Coffee Bean Issue 30

Page created by Ana Price
Coffee Bean Issue 30
Coffee Bean
          Issue 30
Coffee Bean Issue 30
in this issue...
USAID Joins Nespresso
 and TechnoServe to
Support South Sudan’s                                Editor: Jay Cee
   Coffee Farmers
  10 Household uses for
   used coffee grounds
                                                    Design: The Coffee Bean Team
      Fuel made from old

      Grower’s Cup The
      Disposable French                             Contributors:
            Press                                   Briancee - Poet

Welcome to another issue.        covering fuel made from old       Until next time, the Ed
                                 coffee grounds.
It is apparent that coffee is
becoming one of the most         Canadian coffee chain Second
expensive commodities            Cup is to expand across
around the world.                London but do we need
                                 any more coffee chains in
In Across the Pond Usaid joins   London? I am not sure myself.
Nespresso and Techno to
support South Sudan’s coffee     The Gadget Section hosts the
farmers and much investment      disposable coffee machine
has been made to give people     which is a really neat idea and
hope for the future.             I would like to try one – they
                                 are on Amazon with a price tag
Note another article from        of around £2.50 to £4.00 - well
Joey Kramer – Joey Kramer        worth a taste at that price.
Takes Over the Airwaves at
100.7FM WZLX, Boston’s           Then there are the poor
Classic Rock and check out the   Greek coffee drinkers as tax
10 household hints from used     hikes threaten to brew up a
coffee grounds together with     storm for Greece’s culture.
an interesting article
Coffee Bean Issue 30
From Across The Pond
USAID Joins                           Quality™ Program, which
                                      provides support, training and
                                                                          trees we had lost during the war;
                                                                          and since we started maintaining
Nespresso and                         technical assistance to improve
                                      sustainability and productivity,
                                                                          our trees and delivering to
                                                                          the wet mills our lives have

TechnoServe to                        while maintaining the highest
                                      quality coffee. South Sudan’s
                                                                          completely changed,” said South
                                                                          Sudanese coffee farmer Daniel
                                      first wet mills (equipment          Lomoro. “We can now afford
Support South                         to process coffee cherries          to take our children to good
                                      into coffee beans) have been        schools and meet the basic
Sudan’s Coffee                        established, and the first
                                      coffee export was sold as a
                                                                          needs of the family. This wouldn’t
                                                                          have been possible without that
Farmers                               Nespresso Limited Edition in
                                      France last year.
                                                                          technical support. Nespresso and
                                                                          TechnoServe have strengthened us
$3.18 million investment will                                             and taught us to be self-reliant.”
accelerate development of the          “This new partnership with          “We can also see that it can
country’s coffee market               USAID will be instrumental          lift the family, lift the nation and
New York, April 2016 –                to accelerate the progress          can bring good things,” added
Nespresso and TechnoServe,            Nespresso and TechnoServe have      South Sudanese farmer Nicholas
a development non-profit              already made, working directly      Taban Solomon. “One will not
organization, are pleased to          with South Sudanese farmers,”       be poor as before. The poverty
announce a new partnership            said Jean-Marc Duvoisin, CEO of     is reducing, and you will have
with the United States Agency         Nestlé Nespresso. “This funding     a better life. So we advise that
for International Development         injection will allow us to scale    everyone should plant coffee for
(USAID) to strengthen efforts         up the project and help an even     the future to uplift the nation.”
to rebuild the coffee industry        greater number of farmers grow
in the new country of South           and sell high quality coffee for    USAID’s contribution will help
Sudan and improve coffee              international export at a higher    expand the existing initiative
farmer livelihoods. USAID will        price, thus creating a better       to support a thriving and
invest $3.18 million during           quality of life for farmers and     inclusive coffee sector in South
three years in the project,           their families.”                    Sudan by increasing scale and
which has already helped revive                                           ensuring lasting impact. The
South Sudan’s coffee industry,        George Clooney, Nespresso           funding injection will also allow
diversify its export market and       Brand Ambassador commented,         the program to be extended
raise the household incomes of        “Coffee is a much-needed source     to new communities, allowing
smallholder coffee farmers.           of income for farmers in South      more farmers in South Sudan to
Since 2011, Nespresso and             Sudan – a country still ravaged     benefit from the revival of South
TechnoServe have worked               by war. Investing in grassroots     Sudan’s coffee industry.
directly with local farmers           development and empowerment         The initiative aims to triple
to revive high-quality coffee         of local farming communities will   coffee incomes and improve
production in South Sudan, while      help provide the foundation for     household resilience. By 2019,
developing commercial channels        sustainable economic development.   the program will have trained
to enable its sale and export.        This commitment by USAID is a       1,500 South Sudanese farmers, of
Nespresso has already invested        strong signal of the relevance of   whom at least 25 percent will be
over $2.5 million in the project.     the program that Nespresso and      women, and helped establish nine
The country’s coffee industry was     TechnoServe have built up with      cooperative-owned wet mills.
decimated after years of civil war,   these communities, allowing it to   “In a severely conflict-affected
and oil now comprises 99 percent      reach even more farmers in more     country like South Sudan,
of its exports.                       areas of the country.”              it’s important that we invest
                                                                          in people to help improve
To date, more than 700 farmers        “The existence of the               livelihoods, reduce extreme
have been integrated into the         programme in South Sudan has        poverty and give people hope
Nespresso AAA Sustainable             helped us recover the coffee        about the future,” said USAID
Coffee Bean Issue 30
Assistant Administrator for Africa    the Future, helping to reduce           which could have important
Linda Etim. “By helping expand        poverty and malnutrition through        positive economic and political
the success that Nespresso            agricultural development.               implications down the road.”
and TechnoServe have already                                                  Nespresso Sustainability
achieved in improving the             “Despite great difficulties, the        Innovation Fund Nespresso has
livelihoods of South Sudan’s          coffee farmers of South Sudan           also launched its Nespresso
coffee farmers, USAID is planting     have shown extraordinary                Sustainability Innovation Fund,
seeds of hope at a very fragile       determination to improve the            which has been established
and uncertain time for the            future for their children, their        to facilitate investment from
people of South Sudan. We’re          communities, and ultimately,            Nespresso in coffee origin revival
encouraged to see a company like      their country,” said William            and coffee supply chain resilience
Nespresso investing in long-term      Warshauer, President and CEO            projects that go beyond the
growth in South Sudan and look        of TechnoServe. “Working with           usual business operations of
forward to working together to        us and Nespresso, they have             the company. Nespresso is
expand economic growth and            been proud to share their               committing an initial $10 million
opportunity in the country.”          unique coffee with the world            in specific innovative coffee value
                                      and to contribute to a more             chain initiatives in the coming
Through its focus on improving        sustainable economic base for           three years (2016-2018).
smallholder livelihoods, this         their country. With increased
partnership also complements          funding from USAID, coffee              These announcements come as
the goals of the U.S.                 has the potential to eventually         part of the fourth annual meeting
Government’s global hunger            become one of the biggest non-          of the Nespresso Sustainability
and food security initiative, Feed    oil exports for South Sudan,            Advisory Board.

Aerosmith’s Joey Kramer Takes Over the Airwaves at 100.7FM
                WZLX, Boston’s Classic Rock
​ offee talk, celebrity interviews,
C                                     the app for mobile devices.   of java and rock ‘n roll will
curated playlists and more as                                                 come together to witness “DJ
Kramer guest deejays from June        During his guest DJ-ing stint,          Kramedog” sign off of the radio
29 to July 1                          Kramer will be game for true            waves and christen his new 1,500
                                      coffee talk with listeners              square foot coffeehouse with a
BOSTON, MA (June 10, 2016)            dialing in while also conducting        rockstar edge.
– Aerosmith drummer turned            interviews with rockstar
coffee mogul, Joey Kramer, soon       friends like Aerosmith’s Tom            Joey Kramer’s Rockin’ & Roastin’
will be Rockin’ & Roastin’ across     Hamilton and Brad Whitford. “DJ         Café will feature a custom-
the airwaves as a guest deejay on     Kramedog” also will chat with           designed illuminated sign boasting
100.7FM WZLX, Boston’s Classic        locally based celebrities such          the Rockin’ & Roastin’ dragon,
Rock. From Wednesday, June 29,        as actor Kevin Chapman, car             a glass jewel case visible from
through Friday, July 1, Kramer will   kingpin Ernie Boch, Jr., politico       the roadways with Kramer’s
become “DJ Kramedog” during           Scott Brown, comedian Lenny             full drum kit from the “Global
the morning drive program from        Clark and more. Additionally,           Warming” world tour, a ceiling
6:00-9:00AM. The special three-       Kramer will curate playlists of his     lined with undulating rock-and-
day airing will culminate with a      all-time favorite songs spanning        roll images and memorabilia
live broadcast from Kramer’s          the decades, as well as Rockin’         while classic rock-and-roll music
soon-to-open Joey Kramer’s            & Roastin’ giveaways throughout         videos and legendary concerts
Rockin’ & Roastin’ Café in North      the three mornings.                     play on screens, table seating and
Attleborough, which will double                                               plush couches, a seasonal patio,
as the grand opening celebration      On Friday, July 1, the final day of     and more. Baristas will prepare
of Kramer’s new coffee sanctuary.     Kramer’s guest DJ-ing whirlwind         a variety of coffee drinks using
Kramer, whose coffee company          will take place at the official         the traditional Rockin’ & Roastin’
Rockin’ & Roastin’s products          ribbon cutting celebration of his       brews (Guatemala, Ethiopia,
can be found at thousands of          first brick and mortar venture          Sumatra), a signature espresso,
locations throughout New              in Massachusetts: Joey Kramer’s         an all-natural Swiss water-based
England, will take to the radio       Rockin’ & Roastin’ Café, located        decaffeinated version, organic
with WZLX’s Cha-Chi Loprete.          at the intersection of Routes 1         flavored coffees such as French
Fans can tune in over-the-air,        and 1A in North Attleborough.           vanilla and hazelnut, seasonal
online at or via         Open to the public, lovers              blends and cappuccinos. For
Coffee Bean Issue 30
those looking to snack, Joey            a full line of Rockin’ & Roastin’     Rockin’ & Roastin’ Café on Friday,
Kramer’s Rockin’ & Roastin’ Café        merchandise available including       July 1, from 6:00-9:00am followed
will offer fresh goods including        branded apparel as well as            by the ribbon cutting celebration.
coffee cakes, Danishes, pastries        12-ounce bags and single-serve        Joey Kramer’s Rockin’ & Roastin’
and muffins that are baked              cups of Kramer’s signature brews.     Café will be located at 551B
in-house as well as breakfast           The public is invited to attend the   South Washington Street in
sandwiches. There also will be          live broadcast from Joey Kramer’s     North Attleborough, MA.


10 Household uses for used coffee grounds
Household Uses                          not only adds a savoury-sweet         this – they need some time to
                                        flavour to your BBQ (pork             break down in the compost for
1. Remove hard-to-clean dirt on         works best with this) but once        this to work.
tiles and kitchen counters. Mix         your meat is cooked, it will be
your grounds with soapy water           fork-tender.                          9. Banish slugs and snails Instead
and scrub on the surface of the                                               of salting your outdoor surfaces
stain with a dishcloth.                 Beauty                                to keep away the slugs, just
                                                                              sprinkle the used grounds on
2. Clean a dirty grill. The thinking    6. Reduce under-eye puffiness.        your patio and around the flower
behind this is the same as the          It’s not just teabags that can do     beds and you will never have
above. The grainy texture of the        this - coffee too has been known      to deal with slugs again as they
grounds will remove the build-up        to remove puffiness from under        don’t like the acidity of coffee.
of grease.                              your eyes. Simply mix up the          Reduce the pH levels of your soil
                                        coffee grounds with some water        by scattering used coffee grounds
3. Exterminate fleas from your          and make into a paste. Smear it       for bright blue hydrangeas.
pet. When bathing your dog              on the affected area and leave to
(or cat), after shampooing and          rest for 15 minutes.                  Arts and Crafts
before rinsing rub some of the
grounds into their fur.Mix up           7. Wash your hair. The grittiness     10. Make new wood look old A
coffee grounds with shampoo for         of the grounds will strip your        tablespoon of coffee grounds,
an inexpensive way to get rid of        hair of product build up f and        white vinegar, one steel wool
product build up.                       leave it squeaky clean. Brunettes     pad and an old jam jar are all
                                        will benefit most from this as        you need. Simply place the steel
4. Erase scratches off your             coffee also darkens your hair         wool and grounds in the jar and
furniture. Mix up the grounds           colour.                               fill it to the top with the vinegar.
with vinegar and warm water and                                               Let the mixture stew for a day.
rub the paste gently on to the          In The Garden                         The vinegar will slowly start to
scratched surface. Use a cotton                                               dissolve the steel wool, which
bud for thin and faint scratches.       8. Composting Rich in nitrogen,       will give your wood a silvery
                                        coffee grounds are great for          patina. Once the 24 hours are up,
5.As a meat tenderiser and seasoning.   composting and a firm favourite       all you need to do is remove the
This works in two ways Coffee           of worms. If you have a compost       steel wool (remember to wear
grounds work as a tenderiser            pile, use one part freshly mown       gloves) and start painting over
because, as they caramelise, they       grass clippings to one part leaves    your piece of wood. Let the first
form a crust that locks in all          to one part grounds. Don’t just       coat dry, brush off the coffee
the moisture of the meat. This          use freshly brewed grounds for        grounds and apply a second coat.
Coffee Bean Issue 30
This fuel made from old coffee will launch
     in the summer, at half the price of wood
Used coffee grounds have been          customers by the summer, Mr             one in 10 of the cups of coffee
turned into a cheap, renewable         Kay said.                               drunk in the UK.
fuel that can be used in wood-
burning stoves, according to           “We are hoping to generate sales        Mr Kay has spent “many millions”
a young entrepreneur who claims        of £50,000 through pre-orders, as       on developing the technology:
his invention will cost half the       it’s the first year and we don’t want   “Building factories and dealing
price of wood or charcoal.             to push too hard,” Mr Kay said.         with chemicals, waste and energy
                                       Bio-bean has funded the                 are very expensive,” Mr Kay said.
Bio-bean, which was founded            development of the coffee               This cash has come from winning
three years ago by architecture        briquettes from cash in the business.   several awards and competitions.
student Arthur Kay, collects           Bio-bean has contracts with a           Most recently, the company
coffee slops from a network            number of large coffee companies        won €500,000 (£400,000) from
of coffee shops, retailers, airports   and waste management firms to           the Green Challenge competition,
and coffee factories, and turns        pick up their old coffee grounds,       which is funded by the Dutch
them into biofuel.                     turn them into fuel, and sell           Postcode Lottery.
                                       them back to the company
The grounds are stripped of oil        at a price that represents a            Bio-bean has also “topped up”
and packed together to form small      significant saving on wood or           its cash reserves with angel
bricks, which do not release an        fossil fuel alternatives.               investment and venture capital.
aroma when burnt, despite being                                                Mr Kay has big ambitions for
made from used coffee.                 In the past these companies             the company. “I have been in
                                       were paying £64 a tonne for the         Spain also in Germany, and we
To date, the business has done         waste to be dumped in landfill,         can apply our technology and
deals with big business customers      with transport costs taking the         business model to any coffee-
but it is now launching its first      total per tonne to £154.                drinking nation.”
consumer product. “No one              The company has been praised
has an emotional attachment            for its “great innovation” by trade     Bio-Bean has previously stated a
to their fuel at the moment but        body, the Renewable Energy              forecast turnover of £7.5m this
we’re trying to create that with       Association, for finding a way to       year but the success of the new
Bio-bean,” said Mr Kay. Bio-bean       use commercial waste for fuel.          briquette business could drive up
is launching its new briquettes        Bio-bean has the capacity to            revenues even further.  
through a pre-order campaign           make 50,000 tonnes of biomass
on Crowdfunder next month.             at its Cambridge factory each
The first bags will arrive with        year - that’s using grains from
Coffee Bean Issue 30
Light indulgence with
Zuma Skinny Frappé
Zuma Frappés have always been               shot before you blend and you             Vanilla Frappé, Zuma Sticky Toffee
low in fat, but now with sugar at           have a delicious Caffé Frappé,            Frappé and Zuma Yogurt Frappé.
the forefront of everyone’s minds,          a menu staple, with fewer than            To find out more about the
we’re delighted to launch our               300 calories when sticking with           full Zuma range; get in touch
new Zuma Vanilla Skinny Frappé              skimmed milk. This of course also         with the team on hello@
with 50% less sugar. The most               helps keep your own coffee sales, or call +44
appealing trend to consumers is             up when the temperatures rise.            (0)117 953 3522
having low-sugar and low-calorie            You can easily expand your menu
alternatives.Your customers                 adding different flavours without
are becoming more aware and                 the calories. No Summer menu
this is changing their purchasing           is complete without a delicious
decisions, Zuma Skinny Frappé               Caramel Frappé, easily made with
will help you and your menus to             Sweetbird Sugar-free Caramel
stay ahead of the trend.                    Syrup, and still a lower sugar option.

Our delicious new frappé is just as         With 47% of consumers looking
versatile and tasty as our non-dairy        to try new flavours there has
Vanilla Frappé, and it’s approved           never been a better time to be
for vegetarians. Zuma Skinny Vanilla        adventurous and bold with your
Frappé is the ideal option to offer         flavour choices.You can also use
a wide range of tasty frappés that          our Skinny Vanilla Frappé with
will appeal to even your waist-             smoothie mixes, frozen and
conscious customers.                        fresh fruit to create delicious
                                            fruit smoothies with an added
Like all our frappés, the Zuma              creaminess. Available now in
Skinny Frappé is easy to make.              1kg bags, Zuma Skinny Vanilla
Fill a 12oz cup with ice, top with          Frappé is the latest edition to the
milk and pour into a blender. Add           range of 8 Zuma Frappes, which
one scoop of the frappé powder              includes Zuma Caffé Frappé,
and blend until smooth. Pour                Zuma Chocolate Frappé, Zuma
back into the cup and serve with            Cookies & Cream Frappé, Zuma
a straw. Simply add an espresso             Mocha Frappé, Zuma Non-Dairy

Canadian coffee chain Second Cup to expand across London
Second Cup coffee company all the           course coffee, and frozen yoghurt.
way from Canada has revealed plans          This is a period of unrivalled
for the UK coffee market.They are to        expansion for the brand, which
open five new sites across the UK this      made its UK debut in Manchester in
year, the aim is to increase its share of   2014, followed by branches opening       There are now over 160 Second
the UK’s £7.9bn coffee market..             in Birmingham, then In London’s          Cup cafes operating internationally
                                            Portobello Road.                         and the UK coffee market is set to
The coffee chain are set to launch                                                   be worth over £15bn by 2020, with
in Putney, Harrow, Kensington and           Second Cup opened its first café in      an estimated 30,000 outlets
Cardiff and as-yet an unconfirmed           Toronto, Ontario in 1975 and over        nationwide.
location later this summer.                 the past 40 years has expanded to
                                            over 30 regions worldwide including
The Toronto-based chain, which              the United States, Iraq, Egypt, Cyprus, Coffee Bean Research
serves cold pressed juices and of           Romania and Pakistan
Coffee Bean Issue 30
Edy Bieker Wins                        shared decades of hard work,           during the same time period. This
                                       research and fieldwork in the          has allowed him and his team
Scae’s Lifetime                        name of quality. He then thanked       to gather extensive particulars
Achievement Award                      his long-standing colleagues and       and statistics, enabling them
                                       Sandalj board members Enrico           to construct a standardised
                                       Venuti and Maurizio Rossmann,          espresso cupping process.
                                       and credited his valued team           Sandalj’s Espresso Protocol will be
                                       in the Sandalj quality and             presented this coming October
                                       training departments for their         during TriestEspresso Expo.
                                       untiring work and invaluable
                                       contribution to his personal and       The sheer volume of know-
                                       professional development.              how accumulated during his
                                                                              personal quest for quality had
                                       Born in Trieste in ‘53 and in the      prompted the establishment,
                                       coffee sector since ‘76, in 1990       in 2000, of Sandalj Trading’s
                                       Edy Bieker joined Sandalj Trading      training department, designated
                                       Company who is currently               Accademia del Caffè. More than
The award was presented during         celebrating its 70th year in           2,500 diplomas and 16 years later,
this year’s World of Coffee event      business, where he is currently        the courses can be tailored to
organised by SCAE in Dublin.           chief operating officer and head       the knowledge requirements of
DUBLIN – The SCAE Excellence           of the quality department and the      the learners, and include sessions
Awards took place on the stage of      Accademia del Caffè. In 2009 he        on blending, cupping, evaluation
the Royal Dublin Society. During       was named a Maestro del Lavoro         of green and roasted beans, and
the most awaited specialty event       of the Italian Republic for his        much more. “I am profoundly
of the year SCAE presented Edy         professional achievements, is one of   happy when the course
Bieker with a Lifetime Achievement     the first Authorised SCAE Trainers     participants are in a position to
Award, in recognition of his long-     in Italy, and among other roles,       look at a coffee bean with an
standing career as Sandalj Trading’s   has been a judge for both Cup of       evaluative mind frame.”
head of quality and training. Four     Excellence and Barista competitions.
decades of work have imparted a                                               On stage he thanked SCAE
truly remarkable understanding of      “When I first started working,         and its community for the
coffee as an agricultural product,     the norm used to be evaluating         momentous effort and dedication
a beverage and the industry as         green coffee solely on the basis       demonstrated throughout the
a whole, and have been witness         of whether description and             years. Pleased with the progress
to Edy’s unwavering drive to           appearance matched. Cupping            he has witnessed in the past
promulgating a culture for espresso    also used to be done exclusively       decades, he added that seeing so
and quality.                           in its traditional form. The           many hardworking and motivated
After receiving the award              problem I saw with this was            young people in the coffee
                                       that consumption in Italy has          sectors gives him much hope for
                                       always been predominantly              the years to come.
                                       espresso-based, thus requiring
                                       a much darker roast than that
                                       used for traditional cupping.
                                       Moreover, in as much as espresso
                                       extraction is characterised by an
                                       entirely different and often more
                                       complex spectrum of aromas,
                                       we realised traditional evaluation
                                       methods were not as exhaustive
                                       as we required them to be. We
Edy Bieker mentioned the               consequently decided to pioneer
gratitude he feels for his first       the use of espresso extraction
mentor Luciano de Giovanni,            for the purpose of evaluation and
unfaltering supporter of his           sample approval”.
work, and Vincenzo Sandalj,            Edy’s department receives more
founding member and past SCAE          than 3,000 samples a year, and
President, with whom he has            evaluates upwards of 35,000 cups
Coffee Bean Issue 30
Tax hikes threaten to brew up a storm
       for Greece’s coffee drinkers
Greeks will be subjected to yet     array of new levies. “The only         a 20% surcharge on “yes! you
more taxes as the country’s         thing that is not being taxed is       guessed it coffee” this so called
leftist-led government attempts     the air we breathe,” said one TV       coffee tax that will go up or
to satisfy creditors in charge of   analyst outlining the excise duties.   down depending on whether
disbursing bailout aid. They have                                          beans are roasted or not.The list of
decided to try to raise revenue     Finance ministry officials appear      new levies does not stop at coffee.
for the country from a special      not to have looked far for
import tax on coffee, also to       inspiration. From the national         But this is a real shame for
extra taxes and duties on hotel     economy ministry in central            coffee drinkers as once it starts
bookings and a consumption tax      Syntagma Square they have              in one European country surely
on beer.                            a bird’s eye view of the cafes         more will join in when they have
                                    where Greeks often sit for hours       monetary problems.
The country needs to raise          over a single coffee.
an additional €1.8bn (£1.4bn)                                              Coffee Bean Research
in revenues to unlock further       The sight appears to have
rescue funds has prompted an        induced them into introducing

              Coffee Cup
       Coffee Cup laying on the ground
        no coffee residue left around.

     Coffee Cup thrown there on the floor
      nobody has a use for it any more.

    Coffee Cup just like litter everywhere,
    they could be recycled into false hair.

    Now coffee cups have been picked up
      and they have been put in a bin.

Now the cups are being recycled just like tins
  and will go to make a coffee cup again.

                Brian Cee 2016
Coffee Bean Issue 30
How               would               you                  like            to print          your

                 selfie or any lettering on your coffee                                      .
Well that could soon be the reality   to choose from library images            Coffee Bean Research
for coffee lovers everywhere          as well as letting them create
thanks to one machine.                designs of their own.

A new invention called the Ripple     The company spokesperson said
Maker, created by the geniuses        the images - known as Ripples -
over at Steam CC this machine         are made from tiny coffee bean
is able to print words and images     drops that help to keep the natural
on your coffee in just a matter       quality and flavour of the drink.
of seconds.
                                      Unfortunately they are currently
The machine uses patented 3D          only available to buy in the U.S and
printing technology to “turn          Canada, but they do have a waiting
ordinary coffee into an               list for the rest of the world to sign
extraordinary experience”             up. Hopefully we will see Ripple
by connecting with an iOS or          Makers in our favourite coffee
Android app which allows users        shops in the near future.

   Google was expected to launch Android Pay in the UK sometime in
             late May but Pret had their own ideas woops!
Popular high-street coffee            Google hasn’t publicly                   operating in the US for some
shop Pret A Manger has                revealed a specific Android              time now, but was yet to arrive
accidentally revealed the             Pay launch date just yet. Back           in Britain. The pressure on
imminent arrival of Android           in March, the search engine              Google has been mounting
Pay in Britain. The Android           giant announced that the                 for some time since Apple
Pay tags were spotted by              service would land in the UK             launched its own payment
a famous newspaper on                 in the coming months – and               platform – Apple Pay – in the
payment terminals in one              now a May arrival seemed                 UK last summer. The two
of Pret’s London stores,              more than likely the date.               systems work in a similar
suggesting the launch would           The Android Pay tags read                way, allowing users to load
be sooner than Google’s               at Pret’s London store: “We              their phones with credit card
release date.                         now accept Android Pay…and               information, and then pay for
                                      Apple Pay, contactless, good             goods contactlessly at NFC-
                                      old fashioned credit cards, and          supporting terminals.
                                      compliments (of course).”                Google says that Android Pay
                                      The Telegraph newspaper                  will support both Visa and
                                      reported store employees                 MasterCard, although you’ll
                                      saying the tags arrived on               also need a smartphone with
                                      the night of May 11, and were            an NFC chip to use the feature.
                                      displayed in-store on May 12.
                                      Android Pay has already been             Coffee Bean Research
Coffee Bean                                          Grower’s Cup
                                                        The Disposable
  Gadget Section                                         French Press
                                extraordinary and it offers
                                the quality and the rich taste
                                known from pour over filter
                                and French press coffee,
                                but with instant coffee
                                Made with real ground
                                single estate specialty
                                blend coffee this places
                                the Coffeebrewer into
                                the category of super
                                premium gourmet coffees.
The World’s first
disposable coffee machine’      The product, called Grower’s
lets you brew a cup while       Cup was the brain child of
on the move                     Mr Rasmussen, 46, from
                                Middelfart in Denmark and
The New Grower’s Cup            is now very popular around
system works like a teabag      the world with campers,
for coffee at just £1 - £1.50   holiday makers and such.
($1.70 - $2.50).
The bag contains 0.6
ounces (18 grams) of
ground coffee which makes
two cups when 300ml of
boiling water is added.
Water mixes with coffee
then drips through a filter
into another chamber.
‘Our coffee bag is to coffee
what the wine bottle is to
wine’ said Danish designer
Ulrik Rasmussen.

The idea with the Coffee
brewer is to offer coffee
lovers the freedom to           Coffee Bean research
enjoy a gourmet coffee
experience regardless of
place and situation.
The clever solution is    
innovative and quite
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