COMMENTARY BURN CARE FALL 2020 - Burn and Reconstructive Centers of America

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COMMENTARY BURN CARE FALL 2020 - Burn and Reconstructive Centers of America
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COMMENTARY BURN CARE FALL 2020 - Burn and Reconstructive Centers of America

Specialized Burn Care is         Helping Patients
Changing Lives in Your Community and Their Families
                                          in eight states, including Colorado,         “Family is powerful medicine” and
                                          Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Mississippi,        Dr. Joseph M. Still understood the
                                          Nevada, South Carolina, and Texas.           power of family three decades ago
                                          Annually, we treat more than 20              when he created the Burn Foundation
                                          percent of the nation’s burn injuries.       in Augusta, GA. Today, BFA’s reach
                                                                                       includes all the facilities served by Burn
                                          As the recently named CEO, I am              and Reconstructive Centers of America
                                          proud to be at the helm and will             and Joseph M. Still Burn Centers, Inc.
                                          continue steering BRCA towards
                                          treatments that will positively affect       We offer support to burn patients and
                                          patient outcomes. We will continue the       their families through the healing
                                          legacy of providing expert burn care         process, their transition home and
                                          by developing burn centers in areas          back for follow-up visits. Our support
                                          of need. Additionally, BRCA’s newly-         includes a friendly conversation over
                                          established burn fellowship program          lunch; a place to sleep at the Chavis
                                          will enable us to instill proven practices   House retreat; a gas card or bus ticket
                                          and techniques into future generations       for their follow-up appointment; or
                                          of physicians specializing in burn care.     assistance with other items to ensure a
                                                                                       successful recovery.
                                          Our comprehensive list of services for
                                          adult and pediatric patients includes        In 2019, BFA provided:
                                          acute and reconstructive care for burn       + 7,986 nights of free lodging
                                          injuries, hand/extremity and wound           + Transitional services to 1,093 burn
                                          injuries, skin and soft tissue disorders,      patients
                                          hyperbaric oxygen therapy, and               + $184,779 in direct patient
IN THE LAST 80 YEARS, dramatic            plastic surgery. For a complete list of        assistance, including transportation,
improvements have been made               services offered by BRCA, please visit         and other needs.
in burn care that have resulted in Services
quicker healing, fewer complications,     are available 24/7.                          And we did every bit of this at no
less debilitating scars, and higher                                                    charge to the patients and their
survival rates.                           BRCA is committed to making the              families. However, those services are
                                          transfer of patients seamless, quick,        only available at no charge because of
BRCA has been a part of those             and as convenient as possible. For           countless corporate and community
improvements since 1978 and is            consultations, referrals or transfers,       partners, as well as those whose lives
recognized nationwide as a leader         call 855-863-9595 or use the burn            have been affected by burn injuries.
in burn care. BRCA’s reputation was       app. To learn more about the burn app,
built upon our mission statement:         please visit If         BFA’s goal – in the words of a family
Healing Patients, Healing Families,       you have any suggestions to improve          member we assisted – is to be “what
Healing Lives®. Our entire team           our processes, please feel free to           families need in a time of crisis
of providers and support staff            contact me.                                  and (be) great listeners and prayer
is committed to that mission by                                                        warriors.” We’re proud to work toward
employing the latest technologies and     Claus Brandigi, M.D., FACS                   that goal every day, one patient and
product advancements, as well as by       CEO, Burn and Reconstructive Centers         one family at a time. If you have a
participating in multi-center research.   of America                                   question about the Burn Foundation
                                          Medical Director, Joseph M. Still Burn       of America or want to find out ways to
BRCA is the largest burn care network     Center at WellStar Cobb Hospital in          support our programs, please give us a
in the United States with 15 locations    Austell, GA                                  call at 1-800-650-BURN (2876). ◆

2   Burn Care Commentary | FALL 2020
COMMENTARY BURN CARE FALL 2020 - Burn and Reconstructive Centers of America

                       COLORADO                    GEORGIA                            NEVADA
                        AURORA                     ATLANTA*                          LAS VEGAS
                        DENVER                     AUGUSTA*                       SOUTH CAROLINA
                        FLORIDA                   VALDOSTA *                       CHARLESTON *
                         MIAMI                      IDAHO                              TEXAS
                     TALLAHASSEE*                IDAHO FALLS                           PLANO
                         TAMPA                   MISSISSIPPI                        SAN ANTONIO
                                        *JMS BURN CENTERS, INC. LOCATIONS

Our Services: Adult and Pediatric
Services vary by location

BURNS                               HYPERBARIC                                  SKIN & SOFT TISSUE DISORDERS
+ Chemical                          OXYGEN THERAPY                              + Crush injuries
+ Electrical                        + 24/7 coverage                             + Degloving
+ Friction burn/road rash           + Carbon monoxide                           + Diabetic wounds
+ Frostbite                         + Dive complications                        + Fournier’s gangrene
+ Inhalation                        + Wound healing                             + Necrotizing fasciitis
+ Radiation                                                                     + Necrotizing soft tissue diseases
+ Thermal                           MICROVASCULAR                               + Skin sloughing disorders
                                    SURGERY                                     + Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome
HAND AND                                                                        + Stevens Johnson syndrome (SJS)/
EXTREMITY INJURIES                  PLASTIC AND                                   toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN)
+ Complex/traumatic injuries        RECONSTRUCTIVE
+ Crush injuries                    SURGERY                                     CRITICAL CARE
+ Degloving                         + Laser scar therapy                        + Adult
+ Replantation                      + Scar revision                             + Pediatric

                                             © Burn and Reconstructive Centers of America, LLC |   3
COMMENTARY BURN CARE FALL 2020 - Burn and Reconstructive Centers of America
Healing the Burn:
Patient Care on
the Front Lines

That equates to more than 1.1 million
burns annually, with nearly half of those
seeking some kind of medical treatment.

Burns most often happen in places where
people are most comfortable – at home,
and are usually (86%) thermal burns from
fire or touching a hot surface. Whether it’s
cooking or one of the estimated 379,600
house fires (U.S. Fire Administration –
2018), odds are, a patient will end up
in your ED, ambulance, or office. Burn
and Reconstructive Centers of America
wants you to be prepared because
appropriate care before the patient
arrives at one of our burn centers helps
ensure the best outcomes.

First and foremost: Concentrate on
the ABCs – Airway, Breathing, and
Circulation. Check the patient for any
signs of other trauma and respond
accordingly. Don’t let the burn injury
distract you. Treating the burn can
wait; severe trauma cannot.

Airway and breathing are the first             + Is the patient’s chest constricted by   FLUID RESUSCITAITON
steps in the ABCs of initial care and            burns? Are the burns full-thickness?
transfer preparation.                                                                    Once the patient has been assessed
                                               + Is there evidence of an inhalation      for trauma and stabilized, you can
Due to the nature of their injuries, burn        injury, like singed facial hair or      turn your attention to the burn
patients may have some component                 residue in the mouth?                   injury. One of the most important
of an airway injury. The importance                                                      aspects of pre-burn center care is
of assessing the airway and breathing          + What is the patient’s                   proper fluid resuscitation. The goal
ability cannot be overstated. Intubation         carboxyhemoglobin level?                of fluid resuscitation is to maintain
may be necessary, but there are several                                                  perfusion and organ function while
factors to take into consideration:            + If edema develops, will the patient’s   avoiding inadequate or excessive
                                                 airway be impacted?                     fluid replacement. It’s important to
+ Is the patient’s voice hoarse?                                                         accurately dose fluid, as an overloaded
                                               + If you decide there is no need for      patient often experiences increased
+ Is the patient’s Glasgow Coma Scale            intubation, the patient should be       mortality and morbidity rates.
  score below 8?                                 administered 100% humidified Oxygen.

4   Burn Care Commentary | FALL 2020
COMMENTARY BURN CARE FALL 2020 - Burn and Reconstructive Centers of America
                                             of our burn team at 855-863-9595.                REFERRAL CRITERIA
                                             BRCA’s burn experts have treated tens
   America’s burn cases                      of thousands of burn patients and are            The American Burn Association
   break down into four                      available 24/7 to assist in ensuring not         has established 10 criteria that
                                             only the accuracy of fluid calculation,          necessitate transferring a burn-
   main mechanisms:                          but also the general need for fluids.            injured patient for treatment.
                                                                                              Patients outside these criteria may
   + 86% suffer from                         REFERRING TO A BURN CENTER                       also benefit from the treatment
     thermal burns                                                                            modalities offered by BRCA:
     - 43% fire/flame                        If the patient requires transferring to
                                             one of our burn centers, the following           1. Partial-thickness burns with a
     - 34% scalds                            steps should be taken to prep them                  ≥10% TBSA
     - 9% hot objects                        for transfer:
   + 4% suffer from                                                                           2. Burns involving the face, hands,
     electrical burns                        + Monitor urine output hourly                       feet, genitalia, perineum, or
                                                                                                 major joints
   + 3% suffer from
                                             + Ensure patient is being kept warm
     chemical burns                                                                           3. Third-degree burns of any size
   + 7% suffer from other                    + Always assess pulses in the extremities           in any age group
                                             + For chemical burns, brush off any              4. Electrical burns, including
                                               chemical residue                                  lightning strikes

Proper fluid resuscitation is dependent      + Find out about the patient’s medical           5. Inhalation injuries
on the accurate calculation of the             history and ask when and how they
patient’s Total Body Surface Area              were burned                                    6. Chemical burns
(TBSA). TBSA is the percentage of the
body that has been injured or burned         + Cover the burned areas in dry                  7. Burn injuries in patients
and is usually assessed using the Rule         dressings and try to elevate                      with pre-existing medical
of Nines. It’s important to note the           injured areas                                     disorders that could complicate
distinctions between the adult and                                                               management, prolong recovery,
pediatric Rule of Nines. There are two       Once the patient is ready for transfer,             or adversely affect recovery
main differences:                            the referring facility should have as
                                             much of the following information                8. Any burns in a patient with
1. A child’s head is proportionally          readily available as possible:                      concomitant trauma in which
   larger at birth, and accounts for                                                             the burn poses the greatest risk
   18% of its body area. As the child        + Patient Demographics (name, age,                  of morbidity and mortality. If
   ages, subtract 1% each year from            sex, weight)                                      the trauma poses the greatest
   the head up to nine-years-old. The                                                            risk, the patient should be
   head of children ages 10 and up           + Burn information (time of injury,                 stabilized in a trauma center
   should be calculated at 9%.                 estimated TBSA%, cause of burn,                   before being transferred to a
                                               areas burned, associated injuries)                burn center.
2. At the same time, you should add
   0.5% to each leg for each year up to      + Allergies                                      9. Pediatric burns in settings
   nine-years-old.                                                                               without qualified personnel
                                             + Current medication                                or equipment for the care of
The move towards specialized burn                                                                children
care has enabled burn centers to             + Medical history (smoker, alcohol,
research, implement and improve early          tetanus status)                                10.Burn injuries in patients who
resuscitation practices to avoid over-                                                           will require special social,
aggressive fluid treatment. However,         + Current status (inhalation injury, alert          emotional, or long-term
not all burn patients need to be               & oriented, intubated, circumferential            rehabilitative interventions.
resuscitated. Burns under 10% TBSA             burn, pulses present, escharotomies,
do not require fluid resuscitation. If you     foley, vitals, IV Lactated Ringers rate
have any doubts, please call a member          and total infused)

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COMMENTARY BURN CARE FALL 2020 - Burn and Reconstructive Centers of America
team focuses on their long-term
                                                                                     recovery. For some patients, this may
                                                                                     mean reconstructive surgery to rebuild
                                                                                     and repair injured parts of their body.
                                                                                     Sometimes the focus is on the scarring
                                                                                     caused by a burn injury. Scars can
                                                                                     be constricting, painful, and itchy,
                                                                                     all symptoms that can severely alter
                                                                                     a patient’s quality of life. One of the
                                                                                     tools BRCA utilizes to help treat these
      FIRST-DEGREE BURN                     SECOND-DEGREE BURN
                                                                                     symptoms is laser therapy. Often,
                                                                                     patients can see dramatic results
                                                                                     within just a few laser treatments.

                                                                                     In addition to reconstruction and
                                                                                     scar management techniques, BRCA
                                                                                     partners with physical, occupational
                                                                                     and mental therapists to ensure
                                                                                     patients sustain not only their physical
                                                                                     recovery, but also their mental
      THIRD-DEGREE BURN                      FOURTH-DEGREE BURN
                                                                                     Each patient admitted to one of
                                                                                     BRCA’s facilities is evaluated to
                                                                                     determine the potential benefit of
                                                                                     physical (gross motor function),
It is also important to determine the      + FOURTH-DEGREE BURNS (deep               occupational (fine motor function and
severity or depth of a burn injury,          full-thickness burns) involve exposed   cognitive skills) or speech therapy
which is broken up into four categories:     muscle, tendon, and bone. These         (beneficial to those who suffered
                                             burns require multiple surgical         inhalation injuries or were intubated).
+ FIRST-DEGREE BURNS are                     procedures to heal and amputation       Rehab is integral to enhancing a
  superficial, such as minor sunburns.       is a possibility.                       patient’s quality of life by preventing
  They are red and painful, with no                                                  loss of function, improving function,
  blistering and usually heal without      Remember: When a burn first               and providing the patient with tools to
  medical intervention.                    happens, what you see initially is not    promote healing such as splints and
                                           always the final outcome. A burn can      compression garments. We understand
+ SECOND-DEGREE BURNS (partial-            progress over the first 12 to 24 hours,   how stressful this process can be on
  thickness burns) are red and             which means such injuries should be       our patients and aim to accommodate
  painful with large blisters or a wet     regularly monitored.                      them as much as possible by arranging
  appearance. Blisters do not indicate                                               their rehab to take place at a facility
  only a second-degree burn, but at        BURN CENTER CARE AND BEYOND               local to their hometown.
  least a second-degree burn. Medical
  intervention may be required to          Once a patient arrives at one of our      Depending on the details of their
  promote healing, depending on the        burn centers, our team immediately        accident, the severity of the burn,
  severity of the burn.                    begins the assessment and treatment       and the treatment options available,
                                           process. Depending on the depth           a patient may not only feel physically
+ THIRD-DEGREE BURNS (full-                of the injury, the intervention can       altered but mentally altered as well.
  thickness burns) are charred,            involve surgical procedures and the       Around 16% of burn patients suffer
  leathery, white, and dry in              use of grafts using skin substitutes,     from some form of PTSD.iii A patient’s
  appearance. Because this injury is       such as cadaver skin, or the patient’s    self-image can be irrevocably altered
  deeper, the nerves may be affected,      own skin. Less severe injuries may be     due to a burn or wound. This is most
  and there may be little to no pain       treated topically.                        likely to occur in patients with burn
  associated with the burn. A skin graft                                             injuries/scarring to their face or hands
  is most likely required.                 Once a patient has progressed through     as these are prominently visible parts
                                           the acute phase of their care, BRCA’s     of the body. In response to this, BRCA

6   Burn Care Commentary | FALL 2020
COMMENTARY BURN CARE FALL 2020 - Burn and Reconstructive Centers of America
not only works collaboratively with            America understands the impact burns         to the work our team and its partners do
mental health professionals, but also          have on patients and their families.         on a daily basis. We believe the healing of
encourages and supports patient                Founded on the belief that access to         patients begins before they arrive at one
support groups at each of our burn             specialized burn and wound care should       of our centers and extends beyond their
centers. These groups provide burn             be available to all patients, BRCA has       initial discharge. ◆
patients the opportunity to share their        treated patients from two days old to
experiences with nonjudgmental and             105 years old, including those with burns
like-minded people in an atmosphere            covering less than 1% to burns more than     TO LEARN MORE about our services,
that promotes wholesome healing.               95% of the patient’s body.                   visit To refer
                                                                                            a patient, we can be reached 24/7 at
As the nation’s largest burn care provider,    BRCA’s mission of Healing Patients.          855-863-9595 or via our burn app
Burn and Reconstructive Centers of             Healing Families. Healing Lives.® speaks     (

         Access to burn
         experts in the palm
         of your hand
         In emergency situations, time is of the essence.
         In addition to our 24/7 call center, BRCA
         provides the Burn App to assist in initiating
         patient referrals. A password-protected, HIPAA-
         compliant app, the Burn App employs end-to-
         end AES 256-bit encryption to ensure patient
         data is always kept safe. The app allows users to
         securely send images and information to a BRCA
         expert, facilitating consultations, referrals and
         transfers in a HIPAA-compliant environment.

                                  To register, scan the QR
                                  code or visit us online at

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COMMENTARY BURN CARE FALL 2020 - Burn and Reconstructive Centers of America
“We were at the biggest race of the
                                                                                         year,” he said. “It was a huge stage
                                                                                         with thousands of people there and
                                                                                         tens of thousands watching online. I
                                                                                         mean, it was as big of a stage in radial
                                                                                         racing as you could possibly race on.”

                                                                                         He was about three-quarters of the
                                                                                         way down the track in the opening
                                                                                         round of qualifying when an electronics
                                                                                         failure caused the dragster’s motor
                                                                                         to explode, shattering his Corvette,
                                                                                         delaying his drag racing dreams and
                                                                                         nearly ending his life.

                                                                                         “The entire inside of the car was on
                                                                                         fire, all of it,” Barnett said. “It was just
                                                                                         swirling around. It was everywhere.”

                                                                                         And at drag-strip speed, he didn’t have
                                                                                         a lot of options for escape.

                                                                                         “You don’t bail out of a car at a
                                                                                         hundred miles an hour,” he said.

                                                                                         He felt the flames scarring his body. He
                                                                                         felt the crushing impact of the wall.

                                                                                         “I was still fighting for my life,” said
                                                                                         the 29-year-old racer from Robbins,
                                                                                         NC. “I was swattin’ around, squirming
                                                                                         around, just trying to get away (from
                                                                                         the flames).”

Back on Track: Driver Beats                                                              It took 28 seconds for the car to slow
                                                                                         to a point where he could bail. By

Burn to Return to Drag Strip                                                             then, the flames had burned away the
                                                                                         six-point harness and belts holding
                                                                                         him in the seat, as well as part of the
                                                                                         head and neck restraints he had been
                                                                                         wearing. He swatted at the door, trying
                                                                                         to find the handle. Finally, the door
TWENTY-EIGHT SECONDS.                        doubt,” he said. “I just didn’t know how    opened, and he rolled out.
                                             long it was gonna take for me to die.”
Lyle Barnett was on fire for 28 seconds.                                                 His team ran down the track. The
                                             The September afternoon started as          racetrack’s emergency crews drove
His drag car exploded around him as he       just another day at the track in 2015       toward the flaming wreckage. Barnett
hurtled down the quarter-mile strip at       for Barnett. At just 24 years old, he was   rolled around on the asphalt, hoping to
170 mph. It started as a softball-sized      competing at the Lights Out 6 event         smother the flames.
orb of ethanol-fueled flames that struck     at South Georgia Motorsports Park in
him right in the face. Instinct took over.   Adel, GA. His custom Corvette, capable      He was treated at the scene, loaded
He took a deep breath, inhaling fire and     of reaching 190 mph in a quarter-mile,      into an ambulance and taken to a local
fumes that scorched his lungs.               was eight months old and had already        hospital. From there, he was air-lifted
                                             taken him to the finals of another event.   to the JMS Burn Center at Doctors
“At that moment, I thought I was dead, no    But Lights Out was different.               Hospital in Augusta, GA. It’s a blur for

8   Burn Care Commentary | FALL 2020
COMMENTARY BURN CARE FALL 2020 - Burn and Reconstructive Centers of America
Barnett; his memories aren’t clear until    your independence, so the time I spent      Barnett also returned to the burn center
two weeks after he arrived in Augusta.      without them was humbling.”                 to talk with patients who were going
During those first few weeks, he said,                                                  through similar situations. He provided
his life hung in the balance. Second-       At one point, doctors even reconstructed    mini-race cars to help transport young
and third-degree burns covered 15%          his eyelids. They made his hands work       patients around the hospital. He sent
of his body, but the damage inside was      again. They helped heal his lungs.          Christmas gifts. He wanted to give the
far worse.                                                                              patients hope, provide some light at the
                                            “How they did it, I don’t know,”            end of their tunnel. Mainly, he answered
“There were times there that they           Barnett said. “I just know that when        questions, especially ones about life
thought I wasn’t going to make it,          I was prepped for surgery and (Vice         after the burn center, the people that
especially when they found the              President of Non-Physician Providers        stare, the face and body patients see in
inhalation damage to my lungs,”             Beretta Coffman) would come in and          the mirror.
Barnett said. “For seven days, it was       tell me how it was gonna go, nothing
touch and go, you know: Is he gonna         was sugarcoated. … But what they            “I don’t even remember what I looked
make it? Is he not gonna make it? Is he     said they were gonna do, they did, and      like before,” he said. “You know, I can
gonna be on a vent for the rest of his      they did it perfect.”                       look at pictures, and it just doesn’t
life? What’s going to happen?”                                                          relate anymore. I had the thickest,
                                            After he was discharged from the            darkest, blackest eyebrows you’d ever
During his five months in the burn unit,    hospital, Barnett’s healing continued.      seen in your life. Now, I ain’t got a stitch.
Lyle underwent multiple surgeries,          He returned to the Augusta burn             … They tell me, ‘Oh we can graft those,
many of which focused on his severely       center for a series of laser treatments     we can give you new eyebrows.’ I don’t
burned face and hands. Various skin         on his scars. The procedures helped         want new eyebrows. This is me. You
substitutes, including porcine and          reduce redness, irritation and itching      either take me or leave me.”
cadaver grafts, were used to help cover     associated with his scars.
the larger burned areas and allow                                                       He is grateful to the dedicated burn
them to heal some before applying           “Today, I really don’t have any side        professionals for not only saving his
permanent skin grafts.                      effects that keep me from doing my          life, but allowing him to thrive and push
                                            normal day-to-day thing,” he said. “My      forward. He’s gotten engaged. He’s
“During all this, I was learning to walk    hands...are very tender. Just walking       back in the driver’s seat of a dragster.
again, eat on my own again, coming          by a door jamb can knock the hide
off of a ventilator, and trying to regain   off. I have to be careful in the sun with   “It’s all I know,” he said of racing.
some range of motion in my hands,” he       my face graft, but with a good layer of     “It’s what drives me to get out of bed
said. “Your hands are 100 percent of        sunscreen and a hat, I’m good.”             in the morning.” ◆

                                                     © Burn and Reconstructive Centers of America, LLC |       9

                                             Improving patient care
                                             through access to education

                                             Burn Symposium, an annual gathering         or search CloudCME in your chosen app
                                             of medical professionals dedicated to       store. Burn Care Radio podcasts can
                                             the constant improvement of burn care       be found on Amazon Podcasts, Apple
                                             in America.                                 Podcasts, Google Podcasts, iHeart
                                                                                         Radio, Spotify and BuzzSprout.
                                             In addition, the Foundation recently
                                             introduced two new initiatives to
                                             help promote burn care and burn              Founded in 2018, our mission is simple:
                                             prevention education:                        BRCA Foundation is committed to
                                                                                          helping patients and their families,
                                             CONTINUING MEDICAL EDUCATION AND             while continuously working to improve
IT IS THE GOAL OF BRCA                       CERTIFIED EDUCATION OPPORTUNITIES            care throughout the world.
FOUNDATION to enhance clinical
care through improved access to              Burn, hand and wound education
and dissemination of burn care               resources are now available anytime,        As an accredited provider of AMA PRA
education. We work with physicians           anywhere, through BRCA Foundation’s         Category 1 Credit™ Continuing Medical
and health care professionals to             new online courses and podcasts.            Education Credits, BRCA Foundation
enhance knowledge, competence,               CloudCME and Burn Care Radio allow          offers both Continuing Medical Education
and performance in practice, and,            health care professionals access to         and Certified Education credits for many
ultimately, improve patient outcomes.        continuing education credits, the newest    of the online modules. ◆
                                             medical topics provided by experts in
As part of the effort to improve access      the field, and live virtual and in-person
to burn care education, the Foundation       education opportunities. You can register   FOR MORE INFORMATION, please
serves as the host of the Joseph M. Still    online at         visit

    PHOENIX POWERS                                                TM

    Extending its education outreach beyond medical professionals,
    BRCA Foundation proudly introduces Phoenix Powers! A superhero
    fighting to prevent burn injuries, Phoenix Powers is dedicated
    to empowering children through burn prevention programs and
    safety activities. At home or at school, Phoenix Powers collaborates
    with parents, caretakers, and teachers to defend children from
    preventable burn accidents or help them establish steps to take
    if one occurs. For more information and to download a Phoenix
    Powers coloring page, please visit: ◆

10 Burn Care Commentary | FALL 2020
Remembering Dr. Fred Mullins, 1966-2020
BURN AND RECONSTRUCTIVE                     and the globe. Dr. Mullins practiced         him and around him. We’re proud to
CENTERS OF AMERICA LOST ITS                 under the leadership of the founder of       purposefully deliver acute, life-saving care
FOUNDER IN JUNE.                            the Augusta burn center, Dr. Joseph M.       and long-term reconstructive planning
                                            Still. Dr. Mullins became the Medical        and therapy to new burn patients, while
Dr. Fred Mullins faithfully served          Director of the burn center in 2003 and      also offering reconstructive and plastic
as the Medical Director of the JMS          led the center’s transformation into Burn    surgery programs to restore function and
Burn Center at Doctors Hospital             and Reconstructive Centers of America        form to the lives of burn survivors and
and President/CEO of Burn and               – a national presence with 15 locations      other patients across the nation.
Reconstructive Centers of America.          in eight states.
                                                                                         Dr. Mullins’s legacy is not what BRCA
In his more than 30 years of caring for     Above all, Dr. Mullins was committed to      has achieved so far. It’s what’s on the
thousands of patients, Dr. Mullins helped   the care of our patients. That’s the ethic   horizon beyond what we can see. It’s
transform burn care across the nation       he instilled in everyone who worked with     what we will become. ◆

                                                      © Burn and Reconstructive Centers of America, LLC | 11
                                             2020 JMS BURN SYMPOSIUM - ON DEMAND
                                             Visit | Available starting October 19

                                             In order to register for the course, you must have a CloudCME account. When and if
                                             you have a CloudCME account, by selecting Online Courses you can locate one of the

CME CREDITS                                  courses promoted. After selecting the course you can now register. By completing the
                                             pre-test, post-test and evaluation, you will be rewarded the credit associated with the
                                             activity. Each credit hour is $10, and you can pay securely online.


+ 2020 JMS Burn Symposium                    + 2020 JMS Burn Symposium                           + 2020 JMS Burn Symposium
  Advances in the Treatment                    The Healing Power of Art                            Virtual Reality for Reducing Pain and
  of Major Burns                               Joel Thomas Hall                                    Perioperative Anxiety in Pediatric
  David Herndon, M.D.                          Activity Code 400, 1 credit hour                    Burn Patients
  Activity Code: 349, 1 credit hour                                                                Heather Schwartz, DNP, MSN, APRN,
                                             + 2020 JMS Burn Symposium                             CPNP-AC, FNP-C
+ 2020 JMS Burn Symposium                      Things That Make You Go Hmmm…                       Activity Code: 403, 0.25 credit hour
  Case Study: Care of the Burned               Kim Linticum, ACNP-BC
  Pregnant Patient                             Activity Code: 401, 0.50 credit hour
  Beretta Craft-Coffman, PA-C
  Activity Code: 398, 0.25 credit hour       + 2020 JMS Burn Symposium
                                               Creative Reconstructive Options for
+ 2020 JMS Burn Symposium                      Severely Traumatic Injuries
  Back to the Basics of Burns                  Benson Pulikkottil, M.D.
  Shawn Fagan, M.D., FACS                      Activity Code: 402, 1 credit hour
  Activity Code: 399, 1 credit hour

                                                    S AV E T H E D AT E

                    FEBRUARY 28 - MARCH 1, 2021

                                      Château Élan | Braselton, Georgia

                                         Joseph M. Still Burn Symposium is hosted by BRCA Foundation.
                                         For more information, visit
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