Communications Network - Building a Fully Connected, Intelligent World - Huawei

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Communications Network - Building a Fully Connected, Intelligent World - Huawei

                 Building a Fully Connected,
                           Intelligent World
Communications Network - Building a Fully Connected, Intelligent World - Huawei
Communications Network - Building a Fully Connected, Intelligent World - Huawei

Industry Trends                                             P01

Future Network Use Cases                                    P05

   Next-Generation Human-Machine Interaction Network:
   A Human-centric Hyperreal Experience

   Networks That Deliver a Consistent Experience for
   Homes, Offices, and Vehicles: The Third Space with the
   Same Broadband Experience

   Satellite Broadband Internet: Continuous Broadband
   Coverage from Ground to Air

   Industrial Internet: A New Type of Network for
   Intelligent Manufacturing and Human-Robot

   Computing Power Network: Orienting Towards Machine
   Cognition and Connecting Massive Amounts of User
   Data and Computing Power Services at Multiple Levels

   Cognitive Network: Evolution Towards Advanced Levels
   of Intelligence

Vision for Future Networks and
Their Defining Features                                      P19

   Vision for Future Networks

   Defining Features20

   Summary and Technology Outlook

Recommendations                                             P36

Appendix A: Acronyms and Abbreviations                      P37
Communications Network - Building a Fully Connected, Intelligent World - Huawei
Communications Network 2030

                     Industry Trends

                               oing intelligent has become the        90% of European SMEs will reach at least a
                               general direction that the world is    basic level of "digital intensity". To achieve
                               heading in over the coming decade.     these targets, the EU announced an increase
                     China, the EU, and the US have all published     in investment into energy and digital
                     their new visions for this area.                 infrastructure.
                          In its Outline of the 14th Five-Year             In its Vision 2030 report, the US
                     Plan (2021–2025) for National Economic           National Science Board (NSB) recommends
                     and Social Development and the Long-             increasing investment in data, software,
                     Range Objectives Through the Year 2035,          computing, and networking capabilities over
                     China prioritizes industry intelligence as       the next decade in order to help maintain
                     an important area of development, and            the US's competitiveness in the digital
                     sets clear development goals for industries      economy.
                     including manufacturing, energy, agriculture,         The intelligent development of
                     healthcare, and education, as well as for        industries first requires companies to
                     government management.                           upgrade their networks. In its Industrial
                          In its 2030 Digital Compass plan, the       Internet Innovation and Development Action
                     EU articulates the following targets: By 2030,   Plan (2021–2023), the Chinese government
                     75% of European enterprises will have taken      put forward the following measures: (1)
                     up cloud computing services, big data, and       Accelerate the network-based development
                     Artificial Intelligence (AI), and more than       of industrial equipment, drive the upgrade

Communications Network - Building a Fully Connected, Intelligent World - Huawei
Communications Network 2030

of enterprise Intranet, and promote the                   edge computing.
integration of information technology (IT)           •    China Telecom has set out the goal
networks and operational technology (OT)                  of building an integrated cloud-
networks to build industrial Internet campus              network architecture by 2030.
networks. (2) Explore the deployment of new          •    China Unicom published its CUBE-
technologies such as cloud-network synergy,               Net 3.0 strategy, which articulates
deterministic networking, and Segment                     a new development direction that
Routing over IPv6 (SRv6). In its Digitising               combines connectivity, computing,
European Industry platform plan, the EU                   and intelligence.
considers nanophotonics, AI, 5G, and Internet        •    In its outlook for 2030, Deutsche
of Things (IoT) to be key enablers of future              Telekom aims to become the
industrial networks, and plans to increase                leading digital enabler in the B2B
investment in these technologies in order to              market, providing comprehensive
stay ahead in the future.                                 network, IoT, cloud, and digital
     As industries increasingly adopt                     services.
intelligent technologies, leading telecom            A survey conducted by GSMA shows
carriers around the world are taking action     that B2B, cloud, and IoT services that
and beginning to explore how they can fully     target industry, finance, health, energy, and
unleash the potential of connectivity in this   agriculture will be the most promising areas
process. For example:                           for carriers worldwide to fully unleash the
     •   China Mobile has unveiled a "5G        potential of their connectivity portfolios.
         + AICDE" development strategy,              In the world of 2030, many amazing
         where AICDE stands for AI, IoT,        things that we can only dream of today will
         cloud computing, big data, and         be a reality.

Communications Network - Building a Fully Connected, Intelligent World - Huawei
Communications Network 2030

                          With highly sensitive biosensors and      such as collaborative robots, automated
                     intelligent hardware connected through         mobile robots (AMRs), and digital labor, can
                     broadband networks, we can obtain and          be adopted in tandem with the industrial
                     track the indicators of our physical health    Internet to increase accuracy and decrease
                     in real time, and securely store massive       costs throughout the whole process from
                     amounts of health data in the cloud. This      demand to production and delivery,
                     will allow us to proactively manage our        while also improving the resilience of the
                     own health and reduce our dependence           manufacturing industry.
                     on doctors, thus improving our health and           Energy IoT can be integrated into
                     quality of life.                               smart grids to form a green energy Internet
                          New technologies, such as home            and fully digitalize all activities, including
                     broadband that supports speeds of over 10      generation, grid, load, and storage. Zero-
                     Gbit/s and holographic communications,         carbon data centers and zero-carbon
                     will enable more intuitive human-machine       communications sites may soon become
                     interactions. An air-ground cubic network      a reality. We can also guarantee digital
                     will connect all means of transportation,      security and trustworthiness by combining
                     facilitating easy, smart, and low-carbon       blockchain, digital watermarking, AI-driven
                     travel. Sensing technology, 10-gigabit wired   anti-counterfeiting, privacy-enhancing
                     and wireless broadband, inclusive AI, and      computing, and endogenous network
                     applications that target numerous industries   security.
                     will be available everywhere, allowing us           In 2030, communications networks will
                     to build urban digital infrastructure that     evolve from connecting billions of people to
                     improves the quality of city life.             connecting hundreds of billions of things,
                          With Harmonized Communication and         and face many challenges along the way.
                     Sensing (HCS), automation, and intelligence         First, the scale of communications
                     technologies, we will be able to efficiently   networks will continue expanding. This
                     protect our environment. New types of labor,   means network management will become

Communications Network - Building a Fully Connected, Intelligent World - Huawei
Communications Network 2030

even more complex, so networks must               these factors are increasingly becoming
become more intelligent. Over the next            bottlenecks. Over the next decade, how can
decade, how can we innovate in software           we innovate in fundamental technologies
technology to prevent operation &                 to build a green, low-carbon network and
maintenance (O&M) costs from rising in step       increase network capacity by dozens of times
with the continuous expansion of network          without increasing energy consumption? This
scale? This poses a daunting challenge.           is another extremely challenging task that
        Second, IoT scenarios such as             lies ahead of us.
unattended operations in industrial and                Communications networks are one of
agricultural settings and self-driving vehicles   the major forces driving the world forward.
will require carriers to further improve the      The development of communications
coverage, quality assurance, security, and        networks kicked off during the first Industrial
trustworthiness of their networks. Over           Revolution and, unlike traditional industries,
the next decade, how can we innovate in           it still shows no signs of slowing down
protocols and algorithms to enable networks       after nearly two centuries. In fact, the
to carry multiple types of services while         pace of development of communications
meeting the requirements for high quality         technologies has been particularly rapid in
and flexibility? This will be a very challenging   recent decades. Both the evolution from 2G
task.                                             to 5G and the shift from the asymmetric
        Third, although Moore's law has held      digital subscriber lines (ADSL) to gigabit
true for decades, the semiconductor industry      optical home broadband took just 30 years.
is now struggling to maintain that pace of        Over the next decade, we will witness the
improvement, and new technologies like            emergence of new use cases and scenarios
quantum computing are not yet mature.             for communications technologies and fully
Meanwhile, demand for computing                   embrace an intelligent world.
power, storage capacity, and network
energy efficiency continues to grow, and

Communications Network - Building a Fully Connected, Intelligent World - Huawei
Communications Network 2030

                     Future Network Use Cases

                            ince Samuel Morse invented the electric      computing nodes, and cloud resources.
                            telegraph in 1837, communications                 The scope of network connections is
                            networks have come a long way,               expanding, business needs are changing, and
                     moving from connecting individuals and              the industry has reached a consensus that,
                     homes to connecting organizations. In today's       over the next 10 years, networks will evolve
                     environment of diverse and rapidly changing         from 5G to 5.5G/6G, from F5G to F5.5G/F6G,
                     services, it takes continuous innovation for        and from IPv4/Multiprotocol Label Switching
                     communications networks to keep up with             (MPLS) to IPv6+, and the autonomous driving
                     the needs of customers. To meet the rich            network will evolve from L2 to L5. In addition,
                     and diverse business needs that will arise in       new use cases will continue to emerge.
                     the intelligent world of the next 10 years,
                     communications networks will need to go             Next-Generation Human-
                     beyond connecting individuals, to connect           Machine Interaction
                     multiple perception, display, and computing         Network: A Human-centric
                     resources related to each individual. In the near
                                                                         Hyperreal Experience
                     future, networks will have to connect home
                     users as well as home appliances, vehicles,              In a world of cold machines, it is up to
                     and content resources, while organizations will     human beings to adapt to the machines. With the
                     expect networks to do more than just create         wide use of the automobile, we learned to work
                     connections between employees – they must           with pedals and a gearstick. In the PC era, we
                     also connect an organization's machines, edge       learned to use the mouse and keyboard. In the

Communications Network - Building a Fully Connected, Intelligent World - Huawei
Communications Network 2030

smartphone era, we learned to use touchscreens.         interaction. ( Figure 1 Hyperreal human-machine
     However, with sufficiently advanced levels of      interaction experience )
intelligence, it is possible to turn this paradigm on        Over the course of the coming decade,
its head and have machines adapt to the needs           communications networks must evolve
of their human users. Intelligent machines (e.g.,       to support brand-new human-machine
smart screens, smart home appliances, intelligent       interaction experiences such as XR, naked-eye
vehicles, and smart exoskeletons) will be able to       3D display, digital touch, and digital smell.
understand natural language, gestures, and eye
                                                        XR: An Intuitive Interaction
movement, and even read human brain waves,
                                                        Experience Through a Perfect
enabling more intuitive integration between
the virtual and physical worlds and bringing a
                                                        Synthesis of the Virtual and
hyperreal sensory experience to human-machine           Physical Worlds

Figure 1 Hyperreal human-machine interaction experience

Communications Network - Building a Fully Connected, Intelligent World - Huawei
Communications Network 2030

                     Table 1 Network requirements of XR services

                          Virtual Reality (VR) is about rendering           which are expected to go to market in about
                     packaged digital visual and audio content.             two years. With the wide adoption of 5G, Wi-Fi
                     Augmented Reality (AR) refers to the overlaying        6, and fiber broadband, all of which can deliver
                     of information or artificially generated content        gigabit speeds, XR services are set to boom
                     onto the existing environment. Mixed Reality (MR)      over the next decade. Huawei predicts that the
                     is an advanced form of AR that integrates virtual      number of VR/AR users is expected to reach 1
                     elements into physical scenarios. eXtended Reality     billion by 2030.
                     (XR), which covers VR, AR, and MR, is a catchall            In its Virtual Reality/Augmented
                     term that refers to all real and virtual combined      Reality White Paper, the China Academy of
                     environments and human-machine interactions            Information and Communications Technology
                     generated by computer technology and wearables.        (CAICT) divides the technical architecture of XR
                     Characterized by three-dimensional environments,       into five parts: near-eye display, perception and
                     intuitive interactions, spatial computing, and other   interaction, network transmission, rendering
                     features that set it apart from existing Internet      processing, and content creation. The white
                     devices, XR is considered the next major platform      paper also predicts the development stages
                     for personal interactions.                             of XR. The CAICT's conclusions have, to some
                          In 2020, due to the impact of social              extent, been endorsed by the ICT industry. (
                     distancing caused by COVID-19, demand for              Table 1 Network requirements of XR services )
                     VR games, virtual meetings, and AR-assisted                 Currently, XR is still at the stage of
                     temperature taking increased exponentially.            partial immersion. Today, a typical XR
                     The number of active VR users on the US                experience involves 2K monocular resolution,
                     video game digital distribution service Steam          100°–120° FOV, 100 Mbit/s bitrate, and
                     doubled. Some manufacturers have unveiled              20 ms motion-to-photon (MTP) latency. If
                     more portable AR-enabled contact lenses,               all content is rendered in the cloud, 20 ms

Communications Network 2030

of MTP latency is the threshold above which             3D display involves three major phases:
users start to report feelings of dizziness.            the digitalization of 3D objects, network
     We predict that XR will reach the stage of         transmission, and optical or computational
full immersion by 2030, by which time it will be        reconstruction and display.
supported by 8K monocular resolution, 200°                   There are two types of naked-eye
FOV, and a gigabit-level bitrate. If all rendering is   3D display technology: light field display
still conducted in the cloud, MTP latency will need     (through lenslets) and the use of spatial light
to be kept below 5 ms. If technology is developed       modulators (SLMs).
to support the local rendering of environment-               Light field display leverages the binocular
related content that could easily make users            parallax to create 3D visual effects. It uses
dizzy, the latency will be specifically linked to the    parallax barriers, lenticular lenses, and
types of content. For content that requires only        directional backlight, all of which impose fairly
weak interaction (such as a streamed video), 20         inflexible requirements in terms of viewing
ms of MTP latency is acceptable. For content that       angles. Their large-scale adoption would
requires strong interaction like games, less than 5     require real-time capturing of user location
ms MTP latency will be needed.                          and dynamic adjustment.
     Therefore, to support the development of                An alternative approach would be to
XR services over the next 10 years, networks            use SLMs. An interferometric method is used
must have bandwidth of at least 1 Gbit/s and            to store all amplitude and phase information
latency of less than either 5 ms or 20 ms,              of light waves scattered on the surface of a
depending on the scenario.                              3D object in a recording medium. When the
                                                        hologram is irradiated with the same visible
Naked-eye 3D Display: A Brand-new
                                                        light, the original object light wave can be
Visual Experience Through Lifelike
                                                        reproduced thanks to diffraction, providing
Image Reproduction                                      users with a lifelike visual experience. (Table 2
     The implementation of naked-eye                    Network requirements of naked-eye 3D display)

Table 2 Network requirements of naked-eye 3D display

                    References: IEEE 1981.1 Tactile Internet and Digital Holography and 3D Display

Communications Network 2030

                     Table 3 Network requirements of digital touch

                                                                                 Reference: IEEE 1981.1 Tactile Internet

                          In recent years, naked-eye 3D display        products will require higher bandwidth (over 1
                     featuring light field display has developed        Tbit/s), but we do not expect them to be ready
                     rapidly, in step with the development of          for large-scale commercial deployment by
                     user location awareness and computing             2030.
                     technologies. Some manufacturers are already            Therefore, the naked-eye 3D display
                     showcasing their products. We predict that a      products coming to market over the next
                     large number of use cases will emerge in the      decade will need to be supported by networks
                     entertainment and commercial sectors by 2025.     capable of delivering 1–10 Gbit/s bandwidth
                     This type of 3D display requires gigabit-level    per user, latency of 1–5 ms, and 99.999%
                     bandwidth and real-time interaction. In strong    availability.
                     interaction scenarios, the network latency must
                                                                       Digital Touch: Tactile Internet Made
                     be less than 5 ms, and commercial applications
                                                                       Possible Through Multi-dimensional
                     will require network availability of 99.999%
                     (this means annual downtime must be less
                                                                       Sensory Interaction
                     than 5 minutes and 15 seconds).                         In IEEE's tactile Internet architecture,
                          Over the past several years,                 digital tactile technology is divided into three
                     breakthroughs have also been made in              layers: user layer, network layer, and avatar
                     holographic technology, which is based on         layer. The user layer enters information such
                     optical reconstruction. Product prototypes        as location, speed, force, and impedance.
                     have been developed with a thickness of 10        After being digitalized over the network,
                     cm and a projection size of around 100 cm2.       the information is converted into instruction
                     We predict that these small-scale holographic     data and provided to the avatar layer. The
                     products will become commercially available       avatar layer then collects tactile, auditory, and
                     at exhibitions, for teaching purposes, and as     proprioception data and provides the data to
                     personal portable devices over the next 10        the user layer through the Internet to inform
                     years. They will require bandwidth of around      users' real-time decision making.
                     10 Gbit/s, latency of no more than 5 ms or as           Digital tactile technology has two
                     low as 1 ms, and network availability of more     interaction modes. The first is machine control.
                     than 99.999%, the same as that required in        Use cases include remote driving and remote
                     commercial settings. True-to-life holographic     control. The second is hyperfine interaction,

Communications Network 2030

and use cases include electronic skin and         Interaction
remote surgery. (Table 3 Network requirements          Among our five senses, two of them –
of digital touch)                                 touch and taste – require direct contact, while
     Machine control has numerous use             three – sight, hearing, and smell – do not. Of
cases in industrial settings, and has high        the latter three, smell involves the deepest
requirements for network availability (above      interaction.
99.999%). Some industries even require                 Digital smell includes three technical
availability to reach 99.99999%. The required     phases: odor perception, network transmission,
bandwidth is generally less than 100 Mbit/s,      and smell reproduction.
and the maximum permissible latency varies             There have been some use cases for odor
from 1 to 10 ms, depending on the specific         perception, such as using composite materials
circumstances.                                    to form a barcode, which can generate
     Electronic skin powered by flexible           chemical reactions according to the odor and
electronics in hyperfine interactions has the      create color changes. The relationship between
most development potential. Electronic skin       the barcode and odor can then be identified
integrates a large number of high-precision       through Deep Convolutional Neural Network
sensors such as pressure and temperature          (DCNN) algorithms. Use cases can be found in
sensors. According to a study by the University   specific scenarios like detection of dangerous
of Surrey in the UK, each square inch of          goods and detection of food freshness.
electronic skin will require bandwidth of              There are already some commercial odor
20 to 50 Mbit/s, meaning that an average          reproduction products available in the industry,
hand would require bandwidth of 1 Gbit/           such as smelling generators for VR games,
s. The wearers of electronic skin won't all be    which use five odor cartridges and selectively
humans; intelligent machines present another      release odors from the cartridges. They emit
class of potential users. The user layer may      scents such as the ocean, gunpowder, wood,
perform analysis, computing, and decision         and soil, deepening the immersion of the
making based on the massive amounts of            gaming experience. However, some research
data collected by the electronic skin on the      reports suggest that the future of smell in
avatar layer to control the avatar layer. The     VR won't rely on these odor cartridges, but
user layer can also be directly connected to      will instead work through brain-computer
humans through brain-computer interfaces          interfaces to enable people to sense odors
or myoelectric neural interfaces to deliver an    more directly and accurately.
immersive remote interaction experience. We            The combination of odor perception
predict that network bandwidth of 1 to 10         (using electronic noses) and odor reproduction
Gbit/s will be required in hyperfine interaction   can help create an Internet that enables us
scenarios.                                        to not only hear and see, but also smell. It is
     Therefore, to support digital touch,         not yet clear what kind of network bandwidth
networks will need to deliver 1–10 Gbit/s         and latency this function will require, but the
bandwidth per user, availability greater than     computing requirements are already relatively
99.999%, and latency below 10 ms, or as low       well understood.
as 1 ms in certain use cases.                          In a nutshell, the next-generation human-
                                                  machine interaction network will support
Digital Smell: Internet That Enables
                                                  brand-new experiences including XR, naked-
Us to Smell Through Deep Sensory
                                                  eye 3D display, digital touch, and digital smell.

Communications Network 2030

                      Making these technologies work will require         and users will enjoy the same broadband
                      networks capable of delivering bandwidth of         service experience in all three scenarios. (Table
                      10 Gbit/s and 99.999% availability, with latency    4 Network requirements for delivering a
                      as low as 1 ms for some use cases.                  consistent experience at home, in the office,
                                                                          and on the go)
                      Networks That Deliver a                                  Over the next decade, common home and
                                                                          office services will include smart screens, multi-
                      Consistent Experience for
                                                                          screen collaboration, 3D, holographic teaching,
                      Homes, Offices, and Vehicles:
                                                                          and XR. As true-to-life holographic meetings will
                      The Third Space with the                            not be widely adopted by 2030, the mainstream
                      Same Broadband Experience                           broadband requirements of home and office
                                                                          services will stand at 1 to 10 Gbit/s of bandwidth
                           When we envision the future of self-           and less than 5 ms of latency. In the future,
                      driving cars, the most appealing feature for        home and office networks will not only provide
                      many is that we will be able to enjoy the           seamless broadband coverage, but also support
                      immersive entertainment, social, and work           brand-new scenarios such as working from
                      experience we get at home while on the go.          home, premise security, and robotics. Based
                      Multi-screen collaboration, 3D display, and         on HCS capabilities, home networks will be
                      holograms will all be used both at home and         able to sense user locations, indoor space, and
                      in cars. 8K and 16K smart screens will be           environment security, and create a more user-
                      gradually adopted at home and MR will be            friendly living and work environment for people.
                      widely used in cars.                                     Services like multi-screen collaboration, 3D,
                           With 5G, F5G, and Wi-Fi 6, mobile and          holographic teaching, and XR will also be available
                      fixed broadband basically enters the gigabit         in our self-driving cars. Over the next decade, their
                      era at the same time, making it possible to         key requirements for network bandwidth will be
                      deliver the same level of experience to users       1 to 10 Gbit/s, and latency requirements will be
                      regardless of whether they are at home, in the      less than 5 ms. As autonomous driving will require
                      office, or on the go.                               vehicle-road collaboration, it will require network
                           In the future, self-driving cars will become   availability greater than 99.999% and positioning
                      the "third space" beyond homes and offices,         precision of 10 cm.

                      Table 4 Network requirements for delivering a consistent experience at home, in
                      the office, and on the go

Communications Network 2030

     If networks are to meet the needs              broadband network from ground to air will
of these new technologies and provide a             deliver new experiences to people and power
consistent experience across our three spaces       the full intelligent transformation of industries.
(home, office, and self-driving cars), we will      (Figure 2 Satellite broadband network)
need to build new network capabilities that              Due to spectrum resource constraints
deliver the high bandwidth, high availability,      and communications disruptions, the actual
and low latency required.                           peak capacity of a single LEO satellite is
                                                    about 10–20 Gbit/s. Suppose a global satellite
Satellite Broadband                                 network is supported by 10,000 satellites
Internet: Continuous                                distributed on multiple orbital planes from

Broadband Coverage from                             very low earth orbits (VLEOs) to LEOs, and
                                                    each satellite maintains links with satellites
Ground to Air
                                                    around it in all directions using over 100 Gbit/
     Over the next 10 years, connected drones       s lasercom. The actual effective capacity of
will be more widely adopted, helping create         the satellite network will be around 100 Tbit/
new markets worth tens of billions of US            s, considering at least half of the areas passed
dollars. We will see an increase in intra-city      over by satellites are areas where demand for
passenger transport in the skies above our          broadband is minimal (e.g., seas and deserts).
cities, supported by tens of thousands of low-      Outside of areas covered by cellular networks,
earth orbit (LEO) broadband satellites. Satellite   satellite broadband providers can use multi-
broadband will be commercially available            channel phased array antennas to deliver
on a large scale, which will help turn space        hundred-megabit broadband to consumers
tourism and deep-sea exploration into popular       and use dual parabolic antennas to deliver
leisure activities. Broadband will become an        gigabit broadband to enterprise customers.
indispensable part of our life; the increased       They could also transmit data over optical
diversification of our leisure activities and the    inter-satellite links to hundreds of gateways
growing demand for unmanned operations              around the world where they can connect to
in intelligent industry and agriculture mean        the Internet. Such a satellite network would be
that broadband will be needed everywhere,           equivalent to a quasi-4G network, providing
from land to sea and sky. A comprehensive           three-dimensional global coverage and latency

Figure 2 Satellite broadband network

Communications Network 2030

                      of less than 100 ms.                                the development of intelligent manufacturing
                           Currently, terminal antennas for LEO           requires a new architecture that will facilitate
                      satellite broadband are large, meaning they are     human-robot collaboration.
                      ill-suited to mobile scenarios for individuals.          The new architecture will be built upon
                      Current satellite broadband networks mostly         three equal elements – humans, robots, and an
                      serve homes in remote areas, enterprises, and       intelligent platform (cloud/edge computing).
                      ships. Some carriers have combined satellite        Private industrial communication buses will
                      broadband, which is used for backhaul, with         be replaced by universal industrial networks
                      cellular networks and WLAN networks on              and open data layers that support real-time
                      the ground to provide both broadband and            data transmission. The intelligent platform
                      narrowband coverage for villages or enterprises     will aggregate data collected from humans
                      in remote areas. With wider adoption of             and robots for real-time analysis and decision
                      satellite broadband, we may see it applied to       making and support effective collaboration
                      mobile scenarios (terminals) such as connected      between humans and robots.
                      cars and small personal devices. Satellite               Huawei predicts that the total number
                      broadband will deliver a seamless, continuous       of global connections will reach 200 billion
                      broadband experience beyond home Wi-Fi and          by 2030, including about 100 billion wireless
                      urban cellular networks, meeting the network        (cellular) connections (including passive
                      requirements of people and things.                  cellular connections) and about 100 billion
                                                                          wired, Wi-Fi, and short-range connections. In
                      Industrial Internet: A
                                                                          industrial settings, the billions of connected
                      New Type of Network for                             devices will include not only pressure,
                      Intelligent Manufacturing and                       photoelectric, and temperature and humidity

                      Human-Robot Collaboration                           sensors, but also a large number of intelligent
                                                                          cameras, intelligent cars, drones, and robots.
                           The industrial Internet is a new type of       Industrial networks, currently characterized
                      infrastructure that deeply integrates ICT into      by a fragmented landscape of different
                      the industrial economy and fully connects           narrowband technologies, will adopt universal
                      people, machines, things, and systems. For          broadband technologies.
                      industries, this means the birth of a brand-             Universal industrial networks will erase the
                      new manufacturing and service system that           technical boundaries between consumption,
                      covers entire industry value chains and paves       office work, and production. These networks
                      the way for digitalization, network-based           will support multiple types of services using
                      operations, and the intelligent transformation      deterministic broadband networks and slicing
                      of all industries. An industrial Internet system    technologies, such as 5G, Time Sensitive
                      consists of four key components: industrial         Networking (TSN), IPv6+, and industrial optical
                      control, industrial software, industrial network,   networks, allowing companies to connect any
                      and information security. The industrial            workforce and migrate all consumption, office
                      network is the foundation of the entire system.     work, and production elements to the cloud.
                           Traditional industrial networks are built           Universal industrial networks will enable
                      based on the ISA-95 pyramid model. This             on-demand data sharing and seamless
                      architecture was introduced more than 20            collaboration between office and production
                      years ago and is a manufacturing system             systems within a company, between
                      centered on human management. However,              different companies in the same industry,

Communications Network 2030

and even between the related services of           latency requirements of each service and
different vertical industries. They will support   forecasts on the number of devices used by
broadband-based interconnectivity and multi-       enterprises in 2030, we predict that a medium-
cloud data sharing of any workload.                to large-sized enterprise will require network
     Universal industrial networks will also be    bandwidth of 100 Gbit/s and the maximum
smarter than ever, facilitating the movement       bandwidth per user will reach 10 Gbit/s.
of data in boundary-free and mobile scenarios      Acceptable latency will vary greatly from one
across industries and across clouds. They will     use case to another, from as low as 1 ms to as
support intent-driven automated network            high as 100 ms. In addition, it will be necessary
management and AI-based proactive security         to ensure the security and trustworthiness of
and privacy protection, ensuring service           industrial networks.
security and trustworthiness at any workplace.
     An enterprise usually has multiple types      Computing Power Network:
of services, so a universal industrial network     Orienting Towards Machine
must ensure the availability, security, and
                                                   Cognition and Connecting
trustworthiness of services. For example,
                                                   Massive Amounts of User
smart healthcare involves services such as
remote diagnosis, monitoring & nursing, and        Data and Computing Power
remote surgery; a smart grid involves video-       Services at Multiple Levels
based inspection, grid control, and wireless
monitoring; and smart manufacturing                     The social value of communications
involves factory environment monitoring,           networks is reflected in the services they
information collection, and operation control.     support. In the past, networks helped establish
(Table 5 Network requirements of intelligent       communications channels between people
enterprises)                                       by providing communications services. Today,
     Based on the typical bandwidth and            with smart devices and the cloud connected

Table 5 Network requirements of intelligent enterprises

                           Reference: CAICT, Research Report on Industry SLA Requirements for 5G End-to-end Network Slicing

Communications Network 2030

                      to networks, more diverse content services are   vision, and self-driving vehicles will have
                      provided through communications networks.        enhanced performance in four dimensions:
                           The networks we use today are designed      •    Cognitive capacity: Systems will be able to
                      for human cognition. For example, the frame           capture objects in the physical world more
                      rate for motion video (typically 30 frames per        finely, precisely, and in a multi-sensory
                      second [FPS]) is chosen based on the human            manner. For instance, in manufacturing
                      ability to perceive motion, and the audio data        monitoring systems, motion capture at
                      collected is compressed with mechanisms               120 FPS will detect anomalies that would
                      that take advantage of the masking effects            otherwise be undetectable.
                      of the human cognitive system. For human         •    Response speed: Systems will be able
                      perception, such encoded audio and video can          to respond to the status change of a
                      be considered high quality. However, for use          controlled object within 10 ms.
                      cases that require beyond-human perception,      •    Scalability in computing: Systems will be
                      the level of quality may be far from enough.          able to accommodate varying and uncertain
                      For example, robotic monitoring systems               workload while achieving high resource
                      will need to detect anomalies by listening to         utilization, through methods such as dynamic
                      sounds beyond the human audible frequency             linear scaling of computing resources.
                      range. In addition, the average human            •    Energy efficiency: Energy efficiency can be
                      response speed upon seeing an event is about          greatly improved if enterprises eliminate
                      100 ms. Therefore, many applications have             on-premise computing resources and
                      been designed based on this latency. However,         adopt a cloud-based model. Moreover,
                      for certain applications that are beyond human        energy efficiency will be further improved
                      usage, such as emergency stop systems,                with an event-driven approach where
                      shorter response time is required.                    a system is deployed on a serverless
                           The Innovative Optical and Wireless              computing platform.
                      Network Global Forum Vision 2030 and                  Intelligent machines will create more
                      Technical Directions states that compared        accurate data. For example, network clocks
                      with today's networks that are designed for      and geolocation stamps can be used for
                      human cognition, future networks designed        precise modeling of the physical world in a
                      for intelligent machines such as XR, machine     digital twin system. This will lead to a shift in

Communications Network 2030

data processing and computing, from today's       encountered when manufacturing CPUs with
Internet platform-centric model to a data-        more than 128 cores in smart devices. In
centric model, decoupling data, computing,        addition, due to bandwidth costs and latency,
and communications.                               cloud data centers may not be able to satisfy
     The network infrastructure designed for      the massive amount of time-sensitive service
machine cognition should satisfy the following    processing required by intelligent systems.
requirements:                                     Machine cognition requires a new type of
•    Accommodating the collection and             network in which data analytics and processing
     transmission of massive amounts of           can be performed on the edge, and not all data
     data, having an ultra-low latency, and       needs to be transmitted to the central cloud.
     supporting a very large number of                 In the future, the cloud, edge, and devices
     subscribers.                                 will be connected, and computing workloads
•    Managing publishers' data generation and     will be apportioned to one of three levels
     injection based on the overall condition     (distributed edge nodes in a city, regional data
     of the system and the importance of the      center clusters that cover multiple cities, or
     data.                                        backbone centralized data centers) in real time
•    Supporting the storage and sharing           based on their latency thresholds. In use cases
     of data among communications and             that can tolerate latency of about 100 ms, data
     computing nodes in the network.              may be sent to a centralized data center. In
•    Supporting precision time and geolocation    use cases with lower latency tolerance (from
     stamping.                                    10 ms to as low as 1 ms), computing will be
•    Providing strong protections for data        performed in a regional data center cluster or at
     security, privacy, and integrity.            the edge. (Figure 3 Three levels of computing
•    Providing a data brokerage between           resources for machine data services)
     IP and non-IP nodes, with the data                Computing efficiency and reliability are
     brokerage being accessible through           correlated with network bandwidth, latency,
     multiple networks.                           security, and isolation. Therefore, computing
     As the miniaturization of chips approaches   and networks should be coordinated. Major
its physical limits, the computing industry       carriers have articulated a new business vision
can no longer rely on Moore's law for rapid       for computing and network convergence
development. Economic bottlenecks are             services based on a new concept of "computing

Figure 3 Three levels of computing resources for machine data services

Communications Network 2030

                      power network". They aim to connect diverse           Many carriers have incorporated the computing
                      computing power in the cloud, on the edge,            power network into their 6G and future network
                      and across devices to implement on-demand             research. The computing power network will
                      scheduling and sharing for efficient computing        be a key scenario for communications network
                      power services at multiple levels. The computing      evolution over the next 10 years.
                      power network represents a significant shift
                      in network design, from focusing on human             Cognitive Network: Evolution
                      cognition to focusing on machine cognition.           Towards Advanced Levels of
                           The Chinese government released the
                      Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Construction
                      of Collaborative Innovation System of National             In the academic community, technological
                      Integrated Big Data Centers, which states: "With      advances are often personified to help us
                      the acceleration of digital transformation and        understand them more easily. In 1877, German
                      upgrade in various industries, the total volume       philosopher Ernst Kapp first put forward the
                      of data being created by society as a whole is        concept and theory that "tools and instruments
                      growing explosively, and the requirements for data    produced by human hands conform to already
                      resource storage, computing, and applications         existing organic structures" in the Elements
                      are greatly increasing. Consequently, there is an     of a Philosophy of Technology. In 1964, in his
                      urgent need to promote an appropriate data            book Understanding Media, Marshall McLuhan
                      center layout, balance between supply and             proposed that mechanical technologies
                      demand, green and centralized development,            extended our bodies in space and that electric
                      and interconnectivity. We should build a new          technology extended our central nervous
                      computing power network system that integrates        system. In 1995, in The Global Brain Awakens,
                      data centers, cloud computing, and big data,          Peter Russell stated that the various connections
                      in order to promote flows and application of           were making the earth an embryonic brain and
                      data elements and achieve green and quality           the earth is awakening. The analogies used to
                      development of data centers." In addition, the        describe the tools and technologies humans
                      document proposed that "as data centers should        have created have shifted from body to nerve
                      be developed on a large scale in a centralized and    and to brain as the digital world has advanced
                      green manner, network transmission channels           towards advanced levels of intelligence.
                      between national hubs and nodes should be                  Communications networks have existed in
                      further streamlined to accelerate the program         one form or another for about two centuries.
                      of 'Eastern Data and Western Computing'               Today, the telegraph and analog telephone
                      and improve cross-region computing power              networks of the 19th century have long since
                      scheduling."                                          been superseded by more advanced digital
                           To support proactive development of              networks.
                      computing power network standards, ITU-T has               Over the past 50 years, mobile
                      launched the Y.2500 series of computing power         communications, optical communications, and
                      network standards, with Y.2501 (Computing             data communications networks have evolved
                      Power Network – framework and architecture)           continuously to remain relevant. These network
                      as the first standard. This series of standards will   types, together with optical cables, equipment
                      be compatible with a raft of computing power          rooms, and sites, form a robust network trunk.
                      network standards developed by the China                   The biggest evolutionary step taken in
                      Communications Standards Association (CCSA).          the last decade is the development of what

Communications Network 2030

the academic community could understand
as being the network's nervous system. The
human nervous system comprises basic
systems that can initiate automatic stress
responses and feature closed-loop control, as
well as more advanced systems that support
thinking, analysis, and cognition (i.e., the brain).
The current shift from the software-defined
network (SDN) to the autonomous driving
network (ADN) is analogous to the evolution
of a basic nervous system for networks.
     Over the next 10 years, the network
nervous system will evolve along the following
two tracks. The first is HCS, e.g., wireless sensing,   abnormal behaviors at the packet level.
Wi-Fi sensing, and optical sensing. The second is           The concept of cognitive networks
the development of a "brain" – the digital twin        is not new. Some renowned universities,
of the physical world that allows autonomous           research institutes, and companies have been
inference and decision making. This is how             doing related research for years, but few
networks will evolve towards advanced levels of        breakthroughs have been made. Cognitive
intelligence and feature cognitive intelligence.       technology was first used in wireless networks.
     Cognitive intelligence is both an                 In 2004, the IEEE established the IEEE 802.22
engineering and a mathematical issue. To               Working Group and developed the first wireless
qualify as having cognitive intelligence, a            standard based on cognitive technology. Recent
system must be able to sense status changes            years have seen AI breakthroughs in many
internally and externally in real time and             industries. Self-driving cars have already driven
manage itself through autonomous analysis              millions of miles in the real world, completely
and prediction.                                        autonomously. In production quality control, AI
     The construction of cognitive intelligence        vision has significantly cut inspection times. In
consists of two dimensions: time and function.         agriculture, the efficiency of intelligent apple
     Time: A network may predict changes               pickers is more than double that of human
in the future (T3) by learning historical              workers. The communications industry is also
information (T1 and T2). For example, an               exploring the use of AI in networks. We hope
L5 ADN will be able to accurately predict              that over the next 10 years, the combination
performance degradation based on historical            of AI and digital twin technology will lead
performance records and warnings.                      to breakthroughs in cognitive networks, and
     Function: A network may predict changes           prediction and judgment of network status will
in its functions (information C) by learning           be significantly improved though analysis and
function-related information in different              inference of multi-dimensional data.
environments (information A and information                 As part of the digital world that is about
B). For example, a cognitive wireless system           to awaken, communications networks will
may predict user service changes by identifying        have both harmonized sensing capabilities
changes in user locations and channels, and in         and cognitive intelligence, evolving to a higher
cyber security, a network may predict changes          form with a robust trunk, sensitive perceptions,
in the security situation based on detection of        and an agile "brain".

Communications Network 2030

                      Vision for Future Networks
                      and Their Defining Features
                      Vision for Future Networks                    supported by green and cubic broadband
                                                                    networks that are AI-native, secure,

                            uture networks won't just connect       trustworthy, and capable of providing
                            billions of people; they will connect   deterministic experiences and HCS. (Figure
                            hundreds of billions of things.         4 Vision for the communications network of
                      We envision those connections as being        2030)

                      Figure 4 Vision for the communications network of 2030

Communications Network 2030

Defining Features                               Today's gigabit access enabled by 5G, F5G,
                                               and Wi-Fi 6 for homes, individuals, and
    The communications networks of 2030        organizations will evolve toward 10 gigabit
will have six defining features enabled         capacity enabled by 6G, F6G, and Wi-Fi 8.
by 15 key technologies, and each key           Huawei predicts that the average monthly
technology will rely on research on multiple   data use on wireless cellular networks
technological fronts. (Figure 5 Defining        per person will increase by 40-fold to 600
features of the communications network of      GB in 2030. In addition, gigabit or higher
2030)                                          fiber broadband household penetration
                                               and 10 gigabit fiber broadband household
Cubic Broadband Network
                                               penetration are expected to reach 55% and
    The coming decade will see continuous      23%, respectively, and the average monthly
improvement in network performance.            fixed network data usage per household

Figure 5 Defining features of the communications networks of 2030

Communications Network 2030

                      Figure 6 Cubic broadband network

                      is forecast to increase by 8-fold to 1.3          space networks. Before we can make that
                      TB. Network ports will be upgraded from           happen, there is still a lot of research that
                      400G to 800G or even 1.6T, and single-            needs to be done. For example, we need to
                      fiber capacity will exceed 100T. In terms of       develop:
                      coverage, network construction up until now       •    New air interface technologies with deep
                      has focused on connectivity on the ground,             fading, large latency, and highly dynamic
                      but in the future, we will see the construction        performance
                      of integrated networks connecting the             •    Intra-satellite and inter-satellite
                      ground, air, and space.                                beamforming technologies that can
                           1) Space-Air-Ground Integrated                    evenly allocate active user equipment (UE)
                      Network: Seamless and Continuous                       to different beams for load balancing and
                      Broadband Experience                                   more efficient resource utilization
                           Moving forward, broadband                    •    Anti-interference technologies for higher
                      coverage will extend beyond the ground,                spectrum multiplexing rates
                      encompassing the air and even space.              •    Frameworks that support fast decision
                      These networks will connect devices at                 making in response to massive volumes of
                      various heights, such as drones flying less             switching requests and complex switching,
                      than 1 kilometer above the ground, aircraft            as well as mobility management
                      10 kilometers above the ground, and LEO                frameworks for limited numbers of
                      spacecraft hundreds of kilometers above the            ground stations
                      ground. A cubic network will consist of small          Inter-satellite transmission requires
                      cells with a coverage radius of 100 meters,       satellites at different orbital heights to form
                      macro sites with a range of 1–10 kilometers,      multi-layer constellations, with each layer
                      and LEO satellites with a range of 300–400        networking through inter-satellite links.
                      kilometers, which will provide users with         Inter-satellite links are established between
                      continuous broadband experiences of 10            satellites in the same orbit, on the same
                      Gbit/s, 1 Gbit/s, and 100 Mbit/s, respectively.   layer, and on adjacent layers, forming a
                      (Figure 6 Cubic broadband network)                cubic space network. Inter-satellite links will
                           For satellite-terrestrial access, devices    use lasercom and terahertz technologies to
                      must be able to easily access terrestrial and     support bandwidth of more than 100 Gbit/

Communications Network 2030

s. This will require research on adapting        new radio (NR), covering all spectrum bands
industrial products to aerial settings, making   for International Mobile Telecommunications
phased array antennas more compact,              (IMT) between 450 MHz and 52.6 GHz.
and enabling dynamic laser tracking and          Research for Release 17 is still underway,
pointing.                                        and one important focus of this research has
     The network management and control          been the use of spectrum above 52.6 GHz
domain consists of an operation and control      for 5G NR. This points to industry consensus
center, network management center, earth         on fully utilizing spectrum below 100 GHz
station, and integrated core network. It         for 5G.
performs the tasks of satellite network               To make 10-gigabit campus networks
management, user management, and                 possible, more research is needed on next-
service support. In this domain, we need         generation Wi-Fi technologies that support
to research new dynamic routing protocols        millimeter-wave and high-density MIMO.
between ground-based earth stations and          Theoretically, Wi-Fi 7 standards that are
constellation networks, and hyper-distributed    currently being defined should be able
convergent core networks that support            to support 10-gigabit user access. With
intelligent switching of space-air-ground        wireless air interface technology approaching
integrated networks.                             Shannon's limit, further evolution of Wi-Fi
     2) 10-Gigabit Connectivity for              and mobile technologies will require more
Individuals, Homes, and Organizations            spectral resources, which are scarce. This has
     Fiber networks are expected to be widely    prompted industry-wide discussions about
deployed globally over the next 10 years,        the feasibility of converging Wi-Fi 8 and 6G.
transforming today's gigabit connections for          3) All-terabit Network: Access,
individuals, homes, and organizations into       Backbone, and DCN
10-gigabit connections.                               Taking into account the growing
     To deliver 10-gigabit home broadband,       broadband requirements of individuals,
200G passive optical network (PON)               homes, and enterprises, as well as the need
technology will likely be used for optical       to connect people and things, future access
access. The coherent detection technology        network equipment will need to support
typically used for wavelength division           terabit-level interfaces. Backbone equipment
multiplexing (WDM) will be used in the PON       will support 40–100 Tbit/s per slot and data
field, which will significantly improve receiver   center equipment 400 Tbit/s per slot.
sensitivity and support modulation formats            By 2030, there will be broadband
with higher spectral rates, such as quadrature   networks that can achieve terabit-level
phase shift keying (QPSK) and 16-quadrature      transmission speeds in many parts of the
amplitude modulation (16-QAM), to achieve        network, from access and backbone to data
higher data rates.                               center networks. These will mostly serve the
     To deliver 10-gigabit broadband for         world's largest cities – those with populations
individual users, mobile network research        of 10 million or higher.
needs to focus on flexible use of the sub-             In the terabit era, datacom equipment
100 GHz spectrum bands and continuous            will need to have Ethernet interface
evolution of massive multiple-input multiple-    technology that supports speeds of 800
output (MIMO). 3GPP Release 16 has defined        Gbit/s or even 1.6 Tbit/s to meet service
two frequency ranges, FR1 and FR2, for 5G        development needs. Unlike 200G and

Communications Network 2030

                      400G Ethernet, 800G Ethernet is a nascent        Assurance for Differentiated Service
                      technology that has yet to be standardized.      Requirements
                      From a technical standpoint, there are                Over the course of this decade, the
                      two routes that will take us to 800G:            Internet traffic model will undergo a
                      continuing evolution of existing pluggable       fundamental shift from today's top-down
                      optics modules and the adoption of new           content traffic generated primarily from
                      co-packaged optics (CPO) modules. Both           online services, retail, and entertainment
                      module types will have a place in the future     to bottom-up data traffic from pervasive
                      market, but pluggable optics modules with        intelligent applications deployed across
                      a capacity of over 800G are expected to          various industries. Intelligent machines will
                      encounter power and density problems, so         generate massive amounts of data, and
                      CPO modules will likely become the preferred     this data will need to be processed in data
                      choice.                                          centers. This decade will see a push toward
                           In addition, enabling long-distance         the coordinated development of electricity
                      transmission capacity of more than 100           and computing power to enable society-
                      Tbit/s per fiber will require technical           wide green computing power. Therefore,
                      breakthroughs in backbone WDM equipment,         the networks of the future will need to be
                      including materials science breakthroughs        able to support more centralized operations
                      in high-baud electro-optic modulation and        of data centers. That will entail meeting
                      the development of new optical amplifier          differentiated latency requirements, with
                      technology that goes beyond C-band to            the acceptable latency for backbone, inter-
                      L-band and S-band.                               city, and intra-city network services being
                                                                       100 ms, 10 ms, and 1 ms, respectively. In
                      Deterministic Experience
                                                                       addition, networks will need to schedule
                           The ability of communications networks      resources in real time at the network layer
                      to provide deterministic experiences is key to   based on service attributes in order to make
                      supporting online office and learning, as well   computing power greener and more efficient.
                      as meeting the security and reliability needs         In addition to meeting differentiated
                      of production environments.                      latency requirements at the network
                           1) 100 ms, 10 ms, and 1 ms Latency          architecture and system levels, the

Communications Network 2030

industry also needs to research end-to-end         isolated from each other. This is a key area
deterministic latency.                             we can work on in order to serve vertical
     Real-time wireless access services            industries. End-to-end slicing is a network
require high instantaneous rates over the          virtualization technology with Service Level
air interface. However, due to the spectrum        Agreement (SLA) assurance. Through
constraints caused by the multiplexing of          network slicing, different logical or physical
multiple pieces of UE on a single carrier, it is   networks can be isolated from the network
difficult to guarantee real-time performance.      infrastructure to meet the SLA requirements
Moving forward, multi-carrier aggregation          of different industries and services. Types
technologies need to be developed so that          of slicing include wireless slicing, transport
carrier configuration is decoupled from             network slicing, and core network slicing.
transmission, improving the bandwidth of           When a carrier provides a slice to a
services under latency constraints on multi-       customer, the carrier also provides end-to-
band carriers.                                     end management and services.
     For cloud-based wireless core networks,            Wireless slicing: It can be further
real-time operating systems (OSs) are              classified into hard slicing and soft slicing.
needed to enhance deterministic scheduling         Hard slicing is achieved through resource
frameworks and ensure real-time service            isolation, such as through static resource
performance.                                       block (RB) reservation and carrier isolation
     The optical access networks we have           for specific slices. Soft slicing is achieved
today feature PON technology, which is             through resource preemption, such as
based on time division multiplexing (TDM).         QoS-based scheduling and dynamic RB
PON uses uplink burst to prevent collisions,       reservation. Currently, the bitrates of
making it ill-suited to scenarios requiring        different network slices can be guaranteed
low latency. Frequency division multiplexing       based on priorities. The next step in the
(FDMA) needs to be explored to allow               development of network slicing is to explore
concurrency of multiple optical network            the most appropriate wireless protocols for
terminals (ONTs) and guarantee low latency         the PHY, MAC, Radio Link Control (RLC), and
by addressing fundamental issues.                  Packet Data Convergence Protocol (PDCP)
     For wide area networks (WANs), the            layers. For example, we could have a PHY
current best-effort forwarding mechanism           layer with a low-latency coding scheme for
needs to be changed, protocols at the              slices that support ultra-reliable low-latency
Physical (PHY) and Medium Access Control           communication (URLLC) services, or a MAC
(MAC) layers need to be improved, and new          layer with an optimized hybrid automatic
technologies such as time-sensitive networks       repeat request (HARQ) mechanism.
(TSNs) and deterministic IPs need to be                 Transport network slicing: This is
integrated to ensure on-demand, end-to-end         achieved through physical isolation or logical
latency.                                           isolation. Physical isolation technologies
     2)    End-to-end Slicing: Logical             can be optical-layer hard pipes, which
Private Networks and Services That Are             carry different services through different
More Adaptable to Vertical Industries              wavelengths or through the optical
     End-to-end slicing provides vertical          channel data unit-k (ODUk) within a single
industries with customized private network         wavelength. Flexible Ethernet (FlexE) at the
services that run independently and are            MAC layer is also used to isolate services

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