COMMISSION FOR REHABILITATION SERVICES - Commissioners Theresa Flannery, Wes Hilliard and -

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COMMISSION FOR REHABILITATION SERVICES - Commissioners Theresa Flannery, Wes Hilliard and -
 C om m i s s i o n e r s T h e r e s a F l a n n e r y , W e s H i l l ia r d a n d
                                 J a c e W ol f e

                   Regular Meeting

                    February 8, 2021

Department of Rehabilitation Services
   3535 NW 58th Street, Suite 200
      Oklahoma City, OK 73112

 Empowering Oklahomans with Disabilities
State of Oklahoma
                      Commission for Rehabilitation Services
                               February 8, 2021
                                   10:30 a.m.

                 Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation Services
                        3535NW 58th Street, Suite 200
                           Oklahoma City, OK 73112

Wes Hilliard, Commission Chair
Theresa Flannery, Commission Vice-chair
Jace Wolfe, Commission Member

1.    Call to Order and Roll Call                            Wes Hilliard, Chair

2.    Statement of Compliance with Open Meeting              Commission Assistant

3     Public Comments. (Under Oklahoma Open                  Public Audience
      Meeting Laws, the Oklahoma Commission for
      Rehabilitation Services cannot respond to or
      discuss any public comment not on today’s

                                REPORTS                                            PAGE #

4.    Presentation of Certificates of Appreciation.          Melinda Fruendt
                                                             Executive Director

5.    Executive Director’s report with possible              Melinda Fruendt           2
      Commission discussion. The report includes             Executive Director
      Executive Director’s participation in meetings;
      updates on Process Improvement which
      Includes AWARE, Case Reviews; and Program
      Standards, Statistical Research.

6.    Priority Group Updates with possible                   Mark Kinnison
      Commission discussion. Report includes                 Director of Vocational
      current status of all Priority Groups I, II and III.   Rehabilitation

7.    Financial report with possible Commission              Kevin Statham             5
      discussion, FY 2021 as of December 31, 2020.           Chief Financial Officer

8.    Personnel Activity report with possible                Tom Patt, Director        13
      Commission discussion, as of January 31, 2021.         Human Resource
      The activity report has current FTE status.
9.      Legislative Report with possible Commission         Kevin Nelson           18
        discussion. The report gives an overview of the     Legislative Liaison
        Governor's State of the State and his budget;
        and a Watch List of bills.

10.     Vocational Rehabilitation report with possible      Mark Kinnison           24
        Commission discussion. This report Includes         Vocational
        safety of frontline staff during COVID; meetings,   Rehabilitation Division
        relocation of offices; training; and statistics.    Administrator

11.     Oklahoma School for the Blind report with
        possible Commission discussion. The report          Rita Echelle           27
        Includes COVID protocols; grants; school            Superintendent
        events; and meetings.

12.     Statewide Independent Living Council (SILC)
        Report with possible Commission discussion.         Sidna Madden           30
        The report Includes conferences and meetings;       Executive Director
        and participation in projects with federal and
        state agencies.

                         ACTION ITEMS

 13.    Review and discussion with possible vote for          Wes Hilliard          32
        approval of the January 11, 2021 Commission for       Chair
        Rehabilitation Services regular meeting minutes.

14.     Review and discussion with possible vote for          Rita Echelle          36
        approval of the January 2021 donations to the         Superintendent
        Oklahoma School for the Blind.

15.     Review and discussion with possible vote for          Chris Dvorak          38
        approval of the January 2021 donations to the         Superintendent
        Oklahoma School for the Deaf.

16.     New Business (“Any matter not known about or          Wes Hilliard
        which could not have been reasonably foreseen         Chair
        prior to the time of posting.” 25 O.S. § 311).

  17.   Announcements                                         Wes Hilliard
        Next Meeting:                                         Chair
        Monday, March 8, 2021 at 10:30
        Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation Services
        3535 NW 58th Street, Suite 200
        Oklahoma City, OK 73112

  18.   Adjournment                                           Wes Hilliard
Page 1
Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation Services
                       EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REPORT
                             February 8, 2021

January 12 – Director and staff participated in the OSD Budget meeting.

January 13 - Director and staff participated in the CSAVR Operations Committee

January 13 – Director participated in the One Workforce Oklahoma chairpersons

January 14 – DRS Executive Team meeting.

January 19 – Director, Kevin Statham and Kevin Nelson presented in the House
Appropriations Subcommittee on HEC Budget and Performance Review.

January 21 – Director and staff participated in the ORC Executive Committee

January 22 – Director and Stephanie Roe hosted the One Workforce Oklahoma,
Special Populations Committee meeting.

January 25 – Director, Kevin Statham, and Kevin Nelson presented in Senate
Appropriations Subcommittee on HEC Budget and Performance Review.

January 25 - Director and staff participated in the VR/SBVI Budget meeting.

January 26 – Director and staff participated in the OSB Budget meeting.

January 26 – Director presented on DRS programs and services in the HEC meeting.

January 27 – Director participated in the Able Tech Advisory Committee meeting.

January 29 – Director and staff participated in the CSAVR DEI discussion.

February 2 – Director and staff participated in the VR/SBVI Performance meeting.

February 2 – Director and staff participated in the CSAVR Operations and Personnel
Committee meeting.

February 4 – Director and staff participated in the Succession Planning training

February 4 – Director participated in the CSAVR Region VI Director’s meeting.

February 5 – Director participated in the HEC meeting.

                                                                                   Page 2
Process Improvement – Lyuda Polyun

The AWARE team continues to work with Alliance and OMES staff on the document
attachment migration project.

We continue to work on the quarterly RSA-911 error reports.

The AWARE team has been working with the Training unit to develop training
materials, including accessible training videos to help train complicated AWARE

The AWARE team has participated in zoom meetings with DVR/SBVI leadership to
address areas in need of improvement and to help establish more consistent case
management standards.

With an eye on moving to an Alliance hosted environment for AWARE data we are in
the process of revamping the current training programs both for new and
experienced users.

Case Review
The QA team continues to audit monthly pulls. For January 2021 the team is auditing
308 that qualified for the audit, of those there are 208 that was closed other than
rehabilitated and 100 closed successfully rehabilitated. Of those 308 that qualified for
auditing 108 will be audited.

The QA team continues to work with Lyuda and Rod on creating a data validity
questions in the area of Measurable Skills Gain and Credential Attainment. A
specialized audit will be created to identify any issues with field staff entering MSG’s
and CA’s and getting supporting documentation.

Program Standards, Statistical Research
The research staff completed the analysis and reporting for the Covid-19 client

The research staff completed the analysis and reporting for the DDS diversity and
inclusion survey.

Respectfully submitted by
Melinda Fruendt, Executive Director

                                                                                    Page 3
Page 4
Department of Rehabilitation Services
                                           Financial Status Report FY 21
                                                         As of December 31 , 2020
                                                            All Programs
                                                          Agency Summary
                                                         % of Total                              %
                                         Budget           Budget           Expenditures       Expended    Encumbrances % Used
         Personnel                      82,373,230.00           51.6%         35,488,127.25       43.1%      46,580,032.98    99.6%
         Travel                          1,005,074.00            0.6%            100,637.46       10.0%          50,356.65    15.0%
         General Operating              27,339,068.00           17.1%          6,162,658.45       22.5%      16,648,685.11    83.4%
         Office Furniture & Equipment    1,763,499.00            1.1%            324,807.20       18.4%         233,340.29    31.7%
         Client / General Assistance    37,927,127.00           23.7%         10,907,432.51       28.8%      24,479,431.47    93.3%
         Indirect Cost                   9,373,875.00            5.9%          4,064,302.47       43.4%       5,309,572.53   100.0%
         Total                          159,781,873.00         100.0%         57,047,965.34       35.7%      93,301,419.03    94.1%

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Department of Rehabilitation Services
                                           Financial Status Report FY 21
                                                         As of December 31 , 2020
                                                       All Programs
                         Vocational Rehabilitation and Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired

                                                          % of Total                        %
                                             Budget         Budget          Expenditures Expended         Encumbrances % Used
         Personnel                       25,028,962.00          36.0%         10,736,673.20       42.9%      14,279,888.33   100.0%
         Travel                             753,200.00           1.1%             78,220.63       10.4%               0.00    10.4%
         General Operating               10,192,034.00          14.7%          2,713,107.30       26.6%       7,099,550.94    96.3%
         Office Furniture & Equipment     1,015,594.00           1.5%            101,229.13       10.0%          18,543.15    11.8%
         Client / General Assistance     28,727,270.00          41.3%          7,921,493.60       27.6%      18,440,088.07    91.8%
         Indirect Cost                    3,835,189.00           5.5%          1,587,209.08       41.4%       2,247,979.92   100.0%
         Total                           69,552,249.00         100.0%         23,137,932.94       33.3%      42,086,050.41    93.8%
                                                Vocational Rehabilitation Grant

                                                         % of Total                              %
                                         Budget           Budget           Expenditures       Expended    Encumbrances % Used
         Personnel                       22,322,425.00          34.5%          9,594,316.73       43.0%      12,722,692.86   100.0%
         Travel                             732,200.00           1.1%             74,299.57       10.1%               0.00    10.1%
         General Operating                9,329,298.00          14.4%          2,514,681.45       27.0%       6,569,477.19    97.4%
         Office Furniture & Equipment       825,450.00           1.3%             46,827.40        5.7%          11,887.79     7.1%
         Client / General Assistance     27,916,667.00          43.2%          7,692,733.07       27.6%      17,961,030.77    91.9%
         Indirect Cost                    3,548,140.00           5.5%          1,454,159.13       41.0%       2,093,980.87   100.0%
         Total                           64,674,180.00         100.0%         21,377,017.35       33.1%      39,359,069.48    93.9%

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Department of Rehabilitation Services
                                           Financial Status Report FY 21
                                                        As of December 31 , 2020
                                                     All Programs
                                              Oklahoma School for the Blind

                                                         % of Total                       %
                                            Budget         Budget         Expenditures Expended     Encumbrances % Used
         Personnel                       6,376,484.00          70.1%         2,938,375.43   46.1%      3,382,179.39    99.1%
         Travel                             53,000.00           0.6%             4,644.54    8.8%              0.00     8.8%
         General Operating               1,680,377.00          18.5%           628,249.89   37.4%        923,117.73    92.3%
         Office Furniture & Equipment      265,200.00           2.9%            81,167.42   30.6%         57,376.35    52.2%
         Client / General Assistance        73,000.00           0.8%            10,337.87   14.2%              0.00    14.2%
         Indirect Cost                     642,964.00           7.1%           311,488.37   48.4%        331,475.63   100.0%
         Total                           9,091,025.00         100.0%         3,974,263.52   43.7%      4,694,149.10    95.4%

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                                                                 3 of 7
Department of Rehabilitation Services
                                           Financial Status Report FY 21
                                                        As of December 31 , 2020
                                                      All Programs
                                               Oklahoma School for the Deaf

                                                         % of Total                       %
                                            Budget         Budget         Expenditures Expended     Encumbrances % Used
         Personnel                       7,819,120.00          49.1%         3,509,995.47   44.9%      4,299,124.15    99.9%
         Travel                             40,974.00           0.3%             4,147.10   10.1%            297.40    10.8%
         General Operating               6,586,287.00          41.4%           447,952.62    6.8%      3,649,244.85    62.2%
         Office Furniture & Equipment      367,459.00           2.3%           110,899.71   30.2%        145,647.03    69.8%
         Client / General Assistance       312,857.00           2.0%            93,558.92   29.9%        107,385.52    64.2%
         Indirect Cost                     791,297.00           5.0%           350,104.43   44.2%        441,192.57   100.0%
         Total                          15,917,994.00         100.0%         4,516,658.25   28.4%      8,642,891.52    82.7%

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                                                                 4 of 7
Department of Rehabilitation Services
                                           Financial Status Report FY 21
                                                        As of December 31 , 2020
                                                        All Programs
                                             Disability Determination Services

                                                         % of Total                       %
                                            Budget         Budget         Expenditures Expended     Encumbrances % Used
         Personnel                      36,322,769.00          65.7%        15,128,750.07   41.7%     20,987,467.44    99.4%
         Travel                            104,900.00           0.2%             8,355.66    8.0%         50,059.25    55.7%
         General Operating               5,918,090.00          10.7%         1,545,515.15   26.1%      3,258,958.96    81.2%
         Office Furniture & Equipment       59,432.00           0.1%            10,857.48   18.3%         11,773.76    38.1%
         Client / General Assistance     8,814,000.00          15.9%         2,882,042.12   32.7%      5,931,957.88   100.0%
         Indirect Cost                   4,098,309.00           7.4%         1,812,963.14   44.2%      2,285,345.86   100.0%
         Total                          55,317,500.00         100.0%        21,388,483.62   38.7%     32,525,563.15    97.5%

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                                                                 5 of 7
Department of Rehabilitation Services
                                            Financial Status Report FY 21
                                                         As of December 31 , 2020
                                                         All Programs
                                                     DRS Support Services

                                                          % of Total                       %
                                             Budget         Budget         Expenditures Expended     Encumbrances % Used
          Personnel                       6,825,895.00          68.9%         3,174,333.08   46.5%      3,631,373.67    99.7%
          Travel                             53,000.00           0.5%             5,269.53    9.9%              0.00     9.9%
          General Operating               2,962,280.00          29.9%           827,833.49   27.9%      1,717,812.63    85.9%
          Office Furniture & Equipment       55,814.00           0.6%            20,653.46   37.0%              0.00    37.0%
          Client / General Assistance             0.00           0.0%                 0.00    0.0%              0.00     0.0%
          Indirect Cost                       6,116.00           0.1%             2,537.46   41.5%          3,578.54   100.0%
          Total                           9,903,105.00         100.0%         4,030,627.02   40.7%      5,352,764.84    94.8%

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Department of Rehabilitation Services
                                                           Financial Status Report FY 21
                                                                    As of December 31 , 2020
          Salary Expense
          Insurance Premium -Health-Life, etc
          FICA-Retirement Contributions
          Travel - Agency Direct
          Travel - Reimbursements
          General Operating
          AFP Encumberances
          Bond Indebtness and Expenses
          Buildings-Purchase, Construction and Renovation
          General Operating
          Inter/Intre Agency Payment for Personal Services
          Maintenance & Repair
          Miscellaneous Administration Fee
          Professional Services
          Production, Safety, Security
          Refunds, Indemnities, Restitution
          Rent Expense
          Scholarships, Tuition and Other Incentive-Type Payments
          Shop Expense
          Specialized Supplies & Materials
          Office Furniture & Equipment
          Library Equipment & Resources
          Office Furniture & Equipment
          Client / General Assistance
          Social Service and Assistance Payments
          Indirect Cost

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                                                                             7 of 7
Page 12
                                                 AS OF JANUARY 31, 2021
                                                        FILLED AND VACANT POSITIONS
                         Personnel Activity = 5 vacant positions filled / 28 positions in Announcement or Selection Process

 Division   Title/PIN                            Date Vacated     Location        Begin date       End date       Ann. #      Action/Incumbent      Date Filled
 MSD        Administrative Assistant / 0858       12/05/2020      MSD-CDS          01/26/2021     01/30/2021      21-038      Currently Open
            Administrative Programs Officer /
 MSD        1073                                  01/01/2021      MSD-CDS           01/26/2021    02/12/2021      21-039      Currently Open
            Transportation Officer/Student
 OSB        Aide / 1084                            12/4/2020      OSB               12/22/2020    Continuous     21-029.1     Marcella Bethel       01/24/2021
            Independent Living Instructor /                                                                                   Christine
 OSB        0164                                  07/31/2020      OSB               12/09/2020    12/15/2020      21-032      Timmreck              01/01/2021
                                                                                                                              Applicant List Sent
 OSD        Direct Care Specialist / 0877         11/01/2020      OSD                12/1/2020    12/18/2020     21-025.1     12/22/2020
            Direct Care Specialist / 0115,        09/01/2020,
 OSD        0028                                  09/01/2020      OSD                12/2/2020    12/21/2020     21-023.1     Matthew Geisler       01/11/2021
                                                                                                                              Applicant list sent
 OSD        Teaching Assistant / 0060             08/01/2013      OSD               08/25/2020    08/31/2020     21-002.1     09/02/2020
 OSD        Counselor I / 0247                    08/14/2017      OSD               07/22/2020    Continuous      21-003      Currently Open
                                                                  VR04 –                                                      Applicant List Sent
 VR         Rehabilitation Technician / 0424         01/01/2021   Bartlesville      01/05/2021     01/25/2021      21-036     01/27/2021
                                                                  VR12 –                                                      Applicant List Sent
 VR         Programs Manager / 0943                   11/1/2020   Lawton            11/05/2020     12/03/2020      21-027     12/08/2020
            Vocational Rehabilitation                             VR67 –
 VR         Specialist / 0567                        09/01/2020   Tulsa             12/22/2020     Continuous    21-028.1     Currently Open
            Vocational Rehabilitation
 VR         Specialist / 0255                        11/13/2020   VR23 – OKC        11/24/2020     Continuous      21-030     Currently Open
 VR         Rehabilitation Technician / 0545         09/01/2020   VR86 –Ada         12/22/2020     12/30/2020    21-019.2     Melinda Frazer        01/25/2021
            Vocational Rehabilitation                07/22/2020   VR07 –
 VR         Specialist / 0194, 1077                  10/01/2019   Durant            08/24/2020     Continuous    21-006.1     Currently Open
            Vocational Rehabilitation                             VR18 –                                                      Applicant List Sent
 VR         Specialist / 0627                        07/08/2020   Muskogee          09/15/2020     10/13/2020    21-007.1     10/16/2020
            Vocational Rehabilitation                             VR67 –
 VR         Specialist / 0044                        08/15/2020   Tulsa             10/19/2020     Continuous    21-015.1     Tor-Rel Miles         01/04/2021
            Vocational Rehabilitation                11/16/2019
 VR         Specialist / 0438, 0323                  11/09/2020   VR47 – OKC        09/29/2020     Continuous    20-078.2     Currently Open

Page 13
Vocational Rehabilitation                                  SBVI 84 –
 SBVI         Specialist / 0709                         01/01/2021       McAlester   01/05/2021     02/17/2021 21-037          Currently Open
                                                                         SBVI 91 –
 SBVI         Rehabilitation Technician / 0705            02/01/2021 Tulsa           01/28/2021     02/10/2021 21-040          Currently Open
              Assistive Technology Specialist /                          SBVI 58 –
 SBVI         1112                                        07/01/2020 Ada             01/29/2021     Continuous 21-041          Currently Open
              Rehabilitation of the Blind                                SBVI 91 -
 SBVI         Specialist / 0218                           09/01/2020 Tulsa           01/29/2021     Continuous 21-042          Currently Open
              Vocational Rehabilitation                                  SBVI 91 –                                             Applicant List Sent
 SBVI         Specialist / 0094                           07/16/2020 Tulsa           12/03/2020     12/22/2020 21-031          12/28/2020
                                                                         SBVI 91 –
 SBVI         Specialist on Deaf/Blind / 1144             12/01/2020 Tulsa           12/30/2020     02/11/2021 21-033          Currently Open
              Rehabilitation of the Blind                                SBVI 90 –
 SBVI         Specialist / 0695                           06/01/2020 OKC             12/30/2020     01/20/2021 21-034          Currently Open
                                                                         SBVI 71 –
 SBVI         Rehabilitation Technician / 0072              01/1/2021 Idabel         12/31/2020     02/12/2021 21-035          Currently Open
                                                                         SBVI 33 –
 SBVI         Business Manager / 0785                     02/01/2020 BEP             08/04/2020     Continuous 21-009          Currently Open
              Vending Operations Manager /                               SBVI 33 –
 SBVI         1486                                        05/28/2020 BEP             08/14/2020     Continuous 21-012          Currently Open
              Vending Machine Technician /                               SBVI 33 –
 SBVI         0167                                        02/20/2020 BEP             08/31/2020     Continuous 21-014          Currently Open
              Rehabilitation of the Blind                                SBVI 71-
 SBVI         Specialist / 0754                           10/01/2018 Idabel          05/29/2019     Continuous 19-043.3 Currently Open
              Vending Facility Business                                  SBVI 33 –
 SBVI         Consultant / 0134                           11/23/2019 OKC BEP         12/10/2019     Continuous 20-064          Currently Open
          Waiting for E-List = Waiting to receive electronic applicant log from HCM.
          Pending Approval= Waiting for unclassified appointments to be approved by director and cabinet secretary to establish
NOTE:     an effective date

Page 14

                                                   As of January 31, 2021


          Discharge = 1
          1 = 1 year 4 months




          Resignation = 2
          1 = 6 years 8 months
          1 = 18 years

Page 15
                                                                       FY 2021
                                                               FTE as of January 31, 2021

                                   DIVISION                     BUDGETED FTE      FILLED       PENDING     EXEMPT     TOTAL FILLED PLUS PENDING
                                                                                                                          MINUS EXEMPT FTE
            Support Services (Executive/MSD/FSD)                        75.1        72.00           2.00     (1.00)                      73.00
            Vocational Rehabilitation                                  237.8       212.00           9.00     (4.00)                     217.00
            Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired               113.5        94.00          13.00     (3.00)                     104.00
            VR/SBVI-DP                                                  2.00         2.00           0.00     (0.00)                       2.00
            Oklahoma School for the Blind                               99.0        92.00           0.00       0.00                      92.00
            Oklahoma School for the Deaf                               129.3       118.00           4.00       0.00                     122.00

            Total (NON-EXEMPT)                                         656.7       590.00          28.00     (8.00)                     610.00

            Disability Determination Services (EXEMPT)                 394.3       366.00           0.00    (378.3)                     370.00

            TOTAL NON-EXEMPT & EXEMPT                                 1051.0       956.00          28.00    (386.3)                     980.00

            FY 21 Budgetary Limit = 1255
           * Authorized agency FTE limit does not include Executive Fellow and SWIP appointments

          ROUTING TO: Melinda Fruendt, Director
                      Kevin Statham, Chief Financial Officer
                      Randy Weaver, Chief of Operations
                      Tom Patt, Human Resources Program Director
                      Dana Tallon, Public Information Manager II
                      Carol Brown, Executive Assistant
                      Rosemarie Chitwood, Secretary V
                      Brett Jones, Public Information Officer III

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Page 17
February Commission Legislative Report
                                Kevin Nelson
                            DRS Legislative Liaison

BUDGET- As I write this, we are just a few hours after the Governor’s state of
the state, and his budget. The state equalization board certified $8.5 billion
with which to write his third executive budget, an increase of $631.2 million
from last year’s budget. He has promised a flat budget even given the
expected $164 million price tag for Medicaid expansion. For DRS, our
proposed budget is flat except for removal of the OSD capital expansion
funds. Just for reference, he made the same recommendation last year.
LEGISLATION – I have completed my initial review of bills and the new watch
list bills are below. They are primarily made up of Open Meeting bills, our bills,
and disability bills we support. Fir our bills, SB 75 is our DDS IT security audit
exemption bill and HB 2329 and SB 67 are our deaf education teacher testing
bill. HB2328 is our bill exempting blind vending from competitive bidding
On Open meeting, there are nine that allow virtual meetings, but three from
leadership to watch. HB2038, by Speaker McCall, allows a public body to hold
meetings by teleconference through January 31, 2022; HB2644 by Rep. Jon
Echols, allows a public body to hold meetings by teleconference until March
31, 2024; SB1031, by Sen. Greg Treat, allows a public body to hold meetings by
videoconference until the Governor declares a state of emergency be
terminated; and SB1032, by Sen. Greg Treat, that allows a public body that
maintains a website and utilizes a high-speed internet connection to stream
live all meetings on such website and posted on the website after the
meeting during a state of emergency declared by the Governor. Leadership
has promised swift action to pass something during the first two weeks of
Of the remaining, HB1792 and SB 582 are bills we are working with Rep.
Daniel Pae and Sen. John Montgomery on that remove references to
“handicap” in statute. SB0175, by Sen. Dave Rader, includes DRS as a
member of the 11-member Traumatic Brain Injury Task Force it creates. In
addition, below are bills that may affect the Commission. If you have any
concerns about them, please let me know.
The first day of session is February 1st, and our first deadline is the 25th to
report bills out of subcommittees.

                                                                                  Page 18
Watch List
HB1792 Paraphrase: HB1792, by Rep. Daniel Pae, R-Lawton, updates language to
       refer to disabled adults.
       Effective Date: 11/01/2021 Emergency: No
       Status: H Introduced Status Date: 02/01/2021

HB2038 Paraphrase: HB2038, by Rep. Charles McCall, R-Atoka, allows a public body
       to hold meetings by teleconference through January 31, 2022. (Emergency
       Effective Date: / / Emergency: Yes
       Status: H Introduced Status Date: 02/01/2021

HB2328 Paraphrase: HB2328, by Rep. Mark Lawson, R-Sapulpa, modifies exceptions
       to the competitive bidding requirements.
       Effective Date: 11/01/2021 Emergency: No
       Status: H Introduced Status Date: 02/01/2021

HB2329 Paraphrase: HB2329, by Rep. Mark Lawson, R-Sapulpa, allows the State
       Board of Education to grant an exception to the requirements for all
       certification examinations for teacher candidates who are deaf. It allows the
       Board to promulgate rules and other requirements as necessary to grant the
       exceptions. (Emergency Measure)
       Effective Date: 07/01/2021 Emergency: Yes
       Status: H Introduced Status Date: 02/01/2021

HB2644 Paraphrase: HB2644, by Rep. Jon Echols, R-Oklahoma City, allows a public
       body to hold meetings by teleconference until March 31, 2024. (Emergency
       Effective Date: / / Emergency: Yes
       Status: H Introduced Status Date: 02/01/2021

SB0067 Paraphrase: SB0067, by Sen. Frank Simpson, R-Ardmore, permits the State
       Board of Education to grant an exception to the requirements for all
       certification examinations for teacher candidates who are "deaf." The bill
       defines the term "deaf" for the purpose of the statute to mean having a hearing
       loss so severe that the person cannot process auditory linguistic information
       with or without accommodation and whose primary language and teaching
       environment is American Sign Language. It permits the board to grant the
       exception on verification by a licensed audiologist of a hearing loss so severe
       that the teacher candidate cannot process auditory linguistic information with
       or without accommodation; demonstration of fluency in American Sign
       Language; demonstration of competency in the subject area of specialization

                                                                                 Page 19
as approved by the Board in lieu of certification examinations; and
        sponsorship by a certified deaf education teacher for a mentorship program. It
        permits the board to promulgate necessary rules and other requirements.
        (Emergency Measure)
        Effective Date: 07/01/2021 Emergency: Yes
        Status: Committee Assignment Prior to Session Status Date: 01/27/2021
        Committee(1): S Education (S)

SB0075 Paraphrase: SB0075, by Sen. Frank Simpson, R-Ardmore, exempts the
       Social Security Disability Determination Services Division of the Department of
       Rehabilitation Services from the requirement that state agencies obtain an
       information security risk assessment to identify vulnerabilities associated with
       the information system.
       Effective Date: 11/01/2021 Emergency: No
       Status: Committee Assignment Prior to Session Status Date: 01/27/2021
       Committee(1): S General Government (S)

SB0175 Paraphrase: SB0175, by Sen. Dave Rader, R-Tulsa, creates the 11-member
       Traumatic Brain Injury Task Force (TBI Task Force) to identify the needs of
       and best-practice approaches to traumatic brain injury (TBI) survivors in
       Oklahoma and to make recommendation to the Legislature no later than Jan.
       1, 2024. The bill establishes membership and meeting requirements.
       Effective Date: 11/01/2021 Emergency: No
       Status: Committee Assignment Prior to Session Status Date: 01/27/2021
       Committee(1): S Health & Human Services (S)

SB0582 Paraphrase: SB0582, by Sen. John Michael Montgomery, R-Lawton, updates
       language to describe a disabled persons.
       Effective Date: 11/01/2021 Emergency: No
       Status: Committee Assignment Prior to Session Status Date: 01/27/2021
       Committee(1): S Health & Human Services (S)

SB1031 Paraphrase: SB1031, by Sen. Greg Treat, R-Oklahoma City, allows a public
       body to hold meetings by videoconference until the Governor declares a state
       of emergency be terminated. (Emergency Measure)
       Effective Date: / / Emergency: Yes
       Status: Committee Assignment Prior to Session Status Date: 01/27/2021
       Committee(1): S General Government (S)

                                                                                 Page 20
HB2038 Paraphrase: HB2038, by Rep. Charles McCall, R-Atoka, allows a public body
       to hold meetings by teleconference through January 31, 2022. (Emergency
       Effective Date: / / Emergency: Yes
       Status: H Introduced Status Date: 02/01/2021

HB2644 Paraphrase: HB2644, by Rep. Jon Echols, R-Oklahoma City, allows a public
       body to hold meetings by teleconference until March 31, 2024. (Emergency
       Effective Date: / / Emergency: Yes
       Status: H Introduced Status Date: 02/01/2021

SB0176 Paraphrase: SB0176, by Sen. Julia Kirt, D-Oklahoma City, requires those
       appointed by the governor as agency directors or cabinet secretaries to file
       financial disclosure statements with the Ethics Commission.
       Effective Date: 11/01/2021 Emergency: No
       Status: Committee Assignment Prior to Session Status Date: 01/27/2021
       Committee(1): S Rules (S)

SB0487 Paraphrase: SB0487, by Sen. Nathan Dahm, R-Broken Arrow, requires the
       governor to have power to remove any officers appointed by him or her. It
       requires the governor to have the power to remove any gubernatorial
       appointments on any agency, board or commission at any time, subject to
       certain provisions. It requires the Senate president pro tempore and House
       speaker to have the power to remove any of their respective appointments on
       any agency, board or commission at any time, subject to the provisions
       therein. (Emergency Measure)
       Effective Date: / / Emergency: Yes
       Status: Committee Assignment Prior to Session Status Date: 01/27/2021
       Committee(1): S General Government (S)

SB0581 Paraphrase: SB0581, by Sen. Nathan Dahm, R-Broken Arrow, includes
       elected and nonelected government official, any appointed member of a state
       board or commission in those who are liable and subject to impeachment.
       Effective Date: 11/01/2021 Emergency: No
       Status: Committee Assignment Prior to Session Status Date: 01/27/2021
       Committee(1): S Judiciary (S)

                                                                                 Page 21
SB0777 Paraphrase: SB0777, by Sen. Brent Howard, R-Altus, clarifies provisions
       pertaining to videoconference meetings under the Open Meetings Act and
       providing notices under specific conditions. (Emergency Measure)
       Effective Date: / / Emergency: Yes
       Status: Committee Assignment Prior to Session Status Date: 01/27/2021
       Committee(1): S Judiciary (S)

SB0919 Paraphrase: SB0919, by Sen. John Michael Montgomery, R-Lawton, extends
       temporary amendments to the Open Meeting Act to permit fully virtual
       meetings from March 19, 2020, to Feb. 15, 2022. (Emergency Measure)
       Effective Date: / / Emergency: Yes
       Status: Committee Assignment Prior to Session Status Date: 01/27/2021
       Committee(1): S Judiciary (S)

SB1031 Paraphrase: SB1031, by Sen. Greg Treat, R-Oklahoma City, allows a public
       body to hold meetings by videoconference until the Governor declares a state
       of emergency be terminated. (Emergency Measure)
       Effective Date: / / Emergency: Yes
       Status: Committee Assignment Prior to Session Status Date: 01/27/2021
       Committee(1): S General Government (S)

SB1032 Paraphrase: SB1032, by Sen. Greg Treat, R-Oklahoma City, allows a public
       body that maintains a website and utilizes a high-speed internet connection to
       stream live all meetings on such website and posted on the website after the
       meeting during a state of emergency declared by the Governor. (Emergency
       Effective Date: / / Emergency: Yes
       Status: Committee Assignment Prior to Session Status Date: 01/27/2021
       Committee(1): S General Government (S)

                                                                                Page 22
Page 23
                  February 2021 Commission Report

•   We continue to keep offices open and are currently in an extended
    phase 2 of our return to work preparedness plan, which went in effect
    August 3, 2020.
•   We were very fortunate to be able to have some of our frontline staff
    receive the first round of COVID-19 vaccination. Approximately 47
    individuals with VR and SBVI were given the first dose. The shots were
    targeted for individuals who are actively traveling to and working face
    to face with clientele. The second shots are scheduled for February 12,
•   VR and SBVI leadership continue to have regular meetings by ZOOM to
    discuss work practices, and various updates in regard to COVID-19. A
    number of our offices have had to shut down and be treated due to the
    spread of COVID-19.
•   Our two biggest offices are in the process of relocating. The VR offices
    in Shepheard Mall in OKC are looking at relocating to the Frates
    building near the capital. Our office in Tulsa, located at 444 S. Houston
    is looking to relocate down the road to the Sun Building. We currently
    have SBVI staff housed there as well.
•   Our Psych. Clinicians are receiving approximately 40 referrals a month.
•   Our Vocational Evaluators are receiving approximately 50 referrals a
•   Employment Support Services staff continue to work contracts,
    participate in meetings by ZOOM regarding Supported Employment,
    assist with 511 part 397 presentations, and provide technical assistance
    to providers and staff.
•    Assistive Technology Specialists continue to travel and see clients as
    requested. We are receiving approximately 25 referrals a month in
    addition to existing case work.
•   We have received 222 referrals for Benefits Planning through
    December and have worked with 169 actual beneficiaries.
•   We continue to work diligently in regard to Transition Services. We
    have established a Transition Unit for the OKC area that is under the
    leadership of Trish Osborn. The Division Administrator has also
    assumed the Field Coordinator duties for Tulsa and OKC transition
•   We are working with Project SEARCH and Jon Ringlero to begin a
    Project SEARCH with some of Oklahoma Tribal VR Programs.
•   We are working with Project SEARCH and Tulsa Tech. to begin a Project
    SEARCH with Tulsa Public Schools, surrounding areas and Tulsa Tech.
    This will start 1/1/2022.

                                                                        Page 24
•   Sky’s The Limit Communications, a training and communications
       company specializing in motivational resiliency, diversity and
       leadership presentations nationally, David DeNotaris and Ace Academy
       are working with students (Juniors and Seniors) from the School for the
       Blind to promote independence. During the ACE Advocacy Academy
       Self-Advocacy Nuts and Bolts, participants will grow in confidence,
       independence and skill as they practice essential elements of self-
       advocacy. They started this in January 2021.
   •   Pre-ETS is continuing to grow. OU has 5 announcements for job
       openings to fill for the Northwest and Northeast parts of the state at
       this time.
   •   DRS has hosted share fairs to parents, teachers, administration and
       students about DRS and other resources. February 25th will be the
       second share fair. We are hoping to do these quarterly and grow.
   •   School Work Study and Work Adjustment Training have been revised
       and will be sent out to schools and vendors the first week of February.
   •   Summer program planning has begun. We are hoping to improve
       attendance this summer for virtual programs.
   •   Working with SBVI on VIBE this summer virtually as well.
   •   Business Services continue to be very active with Business Advisory
       Councils, and partnership trainings with the Eastern Workforce Board
       and Oklahoma Tribal VR Partners. Client trainings were completed
       with SBVI which focused on male grooming and personal appearance.
       Training on career connections was completed in Southcentral
       Oklahoma. Counselor trainings included Imagine Academy, Galt
       Foundation training, and SBVI training regarding the Career One Stop
       interview out of Southcentral Oklahoma. Business Partner Connections
       included United Health Group, Mercy Hospitals – Independence
       Through Meaningful Work Committee, Paycom, and SSM Health.
   •   For federal production year 2020 the VR and SBVI programs completed
       2,980 applications, 1,750 plans of employment, and 1042 successful
   •   We continue to surpass our Measurable Skill Gain negotiated rate and
       are currently at 32%.

As always, I want to express my appreciation to DRS staff for their diligent
work, and dedication during this time. I’m honored to work with them.

Mark Kinnison, M.Ed., CRC, LPC-S
Division Administrator
Vocational Rehabilitation Services

                                                                           Page 25
Page 26
                           Commission Meeting
                             February 1, 2021

Students began on-site classes on Monday, January 25, 2021. Covid-19
protocols are in place under the direction of the Oklahoma State Department
of Health.

OSB received the 2020 Respond, Recover and Rebuild Education Initiative:
Competitive Public School Grant of $12,500 from the Cherokee Nation. This is
a onetime grant designated to address education technology and other
COVID-l9 response needs.

OSB also received the Kirschner Grant in the amount of $15,000 which will
provide monies for gymnasium equipment needs.

Cane Quest was held during the month of December. Fay Miller, Orientation
and Mobility Specialist, was the event coordinator. Winners were as follows:

B1 Explorers - Skyler Moore
B2 Explorers - Josie Cox
B1 Trailblazers – Elbin Carrillo
B2 Trailblazers - Kaylie Minter

OSB gymnasium has been completed. A dedication ceremony is being
planned for a later date. Also, a new activity/route bus has been purchased
for OSB students.

On January 5 and 7, 2021, OSB Teachers and administrators participated in an
ABLE TECH Virtual Tour. Information about ABLE TECH assistive technology
and its services were shared with participants.

Parent/Teacher Conferences were held virtually on January 12, 2021.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021, the Oklahoma State Department of Health
provided a vaccination clinic for OSB employees. 66 vaccinations were
completed. Second doses will be administered at a later date.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021, DRS/OSB Quarterly Budget Meeting was held.
Superintendent, Rita Echelle, and Business Manager, Dennis Read, attended
the meeting.

OSB FCCLA will be hosting a Blood Drive on Wednesday, February 3, 2021.

                                                                         Page 27
Former OSB teacher, Deborah Oakes passed away Tuesday, January 19th, 2021.
Mrs. Oakes had over 24 years of service to OSB. She was instrumental in
implementing a transition program for OSB students and also assisted with
Special Olympics. She was dedicated to OSB and her students and will be
sorely missed.

Nursing Supervisor, Connie Merrill, and Building/Maintenance Supervisor,
Brian Culver, were recognized by Director Fruendt for exemplary service
during the pandemic crisis with a certificate of appreciation for outstanding
performance during the Commission Meeting on December 14, 2020.

DRS/OSB Quarterly Transition Meeting was held on Monday, February 1.
Those in attendance from OSB were: Lynn Cragg, Karen Reed, Kathy Barrett,
Mike Robinson, and Rita Echelle.

Superintendent Rita Echelle attended the CCOSA/OASA Legislative
Conference on Wednesday, January 20, 2021.

Superintendent will attend Muskogee Area Education Consortium Meeting
on Friday, February 5, 2021.

Rita J. Echelle, OSB Superintendent

                                                                          Page 28
Page 29
SILC Report to DRS Commissioners
                                      February 8, 2021

Since the election of the new SILC Chair, there have been many meetings with the
Executive Director and the Executive Committee to ensure SILC’s goals and vision
moving forward, and to ensure forward progress continues.

The annual APRIL Conference was held in mid-October via Zoom in light of COVID. SILC
registered 19 attendees, which includes Tonya Garman for DRS. There were over 500
participants at the conference.

SILC Executive Director, SILC Executive Committee and Jeff Hughes of Progressive
Independence have had a couple of meetings – one with DHS Aging and Sooner Success
representatives and one of Senator Kevin Matthews. We are forming partnerships where
we see a good fit, and always talking in terms of consumers and COVID.

The January SILC meeting was canceled because of the in-person meeting part of the
Open Meetings Act, and the Governor’s Executive Order not being renewed. Many
members are not going to get out to attend in-person meetings, thus making it difficult
to reach quorum. The Executive Director reached out to the Federal Project Office to see
if the Federal Agency could provide any guidelines for suggestions. It was suggested that
SILC change our By Laws to reflect meeting, voting and reaching quorum through
electron format, instead of just in-person.

The SILC Executive Director is now participating in monthly meetings with the Federal
Project Officer and three other chosen SILC Directors across the country to collaborate
about varying issues affecting SILCs nationwide.

The SILC Executive Director continues to serve on several National Boards for
Independent Living, representing Oklahoma Independent Living, and has participated in
Executive Committee Zoom meetings as the Treasurer for APRIL (Association of
Programs for Rural Independent Living) as well as the Conference Planning Committee
and the full APRIL Board meetings. She also serves in the same capacity for NASILC
(National Association of Statewide Independent Living Councils) as Treasurer on the
Executive Committee, Conference Planning and full Board Zoom meetings. For NCIL
(National Council on Independent Living) she serves on the Finance Committee.
The SILC Congress conference is being postponed from this April of 2021 to January or
February of 2022.
The next quarterly SILC meeting will be held April 30, 2021.

Respectfully submitted,

Sidna Madden
SILC Executive Director

                                                                               Page 30
Page 31
Oklahoma Commission for Rehabilitation Services
                      Department of Rehabilitation Services
                     3535 NW 58th Street Oklahoma City, Ok
                             Commission Minutes
                                January 11, 2021

Wes Hilliard, Commission Chair
Theresa Flannery, Commission Vice-chair
Jace Wolfe, Commission Member

Sign Language Interpreters are provided for public accessibility

Wes Hilliard, Commission Chair
Theresa Flannery, Commission Vice-Chair

Jace Wolfe, Commission Member

The meeting was called to order at 10:40 a.m. by Commissioner Hilliard.
Commissioners Hilliard and Flannery were in attendance and a quorum was

The Commission Assistant confirmed the Commission for Rehabilitation Services is in
compliance with the Open Meetings Act.


Commissioner Hilliard recognized Executive Director Fruendt to present a Certificate of
Appreciation. Cathy Martin of the Communications Division for her continued service
to staff on current news. Her goal is to keep key DRS staff informed about critical
disability, social services and state government issues in the news. In 2018, Cabinet
Secretary Steve Buck asked DRS Communications to coordinate this news assignment
with the communication staff at Office of Juvenile Affairs. OK News Target is also
distributed daily to Department of Human Services staff. This partnership supports
Cabinet Secretary Justin Brown’s initiative to have agencies in his cabinet collaborate
more closely and make the best use of taxpayer dollars. Commissioners Hilliard and
Flannery extended their thank you to Cathy Martin for her work and dedication.

Commissioner Hilliard recognized Melinda Fruendt, Executive Director. Her report
included her participation in meetings; updates on Process Improvement which
Includes federal reporting, AWARE, Case Reviews; and Program Standards, Statistical
Research.                                                                 Page 32
Commissioner Hilliard recognized Mark Kinnison, Director of Vocational Rehabilitation
Services. He reported on the current status of the Priority Groups. There have been
one hundred four (104) clients released. As of today, Priority Group I have eleven (11),
Group II nine hundred thirty-two (932), and Group III one hundred eighty-five (185) with
a total of one thousand one hundred twenty-eight (1128).

Commission Hilliard recognized Kevin Statham, Chief Financial Officer, who reported
the Financial Status Reports for FY 2021 as of November 30, 2020.

Commissioner Hilliard recognized Tom Patt, Human Resources Director who reported
on the personnel activity report as of December 31, 2020. The activity report also has
current FTE status.

Commissioner Hilliard recognized Carolina Colclasure, Program Manager. Her report
Included new ORC officers, updates on committees and their work. She also said the
2020 ORC Annual Report has been completed and sent to Rehabilitation Services
Administration and Governor's Office on December 18, 2020.

Commissioner Hilliard recognized Chris Dvorak, Superintendent. He reported the
school has students on campus now. His report Included training and outreach;
update on 235 Program; fall ASL Community classes; virtual learning; and athletic

                                    ACTION ITEMS

Commissioner Hilliard asked for a possible vote to approve the December 14, 2020
Commission for Rehabilitation Services regular Meeting Minutes.
    Motion was made by Commissioner Flannery and seconded by
    Commissioner Hilliard to approve the December 14, 2020 minutes. Both
    Commissioners voted in the affirmative. Motion passed.

Commissioner Hilliard asked for a possible vote to approve the Proposed Interpreter
Rate Increase. This proposed rate increase has been approved by Dan Sivard, State
Purchasing Director.
      Motion was made by Commissioner Flannery and seconded by
      Commissioner Hilliard to approve the rates and the rates being effective on
      the date the interpreter signs the amended contract. Both Commissioners
      voted in the affirmative. Motion passed.

                                                                             Page 33
Commissioner Hilliard recognized Kevin Treese, Program Manager. He asked for
approval of the December 2020 donations.
     Motion was made by Commissioner Flannery and seconded by
     Commissioner Hilliard to approve the December donations. Both
     Commissioners voted in the affirmative. Motion passed.

Commissioner Hilliard recognized Rita Echelle, Superintendent of OSB who reviewed
their December 2020 OSB donation report, for possible vote for approval.
      Motion was made by Commissioner Flannery and seconded by
      Commissioner Hilliard to approve the December 2020 OSB donations. Both
      Commissioners voted in the affirmative. Motion passed.

Commissioner Hilliard asked if there was any New Business. There was none.

Date and location of next regular meeting of the Commission for Rehabilitation
Monday, February 8, 2021 at 10:30 a.m.
Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation Services
3535 NW 58th Street
Suite 200
Oklahoma City, OK

Commissioner Hilliard also announced the recent wedding of one of our staff, Renee
Sansom on December 31, 2020.

Commissioner Hilliard adjourned the meeting.

Respectfully submitted by Carol Brown, Assistant to the Commission

                                                                           Page 34
Page 35
                                                        January 2021 Donations

          Donations under $500
              Date                      Name                              Cash        Fund   Property             Value
           1/21/2021 Beta Iota #4283 of ESA                          $     200.00      216
           1/21/2021 Chipotle                                        $      39.57      216
           1/21/2021 Casey's General Store                           $      48.20      216
           1/28/2021 Frank Dirksen                                   $     400.00      701
           1/28/2021 Park Hill Home & Community Education            $      50.00      701
           1/28/2021 OK Home & Community Education Cherokee Cty      $     100.00      701

          Subtotal of Cash (under $500) donated in January 2020      $      837.77           Subtotal prop.   $       -

          Donations $500 and over                                    $       -
           1/26/2021 OKC Community Foundation                        $ 15,000.00      216
           1/28/2021 Cherokee Nation (rec'd. by DRS in November)     $ 12,500.00      216

          Subtotal of Cash ($500 and over) donated in January 2020   $ 27,500.00             Subtotal prop.   $       -

          TOTAL DONATION AMOUNTS January - 2020                          $28,337.77

Page 36
Page 37
OSD Donation Report
                                                          January 2021

          Donations Under $500.00
  Date    Name                                             Cash       Fund       Explanation                             Value

  1/4     DRS                                             335.00   21600/70100   Christmas donation for students
  1/21    Frankliln Sissons                                50.00   21600/70100   Donated since ASL class free
                        Subtotal Cash Under $500.00       385.00                 Subtotal Property Under $500.00

          Donations Over $500.00

  Date    Name                                             Cash       Fund       Explanation                            Value

                      Subtotal Cash Over $500.00                                 Subtotal Property Over $500.00

                        Subtotal Cash Combined            385.00                         Subtotal Property Combined      0.00

              Total donation for January 2021                                          $385.00

Page 38
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