COCOA ORIGINS PROGRAM - Prospectus - February 2018 - Sustainable Trade Initiative

Page created by Michelle Riley
COCOA ORIGINS PROGRAM - Prospectus - February 2018 - Sustainable Trade Initiative

February 2018
COCOA ORIGINS PROGRAM - Prospectus - February 2018 - Sustainable Trade Initiative
2                                                   Cocoa Origins Program


    Introduction							3

    The concept of Cocoa Origins program				                         4

           Goal, Objective & strategy of the program			              4

           Program structure					4

    The application process						6

    Criteria								8

           The eligibility criteria for project applicants			        8

           Criteria for project proposal selection			                10

    Co funding principles & guidelines for reporting			              12

    The Program Governance						14

           Annex A: Template for concept note			                     15

           Annex B: Scenarios of possible projects			                15

           Annex C: Letter of Intention				                          15

           Annex D: IDH IP Guidelines for Monitoring & Reporting     15

           Quick overview of the Cocoa Origins Program		             16
COCOA ORIGINS PROGRAM - Prospectus - February 2018 - Sustainable Trade Initiative
Cocoa Origins Program                                                                                                                 3

IDH – the sustainable trade initiative and Equipoise have
developed the program called Cocoa Origin Program. The
Cocoa Origins Program supports the companies using
relatively small volumes of cocoa to become involved in
sustainability projects at the origins of their cocoa supply
chain and contribute to the overall sustainability of cocoa
products linked to the Dutch market.

In 2010 the most important parties involved in the cocoa
supply chain in the Netherlands signed a letter of intent,
committing to 80% sustainable cocoa consumption in the
Netherlands by 2020 and 100% by 2025 (the “Letter of
Intent”- Annex C). Since the signing of this Letter of Intent,
industry, NGO’s governments, unions, business associations         Cocoa Origins Program targets companies that have signed
and others have been actively working on improving                 or will sign the Letter of Intent and that use small or medium
conditions for sustainable cocoa production. Several years         volumes of cocoa. Although SMEs are the main target group
later the distinction between small and large volume cocoa         for private partners, large enterprises, such as retailers, can
using companies is becoming clear: it appears to be easier         also benefit from Cocoa Origins since they lack the capacity
for the larger users to transform the intent into real action.     to invest in sustainable cocoa consumption because of the
As they are by nature internationally active, they are in a        relatively small quantities of cocoa they use.
good position to initiate activities contributing to sustainable
production. The smaller cocoa users often don’t source the         The projects will be implemented in the cocoa origins.
cocoa directly in the production areas and are therefore           Traceability throughout the supply chain is necessary to
not involved in sustainability in the cocoa origins. At their      demonstrate the link between the activities in the cocoa
small scale it is much more risky to engage in origins. This       origins and the final product. This traceability might either be
limits their potential for direct contribution to sustainability   through identity preserved, full segregation (both are physical
goals. The full potential impact of Dutch players in the cocoa     traceability procedures) or mass balance (administrative)
industry has not been reached.                                     procedures.

                                                                   Proposals can be submitted to the Program by any private
                                                                   party or other stakeholder active in the cocoa supply chain
                                                                   with linkage to the Dutch market. All proposals require a
                                                                   minimum level of private co-funding of 50%.
COCOA ORIGINS PROGRAM - Prospectus - February 2018 - Sustainable Trade Initiative
4                                                                                      Cocoa Origins Program

                                       Goal, Objective & strategy of the program
                                       Goal                                                     Program structure
                                       The goal of Cocoa Origins program is to build on         The Cocoa Origins Program will be a combination
                                       the Letter of Intent by supporting smaller cocoa         of a variety of projects with each project feeding
                                       users to live up to the commitment and bring             into the overall program goal. On the program

                                       sustainable cocoa products to the Dutch market           level, there will be 2 calls for proposals, one in
                                       for consumption. The program is based on public-         February 2018 and one at the end of 2018 offering
                                       private partnerships to establish stable commercial      the opportunity for the submission of project
                                       relations between cocoa producers and cocoa              proposals for the Cocoa Origin Program. The total
                                       users and to improve sustainability at the farm and      amount available for project implementation is
                                       community level.                                         1.9 Mio EUR. All projects under the Cocoa Origins
                                                                                                program will end at the latest by end of December
                                       Objective                                                2020.

                                       To increase sustainable cocoa production by
                                                                                                This call of proposal is addressed to the following
                                       encouraging the private sector to develop new
                                       cocoa supply chains or re-arrange / expand
                                       existing ones and to improve availability of
                                                                                                Project applicants that are directly involved in the
                                       sustainable cocoa products on the Dutch market.
                                                                                                supply chain, like:

                                                                                                  ΟΟ    traders, processors, B2B manufacturers
                                       The strategy of the program to deliver on the                    of semi-finished products such as
                                       above-mentioned objective is to support a variety                couverture and industrial chocolate,
                                       of projects that will help the smaller chocolate                 B2C manufacturers of cocoa products
                                       users develop projects that have a positive (in-)                (chocolate, cosmetics, ice creams,
                                       direct impact upon the economic, environmental                   confectionery), bean to bar chocolate
                                       and social conditions of cocoa production and                    makers, craft chocolatiers, retail and others
                                       therefore on the sustainability level in the Dutch
                                                                                                Project applicants that are indirectly involved in
                                       consumer market. The definition of sustainability
                                                                                                the supply chain, like:
                                       should be linked as far as possible to the 10
                                       elements for sustainable cocoa production of the
                                                                                                  ΟΟ    Industry associations, banks, NGO’s, risk
                                       Letter of Intent (Annex C).

                                       The Cocoa Origins Program will promote                   Core criteria for the eligibility for project applicants
                                       cooperation throughout the supply chain,                 to the Cocoa Origins Program is the supply of
                                       contributing to closer and more stable, long-term        cocoa products to the Dutch market.
                                       trade relations. Additionally, the program seeks
                                       to limit the risks, by providing funding for initial
                                           investments in creating, re-arranging or expanding
                                       cocoa supply chains from the cocoa origin to the
                                       final cocoa product and/or for (accompanying)
                                       projects with impact on economic, social and
                                       environmental conditions for cocoa production.
COCOA ORIGINS PROGRAM - Prospectus - February 2018 - Sustainable Trade Initiative
Cocoa Origins Program                                           5

Two categories of projects are in general eligible for Cocoa

The first category contains projects aiming for innovation in
the supply chain (relocation of production, shortening the
supply chain, new supply chain).

The second category are Field level Projects (FLP) with
activities in the cocoa origin, including:

  ΟΟ   investment in productivity and quality of the cocoa
       (e.g. training, GAP, post-harvest services),

  ΟΟ   projects costs towards income diversification, gender
       equity, improved nutrition or other and other social

  ΟΟ   projects related to mitigating environmental impact of
       cocoa production and other environmental factors

Please note that a combination of the both categories is
also possible (please see Annex B for examples of project
COCOA ORIGINS PROGRAM - Prospectus - February 2018 - Sustainable Trade Initiative
6                                                                                          Cocoa Origins Program

                          The application process
                          The selection of the projects will be done by the Project Review Committee (PRC) in
                          a 2-step approach together with the Program Management team. Firstly, the project
                          applicant will be assessed for the eligibility to receive funding from the program. The
                          proposals will be assessed against project criteria (please see section below criteria
                          for project proposal selection). Once selected, the Program Management team (IDH
                          and Equipoise) will oversee the implementation and monitoring of the projects.

                          The application process has a two-step approach:

                          Step 1) Concept note phase:
                                 The project applicants develop a concept note with the provided template.
                                 Once finalized the concept note is submitted to the Project Review
                                 Committee for assessment and review. The submitted concept note will be
                                 assessed against the defined criteria in the concept note template on a points
                                 basis. The Program Management team can reach out to project applicants for
                                 some further clarifications if needed. Once the concept note is approved the
                                 applicant is invited to develop a proposal. The concept note phase expected
                                 to take no longer than 3 weeks to be completed.

                                 The template for the concept note can be found in Annex A.

                          Step 2) Full proposal phase:
                                 The project applicants are invited to develop a full proposal including a
                                 detailed budget, activity plan, objectives, intended results and criteria to
                                 measure the success of the project 9KPI’s). Throughout this phase the
                                 Program Management team is available for support and clarification if

                                 Once the full proposal has been submitted, it will be reviewed and assessed
                                 by the Project Review Committee against the defined partner eligibility
                                 and project proposal criteria in the section the eligibility criteria for project
                                 applicants. The strategic approach of each project will be shared also with
                                 the Program Advisory Committee to ensure that the projects are strongly
                                 aligned and contribute to the Program objectives.

                                 Once the project proposal is approved the applicants will be contracted
                                 as Implementing Partner (IP) by IDH. Contracts will be based on standard
                                 IDH templates. This step is expected to take no longer than 2 months to be
COCOA ORIGINS PROGRAM - Prospectus - February 2018 - Sustainable Trade Initiative
Cocoa Origins Program                                         7

                                                                  Legal aspects
Please see below a proposed timeline:                             By participating in this procedure, the participant
                                                                  declares to unconditionally agree to the contents of
      CONCEPT NOTE PHASE                                          these guidelines and its annexes.

                                                                  IDH is not obliged in this procedure to conclude a
                                                                  contract with a participant.
                        Submission by project applicant:
                        end March 2018
                                                                  IDH reiterates its right to update, change, extend,
                                                                  postpone, withdraw or suspend the guidelines, the
                        Feedback from Program                     time schedule, or any decision with regard to the
                        Management Team:                          contract.
                        mid April 2018
                                                                  No claim for compensation can be made towards IDH,
                                                                  its employers or third parties acting on their behalf, for
      FULL PROPOSAL PHASE                                         example in the following cases:

                                                                    1.   not following up on a selection award

                                                                    2.   not concluding the contract;
                        Submission by project applicant:
                        25. May 2018                                3.   suspension and/or postponement and/
                                                                         or attachment of further conditions to the
                                                                         contract decision; or

                                                                    4.   suspension and/or cancellation of the
                                                                  The documents provided by or on behalf of IDH will be
                                                                  handled with confidentiality. The participant will also
                                                                  impose a duty of confidentiality on any parties that it
                                                                  engages. Any breach of the duty of confidentiality by

                        Approval by PRC:                          the participant or its engaged third parties will give

                        07. June 2018                             IDH grounds for exclusion of the call for proposals,
                                                                  without requiring any prior written or verbal warning.

                                                                  All information, documents and other requested or
                                                                  provided data submitted by the participant will be
                                                                  handled with due care and confidentiality by IDH. The
                                                                  provided information will after evaluation by IDH be
IDH reserves the right to change all dates, and will inform
                                                                  filed as confidential. The provided information will not
participants in a timely manner of such changes.
                                                                  be returned to the participant.
COCOA ORIGINS PROGRAM - Prospectus - February 2018 - Sustainable Trade Initiative
8                                                                                           Cocoa Origins Program

           The eligibility criteria for project applicants
           General requirements for project applicants:

               ΟΟ   Project applicants shall be legal entities that are involved in the cocoa supply
                    chain or that represent a group of legal entities that are involved in the
                    supply chain. Project applicants may be an individual legal entity or a group
                    of legal entities (coalitions).

               ΟΟ   In case a project application is filed by a group of entities, one of them shall
                    be the lead contact for the project management and shall be responsible and
                    liable for ensuring that the group meets all obligations of the project.

               ΟΟ   The project applicants need to show that they are directly or indirectly
                    involved in a supply chain that serves the Dutch market.

               ΟΟ   The project applicant is not required to be based in the Netherlands.

               ΟΟ   The project applicant shall guarantee the absence of unacceptable activities
                    or behaviour directly or indirectly linked to the project, included but not
                    restricted to:

                           •     Slavery, forced labour

                           •     Child labour

                           •     Deforestation

                           •     Sexual harassment

                           •     Unlawful activities or behaviour

                           •     Bribery and corruption

                           •     Fraud

           Should any of the above appear or occur or should there be any suspicions of the
           above before or during the implementation of the project, the Program Management
           team shall be entitled to terminate the project agreement without the risk of
           incurring liability for damages or compensation.
COCOA ORIGINS PROGRAM - Prospectus - February 2018 - Sustainable Trade Initiative
Cocoa Origins Program                                                                                       9

                        GROUNDS FOR EXCLUSION
                        Applicants shall be excluded from participation in the call for proposals and
                        Cocoa Origins Program if:

                          ΟΟ   they are bankrupt or being wound up, are having their affairs
                               administered by the courts, have entered into an arrangement with
                               creditors, have suspended business activities, are subject of proceedings
                               concerning those matters, or are in any analogous situation arising from a
                               similar procedure provided for in national legislation or regulations;

                          ΟΟ   they or persons having powers of representation, decision-making or
                               control over them have been convicted of an offence concerning their
                               professional conduct by a judgment which has the force of res judicata;

                          ΟΟ   they have been guilty of grave professional misconduct proven by any
                               means which the IDH can justify;

                          ΟΟ   they have not fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of social
                               security contributions or the payment of taxes in accordance with the
                               legal provisions of the country in which they are established, or with
                               those of the Netherlands or those of the country where the contract is to
                               be performed;

                          ΟΟ   they or persons having powers of representation, decision making of
                               control over them have been the subject of a judgment which has the
                               force of res judicata for fraud, corruption, involvement in a criminal
                               organization, money laundering or any other illegal activity, where such
                               illegal activity is detrimental to the MFA’s financial interests.

                        Project applicants must confirm in writing that they are not in one of the
                        situations as listed above.
COCOA ORIGINS PROGRAM - Prospectus - February 2018 - Sustainable Trade Initiative
10                                                                                                         Cocoa Origins Program

Criteria for project proposal selection

For the project proposal there are a range of criteria. Before     Activities carried out under this program will be assessed as
assessing any proposal, every project partner has to meet the      exempt for from VAT and any non-reclaimable VAT will be
eligibility criteria for project applicants specified in section   included in the expenditures.
eligibility criteria for project applicants.
                                                                   In the project evaluation there will be 5 core aspects that the
Some core project criteria must be met for the proposal to         project proposal will be assessed against. These are:
enter into the project selection process of the Cocoa Origins
Program. If the proposal does not meet these core criteria, it       1.    Sustainability

is excluded from the project selection process.
                                                                     2.    Traceability

These core criteria are:                                             3.    Strength of linkages to the objectives of the Letter of
     ΟΟ   Project applicant is part of the cocoa value chain
          and is the addressed audience of the call of proposal      4.    Implementation in the selected regions
          (described in section Program Structure)
                                                                     5.    Level of impact on the Dutch market
     ΟΟ   Project applicant is connected to the Dutch market to
                                                                     6.    Auditability
          be able to improve availability of sustainable cocoa
          products on the Dutch market.                            Please find below a short description of each aspect.

     ΟΟ   Ability to minimum co-fund 50,000 EUR by project
          applicant, either alone or by combining other private    1. Sustainability
          sources into one proposal, please see the section        The projects will be assessed on a range of criteria in respect
          below with further information                           to sustainability that is addressing within the project. These
                                                                   are the 10 recognised elements from the Letter of Intent,
Finance criteria                                                   namely on the following items related to the Letter of Intent:

All proposals require a minimum level of private/public
                                                                     1.    Transparency
co-funding of 50%. The program allows for the submission of
small and large projects application:                                2.    Compliance with laws and regulations

     ΟΟ   Small projects are projects with a minimal private         3.    Good price for cocoa quality, improved productivity
          sector contribution of €50.000, where the Cocoa                  and incomes for farmers
          Origins Program would add a maximum contribution
                                                                     4.    Access to credit and rural development services, and
          of €50.000.
     ΟΟ   Larger projects are project with a minimal private
                                                                     5.    Market access and market information
          sector contribution of €100.000, where the cocoa
          origins program would add a maximum contribution of        6.    Decent working conditions
          €100.000. The maximum contribution from the Cocoa
          Origins program per project application is €300.000,-.     7.    Support for farmers and labour organizations

Only projects that have a viable business case and that are           8.   Unique land use planning and good infrastructure
likely to continue to be successful after the initial co-funding
                                                                     9.    Wise management of natural resources
will be supported. This allows the private sector partners to
develop trade relations that impact permanently upon the             10. Conservation and wise use of biodiversity
economic conditions of cocoa production.
Cocoa Origins Program                                                                                                                11

Please note that the proposed project does not have to            the Western region, with focus on Sierra Leone, Liberia and
address all 10 areas but should at least touch upon 2 areas       Cameroon.
mentioned above. In the project application there should be
a clear description on how the project applicant intends to       The Cocoa Origins Program management team is willing to

address the selected element/s.                                   have conversation with projects outside of the defined regions
                                                                  if there is a relevant and strong linkage to the Dutch market.

2. Traceability
                                                                  5. Impact on the Dutch market
There shall be a link between the project at the origin of the
supply chain and the product on the Dutch market. This link       The Cocoa Origins Program allows project applicants to sell

is called traceability. In the framework of Cocoa Origins three   the cocoa products related to the origin projects on the Dutch

levels of traceability are recognised, identity preserved, full   market as well as elsewhere. However, the higher the share of

segregation and administrative traceability (mass balance).       the production related to the project that is sold on the Dutch
                                                                  market, the more likely it is the project will be accepted.

3. Linkages to the objective of the Letter of
Intent                                                            6. Auditability

The Cocoa Origins Program contributes to the sustainability of    The Program Management team wants to have an emphasis

cocoa consumption on the Dutch market. Submitted project          on the concept of guaranteed sustainability. By guaranteed,

applications must therefore show a clear link to support          we mean to emphasize that these principles have been

on how their project can contribute to one or more of the         put into action in an internationally proven and externally

objectives listed below:                                          verifiable way. There are different ways for this to be done.
                                                                  One way can be with internationally recognized labels, such as
  1.   Improve the market share of sustainable cocoa              of Rainforest Alliance, UTZ Certified, Organic and Fairtrade.

  2.   Improve the level of traceability of sustainable           There is no formal restriction to cocoa that is certified by one
       cocoa                                                      of the voluntary certification schemes mentioned above, there
                                                                  is a requirement proof of audit by an independent third party.
  3.   Improve the impact of the sustainability of the cocoa
                                                                  These third parties need to be approved by the Program
  4.   Improve the public awareness of sustainability             Management team.

4. Selected regions                                               Besides the audits by third parties, the Cocoa Origins program
                                                                  will organise its own monitoring and evaluation. This requires
The Cocoa Origins Program allows users of small volumes
                                                                  auditable key performance indicators, KPI’s. The project
of cocoa to initiate sustainability programs at the origins of
                                                                  applicant shall define the KPI’s related to the proposal and will
their supply chains. As some of these companies may not
                                                                  score points for the SMART character of the KPI’s.
have experience in cocoa producing countries, the program
will propose a small number of preferred regions where small
projects can be initiated and showcased as examples.

In order to reach out to a wide group of potential project
applicants, the Cocoa Origins Program, is open for one region
in Latin America and another region in Africa. The preference
for projects in Latin America is for the Northwest region, with
focus on Colombia. Projects in Peru and Ecuador will also
be considered. The preference for projects in Africa is for
12                                                                                        Cocoa Origins Program

4.0                        Co funding principles & guidelines for
                           Co-funding principles
                                ΟΟ   All proposals require a minimum level of private/public co-funding of 50%.

                                ΟΟ   All projects must meet the requirements of EU policies on competition and
                                     government procurement. This means that funding is only available for part
                                     of the extra costs that occur because of the development of a new supply
                                     chain or the re-arranging/expansion of an existing chain, costs of preparing
                                     and implementing the changes, but not the ‘going concern’ expenditures and
                                     the costs of the input, the cocoa.

                                ΟΟ   The second category of subsidies is available for part of costs for the
                                     technical support projects with impact on social, environmental and or
                                     economic conditions for cocoa production and /or part of extra expenses
                                     that occur for project applicants because they participate in the project.

                                ΟΟ   Overhead costs (including all administrative personnel) of the project should
                                     not exceed 10% of the total project costs. All personnel and costs associated
                                     with administrative coordination and activities must be included in this
                                     threshold. Higher overhead costs may be considered in exceptional cases.

                           Guidelines for reporting

                                ΟΟ   The Cocoa Origins Program will follow IDH’s standard reporting cycle
                                     as depicted below. If a project is selected with that consists of a group,
                                     the chosen representative is responsible to make sure that the report
                                     requirements can be fulfilled. A more detailed instruction on planning and
                                     reporting & the IDH Audit Protocol will be shared when an applicant is invited
                                     to prepare a full proposal.

                                ΟΟ   Annual report & revised budget due Feb 1

                                ΟΟ   Progress report due Sep 1

                                ΟΟ   If needed upated Annual plan due Oct 1

                                ΟΟ   Partners of the Cocoa Origins Program are required to submit bi-annual
                                     reports. These reports have two components; a narrative report and a
                                     financial report. The template will be provided for both types of reports in the
                                     step of development of the full proposal.

                                         Financial report: The financial report is activity based and reports on
                                        actual expenditures against budgeted activities. Both budget and
                                        actuals are specified per project partner. A standard financial planning
                                        and reporting format will be provided with the Full Proposal Package to
                                        applicants that have been selected on the basis of their concept note. The
                                        financial report is subject to a financial audit1.
Cocoa Origins Program                                               13

           Narrative report: The narrative report includes a
           quantitative KPI report and a qualitative narrative
           report against target. The applicable KPI’s are listed
           in the table below. For the KPI report a standard
           planning and reporting format will be provided in
           the Full Proposal Package.

           In the qualitative narrative, partners will be asked
           to reflect on the general progress of the project,
           obstacles encountered and strategies to overcome
           these obstacles. The partners will also be asked to
           reflect on their key learnings more information on
           the purpose and type of information can be found
           in the learning chapter.


1. This audit should be conducted by an independent qualified
auditor and in compliance to the IDH Audit Protocol, which
is issued every year to the grantee. The scope of the audit
covers both the grant from IDH as well as the investment by
the private sector.

The financial report and audit is on accrual basis, and not
on cash basis; any other accounting principles are further
clarified in the Audit Protocol.
14                                                                                   Cocoa Origins Program

                         The Program Governance
                         The governance of the program consists of the           Project Review Committee
                         following bodies:
                                                                                 This committee will consist of 3 nominated

                              1.   Program Advisor Committee (PAC)               members from the Program Management team,
                                                                                 IDH staff and PAC. Their main responsibility is to
                              2.   Program Management team                       evaluate the projects against the define criteria and
                                                                                 share this with the Program Management.
                              3.   Project Review Committee (PRC)

                              4.   Implementing Partner                          Implementing Partner (IP)
                                                                                 Upon approval of the proposal, applicants will be
                         Program Advisor Committee (PAC)                         contracted and become an Implementing Partner

                         The Program Advisor Committee is composed by            (IP) to the Program (see Appendix D). IPs are

                         sector experts from private sector and government.      responsible for the implementation of approved

                         The PAC is chaired by the IDH. The main role of the     projects that are co-funded by the Program.

                         PAC is to provide strategic guidance to the Cocoa       IPs must be able to comply with the required

                         Origins Program with their experience in different      procedures for monitoring, reporting, financial

                         aspects of the cocoa sector.                            management and auditing as requested by the
                                                                                 Fund (in line with the Guidelines and the RMF).
                         Program Management team                                 As such, they are responsible for gathering the

                                                                                 necessary evidence of private sector contributions
                         The Program Management team is composed
                                                                                 from all partners involved in the project.
                         by IDH and Equipoise. IDH has the overall
                         responsibility for the implementation of this
                                                                                 Annex A: Template for concept note
                         program and is jointly implementing this program
                         with Equipoise.
                                                                                 Annex B: Scenarios of possible
                         IDH will take up the role of:

                                                                                 Annex C: Letter of Intention
                              ΟΟ   overseeing the program implementation

                              ΟΟ   contracting party of the project applicants   Annex D: IDH IP Guidelines for
                                                                                 Monitoring & Reporting
                              ΟΟ   Program monitoring

                         Equipoise will take up the role of:

                              ΟΟ   Support companies in developing quality

                              ΟΟ   Project monitoring

                              ΟΟ   Run the secretariat of the PAC
Cocoa Origins Program                                                                                                 15

Quick overview of the Cocoa Origins Program

            Total budget   EUR 1.9 Mio public funding

        Overall Program
                           Increase sustainability of the cocoa production on the Dutch market

                           Latin America: Colombia, Peru and Ecuador

                           Africa: Liberia, Sierra Leone and Cameroon
       Selected regions
                           Large projects in other countries/regions can be considered if there is a strong link to
                           the Dutch market

                           Minimum 50% public/private co-funding

                           Minimum 50% private sector co-funding for small projects (min value of 50,000 EUR
     Funding principles    private sector contribution)

                           Minimum 50% private sector co-funding for large projects (min value of 100,000 EUR
                           private sector contribution)

       Types of projects   Supply chain innovation

              eglidable    Field level projects

                           Private partners or any organization with a legal status

   Who can apply (lead     traders, processors, B2B manufacturers of semi-finished products such as couverture
            applicant)     and industrial chocolate, B2C manufacturers of cocoa products (chocolate, cosmetics,
                           ice creams, confectionery), bean to bar chocolate makers, craft chocolatiers, retail and

                           1st call of proposals: Feb 2018

      Program timelines    2nd call of proposals: End 2018

                           End of all projects: December 2020

                           Projects co-financed by the Cocoa Origins Program must comply with the IDH
                           Guidelines for Monitoring & Reporting (Guidelines, Annex D) and set specific farm-
        Monitoring FLPs
                           level Key Performance Indicators (KPI), time-bound delivery targets and a robust data
                           collection system to demonstrate that improvements have occurred.
16   Cocoa Origins Program
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