Anniversary - Club Nachrichten Club Magazine Issue 4, 2018, August September - iiNet
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The Rhein-Donau Club Inc. Issue 4, 2018, August September Club Nachrichten Club Magazine German Speaking Club Since 1958 RHEIN - DONAU PERTH CLUB INC. A n n i v e r s a r y 1
Klub Öffnungszeiten/ Opening Hours Office: Monday - Friday 10.00 am to 3.00pm Bar: Tuesday 6.30pm to 10.30pm Wednesday 6.00pm to 10.30pm Friday 6.30pm to 10.30pm Saturday 6.30pm to 11.00pm Sunday 4.00pm to 8.30pm Kitchen: Wednesday 6.00pm to 9.00pm Friday 6.30pm to 9.00pm Saturday 6.30pm to 10.00pm Sunday 4.00pm to 8.00pm Neuigkeiten/ News Neue Mitglieder/ New Members Wir begrüssen die folgenden neuen Mitglieter in den letzten Monaten: Alf and Merilyn Rosenauer Welcome to our new members. We all hope you will enjoy the Club life! Verstorbene Mitglieder/ Deceased Members Paula Farlow, Margaret Schulz and Roland Bedrich. Sincere condolences to all family members from the President, the Committee and members of the Rhein-Donau Club, to anyone who has lost a loved one recently. 2
Contents Klub Öffnungszeiten/ Opening Hours 2 Neuigkeiten/ News 2 Rhein-Donau Club New Committee 2018 2019 4 Noticeboard 5 President’s Report 6-7 Christmas in July 8 News from our Members 10 Videos im Klub / Movie Afternoons 13 Events August 2018 14 Events September 2018 15 Special Event - Club 60th Birthday 16 German Genology 2 & 3 September at RDC 17 Neederlandia - The Dutch Club WA 18 WA Mandolin Orchestra 20 Theatre Group 21 Edelweiss Dancegroup 22 Seniors 23 Eagle Eye Air Pistol Group 24 Model Railway 26 Aktivitäten / Groups at the Club 27 Die wiedergegebenen Meinungen in diesem Magazin entsprechen nicht notwendigerweise denen des Klubs oder der Redaktion, sondern denen der jeweiligen Autoren. The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the club or the editor but those of the respective authors. 3
Rhein-Donau Club New Committee 2018 2019 President Ursula Deck 9459 5379 Vice President Susan Muir 0419 907 227 Secretary Pamela Millar 0421 970 089 Vice Secretary Maria Cadzow 0423 599 899 Treasurer Heather Richter 0418 950 350 Vice Treasurer Susan Muir 0419 907 227 Cellar Master David Vieceli 0438 755 156 Entertainment Master Brian Muir 0409 479 513 Equipment Warden Hermine Wagner 0437 711 127 Extra Committee Member Juliane Pulver 0401 685 268 Extra Committee Member Sieglinde Ducke 9574 3633 Note from the Edior Dear RDC members, this magazine is here for all members to share their stories and experiences. This is what brings the magazine to live. Therefore we welcome your contributions for the next issue, October-November 2018. Entry deadline for the issue is 1st Septmeber 2018, please send your contribution to Thank you, Christine 4
Noticeboard Message from the Secretary We love to have children in our club and to see them enjoying themselves. Unfortunately we have had some minor accidents lately because of kids running around on or near the dance floor, kitchen and bar in the Edelweißhalle. Please keep an eye on your children and explain to them the dangers of getting in the way of serving staff and bar staff as this is an occupational health and safety issue for our staff and volunteers. Thanks in anticipation Pamela Millar Bar price Changes From 1 August, the RDC is offering special members’ discounts on most drinks from the bar. Just present your member’s card to take advantage of these new prices!! 5
Bericht der Präsidentin Am 19. Mai hatten wir unser Abschiedsessen des Vorstandes in der Edelweißhalle. An diesem Abend verabschiedeten wir auch Wolfgang und Klaus Leonhardt als Moderatoren unseres RDC Radios. Über 19 Jahre haben diese beiden Herren uns mit Musik, Kultur und vielen Neuigkeiten aus Deutschland unterhalten. In dieser Zeit haben sie ca. 470 Sendungen hervorragend moderiert. Wir möchten uns dafür noch einmal herzlich bedanken. Gleichzeitig begrüßen wir Günter Lorenz als neuer Moderator des Radios. Er bringt einen ganz neuen Stil in die Sendung. Im 27. Mai war unsere diesjährige Mitgliederversammlung. Unser Vorstand besteht weiterhin aus den gleichen Personen. Der einzige Wechsel ist, Hans Nimmerrichter, hörte auf. An seiner Stelle hat Susan Muir die Position als Vize Präsident übernommen. Wir alle werden auch dieses Jahr unser Bestes zum Wohle des Clubs geben. Am 18. August haben wir unsere beliebte Alpengaudi von der Edelweißtanzgruppe. Ziehen Sie Ihre Tanzschuhe an und kommen Sie zum Club. Es wird ein unterhaltsamer Abend werden, mit den Glockenspielern und den Tänzen der Tanzgruppe. Jeden Sonntag öffnet der Club um 16 Uhr und von 17 bis 18 Uhr ist “Happy Hour”. Kommen Sie zum Club Sie jetzt im Winter einen warmen Glühwein trinken. Sie sind ein wichtiger Teil des Rhein Donau Clubs und wir brauchen Ihre Unterstützung. Wir sind in großer Vorbereitung für den 60. Clubgeburtstag, den wir am 15.September feiern werden. Es wird ein großer, unterhaltsamer Abend, den wir mit Ihnen, den Mitgliedern, feiern wollen.Am 16.September veranstalten wir dann einen Familientag, zu dem der Club alle Mitglieder, deren Familien und Freunde recht herzlich einlädt. Für dieses Wochenende sind helfende Hände immer Willkommen. Ursula Deck 6
President’s Report On the 19th May we had our final committee dinner in the Edelweiss Hall. During this evening we farewelled Wolfgang and Klaus Leonhardt as presenters of our RDC Radio program. These two gentlemen have entertained us with music, culture and news from Germany for over 19 years. In this time, they have presented approximately 470 excellent programs. We would like to thank them very much once again for this dedicated work. At the same time, we welcome Günter Lorenz as the new announcer for the radio. He is bringing us a very different style of program. On the 27th May we held our 2018 Annual General Meeting. Our committee still has the same membership as last year, with one small change, in that Hans Nimmerrichter has stepped down. Susan Muir has taken over his position as Vice President as well as continuing in the role of Vice Treasurer. This year we will all continue to do our best for the well-being of the Club. On the 18th August the Edelweiss Dance Group will present our beloved Alpengaudi. Put on your dancing shoes and come to the Club on this evening. It will be a most entertaining evening with the bell ringers and the dances of the dance group. Every Sunday the Club is open from four o’clock and “Happy Hour” is from five to six. Come along and enjoy, now in winter, a warming Glühwein. You are an important part of the Rhein Donau Club and we need your support. We are in full swing with preparations for the Club’s 60th Anniversary, which will be celebrated on Saturday 15th September. This will be a fun and entertaining evening that we want to celebrate with you, our members.Then on Sunday 16th September we are planning a Family Day, to which the Club cordially invites all members, their families and friends.Helping hands on this day would be most welcome. Ursula Deck 7
Christmas in July This year we had our first Christmas in July at the Club. The Edelweiss Hall was magically transformed into a Winter Wonderland with fairy lights and tinsel providing an enchanting atmosphere. Nearly 100 members and their guests enjoyed this delightful evening with music provided by Jacques and his Jolly Good Fellas. There was a special guest performance by the ‘Sweet Nutcrackers’ and Santa also paid a visit. Armanda cooked up a feast with roast Turkey and Christmas Ham and Ursula made sure that there was plenty of Glühwein for everyone. Thanks to Debbie and her team from the Table Tennis Group for putting on such a splendid night. Let’s make it an annual event. 9
News from our Members from the editor: URSULA AND DIETER PFLAUMBAUM COMING HOME TO PERTH BY SEA Ursula and Dieter Pflaumbaum fulfilled their dream sailing their boat from Europe to Fremantle. They started on August 27, 2017 from Genova, Italy sailing their boat along the Italian coast all the way via the Street of Gibraltar, across the Atlantic, through the Panama Canal, across the Pacific, Galápagos Islands, Marquesas Islands, the Tuamotus, Society Islands including Tahiti and Bora Bora, via Niue, Tonga, Fiji and Vanuatu to Mackay as the first landfall in Australia. The ETA in Fremantle will be in September 2018, subject to weather conditions. To make the organization of the voyage easier and safer they joined the ARC+ Rally across the Atlantic (with 78 boats) from Las Palmas to Rodney Bay, St. Lucia in the Caribbean. The Arc+ Rally included a stop-over in Cape Verde, where they enjoyed the local hospitality for a few days, rather than just going straight across. The passage across the Atlantic was a mixed experience with one day having nearly no wind, which allowed them to take the sails down and go for a swim in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. The next days entailed strong squalls with up to 33 kn of wind and heavy rain. They managed the crossing in 15.5 days and achieved the 6th place in their class of the Arc+ Rally. After celebrating a tropical kind of Christmas, and enjoying some cruising in the Caribbean Sea, they joined the WorldARC Rally with 35 other yachts. They experienced the exciting coffee culture of Columbia from growing to roasting to drinking, which as coffee lovers was very unique. From Santa Marta the rally continued to San Blas, Panama. They met such interesting local, very friendly Indians selling fresh fish, lobsters and handicraft, allowing for some rather extraordinary lobster dinners. Going through the Panama Canal in a three boats’ package was a personal highlight for them, which they will not forget, due to the history of this unique construction. The next leg of the Rally started in Panama City to Las Perlas Islands and opened a new chapter of the trip: the Pacific. They 10
finished this rally leg in 2nd place. Galapagos Islands with its unbelievable sea life was incredible. You meet the sea lions on the street or on park benches. The long-distance leg between Galapagos and Marquesas Islands of 3000 nm was a new challenge dominated by strong winds, many squalls and lots of rain. It was rather different from crossing the Atlantic. They arrived after 17.5 days and came 3rd in the rally. They then cruised six weeks through the amazing Southern Ocean from the Marquesas Islands to the Tuamotu Archipelago. It was always a navigational challenge to go through the passages into the lagoons, as charts were not always reliable, they were told and turned out to be correct. Another highlight was the visit at a local pearl farm in Ahe. This little pearl farm on an island so secluded, which at first sight seemed uninhabited but turned rather literally into one of the Pearl’s of the trip. The Society Islands were very charming, with the main city Papeete, Tahiti and the last stop in Bora Bora, a place every sailor should see. These islands have a natural beauty and the crystal clear water was breathtaking. One was able to see the entire kiel of the boat from the surface. The next rally from Bora Bora via Suwarrow and Niue to Tonga was the most difficult passage, they experienced so far. Not only was it one of the more exciting starts of the WorldArc Rally, but within only a week they hit 2 major storms with 50 kn winds, heavy rain and thunderstorms. However, they still managed to come 1st in their division on this leg. They were very excited about this, as one can imagine. Sailing through the beautiful islands of Fiji, the area was certainly proving to be even more glorious paradise, they did not think possible. The rally from Fiji to Vanuatu was won in their class. They now made landfall in Australia, Mackay and are on the way via Darwin to Fremantle where they look forward to meeting all their friends. 11
Videos im Klub / Movie Afternoons Video Sonntag, 26. August 2018, 15.00 Uhr “Ein russischer Sommer” Ein russischer Sommer ist die Verfilmung eines biografischen Romans des US- amerikanischen Schriftstellers Jay Parini über das letzte Lebensjahr Leo Tolstois. Russland, 1910: In seinem letzten Lebensjahr verbringt Leo Tolstoi seinen Sommer mit seiner Frau Sofia und einigen der gemeinsamen Kinder auf ihrem Landgut Jasnaja Poljana. Als Sofia erfährt, dass Tolstoi die Rechte an seinem Werk dem russischen Volk vermachen möchte, beginnt ein hochemotionaler Konflikt zwischen beiden: Die temperamentvolle Sofia sieht sich und die Kinder als die rechtmäßigen Erben und Verwalter von Tolstois Werk und versucht mit allen Mitteln, ihn von seinem utopistischen Plan abzubringen und die Zukunft der Familie zu sichern. Der geradezu fanatische „Tolstoianer“ und Adlatus Wladimir Tschertkow wiederum bestärkt Tolstois Idealismus. Video Sonntag, 25. November 2018, 15.00 Uhr “Pippi Langstrumpf” Pippilotta Viktualia Rollagardina Pfefferminza Efraimstochter Langstrumpf, kurz Pippi, ist ein neunjähriges Mädchen, welches sich von den anderen Kindern in ihrem Alter unterscheidet. Sie hebt sich nicht nur äußerlich durch ihre roten Haare, die in zwei geflochtenen Zöpfen von ihrem Kopf abstehen, die zu großen Schuhe und selbst genähte Kleidung von den anderen Kindern ab, sondern auch im Hinblick auf ihr Verhalten. Sie ist übermenschlich stark, und dazu noch reich. Pippi freundet sich mit den braven Nachbarskindern Tommy und Annika an, die als Gegensatz zu ihr stehen. Durch Pippis Ideen und Abenteuer, die sich dadurch erleben, haben die drei Kinder sehr viel Spaß. Viel Spass beim Video Nachmittag! 13
Events August 2018 14
Events September 2018 Call 9330 6488 for bookings 15
Special Event - Club 60th Birthday u Men Selection of Roast Pork Loin, Chicken Schnitzel, Backed Fish Roll Sides: Seasonable Vegetables, Potato Salad, Garden Salad, Sauerkraut, German Rye Dessert: Fruit Platter, Cheese Platter, Birthday Cake Coffee and Tea 16
Table Tennis Club Our table tennis group is going well and each Tuesday night we have a good number of members attending and enjoying the facilities and the table tennis games. New members are welcome and casual members can attend at $5 per session. Joyce Williams is passing on her table tennis skills to one of our young club members so if any other young people would like to have a half hour tutorial on a Tuesday night please let Joyce Williams or David Ramsay know on the phone numbers mentioned below. The Rhein Donau Christmas In July function on 7th July was a great night. Our group offered to help run the event and we decided to organise some light entertainment. So I would like to thank our volunteers, fondly known as the Sweet Nutcrackers, David Ramsay, Paul Robson, Dave Smith and Brian Muir for giving up a fair bit of their time and energy in the rehearsals. They did a great job on the night and looked pretty cute in their tutu’s! Thanks for the donation of wine for the door prizes, plus the Christmas cakes supplied by happy cakes. And thanks to Reinhard for donating the home made linzer torte. Friday night November 2nd will be our table tennis annual quiz night so please keep the date in mind. The quiz night last year went off well but we would love a better turnout this year. All club members are welcome. Our group was so sorry to learn of the passing of one of our favourite members, Roland Bedrich. He was a much loved and valued member of our tabletennis group and will be sadly missed. Our condolences to Kirsti and familyon their sad loss. Roland has a large extended family and the tributes at his funeral showed how cherished and respected he was. My husband and I are off on our European adventure in July/August this year. It will be our first ever trip to Europe so it is pretty exciting. If there are any enquiries please contact Joyce Williams on 93164790 or David Ramsay on 0419695234. Debbie Solomon Group Leader 17
Neederlandia - The Dutch Club WA What’s this MAAS & WAAL DRINKS? Not long ago I had a chat with a lady in the Rhein Donau Club, of which I am a member myself.This lady asked at some point what this Maas & Waal Drinks entailed, and “what was this name all about?” A very good question that I hope many of you would like to see answered. Many years ago when Neerlandia resided at Cambridge Street in Wembley, our Committee decided that it would be a good idea to occasionally open the Club for non-members: Dutch people and their families and anyone who had an affiliation with the Netherlands or was generally interested in the country and its people. The idea was that non-members could drop in for a drink and some traditional finger food while looking around and getting a feel for the Club. And so, about 9 years ago, Neerlandia introduced itself to the general public with a monthly event called “End of Month Drinks”. Each last Friday of the month for ten months a year, Neerlandia would open its doors from 5 – 9pm. This PR initiative grew from a small group of loyal members gathering in the lounge to a magnificent gathering of old and young filling both the lounge and the big hall. The End of Month Drinks became not only a great place to meet friends, to make new ones and to be introduced to Perth if you were a new comer to the city, this event was also a great way for Neerlandia to introduce itself in a relaxed way with the purpose of getting new members – and Neerlandia succeeded in just that: increased membership. A Club without members has no future so it was essential for Neerlandia to keep the End of Month Drinks alive when we moved to the Rhein Donau Club. We realised that the dynamics of End of Month Drinks would be totally different in our new environment, we also realised that we most probably would lose 18
regular visitors as the Club was now located South of the river. With that realisation came the idea to change the name of the event. We looked for a name that rolled of the tongue, which was easy to remember and which also referred to the current location of the Dutch Club and its cooperation with The Rhein Donau Club. Rhein and Donau are two big rivers flowing through Germany and Maas and Waal are two big rivers flowing through the Netherlands. And so we changed the name of our biggest social event to Maas & Waal Drinks: a reference to the home country and a token of similarity with our landlord. The formula of the former End of Month Drinks is still the same: creating a relaxed environment for members and (their) guests to start the weekend, to make new friends and for the Dutch Club to introduce itself to non-members. Maas & Waal Drinks focusses on families as in there are toys available for the kids to play with whilst in a separate room from 7 pm onwards, board games are played for and with children in a variety of age groups. The kitchen opens at 6pm to give patrons a chance to eat before the children start their play and the parents can chat. Sounds good, doesn’t it? If you are new to Maas & Waal Drinks, please bring some friends or introduce yourselves to Eric, Neerlandia’s Presidents or his daughters Nikita and Chloe, who are enthusiastic hostesses. You will find them at or around table 9. Often you will also find a core group at table 1; they too, will welcome you warmly. With your participation on those nights, you not only do yourselves a favour, you also support Rhein Donau Club and Dutch Club Neerlandia with their endeavour to carry on bringing their cultural heritage to Perth, not just for now but for the future too. We are all looking forward to meeting you. Lianna Parker, Life Member 19
WA Mandolin Orchestra The concert mentioned in the last edition held on the 16th of June at the Calloway Auditorium at the UWA was a resounding success. Our co-performers the guitar ensemble “Guitarstrophe“ brought variety and youth to the concert. There is talk of repeating our collaboration in the future. Speaking of the future, WAMO’s next outing will be a concert at the Kalamunda Performing Arts Centre at 4pm on Saturday, September the 8th. Two soloists touring in WA at the time will join us for for this performance. Duncan Gardiner a Brisbane based guitarist/composer and educator, will join the Orchestra soloing on a Spanish Concerto. Masataka Hori a leading Japanese mandolin soloist will contribute in a Vivaldi Concerto. These two fine musicians will also be performing duets together. Robert Schulz is in early talks with a major mandolin orchestra in Japan to organize a tour there in 2020. If WAMO can’t supply the numbers needed they are usually bolstered by eager members from several of the Eastern States Orchestras. See you in Kalamunda. Harry Baker. 20
Theatre Group Dear friends, For those of you who attended our Vienna night - we hope you enjoyed the evening. We welcome our patron’s ideas to help and make this event bigger and better in the future. Any suggestions are most welcome. Greetings to all our friends who could not be present. Auf Wiedersehen, Servus, Ciao, Fritzi Waters Das kann dauern Von einer kleinen Menge abgesehen, die verbrannt worden ist, hat sich der gesamte Kunststoff, der bisher weltweit produziert wurde, erhalten. Es dürfte sich überschlagend um etwa 1,6 Milliarden Tonnen handeln, differierend durch Zugabe von Weichmachern, Lichtstabilisatoren, Füllmaterial, Festiger, Trübungsmittel, Farben. Wahrscheinlich haben unterschiedliche Kunststoffe eine unterschiedliche Lebensdauer, aber verschwunden ist bisher keiner von ihnen! Auf Mülldeponien vergraben, sind Kunststoffe von Licht, Wasser und Sauerstoff geschützt, am Meeresgrund werden sie von Sedimenten bedeckt und durch Sauerstoffmangel und Kälte konserviert. Experten schätzen, dass es zwischen 10,000 und 100,000 Jahre dauern wird, bis Mikroorganismen einen Stamm hervorgebracht haben, der die biochemischen Mechanismen zum Abbau der Polymere entwickelt hat. In größeren Zeiträumen werden auch geologische Geschehnisse dafür sorgen, dass sich die Stoffe verändern. 21
Edelweiss Dancegroup Hello members! The Dance Group has had a busy few months since our dance in May. Since the children performed so admirably at the Mai Dance, the group is progressing into more difficult dances. Some of the boys are joining the senior dancers to learn the art of schuplattler, and the younger girls are starting to practice with the ladies on the bells. We have very talented and enthusiastic children in the group and are excited to see how they mature as dancers. This time of year the group is focussed on learning new dances, and reviving old ones to share at our next group dance, the Alpengaudi, the clubs Oktoberfest, and also Volkstanzfest, our biennial celebration with dance groups from all over Australia. We plan to perform dances that we have not done for over 15 years, so it is definitely worth coming to some of our events to see what is happening! Alpengaudi will be on the 18th August this year. We have a fun night of dancing, games and music in plan for everyone! In the spirit of making the club more accessible to a wider audience, ticket sales for this dance will be available online at exactly the same way that you make your Oktoberfest ticket purchases. If you have any issues, please contact the club office. The group practices on Sunday afternoons. If you are interested in joining the group, please contact us via our group leader Daniel- details are found in the back of this newsletter. See you on the dance floor, Rebecca, EDG Secretary 22
Seniors Bei unserer Jahresversammlung wurden folgende Mitglieder gewahlt: Gruppenleiter Rita Zeller Vize-Gruppenleiter Veronika Connolly Kassierer Angela Mittermayer Komitee-Miglieder Kaethe Perrone Fritzi Waters Wir freuen uns, dass wir zwei neue Mitglieder begruessen duerfen; Naemlich Guenter Lorenz und Hermine Wagner. Unsere Busfahrt nach Byford ist gut verlaufen und alle waren zufrieden. Neue Mitglieder sind immer willkommen. We had our yearly meeting on May 23 and the following members were elected: Group leader Rita Zeller Vice-Group leader Veronika Connolly Treasurer Angela Mittermayer Committee members Fritzi Waters Kaethe Perrone We welcome to our group the new members: Hermine Wagner and Gunter Lorenz. It was sad to hear that our former member Paula Farlow passed away. We keep her memory in our hearts. Our outing to Byford was successful. New members are always welcome to join our group. Rita Zeller 23
Eagle Eye Air Pistol Group Things started off in 2017 with not much change then in November along came 4 visitors from the Whiteman Park Pistol Club all members of WAPA (West Australian Pistol Association Inc) asking us how could they help? Possibilities of increased membership, Junior Shooters and Women Shooters creating a family atmosphere, needed to change the day of the week to when the Rhein-Donau kitchen was serving meals in Karl’s Bar that meant changing times to use the range in the Sports Hall. The wheels were set in motion by applying to the Committee of the Rhein- Donau Club Inc for permission to alter our day and shoot every week if possible. February 2018 Murray Bow, Joanne Muir, Mike Guistiniano, Carolyn Guistiniano, Phil Kroczek attended the range and on 2nd March joined the Pistol Group. Then came Mikayla Hatten a Junior shooter, Simon Bow and in June, Alf and Merilyn Rosenauer from the Cockburn Pistol Club brought the membership from 5 to 14. On the weekend of the 28th-29th WAPA held its Conference and AGM for 2018 in the Sport Hall. Venue and meeting well accepted by all. On May 28th National Come & Try May Shooting all disciplines organised by Shooting Australia in partnership with National Rifle Association Australia and Target Rifle Australia 24
Ltd was the allocated day for our pistol group to host the event. Laser Pistols were on hand and were popular with all ages from the age of 5 upwards. They are used to introduce pistol shooting and are taken to schools and pony clubs because there aren’t any projectiles involved. There were 13 shooters registered on the day hope for more members. This notice was not available to appear in the June-July issue of the magazine because too late in the month. Congratulations to the shooters who competed in the competitions in Geraldton and Boyup Brook. Mikayla won a trophy at each venue and Jo won Women’s Air Pistol at Boyup Brook. I am sure there will be many more competing in the future from the Air Pistol group. Junior Shooters keep an eye on them they are the foundation of the future champions I am sure not only National but also International under the experienced coaching of Mike Guistiniano and Murray Bow. Of course don’t forget the up and coming Women Shooters. The new Committee members for 2018/2019 of the Eagle Eye Pistol Group are President/Group Leader:- Phil Kroczek, Secretary:- Angus Selman, Treasurer:- Murray Bow, Scorer/Handicapper: Jo Muir, 3 Committee Persons:- Mike Guistiniano, Carolyn Guistiniano, Alf Rosenauer Retiring Group leader George Abfalter and Secy/Treasurer Cherry Alford and the outgoing Committee wish all the members of the Air Pistol Group the very best for the future this year is going to be a busy one. Enjoy the camaraderie that we have experienced over the years. Finally but not least thank you to the Air Pistol Group for awarding me Life Membership I have enjoyed being a member. Looking forward to seeing the members building the Group and achieving their goals. Cherry Alford 25
Model Railway Latest additional development for the Oktoberfest 2018. Underground wiring in process All bared, styrofoam start, river valley ‘dug’. Composite picture 80% complete Left: Station area Right: Orchards, sawmill and Mogens mansion Well on our way, most repairs done, and the new project well on its way. The biggest problem is how do we get the smaller/shorter people get to see it all? The electric/train running groups have again added to increasing the number of trains running concurrently, which should now be well in excess of 20. We are look forward to having many people visiting us again, and, perhaps, snare new member. Ed RdeG 37/’18 26
Aktivitäten / Groups at the Club Group Leader Phone Meeting Times Billiard (Snooker) 0415 292 536 Tues & Fri 7pm Sanjay Kumar Edelweiss Dance Group 0430 161 307 Sun from 5-7pm Daniel Sagenschneider Model Railway 0412 939 699 Fri from 6pm Bret Hummel Perth Miniature Gamers 0402 408 778 Wed at 6pm Michael Walsh Eagle Eye Pistols 08 9398 2082 Fri from 5pm Philip Kroczek Chess 08 9337 2295 Wed at 7pm Ewald Froend Eagle Eye Air Rifle 08 9417 2640 Fri at 7pm Sophia Bayley Seniors 08 9457 2784 Wed 10am to 3pm Rita Zeller Cards 08 6296 7867 Fri at 6pm Manfred Hoppe Table Tennis 0427 354 153 Tues at 7pm Debbie Solomon Theatre 08 9314 2812 Fri at 7pm Fritzi Waters Mondolin Orchestra 08 9337 4109 Wed 7.30 to 9.30pm Robert Schulz Note: To join a group you must be a member of the Rhein-Donau Club. Please contact the Group Leader for any enquiries 27
Armanda’s Cuisine The Rhein-Donau Club Inc. Restaurant • A la carte menu including a selection of authentic German and Dutch meals • Catering for private functions for 30 - 220 guests We have rooms available for your private functions, conventions or meetings, in the Lounge, Sports Hall, Edelweiss Dance Hall and Beer Garden. For bookings please contact our Club Office Ph: 9330 6488 (weekdays 10am -3pm) Opening hours of Restaurant Wednesday and Friday evenings from 6pm Saturday from 6.30pm Sundays to 8.30pm 110 North Lake Road, Myaree WA 6154 Ph: (08) 9330 6488 Rhein-Donau Club Email:
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