COLLOQUIUM 22nd International Colloquium Tribology - Technische Akademie Esslingen

COLLOQUIUM 22nd International Colloquium Tribology - Technische Akademie Esslingen
22nd International Colloquium Tribology
Industrial and Automotive Lubrication

Event No. 50019.00.006
28 – 30 January 2020
in Stuttgart/Ostfildern, Germany

A. Fatemi
M. Jungk
C. Wincierz

                                        In cooperation with:
                                        German Society of Tribology (GfT) and
                                        German Lubricant Manufacturers Association (VSI)
COLLOQUIUM 22nd International Colloquium Tribology - Technische Akademie Esslingen

22nd International Colloquium

The conference provides an international exchange forum for the industry and the academia. Leading university researchers
present their latest findings, and representatives of the industry inspire scientists to develop new solutions. Discussions
and cooperation enable attendees to meet current tribological challenges.

The leading themes of the 2020 conference, presented in special sessions, are Tribology of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles, its
various aspects and its consequences for the lubrication and tribology community, diverse facets of Sustainable Lubrication
and, last but not least, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in lubrication and condition monitoring.


                                                                                   Jeff Hemphill
               Nicolas Argibay
                                                                                   Schaeffler Group North America
               Sandia National Lab, Materials Science and
                                                                                   Troy, MI, USA
               Engineering Center
               Albuquerque, NM, USA

                                                                                   Dr. Amir Kadiric
               Michael Carus                                                       Tribology Group, Department of Me-
               Nova-Institut GmbH, Director                                        chanical Engineering, Imperial College
               Hürth, Germany                                                      London, United Kingdom

                                                                                   Lutz Lindemann
               Martin Dienwiebel
                                                                                   Executive Board Member (CTO) / R&D,
               Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT),
                                                                                   Supply Chain, Sustainability, FUCHS
               Mikrotribologie Centrum µTC
                                                                                   PETROLUB SE
               Karlsruhe, Germany
                                                                                   Mannheim, Germany

               Michael Duncan                                                      Anne Neville
               STLE-President/Daubert Chemical Company,                            University of Leeds, School of Mechani-
               EVP Technology                                                      cal Engineering
               Chicago, IL, USA                                                    Leeds, United Kingdom

               Dr. Stefan Eder                                                     Philippe Vergne
               AC2T research GmbH                                                  LaMCoS & CNRS, INSA de Lyon, Univer-
               Wiener Neustadt, Austria                                            sité de Lyon
                                                                                   Villeurbanne, France

               Arup Gangopadhyay
               Ford Motor Company, Research and Innovation
               Dearborn, MI, USA
COLLOQUIUM 22nd International Colloquium Tribology - Technische Akademie Esslingen
Tuesday                                                                    Tuesday, 28 January 2020
         P1 – Plenary                                       Chair: C. Wincierz
 9:00    Opening        Werner Schollenberger, Technische Akademie Esslingen e.V., Germany
         Welcome Address by Christoph Bolay, Lord Mayor of Ostfildern, Germany
 9:30    Lutz Lindemann, FUCHS PETROLUB SE, Germany
         The Lubricants Industry in Light of the Macroeconomic Environment
10:00    Michael Duncan, STLE-President, Daubert Chemical Company, USA
         Emerging Issues and Trends in Tribology and Lubrication Engineering
10:30    Break                      Exhibition
11:00    Arup Gangopadhyay, Ford Motor Company, USA
         Driveline Fluid Opportunities for HEV/EV Vehicles
11:30    Jeff Hemphill, Schaeffler Group North America, USA
         Impact of Tribology on Vehicle Electrification
12:00    Michael Carus, nova-Institut GmbH, Germany
         Sustainability Analysis – from Brundtland to VDI
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         COLLOQUIUM | PROGRAMME TUESDAY

12:30    Break                      Exhibition
         A1 – Base Oil          A2 –                   A3 –                   A4 –                   A5 –                    A6 –                     A7 – Molecular        A8 –                A9 –
         Technology (1)         Testing (1)            Additives (1)          Greases (1)            Seals (1)               Sliding Bearings         Dynamics              Oil Analysis (1)    Gas Bearings

Chair:   L. Lindemann           A. Pauschitz           C. Wincierz            M. Fatih-Najafi        N. Brunetière           M. Gaule                 M. Moseler            R. Krethe           A. Vogt
14:00    Thomas Norrby          Fabio Alemanno         Siegfried              Dirk Rettemeyer        Noël Brunetière         Florian König            Takuya Kuwahara       Thomas Fischer      Yao Lu
         Nynas AB, Sweden       Ducom Instruments      Lucazeau               Idemitsu Lube Europe   Institut Pprime - UPR   RWTH Aachen,             Fraunhofer            OELCHECK GmbH,      KU Leuven, Belgium
         Ultra-Low              Europe B.V., The       NYCO, France           GmbH, Germany          3346, France            Germany                  IWM,Germany           Germany             Influence of
                                Netherlands                                   Nano Structure         Can we Predict          Suitability of           Atomistic             Monitoring of
         Viscosity                                     High                                                                                                                                     Bearing-Film
                                How to Relate                                 Urea Grease with       the Behavior of         Wear                     Simulations of        Nonferrous Metal
         Naphthenic                                    Performance                                                                                                                              Shape
                                Lubricants                                    New Perfor-            Mechanical              Coefficients from        Tetrahedral           Passivators –
         Base Oils for                                 Anti-Oxidants                                                                                                                            Modification to
                                Failure to its                                mance Level            Seals?                  Tribometer               Amorphous             Proactive Copper
         Industrial                                    for Synthetic                                                                                                                            Dynamic
                                Behavior at                                                                                  Testing for Wear         Carbon in             Wear Detection
         Lubricants                                    Esters                                                                                                                                   Properties of Air
                                Microscale                                                                                   Prediction in            Boundary              in Wind Turbines    Bearings
                                                                                                                             Sliding Bearings         Lubrication           Part 1
14:30    Claire Ward            Bernardo Tormos        Jinxia Li              Kirsten Schwörer       Gert Wahl               Christian Stelzer        Gianpietro Moras      Stefan Mitterer     Federico
         Croda Europe Ltd,      UNIVERSITAT            Nynas AB, Sweden       BP Europa SE,          Schunk Kohlenstoff-     CADFEM GmbH,             Fraunhofer IWM,       OELCHECK GmbH,      Colombo
         United Kingdom         POLITECNICA DE         Anti-Oxidant           Germany                technik GmbH,           Germany                  Germany               Germany             Politecnico di Torino,
         Liquid Amides          VALENCIA, Spain                               New Wind               Germany                 Designing a                                    Monitoring of       Italy
                                                       Expression in                                                                                  Surface Termi-
         – Novel, High          Long-Term Real                                Turbine Bearing        3D-Printed              Heavily Loaded                                 Nonferrous Metal    The Effect of the
                                                       Heavy                                                                                          nation in Dry
         Performance            World Test for                                Grease                 Silicon Carbide         Journal Bearing                                Passivators –       Supply Holes
                                                       Naphthenic                                                                                     Friction: Atomic-
         Base Oils              Engine Oils                                   Development            Ceramics Open           by Usage of                                    Proactive Copper    Disposition on
                                                       Base Oils                                                                                      Scale Insights
                                                                                                     New Opportu-            Multi-Parameter-                               Wear Detection      the Performance
                                                                                                                                                      from Computer
                                                                                                     nities                  Optimization                                   in Wind Turbines    of Aerostatic
                                                                                                                                                                            Part 2              Pads
15:00    Frank Rittig           Nicole Dörr            Jerome Desire          David Pimentel         Christoph Burkart       Achim Frick              Stefan Eder           Lin Wang            Yao Lu
         BASF SE, Germany       AC2T research GmbH,    Aliebakaa Kpan         Gonçalves              TU Kaiserslautern,      Institute of Polymer     AC2T research GmbH,   ExxonMobil, USA     KU Leuven, Belgium
         Group V                Austria                Coburg University of   INEGI, Portugal        Germany                 Science and Processing   Austria               The Impacts of      Application of
                                Impact of              Applied Sciences,                             Online                  (IPSP), Hochschule       MD Simulations
         Basestocks on                                                        Grease Influence                               Aalen, Germany                                 Solvent Dilution    Magnetic
                                Engine Oil             Germany                                       Determination of                                 of FCC Alloys
         the Rise –                                                           on Mechanisms’                                 A Study of                                     on Removing         Damper to the
                                Degradation on         Impact of                                     Pumping Values                                   under Dry
         Unconventional                                                       Performance                                    Injection Molding                              Antifoam            Stabilization of
                                Lubrication            Adsorbents on                                 of Radial Shaft                                  Sliding Yield a
         Base Stocks                                                                                                         Induced Tribolo-                               Droplets for        Air Bearings
                                Performance            Oxidative                                     Seals and their                                  Mechanism Map
         for more                                                                                                            gical Behavior of                              Automatic
                                Studied by the         Stability of                                  Tribological                                     for Near-Surface
         Sustainable                                                                                                         Polyoxymethy-                                  Particle Counting
                                Lab-to-Field           Biodiesel and                                 System                                           Microstructural
         Lubrication                                                                                                         lene Copolymer
                                Approach               the Deterioration                                                                              Development
                                                       of Engine Oil
15:30    Break                      Exhibition

                                               You will find the detailed and up-to-date version of the programme with all co-authors at
COLLOQUIUM 22nd International Colloquium Tribology - Technische Akademie Esslingen
Tuesday Afternoon                                                                Tuesday, 28 January 2020
         B1 –                    B2 –                    B3 – Additives            B4 –                   B5 –                      B6 –                     B7 – Reliability/        B8 – Condition           B9 –
         Base Oils (2)           Testing (2)             (2)                       Greases (2)            Materials                 Friction & Wear          Lifetime                 Monitoring               Gas Bearings (2)

Chair:   M. Frauscher            A. Pauschitz            N. Dörr                   M. Matzke              C. Greiner                J. Molter                J. Schöfer               R. Krethe                A. Vogt
16:00    Martin Greaves          Etienne Macron          David Boudreau            Igor Mass              Aleks Vrcek               Robert Teichert          Jörg Schöfer             Rüdiger Krethe           Yao Lu
         Dow, Schweiz            IREIS Institut de       Vanderbilt Chemicals      Hochschule             Luleå University of       TU Bergakademie          Robert Bosch GmbH,       OilDoc GmbH,             KU Leuven, Belgium
         Ultra-Low               Recherche en            LLC, USA                  Niederrhein, Germany   Technology, Sweden        Freiberg, Germany        Germany                  Germany                  Stabilization of
                                 Ingénierie des          Hydroxylated              Experimental           Tribological              Friction                 Design for               A New Method
         Viscosity               Surfaces, France                                                                                                                                                              Air-Bearing
         Polyalkylene                                    Alkyl Phosphate           Studies on the         Characterisation          Coefficient              Reliability – a          for Oxidation            System with
         Glycols for                                     Esters as                 Fluid Flow of          of Potential              Control by               Methodical               Detection in             Tuned Mass
                                 Approach for
         Transportation                                  Lubricant                 Greases in             Crankshaft                Active Viscosity         Approach for             Hydraulic and            Damper Inside
         Lubricants                                      Additives                 Hydrostatic            Bearing Steels            Mixing                   Tribological             Lubricating Oils         the Shaft
                                                                                   Thrust Bearings        for Roller                                         Systems
                                                                                                          Bearing Engine
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    COLLOQUIUM | PROGRAMME TUESDAY

16:30    Dimitrios               Stephan Emmrich         Benoît Thiebaut           Guillaume              Romain                    Rui Li                   Guillermo E.             John K.                  Yao Lu
         Karonis                 Otto von Guericke       TOTAL MS, France          Notheaux               Montelimard               Shanghai Jiao Tong       Morales-Espejel          Duchowski                KU Leuven, Belgium
         National Technical      University Magdeburg,   Molybdenum                SEQENS (ex PCAS),      HEF Groupe, France        University, China        SKF Research and         HYDAC                    Stabilization of
         University of Athens,   Germany                                           France                                           Analysis of the          Technology               FluidCareCenter
                                                         Based Friction                                   PVD Coatings on                                                                                      Ultra-High-
         Greece                  Designing of a                                    Fully                                            Critical Friction        Development, The         GmbH, Germany
                                                         Modifier:                                        Sliding Finger                                     Netherlands                                       Speed Air
         Evaluation of           Thin-Film                                         Customizable                                     Pairs in Marine                                   Oil
                                                         Improving                                        Followers for                                      Tribology                                         Bearings with
         Base Oils Prod.         Transducer for                                    Calcium                                          Diesel Engines                                    Conductivity:
                                                         Tribochemical                                    Internal                                           Modelling of                                      Shunted
         from Hydro-             Temperature                                       Sulfonate                                        Based on a                                        An Early
                                                         Process to                                       Combustion                                         Lubricated                                        Piezoceramics
         cracker                 Measurement in                                    Greases for                                      Tribo-Dynamic                                     Indicator of Oil
                                                         Optimize Fuel                                    Engines                                            Contacts for
         Residue with            Mixed                                             Optimum                                          Model                                             and Additive
                                                         Economy                                                                                             Electrification
         Solvent                 Lubrication                                       Performances                                                                                       Degradation
         Refining                                                                                                                                                                     Processes
17:00                            Jim Bai Cheng           Aaron Thornley            Kerstin-Evelyne        Deepak Kumar              Chengwei Wen             Michael Gleß             Ameneh
                                 Institut für            Institute of Functional   Voigt                  Indian Institute of       Shanghai Jiao Tong       Technische Akademie      Schneider
                                 Verbundwerkstoffe       Surfaces (iFS), United    Kinolt SA, Belgium     Technology Delhi, India   University, China        Esslingen, Germany       Optimol Instruments
                                 GmbH, Germany           Kingdom                                          Nano Scale                Measurement of           Reliability              Prüftechnik GmbH,
                                                                                   Development of
                                 In Situ Detection       Effect of                                        Tribological              Piston Assembly          Prediction of            Germany
                                                                                   a Grease-
                                 and Quantifica-         Increasing the                                   Behavior of               Friction with            Concentrated             Extending
                                                                                   Hardening Test –
                                 tion of Transfer        Amount of                                        AZ91 Alloy                Wireless IMEP            Electrical and           Lubricant
                                 Films in Dry and        Friction Modifier                                under Dry and             Method under             Tribological             Condition
                                 Oil-Lubricated          Concentration in                                 Lubricated                Fired Conditions         Contacts                 Monitoring by
                                 Sliding Tests           Low Viscosity                                    Conditions                                                                  Tribotesting
                                                         Engine Oils                                                                                                                  Results
17:30                            Oday Ibraheem           Ted McClure               Mehdi Fathi-Najafi     Prashant Mittal           Kansa Basit              Amir Kadiric             Knut Wantzen
                                 Abdullah                Sea-Land Chemical         Nynas AB, Sweden       IIT DELHI, India          National University of   Imperial College         Karlsruhe Institute of
                                 Hamburg University of   Company, USA              The Impact of          In Situ                   Sciences and             London, United Kingdom   Technology (KIT)
                                 Technology, Germany     Metalworking                                                               Technology, Pakistan     Micropitting in          Method to
                                                                                   Viscosity of           Nanoscale Study
                                 Elastohydrodyn          Lubricant Addi-                                                            Simulation of            Rolling-Sliding          Develop
                                                                                   Naphthenic Oils        on ADC12 in
                                 amic Lubrication        tive Response                                                              Wear Generated           Contacts:                Condition
                                                                                   on Different           Lubricated
                                 Analysis of a           Comparisons on                                                             in a Convention-         Influencing              Monitoring
                                                                                   Type of Greases        Contacts
                                 Modified Cam            Al-Alloys Using                                                            al Tribometer            Factors and              Systems Based
                                 with Fat Faced          Twist Com-                                       ZDDP and                                           Mechanisms of            on Acoustic
                                 Follower                pression (TCT)                                   MoDTC                                              Their Action             Emission
                                                         and Tapping                                                                                                                  Measurement
                                                         Torque Tests                                                                                                                 Technique
18:00    Come Together with Snacks and Beverages

                                                You will find the detailed and up-to-date version of the programme with all co-authors at
COLLOQUIUM 22nd International Colloquium Tribology - Technische Akademie Esslingen
Wednesday Morning                                                                         Wednesday, 29 January 2020
         P2 – Plenary                       Chair: A. Fatemi
 9:00    Philippe Vergne, LaMCoS − CNRS – INSA Lyon, France
         Relationship between Film Forming Capability and Rheology of Lubricants with VI Improvers
 9:30    Amir Kadiric, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
         Rolling Contact Fatigue: Pits, Cracks and Spalls
10:00    Nicolas Argibay, Sandia National Laboratories, USA
         New Insights into Alloy Design for Tribological Applications
10:30    Break                      Exhibition
         C1 –                   C2 – Engine                C3 –                       C4 – Lubrication        C5 – Wear                 C6 –                     C7 – Sustainable     C8 – Surface &           C9 –
         Lubricants (1)         Tribology (1)              Additives (3)              Fundamentals            Mechanisms                Rolling Element          Lubricants (1)       Coatings (1)             i-Tribomat
                                                                                      (1)                                               Bearings (1)
         M. Jungk               M. Priest                  M. Fies                    J. Müllers              N. Espallargas            G. Morales-Espejel       M. Matzke            Z. Khan                  I. Toth
11:00    Michael                Paula Ussa                 Christelle                 Jonny Hansen            Fernando López            Tobias Hultqvist         Markus Matzke        Volker Weihnacht         Franz Pirker
         Blumenfeld             Total, France              Chretien                   Luleå University of     IK4-TEKNIKER, Spain       Luleå University of      Robert Bosch         Fraunhofer IWS,          AC2T research
         EMRE, USA              Lubricant Impact           Solvay, USA                Technology, Sweden      White Etching             Technology, Sweden       GmbH, Germany        Germany                  GmbH, Austria
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 COLLOQUIUM | PROGRAMME WEDNESDAY

         Sulfur                 on the Friction            Introducing                Lubricant Film          Crack in Wind             Analysis of Split        Global Need for      Superhard                i-TRIBOMAT –
         Syndrome:              Reduction of               Polymeric Anti-            Formation in            Turbine                   Crankshaft               Sustainability –     Carbon Coatings          Single-Entry
         Limiting Oil           Improved                   Wear                       Rough EHL               Bearings: Main            Roller Bearings          how Advanced         for Application          Point (SEP)
         Drain Intervals in     Mechanical Parts           Technology for             Contacts                Drivers and               with Focus on            Lubrication Can      in Low-Friction          Concept
         Wind Turbine                                      High-                                              Experimental              Lubrication and          Contribute to a      Gears
         Main Gearbox                                      Performance                                        Procedures                Contact Stresses         More Sustain-
         Lubricants                                        Lubricants                                                                                            able Future
11:30    Christoph              Bernardo Tormos            Andrew Schwarz             Dennis Fischer          Monika Ratoi              David Pimentel           Apu Gosalia          Armando                  Alberto Alberdi
         Wincierz               UNIVERSITAT                Infineum UK Ltd., United   Institute for Machine   University of             Gonçalves                FUCHS PETROLUB       Salmerón Cano            TEKNIKER, Spain
         Evonik Resource        POLITECNICA DE             Kingdom                    Elements and Systems    Southampton, United       INEGI, Portugal          SE, Germany          Repsol, Spain            An Industrial
         Efficiency GmbH,       VALENCIA, Spain            Development of             Engineering, Germany    Kingdom                                            Lubricants &
                                                                                                                                        Lubrication                                   Friction                 Driven Service
         Germany                Experimental               New Lubricant              Effect of               Lubricants for                                     Beyond – How to
                                                                                                                                        Regime and                                    Behavior in              Catalogue
         Influence              Study on the               Additives                  Thickener Type          Prevention of                                      Sustain Ability
                                                                                                                                        Friction in                                   Hydraulic
         Analysis of the        Impact of the                                         in Lubricating          Hydrogen
                                                                                                                                        Rolling Bearings                              Shock-
         Viscosity of           Engine Oil                                            Greases on the          Absorption in
                                                                                                                                                                                      Absorbers: the
         Hydraulic Fluids       Reactivity on                                         Film Formation          Steel
                                                                                                                                                                                      Influence of
         on the Energy          LSPI                                                  in EHD Contacts
                                                                                                                                                                                      Diverse Fluids
         Consumption of
                                                                                                                                                                                      and DLC
         Machine Tools
12:00    George S. Dodos        Eduardo Tomanik                                       Roland Larsson          Jörg W.H. Franke          Rahul Dahiwal            Ivana Krkljus        Andrzej Posmyk           Alvaro Garcia
         Eldon's S.A., Greece   University of Sao Paulo,                              Luleå University of     Schaeffler Technologies   Technische Universität   BASF SE, Germany     Silesian University of   TEKNIKER, Spain
         Varnish Potential      Brazil                                                Technology, Sweden      AG & Co. KG, Germany      Kaiserslautern,          Fact Based           Technology, Poland       Design of a
                                Effect of the                                         On the Effects of       Influence of Oil          Germany                                       Composite
         Analysis of                                                                                                                                             Sustainability for                            Scalable and
                                Coated Bore                                           Two-Sided               Formulation on            Lifetime                                      Coatings with
         Turbine Oils                                                                                                                                            Lubricants: How                               Interoperable
                                Pores on the                                          Roughness in            White Etching             Influence of                                  Solid Lubricants
                                                                                                                                                                 to Assess the                                 Platform for
                                Piston Ring                                           Rolling-Sliding         Crack Formation           Cage Wear                                     for Aviation
                                                                                                                                                                 Portfolio and                                 Tribo-
                                Tribology                                             EHL Contacts            Depending on              during Transfer                               Transport Means
                                                                                                                                                                 Products’                                     Connection
                                through                                                                       WEC Main                  Lubrication of
                                Deterministic                                                                 Mechanism                 Solid-Lubricated
                                Simulation                                                                                              Roller Bearings
12:30    Break                    Exhibition

                                                You will find the detailed and up-to-date version of the programme with all co-authors at
COLLOQUIUM 22nd International Colloquium Tribology - Technische Akademie Esslingen
Wednesday Afternoon                                                                  Wednesday, 29 January 2020
         D1 –                      D2 – Engine               D3 –                   D4 – Lubrication          D5 – Wear of              D6 –                 D7 –                 D8 – Surface &        D9 -
         Lubricants (2)            Tribology (2)             Additives (4)          Fundamentals              Materials                 Rolling Element      Sustainable          Coatings (2)          i-Tribomat
                                                                                    (2)                                                 Bearings (2)         Lubricants (2)

Chair:   M. Jungk                  E. Tomanik                S. Lucazeau            J. Müllers                M. Dienwiebel             G. Poll              M. Matzke            V. Weihnacht          F. Pagano
14:00    Phil Hutchinson           Hyunjung Oh               Matthias Fies          Fabrice Dassenoy          Nicolas Argibay           Petra Wiersch        John Eastwood        Zulfiqar Khan         Maria Kogia
         Evonik Resource           Seoul National            BASF SE, Germany       Ecole Centrale de Lyon,   Sandia National           Flender GmbH,        Croda Europe Ltd.,   Bournemouth           ANSYS GRANTA,
         Efficiency GmbH,          University, South Korea   Non-Antago-            France                    Laboratories, USA         Germany              United Kingdom       University, United    United Kingdom
         Germany                   The Effect of                                    Mechanical                Ultra Low Wear            A Contribution       Investigating        Kingdom               Materials
                                                             nistic Corrosion
         Correlating               Cylinder Liner                                   Characterization          Materials                 to the               Tribofilm            Development of        Information
                                                             Inhibitors for
         Viscosity to Fuel         Temperature on                                   of Diesel Soot                                      Discussion           Chemistry of         Novel Nano-           Management
         Efficiency in the         Piston Ring                                      Nanoparticles:                                      Regarding the        Engines Oils         Composite             for Tribology
         Daimler OM501             Friction Using                                   In Situ Compres-                                    Influence of Very    Formulated with      Coatings for
         Heavy-Duty                Floating Liner                                   sion in the                                         Low Currents on      Organic and          Tribological
         Diesel Engine             Method                                           Transmission                                        Bearing Life         Inorganic Poly-      Applications
         Fuel Efficiency                                                            Electron                                                                 meric Friction
         Test and the                                                               Microscope and                                                           Modifiers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              COLLOQUIUM | PROGRAMME WEDNESDAY

         Influence of VII.                                                          Simulations
14:30    Angela Tortora            Martin Priest             Jennifer               Shreyas Jalikop           Krunal Mehta              Marius Wolf          Thilo Krapfl         Andreas Keller        Helena
         Ducom Instruments         University of Bradford,   Honselmann             AC2T research GmbH,       Pandit Deendayal          Robert Bosch GmbH,   Evonik Resource      HS Mannheim,          Ronkainen
         Europe B.V., The          United Kingdom            Fraunhofer IWM         Austria                   Petroleum University,     Germany              Efficiency GmbH,     Germany               VTT Technical
         Netherlands               In-Bore Engine            MikroTribologie        Fundamentals of           India                     Simulation of        Germany              Transfer Film         Research Centre of
         A System                  Component                 Centrum µTC, Germany   Directional               Evolution of              Slip in Roller       Presentation of      Quality - An          Finland, Finland
         Engineering               Tribology                 Vacuum                 Spreading of              Wear Behavior             Element Bearing      a Life Cycle         Underestimated        Collaboration
         Approach to                                         Tribology with         Lubricants over           of Al6061-B4C             with Lubricant       Analysis on the      Factor                Interface
         Reduce Soot                                         Gas Phase              Multi-Scale               Surface                   Rheological          Example of an        Concerning
         Wear                                                Deposited              Textured                  Composites with           Models               Efficient            Plain Bearing
                                                             Lubricant              Surfaces                  Normal Load and                                Hydraulic Fluid      Performance
                                                             Additives                                        Sliding Speed
15:00    Ritwik                    Boris Zhmud                                      Enrico Gnecco             Daniel Kümmel             Pedro Marques        Sebastian Dörr       Go Tatsumi            Ichiro Minami
         Chakraborty               Applied Nano Surfaces                            Friedrich Schiller        KIT Karlsruhe Institute   INEGI, Portugal      Lubtrading GmbH,     University of         Luleå University of
         Indian Jute Industries'   Sweden AB, Sweden                                University Jena,          of Technology,            An Improved          Germany              Southampton, United   Technology, Sweden
         Research Association,     Optimizing the                                   Germany                   Germany                                        Sustainability –     Kingdom               Validation of
                                                                                                                                        Setup for
         India                     Piston/Bore                                      The Role of               Tribological                                   Between              Effect of Friction    Lab-to-Field
                                                                                                                                        Measurement of
         Low Viscosity             Tribology:The                                    Elastic                   Behavior of                                    Responsibility,      Modifiers on the      Up-Scaling
                                                                                                                                        Rolling Bearing
         Friction                  Role of Surface                                  Instabilities in          Ti6Al4V Surface                                Marketing and        Lubrication of        Protocol
                                                                                                                                        Torque Loss in a
         Modifying                 Specifications,                                  Early Stages of           Textured by                                    Green Wash           Polymeric
                                                                                                                                        Modified Four-
         Formulation for           Ring Pack and                                    Plastic and               Cutting Tools                                                       Materials with
                                                                                                                                        Ball Machine
         Jute Fibre                Lubricant                                        Abrasive Wear                                                                                 Steel Counter
         Spinning                                                                                                                                                                 Parts
15:30    Break                       Exhibition

                                                 You will find the detailed and up-to-date version of the programme with all co-authors at
COLLOQUIUM 22nd International Colloquium Tribology - Technische Akademie Esslingen
Wednesday Afternoon                                                             Wednesday, 29 January 2020
         E1 – Bio-             E2 –                     E3 –                   E4 – Grease         E5 – Wear of          E6 –                  E7 –                  E8 – Surface &            E9 –
         Lubricants (1)        Automotive               Additives (5)          Condition           Materials (2)         Rolling Element       Sustainable           Coatings (3)              i-Tribomat
                               Components                                      Monitoring                                Bearings (3)          Lubricants (3)

Chair:   R. Luther             P. Marklund              A. Stratmann           K.-E. Voigt         M. Dienwiebel         G. Jacobs             M. Matzke             V. Weihnacht              E. Nyberg
16:00    Marcella              Polychronis Dellis       Michael Heeran         Richard             Igor Velkavrh         Michiel van           Michael Adler         Johan Blomkvist           Amaya Igartua
         Frauscher             ASPETE, Greece           Nouryon, The Nether-   Wurzbach            V-Research GmbH,      Breemen               AC2T research GmbH,   Applied Nano Surfaces     Fundación TEKNIKER,
         AC2T research GmbH,   Temperature              lands                  MRG Labs, USA       Austria               Quaker Chemical,      Austria               Sweden AB, Sweden         Spain
         Austria               Effect in Friction       Understanding          Small Volume        Residual              The Netherlands       Specification         The Properties of         Building
         Correlation of        Force                    ZDDP-OFM               Sampling and        Stresses in           Reducing the          Procedure for         Solid Lubricant           I-Tribomat
         Lubricant             Measurements             Additive               Analysis for New    Nitrocarburised       Risk for Glossy       Lubricants            Films Generated           Interconnec-
         Degradation &         for a Simplified         Interactions and       and In-Service      Layers Applied        Wear Marks to         Applied in Oil        by Reactive               tions with
         Performance of        Piston-Cylinder          their Impact on        Greases             for Tribological      Occur on Roller-      and Gas               Quenching                 Materials
         a Biodegradable       Setup                    Performance                                Applications          Bearing Linear        Exploration                                     Ecosystem
         Hydraulic Fluid                                                                                                 Guides                Compressors
16:30    Frederik Kort         Mitulkumar               Vlad Bogdan            Simon Eiden         Ronnie                Daniel                John Burbank          Maryam Bahrami            Ivana Tóth
         Putzmeister           Solanki                  Niste                  TEC4FUELS GmbH,     Woodward              Strömbergsson         FUCHS                 University of Freiburg,   AC2T research GmbH,
         Engineering GmbH,                                                     Germany                                                         SCHMIERSTOFFE         Germany                   Austria
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     COLLOQUIUM | PROGRAMME WEDNESDAY

                               Sardar Vallabhbhai       Kyushu University,                         University of         Luleå University of
         Germany               National Institute of    Japan                  Investigations of   Strathclyde, United   Technology, Sweden    GMBH, Germany         Studies on the            Panel Discus-
         Lifelong              Technology, India        NaNO2 as               Grease              Kingdom               Dynamic               New Approa-           Lubrication of            sion (i-TRIBO-
         Environmentally       Experimental             Lubricant              Thickener           Sliding Wear          Simulation of         ches to Extreme       Surface-                  MAT Commu-
         Acceptable Oil        Investigation            Additives              Degradation         Assessment of         Rolling Element       Low-Friction          Attached                  nication)
         Filling +             between a                against                                    Various Alloys        Bearing               Lubrication           Hydrogels
         Condition             Layered                  Hydrogen                                   for Pumping           Vibrations Using
         Monitoring – A        Cylindrical              Permeation in                              Applications: A       SKF BEAST and
         Practical             Hollow Roller            Rolling Contacts                           Comparative           Test Rig
         Approach              and Flat Plate                                                      Study                 Validation
17:15    Departure for Conference Dinner
18:00    Conference Dinner

                                               You will find the detailed and up-to-date version of the programme with all co-authors at
COLLOQUIUM 22nd International Colloquium Tribology - Technische Akademie Esslingen
Thursday Morning                                                                Thursday, 30 Januar 2020
         P3 – Plenary                                       Chair: M. Jungk
 9:00    Martin Dienwiebel, Karlsruhe Institute of Technoglogy (KIT), Germany
         In Situ Studies on the Competitive Adsorption of Lubricant Additives
 9:30    Anne Neville, University of Leeds, United Kingdom (enquired)
         Tribochemistry and Oil Formulation
10:00    Stefan Eder, AC2T research GmbH, Austria
         Effects of Heat, Load and Shear on Film Formation Deconvoluted by Reactive Molecular Dynamics
10:30    Break                       Exhibition
         F1 – Bio-                F2 – Automotive          F3 –                 F4 –                  F5 –                     F6 –                      F7 –                    F8 –                      F9 –
         Lubricants (2)           Components               Lubricant Condi-     E-Mobility (1)        Simulation (1)           Tribochemistry            Wear Testing            Unconventional            Metal Working
                                                           tion Monitoring                                                                                                       Lubricants (1)            Fluids (1)

Chair:   R. Luther                R. Larsson               C. Gachot            S. Meinhardt          J. Müllers               A. Neville                S. Beyer-Faiss          F. Gatti                  F. Passman
11:00    Martin Kingsley          Pär Marklund             Norman Rohrwick      Ling Wang             Marcus Björling          Nuria Espallargas         Valentin Wohlgut        Maria Dolores             Julien Hamy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      COLLOQUIUM | PROGRAMME THURSDAY

         Argent Energy, United    Luleå University of      OilDoc GmbH,         University of         Luleå University of      Norwegian                 IPEK Institute of       Aviles                    ANGUS Chemical
         Kingdom                  Technology, Sweden       Germany              Southampton, United   Technology, Sweden       University NTNU,          Product Engineering,    Universidad Politecnica   Company, France
         The Use of               Influence of Wet         CM of Oil and        Kingdom               The Use of EHD                                     Germany                 de Cartagena, Spain       Optimizing the
         Alternative              Clutch Running-          Equipment            A Study of            Friction                                           Development of          Tribological              Sustainability,
                                                                                Rolling Element                                Water                     a Method for an
         Sources of               In on Friction,          Status by the                              Measurements             Lubrication –                                     Study of New              Performance
         Feedstocks as            Pressure                 Use of Online        Bearings under        and an                                             Efficient DoE           Ionic Liquid              and Cost of your
                                                                                the Influence of                               Challenges and            Deduction Using
         Renewable and            Distribution and         Oil Sensors and                            Optimization             Opportunities                                     Dispersions and           MWF
         Biodegradable            Permeability             Multivariate Data    Electrical            Routine to                                         the Example of          Blends
         Lubricants                                        Analysis             Environment           Obtain Lubricant                                   Clutch Wear
11:30    Peter Lohmann            Pedro Marques            Haris Trobradovic    Steffen Bots          Marko Tosic              Tadashi Oshio             Henrik Buse             Sergei Glavatskih         Thomas Koch
         Hermann Bantleon         INEGI, Portugal          SDT International,   LUBEVISIO GmbH,       Luleå University of      Ecole Centrale de Lyon,   Slovak University of    KTH Royal Institute of    City University of
         GmbH, Germany            No-Load Losses           Belgium              Germany               Technology, Sweden       France                    Technology, Slovak      Technology Sweden         Bremen, Germany
         A Look Behind                                     Ultrasound           Silicone Fluids       CFD Analysis of          Tribochemical             Republic and UAS        Lubrication of            Algae-Based Bio
                                  in a Car                                                                                                               Mannheim, Germany
         the Scenes of            Differential             Guided               with Optimized        EHL Films at             Properties of                                     Heavily Loaded            Lubricant Additi-
                                                                                                                                                         Fretting Wear
         Biological                                        Condition Based      Tribological          High Loads               Dialkyl                                           Rolling/Sliding           ves: Extraction,
                                                                                                                                                         Observation in
         Degradation of                                    Lubrication          Behaviour                                      Phosphono-                                        Contacts:                 Application and
                                                                                                                                                         Plane Metal to
         Lubricants                                                             through Mole-                                  acetic Acid in                                    Lithium Complex           Tech. Properties
                                                                                                                                                         Metal Contacts
                                                                                cule Structure                                 Synthetic Ester                                   vs Polypropy-             – from the Algae
                                                                                Enhancement –                                  Base Fluid                                        lene Greases              to the Technical
                                                                                A Solution for                                                                                                             Product
                                                                                EV Drivetrains
12:00    Patrick Galda            Rathesan                 Pawel Rycerz         Amir Kadiric          Arn Joerger              Andreas Willecke          Kosta Simonovic         Michael Gleß              Frederick J.
         PANOLIN Production       Ravendran                Imperial College     Imperial College      Karlsruhe Institute of   Fuchs Schmierstoffe       Czech Technical         Technische Akademie       Passman
         AG, Switzerland          Aalborg University,      London, United       London, United        Technoglogy (KIT),       GmbH, Germany             University in Prague,   Esslingen, Germany        Biodeterioration Control
         Quo vadis –              Denmark                  Kingdom              Kingdom               Germany                  Atomistic                 Czech Republic          Tribological              Associates, Inc., USA
         Bio-Lubricants?          Prediction of            Early Detection      A Model for           A Numerical              Simulation of             Newly                   Investigation of          Adenylate
         An Update                Lubricant                of Fatigue           Prediction of         Approach for the         Sulfurized                Developed               Shelf-                    Energy Charge –
         about the Latest         Transport in             Damage in            Gearbox Power         Determination of         Additives in              Device for the          Sharpening and            New Tool for
         Activities of            Two-Stroke               Rolling-Sliding      Losses under          Archard’s Wear           Lubricants                Investigation of        Innovative                Determining
         CEN TC19                 Marine Diesel            Contacts             Conditions            Coefficient                                        the Running-In          Lubrication               MWF Microbial
         WG33                     Engines                                       Pertinent to EV                                                          Behaviour               Solutions                 Population’s
                                                                                Operation                                                                                                                  Condition
12:30    Break                       Exhibition

                                                 You will find the detailed and up-to-date version of the programme with all co-authors at
COLLOQUIUM 22nd International Colloquium Tribology - Technische Akademie Esslingen
Thursday Afternoon                                                                   Thursday, 30 Januar 2020
         G1 – Bio-                G2 – Materials            G3 – Artificial         G4 –                      G5 –                      G6 – Lubrication          G7–                     G8 –                       G9 –
         Lubricants (3)           Characterisation          Intelligence in         E-Mobility (2)            Simulation (2) –          Fundamentals              Test Methods            Unconventional             Metal Working
                                                            Tribology                                         Soft Contacts                                                               Lubricants (2)             Fluids (2)

Chair:   R. Luther                M. Dienwiebel             A. Vogt                 S. Bots                   J. Müllers                J. Seabra                 M. Grebe                A. Gosalia                 F. Passman
14:00    Yiyuan Tian              Christian Greiner         Baher Azzam             Sven Meinhardt            Enzo Maier                Volker                    Susanne Beyer-          Felix Gatti                Theresa Jähnig
         KTH Royal Institute of   Karlsruhe Institute of    Center for Wind Power   ExxonMobil Chemical       Gear Research Centre      Diegelmann                Faiss                   Fraunhofer Institute for   Technische Universität
         Technology, Sweden       Technology, Germany       Drives, Germany         Central Europe GmbH,      (FZG), Germany            VDEh-Betriebs-            Dr. Tillwich GmbH       Mechanics of Materials     Dresden, Germany
         Additive                 Sliding Velocity          Anomaly                 Germany                   A Study on                forschungsinstitut        Werner Stehr, Germany   IWM, Germany               Lubricant-Free
         Expression and           and Exposure              Detection in            Synthetic Base            Thermal Elasto-           GmbH, Germany             Mod. Accele-            Programmable               Metal Forming -
         Tribology of             Time Affect               Time-Series Data        Oil Solutions for         hydrodynamic              Application of            rated Ageing            Friction                   Friction Reduc-
         Novel Hybrid             Tribologically-           of White Etching        EV Driveline              Lubrication of            Single-Phase              Test for Life                                      tion by Laser
         Base Fluids              Induced                   Crack Bearing           Fluids                    Coated                    Oil-Free Lubri-           Time Evaluation                                    Structuring Ta-C
                                  Oxidation in              Failure in Wind         Applications              Polymers                  cants in Cold             of Lubricants                                      Coated Forming
                                  Copper                    Turbines                                                                    and Hot Rolling           and Additives                                      Tools
14:30    Wilhelm Huber            Haomiao Yuan              Florian König           Keiichi Narita            Fabian Kaiser             Carlos Fernandes          Thomas Witt             Raimondas                  Mayank Kumar
         Peter Greven GmbH &      Ostwestfalen-Lippe        RWTH Aachen             Idemitsu Kosan Co. Ltd.   Freudenberg               INEGI, Portugal           Dr. Tillwich GmbH       Kreivaitis                 Atlas Copco Industrial
         Co. KG, Germany          University of Applied     University, Germany     Japan                     Technology Innovation     Influence of              Werner Stehr, Germany   Vytautas Magnus            Technique AB, Sweden
                                  Sciences and Arts,                                                          SE & Co. KG, Germany
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              COLLOQUIUM | PROGRAMME THURSDAY

         Estolides – A                                      Machine                 Study of Motor                                      Run-In Load and           Determination of        University Agricultural    Does a Cutting
                                  Germany                                                                     Simulation of                                                               Academy, Lithuania
         New Category                                       Learning Based          Cooling                                             Temperature on            Flow Point of                                      Fluid Influence
                                  Lubrication and                                                             Rubber Friction:                                                            Protic Ionic
         of High-                                           Anomaly Detec-          Performance of                                      Gear Efficiency           Soft Lubricating                                   the Reliability of
                                  Thermal Aging                                                               Comparison to                                                               Liquids Demon-
         Performance                                        tion for Wear           Lubricants with                                     and Micropitting          Greases Using                                      a Threaded
                                  on the Fretting                                                             Pin-On-Disc                                                                 strating Superior
         Esters                                             Lifetime Predic-        Application to                                                                the Test Method                                    Fastener Joint?
                                  Behavior of                                                                 Measurement                                                                 Lubrication
                                                            tion of Journal         Transaxles in                                                                 of Inclining Rod
                                  Electrical                                                                  Results                                                                     Properties
                                                            Bearing Systems         HEVs and EVs
15:00                             Tarek Lutz                Harald Steiner          Sirui Chen                Michele Scaraggi          Mustafa Yilmaz            Markus Matzke           Roman Nevshupa             Peter Küenzi
                                  University of Tübingen,   Danube University       IPEK Institute of         Università del Salento,   Technical University of   Robert Bosch            IETCC-CSIC, Spain          Blaser Swisslube
                                  Germany                   Krems, Austria          Product Engineering,      Italy                     Munich, Germany           GmbH, Germany           In Operando                AG, Switzerland
                                  Nano- and Micro           Machine                 Germany                   Surface Rough-            On-Demand                 Study of                Study of                   A Closer Look at
                                  Analytical                Learning                Tribol. Perfor-           ness Anisotropy           Gearbox Lubri-            Thermooxida-            Tribochemical              Microbiology in
                                  Approach for              Algorithms for          mance Descrip-            in Soft Contacts:         cation: a Study           tive Ageing and         Processes                  Metalworking
                                  Understanding             Health                  tions of Friction         From Microbot             from Dip to               Proposal of a           through                    Fluids
                                  the Early State           Monitoring of           System in                 Locomotion to             Minimum                   Test Method             Analysis of
                                  of Bearing                Sliding Bearings        Synchronization           Seals                     Quantity                  Standard                Triboemission of
                                  Failure                                           for E-Powertrain          Applications              Lubrication                                       Gases
15:30                             Maximilian                Barbara Monse                                     Alexander Elter           Alberto Porras-                                   Erik Nyberg                Harish Potnis
                                  Volkan Baloglu            Bureau Veritas                                    Robert Bosch              Vazquez                                           Luleå University of        ANGUS CHEMICAL
                                  FAU Erlangen-             Commodities, Germany                              GmbH, Germany             INSA de Lyon, France                              Technology, Sweden         COMPANY, India
                                  Nürnberg, Germany         Artificial                                        Elastohydrody-            Experimental                                      Silicate-Forming           Aluminum
                                  Identification of         Intelligence                                      namic Simula-             Approach for the                                  Ionic Liquid               Machining: Do It
                                  Material Para-            Transforms Oil                                    tion of Rein-             Study of Oil                                      Triboimprovers             with Ease &
                                  meters for Sheet          Analysis                                          forced Plastic            Starvation in                                     for Multiply               Efficiency
                                  -Layered Lami-                                                              Materials in Con-         Point Contacts                                    Alkylated
                                  nation Stacks                                                               formal Contacts                                                             Cyclopentanes
16:00    Short Break
         P4 – Concluding Plenary Session                       Chair: M. Gleß
16:15    N.N., Porsche AG, Germany (enquired)
         CO2-reduced Production
16:45    Mirjam Bäse, Magna Powertrain GmbH & Co KG, Austria
         GfT Young Tribologists: How Tribology Grows Further and Further
17:00    Farewell Party

                                                  You will find the detailed and up-to-date version of the programme with all co-authors at
COLLOQUIUM 22nd International Colloquium Tribology - Technische Akademie Esslingen


A. Fatemi                           M. Jungk                            C. Wincierz
Robert Bosch GmbH                   MJ Tribology                        Evonik Industries
Stuttgart, Germany                  Geisenheim, Germany                 Darmstadt, Germany


A. Albers                           T. Kilthau                          A. Pauschitz
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology   Klüber Lubrication                  AC2T research GmbH
Karlsruhe, Germany                  München SE & Co. KG, Germany        Wiener Neustadt, Austria
D. Bartel                           R. Krethe                           G. Poll
University Magdeburg,               OilDoc GmbH                         Leibniz Universität
Germany                             Brannenburg, Germany                Hannover, Germany
M. Dienwiebel                       L. Lindemann                        M. Scherge
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology   Fuchs Petrolub SE                   Fraunhofer IWM
Karlsruhe, Germany                  Mannheim, Germany                   Freiburg, Germany
C. Gachot                           R. Luther                           S. Schmitt
Vienna University of                Fuchs Petrolub SE                   Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG
Technology, Austria                 Mannheim, Germany                   Weissach, Germany
G. Gaule                            J. Molter                           H. Schwarze
Hermann Bantleon GmbH               Kompetenzzentrum Tribologie Mann-   Technical University Clausthal-Zeller-
Ulm, Germany                        heim, Germany                       feld, Germany
D. Gryazev                          J. Müllers                          M. Woydt
Lubrizol Deutschland GmbH           Robert Bosch GmbH                   Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung
Hamburg, Germany                    Stuttgart, Germany                  Berlin, Germany
G. Jacobs
RWTH Aachen University
Aachen, Germany


D. Bansal                           R. Larsson                          I. Sivebaeck
Infineum                            Lulea University                    Technical University of
USA                                 Sweden                              Denmark
R. W. Carpick                       W. Liu                              H.A. Spikes
University of Pennsylvania          Lanzhou Institute of                Imperial College of Science
USA                                 Chemical Physics                    United Kingdom
F. Franek                           China                               G. Stachowiak
AC2T research GmbH                  J. Luo                              Curtin University
Austria                             Tsinghua University                 Australia
M. Hartl                            China                               K. Topolovec-Miklozic
Brno University of Technology       I. Minami                           Powertrib Ltd.
Czech Republic                      Lulea University                    United Kingdom
K.Holmberg                          Sweden                              P. Vergne
VTT Technical Research              M. Priest                           INSA
Centre of                           University of Bradford              France
Finland                             United Kingdom
M. Kalin                            D.J. Schipper
University of Lubljana              University of Twente
Slowenia                            The Netherlands


CONFERENCE DINNER 			                                                                           Wednesday, 29 January 2020

Join the traditional conference dinner at Osterfeldhalle above the Neckar valley and Esslingen. Relax, socialize and enjoy our
Swabian buffet, regional wine and music. Reconnect with old friends while making new ones.

                                                 Be enchanted by the magical performance of our special guest Martin
                                                 Eisele, Worldchampion of Micro Magic. His magic is close-up, right under
                                                 the eyes of the spectators. With very visual and strong effects he fascinates
                                                 and thrills his audience. His performance is not only magical, it is also very
                                                 entertaining and humorous.

                                                 Buses will take you from the Academy to the conference location in Ess-
                                                 lingen-Berkheim and back to your hotel or the Academy.

                                                 Please note that you should register for the Conference Dinner separately.
© Martin Eisele                                  The fee is 65 EUR (plus V.A.T.). Attending is not covered by TAE insurance.

TOUR TO MERCEDES-BENZ-MUSEUM                                                                          Friday, 31 January 2020

On Friday morning you have the opportunity to visit Mercedes-Benz-Museum.

Experience the fascinating world of the automobile at Mercedes-Benz-
Museum: 160 vehicles and another 1,500 exhibits are presented in the mu-
seum with 16,500 square meters and nine levels.

Not only the cars are worth a visit. The building itself impresses with its
exceptional architecture. It combines an elegant appearance with a unique
structure based on a double helix.

                                                                                 © Daimler AG

                                                 A bus shuttle will take us from TAE to Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt and back. The
                                                 guided tour is about 1.5 hours.

                                                 The tour includes a lunch buffet after return to TAE.

                                                 Please note that you should register for this tour separately.
                                                 The fee is 40 EUR (free of V.A.T.).

                                                 We wish you a lot of fun and many interesting impressions!

© Daimler AG

U7                                                                               Direction

                                                                                                            Ostfildern-                                   B10

INFORMATION                                                                                                 Nellingen

                                                       30                                               Station

                                                                                           Rin str.





Dr. Rüdiger Keuper

                                                                                                                                               r Str
Andrea Zeh

E-Mail                                    Please mind speed limits when
                                                            crossing the railroad in front of
Phone +49 711 340 08 -52                                           the TAE driveway.

                                                                       A8                                            Körschtalbridge                         A8

                                                                      Karlsruhe 80 km                              Exit 54                         Munich 200 km

REGISTRATION AND                                                      Airport Stuttgart 6 km                       Esslingen


                                            HOW TO GET TO THE TECHNISCHE AKADEMIE
Phone    +49 711 340 08 -23                 ESSLINGEN

                                            BY CAR
                                            Motorway A8 exit 54 „Esslingen“. Ostfildern-Nellingen is the
Technische Akademie Esslingen e.V.          first town on the road to Esslingen.
An der Akademie 5
73760 Ostfildern
Hotels in the area are specially            BY TRAIN
pre-allocated for TAE.
                                            Stuttgart Central Station, Stadtbahn (tram) U7 to Ostfildern,
                                            stop „Technische Akademie“.

Participants 1,090.00 EUR                  BY PLANE
Speakers       150.00 EUR
(free of V.A.T)                             Stuttgart Airport, taxi to Ostfildern-Nellingen or Bus 122.
Payable after receipt of invoice
Payment by Bank Transfer, Credit
Card (except diners club) or cash.          GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS

                                            We refer to the general terms and conditions of the Techni-
                                            sche Akademie Esslingen e.V., available on

> Colloquium proceedings
> snacks and beverages during               ESSLINGEN
> Buffet on Tuesday and Thursday
> Bus Service from some hotels to
  the academy (in the mornings) and
  back (in the evenings)


There will be an accompanying exhibi-
tion. Please make your reservation in
time. More information at
                                                                                                                                FOLLOW US:
Susan Ferront
Phone +49 711 34008-58
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