Closing the gaps: health equity by 2040 - Lyndon Keene, Sarah Dalton
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editorial Closing the gaps: health equity by 2040 Lyndon Keene, Sarah Dalton T he main goals of the “once in a gen- years for males and 5.5 years for females— eration” Health and Disability System an improvement of 0.5 years and 0.3 years Review, which has led to a major respectively over the 12-year period. system restructuring that’s now in its early At this rate of progress, Māori males stages, included better health outcomes for would achieve equity in life expectancy with all and greater health equity, despite the re- European/other males by around 2090— view accepting that most of a person’s health approximately 70 years. For Māori females status is determined by factors outside the and Pasifika males, equity with European/ system. In July this year, the Association of other would not be achieved until well into Salaried Medical Specialists (ASMS) and the the 22nd century—approximately 127 years Christchurch Charity Hospital Trust (CCHT) and 134 years, respectively. Pasifika females co-hosted a conference of health profession- would need to wait approximately 220 als to discuss the broader range of policies years. that are needed to address health inequities Comparisons of life expectancy between and improve health outcomes for all. This the poorest and wealthiest New Zealanders article outlines some of the key issues and over the same 12-year period show a recommendations to government emanating widening gap. In 2005–2007, males in the from that conference and contain in our wealthiest decile could expect to live 7.2 report, Creating Solutions Te Ara Whai Tika: years longer than those in the poorest decile. a roadmap to health equity by 2040. By 2017–2019 the gap had widened to 10.6 years. Life expectancy gaps for females Health inequities were 5.4 years in 2005–2007 and 9 years in Health inequities have existed in New 2017–2019. Zealand since records began. They have been described as immoral because for The widening gaps are owing to a life many years governments have known what expectancy increase in the wealthiest is needed to address them. Two decades groups, especially over recent years, and a ago, the New Zealand Health Strategy 2000 drop in the life expectancy of the poorest included the goal of addressing health groups (including a disproportionate inequities as priority, recognising the “clear number of Māori) in recent years. international evidence” supporting policies It is well recognised that health, well- focusing on the broad economic and social being and equity are strongly influenced determinants of health, including access to by the socioeconomic, political and cultural healthcare.1 environments that people are exposed to. There have been some improvements, This includes the quality of education, food, such as a drop in the number of smokers, housing, employment, transport and physical but in general the public health issues environment, along with factors such as requiring attention today are the same ones race, gender and social exclusion. Also, as identified in 2000. In the period 2005–2007, emphasised by the World Health Organi- average life expectancy at birth for Māori zation (WHO), health is influenced by the males was 8.6 years less than for European/ distribution of power, money and resources, other males; for females the gap was 8.1 which influence conditions of everyday life.3 years. By the period 2017–2019 the gaps had Research has found the health status of narrowed by just 1.3 years and 0.7 years.2 different groups classified by deprivation The life expectancy gap between Pasifika produce social gradients where the more and European/other in 2017–2019 was 5.6 deprived the neighbourhood the worse the 12 NZMJ 8 October 2021, Vol 134 No 1543 ISSN 1175-8716 © NZMA
editorial health—and worse still when the effects of reflect systematic social, political, historical, institutional racism and cultural alienation economic and environmental factors, accu- are added to the mix.4,5 mulated during a lifetime, and transferred In New Zealand, health inequities have across multiple generations. For individuals, been exacerbated by widening income gaps they lead to cultural misunderstanding, in large part owing to the ongoing cumu- unconscious bias and racism.12–15 lative effects of the economic downturn in To the extent that health professionals the 1970s, the neoliberal policies introduced engage with patients with positive intent, in the 1980s and benefit cuts in the 1990s. misperception and lack of connection Between 1985 and 2013 New Zealand had between patients from non-dominant one of the biggest increases in income gaps ethnic groups and medical professionals among developed countries in the OECD.6 is not uncommon. Studies have consis- Although the government announced tently demonstrated that doctors treat in this year’s budget a hike in the weekly Māori differently from non-Māori to their main benefit rates, by between $32 and $55 detriment. Lack of cultural awareness, per adult, as part of its stated commitment latent biases and institutional racism lead to to addressing poverty, an analysis of the poorer health outcomes.16 budget by the Child Poverty Action Group The health system itself is inaccessible to found few families receiving benefits will many. Around 1 in 8 European/other adults be lifted over the poverty line. With the and 1 in 5 Māori and Pasifika adults report changes announced in the budget, Treasury an unmet need for a GP service due to cost. forecasts that child poverty will reduce from As a conservative estimate, nearly 1 in 10 18.4% to only 17.0% by 2023.7,8 people have an unmet need for hospital In other areas highlighted in our report, care.17,18 the urgent need for more housing—and The Health and Disability System Review especially health housing—continues to acknowledges “the system is facing severe grow faster than the government can workforce shortages for some professions.” build. The government’s state house build The Covid-19 pandemic has revealed the programme well exceeded its plan to build fragility of the thin white line that separates or acquire 2,282 houses in the year to June a safe system from an unsafe one. 2021. However, the growing demand for The planned health system restructuring, housing is far outstripping new supply. Well depending on the yet-to-be-announced over 24,000 households were on the public detail, may go some way to addressing housing waiting list in June this year. Mean- health inequities and facilitate more while, rents continue to rise steadily across consistent access to services nationwide the country.9,10 and enable better integration of services. In education, according to UNICEF, However, given most of the solutions to New Zealand has one of the most unequal good health lie outside the health system, systems in the world and the gap between the efforts to improve the effectiveness of the highest and lowest performing students health services are likely to struggle to make is being made worse by poverty. In its 2018 significant headway until the broader deter- Innocenti Report Card, UNICEF ranked minants of ill-health are addressed. New Zealand 33rd out of 38 countries for educational inequality across preschool, Is health equity achievable? primary school and secondary school In all societies there will be the poor, levels. The report’s author commented that relatively and absolutely. All societies have under-resourced and stressed families and social and economic inequalities. Which communities, combined with racism and raises the question: if the health-needs bias in the educational system, contributed gradient arises because of these inequalities, to these inequities.11 won’t there always be health inequities? Health inequalities for Māori are charac- Sir Michael Marmot, one of the world’s teristic of Indigenous peoples in colonised leading authorities on health equity and countries, even when socioeconomic factors a keynote speaker at the ASMS-CCHT are considered. The underlying causes conference, responds to this question with 13 NZMJ 8 October 2021, Vol 134 No 1543 ISSN 1175-8716 © NZMA
editorial evidence that the health of those most in being Strategy, released in 2019, takes a need can be improved markedly over 10 proportionate universalism approach. So years. The hitch is that at the same time the why not adopt this approach for the whole health of those least deprived also tends to population?22 improve at approximately the same rate, so The approach “implies a need for action the health equity gap remains. Says Marmot: across the whole of society, focusing on “The lesson I take from this is that if the those social factors that determine health health of the poor can be improved quickly, outcomes.” It requires a whole-of-gov- then there is nothing fixed about inequal- ernment response with strong partnerships ities in health. The fact that the slope of across six key areas: early child devel- the health gradient did not change despite opment, education, employment and overall improvements in health suggests working conditions, having enough money we need to look upstream to social determi- to live on, healthy environments in which nants of health inequity.”19 to live and work, and a social determi- In addition, while all societies do have nants approach to prevention. This in turn social gradients in health, the slope varies. A requires great investment in the health European review of health inequalities that system and in addressing the social determi- looked at life expectancy at age 25 found nants of ill health. Central and European countries had low To put this into context: to follow the average life expectancy and big inequalities. Nordic approach, as recommended by Sweden, Norway and Mediterranean coun- Marmot, New Zealand would need to lift tries had long average life expectancy and its public social spending (including health smaller inequalities. Says Marmot: “We need spending) from around 19% of GDP to to move from an Estonian and Hungarian around 25%, based in 2019 data.23 level of health inequity to a Nordic or Medi- This would require political leaders, terranean level... We [the Marmot Review] policymakers and local management to were convinced by the evidence that one of relinquish old ways of thinking and stop the secrets to good health in Nordic coun- viewing health services in narrow financial tries is a commitment to universalism.”20,21 terms, as an expenditure that needs to be Proportionate universalism, the approach controlled. Rather, they need a broader introduced in the Marmot Review, involves social and economic perspective that universal interventions that are imple- recognises the overwhelming evidence mented with a scale and an intensity that is for investing in health for potentially proportionate to the level of need across the substantial social and economic gains.24–29 social gradient as opposed to solely targeting As the United Nations’ High-Level the least disadvantaged groups, a common Commission on Health Employment and response from governments focused on Economic Growth points out that not only cost-containment. This approach aims to is investment in health good for popu- improve the health of the whole population lation health and wellbeing, but that the while simultaneously improving the health health sector is also a key economic sector, of the most disadvantaged fastest. a job generator and a driver of inclusive economic growth.30 The solutions Proportionate universalism is gaining a lot With the right level of investment to of international attention, including in New match the government’s vision for New Zealand. A 2018 cabinet paper co-signed Zealanders’ wellbeing, addressing chal- by Prime Minister and Minister for Child lenges such as those outlined above becomes Poverty Reduction Jacinda Arden, proposing much more achievable. a child wellbeing strategy, explained: “A The aim of improving the standards of programme of joined-up (across sector and living of those most in need would be greatly life-stages) evidence-based interventions advanced, for example, if benefits are set so supported by the state... and delivered people who depend on them are not living according to proportionate universalism in poverty, and if the minimum wage is set principles, is empirically supported.” at the same level as the voluntary “living Consequently, the Child and Youth Well- wage.”31 14 NZMJ 8 October 2021, Vol 134 No 1543 ISSN 1175-8716 © NZMA
editorial Pressures on young families would be recruitment and retention, along with work- lifted if the current policy of 20 hours of force equity and diversity. Training places free early childhood education (ECE) for for health professionals must be increased, 3–5-year-olds is extended to 1–2-year-olds based on a workforce census and current as a first step towards addressing the cost and forecast health and disability needs. barriers to accessing ECE in New Zealand, There is strong international consensus which UNICEF reports is among the most that, to meet the challenges facing today’s unaffordable in a list of 41 countries.32 healthcare systems, traditional top-down In education, we recommend that policies managerial leadership approaches are not are introduced for schools to close the gaps fit for purpose. A new type of leadership, in educational performance between the which is distributed to those with intimate lowest and highest educational performers. knowledge of the day-to-day workings of Solutions include fairer distribution of healthcare, is needed. These leaders— high-quality learning across different healthcare professionals—are best placed to communities, increasing resources and understand how to improve organisational reducing stress in families and communities. performance and influence care practices. There is also an urgent need for significant We recommend that health policies improvement in health literacy and health support a leadership model to nurture a competencies, which should be addressed collaborative culture and create conditions early on in schools. in which responsibility, power and deci- In housing there is no silver bullet to solve sion-making are distributed throughout multiple issues. Many things need to happen organisations and communities rather than at once, but there is a common view that a “top-down” hierarchy. much greater public investment is needed To help address ethnic health dispar- along with stronger measures to ensure ities, we call on the government to require compliance with healthy homes standards, public health and social organisations including a mandatory rental housing to demonstrate how they are supporting “warrant of fitness.” health professionals to achieve culturally In the health sector, although free access safe practice and address racism. Adequate to GPs for under-14s has improved primary resources must be provided for all care access for children, many adults government services to achieve cultural continue to miss out, in part because of the safety at every level, including sufficient service fees. Those with the greatest need staffing to allow time for learning and (ie, the poorest groups, Māori and Pasifika) self-reflection. have higher preventable hospitalisation To gain a better understanding of ethnic rates than other groups. Accordingly, we disparities and to monitor the effects of recommend abolishing user charges for government policies that impact on them, primary care. Alternative funding arrange- the collection, monitoring, analysis and ments for GPs are needed that ensure reporting of quality ethnicity data, from both incomes are not negatively affected. Other organisational performance and workforce cost barriers (such as prescription charges, perspectives, must be substantially improved. travel costs and dental fees) also require Other recommendations towards attention, and solutions will necessarily the overriding aim to achieve health involve social welfare and other sectors. equity by 2040 include ways to: improve Improving access to hospital care requires, whole-of-government collaboration to as a first step, regular independent and effectively implement wellbeing policies; comprehensive population surveys of unmet strengthen actions concerning the impact need for hospital services, with funding deci- of climate change on health; improve sions being based on meeting those needs. government accountability for deliv- Without such information, how can we ering on policies; strengthen policies to know how well the system is performing? address the commercial determinants of A comprehensive health and disability ill health; establish an independent health workforce plan is critical for informing the commission; and make health impact assess- investment needed to address workforce ments mandatory, supporting “Health in All shortages, education, training, distribution, Policy” approaches. 15 NZMJ 8 October 2021, Vol 134 No 1543 ISSN 1175-8716 © NZMA
editorial Finally, an important issue that is not requires widespread public discussion. included in the report (as it is targeted at the Health professionals, who see the effects government) concerns conference discus- of the determinants of ill health every day, sions around health advocacy. Feedback are in a strong position to foster such public from conference discussion groups reasoned debate. that governments will invest in and A key aim of Creating Solutions Te Ara implement the transformational changes Whai Tika, in addition to making recommen- that are needed to improve health outcomes dations to government, is to help stimulate for all and achieve health equity if there that debate. It is available on the ASMS and is strong public support to do so, and this CCHT websites.33 16 NZMJ 8 October 2021, Vol 134 No 1543 ISSN 1175-8716 © NZMA
editorial Competing interests: Nil. Acknowledgements: Creating Solution Te Ara Whai Tika was produced following the presentations and discus- sions from the virtual conference, Creating Solutions: Towards better health equity for all, held on 2-3 July 2021, the brainchild of Canterbury Charity Hospital trust founders Phil Bagshaw and Dame Sue Bradshaw. We are especially grateful to them for their collaboration on these projects. We would also like to acknowledge the conference patron Sir Jerry Mate- parae GNZM, QSO, KStJ, the conference speakers and all the participants who took part in the discussions and provided valuable feedback. Finally, we wish to acknowledge Dr Lloyd McCann and Mercy Radiology who generously sponsored the conference. Author information: Lyndon Keene: Health policy analyst, ASMS. Sarah Dalton: Executive Director, ASMS. Corresponding author: Lyndon Keene, C/- ASMS, PO Box 10763, The Terrace, Wellington, 6143, Wellington, New Zealand URL: REFERENCES 1. Health and Disability 264246010-en et al. Te Ohonga Ake: The System Review. Health 7. NZ Government. Child Health Status of Māori and Disability System Poverty Report: Wellbeing Children and Young Review – Final Report – Budget 2021, 20 May 2021. People in New Zealand, Pūrongo Whakamutunga. Series Two, University 8. Child Poverty Action Wellington: HDSR, 2020. of Otago, April 2017. Group [Internet]. CPAG 2. Statistics New Zealand Budget Analysis, 20 May 13. Howden-Chapman P, Tobias [Internet]. Period life 2021. Available from: M. Social Inequalities tables 2017-19 [cited 2021 in Health: New Zealand Sep]. Available from: nz/resources/budget/ 1999. Wellington: Minis- try of Health, 2000. 9. NZ Government [Internet]. information-releases/nation- 14. Smedley B, Stith A, Nelson Housing Package Detail al-and-subnational-peri- A (eds). Unequal treatment: [cited 2021 Jul]. Available od-life-tables-2017-2019 Confronting racial and from: https://www.beehive. 3. WHO Commission on ethnic disparities in health Social Determinants of files/2021-03/Housing%20 care. Committee on Under- Health. Closing the gap in a Package%20Detail.pdf standing and Eliminating generation: Health equity Racial and Ethnic Dispari- 10. Ministry of Housing & through action on the social ties in Health Care: Board Urban Development determinants of health, on Health Sciences Policy, [Internet]. Public Hous- WHO Press, Geneva, 2008. Institute of Medicine. ing Reports [cited 2021 4. Marmot M. Fair Society, Washington, DC: National Sep]. Available from: Healthy Lives: The Marmot Academics Press, 2002. https://www.hud.govt. Review: Strategic review nz/news-and-resources/ 15. Pulver L, Haswell M, of health inequalities in statistics-and-research/ Ring I, et al. Indigenous England post-2010. London: public-housing-reports/ Health – Australia, Canada, The Marmot Review. Aotearoa New Zealand and 11. UNICEF. An Unfair Start: 5. Marmot, M. The health Gap. the United States – Laying Inequality in Children’s London: Bloomsbury, 2015 claim to a future that Education in Rich Coun- embraces health for us 6. Keeley, B, Income Inequal- tries, Innocenti Report all, World Health Report, ity: The Gap between Rich Card 15, UNICEF Office Background Paper, 33, and Poor, OECD Insights, of Research – Innocenti, WHO, December 2010. OECD Publishing, Paris, Florence, 2018. 2015. Available from: http:// 16. ASMS. Path to Patient 12. Simpson J, Duncanson M, Centred Care. Health 17 NZMJ 8 October 2021, Vol 134 No 1543 ISSN 1175-8716 © NZMA
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