Commencement SPRING 2022 - University of Florida

Page created by Perry Cunningham
Commencement SPRING 2022 - University of Florida
 SPRING 2022

           2021 SPRING
Commencement SPRING 2022 - University of Florida
Greetings from the President

               O          n behalf of the University of Florida, our faculty and our
                          entire university community, I would like to extend my
                         deepest congratulations to you, the graduates of the
                         historic year of 2022.
               Today’s ceremony celebrates your remarkable accomplishment in
               earning a degree from a Top 5 public research university. That you
               achieved this distinction while overcoming the hardships of the
               pandemic is all the more impressive. I applaud you for the education
               you have received, for honing your creative, scientific, or analytical
               skills and for your resilience and persistence as students. I join you
               in thanking your professors, advisors and family and friends for their
               contributions to your success.
               Today is a day for celebration, but also for reflection on your future.
               I am confident that the knowledge and experience you have gained
               will serve you well regardless of your career or how you choose to
               invest your life.
               The university has benefited from your active engagement and contributions to your classes, programs
               of study and your peers, and we are grateful to you. You are a special class, and though we know your
               experience has been different, we hope that you will look back on it with fondness and appreciation, and
               that you will remain connected to UF as active members of our distinguished alumni.

               Best wishes, and always remember, It is Great to be a Florida Gator!

               W. Kent Fuchs

               University of Florida President
               Dr. W. Kent Fuchs
               Dr. Kent Fuchs became the 12th President of the          member of electrical and computer engineering
               University of Florida in January 2015. Building on       at Cornell, Purdue and the University of Illinois.
               many years of excellence and focused leadership,         He is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts
               the university has since reached its goal of joining     and Sciences, the American Association for
               the nation’s Top 5 public research universities.         the Advancement of Science, the Institution
               UF continues to advance through the addition             of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and the
               of 600 new faculty positions, the construction           Association for Computing Machinery and has
               of advanced and beautiful university facilities, a       received numerous awards for teaching and
               university wide artificial intelligence initiative and   research.
               a fundraising campaign that is expected to               President Fuchs earned his doctorate in electrical
               exceed $4 billion by the end of 2022, more than a        and computer engineering from the University
               billion dollars over its original goal.                  of Illinois, and a Master of Divinity from Trinity
               Previous to the UF presidency, Dr. Fuchs was             Evangelical Divinity School. He also holds a
               provost of Cornell University. He has served in          Bachelor of Science in Engineering from Duke
               academic leadership positions and as a faculty           University.

Commencement SPRING 2022 - University of Florida
Greetings from the Levin College of Law Dean

C         ongratulations on the culmination of your law school
         career. Reaching this milestone is an incredible
         achievement and a testament to your dedication, intellect,
         and passion for law.
During your time at UF Law, each of you enriched our campus
beyond measure. In addition to your achievements that are too
many to name, I deeply thank you for your commitment to ensuring
that UF Law is a diverse and welcoming community. Diversity – of
background, thought, and aspiration – is one of UF Law’s greatest
strengths. Each of you, in your own way, has contributed to the
cultural fabric of UF Law. This culture is one that we will continue to
treasure and build upon for years to come.
Today, you become part of the most powerful law alumni network
in the world – the Gator Law Nation. You will continue to build
relationships with your classmates, and you will encounter other Gator lawyers in every state and
around the globe.
When you walk across the stage today, you become role models for generations of law students yet to
grace our halls. I am excited to see how you move the world forward.


Laura Ann Rosenbury

University of Florida Levin College of Law Dean
Laura Ann Rosenbury
Laura A. Rosenbury is the Dean and Levin, Mabie           She also has served as a visiting professor
& Levin Professor of Law at University of Florida         at Harvard Law School, Stanford Law School
Levin College of Law.                                     and University of Chicago Law School. Dean
Under her leadership, UF Law has extended its             Rosenbury’s scholarship has been published in
reach around the globe, increased incoming                the Yale Law Journal, Michigan Law Review,
applications by 185%, enrolled six of the most            University of Pennsylvania Law Review, Duke Law
accomplished and diverse classes in UF Law’s 113-         Journal, and in many other journals and books.
year history, and hired 31 new faculty members.           Dean Rosenbury was elected to the American Law
UF Law has also raised over $100 million in private       Institute in 2010 and was named a fellow of the
funds since 2015, including by conducting the             American Bar Foundation in 2014.
largest and fastest match challenge in UF history,        Before entering academia in 2002, Dean
securing a $20 million gift – the largest ever gift       Rosenbury worked as a litigation associate at Davis
from a living UF Law graduate – to endow a health         Polk & Wardwell in New York City and clerked for
law program, and coordinating a $40 million gift          Judge Carol Bagley Amon of the U.S. District Court
from the estate of UF Law’s namesake, Fredric G.          for the Eastern District of New York and Judge
Levin. Since 2016, UF Law has jumped 27 spots in          Dennis Jacobs of the U.S. Court of Appeals for
the U.S. News rankings and ranks among the top            the Second Circuit. Dean Rosenbury received her
25 law schools in the nation.                             A.B. summa cum laude in women’s studies from
Before joining the UF Law community, Dean                 Harvard-Radcliffe College and her J.D. cum laude
Rosenbury was a professor of law and vice dean at         from Harvard Law School, where she served as a
Washington University School of Law in St. Louis.         primary editor of the Harvard Law Review.

                                                                                                                2022 SPRING
Commencement SPRING 2022 - University of Florida
Commencement Agenda
        Friday, May 20, 2022, 12:00 p.m., the Exactech Arena at the Stephen C. O’Connell Center


        Welcome & Introductions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dean Laura Ann Rosenbury

        Presentation of Distinguished Alumnus Award . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dean Laura Ann Rosenbury

        •     S. Daniel Ponce (JD 73)

        Student Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alexa Brielle Goldstein

        Keynote Address

        •     The Hon. Francis X. Suarez (JD 04), Mayor of Miami

        Conferral of Degrees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dean Laura Ann Rosenbury
                                                                                             Board of Trustees Member Richard P. Cole (JD 74)

        Presentation of Graduates

        •     Doctor of Juridical Science in Taxation
        •     Master of Laws in U.S. Law
        •     Master of Laws in Taxation
        •     Master of Laws in International Taxation
        •     Juris Doctor

        Closing Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dean Laura Ann Rosenbury

        Alma Mater


Commencement SPRING 2022 - University of Florida
Greetings from the Commencement Speaker
The Hon. Francis X. Suarez
Francis X. Suarez is the 33rd Mayor of
Miami. As the first Miami-born mayor, he
is committed to building a Miami that lasts
forever and that welcomes everyone.
Elected with an electoral mandate of 86
percent, Mayor Suarez has championed the
integration of climate adaptive technologies,
building practices, and economic policies
across all facets of government as part of
his Miami Forever Plan. Under his leadership,
Miami has cut crime and cut taxes to one
of their lowest points in over fifty years,
spurring an economic resurgence and
expansion across Miami.
Mayor Suarez has also pursued a package
of affordable housing reforms that
leverages federal opportunity zones with
the activation of underutilized land to
increase access to affordable housing and
homeownership for working people and            and was also named as a Time Future 100
communities of color. As the son of former      Leader. In July 2020, he was nominated
Miami Mayor, Xavier L. Suarez, Mayor            and elected by American mayors to
Suarez learned the values of public service     serve as the Second Vice President and
and servant-leadership along with the need      President of the US Conference of Mayors
for economic opportunity, fairness, equal       for the 2022-2023 term.
rights, and reconciliation for all.
                                                He currently practices law with
Mayor Suarez earned his bachelor’s degree       Greenspoon Marder LLP, a nationally-
in finance from Florida International           recognized law firm specializing in
University, graduating in the top ten percent   corporate and real-estate transactions.
of his class, and then received his law         Mayor Suarez is married to Gloria Fonts
degree from the University of Florida Levin     Suarez. They have a son, Andrew Xavier,
College of Law, where he graduated cum          and a daughter, Gloriana Pilar. They love
laude. Mayor Suarez was recently selected       Miami and consider themselves blessed
to serve as an Aspen Institute Rodel Fellow     to raise their family in the Magic City.

                                                                                            2022 SPRING
Commencement SPRING 2022 - University of Florida
Distinguished Alumnus Award
       S. Daniel Ponce
       S. Daniel Ponce is currently Of Counsel to
       Berger Singerman in Miami, Florida.
       Throughout his legal career, Ponce has been
       actively engaged in the representation of
       public and privately-held enterprises in
       complex business and litigation matters.
       Ponce started his career in public accounting
       with a Big Five accounting firm and served as
       an Assistant General Counsel to the Florida
       Division of Securities and Acting Executive
       Assistant to the State of Florida Comptroller
       and Cabinet Officer.
       Ponce has also served as General Counsel
       for two public companies and as a member
       of the Board of Directors of numerous
       public companies. In these capacities, he
       has gained a wide array of knowledge and
       experience in business and litigation risks     Professionally, Ponce is admitted to practice
       and the management of those risks, from         before the U.S. Supreme Court, the U.S.
       both an accounting and legal perspective.       Court of Appeals for the Fifth and Eleventh
       Ponce’s clients represent a varied group of     Circuits, and the U.S. District Courts for the
       business interests throughout Florida and       Northern, Middle, and Southern Districts of
       across the country. In 2002, Ponce served as    Florida. He has served as a member of the
       Special Counsel to U.S. Senator Bob Graham      Federal Judicial Nominating Committee and
       in Washington, D.C.                             has been listed in Best Lawyers in America
                                                       from 2016 to 2022.
       Ponce is Past President of the UF Alumni
       Association and has served as Chairman of       Ponce is a Double Gator, having graduated
       multiple boards including the Orange Bowl       with his bachelor’s degree in accounting
       Committee, New World School of Arts, UF         with honors in 1970 before earning his
       Athletic Association Finance Committee, the     juris doctor from UF Law in 1973. While
       UF Foundation Audit Committee, and the          a student at UF, Ponce was involved with
       Audit & Compliance Committee of UF Health.      Florida Blue Key, Delta Tau Delta, and
       From 2007 to 2011, Ponce was a member of        Omicron Delta Kappa. He was inducted into
       the University of Florida Board of Trustees.    the UF Hall of Fame in 1973. The Ponce-
       He received the Gran Caiman Award from the      Gonzalez family tree includes 53 Gators
       UF Association of Hispanic Alumni in 2008       across four generations and represents 80
       and UF Gator of the Year in 2013.               years of degrees from 10 UF colleges.

Doctor of Juridical Science in Taxation
 The S.J.D. degree is an advanced degree for students who have already attained a Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree, or in the case of international students, attained an equivalent
 law degree from a university outside the United States. The S.J.D. degree is awarded to students who complete the College's requirements, which include writing a mono-
 graph of publishable quality. Students are recommended for the degree by the faculty of the Levin College of Law.

Kun-Chol Kim                                                   George L. Salis

Master of Laws in U.S. Law
 The LL.M. in U.S. Law degree is awarded to students who complete Levin College of Law requirements (including a substantial research paper) and have earned a Juris
 Doctor (J.D.) degree from a recognized foreign university. Students are recommended for the degree by the faculty of the Levin College of Law.

Alhareth Almulhim                                              Salma Grellane                                                  David H. Robinson
Gladeyry J. Fuenmayor                                          Paul Marchon-Arnaud                                             Luiz Felipe Rosolen Ferro
Andrés Beck González

Master of Laws in International Taxation
 The LL.M. in International Taxation degree is awarded to students who complete Levin College of Law requirements (including a substantial research paper and a mini-
 mum of 13 credits in international taxation courses) and have earned a Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree, or in the case of international students, a law degree from a university
 outside the United States. Students are recommended for the degree by the faculty of the Levin College of Law. A student who obtains the LL.M. in Taxation degree is not
 eligible to obtain the LL.M. in International Taxation degree.

Iacopo Andrea Accolla                                          Saudamini Gupta                                                 Chuks Chukwuwen Okoriekwe
Henrique Annicchino                                            Nimah Faisal Jastaniyyah                                        Adithya Reddy
Isaque Brasil                                                  Jin woo Lee                                                     Carlos Vásquez Duque
Matías Errázuriz Wilson                                        Seungjun Lee                                                    Santiago Verdugo
Pablo Góngora Jercic

Master of Laws in Taxation
 The LL.M. in Taxation degree is awarded to students who complete Levin College of Law requirements (including a substantial research paper) and have earned a Juris Doctor (J.D.)
 degree, or in the case of international students, a law degree from a university outside the United States. Students are recommended for the degree by the faculty of the Levin College of
 Law. A student who obtains the LL.M. in International Taxation degree is not eligible to obtain the LL.M. in Taxation degree.

Jack Sims Alexander                                            Carllee Justine Godwin                                          Nicholas Shawn O'Leary
Lama Redwan Alqasemi                                           Vladislav Grant                                                 Nicolás A. Oliva
Jacob A. Ayling                                                Timothy Griffis                                                 Nicholas J. Oliveri
Jovanna Sabrina Bailey                                         Meridith Judith Heneage                                         Jonathan Oliveros
Jonathan Taylor Baker                                          Micheal C. Ihe                                                  Cory Austin Prewit
John M. Bartel                                                 Anastasia Edward Jones                                          Dylan Levi Pryor
Anthony Phillip Bartolini                                      Richard Akili-Semaj Jones                                       Tatum Ashley Remely
Antoine Dawson Bedard                                          Brittany S. Kovalskaya                                          Yochan Ryu
Hunter Allen Bedell                                            Hannah M. LaJoie                                                Luis Elpidio Sánchez
Shorya Vardhan Bisaria                                         Jonathan G. Lee                                                 Jordan Taylor Sharp
Braden T. Brown                                                Dontrell A. Lemon                                               Matthew J. Sherman
Paige Cham                                                     Barret Levine                                                   Brooke S. Shroyer
Alexander Paul Clauberg                                        Michael Andrew Magoulas                                         Haben Tewelde
Lisa Josephine Dawson                                          Liam Hunter Maude                                               William David Tweedy
Craig David Dingwall                                           James W. McCauley Jr.                                           Hannah Katherine Van Horn
Austin Parker Durham                                           Camille Mott Mennen                                             Nathan P. Warren
Joan Uzoamaka Ekeh                                             Delino Marquis Miller                                           Amelia Ann White
Jordan Rhyne Ellis                                             Ronald Andrew Millhouse Jr.                                     Samuel M. White
Victor M. Fox                                                  Joyce Musonda Musuku                                            Tyler J. Willis
Humberto Giraldo                                               Avraham Naiditch
Juris Doctor
 This degree is awarded to students who have earned at least a baccalaureate degree, who have completed a three-year course study at the Levin College of Law, and who are recom-
 mended by its faculty. The degree is awarded with Honors to those with a grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.3 (on a four point scale), with High Honors to those with a GPA of at least
 3.7 and with Highest Honors to those with a GPA of at least a 3.9.

Alexander William Adeseye                                       Luis Garcia                                                      James Peter Love III
Natalie Alexis                                                  Emily Kathryn Garguilo                                           Jamey Michelle Lyons
Hunter Ames                                                     David Caleb Gilbert                                              Jonathan B. Mansker
Julia Noelle Mary Andersen                                      Thomas George Eric Gilhooly                                      Arianna Leah Martinez
Marlin Daniel Anthony                                           Joshua Hamilton Gloster                                          Justin Eric Martinez
Kevin A. Ashley II                                              Mark David Gnatowski Jr.                                         Melanie Matamoros Cruz
Amer Azizi                                                      Lucas Harrison Goda                                              Brantley Tucker Mayers
Ryan Robert Babb                                                Alexa Brielle Goldstein                                          Anise Veldkamp McClellan
Blake Bachman                                                   Emily M. Goodson                                                 Matthew Adam McCoy
Wesley Philip Backer                                            Malaka Monroe Alexis Goudy                                       Meagan Michala McGurl
Paul H. Baraldi                                                 Jonathan David Graham                                            Hope Riley McKnight
Chantel Alexis Batista                                          Kelley Ann Graham                                                Julianne Adair McLay
Joseph Alec Beguiristain                                        Jordan Alexander Grana                                           Thomas Connor McManus
Dylan T. Beitel                                                 Mikaela Alice Guido                                              Genevieve Wels McNalis
Karen Michelle Benitez                                          Katherine Maureen Gwin                                           Michael Robert Merhar
Armando Bienes                                                  Christian L. Haitz                                               Colin David Milwood
Jonathan Bouchlas                                               Jonathon Patrick Haney                                           Brennan Philip Monaco
Ashton Gasque Brock                                             Alexia Drew Harkley                                              Janeil Adriana Morgan
Connor McCrory Brock                                            Kenneal Kamal Bonelli                                            Rylee Murdoch
Ahmet Brown                                                     Julia Anne Harrison                                              Desmond K. Scott Nichols
Baylee Daniel Bunyard                                           Samuel Jacob Hensel                                              Jonathan C. Nickas
Emily Dianne Burwell                                            Pablo A. Hereter                                                 Sarah R. Niss
Michael Cairo                                                   Brittney Ann Hermansen                                           Anna Elizabeth Nordhorn
Brenna Elizabeth Cameron                                        Mark L. Hilberath                                                Charlisa Renee Odom
Jesse Adam Campbell                                             Mariana Chandra Hira                                             Harrison Sean O'Keeffe
William Clark Caraway                                           Chloe Morgan Horton                                              Taylor Paige Oliver
Nina M. Carella                                                 Kerry Eric Hudson                                                Caitlin Nicole Otis
James Whitcomb Carpenter                                        Megan Elizabeth Ingram                                           Juan L. Parada
Adriante Shauris Carter                                         Cole Grant Jackson                                               Lauren Christine Pasqua
Daniel Burke Carter                                             Shydarrius Zhkei Jackson                                         Pranav S. Patel
Jensen Adaire Carter                                            Nicholas Robert Jeffrey                                          Rhett Scott Perret
Hanora Marie Cassels                                            Steven Tyler Jeffries                                            Zachary A. Pestcoe
Taylor Rose Cavaliere                                           Sean Richard Jolley                                              Melissa Britt Petersen
Zi Jin Peter Chan                                               Rachel Nicole Kagan                                              Camila Pina
Chad Thomas Cochran                                             Meghan V. Kennedy                                                Matthew R. Pina
Zachary Cole                                                    Kassandra Nicole Kilanowski                                      Madison Deneen Pinkney
Michael Wesley Combs                                            Kelsey E. Kilpatrick                                             Judy Piseth
Devin Ray Connell                                               Katelin Shay King                                                Brandon M. Pongracz
Jessica Ann Coroneos                                            Michael Cooper Klaasmeyer                                        Payton Kristine Pope
Joseph Alexander Couture                                        Austin Ryan Klein                                                Trevor James Pope
William B. Davis                                                Jody-Ann Marie Knight                                            Mark Samuel Prine
Olivia DeScala                                                  Keani N. Knight-Walker                                           Kristina Raines
Elizabeth Jorgine Donohoe                                       Tyler Alexander Kovacs                                           Shani Rapapport
Amber Nicole Edney                                              Elvis J. Laguna                                                  Stephania Rendel
Crystal R. Ellison                                              Valerie M. Lamb                                                  Lori-Ann Camille Michelle Ridley
Kenneth Edward Eubanks                                          Andrew M. Lang                                                   James Raymond Ritter III
Lucas Bryan Fick                                                Jenna M. Lazarus                                                 Kelsey E. Saalmann
Paola Fiku                                                      James P. Leonard                                                 Daniel C. Saathoff
Kyle Brandon Forges                                             David Arthur Levine                                              Shane Shastri Sahadeo
Guerbrea Phyllese Fort                                          Nanfeng Li                                                       Stephanie Sanchez
Aryeh S. Frank                                                  Noah Brett Liebling                                              Eric Benjamin Savin
Lainey Williams Francisco                                       Jonathan Robert Link                                             Justine M. Scott
Matthew Dean Galligan                                           Kebin J. Lopez-Bautista                                          Courtney Danielle Jacqueline Shannon

Juris Doctor, continued
Hunter P. Shechtman       Jessica Louise Terkovich    Mallory Dae Waggoner
Marta Shin                Clay Franklin Tezel         Herin E. Warner
Maxwell Allan Shrem       Cole Phillip Thomas         Adrienne Evata Washington
Jarryd Arthur Sigamoney   Wesley Daniel Thorp         Parker J. Watts
Jacklyn Signorelli        Brittney Janae Tolbert      Steven Alexander Weber
Melanie Rose Skenian      Kathryn Alexis Trinka       Passion Carmel Wells
Scott R. Slaney           Erik J. Trzyna              Ethan Ashton White
Chelsea Nikole Slater     Elizabeth A. Tubbs          Allyson K. Whitter
Philip James Sliger       Adaeze Crystal Uche         Emily Paige Williams
Forrest Shane Smith       Juan Carlos Valiente        Monica Wilson-Reid
Keenan Smith              Juliana Christine Vallier   Alex William Woelffer
Victoria Amber Sowell     Jordan D. Vann              Bradley H. Yucht
Tyler L. Stephens         William Perren Vasquez      Julie M. Zolty
Turner Fenton Street      Evelyn M. Veras             Morgan Blaine Zwirn

Book Awards
 Created to honor scholastic achievement, CALI Excellence for the Future Awards are bestowed at the discretion of professors to recognize the highest performing student in each course at
 the University of Florida Levin College of Law. Listed below are the names of graduates receiving at least one CALI Excellence for the Future Award during their tenure to date.

Jacob Ayling                                                   Cole Jackson                                                    Madison Pinkney
Amer Azizi                                                     Sean Jolley                                                     Brandon Pongracz
Ryan Babb                                                      Rachel Kagan                                                    Payton Pope
Blake Bachman                                                  Sama Kaseer                                                     Trevor Pope
Jonathan Baker                                                 Kathryn Kaylor                                                  Kristina Raines
Antoine Bedard                                                 Kelsey Kilpatrick                                               Stephania Rendel
Ashton Brock                                                   Tyler Kovacs                                                    David Robinson
Emily Burwell                                                  Andrew Lang                                                     Daniel Saathoff
Michael Cairo                                                  Jenna Lazarus                                                   Shane Sahadeo
William Caraway                                                David Levine                                                    Stephanie Sanchez
Adriante Carter                                                Noah Liebling                                                   Courtney Shannon
Hanora Cassels                                                 James Love                                                      Melanie Skenian
Taylor Cavaliere                                               Melanie Matamoros                                               Philip Sliger
Paige Cham                                                     Liam Maude                                                      Keenan Smith
Zi Jin Chan                                                    Brantley Mayers                                                 Tyler Stephens
Chad Cochran                                                   Julianne McLay                                                  Jessica Terkovich
Jessica Coroneos                                               Genevieve McNalis                                               Haben Tewelde
Joseph Couture                                                 Alexa Menashe                                                   Wesley Thorp
Olivia Descala                                                 Camille Mennen                                                  Kathryn Trinka
Matías Errázuriz Wilson                                        Michael Merhar                                                  Juan Valiente Jr.
Lucas Fick                                                     Eric Monteiro de Medeiros                                       Julianna Vallier
Paola Fiku                                                     Ethan Moore                                                     William Vasquez
Hollie Forst                                                   Lam-Nathalie Nguyen                                             Santiago Verdugo-Pacheo
Matthew Galligan                                               Jonathan Nickas                                                 Ethan White
Luis Garcia Castellanos                                        Sarah Niss                                                      Evelyn White
Kenneth Gillespie                                              Anna Nordhorn                                                   Emily Williams
Joshua Gloster                                                 Chuks Okoriekwe                                                 Lainey Williams
Lucas Goda                                                     Nicolás Oliva                                                   Tyler Willis
Alexa Goldstein                                                Taylor Oliver                                                   Monica Wilson-Reid
Jonathan Graham                                                Caitlin Otis                                                    Morgan Zwirn
Kelley Graham                                                  Makayla Owens
Jordan Grana                                                   Lauren Pasqua
Christian Haitz                                                Melissa Petersen
Julia Harrison                                                 Jimmy Pham
Mariana Hira                                                   Camila Pina

Dean's Leadership Awards
 Dean's Leadership Awards recognize outstanding service to the University of Florida Levin College of Law community. Among other things, awardees have launched important new initia-
 tives, lead multiple student organizations, provided outstanding mentorship to other students, and improved connections between the college and other communities at the university
 and beyond.

Taylor Cavaliere                                Micheal Ihe                                       Hope McKnight                                      Trevor Pope
Adriante Carter                                 Nimah Jastaniyyah                                 Jonathan Nickas                                    Courtney Shannon
Paige Cham                                      Meghan Kennedy                                    Chuks Okoriekwe                                    Wesley Thorp
Zi Jin Peter Chan                               Jamey Lyons *                                     Nicolás Oliva                                      Adrienne Washington
Gladeyry Fuenmayor                              Brantley Mayers

                                                                                                                                                       * 2022 Courage & Commitment Award Recipient

Pro Bono Recognition
 The Pro Bono Project at the University of Florida Levin College of Law seeks to help students develop an awareness of their future ethical and professional responsibilities as lawyers.
 Students are recognized for providing an exceptional number of hours to provide law-related services to organizations with limited resources, including legal aid organizations, non-profit
 organizations, and governmental agencies.

Excellence Award                                                                                  Outstanding Achievement Award
Alexander Adeseye                               Mariana Hira                                      Zi Jin Chan                                        Evelyn Veras
Amer Azizi                                      Chloe Horton                                      David Gilbert                                      Julie Zolty
Ryan Babb                                       Megan Ingram                                      Mark Gnatowski
Wesley Backer                                   Kelsey Kilpatrick                                 Alexa Goldstein
Michael Cairo                                   Jonathan Link                                     Tyler Kovacs
Brenna Cameron                                  Pete Love                                         Hope McKnight
Daniel Carter                                   Matthew McCoy                                     Colin Milwood
Kyle Forges                                     Meagan McGurl                                     Brennan Monaco
Guerbrea Fort                                   Michael Merhar **                                 Rylee Murdoch
Luis Garcia                                     Jonathan Nickas                                   Zachary Pestcoe
Thomas Gilhooly                                 Sarah Niss                                        Mark Prine ***
Lucas Goda                                      Kristina Raines                                   Lori-Ann Ridley
Emily Goodson                                   Shane Sahadeo                                     Justine Scott
Kelley Graham                                   Turner Street                                     Courtney Shannon
Jordan Grana                                    Erik Trzyna                                       Jessica Terkovich
Katherine Gwin                                  Juliana Vallier                                   Kathryn Trinka
Pablo Hereter                                   Monica Wilson-Reid                                Jordan Vann

                                           ** Recognized for Excellence in Community Service   *** Helen Gibel Blechman Community Service Award and Helen Gibel Blechman Pro Bono Award Recipient

University of Florida Leadership
 State Board of Education                                 President and Vice Presidents
 Richard Corcoran              Monesia Brown              of the University
 Commissioner of Education     Marva Johnson
                                                          Kent Fuchs, Ph.D.
 Tom Grady                     Ryan Petty
 Chair                         Joe York
                                                          Joseph Glover, Ph.D.
 Ben Gibson                                               Provost and Senior Vice President - Academic Affairs
 Vice Chair
                                                          J. Scott Angle, Ph.D.
                                                          Senior Vice President - Agriculture and Natural Resources
                                                          Chris Cowen, M.B.A.
 Florida Board of Governors                               Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
 Marshall M. Criser III        Tim Cerio                  Charles E. Lane, D.P.A.
 Chancellor                    Aubrey Edge                Senior Vice President and Chief Operating
 Richard Corcoran              Patricia Frost             Officer - Administration
 Commissioner of Education     Edward Haddock
                               H. Wayne Huizenga, Jr.     David R. Nelson, M.D.
 Brian Lamb                    Nastassia Janvier          Senior Vice President - Health Affairs
 Chair                         Ken Jones                  Elias G. Eldayrie, M.B.A.
 Eric Silagy                   Darlene L. Jordan          Vice President and Chief Information
 Vice Chair                    Alan M. Levine             Officer - Information Technology
                               Charles H. Lydecker
                                                          Amy M. Hass, J.D.
                               Steven M. Scott
                                                          Vice President - General Counsel
                               William Self
                               Kent Stermon               Mark E. Kaplan, J.D.
                                                          Vice President - Government and Community Relations
                                                          Marsha McGriff, Ed.D.
 University of Florida                                    Chief Diversity Officer and Senior Advisor to the President
 Board of Trustees                                        Thomas J. Mitchell, M.S.
 Morteza “Mori” Hosseini       David C. Bloom             Vice President - Advancement
 Chair                         David L. Brandon           D’Andra Mull, Ph.D.
 Thomas G. Kuntz               Cooper L. Brown            Vice President – Student Life
 Vice Chair                    Richard P. Cole            David Norton, Ph.D.
                               Christopher T. Corr        Vice President - Research
                               James W. “Bill” Heavener
                               Daniel T. O’Keefe          Mary G. Parker, Ed.D.
                               Rahul Patel                Associate Provost and Vice President - Enrollment Management
                               Marsha D. Powers           Curtis Reynolds, M.B.A., M.S.E.E.
                               Fred S. Ridley             Vice President - Business Affairs
                               Anita G. Zucker

 Deans of the University
 R. Elaine Turner, Ph.D.                                  Leonardo Villalón, Ph.D.
 College of Agricultural and Life Sciences                International Center
 Onye P. Ozuzu, M.F.A.                                    Hubert Brown, M.A.
 College of the Arts                                      College of Journalism and Communications
 Sabyasachi Mitra, Ph.D.                                  Laura A. Rosenbury, J.D.
 Warrington College of Business                           Fredric G. Levin College of Law
 A. Isabel Garcia, D.D.S., M.P.H.                         David E. Richardson, Ph.D.
 College of Dentistry                                     College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
 Chimay Anumba, Ph.D.                                     Colleen Koch, M.D., M.S., M.B.A.
 College of Design, Construction and Planning             College of Medicine
 Glenn E. Good, Ph.D.                                     Anna M. McDaniel, Ph.D., R.N.
 College of Education                                     College of Nursing
 Cammy R. Abernathy, Ph.D.                                Julie A. Johnson, Pharm.D.
 Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering                  College of Pharmacy
 Nicole L. P. Stedman, Ph.D.                              Michael G. Perri, Ph.D.
 The Graduate School                                      College of Public Health and Health Professions
 Michael Reid, Ph.D.                                      Dana Zimmel, D.V.M.
 College of Health and Human Performance                  College of Veterinary Medicine
 Andra Johnson, Ph.D.                                     Judith C. Russell, M.S.
 IFAS Extension                                           University Libraries
 Robert Gilbert, Ph.D.                                    Heather White, Ph.D.
 IFAS Research                                            Dean of Students

                                                                                                                         2022 SPRING

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