Commemorate Women's History Month on WOSU TV - WOSU Public Media

Page created by Herbert Brewer
Commemorate Women's History Month on WOSU TV - WOSU Public Media
March 2021 •

                                                               American Masters: Twyla Moves
                                                                Friday, March 26 at 9pm

                 American Masters: Flannery:                   Forgotten Fame:
                 The Storied Life of the Writer from Georgia   The Marion Miley Story
                  Tuesday, March 23 at 9pm                      Tuesday, March 16 at 9pm

Commemorate Women's History Month on WOSU TV                                 starting on page 4

                                                                       All programs are subject to change.
Commemorate Women's History Month on WOSU TV - WOSU Public Media
VOLUME 42 • NUMBER 3                                      “The Hill We Climb”
    Airfare (UPS 372670) is published except for June,
    July and August by:
                                                              The poetry of Amanda Gorman – the nation’s first youth poet laureate –
    WOSU Public Media
                                                              was one of the high points of the presidential inauguration on January 20.
    2400 Olentangy River Road, Columbus, OH 43210             “The Hill We Climb” was timely and relevant. Here is an excerpt:

    Copyright 2021 by The Ohio State University. All rights   It’s because being American is more than a pride we inherit,
    reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced      it's the past we step into
    in any form or by any means without express written
    permission from the publisher. Subscription is by a       and how we repair it
    minimum contribution of $60 to WOSU Public Media,
    of which $3.25 is allocated to Airfare. Periodicals
    postage paid at Columbus, Ohio.
                                                              “How we repair it.” When WOSU tackles the history of racism or brings on local
                                                              guests whose lives have been shaped by racism, we often hear from audience
    POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Airfare,
    2400 Olentangy River Road, Columbus, OH 43210
                                                              members who ask, “Why is it all about race?” “Aren’t we beyond this?”

     WOSU Public Media
                                                              Our first step must be to acknowledge our racist past, but also our racist
     General Manager                   Tom Rieland
                                                              present, because we are far from beyond this. The murder of George
     Membership                        Rob Walker             Floyd; the tragic, unnecessary deaths of two local Black men killed by
     Marketing & Communications        Amy Tillinghast        police in December; the storming of the Capitol by many espousing white
                                                              supremacy; the list goes on and on.
     Friends of WOSU Board
     President                         Kyle Anderson
     Vice President                    Mac Joseph
                                                              We are still grappling with race and it’s a reckoning that will not just go away. This
     Secretary/Treasurer               Betsy Pandora          is not about changing attitudes and beliefs, it’s about the structured inequality
                                                              built by a history of racist policies and practices. We must dig in to do the hard
     Board Members
                                                              work to grow an anti-racist culture, facing up to racism in our own worlds.
     Kyle Anderson*              Trip Lazarus
     William Ballenger           Kurt Lykins
                                                              At WOSU, we pledge to continue to tell stories of inequity and the striving
     Jason Beehler               Kathy McGinnis
     Courtnee Carrigan           Melissa McHenry              for racial justice. In the words of Amanda Gorman:
     Ann DiMarco                 Christine Mortine
     Erik Farley                 Betsy Pandora*
                                                              We are striving to forge a union with purpose
     Jeri Grier                  Stacy Rastauskas
     Jon Hsu                     Tom Rieland*                 To compose a country committed to all cultures, colors, characters
     Mac Joseph*                 Bill Schiffman               and conditions of man
     Julie Keckstein             Erin Davis Shedd             And so we lift our gazes not to what stands between us
     Ray LaVoie
                                                              but what stands before us
     WOSU Mission: To engage, inform and inspire              We close the divide because we know, to put our future first,
     our diverse community.                                   we must first put our differences aside
     WOSU Vision: Curiosity ignited. Community                We lay down our arms
                                                              so we can reach out our arms
     Questions? Comments?                                     to one another
     Call 614-292-9678

                                                              Tom Rieland, General Manager

                                                                    WOSU Public Media's 2020 Local Content and Service Report to the
                                                                   Community is now available for review at

2     For detailed listings, visit
Commemorate Women's History Month on WOSU TV - WOSU Public Media
Building Resilience Through Difficult Times & Tough Talks
WOSU Classroom is partnering with Sesame Street In Communities to provide simple
strategies to help young learners navigate some of life’s traumatic experiences including
parental addiction, health emergencies and exploring emotions.

In these free virtual courses, adults who have children in their care work with early
childhood experts to learn playful ways to stay healthy, comfortable and engaged
during challenging times.

Participants will explore utilizing the free resources on the Sesame Street In
Communities Resource Hub. Attend by registering at

   • Tuesday, March 2 from 6:30–8:30pm
   • Saturday, March 13 from 9–11am
   • Tuesday, March 16 from 6:30–8:30pm
   • Saturday, March 27 from 9–11am
   • Tuesday, April 6 from 6:30–8:30pm

Commemorate Women's History Month on WOSU TV - WOSU Public Media
Primetime and Weekend Schedule for WOSU TV

    Monday, March 1, 2021                                  7:30 pm      QED with Dr. B                           8:00 am      Aging Backwards 3 with
                                                           Bacteria, Superbugs and Antibodies • Learn                         Miranda Esmonde-White
    7:00 pm      In The Know
                                                           about the rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and
                 Central Crossing vs. the Olentangy
                                                           how to keep safe from ‘superbugs’; discover how
                                                                                                                 9:00 am      Overcoming Anxiety,
                                                           nanotechnology looks promising in treating late-
                                                                                                                              Depression, Trauma, and Grief
    7:30 pm      Columbus Neighborhoods                                                                                       with Daniel Amen, MD
                                                           stage sepsis and why mapping human antibodies
    Gathering Places • Architectural historian Jeff        can lead to breakthroughs in combating disease.
    Darbee takes us on a tour of historic Rock Mill                                                              11:00 am Retire Safe & Secure with
    in Fairfield County. The Old Oaks neighborhood                                                                        Ed Slott for 2021
                                                           8:00 pm      The Colorado
    invites us to a Party on the Porch. And then we                                                              1:00 pm      Energy Paradox with
    head to Ohio History Connection to learn about         Explore North America’s wildest river in this film
                                                           narrated by Academy Award winner Mark Rylance.                     Steven Gundry, MD
    Larry’s, the beloved campus bar.
                                                           9:30 pm      Classical Rewind (My Music)              2:30 pm      What to Eat When with
    8:00 pm      Lucy Worsley’s Royal                                                                                         Dr. Michael Roizen &
                 Palace Secrets                            Experience the beauty, romance and power of                        Dr. Michael Crupain
    Join the popular royal historian for an exclusive      musical masterpieces in this auditory joyride.
    tour of London’s most extraordinary palaces.                                                                 4:30 pm      Joyful Pain Free Living
                                                                                                                              with Lee Albert
    9:30 pm      Rick Steves' Fascism in Europe            Thursday, March 4, 2021
                                                                                                                 6:30 pm      John Denver: Country Boy
    Travel back a century to learn how fascism rose and    7:00 pm      This Old House
    fell in Europe – taking millions of people with it.                 Pizza Time                               8:00 pm      It’s What’s Happening Baby
                                                                                                                              (My Music Presents)
                                                           7:30 pm      Ask This Old House
    Tuesday, March 2, 2021                                              Radiator Paint, Load Bearing Wall
                                                                                                                 10:00 pm The Carpenters: Close to You
                                                                                                                          (My Music Presents)
    7:00 pm      The Legacy List                                                                                 A music-filled documentary that traces the
                                                           8:00 pm      Dolly Parton: 50 Years at the Opry
    A Whale of a Time • Bess must clean out a house                                                              Carpenters’ career through the eyes of Richard
    filled with vintage furniture, rare antiques and old   Join the country music superstar and special guests   Carpenter and their friends in the music business.
    whaling equipment.                                     to celebrate her 50 years at the Grand Ole Opry.

     8:00 pm Loretta Lynn: My Story                        10:00 pm Andy Williams: Greatest Love                 Sunday, March 7, 2021
                                                                    Songs (My Music)
             in My Words
                                                           The romantic crooner’s biggest hits and best-loved    6:00 am      Consuelo Mack Wealthtrack
                                                           ballads including “Love Story” and “Moon River."
                                                                                                                 6:30 am      Firing Line with Margaret Hoover

                                                           Friday, March 5, 2021                                 7:00 am      Scully/The World Show

                                                           7:00 pm      The Chavis Chronicles                    7:30 am      The State of Ohio
                                                           A thought-provoking weekly talk show with an          8:00 am      Suze Orman’s Ultimate
                                                           urban flair featuring interviews with cultural                     Retirement Guide
                                                           leaders and influencers from around the globe.
                                                                                                                 10:00 am Energy Paradox with Steven
                                                           7:30 pm      GZERO World with Ian Bremmer                      Gundry, MD
                                                           8:00 pm      Washington Week                          11:30 am Retire Safe & Secure with
                                                                                                                          Ed Slott for 2021
                                                           8:30 pm      Columbus on the Record
                                                                                                                 1:30 pm      Joyful Pain Free Living with
                                                           9:00 pm      Tina Turner: One Last Time                            Lee Albert
       Celebrate the country legend with this              Join the legendary performer for her unforgettable
                                                           concert at London's Wembley Stadium in 2000.
                                                                                                                 3:30 pm      What to Eat When with
       biographical portrait that lets Lynn tell her                                                                          Dr. Michael Roizen &
       own life story.                                                                                                        Dr. Michael Crupain
                                                           10:30 pm This Land is Your Land (My Music)
                                                           Take a musical journey through the evolution          5:00 pm      Overcoming Anxiety,
                                                           of modern American folk music.                                     Depression, Trauma, and Grief
    9:30 pm      American Experience                                                                                          with Daniel Amen, MD
    Voice of Freedom • Marian Anderson’s rich life
    story alongside a landmark moment in history,          Saturday, March 6, 2021                               6:30 pm      Rick Steves Fascism in Europe
    exploring fundamental questions about talent,
    race, fame, democracy and the American soul.           6:00 am      Motorweek                                8:00 pm      Lucy Worsley’s Royal Palace Secrets
                                                                                                                 Join the popular royal historian for an exclusive
                                                           6:30 am      Best of the Joy of Painting              tour of London’s most extraordinary palaces.
    Wednesday, March 3, 2021                               7:00 am      Fit 2 Stitch
                                                                                                                 9:30 pm      50 Years with Peter, Paul and Mary
    7:00 pm      Cycle Around Japan Highlights             7:30 am      Fons & Porter’s Love of Quilting         Celebrate the trio that provided America’s
                                                                                                                 soundtrack for generations.

4   For detailed listings, visit
Commemorate Women's History Month on WOSU TV - WOSU Public Media
Monday, March 8, 2021                                   10:00 pm Tina Turner: One Last Time                   7:00 am      Scully/The World Show
7:00 pm      In The Know                                Join the legendary performer for her unforgettable
                                                                                                              7:30 am      The State of Ohio
             Dublin Scioto vs. Fisher Catholic          concert at London's Wembley Stadium in 2000.
                                                                                                              8:00 am      Aging Backwards 3 with
7:30 pm      Columbus Neighborhoods                                                                                        Miranda Esmonde-White
                                                        Friday, March 12, 2021
Family History • Local historian Doreen Uhas Sauer
                                                                                                              9:00 am      Retire Safe & Secure with
investigates the Little Oklahoma neighborhood           7:00 pm     The Chavis Chronicles                                  Ed Slott for 2021
on Columbus’ South Side. The Columbus                   A thought-provoking weekly talk show with an
Metropolitan Library shows us how to do genealogy       urban flair featuring interviews with cultural        11:00 am Joyful Pain Free Living with
research and we explore its African-American digital    leaders and influencers from around the globe.                 Lee Albert
collection. Also, Ohio History Connection explains
how to preserve historic photos.                        7:30 pm     GZERO World with Ian Bremmer              12:30 pm Overcoming Anxiety,
                                                                                                                       Depression, Trauma, and Grief
8:00 pm      It’s What’s Happening Baby                 8:00 pm     Washington Week                                    with Daniel Amen, MD
             (My Music Presents)
                                                        8:30 pm     Columbus on the Record                    2:00 pm      The Black Church: This is Our
10:00 pm John Denver: Country Boy                                                                                          Story, This is Our Song
Discover the man behind the music in this intimate      9:00 pm     Loretta Lynn: My Story in                              Part 1
profile of the popular singer-songwriter.                           My Words
                                                        Celebrate the country legend with this biographical   5:00 pm      The Black Church: This is Our
                                                        portrait that lets Lynn tell her own life story.                   Story, This is Our Song
Tuesday, March 9, 2021                                                                                                     Part 2
                                                        10:30 pm The Carpenters: Close to You
7:00 pm      The Legacy List                                     (My Music Presents)                          8:00 pm      This Land is Your Land (My Music)
Anne Manley • The team heads to Richmond,               A music-filled documentary that traces the
Virginia where Anne Manley is in the middle of          Carpenters’ career through the eyes of Richard        9:30 pm      It’s What’s Happening Baby
downsizing and moving to Jacksonville, Florida to       Carpenter and their friends in the music business.                 (My Music Presents)
be closer to her parents. The problem is she has just
24 hours before the movers arrive to pack it all up.
                                                        Saturday, March 13, 2021                              Monday, March 15, 2021
8:00 pm      Andy Williams: Greatest Love                                                                     7:00 pm      In The Know
             Songs (My Music)                           6:00 am     Motorweek
                                                                                                                           New Albany vs. St. Charles
The romantic crooner’s biggest hits and best-loved
ballads including “Love Story” and “Moon River."
                                                        6:30 am     Best of the Joy of Painting
                                                                                                              7:30 pm      Columbus Neighborhoods
                                                        7:00 am     Fit 2 Stitch                              Education • A South Side Columbus program works
9:30 pm      Dolly Parton: 50 Years at the Opry
                                                                                                              to reduce infant mortality. Architectural historian
Join the country music superstar and special guests     7:30 am     Fons & Porter’s Love of Quilting          Jeff Darbee visits notable schools. Also, a history of
to celebrate her 50 years at the Grand Ole Opry.                                                              Ohio Dominican University, a mentoring program
                                                        8:00 am     Nancy Zieman:
                                                                    Extraordinary Grace                       for African American youth, and back to basics at
                                                                                                              Ohio History Connection’s Ohio Village schoolhouse.
Wednesday, March 10, 2021                               9:30 am     Suze Orman’s Ultimate
7:00 pm      Cycle Around Japan Highlights                          Retirement Guide                          8:00 pm      Antiques Roadshow
                                                                                                              Vintage Spokane, Hour 2 • Fantastic finds include
7:30 pm      QED with Dr. B                             11:30 am Rick Steves' Island Hopping Europe           a 1961-1963 JFK archive, a grotesque face jug, and
What Is Race? • Conversations about race with                                                                 "Gone with the Wind" sketches.
                                                        12:00 pm Great Scenic Railway Journeys:
scientific experts who are tackling this charged                 Anniversary Special
topic from a variety of angles.                                                                               9:00 pm      Antiques Roadshow
                                                        3:00 pm     What to Eat When with                     Newport, Hour 3 • Celebrate the groundbreaking
8:00 pm      Rick Steves' Fascism in Europe                         Dr. Michael Roizen &                      visit to Rosecliff mansion with even more treasures
Travel back a century to learn how fascism rose and                 Dr. Michael Crupain                       including a Tiffany & Co. sapphire and diamond
fell in Europe – taking millions of people with it.                                                           ring and M.C. Escher lithographs.
                                                        5:00 pm     Energy Paradox with Steven
9:30 pm      This Land is Your Land (My Music)                      Gundry, MD                                10:00 pm Escape to the Chateau
Take a musical journey through the evolution            6:30 pm     Lucy Worsley’s Royal Palace Secrets       Glamping • Dick and Angel throw open the shutters
of modern American folk music.                                                                                of their French chateau for a new season, as they get
                                                        8:00 pm     John Denver: Country Boy                  to work creating a luxury glamping experience.
                                                        Discover the man behind the music in this intimate
Thursday, March 11, 2021                                profile of the popular singer-songwriter.
7:00 pm      This Old House                             9:30 pm     Andy Williams: Greatest Love
             Narragansett Windows                                   Songs (My Music)                                   Full program listings for
                                                        The romantic crooner’s biggest hits and best-loved            WOSU Plus, WOSU Ohio and
7:30 pm      Ask This Old House
                                                        ballads including “Love Story” and “Moon River."              WOSU Kids are available at:
             Mini Split, Butcher Block

8:00 pm      50 Years with Peter, Paul and Mary         Sunday, March 14, 2021                                    
Celebrate the trio that provided America’s
soundtrack for generations.                             6:00 am     Consuelo Mack Wealthtrack
                                                        6:30 am     Firing Line with Margaret Hoover

                                                                                                                               All programs are subject to change.     5
Commemorate Women's History Month on WOSU TV - WOSU Public Media
Tuesday, March 16, 2021                                 10:00 pm Skeletons of the Mary Rose:                    7:00 am      Fit 2 Stitch
                                                                     The New Evidence
    7:00 pm      The Legacy List                                                                                    7:30 am      Fons & Porter’s Love of Quilting
                                                            A unique, cutting-edge scientific investigation
    Lenis Northmore • Lenis Northmore of Newark,
                                                            reveals surprising new information about the
    Delaware has a home packed with rare and exotic                                                                 8:00 am      Growing A Greener World
                                                            crew of Henry VIII's favorite warship.
    collectibles. But finding them in a 6,000 square foot
    house is like finding needles in a haystack.                                                                    8:30 am      Family Plot: Gardening
                                                                                                                                 in the Mid-South
    8:00 pm      Finding Your Roots
                                                            Thursday, March 18, 2021
                                                                                                                    9:00 am      Woodsmith Shop
    Hard Times • Explore the family stories of              7:00 pm      This Old House
    filmmaker Michael Moore and actors Laura Linney                      Cold Weather Landscape                     9:30 am      American Woodshop
    and Chloë Sevigny – three people whose distant
    ancestors overcame great hardships in ways that         7:30 pm      Ask This Old House                         10:00 am This Old House
    resonate with their lives today.                                     Precast Concrete, New Lamppost             10:30 am Ask This Old House
    9:00 pm      Forgotten Fame:                            8:00 pm      Broad & High                               11:00 am Primal Grill with Steven Raichlen
                 The Marion Miley Story
                                                            From Patriotic Pops to Polka! • The Columbus
    Trailblazing golfer Marion Miley's exceptional          Symphony takes their show on the road with their        11:30 am How to Cook Well with
    talent and personality captivated sports fans across    free community concert series and our local-music                Rory O’Connell
    the country. But at age 27, Marion was tragically       series continues with a festive polka performance
    murdered in her home in Kentucky.                                                                               12:00 pm Lidia’s Kitchen
                                                            by the Route 161 Happy Wanderers!
    10:00 pm Frontline                                                                                              12:30 pm Ciao Italia
                                                            8:30 pm      Columbus Neighborhoods
    America’s Medical Supply Crisis • Why was the           Preserving Columbus History • Follow efforts to         1:00 pm      America’s Test Kitchen
    U.S. left scrambling for critical medical equipment     save memorabilia and photographs of Diavolo, a                       from Cook’s Illustrated
    as the coronavirus swept the country? With              cycling daredevil legend in Columbus. See how
    the Associated Press, an investigation of the                                                                   1:30 pm      Kevin Belton’s
                                                            firefighting has changed through the centuries
    fragmented global medical supply chain and                                                                                   New Orleans Kitchen
                                                            at the Central Ohio Fire Museum. Then visit Ohio
    its deadly consequences.                                History Connection to learn about DIY wedding           2:00 pm      Cook’s Country
                                                            dress preservation.
                                                                                                                    2:30 pm      Christopher Kimball’s
    Wednesday, March 17, 2021                               9:00 pm      Foyle’s War                                             Milk Street Television
    7:00 pm      Cycle Around Japan Highlights              The French Drop, Part 1 • Investigating a
                                                                                                                    3:00 pm      Rick Steves’ Europe
                                                            suspicious death, Foyle gets caught up in the rivalry
    7:30 pm      QED with Dr. B                             between the established spy agency MI5 and the          3:30 pm      Joseph Rosendo’s Travelscope
    Decoding Viruses • Learn how viruses work, and          newly created SOE (Special Operations Executive).
    how vaccines are developed plus how viruses                                                                     4:00 pm      Two for the Road
    can jump from species to species and why the            10:00 pm Foyle’s War
    connections between viruses and bacteria could          The French Drop, Part 2 • Investigating a               4:30 pm      Andes: Kingdoms of the Sky
    benefit our oceans.                                     suspicious death, Foyle gets caught up in the
                                                                                                                    5:30 pm      PBS NewsHour Weekend
                                                            rivalry between British spy agencies.
     8:00 pm Ireland’s Wild Coast                                                                                   6:00 pm      The Great British Baking Show
                                                            Friday, March 19, 2021                                  7:00 pm      Antiques Roadshow
                                                            7:00 pm      The Chavis Chronicles                      Vintage Spokane, Hour 2 • Fantastic finds include
                                                                                                                    a 1961-1963 JFK archive, a grotesque face jug, and
                                                            A thought-provoking weekly talk show with an            "Gone with the Wind" sketches.
                                                            urban flair featuring interviews with cultural
                                                            leaders and influencers from around the globe.          8:00 pm      Keeping Up Appearances -
                                                                                                                                 The Memoirs of Hyacinth Bucket
                                                            7:30 pm      GZERO World with Ian Bremmer
                                                                                                                    Country Retreat • Hyacinth wants "a little place in
                                                            8:00 pm      Washington Week                            the country"; however, her heart is not set on little.

                                                            8:30 pm      Columbus on the Record                     8:30 pm      Mum
                                                                                                                    Tuesday • It is first thing in the morning and
                                                            9:00 pm      Iconic Women of Country
                                                                                                                    Cathy has a hangover. She and Michael try to piece
                                                            Kathy Mattea, Trisha Yearwood, Wynonna Judd and         together what happened the night before.
                                                            others pay tribute to the legends who inspired them.
       Wildlife and mountains around Clew Bay,
       Donegal and the coast of Northern Ireland                                                                    9:00 pm      Father Brown
                                                            10:00 pm Great Performances at the Met
       are explored.                                                                                                The Passing Bell • A disliked bell ringer is found
                                                            Renée Fleming in Concert • Soprano Renée                murdered in the belfry.
                                                            Fleming performs live in the music salon of the
                                                            historic Dumbarton Oaks estate in Washington, D.C.      10:00 pm Agatha Christie’s Poirot
    9:00 pm      Nova
    Dead Sea Scroll Detectives • New technologies                                                                   The Incredible Theft • A wealthy industrialist's
                                                                                                                    plan to snare a Nazi sympathizer goes awry when
    unravel the Dead Sea Scrolls’ mysteries and             Saturday, March 20, 2021                                the secret plans for a new fighter plane go missing.
    uncover million-dollar fakes.
                                                            6:00 am      Motorweek
                                                            6:30 am      Best of the Joy of Painting

6   For detailed listings, visit
Commemorate Women's History Month on WOSU TV - WOSU Public Media
Sunday, March 21, 2021                                 Monday, March 22, 2021                                  10:30 pm Frontline
6:00 am      Consuelo Mack Wealthtrack                 7:00 pm      In The Know                                Death is Our Business/Love, Life & the Virus •
                                                       Championship Game: Dublin Scioto vs. St. Charles        At Black-owned funeral homes in New Orleans,
6:30 am      Firing Line with Margaret Hoover                                                                  COVID-19 reshapes the grieving process. How the
                                                       7:30 pm      Columbus Neighborhoods                     pandemic has transformed mourning in a city known
7:00 am      Scully/The World Show                                                                             for its jazz-filled funerals. Also, the story of a mom’s
                                                       Preserving Columbus History • Follow efforts to         fight to survive the virus and see her newborn.
7:30 am      The State of Ohio                         save memorabilia and photographs of Diavolo, a
                                                       cycling daredevil legend in Columbus. See how
8:00 am      Antiques Roadshow                         firefighting has changed through the centuries          Wednesday, March 24, 2021
             Newport, Hour 3                           at the Central Ohio Fire Museum. Then visit Ohio
                                                       History Connection to learn about DIY wedding           7:00 pm       Cycle Around Japan Highlights
9:00 am      In The Know                               dress preservation.
                                                                                                               7:30 pm       QED with Dr. B
9:30 am      Broad & High                              8:00 pm      Antiques Roadshow                          Climate Science Part 1 • Learn how scientists are
10:00 am Sara’s Weeknight Meals                        Vintage Louisville, Hour 1 • Take a look back at        finding and using a variety of data to track changes
                                                       some memorable items that were appraised fifteen        in our climate. From a snapshot of earth thousands
10:30 am Les Stroud’s Wild Harvest                     years ago in Louisville, Kentucky.                      of years ago in ice core samples, to predictive
                                                                                                               models that help us understand the future of the
11:00 am Moveable Feast with Relish                    9:00 pm      Antiques Roadshow                          planet, discover how data is the foundational work
                                                       Meadow Brook Hall, Hour 1 • Learn the story             of climate science.
11:30 am Tastemakers
                                                       behind family heirlooms, thrift store finds, and
                                                       more – including a $77,500 appraisal!                   8:00 pm       Nature
12:00 pm Nova
                                                                                                               Hippos: Africa’s River Giants • Uncover an
1:00 pm      History Detectives                        10:00 pm Escape to the Chateau                          unexpected side of hippos as they protect their
                                                       In the Attic • Angel plans a stunning attic studio.     young and face their rivals in a drought.
2:00 pm      Babe Ruth at Sing Sing                    She and Dorothy go on a mother-daughter trip to
                                                       Paris. Dick's busy in the outbuildings And there's a    9:00 pm       Nova
3:00 pm      Baseball
                                                       surprise birthday event – with popcorn.                 Saving the Dead Sea • As the Dead Sea shrinks,
5:00 pm      Columbus on the Record                                                                            engineers prepare a daring solution: connect it with
                                                                                                               the Red Sea by way of a massive desalination plant.
5:30 pm      PBS NewsHour Weekend                      Tuesday, March 23, 2021
                                                                                                               10:00 pm Fast Forward - Look Into
6:00 pm      Durrells in Corfu Season 3                7:00 pm      The Legacy List                                     Your Future
             on Masterpiece                            Lambert Family • Matt and his team travel to            Follow four families as they travel into their
                                                       nearby Mechanicsville, Virginia to help an elderly      futures to take a proactive look at aging.
7:00 pm      Poldark Season 3 on Masterpiece           couple downsize into a smaller home.
Season 3, Episode 5 • George is driven to the
breaking point, leading him to set a trap for Drake.   8:00 pm      Finding Your Roots                         Thursday, March 25, 2021
                                                       The Vanguard • Author Ta-Nehisi Coates,
 8:00 pm Pride & Prejudice                             filmmaker Ava DuVernay, and author and activist         7:00 pm       This Old House
                                                       Janet Mock see their basic assumptions about their                    Tommy’s in the Kitchen
                                                       families challenged, placing their ancestors – of all
                                                       colors – into the greater context of black history.     7:30 pm       Ask This Old House
                                                                                                                             Automated Landscape, Modern Bench
                                                        9:00 pm American Masters
                                                                                                               8:00 pm       Broad & High
                                                                                                               Stories featuring local arts and artists, including
                                                                                                               the Broad & High Presents local music series.

                                                                                                               8:30 pm       Columbus Neighborhoods
                                                                                                               Entertaining Columbus • Join us for a visit to
                                                                                                               Gahanna to learn about the first African American
                                                                                                               country club in the area. Then architectural
                                                                                                               historians Jeff Darbee and Nancy Recchie head to
   Episode 1 • Two rich, eligible and handsome                                                                 Shawnee, Ohio, to explore a historic theater. Plus,
   young bachelors gallop into Hertfordshire                                                                   see what it takes to judge and win the Ohio State
   and into the lives of every hopeful young                                                                   Fair pie contest.
   maiden in the neighborhood.
                                                                                                               9:00 pm       Foyle’s War
                                                                                                               Enemy Fire, Part 1 • Sabotage, murder, and
9:00 pm      Pride & Prejudice                                                                                 adultery at a pioneering RAF hospital bring Foyle
                                                                                                               face to face with the devastating physical and
Episode 2 • The Bennets are expecting a visitor:          Flannery • Explore the life of Flannery              emotional consequences of war.
Mr. Bennet's clergyman cousin, who will inherit the       O’Connor, whose provocative fiction was
estate in the absence of any direct male heirs.           unlike anything published before. Featuring          10:00 pm Foyle’s War
                                                          never-before-seen archival footage, newly
10:00 pm Pride & Prejudice                                                                                     Enemy Fire, Part 2 • Sabotage, murder, and
                                                          discovered journals and interviews with Mary
                                                                                                               adultery at a pioneering RAF hospital bring Foyle
Episode 3 • Less than three days after Mr. Collins'       Karr, Tommy Lee Jones, Hilton Als and more.
                                                                                                               face to face with the devastating physical and
proposal to her, Elizabeth is shocked to discover                                                              emotional consequences of war.
that he has offered for her best friend, Charlotte
Lucas, and been accepted.

                                                                                                                                 All programs are subject to change.      7
Commemorate Women's History Month on WOSU TV - WOSU Public Media
Friday, March 26, 2021                               5:30 pm      PBS NewsHour Weekend                     8:00 pm      Pride & Prejudice
    7:00 pm      The Chavis Chronicles                   6:00 pm      The Great British Baking Show            Episode 4 • Angry and upset over his rejection,
    A thought-provoking weekly talk show with an                                                               Darcy decides to defend himself. He waylays
    urban flair featuring interviews with cultural       7:00 pm      Antiques Roadshow                        Elizabeth on her morning walk, hands her a letter
    leaders and influencers from around the globe.                                                             and leaves. The contents leave Elizabeth reeling.
                                                         Vintage Louisville, Hour 1 • Take a look back at
                                                         some memorable items that were appraised fifteen
    7:30 pm      GZERO World with Ian Bremmer                                                                  9:00 pm      Pride & Prejudice
                                                         years ago in Louisville, Kentucky.
                                                                                                               Episode 5 • Elizabeth and the Gardiners receive an
    8:00 pm      Washington Week                         8:00 pm      Keeping Up Appearances -                 invitation to Pemberley, where Darcy and Elizabeth
                                                                      The Memoirs of Hyacinth Bucket           share significant glances. The next morning,
    8:30 pm      Columbus on the Record                                                                        Elizabeth receives two letters from Jane, discussing
                                                         Looking at Properties • Hyacinth delegates Richard
                                                                                                               Lydia’s elopement with Wickham.
    9:00 pm      American Masters                        to go and collect Daddy from the police station,
                                                         incognito of course.
    Twyla Moves • Explore legendary choreographer                                                              10:00 pm Pride & Prejudice
    Twyla Tharp's career and famously rigorous
                                                         8:30 pm      Mum                                      Episode 6 • After Lydia carelessly mentions
    creative process.
                                                                                                               Darcy’s involvement in her wedding, Mrs. Gardiner
                                                         Wednesday • Cathy and Michael get ready to
                                                                                                               enlightens Elizabeth how Darcy found the errant
    10:30 pm Charlotte Mansfield: A Woman                go for a walk in the countryside, but Jason has
                                                                                                               couple and paid for all the expenses. Elizabeth
             Photographer Goes to War                    concerns about this.
                                                                                                               admits the complete transformation of her feelings
    The story of Charlotte Mansfield’s pioneering                                                              and agrees to an engagement.
    career as a Women’s Army Corps photographer          9:00 pm      Father Brown
    during World War II, drawing from an extraordinary   The Whistle in the Dark • A professor in serious
    archive of unpublished military photographs and      debt invites collectors to his home to bid on an      Monday, March 29, 2021
    personal correspondence.                             ancient whistle that summons the dead.
                                                                                                               7:00 pm      In The Know
                                                         10:00 pm Agatha Christie’s: Poirot                                 St. Charles vs. Worthington Kilbourne
    Saturday, March 27, 2021                             The King of Clubs • A deck with a missing card
                                                         provides Poirot with the clue he needs to solve the   7:30 pm      Columbus Neighborhoods
    6:00 am      Motorweek                               murder of the tyrannical head of a movie studio.      Entertaining Columbus • Join us for a visit
    6:30 am      Best of the Joy of Painting                                                                   to Gahanna to learn about the first African
                                                                                                               American country club in the area. Then
    7:00 am      Fit 2 Stitch                            Sunday, March 28, 2021                                architectural historians Jeff Darbee and Nancy
                                                                                                               Recchie head to Shawnee, Ohio, to explore a
    7:30 am      Fons & Porter’s Love of Quilting        6:00 am      Consuelo Mack Wealthtrack                historic theater. Plus, see what it takes to judge
                                                                                                               and win the Ohio State Fair pie contest.
    8:00 am      Growing A Greener World                 6:30 am      Firing Line with Margaret Hoover

    8:30 am      Family Plot: Gardening                  7:00 am      Scully/The World Show                    8:00 pm      Antiques Roadshow
                 in the Mid-South                                                                              Vintage Louisville, Hour 2 • Highlights include an
                                                         7:30 am      The State of Ohio                        heirloom Kentucky sugar chest; a pair of boxing
    9:00 am      Woodsmith Shop                                                                                gloves signed twice by Muhammad Ali – once as
                                                         8:00 am      Antiques Roadshow                        Cassius Clay in 1963, and again as Muhammad Ali
    9:30 am      American Woodshop                                                                             40 years later.
                                                         9:00 am      In The Know
    10:00 am This Old House                                                                                    9:00 pm      Antiques Roadshow
                                                         9:30 am      Broad & High
    10:30 am Ask This Old House                                                                                Meadow Brook Hall, Hour 2 • Discover Detroit-
                                                         10:00 am Sara’s Weeknight Meals                       area treasures as they are appraised at the historic
    11:00 am Primal Grill with Steven Raichlen                                                                 estate of Matilda Dodge Wilson! Meadow Brook
                                                         10:30 am Les Stroud’s Wild Harvest                    Hall finds include a Keith Haring archive, Harry
    11:30 am How to Cook Well with                                                                             Bertoia brooches, and an 1835 "City of Detroit" map.
             Rory O’Connell                              11:00 am Moveable Feast with Relish
                                                         11:30 am Tastemakers                                  10:00 pm Escape to the Chateau
    12:00 pm Lidia’s Kitchen
                                                                                                               Parkour & Turret • Angel creates a series of rooms
    12:30 pm Ciao Italia                                 12:00 pm Nova                                         bursting with beauty in the chateau's pepper-pot
                                                                                                               turret. Dick opens up a parkour fitness trail in the
    1:00 pm      America’s Test Kitchen                  1:00 pm      History Detectives                       grounds, but he hits an unexpected snag.
                 from Cook’s Illustrated                 2:00 pm      Major League Cuban Baseball
    1:30 pm      Kevin Belton’s New Orleans              3:00 pm      Baseball
                                                         5:00 pm      Columbus on the Record
    2:00 pm      Cook’s Country
    2:30 pm      Christopher Kimball’s Milk
                                                         5:30 pm      PBS NewsHour Weekend                               WOSU
                 Street Television                       6:00 pm      Durrells in Corfu Season 3                     Enjoy extended on-demand
                                                                      on Masterpiece
    3:00 pm      Rick Steves’ Europe                                                                                 access to quality PBS shows
                                                         7:00 pm      Poldark Season 3 on Masterpiece
    3:30 pm      Joseph Rosendo’s Travelscope                                                                                  Activate Today:
                                                         Season 3, Episode: 6 • Whitworth puts
    4:00 pm      Two for the Road                        Morwenna through the tortures of the damned.           
                                                         Aunt Agatha and George cross swords in their
    4:30 pm      Himalaya: Kingdoms of the Sky           deadliest match yet.

8   For detailed listings, visit
Commemorate Women's History Month on WOSU TV - WOSU Public Media
Tuesday, March 30, 2021                                 Wednesday, March 31, 2021
7:00 pm      The Legacy List                            7:00 pm      Expeditions with Patrick McMillan
Day Family • Julie Day and her daughter Cindy           California Superbloom - A World of Dramatic
have a huge task in front of them: downsize and         Change • Once or twice in a lifetime the desert is
pack up their New Jersey home, trying not to            transformed to a carpet of color and exuberant life.
trample on their rich family history in the process.    Join Patrick as he explores the deserts of California
                                                        as they burst with life and color that is gone within
8:00 pm      Finding Your Roots                         weeks of appearing.
Freedom Tales • Host Henry Louis Gates, Jr. delves
deep into the roots of two African-American             7:30 pm      QED with Dr. B
guests, actor S. Epatha Merkerson and athlete           Climate Science Part 2 • In this episode we meet
and television personality Michael Strahan.             a historian, a scientist, a communications expert
                                                        and an ethicist as we piece together what climate
 9:00 pm American Experience                            means to us as a society and how we can better
                                                        communicate with others about climate science
                                                        and climate change.

                                                        8:00 pm      Extinction: the Facts
                                                        With a million species at risk of extinction, explore
                                                        how this crisis of biodiversity has consequences
                                                        for us all, threatening food and water security,
                                                        undermining our ability to control our climate and
                                                        even putting us at greater risk of pandemic diseases.

                                                        9:00 pm       Nova
                                                        Mystery Beneath the Ice • Tiny, transparent,
                                                        and threatened, krill are crucial to the Antarctic
                                                        ecosystem. But the population of krill is crashing for
                                                        reasons that continue to baffle the experts.

   The Blinding of Isaac Woodard • Discover             10:00 pm Europe’s New Wild
   the 1946 incident of racial violence that led        The Land of the Snow and Ice • Northern Europe’s
   to the awakening of President Harry Truman           untamed and unique land – the great home
   and set the stage for the 1954 Supreme               of the Sami, charismatic wildlife species and
   Court Brown v. Board of Education decision,          natural treasures.
   jump-starting the civil rights movement.

     Where to watch? Detailed channel guide:

                                                                                                                                          Digital channels:
     WOSU TV                                                                                                                              Spectrum      1007
     The primary channel for award-winning, locally produced shows like Broad & High, Columbus Neighborhoods, In the                      WOW!          205
     Know and Columbus on the Record; arts, science, travel and news shows of PBS featuring Masterpiece, NOVA and                         Over-the-air 34.1
     Antiques Roadshow; and the educational entertainment of PBS KIDS. PBS On-Demand is now available on Spectrum.                        AT&T UVerse 1034
                                                                                                                                          Direct TV     34

                                                                                                                                           Digital channels:
     WOSU Ohio                                                                                                                             Spectrum      991
     Programming from the Ohio Channel, which includes coverage of state affairs from Ohio Government Television and                       WOW!          150
     local productions by Ohio public broadcasting stations.                                                                               Over-the-air 34.2

                                                                                                                                           Digital channels:
     WOSU Plus
                                                                                                                                           Spectrum       994
     Offers CREATE how-to and lifestyle shows from 12am – 8pm daily, and a one-day delay of WOSU TV primetime                              WOW!           153
     programming from 8pm – 11pm Monday through Thursday nights.                                                                           Over-the-air 34.3

     WOSU Kids                                                                                                                             Digital channels:
                                                                                                                                           Spectrum      993
     WOSU Kids features 24/7 programming from PBS KIDS featuring favorites like Super Why, Sesame Street, Clifford
                                                                                                                                           Over-the-air 34.4
     and Splash and Bubbles. Movies and specials are also offered during the all-day lineup. Live streaming of the channel
     can be found at

     YouTube TV                                                                                                                            Internet Streaming
     YouTube TV subscribers can watch WOSU TV and WOSU Kids, as well as on-demand programming, via the PBS
     station livestream.

                                                                                                                             All programs are subject to change.   9
Commemorate Women's History Month on WOSU TV - WOSU Public Media
Primetime Schedule, 8pm - 11pm on WOSU TV

                                                                        8:00 pm            8:30 pm           9:00 pm              9:30 pm           10:00 pm               10:30 pm
                                                  1    Monday        Lucy Worsley's Royal Palace Secrets                        Rick Steves Fascism In Europe

                                                                                                                                American Experience
                                                  2    Tuesday       Loretta Lynn: My Story In My Words
                                                                                                                                Voice of Freedom                                       (2.5 hrs)

                                                  3    Wednesday The Colorado                                                   Classical Rewind

                                                                                                                                                   Andy Williams: Greatest Love
                                                  4    Thursday      Dolly Parton: 50 Years at the Opry
                                                                                                                                                   Songs                        (1.5 hr)

                                                                     Washington          Columbus on                                                                      This Land Is
                                                  5    Friday        Week                the Record
                                                                                                           Tina Turner: One Last Time
                                                                                                                                                                          Your Land (1.5 hr)
                                                                                                                                                   The Carpenters: Close to You
                                                  6    Saturday      It's What's Happening Baby
                                                                                                                                                   (My Music Presents)
     Great Performances at the Met:                                                                                                                                                     (1.5 hr)

     Renée Fleming in Concert                     7    Sunday        Lucy Worsley's Royal Palace Secrets                        50 Years with Peter, Paul and Mary
                                                                                                                                                                                            (2 hrs)
     10pm • Friday, March 19
                                                  8    Monday        It's What's Happening Baby                                                    John Denver: Country Boy
     Soprano Renée Fleming performs                                                                                                                                                     (1.5 hr)

     live in the music salon of the               9    Tuesday       Andy Williams: Greatest Love Songs                         Dolly Parton: 50 Years at the Opry
     historic Dumbarton Oaks estate                                                                                                                                                         (2 hrs)

      in Washington, D.C.                         10   Wednesday Rick Steves Fascism In Europe                                  This Land Is Your Land

                                                  11   Thursday      50 Years with Peter, Paul and Mary                                            Tina Turner: One Last Time
                                                                                                                                                                                        (1.5 hr)

                                                                     Washington          Columbus on       Loretta Lynn: My Story                  The Carpenters: Close to You
                                                  12   Friday        Week                the Record        In My Words                             (My Music Presents)                  (1.5 hr)

                                                  13   Saturday      John Denver: Country Boy                                   Andy Williams: Greatest Love Songs

                                                  14   Sunday        This Land Is Your Land                                     It's What's Happening Baby
                                                                                                                                                                                            (2 hrs)

                                                                     Antiques Roadshow                     Antiques Roadshow                       Escape to the Chateau
                                                  15   Monday        Vintage Spokane, Hour 2               Newport, Hour 3                         Glamping

                                                                     Finding Your Roots                    Forgotten Fame: The Marion              Frontline
                                                  16   Tuesday       Hard Times                            Miley Story                             America's Medical Supply Crisis

                                                                                                           NOVA                                    Skeletons of the Mary Rose:
                                                  17   Wednesday Ireland's Wild Coast                      Dead Sea Scroll Detectives              The New Evidence

     American Masters: Twyla Moves                                                       Columbus          Foyle's War                             Foyle's War
                                                  18   Thursday      Broad & High
                                                                                         Neighborhoods     The French Drop, Part 1                 The French Drop, Part 2
     9pm • Friday, March 26                                          Washington          Columbus on                                               Great Performances at the Met
                                                  19   Friday        Week                the Record
                                                                                                           Iconic Women of Country
                                                                                                                                                   Renée Fleming in Concert
     Explore legendary choreographer
     Twyla Tharp's career and famously            20   Saturday      Keeping Up          Mum               Father Brown                            Agatha Christie's: Poirot
                                                                     Appearances         Tuesday           The Passing Bell                        The Incredible Theft
     rigorous creative process.
                                                                     Pride & Prejudice                     Pride & Prejudice                       Pride & Prejudice
                                                  21   Sunday        Episode 1                             Episode 2                               Episode 3

                                                                     Antiques Roadshow                     Antiques Roadshow                       Escape to the Chateau
                                                  22   Monday        Vintage Louisville 2021, Hour 1       Meadow Brook Hall, Hour 1               In The Attic

                                                                     Finding Your Roots                                                                                   Frontline
                                                  23   Tuesday       The Vanguard
                                                                                                           American Masters: Flannery
                                                                                                                                                                          Death is Our...   (1 hr)

                                                                     Nature                                NOVA                                    Fast Forward - Look Into
                                                  24   Wednesday Hippos: Africa's River Giants             Saving The Dead Sea                     Your Future
                                                                                         Columbus          Foyle's War                             Foyle's War
                                                  25   Thursday      Broad & High
                                                                                         Neighborhoods     Enemy Fire, Part 1                      Enemy Fire, Part 2

                                                                     Washington          Columbus on                                                                      Charlotte
                                                  26   Friday        Week                the Record
                                                                                                           American Masters: Twyla Moves
                                                                     Keeping Up          Mum               Father Brown                            Agatha Christie's: Poirot
                                                  27   Saturday      Appearances         Wednesday         The Whistle in the Dark                 The King of Clubs

     Europe’s New Wild: The Land                  28   Sunday        Pride & Prejudice
                                                                     Episode 4
                                                                                                           Pride & Prejudice
                                                                                                           Episode 5
                                                                                                                                                   Pride & Prejudice
                                                                                                                                                   Episode 6
     of the Snow and Ice
                                                                     Antiques Roadshow                     Antiques Roadshow                       Escape to the Chateau
     10pm • Wednesday, March 31                   29   Monday        Vintage Louisville 2021 Hour 2        Meadow Brook Hall, Hour 2               Parkour & Turret

     Northern Europe’s untamed and                30   Tuesday       Finding Your Roots                    American Experience
                                                                     Freedom Tales                         The Blinding of Isaac Woodard
     unique land – the great home of the
     Sami, charismatic wildlife species and       31   Wednesday Extinction: The Facts                     NOVA                                    Europe's New Wild
                                                                                                           Mystery Beneath The Ice                 The Land of the Snow and Ice
     natural treasures.

10   For detailed listings, visit
Primetime Schedule, 8pm - 11pm on WOSU Plus

                    8:00 pm              8:30 pm       9:00 pm             9:30 pm             10:00 pm            10:30 pm
                                                                         What to Eat When with Dr. Michael Roizen
1    Monday      Energy Paradox with Steven Gundry, MD
                                                                         & Dr. Michael Crupain

2    Tuesday     Classical Rewind                                        Andy Williams: Greatest Love Songs

                                                                                                                  Rick Steves' Island
3    Wednesday American Experience: Voice of Freedom                                                              Hopping Europe

4    Thursday    The Colorado                                            Loretta Lynn: My Story in My Words

5    Friday      John Denver: Country Boy                                Lucy Worsley's Royal Palace Secrets

6    Saturday    Retire Safe & Secure with Ed Slott for 2021                                  Joyful Pain Free Living                         Seaside Hotel
                                                                                              with Lee Albert                       (2 hrs)
                                                                                                                                              9pm • Friday, March 19
                                                                                              Dolly Parton: 50 Years at
7    Sunday      Suze Orman's Ultimate Retirement Guide                                       the Opry                              (2 hrs)   In the comedy-drama Seaside Hotel,
                                                                                                                                              the staff and guests of a Danish hotel
8    Monday      This Land Is Your Land                                  Rick Steves Fascism In Europe
                                                                                                                                              navigate the inter-war period.
                 Overcoming Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, and Grief with Daniel                Aging Backwards 3 with Miranda
9    Tuesday     Amen Md                                                                      Esmonde-White

10   Wednesday John Denver: Country Boy                                  Energy Paradox with Steven Gundry, MD

                 What to Eat When with Dr. Michael Roizen
11   Thursday    & Dr. Michael Crupain
                                                                         Classical Rewind

12   Friday      Nancy Zieman: Extraordinary Grace                       Loretta Lynn: My Story In My Words

                                                                                              Suze Orman's Ultimate
13   Saturday    It's What's Happening Baby                                                   Retirement Guide                      (2 hrs)

14   Sunday      Great Scenic Railway Journeys: Anniversary Special

15   Monday      The Windermere Children                                 The Windermere Children: In Their Own Words

                 Antiques Roadshow                   Antiques Roadshow                        Escape to the Chateau
                                                                                                                                              Saturday Nights Rock WOSUPlus
16   Tuesday                                         Newport, Hour 3
                 Vintage Spokane, Hour 2                                                      Glamping                                        Saturdays at 8pm beginning March 20
17   Wednesday Finding Your Roots
               Hard Times
                                                     Forgotten Fame:
                                                     The Marion Miley Story
                                                                                              America's Medical Supply Crisis                 When you can’t go in person, experience
                                                                                                                                              the excitement of a live concert
                                                     NOVA                                     Skeletons of the Mary Rose:
18   Thursday    Ireland's Wild Coast
                                                     Dead Sea Scroll Detectives               The New Evidence                                right in your home. Every Saturday
                                                     Seaside Hotel                            Knit and            Knit and                    night WOSUPlus presents concert
19   Friday      Before We Die
                                                     A Summer by the North Sea                Crochet Now         Crochet Now                 performances to rock your night. It all
                                                                         Austin City Limits: Steve Earle          Rick Steves'                starts on March 20 with Metallica.
20   Saturday    Metallica and the San Francisco Symphony: S&M 2
                                                                         & The Dukes: A Tribute to Guy Clark      Europe
                                                     Great Performances at the Met
21   Sunday      Iconic Women of Country
                                                     Renée Fleming In Concert
                                                                                              Rick Steves' Rome

                 Pride & Prejudice                   Pride & Prejudice                        Pride & Prejudice
22   Monday      Episode 1                           Episode 2                                Episode 3

                 Antiques Roadshow                   Antiques Roadshow                        Escape to the Chateau
23   Tuesday     Vintage Louisville 2021, Hour 1     Meadow Brook Hall, Hour 1                In The Attic

                 Finding Your Roots                                                                               Frontline
24   Wednesday The Vanguard                          American Masters: Flannery
                                                                                                                  Death is Our...   (1 hr)

                 Nature                              NOVA                                     Fast Forward - Look Into
25   Thursday    Hippos: Africa's River Giants       Saving The Dead Sea                      Your Future
                                                                                              This Old House Create Showcase:
                                                     Seaside Hotel
26   Friday      Before We Die
                                                     Men's Visit
                                                                                              The Roxbury House
                                                                                              More Trouble Than We Thought
                                                                         Austin City Limits                       Rick Steves'
27   Saturday    Inxs: Live Baby Live
                                                                         Maggie Rogers                            Europe                      Great Performances: Movies for
                 Great Performances
                                                                                                                                              Grown-Ups Awards with AARP
28   Sunday      Movies for Grownups Awards with
                                                     American Masters:
                                                     Twyla Moves
                                                                                                                  Journeys In
                                                                                                                                              the Magazine
                 Aarp The Magazine
                                                                                                                                              8pm • Sunday, March 28
                 Pride & Prejudice                   Pride & Prejudice                        Pride & Prejudice
29   Monday      Episode 4                           Episode 5                                Episode 6                                       For nearly two decades, AARP’s Movies
30   Tuesday     Antiques Roadshow                   Antiques Roadshow                        Escape to the Chateau                           for Grownups program has championed
                 Vintage Louisville 2021, Hour 2     Meadow Brook Hall, Hour 2                Parkour & Turret
                                                                                                                                              movies for grownups, fighting industry
                 Finding Your Roots
     Wednesday Freedom Tales                         American Experience                                                                      ageism and encouraging films that
                                                     The Blinding of Isaac Woodard
                                                                                                                                              resonate with older viewers.

                                                                                                                                                       All programs are subject to change.   11
Daytime and Early Evening on WOSU TV

                                                                                                    5:00 am    BBC World News

                                   WOSU Kids and WOSU TV                                                       Mon.: Sit and Be Fit

                                                                                                               Tues: Allaire Back Fitness

                                                                                                    5:30 am    Wed: Classical Stretch

                                                                                                               Thurs: Happy Yoga with Sarah Star

                                                                                                               Fri:   Sit and Be Fit

                                                                                                    6:00 am    Ready, Jet Go!

                                                                                                    6:30 am    Peg + Cat

                                                                                                    7:00 am    Molly of Denali

                                                                                                    7:30 am    Wild Kratts

                                                                                                    8:00 am    Hero Elementary
                                                                                                               Xavier Riddle and The Secret
                                                                                                    8:30 am    Museum
                                                                                                    9:00 am    Curious George

                                                                                                    9:30 am    Sesame Street
          A week of new Elinor Wonders Why                                                          10:00 am   Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood
          Episodes beginning March 15 on 34.1 & 34.4.                                               10:30 am   Elinor Wonders Why
          It is a week full of discovery as Elinor, Ari, and Olive learn how butterflies drink
                                                                                                    11:00 am   Dinosaur Train
          nectar, why fish don’t freeze in the winter, and how some owls make their home
          in the desert.                                                                            11:30 am   Pinkalicious & Peterrific

                                                                                                    12:00 pm   Let's Go Luna!

                                                                                                    12:30 pm   Arthur
                                    WOSU Kids Specials                                              1:00 pm    Cat In The Hat

                                                                                                    1:30 pm    Elinor Wonders Why

                                                                                                    2:00 pm    Clifford the Big Red Dog
                                                                                                               Xavier Riddle and The Secret
                                                                                                    2:30 pm    Museum
                                                                                                    3:00 pm    Molly of Denali

                                                                                                    3:30 pm    Wild Kratts

                                                                                                    4:00 pm    Odd Squad

                                                                                                    4:30 pm    Cyberchase

                                                                                                    5:00 pm    Wordgirl

                                                                                                               BBC World News America
                                                                                                    5:30 pm
          Curious George Swings into                   Discover Alaska on Family                               Fri: In Good Shape - The Health Show

          Spring                                       Fun Nights                                   6:00 pm    PBS NewsHour
          34.1- March 22 & 26 @9am and all             March 26-28 6pm-9pm
                                                                                                               Mon:    In The Know
          week on 34.4                                 The Kratt Brothers head off for creature
          From spring fever to spring cleaning,        adventuring in Wild Kratts Alaska: Hero’s               Tues: Legacy List with Matt Paxton
          from a canoe ride to a hot air balloon       Journey and Molly of Denali takes you
                                                       on daily adventures in Alaska with her       7:00 pm    Wed: Cycle Around Japan Highlights
          journey, George and his friends get
          viewers ready to explore the outdoors.       family, Suki, and friends Tooey and Trini.
                                                                                                               Thurs: This Old House

                                                                                                               Fri: The Chavis Chronicles

12   For detailed listings, visit

Activate WOSU Passport Now for Exclusive Content!
As a WOSU member, you already are eligible for WOSU Passport, a streaming
on-demand service that allows you to access PBS and WOSU shows anytime
you want. All you have to do is activate your account and you’ll be able to
watch thousands of hours of programs on your TV or computer.
Binge your favorites, find something new to love and watch programming
you won’t find anywhere else. It’s simple to activate, just visit or call 855-868-9678.

No Second Chance
Alice is shot in the back, her husband is murdered and her daughter kidnapped.
Faced with inept police, who at times suspect her, she begins her own hunt for
her baby and the culprits. From Walter Presents, in French with English subtitles.

American Masters – Laura Ingalls Wilder: Prairie Legend
An unvarnished look at the unlikely “Little House” series author whose
autobiographical fiction helped shape American ideas of the frontier and

Vernon Jordan – Make it Plain
Explore the life of Vernon Jordan, one of the most influential African
American thought leaders. The film traces Jordan’s rise from modest origins
to national renown as a powerbroker and counselor to American presidents
spanning the era from LBJ to Obama.

Austin City Limits Hall of Fame: The First Six Years
Enjoy select cuts from the first six years of Austin City Limits’ Hall of Fame
celebrations. Performers include Willie Nelson, Buddy Guy, Bonnie Raitt,
Los Lobos and more.

Dead Reckoning – Hurry, leaves Passport March 27
This unprecedented three-part series examines the evolution of postwar justice.

To Walk Invisible: The Brontë Sisters from Masterpiece –
Watch now, leaves Passport March 25
Follow the Brontë sisters in the eventful three-year period that saw them rise
from ordinary, unmarried women taking care of the household and their widowed
father to the secret authors of the world’s most sensational literature.

                                Watch Now!
          All six seasons of MASTERPIECE's Downton Abbey
                    are now streaming on Passport

                                                                                     All programs are subject to change.   13
89.7 NPR News Hits Number One in Columbus

       At 89.7 NPR News, we have a simple strategy: When important
       stuff happens, make sure it is on the radio.

       It sounds simple, but it’s not that easy. You must have a team in
       place that is experienced and flexible enough to quickly change
       course, overcome technical difficulties, get reporters to the scene,
       keep hosts on the air. Engineers must be ready to coordinate
       satellite feeds. Producers must be willing to scrap a program
       that took them weeks to prepare.

       While covering big breaking news is stressful and messy, when                      The incredible election-related news certainly fueled our growth.
       you do it well, and if you do it every time it happens, listeners                  But we have had big news before; the difference is 89.7 listeners
       learn to rely on you. We want our listeners to say, “Something                     now know with certainty that when there’s big news, WOSU and
       big is happening, turn on WOSU.”                                                   NPR will have it and provide thoughtful, balanced coverage.

       89.7 NPR News’ strategy of being Central Ohio’s primary source                     We will not stay number one. In fact, during the holidays, a
       for radio news paid off this fall. For several years, WOSU has                     station that plays Christmas music 24/7 rose to the top. That’s
       steadily climbed in the Columbus ratings. First, we made it into                   OK – after the year we had, “Rocking Around the Christmas Tree”
       the top ten, then top five. In December, WOSU finished #1 for the                  hit the spot. But when The Electoral College met in December
       first time ever. 89.7 NPR News was the top-rated station overall,                  and then when a mob stormed the Capitol on January 6, listeners
       during morning drive, afternoon drive, and on weekends.                            knew where to turn: 89.7 NPR News. And they did.

                    89.7 NPR News Schedule
                        Monday               Tuesday       Wednesday           Thursday            Friday                Saturday                     Sunday
                                                                                                                 BBC World Service
                                                                                                                                             BBC World Service
                                                                                                                 Columbus on the Record
                    Morning Edition
                                                                                                                 The Arts Hour               On Being

                    BBC NewsHour                                                                                 Weekend Edition             Weekend Edition

                    All Sides with Ann Fisher
         11am                                                                                                    Wait Wait…Don’t Tell
                                                                                                                 Me!                         New Yorker Radio Hour
         12pm                                                                                                                                Wait Wait…Don’t Tell
                                                                                                                 Ask Me Another              Me!
                    On Point
                                                                                                                 This American Life          It's Been a Minute
         2pm                                                                                                                                 Planet Money/How I
                                                                                                                 The Moth Radio Hour         Built This
                    Here & Now
                                                                                                                 Snap Judgment               Freakonomics Radio
                                                                                                                 Milk Street Radio           Reveal
                    All Things Considered
                                                                                                                 All Things Considered       All Things Considered
         6pm        Marketplace                                                                                  It's Been A Minute with
                                                                                                                 Sam Sanders                 Travel with Rick Steves
                    The Daily
                    Fresh Air                                                                                                                The Moth Radio Hour
         8pm                                                                                  Travel w/ Rick
                                                                                              Steves             Bluegrass Ramble            Snap Judgment
                    All Sides with Ann Fisher
         9pm                                                                                  All Sides
                                                                                              Weekend                                        This American Life
         10pm +     BBC World Service                                                                                                        BBC World Service
       89.7 FM NPR News can also be heard on our regional network stations on HD Radio as well as streaming online at and on WOSU’s mobile App.

14   For detailed listings, visit
A Spotlight on Local Performances:                                                                              Programming Highlights
Columbus Symphony Orchestra                                                                                     March is Women’s History Month and
                                                                                                                The American Sound has some programs
As local performing groups continue
                                                                                                                you’ll want to catch.
to explore their safe return to live
performances, this month we’re excited                                                                          Dana Suesse (1909-1987) was a child
to share two recent concerts from the                                                                           prodigy pianist and organist from Kansas
Columbus Symphony Orchestra.                                                                                    City, Missouri who went on to gain acclaim
                                                                                                                as a composer who blended her classical
During the pandemic shutdown, we’ve                                                                             training with the jazz and popular music
                                                       orchestral suite known as “Mozartiana.” You
been revisiting some of the excellent CSO                                                                       of her day. Hear one of her most enduring
                                                       can hear that program on Sunday, March 7
broadcasts from our archives, but this is                                                                       works, the Concerto in Three Rhythms on
                                                       at 1pm with conductor Rossen Milanov.
brand new content recorded in late January                                                                      The American Sound with host Jennifer
2021. These concerts were recorded at the              Then on March 14, it’s the Shostakovich                  Hambrick, Saturday March 6 at 6pm and
Ohio Theatre with strict safety protocols              Chamber Symphony in F and Prokofiev’s                    Thursday March 9 at 7pm.
in place, including an audience capacity               blazing Piano Concerto No. 3 with soloist
                                                                                                                The Metropolitan Opera Saturday Matinee
of just 300, socially distanced seating and            Caroline Hong. This concerto is a real tour              broadcasts continue in March with archived
mandatory face coverings.                              de force, so you don’t want to miss it!                  performances of Bizet’s Carmen (3/6/21),
                                                       Rossen Milanov and the CSO round out the                 Mozart’s The Marriage of Figaro (3/13/21),
The two Russian Winter Festival concerts
                                                       month with music by Mozart, Beethoven,                   Rossini’s Le Comte Ory (3/20/21) and
feature music by Prokofiev, Shostakovich,
                                                       George Walker and Joseph Boulogne.                       Mozart’s Don Giovanni (3/27/21).
Tchaikovksy, and … Mozart? Yes, Mozart.
Tchaikovsky was deeply inspired by Mozart’s            Hear the Columbus Symphony Orchestra                     Broadcasts from the 2020-21 season of the
music and this program features music by               broadcasts all month Sundays at 1pm with                 Toll Brothers—Metropolitan Opera Interna-
the two masters, including Tchaikovsky’s               host Christopher Purdy.                                  tional Radio Network air Saturdays at 1pm.

           Classical 101 schedule
               Monday             Tuesday           Wednesday           Thursday             Friday                Saturday                       Sunday
                                                                                                                                         Classical Music

                                                                                                          Classical Music                Sunday Baroque with
 8am                                                                                                                                     Suzanne Bona



 11am      Classical Music                                                                                Saturday Cinema with
                                                                                                          Lynne Warfel                   Classical Music
                                                                                                          Classical Music
                                                                                                                                         Columbus Symphony
 2pm                                                                                                                                     Orchestra
                                                                                                          Metropolitan Opera
 3pm                                                                                                      Matinee

                                                                                                                                         Classical Music
                                                                                                          Essential Classics
           Exploring Music with Bill McGlaughlin                                                          The American Sound             Symphony Showcase
 7pm       Essential          The American       Classical Guitar   Symphony
           Classics           Sound              Alive!             Showcase                              Classical Guitar Alive!        Classical Music
                                                                                       Front Row
 8pm                                                                                   Center
                                                                                                                                         Musica Sacra with
           ClassicalWorks                                                                                 Concierto
 9pm                                                                                                                                     Kylie Harwell
 10pm +    Classical Music
Classical 101 can also be heard in Columbus on HD Radio 89.7-2 and 101.1-2, as well as streaming at and on WOSU’s mobile App.

                                                                                                                                    All programs are subject to change.   15

                        2400 Olentangy River Road
                        Columbus, Ohio 43210

                        time sensitive material
(614) 888-7492
   (614) 656-4100
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