you have an ancestor who lived or    sheets and cemetery records. Our Visitor
     worked in our region we may be able to assist    Information Centres are a great place to start,
     with your research.                              they can direct you to the best sources of
                                                      information in each community.

                                                                                                               lpha, the Gateway to the

                                                                                                                                                           town of murals, our 28 murals beautifully
                                                                                                               West was named after an                     illustrate the day to day life of people in

                                                                                                   R E G CAL
                                                                                                                                                           the bush and the pioneering history of our
                                                                                                              early property in the area,                  district. The murals were painted by local
                                                                                                             Alpha Station, which was                      and former resident artists and add a
                                                                                                                                                           colourful ambiance to our town.
                                                                                                             established in 1863. The

                                                                                                        IONA      D

                                                                                                             town adopted the name when

                                                                                                             L C O INE
                                                                                                                                                           Our major industry is beef production.

     Agate fossicking                                                                                        the railway was constructed
                                                                                                                                                           However, this may change in the future
                                                                                                                                                           due to the discovery of large coal deposits.
                                                                                                             and the town became a                         Although Alpha has a small population, we
                                                                                                                                                           provide most of the facilities, shopping and
     Agate fossicking is a growing hobby and Muttaburra                                                      service centre for railway                    services that our visitors need.

     is known for its agates. Bring along your picks and
                                                                                                             construction workers.

     buckets to enjoy this pastime while visiting the
     community.                                                                                                                                            Alpha is located in the heart of the Galilee
                                                                                                                                                           Basin mining precinct.

     Follow the sign up on the ridge past the Golf Course                                                    Alpha is a natural stopping point on your
     on Cramsie Road and enjoy some fossicking.                                                              journey and this vibrant community has
                                                                                                             several hidden treasures. Best known as the

18                                                                                                                                                                                                        19
                                                                                                          Communities of the Barcaldine Regional Council
LEGEND                                        PLACES OF INTEREST
                                                          TIVOLI THEATRE MUSEUM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              1                 1 Walking Tracks

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Place of Interest
                                                          Behind the Alpha Tourist Information Centre in                                                                                                                                                                                                         Fuel Stop                                     2 Mural Trail

                                                          Shakespeare Street is our Tivoli Theatre Museum                                           E                                                                                                                                                            Roadside Rest Area                            3 Jane Neville Rolfe Art Gallery
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                4 Tivoli Theatre Museum
     WALKING TRACKS                                       that houses a collection of memorabilia from                                                                                                                                                                                                          Public Toilets
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               5 Alpha Dip Yards
     If you enjoy walking there are a number of           the early settlement days of Alpha through                                                                                                                                                                                                             Caravan Park

                                                          to the modern era. The latest addition to the            N                                                 S                                                                                                                                           Motel                                         6 Alpha Cemetery
     interesting walks in and around Alpha. These                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               7 Settlers Park
                                                          collection is a mural depicting a horseman at                                                                                                                                                           AL                                             Hotel
     walks encompass a number of interesting                                                                                                                                                                                                                        PH                                                                      G                  8 The Fossilised Forrest Sculputure
                                                          sunset.                                                                                                                                                                                                                   AC                           Groceries
     aspects of the town’s history and natural                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        RE                                                                        9 Information Centre
     wonders including our 28 murals. Our Tourist
                                                                                                                                                  W                                                                                               HOOD ST                               EK
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Mobile Home Waste
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Dump Point
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               10 School
     Information Centre will be happy to provide you      NEW BRIDGE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           11 Post Office

     with a brochure containing a map of the walking      An easy stroll down the lower end of                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 12 Police Station
     trail and information on each mural.                 Shakespeare Street is the New Bridge. It was                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         13 Pool
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               14 Hospital
                                                          built by the railway and in 1941 was the site of a
     BETA HUT AND RAILWAY                                 tragic rail accident. Locomotive no. 147 crashed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               15 Town Hall / Library
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               16 Beta Hut
     MEMORABILIA                                          through the bridge killing the driver and fireman.
     Opened on Monday 12 January 1885, Beta acted                                                                                                                                                                                                SCOTT ST
     as a terminus for just five months. During Beta’s    ALPHA CEMETERY                                                                                                                                         2                                   2
     short life, Tom McLaughlin manned a boisterous       Like all Western Queensland cemeteries the
     pub and Cobb & Co received coach passengers          Alpha Cemetery is filled with history. If you are


     from a tent. By June 1885 only the Railway           looking for genealogical information or have an                                                                                                        9                                       2
                                                                                                                  5                                                                                                16                             10

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Loo rummo ald
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             nd R
     Station and the navvies hut remained. Beta was       interest in the history of the area, the cemetery                                                                                                      4

                                                                                                                           GOLDSTON ST

                                                                                                                                                  DUNNING ST

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    To D Emer
     unique for two reasons. Firstly, its experimental    is a great place to start. The historical ‘Pine                                                                                                        2

     water tank and secondly, it was the first main       Hill’ cemetery is approximately 25km on the                                                                                                            2

     line place in Queensland where trains could          Capricorn Highway east of Alpha. Graves date                                                                                                                                           TENNYSON
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ON ST
     pass each other without any staff in attendance.     back to 1883. Cemetery records are available                                                                                                                           2
     Beta was situated in a small town and railway        from the Information Centre or the Barcaldine
                                                                                                                                NEIL ST
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 11 15                                    2

                                                                                                                                                                                                SHAKESPEARE ST

     settlement about 30km west of Alpha, between         Regional Council Alpha Office.

     Alpha and Jericho. Take the time to explore


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    HOOPER ST
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     MILTON ST

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               DRYDEN ST
     memorabilia and read about Anzac Day, the

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 BYRON ST
                                                          ALPHA DIP YARDS


     War and the Railway including the 1960 train


                                                                                                                                                               LAWSON RD

                                                          The Alpha Dip Yards are an easy walk from the

     crash at Medway Creek and the 1941 train crash
                                                          town centre. These are used when cattle and
     that occurred at Alpha Creek.
                                                          other stock travel between non-tick and tick                                         d                                                                  2
                                                          infested areas. The yards were purpose built in                        wgr
     THE FOSSILISED FOREST SCULPTURE                      close proximity to the rail line, when rail was the                                 2
     The Alpha region is famous for its petrified wood    main means of transport for cattle.                               2 2

     and its latest attraction the Fossilised Forest                                                                                                 D
                                                                                                                                                   AR                                                                                                                                                                                                2
     sculpture reflects this. The sculpture by Cedar                                                                                            PH
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            7                    7                                                                              2
     Creek artist Antone Bruinsma is a representation     SETTLERS PARK                                                           ON
     of a boulder which has been opened to reveal         Situated in Shakespeare Street this park is a           CL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          MOORE ST
     its treasures and mysteries. The exterior of the     great place to picnic or have a relaxing break
     sculpture has interesting forms, carvings and        from your travels. The park contains children’s              1                                                                                                                                                     13
     stone attachments that reflect the history of the    play equipment, a skate park, a BBQ and toilet                                   ps

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               HOOPER ST

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         GORDON ST
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             DRYDEN ST

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              BYRON ST


     prehistoric area in which petrified wood formed.                                                             The

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    KENDAL ST
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    3 2

                                                                                                                                         OSS RD
     The Jane Neville Rolfe collection is named after        EXPLORE OUR

                                                                                                        R E G CAL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            BURNS ST
                                                             NATURAL BEAUTY

                                                                                                                                   ZORA CR
     the famous water colourist who visited Alpha
     Station in the 1800s. Whilst there she painted the                                                                                                                                                                    14

                                                                                                                                                                                        CAPRICORN HWY
     famous Breakfast at Alpha which depicts a bush

                                                                                                                                                                                                             Alpha Hospital &
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Police Stati
     picnic breakfast scene complete with ladies in       DRUMMOND RANGE LOOKOUT                                                 6

                                                                                                             IONA      D
     their long dresses. The gallery showcases the        Located 60km east of Alpha, this lookout                         Alpha

     works of local artists as well as internationally    provides a great vantage point from which                        Cemeteery

                                                                                                                  L C O INE
     renowned artists. The collection also includes       to overlook the Drummond Range. Today the
     the works of renowned wood worker Bruce Cook.        Drummond Range sits at 451 metres above                                                                                                                                                                                                           MACKELLAR ST
     The gallery offers a limited number of works         sea level. The lookout contains a seating area.

     for sale. To visit the Gallery contact the Alpha     Please be careful when entering and exiting the

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Alpha Golf Club

     Tourist Information Centre.                          lookout.

                                                                                                                                                                           T JJeri



                                                                                                                                                                           To                                                                                                                                                           Dump

                                    Renowned artists Luke Roberts and Jane Neville Rolfe
                                    have spent time living in Alpha as did author Isobel                                                                                                                                                             ALPHA STREETS are named after famous poets.

20         FACT                     Hoch who wrote a number of books on the area.
                                                                                                                Communities of the Barcaldine Regional Council                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          21
Tow ns
     Alpha Hotel/Motel
                                Alpha Hospital
                                                             Jaycee Park is located on              O   ur
     33 Shakespeare Street      1 Burns Street               the corner of Moore and
     T: 07 4985 1311            T: 07 4809 7000              Dryden Streets.

                                Monday to Friday 8.00am
     Alpha Villa Caravan Park   to 4.00pm. Provides          Lyons Park is located
     1 Hooper Street            emergency service 24 hours   in Dryden Street, next to
     T: 07 4985 1337            a day.                       the Truck Park along the
                                                             Capricorn Highway.
                                                                                                     Jericho on the Jordan
     While-A-Way                Alpha Private Surgery
     22 Moore Street            1 Burns Street               Settlers Park is located in
     M: 0427 794 836            T: 07 4809 7002              Moore Street.                           ESTABLISHED: 1860
                                                                                                     POPULATION: 100
     WHERE TO EAT               PHARMACY                     SWIMMING POOL                           INDUSTRIES: Cattle production
     Alpha Hotel/Motel          Alpha & Jericho Pharmacy     Dryden Street
     33 Shakespeare Street      Shop 2, 51 Shakespeare       Open during summer
     T: 07 4985 1311            Street                       months
                                07 4985 1943
     Alpha Golf Club                                         COUNCIL LIBRARY
     53 Dryden Street           CHURCHES                     8 Tennyson Street
     T: 07 4985 1398            St John’s Catholic Church    T: 07 4985 1330
     Snow’s Bakery              21 Dryden Street             Opening hours:
     47 Shakespeare Street      T: 07 4985 1332              Monday and Wednesday
     T: 07 4985 1334                                         9.30am to 4.30pm, closed

                                St Mark’s Anglican Church    from 12.30pm to 1.30pm
                                3 Scott Street               for lunch. Friday 9.30am to
     GROCERIES                  T: 07 4985 1138
     Spar Groceries                                          12.30pm.
     37 Shakespeare Street
                                Uniting Church
     T: 07 4985 1302
                                25 Milton Street             INTERNET
                                T: 07 4985 1239              Council Library
     Alpha Elite                                             8 Tennyson Street
     68 Milton Street                                        T: 07 4985 1330

     T: 07 4985 1233            BANKING

                                Bank of Queensland           Alpha Information Centre
     WHERE TO FILL UP           29 Shakespeare Street        43-45 Shakespeare Street
     Alpha Elite                T: 07 4985 1370              T: 07 4985 1050
     68 Milton Street
     T: 07 4985 1233            Commonwealth Bank
     Tilston’s Driveway         – Alpha Post Office                                            he tranquil and charming                       how Joshua won the battle of Jericho. The


     59 Shakespeare Street
     T: 07 4985 1131
                                17 Milton Street Alpha
                                T: 07 4985 1147
                                                                                               township of Jericho is situated                structure, called the Crystal Trumpeters, is
                                                                                                                                              located in the main thoroughfare, Darwin
                                                                                               on the banks of the Jordan                     Street and is an interesting stopping off point
     MECHANICAL                 ATM                                                            River, south of Lake Galilee. It               on your journey.

                                                                                     R E G CAL
     Topline Mechanical         Rowley Roberts
     95 Shakespeare Street      Information Centre
                                                                                               was originally settled when the                We are home to one of the smallest, still
     T: 07 4985 1615            43-45 Shakespeare Street                                       railway line reached the banks                 operating, drive-in theatres in Australia.
                                                                                                                                              Once a month the theatre hosts a movie-
                                                                                               of the Jordan River in 1885.

     Tiltson’s Driveway                                                                                                                       double featuring the latest movies.

                                                                                               Named after a pioneer of the

     59 Shakespeare Street

                                                                                               L C O INE
     T: 07 4985 1131                                                                                                                          Redbank Park on the banks of the Jordan
                                                                                               area Harry Jordan, Jericho -                   River is a great place to camp, fish and bird
                                                                                               because of its biblical sounding               watch. There is a walking track that follows
                                                                                                                                              the river and it’s a great place to exercise
                                                                                               name - became connected with                   while experiencing the local flora and fauna.
                                                                                               the story of Joshua and the


      Where every                                                                              walls of Jericho.                              Our town also has a number of interesting
                                                                                                                                              and colourful murals painted by local

                                                                                                                                              residents. One of the most popular is the two
     moment becomes                                                                            A group of local artists and historians have
                                                                                               created a structure that tells the story of
                                                                                                                                              goannas having a beer in Darwin Street.

22     a memory                                                                            Communities of the Barcaldine Regional Council                                                       23
LEGEND                                               PLACES OF INTEREST
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Place of Interest    1                              1 The Crystal Trumpeters
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Fuel Stop                                           2 Redbank Park
                                                            THE TRUMPETER
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Roadside Rest Area                                  3 Murals


                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Public Toilets                                      4 Jericho Drive-In
                                                            The Trumpeter is a barbwire and metal

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Caravan Park                                        5 Information Centre, Post Office

                                                            sculpture by local artist Milynda Rogers. The
                                                                                                                N                 S                                                                                                                                                         and Library

                                                            sculpture is dressed in period costume playing
     THE CRYSTAL TRUMPETERS                                                                                                                                                                                                  Hotel                                               6 School

                                                            a trumpet.                                                                                                                                                       Mobile Home Waste                                   7 Police Station
     The story of the original Jericho and its biblical                                                                                                                                                                      Dump Point
     heritage has been told through the symbolic
                                                            CLAY VILLAGE                                                 W                                                                                                   Railway
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 8 Pool
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 9 Jericho Nursing Service
     monument called ‘The Crystal Trumpeters’. The
                                                            The Clay Village portrays the Jericho township

                                                                                                                              h o
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                10 Town Hall
     structure is based on the Bible stories of the

                                                                                                                        r i c
                                                            with more than 45 miniature clay buildings and

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                11 Jericho Cemetery

     Israelites and the town of Jericho as described
                                                            houses on display. Visit the Visitor Information                                                                                                                                                                    12 The Trumpeter
     in the Old Testament book of Joshua.
                                                            Centre to view the Clay Village.



     Redbank Park is a great place to bush walk,
                                                               EXPERIENCE OUTBACK


     bird watch and fish. There is a marked bush


     walking track that follows the river for two

     kilometres. Redbank Park has a shaded camp


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         JORDAN CR
     area with a designated campfire spot. It is an                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           3
     ideal fishing spot for the famous Yellowbelly, or
                                                            AUSTRALIAN OUTFITTERS                                   JORDAN CR                                                                                                                                                                 2

     Golden Perch, a native of the region. You can

                                                            Experience the outback and life on an
     also catch Crawchies (freshwater yabbies)

                                                            outback station with lodge accommodation,

     and view the birdlife.
                                                            meals, game hunting and bird watching.

                                                            Telephone 07 4651 0381 for bookings.                                                                                                                    LYON ST
     MURALS                                                                                                      Showground

     Jericho is home to a number of murals painted                                                                                                                                                                  6

                                                                                                                                                                                                       PASTEUR ST
     by local artists and community groups. They
     are located throughout the town and depict
     the history, local wildlife and the lifestyle of the                                                                                                                                          3
     pioneering era of the region. Pick up a map                                                                    FURBERS ROAD
     from the Visitor Information Centre.

     JERICHO DRIVE-IN                                                                                                                                                          3
     The Jericho Drive-In is the smallest operating                                                                                                                                                                        8
                                                                                                                                                                              12               3
     drive-in theatre in the southern hemisphere.

     Located in Darwin Street, the theatre still                                                                                                                              5
     operates once a month with the latest release

     films showing. Please check the billboard at the                                                                                                                                                      FARADAY

     Theatre for movie details and screening times.                                                                                                                          1                                                  ST
     Entry costs do apply.                                                                                                                                                                10


                                                                                                                                                                                                                              L ST
                                                                                                                               Town Dump


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        DAVY ST

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               HUXLEY ST

                                                                                                       R E G CAL
                                                                                                                         O - ARA
                                                                                                                                 MAC RD
                                                                                                                                                                                    EDISON ST

                                                                                                            IONA      D

                                                                                                                 L C O INE                        WY H

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      JERICHO - BLACKALL RD
                                                                                                                                   To Barc

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              To Blackall
      interesting                                                                                                                                                                              UNC

                                   Jericho was once home to a

                                   thriving Ostrich farm
         FACT                                                                                                                                                          JERICHO STREETS are named after famous scientists.

24                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   25
                                                                                                               Communities of the Barcaldine Regional Council
Tow ns
     WHERE TO STAY                      MECHANICAL
                                        Pearce’s Garage
                                                                     Langston Park is located                     O    ur
     CAMPING AREA                       3 Bessemer Street            on the corner of Pasteur and
                                        T: 07 4651 4237              Faraday Streets.

     Jericho Showground
     Located on the town fringe.
                                        TOURS                        Railway Park is located in
     Powered sites and amenities
                                        Australian Outfitters        Darwin Street.
     block and plenty of hot water.
     Pets allowed but animals must
     be restrained.
                                        T: 07 4651 0381
                                                                     Redbank Park is located on
                                                                                                                   Garden City of the West
                                                                     the east side of Jericho, off
     Camping fees: pay $30 for two      MEDICAL                      Lyon Street on the Jordan River.
     nights and stay for five nights.   Jericho Community Clinic                                                   ESTABLISHED: 1886
     Freedom of Choice Park
                                        19 Pasteur Street            SWIMMING POOL                                 POPULATION: 1500
                                        T: 07 4651 4235              Tyndall Street                                INDUSTRIES: Government services, sheep, cattle production and tourism
     Redbank Park
     Redbank Road                       CHURCHES                     Open during summer months
     $6.00 per night                    Catholic Church
     Online bookings essential,         6 Edison Street              COUNCIL LIBRARY       T: 07 4651 4101              Jericho Post Office
     Booking fees apply.                                             Jericho Railway Station
     Pets allowed but animals must      Anglican Church              8 Darwin Street
     be restrained.                     3 Darwin Street              T: 07 4651 4129
                                        T: 07 4651 1181              Opening times: Monday,
     HOTELS                                                          Tuesday, Thursday and
     Jordan Valley Hotel		              BANKING                      Friday 9.00am to 12.00pm,

     43 Darwin Street		                 Commonwealth Bank            Wednesday 9.00am to 11.00am
     T: 07 4651 4148                    Agency                       and 4.00pm to 5.00pm.
                                        Jericho Information Centre
     WHERE TO EAT                       and Library                  INTERNET
     Jordan Valley Hotel                Jericho Railway Station      Jericho Information Centre
     43 Darwin Street                   8 Darwin Street              and Library

     T: 07 4651 4148                    T: 07 4651 4129              Jericho Railway Station
                                                                     8 Darwin Street
     WHERE TO FILL UP                                                T: 07 4651 4129

     Pearce’s Garage                                                                                                                                           Image courtesy of Tourism and Events Queensland.
     3 Bessemer Street
     T: 07 4651 4237

                                                                                                              arcaldine is situated on the                     is impressive during the day but when viewed
                                                                                                              junction of the Capricorn and                    at night is truly magnificent.


                                                                                                              Landsborough Highways and                        The name Barcaldine originates from the
                                                                                                            known as the Garden City of the                    Oban region in Scotland. Donald Charles
                                                                                                                                                               Cameron was one of the first settlers in
                                                                                                            West. We are the largest town in                   our district and a direct descendant of the

                                                                                               R E G CAL
                                                                                                            the Barcaldine region and proud                    Campbells of Barcaldine Castle. He settled on
                                                                                                                                                               a portion of land fronting the Alice River and
                                                                                                            of our interesting and famous                      immediately named his property Barcaldine
                                                                                                            history.                                           Downs. The railway line came as far as Lagoon

                                                                                                    IONA      D
                                                                                                                                                               Creek in 1886 and the township of Barcaldine

                                                                                                         L C O INE
                                                                                                            Barcaldine is home to the Tree of Knowledge,       developed on land from the Barcaldine Downs
                                                                                                            the reputed birth place of the labour              run.
                                                                                                            movement in Australia. The tree, a ghost gum,
                                                                                                            grew outside the Railway Station for about 180     We are a friendly community and encourage
                                                                                                            years until 2006 when sadly, it was poisoned       our visitors to not just stop and have a
                                                                                                            by an unknown culprit. The famous tree has         holiday but to take the opportunity to become

                                                                                                            been preserved and placed under an award           involved in our community. We encourage

                                                                                                            winning timber structure that was constructed      you to attend our variety of community events
                                                                                                                                                               and numerous sporting clubs that welcome

                                                                                                            to protect the preserved tree and celebrate its
                                                                                                            importance in Australia’s history. The structure   visitors.

26                                                                                                                                                                                                                27
                                                                                                        Communities of the Barcaldine Regional Council
descendent of the Tree of Knowledge. The               Curriculum, ensuring each experience is
        THINGS TO EXPLORE                                    Centre's exhibits inform and highlight the linkages
                                                             and history behind the Tree of Knowledge story.
                                                                                                                    engaging, educational and entertaining from
                                                                                                                    breakfast to supper.

                                                             Discover at your own pace... The Workers Heritage      But what's most impressive about a school
                                                             Centre is set on over five acres of beautifully        camp at Wanpa-rda Matilda is that it all comes
                                                             landscaped gardens surrounding a bore fed              with a guarantee... the memories will last a
                                                             billabong. The surrounds have been designed            lifetime!
                                                             to complement your visit. Picnic shelters, BBQ
                                                             facilities and children's playground all add to the    For all enquiries please telephone 07 4651 2530,      BARCALDINE REC PARK
                                                             family friendly experience of the Workers Heritage     email or visit             The Barcaldine Rec Park is an exciting new
                                                             Centre. Wheel chair access and disabled facilities                            experience opening in 2021. It consists of a
                                                             are available.                                                                                               man-made lake which offers a place for
     TREE OF KNOWLEDGE MEMORIAL                                                                                                                                           recreation and water sport activities. The lake
     The Tree of Knowledge is Barcaldine’s most              The Centre has an onsite cafe and outdoor              BARCALDINE AND DISTRICT                               is 1,100m long and 250m wide with a maximum
     famous and much loved attraction located in Oak         dining space. Enjoy browsing through the Centre's      HISTORICAL MUSEUM                                     water depth of 3.2m. The park will be open all
     Street outside the Railway Station. The tree has        unique retail outlet featuring distinctly Australian   The Museum is located in the historical National      year around and provides a perfect spot to cool
     had a long and fascinating history and is most          gift lines and souvenirs as well as innovative,        Bank Building which was relocated to its current      down during the summer months or stretch your
     famous for its connection to the 1891 Shearers’         eclectic home wares, jewellery and accessories.        location on the corner of Gidyea and Beech            legs on the walking track.
     Strike. Legend has it that the striking shearers held                                                          Streets. It houses an extensive collection of
     their meetings, plays and assemblies under the          This oasis in the outback offers a place for           artefacts which epitomise the pioneering history      Coming soon, Barcy Red will consist of purpose
     shade of the eucalypt and that the formation of         reflection and relaxation.                             of Barcaldine and surrounding districts.              built motorbike trails adjacent to the Barcaldine
     the labor movement and Australian Labor Party           T: 07 4651 1579                                                                                              Rec Park designed by international Dakar Rally
     has its roots under the great tree.                                                                            Opening hours: 7.00am to 5.00pm every day
                                                             E:                                                                                      superstar and local legend Rodney Fagotter.
                                                                                                                    except Good Friday and Christmas Day.
                                                             W:                                                               Bring along your motorbike and experience
     The tree has seen many changes and undergone                                                                                                                         the adventure of the trails through red dirt and

     many changes itself. In 2006 the tree was fatally                                                                                                                    desert woodlands.
     poisoned and after its death the tree’s remains                                                                Barcaldine is home to a number of wonderful
     were taken to Brisbane where it underwent a                                                                    murals. One of the most important is a painting
                                                                                                                    of a sand goanna by Australian iconic painter         THE GLOBE
     world’s first preservation process. It was then                                                                                                                      The Globe is a multifunctional building designed
     returned to Barcaldine and placed under the                                                                    d’Arcy Doyle and is located in Oak Street.
                                                                                                                    d’Arcy painted and donated the painting to the        specifically for arts and tourism. The restored
     award winning timber structure designed by                                                                                                                           hotel contains a modern Visitor Information
     Brian Hooper and Michael Lavery. The structure                                                                 community of Barcaldine in appreciation of the
                                                                                                                    wonderful time he had while holidaying here.          Centre, History on Oak showcasing the history
     is comprised of 4,913 individual timbers, 3,449                                                                                                                      of The Globe and the Barcaldine township, and
     of which are hung to give the illusion of a                                                                                                                          the Galilee Gallery, a hub for arts and culture.
     canopy over the tree. The tree now serves as                                                                   MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS

                                                                                                                    If you are musically inclined you might like to try   Make sure you ask the friendly staff at the Visitor
     an important place to meet and reflect, and             WANPA-RDA MATILDA OUTBACK                                                                                    Information Centre for dates for any events and
                                                                                                                    playing the Thong-a-phone, Piano and Marimba
     remember those who fought for better working            EDUCATION CENTRE – ADVENTURE                                                                                 exhibitions held in the gallery.
     conditions.The best view of the tree and the                                                                   which are located in Oak Street. These large
                                                             PACKAGES TO AUSTRALIA’S BIGGEST
     Memorial is at night when it is beautifully lit by                                                             musical instruments were constructed as part
     special lighting.                                                                                              of a public art works program and visitors are
                                                                                                                    encouraged to try their hand at playing them.
                                                             The Australian Workers Heritage Centre in
                                                             Barcaldine, operates its own Outback Education                                                                  EXPLORE OUR


                                                                                                                    PUB CRAWL
                                                             Centre - Wanpa-rda Matilda, idyllically
                                                             located within the centre's spacious grounds.
                                                                                                                    A unique Barcaldine experience is a pub crawl.           HISTORY
                                                                                                                    Barcaldine has four operating hotels which
                                                             In 1996, working in partnership with Education
                                                                                                                    offer visitors and locals country hospitality. Each
                                                             Queensland, the Workers Heritage Centre initiated                                                            BETWEEN THE BOUGAINVILLEAS

                                                                                                        R E G CAL
                                                                                                                    hotel has a varied and sometimes colourful
                                                             the development of this learning centre with                                                                 HERITAGE TRAIL
                                                                                                                    history which is displayed on the Between the
                                                             attached residential facilities and an in-house                                                              Between the Bougainvilleas Heritage Trail is an
                                                                                                                    Bougainvillea’s heritage trail signs outside. By
                                                             catering service.                                                                                            award winning heritage trail that showcases
                                                                                                                    completing a mini heritage trail combined with a
                                                                                                                                                                          some of Barcaldine’s varied and colourful
                                                                                                                    pub crawl you can take in the history and have


                                                             Since then, this first class excursion facility has                                                          history. Maroon signs featuring a windmill logo

     CENTRE – A CENTRE FOR ALL AUSTRALIANS                                                                          the chance to make some new friends.
                                                             given thousands of students the chance to                                                                    have been placed at significant historical sites

                                                                                                                  L C O INE
     The Australian Workers Heritage Centre is a             explore this remarkable part of Australia's outback                                                          around Barcaldine.
     cultural and heritage styled interpretive centre        and to discover first-hand their rich history and
                                                                                                                    ROSES ‘N’ THINGS
     celebrating working history.                                                                                   Imagine immaculately manicured lawns
                                                             heritage.                                                                                                    Each sign provides a brief history of its site and
                                                                                                                    surrounded by a beautiful garden environment.
                                                                                                                                                                          a photograph of what was originally there. You
     Within this museum styled complex, featuring                                                                   Situated in Coolibah Street, Roses ‘n’ Things Tea
                                                             Coming to Wanpa-rda is experiencing school                                                                   can walk, drive or cycle along the Heritage Trail

     some 14 buildings housing 22 displays and                                                                      Garden is like visiting an English Country Garden
                                                             camps the easy way. We can customise                                                                         which is mapped out in a booklet available from

     exhibitions, visitors can journey through these                                                                in the middle of the Outback. A surprising delight
                                                             and develop a unique itinerary to suit the                                                                   the Visitor Information Centre.
     unique spaces capturing the spirit of our nation's                                                             for everyone to see. You can savour the beauty
                                                             requirements of each student touring group.

     workers and where the stories of Australia's                                                                   of the gardens and browse the grounds at your
                                                             Students are offered the highest quality learning
     working history comes to life.                                                                                 leisure. Roses ‘n’ Things is an outdoor venue
                                                             experience beyond the classroom, with camp
     Home of the Young-Un, the only direct                                                                          opened from April to October.
                                                             programs and tours all aligned to Australian
28                                                                                                                                                                                                                              29
                                                                                                                    Communities of the Barcaldine Regional Council
The memorial is the result of funding obtained
                                                                                                            through the Queensland Government’s
                                                                                                            Community Benefit Fund and Capital Works
                                                                                                            supplied by Barcaldine Regional Council.

                                                                                                            THE GUNS MEMORIAL
                                                                                                            The Guns Memorial in Ash Street features a
                                                                                                            Turkish Gun, German Mortar and Japanese
     MASONIC LODGE                                     THE WINDMILL                                         Gun. The Turkish Gun is a Krupp 75mm
                                                       The large windmill in Oak Street is a symbol of      Model 1907, the German Mortar is a 1916
     NATIONAL HERITAGE LISTED BUILDING                                                                      German 75mm Leichter Minenwerfer (Light           LAGOON CREEK / FRAZER WAY
                                                       the importance of artesian water in the daily life
     The Comet Masonic Lodge was built in 1901                                                              Mine Thrower) and the Japanese Gun is a           WALKING PATH
                                                       of the people of the outback. The Windmill was
     and is one of the most unusual buildings in                                                            75mm Mountain Gun Type 41. Each gun was           On the outskirts of Barcaldine, Lagoon Creek
                                                       manufactured in Rockhampton in September
     Barcaldine. Built from iron and timber it has a                                                        presented to the Barcaldine Shire.                is a popular walking and bird watching spot.
                                                       1917 by the Sidney Williams Company. The
     painted façade front and back which has been                                                                                                             There are two kilometres of concrete walking
                                                       windmill was originally erected on the site of the
     designed to make the building look as if it is                                                         SALTERN CREEK BUSHFIRE MEMORIAL                   tracks nestled in native vegetation. You are
                                                       “first flowing bore in Queensland” at Back Creek.
     made from brick.                                                                                       A memorial is located in Bryan Park, Oak          welcome to walk your dog along the paths.
                                                                                                            Street, to mark the 100 year anniversary of the   Wildlife such as kangaroos and emus use
     It is still used as a Masonic Temple and                                                               devastating bushfires on Tuesday 29 October       Lagoon Creek as a watering point so all dogs
     meetings are held once a month. Tours of the                                                           1918 on Saltern Creek, Willoughby and Rodney      must be kept on a leash.
     Lodge by a local mason can be arranged by                                                              Downs. The memorial is in memory of the
     contacting the Visitor Information Centre.                                                             seven men who perished as a result of the         Early mornings and evenings are the best
                                                                                                            disastrous bushfires. This bushfire remains       time to view wildlife at Lagoon Creek. Many
     ST PETER’S ANGLICAN CHURCH                                                                             one of the worst fire disasters in Queensland's   beautiful native birds are seen here, including
     NATIONAL HERITAGE LISTED BUILDING                                                                      history.                                          water birds, finches, brolgas and fairy wrens.

     St Peter’s Anglican Church was consecrated in                                                                                                            A list of local birds can be obtained from the
     1898 and contains some of the most beautiful
     stained glass windows in Western Queensland.
                                                       MEMORIAL CLOCK                                                                                         Visitor Information Centre.
     The windows are predominantly memorials for
                                                       Like many regional townships in Australia,
                                                       Barcaldine commemorates and honours its                 EXPLORE OUR                                    There is a traffic course for kids and exercise
     family members of the founding congregation.
     Regular church services are still held at St
                                                       fallen heroes with memorials. The beautiful
                                                       marble clock located at the junction of Beech
                                                                                                               NATURAL BEAUTY                                 equipment. A Disc Golf course has also
                                                                                                                                                              been installed in the area. It is a great fun
     Peters, times are displayed on the notice board                                                                                                          activity for family and friends so get a group
                                                       and Ash Streets honours the 292 local men
     outside the church.                                                                                                                                      together. Bring along your own Frisbee or
                                                       who served during the first world war, including
                                                       the 38 fallen. It is a memorial of particular        BARCALDINE BOTANICAL WALK                         purchase a Disc Golf Disc from the Barcaldine
     Access to St Peter’s church is by appointment                                                          The Barcaldine Botanical Walk, situated 9km

                                                       significance as it is one of the few clock type                                                        Visitor Information Centre or the Barcaldine
     only. For appointments please contact the                                                              south of Barcaldine on the Landsborough           Administration Office for $20.00.
                                                       war memorials in Australia and the only one of
     Visitor Information Centre.                                                                            Highway, is a bushland experience not to be
                                                       its style in Queensland.
                                                                                                            missed. The walk consists of land which has       LLOYD-JONES WEIR
                                                       It was erected in 1924 and unveiled by the           been set aside for the purpose of helping to      The Lloyd-Jones Weir is situated 14kms from
                                                       then Governor of Queensland, Sir Matthew             educate the public about the local flora and      Barcaldine on the Barcaldine Downs Road. It is
                                                       Nathan. The clock was designed and made by           fauna. There is a designated walking track        a popular fishing, recreation and camping site
                                                                                                            which has a number of plants identified by

                                                                                                                                                              on the banks of the Alice River. The Weir is an

                                                       A.L. Petrie, monumental masons of Toowong
                                                       - Brisbane, out of marble from Ulam near             special tags giving the botanical name, the       ideal place to spend a couple of hours relaxing
                                                       Gladstone and cost £524.                             common name and the way it may have               and picnicking.
                                                                                                            been used by the local Aboriginal community.
                                                                                                            Camping is not allowed.

                                                                                                   R E G CAL
     The Radio Picture Theatre was first opened on
     Saturday 10 April 1926. It was a family owned

                                                                                                        IONA      D
     and operated business until 1995 when the

     Barcaldine Branch of the Arts Council took it

                                                                                                             L C O INE

     The building still houses the original canvas                                                                                                            WILDFLOWER SEASON
     seats and painted proscenium around the
                                                       WAR MEMORIAL MONUMENT                                                                                  During the months of August and September,
                                                       The War Memorial monument is in honour of                                                              the countryside 40kms east of Barcaldine

                                                       the men and women from the Central Western                                                             erupts into a blaze of colour with spectacular

                                                       District of Queensland who served their country                                                        displays of native wildflowers that can be seen
     It is currently run by volunteers from the Arts
                                                       as members of the Australian defence forces.                                                           easily from the roadside. These very fragile
     Council and operates on most weekends,

                                                       It recognises the wars, confrontations and the                                                         and beautiful flowers never fail to amaze
     showing the latest movies.
                                                       need for peace keeping forces since World                                                              visitors with their ability to survive and grow in
                                                       War II. The monument was unveiled at the                                                               very harsh conditions.
                                                       Anzac Day service on Tuesday 25 April 2017.
30                                                                                                                                                                                                                 31
                                                                                                            Communities of the Barcaldine Regional Council
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