College of Islamic Studies - Prospectus 2021/2022 - Hamad Bin Khalifa University

Page created by Joanne Jensen
College of Islamic Studies - Prospectus 2021/2022 - Hamad Bin Khalifa University
College of
Islamic Studies
    Prospectus 2021/2022
College of Islamic Studies - Prospectus 2021/2022 - Hamad Bin Khalifa University
Table of Contents

About HBKU             3
About CIS             11
College Programs      25
Admissions            39
Student Funding       46
Contact Information   48
College of Islamic Studies - Prospectus 2021/2022 - Hamad Bin Khalifa University
About HBKU
College of Islamic Studies - Prospectus 2021/2022 - Hamad Bin Khalifa University
About HBKU

                                                                                   Innovating Today,
                                                                                   Shaping Tomorrow
                       Recognition of Quality                                      Hamad Bin Khalifa University (HBKU), a member           The university provides an array of graduate
                        through Excellence
                                                                                   of Qatar Foundation for Education, Science, and         programs through its College of Islamic Studies,
                                                                                   Community Development (QF), was founded in              College of Humanities and Social Sciences,
                                                                                   2010 to continue fulfilling QF’s vision of unlocking    College of Science and Engineering, College of
                                                                                   human potential.                                        Law, College of Health and Life Sciences, and
                                                                                                                                           College of Public Policy.
                                                                                   HBKU is a homegrown research and graduate
                                                                                   studies university that acts as a catalyst for          HBKU is also home to three research institutes
                                                                                   positive transformation in Qatar and the region         – Qatar Biomedical Research Institute (QBRI),

    People                                      Innovation
                                                                                   while having a global impact.                           Qatar Computing Research Institute (QCRI), and
                                                                                                                                           Qatar Environment and Energy Research Institute
                                                                                   Located within Education City, HBKU seeks to            (QEERI) – which together with the colleges are
    Shaping Society                             Leading Transformation
                                                                                   provide unparalleled opportunities where inquiry        at the forefront of efforts to seek novel solutions
                                                                                   and discovery are integral to teaching and learning     to grand challenges facing Qatar and the region.
                                                                                   at all levels, utilizing a multidisciplinary approach
                                                                                   across its focus areas.                                 Additionally, HBKU’s Executive Education Center
                                                                                                                                           delivers customized programs for the business
                                                                                                                                           community of Qatar and the region.

                      Success through Synergy

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College of Islamic Studies - Prospectus 2021/2022 - Hamad Bin Khalifa University
About HBKU

                                  Why Study at HBKU?
                                 “ As a student at HBKU, you have the opportunity to
                                  play a key role at an institution which, at its heart, is
                                  committed to innovating today and shaping tomorrow.”

                                  At Hamad Bin Khalifa University, our people are our     their chosen fields, and take their careers to the next
                                  greatest strength, and when students enroll in one      level. HBKU is situated in a regional economic and
                                  of our academic programs, they become part of a         cultural hub, and our students benefit greatly from
                                  thriving community that is committed to the pursuit     exposure to diverse perspectives as they determine
                                  of excellence and innovation. HBKU has a mandate        how to use their degrees to positively contribute
                                  to build and cultivate human capacity by offering       to their own development and that of their
                                  students an enriching academic experience that          communities, whether in Qatar or across the world.
                                  extends beyond the classroom. By utilizing unique
                                  collaborations with local and international partners,   Additionally, HBKU benefits from an exceptional
                                  we aim to tackle the challenges of the region and       student-to-faculty ratio and from being based in
                                  the world through interdisciplinary education and       Education City – a unique hub of learning that offers
                                  innovative research.                                    students a wealth of opportunities to play an active
                                                                                          role in a vibrant multicultural environment.
                                  HBKU is proud to offer students the opportunity
                                  to learn from world-renowned faculty and industry       As a student at HBKU, you have the opportunity
                                  leaders through our colleges and our three national     to play a key role at an institution that, at its
                                  research institutes, providing the knowledge, skills    heart, is committed to innovating today and
                                  and experience necessary to become experts in           shaping tomorrow.

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College of Islamic Studies - Prospectus 2021/2022 - Hamad Bin Khalifa University
About HBKU | Why Study at HBKU?


    Research is the cornerstone of Hamad Bin Khalifa
    University’s commitment to building human
    capacity through interdisciplinary education and
    innovation that supports Qatar’s journey towards
    sustainable growth. HBKU’s interdisciplinary
    research and education environment is
    distinguished by a unique synergy among the
    colleges and research institutes.

    The university’s students, faculty, and researchers
    work within an ecosystem that addresses
    challenges of national priority and contributes
    to outcomes with a tangible impact on society.
    Collectively, they are achieving breakthroughs in
    the fields of biomedicine, genomics and precision
    medicine, information and communications
    technology and sustainability, while advancing
    knowledge across the humanities, Islamic studies,
    law, and public policy.

    At each of the six colleges, students work under the
    guidance of faculty to conduct research that results
    in tangible solutions and innovative outcomes.

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College of Islamic Studies - Prospectus 2021/2022 - Hamad Bin Khalifa University
About CIS
College of Islamic Studies - Prospectus 2021/2022 - Hamad Bin Khalifa University
About CIS

                                                         College Overview

                                                         The College of Islamic Studies (CIS) provides
                                                         a unique platform that contributes to critical
                                                         intellectual debates on Islam in a global context,
                                                         through its blended academic programs and an
                                                         immersive learning experience; as well as its
                                                         distinguished research division, which includes
                                                         several research centers and clusters. The
                                                         college’s graduate and PhD programs equip
                                                         students with the training and skills required to
                                                         pursue careers in academia and research, as well
                                                         as the cultural, business, and finance sectors,
                                                         through the specialized tracks that are offered
                                                         and year-round development opportunities.

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College of Islamic Studies - Prospectus 2021/2022 - Hamad Bin Khalifa University
About CIS

Students and Alumni                                                                                                          Faculty and Research Areas

CIS’ students come from a range of academic                Career Prospects                                                  CIS’ faculty are established experts within            `   Applied Islamic ethics (Islamic bioethics,
backgrounds that are as diverse as their nationalities,    CIS programs offer graduates an array of career                   their respective fields who not only incorporate           migration and human rights, etc.)
strengthening the academic and cultural fabric of          possibilities. Whether they are seeking career                    curriculum-based instruction, but also encourage       `   Islamic social finance and economy
the college and HBKU. The programs at CIS admit            development opportunities or they occupy senior-level             inquiry and intellectual pursuits that extend beyond   `   Green financing and impact investing
students with high academic standing in related            positions, CIS graduates are best equipped to tackle              the traditional classroom. In addition, CIS’ faculty   `   Fintech and digital banking
undergraduate or graduate programs. Students with          the challenges of a constantly evolving global world              are actively engaged in conducting research and        `   Islamic banking and financial markets
relevant work experience are also encouraged to apply.     and a rapidly changing job market.                                contributing to global scholarship in a wide range     `   Sustainable development and faith
                                                                                                                             of research areas, inter alia, including:              `   Global governance and religion
The CIS alumni community now includes more than 400        Graduates of CIS’ programs can readily occupy                     `   Fiqh and society                                   `   Preservation of heritage and cultural identity
graduates representing 49 nationalities. CIS alumni have   positions in a range of institutions depending                    `   Islam and modernity                                    in Muslim societies
diverse career trajectories and positions in public and    on their specialization and interest:                             `   Theological and philosophical ethics               `   Trends and typologies of Islamic architecture
private sectors within Qatar, the region, and the world.   `   Government
                                                           `   NGOs and International
In addition, a notable number of CIS alumni have           `   Educational and Research
pursued their doctoral degrees at prestigious              `   Religious Institutions
universities abroad.                                       `   Policy Institutes
                                                           `   Financial Advisory Firms
                                                           `   Central and Private Banks
                                                           `   Private Corporations
                                                           `   Media
                                                           `   Development Agencies
                                                           `   Translation and Interpretation
                                                           `   Art Galleries
                                                           `   Museums and Archives
                                                           `   Architectural and Design Firms

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College of Islamic Studies - Prospectus 2021/2022 - Hamad Bin Khalifa University
About CIS

Research Division

CIS’ Research Division consists of a number        Center for Islamic                                            Muhammad Bin Hamad Al                                  Research Center for Islamic
of research centers and clusters that foster
                                                   Economics and Finance                                         Thani Center for Muslim                                Legislation and Ethics (CILE)
interdisciplinary research to generate greater
collaborative learning and research work through   (CIEF)                                                        Contribution to Civilization
research clusters. It aims to increase research                                                                  (CMCC)
output and dissemination at CIS, including peer-
reviewed and high-impact publications, events
such as conferences and roundtables, media
reporting, grant proposals, as well as a data      CIEF provides thought leadership in the fields                CMCC grants non-Arabic speakers access                 CILE leads the reform and renewal of
repository (IBIR).                                 of Islamic banking and finance and is dedicated               to scholarly works, which highlight the                contemporary Islamic legal and ethical thought
                                                   to leading inquiries and convening discussions                contributions Muslims have made to human               and behavior by contributing to a sustainable
                                                   on the relationships between Islamic faith and                civilization by translating a selection of the Great   ethical framework for addressing contemporary
                                                   economic phenomena pertaining to the behavior                 Books of Islamic Civilization into English and         global challenges.
                                                   of individuals, institutions, and markets.                    other major languages.

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About CIS | Research Division

Al-Qaradawi Center for                            Islamic Bibliographic Info
Islamic Moderation and                            Repository (IBIR)
Renewal (QCIMR)

QCIMR is devoted to promoting moderation          IBIR is a CIS resource center to showcase
and the revival of Islamic thought through        all CIS research and publications of faculty
research, which envisions a society built         and research staff, student theses, events,
on moderation, cooperative openness, and          and reports published that are truly academic
enlightened justice, and is informed by a body    in nature. It acts as a repository and a
of knowledge that addresses contemporary          permanent portal of access to resources for
issues. These issues include human rights, the    the CIS community to create a better impact
status of women and the family, environmental     and enhance CIS’ visibility, especially in the
problems, challenges of war and peace, violence   scholarly community. It includes a component
and terrorism, and corruption.                    on a much-needed databank in niche areas
                                                  related to Islamic economics and finance.

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About CIS

                                  Research Clusters

                                  Research clusters are designed to provide a network-      Sustainable Development
                                  based, resource-rich environment to produce               Hosts theoretical debates and practical discussions
                                  collaborative research outcomes. A total of 30 projects   revolving around institutional dynamics, contextual
                                  have been awarded research grants through the first       barriers, and other factors that affect sustainable
                                  and second cycles of the research clusters to date.       development within the Muslim world.

                                  The broad, cross-disciplinary themes                      Islam and Global Affairs
                                  for the research clusters include:                        Explores the solutions that Islam provides
                                  Islamic Finance and Moral Economy                         to the issues, which affect humanity globally.
                                  Explores the relationships between the Islamic
                                  faith, the economic phenomenon, moral economies,          Religion and Innovation
                                  and technological developments such as fintech,           Addresses the 21st-century challenges and their
                                  blockchain, and digital financing, within the Islamic     impact on Islamic jurisprudence and the development
                                  finance industry.                                         of innovative Islamic solutions that meet the needs
                                                                                            of Muslims in their daily lives.
                                  Religion, Science and Education
                                  Critically analyzes some of the most pressing             Identity and Urban Life
                                  issues regarding science education in contemporary        Brings together contemporary theoretical and
                                  Muslim societies, and generates approaches and            critical discourses in relation to the identity and
                                  recommendations to address them.                          urban life, while highlighting the overlap of Islamic
                                                                                            values, Muslim identities, and urbanization.
                                  Islam, Civilization, and History
                                  Explores Islamic civilizational aspects in order          Applied Ethics
                                  to develop further the understanding of the               Focuses on the practical application of ethical
                                  Islamic contribution to human civilization.               concepts, particularly those emanating from
                                                                                            Islamic sources, to address contemporary moral
                                                                                            and ethical dilemmas.

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At a Glance

       6 Programs                                                                                                    60+ Nationalities
       PhD in Islamic Finance and Economy                                                                            across HBKU
       Master of Arts in Applied Islamic Ethics
       Master of Arts in Contemporary Islamic Studies
       Master of Arts in Islam and Global Affairs

                                                                                                                     Qatari Students (21%)
       Master of Science in Islamic Art, Architecture and Urbanism
       Master of Science in Islamic Finance

       164 Students
       across the College                                                                                            679 CIS Alumni

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College Programs

Doctor of Philosophy in Islamic
Finance and Economy

The PhD in Islamic Finance and Economy is an               Program Focus                                                  Social entrepreneurship:                                 Curriculum
innovative multidisciplinary program that provides         The program focuses on Qatar’s economy and                     Promote innovation, original thinking, and               A 54-credit program taught in English that includes:
students with the required analytical and research         businesses with expected spillover benefits in the             entrepreneurial creativity and acumen in applying        Five core courses (15 credits)
skills to understand, analyze, and interpret the           region and globally. In this sense, the program’s              Islamic finance and economics theories in Qatar          `   Applied Econometrics
workings of the rapidly expanding Islamic financial        curriculum philosophy and content are unique                   and other circular economy contexts.                     `   Applied topics in Usul Al Fiqh and Maqasid Al Shari’a
services and market sectors, and to tackle their           as they refer to local values, national targets,                                                                        `   Circular Economy and Comprehensive Development:
emerging challenges and opportunities. The program         and international goals. It also seeks to develop              Sustainability:                                              An Islamic Perspective
is centered on the national priorities as set out in the   synergy between the three through transformation,              Provide students with an in-depth understanding of       `   Entrepreneurship, Ethics, and Sustainability
Qatar National Vision 2030, on the local aspirations       social entrepreneurship, and shared prosperity                 the pivotal role played by entrepreneurs in developing   `   Islamic Financial Structuring: Strategies and Contracts
as enshrined in the objectives of the Shari’a, and         and well-being.                                                circular economy businesses and promoting inclusive
on global targets such as the UN Sustainable                                                                              and sustainable economic growth and wealth.              Two elective courses (6 credits)
Development Goals.                                         The following are the main features of the program:                                                                     `   Students can select one course from the available
                                                                                                                          Responsible finance and economics:                           courses offered in the program.
A key motivation for the PhD program is to                 Quantitative foundation:                                       Foster a deep understanding of environmental, social,    `   Students can select one course from the available
develop unique and innovative approaches for               Examine how to critically investigate and analyze              and governance concerns and analysis of Islamic              PhD course catalogs of other HBKU Colleges.
the continuous transformation of economies                 the relationship between finance, economics, and               finance and economic principles, through which
to be more responsible, inclusive, and resilient.          Shari’a by using both qualitative and quantitative             students become prepared to participate effectively      Thesis (33 credits)
The policy relevance for Islamic finance continues         research methodologies.                                        in reforming theories, practices, and policies.          This component includes dissertation proposal
to increase, alongside the need to understand and                                                                                                                                  seminars, dissertation progress workshops, and
integrate concepts such as responsible finance,            Shari’a studies:                                                                                                        dissertation defense seminars, in addition to a
green finance, and circular economies.                     Acquire the abilities to interweave the tenets                                                                          pre-dissertation comprehensive examination.
                                                           and values of Shari’a with the theory and practice
                                                           of finance and economics, and develop a mindset                                                                         International scholarship students can study for a
                                                           to analyze, innovate, and create solutions to                                                                           maximum of four years, and Qatar-based working
                                                           contemporary challenges.                                                                                                students may study for up to six years.

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College Programs

Master of Arts in Contemporary
Islamic Studies

The MA in Contemporary Islamic Studies offers            Program Focus                                                 Curriculum
students a unique opportunity to enjoy a strong          The MA in Contemporary Islamic Studies program                A 36-credit degree program taught over two years        Three elective course (9 credits)*
multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary graduate         covers Islamic knowledge sources and addresses                that includes:
education across a range of core subjects, while         the role they play in understanding pressing                                                                          Thesis (9 credits)
also enabling them to pursue a specialization            issues in the contemporary world. The program                 Three foundation courses (9 credits)
in one important area within the field of modern         focuses on teaching the skills required to produce            `   Foundations of Islamic Thought                      *Students can select up to three elective courses from
Islamic scholarship.                                     graduates with exceptional knowledge of Islam in              `   Contemporary Quranic and Hadith Studies             the range of options offered within each specialization.
                                                         the modern context and significant critical thinking.         `   Applied Research Methodologies in Islamic Studies   Students also have the option of selecting one elective
The program is tailored to examine traditional Islamic   It develops graduates who can practice the                                                                            course from the CIS catalog.
knowledge and place such knowledge in the context        values of moderation and gain an understanding                A choice of two specializations (9 credits)
of the challenges faced by modern society.               of present-day challenges that have grown more                `   Fiqh and Society (taught in Arabic)
                                                         complex as a result of pluralism and globalization.               `   Non-textual Legal Sources
Islamic Studies is a discipline that is widely taught                                                                      `   Fatwa, Family and Society, and Fiqh
in universities across the world. However, the blended                                                                     `   Politics and the State
combination of specialties and research offered at                                                                     `   Contemporary Islamic Thought (taught in English)
HBKU is especially unique.                                                                                                 `   Islam and Modernity
                                                                                                                           `   Islamic Thought and Postcolonial Studies
                                                                                                                           `   Islamic Law and Society

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College Programs

Master of Science in Islamic Finance

The MS in Islamic Finance is a specialized program        Program Focus                                                 Curriculum                                            `   Islamic Corporate Finance and Asset Management
that teaches qualitative and quantitative methods         Islamic banking in Qatar constitutes approximately            A 36-credit degree program taught over two years          `   Applied Quantitative Methods in Islamic Finance
of analysis in both Islamic and conventional finance.     25 percent of local banking activity. The MS in               in English that includes:                                 `   Islamic Asset and Fund Management
                                                          Islamic Finance program is focused on giving                                                                            `   Islamic Corporate Finance
This innovative program has been developed to             graduate students a greater understanding of the              Five core courses (15 credits)                            `   Elective*
offer students a unique opportunity to enjoy a            practical business applications of Shari’a.                   `   Principles and Objectives of Islamic Law
strong multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary                                                                          `   Islamic Financial Contracts                       Thesis (9 credits)
graduate education across a range of core subjects.       By emphasizing practical as well as theoretical               `   Islamic Economics and Development in Theory
It also enables participants to pursue a specialization   aspects of Islamic finance, students are better able              and Practice                                      *Students can select an elective course from a set
in one of several important areas within the field        to address global opportunities and participate               `   Islamic Banking and Financial Markets in Theory   range of options provided within the program.
of Islamic Finance, including Banking Operations          effectively in business and financial sectors.                    and Practice
and Risk Management, and Corporate Finance and                                                                          `   Research Methods
Asset Management.
                                                                                                                        A choice of two concentrations (12 credits)
The mixed philosophy of the program enables                                                                             `   Islamic Banking and Risk Management
graduates to attain the skills needed to understand                                                                         `   Analysis of Financial Statements with
the global financial system, and proposes viable                                                                                Applications to Islamic Banks
alternatives to existing models, by blending guidance                                                                       `   Islamic Financial Services Development:
from Shari’a with modern scientific knowledge and                                                                               Legal and Regulatory Issues
the techniques of economics and finance.                                                                                    `   Risk Management with Applications
                                                                                                                                to Islamic Banks
This popular master’s program is one of an extremely                                                                        `   Elective*
limited number of top-tier specialized Islamic Finance
programs globally.

30                                                                                         College of Islamic Studies   Prospectus 2021/2022                                                                                            31
College Programs

Master of Science in Islamic Art,
Architecture and Urbanism

In light of contemporary developments in the               Program Focus                                                 a lecture series in collaboration with the Museum            A choice of three specializations (9 credits)
integration of Islamic art and its reformulation           The MS in Islamic Art, Architecture and Urbanism              of Islamic Art in Doha, and opportunities to explore         `   Specialization I: Islamic Arts:
in modern architecture, there is a growing need            program is unique in focus, structure, and                    a different country in the Islamic world every year.             History and Cultural Display
for experts who are able to combine heritage with          content with no similar program being offered in              It is a personalized program that enables students               `   Islamic Objects and Manuscripts
contemporary techniques and trends through                 the Islamic world. The program focuses on the                 to understand current dynamics in the field using                `   Museum and Exhibition Studies
providing innovative architectural and urban               critical construction, acquisition, dissemination,            the skills acquired during the course of study.                  `   Elective*
design solutions.                                          and application of art history, architecture, and                                                                          `   Specialization II: Contemporary Mosque
                                                           urbanism to international institutions in general,            Curriculum                                                       Architecture
The MS in Islamic Art, Architecture and Urbanism           and more specifically to diverse Islamic societies.           A 36-credit degree program taught over two years                 `   Islamic Architecture and Urbanism
is a multidisciplinary program conducted in                                                                              in English that includes:                                            in the 20 th and 21st Centuries
collaboration with the University of Oxford in the         The program is comprehensive in nature, as it                                                                                  `   Mosque Architecture Design
UK. It aims to equip future designers, curators,           delves into the art, architecture, and urbanism of            One foundation course (3 credits)                                `   Elective*
and historians with a critical and informed                a wide range of Islam-influenced civilizations. It            `   Qur’anic Civilizations, Geography, and Archaeology       `   Specialization III: Sustainable Cities
understanding of Islamic art and architecture,             offers specializations that aim to develop critical                                                                            of Muslim Societies
in order to create and publish socially relevant           tools for the analysis of buildings and public                Six core courses (18 credits)                                    `   Contemporary Cities for Muslim Societies
material that promotes self-identity in the region.        spaces at different scales, and advanced skills for           `   History of Islamic Art and Architecture I (650-1250)         `   Globalization, Cities, and Urban Policies
                                                           their application in architectural design projects.           `   History of Islamic Art and Architecture II (1250-1900)       `   Elective*
This program encourages research towards                   Another track endeavors to develop expertise in               `   Independent Project Modelling
safeguarding Islamic cultural heritage by examining        the study and display of historical objects and the           `   Research and Design Methods                              Thesis (6 credits)
the contextual history of Islamic art, architecture, and   deep understanding and appreciation required to               `   Survey of Architectural Typologies of the
urbanism. Graduates of this program will be able to        exhibit such objects.                                             Islamic World                                            *Students can select an elective course from the
pursue careers in Islamic art history, contemporary                                                                      `   Sustainable Islamic Urbanism: Past and Present           program, or from the catalogs of HBKU’s College
mosque architecture, and sustainable urbanism fields.      The program utilizes creative platforms outside                                                                            of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHSS) or HBKU’s
                                                           the traditional classroom, such as collaborative                                                                           College of Science and Engineering (CSE).
                                                           workshops by international figures in the field,

32                                                                                          College of Islamic Studies   Prospectus 2021/2022                                                                                             33
College Programs

Master of Arts in Islam and Global Affairs

The MA in Islam and Global Affairs (IGA) is a one-of-a-    Program Focus                                                 Curriculum                                             Two specialization courses (6 credits)
kind program that provides an opportunity to analyze       The purpose of the MA in IGA is to provide                    A 36-credit degree program taught over two years       `   Special Topics in Islam & Global Affairs
the place of Islam in the context of global affairs, and   opportunities to examine issues pertaining                    in English that includes:                              `   A choice of one specialization course out of
the interconnected challenges facing global Muslim         to Islam and global developments by utilizing                                                                            two options:
communities from an interdisciplinary perspective.         innovative teaching and learning strategies.                  Three foundation courses (9 credits)                       `   Islam and Global Governance
                                                           The program offers both traditional and disruptive            `   Introduction to Islam & Global Affairs                 `   Humanitarian Action in the Muslim World
The program encourages students to be active,              learning tools, techniques, and methods to study              `   Islamic Worldview
autonomous, and critical contributors in their             the complex relationships between Islam, human                `   Research Methods                                   I-Lab (3 credits)
chosen field of research. Through research and             development, and economic transformation in
integrative lab assignments, they are able to              the Muslim world and globally.                                Three core courses (9 credits)                         Thesis (9 credits)
explore complex, interconnected global issues                                                                            `   Global Inequalities
in collaboration with local and international              The student-centered approach and individualized              `   Islam, Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding
organizations. Graduates of this program will              learning experience embodies a global focus,                  `   Globalization and Faith-Based Development
possess the skills to become multidimensional              interdisciplinary approach, and practical scope,
ethical global leaders and change makers.                  through the utilization of multiple creative
Students of the program analyze how Islam
promotes a concern for human well-being and                Integrative Lab (I-Lab): Students are supported
dignity on a global level. They develop a deeper           with creative design, thinking tools, and production
understanding of how the values of Islamic teachings       platforms. I-Labs provide personalized working
promote peace and cooperation across cultures,             spaces and international exposure to enable
religions, and geographies.                                them to work on and develop solutions to a
                                                           global problem.

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College Programs

Master of Arts in Applied Islamic Ethics

The first program of its kind worldwide, the MA in        Program Focus                                                  Curriculum                                           `   Business Ethics
Applied Islamic Ethics addresses how Islam, as a          The MA in Applied Islamic Ethics is designed                   A 36-credit degree program taught over two years     `   Peace, War, and Politics of Ethics
world religion with a rich moral heritage, engages        to equip students with the skills required to                  in English that includes:                            `   Gender and Islamic Ethics
with and contributes to global moral discourses.          master the tools of theoretical ethics and how                                                                      `   Ethical Issues in Psychology
Its strong interdisciplinary character combines           they can be applied to address leading-edge                    Two foundation courses (6 credits)                   `   Environmental Ethics
in-depth knowledge of both theoretical and applied        ethical dilemmas from the perspective of the                   `   Islamic Ethics: Mapping the Field                `   Art and Ethics
ethics rooted in the Islamic tradition. The program       rich Islamic ethical tradition.                                `   Research Methods and Sources on Ethics           `   Comparative Religious Ethics
is consistent with the Qatar National Vision 2030                                                                                                                             `   Ethics in Science and Technology
by enhancing a knowledge-based society and                The overall structure of the program is                        Two theoretical courses (6 credits)
with HBKU’s mission to develop world-class                designed to balance two main aspects: ‘the                     `   Scriptural Ethics: Ethics in Qur’an and Sunnah   Thesis (9 credits)
interdisciplinary academic programs.                      academic aspect’ of Islamic ethics, through                    `   Theological and Philosophical Ethics
                                                          a scholarly approach rooted in the Islamic                                                                          *With approval, students can also choose either
Graduates of this program will have the skills to         scholarly tradition; and ‘the applied aspect’,                 A choice of five electives out of twelve options     a tutorial or internship as an elective.
continue their academic studies at the PhD level in       to improve students’ skills in addressing the                  (15 credits)*
the many fields covered in this program. They may         vexing ethical dilemmas and questions that                     `   Ethical Reasoning and Moral Decision-Making
also choose to work in a professional environment         people face in contemporary times—adding                       `   Islamic Bioethics
by regulating ethical guidelines and policies in          critical value to professional qualifications.                 `   Ethics of Migration and Human Rights
government and private institutions active in a wide                                                                     `   Islamic Ethics of Pandemics
range of areas, including biomedical sciences,
engineering, business, politics, family, migrant labor,
and human rights – in Muslim and Western contexts.

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                                  Admission Requirements

                                  Applicants seeking admission to the graduate             PhD applicants must demonstrate strong evidence
                                  programs at the College of Islamic Studies should        that they possess the qualities to become successful
                                  have a strong academic record (minimum 3.0 GPA           researchers and professionals. This includes
                                  out of 4.0) from a recognized university.                outstanding performance in relevant coursework,
                                                                                           as well as a proven track record of high motivation
                                  Applicants to the masters programs should have           and commitment to innovative and original research.
                                  a bachelor’s degree while applicants to the PhD          Applicants with prior research and work experience in
                                  program should have a master’s degree.                   financial services and related fields are preferred.

                                  PhD applicants are also required to submit a valid GRE
                                  General Test or GMAT score at the time of application.

40   College of Islamic Studies   Prospectus 2021/2022                                                                                            41

Please refer to the following table for a summary of the admission criteria:
Program                          Required Field of Study            Language Proficiency
MA in Contemporary               Islamic Studies, Middle Eastern    IELTS: 6.5 or TOEFL:79
Islamic Studies:                 Studies, Religious Studies; or     Further details about the language proficiency
Specialization in                relatable areas within the Arts,   requirement and the process to seek exemption
Contemporary Islamic             Humanities and Social Sciences     (where this is an option) are available on the website:
Thought                          with appropriate experience.

MA in Contemporary               Shari’a, Fiqh, Usul al-Fiqh,       Must demonstrate proficiency in Arabic through previous
Islamic Studies:                 or a related area within Islamic   studies (e.g. completing an undergraduate degree in which
Specialization in Fiqh           Studies, Usul al-Din and Qanun.    the language of instruction was Arabic or by completing
and Society                                                         a proficiency examination offered by CIS). In addition,
                                                                    students need to prove their English language proficiency
                                                                    by providing a score equivalent to TOEFL 35-45 or IELTS 5.
                                                                    Exemption is possible if applicants have studied in English.
MA in Islam and Global Affairs   All fields                         IELTS: 6.5 or TOEFL:79
                                                                    Further details about the language proficiency
MA in Applied Islamic Ethics                                        requirement and the process to seek exemption
                                                                    (where this is an option) are available on the website:
PhD in Islamic Finance           Economics, Business,               IELTS: 6.5 or TOEFL:79
and Economy                      Finance, Accounting,               Further details about the language proficiency
                                 Shari’a, or a related field        requirement and the process to seek exemption
MS in Islamic Finance                                               (where this is an option) are available on the website:
MS in Islamic Art,               Art History, Archaeology,          IELTS: 6.5 or TOEFL:79
Architecture,                    Interior Architecture/             Further details about the language proficiency
and Urbanism                     Design, Architecture,              requirement and the process to seek exemption
                                 and Urban Planning                 (where this is an option) are available on the website:

42                                                                                                    College of Islamic Studies   Prospectus 2021/2022   43

Application Requirements

Application:                                               Standardized test results:                                    Letters of recommendation:                                Resume/curriculum vitae:
A completed online application form:                       Official copies (where required) must be sent directly        Applicants should submit two letters of                   Applicants should submit a copy of their current                                     to HBKU. Please refer to the institutional codes below:       recommendation, one of which must be from                 resume or curriculum vitae as part of the online
                                                           `   GRE: 7551                                                 an academic referee. Referees should send their           application. This should include the following
Academic transcripts:                                      `   GMAT: H6S                                                 letters of recommendation from their professional         information:
Official electronic copies of transcripts should be        `   TOEFL: 4981                                               email directly to             `   Academic Qualifications
submitted as part of the online application. Final         `   IELTS: No code required. Students should ask the          and mention the name of the applicant and program         `   Professional Experience
transcripts and graduation statements are required             IELTS center where they tested to send the IELTS          they are applying to in the subject line of the email.    `   Publications
for all previous university studies. All transcripts           TRF to HBKU                                                                                                         `   Research Projects
submitted should include an explanation of the                                                                           Letters which are not directly written for this program   `   Academic Awards or Honors
grading system. For those who have not completed           Applicants should also submit copies of their test            or which are incomplete will not be accepted.             `   Conference Presentations
their current studies, transcripts must include results    scores with the online application.
from the last completed semester of coursework.                                                                          Personal statement of interest:                           Identification document:
Transcripts in languages other than English or Arabic                                                                    Applicants should submit a personal statement             Applicants should submit an electronic copy
must be accompanied with an official translation.                                                                        as part of the online application. The statement          of their passport as part of their online application.
Applicants who are admitted to the program based                                                                         should explain why the candidate is applying to           Nationals and residents of Qatar should also
on copies of or incomplete transcripts will be required                                                                  the program, and how their studies will contribute        submit their valid Qatar ID.
to provide original transcripts upon enrollment in order                                                                 to the achievement of their personal objectives,
to register for courses.                                                                                                 including information about the applicant’s
                                                                                                                         research interests and achievements (minimum
                                                                                                                         of 300, maximum of 500 words).

44                                                                                          College of Islamic Studies   Prospectus 2021/2022                                                                                               45
Student Funding

     The College of Islamic Studies provides
     opportunities for scholarships and funding
     on a competitive basis. Further information
     will be provided to applicants who are
     admitted to the program.

46                                                 College of Islamic Studies   Prospectus 2021/2022   47
Contact Information

     Admission inquiries:

     General inquiries:           HBKU              HBKU          Hamad Bin Khalifa University

                                  Hamad Bin Khalifa University
     P.O. Box: 34110
                                  Hamad Bin Khalifa University
     Doha – Qatar

48                                                College of Islamic Studies

 Hamad Bin Khalifa University
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